CAIBO BULLETIN. -. ... aakMrtbcr reiT ..Mr - t. report MWlkliflM. "' "- rMiiMit . "- B4laf filer ott nt'TP' ILLINOIS CENTRAL It R TO CHICAGO fsjgfcty MUMtketkorlMt MonlD '-070 ST-LOUIS NO CHANGE OK CARS t FROM CAIRO TO 7ST. LOUIS OR CHICAGO. ONLY ONE OIIANGK OF OAKS OM CAIRO TO Olaoliattl, l.lltaipolla, Toledo, Detroit, Oletelmd, Nmr Falls Btrfrslo, PitUhuiK, WMblDKtoo, Baltimors, IPMIadelpbla, Naw York, Billion and il omn Mil, MllwinkU, JnoMtllle, AUdls.a. J.Otc, Bt. Paul uJ ill points north. Tkii I lto lb etilj dlnct route lo Dtcslar, Bloomln,ton, Nptioxlli iVortis, QulnoT, Keokuk, Burluurtta; Knk IiUnJ, 1 811. hUndois, Diios, Frtwport, (taint, Dubuque, Sionx Ultr. Omth tad all polatt Lottbwut, Klecent Drawing Boom Sleeping Car On all Night Trains. Bf Cbckd 10 kit Important points. rot ttekat and iDformstioo, pply to I, 0, K.K depot t calm; on board tfietreatit etenmer be tweey Ooltusbui tsd Cairo, end et tbe prlnclp rellraeJ ticket offlcee throughout tbe eeutb. W. P. JOHNSON, Oen'l Put. Ag't, Ctlo0. A. MiTcint, Oen'l. Bap't. Cnicsgo. J. JOHNSON Ag't, Cairo. CHANGE OK TIME. Passsurer trains on the llllnol Central change time to-day. From and utter 2:40 p.m. to-day trains will run as lollows : Express, dally ...4:06p.;m. au, except sunaay . . . ,a:iD a. in, DEPART. Exprewi, .. 2:40 p.m., man, uany except aunuay . .11:00 p. in railkoadtTmb TABLE. CAIBO. ARKANSAS AND TEXAS K. E. On and after Tuesday.July 10, 1873, trains will run dally, except Sunday, between Greenfield' landing and Iron Siding, Missouri, aa follows : Leave Greentleld'i at ... Arrive at Greenfield's at Arrive at Iron Siding at.... Leave Iron Siding at. ... 4.00 p.m. ti-..'."i a.m. 7:16 p.m. 0:15 a.m. THE CAIRO AND V1NCENNES KAILROAD. SHORTEST ROUTE FROM OAIKO TO Cincinnati, Detroit, Buffalo. Indianapolis, Toledo, Cleveland, Nlagra Kallt, Baltimore, iikriiu,K. anuiliuion, PhlUdelnhla. Sew V?W. iKiJion ana an .Eastern i'olntu, CHANGE OK TIME. On and alter Tuesday, July 1, 1873, trains will run as follow: EXPRESS. Going north leavo Cairo at 4:00 a.m. Going souta arrive at Cairo at.... 3:1U p.m. MOUND OITT ACCOMMODATION. Going North. Leave Cairo at.... 11:35 a.m. and 0:00 p.m. Going South. Arrive at Cairo at. .8:00 a.m. and 125 p.m. The expret train north arrive at 'in. I'.nilM ! tliin n m - -1 1 . . . Uon at lfcso p.m., with thelndUnpua aud vi&vesnes raUrftaa tor Indianapolis, tbe great railroad centra, from which point wain are departing at ail hour, lor all vomu m me unitea Bute and Canada. At "twp.m. wita us JCvanevme and Crw t'JUnllle railroad, for Terra Haute. India u !", Chicago, Danville and all points uvrui, via vuo icinuiuu, cvansvuie tiuu Chleogo railroad, and east via the Vandaila tine, and Indlanapolli and St. Louis railroad. At 1:55 p m. with the Oblo and Mississippi railroad, for Cincinnati, Louisville, and all point east, via Cincinnati. Passengers going by this route are placed In Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, New Tprk, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and all eastern points, twelve hour In advance of any other route. Xxpresa train makes connection at Eldo rado with St, Louis and Southeastern roll way, lor St. Louis, Mt. Vcruon (Illinois). Shawneetown, and all point!) between Eldo rado and St. Louis. At Norris City nuVcs cloe connection for Springfield, Hock Island, and all points .on Springfield and Illinois Southeastern rail way and connections. At Carml with Bt. Louis, Evansvllle, Hen derson and Nashville railway Uue. lor Mt. Vernon (Indiana), Evansvllle, Uenderaou (Kentucky), Nashvillle (Tennessee), and all points on St. L,, K., U. aud N. railway and eonnectlons. Bartage checked to all Important points fSerrar ticket and Information PPly t neket office, corner Seventh itrcet aud jommerciai avenue, Cairo, Illinois. Jo. Lie, Hup't. Ouas. O. Woou. Gun. Pass'r and Ticket Ag't b. r. nvnxtiux, wgent, lairo. DOCAL WEATHER REl'OJIT. U. S. Bio. Skb., Oubkkvkk'm orwtcw, I Caibo, Augut 7, lbTa, 10:11 p.m.; Barometer U9:d7. Thermometer 75 degrees. Wind, southwest, velocity 10 mile per hour. Weather, clear. Maximum temperature ;iast 21 hour, & degree. Minimum temperature, last 21 hours, 72 degrees. Prevailing wind last 24 hours, east. Total number of miles traveled during last 24 hours 110. Edwin Oakland. Observer. Beat Scotch ale, stout porter, and oleht I vux old .bour ben whiskey tui fr,,i 1 . . 1 r -1 ... - at me urjrstai ssioon, corner 01 Sixth street arid Commercial avenue, Stiaoala 4 Lajjc, hn Proprietors, Hacks lor theCalro, Arkansas and TexA railroad, starting Irom White Si Greer's tore, corner ol Sixth street and Ohio levee, run as follows: Leave at , 8 a.m. 1 ' p w. RIJMC iUvllj UV.,. .,,,..,,. .11 M.iJl, " " bpM. A i .1 Its... 4 r .. 