CAIRO BULLETIN. We) requc rnWrlirr ..ol r.crlv. tnK 'hctr .npon rrgn nrly lo report lb liot lo Sli office, cittirr rrroon or by rnl t'rt.- l.tbllrtlon tlttlco, Bn'ltelln stiill'llng STfthlnt:loii A.srenni. fi-iul ti in itenin over- piticr wMMH.n,iiflni1 ii.,fiirtis '.iNt'.. ILLINOIS CENTRAL K R 100 Slltcetho Hhortcnt llmite TO OHICAQO Ufbty llBltirSImrli Until TO ST-XjOTJIS NO CHANGE OF CA1W Fl'.OM CAIRO TO ST. LOUIS Oil CHICAGO. ONLY ONE GUANOE or CARS OM CAIRO TO ClnelnnMI, i..llnpolK TolM", f), troll, t'lpteUod, .lsr lam BoSaIo. Pitt.bmc. 7ihltiicin. Hdltimiro, I'MUdolphls, :e Vote. Itnlnn awl nil point cMt. Mllnautle, .I.inetvule, n, YtKtofi, St. Paul t point nortl'. tilt in f.'.folhc vel) ui!i im'Imj Dwjklct, UlaemtoRton, Srip?e!il, Prin. atnor, bmUuk, Burling!., K-fc Island, M i'Mlf. Mn.ioua IMion, Frrrt, jjAlca, Dnbuqyi-, Mma iiy, Omrvtia ncd al ilnt ncrlli"!. Elegant Drawing Jtoom flipping Cn On nil Night Trains. ntcff Cheeiif.l ioi.!l fropor'nit point.. Vot tfcxct. and information, apply to I. C, li.ll depot it mroj on hoard tn tmmit .tetnr be tirea Columbus and Cairo, .l lit ton prinotjii rallron I ticket ontom thmaetiuut tl.o voiitti. W. T. JOIINiOti, (Wl CM. ,K'I. Cl.KMfO. f tit i klill.i.L, ru 1 1-1 n vtttivnv. noSoSAt. Cairo. CHANGE OK TIME. i Passenger tr.itni on tho llllnoi Central 1 chance time t)-day. 1'iom nnd alter to i p. m. to-dav tralm will nin a Iollow : Aitnivn, Kxpret-s. dally " . . . .fS:iri a. in. Mill, cxeept Mtnday ...,l:G0p. u. Dr.PAur. Exnre', . . 'J:10 p. m. Mall, ihlly except Sundav ..l-ioo night. RAIEUOAU' miE TAEI.E. CAIHO. AIHCANSAS AND TEXAS II. P.. On and alter Monday, June !). Ib7!i, trains will run ddly, eveept Sunday, between Grtftntluld'i landing mid 5"i!cc ton, Scott county, Mlisoiiil. at lollow- : Lcavo Orccntiold'H 10:09 n.m, and .'i:l n.m. Arrive " r.:iu " " Charleston 10:10 I:I0 " Il;oton 7.10 p.m. (w; tf THE CAIUO AND VIN'CBXXRS RAU.UOAD. SHORTEST ROUTE 1T.OM CIRO TO Cincinnati. Indi innjiolit, 'loVilu, Uctrolr, oVuvvl.ind, .Maura Pull, Jtutfato, i'ittiliurv. tV. diu'tmi. Ifaltltnure, Phil id. lptjla. .New VorK. Uoitou aud ail Ci-icni Point. CHANGE OP TIME. On and alter l'ucdav, .Tnlv j. j7s, trilns wtl run m rollorr. : S-.Vf'KEf. Gsilnnort.'i leases Cairont j;no.jn. outd arrfic at . ..:;' ;,ru. Mof.VP CUT ACOMVoSunov. (iolng North. Ltcvci Cairo t ...1PJ5 a.m. and -00 p.m. Oolnirsoutb. ArriTes at Cairo at .is-.uoa.ui. md l.-Jjp.m. Tbcexf.rts train north arriie- at VIn reanrs Iir.'O p.m., niakius lnr. t t'onn no tion al l:3v p.m , witli tbe Jndiuiupoli and Moeeanci railroad for Induit.-ip.jlj-, tho srreat railroad iemr. , from whith point ,r- ?nrtln at ll h i'ir-. Utr nil points la tc I nitcd ;tn e .ni , ,n,d . vt tS.M p.ia. vntti the KsantriiK aim f:rau. lawn ilte railroad, for terra, Inai.. lupoU-., Chlcico. Uanvillo and all taints iiorts, ii the t erra Haute J.isihvMc ami Caieoyo raiiroaJ, and ci.s l.i th anduJIa llae. Mid ln3ianD0lls and Si. 1.: rjilm-i.t At l.-Sap m with the Ohio and Mi-M.ini, rtilroiif, for Cincinnati, iuim i'..o. snd all' J--I1CL ci, via umcuiiini. PAtwDseigolic by roiiti ptaerd i- likliinipulu, Cincinnati. Uvul'illle. ,Sw ork, Uott n, PblUdclnLia. Bcltlutor. 1Va-llntun. and cll eautn io nn. i.3iu. in advance ..f auv other n ulc. LspTt. train mate contH-ciioa at IJ4I0. Shiv with $t. LouIj and &outhent-iii rU- wit, lor st. Louii, Mt. vcrnoa IlliooHi, Eaiwceetown. and ill plm ix : aud 3do niioaud :t Loui. At Ncmi '.' 