THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1872. CAIRO BULLETIN. lnV II. OIIERLT, Editor and Publisher TERMS OK THE DAILY IIULI.ETIJi: One week, by carrier 9 One y ear by crrlcr, In advance 10 00 On year by carrier If not ptld In adrance.. 12 00 'Jne month, by mall 100 Three month 3 00 die month. 0 25 One year..... . io 00 TIIK DOLLAR WEEKLY 1IULLETLN John II. Oberly ha reduced the subacrip tlon price of the Wbickly CAino IIum.ktin to Ono Dollar per annum, making It the cheapest paperpubllahod In Southern Illinois. STOP AND READ! GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYBODY A place where you can buy as much for OITB DOLLAB as you can elsewhere for ONE DOLLAR AND A QUARTER The undorslgncd would re.pectfully In form the public that they have fitted their new store bouie on Eighth street with tho flnoit and bolt assorted stock of general merchandise over before broucht to this market, and in order to securo a large portion of the patronage of the pabjlc, WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL OUR GOODS AT LOWER FIGURES THAN ANY OTHER ESTAB- LISHMENT IN THE VICINITY. Our stock is entirely new, and bought exprenly for the coming fall und winter trade of this locality, and consists of Ladies, Gents and Children's EBY GOOES, BOOTS &c SHOES, CLOTHING-, HATS & CAPS. And all other articles to bo found iu a Our Homo Advertisers. HALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS Homo Advertisements. MlftCCIXANKOVft. WAQcI MANUFACTORY. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R R IN Mllea Ik Miorttat Itonle FORWARDING and COMMISSION SIKH VII A NTH. DEALERS IN FLOUR ; And Aent of JllIO HtVKR ANI KANAWtlA SALT COIyrS3-A.iTIES. 70 Ohio Levkk, Caiuo. Iixinoh. WMUa.MMalK SJUOiJKSl. "H7riiuLK, GROCER and CONFECTION rpo QHIOAO-O And Dealer in Foreign FruiU &Nuta, For Sale nt Wholesale or Retail. corner H2u-street and OHIO I.KVIta Cairo, Illinois. nnvlltf CUAKIII.n LIME 1 CEMENT I JAMES ROSS, oaitta OAVK GIRARDEAU AND ILLINU Uonimercial-av., Foot of Eleventh-st. Dost quality of Limn and Comont al ways on hand, and for salo at tba very IcwmI Genres for rash. DANIEL LAMPERT, FASHIONABLE BARBER FOR LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN, Eighth St., Ut. Com. & WAen., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Has Just opened a new and stylish estab ., ruuy jmers t all, to favor him with their patronage. I. aliment, fully up to the times, and Invito old customers and new, ladies, children i I, to ruvor 111 m with their patronage. tSTAll work done In the Latest Style. 0. CLOSE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER HET LIME Ckwknt, Flastkr Pahis, PLASTERER'S HAIR, NO. 71 OHIO I.KV1CK, UNTlKIl CITY NATION AL HANK. FRED ROSE MBECHAKT T-A.XXjOJS No. 104 Commercial Avknue, Ilo:h French and Scoth caslmcres a olori. Heaven and Uread-cloth constantl on baud, and all goods warranted. DYELNU u all its branches also carried on 10-1-flmd E5TFor the purposo of building up a wfiriloilp trails In Cairo. I will sell to ucal- . . ....,.. iH I ... a r aji t. t.l flnt dais dry goods and clothlngostablish. UpWBrJ gt manufacturing prices adding ircignt. Cairo. August 13, 1872. merit. "Wa call especial attention to our'Iarge assortment of dress goods, shawls and cloaks, which department is complete in all its details. Our stock of FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CASSAMERES, JEANS, ETC. ii the largest in the city, and wo are en abled to offer special Inducements to pur chasers. In Gentlemens' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, and furnishing goods we are fully prepared to meet all de mands at prices defying competition. An it is to the interest of every one to buy where goods are cheapest and belt we cordially invito the public to call and ezamlno our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Our establishment is located on the cast aide of Eighth street, between Washin6ton GENERAL COMMISSION and Commercial avenues. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO., (Buoceasort to E. B. llendrlccs A Co.) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS, "WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS. Liberal Advancements made tfS'Aff uuou Conslanment. Are prepared to receive, etotn and forward rreignta to an points ana buy ua tell on communion. Wlluiinf ea attended to promptly: IDLEWILD MILLS Comer Twenty-second street and Ohio Levee. SUPERIOR STEAM DRIED CORN MEALi Always on hand, and at the lowest marke price, also a gooa arucie oi OOW PEED Very cheap. Leave order at HALLWAY. BROTHERS, or apply at the ulll. 10-4-dtt. WOOD UITTENHOUSE & BRO., FLOUR AID General Commission Merchants 183 OHIO LEVKK, MILLER & PARKER, Bltjm & Amson. Booattt. 6 2 s o o so u o I n J o o H CO A '$ W A o aH H en V A tn W A o H T. i a 4 M o o K M r. 3 n s M a O a c FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AMD DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc., AGENT8 ?ob PAIRBANK'S SCALES Ohb Levee. CAIRO. ILLINOIE. b . A. CUNNINGHAM, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAN E I V m a 3 AND DEALKK I.N HATST, OATS. OOIEMS PIIVMK'IANN. U. S. BIUGHAJ1, M. D., llomeopathlc Fliyslcian and Surgeon. Of fice 130 Commercial avenue. Residence on Tenth street, three doors webt or C. R. Woodward. 10-'i.V2m. DR. B. 0. TABER, Will resume the practice of his profession with especial reference to the electrlca treatmeut ol UUeates in all the new and Im proved methods of application. '? , canes of lemale complaints a lady will he In ittemlancc. Office, 12a Commercial avenue, up stalrc. WILLIAM H. SMITH. M. I) RESlUBNUE-.No. n TbitlMo.h tteel. b-. tireeu wuhineuiu avuniik n.i u.'.i . Offlce UlOomnieri'lilkTenur, ua ttklra C. W. DUNNING, M. I)." rESII)lM;lt cnrntrNinlh anil W.lrnt ... XVUfhce coioer huth street and Olilo en' 0c iour tfoiii e a.m. to 12 in., and p.m AND MILL FEED. CAIRO, ILLINOIS NEW LIVERY STABLE TENTH STREET, UKTWEKX WASB'lf AVXKUI AMD WALMU1 Dr. H. V. Fields lnforas tne public that be has openea a LIVERY STABLE, on the northwest side of Tenth street as same abate. Ilii Htablts will be rurslsbed with none but tne BEST HORSES AND GOOD VEHICLES. and the public may be accommodated at all uours ox me uuy anu nigm wiin saie teams on tne lowest terms. Dr. Fields asks a share of public oatronaire and will endeavor to merit It by fair dealing anu sulci attention to Dusinexs. Our Homo Advortisors. Railroad Advertisements. No. 134 Commercial-avo., Cairo. Ills. JOHN .'JIIEEIIAN, RETAIL GROCER And Dealer In VEOETAHLKS. KRIMTS. EOOS, LARD FKKsh uurrEii, etc. r7T All Goods warranted fresh, and soli! at the lowest prices. Corner 9th St. andCommerclalAve. 