Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1872. CAIRO BULLETIN- JOHN II. OBKRLY, Editor and Publisher TERMS OF THE DAILY BULLETIN : ' Obo week, by carrier & , One year by carrier, In advance 10 00 V. One year by carrier if not ptld Ui advance n month, by mall ' r? rnree months ? J Uit year lu w ttnt nniXAK WEEKLY BULLETIN John H. Oberly bai reduced the lubscrip- tion price of the Wbbkly Cairo hulmtih to One Dollar per annum, making It the heapertpaperpubllhedln Southern Illinois. Our Home Advortisors. shmimion and nmung. HALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS FORWARDING and COMMISSION Thi Marlon "Friend" informs Mr Hatcbttt, luperintendent of tho 0. & S railroad, that threati to take up the track between that town and CartenvMo aro idle. Tho -Friend' forcibly remark! : "The people of "Williamion county were not railed in the woodi to lo scared by 1 an old butzard." Tut Joncsboro 'Gazette' doe not pro- Dole to oppose Grant right or wrong, but approto hit wlie actions and denounce hii foollih onei. This ! our platform; and hereabout tbo late Democratic loader! . denounce the position as treason to "tbo old party of Jefferson and of Jackson." The 'Gazette' advances slowly but surely. Thb Canadians are talking about an nexing the United States to the Dominion, facetious boys they arc I If they should do so, they would bo as anxious to lot us go again as the hunter was to let tho panther go, after ho had got hold of tbo ferocious animal'f hind legs. " o are not quiet bedfellows. Wo dream and kick in our sleep, and waking we are nltro-gly-cerlne. THE GREELEY ELECTORAL VOTE At the lato presidential eloction several States elected tho Liberal presidential electors; and, if Mr. Greeley bad lived until to-morrow, their votes would have been cast for the now deceased statesman. But be is dead, and tho question now is: I1KI! II A N TS. DEALERS IN FLOUR ; And Agf-nti of UIO KIVXR AND XANAWUA Homo Advertisements. MIBCEIXAlfEOCH. WAQcIi MANUFACTORY. For Sale at Wholesale or Retail. CORNIR 32D-BTRKT AND OHIO LKVBft Cairo, Illinois. noTlltt P.UAHBLK LIME I CEMENT I JAMES ROSS, Diuta I CAVE GIRARDEAU AND XLLIftO LIME! Coinmeroial-av., Foot of Eloventh-st Bost quality of Lime and foment al ways on band, and for sale at tho very lewost figure for cask. DANIEL LAM PERT, FASHIONABLE BARBER FOB, LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN, Eighth St., Bt. Com. & AVabu., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Ha Just opened a new and stylish estali iiy r i all, to favor him with their patronage bailment, fully up to the time, and Invitae Our Home Advertisers. UTCBBM. IIYLAND & SAUER, Railroad Advertisements. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R R IN HUM Ike NhortMt Hoatc BUTCHERS 'TO OHIOAOO riktHllMi tUm IhorlMl Mual AND DEALERS IN CHOICE FRESH MEATS TO ST-LiO U J-fc OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Corner 10th street and Commercial aveuu ) next uoor to tuo nyiauu isiuhu. IMC tf. CAIRO, ILLS. NO OUANOE OF OARS FROM CAIRO TO ST. LOUIS OR CHICAGO ONLY ONE CHANGE OF CARS OM CAIRO '10 