OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, March 03, 1874, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1874-03-03/ed-1/seq-3/

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February:'.!, 10:11 p.m., IfM. I
Uroiucterl:i(.V-l tlfgroe.
Thermometer, 4:1 degree..
Wlud K. Velocity in wiles per liour.
Woathor, ctotldy.
Maslmuni temperature lor lint SI hours,
4fi degrees:
Minimum temperature lor 1 be lastUI hours,
.'17 degrees.
rivalling wind for Ust I! I hours, 9.
Total number of miles traveled liy wind
during IxktUI hours, 117.
KnwiN Hootii,
Observer HiL'iml Service. U. H. A.
iti n. i t 1 l'
.A-rri-XBiTS aw:
roslllrcly one lt.iy Only,
TUESDAY, -MAUUit !1, 1H7.
TWO 1 Kit roll MA NO IIS
AKTKItNOON at .1, KVKNINO ntSa'clock.
Doors open nt!! and at 7 o'elnel..
riYLVKSTKIt lll.Ki:ivi:i(, .Manaiikk.
Tlio (lre.it Original und Ittiioivncd
Just returned to America niter aThiee
Year's Tour Around tlio World, will
Appear In a variety of
Consisting of
rioNdS, dui:is, DiAi.iirr.s. comic
At each Kiitcrttilnincnt, thu Ladles will
wear scleral New and Klcgunt Costumes,
MAON1FICANT DlAMO.ND.S,.Ve., us worn
by tlicin bcloro thu Potentates of tho
roi'ULiii i'uici:h:
UIIILDIIKN, under 10 years IS rents.
ltusorvcd Heats, Ml ('cuts.
Children under 10 rcsericd seats...!!.! Cents.
Lidice and Children nro conildcratrly ad
vised to attend tho Day Inhibition, nml
thus avoid tho crowd and confusion of tho
Kvcnlni- Performance. Ui:o. MItcaki.i..
Mall at !!:.'t0 a.m.,
Kxprehsat 3:00 D.li)
Freight at 4:00 a.m., ...except Sunday
Krelghtat ll:.V. a.m......
Freight at 1:00 p.m.,... "
Mall at 2:1ft a.m., Dally
Kxpress at 'J:05 p.m.,. ...except Sunday
Freight at 11:16 a.m.,, ... except Monday
Freight at 7:10 p.m., except Sunday
Freight at 10:05 p.m...... '
IM 2-17-tf. Jamkh Johnson, Agent.
ciianqr or tiki:.
On and after Sunday, February '2'.', 1871.
train will run as follows :
':ienger. l'rc
Cairo, Icavo r:(l a.m. 5:0."
Mound City, leave 5:ii " nas
Vienna, leave ll:t:i " 8:27
Hnrrlsburg, leave 8:111 " 11:1.')
Norrls City, Icaio !i:ir. " 1:.U
Cannl, utTlio fliMI " 2::i.i
Cannl, leuvo 10:00 " 4:1.1
Orayville, lrau! IU:I0 " r:.Vi
JlountUaruicl, le.ive... .11:22 " 7:w
Vlncenni'i, lc:io 12:2.1 11. v. J:20
O.&M. Junction, arrUe,12:y.1
(10I.NO south.
Pai-cnger. Lrcl;
O.&M. Junction, leave.
7:Ki a.m.
Vlnccnnes Iruvu 7:2.1 ' 7:00
Jlounl Carmcl, leave.... 8:3:1 ii.nu
Orajvllle, leave 0:18 " 10:17 "
Cannl, nrrivn 10:00 " ll::ni "
Cannl, leavo 10:10 " H:lti a.m.
NurrN City, leave 10:41 " 7:18
JlairWnirgh, leave 11:4.1 ' 0:HI '
Vienna, leave 1:17 P.St. 12:1.1 p.m.
JloundClty, leave 2:12 " :i:10
Calm, arrhu :i;o:l " 'MO "
Leave Cairo t 11:30 a.m. and 5:11 p.m.
Leavo Mound City at 12:33 p.m. aud (1:10 p.m.
Freight tralm stop over night at Cannl;
run from there at mixed train, leaving at
4::i.1 a.m.; leaving Vlneeunci at 7 p.m. the
..imu evening for return trip.
At Cairo with tho Mii-tU-lppi Central,
Jlobllo imp Ohio, for all point sunt; Cairo,
Arkanxas and Texas, fur all points in Arkan
sas and Texas.
At VInccnncs: Indianapolis and Vlncenncs
railway lorlrultananolUaud all points north,
rast and wost; with Kvaiisvillo and Craw
fordsvitlo railway forKvansvllle.Terra Haute,
DanrlUe, Chicago and all points north, eaxt
anil west; wltli Ohio and Mississippi rail
way for 8t. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati and
all points cast and west.
At Norrls City eroding tho Sprlnglleld
ami llll'jols Southeastern railway.
L. W. Palmku, Oon'l Hup't.
B. I. "Wilson, Oen'l l'aisoDgor, Agt.
Tho shortost and only direct routo from
Cairo to Jacksonport, Ltttlo Hock, Hot
Springs, Fulton, and all points In Arkansas
and the Southwest, and Oalvcston, Houston,
Dallas, Austin and all points In Texas
Through tickets, through bills or lading,
and Information as to freight rates, pas
senger fare, connections, etc., can be ob
tained at tho company's ttlllco In Wintcr'H
''block, corner of Seventh street and Com
mercial avenue.
