THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1874. LOCAL WEATHER REPORT, ORbBRVBR'H OKKIOK, OilHO, llll., I .March 11, 10:11 p.m., lo74, I Beiortr,30:ltifl degrees. 'Ihtimometer, 41 degrees WUidN. K. Velocity 4 iiillut per hour. Weather, clear. Maximum temperature lor last 'it hours, Minimum temperature lor tbe latt'J4 tours, Ji degress. Prevailing wind lor lut 'J! Uour, N. Total number of mllea .traveled by wlud during Uit 'it lioun , '::. fcliWIN UooTIt Observer Signal Service, U. 8. RAILROADS. TIME CARD. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. TI'.IINH LKAVK CAIKO. Mail at 100 a.m., Dally. Kxprtstat :i:00, ' Freight at 4:00 a.m., ..except .Sunday Jfrelghtat ....ll:Ki a.m.,,... Krelgbtat . . 4:00,. . " " ARRIVK AT CAIKO, Mall at S:l& a.m.,... Dally Kxpren at 'l:0l p.m., ....except .Sunday Freight at t:lB a.m.,. ...except Monday 'Freight al 7:10 j in., except .Sunday Krehjbt at".... .10.00 p.m ' IM !M7-tf. James Johnson, Agent. THE CAIRO AND VINOKNNKS RAILROAD. cmanuk or riMK. On and alter Sunday, February '21, 1074, tralut trill run a followi : mouth. rjkM'tiL'cr. Kri.lyht. ('alto, leavo fi:(l a.m. ":). A.M. r.:0."i Mound City, leave r.:'ii Vlnma. leave f!:i:i Ml llili :m 4:i: 7:(H !t:-J0 .liarrlibnrc, lcav Hil'j " Norrl City, leavo .. H:l.'i " Caniil, arrive- H:.V) ' C'arinl. leave HMW " Urayvtllc, leave 1U:I0 " Mount Carmel, leave ...II SIS ' Vlneennc.s, leave I'.M. O.x-M.Jiiiirtlmi,nrrlV0.i:!:S3 (loi. mi boutir. I'aeiigcr, O.AM. Junction, leave.. 7:t.'i a.m. Vlncennes leae 7:2." " Mount Carmel, leave.... HM " AIM. i:relld. 7:h0 0:Dl lo:17 11) G:l.t 7:10 ii:lil ia:lfi :i:lo :i:40 I'.M. tirayvllle, leave P:I8 f'aruil, arrive 10:(l Carml, leave 10:10 Kn - 'f , .. t. ....... A.M. JtarrtsburKli, leave 11:41 Vienna, leave 1:1 Mound City, leave '2:1 I'.M. '"jlro, arrive MOUND CITT ACCOUUOPAT10H. Leave Cairo at 11 UK) a.m. and r; I ." p.m. Leave Mound City atl'JAi p.m. and 0:10p.m. Freight trains atop over night nt O.irinl; run from tliere as mixed train, living at tM a.m.; leaving Vlncennes at 7 p.m. I lie :ime ci cuing for return trip. COXNKCTIOXi. At Cairo wltb the Mlllppl Central, Mobile anpOlilo, for all poind foul; Cairo, Arkansas and Texas, lor all point In Arkah fas ami Texan. At Vlncennes: Indianapolis and Yiiicennet railway for Indianapolis and all points north, rait aud went; with Kvansvllle and Craw lordivlllc railway for E anivllle,Terra tlaute, Danville, Chicago and all point iiortb, eait and went; with Ohio and Mlistppl rail nay for fit. LouU), Ixjulsvllle, Cincinnati and all points eaut and wet. Al Norrla City crossing Iho Sprlnglicld and llllioU Soutbeatteru railway. L. W. Palukr, (len'l Hup't. K. '. Wu.-ov, Uen'l Passenger, At. 87-13-tf OA I HO, ARKANSAS AND TEXAS AND (JAIKO A.NJ) FUL TON RAILROADS. The ihorteil and only direct route Irom Cairo la JaoWsouport, Little lloe.k, Hot springs, Fulton, and all polnta In Arkansa and the South west, and llatveaton, Houston, Dalian, Austin and all points In Texas TWW.Vti HOUIta IN advanck ok ANY OTHKH ItOUl'K. 'I'hroiiKli tk-ketii, through blllt of lading, and Information aa to freight ratea, pa tender lure, eounectlont, etc., can be ob tained at the company's aUlce in Winter'! Stock, corner of Seventh street and Com mercial avenue. Uaeki will call at private .realdonce and Lotel for pabucugcrs, wliun orders are lelt !u tliiio. Klegaut rullman palace tlecplnt; cam on all nlgbt tralni. TruUiii run dally, (Sundaya excepted) from win vnnw miuv." u iwuvni CIUKI.I8TON ACCOM MOD ATKIW. Leave Urcentteld's,.,.(tJJ a in and 4:0.rp.m, Aralvo at Orcenlleld'a .0:17 a m nud3:SS p.m. KXTRKS8 HUNS PA1LV Leavcs UreenUeld's '00:p. in, Arrive nt Oreenlleld's 1:40 p.m. D. AXTXLL, Chief Knt;lneer. LiWTERK. WILLIAM J. AIJ.KN, ATTORNEY AT LAW UAIKU, ILLIMOIH. Offlce over Flrrt National bank. 8-10-8m SAMUEL P. WHKKLER, ATTOHNKY k COUNSELOR AT LAW OA I HO, ILLINOIS. Offlce over Flrnt National bank. 8-ltam John u. Muiicey. Wlllm C. Mulkey MULKKY & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW (JAIRO, ILLINOIS. ' Offlce: Kluhta itroet, between Commer clal and Waaklnaton avenuei. fc-14 tf. GREEN 4. GILBERT, ATTOBN1TS (JOUNBKLOBS AT LAW, Willlaw H.UrMn. 1 William n. Gilbert, Mileir.Ollaerl, J OAIBO, lUiIKOlB, MTSpaelal atUatloa RlTta to AdaBlielly U IlMaauaai DBiiiwi. ttiom OHIO L1TII, BOOM! T ABB 0T1 niTYVATIOVAL MAM9 DR. W. BLAUW GERMAN PHYSICIAN. IJudori --.Wup itatra) cornr 8th Stro 50-31-tf, tIU0, ILLINOIS. THE