Cincloutl, i.. lln.oll, Tilled. Detroit, Clurelnnd. " Bullalo, l'illnt,uiK, WiMilimtmi, Baltlmnre, Philadelphia, New York Holloa and ell polota eat. Mllwaukle, Jeni-stllle, Madison. LaCrone, St. Paul and all polute oottl. Una U alio the only direct route to IW.Inr. llluotnlnKton, Npnnuelil, I Peoria, CJiilncr, henkuk, Ilurlinton, Rock Mind, U Halle, u.m. litvnn. hfHOhort. (Ulena, Dubuque, Mum City, BARCLAY BROTHERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, .A.T 7 OHIO LBVBE. Heiuil and Prescription, JAKE WALTER, BTJTOHBB AMD ClltH IM FRESH MEAT, 70 Ohio Lever, IIIMIIllV.II, ll'J ,, 1 II 1 old customers nud new, ladten, children 1, to ravor mm wuu ineir pairuiiagc. tSTAll work done in the Latest Style and Commercial Avbnubh, AdJolnlBB Bl'lcuhouit tad Usunr't Keep the bent or Beet, Pork, Mutton Veal. Lamb, Sauaane, etc., nd are prepared lo eara ciliieae In the moil aoctptablo manner. JAMES KYNASTON, Butcher ami) Dialer in all Kinds oi Frksu Mi ats. cohnrr nlmitkntu and i'ol'lak sts., CAIRO, ILI.LNOI3. I,...,.. ....I luilntitari. ntllv tllA lllt eattlft i. .t,ati ami I. tirpfiarpil tn till demand for IYe9h meat from one iiouud to ICQ luousauu jiuiiuub. Cairo. Illinoih. C. CLOSE, FRED ROSE MSK.CHAlT'r T.A.T.IiO.R No. 101 Commercial Avhmui, Illolli rrencu aim ?cuiii wvimkim MERAKT DYEING EEIEIR LIME ,uallllHl),oclirrleaon Ckment, Plabter Pakis, io-1-tiiud 1ND I 1 PLASTERER'S HAIR, IDLEWILD MILLS WUOLKMAlK CHOI-KIM. 11. M. I1ULEM, GROCER and CONFECTION Aud Dealer in Foreign Fruit &Nuts, No. 134 CoHimereial-avc, Caiho, Ills. NO. 71 OHIO LKVEK, uin v.i . , . LIU v 1 I ...... I . - .. ..n .t. T.n..i nrP,ldflntlal BSTFor the purpose of uuua ng up -rur nuum . i i vvholeKale traue in uairo, i wui eu i ui-1 'elector, vote T" Scheming polUkUn. enjadcontt. STEAM DRIED CORN ...,-., I.. T.u.ri YLVr re iru7 c.uji..u6 "V,;,"-. ,.i ' Alwaye on hand, and at the lowest warke J. M. PHILLIPS & CO.. Pne- Alio agooa oi ' (BucceMori to E. H. Ueudrica A Co.) four year, hence. p and OommiBBiOD MnEfi, looking loo lar imo io-4-ou lectors role for their favorite in order to manufacture capital and secure for him the nomination of the Democratic party for the presidency four years honco These gentlemen are the future. Tbey ihould give attention to the demands of the present, and let the future take care of lUelf. If the Creole v and Brown electors had carried the majority in the elections in all the states, and Mr. Greeley had died before tho elec toral college met, we believe the electors would have been under a moral obligation i .1. r. n. .ml In have cut their votes for some other person WOOD RITTENHOUSE & BRO for vice-president. Our reasons for this opinion are so obvious tbey need not be stated. But, the majority of the elec toral college will cast their votes tor President Grant, and the minority electors can, by casting their votes for another per lon than Grant, accomplished nothing be yond paying a compliment to some poli OOW FEED Very cheap. Leave orders at HALLIDAY or apply at let uiui. MERCHANTS, AMP WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS. Liberal Adrmcementi made upoa Cominntncntt. Are prepared to receive, atore and forward freight to all points iud