Hacks will call at private .resiliences and
hotels for passengers, when orders aro left
In time.
Klcgant Pullman palace sleeping cars on
all night trains.
Trains run dally, (Sundays excepted) from
tho Cairo Oflico as follows :
liearoOreenllold'H,,..0:33 a m ami -1:0.1 p.m.
Aralvc atUroonUcld's.,0:17 n m aud3::!Sp.m,
LeavcH Oreenlleld's 200:p. in,
Arrive at Oreenlleld's 1:40 p.m.
D. Axtbll, Chief Engineer.
f , -AKD-
Eighth Street, between Washington and
lonuucrciai avvuuo,
187-1 HlMUi(i I87-I
First in the Field!
We will sliow on londny,
March -M, an elegant line of
Now Spring jirints and Per
cales, in Entirely New etVects,
also New Spring Dress (Joods
and Shawls, to which we in
vite attention. We will oiler
during the next, two weeks,
Special Inducements inlileaeh
ed and Hrown luslins.
Our terms from .March 1st
arc CASH with Prices to
match. It will pay Cash buy
ers to trade with us.
Fivk and oni.v Ilvo inoro day boarders
can bo taken al the St. Charles. This is
tho last opportunity at tho reduced rates
According to previous announcement
Hon. John M. Lanidvn lectured at thu
High school building last night. Tlio at
londanco was largo, and tlio lecture o.x
cojlunt. In to-morrow's IIui.i.kti.v wo
shall endeavor to give a muro exlunded
notice of tlio lecture.
Tho following order was rocolroil at
Halliday llros. wliarfboat yesterday:
raducali Uy march 2 1871 halldy
Ilrthqs plens Let Tho llsk luv :i lloxes
hous holn Oood marked' at Lous
Shlpt on Thu grand tower earn thro
Wcaks n go.
It is unnocots.try to etato that thu goods
woro dolWorod to tho Fuk.
Yoitorday morning botwoon two anil
threo o'clock, Air, John Cannon, who
lives on Tenth street, near Washington
avonuo.mot with an accident by which ho
lost tho foro Ungor of his right hand.
Mr. Canncn at tho time tho accldunt hap
pened woj coupling cars and got his 11 ri
gor caught botwoon tho bumper. Dr.
Urodoa amputated tho linger.
Oon. Tom .Thumb and wife, Commo
doro Nutt and Miss .Mlnnio Warren, tho
colobr.ited littlo pooplo, will givo nn erl
tortainmcfit nt tho Athenoum this even
ing. Kvory onu who can sparu tho time
and raise tho admission .fee should bo
thoro. Thu sight will bo one worth see
ing, and not 'soon forgottun. If any of
our readers wish for a short respito from
tho "bluos," duns, dobts or dyspepsia lot
him go to tho Athonoum to-night.
On Hundy morning a numbor of
porsons who sell liquor received postal
cards through tho post otllco informing
them that on Tuesday, March 10th, n
numbor of thu praying womon of Cairo
would visit thorn and "prny witli and for
thorn." Hut the cards did not frighten
anybody much, for tho very cards thom
solvcs told whoro they camo from. Tho
poraon who wroto them mado a vory poor
out nt tho attompt to Uisguiso his hand
writing; and wo suggoct that he oitlierdo
bettor or get somu ono to wrlto fo ry lilui
IU 111.
io kjti
whoti l.o has another job uf tho kind to
put up,
Two years ago a man named Thomas
Anderson, who was incarcuratod In tho
Jackson county jail on n charge of horto
stoallng, broko out and mado good his
escape. A short timo ago Sheriff Hanks
of Jackson county hoard of Anderson,
and tracked hiia to noar Metropolis, Mas.
sac county, and on Saturday morning suc
coodud in tocapturing him. On Sunday
overling tho Shorill' and his prisoner camo
to Cairo by tho Fisk, and loft on Alon
day mnrniug'a tram for (Murphysboro.
Shorill Hanks is an nxcollont olllcor, and
has, in tho short tluio ho has hold tlio of
lico, succoodod in bringing to JiiHlico a
numbor of well-known criminals.
And now conies Kliio Mordaunt, a lad v.
who, on Thursday ovonlnc noxt. nronoses
to deliver a locturo in tho Athnnoum In
this city, In opposition to tho tompcranco
movement that Is now raging in various
parts of tho country. Aladamo Mordaunt
bollovns In tho right of every man, or wo
man, to do as lio or sho pleaien In tho mat
tor of whiskoy.drinkinL' : and avows hor
dotormlnation to go Into the hottest of tho
Hgnt nnd thoro preach hor doctrine. No
matter what tho tcmporanco noonle mav
think or say of tho stand sho takos with
roteronco to this subjoct, sho is cortalnly
an Into'llgont woman, and argues we'll for
tho sido sho has taken.
Among thu rocont ininrovemunts in
tho St. Charles hotol wo notlco that a vory
elegant and euWantlal writing table has
been introducoj into tho reading room
unuor a paioni granted to Ool.
