CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1913 CAIRO BULLETIN. lWiUa ,' alUlla BalMla fs wmii mi ii Ifc ffito. SKR.i onxmVKR'M orriCK. 1 v CaMo, Feb. 19, 1873, 10:11 p.m. lltrofltMar'ao'.lO and tUUoDary. ThtMMMter 43 degree. niad can, Totf a iniic per hour. ff I Weatfeif, fair. Maxl-Msi ttinperature last 24 hours, At 10:11 j.lm., lti, 57 degrees. Minimum' Uapersture, last 24 hours, at ? a. rn3 degrees. 1'rcTaWii wiBtl Ut S4 hours, nortli. TotrfpUMbtrof rallei wluJ travelled, List 21 boaHxt. " TnouAS I,. Watsox, Observer. I.AB6K stock of dry goods at C. Danny's, WAXTID TO ItKNT. Addresi L., box 303. furnished house 2-7tf. Jo. Delay, formerly or this city, l now ou tbe reuitorUl of the St. Louts 'Republican." Remember the Turner mastmcradc. .it the .St. Charles ob Monday night next. It will be tbc ball ot tbr season. 2-lfl-et. Fob Salic My entire stock of Kroccrics, saddles, harness and farming Implement, at wholesale or retail. I). Artkh. 2-S-lw. A lot of damaged freight taken from the hold of the steamer Andy Johnson, va nold at auction yesterday on the levee, by tha underwriters. For Sale. The cottage now standing on lot 0 block 49. near corner Washington ave nue and Tenth street. Eurjulrc at this of-Hoc. Halt! MAstjUxltAUMts ! .Masquerade costumes, and false face-masks tor tale or hire during the season at .lohn School's ball. jatiiVlm Dou't forget the Presbyterian sociable at (.'apt. D. llurd's to-ulgbt. It ii Kotton up by the "young folk-"' of the ronKft-gatlgn, aud preaUwto be one of the- most enjoya ble oceioM of tbe season. Uaxbmmb Uae of tires at 0. Haaay'f. goods at IScts 11. AM, No. 2 Seventh street, has Just re ceived entire new nock of wall paper and window shade, which will be sold at lowest price. H, able. 2-1&2VT The Turner ina squerade ball, which take place on the 34th Inst, at the St.Charles, Mill be the last ball of the season, and it is anticipated will equal, If not eclipse, fonncr ones." 2-llWt. t.iRDB stock of cuttalns and damask's a C. nanny's. The came of delay to trains on the C. and V. railroad baWog been removed, train!) will run regularly after this morning: The road bed, where i washed out, has.bccn repaired, and no further delay, will be occasioned. A ball will be given on Friday night, the 2lt Inst., by Mr. Rosanna Bniith, nt her house, at the corner ot Thirty-fourth street and Ohio e.v ec. She extends a cordial Invl. tation to all her frlc'nds. 2-20-2t ' : . Larqb btock of wool blunkets at down pr,co at C. Danny's., We understand that several proper! v own ere on Commercial avenne intend to bring sulti against the city of Cairo on the ground that the city fathers bad no right to give tho right of way down the avenue to the C. and . Railroad company. Dr. Arthur Lewis, during his presence in our city, lias removed several troublesome rorn, bunions and Ingrowing nails without pain or los nf blood, and to tho entire satis faction of the parties so mulcted. Dr. 0. W. Dunning, Messrs. P. W. llarclay, Charles I! Kyle and Charles I nil, are!amotig thn mini bor who lmo had the opportunity of being relieved by the doctor's skill, and take plcaiure In recommending lilm as a sue cess ful chiropodist. Dr. Lewi intends to re main In our city for n period ol ten days. and it would, therefore, bo well for parties afflicted with corns bunions, etc., to leave their orders at the Schuh's drug More. Dclnionlco hold or Wc unite most heartily with those- of our citizens who are waging war on tbe lllluol' Central, and Cairo and Vlncenucs.rullrnad Wo arc ngalnt all railroad. Wc regard them as tho great re larders of the prosperity ol the country, and we therefore wlh to speedily go back to wagon road' and water courses. Wo suggest that any man hercaf- icr who in Cairo dares to say lie has still a hankering for railroads shall bo Instantly swungto a lamppost. Tho council will be illrcllct In its duty if It does not nt once pas an ordinance to punish rallroadi'lit. Every advocate of fair pl.iy for the railroad" should lie arretted on summary process, tried with out delay before n Jury of farmers and -en-fenced to ltnprlontnent lu the prnlli'iitlary during llfo or good hchav lor. roi: sale. A complete -el of household and kitchen furniture, fur -ale. cither In bulk or bv the piece, Enquire at thl-nlUcc. 