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GRAPH 6 X 4 rst Edition. MISCELLANEOUS. PARTICULARS 01' Til k death OP MR.flltEELEY. THE FRIENDS AROUND BEDSIDE OP TJIH DYlNd MAN. . THE OVERWHELMED WITH GRIEF AT THE LOSS '01' HIS WIFE. resolutions or SYMPATHY ADOPTED MY VARIOUS SOCIETIES AND RODIES. THE FUNERAL TO TAKE l'l.ACK ON TL'KSDAY. THE LAST WO II I H wkki: HE SPOKE "I RK.tOlCF., mil I KNOW THAT MY SnVlOlJK LI VK'l'H." LARUE CltOWI) OF SYMPATHIZ ING FKIENOS AT TIIK Till Hl'NF.OFr ICE. ETC , ETC ETC. Ilcjiorli'il (Specially foi thu Cairo lliilletin. Iikatii or Mu. aitr.tLKV. Nr.w Youk, Ni.v :ia--Mr.(lr.-ly died nt ten nnniitrs l.UHVeii lull Vi'tilug, tixu-one yi-ui, fiif.u months HfiJ twenty, six dsy.. Til It WATCH Kits. At lit O'clock ther wero wulchers around the bedside ol Mr. ( 5 rcelcy El ward Curpt-iiler, of CliHjipaijUn ; Mrs. Ltinpion, un old fiicnd; Mr. Knd Mrs. Stusrl, WhiltUw Ueid him) I il.t Creoley liu ly in u stutu of luOinrgy, ii is fueo wearing the old smile" 11 M LAST WORDS). Tbo last words liu spoke on rarih were, "I rrjolce, for 1 know that my Savior liv cth." WHO KEMAt.NKD WITH TIIK UUDT. Of thoso that were iii the Luu.u nt the death sceiir, only Mis Ida, Miss i.nmp ton, Mr. Carpenter, mid tbe family wL.u guest lie wui, remained to walch over tho illustrious dead. Tliu others departed ihurily after the spirit bad left tho body. Hit LAST MoMUM.I, Nkw Youk, Nov. 30. Account! pub liihtdof Mr. Circuity's lust moments rep resent bim to buvo been unconsciuus dur ing tbe dy Ai is utual in cues ol iull mi tnutioii of ll.v bruin, liti physical u tier ing wai extremely slUht, and morbid ac tion of tbu mind wm evident from exterior mauifcitallum. AM OLD THteNli CALL.-. At & o'clock an old family friend, knows at Auntie Lawson, entered approach ed Mr. Greeley i bed. He was tben aroused by a friend, who asked, " Jo ou know wtio tliii is1' Ho sitid "jes," tretclied up bund In reelinc;, und tben relapsed into bit reverie. I.aier bo Wat aked, "Do you ki uw that you are dying?" and in a munner without terror or emotion bo answered, Yes." Again, when asked if ho recognized Mr. Ueid, he looked up with immediate ri'Ca'liitioli, und lifting his bund grasped Mr. Keid's feebly, laying distinctly, " Yet. ' When asked if bo wai in pain liu laid liii bund upon hi brcait, but witbout otherwise replying, and returned to u semi-unconscious tnl, laying with closed i-ycs mid hand, wriie timet twitching nervously. II IS UtCAMK U.VKAsT. At hiilf.pmt lir ho stirred uneasily arid began to mutter Indistinctly something which tho friends around blm could not catch. His daughter Id. Mr. and Mr. Stewart, Mr. Carpenter, Dr. Choate and j Auntie Litwson wuro In tho room anxious to hear bit Imt words. Mr. Greeley in distinctly murmurol for a while, and at last feobly said: "It is done." Tlir ws no evidence of pain in tho but moments. Tbo laco hardly changed, only nettling u littlo into a look of perfect pence. Dr. Cboute was by tho bUido, and putting hi hand to Mr. Greoby's bunrt said : ''ilu It gone ' Till! REMAl.Nh. Tbo reinaint uoro dressed and laid to await removal in tho parlor, while it fow friunJs remiincd to watch through the night bosido him. Hit reinaint will bo ut Mr. ChouloN liousg to-day, und to-morrow night will probably bo brought to this city. ins UUHIAL. Tho presont intention is to bury him Irom Dr. Chupni's Churjh on Tuesday; but tho programtno may bo changed to uit the desires of such public bjdiet as propose to tuko part in tho ceremony. THE C'AUSK OF lll.i II.L.NK.SS. Nuw Youk, Nov. ai). In mi nccount narrating ut length tho cloning days of tho Into Mr. Greeley, ho it suid, during bis western tour, to hitvo never slept over tour hours ut u time, und through tho day ho would often doo in tbo car und catch anatcheg of tloep. Upon hi return to Nuw York, bis wifo was found to bo rap idly fulling, and it was while passing sleepless nlglits at liur ledtido that ho first begun to show algni of gnat mental dnpression. On ono occasion wliilu tho opposition pross was criticising his Pitts, burg speech, ho