0-tr JOHN ilKYXHH, Agent, CHEAP BOAUD1NO. Hegular boarder at the European hotel, aarry Walker proprietor, receive board at be rate of fSQ per month. wo-tf ENVKLOl'ES, fine white ; single and double X amber ingle and double X Canary, best ijuallty ol oanllla, bluo letter, eU., etc. w,000 for Je, printed at 3 60 to 6 ftO per thoutand, t the IlULLKTtM Orricic. ICK CUEAlsSALOON. A warn WWther is approaching the )ver ot Ice cnua will be glad to learn that ieiarfcttoopACJarkiOB have fitted up and tftirnlTiffj in alegoat ityle, thtlrlte cream . trior". Their mammoth aoda lounuio ban f 10 been put In running order, and botbii1K '1 wonWBsT About the esubltsbuent to make pbjaaura and romiori or ttieirpatrout LOCAL SHOBT STOPS. itr. Davit now wear a itraw hat, Buslnws oa th landing yeittrda was Juil moderAtely lively. Green wood flftr cent a load At tbe box factory. 7-30-3 w Dr. WllliAmi, tb dtntUt, late of thi city, wai in town lAtt ning. Mr. Clark of CincItnAtl, owner of the CUrk building, Ohio lereo, U in the !ty, looking After hi inUrett hero. MArrled, August 6, 1878, by L. J or- gensen, Biq., Mr. Thomu D. Allcock to Mis Hu'ldA A. Howe, ell of Kentucky. Hlley'i stock of fruit cabi Is the largest in the mArket, And he has load of can wax. 7-29-lm. There will be a sal of tobacco At the Planters' warehouse thli morning. There will be a conilderebl quentlty of line to bacco offered. Capt "W. L. Ham blcton of Mound City was In Cairo yettsrday. He it con siderably "bronzed," but not quite enough to make a flrit-claii statue. A detailed account of the uionoys le celved and expended In improving St. Mary's park will be published in Tat Dullitin to-morrow morning-, Halley will offer extra inducements for the next 30dAy, 10 a to make room for his largo order of heating itovos. John Sackberger, who a week or ten days ago fell from the second tory of hi house to tbe sidewalk, is eblo to be About Again, and will be as well as ever In a few days. Mr. M. O. Cox, tbo newly appointed city comptroller, is probebly a well qual ified to Oil tbe position a Any other man in the city. He will make a good And faithful officer. A new furniture tactory, end two new dwelling Louies, ere to be erected on the vacant lots at the corner of Thirteenth and Walnut street. Work on the build- log will be commenced in a few days. Dr. W. R. Smith hu removed hie of- flee to the second ttory of Mr. Louis Her bert' new brick building on Eighth street, betwoen Weshington And Commer cial avenues, where he has more comforta ble end commodious quarters. Just received end for salo fifty bar rols pure cider vinegar, at MathusJc Uhl's, C4 Ohio levee. 8-iS-lw r. mzgerAia At ni room, corner Fourteenth street end Commerci! are nue, oner for tale Guinness' Porter & Bass' ale end pure Hennessy brandy, and the genuine Asgosture bitter, all nrst-clais cholera cures. Tty tbem 7-17 tf We regret to leern thet Lanny Bar ciay, who, tome time since, went to Ken tucKy to spnd the summer month with hi grand parents, a dAy or two Ago, met with en accident by which he lost two oi hi toes. Jaet how tbe Accident occurred it uot known. Mr. Thorn Freemen who on lest Saturday threw a chair from a window in the third ttory of hi home, on Wa1- nut near Fifth trot, and then ewore he would catch the chair before it reached the ou4i " uin twuer yesterday, and with careful nursing may recorer. Go to Ualley's for good stoves and good bargains, 168 Washington avenue 7-29-lm. The large and commodious tore room on Ohio levee, lately occupied by Mr. Hobert Cunningham a feed store, la now undergoing repairs preparatory to receiving the shelving, counter, etc, for a arst-clait clothing store. Messrs. Farn baker Jfc Co. of New York, will occupy the building. Among the guests at the St. Charles hotol yesterday wern the following: L L. Forbes and W, B. Ford, New York city j G. P. Wett, Mis Wolf, Baltimore; F. W. Ferguson, wile end on, Kansas City, Missouri ; A. Comstock, Mississippi CoutralraUroAdj It. W. Smith, St. Louis: D. W. Martin, Dayton. O. Uanny wlshe the public to be In. formed that he ha on hand a stock of dry goods And carpet a extensive as any in the Southwest, aud that .he I determ ined to sell everything At price lower than the lowest. Call on him to-day and examine good and price. He will satltfy jou noin as to quality And cost. The quarters of the City National bank are undergoing a change. The rooms are to bo greetly chenged. Tbe portion dl vidlug tb front And back room is being torn out, throwing both room into one. When the change has been completed the City National will have one of the most convenient and pleasant rooms In tbe city. Mr. Oi. Greenlee of Goose Island was in townyeiterday. He is "on the war path" and determined, to put