7-23 tf. CHEAP GROCERIES TUB KBW Q"Y"STE!3Vr. OKOCEBUS RKTAXLXD AT W1IOLISALI rHICKB TOR CAIB. AT U. C. THIELECKE'S STORE WAilllNOTON AVSNPB. BETWKIW TSNTH AMD ELKVKMTII BTBBKTS. 50 lbs. DRT Cuba Sugar for - - - $8 0 ,1 it ii ii ... i ou h lbs. A coffee Sugar, N. Y. Std. 1 OC 4 " Prime Rio Coffee for - 1 0C 8 " Choice " " - - 1 0C 8 " Old Guvorament Java - - 1 0C Teas and other stuple and fancy Groce ries equally as cb-ap. Uoods now era tun woigui jjnou. v-m and try. DRY UUUIIH. '72. FALL AND WINTER 'To. C. Ii A N N Y. LARGE STOIK. UROWN SHEETINGS, NlNTS, CHECKS, AID ST R I P E S, KtNTUCKY JKAMB, ITRA, CiSSIMERS, BLACK ALPACAS I LISTERS, GiOSRAIN SILKS, POPLIMN. LARGE STOCK OF OARt STING OIL CLOTHS, MATTIMO, Wla4e)W NtuMlea, OILT BANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACK DAMASKS. alia Katir Ntoek AT VERY LOW FIGURES.' CORH1R 8TH ST. AMD OOliy KBC1AL-AV., VfUro, Illlaola. setitltt Elsjssty'HiliMtbeBhorteat Route TO ST. LOUIS NO CHANGE OF CARS KUOM CAIKO TO ST. LOUIS OR CHICAGO ONLY ONE CHANGE OF CARS OM CAIHO TO Clnr luntll, i liBnaill, Tnlnlo, Detroit. Cleveland, Mnenrii Hall Ill)Blo, I'lllrlilllit. Wi.l.lnttcr Baltimore, f lilUlelitilfi, New VnrH Iloston and all points ea.t. Hitwatikie, Janesfille, Jladion, I.aCtosse, St. I'aul And all poinla iiurt! ' lhis Is s'lso the only direct mule to Iierstur, Hlnfttiilngtoa, Hpnnn"!il, 1'i-oria, Utilncv. Kunkuk, Burlington, Knck HUod, I. Halle. Menilota, lilion, Kreeport, Ualena, Dubmiue, Hioui City, Ooittia imi all xIdI uorthweat. Elegant Drawing Room Sleeping On' On all Might Trains. IUf page Checked io all important point.. Kor ticket! anl inforrniitinn, npfly to I. C. It. II ilepot t attro; on board tne trant it steamer I e tweeu Columbus and Olio, and ut the lrilicl railrna I ticket nRlcea tlirniiKlioiit the anutli. W. P.JOIINK IS. Oen'li aaa Ai't, Clii.Mto A. llltCHiLL, Oen'l. Hup'e. Uhlcago. J. JOHNSON, Afft, Cairo. BARCLAY BROTHBBS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, A.T 74 OHIO LEVBB. Iti-f.iil :iim1 Prcacriptiou, SPR1NGFIEL 1) A N D I L L I N O 1 ! SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and after Monday, April 24th, 1H7: trains will run as follow: MOnTIIF.UN' DIVIMoS. 11IM ix'iaii l'11'Illn..l. Mail. Expr. I.enTo Vinlnla C H a. m 1 p.m ' PiirltiKtieM- " a.'"' ,' Tiljrliirvllle in & " 6 U Arrife at fan.- ll.W ' l.U ' Kihi (Mixa snetnrt. tnte l'iu 4.MI a, ii :i 35 a. ir " Tnlorille 4 4ii 4 " Arrle at S.ri. flei...fl.l'. fi ) " Leae Siir.tiifleM 5.6 " 0 I'J ' Arrive at Vlmmm .., " ill HOUTHIKX DIVISION. tcaini uoi.ia recTiut.r, Lmie IMnood J.) a in.. ...lUl'Jp. ti. DJ ran riinis,' 'ARNISHESJ WINDOW,! CLASS. COMPANY mm y si WwM sod HElYIICALiS.I P 1 BBBBBBBBBlalaH !8i US So Flora S 1 Arrive at Shawnret'o .M .11. S 15 COHPlNIEt, MIAOARA, M. T OIBVf AMIA, M. t,, H. WARDNER, M. D. piMlDENCK-Cornrr Ninetienth atreet and J.V Waahlnfjton avenue, near court hnuae. Of. ioi5J.,,ta"iVi0'07fJ,Bto," 0fflce "ourslrotn to U m. and '-om it to4 u. m. R. R, BLUM Surgeon and Mechanical DENTIST! Offlce, Commercial Avenue between Ninth and Tenth street, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. 