J, S. Morgan, of Urooklvn. New
York. Tho tablo is made of walnut,
boautllully panelled with roso wood and
flnlshod with oiled walnut. It Is don bin.
docked and supplied with a patont Ink
stand trom which tho Ink cannot bo
spilled. Along tho centre, botwoon tho
two lidos, runs an olovatod framo work
which Is furnisbod with advortisomenls of
our leading flrroi. Tlio cards which aro
on glass, clevorly painted in gold and
other bright colors, occupy various spaces,
aomo largo and tomo small. Among tlio
nu in
adrortUoments wo notlenJ notio but tboio
of our representative. Ilrmi, and wo aro
glad that our llvo ImslnoM men tain stoek
In this beautiful nni cuVtivo ndvortlslug
mudiuni. Wo took n look at tho doik yes
terday and found two placen for adver
tlemoiits remaining upon.
IlKl.tlllOll! M.MTKIK.
Tho Attondanco at fin rrosbytorlan
church on Sabbath was largo, both morn
ing and evening. In tho morning, during
tlio communion services twonty-tlvo now
numbers Worn received Into tho church;
twenty on profusion of faith, and llvo by
letter. We undorsland that thlrty-iovon
persons liavo united thouuolvos with this
church In tho pat two month'. Tl.o
pralio moolliu; In tlio ovonlng was greatly
enjoyed by n very largocongregation.
Tliu revival al tho .Methodist church
is still in progress, and attracting largo
congregations nightly. On Sunday and
last evenings tliuro was uuiHually largo
nudloRcos, and on both occasions many
persons woro compelled to go nway for
thu want of room to fit down. Tl.o in
terest In tho rev'val Is emutuntly in
creasing and much good li li.iing accom
plished. Tho moldings will be continued
though this womU.
Thoro nro only thirteen ponnloners
al tlio county poor farm.
A petition i in tho lialidi of the
county couiMissloners asking that body to
rovoko thn license, of ono llrown, who
keeps a saloon at or uuar IUkIowooiI.
Tho board of county commlsslouors
hold thoir tlr.Ht fimlon for tho truiiraction
of county husincii yoatorday. All threo
of tlio mombors Mosrs. Saunders, Fisher
and Wilson wuro present. Nearly tho
onliro day was spent in the consideration
claims against tlio ounty.
From Oommlsilontir Saundorf, who
arrived in tho city on yrslurday morning,
wo learn that during tlio lienvy rains
which foil on Friday and Haturdny I'ohru
ary 'JOtli and '21st, tho bridgo ovor Soi
tun's crook was waslind into tin Minsis
sippl river, and that n pari of tho bridgo
was caught ami tied up nt Thebes, A
bridgo over Sexton's crook Is indippofisl
ble, and it will put tlio county to consilium
blo.wxpomu to put in it now ono.
Mr. Oborly loft for Sprinllold yestur
day. Mr. J. H. Morris of Ullin, was in
town last night.
It. A. Thompson, of thu Memphis
'Avalanche was at tho St. Charles yester
day. J. 0. Willif.-of Metropolis, dojiuty
internal rovonuo asioisor foi thlt district, is
in tho city on otllcial buslnoss,
O. AV. Kirk, agent of tho McOlnnis
Com Combination was in tlio city yosterday
making arrangements for that company to
uppoar horo. Thoy will bo at Athenoum
next Saturday night.
Prominent umong tho arrivals at tlio
ht. Charles yesterday wero : A II (Jon
vono and wife, nnd l)r Jolin T Tomplo,
of St Louis ; K W Hogo, liichmond, Vir
ginia; Koliert Inglo, l'hlladolpliia; .loioph
Arnold, Chicago; H T Uundlott, Nuw
York; II K Turner, I'liiladolphla; (loo 11
Gates, and Ohas (J Dompsoy, Decatur,
and U M Torry, Shannon.
TomThnml) nnd party at thu Athe
noum this ovening.
There was littlo or no buslnoss iron
pacted in tho police cnurl yesterday,
Tlio Ohio rlvor foil onu inch during
tho twonty-four hours ending al six
o'clock last ovening,
A drunkon drayman went bumming
about tlio street in tho vicinity of tlio
custom-houso yesterday. It was hard to
toll which had tho most sense the dray
man or tho inula ho was driving,
Tumor's donee-houso, bolter known
as tho "Magenta," is an institution that
needs suppressing. It is bnyond doubt tho
noisosl ostablishmont of tho kind in the
city. Tumor should ultlior bo mado to
keep a rjuiotor houso or close his doors.
Mr. Androw Lolir has commenced
manufacturing the colobrated llolfast gin
ger nlu. This ale is nut up In bottles tho
samo li i soda water. Mr. Lnhr will un
doubtedly build up n good trado here
in the city ami tho surrounding country.
I. O.S. T. will niout to-night at half
past H o'clock,
Lost on Sunday, a child's fur capo.
Tho llndor will confer a favor by leaving
it at Tin: lllll.I.KTIN olllce.
1. O. S. T. will meet to-night nt half
past 8 o'clock.
Lost at tho Methodist church or on
the stroot, Saturday night, a lady's fur
capo, Siberian squirrel. Tho llndor will
confor a favor by leaving ft at Tub Ilur.-
i.ktin oiri:o. Mits. K. 0. Foiu).
Messrs. It. Smyth it Co., tako this
mothod of informing tlio. public that, do-
siring to closo out tho grccory branch of
thoir business, thoy will dlipoio of tliuir
stock of fancy groceries, consisting of
canned goods, eaus.es, pickles, etc., at
groatly reduced prleos. l'orsons desiring
goodsof this kind will consult their own
Intoroels by calling on them at their storo,
No. 01 Ohio laveo. 3.3-tf
I. O. S. T. will moot to night at half
past H o clock.