BULLETIN. CAIRO LOCAL NEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS. TO CANDIDATES. To HKCirttlC TUB 1N8EHIIOX Ol' AS AN' NOU.NCKMKSr I.N .TllKllULLntN' Till: I'UDLI CA1IO.N I KK MI.'HT, BK I'Alli WHEN TUB A.N.NOUNCKMF..NT 18 llANUKfl I.N. TlllHtlULK WIM. nit HTKICTI.V AIHIKIIKH Tl. ClTV oh r'eh ffi; WAitu orricins, . Mnnoii IUji.i.kiin :-You will pli.iiH-an-noiiiire that I urn :i eandldAlc for the ohlco nrdly cleik at the enmiluc charter election. W. K. Hawkins. Go to Klllolt dt llarthorn't and lee th protection toe ibot for children. On pair will I ait ai long at tbree pair mad in tbo old way. ai-3-l'J.t Koh Salb A number ono .Skiff. Ap ply to O. Winston. 3-12-31 CHIT-CHAT. Judge Or r, of Mlnlnlppl, was at the St. Charlui yetterday. Dr. Walk, of Meupbli, Wa at tba tit. Charlee yesterday. Captain Alf. Cutting, of Metropolis, wat in tbe city on Tuei liy and yetter day. Mr. Sam. 0. Foiter bat returned to tbe city and taken up quarters at tbe St. Cbarlet. A couple of "plain drunkt"' consti tuted tbo ontiru business transacted in Judge lirost' police court yotterday. Tbe ferry romyany have purchased of C'apt. Falls several acres of land lying: along tne river just above Bird's point. It is said there Is not a cburcb in Mallard county; "tut a floor lot of danc ers than it to be found in tbat county would bo bard to scratch together." Tbe roildence of Mr 0. Cloio, corner of of Twentieth and Walnut streets, wit entered by burglars on Tuesday night, and a quantity of clothing stolen. No clue to tbo burglars. Matt Hums died at half-past eight o'clock last night. II will bo hurried on Kriday afternoon at three o'clock by a spe cial train from the foot of Fourth street. Friends and acquaintances of the deceased are invited to attend. 3-1.-U l'rominent among tbo arrivals at the St. Charles yesterday were John D Storm and Oliver Uuckle, Haltitnore; lien Kim ble, Chicago; Louis Mays, Philadelphia; W J Athford, Memphis; O Kiad and wife, Grenada, Mississippi, and J II Ferry, Now tork. On Tuesday night about eleven o'clock, when the passenger train on tbe Mississippi Central railroad was within a few feet of the bridge over May- Held creek, tho sleeping coach juaped tho track, and was dragged a distance of about 180 feet before tbe en gine could be itopped. Fortunately, tbe coupling did not broak, or tbe car with all in it might have been precipitated into tbe water under tbe briJge which Is lf feet deep. -Wis, Khlors withes to inform tbe pub lic tbat ho has just-received a large stock of imported French calf and Morocco Leather from Adolph Nickel, of Cincin nati, direct importers, and bo can there fore warrant all bis work to be of not only the bent manufaetiiro, but of tbo very best niaterUI. Any one who deiiros lino Hoots, Shoes or (Jailors will tind It to their intorest to call on Mr. K.blers at bis shop, 'JOtb street, and examine bis stock and styles Leforo ordering elsewhere. J03-a.4.1m We beard it stated yesterday that a serious ditUculty took place on tbe tow- boat John Ullmore while tbo lay at the wharf In this city on Tuesday evening. Tbe light began at tbe supper tablo be tween tbe captain of tbe boat and one of the engineers, but before it was ended an other one ot the engineers and the mate were drawn into it. It is said Captain Gilmoru was badly cut on one of bit hands, but received no further serious in juries. The mato and second engineer camo to the assistance of the captain in tho quarrel. At the bead of tbo local column in this mrnlng'x Uum.ktin will be found the card of Mr. W. K. Hawkins, who an nounce bimielf la the field as a candi date for tbe ollice of city clerk, " Will" Hawkins is known to almost overy man, wonun and child in Cairo, having lived here many years and, for aught w know, was born in Cairo. He is amply qualified to llll the position ho seeks, and if the sovereigns of Calra should tee lit to bestow tbe offlce upon him, we bolleve he would fill It to the satisfaction of tbe people and with crodlt to himself. At about fifteen minutct to tbree o'clock thla morning burglars mado an enteranco into Swoboda'i gropery store at tho corner of l'oplar and Eighteenth ttroots. Ofllcers Moohnor and Wooton detected tbo burglarc and undertook to arrest them, but thoy ran when the offi cer fired two shots at them. One of them was baaly wounded, as ho could be tracked by tho blood as ho ran, He wa traced to the bank of the Ohio jiver where a lot of bloody