'v raakct cUt 'r.LoSn iprttvauJ, j'.ock I-laad, and Hi potatx no -lnin.-atldtiij llttoolt -oui'.taru rait wiy uaiX coo v tiou: At Cartci wait -;c han't', IlTanmUie, I1M-der-onaoit Niklnilk rMllKar . nc. lor iiu erum (Inlniaj, Rvawrill. Headers (htnturL-y. Suhvilll rTetwec . utel aN P-t- on su L.. I' U. anil N. riuwii uri ! COnnsrlllMil. ' I 1. ....... i the uctcetoflirt. comer srvesUi Ut and Cfcraiotrl Scnur, Cairo, iiUnoi.. II. P. BCRJMi.fc. .vent. S LOCAL MEAT II RE REPORT. U. S. Sio. hjiR., un1! v.i. viiu' OFi'iCJ CaIKO.JuS. W. k:- Y'-lYiTm ! llirotaccr aur.. - a 1 Tbtrni'eter 75 deirccn. ..wiT ' ; Win. I ........... i . 7eaUwr. . m . i . ... . decreeT. - - r.,"" , , deer "nws, m vi uour?, i siu' si kd it t iv,,, &ES2Kto :toutSfa ailu,.T to Mr,t,,aH I'"'' is f i aw. m. di-isrver. Lest aeotclt ule, ,uuv pom :ihd i, year old Iwrbon whiiUey t., I uUb4 S8,t at tho Crystal SKloun,cornerct..iXin,jr, nud Cuuimerc.ui i.veuuu. CU5 lm l'i"prietori. Ducks lor the Cairo, Arkwia anj Tcva railroad. Mnrtlan Iram While A iireir". st'irv,' conic rot Sixth street tsnrl Ohio kwo, run'as followi: Leave at , "a.m. 4pjq. Arrive In olty at 10 a.m. ' " Ojtjn". 6-t If John Jli; VW.N Ateni, CHEAP HOARDING. Regular boardor at tho Rmopoaii bojrl, Harry Walker proprietor, reefdi o board at the ruto of W r itiouth. uhk LNVIR.OPJW.' litre white; hinglo ai.d Uoubic X h(ir insle.and douWe X Uaui-y, Init CjiuUty ol manllh, h!uu letter, etc., nr. M,m ' for Ale, printed at M tu . jo pir thousand, ttJie liL'LLCTIK llfWi n. ,; ceci!Im;saloo.s As Wuiiri weather u upproaihing the jovcrj ol Ice cream ill be to Icetn that JI(jtun. Haup ."j ClarL. ni U.vr l.tinj up tni refurnished, In elegant tji. . i!,i r,,. cream parlor. Their ni'immotl. mo u .r im :i)iobeeriputIni-unnlii;f'rl.r . .!!.!U., 1 vantlni' nbout the e .!.'!, hi , , j ',, the pleantn Td r r ' . t - , ,.r ifompltt- i items or loom, nkw.s. --The ilrctls are very dnily. Metropolis U reported to havo had -evcral cases of cholera. Auctioneer Dan Utrtninn sold n lot of liurso and males yesterday. There is very HttlosleknoM In the city ju"t now at leait o the health otIWr re. 1 . , , .1 -Tho l'Aducal. . ventuok Ian repor.i two dethf from chnlora .n tlmt city on , Thnrtdsy. II. Mover l;eps tho finest of finorut unm HB iuo,u, u., i a.. i . - i i.t. i . eeuea in in. matKoi. , -A number of Cairo bn.o lmlluU aro j about to orgnnlro a now olub, tn ! ki.nun as the '- reo and Lnsy." ( All k.ndsof ran plewrwnt.l.SchlnJiig. cr i, l.ighth trt, botween Mbinpton and Commercial avennn. 7-lOtf. ine lmsvillo 'l oiirier Journal in- pcrs who inaho application to our nuthor forms its reader) that n c.-.bin boy on tho j ities for admiilon in tho hospital wero steamer Orand Tower drew a $1,000 prle j sent adrift to "paddlo tholr own eanoo," or in tho lalo lotcry. 'sink. Ko oiw whom is boliovod worthy Tha MiMioiiipi river is nt a staml at of aiiitnco i ever turned awoy, but on Pt. l.ouii, and will in all probability, re- 1 main o for a day or two, as tho lato heavy rains will keep it up. ' j Tho l.acy llertrnm, CnpL Samu.l I. 1 CI ray, ooramanding. left ?t. Joui for ' (-'Inclnnallat I o clock yesterday afternoon i ami will nrnvo here this morning. Tho Ilibornian Firo company came out ahoad on their roitrth of duly picnic. Tho Delta's did woll, and after paying all ospensof. will have a hnndiomo noma left. -1'hotOL-rnnlu nn.l other nhtem.t.1. : SohloslnKor',,' Eighth Z n I "'"'"Bton nnd CommBrcial avenues. '"V?".' i-nuiican is not through with tho clol era yet. u ana informed that tho larg est number of cases that have oc curred on any oao day during tbo seaon T.m on Thursday trust. (load a charnpoo at J. Oeorpo Stoin- l.n...