mid : "If they niuko tho issuo that 1 am a Hobcl candidate, I ii m bound to bo dofcalnd." This consideration scorned to weigh on hi mind. Often when bo supposed bo was ulono ho woild put his bunds to bis bead and cry out, "Oh," us though suffer Int' Inlcnso pain. At length when his wifo died ho began to show manifestations of grout grief, and it was then ho is said to bttvo thnwn thn first posltivo ovidonco of mental dcrungomont. . HIS FAMOUS CARD. Ono day after printing his famou edi torial card, nn editorial articlo upponred in tho Tribuno which was beiidod "Con- trig his history of tbo AmerlcRo conflict condontcd, WORM OUT. Ono dny later while in conversation with n friend Lo became visibly utfeclcd and Mild (touching n remark us to his can dldature) "1 don't caro for policies Htid wouldn't go on tho cars lo Wushlni;toii to gt tho commission hi president. What 1 do feel Is tho loss of my wife, wh has been my companion nearly forty yours, I have watched by her !odido night und duy, and now I miii completely worn out and proMrulcd from itnxluiy mid want of sleep.'' IHK NOVKMIIKU Kt.KCTtON Mjemlngly did not interett him. ills dc f jut did not seem to Mirpil'u him. Ho de ceived his friends by receiving tho news vlth perfect IndilFerencMon November 8th. VlMlTINIt' AT HlH HOMK. Nkw Yokk, Nov. 30. On November lo Mr. Greeley was ut bis homo In Chup pa'I jh, and prominent Liberal Itepubllcuns from Connecticut lilted him and found him In veiy broken health. A con versa lion w as had in regard to tho campaign, hut Mr. Greeley manifested unconcern on tho niljet.t, nnd to hn inquiry whether under tho circumstances it would bo better lor tho Liberal Itepublicati cotnmlltet to lakn iU-u at oticu toward tbu maintain atici und consolidation of their orgaiiiKu tioii or remain ipiiel for tho turn of yVents, he very promptly replied : 'bet ter keep quiet but beyond this there wm nothing tu indicate that hi' tell any inter est in current events. !irTI.KM AMI) HAUUAKU. Alniut this, timo liu fecmed retle and haggard In appeurunce. His fmuity plOtician recognized his condition, and at once remitted to tho inot energetic treat ment. A t first it teemed hi though the malady would yield. Medical tnmiment' however, proved inefficient. On Novem ber i!0, It wus decMrd to remove him to tin rtrsidetico of Dr. Chout, ii"tr l'f aant ville. 1Iii removal pri. nted u ery uf feeling n-tnu to thore who witnessed the bedding of tears. Th'jiicefurwatd do-. velopmei.t. of his disease gradually con , tinned to tn) end. MOUK.NS Tilt: IIRATH Of OKCKLKV. Almost tho entire city mourns tbu death of Mr. Greeley. On public buildings, hotels, tiuv,prtp"r otlices und man' privutc residences, and on the ships fljgs are dis played at half matt. Peelings of grief are not c nil lied to tbe personal friends of tbu deceased, A prominent Republican in l'nru row, was the tint to bang out a Aug appropriately draped with tho inscription 'Horace Greeley, it it done. The nation mourns I" It i coins that the luncral will tuko placu Tuesday, from Dr. Cbupln's church, but the arrangements have not yet been announced. A Loss TO TIIK WHOLE WORLD. New Yokk, Nov. 30. The Liberal ciuti in tint city, of which Greelev uns president, met this uvening and passed resolutions exprerslvo of regret at bis death, which wus characterized as a loss not only to tho country but to tbe whole world. at thi: Tniuu.vK omce. During tho day crowds gathered at the Tribune oUico inquiring for the latest news. Mr. .Sinclair ut tbreo o'clock re ceived a dispatch announcing the alarm ing condition of the deceased, and an hour afterward onu reading: '-Come immedi ately or all will be over." He tben started fur l'leamntvillo but did not jivelo tbe public the neut he had received. The cruw'd remained until H o'clock v. hen the FOREIGN. RESIGNATION OF LE FRANE. QUIET REIGNS IN FUAIN'OE. WESTON OUTDONE DOH. IN LON- RAVAGES OF THE CHOLERA IN RUSSIA. DKJ'KAT OP TIIK INSURGENTS " iN bPAIN THE G Kit MAM GOVERNMENT KM I'll ATIOA LLY DENIES THAT IT II AS OKDKHKD THE CONCENTRATION OP GKN. M A U TKN