Newspaper Page Text
IN- ibllsher rriNT" t r. 10 00 in 12 00 1 00 . :t 00 , n a. 10 00 ktin lllcl1p- U.r.TIN , it tbo V. IV, fill ttltll K ox pre s is menr tit and ml and Atncnto lifowns cJ hot did nut o drop nil J the Uiunulc 1 cnt ir. 1 it pit- ni tin' lev WBS an Jiili avc, and w-ld in 1 lour. j1 death (if y U. litr nml 'urcd the ippoint t pi' led ars rind m Lt t ' lie hale 1,,-hnorl I He ,was , not fur e an tip kbe light jmiraltd ittigs, we f an J of 'rcatncis, ar inci J. Grcc jntcct in is ili-tin- At IIaxnt'h. Chris. Ilsnny It idling lil plndld ttock of good at bargain I rices, Itl not raying a word In excess of truth 10 ay that lunny has on band a ttock campletn In general and in detail. TllANKSnlTINU at Mr. Fl8tlllACK'B. "Wo rcci'iiivl last nltflit, tpo lato for pub. licilinn, n communication of grout lengtln tlfK'iipl'vn of tbo Thanksgiving dinner nt Mr IV lack's. TI10 bill of fiiro cm btscl till il lrnb1o eatable, and tbo com pany wad composed of it number of the brawn Mini witticit gentlemen of Cnlro oil tbo"ll' fal'est ladles. Tur. Churches To.Day.-Kov. Mr. Sweet of Chicago, will officiate nt tlie Cburch of tho Hedcemer this morning and glvo an address on tho claims of tbo Nashotah Theological Seminary. The omlnary is supported by the voluntary gifts of tbo church, as thcro nro now over 60 student there, dependent on tho "dally mail" for their "dally bread.- A collec tion will bo taken for tho object, nt morn ing service livening service will bo con ducted by tho rector n muni. Kov'll. li.Tltaver will deliver n dls- courso this morning In tho Presbyterian cliurch 1111 "The Life nnd Doctrines oi . . ........ .1. iri.mi- PAIlin tnninlmr nf llm IJOllll .'IVIn." In Win rWOnillB -"J- ".'- Cairo CVlim is urgently requested to np-! er III deliver tho fourth dNcourso to noar at their hall Wednesday. December young men. Subject : "Cli.trnelor-lLo 4, nt 8 o closk p. in. sharp, In order to In- Richest Treasure " corporate h! 1 club, on which occasion tbo now piny w ill be produced and officer' for the next term tilccted. lty order of tho premdent. Cha. Weiikk, Cor. Secretary. Attention, Sir KnkiiitsI The Minn nl conclave of Cnlro Commandcry, No. 13. Knight Templars, for tho election of offi cer hin! triwirxutlun of regular business, will bo hold nt tho Hsylum on Monday evening, December 'J. Sojourning Sir Knights urn iwtcously invited, lly or der of ih't - K. C. lltl.LV 'WlltTK'M OVKRCOAT. An OV0T- co it hung conveniently near the back door of u Isniis itorc-ruom, U u templing sight to tliu eye. of any poor wrotch who has neither a co it to his back nor money In bis pockui. It it whether it was such an ndlvidutl or li liberate sneak-thiof who abstractoJ tl.o vorcoal of IJilly White, making oil" wltn ll through tho back door of White A: Orier'i store, on Friday night last, is n. ipicUiiH which Hilly is not in tbo humor to ciimider. Tho wenlher now makes nn ovi renal utmost indispeasible. Uilly's Wtt fifty dollar overcoat, h thing of beauty a- wull us comfort, which ho will no. ri)liuiuir'ti without nu nttetupt to recover. Haiivu iiilly oilers Ufteon do lurs fur ith return, mid if bo gets it, it will bang by the bid; door no more. Kjltino Him Tho, love powder Doc tor linl-u my his triends, thu colored men of Cairo, ilcsiro to maku liiir. mayor of the city next spring, mid that bo cannot resist their Importunity. Wo