Thk harbor shop is tm tho cornor ot
Eighth street and Commercial avonuo
whoro J. (Joorero-Slienhouso with hts (.Ana
- ' n
tlomanly assistants can bo found at any
nour oi ino aay or nigni, roa'iv to eootno
vour feollnL'S with a amnnth ilmvn or ponl
your temper and houd with a good sham
poo, ii is a nrsi-ciass suop, ana you aro
sure of receiving Qret-olass treatment.
Ladies' and children's hair cut or curled
after tho most approved stylos, 8-lS-tf "
Fon Kr.KT. Tho brick houso situated
cornor Third stroot and Commercial av-
nuo. Tho houso has boon put in good re
pair throughout and Is woll orrangod for
a hotel or boarding house, also rooms to
ronton Third stroot. Inqulro of Wm.
flloHale, No. C, "Wlntor'a block.
( OMMKItl'lAI,.
I'nirK CtiuitKKT (iKKtri: 1
Monday Kvo., March ., l7l. f
Tliurn Is an old saw, that " March coiunr.
In like a lion nnd goes out llkn a lamb"
and i i. r i-fr.in, Kthnotd saying Is cor
rect wo may look for some roaring, blus
tering wcathor beforo tlio lint of Aprlli
lor this month has roino to in in Cairo
lainb-llko In Its inoekiion, and spring-likn
In tho soft, balmy froshncfs of lu ntmos
phero and siinshlno.
lluslnesM, wo rgrut to chronicle, Is
scarcely In keeping with tho woather, but
opens dull nnd . lllolen In nearly nil Its
brunches, with n disposition to droop in
lending articles. Orders hnvo fallen oil',
and thu speculative demand i nothing nt
ail, In grain, hay or Hour,
l'rices aro still quoted unchanged, but
In corn and oats nro weak and unsettled.
The demand for corn meal ha been
sulllcleiit to carry oil' receipts, but n litt
oral supply would now overstock tlui mar
ket. I'rices nro steady nt .10, but buyers
will not raise tho flguri".
Tho risu In thn Ohio ts nearly ovor, and
Is scarcely perceptible to-day. Tounago
U plenty, and rates South steady and un
changed. Ihif" Correspondent should boar in
uiind that our quotations represent prices
for round lots from llrst batidr, uiibui
otherwise stated, nnd that in Idling mnnll
orders, higher price mint bo pald.-i(jn.
FLOlMt Tho market Is hotvy and
dull. A faw orders coino In nml aro
promptly filled, but no largo trniiMtotlons
nro madu. Our report of snles slnco Inst
Issue, oinbrncii loo bids low XXX 0 00;
10 J bids good XXX 7 'J!i 1 cur load va
rious grades ii M(.J 00 j 200 bbls good
XXX 0 50-, 000 bbli vniious grades ft (HI
0S 60; 'J00 bbls various grades in lots
ft o0(.r)0 00 ; 100 bbls XXX winter 0 7ft
700 bbls various grades ! f.OfH '.ft ; 100
bbls cboico family H 00.
HAY Tho demand Is small. Vory
littlo of any kind wautud. Thoro is plenty
of common hay offering but tho supply of
choicn jjrndes Is very limited. Salt s worn
I enr from storo II 00fjr)l 00; I car
good timothy del 14 00; 1 car prairio dot
10 (10; J car. choicn prairio del 11 Oil.
CO UN -'Tlio market is woll supplied
with both mixed nnd wlntu. Consilium
bio low grado corn tins been received dur
ing tho past few days that has tended to
lower tho prices. Tho demand has fallen
oil' to almost nothing in mlxoil,nnd whito
is very rlow sale nt lower prices. Wn nolo
sale of I cars choice white in bulk on
track COc; I car poor, whito and yellow
sacked nnd delivered 00(,r;G5; 1 car now
white, sacked and delivered OTe; - cars
white nnd mixed, sacked nnd delivered
07c; 5 cars mixed, snckod and dolivorcd
07c; 1 car old ml. tod, In bulk, on track COc;
3 cars choice old white, in lienvy sacks,
delivered 71c.
OATS Tho Jmarkot is woll supplied
and woakor, thoro was nothing doing to
day; bti'or and tollers wuro apart; holders
woro niklng Gttc. but would hnvo to inakn
concessions to effect sains. As a general
thing thoro U at present no ilitl'oronco In
prlcos ol thu dlll'erunt kinds, Thu season
fur black oats is ovor nnd buyers aro un
willing to pay more for thorn than for
whito and mixed. Prices closod weak and
unsottled, ft3o Hn sacks and t7o in bulk.
Sales woro 12 cars mixed, in sacks, dp.
Itvorod o3c; 0 cars blnck, snckod und del.
011 J; !1 cars blnck, nnd 1 car white, sacked
nnd dol. file; !l cars mixed. In hulk, on
track, 47c; I enrs choice whito, sold curly,
sacked and dul. ft&c; 'J cars mixed do do
COKN M UAL All that comos In is
disposod of at II .10. lluyors nro unwill
ing to ndvanco and'tho domand Is not
strong enough to warrant holders In ask
ing it. Hoavy rocolpts at present would
woaken tho market. Sales wore '2 cars
S. 1). dol .". .10; COO bbls S. I), dol It DO;
100 bbls do 11 'J6; 'J 00 bbls city muni 3
3 10.
llItAN Thorn is n fair demand with
nono oll'oring oxcopt at the mills, quoted
in car load lots at 10 00 per ton.