buy and cell on commiMion, (VBuiinea attended to promptly; FLOUR AMD General Commission Merchants 183 OHIO LEVEE, Elccnnt Drnwintf Room Sleeping CV On all Night Trnlns. Uiifjiige Checked in all Important polutn. Kor tlcketi and Information, apply to I. C, K.H depot-it alio; on board the truuml uteamor I. twepu Columbui and t'airo.and at tiii pr nclp. railrna I ticket nttlc tlirniiithout the voulli. W. I. JOHN-ON. am'l l am. Ak'Ii Chlcao A. MucurLL, Oen'l. riup't. CIiIcko. J. JOHNSON, Ag't, Cuiro. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTKKN It. It. On and after Mondny, April 24th, 1S7VJ trKlns will run us louowa: NORTUERN DIVlRIoN. Tkllt UOIN'I HOCTHtliT. Mall. hipre Lento Vtrjlula I W t. " ' LJ"!1.1 .Sprlnnlleld . " au'! ,. ,' T5lorTlll 10 4 " &,$ I. Arrive at Cana.. U.tii " ' latum ojiku K0htHwtr. Expruii. Mm; Leave Pan .'"' a. Ill ti ft. ' " Tnllurvllle t.4'i " " Atrueatripm vried...e.n " Leave .priDKHeld .S ' '' Arrive at Vlmiuia .5 " ' J 8 0 U T a K It H DIVISION. 1klv UUINii HitlHllrl, Uaid K.lKv.uod 5.3'm. In 111U J,'' Klora S.i " -' , Arrive at Hbawneet'ii .3 " 1 ' r r us Baaai 1 LS,lB'cOMPANY VARNISHtSKawilFtFiD CHEMICALS. SI IP' JOHN SHEEHAN, RETAIL GROCER And Dealer in VEQETABLMtUTS EGOS, LARD All Goods warranted fresh, and aold "t at the 1 FIRE AND MARINE COM HANI EH. NIAOARA, N. Y., H IH COSMETICS BM rAmURSS C x Hi .to,let. BS'fll S 11 'JOtf. llMK III.MMX) PATRONIZE Coiner U'uslihufton Avo. ami KlKhtti Mreut. CIIKST IMIOTKCTOIIH, Of cliumoN hikI ralililt kln, lor Wfk Iiiiijh. At IIAROLAY UK OS. CHLORATE j LO 2 E1TQ-E S i l Oll SOUK THROAT, i Pri.'lmred and told Rv IIAROLAY ilRO.S. i Inweit nrlees. Corner 9th St. andCommerdalAve. 7-23 tf. Aneti ....l,43e,16 OBHUANIA, K. Y., 1,06S,7I1 76 HENRY II. MEYEIt, EXOELSIOB DECORATIVE. SIGN aud ORNA3LENTAL CHEAP GROCERIES Aeu.. THOHl 3Sra"W SYSTEM. A..eti... UAKOVIB, . y., hIPUULIC, N. Y., ...7H,1 ( HOME TRADE ! J. C. 11 U ELS, Lute of St. I.oiiU. BOOK BINDER AM) BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, BULLETIN BINDERY, Corner Twelfth street and Commercial At, IIOIt.SK AND rvm v l iiifi xv V.I I I 1,1. .11 UlMlili! I, -Mill DlilNliM'lalil. Inr Slalil At BARCLAY UKO.S "SEE - FINE CM OA US, ' iiomiv YOt SC. AMI. Kit. And "I'lilter-al MjihI.ii l At IlAltCLAY HROS LIIMIIIH. II l llll A l' : ll'ArilWA I. GRAINING AND MARBLING 9J." " ot every Description. rrmBrl.inir the Underwriler, Afcencr OROCKKIM BITAILBD AT woui.o-ia YOJIKSRS K. Y.. rxiusroBCAsn. ,u ' ' Asseta m AT H. O. TlilJlA.lSUlk.lS.-n Diuna ALBANY CITY, WAiHIMOTOK AVBitUK, BTWKf TINTH il.el. AMD KLBVKMTU aTKBETB. imllM' TUND, 8. .nk. n..K. fne . - -S5 0 I i.ta - IV.M W mi lui. lis & swia mwkw. " " - i . rf 1 uu 00 TO W W TH1.H T(1'.: HIIILDKltS' HUl'FLY DEPOT 13J TKNTU BTBBBT, FOR muiM. Haan. aaiiaiuH. Huniuip... . ... 1 nillllir llflTll.TIIBIIfllL llllLltTC tllfl. '.i.r.v. a. aa I I I H H. AMI. 1 .! I" if. . ." I I l...,l....l..,t. 11M-It Hill I " """ ' jlHli.uu.c imn.i- . ,,-.. t'luorlBK. lttl. ... li.. Intl'.ik, lillkkllllH nill'4. 