KANiROAWS. LL1NOIS UKNTIUL ltAt'iKOAD TKAIKStKlVE CAIIIO tlal) at 12ia.m., Ually. Express S30 I'.m " rrolKUtn 40 a.m.,...c:ceopt Sunday Krclshtnt lltM a.m...... Krelghtat s:0U p.m " " Atuiivr. AT CAIItO MalUt I'M a.m., .Daily Exntcn ut 'ii p.m.,....oxecpt Hunday Krclchtat ....7:60 s.w except Xomlay freight at ltl:00 p.iii.r....excopt Sunday Krehjht at mM p.m.,i... ' " Ifo 'MMf. .Iamkh .rouwioM, Agent. IHK CAIRO AND .VINCKNNKS RAILROAD. ;n.v.-su. r i mi:. JAlltO TO CINcTn'na 1 1 AND LOUIS VI ll,l.. ! On unci after Junu "th paiscnf(er train A-ill run il illy except (Sundays ai follows UOIKO' MOUTH. Cairo, leave 6:Mi.M. Vienna, iirrlre .731 " llnrrinliiirj-, arrHe 9:20 " Non-id City, anirc 10:18 " annl, arrUo 10M " cra)tllli. arrive 1-M " Ml. ( armel.arrivu 12:10 I. M. Vlnrenm-, arrlw 1:10 " ' lnlon Depot, arrho.... 1 ..0 " ' leave 1:10 ' Citie'nnati. arrive MM Lmuitllle, arrive. .' 80 '' (10I.NU HOUTII. Calro.arrivc ...1035 P.M. Vlenr3,arnvo ?:' ll".rrishtirj,arflve 'J; " NorrU City; arrive ' Carinl. arrhi; 'f ' llrayUlk, arrive Ml Ourniel, arrho & incenni , leave -: " L'nlon Depot, leave ':J. " " arrive. ... '1-M " liloelnnatl, teatc a.m. UubvWc, leave " ' C'O.VjitCTIOJiS. At ( annl with St. I.ml ami Southeastern tralin to ami IroinHvamWH" anil poliit wcM; l.tfttlnx O.ilro bA.M, Anlvlu In Kvaiuvlllc.. 3:15 P. M. 1-euvlnjT IS) ' Arrivlns In Cairo 1055 AtVlnctnncs with Ohio am MIMilppI railway for Claclnimti ami Louisville, ami all point can and we-t;;ullh Indlaliap' oil and Vlncennes railway lor Indlsnapolls ami all point north, tat anil rrf, with Krannvtllo and Craw lordrvllle railway for Kvarmille.Terrn Haute, Danville, Chicago and all point" north, at and wen. At Norrls City with the .prlD;rnlil anil Jlllvil' Southeastern railway for Miaw liectown and ISprlngOeM, III., ami polnl north. At Cairo with the JliMl"tppl Central, and Mobile ami Ohio, for all iKlnt touth; with('alro,Arkania ami Texa,for all point. InArlaniK andTexa. MOUND OITT ACCOMMODATION. Leave Cairo 12:1 p.m. " Mound City l:iW " M. 11. (iiK)HIIICII, Oen'lTlrlet Ac't. TIME TABLE; 8T. LOUIS IR0X MOOMWIS AND SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Omnlhtifct arrive at and depart from the attire eonier Seventh stn-el aud Commer cial Avenue a tallow Tciai Kaprcss teavei 1.-O0 a.m. Arnve 2O0 a. in. Charleston Accommodation leave 10.30 a.m. Arrive OM a. m. Columbtih Aecnmodnllon leave 4:00 p. in. Arrive -X p. m. TWK.NTV-rOflt HOflt.H IXM THAN 11V ANY UIIIKK ltot'TK. Time from C'nlro to Little Itwk 13 hour. To Texarenna 22 hour. To .IriTcr-on, Texan, 2ft hour. To Marshall 20 hour. To Slmtevort, l.oultana, 20 hours To milt, I exat.-wj nuuil. To lfearne, Texa, 3rt hour. To lloanton, Texat, 4 1 hour. To (iahc.ton, Tca 44 houn . D. AXTKI.L, Chief Kni'lnecr. ( . W. Hr.nlKMlioL'iiii, Axcnf, Cairo. ao-,v.tr. !a I'rtion cnu lake llirr llillrrirjri Ihk to ilirc tlun, ami remain tons unntll, ito t.il tliclr lioite arc not ilculrnjcil .j iniNrni iHilwtn ornttjcr Ineam, auj U1 oiijiu tiaitcu Lr.nnil jkjIuI of rciuir. ll)iprialn or 1 ml I sr.l Ion, HMitaclir TilT) lnllicftlioulUerii.ee 'Cti. Tl' m- of the liir. imzliin. Hour Krucutlont o( the Moniaeh luul lame In His Xcutli, Ptllaiis Attack, Palpiutlia-; cl ii.c Heart. IniUmmMiin of tic l.nnci I'ulu In tli rfti'jnof Die Kl.hi) nnU almnilrcil oilier palolul iijrinpliimi. ara tlie. oirprlr.Ri or Ikp iu (ma bottle lll prove n twtlrr cnarautio o( ti merit tnan a IrtiRtliy ailrrrllenictit. I'ar VcHti.l Catuplnlula, la jociir or nlil, nurrlnt or lnjie, al the ilan of womanhood, or Hi turn nfllfe, llicio Tonic Hitter ill'pl.iy koiIc rkleil u luOucnco that Improvcnicnl Is mou per itipttlil. 