HUTTKIl Tholmarkot continues un-
changed with rocolpts nil taken on ar
rival. 7Jc is tliu ruling figure on choice
northorn and !ISc on choice Southern Il
linois. Sales woro S00 lbs choicu north
orn :i7je; 800 lbs cboico Southern Illinois
!!6c, ! palls choico northern packed 10c; (
packagos Southornlllinois roll 35c; 300
lbs oholco roll :6c; 600 lbs Southern Il
linois roll :i037c.
H1(1S Tho market Is woakor to-day
and holders nro willing to sell at 16c.
Sales 1,000 dozen I610c; 600 do.en
1'OULTIIY Tho soaoii for droned
poultry, unions thu wenthor should change
cold, is nearly ovor. Llvo chickens and
turkeys aro In good domand as quoted.
OH101CKNS-SaIH, "5 dozen choico
domand 3 003 25; 20;dozon, live, 1! 260
3 00; l coops, live 2 76.
TUIUCF.YS Salos, 000 lbs. drusiod 10c;
- coops, live, !) 60 to U 60.
VOTATOKS Tho domand is fair for
good l'oach lllows at :i 26 and Karly
Hoso 4 60.
Al'l'LKS Thori nro no choico ap
plos in tlio market. Choico northorn would
llnd roady salo at 6 60O 60.
ritOVlSlONS-tJu'ut-Oood stock on
hand. Quoted, 1). S. cloar sidos, H08J; do
O.K. sides, 7Jm; do shouldors, O0O.
Mess pork $16 60. Sales 1,000 lbs shouldors
D. S. Cjo.
COTTON - Nothing doing at nil hero
nor olsowhero, no buyors and wo can givo
no quotations.
OUKKSK Croam 14o ; Now York fao.
lory io(a)iijjc,
LIMK 1 2601 r,0 fibbl.
OKMENT 2 00fu2 60 bbl,
COAL OIL-IK Oa M a.l "
, aUNNIJfB-Wwowod '4 lusbol. 18c ;
SYHyi'sJohoico C0c$l por gallon;
Now Orleans 75(ffiH0o.
nr. a an.ijin xii ir . v..
..ui.uiiiiumi lllllli 36C C0r
bushol. r
nURLAlS-21 bushols corn, 0 oz
16Jp; do lOoi ICo ; 4 bushols osts 'Juo: 6
BKESWAX V lb 30o.
BOAB ShaetTor's Gorman mottled. 71c,
Ohcmpalgn soap, lie. ' 1
TALLOW ft lb5061c.
BUOAR-Orushod 12jct A.llf3ll0
extra O.1OJ011C. 3 ' ,llli
COFFi:KJnvn 406MVVi iirlnui
:ile: oholco III (.i)3r.
FKK 1(1 HT Cotton, romprossed to
Now ork, H.'icl to Huston, $1. Uncom
pressed, to Now York, II 11; to lloston
To Now Orleans nnd Vlcksburgi
I'otntoo. apples, eto, 3IK'; ioimd
freights 1 f.o I'wt; hav 16 per on; Fork
ISo per bid; tobacco '$; cotton fl. To
Memphli, llour, eto. 'J6u per bbl; pound
freigh 13 je owt; liny tl per ton.
Socond-cln's clothing, wletie, Jewelry,
pistols, c., bought and sold, Uppnidtn
Cairo nnd Vlticniino railroad depot,
lHH-!-27-lf M.Covnk
I'ks pounds of brown sugar for fl; H
pounds best coll'eo sugar at f I; :l pounds
of choicu butter nt 51; 11) cents fur lard;
liuporlal ten nt $1; potntoes 30 cent per
peck; npples IO cents, al Wilcox's Muck.
Two lotteries ef two Hollers, each 'J I
font long, i Inch Dram, '! 14 Inch Flues
Willi Urn fronts. Mud and Steam drums
Snfuty nnd .Mini valves, Chimney nnd
llritchln, all complete nnd In tlrst-clnis
ordot btvii used only Ihrou months, Fo;
price, etc., Inquire ol J. T. Hknnik,
ll-!;t-tf. Vulcnn Iron Wurks.
Thn underslglioj having resiiincl thn
tilnungmiielit of thu abovi) hotel, trust by
rtrict attention to business, In tho wants
nod comforts nf their gtests, to merit tho
renewed favor ot their oli patrons nnd thn
Irnvoliug public! In geuern,
ThoSaiul Charles will a'.onco undergo
alhoruiigh renovation, nml bn much Im
proved In ail its appointment.
(loud sample rooms md special rate for
commercial travelers.
All lmggngu fur guess cotivrjod to mid
from Hi") hotnl f rots ofihnrgn.
J KWKTr Wit.t'ox As to., I'ruprlottirs.
