Newspaper Page Text
,yacon -31, Vriornl i ii fid lioots . I, tin I j 'V t II VI' .vork ; Imvo 'n de "it tho i a; il nro ANli S lltlll anteo laity 'f flni' i price (lro or to lio tf ( if tho .as re ro he f win y, -Mr. lllaSCS , o be- i -fitly, 13 now "k tlio 1 HllJ 1 HlHl , leuv- rtri.i if i , ITs ' t'lau, , was 'stance holiday tj .e . him " ticti n ' vVben ,np ex '',.r and irking - J. n ire l r.'tnilli .v.tifo.1 ' w and r every ' in n sure oil f.r ckori, nil tlio I'iDtnn, to Wo in- er and is been 1 Santa ao llttlu 31 w and iritttnaj aers. 'TOItY CHANnr.nRtK. nlci feel am! mlnco mut, nnd nn Rtrortment of canned fruits dt VhtUut & AiUy'i, cornor of Tenth and Walnut 11-30.31. FOll JjALE A ono Hirv brick boiuo i with ft lot 33 feet front ly 100 foet deep. Tho houie t'Jiilninr tbrco room mid kitchen, Iiri two liullr, tiisn h cistern nttUched. Pur term? mi llio premise, corner of Twtn .,cli Hid r. plnr ttrcoU, Cnlro, Ills, li- I til . Jamm A. Fnv. Our Homo AdvortiBors. ATTENTION! Mr. H. Jones on Commer cial avenue, second door west of Tenth street, is manufactur ing JIools and Shoes of the best material in the market and is prepared to till all orders on the shortest notice. He guarantees botli tho work and material ; his patterns are of the latest styles, and his prices lower than any other shop in the city. Confident of the excellence of his work, he invites the patronage of the public. iimm am. tyzgr- You can buy six and one-half lbs. Durant's A Co flee Sugar for Ono Dol lar; Seven lbs. Now Orleans Sugar for Ono Dollar; Best three and one-half libs. Prime Kio Coffee, Ono Dollar ; Best Imperial Tea, Ono Dollar and a half per pound ; Best Gun powder Tea, One Dollar and Seventy-live Cents per pound ; Young riyson and Oolong Tea, One Dollar per pound, and ev erything proportionately cheap at' WILEY&BIXBY'S. S-Ji-'f MII.I.I.VEltl'. ,M ItS. JlcOEE, in r.tctii'isitrfet, between Commercial and Wash us in A win-, Is dsllr ri-oelvlnt .NKW .MILLINERY GOODS nr thi LilKr-T KALI. AND WIST Kit 8TTLK8 itvnif a lull line of KOrriTSTS &c HATS . rruiitned and untrimmed.I til M I HAiWF.lH. HIBHUN-J, TH1MM1NG8 ill nil i.iii.l-. Laces, etc.. etc. 'ti, 1,1- u. a lrK assortment o Ariicn-f.-uch as sti'K ti con.m". unobiwsleeves, Kl'Krs, nAiHES, KANH, .Mil nil oihrrniliclei usually founi In t FIUST-CLASS MILLINERY STORE 3Ir. MetJee, in inldttlon to her stock of Fancy mid Millinery Good-, hasa (intone and complete assortment of Cincinnati Cutom Mailt Ladle' and Misses' felioes and Chil dren"' Knot, ltlaek and in Colors. These are a-knovvleik'ed to be tho finest and heit t hoe in t lie ni.irket, and thin in the only place In the city that makes them a i-pcclutty. SELLlNiToUT AT COST! MltS. MARIS AHBT JACKSON inter- l onni'ilv suandcr, Intending to remove tablish- to Kentucky, desire to dispose of her large ttrgtho tl''pl"t ",ot:k "' of extra ini,iui(iia,,.iv , lir.,,r ,f. in-im,.,,,, ,i, t.i I an war- oi her gooif., .Mr? .Jaeliaou has Uetennlned e. Ho 10 J,1,'r H'1' I, Chain. K.NTIKK STOCK AT COST c, mat- ,,,. And Invite- the l.ullc o( Cairo and iclnltv i. prices to call on her It they ileslre good bargains, tho fiic- lis. JacLtun'b i-iotf. GOODS A RE ALL NEW The most of them liavltlir been splertiil from t t'lntfr tla' Uxu ,a" "lyli". hence the ladles have a i ninr a rill.u opportunity to mirchane new and tt.h. llowing ionable millinery at eo-t price. The ktock I ...i i. L'llll-Il" III liatk I'llilioilk. tluivrrn. "llt ladle underwear, etc.. etc. 11.30 tf. perc h , - or(i ,v KIO WAMK, Kit), rranted A. 11 A L L E Y, bv the vmh. DEALKll IN STOVES. I) ll fresh Tin an t lloiluw Wile. Clothen WrniKeri Toile If jJ0 nj( uoai noui, nrtunoteii, Air mmoh. I Jcerief, rrctcia or l f otiier tiv ZfVf' ('OPPKtt A-NT1 SnKVI IRON WARE. Nf. lfiG Washington-avenuo CA1KO, ILLIK0I8. s profit IMI ORB lunJi nf ri . "f-iionni: uutientiK, nd all klndi of o l m. irillllll t'j Pur. -3- t I'JU 1ISI tallow, ry largo h known L t pricei i Jiav- 11 to 17c Htn tUc TABER BROTHERS, MANUFACTURING JEWELERS Special repairen of tine todUltUcult AND- CUROXOIETER WORK Our Home Advortisers. HALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS FURWARUINQ and COMMISSION MB HO II AUTO, DEALERS IN FLOUR ; Aod Agent of niO KtVIR XHV KAKAWliA SALT COMPANIES. Foreign Advertisements. winm abb mho una. J O.SMITH, WHOtMl AND RtT All BliDIB IN Foroign Advortisomonts. Foroinn Advertisements. I WINKS AND LIQUORS-1 1 1 And proprietor of ne'" anil rpondlil CAIRO, No. ;r onto Lkvek, ILLINOIS, Keeps constantly on hand tiie choicest ol Wines and Liquors, which be will Hell at the very iowcut tiures. Call and examine. 