hi shoulder to tbe wheel and go bi full length in rid- ding his portion or the county of the thieves and vlllians that infest it. May he never "let up" until the lest one of them he been driven from the limits of the county. Menu. Lane end McKlnney are form. a stock company to build a mammoth dredging and excavating machine after the patent belonelnit to them. Thev have recelvod proposition from several railroad companies to pay them a royAlty for the use of their patent. Mr. Lane it the inventor of the patent, and we hope he may succeed in demonstrating that it ii tbe btt machine of the kind In us. Dr. Lavarty, bomoeopatblst physi cian, late of Shawneetown, ha located in this, end intend making it hi home The doctor come to Cairo well recom. mended, ana refer to the officer of the First NaUobaI bank of SbAwneetown,,to whom be I well known, having practiced his profession Among tbem for yean. He solicits a fair share of the patronage of our citizens. 7-20-tf cvmence pointing to tbe guilt o ui areese a toe tiAyer or Mi brother Don is accumulating. It hu been Ascertained that the day following the killing Breese met a boy in the road, and tucceoded in'.makingA IrAie el pAntv loon. Hearing of the murder that boy told of his trade with Breese, end tatd mat mo pants were covered with blood. bey are now iu the hand of the officer. nd identified a having Uen the prop- ; ui ue rauruerer, CAIRO DAILY Nothing worthy of noto occurred in tne polio court yesterday. One plain drunk, one disorderly conduct, end a case in wnien Jim Orange wai intereited, were tne turn total of the proceeding of tbe court. JimOrenge procured the Arrest of a derkey by the nemo of Lee, but Jim could not eweer herd enough to make the charge etlck ; end a it appeered to the county, Jim we compelled to pay the ooU la tbe cue, it being evident that the prosecution was basely malicious. Helley hu a lot of wood pumps and tubing whtoh he offer extra low: call end aeethem, 168 Washington Avenue, 7-29-lm. The addition to Mr. C'Arle livery and feed liable hevlng been completed, he how ha room for a few more boarding nortee, which he will take on reasonable term. Mr. Carle wiihei to call particu lar attention to the fact that he ha at hit teble end for hire several new family car riage capable of seating comfortably four or live persons. He but among his livery horses a number that aro perlectly safe for ladles to drive, His terms aro as roan- onable as at any other establishment tho city. The coming fall and winter promise to be a lively one in this city so far as Amusements are concerned. First on tbo lilt comes Dr, Denton, who will deliver a series of lectures commencing October 17, September 19 and 20, Duprez and Bene diet' minstrel will hold forth. Mr. I), P. Bowers, the celebrated ectrosi, will ap pear for one evening, Novouiber IS. Lawrence Barrett will be with vie two nights, February Ii and 4, and Miss Char lotte Campion will give us two enter tainments, February 27 and 28. During the dey yesterday Invilationi were sent out to a number of gentlemen of the city to meet at tho Delmonlco ho tel, from whence tbey would proceed in a body to the steamer Exporter and give tapv John A. Williams, herjeommander, a pleasant surprise. Between eight and nine o'clock about twenty couples put in an appearance, and at tbe latter hour, tho party left the hotel for tbe boat. Capt. Williams wu taken completely by sur prise, but inviting the party to make inemseives at borne, at once set work to put the cabin in order for dancing. Isenberg's string band soon arrived, and all being ready dancing begun. At about half-past eleven refreshments were served, and it is needless to say that everyone did justice to tbsm. After tbo refresh meat were aispoieu oi dancing was re aumd,and kept up until a late hour lathe night. Capt. Bandusky had charge of tbe floor, a fact which of Itself is a sufficient guarantee that it was well con ducted. The party wu gotten up by Mr. Phil Howard and Mr. Wm. Conly, and that they have roaten to feel gratlQed at tbe manner in which it passed off, is en an sertlon for tbe truth of which everv one present will vouch. GRAND BASKET PICNIC. EXCURSION AND PYROTHCHNIC- Ali JSAUIHITION. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1872. The underiigned'manageri bee leave to inform the citizen of Cairo that on tho l&tb of August they intend giving a pic nic oxcursion, on tbe STEAMEB T. K. ICKEHT, Up the Tennessee river to Norton BlulTs. A moonlight excursion In the evening, to gether with a grand pyrotechnical exhibi ted on the river. Both the Cairo Silver Cornet band, and Prof. Corbett'H string band, are engaged lor the occuiion. Am ple arrangements made for-refreshments on the boat, and we pledge ourselves ev erything tbatcan be done shall be done for the accommodation ot the excursionists. Boat leavos promptly at 7 a.m. Faro, gents $1 60, ladies 60 cents, children 25 cents. For further particulars roe small bill. TI.OOR DlnXUTOHS. N L Wickwlre, Marsh Warren. Phil Howard, Jas A Phillls. MANAUEKS. Jack Winter, B F Blake, W li dchutter, Peter Saup, Henry Gotsman, J T Ren- nie, OUTltAGEOUS OHAHGIIS J. U.Oberly, Esq., Dxar Sir We have just recolvml a shipment of manufactured goods from near the middle of this state, costing nine (9) ptr cent freight. Something ought to be done thli winter In the legislature to compel the return of theie outrageoui over cbargei, and a line also for this im potitlon. Your truly, Merchant Caiio, lilt., August 0, 187:1. NOTICE. AuT's.UmcK O. A V. It, 1 Cairo, Ills., July 2C, 187y, For the accommodation of tho citizens of Cairo, tho Mound City accommodation train will on And after Monday, July 28, stop as follows: At Fourteenth street Twentieth street, Twenty-llfth street. Thirty-fourth street, And the crossing of tbe Illinois Central railroad. No one will be permitted on the train without a ticket. Fare between Seventh street sta tion and Illinois Central railroad craning and intermediate pointi, five cents. Tickets good for twenty farei can be pur chued at tbe ticket oBlce, corner of sev enth street, for on dollar. Passengers will not be permitted to get off or on the train at any points other than the above, UIIAO. u. WOOD, 7 Pnenger nnd Ticket Agt. FOR SALE OH RENT. A two.story home on Commercial ave nue near the corner of Nineteenth street. The house ie forty feet long by twenty two feet wide. It contains ten rooms and kitchen, and a good clstorn and necessary oul-houies are attached to it, It is well ventilated and well adapted for a butlntti houte ordwelllng, It is in a builneis part of the city and has been newly painted and renovated intlde and out. Apply to John Hicubtt, River Shannon Houte, Oblo Levee. Cairo, Illliiolt, 7.3.1m, BULLETIN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1873 CITY COUNCIL. rioclar meet1no 0- the city council. Council Cuamber, i Cairo, Illi., August S, 1873. f l'retont lilt Honor Mayor Wood and Aldormen Konmoyur, McKwen, MoOau ley, Meyer, Morris, Nollit, Phillipi and Rlttcnhouse. 8- On motion of Aldornun Morris, the reeding of tbo minutes wero dispensed with, 01T1CER.1 REPORTS, Monthly roportsof tbo following named officers were prriontod and, on motion of Alderman JCorsrnoyor, received and or dered nied.vlz : of F. Bross, pollco magi, trato, for June ; or J. .1. Bird, pnllco ma gistrAto ; of Daniel McCatthey, city Jailor ; or William McIIalu, city mnrshal; and of police constablosOaln, Martin and Conant, and Mohner and Helm, all for July. REPORT OK SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. Ropnrt ,of D. J. Galllgan, superinten dent of streets, was prcitented, and read, recommending that tho following doscribod sidewalks be reconstructed, viz : on north side or Sovonth street, from Walnut street to Jefferson avonuoj on north sldoofFifth atrcot, from Commercial to Waibington avenuosj on wuitsida ol Wathliigton av enue, from Fourth to Fifth street , on south sldo of ITwonty-llrtt slrnct, Trom Poplar to .Sycamoro strouUj and on north sldo of Klovcnth street, betwuuii Wathing ton avonuo and Walnut strocts. On motion of Aldoruian Nellis said re port was roforred to the street cotnmittfc. OKDINANC'K COMMITTEE REPORT Tho ordinance committee reported the following ordinances, which were road by the clerk and lnid over for a second read ing, viz An ordinance to provide lor the grueling of Levee street. Vlll:ilKAS. It is IiIl-IiIv ilphlmhl,. II, 1 Lerc xtreet from tbe freight depot ol tb Illinois Central Kallroad company on four teenth street and Levee to Fourth street, Improved to snrh a width as to lur nlsli u sufficient roadway of a iolld cbarac- icr lur uie passage oi urayf. ami icanit at all se"oni or the year, thercloro. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City ot Cairo : Section 1. That so much of that portion or Levee street as extends from the south erly side ol Fourth street to tbe northerly side or Fourteenth btreet, and Is continued between the Hldewal): on said Letee street and the inner or lint rail from said sidewalk ot the Illinois Central railroad, be covered with gravel similar iu every icspect to that now used as ballast by tho said railroad com pany on tin Ir track now on wild Levee and that tbe same be laid to u thickness of eigh teen inches In the center of said road and with u gradual decline to a thickness of nine inches () at the edge ot said sidewalk on one ihle and to the inner rail ot the Illinois Central railroad on the other where the