atones, whero be (tood on thorn, wore found. It i suppoi- they had a skiff ready In case they should need to got away, On Tuesday aftornoon a difficulty oc curred at Blandvillo between a shoemak er named Rootoand Mr. J. H. Dalton. lloote and Dalton are brother-In-laws, and tbe former it or wat in tbe habit of whip ping bit wlfo. On Tuetday he gave her .hard beating, and not satisfied with whipping ber, determined to thrash Mr. Daltou, her brother. Rut Dalton was not in the humor to bo whipped, and when Root ttarted in on him, he drew a knife and ittbbed Rooto la the breast, and then took a brick and combed Roote'i balr with it. Rooto wat to badly used up that hit friends had to put him in hit little bod, and it it expocted that about Sunday next they will have to put him in bit lit tie grave. Dalton wa arrottod, and held to ball in tbo turn of $300. Dalton wa ouco n resident of Cairo. CITY COUMdll., MUTING. CouwoiL ClIAUbSa, 1 Cairo, III., Maroh to, 1874. Present Hit Hoior Mayer Wood and Aldtrnea McKwea, MoOauley, Meyers, Phillip, RltUnhout and Robinson-fl, Mor Wood pretldlng. AM OKDIXAMCB. A bill fur an ordinanc entitled "An ordinance to amend section 1C of Ordi nance No. 2" wat, on motion of Alderman Meyer, temporarily laid upon tbe table. OA COMTBACT. On mot I .in f Alderman Meyers, tbe ooutnlttM on street were instructed to certain from tk uprintndnt of the (U company, what othtr arrangement they are willing to -at for furnishing gat, btilde receiving inlrst-bering crip. BILLS. Th committ on claim reporttQ back tb following bills, recommending pay mnt of th tame, at follow, viz Dr. C H Jtrans, visit to jail and medicine t to John 11 Oberly, acrip book, cash. 'U 80 joun ii uoeny, pumisniug coun cil proceeding, etc 4 26 jonn u uoeny, ia walk tax no tice R B Yocutn, circuit clerk, feet in case In circuit court, dismlsied atclty'cot Tho Boyle, faaullnsr C4 loads t 00 l'J 40 of brick tat 27 00 u McCarthy, 4 day in tharee of JtilMB: 8 00 II 00 29 21 21 'it, 1C 88 11 00 2H i!5 18 09 3 C7 10 00 23 90 44 10 3 1.0 H 40 Tbo Fitzgerald, Bdavi work on sldewalEs Tho Fitzgerald, 13 day work on arainag , Wen qulnn, l:t day work on drainage Win Qulnn, 74 day work on ldwlk.....:... .;. M K Power, hauling 22 load sidewalk lumber Peter Conlan, 13 day work on drainage Peter Conlan, 8 day work on sidewalks D McCarthy, extra ratal fura- ishtd Dritonert Jam Rom, a ton coal for coun cil building James Rots, 6 ton coal for full of bill for $25 60 Cairo City Ua Company, gas used al the different engine boustt to March 1 Cairo City Oat Company, cat uted at city jail 3 months to March 1 Cairo City Ua Company, gat uted at coUBotl build Ine 3 month to March 1 Cairo City Oat Company, gat used in ttren lamp in Febru ary, in full of bill for S08 Fillmor Caldwell, hauling a drunken man to jail R U Cunnlnbam, rant for coun cil buildioc in February 80! 44 00 CO CO 91 AO e oo DlMoUerthy, dlttlag prltonen in Februarr lHBCMyt., Barclay Bros, 3 crusts vaccine virus Illinois Central B. K. Co., for moving track ob Leva street from 4th to 14th ttrtett, aa per Ordiuano So. 36, approved Oct, 18, 1872 3000 0 On motion of Alderman Robinson said bills war allowed by tbe following vote: Ayet MeKwen, McOauly, Mey ers, Phillip, Rittenbout and Robinson . nay o. KBaOLUTIOM BLKCTION. The following retolutiont were uUertd and, on motion of Alderman Robinson, adopted, viz. : Resolved. Tbat tbe city clerk be and he is hereby instructed to give proper notice of the tlly election tu be held on tbe 2 1st day of April next, for a city clerk, a city treasurer, a city attorney ana one aiur- man fur each waid; also for one alder man for tbe 1st ward to fill tbe vacancy occasioned by th removal ot Hiram Uix- by from the city. Resolved, That the places for holding . , . l. l.tnK 1.. Alf vl. . In th tlrtt ward, at th communion bouie of K. r. Davit on th touth aid ot Sixth street between Commercial and Washing ton avenue; in the cond ward, at tbe Rough and Ready Bglf bouse; in the thira ward, at th Hibernian engine home; in tho fourth ward, at tbe court house; and la tbe fifth ward, at tbe home of Mr. Sullivan on the northwest coiner of Commercial avenu and Twenty-tlftb ttreet. JUDUie AND CLBBM OF KLICT10K The mayor nominated the following perton to act as judge and clerkt of tbe election: Firtt Ward, judge, Geo. W. McKeaig, Jame Garland and Paul G. Scbub; clerkt, Herman Able and Don McKenzle. Second "Ward, judget, C. X. Hughes, U. Lame