PEL'S. FORCES. Reported Epoclallfor the Rulletln. TKANQL'tLITY l'ltKVAlLH. I'aihh, Nov. 30, Tho Assemblymen's approval of tho resolution of Minister Du favres bin hud a quieting efleel, and tran. quillty now prevails. THE J'RlJKMlltlA.V. LonIion, Nov. 30, Rattle's icaohed Guild Hall at 1:30 p. m., and was enthu slasticnlly recclvrd. Tho pedestrian made a'n appropriate nddrcss. CHOLKft A. St. Pktkriiiuho, Nov. 30, A dispatch from Khiva, reports that cholera is raging in that cilv. CONTIIAIJICTIOX. UkhM.v, Nov. 30. Tho Gorman go-- emrncnt authorizes an emphatic contra diction ofthu report lelcgrtphed from Paris to London that (ten. MunteuW, cum mnrider of the fiorrnan forces In France, had been ordered to concentrate his forces in i f certain contingencies. ntoM Maiimu, Madhih, Nov. rtO. At a fight In Murcn thlrty-thrco insurgents were killed in Ma log. Twerity-three Wero lelt deud upon the Hold. Forty persons have been ar-r.-tt'-d for complicity in tbe ritlng at He Jaro. I!EIOVAT10.VTK.S-IIRKl:l. Pahi, Nov. 30, 10 p. m. It It an nounced this evening thut Lo I'rane has tendered bis resignation to the president. Tho ministers are now closeted with Thiers. tbo South avail Itself of the opportunity to make Its vote for Grant uiianutilmous In the spirit of that cause of reconciliation of which Greeley wa wblle.llviriar, and to tbo latest tnomunt Of his useful life, a heroic and oToquefit exponent. Tho death of Mr, Greeley is universally regretted, ALAIIAMA LEUISXATUltlC. MoNTOoitKUY, Ala, Nov. 30, The action of Gov. Lewis In communicating with tho bolters and promising co-operation with thorn In legislation, Is severely criticised by tho people, who say that he assumed lo create u legislature where, for want r.f n quorum, noim misled btiforo Much excitement exists, but the legislature. Ml tbu oiiiitol, having in both branches been called to order by the ofllcers, and means provided by tho constitution of tbo Hale, ond being composed only of men holding regular certlllcatcs of election having been olficiully recognized by Gov. Lindsoy, who was governor of Alabnmu when tbu leglslaturo assembled, and who sent bis message to and approved bills passed by them, are determined to hold their organization, relying on ibo regu larity and legality of their courso and thn sense of Justice of the- Federal govern, merit. CASUALTIES. THE I'SUAL QUOTA OF FIRES LARGE PRAIRIE FIRES IN KANSAS. SPICE P.OLITICAL. THE RECEPTION GIVEN BY MR. AND MRS. FISH TO THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS. MILL HURNED BROOKLYN. AIL IN DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN FITCH. HUitO-ONE MAN ANJ) TWELVK HOR-iES UUI'.NKDTO DEATH. STEAMER LITTLE ROCK GONE TO THE UOTTOM OF THE MISSISSIPPI. . THE MISSOURI -STORY OF ONE OF THE SURVIVORS. ETC., ETC., , ETC. SECRETARY ROUTWELL GOES TO HUSTON TO LOOK AFTER HIS SENA TORIAL IN-TEHEaTS. PROPOSITION TO GIVE THE ELECTORAL VOTE OF THE SOUTH TO GRANT. COMPLICATIONS OF THE ALA IIAMA LEGISLATURE RE MAIN UNSETTLED. REDUCTION OF REVENUE LECTORS COL- ETC, ETC., ETC. new- of Mr. Greclct'n death came, i Throughout tbu city last night the subject j (Reported Especially for the Cairo Rulletln. was the talk ut the hotels and clubs, und MB- -' "' TMU regret wui everywhere expressed. Tbu 1 AVashinoto.v, Nov. 30. The reception Union l.eai-uo club will tuko aiinronrlato given by Secretary und Mrs. Fish to tho uction to-day, u will also tho Lincoln j diplomatic corps Iat evening was at club and other clubs und associations of , tended by tho members of various legs. uhich Mr. Greeley ws a member. Tbu tings of the city are displayed at half mutt. TIIK WoRLt). The World editorially pays n high trib utu to Mr. Greeley, and says that though uti unsparing couirovertulisl bo bore no mallei! even in the beat of political conten tions. ArritorniATK resolution. Roth brunches of tho common council will meet ou Monday to take uppropriite action. The stock nnd produce exchange, and tho chamber of commerce will uho puss appropriate resolutions on Monday. It is expected thut tliero will bo n graDd demonstration