track runs parallel with the sidewalk, and the same proportion shall be followed In grad ing tbe road near Fourth and Fourteenth streets where the track ol mhl railroad curves iu near the sidewalk, being decline Iu the thickness ol' said gravel ol three-tilths (3-5) of an Inch in every lineal root or tho base or said tilling, from the cen tre ol said road to the edge or the sidewalk on one side, aud to said inner rail or the Illi nois Central railroad on the other ; the same to be laid in the thickness and man ner hereinbeloro set lorth commencing at the preseut level of tho road tho filling of holes and uneven places In the load to be tilled in addition to the thlckuess ol gravel to be laid on as before wt forth. Sac. 2. The satil Improvement hhall be made by a tpuclal luwnment, ui provided tor in sections 18 to 61 inclusive, ot article 0 ol the city charter. An ordinance to amend ordinance No. 4,. Be it ordalnod by the Clly Council r tho ctij or cairo: That the Words "Ohio Imw." In. etrlnlmn out in ordinancu So. 4S. .-imi rnnim.r,.i.,i avenue' bo inserted In lieu thereof, in the cases iu which said ordinance provides lor a reconstruction or renewal or the sidewalk on the north side ol Twentieth street, from Ohio levee to Walnut street, nml nn ihc souih tide ot Twentieth street, from Ohio levee to Washington avenue. REPORT OK KIRl DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE, The committee on Are department re ported bad: the petition of G. V. Mc- Kealg and others, praying the council to pan an ordinance taking city block 22 out of tho lire limits, rocommnndlng that said potitlon b not granted. On motion of Alderman McGauloy said roport was received and concurrod in. Potitlon of tbo German Luthoran church and Thos. Healy, praying tho council to ordor tho construction of a sidewalk on south side of Thirteenth street, botween Waibington avonuo and Walnut street wai prcionted and read, and on motion of Alderman Meyers referred to tho ttrcot committee, A reinoustranco of Win, Lonergan and others, againtt tho conttruction of said sidewalk was road, nnd on motion of Al derman Koriiueyor referred to thu atrcot committee, Petition of Wm. T. Scott waspresonted setting forth that on March Huh last hit billiard saloon wai destroyed by ilro, and that his butinoii wai nitpendod from said date until July 1, last, and ho thore- fore atks .that hi hu allowed a credit on noxtyear't billiard license lor tho time hit butiiieji wm impended, or that proper amount of the momty paid for his license 1 o refunded. On motion of Alderman Morn said pn. tition was laid upon thu tabh. nil. LS, Tho following bllli wero preiontod and, on motion of Alderman Meyors referred to the claims committee, viz : Michael Olynn, hauling a drunken man to jail V H Vouug, hauling dead hogi outside thu city limits W 11 Hockwell ii Co., stationery for city clerk John Gladney. hauling nnd re moving garbage in July, with two toanit, per agreomunt V H Young, hauling a drunken man to Jail Danlol McCarthy, dieting prison ers prevloui to conviction Daniel McCarthy.diutlug prison, en in July, 21U days at CO cenli i CO 2 BO 2 I1H IM 00 no 3 117 111 00 20, 00 it 00 0 20 1 05 297 50 2ft 7 50 J a met Taylor, cloaning privy vault in Jail yard ,,, Wm, F llaker, 10 empty goodt boxes lor jau commute Uuse,Loomii & Co., ice for clerk's otUee from May 24 to July 31.. Bird Fitzgerald, hauling a drun ken man to tail Barclay Broi.diiinloctantr bought by city maribal Cairo City Oai Co, gas consumed in eo itreet lamps in Juno Cairo City Gai Co, gas coniumed in SSstroet lamp in July Jas Kennedy, reconstructing 80 rest ot sidewalk on flail smo oi Walnut streot, between Eigh teenth and Nineteenth street, at -to cents a foot V 00 las Kennedy, reconstructing SO feet ot sidewalk on eatt side of alnut itreet, between Thlr- teenth and Fourteenth street, , aMOcontiafoot '12 00 les Kennedy, reconstructing 100 feet of sidewalk on east side of Walnut streot. between Ninth and Tenth itreeti, at 40 cents a foot J Kennedy, reconducting i!30 feet of sidewalk on oast llde of Walnut street, between Sixth end Sovonth street!, at lOccnU B foot Ju Konnody, recoiiitructlng 200 feet of sldowalk on wett side or Washington avonuo, between '12 til) unarioi and Wett Twenty oighth streets at -10 ccnti a fobt S3 10 ( Jas Konnody, reconstructing 1M ! feet of sidewalk on toutb side , iwonty-eighth street, be tween Commercial avenue and 1 oplar streot, at 40 :outs a foot CO Jas Kennedy, reconstructing 210 feet of sidewalk on eatt sldo of V alnut Btroct, between Nine teenth and Twentieth streets, At 10 cents a foot , "2 40 J Kennedy, reconstructing '.'I. 