2-lSlw. FOR .-ale. A splendid team of initio, wagon and bar nc-, cheap for rash. For further particu lars Inquire of Mr. Cahlll, corner of Seven teenth street and Commercial avenue. 2-lMt. Noncil Notice Is hereby given that the M, Fat- rick's Rcnevolclit society ballset for the 21st Inst., Is po-tponcd until llastcr Mondav lilzht. llv order ol the Mf'-'tt. CoMMiTTri:. no nu:. All persons who gave their notes to the C. and V. ltallroad company tu aid in the building ot the road, are hereby notified to meet at the olllceof .tmlgc Friday at 71 o'clock p. III. 2-20 21. The next regular communication of Ueltu lodge KB A, F. and A. M. will be held at Manonlc kail this (Thursday) evening, at 7 o'clock. Visiting brothers' cordially in vlted to attend. W. A. S1.00, Secy. It 1fumored that our good frltnd, Judge llros,-hai become a convert to Denton's 'Plrltuliiimj. "We dou't believe "iu The Judge is hard to convert to anything, and he has been a rao.t persistent disbeliever in the doctrines of the spiritualists. Hut in tlic-e days of the fall of Colfax what may wc not expect ! At the. regular inectitig of the l'rcsb) te rian church congregation, held last ni(ht, the solemn question was asked: "What shall 1 do to be saved ?" .The Deutouitcs say this was a flank movement to keep Christians from llsUnlng to the voice of their prophet who has been preaching in this wilderness, crying in the darkness : "Make ftrelght the path" or word- to that cocci. f I.AIIOB Jlanny'i.i stock of brown domestics at C It will be perceived by one of Turney's' utile noier nc writes many little note- that he rejoices lu a young friend by the name of Franklin Ward. The other day ho sent rank to plain William Denton with a thai lenge, and llllam refused to face the rau-ic. The professor is discreet, lie knows when a giant challenges htia to combat that he would bo foolish to not pe ctcr out of the proposed light. The tmill-poxis morn nearly wiped out at this time than at any period since ltsre-ai- pearance In the elt last fall. From eight to sixteen cases have been lu the pe-t-houe constantly till the present time. There arc now only three there, and we believe there Is not new one anywhere else lu tbe city. i lie uuvent or pleasant weather and "ctcr. ual vigilance" ou the purtof out people, wllj now Keep lite uiseaae in abeyance. Mr. A. Oanllegle, family, and a number ol friends, ol ritllburj, Pennsylvania, arrived here yesterday morning by tbe Illinois Ccn I rid railroad In a special car of 1'ullman's pat nt. They took passage ou the Thompson Dtan to go to Hew Orleans to be present at the Maxdi Gras fftrltlei. The car that tho partyMwijl MMj'ftunbury," and be longson the New York and Louisville road and in all its'appolntmtnti was the llnost piece or laecnausm ever in Cairo. I.aeoe stock of bleached muslin and sheet lugs it C. Danny's. i1 ' The'Hun' has communication aimed at Dcntou and subscribed to by "True" "Mr, True," the un' rsmarU In lu bland milk nd-wury Way, "is one of our best lut most -UUiet mv. That "bul't leaves the luiprcs al(tt Uat the .uu' bclkvcs quiet men ere inot tl ways good men. In the interest of .uletssstu we protest against this msllgnuut attack, and deniaaq an apology from our aielghbox. The remark was alined at those tpjlctTMltses, Arthur Uoyle, 1). H, Turney and sick. ' HAJTMMB Jtoo of C'ashiutrei at C. Han. ny'i. ' " TO KUADMAsTKIW. I wont a posltionou some road, tokeep up tracks or put in sw itches ; tlrst-class railroad man. Auy per-on who wants one, addre for three dny. Titos. SimtsV. 