huvc too much re.pect fur the political cemmon senso of the colorod voteis of Cairo to believe that my con.idomblo number of them would vote i'nr iuuIi an old tly-up-tbe-creek a man who piucllcc.i upon their superstition la order to otiUiii tbeir money for bis pre lentied tuperiiuttiriil cures und wonderful ckurmt. Hut the doctor is counting with out li; Uvtt wlivii he "calculates" upon his ability to ian: the colored nien over intotbe LlourLon pirty. Sumner couldn't do tlmt, und Coppeihead llulse, the bots inn, is nut greater than Charles. l.v ExI'Lasaiio.v. A great dcul of mutter has been daily crowded from our columns during the past week. Tho ex plunuUun is fotird In tbo fact tlmt our printers cwuiut work in tho dark, and our tvlmh bis gas won't burn nut because it is bad gas, but sword I fr tui reason that ilia water in tho pipes was the 1CI" f'v'' I'iu's aro drained every ii:w iiiouii-iii tiu; nicy inaustriousiy get e van of full :i fni n ut.l frei'23. Tbo skill of all the anturopy fittt-r- h Cairo has been by us invoked heart was in vain, and wis aro doomed to labor In i of an in- darkness, cursing industriously in a quiet i . . . wav that i us sinless as such shings can ch i.t last . . , i , , i)0!!iolv be. A ir man of London has public the letl tcl-raplicd for, and wo expest to iie iJltur c(.ti,ut into tho light, and All this shpet We leave i with much and tho raciest reading matter, succored, ufl'r li' arrives. Until then let us all ipi to the ''avo a con. ounded 'imount of patience ithohuh; TERRORISM AT UaKIIONDaLE Woloarn he mudo ' that a ndgn of terrorism exists at Cnrbon dnle Aasln bnve httompted to murder . Lol. lirutb, and tncendiaries to burn his property. A few days ago whllo tho Col must men 0nel w is proccuting certain cases against ho bauble , citiz ih of Carbotid.ilo for selling liquor. eves. He l,o was knocked down in a dark hall with o stepped " fluriK (bot or biass knuckles, and scvero-i- . . Injured. hast Tuesday morning, SroTTKD JilKB Domikoes. The tooth soon become tnpcklcd if every defllemont Is not removed from them overy twenty four hours. To do this effectually tlioro Is nothing like Sotodont. It literally ren ders the enamel Impervious nnd Indestruc tible. 12-1-dAwlw STOP AND READ! WOOD NEWS FOR EVERYBODY inntion of nine, his residence, barn, und store-house wero to conC all fired, und pcrsMetit ertorts made by his ,eoplc, en- ' cnemlus to tliu intiict upon him pecuniary csult' It , ,0'- ' believed In Carbondale, that is head in l,'rrori'm bs been instituted against Col. liiuah in rovengo for the o conn- j)an j1(J jmj luj.en 11inlt ltl0 jqUor foj. gone, Mnd , ers. What can bo done? Tho atMsslns h s country and incendiaries inovo in darkness nnd i self last! cnnno1 bu detected with the fircsent po- h )oWo )atl lice force on duty in Carbondalo. Tho If Ip oftbut bleb went of tbo Re. ,ut to-Juy ll ood behrt Illshop A. V. Wymaii, uiio of tho bishops of the African Methodist Episco pal church, will preach nt half-past ten to-day tit I'astor .lack'on's chutch, nnd in the iifternoon will lay tho oorner-stono of tho now church. Kov. J. U. linker, mlssionury of tho Illinois Stato Uaptist Sunday School I'n ion, Is in town nnd will preach nt the Methodist church in tbo loretinon nt thiii usual hour of morning service, Ho v. Mr. Thompson having kindly tendered tho usuof his pulpit. It