'I feet of lidowftlkonwentildoof WAthlngton avenue, between 1 wcnty-ioventh and Chsrles itreets, at 40 conts a font 20 Thoi Moolian, baulingW pieces of sower plpo at t:t each !10 00 Cbns Sackborgor, 4 days' worl: oti treot" ) (jo Dennis Healy, hauling on stroKs ft days at $4 CO and hauling II loads at 60c. , 24 00 Jos Lohtnos, a days' work "011 trewts 0 75 M E Powurs. haulini! on slrueta.. 1L! Mj Thos Fitzgerald, 26 days' work on itreets , :. ,.. V, 2:, Honry Wisdom, 17J days' work on streets., ft :7 Daniel McCarthy, 18 days in chargo of jail gang .', :',C, 00 Peter Conlan, 2C days' work on itroet , .'i.h ftll Stophon Bradley, 2J days' hauling on atreots... 11 25 Warren Wimuis, 4 days' work on streets ' 00 Peter Gaelch, 12 days' work on street" C IiNewland, repairing Eleventh street pump in July C B Newland, repairing Elev enth etreet pump in November, 1S72 27 00 1.1 00 ! R A Cunningham, collecting 1533 70, sido-walk taxo. at 2J per cent l.t rt M S Enimingor, for 22) feut sid. walk built by him on Thirteenth itreot, for which no nllowanro hai boon made by city 20 t. v. c. IP R. lit l.t.. Bill of Illinois Central Kallroad compa ny, amounting to i.'i.OOO, for removing track on Levee itreet, between Fourth and Fourteenth street!, at por ordinanco No. 35, upproyed October 18, 1H72, was pre sented and read, and vu motion. rof:rred to thi itreet committed. SALARY 11II.I.-. The following billi for lalaries lor the month of July wore presented and read, and, ou motion of Alderman Konrneyer, allowed, and orders on tho treamry al lowed In favor of tho following persons for the amount" let forth, by tho following vote. Ayei ICoriineyor, McEwen, Mc Gauloy, Meyers, .Morris, Ncllit, Phillips aud Rlttenhouie 8. Nnyi 0. E 11 Fallis, city comptroller , .10 00 K A Cunningham, city troaiurer, "5 00 Win Mcllale, city marshal M J Howloy, city clerk John "VYuoil, um;gt, A Cain, pollco constabio P A Conant, police constablo Phillip Holm, police constable James C Labuo, police constable, Charles Mohner, police constable, Henry T Martin, police constable, 2:1 .lays Frank Bemlt, police conttablu ;i 10(1 00 100 00 100 00 75 00 75 00 1 75 00 ' 75 00 ' T'i 00 50 1 uays 7 Vi D J Galligan, superintendent of W W Wooten, health oflicor 7ft OU , streets 00 00 F Brots, police magistrate, 25 00 J J Bird, police maIttrute 25 00 COMPTl'.OI.LKR'h IIKSIONATION. Resignation of Edwin II. Fallli, city 1 oonfptroller, was presented and read aud, I on motion of Alderman MrKweii, n.-l eopted. I CO M IT ho li. u n'.s p. 1: 1 '0 ut . 1 ho city comptroller reported that ho has been unable to dlspojo of the irum halting belonging to the city, and ho" ic coaimended that tho beltii; bo sent back to the maker, or to tho ' persons from whom the city purchaacd it, with itistrue tiono to sell the same. On motion said report wai received, and ordered iilod. COMPTROLLER APPOINTED. Tho mayor nominated Milnor S. Cox, for the otlico of city comptroller, to fill the vacancy occasioned by tho resignation uf E. II. Fallie. Tho nomination was con firmed by the following vote: ayni Kon rneyer, McEwen, McGauley, Meyers, Mor rls. Nellis, Phillips and ilittenlioiun-8. Nay 0. OFFICIAL Uo.Sli. Ollicial bond of Henry T. .Martin, with Potor Netl'and C- Hanny, its locurilios, was presented nnd, 'on motion of Ald-rrnan Morris, approvod. liquor im.Hii. Stale and city bondi of tho following named personi for liquor license, wero pre sented and, on inntion: approvod, and or- derod fllod, viz; of T., Ilotts, J otoph Pun- dola, Parker A Montagun, and Jnoph C Smith. .State and city bondt or Harry .'. alker for liquor Hcenio wero presented. Alder man Konrneyer moved to approvo, Al- derman Nollii moved to umend by refer ring to the nityattorney. Thonmeinlmoiit wi loit. The original motion win then put and carried. Liquor bonds of M. Burns wuro nroson- ted and, on motion of Aldoruian Nellis, roferred to the city attoruoy. tin motion of Alderman I'lilllini tho council adjourned. M. Howlkv, City Clerk. FOR SALE OR RENT. Lot numbered 0, in block numbered 4 fronting on Ohio levoe, with hmlneis and dwelling, new kitchen, etc., all complete, Also tu, alo or rent, tho household and kitchen furniture, bar nnd bar fixture, in nrst-cla-i condition. Tho bar nnd houio w kept by Mn. Fnlkonitoln, nee HAbn, nna hu a food ruu of cuttom. This ii a fine opportunity for liny person who withes to inveit In good property or en ggc in a lucrativo huslnof already estAb llshed, For further information pply on the prentices. H-O.ilt F0ic 1UCNT. ' The Delta Social club rooms, suitable for oiliees, first floor, louth lido or The ill 1 1.ETIN building Enquire at this of fice 9-tl.Ut i PIRST-CLASS BARBER- CHOP. MoHenry Roe & Co., of New Orleani, have come to this city lo stay, and have "lied up a first elms har..t..,.. n A NEW 10 CO , morclal avenue in the room next to Han ' non 1 book store, lately occupied l,y Stu. ert & Oholson as a dry goods .lore. Tho """""ml n'l iirit-clans and aro pro j pared to cut hair, shave, shampoo, etc., in , the very latest ityles. All they ask li u ' trial. Thoy rf-pftotfully solicit a tharo of public patronage. MuHksrv Roe A Co, 7-is-tr Mil. .MAX KOLL-KK, COMI'BTKNT PIANO TUN KK AND KKl'AIUKK, Has located in the city. Contracts mado for tuning pianos by tho year or other wlte, to suit the owner. ( (roers lelt at tbe Jewelry Pturr, of V .V V. Under will re ceive prompt attention. 