2-lWt Cairo, Illinois. ATTENTION. Alt A1N! Tliere will be a sjieclal meeting of the Arab File company, iu the new building, on Thursday evening at H0 o'clock. A full attendance is desired, as business of importance is to be transacted. .. D M.TIIU33, 2-19-21 Chr'n Hoard of Directors. fi It AND A N NO i'NCEM KNT. Klllott & llaythornc take pleasure in an nouuclng that they intend to dispose of their stock of boot and shoes now on hand at positively cot prices, preparatory to filling up their shelves with the new spring -lock. Now is the time to get cheap boots and shoes. The stock to be sold Is all of llr-t class goods, and great bargains for the buyer will be made. 2-ls-lv'v NOTICE, Last Thursday 1 took up a black ami white cow, two slits iu the right ear. the left ear UHderblt, no horns. The cow has a calf about two mouths old. The owner can have the cow and calf by paying all the expenses of her keeping, etc., since she has been In my possession. 1 live on Tenth street, on the corner next to Misai-sippl levee. 2-lS-3t. HnVANTiiOCEIIS. A GRAND TUUTLUSOIT LUNCH. A prand turtlo soup lunch Is set cverv night nt the European hotel anil rctaunint. This house has Just been opened by Mr. Harry Walker, who is now prepared to ac commodate any number of boarders. Mr. W. has engaged the services of an experi enced steward aud U prepared to fniulh meals at all hours. AKo good board at mod erate prices. Parties desiring lirst-cla-s board should Inquire at the hou-e, on Com mercia) uveiiuc, between .Seventh and Kljhth street". 2-H-lw. A Fit AID OF Hiss OWN' GUNS. The following mut explain itself: "CaIHO. Feb. 1!. 1S73. I). It. Turney presents his compliments to Prof. Win. Denton : Will tho tirofc-or five liie the answers, in writing, to the three question which lie claimed to nii-wer la night? U. II. I . I sent the above to tho professor by my young friend Franklin Ward, lliis morning, and the messenger reported that ilr. Den ton refused to furiil-h the answer-. I the professor alrald to face tho music? If he can meet the Issues, why docs lie hesitate D.ll.TlllXKV. Caiiio, Feb. 19, 1873. tracks upon said street as not to Interrupt or Intorfero with Its ordinary u-e by the pub lic. Tho ease Is certainly an Important otic anil will bo of much Interest to the citizens of tho upper portion of our city. The ra-o jestorday was before tho court on demurrer to tho bill, nnd will come up for further pro ceedings on tho 1 llli nf Starch. D T. Line gsr represents complainants, and Judge Green the repotulent. COl'NTV COUlirT tihru hay. Iu tho matter of the guardianship or Fran cis McKiimle, minor heir of A. J. McKamlc, Henry Winters applied for letters of guar- uiansiiip. which were granted on giving bond in t lie sum of ?100. lu the matter of the cslalo of Hubert Ail.iiiHon.deceased, Monroe W.'iltaker.l'etcr 1- Itlchardsnnd .Salmon Ilazlcvvood werear pointed by the court as appraisers ol -aid es tate. L. Donahue vs. N. Humacker, adinlnlttra. XoraiihUiljntnt i amirm of the estate of N. S. lllodgct. As-uin-lt demand (i 70. ltotli parties appeared, waiving service. Proof was heard and judgment rendered against the estate :i of fourth class elalnn for the sum or J 70, and that the plaliitlll p.iy the CO'ts. Ill the matter of the estate of liobert Adiinsoti, deceased, G. W. Short applied for lettcl-or administration. Tlieeourt ordered that letters be issued, the applicant first til Irg his bond in the sum ir ?4fsi, which was examined and approved by the court. FreiUrlck Shell vs. N. i I ti n-ackt r, admin istrator ol the estate r N. S. lllodgct, de ceased. Assunislt ileniiiinl vi 7-.'. Partle appeared and the evidence heard. The court rendered a Judgment agaln-t plalntill for cost-. DENTON'S M.UIY JENKINS. That Jlary Jenkins story of Prof. Denton remarkable for the beaut of Its -Impllcl- ty, o to speak. It Is pabulum for the wearv -mil, ami Is one of th? must eonv lucitig evi dences 0f a future sute. Mary had n on. a bad boy who would drink ruin and run ou railroad train, a combination of s!u. which, according to orthodox Christianity, i- MifUclcnt to damn the best of men. as It Were. That boy got between two car. and then they collided, whereupon he proceeded without tlelav to become a lieatitlfal. cold corp-c. Marv was wretched. She didn't know to a certainty to what -ort or a couutry the wayward boy of her love had traveled across the mysterious Hue. Of i