N hoped that ovory Baptist In tho city will endeavor to bo present. lUVElt .NEWS. ARIUVKH. Stoamor Mary McDonald, Memphis ,11m Fisk, .Ir, rduciih 11 Illinois. Columbus PEPaRTEII. Stenmer .lames Howard, Now Orleans " Mary McDonald, laid up " lleo und barges, Now Orleans " John Kvle. Hulmonl " Frank 1 Oracey, Evatisvillo 11 Emimi 0 Elliott, Memphis " dim Kisk. .Ir , Taduinh " Illinois, Columbus niO MUKHY COAL. Steamboats supiilied at any time, both day and night, with either lump or chest nut ccal, in any quantity, urnl on jistiai terms, ut the yard nt grmul Tower, Ills. Special contracts offered on favorable terms upon application. II. V. Olypiiakt, D. A Dokeb, Oen'l Supt. Sales Agent. 3-15-ly. C0.NDITIOf(Or TUB RIVERS. Ico was still running out of tho Missis sippi in largo quantities yesterday, nnd as there has not been nn arrival from Hint stream since tho Glasgow camo out, Fri day morning, it is probable that thoio steamers that nro trying to get out horo either have gono to the bank for safety, or uro uground. "Wo have no lato advices from Dovil's island, but it is thought that thero are several boats aground there. It is tho worst place betweou hero nnd St, Louis, and by this morning there is prob ably not much over three and n half feet of water there. Tho lower Ohio is again giving bonis trouble with her numerous sandbars, und thero is scant four feet water to Evansville. Tho full in the Ohio at this placo yesterday was two inches. Special dispatches to Tuk Bulletin report tbo condition of tho Ohio nnd Mis sissippi rivers nt various places. UUiSINESa AND WKATUER. limitless tit tho head of navigation was a little quiet owing to the scurcity of bants. Thcro is quite a large quantity of freight on bund ready for shipment Tbo weather was calm and cold with a heavy smoke overshadowing tbo river, und after dark navigation wus greutly bin- dored. MISCELLANEOUS. The following bouts aro known to bo between hero und St. Louis, but at what p lints could not bo learned : Tho Hello ot Pike, Exportor, It. A. Habbago and barges, Atlantic nnd barges, J. N. Kellogg and biirgcs, Utah, Chus. Uodtnann and Fannie Lewis, all bound South. Tbo. loo Fleming and barges wero at Devil's island at last accounts. Tho John Kylo raised stonm yesterday, nnd went down to Belmont, to re-ship her St. Louis freight by the Iron Mountain railroad. She lias ubout six hundred tons. consisting of railroad iron, sugar, molasses, etc. sue will return to this port aftor re shipplng, and will probably leavo for Now Orloiins. Tbo Jiimnj Howard loft Friday evening loaded as deop ns tho water would permit. Sho had a fair trip of freight, nnd a good ly number of passengers. The Frank 1'. Gracoy loit for Evnnsvtlle yesterday, and as tho water in tho channel is gotting down low, the will likely enter itio trade betweon hero and that port A placo whore you can buy as much for OHST3j DOLLAR us you can elsewhere for ONH DOLLAR AND A QUARTER The undersigned would respectfully In form tbo public that thoy havo fitted their now store house on Eighth street with tho Unust and best Assorted stock of general mcrcbnndlso ever before brought to this markot, and in ordor to secure n lnrgo portion of the pntronago of tho public, WE AKK DETERMINED TO SELL OUH GOODS AT LOWER FIGURES THAN ANY OTHER KSTAB- LIS1IMENT IN THE VICINITY. Our stock is entirely new, and