-'. 1.. .1... i ,..uu?i.-i! iminii "uop. j; coou ii man ' tompcr nnd tnako. him at pence with "nil tbe world and the rest of mankind." "'',,r Ilottllh oaierr Woolen report the moat (.hops and vegetable stands all In a Koo-l pynd Hon, but ndd that the meat dealer of tho 1'ojrth warl doservo me- vM prniw lor the in-inner in which they keep their shop. Irof Curtlcoof tho Conservatory of . . ' " wuii Hi'isnt irom wo city a ft-w dya hat returned, and will continue 1, mnt, Icnwu ni nmsl. Scholar, will , ... . . lumr uoijrapnneatior.3 can be received at anc tlmo. -IV. Si. !,,:! .Tin,,,. .,,l0 rn. port of tbo conwlldation of .1m ,. nariuua r. uy, iuo mouior or a small .nu j,arCo hno, and tho buying up of nil I child, was nrwted along with tho rest, the other boat on tho .Mlssl.sippi, which j but out of pity for W child ,ho was nor appeared In yos:erJy 'Jiimorrnt,' new mittwl, on payment of costs, to go aeouit to tbo cumpacJoj rof.rrwl to. John Smith and William Rustic, on a . Ln. .v 11.... t . ... w.. i. - ii.ivii J win 'three volumncs. alcsev -i-mioral of Apjuro,' tw voluinnos. Theso book were borrowed from tho undersigned and never returned. A HWral reward nil! 1. pa d to any ,,, who w,n tnrn thcm ,0-:'r; ... .ioh.s c. W...T.-. U.,:t " -Work on Uie Cairo ex tension of the , Jiif.iuippi Central rnilroid i goln ahead the seme as If there bad never been n csio of cholera among tho IhUorori at work on it. Met of the jld men, having got r.o: their "enr, " bavo tjeno back to work, and well alistlej nud doing a wen ss ever thtry did. C. H&aav wiihei the uublu t.. U, u. formeI tbt he has 00 band a stock of lry oodi aud ernu t t.v.;r. ! .1.. ..... . ." - 1 ' ' "ui"Ke' a tf"- he is Wterrn- ,a 10 su everythlog nt pricti tower rBr cflirawtoyhr.d exatii)Soo4 a ad nrsce. II. ;i aii,rv yen W.haau, . rujM ' iniored hv WW Mh 1 cart . fwiwun on Thurad., wasfonsd seceemrr u ..i. " ' w b-'otSKU to tUt c'.ty. nod t I from W i n. i " 1 frm Sv.- ft. t i- i . I - ' ' M IB i. III. . -' The l-y. ' who play tM Ull were . t -.aS r.(; -lj . lows, who U aeked t.epUtKrtfck J i 1 ' r cirry a Loektt f walr would irwVe , mere fuM ihsa & little uWjt lu nut ir. , . ' eao J ' it day. lt-.-B-rill. ..t i,t ,1.- iiL7Z.' . I ... . - . . . . nw - - j. - - -The ftyRottiog Lost .rrired asd de- y.rW .'.- this rrt yur4aj : Arrive Aaic, 81. Joul,. lUieo'. I'oIju. itHi i . . V, " ' cTT," " "T 7 . V ' ""' ' Bf - -.. Harr Aims, liew nuseonisn, ioji meet Mr. V''' 1Ute0, C,U"lbu" i" J XlM "J 1,WMi 8i KmS,M ' " M ' TVnA'W ,kU"' Kr.,ttothH.niWea4uDssisv. tvguUr. v; Csirftol Oltjr. Vkklew. -The folbjwi.t. ne.,! ...,7 There it poihiBi- in wbicb rieon! are mA.. .1..:.. i .t. s. . . . goods madeiras tfte preciot rceu!. Kajwitg tku f.t, it it jUwtyiMfw t ptireliat thee somU frgsn msuttifecttuen . hi l.a a reputation v, maiuula. at-I 1 ibce lu,0 J,,)M)JSI, u ln ,!)