Thk Kurupenti huid, llar.-y Wnlker
proprietor, Is upon ic nil hours of tliu
night. 1 1-7-1 m
Full n gooil squnro meal go to Hurry
Wnlknr's restnurnnt, .'oinmerclnl iivutiiifl
bolwuon Suventh nml ighlh street, lm
I'tili ii.tn nnd steam lilting go to Hon
nio's Vulcan Iron works, Commercial
avonuo, foot of Ninth rtreot 0-10-tf
All kinds of gainu cotsianlly on hniul
nt Harry Walker's, Coiiuuirolal avonuo
botwoon Suventh and Kl,;hth slruots.
11 -7-1 in
Fun IT farms fur sals al Villi ltltlgn in
five to twenty no rim lots, ret with thu
choicest of fruit, lnpiircr lit Wilcox's
grocery. 17H-2-2 t-l'Jt
Foil Sai.k $'J,000 in city scrip. Fur
salo in quantities to suit tlio purchaser
Apply to H.T. Okuoui.ii.
1 1 u ltd Kit, tliu dry goods mwrchnnt, is
now in Now York purchasing his stock
of goods fur thn spring Undo, Defer
your purchases until hu returns, 2-'.'i If,
Mlt, J. 1 1 into Kit is now In Now York
city nuiecting hi h stuck of spring goods,
11a will shortly open as lino an nssort
lnunt of goods us wns over brought to
Cairo. li-SCtf
Mn. HuiinK.it, tlio enterprising dry
goods m inch mi t, Is now in Now York fur
tho purpose nf purchasing his sprlne
stock of goods. If you want good goods
at low prlcos wait till his stock nrrives.
2-20 tf
NoTlUK Is nereliy given trial 1 will pay
no bills for goods sold to any uf thn em
ployee of Tub Caiiio IIui.i.ktin, either
or thomsolvos or lor thn uso of tho titlluo
unloso tho rnmo nro ftirntrhod on an order
Igned by Mr. Uurnolt or myself.
lV.-V.0-ly John II. Onaiii.r,
small lot of tho IJrln movanblo point
stool plows, which wo nro now oll'oring nt
cost to closo tlitiui out.
lm 130 Commercial avonuo.
1'AHTNKii Wantkii. A genlloinan
without capital, but with several yearn
experience and thoroughly acqunlutod
with thu business, is desirous of lorming
a partnership in tho Hide, Fur nnd
Leather business in Coiro, with sumo onn
who can furnish n capital of say $6,000.
Address, drnwer 'M. -t'J-l-lH-tf
Milk Waoun, I will commenco run
ning a milk wagtiii on -Monday morning
February V3. 1 will continue It all sum
mer, and respoctfully solicit your patron
age. Milk will bo doiivurod to any ono
in tho city, daily morning and ovening.
Ordurs may bo givon to tho (drlvor of tho
wagon or left at my Ico stand, No HI Ohio
loveo. (Ikoikik Yocuii,
R. H. IlmiillAM, M. 1)., Uomtcpathist
130, Cominiircinl n venue, Cairo, Illinois
wishes to Inform tlio public that ho has
purchased an apparatus fur generating
oionl.ed oxygen, .and is now prepared to
administer tills agont, which Is now being
vary successfully used in diseases of the
respiratory organs, such as Asthma, Acuto
and Chronic Uronchitis, Consumption In
tho first nnd socond stagos, also In Spinal
tttl'octions, Rheumatism, Malarial fevors
Cholora, iVc, Many eminent physicians'
names could bn givon that advneato the
uso of ozonl.od air bv inhuiation as ono
of tho most i)ffoctlva curalivo agents of
modern times. 100 2.6-lm
Wk novo something new In tho way of
balf-shcet postors, which wo think are
just tho thing for the spring trado. Thoy
consist of six dlfloront designs, lltlio
graphod. with mortises and margins for
printing. Two ol tho cuts nro suitablo
lor any buslnoss ; thu other four for boots
and shoos, photographers, druggists and
dry goods. Wo havo but ono hundred of
each cut, and will furnish them printed nt
Cincinnati prices. Wo havo also somo
fancy cards. Tho "languago of flowers,'
ton dosigns; "Doquot," twolvo designs;
'Opora," four designs and J"Oowlo" cards
twonty-four dosigns which wo furnish
printod at $10 to f l'J pur M, Cincinnati
nricos. Who wants thorn? Don't all
speak at once. 103.3-10-Ut
Ami .Miinuraulurcr of
102 Commercial Avo.
VJcSOnhM'H iVom Abroad JVouiptly Attended to.
Lot No, 2 In blonk 17, llrst nddllleii,
wltli a two-story frainu houso fronting nn
C'uintiiorclal avuniit), nnd threo tuts (DM,
,'lti nml 401, nanus block, fronting un f(tv
eiiteenth stroot, aro ollorcd for salt) nt n
bargain. Apply on tint promises, corner
Seventeenth ami Ciimmori'liil avenue.
10U-2.V0 I in F. M. WAnu.
Uy particular request of a iiumbnr uf
young mini, Mr. Hardy ha consented In
touch onu more term, commoncing on
Tuesday evening, Maruh .lit, nt V o'clock,
which will puallvoly bit tho Inst this sen
non. Thosi) wishing to Join, will boon
hand nt Reiser's building, corner of Kighlh
stroot nnd Commercial nvoiiun.
fiS-i-JH-ilt. C, Ha nu v.
riJIII, 10 HAl.K.