cour-c Mary went in search of Information. She made application to orthodox preacher's like Turney; but her bucket always came up out of that well empty of cousolatlou. What fas Mary tailor .she had to go to a spiritual medium, and -ho did. And after she hsd communed vv Ith him aw bile ew e think it was a him) she took Into one ol her lily white hands a piece of a slate, and Into the other hand. al-o lily white, a stump of a slate pencil. Then she placed her hand un der a table, ami In a moment a -prit the happy splm 0r her wayward boy wrote upon that piece of slate the consoling word-: "I am all hunky, ma." Hunky l not the precise word the spirit used but It was a synonym of it. and that is near enough for the pur pose, ol thl- paragraph. We ask all Chris tians to ponder upon this beautiful story. Doe- it not prove conclusively the Immortal ity of the soul ? the fact now becoming ap parent, lu spite ol all tho pestiferous 'Turney-. of the ministry, that sprituallm Is the universal religion; vvciiiliiK it does, con clusively. Show us a mother to whom Chrlstiaulty has sent a message froni a long lost son n long or short dead sou. You can't do It ! Christianity has never yrt per mitted auy spiritual boy or the slangy turn, to say to'the Mary Jenkinses of Christian ity : "I am hunky, ma." Whereforo we con clude with Denton : 'Takeaway Christian ity, bail boys can be saved without it!" Happy thought," as our friend, the Iiev. Mr. Shores, sometime say-. .VOMCK COUIIT. JVtnn niioss l'RSstiii.vo. Halllo King and two othor colored va grants were up boforo tho court on a clmrgo of loafing and loitering,' In and about tho saloons of tbo classic precincts of Fourth strcot, generally drunk nnd frequently In dllllcultles. Thoy aro too lazy and trilling to work, and nro known to gain n livelihood by .laying about tho dens in that locality. His Hon or ruled tint tbo evidence In their casts must bo confined to (nets only. Thereby ruling out nil ovldenco as to reputation nnd making It Inadmissible. 'Witliiut ovldenco of that nature ilia trial was iv tnoro furco and tho defendants hid to be, relented to roam nt largo to tbo ditg'acn of our community. Our Home Advertisers. VOMMIMMION AHB rWHWABDINCJ. HLjMDAY BUOTlIERsj GENERAL AGENTS Communicated. TL'ltNEY ON EYOI.ri'ION. EElJfilOL'S CONTHOVEItSIIX If there Is ouc thing In this weary world more uu cdly tiresome than any other en- tedly tiresome thing, It is a religious contro versy : but the controversy now iu process in this afflicted village or ours Is not tire some. The principal controversialist Is the rem trkable man, Turney, and he cau add spice to the most unsavory ill-h or rcllirlous hash. He is pepper, mustard, horse radish, Worcestershire sauce, pepper sauce and such things all rolled into a tiery bundle of splcv raclncss. At least vyu think he Is, It he ain't In- ought to be. The cousequence Is that when Turney controverts anv thing he docs It like a little man with a glass eye Look, for lusttiice, ut the crushing comuiu. life tt Ion lii this morning's llUU.r. 1 i.Vand reai It ir)ou have time, will Den ton lo Daro he rush against Turney's buckler; If he dare we hopii he may rush at oure. We don't want him to stand upon the order or his rushing. Hut ir Dentmi don't like to take up Tuniev's gauntlet him- seir, we would suggest that ho might Induce one of hU spirits to go for the smiling gentle man who Is orthodox and has a passion for seeing his name in print. We beg Pror Denton toset the spirit uf Marv Jenkins' bad boy loose, so that It may get' Into Turney's luilr. bouH-liotly or some spirit mini get Into that man's hair without delay. Ho luu-t be repressed or he will die unhappy, and then his pertuibcil spirit will constantly be rat tllug rocks around old Uontou's head. CHtCUlT couitr. '1 lie, circuit court Is still In sc.. Ion. Yes terday tho case or M. llourlgaii against the I. C ltallroad conip-my was brought up. This suit was brought about a year ago lu the chancery court, and with a view to test tho right or tbe Illinois Central llillroad company or occupying