-f lieu f ,r ioletrrHy. Yf9 M '" -i m f'nj, tt,:ta de- icrnleed to twtabiUb sttcsut'tt on f that 'bwu.t. Bttinebyrlef cet.But .srvdiill ana tew of the iLli ,w. 11 lbl pon rw, ivo any vary mi iU4 freiglt. IIowrTOf, t this tuass y ry ml (iUW,lHy ol of tbe u QxpecM teat Dual Beat will U dull. Theto -dull time" m.I prt,bbly lest for the next foir or wook, bofof() Ibeio will b any material improvement la ird, ami ln the inesssiUine it J hoove. our ouHisete men to prepai., J f th bmv mson, which frowp,,.,,., indlcti,,;. e .. proinieoe to be a good um.. -Ruble In loog c!uthMl 1 4ble in ihort clothe. UMr, w!)0 who i, boy U.MH nnd ,!rl IL ty babiw ntl u(ly babies, ball whl, blue eye esd bafciu with brown oytn, 1,M. m .m curjy imir and babiot will uraishv bair.all cry logo to Wlntore pho ith Wi-t.r ' ' " (i wi I 'r "i r (ir.j nl i B'-i I'll ft I l t,f lit II CAIRO LAU JH.LLEUN, ,-AlUU)Al, dr. it 1...1..K1. ..r.i li.e. . r.Minst. I itnbiomct. nri tinnunagcttblu in-1 b? encouraged an 1 'drlaltieti. fnnt In the world will .viold i At the nlo at tho I'lanlcr. wa.ehotuo lll;o ftllttlolnmbnn ) tit ni and ni j ye'terday tUrtyiix hec'bea.U wcro placed -. tir . n,mU Th L,n i.riulM nd 'ill at tiin followin? I trulh UWlnirrtr'nllprr ii tlifi liabtcs' mrr.. I duo, and tho children find it "lit in a lit-' 1 1 . i iviuio ana never t-ant rh imiire. And (till thpv coino. Wo menu tho jiaunon from all parts pt the country. yJ M m ffm nnJ w . . , nun tiuiii i'L'i ijunc.ur inuiliv nuvuv Cairo, and nino oul of t vorv ten of them ro proft-'ional hoggin and dead l eaU ' - wlotravol from one town to another beg , v M fln(, n WM,. whfnU ,f lilTerei, the(jl ,)w.MlonM1 fln0 f(,1)tll, wlln w, wpr. faw dnv, nn j Uirn , (runk 0JJ cnrnin ,( nn,, MMf,lWtlr Ret 5iki nm, than h90XTKU t0 h3 lM;on CRt0 of ftt tho exp(ins0 of tho rblio. Verv proper! v moit of tho pau- 1'" contrary, our authorities nro willing and do cheerfully rendor alltbo nsltance ln t,,oIf lwv!T '! ponon: Imt lroioesionai irarnps ana iwgsars mir.ut a woU Klvo Ca,ro tln"hi.,-' for nnno nf lu' 'r uij "i numniiro mr n will 'urely la refused tbem. I'OMUK COl'KT. . f" 'l '-M. - J Hveiy uny mnonit tl.C white. No loss than ten of thce "n vronhi of tho pave wero trlud before twelve o'clock. Ei"ht of the ten wore colored. and of the eight eoven woro sent t" tho calaboose, being unable to piy the tine sesssd against them. 1'irsl on the list iitno Mollis Hull and .Martha Well, cidorcd ; and .Maltlu Eridges and T'rsncii Hmm, charged with ' v,0'1tinG ordinance No. I, section '!. Inas mucii as in;y woro inmate or nti l con- ! noctcd with houses of Hl.fame. 1'inoi of f lOnml tho ' usual fair were ncsscul 1 uBnioit each of thpm, and Iwing nnnbio to , find U9 required amount about their olothc". wWnwiih to i ,,ii i..,. n,ev ' ent to tho lock up for rune daw on' h. ! j ,MnUe, P(lCy Robinson, .lose- , pblna Matj.flold and Nanev Web'tor, nil 1 coioro.i, wt-rc tatod fivoand en: ec-a for lonorlnt- ,tl,n.,t .1, -.i Not hsring able to py thoy were all sent l" tno lofk up. I ,. ....... ; -"T"!,. ' "tfn-'c' -t . , ' cuargo l driinkcnncs. worn beforo bit hon r. Smith was tased two cud lluglo throo dollar md costs. Thoy wanted to leavo town nnd if tho city utiorncT ould let thorn oil' would leavo town wi.hout further v,aru,D nSBii,r.:B "an Jlirry, an old oCeadi-r ami 0110 of ' ' " , r , ' CM,W '" tbo s:':"' WM "P f" ditordcrly conduct, and n Uno of ton do! lnrii booked cgainit him. Jlo had no money but didn't' want to go t jail. Ho was given two an 1 r. hnlf hours t., lenvc tbe city. -Mrs. .Mack, who runs n bwd houso near tho corner of Twoinh reet and ......... '. . i . mi amiui;, Mai crreiieu on a timUr ebarge, and wm sent to tl.