acdL. J. Ryrnu; clerks, A. Comings and A. A. Haynes. Third Ward, John 11. Gossman, Tbos. Kertb and B. F. Parker; clerkt, R. F. Blake and B. MoManus. Fourth Ward, judges Wm. Martin, R. S. Tocum and F. M. Ward; clerkt, Richard Fitzgerald and John C. White. Fifth Ward, Judge, 1). H. Mor gan, V. L,ancatter ana Jonn v. lainot; clerk, John 0. Zenne and W. B, Fisher. On motion of Alderman Meyer, said nomination were confirmed and (aid per ton appointed to act a Judge and clerk of said election. LXVBB COUUIUIONIBS BXTORT. John P. Hely, D. J. Galligan and John H. Goismao, commissioners appointed on the 4th Intt. to ettlmat and report to tho council the cost of improving Levee ttroet at contemplated, and provided by ordln ace No. C4, approve! .August 26, 1873, and ordinanc No. 06, approved Septem ber 33, 1873, including labor, material and all other expenses attending tb same, and alio th cost of making and levying the aiieument, reported tbe following a their estimate, viz : For graveling aud improving Levee street from South Line of Fourth to Center Line ot Sixth streets $ C73 10 For graveling and improving Levee street from Center Line of Sixth to Center Lin of Eighth street 815 30 For graveling and improving Levee ttreet from Centr Line r Klghth to Centra Llaeof Tenth ttrU 845 30 For graveling and improving Levee itreet from Centr Liae or TtntU to Center Lin of Twlfthtreti 845 30 For graveling and improviag Lvm trett from Center Lin of Twelfth to North lid of FourtMUth ttreet C50 10 For making and levying assess mint or special tax 83 00 Total, f3,050 10 On motion of Aldrman Robinton said report waa approved. , On Mellon of Aldirman McOaulty tho city attorney was Instructed to file the proper petition In tho county court for proceedings to nissis tliu cost of the Im provement provided by tho abovo men tioned ordinances. ( OMCTIIOl.t.Klt's htrOUT 'I'll a city comptroller reported tbat at per Instructions at tho Ust mooting, he would rnport tlml bo had toon Mr It. II. Cunningham, concerning a further lenio ol tbo building now occu pied by tho city, and lni agrees to rent said building for another year nl tbo same price now paid ($60 a month), or he will rent tbo uppor portion fur $25 a month, Tbat Judge llrois agrees to rent n room in the upper Moor of his building, front ing Commercial avenue, with tho privi lege of holding council meetings In bis court room tor. $'20 a month. On motion of Alderman Rittenbouse, said roport was referred to a special com mittee of three, with instructions to re port at the toil meeting. Tbo cbalr ap pointed its such cmnmltteo Alderii'en Rlttenbouio, Phillips and Meyers, VKTO UESSAOC. Tbe following veto menage from tbe mayor wat read, viz: GSNTI.KMSM or TIIK ClTV CoL'.NCIL: 1 herewith respectfully return to you for your further, consideration an ordinance to amend an ordmanco "on fires, fire de partment and fire limits," and state my reasons for not approving tho tame. The ordinance passed by your honorable body is In my opinion to'swecplng In its char acter, not for the reason that it deprives the mayor from being tbe chief engineer of tbo Uro department as I, as mayor, would mu'jh prefer being relieved from tbe responsibility of that position, and have it pass into the bands of tome one better acquainted with itt workings and its requirements. But tbe nmended ordi nance passed at your last regular meeting wipes Irom the department all members of the city council, and places tbo ontlre control ot tbe department in tbe hands of an engineer and his assistant. Section nineteen of ordinance number eleven, provides that in tbe absence of tho chief engineer or his assistant, any two tiro wardens with any three members of the city council, may dlroct and order the cutting and tearing down of any building, fence or ihed for tbe purpose of checking the nroKroci of n tiro while lection eleven of the amended 'ordlnanco deprives tbe members of the council from beinc members of tbo firo department, either active or othorwiso. Thus the ono section Is in direct conflict with tbo otbor, and tbereforo cannot receive my approval. IJul the groateit objection in my opinion to the amended ordinanro is tbat it puts tbo control financially of tbo dep&rtmont Into the bands of a committee of three, to it: Tho committco on lire department of tbe council. Wliatevor thoy ordor to be done to the soveral engines and appar atus of each company, will be prima facio evidenco that