bought expressly for tho coming fall and winter trudo of this locality, and consists of Ladies, Gents nnd Children's Xi-RIT O-OOIDS, BOOTS & SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS &c CAPS. And nil other articles to bo found In a flrht class dry goods nnd clothing establish ment. We call especial nttontion to our large assortment of dress goods, shawls and cloaks, which department is complete in nil Itsdctails. Our stock of FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CASSAMERES, JEANS, ETC. is the largest in tho city, and we are en abled to offor special Inducements to pur chasers. In Gentlemcns' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Huts, Caps, and furnishing goods we am fully prepared to meet all de mands at prices defying competition. As it is to tho interest of every one to buy where goods aro cheapest and best wo cordially invite the public to call and examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Our establishment is located on tho east side of Eighth street, between Washington and Commercial avenues. Blum & Amson. Our Home Advertisers. Home Advertisements. HUTOHKM. HYLAND k SAUKR, SM) UKALKHS IN CHOICE FllESH MEATS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Corner 10th Mreet nnd Commercial nVetiui next uoor to tbo Hj laud saloon, 11-16 tf. CAIRO, ILLS. JAKE WALTKR" BTJTOHBB tin biiLII l FRESH MEAT, Eiqutu Strbkt, Ubtwkkn Wasuinotoh and Commercial Avkkues, AdJolsslssB Kl 'lsstssi sssstl llassBjr'ss Ren thu Lnut or llnt. Pnrlr. Mullim l'al. Lmb, Shkp, etc., -nd are prepared lo uri ciiih in hid most rcropmuie manner. JAMES KYNA8TON, Butcher and Dealer in all Kinims o FRttU JdKATtt. Corner Ninktentii and I'oi-lar St., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MISCEl.LAM:OUft. WAG i. MANUFACTORY. m For .Stile nt WliuKwtli or Retail. CO UN Kit HZD-SIKEKV AMI (illlli I K It Cairo, Illinois. DOfllll I'.1A11I.R LIME I CEMENT I JAMES noss, tlH LI H Ift CAVE GIRARDEAU AND ILLIfsO. XjIIMIIE!! Oomtneroial-av., Foot of Elovoiith-H. Bost quality of Litnn and Cement al ways on band, nnd for snlo nt the vnrv Icrest H cures for cash. BA.IOriA.-5r BROTHERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, AT 74. OHIO LEVEE. lietnil ami I s t-r s st son , t'orniT WikIiIiiiiIoii Ae. a tn I Klilitli, D R IJ 53hSB CHE1VIICAL.S. DANIEL LAMl'ERT, , FASHIONABLE BARBEU FOR LADIES, MEN aN1 CHILDREN, Eimmi St., I!t. Com. Wami., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Has Just opened n new nnd stylMi etu) iiy up to m ii tut tir demand for fresh meats from one pound tc to favor him with their patronage I Jiini VI liuvs and HlniiL-literi on v tlio bent cattle rtinv i ii,.. ilm. .mri li,n.. hogs and sheep, and is prepared to till an) 0hl cusUuuers and new, ladles children iM ten thousand pounds. C3TA11 work done In tho Latent Mle. WHOLHALI CUUCKKa. ii. M. IIULKjn, GROCER and CONFECTION mbbcha asru?; Aud Dealer in Foreign FruiU &Nutt, No. 134 Commercial-avo., Cairo, Ills. ill November 18, Established, CONSERVATORY ov MUSIC. On the corner of 12th street and Washington acnue, opposite Ilulletln office. JOHN SIIEE1IAN, RETAIL GROCER And Dealer tn VEOETAUIJ, FRUITS. EGGS, LARD ter All Goods warranted fresh, and sole at tne lowest pnees. Corner 9th St. andCommerclalAve. 