of mourning on the part of tho civic bodies of the city on tho day of tho fuuural. CO.VliOLKNOK. Tho Hurald club typographical society alio passed resolutions of c-n Jolence. or svuPATiiv. Topkka, Nov. 30. Inthu U-.ited States court this morning Hon. M. W. Deluhay moved tho appointment of a committee to tuko suitable uction relativo to tho death of Hon. lloracu Greeley. Appropriate resolutions wero adopted expressive of tbu grutitudo of tho people of Kan sas to Mr. Greeley for bU tervlco lo this statu and to tho tiHtion, Hon, .1, F. Dillon, presiding justice, mudo a f'w imprcssivo remarks, in whbh ho al luded to Mr. Greeley us onu of the noblest of Americun citizens. The resolutions woro ordered to bo posted up on tho jour nal of the court, ALMOST COMPLETED. Sak Fhascisuj, Nov. 30, Tho Kan tnt PacllloAruilrjiid company lmvo utmost completed g.'aling to Fort Craig. The Atchison, Topeku, mid Santa Fo rail road company will reach tho same point in March next. OOVKItSOU 81KKORD. Thorn nro reports of further murders in Arizona by thn Apaches, nnd Governor SalKird liai gouo to visit the chief of ho Caches. ItAtLltOAI) CASKS. St. Louis, Nov, 30, Tho railroad bond cases from Juchfon and liuchanun counties Involving payment of fifty dollurs penally for each bond issued to railroads for fail ii ro to stamp bonds when issued, wero dii- missod by Judge Kreckol of the United htatos district court, yesterday. Eiaur noun ,AW, "Wahiiinoton, D. O., Nov. 30. A com mitteo oi bricklayers from New York, waited on tho President to-day, to sea ro enforcement of tho eight hour law at Port Witrren. They woro rcforrod to tho ec rctury of war, who said tho eight hour law should bo unforced on all mllitury works lions almost en music, together with tnem- WEATHER REPORT. WASHINGTON, Nov. !W. Over Iho Nortlnvuit und upper lukes und thence to jHissiMiri unu lumens iniiinir liiiroiiuili bcrs of the cabinet, justices uf the supreme court, Guv. Cooke and numerous others of tho choicest Washington society. IIOL'I WEI L. St. Loui, Nov. 30. The Republican's Washington special says Secretary Rout well will leave for Roton Monday next to look after the senatorial contest now pending in Massuchuitts. Senator Wil son arrived here to-day. He suys ho will not resign Ills seat in tbe senate, but will allow his term to expiro on the 4th of March next. The senutor thinks thut Itoutwell's chance for tbu succession are by fit' tho best, but that Dawes is a most formidable candidate. Hla bUI.'CKMSOR IN THE CAHlSKT. Tho latent phase of tho question of tbe successor to lloutwell is that the latter w ll resign when be tlnds bis chances fjr tbo tenuis assured, and that Judge R chardsou will bo appointed to servo in tho interim until the 4th of March. REDUCTION OP COLLECTORS), Mr. Dawes, uliairmun of tho ways and means committee, has in tunned Cotnmis sioner Douglas tliat Ins bill tor tho ro durtion of olUuers employed In tbo colleo tlon of internal revenue, shall receive the immediate uttenticn of his committee, as scon as congress assembles. Senator Sherman of tho senate tinunco comiuitto who at tint did not liku sumo portions ol tho bill, now informs the commissioner that be will give it his influential support. ALAIIAMA. Tho legislature ut tho capital passed it bill and ont it to Governor Lewis, but ho refused lo receive it. A joint rosolu tlon ws pussed appointing u cuinmltteo to commuuicatu tho facts by telegraph to the government at Washington, and ap pointing it duleguto to present the case to tho Prcsi lent. The legislature express great coulldunco that the president will sustain them. In answer tu tho coinmu nicutinn of tho capital legislature yester day, Gov. Lewis replied that two bodies claim libs recognition, and that tho mem bers of tbo other body receivu I n majority cf tho votes cast, and that ho could not recognize tho capital legislature, becauso If persons whom, ho said did not receivu the inj irity, tlioy wero excluded, and the body would bo without a quorum, The Court-hnusi) body uro in secret session. THE HALI.OT FOR