7-Odly R. SMYTH & CO., WUOLESALK UROCKRS, OHIO Z.XVXI CAIRO. iLLmeii. Alto, kp contuntly unhsnd a mwl cntti plt stook of Ol FTENTEttPBIM: OIFT ENTER CM: A It AND HARMLESS AS WATER, 3ST ATTA2ST' -J CRYSTAL D1SC0VEUV HAIR. FOR THE PRISE TIIK ONLY RELlAHIiK OIPT LlISTltllll TtON IN TIIK OOUNTBV I Ii . ID. S I XT 23 ' 3 Nineteenth Oruiul A nprfiill iitiMir iirfii'ir.itlnti Ii. urn tlo, an e!iiily'iiiilied 111 Wiiter, for t'cMorliiL' 10 gnij ii.nriiN 11:11111111 coior mid yoiiiiiiui j ii'ii iii.iiii u, i.r 1-1 111111 iiiu 11 in 1 iii)i;ill llilllll. nil!', to iirnmote the urowth nt (ho luilr mid Ktop ItMullliiKtmt. It Idciitlrely li.irinle,und I perfectly I reu from nliv inlonott miIMhiicc mid will, tliuiRforc. tiiuii the iil.ini of all Hie dirty mid iiiiileiiant iriiiiriitiniii now In liv. .Niiiiiciiiin loslf liifililnN hae Iiren i'lit ik IVmn many of our imi't iirotnliii-iit fill zoiih. In uvcrjlhln In uhli li Hie article now In ii'i' nru (ilijei'llonalili', IRYSTAI. I)l!)COVKItY, U jierfi'el. It l warnint.'d Foreign Advertisements. ty eontaln neither Mipr of Lead .Siilplnir or .hi r;u i! in mncr, it ikick not mil me eioine or M-alp. N iiKreniilily pcrfimteil. mid make one ol'tlic lic-t ilri'liiK for Ihn Ilalr in lle. It retorus till! color of llin llnlr "nuiin imr. ANNUAL DIJTrRITiUTION ' f'-tt nml Ulilfonnly than any other prep ar'a. nix u-fw; I ivuju 1 t0l, all(1 IlUv!l,H' V,-,M rnm (lir. , Tolm drawn tttdoeidnjr, Junu.ry ll, 17I $200,000 OO IN VALUABLK 0IFV8 010,000 IN AMERICAN (501,1)1 O'O.COO IN AMERICAN SILVER! Klvo Prlzoi 11,000 J ijicatroias- 100TCH AND Illlsn WBISKIIS -U IN H. Fort, Maderia, Sherry and Catawba ino RJMTTH CO. tll eicloslMlj for ch, to ,. which fact their invite the cipeclal ttlen. tion ol elo brein buyers. 70 Ohio Lkvke, ALSO MADE TO ORDER. tTIB'WErjIRir OF ANY FORM Olt PATTERN Have alio on, hand a Fine Stock of Jewelry, Of thnir own and other Manufactures. CLOCKS OF ALL KINDS. SOLID SILVER WARE or- Cairo. Illinois. C. CLOSE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AD C IMS NT, I'LASTKR 1'ABtP, PLASTERER'S HAIR, NO. 71 OHIO LF.VF.K, UNDElt CtTY NATION AL BANK. t3T Kor the imrpo.e of Imlld.njf up a wholesale trade In Cairo, I will sell to deal em and contractors In lots of 50 barrels and upward, at manufacturing price adding frelpht. Cairo, August 13, 1872. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO., (Buocejnrt to K. I). llMidncii Co.) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS, WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS. Liberal AJrencemeDli mad upon CooiiKcmenta. Art prepared to recelre, store and forward frelghu to all point and buy and sell on oomtnimion, WBiislnesi attended to prnmptlr; F. M. STOCKFLKTH, eccuioa roils tToctrnTii Roelirypr stadl Wbnlrule Dewier In I'orelvn tuitl DatnMlle WINES AND LIQUORS No. 62 Ohio LkVxk, CttKU, 1LLIN01B rba.n.nn hftnit ronatftnllv full PtOCRO Old Kentuekv Bourbon. Rrs snd Mononls lela Whlskle, French Urandie, llol lun RMne nnd nllfflrnl wine fin NALOOXH. WOOD RITTENHOUSE ii BRO., FLOUR i aaa General Commission Merchants 183 OniO LEVEE, MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION ana FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AIB DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc., AGENTS for FAIRBANKS SCALES Ohio Levee. CAIRO. ILLINOIS. CRYSTAL SALOON AND REA DING ROOMS. MICHAEL COYNE, Proprietor. (oui tost omcp. .stanh.j Corner Sixth street anil Commercial Ave. The best brawl ot ClBarn, choice WIuch, Liquors, etc., always on hand. t3T0pn day and ntght.jra OLD-DEIMONICO SALOON AND READING ROOMS GREENBACKS Ten Trues COO One span of Mntolicil ;iorc, with l-';inilly Carriage and .Slhcr-Mminli'il llur ness, worth i3l,fiOOS Five IlorM.") and HiikpIu. with Silver Mounted llami'M, north fiVM eneli 1 Five Fine-tuned Itomiwood l'lanos worth .VHl each ! 