1 County work, iucIi a ltecorn, iiocfct-tf, Hl.AN'lf ltoolv.Sorevervile'crlntlondone with niMtnen ami dlMinteh. All kinl of . , w i n . i " "i " , . . . , - , v.... it..iLw Hunt... ti... tnili ft ineelalltv 1 ijlloxe-, i'ocket Uooks, Kntelope-j etc., j inaue to orucr. ........ Jl A a,.., V V Std. . 1 00 BBCVMTT, . 4 " Prime Rio Coffee for - - HII.I.IAI1IIN DECORATING AND GILDING .11 rhnica 8 " Old Government Java 1 OC 1 00 1 OC tiled. l.UJ.Hi Dtorei. Dwelllngf, Furniture, Hulls and Car , IniuVS I at rlli. fiTcrafcle ai lound, per- billi.a.:r,:ds. KOet IDl IMUrill will -""i... . I reaDeotfully a of the cliueni oi ihareof tbeir paironare. Tnaa and other sUole and fancy Groce- maoent seuuritT will ""'aau . - II r..totIullT aaa ui ries equally a cneap. In every style, plain and ornamental. Goods new and full weight given, can rartlcuiar attention paiu ui uiaai uimiu ajia try. Orders solicited for Scenerv. Frescoe anc uanner i-aiming FANCY GLASS SHOW CARDS Gilt, plain and ornamental. All work lit- n. Shnn in Perrr DT OOODfi. .-.-. T-nn . 11 1 II T71.M) miJ.i.r.n ri, TrusteS to my "ciSrtll be promptly at- r-j.-t, r . 4 nninrTfitiTAiii tenaed to. Shop in l'erry House, corner i ticlan whose claims to the Liberal vote GENERAL COMMISSION Commercial avenue and Eighth street. . . for the presidency are not ot sucn a cer tain kind as to be taken for granted, un let, indeed, their votes ihould be cast for Mr. Brown for the presidency. lie has, we believe, some clalmi to the compliment of inch a vote, but no other Liberal has, If the elector determine to put aside I AoENTS bob FAIRB ANK'H SCALES Mr. Brown'i claims, they should, in cas- OUo Leyee CAni0. ILLINOIS. ting their votes, seek to accomplish tome good result ; and they may do to, in our opinion, by casting them for the re-election FORWARDING MERCHANTS, a an DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc., R. A. CUNNINGHAM, ner-tUf. NEW LIVERY STABLE TENTH 8TREET, BBTWBBK WASH'K AVBHUB AND WALMU1 Dr. B. K. Field! Informs tot public that he iiai upcuvu LIVERY STABLE, on the nortbweet tide of Tenth itrett ai name . .. .. mivpiin entllliccinv tlPDPtliVT '?..' 1 of President Grant, lie win w president, ue.1u.hai, waiJiieaiun .uimviian i j-'g-bU, .m u tmitM wltn nen. u th. no matter how the Liberal electoral vote shall be cist to-morrow. Why not, then, make him the President of Alt the People, and in this way release him from the partisan chains which now bind him? Why not thus make him independent of the caucus? Any other course would ac complish no good result; such a course v' MATnD9 might give the president nerve to resist the Influence of the professional politicians of the dominant party and rise to the dignity of ike People's President. AND DBALKK IN HAYi OATS, COEK AND MILL FEED. BEST HORSES AND GOOD VEHICLES. CAIRO, BOOK). X. C .UIIL MATHUSS & UHL, rFOKW-fVriaiDiisrG- AND U EH EH A I. C 0 M M I B 8 I ON M E 11 C HANTS V.A MttkH rvtti w K kffnmmnt4n1i(1 ait kit ILLINOIS bours of the day aid niJsut vrjih safe tmi Dr. ntlds ks ihii of public wtroniHt and wlU endeavor to ment tt by fair deaunjf and strict attention lo buciocw. 