leveo street with track and leaving car stand thereon. The bill ask! tho court to compel tho 1. C, Hall road company to remove Its elevators and . warehouses from said street, nnd further hat they be compelled to construct thle It is a fact, although a sad one, that hundreds of young people dio premature ly, from a luck of proper knowledge us to tbo cauic of their aliment. In soma cuies especially with the fernilo sot, a false deli cacy proyents thorn informing any one of their sufferings. Scores of victims of lr- rcgulnrity in tho monthly evacuations sulfur on from day to day, without taking anything to relieve them. Many voung men have mado tho first false, step, and fear of discovery and shaino deters them from applying for relief. To all such wo say with conlldcnc;, get Parker's sjoni pound Fluid hxtrncl Ilucliu and Uko it according to directions, and you will soon bo mado happy. In h full restoration of the vigor of youth. Sold by all druggists, everywhere TO KENT. I-our rooms lutely occupied by Dr, urunor, ovor Dr. Alter s grocery store, No. 113, Commercial Avenuo. Enquire ut tho storo of t D. Artor. 2-20-tf ATTENTION II I HERNIALS I Tho members of tho Hibernian 1'iro company nro notified that a regular meet bg of tho company will lo hold this evening. A full attendance, is desirid "Wm, MclUm:, President. .M.J. HovvMsr, Secretary. HOTEL ARRIVALS. DKLMONIfO. A W .Slmtni, Vienna, III; T Tcrrlll, M D, Kentucky; J (J Morgan, St Louis; J A Ilrovvn, Aslimoro, III; Fred C Cine, Hart lord, CVnj 0 Pemberlon, lialtlmore, J!d John N Pearce, Vienna, III; Ab Maekcy, Mt ernnn, Iml; .lames Evans, Tarnavva, 111; J A Illnkomore, Tiiuuwa, 111; J, M Cruil, Newton, 111; Captb'am .Montgomery, Now Albany, Ind, Horinsn Chinge, New York; Harry Kolloy, Lancaster, Pu; J S Kitchell, Cincinnati, 0; L M Allison, St Louii; M Herman, Chicago, 111. hT. CIIAIILKS. .1 L Lonorgan, t A Ilattey, Joo 1), Sliurny, Ulinrici Uouniulman, Chlcogo; AV it Martan, II Relnstoller, 0 E Dennett, St Louii; V F'lnorii, wifu nnd two chil ilren, Jt u isreinman; Cincinnati; Ucn Androw Oarnegle, Pittsburg; Mrs M Car neglo, .1 11 Man, New York; Wm Cole man, Mrs Andrew Robinson, Miss M a Robinson, Mr nnd Mrs I) A McCandless Mr and Mrs Bctioyer, Jr, Miss lllietta" Park, Mill Ellon McCandleii, PitUburg; Mn Fuller, Philadelphia; Cliai liondor, 0 and V railroad; II S Roxford, Jr, Uluo Island; Jackson FrlcV, Jonesboro; Clin Plmlpi, Dongola; Thos S Frr, Missouri; F,I Chapman, Carboudalo; A Coati, Now York; J 0 lioylo, J (I llonnor, ,1 0 Per kins, Spsrta, Ills; Robort Connnara, St Louii, vVm Doaabuonnd wife, (Jreenun, Ills. MR, TUU.NKY Vl. .Mil. IlAIIWIN. At eonllng to the evolution theory, the nu merous and vailed forms nl nnliusl llfo have been wholly produced or develcied up instil some single pi imary form, or us they now prefer lo state It. I rum a few primary tonus, by the action of laws which are operating on everything ainund Us. The Evolutionist believes that bv minute variations, graduating by Insensible stages from thl- form or tlico tonus Into some thing higher which In-tn-IUlc gradations went on liicreaslni'lv and lliicealii.'lv. treii- er tlou after generation, through incalciila lib! age one -pecies ol creature alter aliother has "evolutloned" upon the worlil : the larvae or Aseidiaus or tailpoles evulutln to tish tlshes becouilni; Amphibians- Ainplilli-Ian- turning Into reptile reptiles develop m; Into birds, and Into mammals, in. eluding the Old World MoiiUev -and Irolu thence, throuL'h a Ions erle or now van ished forms, the climax or perfection Was reached In the evolution of man. It vt f--li- not h us with nu Evolutionist that there arc ancient iloeuiueiits that liiauv I the -tiomre-t Intellect-e-teem to be nt it divine origin. In which it i eertilied that our tirst ancestor- were a separate and point niaiiK creation, inc r.voiutionist tii-iiic-mi recngnllloii of the God who made man male mid female, with an everlasting ilual-tiuilv of the twain as right counterparts. liie pnuo.npiiic traces mat nature had such an alliance with the Divine, . nut the