2.' Family Hewln? Machine, worth iUX) each ! 2,1100 Gold and silver l.eur IliiiitliiK Watch es (In all.) worth from SiO to U each 1 Gold (.'lining, Sllvvr-wiire, .lewelrv, etc. Munlicr of jjlnh 'J.",(mol Ticket- limited to loo.onoi AGENTS WANTED TO SKI. I. TICKET.". To whom Liberal Premium" w II lie paid. SIiibIu Tickets $2:. Six Tickets 610; Twcl.u Tickets $20; Twenty-llve Tickets ?I0. rirtultm criDtiunlnK fiill llt of rrUi-K, tcrlptlon of the tnnnn-r nt ilrnwlnir. and other informatioD In referencu in tlie dlmrlbuilon, ill be eent to anjr one orderin: tlimi All letter m"t be lilrfierito L. I). hINK, Ilm, m, mii orrir, Cluclnnntl, o, 101 WfKl 8ih t nor.l'j wtl $6,260 KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. 1 Legalized by mi net of the I.eMuture. The mot liberal Lottery eer drawn. Only 7,140 tickets and .'i prize. To be drawn Nov.JtO, 18T2,lnColiii:toii, Ky. I One Capital VriM of $2o,(K;0. ' f.i.i .lnv. lrllli.ll.. f....illlir. .1... ..... .. I.I. .1... tii.iii-. 1.1.11..M. iiii:iiFiun itimilir lioni Ulillij. iiialltleH liec'ary to It erowlli nnd healtliy I'uiiilllloii : It icior the ile i'mVimI and Induce u new Krowlh of thi- . Ilnlr more poltlclv tlian ii it tiling; ele. The application of till Wnlnle'tTitl illccov ery nUo prudiice n plcavmt mid cooling I ellect on this scalp mid nht'H the Hair :'i ilciliir and eleirmit npii'.iranee. t.'all at your driiuuUt lor it mid take no , other. If he ha- not It let him order It , 1'rlee ffl per bottle. ; ARTIII'R NATTAN.S. I Inventor ami Proprietor, Wn-lilni;ton !,(.. i J0I1.NVI ON. IIOU.MWA V A ('().. 1 General AiretiK Plilludelplila. .INO. K IlENIlYtmilF.f.WEI.I.SAM'O.. New York, mid to lie had ol Wholesale I ilrtiggM, everyuhcre. ti-tKUl LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN OHEAT Soothing Remedy! i - - WHITCOMB'Slt SYRUP. I Prize of .?5,00o 1 Prize of. 2,1N) 2 Prizes ot. ... l.tsw i! Prizes ot . . MO 3,0S0 Prize, nmoilutiiig to Tickets, 12. Halve. tJ, 13 Pjiw. of .82.V1 SO Prize or . . M 420 Prizes of . 20 ,110 Prize of, li fC4,UfiO ' t)uarter, Cnrn Tfille nml (Irlrlrz In Ilm llnwrl. Mini ficjl. mil ( tti i.ruc.n ot T'.iIhdc FnbJnn ComnMon unit Tr. I fUllM all itlira.r IncliUllt to JiTT , loUMi .i,J CLUJr.n. J CENTO. tlllirrnnanK f Cnr" Mrrhw.i, rynte WHITCOlTlB Si ' fummrr fi.nn.Wuu SYRUP. I la CLI,Jfn ;' rllTf rln, wVni or et. 1 litition In IS or'.ilmluiitr, rT. Ulmli lug Un iuJ lower to tboijiltla.J CZSTTIJ It It tb J'funtf anit ThlMrrn't Gini Fwiililng r.tmtdjr, In til diluriittt Irouglit ou Ljr tililnk' nr ' u ulU-r r U'. I:. Irllcti!r Innlllnt; for MRS. WIIITCOMirfl EVnUI', nd lV i.iithor. l reprfJby the OKAITO, MEDICINB CO . SI Lnnff. Mo. Pol l i,jr IlrugglU aJ tlMltri In Mflirlra nrfhrr. Corner 7th street and Commercial Av. WINTER'S 1IL0CK. PARKER & MONTAGUE w Proprietors. Tha heit brands of Ciir. choice ei, Liquors, etc., always on hand tl EL DORAL-0 RTLLIARD SALOON BOOM. AND BAR- THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FINISH. And many unique aud uttr.ietive putturnn of SILVER PLATED WARE At pricei that defy competition. a :oto2ie t ..6 to tie 3EC A- BEEiT SOLD f lotobic Tbev lmi' li 1 vt (ilfEATElt SATISFACTION: t They havu done SPECTACLES WAltRANTED AS REPRESENTED, COMPASSES AND- - and ail Mo HE & B FITTER WORK uoor, 1 health Are More I'.aiily told, J J l'aj!uKa Hotter Profit to the Dealer ii Afi" ..ra tin J rranted CHEAPER TO USE Tliiui uny Cooking rftovo Hi ' nn if n; THE MARKET e ; I MJ1.K iiv ,, ins for r. Ill' i ml I. il. ttkl,n, nuiiiii . ..n .... rliaml- liAUM.aiUll .MA.MJf nUl UJtlAli UU lei-unt SPYGLASSES And every thing In our lino of buslnos CALL AND SEE. R. A. CUNNINGHAM, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AMI PEAtKK IN OATS, OORH AND MILL FEED. CAIRO, ILLINOIS 1. 