1 would respectfully announce to the Citl- of Cairo aud Surroundliiff Country, that I have opened an offlce for the practice ol toy profession at the above mentioned puce, where'I hope to receive a share ot the public patronage. All persons wUhlnjr the yry best dental work should give me a call, tf. Z. D. UATUUSH.. I. c .miL MATHUSS & UUL, AMI a-.:ilAI. C0MMI8SI0NMeKC HANTS DKALKItS iN -tTIiOTJIE?,, Q-7R,JX2r: IAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE .tKoiiio i Kvyr,. STRATTON & BIRD, (Uwcotora to titration, lludaou A UUrk,) WHOLESALE GROCERS AMU COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Leveo. Cairo, Illinois. PARKER & BLAKE, DiALtas IN WALL PAPER. PAINTS, Potty, Banslae), tlaaollor. WIN-DCW GLASS. WINDOW BHADIS, And the celebrated illuminating AURORA OIL. BRUSH' ICILPlNf, CCP ilTB ST. COM KIHOIAL AY., Cairo, .... Ilikoih. tf NEW YORK STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LA BO EST VABIXTY STOCK IK TUB CITY GOODS SOLD VERY CLOSE. Carau uf Hlueleentli aire! C(U mereJl Arsans, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. C. O. I' ATI Kit. JOHN B. PHLLIS & SON, (Successors to John II. Chilli.,) GENERAL COMMISSION AMD FORWARDING MERCHANTS DBALEIIS IN HAY, CORN, OAT Flour, Meal, Bran, &c Co. TENTH. ST. akj OHIO LEVE OAIHO, ILLI. WUUD I WOOD I I WOOD I I The underpinned will furnish HARD AND DRY WOdt) Aa Chemp, II not Clienper bad anT wood dealer In Cairo. Leave order on the slates at the I'ostofllce and at Uos coal yard, on Commercial avonuo, between Tenth and twcllth atroets. Cairo. Illinois. 1 give good measuro and will cord the wood up irucsireu. s'WKMf DENNIS IIAI.KY. i,awvi:bs. GREEN &, GILBERT, ATTORNEYS AMD COUNSELORS AT LAW, William n.tireeu, 1 William U Gilbert, f- CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MileaF.Uil.ert, J aviecia. attention given to Admiralty tod lenmuuai uuaiuesa. orrioi ouio lcyxcbooub ' amd 8 ovr.a OITT NATFOKAT. IIAWSt, BOAT HTtSRIW. 8 AM WILSON, BOAT BTOBE3 OlUOIIlIb, PROVISIONS tTC, Mil. 110 Omit Litxb Caibo, III. INNURANCF. FIRE AND MARINE Asset. Aaiete.... Aasats.. UAMOVSR, J. 7, HKPCBLIC, X. Tn 11,436,515 ..l,le,Tlt 78 7" Hit U Assets.- 7H,v v Comprising th Underwriters' Afcency, TOMKBK9, K. T., Assets ' M ALB ANT C1TT, Assets ' 13 vibiuim'a rcvu, a. r., Assets M'-"" w aXCURITT, K. T. MAHISt, assets. l.iM.M'i Htores, Dwellings, Furniture, Hulls anil Car goes, insured at rales aa favorable as lonnd, per manent security will warrant. I respectfully aaa or ine citiiena m .iv, shareof their patronage. .....,, Fa?HIS BBSSBSl 1 1 aTATATATATATATATATATA r FSanSI Icllrr I avTaVJaBl I aw ape i awsawl j H CtKMETICS BVjpAIMCnBal C X IbbssH TOILCT sE3l"A iesM C IbssH iuniCLBi HTVHRmne ssssHil ' ll-iii-ii. " Coriirr M'tioliliitrtnii Ave uud eighth atrcet. I'HKST I'KOTECTOHS, Of cli.iinol. iiml rahhlt skin. lata It.... la I....... " vi ii raft llilJl, At UARCI.AY BROS. CIlt.ORATK KOR SOHK THROAT, I'rvparnil and sold By UARCI.AY 11ROS. ; f HOUSE ANU f'ATTi v MLMirmvn vaaa i uii i liLiuiii ii. And DNIufcctauti for Sublet ti4ifir t fin Anu ? KINK CIGARS, " iionky m:i:." "YOUNG AMERICA, And l.loisiil. Htalldaid.j At 1IARCLAY RROS. IIM It I. Mil Ml PATRONIZE HOME TRADE I J. C. HUELS, Late ol at. Louli. BOOK BINDER AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, BULLETIN BINDERY, Corner 'Ovtllth street and Commercial Ac. I1I.ANK ROOKS of every description done with lieatnesi aud dispatch. All kinds of rulliiK Uunc at short uotleu llllik-', Mule. Mairazint-a anil rcriodlcaU houml nea' ami at the lowest pflblu rutra. County work, Mich as Record, Ioel;ct, Fee Uoo"k. lllaiika. etc.. made a ipeclulity lloxi:a, l'UL'ket