tho council desires tbe work done. The city council, If this ordinance bocomes a law, will hi.vo no voice in tho matter in question, and so long as tbe commltteo in their judg ment thinks there is work to bo done, they can do tbe same, no matter what tbo ex pense amounts to, and after it is done, tbe council in their judgment may refuse to pay for tho same, and in consequence of relutal may bring tbo city into uxpenslvo and endlets litigation with tbo party or Bar ties who may have dooo the work, ut gontlemen, should the amended ordi nance become law, great discretion would have to be used by tbn appointing power, to select tho committee so tbat they would be equally distributed among the different companies in the city, and so that each company would receive their just and equal proportion of the money appropriated for their uso. If it were otherwise, jealousy and dissatisfac tion would very naturally sooner or later arise, and tbe very object for which fire companies uro organized might be ren dered less beneficial by tho adoption of this law. From all the reasons assigned, it would, In my opinion, bo much bettor to change the amended ordinance so that the council can control tho expenditures bo fjre tbey aro made. If it wero otherwise than tlii tbo mayor and city council would have no voice in the amounts to be expended, but only ou the payment of tbein after tbev had been contracted for. It is true tbat tho council limit the amount to ba appropriated and to bo OX' pendod, but under this ordinanro ono or two firo companies might get the whole amount, aud tho others could get no part or me ninu appropriated lor their ue. Very respectfully submitted, John Wood, March 10th, 1874. Mayor. On motion of Alderman McKwen, tho vote on tho adoption of tbn ordinanro was reconsidorei. Two thirds of ull tbo monitors elect not being presont, (tbo numbor required to pass tbe ordinance, notwithstanding tbo mayor's veto), further actiou upon tho or dinance was deterred until next moot ing. l.luuou uoniis. State and city bonds of Uobert Smyth for liquor license were presented, and, on motion of Alderman Moyers, approved. ABA.THMKNT OV SIIIBWALK TAXES. The following rosolutlon was offered and, on motion of Aldorinan Robinson, adopted, viz : Rosolved, That tho superintendent of ttreots be instructed to glvo to tbe city clerk a list of ull tho lots roportod to the county colloctor as delinquent for side walk taxos in front of which, sidewalks not boon built or ropairod, or which tbo ownors themselves bavo built or repaired, and that the city clorl; roquost taid county collector to strike s&id lots from his delin quent list. On motion of Alderman McUnuloy, ftd- journod. M. J. IIowlev, City Olork. TiirtKK and only tbroo moro day board erscan bo taken at tbo St. Charles. This Is tbo lut opportunity at tho reduced rates 108.3-3 Wanted at tho St. Charles hotol, two chambermaids. None neod apply unless thoy thoroughly understand tbe butines and can bring good references, Liberal wages paid. 214-3-7-tf SOMXTIIINO NKW F0H CHILDREN, in th way of shoot. Tho "protection to" It the greatost invention of tb loth cen tury. Elliott & Uaythorn, who aro al ways firtt In tho field, keep thorn, 225 3-12-Ct The liarbor (bop it ou tiio corner ol Eighth ttroet and Commercial avenuo whero J. Goorgo Sttonhouto with bit gen tlemanly assistants can bo found at any hour of tho day or night, roady to lootho your feollng with a smooth shave, or cool your toropor and head with a good sham poo. It is a firet-clait shop, and you aro ure of receiving first-class treatment. Ladles' and ohlldron'i hair cut or curled after tho most approved styles. 8-16-tf HIVKrl NKVTM. fur Mali ARRIVALS and depattiirr lor tho 21 hours ending at ft p. in. laat evening: .Steamer Gracy, Columbus " City Chester, 8t Louis " Nick J.ongwortb, Cincinnati " Thompson Dean, Cincinnati " Belle Memphis, Memphis 11 Thomas W Means, Pittsburg DXf AHTKtl. Steamer ii Gracey, Columbus City Chester, Memphis " Hello Memphis, St Louis " Thompson Dean, New Orleans " Nick Longworlb, Now Orleans " Thomas W Means, St Louis " James GUmore, St Louis TUB 11IVKK8. The Ohio liver camo to a stand at this port yesterday, and will probably bo tail ing to-day. It reached a hoighth or 44 feut abovo low water mark, and came with in seven feet of the high water mark of lSfCl. The Mississippi is still rising at St. Louis, with 12 to It feet out to thlt city. There wa tome Improvement In business yesterday. Tbe weather was pleasant, though a stiff north wind prevailed tbe icreater part of the day. Tho ferry-boat Three State, will continue to mako her landings at Fort Jefferson for some time yot. ITEMS or CABUO. Tbe Nick I.ongworth had a good trip and filled out here The Thompson Dean had ouly a moderate cargo, but bad a very fair trip ot people. She added nothing bore The Thos. W. Meant resblpped COO kegt of nailt on the Dean, for New Orleans, and hat a good trip fur St. Louis. As old and popular hotel for sale. Terms easy. Enquire at this office. 