6 a m Si O M O o M H o o f i-h m s t a K X M o o A is a to to S i t mi Q 6 'A A M M 5 O O f-l 4 H H 73 B? M a a M 3 to B a m 5 5 8 S - e a E fa t t (3 C4 DEALEIta 1(4 I AY AND WESTERN PRODUCE .MIIIIIO l.ETKK. HTRATTON & BIRD, (Huccenora loHtratlon, Hudson A Clark,) WHOLESALE GROCERS 1MB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PARKER A RLAKK, uiiLiaaii WALL PAPER. PAINTS, Fallr, tUBBlne, UauMtllae, WINDOW QLAH8. WINDOW HHADES, And the eelehrated illumination AURORA OIL. BROBS'LOILDINl? CCF ilTH t)T. A 0011 KKHOIAL AY,, CAIBO. .... lLIMOW. tf uliJ'&"nLB"ERT, ATTORNEYS AMD 72. FALL AND WINTER '73. C. HAN NY. LARGE STOCK. BROWN SHEETINGS, FEINTS, CHECKS, aB STRIPES, XBXTTJCXT JBAX1, rXTBA, OASSIMERB, BLACK ALPACAS am LUSTEItS, G EOS' RAIN SILKS, I POPLIN!. LARGE STOCK OF UARI-STING OIL CLOTHS, UATTIMa, WlHdow Mlktlal, OILT BAUDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAUAIKI. TEUTONIA LIFE INSURANCE OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ASSETS $600,000. JOHN A. HUCK, - - President, U. KN0BEL3D0RFK, - - - Secretary, OM. Cham. Rbitz, Hbkbt Wibkr, A. C. Kisiko, A. Miscn, 'Jhas. Wbbthb, Chab. Vbboua, Fbakcib Lapkxbb, Chas. Dabolibo, C. HlBBCH, WM. ReIKUABL'T, JOHN FlLDBAMP. The bent organised and eecureit comjijnT in the northweat. The only company wliKn Kur aoUai a caah aurrendcr Talue. CARL L. THOMAS, Gbk. Ao't, xmit rorlroBd Tlelnlty BILLLIA11D HALL HARRY WALKER & CO.. l'rop'rs. This house Is newly httod up with two excellent H. Morni, Notary Huklio. II. H. ( .Ne.Pub, and U. H. !iui BILLIARD TABLES COUNSELORS AT LAW, p't, 0AII1O, ILMN01B. iViiiism it. ;. William II Gilbert Miiei r.uiikert cry T th. . M,le "U1U UVtJO. -,UirO. lmilOia. mraP. .ttenHoBliTto to Admiralty tad wiuwmt uutiiusjB. OIBIOB OUI0LBVEB.B0OMB 7 AMD 6 0YXB PITT BATlOKAL HAWK. STJ CHARLES HOTEL. F. Bi BBXrOBD, .... Prcsirlclor Cob. Ohio Lbvbb Sboobd St. CAIBO, ILLINOIS. Mriffaf couvtytd to aad from oTlTe. Aeo-tf JOHN R. PULLIS & SON, (Bucceiiore to John It. Chlllii,') I GENERAL COMMISSION BOAT NTBBBN. KU FORWARDING MERCHANTS AM 11 DEALERS IN HAY, CORN, OAT Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, Cob. TENTH-ST. awd OHIO LEYE CAIBO, ULi. SAM WIL80N, n a in a in BOAT ar. QH0C11IIS, PKOYISIONS XTC. Mu. 119 On; Lbvbb Cauo, III. His Katlrti Block AT VERY LOW FIGURES.' OOBMBB 8TH ST. AKO COMMIBCIAL-AV., ajalr. IlUuoU. teptltf NEW YORK STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LABQEIT VAKIITT STOCK IN TUB CITY GOODS SOLD VERY CLOSE. Corner mt nineteenth atrettnnd Csu CAIBO, ILLINOIS. C.O.PATIEU. 1?UODI WOOD I I WOOD I I Tbt underslxned will furnish HARD AND DRY WOtJD tiotClseBr bad any wood dealer In Cairo. Leave order on me coal Ten IliTSTTiRIB. FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK ' ACCIDENT, LIFE, .ETNA, HAKTKOIIU, Aiset. f&.M.M 1-7 NOKTII AMEU1CA, PA lt,,it W,TbS.OIJO CO I1AKTF0RD, CONN., Aiteta I2.6H.1IIO 72 I'UUN1X, UARTFOHD, A...U 1,7S1,H( 86 INTERNATIONAL, N. Y., Aeteti l,351,e117 PUTNAM, HABTKORU, Allttl 70.37 CLEVELAND, CLEVELANU, Asittt iU,m ts UUBE.OOLUMUUS, Atiet ." AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Aueta I600.1KO I CONNECTICUT MUTUAL. LIKE. Aaittt 130,000.000 (XI TRAVELERS', HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Amett 11,600.000 00 KAIL WAT FABUEN0ER3 A.HUHAN0E CO., UARTFORD, yiltti - K.X W IMDKIXNDBMT, BOSTON, Astttt vu Anil two fine I.lBt, Ulaswt TraiaoBU, llllud rtutratlatK. !!; i rail, uvohbc a.TnB, , Paprr. tsarpol felt, Walt, Uatttal Oil. American Wis UIhm, Ku it I lab nudrrrncn Plnlr Ulsw. Fully, Ui muier'u f- ( Hewer pipe Paiteut t'Ulniney 1 Hi.iiitvi a n . i. ui..i r a. a e f'r n A riiBlT,l(.i Ftll AQiX ouavritcinoDi i - LAIKU 1JUA J l a-rtJ i t 1-4 POPLAR, ASU, CYPR I I A IV 1J 11 .V 1J ,! J A E I . TT l r Hi J Having tne sole rUht In thin city to i 7- Din ,h1 l'ntcut in 111 exuiii, no." i; . .. 1 ... r..ll. ... nil .1,1 4 . I -.1 ..... Hnllnu I THOROUGHLY SEASO.NK1J i.u .IllCUllUU AND CYPRESS FLOOR J I.UIllllUI UtllltlWM 1" J - - Unlprj rcri-lvi'il at the OUlcu ot 1 SAFFORl), MORRIS CAN at that of the company, comer JENNY LIND TABLES PLAYERS. The taloon in flocked with tho Rest Ilranttaol WINES, street and Ohio levee icr J n,i r. S. WALTERS, j. HARD and SOFT LTJmJ o erery dfHcrlptiun, S LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR DOORS, SASH, ULIND ORDERS BOLIOITED.I T f Steamboat ijumjji 1, 9 SAFFORD, MORRIS & OANDEE, 71 Ohio LlTNi Ciiy National Bank, CAIRO, ILL. any wood dealer in uatro. i.eave oraer 0af. A(.enll) w wted .he tlaUsat the I'ostofflce aud at Ross 5 '10 $U ill 61 worklog peo Ivanl. on Commercial avenue, between ,-r .itiTir.aiT voiiaeor old. make moie inooev Tmm and twallUi atreeU. Cairo. Illinois. 1 1 It work for ui Id their apart mointntt or all, tbe give good measure and wiD. cord wood time, ibao at auytbiDi tUt. l'iou art rrtt iiai...i I Aii.irtatiai ca MtiDkhouA Co.. rortlftfiu. MftlDt. UW5'U' OKMMIi BALIT. MpiWly KumlnlieJ un pUurteBt nolloe Coiumeroial-av, bet. 10th and 1; CAIRO ILLINOIS Mi LIQUORS, and 0I0ARS MIXED IDK,I3rSK: are coinjiouiidcd In tho most ttjinrovod stylo JQrCoiueaiidaceloryouraeir. They keep on liunii a tiue uWck of COLD WEISS BEER, SCHWEITZER CHEESE AND UOL LAND HERRING. REFRESHMENT TARLES are unread morning mid evening nt 10 o'clock, at which all aro Invited to particl pate Irt'O oi charge. OYSTERS! OYSTERS I At wliolt'Halo and retail, Hewed, fried, broiled and baked, raw and on tho halWiell, bv tbu can, keir, box or barrel, at Harry Witlker'H Ht. Nicholas restaurant on torn mcrcial avenue. Oynlurs In every My.o at all hours day or nl),'lit. Harry Walker pre sides over the culinary department. Ah a caterer he has no equal, and Hurry'H cus tomers can always ) assured ot u warn, i B-rijouy. w. - j . ueai at uuy iiuui- ui mo ."b"'! i"" i will meet tho retjuIremeuU aud please the WNT1B' block, 00MWIM1) ' taste of the most tastidlous. L - '1 SAVE TIME AND MONjj lly letting your wants he knowu O J X O i TXTF.TiTiTaTJNOfJ OFi , . . Uaactnuiit No. 70!Ohlo Lev ' 1 If you want employment, go to t tltnOillce; If you want to buy o .Ptinin irn ti tlm()llhfi! Vlltri' VOl .- ...til SI ...III l.iatr ii" hlro, or who will work. Call lull n vmir wuiita i tn I onlera Now. lor' !T Money." t 1 UAH ri'l-TKKN. J U.T. UEROULD i STEAM AND GAS F DIALia I J tlAN riXTDKEN, Oaa Fitter' arid I'lumber'a mati puini , glolm aud bdkIu Talv.i, couka,oliiHjk ralTes,ttc, auo auaar roa j rulto llrotbtrai Patent Dry I And Mortiiouie, Wellt Co' Auto'