lluok, Knxelopca, etc., made to order. ll-!!t tf. UII.L1AKIIN. l.l'vflllU. II iff IIIL'A llr n fi. f 1 im r t :iiiit'i sj twt ii m vi xi t LM' tt , asm A L OO TO PRINTING. TO THE PUBEIC Anticipating a decline In prices of PRINTER'S STOCK of all kinds and desirous that our cus tomers should know we are determined to canr.'out our promises of cheap printing we teei it our uuty to luaar a REDUCTION IN VORMER PRICES helieviug mt M..dy increase of business win oe an equivalent. With our long experience In business and INCREASED FACILITIES together with our advantages in the purchase and selection of stock, out customer! mar rest assured we will try to merit a continuance ot their very liberal patronage, we invite your attention to mo following revised list ot PRICES FOR JOB WORK. BILL HEADS on good U lb paper, neatly executed ac cording to le peril $1 bOtoO &0. For other qualities add the difference In the cost of the paper. STATEMENTS on 14 lb paper, Flat Cap or same quality of Folio Post, per M 9 OOtot) 00 ; per one-half m c uy to a oo. POSTS JRj S full t-liect, half ssect, quarter sheet, eighth theet and sixteenth .sheet at from W 00 to ao 00 per M. Uy a careful examination ol the above list our patrons will find that our LETTER HEADS per M ti 00to7 00, according to fclie aud quality of paper; peronu-halfM 93 OOtoi 00. NOTE HEADS on ordinary slxe per M $4 OOtoS U), accord ing to style and quality. Commercial per 11 4 Wtof. 00. BILLS LADING per M. according to sire and weight, fcS OOto i 00: per one-half M, according to sue and weight, f 3 OOtol 00. DRAY TICKETS per M 13 OOtot 00, according to order. ENVELOPES urnlshed retail at wholesale prices. Chaise or priuting, l ootoi 60 per M. SHIPPING TAOS PEICES ABU LOWEE than those oi uuy establishment oi the kind iu Ht. LouU, CiuulnnaU or Chicago. ADVBETISIlTa Business men will find the Buixktim Lha best advertisiiut uedlutu la HouUisru Ull. neia. TKUTONIA LIFE INSURANCK COMPANY. OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ASSETS. $600,000. JOHN A. HUCK, - - Prosldont. C. KNOBELSDORFF, - Hecroury. oxa. CUAS. RCITt, HlKBY WEBKIt, A. 0. Kxbiko, A. Miscu, CnAa. WlMTni, Ciiah. Vxroua, Francis Lacknkr, Cuab. Daeolino, C. Uiaacn, Wm. Riikuakut, John Fildkamt. The Ut organised and tfcnri-it Mmr.tny Io tit DOtttiweat. The only compaov which guar anleea a cash surrender value. CARL L. THOMAS, Gkn. Ao't, 2Mlv for CnlroaiBd Ttelnlly ") ST. NICHOLAS BILLLIARD HALL HARRY WALKER i- CO., Prop'rs. This house is newly tilted up with two excellent w. II. Mcmi, Notary Public. H. II, Cankc Na.Puh. and U. H. C.m FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK ACCIDENT, LIFE, IWSTJBAIirOB. JJTNA, haetfohu, A..t. fi,W,M W NORTH AMERICA, PA., Atlat ti.TtJ.OUO 00 UAKTFORU, CONN., Anna Ji.M 1,210 72 PHOENIX, 1IAKTFUKD, Aattts JIJSI.WJ U INTERNATIONAL, N. Y Asssta .,.fl,35J,8S 17 PUTNAM, UAUTFORU, Assets J70,Va7 CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Asists J1J,C73 SS IIUUE.OOLUMIIUS, Assets 1165,279 43 AMEHICAN CENTRAL, MO., Assuts 1600,000 I OONNEOTIOUT MUTUAL. LIKE, Assets 30,000,0li0 00 TRAVELERS', HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Assets .,. 