I will still l n y niitlru stuck uf tlio lnt
of Iteuf, I'urlt, Vital, Mutton, 1'ouUry,
It tit tor, ICggs, Lard, Irish l'titatues, Sweet
I'otnluss, Applns, Flour, Menl, Spiced
Iteuf, nnd tho best of Corned llnuf. Thu
salu will ciimiiiiiiici) nt 6 o'clock In tlio
morning nnd continue until nlno nt night
eneh tiny for nlno months, SiilitlnyH ox
coptod. I hnvo also 1 HO no re uf thn host
of cotton land to soil or oichnngn for Cairo
property. 1 nlsu want snvural good agtmts
to soil fruit trues. All of thn abovo will
bn explained by calling nn S, l'nltorion,
earlier of Ninth and Wnlnut streets, ns
thoro Is thn place thn salu of thn moat nnd
vegetables will bo made. !)'.' l-.'ll-lm,
Ci no, Ills., Jan. 30, IH7I.
Hoot and shoo maker, Twen h street, be
tween Washington avenue ami I'oplar
Mrrot,! prepared to make boots anil shoes
In the latest nml most fashionable styles.
Ho will luiikti them to order, old or new
stylos to suit customers, out of tho bii'iuul
freshest stock, of which hn always JIih
good supply nn bund from which to uutkii
Hcluctluim. All titling uf boots anil Mins"
inudo by Mr. Khlern Is done In his own shop
no foreign lUtlnr; being tmod by him.
Ulvu him a call, and ho will five you satlv
Itoss has on hnud, anil lor salo a Inrgo
quantity of oak ami hlckury wood, cut and
pllt, und rvatly for thu stove. Also nl
kinds ul coal which will bo delivered In any
part of tho city on short nollco. Leavo or
ders nt coal ynnl, on Commercial avenue,
oppnsHn KloVMith street. Deu. iWm
Happy roller for young men tiom tlin el
fct tH ul eirurs and aliuses lii surly llfn. Man
hood icntored. Iinnftllinents tu marriitgn
leinuvi'd. New inetlioil of treatment. New
and ruiunrkablu remedies. Ilouks and cir
culars sent free, In Misled envelopes. Ail
tlrtiHH, I Inward Association, No, 2 Mouth
Ninth street, Philadelphia, Fit nn IiikUIii.
11 on having a high reputation fur linnnrnblo
nniliirt and priulniiul akin. 1 10- H ilAw.'lui
Wbeie.'H, .Mnlliew D, (iunter, tlltl on the
evenlli tbiy of October A. D., Ib72, e.M't Ulii
nml drill it to Henry L.lliilllday a Sale Min t
gHKit of lluil iliitu iiion 1 1 1 1 pri'iiil-cN liei'clli
nllcr tlcKclllieil, widt h wn rcciirilcil In (In,
Kccuitlci'H nllli nnr AloMiinler Ciiuuly Illi
nois on the 17th day nf October A. I)., 1X72,
III Jolllino . uf Ictiil'ili of iNile .Moilgngen
oil page (111) one hiiuill'eil nml levcli, itud
uhlfh tviiH nlven to M i lllti it ccrlnlu piniiil
hiiry note, liliulo by said Mathcw I), (iiinter,
ofevelidaln ulllieiibl Snlo Moi'l(,'iigu to the
nrdcr of Henry I.. Ilallldny, fur tint suiii ul
twenty tho hundred dnlhii-H, jiaynlilii Unity
days niter tho ilalu thel'eol, wltli inteiot
lliilil tlatu Villi II paid lit tell per cent, per
And whereas Hi" snlil Henry I,, lliilllday
did on tho 23d day uf January, A. 1),, 1H74,
lor value received, juwhtu wiltl note mill miln
Mortfriiuo to tlio iintlerolL'iicil J. II. (.'l.iy.
iMiil vviicreiiK iieiniiii mi nceii iiiaiio in urn
piiymcul oi Kiltl pi'iiinlrory nulti and thu In
lurcet uccriit'it thei'cuu.
Ami whereas II is iirnviiled III sa il Sale
MnrtL'iiL'c. that In default of the niiwucntnf
halil unto or niiy part tlieienfiiccoi'iirng to tliu
tenor and (illeci tlieicnf, tho Mild Henry I.,
lliilllday nr hi bwil rcprci-ciilnllvcx may nf.
ler having uilM'ltlei hiiI.I sulo lllteen t'lavs
III n newsi(iier punui-iieii m i.iinti, Illinois
or by i"isllnx up willliu nr printed notice.
In four plat es In thu county where wild
ircmikCH un' Hitiait', may nen tun kiiii jircm
e ur any iniit therctif, lu tho hlglut bltl-
del' for i all at tlio cuUlt-lioiln tlnnr ill Hie
city uf Cairo, Illinois nl tho tlmo appointed
in Mich mlvert iMiieiiil .