SENATOR. Raleiou, Nov. 30, Tho votu upon tbo soiiatoriul question in tho legislature caused continuod excitement to-day The nrtl ballot was nimost tno smo as yesterday, on second ballot, Vanoo re celved 7'.', Murrliium 3'., Pool uti. Repub licans voting for Murrimuu uro iucrcas ing. HIOM ORKELEVTO OKA NT. Nashville, Nov. 30, Tho liunnor of to morrow, in view of tho complications Reported Especially for the Cairo bulletin. rtTORK 1IUHNKI). ; Saxhwich, Mass., Nov. 30. Tho store of Postmaster Rowland ut West Darns- table, including postal matter, was totally burned this morning. Ilowlaod's eon was burned to a crisp. ut; KOLA HI ZED. Chicago, Nov. 30. The paper .ware house of Jacob Felzthal, Des Plalnes street, wus burglarized Thursday night ol 13,000 In money und $0,000 in bonds. sriCE MILL HURNED. ' New York, Nov.80. Arbuekle's spice mill, in Rrouklyn, burned this morning The loss on th building, machinery and stock is SC5,000. PRAIRIE FinF.i. Memthis, Nov. 30. Distrust! vo fires hkVe raged throughout tbo past week in the prairies adjacent lo Devull's U lull's, Ark., doing great damage, but Were ex linguisbed by the rains the first of this week. NEWS or THE DttATH OF- MB. GREELEY News of the death of Mr. Greeley was received with universal regret. Ttie morning papers contain biographical and eulogistic articles on tbo great journalist. rutE is wallackAstukatre. New York, Nov. SO. A Uro occurred in Walluck'a theatre last nigh',, which in ono time threatened tu be verv e erious. survivors ok tub Missouri. David North of Rondout, New York, one of the four remaining survivors of thv Missouri who have arrived, narrates th very harrowing story of floating ubout at tea in an open boat. He and his compan ion had to lock their legs under the scats and clasp arms to keep from being washed overboard by tho heavy sea, and were witbout food many day . Tho boiler man, Murk- Anthony, went crnzy tho llrst day Wm. Starr,the barber, afn r ard died, and then Sheu, tho porter, jumped overboard, and from that tlmo tho boat was sur rounded by a shoal of shark. Thomas Egan, nno of the ftvo left, on the fourth lay, whilo describing a splendid entertain ment which ho had once attended, sud denly fell and died, was thrown overboard and immediately grabbed by thu sharks. Uy almost a miracle tbu remaining four reached land. A floating bottleof whiskey which was found, saved North's life. htaiile and twelve horses iiurnkii Houton, Nov. 30. Kuutfer's ttuble with wjlvo horses und other contents burned at bitch burg this morning, also a tene ment house. Pbelpsdule, a well-known music profes'or, wus burned to death. Of ono hundred and seventy. six deaths during tho week, llftythreu were from mall-pox. steamer little rock bunk. Memphis, Nov. 30. TLe steamer Littlo Rock, from Littlo Rock for Mompliis, with three hundred nnd eighty bales uf cotton, sunk ncur KinbroUgh's landing, about shty wiles below Pino RlutV yesterduy afternoon. Shu lies with her bow in six feet of water and her stern in eighteen feet, and It is thought alio cannot bo raited. Sho belonged to tho Memphis and Arkan sas River packet company, and was valued ut $10,000; insured in St. Louis oflices for $10,0u0. Tho cotton, which it insured heru und in Now Orleans, will be saved. Lnrd firm; sales last evening Tc cash; nominally 7jc March. 8 P hams quiet and steady. Green hums steady and in fair demand; sales 100,000, IS days aver nire ?r, other green meals quiet; Field pre vious prices. Meat In salt nuict; shotil. dors nominal, 4c; SribiCc. Whiskey 88a. St. Louis, Nov. Ro, The suspension of navigation and meagre railroad facilities cause a generally dull market. Flour un changed, Wheat, spring lower, $1 10, Not enough doing In other grains to es tablish prices. Whiskey sternly at 90a Provision unchanged und very littlo do- ills.'