7-2!t-lrn. A (HlOD"l.N;VKSTMENT. A rare rlmiico Is ollerud to some man with moni.y to invett in good paying property In the inoit desirable part of thu city. Two lull, f.0 feet Iront on the ave nun, houo 3 stories. Twit largo atoms ran be lilted up on tho llrst Iloor, the up. per itoriea am vU rrnr."d lor oUiotu ur dwellings. For further pnitiaulars en quire ot Jnu.v q. Hakman .b Co., il-l-tr Knal Kstatn Agent, Cairo, Ills HKA I) Tliili. On and after August I, I intond lo do a itriVtly cah lmine. except with those of in iiwlimioii whosettlM promptly on tho Urt ..f every month. Ail old accounts and nutei Iu my hands wbiob are not settled rer-i aofjti, 1 dmll advertise and tell at public viinduo. I). A in eh. Cairo. July 20, 1872. 7-27-1 m FOP. SALE A good span of mula, wagon and Lr- j r.e. Also tec acre of corn. Enquirer of " ' (U.o. Latin 1 n, I Fourteenth itri-etHud Wahington j avenue, at Blankebhiir ' talocli ' 8-5-2W LOST. Between tho St. Chirks Lotel and tho steamboat landing, a pair of gold rimmed spectacles. The finder will bo suitably rewarded b leaving tho same at the olllce of tho St. Chnrle botol, Cairo, Illinol. s-T it FOR UK NT. A 3ne, now cottage, complete in all itt respects, situated on Fifteenth itreet op poiito th'j pott-oflico. For particulars en quire of White A- Co., corner Twentieth street ami Washington avenue H.n.ct -MUST ijlAl"i), Accounts due toMathut ,t Ubl must bo paid on or before the 15th lost., or they will bo placed in tile hands of an olliccr for collection Wo mean thic a-'-'-lw Matiius A- I'hi.. FOR SALE OR HE NT. Barber ohop in complete running order, o Bou(i Man-J and a good run of cuttom Knquiieat Tue Bulletiv Okkice, FOR RENT. Fivo laro rootni, suitable for nllico or sloeping rooms. Enquire of Elliott t l lay thorn e. :-ct .MA UK ET RKI'IJKT, I'KICC CuliKENT OreiCE, ) 1 hnrfday Evening, August 7, 1S73. UENXRAI. IICMARKB. 1 ue inatliet in most branches rules quiet anu dull. J horo u an active inquiry for llouer from XX up, with none at 1 in the market to fill ordernj grades bolow A. aro neglected. There is a fnir suntilv ', w ';?rn M,,d 1,l,t IUtl" ,lo"''. I m,xtd U )itt,u b,,t tll,,re ' l,,er'ty , l"ncJl u,e wan ot the trad, I Ttj" weather Is coo 1 and ploaiant for the scajon with indications of rain in tho evening Price generally remain unchanged. RiTCorretpondunti should bear iu mind that these quotations ure for round loti from first hands. For broken and small ltu !.. tint. mm iu nuiug oniers, an advanco of 1 to :ic it charged over these prices the market. FLOUR Transactions ure small for want of stocks to till ordor. All kiudi Aro scarce, but tho demand is (ur grade from XX to cholco family, low grades aro negloctod. Sales comprise 100 hbls vari oils grades $58 5u, 200 I.LIh do, on or don, S 50f7l)0 25; KO bbli XXX j'7 25 , 00 bbls choice family fa 60, and 200 bbls various grades 5(38 76. HAY tuiet ami dull; receipts light and none wanted. One prime timo-' thy, del, brought JIH, and it the onl v trans action wo have to report. tO R.N 1 bore ia a fair supply of whito torn, aim niinough tbo demand bat fUlIfn oil' pricui Imvo been well sustained and aro firm at quotations. Mixed corn U tcarco, but there Is riothiug doing in it. tvo note smos oro curt whlto in lacks del 6263c; 5 cars whito In bulk on track 41c; 2 car white In sacks del 52c, aud l cars do 50c. OATS-Plonty and dull at ;S5c. Non.. selling ea:ce)t in imall order lots. CORN MEAL The market' i. over itqoked again, and prices are weak, with a a downward tendencj. The demand is only moderate. Sale embrace 1100 Mil steam uriea del Vi 50; ion j lo ou; vin un mi ' 40. and ion i.i.i .1,. ,1,. ! r.ii 9 iiu utr if" wr BRAN Dull ntidqiilvt, quoted at Sll. r.iifj)!-'. " w x i nu i iHuij rij ,vcak. ft fuw pacicngos oi gin eugoeiil i hs h,;h M 3fic but 20c may bo quoted kmIiu outside llguro for cholco. Wo note SUlUS uf U ,)He.H-0, cholco at lbOi)20c; 0pck.gM ofcookl . atllci 12 packages of common at 1"I0 50 packages of choice at 1820ci; 16 small packages chuicoat 20 f323c. EGGS-Dull nd plenty. Sales wore COO dozen Irtish receipts at lOo CHICK ES-T,u ip-,, lllarlrril la Unl ...11 .nnnll..,! I " wu" '"l'l ".rvmiiiry Wili-oiii. ami r, . relpts go U ,()Wi Vu no)u (alM jf coops old helm 25 and 50 Jnn ,lv..,i old and yoii,. ? r0fli,3 t(j FRUIT-Very little doing n fr uIt of any description except from countrv wagons, wo.cann ot.'glvo any ettablished prices on it PKOVISIONS-Thero l.t been no large transactions since our lait report The stock is small and prices held Urui and unchanged. TEAS.