-"la boose lor olcven day. PERSONAL; .,ttdf, Brott fctulMf.01Jtr: t . .n ie- 7., "TT,"""'8' ' A: :n- XeH alitor ot tkoXe-j tr0P' 'Ti'.' is tie city yciurday. "pt. O J. WJUUrtHs. U hoproving. . . siod will b ta to sjttflnd lo iuitness In a w U m . P . , ' l iho "f n lhH '-'ty, Is St J,ooii. htnXa b 50i to VilMMi to pc4 a ismUi or tU weki. --r- wi twni, wj..t.aowa in v.u i4m i;n .x-,. . . .1 .... f'.r., f . L . It... . . ... B'r rr-" Uip to Jiew Or- . ,T-- 'ww vmntr "isi.n"i ti js i I . - . . . a ! . . . i room by ikns. -M. ?.. C. tfW uf t.'. firm ,, iU'huu 'bL skbi Ci'j J m 7... nwoinrforlW 3 " 1 niK i f . rrtt i aa m r-. stu. s a llalW. Z 7.'Cr,,' , , , "' ""B iE'tmd at the m. Cbcrle u-j iiti.r. .4 . . I . nr.t. ... .. . , otr o4 CWlee MtCai.e, Gra:.4 J;p. Micfcifen A M.Jfeou, Betburv, ii),. i i TIeM J. Jut-tseo. CiBcini.."ii v.. he. l- IewU ; li. SeBo,kri;l.(.r, ! Sew Ortf; w. IK KnkSed, Uui. I eitle, Kwtneky ; It. S. SjsuTer, Keo- "". ' - OCR TOJUCCO MAHKKT i . I'LAHTKI'S ivini'nm.m jjAI;U- A n ii in t LfiT nil! ' I PRICE OI1TAINKD Though It Iim lakm, y0 v. l.i,or uluJ tba BJspeodltMro of a l,irg.i mr.oui.t of wy te goswwpiub. the fcnd, wo now iHvu n iwrniMtutiiiii i. . i "wiinou an i rue- ; "2 wlumtmiia , f . , , " H ' 1C" '-cr"a to tbo city ' 1 ! , i to "tfia ' """Twiioe ' u.. ,r..bu,inM At cb Uav I .7 VT' " of pcopio from tho ouutrv r.i.tid tobacco ;UuuP. ubout u. n well a. Irom all the pruifip,.! ciil... , tho mutb ami Vt e.n.l ry ono of them .,. u. IIVI.V, lll.llli.l i' I IIHIJl e mjV "tin. ft theso Je- t tn!.o j , ' twro Inn your it would u iinpcrtan o to r ir io I'1 imtiorlnnt Ibnt toVnccu'i'narlc.t lmnM I nrlcM : " hhds tap, i . r u i uu 8 fiCfn 50 00 ' Jl liluli il pner'. - - , .i, nllft rnero vrcro no rrjeinum ' i- woro nlikfi v.ifetory tn soUer and pur- j chaser. K V.N ASTON" TO THE FUONT. Mr. .tames Kynaston, who'o reputation a butcher i excellent with the people ol tlii" rlty, ha opened a new meat ' Mio; near the corner of Commercial uvenuo i and twentieth street, nrst door to Mr. 1'nt ' l!nr!' "r.xery 'tore. It UawclUnown ami anowledced fact that Mr. Kynastoti. ilui--1 tiy hit lotis txprrieiac in the meat bttsl-1 lie ill tlii liy, never niicrcu m nn i-iisiuiu. c anj.hl.ig but the S "J of meat. He i a good Judge of ca lie, and i buys nothing but the youngest ami attest, and as a con'equeneo h.n the best of beef.' The Mine may bo ,ald of evety kind of meat ( soul 0 mm. mvc mm ninai, aim win uiu lor It. 'you will always be plca'cd. kx-cuksrTn'to desvek. M. am St. Ii. 1.h;bt CoMiwja, Ar.r.NT sOrricK, Ciro, 1, 1878. , Tho Memphis and St. Louis Packet , company now ofl'ar for salo round trip tinfcett from Cuiro to Denver end return' S7'., gool for ninety days from dato of I sale. Alio regular tickets on snlo for Kansas City, Omaha. Topeka, Lawrence, San 1'rsncisco and a't principal point voit, and by rlvor and rail to nil Kint.i wiith. Tor futthor Infnrmation call at tho cnitipHDj'i ofilce, No. 71 Ohio levoe, under Oily National bank, Cairo, Illinois. .Iavu MAt.i.or.v, Tieket Ag't. Shi . A. Sii.vrr, l'isengor Ag t. 7-1-tf. ! Till: itAiillEP.. I i ... .t.t .....i. ......... .. i. . ... itu:. iicuii. i.ui -iivt i. m .u wiuu it . u has Jit't laid out u con'Idfinblc um nl money in lopaintlng, papering, and in cury way repairing his baibor hop, and his 1 ' now one of the uKust. if not the nicest ton ori.d c;stnblihmi'iit lu Cairo, llslm tn ploy none but lirt-clys workmen In his .'hop, nnd wo senturo to Kiy tho two youn? men who now hold Itnatlons thrro, cannot bo excelled iu thuir uilling by aiiy other barber or bflrbf rs In tho city. TrjKtlif in. i; KOR PALE OE RENT. A two.jtory hotiioon Commorclil avi nuo r.oor tho corner of Nineteenth street. Tho houso Is forty feet lor.3 by tw only. two feet wide. It contains ton room and kitchen, nnd a gocd cittern nnd nc-',''-.5sry oui-uouscs nro attacuod 11 it. jt 11 wen VtD'.ilatod and well adapted (or a business 1'ousoordwelllng It b in a busln-s, par. 01 lUo nmI lm bctn owly painted and renovated Insldo and out. Apply to . .John ItrcAiirv, River Shannon House, Ohio Levee, Vro. Jllinon. ' 7-c-1m. COMMERCIAL llOTLI, This popular hotel hai been relittcd and mproved, alnl is now one ol the r.iot coin lortablc ttopping plaeei in tho city. Tho travelling public and pcroni ileslrlns j plcns.tnt imarlen by tbo wuck or month.wlll always iiml them nt tho hotel. 1 ltato ol board havo been rcdurtcd as fol- . lows: Day board, ?l .v per week; traa-it, 51 .V) per day; board and lodging, from i " 10 C7 per week. Mis-. JL .1. Wiim:. II ' Propriotro". A GOOD1N VKSTM ENT. A raro chnnco I offered to sonio man j with money to invest in good paying property in tho most desirable part of tbe city. Two lots, 10 feet front on the avc mie, bouse 0 iturius. Two largo ttores cgn bo IHted up on tho first floor, the up. ' per stories nro well arranged for oitice or , dwellings. Tor further particulars en 1 'julre of Jons Q. IIakman A Co., ' 0-1-tf Real Eitato Agents, Cairo, Ills nohceT Oflci Oelro and St. f)ui- RJl. ;.i. 1 , Ci.iro, Ills , July -, l -T i. , Netlefl 1 l.reliv given that a meoting of tbo director of tth company will lip held nt tho Southern lUiul in the citv of rit. IiOnif, Jto wi Tat-sdny, tho lith inst., a. rn. 7.ld TSA' V,'B' nt' - savfKoouZ. Mr,. Anna Lang oni Eighth street, b-nveen Coraueretil and Wmhlngton aenuc, has Jut opeuoil iut a stock of netv and fathlou - able mininery goods, bbe Jim one Jiundred and fifty dincrent styles of JiftU and bijur.eli, uMa . i.r... . . .iui a . ".r- -;--"" ""'""." - I ' an sow, ll 01 wr.i..i wu ... uu,l .. . .1 1.1 1 1. Ull .. ....... "Jar-'o A new.'iotilha Ujeupciicd ui;ti,c; ! bwi ,'''4', on -9 wrBer 0 btemij P"1 n1 Vsiblij;rton avfluuo. Jt srsJI boM. and proprietor, d ,,r' jttIo a-a hotel. vejer u weii-Lnown in Ibis cuy. The bou5 h bten thoroughly rcnovat d and ! "WBleleH. .d fa In . . cr, way fir-t.elas.. Tto IrXlei we at all times furm-bed wiU, ' the bU the wtwn lTi,rd. and the ,h,n,e. i I -hndt being only Jl U) per djy. Jlr. 1 I'jkwh ...ii.Ii-.1..... . . .. .1 Rfown aolicits aud de-en -h-.te of Uio, ruMsii!rona:re. '"Hti Cl'aaf ist. 4 tt . . aLMiwt iviiujuioii to tno trade. Jluviniru lareo qoa. tlou of ljandsoiiH' whilo "oods vory clicap, Uati-ste lo valon- clonnis, Jilain Hlvipod and fb--' uius.1 njiva , DWISP, Jllillll 11 1 la... inpeu ann npruroii : ictonn: flnu - ne iilnln tlninml ..i,,l I!.. V '.. 