11,500,000 Ol RAILWAT PAHSENOKRS ASBURANCB CO,, HARTFORD, ysists jvx,ooo w IMDIFXXDIMT, BOSTON, A'sets 63n,s2 Ot' BAFFORD, MORRIS &0ANDEE, 71 Ohio Levee. Oily National Hank, CAIRO, ILL. W. W. THORNTON'S, UCILDEItS' SUPPLY DEPOT 13 TKHTIl BTUSXT, tob Ilfaora. Nab, atllada, Moaldlais, . w . iiiiii.M I WAnji l IB iiinnw ainn i.u rrameai, riuorlBK, I'tll, NhlriKlea, talnaeal Hmth, ClUaaval LlajliLa, Olasfd Traasosu, KmIi WeUlita. Kuh Faille susd 0s lillnd taalfBlntra. UtyBug rlt. Hvolluc CeitMBt, Plaalorl lapr, 4rpt It, WsaltS) lma. UnaaaJ oil. Asssesicsui Wlad Ulisaa, KsiKllab lutdfrcssess Kit., Kle., fe AaV.UTA lor Kock River Paper Corop dbahini: Fa t and (jusrtt Cemtnt H. W Joba'a i. '.prolyl RooOng alwayi hand. s-ri rrn ooa IU t?4U prr 'lay I Avnta v td Ail oihi oi wuramc en p.V, tillii r itxTj ounft or old, make moie inour) at work fir ua Io their spare moments or all, tin lime, than at aovtliini elae, PaitleuUrs free Adilress 0. Sllnsou Ce., Portland, Mala, ptlftwly BILLIARD TABLES And two One JENNY LIND TABLES PLAYERS. The saloon Is stocked With the Rest Brands ol WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS are compounded in the most approved style B3"Coiue ami we for yourself. They keep on hand a lino stock of COLD WEISS BEER, SCHWEITZER CilEESK AND UOL LAND HERRING. REFRESHMENT TABLES are siiruad morning aud evening at 10 clock, at which nil are iuvltcd to partici pate free of cnargc. OYSTERS I OYSTERS I At wholeaale and retail, Mewed, fiiod, lirollcd und bnked, ruw and on the lialMiell, liy the can, kcir, box or IjiiitcI, at Harry Walker' St. Mi'IkiIuh rcHtuiiruiit on Coin- merclul avcmiu. Oysters In every rty.e at all houri tluy or night. Harry Walker pre--Ides over the culinary department. Anu caterer he hus no equal, and llarry'a fii to mere can ulwuys bo assured ol u warm meal at any hour of the day or night, that will meet the requirements aud please the taste or we most usuuious. 1 "T 1 . TV . f i VJAIHO JiO AND JJAbKtl Msiiatacturt rs of and Dealers in POPLA.K, ASH, CYPRE OAK AND WALNUT Having the sole rishtin this city to use FULTON DRY KILN; the beat Patent Kiln extant, we are e daily prepared to furnish at all times the shortcat notice, THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMT Attention is called to our stock of WJLLSJSTTJT, .A.S: AND n v v it. k a a v t. n n rt r 'v Lumber delivered to any part of the ti Urden received at the office of ! SAFFORD, MORRIS CANDE uf flint nf tiirt fiAmitiinv ini(T of h AMISS) WS BlU hUUIrnn vwattva a ii treat iirtil ntilrs InVnt IlLLSllH i S. WALTERS, litlLtalN HARD and SOFT LTJMB n nitty deacripllsa, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR PO DOORS, SASH, BLINDS UJ ORDERS SOLICITED. ) ."It !' O 1 Vi A ZXL X U A J ,U U flliJ ri n . Uominoroial-av, bet. 10th and lltb1' CAIRO ILLINOIS. Ti lit SAVE TIME AND MONEY tl.. Kit iiiatila lav. 1'l.nilMI nt f ill liy lulling JUUI "aula "B ISkUU AA MS, s ... CAIRO i'( INTELLIGENCE OFFr.'j lia'.cuiciit No. TO Ohio Levee, fl ! ii If you want employment, go to the C If you want help of any dosiriptioo, tho OIUce: if vou want to buy or se,)'t! nnlplp.L'o tn theOfllce: wheroyou can, r w 10 will sen or woo win "! i t hire, or who will work... Call iu and Q voiir wants and orden Now, for "ii; t Money.' f rt 9 UAH nriKitH. Ii. T. OEROULD; STEAM AND GASFIT1 AN riXTUREM, u.. Fiiter'a anil I'lunititfr'a material. pumt , glube and angle valvas, sto euuva,oiiei;K viuvva,w, ALSO AQBNT fOB rnlto llrotnera Patent DrrOaal And atoreuouse. Wells A.Co'a Automatie Indicator and Supply Valve for steam bo WiMTM'i SLOOE, OUMMKBOAlVvA!