written traditions of all clvllied people (denominated hl-toryi, together with the urncral cntlment and belief of the human rare, omit be steadily Ignored, and wings of im initiation must be busy to waft men l.y the route ut a long -cilci ot Mlppoed-uiiee-to-have-bcen foriiis. vviiieh are now totally eMluct mid lllitilldable. tp a progressive pa rentage either in luonkev or tadpole-like AMidlatis, Mr. Darwin, fliidlng absolutely NOT A KACT Either In the record- of geology, or on the pages of hl-tory, or from pre-ent experience and experiment, that can be cited as u proof ot evolution. Is compelled tu rest tho argument for hi- hypothesis exclusively up on points or slmilailty between the bodily structuro of man ami that of the lower an-imil-: yet as man must have an animal na ture for certain earthly reasons aud pur poses, his bodily Irame may vers- appio pi lately lie constructed like that of animals, without furnlslilng an iota of proof lor ev olution. Mr. Darwin, in his eatller works, made Natural Selection , bis hobby, the only mod it v in,- agency. In fuel, lie made natural selection do it all, and could see l.o other power at work: but now driven to shllt his support. .Mr. Darvvin makes the nilmi-sion, mouse-like as you plca-e, " I probably at tributed too much to the action of Natural Selection : "only now he shift- over to "Sexual Selection," the acts of "the na ture and constitution f the organism it ef," and to "unknown agencies." More over, be brings in all these thing a- help ing to produce those things for which natu ral selection alone was responsible, accord ing to hi- own former bvnotliesU. Thus, with an Increasemeut of his knowl edge of animated nature, he reluctantly disclose that there are powers ami agen cies at work, iu relation to life, which bullle the keenest gaze. The mytery that thus veil" life. In it-; origin Jand'nature, from the penetrative eve of scieiititic research, shows the need oraregulallve revelation from God to unlold toman the powers and processes cf life in connection with cveiv living 1 rrvt' or creature. Hut what prool has Mr. Darwin's bvpoth eI. even a- now presented; None' what ever. .Mr. Darvvin does not even pretend to fur nish any undeniable fact- t show even the possibility of such an evolution as he advocate-. He -liun all anneal to history, and tltw. card- tliu experience of living men. no. nas a very miiiiiie llca-llko laucv aliout I.ONO I'I'.ltlOlll Of time being needful to uud fur the evolu tion of new species, which enormous perl- uus HiiiiKiiiameiy contain iiumrou suc cessive generation-, each an Imperceptible Improvement on Its predecessor. mis suggests, ii i may so express it, A I'LAIX 1'CINT 1 or the mind to focus upon. jSTTho enor mous periods are required, that there inav be many generations: but it does not .( J. liiaml an argument tu show that. In the ca.c. or very many animals, the period requisite would bu less than lu the case ot man. Suppose three generations ol men to tin. century .;whlch equals ninety (Hi)) generations in years the historic period daring Which cosmological speculations have been perpetuated, in this uudelilably historic, period, thcic w ere no less than thrco thous and generations or those numerous trca tures that glvo birth to a fresh progeny at least every year, and sometimes oftencr than than that. Thus, a.two generations .r these lower animals have been produced -Incu Ihu setting in of the historic period. Take, then, any animal that has utf-prlng within a year oi Its. own birth ; and there are some number of references given in the wining of undent naturalists to many specie- of such anuiially.gcneiatliig animals', hmiI from them tlne yearly producers were Just such a are now lound, More than all this, sundry pictures which are lound on an cleiitinoiiiiniciits, bear the same testltiiuny. Resides, some naturalists of our own tiuio having til-covered skeleton nf certain of tliee, compared some of our veai-bred an imals Willi their progenitor, of three thous sand years ngu. Dhi that Investigation -how, In the case of any or