1 ,u u U,0(l ' arsOHJO.H Jll gl'O.'lL VltVl- pIh, and jiattonis ; Nansoota patterns ; linen lawns, wliiti. and figured ; I'ereale.s in hand fioino ii.tfiircs and (lesign; i ni liroidorois in largo a-'r. inonts; white Inminin ,n , largo assortments ; linen uit-; iugs in all shades ; linen dim-, askes, handsome pattern, . havo in store a verv nun,.!,.., , arir(, , . ' 1 and fronsonablc ..,,1. i '"'d of dry goods -.r chi-np. 0. JTa.NM. , I. S. Plcaso call, no tr..u- J-', Home AdvcrlPJUillClltS. m'r(iii:UH. AS1 tiEAT.Wlfl III CHOICE PRKSIl MEATS ok Kvr.iiv nr.Jcitii'noN. Corner 1Mb Mrcct and Cotiiuicrclal aV next door to the llylinil Mloon. 11-1(1 tf. CA1HO. Hi us. JAf!OH WAl.TKll, AND ITttri! Is) PUBS 11 MEAT, Rmnn StiikkT( RTWEIt:, VMmcnos ht ComubboiXi. Avehuk?, Adjolntnn Bl'tenhnisan iiml lluiiny'x uf.!'WS J"' ciniean m me men ncceinnui? innoncr. - - ,,0,IX S'MlTI1' 'Sttcceor to .tjtnes h'ynat"iu' UcToni:(l Kmt 1)KAI.K , ALl. Kiwi o I'uksh Muat. Cohnkii NiAK.rr.KTit and Pori.Ati Sis., CA1KO, ILLINOIS. Huys and riaugtiten only the bet cattle, u2ft ton thousand pouudi. TH.B MTTLK ivEXTUOKIAN SALOON ANP KSSTJLTJJLISr T (Open D.iy and .NUlit.) .1. I:. PAItlCS, I'ropriotur, Ohio i.evee, bet, 1th and Ctli .'trcct-, CAIRO, ILLS. MEALS AT ALL HOLES. A lino new Dining Hall with every con venience lm been added to tkt popular Restaurant, and the gucct- will nii'i rverr rcnuNite lor thelraeeoinoditlon. HIE HILL OP PARE , eonI-t ol every MiMantial and ilellraoy ol theoawn. rppq pi pr y 1- snppliod with tho CHOICEST LIQUOR&WISES & CIGAHS I SJ'Mixcd drinks prepared with eirc. IMG tt. IIIS.S.I4SIIIS. f a,-Y at,-- "' f si NICHOLAS BILLLLARD HALL HOTEL ETTEOPEAl-1" And RESTAUR A NT. HARRY WALKER Prop r hook ih.nium;. PATRONIZE liULLETIN BINDERY, Comer Tw Jlth ftr'et nnd WaJiln2toi! Ave , 1 1 1 r m 1 n ') . J. 1.1. U l!l JO , ' il.alerst.Lort.v PROPRIETOR HOOK IllN'DKlt AND BLANK HOOK . ,.,,,,.., , -iA.otAi.i I1LANJC JiOOILSof cicrydcicriptloniionn j with ncatnis mid dispatch. All klndu ol i riling d'jnu at chortnoUeo. Ribles, JIiislc. ! Micazlnes and Pa1odL:alj bound mat and at the lowest mnty work, kiiUi n l.'econ!', Dockets Ks J'-fioli., libnk., etc.. mwle a fpceiallty 'ixei. Poe!ct Rook, Knvu Jope, etc flr ""-' J 1 I ,T?U'T 1. 1) Ml r.f.S ( ii i ol 'I wents-si i oi d -trci t ) Ohio Lin . c ' M. D. NT I .R I'll .Jl'IWLI-ill, ( 0 ! STKAM-TJIMI-TIl I'nIIV MPI. In I,...,!! H... I I. en i-siii- Hill Itlt4 . rjronlfroolieitcil, I lm IIUAT fiTOIUiS. I N 1 I BOAT a-j?OI2.3IlfJJ ' "'" (I It 0 C K Tt ' X H . PROV1HIONH T. No, tut OUIO LllYHB OAIIXO, iLt V&S?- Vou can buy six and one-lialf lbs. Durant's A Coileo Sugar for Ono Dol- Ini,. Cn.iKii I lie Mmc Hid n.m a 8 ' for Quo Dollar? Best thrco and onc-half libs. Primo Rio Collco, Ono Dollar; Best Imporial Tea, Ono Dollar and a Por pound ; Jiosi um -, nowaor l ea. uno jonai mm Lvni1K-.f ' nnllla nor nound : 1 Young Ilyson and Oolong Toa, .Ono Dollnrnernound.aild Cv- TT "lnlntifr 'Pfin evvtliiiurnronortionatolychoapl riv, ' $30,000-' WORTH O'P.adODS AT COST. - 4-f. ON AND AFTER I w ill f-oll my onliro stock of Dry Goods and Carpets AT ACTUAL COST As ( am determined tocloso out my protenl busine n ouh as possible. .l!.TO AVOID AI.I JIISTAKIW IIKIM'ArTRII. TH!8? STOCK wn.i. in-: sold sTiiioriiY von cash. .1 .!y:., DISINFECTANTS : 0 0 P 1 1-1 A S li'-ltOM C A II L 0 i A T 0 I-' L V E It LI A N G A ' c A WW 0 L I A('IJ) Cll LO K I J)E OF LIME, V 0 D l-'Ofl S.VXiK .A.T IiOW .PKIC33B -AT- B.OXi.Y BBOTHERS, , . DHITGGIS'TS, C'OKXUlt W'ASIIINfiTO.V WKSIT. AND 'lillSHTIL STIIEKT. I I 35TO. 7- CHARLES HOTEL . 