7-33 tf. CHEAP GROCERIES THE aYSTBM. QBOCIBIES RETAILED AT WBOLESALI rRicxa for casd. FRED ROSE No. 104 Commercial Avkmt, llolli Kreiich mid Sculli r:i"lnnTi' n color". Ile:ier nnd Dn iid-rliiili i-oii.t.-intl on iiiiihI. und nil i;oml wni r:iiitei. In nil tin branches aUo carried on lOHImil HENRY II. MEYER, EXOELSIOa DECORATnU, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAIITTEB. GRAINING AND MARULLNG ol every Description. DECORATING AND GILDING in every ntyle, plain and ornamental. I'articuiar attention patu to iiium tiiiiiiuc Ordem solicited for Secncrr. Erescoo anO Ranner Painting. Hfl CtKMCTICS HM PUNURS 1S c- x LBI ,to,lct ,PSIrATc'"Ai3Bfi 2 CIIKSTI'ilOTIXTUHS, Or uliil tn klll, for Wv.ik mv,. At IIARCLAY I5RO.S. i.'III.OltA'l L' LOZENGES I'OR !ORi: THROAT. I'n'p.iiiid and -old llv IIARCLAY RROS. AT H. C. TUIELECKE'S STORE FANCY GLASS SHOW CARDis WABHINQTON AVENUE. HETWEIW TENTH AMD XLKVXMTU 7BEET8. 55 0 1 00 50 lbs. drt Cub Sugar for gl ii ii ii ii . . 6 J lbs. A coffee Sugar, N. Y. Std. - 1 0( 4 Prime ltio Coffee for - - 1 0t 81 Choice " " 1 8 " Old Government Java - 1 0( Teas and other staple and fancy Groce ries equally as cheap. Good new and full weight given. Call and try. Gilt, plain and ornamental. All vrotk l-v rrv Commercial avenue and Eighth street trusted to my care will be promptly at' tenueu to. snop in reri Houe, coiucr I Mr-Htr. DMT UttUDS. '72. FALL AND WINTER '73. C. H AN NY. NEW LIVERY STABLE TENTH STREET, HHTWKKX WAAU'N AVENUE ANti VTALNL'l Dr. H. K. FUldi Inform tna puUie ttmt h Iii op'Dra a LIVERY S V A li L E, oo the northwest tide of Tenth strei t m otue bore. BisHUbles will be (urnialiM witti non but ttif 11 Wl-tl. IKtSSK ItlMtlMO. PATRONIZE HOME TIRz-AJDIE ! J. C. 11 V ELS, Late or .St. I.ottU. BOOK BINDKIt AND HUNK BOOK MANUFACTURER, BULLETIN BINDERY, Corner Twelfth ltreet and Commercial Ac. IILANK llOoKa of e t ry description done with licKtiii-M und ili-p:ltcli. All kimli ol ruling dune ut kliort tiutice Itililc, Mttic. Mii.i.ines itml I'erloillcaU bound tieu mid atthelouol iio-ilile rater. County work, nich an Record", Docket. Fee Hooks IllJliki'. etc.. lusdu u icciiil!ty Uto.c, I'licket Itookn, l.'li elope-, etc., made to older. ll-'JItt. Ill 1.1,14 St ItN HORSE AND rvm.K MKDICINKS And Dl-lnf. rtatit lor Stable, t IIARCLAY IIROS. 1MXH CIGARS, HONEY HELV "YOUNG AMERICA," nd I'tilvtT'al t;tlidaril." At IIARCLAY IIROS. PHILHARMONIC HALL. Sunday Evenino Deokmueh 1st, For the Retietlt of THE T ITALIA SOCIETY. .Merriment, mirth and laughter, embracing deuce and nitery. Tlie manaw-.T take great plea-ttru in auiiniiti'.-lng tbattbey have eiigaceil Prof. V. Whitney, the great Au wizard and ehatuplotnentriloiula1 of the world. The liillowlnu' 'cleetloti are from his ex tensive repertoire of experiment: '-ilsglc (itouth ut riower," Di-appcaring lllrd Ca'.'c," Floating head," ' liowNol FMi," ' lncxli:iiltal,le Hat." "Charmed Canary llir.l.:" tin- Mu.lcal lkitijn" floating lu mid air. and other-. 