. CtSMNNATl, Nov. 30. Flour ilrtn at $7 25(,7 00. Wheal firm, Red 1 J0f;. I r,7. Corn Itrm and tinchati'ed. Oats unchanged. Cotton quint; middling 18 Jc Whiskey steady nt 8H. Pork nominal, bulk meats qiilut; shoulder 4c; dear rib 6c; clear 0c; bacon fiuiet; shouldors Mc: sides unchanged; hogs steady ut $3 75 to i J 83; receipts, o, i li, l.ntd unchungid. Green meals quiet, shouldors 3Jc. sides Ccj bams 01(S,8lc. Night Report. Chicaoo, Nov. 30. Flour firm. Wheat lirm; No 1 spring M 18: No 2 Si 0',) bin spot; $1 0'Jj(5,l 00 December; $1 10 January; No 3 yScil according to locu tion. Corn dull and shado lower; No 2 mixed 3ly31 Jc cnh or December. Oils in fair demand anil lower; No '1 'He. Ryu steady 0"djr7Jc. Rarley in fair demand and advanced; N. ' lull 01r;,fl2c. Provis ions quiet. Most trading in cruen hams 77Jc. Lvd 7J,7jc spot; 7jr)7ic Janu ary. Mess poru mioicd at tii LV!'.! M oi h; SloPJ Deceinoer and January. Clear middles Gc boxed spot; other meats nominal. Whiskey steady 88c. Number .f hi: packed hero to date slncu Nov. 1, JI2 87C, Nw York, Nov. 30. Flour quiet; 'tip western $6 ftOQU 30; common tn good IG OOQiTOri; good to choice $7 l'fTi.7 85; white wheat exlra $7 1)0(38 01. Whiskey a bade firmer, ut 03c. Wheut In limited demand and higher; No 3 Chicago spring $1 40(S,l 40; No 'J $1 UfaJ 51; north ostSI 6'J; western umber $1 7o(S,l 7fiJ. Rye lo live und llrmt-r; Chicago 90c. Hur ley unchanged Co-n n shade firmer; it' mixid C2 JOilJc, sail Olfrt J4 jc. yellow western Oflc. Oit a shade tTrmer; dd wicrn mixed ol5IJc, new do 4l0 5 lo. Pork dull and a shade, easier; miss lift 7i(Ti;lC 00-, prime mess SIC 00. Reef quiet; new plain mess $8 ()(,$ oO; now uxtra do i3 &o10 1)0. Cut meats quiu ; hams 0jQllc; shoulders, final hull De cember, 6c; middle- Brm, .hort clear 7ji; December 7Jc; long clear, December, 7jc. Lard firm: No 1 to prime sleum 7wi kelllu 7(ft)"Jc. Coffee Heady; Rio 160 18c. Sugir dull; retlnlnL' 9'SlUc. New Y'okk, Nov. 30, Gobi mid I'JJ 12; closed ll'jl?; loans 1 to 0 per rum for carrying cleuriiius &5 millions. For eign exchange closed quiet and steady, 8j to 8j; prime bunkers CO days '.) sight. A'listnnt treasurer paid out to-day f32,- O)0 accsiunt Interest; fJ4,0u0 in redemp. lion of f-'2) bonds. Money more active this afternoon; culls nnd loans 7 currency to" cold; covernmcrits unchanged; closed quiet; stall bonds dull and stead v; stocks quiet; Cs if '81 1CJ; '0-2 PJJ; 6-20s of '04 I'ij; '05 12J; new of '05 Kif; 'G7 10; C8 KiJ; new is aj; 10-lOs 8J- curiency Cs 7; Mo Cl 95. tT. huuis, Nov. 30 Flour vory quiet and unchanged. Wheat, spring dull and l.wr, Ni 'J tl 1C; fall dull and weak; millers geterally standing on"; No 3 red il 71. Corn dull und lower, No 2 mixed llr, No 2 yellow 33c; No 2 white mixed 35c. Oats slow and unchanged; No 2 mixed J'o;,25Jc. Utrliiy dull and un changed. Ryu held firm; No '1 Glc. Pork unchanirtd. Drv suit me its dull und weak; s-hnMdcr 4c(i4lr; clear' rib 0i two. Itacon uuu; s louiacrs use; clear ides Die Lard dull; prime steam, small lots 7Jc. IIiuhwlnt in demand, none ottering. Catllu quiet and urn hinged lines unchanged Jj(ii)4c. lleceipts 7,.'Ul). New OkleaN, .N. .10. rlour dull; choice family i'J f.0,t0 00. Corn flrmci; mixed life, veiiuw uue, wuo uic. Uati firm at 45c. Hucnn dull and lower, 5 J(7J 8c to 8t(?0o. Lard Qrm; tierce 83c, k 9jc. Sugar dull and lmr, common 0j ic, ratr to luny fair move, prime aifitui Molasses dull and lower; 4n4dc, lair 471 (551c, primo 5-.'ilc, strictly prime to eiiuice bSK&HA iittiurs uncnanccu. ater ling 22, sight disciulnt, gold 13) Cot ton active; sales 7,000 bates gomi ordinary ut 1 1 jc. low tniJUlintr 18c, middling ISj", middling Orleans 10c; reclpts 40,012 bales; exports, coatwiso 2.79G, Ilivre 3,703, Great Hri'uin, 8,834; stock 110,380 Homo Advertisements. OHRIsfMAn Our Home Advertisers. FIRE AND MARINE X HvT S TJ & J 1ST a El USTZEW YEAR PHIL H. SAUP. Emporium of FANCY GOODS FOX THE HOLIDAYS. The I.uva, Glass and C'lilua ware consists ol FltENCII VASKS, .TKWEL UASKS. CIO A It STANDS, TUILLT SETTS, CAUD 11KUKIVERS, WINE SETTS, STATUES. BUSTS, DOLLS, &c. AKo a tine assortment Pearon marble liu-ts, .Statue, etc. The lolluwiiig- are seme of the principle wood toy.. : GALLOflNO HrniiY Horsks, 1' ii 1 11 ii v hoksks, Fancy Kxi-rksi Waoons, GiitL"' Doll Casriaqk, Willow Oiaihs, PAIII.OR