them, the least advancement toward some higher foniiy Jt did not, as nil well-ln-formed men learned lastveur. They failed tt liml even one ease favorable tu Darvvin, although the investigation was undertaken iu tlin interest ut hi- hypothesis. Again, may we usk what or certain prar Ileal experiments 'j'uv.u natural selection a-directed liy man. Cuttle. breeding is no novelty.; and for every three thousand yeai. we have records of (he ingenuity ol man In breeding animals. Hut in all litis, time, admitting the important modllleutloii. which havo been produced, has the first thing been done toward getting up a new species Science, history and living wit-iie-ses, must answer, "no." The crowing dillcrent species cannot do It; for expert inent, the into test or sclcucc, ha shown In a thousand ways that the cure or sterility lests mi every creature produced bevond the natural limits or Its own kind, 'riuch creatures havo no power or propagation. Man possesses n capacity ror the highly complex feeling of religious devotion, of vyhlch thn lower animals nro not wholly des titute, but thoy manifest no tendency io de velop surh capacity; and the reason Is, man has it moral nature lu which none of the lower animals share. Respectfully, D, II. Tints kv. VU11WAHDIN0 and COMMISSION ME tie II AN Tf, DEALERS IN FI OUR; And Axeait of lUIO RtVRR AHIi KANAWHA 70 Ohio Lever, OaIUO. lLt.IftlI!t. J. M. PHHiLIl'S & CO., (Hueeessors to K. i). Ut-n.lncsp A Co. Forwarding and Coinuiiaaion MEHCIIANTS, AMI "WnAKF-UOAT PROPRIETORS. ts Librsl AdTsncftnaiils nude s2-y upon C.jnsl(iDtncut. tlZJv Ate prepsml to rxcrii. tloro so J lorosrd frrlKhtr to nil points mj Uir mJ ell on commUsioD, "Iluslnm siUndH to pnonptlr; . U. A V Kite. K. .1. AYKKH. AY KItS A CO., FLOUR AMI GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Xo. 78 Ohio Lkvuk, Caiiio, Ills. l-Tti, J. A. 'Jl'NNINUHAM, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT and prai.m i.v HI-fVY". OATS'COEN AND MILL FEED. CAIRO. - . . ILLINOIS JOHN B. PULLI3 & SON, (Hueeessors to John It. I'Mlhs,) GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS SSD DEALEIIS IN HAY, COHN, OAT Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, Cor. TENTII-BT. am. OHIO LEV. tlAIRO, II.Llt. GO TO RIVER SIDE WATER, CURE. Ilainllton, ills., or send for free circular and list nl iueMloiis. for "hotuu treatment." No f itts-en issttess Mississippi river view. Jlale uud r einalu physlclniu, 'J-l&-tf NEW YORK STORE, " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LARQK1T TABIKTT STOCK IN TU ClTV OOODSSOLD VERY CLOSE. Coruer of Missctrenlb elreel ssael Vmm lacrelstl Asressue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. O.O.PAT1KR, (i. M. ALU E -N, I.atc or Thomas it Ablen, A N II COMMISSION MERCHANT FLOUR, MEAL, GRAIN, IIAV, Ac. No, l.V Ohio Lkvkk, Caiiio, tSTCnsh advances on floods on sight. Rki'khf.nckh : Citv National Rank ol Calm, 1'irrt National ISauU oft.hlcaL'u. 1-10. MILLER & l'ARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION SMI KOKYf AKDINO MERCHANTS, iSl DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc., AGENTS tor FAIR HANK'S SCALES Ohio Levee. CAIRO. ILLINOIS. WOOD KITTEN 110 USE & RRO; FLOUR A oncra. Commission Merchants 183 OHIO LEVER, Z. U. UATUUttH., K. O ,1)111 MATI1USS, L UHL, AND OEM Kit AX C 0 M M I 3 8 I ON M E R C HANTS DKALER9 'tS JAY AND WESTERN 'PRODUCE 0OniO I.ETKE. BABOLAY BROTHERS, AVilOLESALK AND RETAIL D HUG GISTS, 1TO. 74 OHIO LV-Jar Retail ami I'rcscription Corner Washington Ave and Eighth street. CHEST PROTKCTOHS, or chamois nnd rabbit skin, ror weak lungs. At RARCLAY UKOS. (ill.ORAlE LOZENGES KOIt SORE THROAT, frejisreil and sold Rv RARCLAV RROS HORSE ANH CATTLE MEDICINES And Itl-llifi.i t.ilit. forUtbles At RARCLAV RRO.S. FINE CIGARS, 1IONEV IIEE." "YOI N(l AMERICA. And ' Ctilvcrsal .tandsr.l. " At RARCLAY RROS. CHEMICALS, Rim SOAW,'' BRUSHES, GOSNCTICd Ltoilct lARCLAtY fflwDYC' Ha STIFFS, PAINT ERVl iMATCniAlJ! fs rflsi OTHERS) Isbssssssssssssssssssi isssssssVsssiflss.lJ I 1 n-2Mr. ORDINANCE Nil. 40. I "Wltr.r.KAH, Uy uu tirdinuiicu