213.3-7-tf Fob uai and iteata fitting go to Ren nio's Vulcan iron works, Commercial avenuo, foot of Ninth street 8-10-tf For Sale $2,000 in city scrip. For salo in quantities to euit tbo purchaser Apply to H. T. Gkroulij. Fruit farm for sale at Villa Ridge in five to twontr acres lots, sot with tho cbolcost of fruit. Inquirer at Wilcox's grocery. 178-2-21-121 Land Tax. Remember that taxes on all lots and land bocomo delinquent an the tenth of March. Alkx. H. Ikvik, Sheriff. 20C.3-C-4t llURUKR, tbe dry goods merchant, is now in New York purchasing hit ttock of goodt for tbn spring trade. Defer your purchases until he returns, 2-2C tt. Kou Sale. A six octave, second hand piano, for 175. Address Max. Roller, care of Paul .Hfhuh'i drug store. 207-3-C.Ct Mu. J. IttiuiixH U now in New York city soloeting bin utock of sprint; goods. 11m will shortly open as lino an assort mont of good as was over brought to Ciro. Attention Farmer. Wo bavo a small lot of the line moveable point steel plows, which we are now olliirltig at cost to close tbem out. bKERWAKT, ORTII iV Co, Iiii 130 Commercial aveune. tin. Buhoem, the enterprising dry goods merchant, it now In Now York for tbo purpose of purchasing bit spring stock of goods. If you want good goods at low prices wait till bit stock arrives. 2-20 tf For Rr.N r. The brick bouse situated corner Third street and Commercial ave nue. Tbe bouso has been put in good ro pair throughout and Is well arranged for it hotel or boarding bouse, alto room to rent on Third street. Inquire of Win Molliile, No. 5, Winter' block. Notice ie nereby glvon tbat I will pay no bill for goods sold to any of the em' ployet of Tub Cairo Bulletin, either or tbomtulvoa or for tho use of tbe office unleeo the sauio are furnished on an order igned by Mr. Uurnett or mysoir. 12-20-ly Jonn H. Oubblt, Milk Wauon. I will commtneo run ning a milk wagon on Monday morning February 23. 1 will continue it all sum mer, and reipoctfully solicit your patron age. Milk will bo delivered to any one in the city, dally morning and evening. Orders may be given to tbe .drlvor of the wagon or left at my Ico Hand, No 81 Ohio levoo. (Iiorok Yocum. ico-a-ai-tf Owinq to tho hard times and tho in ability of many of the suffering to visi- tho Natiobal Hubqical Institute at Indianapolis, Indiana, three of tho Sur geon of tho Institute have yielded to urgont solicitations, and will visit Cairo, stopping at the St. Cbarlei hotel, Tuetday and Wednetday, March 24th and 35th, 1874, with all klndt of surgical appara tus and appliancei, and fully prepared to treat tuch casts at may call upon them for relief, tbu saving th patient a long journoy to the Home Institution, Tbey will come especially prepared to treat all Surgical cases; Paralysis; all kinds of deformities of the Faoe, Splno, and limbs; Dlteued Joints; Dlsoaitd Kyts; Catarrh; Private Disoases; Files; Fistula, Ac. No oases will bo undertaken without a fair hope jf relief. Prices will be modorado. It is needless to tay that thlt Institution it entirely responsible, and tbe largest and most popular, of tho kind la America, curing thousaud of cite annually. Coma tho first day, if pottible, at a gnat crowd will be there. Reubvibeb tub time and i'LAck. Send to tb Institute, for a circu- lar. , FOR BALK. Two Battorlei of two Doilori, each 24 foot long, 42 inch Dram, 2 14 luoh Flue with flru front. Mud and Steam drum Safety and Mud valves, Chimney and Britchln, all complete and in flnt-cla order); bien used only thr month. For price, etc., Inquire ot J. T. Emmie, O-aiMf. Vulcan Iron "Works, PHIL. H. SAUP, Wliolculn CONFECTIONER And Manufacturer of HOME-MADECANDIES 102 Commeroial Ave. CAIRO ILLINOIS flCg-Orders from Abroad Promptly Attended to. FOR SALK. Second-clast clothing, watches, Jewelry, pistols, &c, bought and told. Opposite Cairo and Vlncennos railroad depot. M. CoYKE WILCOX Teh pounds of brown sugar for f I; 8 pounds best coffee sugar at f J; 2 pounds of choico butter at fl; 10 cents for lard; Imperial tea at $1; pota' h-s 30 cents per peck; 3 lbs coffee $1, at pies 40 coots, at Wilcox' Block. 