'I he management begs Ijm to jy to tbe public. Unit it i Ibelr In ttfntlon touive to tbe t.'alro public an enter tiiliiiiictit that can not be excelled lu the art of tnailc, as tbe name of tliii rv&l jierlor titer will bow for itelf. Doori open at 7:0. Pcrfonnance at 8. Tickets, '-'.j and CO cts. l.i:o Sciil', Manager. L.l).1tlll.H. ! The Mary .McDonald came up light 1 REGULAR CAIRO, PADUCAH & EVAN I fftn Memphis and has laid up below tho ! V1U'ESlAiL PACICET S' law ciiiinot opnrute, and wo seo no way out ot tli 11 dilemma but to organize a com mittee oi' fafuty. institute searching in Unity tntj th torrorism, nnd discovering tins culprltB hand them over to bo dealt with bv 1 coal yard. tho courts. Vo would regret if Carbon- Tho Ilea left yostorday morning early dile hould become notorious by the en- w'lu our leaded barges, forcement of tbo Judgments of Judge ' The salo of tbo Glasgow look place yes Lynch, and hope tbe lawless element of ! 'erday, und sho was sold dirt cheap. Sho tbat community may be extirpated without I wa purchased by alkcr i Nellls, own Will open MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1872. Tuition trom $2 to 420 per term. IN CLASSES OF 1 TO 4 EACU. No palm will be spared to make it PLEASANT, PROFITABLE, AND SATISFACTORY to all concerned. N. P. CURTICE, Director. Teacher of Vocal, Organ and Piano Music. J. M. KODENBAUGII, Teacher of Wlrd and String InvrumenU. (See circular.) 11-14 tf. NTBAMBUATM. inues ix- reso t to such mi extremity , BiiKviTm Hon 1). W. Munn is home ;btb street leave bis County court convenes to-morrow, iiti. YeitUoii is utlered on tho street ut ton cents per pound. hn Lolly ; i)rMll,j ,,, uro ,uId ul flvo and ft co tn-day half cents 11 iound. tneriilser-' Only two cuse. ol snmll.nox wero f 1. v-ttin- tuKcn to tlie pcst-iiou.u yesterday. tf Tint rn- A Mmix nnd wifo buvo returned from iiiu i.iugij ow lork titnl uro liookod ut tho St. ' j Cliarles. The stern wheel ttenmor Glagow n v'iticetities sold by the U. S. Marshall yesterday for ay night, .',t,(iOe,li. ii Ciri-eii- Reil oflite in this city is looking tip, went six A rat 111 my tnttiitur have been made 11 county, , in the Inst few diys, j Into the ludgn A.loti'liHS been attending tho Jackson county circuit court at Murphys- uoro, tne past ween. ers of tho Cairo dry docks, for the um ot 2,075. mat they intend doing with her is not known. EVANS The Fast and Elegant I'mf nir Hteamrr IDLE "W I Xj 3D - Jack Gkammer, Master. En. Thomas, Clerk. MT Leave Cairo for Paducab and Evans ville, every Thunduy aud Sunday evening, atti o'clock, ronnecting at Evansville with a riot, knntvn 1 ot u u viucn, ruiiiivKiiiiu v jutbubviiiv mm 1. ..oi htiown. . llie oullive a1(J cin.nnati packets. For 1 ho httitna, C. Elliott, left last night for freight or passago apply to Memphis, with u medium cargo , Jamkis Uiuqh PasscnKer Ag1'. that the iton is to December nit of the V any tn ii til you nnio Into Muslo last alls, iniy there is . Should , will be extent of I'oLiof. Comir F. Urois presiding Mult llurk, for being drunk, whs lined 1 mid ootlr, whloli lio paid. Ren Simmons, drunk, flnod J2 and Tbo Mary Miller, which sunk at Union town a few days ago, has been raised und is now at Louisville. Tho Powell und barges of coal nro aground on French island. The wrecking steamer Salver No, '' has laid up here. It is not decided yet wheth er sho will roturn to the wreck of tbo birge Florence. Thero tiro ubout live tuns of iron bolts und nuts and it few cans of powder remaining in the bargii. PHIL. HOWARD, STEAMBOAT 1SUTCI1EXI, t'lljr National ltnsik nullming. B.Klisl attention panl to or. tern trwn trsa ! "ma nntiiioriUv REGULAR CAIRO, PADUCAH & EVANS VLLLE SEMI-WEEKLY PACKET. The Hue Passenger Packet ARKANSAS BELLE. HEN. HOWARD Master Nkolkv Rui)i Clerk t3T Leaves Cairo for Paducah and Evans vide