JjlCTTS, rii.ciona, &c. RIVER NEWS. It Uc anil I'hII oflhe Rlt rr. Far 1 hours ending it 3 p.m. Nov. SO, 1872 STATIONS. low, c a wa-terlg I il Si. Paul ... tort Henton I Omaha I avrnport ..m. ( lavcnworlh ... Kcukuk i, Cairu ':i .St. Louts i.i It, I'lltsburg ! I uvall's UlufT. ltclow tundjrJ, Official. STATIONS. Ab'v low ft in! bt-Z ... I tncintutt b ...iLouisvitle,,., hi u, Memphis t ...iVicLsbum .1 ,.JIM t HfVI , ..... Nthtll!e i New Orleans It IV Turt Smith. .. L .... I.lttle Kock .. ..... Florence . .....I ... fllcluw high water. THOMAS L WATSON, Observer Sirf, her, U.S.A. MARKET REPORT. Nkw Orluans, Nov. 30. Depsrted : Mury K. Forsyt c. Itecelpts, cotton 2,377; Flour dull and low; XXX fG 751 Ho; ijooil g"7 fiO; choicn ia8 'Jfi. Corn in good demand 5i!0o. Uts in fair do maud 44(71)400. Hay scarce S2C; choice $J930. liran scarcn and in demund 1 'Jo. Pork dull and nominal. 1 1 neon dull 5jHl9jc. Hams, choice tCl8c. Lard bJ0J; kegs 10c. .Cotton in uioder ato demand 1 8 Jo. Nkw Youk, Nov. 80, Flour dull. Wheat urmor; $1 49l CI; fur choice SI 65. Corn firmer 04c. bid. Ont quiet I b0Q,iac Mess pork nominal $10 00. Lard iuiet at 8Jc, Wniskey Arm at 03o. Chicaoo, Nov, 80, Llvii hoirs receipts to 11 o clock a. m., ft U73. About 10D cars of stock to arrive. OtUcUl, yesterday there were II 083. Market op. ened milet andstronu, and Is a shade Urm er: extremo ranuo $4 U)Gi 30: now it is easier and closing at 3 U5 25; bulk of sale iiurmi; tne iniiriiing 51 I0(7r;l 10. Cattle rccolpts 410, Market quiet, llrm, and unchanei'd. CiiifiAQ's, Nov, 110. Flour in air de. inand. Whnut steady and mndoratelv active. $1 03cash;$l 08 I 0'J December; "H'l'.l I", Nov. 30. Tho weather Is cloudy and cold, wilh aigns of simw. Thu river has fullen two indies and is full uf tloating ice; in the harbor it is two incnets Unci;, up: floronceL.ce, 4 am; llellio Gilbert, '.; F.ddyvilie, VI; Quick, step, II. Down: .Mary Anient, 4 pm; Lt cluiro No 'J, 4; Grey" Eatlo, 7. Ilusiness lively and freight nbundaiit. Sr. Lot'iH, Nov. 30. Arrived; Ne- Iioston from Keokuk; St. Johns from Qiiucy. ltivcr falling and full of heavy ice, which runs very slowly and prnhabii. ities are unless the weather moderutes groxtly the ire will gorge at Horso T-di, Aid close the river for tho winter. It is doped however that the iee will cuie above thu bridge piers, and leavo open the harbor and channel to Cairo for light draught boats. Tho weather to-night shows some signs of moderating, but still freezing sharply. Mkui'HIs, Nov. 30 Weather clear and cold. Jtiver falling steadily. Departed last night : P W Mradcr for Cairo; City of Quincy for Now Orleans, To-day, I'aulinu Carroll una City ot Chester tor St. Louis; Mallio Hagon and Mlnneola for Cinrlntiail; Uatesvillo for Whitu liver; Clurksvillu for Little Hock, Nashville, Nov 30, Hivcr stationary; twenty inches 'ii Harpeth.Shoaln. Weath. er clear ulU cold. LouibviLLK, Kv , Nov. 30, Throe feet and seven inches in ths canal; nineteen inclies in the chute, scant; four feet to Kvansville. Portland bar getting shal low. Arrived and departed, Kiclmnge for Pittsburg; to St. Louis Andy Uaum, hard aground at the foot of tho cunal. Cincinnati, Nov. 30 ltiver 6 feet C inches; falling, stream full of floating ice. Chilo and Higginsport packets and the lien. 1'ranklln lull to-nlclit; nn others ventured out. The Lawrence which was to depart for Memphis, and tho Armudllla xr... rl , i.. I i i lur .ids wiieiins nasu ueiayeu leaving. Weather clear and freezing and moder ating hero. Git AN l) Tow EH, Ills., Nov. 30. Weather clear mid cold. No boats have passed up or down to-day. Tbe river is virtually closed, Vickmiuro, Nov. 80 Down: J 11 Maude and Gov. Allen. Upt II S Tur ner, Tom Jasper, Ouachita liolle and I'argoud. Weather clear and cool, llivor rising. Q W H 0 w o GO o U i i CO "Tj H 1 0) Cj 0) MECHANICAL TOYS, AND mauara, n, r., .rt.ijf.aid ukhmania. n. v., I,W,71 U IIAMIVKH, N. Yn IsiM. T2 8! W litl'tniLIO, N. v., 4set 711,XA ISJ Comprlsioir the rwilt-rs' A,'noy, YONKEHn, N. Y., Asts.. ..K 4M SI i"t . ALBANY CITY, ,.4M,1M 23 viitKMKN'n fund, a. r., A ssots. , BKUITKITY, K. Assets., ....07S.t(s) 0 Y. MARINK, 1,4:12 114 fldies, liMfllirj,., Kiirnlliim, Hulls and Car sn. s, lltsurr-d at raies n (asi'rxhln A soilrl'l, pnr tnmsnt scrurllt will w.rrktit. 