Now Ihei'i'l'iiiu iiiitlet!llicrelivglicn that
nn Wi'ilue-ihiy tliu I fell l day nf .Mnroli, A. D.,
1M7I, nt ten oclock A.M., uf that tlay, at thn
fl'UIll lliilil' Ol 1110 (Hill 1-IKIllM! in
Otiliu, Illinois, I sludl "I ell nt imbllo
auction to the hihe-t bltlilcl for cash, the
Inllowllift ili'M'i ipcii properly, io wu : i.oih
uuinlieied six- ill), hivcii (7) and (W) right, In
i.l,.. L. numbered three CI). Ill thn llrt nihil-
lion to tliu city of Cairo the estate therein,
being nn otutu lor tliu term nf
live (o) years, enillinelicliig nu thu
ninth tf.iy nf Munh, A. D., 1K7I, un
tlernntl by little of a leuo benring dale
March ninlli, A. D.. 1K71, executed by S.
ritiiats Taylor and Kdwin 1'nri.ons, Trusters
nt tlin Cairo cny rroprny, in reier rt. i-ou-ant
and by said l'cter A. Cniiaut, Willi tlio
urliti.ti iiiioient uf Mild Tiivlur and I'iUnoih
aligned to wild .Matliew 1. (lunter on lliu
nut lav oI'Mav. A. D.. 1872. together With
nil tho liiiprnvi'iiiruts thcroii belonging to thn
saltl MnlheW D. Hunter, nf every kind and
lliltlliu so ever, llicllliliug mill lixiiUTS ru
glno boilers burrs, nnd nlliri'llxlurrs iinner
tnliilng and beluiiglug to thu mill bullilin
thereon situate. J. II. Ol.AY.
D.itctl -Mnich 2d, A, D 1871. 1U7 U-a-tat,
nr.AI,i:i!S. i-ave vour l onuiilshions. bv sell
lug your turnip .Inc, In any quantity, direct
to lliu coiMinier.
M,Ottl.I,Ut7(4H IIIVN CO. i
U88 Kii'.t I'rarl Street, Clnclmmll, o,
mill Hotail
Du. ((. i:. IKirtn.is, In Ing tlctrrmlncd ta
rcrll In rM'iy Denial operation, has re
111" ! nnd lelliiiiNhed Ids Denial l'arlort. No.
7, Kighlh sired, and In now receiving from
.H. M. While A. Johtisnn. of l'hllndclphla,
semi-weekly, lliu larueHt ami 'lluosl assort
luciit uf Dental (luniU ever otTeretl tu thla
ell), nml ns goutl as ran bn found lit the
InigrM cities.
Miiilc especially, not any of the soil, misera
ble, spungy wulk Hint drops out, leaving
teelli cut, tiled, tllu'olorlug, anil uftru tic.
Still) I'll,
I'eifcct (Inlileu (Inns put In ns solid nlul
durable as the smelted Inetal Itself.
Children's Tooth.
Ni.i'dal atlciilloii given to lliu treatment of
t 'lillilieu'n Teeth. I'ltrcnts by having their
I'lillirii's 'j'reth evaniliieil occasluoally,
uoiilil wiin ilicui much siiiritrlnir and do
loiinlly In nller venrs.
Dr. Dniiglat iil.u gives I'nitlculnr attention
lo Mechanical DcnlUtrv, having secured thn
l hhl In ue Kit. HYATT'S 1'ATsCNT (IOLI
wliltlili.ii been Ihorouuhly (rated nnd ap
iii'nietl by tliu best. DcnlMs 111 Hit) Kast, and
be.innd a ilnubt, tho bent und llrmcst arttfl
cl.il pl.ituuow In unr,
Ti'i lli rvliiictcil ultliiiul. pain by tho us
nf .N'IIioimOaIiIh (las which Is perfectly safe
wbeinjllillclullsly iiilinlnlslercil,
4ilsa ra area) M, 1M.
oerioa ow
A. 11. HArrOlU). lTaldBt;
H. fl. TAYLOU, Vl(M-irst4rat;
U. HYHLOF, Seontary aad TnatmrM
r; at. iu..?.!.'.
Oau. amaaaa,
ran. S. stasirm.
r. a. HriKtaru;''.
"'"' U.aus. 4,1
Dsalto of a Asuasi iiaVOtt?
ansa a usjsw
INI KHKHT paid on dwoslU at lb rate v.' -it
paroont. par aaaasa, Manh Utaad aasiasat.
nr 1st. InUrMl not wllhdran la added 1
llatalj In Ilia prmolnal of lb dsposllo, MfjMkf
kIsIoh (ham oonipooad InUrtWl,
naroaiT mowit
so tntr an oia sua aaa suw tt,
Oun arary bualaasa day (Tom a-at. lo lawaa,,
and lUtunlar rer.nx lor BAVlxUI DMmVrt
7 Ttr.aft Ii
lo n alrjok.
onl7, fiom I
W. BTRLOr.Traaaaror.
SIA1HM, Ia.t.ial
OAl'lTAJi, . . IIOO.OO
Wl I'. 1IAMJUAT, fraaldaati
IIKNHT I.. UAl.UbAV, ViolriatUaBi
A. U. SUr KOK1), UaabUf t
wAl.TKR HlMAHf, Asslslli OaiW.r-
Hvaats TiLoa, Roaut B. Owaaiaaatu,
Husi L. Ilauiasf, W. I. HaaaiSMS.
Uao, U. WiLUitisua, tinraaa Bias
A. H. Bassvas.
Beliisstsjss, Oala sua Vaaaadt
IIBPOOITO raualvad, aad a aral
bnalnaas dona.
or cAia.
It. W. Millbii. l'roaldaat.
J. M. Pkulimi, Vlea-frasldaai.
EXOBANSB, sola, baak matoa ssU IMaai
Btataa saanxIMaaloaakl aad H.
Slanufacturen aad DMlan to
Alio AgtnU for the
No. 710, North Maine fltrMt,
Si dtwlin. ,ork

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