every Tuesday and Friday evening ut d o'clock, For freight or passage apply on board or to JAMK8 Bians, Passenger Ag't. REGULAR CAIRO AND EVANSVILLE SEMI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE PACKET. Tbe line low pressure Passenger Packet LARGE STOCK. BROWN SHEETINGS, PRINTS, mciciisra-s. CHECKS, All) STRIFES, XXNTUOKT JXAK1, FZTBA, CASSIMER8, BLACK ALPACAS ABD LUSTERS, GAOSKAIN SILKS, rOPLINH. LAROK STOCK OF OARV STING OILCLOTHS, M ATTI NO, WUsdaw Nttadaa, OILT BANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMABKH. Ills BssUre Nlock AT ' VERY LOW FIGURES. C0R3ZB 8TH BT. AKD COMMKaOIAL-AV., Oalie, IIHsala. neptltl NEW YORK STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LAHOUT VAH1TV STOCK IK TBI C1TT GOODS SOLD VERY CLOSE. Uasrner r Nlatrsi!h (treat aad SDts snaressu atiiuc, OAIBO, ILLINOIS. C.O.PATIER. BEST HORSES AND GOOD VEHICLES. and the public may be accommodated at all hours of the day and night with iafc teams on the lowest terms. Dr. F elds asks a share of Dublin natronaire and will endeavor to merit it by fair dealing and strict attention to liitslnesn. PARKER & BLAKE, rritriniK WALL PAPER. PAINTS, Petty. Beualne, IImoIIu", WINDOW CJIASS. WINDOW 8UADEB, Ami the colebrnte illumlntln AURORA OIL. UBOsa'vcaDiNn ccp Utii ut. a com KKKOIAL AV., Cairo, .... Ilimoim. tr ST. NICHOLAS P.ild. ' A SruiKiNO Evidknok of tlm high cs I Ir. ...l.t-l. 1 in . . . n Tom GulUgher, very drunk, lined 'l t 1 V. .1 mirier 0k Wtoves uro . ,. ' I llolU' i,l'eimmcr.kii tiumbcrofihein tbat 11 ud ro.ts, paid. Phil Popln, c'llored, drunk and dis. orderly, was lined $5 nnd costs, paid- Tom Kelly, for tli same offense, wai fined i- utid costs, Hugave securi y. Andrew Sinl'li, drUnk, lined $2 and costs, which amount he paid cheerfully. Mike Casey was picked up drunk and 1 titled 1 und costs, which was paid by his ""'"ually oldi!0,130 in 16711 I'UUWH A AitTici.K ur rAnn. In these day, ,,f rgi(mi eottteiillou it UuuU, r V'1 ,M'P""IU t" indicate at. article ol faith upon w,lch .11 sects and classes wero united. Thtre U one, how. "J'i."' "very notallo one too, vlr A belief which Is implicit and universal in the paramount eUIcaey of that matchless ..UU....VIM . nun ni-cuperani, rlntita- I . . . .. lliltrj 'IM ....... .1 . - W. U. PENNINGTON Mast KJTLcavcs Cairo every Wednesday ami Saturday evening at 0 o'clock, for Padu nil and Laniivllle. For freight or passage up ply on board or to JAmks HlGOS, Passenger Ag'l. CAIRO AND PADUCAH HAIL BOAT. Th pleadnl steuntr 0T-A.S. FISK, IDLEW1LD MILLS Comer Twciity-secoud street and Ohio A.evee. ;SUPEK10R STEAM DRIED CORN MEAL Always on hand, ami at the lowest nurke pneo. ajmj u xuou amvio OOW PBBD Very cheap. Ix;ave ordere at IIALLIDAV RlltOTHERS, or apply at the u:tll. RM-dU. " VUU1 I WOOD I I WOOD I I Tbe uudMUQf! will furQlsh ILLINOIS CENTRAL li 11 100 Mile tbe Hborteat Ilusilc TO CHIGAO-O ElKbty'MlleatbeHlsurteNt Houte TO ST.LOUIS NO CHANGE OK CARS FKOM CAIRO TO ST. LOUIS OR CHICAGO. ONLY ONE CHANGE OP CARS OM CAIHO TO Cincinnati, i lliDnpolln, Tolnln, Detroit, CU'tflxnil, Niagara Kallt IlutWlo, I'iIIhIiUik, U'-u-hlnttnn. Ksltimiire, I'liHadrlpliin, Suit York, Boston and all puintii nt. Milwaukie, Janeaville, Mali.on. LCroe, Ht. I'aul nail all iolnt north Ibis U also tbe only direct route to lftiir, UlnonilnKtoD, Nprinfteld, H.oria, CJulacy, Keokuk, Burlinton, Knek