1). MATUUBO., x. o .uriL MATnUSS !c UHL, AND OBNEHAI. Commissi on Merc hants UKALKlia iN I AY AND WESTERN PRODUCE .miint ityek. STJtATTON St RIRD, (Hucnor toBtrttlon, HuJuodA Clark,) WHOLESALE GROCERS i M JOHN OATEII, Proprlntvr. toe Commercial Atsdq. OAIKO, II.I.INUU Bsl brand of Callfo U1aarsu receit.l, 11ILHARD saloon furnished wih the I.eM of tables : and bar supplied with wines, lirjttoi and cigars of thnet hran'U. THhi LITTLF KEISTUCKIAN SALOON AND (Opii Day and Night.) J. E. PARKS, Proprietor, Ohio Lcwe, bet, 4th and 6th street, CAIRO, ILLS. MEALS AT ALL 110 UR3. A One new Dining Hall wlth'every eon 1 veuienee linn been added to thli jiopular Kcstatirant, and the guests will Hit-j every requisite lor tneir accomodation. THE HILL OK FARE consist of ever)- substantial and delicacy of the season. THE BAB is supplied with the CHOICEST LIQUORStWINKS & CIGARS giTMIxcd drlnkii prepared with care. 11-10 tl. Our Lotteries are chartered ly the state, anu iirawn in me nine named, miner mr pervislon of nwurn foininiloiiern. The druwIiiL'n will lie uiihllshed in the New York, Chicago, and l.oiil llle paper. We will dntw a similar scheme the lat Saturday of e ery month during the year 1ST-.! and 1373. Uemlt at our risk byl'okt-offlcc Money Or der, itegistcred Letter. Drattor Express. t3Tend for a circular. Address SMITH, SIMMONS .t CO.. llox b'i't Cohii;toii, Ky. 10-25eod,twlT. $300,000. MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Leoalizkd iit Static Authority akh Dkawn in 1'uulio in St. Loujh. Grand Siuglo dumber Sohenio. 50.000 NUUW.RS. Cla8 L ro hk Dkawn Nov, 30, 1872 6,880 Hrires. Amounting to 300,000. ry BUy MC AN D ILL 00 YOU.QO0U mi) miTfrva r.,-- t VV IU7 PILLS. H)r cImbiIc; tl. t lwl anil nronilnc tbe IW.r id-I ccretlo orcuui to a I1S1III17 nctlun, Dr. IUlt) 1 IIihii ni I'l.ut Pllli ciifn 111407 c-.tri.U!nH winch It ii)illi not t imiki(J ILi-r coul'l ri-jeli, u Ii ai HeaUnche, I'uln in tho Hide. Nniiili neat or tho llniiilanml Teet. Dullm-H, t'lillinea. IthoiiiiiiillHiii, NrtirHlcln, I.naa or Appetite, llllltsti- T) sciitrry. liiilnpjr Aircetiont. ointlmitton, l)e IiIIUt, Fevrrt of nil Iditifi, I)yspoi. 1 1'riteof.. 1 1 1 4 4 80 20 40 Tickets of of. Of H. of ol of. of of , 510J .tVi.nrc ll.l'O 10,10 6,0m.' l 2.V) Half r) Prln-sof... 9 9 tl V 3rt M IW MSI uf... of of. , nf of of of of.. f 100 1,'"1 HJ 3KI SWI W HI IW) 1WJ 10 mill, Januilleo, and oth.r kluJr-1 c nipltlcn ruing from n low tUtc of 1L0 Uiif, or olitructiuu f (l finctlor.i. Iltln free from Mercnrjr nal rol"n tb-jr c.ia La ttttnntoll tlmricl tnilsrsll cintimiua c. , without r art to diet, La lii nr ilrAi.n. The stlnn 0 tl. wek nol mil dtitrmirvl (trtilnto liralitr kctlun, tinuz llni rtrttigtu tj diilurdrn theEuielrtt and throw oil tin il.triKllcn v.lil(h sre lh flr.l ci-.i'i of dl.4', wltliutlt !ro:!ttclUt cil her uituMeii or irriplui;. All lir.iTjr and droy lenutloas which r Ibo f irrniiiiitra of dlrrfuldliuueouclid Apoplexy. P.iral.vtlc Htrolies, Ac are tStctiully waxdsJ HT h n few of th- mrihfni; I'iHi oil' l.rwtlool iroualr.rb tot U Lk4&, (.,!L..a, frth .0 1 i.p.iii.s. ert aisrii ft ti ITw.rM by tk-Orfw-i' i'l t (V. Pt Lonli. M.. Tickets. $5: Quarter Tickets. ?2 60. Our lotteries are chsrlf red hjr the SIMe, are ! alwajrs dmwo t the time oamed, anil all driw 1 Inti r uniler the suprivluoa of snurncom. 1 mlxinners. !' The orBi"ll Hrttwing will I milill-ti'il In the 51, Loul pspern nil a copy of sent to purchssers of ticket. We will drkw a similar scheme the list dsy of Aierr month Hlirlnv the v.r HT1. Rirnltat our rl-k bjr fiosmflire tnnny winter, 'ea'stereil lelier, draft or exprvsn Jeml for cir AJ'Ire.s, MUKKAV, MII.t.KK A CO., P. U. bin 2446. nt. 1-CUIh, Mo. 4-lMwlT TIIE KENTUCKY LIBRARY GIFT CONCERT. GIFT MOKEY ALL UP. JoOO.000 IN BANK TO I'AY ALL (III'TS. I A Full in Skiht. $100,000 FO It ONLY S10. At the Second Grand Gift Concert author ized by special act of the legislature, ill aid nf the I'.ihllc Library ol Kentucky, iniavniil alily jios'iioueil Irom Setitemlier 2H to eeiimer 1, aim vmcii imh-ium'ij