nf tho ctty I council, upiirured April 10, ISO!), tbo right was Kratitol to tho Cairo nnd inceniMi Rsllroad ooutpany lo lay down and oper ate n slnfclo or duubb) lino of rails ovor Mid fclorii; Ctnntnerctal avenue, upon the condition, anion: others, that suid rails should' bo laid to tho tirado established or to to established by tbo city council for tho israelii of said street; and Wlli:nnAH, A literal compliance with said coudilion is found to bo impracticable, in consequence of tho extensive Inlerfrr enco it would cauc with the present i;raile of tilts street, and tbe impossibility of thereby obtaining proper druVtiago for tbo trscl: ; thirefore Re it ordained by tbo city council ol the ell) nl f'alro: .-KtTio.s I. That the Isylnif or the said rails of s,tt rillniad cotntnnv upon tics ir ordinary thtrkncssfsayilinehV-') in lip placed lljion liie surface of'lhe f.-rnt nd as now I'M-tliii.- hel ivv Inelitleth street, (execpiliii; at street liitcr-eetluiis.vvhsrc the tie- shall be lowered a- tu reduce tin; level ot the rails there to the radu (it tin; same between said Intersection-,) shall be deemed and ennsut t red by thl- council a a virtual compliance with the. condition nf -Mil ordinance, so far n Hie laving of the rail- of said vonipany lieiovv l wenlletli street Is concerned, pro vlded, that plank of n suitable thtcknc;- aud not les than ten ini'he- wide shall be lab and in tin tained on flic ties on the outslilu uT each track, and that the spaces between the rails and between the truck and extendlns at leat fix leet beyond the rail- tovvsnl the sidewalks shall be tilled up -o as In fullv eiivtr up the tie, with Villa lll.l-e or similar tin-vva-hed gravel, -aid lie- nnd tracks to be so laid and in.tlntailieil, and said gravel to be o placed and kept as, in the opinion of the committee on -treets for the time bell!?. will attord a safe and easy ero-slinr over said tracks ami permit tho ti-o by the public, without iiuieasinialde Interruption, of every portion or the street ou which said track or tracks Is or are laid. Approved, Teh. 111. 1ST". .Toit.v.M. I,vx!n:v, Mayor. Attest: M. ,1. IIOvvl.KV, Cltv Clerk. titcss. I P. G. Schuh. tr. ffl . ' it 7) g tr C c Q 0 tz. O 3 SI' :.!.! HOATN. CAIRO AND PADUCAU HAIL IIUAT. Tlie splfti'Jtd j-tsMilef CTJLS. FISIC, Dick Fowler, Captain Leaves Cairo DAILY, (Sund.iyexeopted) at p.m Tor fUlRht opa-siiiru apply on boat or "III .I.VS. .MAI.I.OKV, A't. ttr i i HOVr StTHJtls. S A M W IliSOK, sinsi is XBOyj.a1 stoees I o r. o u k r. i e s . 1 It O V I a I 0 N H KTC. nu. no Oiuo Lsvas CAtno, III. ARTHUR ROVLK, Contractor and Huildkr Has returned to Cairo and I- prepared to take contracts fur ALL KINDS OK RUILpINGH, And i spcclally refers to his tmst reeord In ;alro tu a builder. Ile.'tdiiiiirtcrs ut 11. II. Cunulnham's (.(iniiuercial avenuo. ltelercncej to IteedtV Jlann, R. II. Ciinnltigliam and John Wood, '"I- l.totl. P. FITZOliRALD, "WHOLESALE ,AND RETA 1 1. DE.v'i.r.11 irr' H C V. tr. r. o r c Q s n c TOYS, NOTIONS, i A $ I WINES AND LIQUORS F ANC Y GOOD'S Comtnornlal Ave., Cur. nth St. Always on haiul it supply of Scutch Ale, 'v?,,,)i'lu.'l ,orter' '"''ni'uReer, Chartreuse AlJ 1'orter nd 7 : e" f i i .i ' : ilraii-lit, 'ulf to bit fiiunil oii l-IStl 810001NONKWKKK. Tn nny shrewd man who can tlu luisliies on tho ipilet, I fjuaraiiteo nn Immense For tunes, easily, rapidly, nnd In pcrrect satet.v, Adtlrcss In perfect conlldcncc, Wm. Wauukn, 28 Wost J-'ourtli street, New York 12-25 vvtlm MUSS 31. J. CARSON Wishes to call attention to her stock of Toys, Notions and Fanny Otiods aud Staple ArtU tiles couslsiliiK ot Dolls In great variety, Ladles' Work-boxes ot lino quality, Wrltllur Desks, Clilltlren's Dishes, Toy Wa(fou, Doll Hussies, Ilnbby llorrcs, Fluo Sllver-platinl Ware uu Nickel Hllver, r Inn Tnblckillviis, KnapUIn HIiik. China Vases, iutll n kooiI se lection of Cheap Jewelry. Also fluo Cull Hells. Pictures and I'lcturo Frames, and many other articles too numerous to men ion. . All aro (uvitcd to call. No. 160 Com merclil nveiiue, between Nlatb and Tenth streets. i-lClm,