ItUad, I.h Halle, Mtndota, Iiiion, Kreeporl, OiKMia, Dubuque, Mom ulty, Oaiaba and all points northwest, Elecant Drawing Room Slcoping Ca" On all Night Trains. Hifgajie Checked 10 alt Important points. For tickets nod lnformatiu, apply to 1. C, H.It depot it airo; on board tun Htenmer be tweeii Col u mlir i and t'airo, and t tne princip rallroa I ticket oflleea throiiulinut the voutli, W. P.JOIIK-llN.Ui-n'l i-shs Ak'I, ClitcaiO A. Mitcusu, Ueu'l Hup't. CIiIuk- J. JOHNSON, Ag't. Cairo. SPRINGFIELD AND I LLIN OIL- SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and after Mond"ay, April 24th, 1972 trains will run as follows: NOHTUKHN DIVISION. TStiss antaa soctmssst. Mall. Express, Leave Vlrtlnia a. m 1:p,m, 8prlnKllelit- 8i0 " 3;ll " . Tiilorville Ill 6 ' , 6 II ' " 3, If " BILLLIARD HALL HARRY "WALKER & CO., Prop'rs. Till- houe is newly Uttcd up with two excellent BILLIARD TABLES And two tine JENNY LIND TABLES PLAYERS. Tlie Kaloon Is stocked with tho IlrainUof Rest WINES, LIQUORS, nud UIGARS are compouiuleil In the most approved style ESrComo and see lor yourself. They keep on hand a Hue stock of COLD WEISS BEER, SCHWEITZER CHEESE AND IIOL LAND HERRING. REFRESHMENT TABLES arc spread morning and evening at 10 o'clock, at which all nro linlttd to partlei. pate lice ofenurge. OYSTERS I OYSTERS I At wholei'ilo nnd retail, stewed, filed, limited and linked, raw utid on tho hulMicll, bv tho can, kcL', box or biiircl, ut Hurry Vi'alkcr'H St. Nicholas restaurant on Com mercial avenue. Oytcr in every sty.o ut V ..II . i..,. r.i.. ll... M'.. II-t I.I J IIUIII 'U'lJ 11 IMIII. J ...I r J ll limv. ins- rides over the eiilinurv department. As a caterer he ha no equal, and Hurry 'h ciik. toniefN cult altviiVK be insured ol it warm meiil nt auv liour of tho day or iilk'ht, that 'will meet tho requirements and please the tute ol the uint liotldloiin. 00 TO W. W. THORNTON'S, RUILDKHS1 SUPPLY DEPOT 13J TKMTH OTHICKT, roK Ooont. Nautb, UllHiliL. Hutildlsssra. EaeUnttcra,(too4l Window iMid Uor rrstBSM. t'lourlMB, LaUs, NblBKlfia, Ulnaed Nnab, Ulsssd Hide MfbU, Ulsssd Tnuiia, NhIi WelKbta, Hab Fnlllen and Cord Blind Fiulrnlas;, RooRns; Fell, KooHnic Onsesst. PlasMrltst; I', fnrfl Veil, While I.mwI , EJbimiI Oil, Asuerleitis Window Olataa, CnKllab MUdt'reueb Flair niiMM, Puttjr, U!aalera Pusssta Ni wrr lli I'ntent t'lilinneya, KSc, Etc., Kir. AOK.N'TS lor Hock Hun l'r CompsDj' Htianilnni; Kelt and Qutrlt C-incnt 11. W Jotin'i. Uiprorml Koonou alwaftoD hxnd. Cairo Box and Basket Co., JIanufucttireri of and Dealers In POPLAR, ASH, CYPRESS OAK AND WALNUT LUMBER. Having tho solo rlirhtln this city to use the FULTON DRY KILN, Die bent Patent Kiln extant, we are espe cially prepared to lurnMi at all times, ou tho hhurtent notice, THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMUEH. Attention Is called to our stock ol AMI CYPRESS FLOORING I. timber delivered to any part ol tbe city Orders received ut the odlce ol SAEEORD, MORRIS & CANDEE, corner of 3s th atnriAiblm. at that of the company, I'ri'i'liind Ohio levee COAIm CAIRO CITY COAL S. WALT EltS, HARD and SOFT LUMBER a esory ilescrlpllen, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTtt D00118, SASI1, BLINDS orders solicited. Steamboat Lumber, Furnished en iorlfst notice. Couiuieroial-av, but. 10th and llth-its., : OAIKO ILLINOIS). Tdr II1SAT NTMKfH. SAM WILSON,