aim iiiiciiut I ocally occurs In Loiils illc, Ky. December 7, 1872. without further delay on any acc.iiiut , whatccr, the followliu; cash (.'Ills are fur dlitrlbutlon by lot anions ticket holderi,: ! ONE GKANI) GIKT. CASH eiOn,0jO I ONE GRAND GIFT . . . .V).mji) 1 Caihlilft JiV1"1 l.a.hCJifu 1 U4ih lull JIKAl 15,iW lo.ism !i,rwi s.iiOii ".I") r. o I -H 5 8 a w B o tn u o tK Jl. .alloriif; MAI NT LOUIS. Wholesale denleis In all kinds ol Id other ' t I i N E It S S T 0 C K i......i. ,111 VUIIII ono ut ti Milium It Idu 111 '(ichaier, 1 1 aiuirn- 1 ,l.l f u t - I ......t ...r , viiiiiiiivrciai aye., U.WIIU, ti.1.1, AMI IIV ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS, LIKE C. W. II BNDKKSON, SAVE TIME AND MONEY I lly lettln your wants be knowu at the CAIRO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Leveo. Cairo, Illinois. ft I, 0 ) 0 0 0 M M X r, o H H 5 m "A W 'A O tn n s M A f. J3 V3 a a 1 1 Cath Gift t CaihGif 1 Cash Gilt 1 Cath tiift 1 Cath Gift I Cash Gift 1 Cath Gift 1 Cath Gift I Cath Gift . U.IIISI l.'O :t,ii TOTAL, l.WWGIKTi i tJathGifll. SO CathUifit. 21 CnthGlfu. 2S Cath Gift. 3A Cathliifu. 45 tah (iiflt. M CathC.lfu. ill t'ath Glfit. KSI CathGlftt. 012 ( Glflt. l.msir.a'h '.moea'.li nneach 7i) car h 1 10 can. eaih time.ich a 2'siiH h ll0cu';li ALL CASH. .f.m000 i E 6 JOHN R. PIILLIS Si SON, (Bucceiiori to John U. Phllln.) GENERAL COAIMISSION 4KU FORWAIIDINO MERCHANTS ' asii j DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OAT I Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, Coh. TKNTII-ST. AMD OHIO LEVh OAIHO, ILLH. 1 II. T. UEROULDj I STEAM AND GAS FITTER 4 o LAWYKIM. GREEN & GILBERT, ATTORNEYS o COUNSKLOfOi ill, treu, 1 ill Gilbert, .(illsert, j AT LAW, UAinO, ILMNOIM, William II. Green. William Miles f. Wttptioia. atUotioa giTen to Admualtr and UamboAt bmlness. orrici ohio lbvbc, rooms T and 8 orr.u OITT WATlnHAT. WK, 0. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS The money necessary to pay m lull all II e offered elf m 19 now upon deposit In Lie Farmers' and Drovers, liank, as will be -ecu by tlui following certificate ol the cashier! FaukkwV ani' Hank, 1 UjuibVtu.K, lCylSept. t!0. 187'J. J ThU U to certify that theio Is now on de posit In this hank over 11 half a million ol dollars to tho crcdl ot the Gift Con crt Fund, $f)00.000 if which Is held by till- b'liiit asTrcnm crof the l'ubllu Library of Ken tucky to pay ou" all (jlfts to be awarded at the UrawIuK. K. S. VEACII, Cashier, ritici: ok tick u rn. Whole tlcteta, f 10; halves, 'i; iiuarter-. $2.W); 11 whole ticket for 8KK); 28 tor 9-&i M for IMX); ICI for $1,000; W5 for W.fiOO; fii.'i lor WOisI, No discount ou less tiiuit $10n worth of tickets at a time. The drawhiK will ponltlvoly and tineiiiiv ocally take placo December 7. AkciiIs uro pereiiiptorllly re(lliied to eoo sales and make returns December 2."i. In order to l'Ivo ample timo lor the lliial arraii),'cuicuts. Or ders lor tickets or applications for circulars should be addressed to GOV. TllOS.i:. lilt AM LETTK, Attcnt, Kentucky l'ubllc Library, I'ubl'.i Lilirary lltilldliu;. Louisville, Ky. HtOMMXTL'? FOR lsT.1.-l.TII VEAIt t n'lfA" C dTn e, All lllintnited Monthlt .lounial, universally udlilltteil to be the llalldsoinest I'erlod. leal In the W01I1I. A Representa tive ami Chaiiiiiion ol' Amer ican Tate. I Not for Si ale in Hook or Stores ART DEPARTMENT. , NotwIthtlJUilltiL' tin; luerease 111 the price j of subscription lat tall, when the Ahllne a slimed It- pre -cut noble proportions and rep- re-cnt.itlve ehur.icter, the edition wai inure thiiu ilotiblc the pa-l year; provlin: that the American public appreciate a sincere ef fort in the cutiso ot Ait. The publishers, anxloil- toJlMlly tlie ready eontiilellee 111111 demonstrated, have cNurteil tlieiuelves to the utmost to develoi nnd Improve the work; and the plans lur the coiiiIiik year, as tinlolili'd bv the monthly f tt-. will a tonlsh and delilit even the mo-t sniuuiue lliends of tlm Aldlne. The Ahline will reproduce examples of the best liirokll lliasteis. selecteil with a view