107-2. Mm REAL KSTATK FOR SALE. Lot No. 2 in block 17, first addition, with a two-story frame liou'e fr-mtimr on Commercial avenue, and thrt !-'.' 3'J and 40), name block, fronting en Sav ontoonth street, are offered for solo at a bargain. Apply oo the premises, corner Seventeenth and Commercial avenuo. icr,.2.20-lm F. M. Ward. AUCTION SALB OF FANCY ORO- CERIKS. At my business houso on tho Ohio levee, commencing Thursday morning, March 12, at 10 o clock a. m. continuing until our entire stock is closed out, consisting of caned peaches, tomatoes, corn, oysters, plckels, plcoi, h largo lot of soap and starch, ropo, manllla, wooden ware, etc. In tbo future wo intend doallng in liquors alone, of which wo have a complete stock. 222.:i.l0 4t R. Smith & Co. GRAND OPUNING AND FREE LUNCH. 1 will open my newly fitted saloon, in tho Central boute on Sixth ttreet, Mon day, March 16th, with a grand free lunch in the evening, to which ovorybody U in vited. Tho table will be spread with everything palatable and in teasnri, aud tbo best of wines, liquors, betir and cigars will bo dealt out to tboso who will honor mo by accopting this invitation. Como ono, come all. Remember tbo titno nnd plaeo. .Ions' Hvi'NKi:. .2183.111.(11. Wk bavo something new In tho way of half-sheet posters, which wo think aro just the thing for the tpri.ig trado. Thuy consist of tlx dltferent designs, litbn- gtaphod, wltb mortices and margins fur printing. Two ol tbo cuts are Bultablo lor any businciii ; tho other four for Uiots aud shoes, photographers, druggists and dry good. We bavu hut one hundred of each cut, and will furnish tbem printed at Cincinnati prices. Wo have also eonio fancy cardi. Tho "language of ilowurs,' ton designs; "lloquet," twolvo designs; 'Opera," four designs and '."Comic" cards twenty-four designs which wu furnish prlntod at $10 to $12 pur M,, Cincinnati prices. Who wants thorn? Don't all speak at mien. lc:i.2.l!Klt PUULIC SAliE. I will sell myeiitiro stock of tbo boat of Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Butter, Kggf, Lard, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Apple, Flour, Meal, :lpk-fd Beef, and the best of Corned Beef. Tbu salo will commence at 5 o'clock in the morning and continuo until nine at night each day for nino months, Sundays ox cop ted. 1 have also 180 acres of tho best of cotton land to sell or exchange for Cairo property. I also want soveral good agents to sell fruit troos. All of tbo above will be explained by calling on S. Patterson, csrnor of Ninth and Walnut strootf, ns tbero is tbo placo tho salo of the meat and vogotablo will bo mado. 92 1-31-lm. Cairo, Ills., Jan. .T., 1874. THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Tho undersigned having reiutnod the management of the above hotol, trust by strict attention to business, to tbo wauU and comfort of thoir guests, to morittho renewed favor of their old patron and the traveling public in general The Saint Cbarle will at once undergo a thorough renovation, nnd bo much im proved in all it appointments. Good sample room and special rates tor commercial travelers. All beceaga for guest conveyed to und from the hotel free of charge Jewett Wilcox x Co., Proprietors, tf SPECIAL NOTICES. EIILERS, lioot and tboe maker, Twcn h street, be. tween Washington avenuo aud Poplar ttreet, U prepared to make boots una shoes in the Intent and most fashionable styles. He will nuke tbem to order, old or now styles to tmlt customers, out of tho bu and freshcHt atock, of which he always ;iu a good supply on hand from which to muko election!. All fitting or boot ana suoes made by Mr. Killers is done In hit own shop no foreign fitting bolus used by hltn. Give him a oall, aud ho will give you satis faction. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE Happy relief lor young men from tbe ef fect ol error and abuse la early Ufa. Man hood restored. Impediment to raarrlag removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable romodie. ilooka and cir culars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Ad dress. Howard AuoclaUon, Mo. U South Ninth itreet. Philadelphia, Pa. an Institu tion having a huch reputation for honorable . onduct nd preiW'itonalklll. U'V-S iIwbi and Retail 146 lt-U DANIEL LAMPKRT, FASHIONABLE BARBER AND HAIB BBSSfiXR fcf.shtb Street, between WathlBgton and uiuuierciai Avenue, CAWO.'ILLINOIS. IMl'ltOVEMKNTS I-S DENTISTRY HtIa l)n. (i. K. Douolas, being determined t excell in every Dental operation, baa re filed mid rcfuniMied hit Dental Parlor. Mo. 7, Rlgblli street, nnd Is now recelvlBg from h. S. White .V Johnnon. of Philadelphia, Kcml.wcfklv, the Inrgevt and 'finest aasort mciit of Dental Coodi ever offered in thle eliy, and ii.i xnod ni can be found In the lar;;fit cllic. BEAUTIFUL GOLD FILLINGS Made aspeciallty.not any of the aoft, tnltera- me, spungy wnrK thai urops out, leaving leeilt cut, filed, discolored, and often de stroyed, Perfect Golden Orinv-nut ill a solid and durable ;ii the Miiclted metal Itself. Children's Teeth. Sneeliil attention irlvcn to the treatment of Children' Teeth. Parents hy having their tuuren'ri jcrtu examined occasionally. wuuiti Have mem iniicu sunenng ana ue formltv In after years. Dr. lloiiL-lai olso clvci Particular attcntlou to Mechanical Dentistry, having ncrored the rk'ht to uso Dlt. HYATT'S PATENT GOU AND IIUUBER COMBINATION PLATE, which ban been thoroughly tested and ap proved by the best Dentists in the East, and iicyoml u ilouhl, the bcht and firmest artifi cial plate now In use, Teeth extracted without naln bv the iue of Nilrniis Oxide (las, which Is perfectly tale u here judiciously administered, ill II U. C UOCOLIS. LEGAL NOTICE. Wliereas, Matbew D. Gunter, did on the vNcntli day of October A. D., 1871, execute mid deliver lo Henry Ullalllday a Bale Molt Kuku of that date upon the premise hartifl. aflcr described, which was recorded In the llecordcrs ottk-c of Alexander County lilt nois, ou the 17th day or October A. D.. 1878, In volume . of records or Salo Mortgage ou page (111) one hundred and eleven, and which was given to secure a certain pro 1 sory note, made by said Matbew D. Gunter, ofuvcntlatn wlthnald Bale Mortgage to the order of Henry L. Ilaillilay, for the sum of twenty live hundred dollars, payable thirty days after the date thereof, with Interest from date until paid at ten per cent, per annum. And whereas, the fald Henry L. Ualliday did on tho i'lil day of January, A. D., 1871, tor value received, asaigu said note and eel Morti-aKi! to the undersigned J. H. Clay. Ami Whereas default has been made In th payment of said promlsory note and the In terest accrued thereou. And whereas it Is provided tn said Sale Mortgage, that In default of the payment of -aid note or any part thereof according to th !c nor and effect thereof", the nald Henry I Ualliday or bis legal representatives may af ter having advertised H.ttil tale fifteen days In a newspaper published lu Cairo. HUnou, orbv lusting up written or printed BOttcee. in lour places in tbo county where (aid iimnl-ci are situate, may Hell the sold prem ises or any part thereof, to tho blgheit bid der for cash at tbo court-house door-la the. city of Calm, Illinois, at the time appointed In Mich advertlsment. Now therefore notice Is hereby given tbat on Wednesday tho 16th day ofMarch, A. D., 1S74. at ten oelock A.M., of that day, at the front door ol tho court-houiw in Cairo, Illinois, I Khali at Mil at pubtla auction to iho highest bidder for cash, tho following dcK-ripcd property, to wit : Lota numbered Ms (U), seven (7) aud (8) eight, In block numbered three (3), in tho Urn addi tion to the city of Cairo tho estate therein. lieing an estate lor iuu una live (f) yearn, commencing on Ik ninth day of March, A. V 1871, un der and by virtue of ii lcaso bearing date .Marcli ninth, A. P., 1871, executed by H. Munis Tavlor and Edwin ParMns, Trustee of tho Cairo City Property, to Peter A. Cob nut and by ald Peter A. Conant, with the written consent of xald Taylor aud Parson assigned to said Mathow D. Gunter on tha hint dav of May, A. D., 1872. togothcr with all tliu Improvements thcron belonging to tho said Matbew I), (luiiier, of every kind and nature so over, Including lulll ttxturee.ea glnu boilers, burrs, and other tlxturee apper taining ami belonging to tho mill bunding thereon situate. J. H. Clav. Dated March 2d, A. D., 1874. 107-4WH8C K. MAXWELL ft CO., Manufacturers and Dealer In MACHINE & BURNIG OILS aud AXLE GREASE; AIo A.ientt for th CELEBRATED GLOB AM) LUBRICATING 01I& No. 7II, North Maine Street, 8L LoatVM. fri dJtWilU. -t-BTT " m m " O.W. DUNNING, M. V." Ohtotove" aoSS hot.r-rro6 t,to I'im., and 9 p. w