-lmpurial, 7&1 25 j (liir,pow. der, 7B1..25 Oolong black, 7,V3$l Voting Hyson, f 1(3)1 40. CHEESE. Good demand'; Now York factory -p. lb lJ17c. SVRUPS-Tho demand j rlr for choice at V,0c$i '(( gal, arid New Or loans nt 75.8l)l-.' !'hTii.,UN(1 "AIK-Mc V bnsLel LI .ME. In lolsil 25 to I CO V bbl. CEMENT, At whi)lcialo.Mfj'2 50 W bbl. COAL OIL .2c. OUNNlE.S.-l'.ciowed 2 btuhcls la .'1 bushels 20c. lliniI,AI'S.-2J butbels corn, yj 03 Iftjc do 10 or. llic; 4 bushel Out! 20( 5 bllthels 21c; 0 biithnls 22c BKESWAX.-r lb:!0i. BOA P. .Sehaeller's Oorman rncitlud 7jc; Chani)algri foap, 71c. TALLOW, V 10 7c. COFFER tffarce and firm, Java soli ng at nOQilVo; Lagllajra 'J4('iV Kto primo to choicit 34i'JSc Ji AMH fiuj-ar cured (.anvatad ero quo ted at Hlce. Plair, o,,Ultry cur,jd choice are quoted at 124c LAUD Itellned Is quoted In ti.,r., Bi 8jc and In Vcgs at ifQIOo. BEE A K FAST BACON -12c. Sl'OAP.. Oorlco A quote I at l 'l 1 lie for f rushed, anil t'rau lllated. BllOOMS. Dull- coimiroTi bouse tul, at l 50lo2 6l; i boao find cttrn i boi, e I-.faiJ iC; iteambMt H tOfjjC 00, riir.iuin -uotton, toti-i.rutied Now York. Moj to lio il coiupresied, to New York it: to U ( 11 Uui ton ti. RATES To New Orlosns and Vlcks hurg: Pntatoe-, applot, etc, 3d.-, pound freights 15c ewt; hay per ton; wnifkey $1 40 por bbi, TO MEM PHIS Flour, etc 25e per bbl pound freights 12ju pir ewt; hay M par ton; whifk.-y fO: per bbl; pork COe In, bbl NKUDmTlSE)iEiNTS.5 joun h.ThllFs A HON, e .Succe-or io John 11. 1-M1 iij GENERAL COMinSSlON lib FORWARDING MERCHANTS ti DKALKKB FN HAY, (JOHN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, &c, AGRNTS FOR LAFLIN AND RANI POWDER COM PANY. Cou. Tenth Street and Ohio Livxe ia i ho. ill. D E X T IE IR , iTODDARD COUNTY, MO., On the line ol ihr C. A. AND T. HAILHOAD Olwnla Salt? ol 'J'ow.v Lots at Auction This new town I llllalcil upun :iti ele atejl nnd beautiful n-etlon of hind, grantee to the rjllroad company by the I nlted blatis. It Is lx miles houth of IHoouifirld, lhr preiicnt couiily, at the point where the old traveled leading to Dunklin count) the Cairo, Arkunsax and 'JVxax rail, road. It i 44 miles west o! Cairo, and 2.3 ml W eastol Poplar Bluil. It jiromnes to be the llnest town In southea-t .Mlwourl. Owing to the demand for loth, we ln, decided to oiler i!0o ut public auction on WED.NMiSDAV, AI'fSUST 13, 1873 Bond for warranty deeds will bo glteo s.ilc: Twentv dollar on hiding oil each lot ; one-third January 1, 1874, and balance In one and lio vc.irr, with 7 pel cent, interest. ' 1 Special Irce excursion train lioin Caiio. stcqiplng at all nations during the dv ol -a o, le.ulng Cairo at it o'clock, a.m., 'and retiirulngaltcr the sale, , , . ,. . Ar.l.E.v. I'rc!dciit (.A. and I . Railroad comnaii) uoom A.vit iioi;s. '. m,i, it, m,n,n,t,,(,i(41(,lrf, ,s,,t, i F. ii. liant7, A. Dertlncei F. V. STHAWTZ ,V CO. A.vvro.witu i. HOOT and SHOE ilAKRKS Corner of Ekiiit Street anii Commercial A venue All kinds ol boots and shoes made to or der on hort notice, and In the latest and most lokhlniiabl.! bty l-s. i.a.iie, ,oot- h)lufc and gaiter it speciality. nti:amuoatn, Oaiho AND padwpah All, Utll'i, 'llif t'lenttftl atcHuier Diok Fowi.kk, Cantuin Leaven Cairo DAILY, (dundayexceptod) al J P.m hot- irriKhtophs-age apply on boat ot Jas. MaLLOR V, Atf't. CHANCERY NOTICE. l.VIIKin 111(1, li'i.ll .1. I'.,.l, ....,.,. r , Ihit on July ... ,s7;I yUlry j", JJIuj, complainant, t led i,...- i.iii i ..i..,.V... .. ,'r 'i o'i.A!t"l;""k;f c""",' ''lrc,,lt :ol":'. "la'e ol Illinois, tor illwiiviv Mini tim. mi.i L.,i. i. now pendlnu in unld court. That thelcupon iiMiiiiiuoiisvias sucd out of the clerk's i nice ol nuni couil aifiiliist jou, retiirnable on the roiiith Tuesday In.lulv, 1S7X tou teuii of si, i;0i,it, then tobo 'holdeii al the com .limine in Cairo, In o.ild countvuiiil state. D.Ued July 21st, 1S7X Rkuiibn H. Yooum, Clerk. Samuel I'. Wheeler. Complainant' Solicitor, 21.(1-4 w. OBSTACLES TO M ARRU GE Hannv relief tor voting men from the i. reels of errors and abuses iu early Him. Manhood restored. Impedlmenls tu maj. rlago removed. Now methods ol treatiueul. N'kiv iiii.I rmiiirl.-'ililn remedies. IIonl:u circulars sent freo, In scaled envelop. .(iuresn, jjobiu is,"uuii.i", .iu, 4 MOUlu Nluth dtrc et, Philadelphia, Pa.-au Instltu tloubavioKahlgh roputatlou lor honorable conduct and professional klll, B-Ald.twaiu.