to the hUhest artl-llc succe-s, ami Kreate-t general interest; avoiding such a. have liecouie, thruil'li phutoruplis , or copies ot aliv kind. The quarti'ily tlnti'd plate fur ib7:i, will reproduce four'of .lolin . D ivis' Iiiiinilabli chlld-sketelii , appriprliitii to I hi lour sea sons These plates, uppcurln;; III the Issue lor .lauuary, April, .Inly, tuid (ictobcr, would In- alone vviirtli tliij price of a year's subscription, I'RE.MII'.M l Illlu.MO FOR 7.i. Every subn'iiher to the Aldlne, who 111 advance lor the year lM":i, will lecelve, wllhout additional chai't;e, a pair of beaiitl lul oil eliromos, idler .1. .1. Hill, the eminent i English painter. The pictures, entitled 1 "'l liu Villajjii Relic." and M.iu-sIiik llio .Moor." are llx'Jt) Inclic are pi lnted from J.') illll'cli'lit plates, icqllll lllg 'J.i linpres.inii ami tint to pel led each pli tuie. '1 he lame I clirouios me roll I for i'tt) per pair, in the ait sloi'cs. As It Is t li e determination of it con j ililcliirs to keep the Aldiiie out of the reach ol competition in every dfp.11 Uncut, the cliromo will be liiiind ahead ol iiuy Unit can bu o tiered bv other iicriodleab. Lverv subset Iber will receive 11 certificate, over the lltl4THt.iaMHtfl vtiiecnr miter ore not a vllo rancj unrc, nailu ot 1'i.or Until, Wlilaky, Proof fcplnn an j I'.i fuso l.liii(irs. iloriornl, splccil, ami anceteued In jilcnelhc taste, r.illeil "Tonics," " Atipctlicril," " ltcinrcrs. ,t c that IcaJ the tippler on to drunk cniies and ruin but n ro a true Mcdidue, mads until the unlive roots and herbs uf California, Ires friuii all Alrohollo Htliiiiilanls. Ther are the (treat Iilmsl Purifier and a Mrr-itlvltiff 1'rlncltite, a Perfect Ib ntnatur ami Inv lorotor of the Hjsiem, earning oir all pdlsunniis malti-r ntul rcsionnij the blood I . 1 licaltlijr cotnlltloii, eiirlchlnit It, refrethlnir and liitluoralliu; both imIikI 11111I bo. If. The; ate easy of luliiiliilsirailoii. proinpl In their action, certain In llidr results, sale and reliable In all forms of itse:te. .n I'ersnii nil Ink these Hitlers accord ItiK loillrccllohs, nnd rciualiilniiiiuncll, provltltd their lienn arc tint destroyed by mlncrHl poliou or iiIIk r iiieans, nnd the V Itnl otgaiit vruted bctuud the point ortcpjlr. IM spepslit in- Inillueitlnii, llcadnrhc, Pain hi the Miuiililcrs, Cutuths, iikIiiiicss of the Clutl, i.Iiicss, hour Kriirlallons uf the hloinach, llttj 1uie In Hie Month. Illliuus Attacks, laliiiatloa of the llcait, lnnatntiiatloii uf Hie I.uiiks, 1'aln in tho KUlonof the Kl'ltiejs, ami a humlreil ollur painful M intums, ari'lhcoirsprliiKsuf luspi psla. In lluto c nuplaliits 11 lias 110 cipul, nn.l unc IkiIUc vMJI ptovu a Utter Kuarulitic of lis merits than a kiisrthy advertisement. I'nr I'Viimlr t'iinilnliits, In jouni; r- old, nurilcil or sinsle. ut thuilaniiof MomaiiliooJ, or the turn of lire, these 'Ionic Hitlers ill,ln so ilc r iKd un Innuelicu Hut a luatkid Impruvciucnt Is sixni prreeptlble. I'nr litllntiiiiiatnr)' mill t'hrotilr. Ilheii iiiiiIIsiii nml iluut, I J -W I-1 .1 or Imlii-i'stlnii, lat. II lb mltlint and Ihtcrmllteiil Ketirs. Insmm of the lilooil. t.lvcr. KlUncjs and lllaililcr. tlicfB Hitlers have Ix-en inn-i sun etiil. hurh Diseases rr c 1 -Hi b ltlati-il IIIixk:, which It pentrailr prisliicnl by ilinita'ciuent uf Hie lujjcsilvc On-nn., I he) inr 11 (i, iillr I'lllKMIt e , . n Tniiii , iusscssii alu the peculiar inirll of an I".. as ,i iwnennl um iil ill rehetliiK t.'oiiuestloii or In iiiiiuiailuii uf the l.lvir and iscirJl liteatuatiil In bilious lilsensis. Tor sutu l)lenes, Kruptlont. Titter, Sad ll!i"titn, niul'lK". s-jhiis, I'liiiiiii- I'usiuies, lioii. i..uuiincl(n, H!ng-vurm, Scalddltuil, h3t Ktes. l risHla, Itch, .-"curls, lilscolunilluns ol the hiiu, lluiuuM and psrj.f, of the Mdn, of vihatcvr im:.f 1 r nalurc, 11 10 litinil.y iluir up anf carrud n it of the sj stt tn In a short tune by the use of thcs-i 1 run. Due buttle In such canes nid convince tlw III t Incredulous of llnlr i urallve eriecis. ( lennsr I lie VMIntril lllimil ulu'ticvcr JOU (Iti'l II liiipurlili s buriUng thruiigli I he sklu la ITiipi.'