1 rfsieelfully k of lh eltlfn. uf Ca'ro, tiMriir their rslroniMK'. '. N.llt'SiHKSI. TEUTON I A LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. ASSETS $600,000. ,'OHN A. UUCK, - - President U. KNOBKliDOKFF, - - Hecrotary ORB. Jiiah. Keitz, Urnry Wintit, A. C. Kksino, A. Miscii, Juab. Wentur, Char, Veroiia, Fkancih Lackner, Ciiah. Daeolino, C. Hi use ii, 'Wm. Hkinuarut, John Fkldkaui-. The Lest organiied ami securest comninr In Iho norltmest. The only company sihuh ""r lute. rtnti surri-pdf r talue. CAUL L. THOMAS, Gen. Ao't, IS-llr fisrA'sslrussnd vleltsllr V. II. Moms, Notary Publlf, II. II. Candee No.Pud. snrl II. H. (Vint insrsTTiRiE. F1RK, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK ACCIDENT, L.l'15, IKSTJE ANCE. Atsete.. Assets... Assets Assets.., .STNA, UABTTOKf, . ..05,649,6C4 M MJItTH AMBK1CA, PA., , 12,783,000 00 HAKTFORD, CONN., mm ..i,4l,lll 72 PIKE.MX, 1IAKTFORI), ..1,78I,14S re INTERNATIONA!., N. Y Asset 1,3.M,8JS 17 PUTAAM.HAHTF'iRU, Assets 1700,937 CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, AsseU 8516,073 ii HOME, COLUMBUS, Assets - - 1155,271 43 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Assets 16CKU.0 C CONNECTICUT MUTUAL. LIFE, Asset - SO,000,000 00 TRAVELERS', HARTFORD, LIKE AND ACCIDENT, Assets . r.,&00,0tl 00 railway passengers a.-.8Ukance co., hartford, VMtts - Sf,W.) 00 INDEPENDENT, UOBTON, .Usefs. t3iM2 00 b'AFFOUD, MORRIS & CANDEE, 71 Ohio lvte. City Nullonal Hunk. CAIRO. II.!.. COMICAL FIGURES and MASKS A largo solectlon of Musical liistru. ments, such us IJRA?S TRUMPETERS, URASS BUULES, FRENCH HARPS, IRISH HARPS, TOY VIOLINS, PIANOS, kc. P.. SI CI Si t- w IT. P3 W SO sij a M 73 ENT CITY A. B.I s. s. U. Ul P. M. K. 11. R. II. Ccn SAVE TIME AND MONEY I Ily letting our wants be known at the O AIBO INTELLIGENCE OFFICE O-AMES of every kind for thu Children. Also, SPEAKING DOLLS, SINGING UIHDS, WAX KUBUKB DOLLS, CRYING LAM11S, And a million other articles! too numer ous to mention. CALL AND SEE. 102 COMMERCIAL A V EN UK! CAIRO, ILLS. ST. CHARLES HOTEL. SKlilTI.U. TO THE PUBEIC. Anticipating decline tn price-! ot PHINTER'S STOCK ol all kinds and deslrotli that our cus tomer should know wo are determined lo carry out our promises of cheap printlm; wc leel it our duty to make a REDUCTION IN FORMER PRICES believing that a steady Increase of business will be an eiiuitulvlit. With our lorn; experience In business and INCREASED FACILITIES together with our advantages In the purchase and selection of stock, out customers muy rest assured we will try to merit a continuance ol their ery liberal patronage. We invite your attention to thu tollowlm; revised list ot PRICES FOR JOB WORK. HILL HEADS on irood 14 lb naner. neatly executed ac cordiliKtosize peril il &OtoO 50. For other (Uialltles add ttie dllfcrcucelu the cost of the paper. STATEMENTS on 14 I'i paper, Flat Cap or same ijuallty ol Folio Tost, peril 91 OutoO 0U; per ouu-ball 31 f - oo to ii oo. POSTS Tit S lull sheet, lialfslipct. ntiarter sheet, elirhth sheet and slxteetith .sheet t from 3 oo lo it) oo per ai. , , .... . liv it cureftil examination ol the above list ...Sll at ... I !. aiiss our jiUirou m u v LETTER HEADS ner il (' OOtoT 00, nccordlnir to site and itiiidlty ol paper; peroue-huIlM U 00to4 00. NOTE HEADS on ordinary Ue per il Si 00to3 50. accord. ni; lo myio Ullil nuailiy. v-ouimcrciui (icr m i WHo.") U). DILLS LADING per il. according to site sud weight, IS OOto 7 oo: per one-nan n, avcoruiuK 10 sue welKUt, 3 00to4 00. DRAY TICKET per M W OOtol 00, according to nnler. ENVELOPES urnlslicd retail at wholesale prices. Chsage or printing, 91 OOtoi W)pcrM. 8HIPPINO TAOS m FBICSS -rVKS: LOWBE, Deposit STKKE M. pare twr 1st. .UalelT I 'in Hid U4.KR1JI Open e and tetul ool), Iran uw TJ capi!i Hritr IIssst LI USO. V. Ewe Bill Dir. O. Ml COLLI MU isti Isslf nsssi