1 m.m m . 1 i CAIRO, ILLINOIS. . i. - ' '" tUait;ltSl Thc.Ealnt Chailci n w II and wbli 'y L 11 .vviiVn the i idin.' al.'i LAKOESTJIOTEIilX SOUTHERN ILLINOIS And in all the appointments -f tir1- ' i". hoiine, has no eoinprtlor in Cairo, and no .supe rior In the ftato outnldo of Chtcauo. The Paint (Jlnrlcsl built in the mo.t solid and Ptibttaniial inaiiuerof hilck and iron. l four utorlcs in height, cvidiisivo of basomeiit and attic, has a Ironlign ol 110 feet on tho Ohio river, 12.1 leet on Second ureet nud a wing lor culinary pui noes; Is In thoroiuli repair nml will comrorL-iblv accoinmoilalu 'JiKI L-iirsN. Is now dolor a linn imvlti" l.n.lnp... wlileli and will comfortably accommodato 'M) viicsti. I will bo largely iiicri'axjd during the tire'ct f :n rn. nnti tierioiK will he ln clu.n tiro.viinitv in mo iiou.e. PuitliM wishing to ciu'.'igo In the hotel bulnes hao now nn excclietit opportunity lo purchase tho cntlro property, or oncthlrd Interc-t with management or tho i.itslue, In cluding luridtiiro and 'food will, on very rea'onnblo terms, at low ll'nres, and cniy pav. nil HI", u'licae: i. i, ii- Miiilln i v II Pcrdldo Street, New Orlean. ;uoi:itiijs. II. A. Thorn L. 1 1. Thorns TirO.MS k IIItOTHKU, "ilceenosrn to II. M.llulen. COMMISSION MBK(!HAKlS.I!OKi:HS AND liHAI.KKo IS .StiijtlK nml I'liue.v S.'i'ct'rri i h Koirlgii and Dnmi-ti.' xTXoTJXI'S MXT'JD X'T 17073 ISt Commercial Aw h it. JLAIHO.. - I LLINOIH. IIU10LX SCII.M KTZTt WW, (StiudC'Mr to JL Thiclei l.i' , i llculi r In All KliKN .1-A.MILV GROCKKIES WASIIINOTON AVLNl'C, lir.TWnK.N TKS'TIt A.V11 Kl.CNI'VTII h i 111 I'.T'. Dating purchased the grocery i -',ibi-h-inentot 11. Tlileli ol.o. I hhall alwawt hi cp on baud a full and fresh mpplv ol' all liiu best goods In my line, to bo found in tho market. Ilv Uriel nttuitlon to buslnus, and fan deallii", I hope nut only lo tetnln ull tlio cii.ioui llio phuo In Mijoji d in Uiu past, but to add to tho l,-i i.ieuy now pn U'oin. Abklnj a I'jlr tha d ublie p.ttioii. Ru-i'oi (fully, iikiimv. H-'ioiKTzsTniirr DANIHI, JiAiMIMJH'r. PASI1I0NBLE BARBER KlfillTIt Si , It r Cum. Ai Vi'aBIIm CURD, ILLS. JR.U. CUNNINGHAiM. 0 Oil. LO It A L I'M T .U Y. . N A T V. 0 F V 0 T A S II, I'uW'DEK, E 11 E Tj C H A H C.O A L . -Af:n i Is now doing a tine paving hii'lne", which year by tho new rallroauj'now being built Into JEVETT WILCOX, ( "arc or Tieku or A- Co., ST LOI'H. HAGAN'S V MR- Magnolia Balm rtw ArriiictTP s mau, Puro Blooming Cotnploxion. H is Purely Vegf tabli", ar.d 111 oprtatlon it t fi nd fill at ancr. It dor amy null Um riiniini Appiaranco cawed by IIt. I nllmir. aud 1 ir it-. niHiit. HciJn aailrcrcovcsoUlllolcUnaii l'imilt., dupi'Uics dark ai.d untltitty tpots. JlrlTraaw .y 'Jtn, l'rrcklid, .uilSuntiiirn, n.ilLr 'ijHcMlihnt Iciluiuce n.actlci tba l.ilixl cticiL viittTirrttr. nr.ooM Arm nvsni'v Sold by s Pri-, llB a U i'mk I Uc Vt-w Vuri, Sold by sll Prr-. inla and nccy Stores, pri-..".. I'AIIKUH & nJiAKU, irilrusiv WALL PAPER, PAINTS, l-ullfi Hciialiie, Oruollii,., VVIITDO'W Q-TjAfcia. wi.vnow BiiAnKB, l,. the reletraimi UluniliiMm AUKOHA OIL, nmv'totr.fiiNn ooi? 11tu.3t. oou MJCH0L4I IV., (,"r- ' Hjuoi.. Pit t" be'. I f y evirv P ,(l-li to hty ivnnds (Li's n 1 . Tf ... TlTI'tlT- at, iiniA'i ti.i.i (