-, bruplliius, or .Wires ; cleanse It when you r J It kllriii'iisl and tlniiu'i-li In the veliit; cleanse It iTlicn It It foul ; your fis link's vtii) un ymiKhiu. Keep the Lloo.1 pure, and the health of the sisttiu u 111 Colin w. Uralefnl 'I'liollsnnil. prorlalm Vlvroslt II IT ti:i iho inol wimacriul InvlKoranl that ever stis laiuul tin.- tiukln st.tcin. I'ln, Tupr, mid other Worm., Inrklnj In lb- ij.tcni ot sn many ihuutamls, uteirtixiually d s:t")"l Mini r moved. Kiyt a uistincuislirj p ,jkn,i..jit . Tticre It srarcili no Indiiiiluuioii t ,c (.i i- of me eat'ii iihose it eemit Irom tho pf since of tvurms. It It not upon the hcanir 1 .1 'ninu of the Issly thai vturms exist, hut ujiou t iIim js'J humor and slim) dc posit that Lrced ihe living iiioiidcrs of dlsra-c. So ay stem ol in J. Lie. no virnutuui.s n, atitlK'luilniiict, free the syMetn from vrunns like these Hitter. Mi I'lutiili n I llUtuses. !'irout utfajed In P ,'i's aud su. 'i as plumbers. Type n ' r, Oiilibbcaiers. and lllnirs. as they advance l.i i.'e nre siihjeft to paralysis of the lionets. To ruard asrnlnl this, take n doc of W'ALitu'a Viv. bin: tvrtrc u "ttk. Illliuus, Itciultli'lil. unil liiterinllleiit ho prevalent 111 the alley, ol titers throughout the I mud hut, cspcibllt those of the MlsMHppI, Ohio, lIitourt, liiiuon. Tennessee, CuintKrtau.l, Arkatisav Ikd, C.orjilo, llraiu- P.lij t.'rande. Pearl, Alabama, Mr, Lute, Kuahirjli, Itaiuoke. Juincs. and maay 0 hers, nun thc.r van irihtilartct, throushout uur triliio country during the bununir and Autumn, end remarkably so il.irtnz sexsons of unnuil heat aud dryness, arc Inrjti ibly accumpanlcd by citer, slvodcraazcuienuof the tUiinacti and l.vcr, ai..'. othir uo-ioiiiiuai viterx In tlidr trcatuicut, a purs.ithe, exerllnija p-jwerful InSoenceupon thco vauous or.'sns, I csntuily necessary. There U uitatlurdv fur the purpoc eiial to Int. J, Wslk 1.1.1 Vii-toiit llirrcus. as they nlli apeedllr tf t.eivo the dark 'olorod vlid matter pli irtuea tie. bovsels are I .u nt -.lie same time stlniulatiQJj tliesccrciluntof the liver, and generally restoring tlio I.CJ.UI1T f'.inrtlnns of the ill;ctilvc organs. iciofiila, nr KIiik. Ilrll, VVhltC ancllisvs, 1 in. I.rvipe..iv htvi.leil Neck, Goitre, fccrofuloat lulaiiiiiu ions, Imlj'.ciit lutlainnijtl'.nt. tltrcurlal Aifstuus, U.d bore. i:ruitlotn of the faklu. bore Kyct. etc, etc In tucsc as In all other conitliu tioual PtseutiM. WALkCii'.i Vinkuui IIittcks lute thor.ii tl.elr rnat curative povtirs la the nest b.istiii.ii ' tmd m'racta j.o cases. III. VVnlUer's l iilirui liln Vinegar Illl tn. .ict on u!l these rase 111 a siml'ar manner, lly pnriMiis the Ii:isl Me y rcinovo the cause ami i t 1 s'i'iiiii: away Hit-ctrects of the lunaiuinatlon (the tnl.i reiilard.poslt-l Iho aitected paits receive in 1-1,1. un 1 a permanent cure It cilrctcil, Tllr llillrl tlrs of I IK. VV'sLKKK't: VlVTOsK Ilirri.iu. are AiKricnt, liuplioretlc, Carminative, Netn ious. I.txatlve. Diuretic, (sedative Counter Irritant, MiilortuY, Allrnitive. and Antldllllout. The Airiliiit and mild Laxative properties nf Int. w M.kRti'.s i 1:1, sit liirmis ate the tK.t safi-Kuard In ca-fs nf ituptiont and malurnaut feviT. 'Ilulr bils.unlc, lieullns, and soothiu;: pro ptriles protect the humors of the fauces. Their bcilaiive properties allay Uln In the nervous sji tciu, ttnma'h. and IkihcIs, Irum Innamniatiun, vtlnd, lollc. cramps, etc. 'Ilnlr fiiiiiilri-li 1 iliuit liillnelire CX tends iliroiiilioui the systim. Tln ir Aim-Illlloui properties stimulate tho liver. In-tlic secretion cf Llle, and lis ducharzcs through the biliary ducts, and are supciior to all remedial a;enls, for the care of Illliuus I'evcr, l ever nnd Asue, rlc Korllfy tlie body agnllist illsense by ptirltilni! all Us fluids lth t.suaii inrritKi. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. llli ret Ions -Take ol the Hitlers on cuing to bed at ulcht from n half to one and one-half dc plxvsful. Kat nuo.1 tmartshlui; fooil. such aa beef, steak, mutton chop, v 1111-011, roast beef, and vege tables, aud take out-door exercise. They ar ooutiosed ol purely e;;etablo InicoMcaU, and contain 110 spirit. it. 11. McDonald & co I)ni;i;lsts and Urn. Am., ban 1'rancltco, Cal., 4 cor. ol VV'iishlnituu and Charlton. St., N.V. bUU) 11 V A Lb imtiGUlbTa 11 JJK)!kLEaS. r)P Ur. Henrj's) sVorlU' Tolc and lllood PnrlOcr, It Is the great houiebold remedy, pleasartto itk.', yetpotsntforthe prevantlon and cure of 'benses. It Is better than flitters, Cordial, Kiti'hu or Sarsaparllla Hold by Druggists Sftr-"-- Dr. nenry'M noot unit Plant PIllis. Mild yet thorooKh no nausn orsrlplneen In ly vegetable-Rreat liver remedy. Price :j :nt Fold by Drugglitl. Mm. Wliltcoinb'a Nyrnp. Tlie frrcat foothlnj? remeily. l'rlco only 23 ;ents. Glre re.t to tho mother aud health to ho child Hold by DniKitltU . ! signature of the publisher, k'Harautei'ln I that tho cliroiniis ilcliv civil shall be eipitil In IJgMIUIlANr TlUllBrst IMMIGUANT TICKETS FOll 8ALK, I Kor Mj I 011 SALK, 90V. SALK. j KorHalul FOU HALK Fro from Livkiii'ooi, Faro from Lomicnukkht Karo frpm UbAfuow, Kuro from (Jukknstown TO OAIIW, t : ; i : : t : 18 v?o rliilord, Murria'i , irrat the sample I'ltriiUlicil the iiKellt, or the money vvill bo rclundeil. 1 Tlie distribution of pictures of this (rrndo, lieu to the subscribers to a llvo dollar peri odical, will maik tin epoch In tuu'hlstory or Al l ; and, conlileiiii tho uiipreceilenled cheuplies of the price for I'lie AMIlie Itsoll, the ilUU'Vel lull- little short of a .iihiaclc. even tn those bcrl iiciUiiluted with the iielileveiiienls of Inventive genius nnd im piovo.i mechanical uppllaiices. il'or lllu1" tratlon oftluikii cliioinos, seu Novi'inber is stiu of the Aldlne.) TIIK LITKItAUY DKI'AUT.MKNT , will contlnuo under the caru of .Mr. Itleluird 1 llelirv Mtoililai'tl, tilsteil ny lite nesi i in 1-f,- mattt ami iioetsol'thiiihiy, who will strive lo have MTnM KnTTi; Iho liteintiiri! of the Aldiiin nUvays In keep- WVJYiJa.Wl&W In,',' with its artlstle attractions. Marriuei fltilde. Interestlnu Work, Knlnrged Edition, New Snjravlnt'S, Two-hundred and sixty I'ajea, Pi Ice 60 cents. Address Dit. BtrrTs' Disr:. hut, 12 North Eighth Street, fit. tools, Ma 1 e AUTertliemeut, AGKNT6 WAiNTKJJ Tiik Master Si'ihitsofthe Wobld, AMI The TitKAsuiti: JIouhe of America. TIIK flltllAT HOOK OF HIK YKAIt. Agents rejiort sales ot 25 to 100 copies lu :i few hours onlays. IMtosi'KCTOS Kiifk Address J. W. (lOUI)SI'KKI). New York, Chicago Cincinnati, Si. Louis N.Drlenn. ll.;ivvll)vv EVER YBO DY . WANTB TO KNOW irnicn is tiiu jiksit niAcmNEt THE "LIGHT RUNNING" ll - JNMAN LINK Liverpool New-ToiiT and 1'hUaJeU'hla Steamship Company. CHDIl 0OXTK1CT WITH VNITKO STATU AKC ttlTISN oovaaNHrsTS THILMS. , In advance, with Oil Chro. fa per niiiini 1110 iree. , . . , , , Tim Ahllne will, lieretiller, be pbtiilnablo only bv-'inbhi'llpl Ion. There will he no re duced or club rate 5 ciijli top siib-crlptlons must be sent to tliupublsicisiliiict,')i liiii ded to Ihu local nf,'clit without responsibility to the publisher, except In cases where the certltlcatu Is (,'iveti, hearltuf thu Iue-liiillu Kla'iiatiiru ut .lames itttoil ,v; Co, I AtiKNT.S WANTKD. Any person vv llilit' to net penmiueiilly 11 II local iiKi'lit, Willi ecelv 0 lull nml prompt 111 loiiiiation by 11 1 1 il v 1 1 iir to J VML'S I TTON .t CO.. I'ubllshi i. i " M .Mulileii Lane, Now lurk. b'Oll SALE. ON KABV TKHMSI . I A valuable farm within seven -miles o! ' , Motropnlls, on the Jonesboro lioail, consist Ins of'JiiO acres with no iicies cleareil ami other Improvements, now owned nnd form . . 1 .VAHMaHH-V" fnnniiii" O "Asiwera tbl. qcottlon, ana presents n tt cord of iaccei anparallclcd la the history of the laTeatian. Ak-eDtaviaoted eterynhere. " DOMESTIC" 8. r. Co., New York A SOOKFOB THE MILLIUNI A lS.I.-,.tn.,......i .ii i..m - ....,, 1, .i.'.ir. ... s.,i4iirrit.-IS or thoso about to Mairy.ou UK l'h)tldosluil nijs- ui. ,9,vi.,iiuu.iii uia.uauiti jy.ieill, villi llio latest Uiicoroilra In jirodnciiii; and priiveutlug HIT. . '.' ,'-v"-lt",J miiHiicilUU, gtf. It I