1'or Innnnininlsrr nml Chronic Itliru l.ixi.inunU Omit, llllluu, lUMiiltlcht mi' I Inter luUlfDt ft cr. lilJfafc.of llloo-l, Liter KM 1145 aou llltililcr, tl.tvo cuter have no cimiu!. Nik-Ii liliwi ore cam cl bvMllateil llloml 'I'lirr 11 rr 11 ueiiilo I'urunllir n i II m 11 Tonic, posit'tlni the merit of nctlnn t a icrful ugeut In riilcwnp Concninn or III rumination of the Uter and VUccmI ()rcan,mi.l in iiiiioik inear, I'ur NUin II. iii'. Drnplion. Teller. Salt Ithi 11111, Hiotclii'i, tKitn, I'lmplm: I'utluli H01U. 1 ali,ulKlcH, Mnr-nnrin, rV-uVI llrail, Nile Kirs. Kii,lKlJt. Itch, .sciirH, Hlwiiioralioinof uioiin. Ilinnor ami lleuc of (he Ski 11 01 n hair 11 r iuiiiu or ualurc, are lllcrally ilnv up mnl curni-il out n( I lie Hjntem in a bi.otl 111110 oj nig u-c o inriu iniu-r. Urim-fiil TliuiiaiiiiiU prorljlin Vim n tit iiitik iho iiiotwoml. rfiil Innx'ir.uit that ettr rumai lien ina H11MI11: .r.ii'ni It. l..llrllO.AI.I .V CO. IinupUn ami lien. Airir., Man I'i.iim'Ivo. Cul., & (or 01 iiuaniuiiiiiii uii'i i.iiaiiu'ii ni., 1. MII.I) 11V AM. DltL'UtllMTM .V UKAI.KIIS. HITTCITKIUi JACOB WALTER, BTCTTCHER Aiul Dealer III ?5 FRESH MEATS, Kioiitii Stbkit, jikt. YASHINGTON AHX) CoMiiKitciAL,AY.H(lJomlni: Uanny e. Keen tlio best of llccl. 1'orV. Mutton voal l.amli, Hausago, etc., ami U iiroparctl to aerru raiauie in a ucceouuiu muimer. A M4X liliendltiK to tin IjukIiickk mutt llrxt prcnure liliniclt to meet, mo requirement of till ctiitomer : next he lniikt let everv jioislblo or probalile customer know that hu 1 go prepared. In a vury auull placo lie ma v tell all the neoulo wli&t hu can ilu. in u larKC vllliine a jinutetl hundblll, pokter or circular, properly illtiibuteil, will tie cilicu cloun, but WUOBVElt IH IN X 1'I.ACi: LAIIOB .KNOUfillTO 8UPPOUT A NKWHPAl'Kh Wll.l. riUt TUAT IT 18 THIS CHKAI'ESl' MKIllUM TUUOIGU WUICU TO ADWIKBI THE i'UDLIO git mm g ittiieiim giaajyBMaaBBtaMWWaWaWMWMi - - " iinani mmmmmtamrniwammmmmmmm OFriOB, VOL. G. PLANTER'S H0USE.;?PW 50 Ohio Icvcc - EDMUND HUEFNER, Proprietor- Tho l'lnntor'u House in located on Ohio Levco Street in 01 jOSE proximity POTS AlSrD STEAIBOT LANDINGS Aud in tlio Center of tlio Uusincsii Portion of tho City. Tho Houfo is new and complete in all Hh appointments. The rooinn, ate Inrtrc and airy, besides i , .1.. r f t 1 l l n ,,i . . . . . Lcini elegantly furnixLud and carpeted. in cut and the best of accommodation". Transient Guests $2 per Day. A Trusty Watch for Trains LARGE STOCK OfTered GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES nv o K:-A.srNr"Y:3 Gor., 8th St. and DOMESTICS, PRTSTiS, GIXOJLAMS, LAEGE STOCK OF DEESS GOODS LAWKS, STTlTlNao, J Al AiNjSSJtj SILKS, SlIJV A'Ulli&, ALPACAS, GRENADINES. LARGE STOCK OF WHITE GOODS, Victoria Lawns, Swiss. Marstulles and a Lai'Ke Stock will be sold at Actual closed out. Call and c convinced of Great Bargains. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. oo 7-s.tr. HENRY'S The .Must Powerful Healing Y.yer IMscoTcred. The wonderful colcritywlth wlilcli tUU rorablnatlnn nf C.Mir.IioMC ACID with OTIIKU bOOTIII.S'a AND CUlUTIVV KiWlr Heals the Most Virulent Sores nml Uleer.s is fomctlilnu nklu to tbc inarvolotis. It l Willi pritlc tliat tlie rroprietora call attention to the gratlfyln fact that PHYSICIANS filVR IT THE HIGHEST .MEAD Ob 1'KAISE. iiul tun It anil prescribe It hi tliclr practice Points to bo 'Borne in Mind C.UtllOl.IC SALVK posltlvclr cures the wortt nre. CAUIIOMC SALVE instantly allays tuc pain of burn". .iuiui.iu a.vi.vi. cure an cuuncou ertintionii. c.M.uuiiiu salvk rcmaves pimpiusanu lilotclic. CAK iOLIC SALVK w euro cuts ana urule. CAUIIOLIC SALVK ranks at t 10 head of all Salves, Omt uents or other iloellni; Com pound, ani hah aciiikvkd a oukateh IIKI1UATIO.V ANI) HAH A I.AltOKK BALK tliuu any other btiullar preparation of iiiitti.iutuiruni.niia fnvi-uttnii. Sold urrywure. l'rice & cents. .IONI1 V. M.NHY, CUKUAN Jt CO., rrop'., 8 and U Co In eel'laie, N. V 7-iv4t C. N. HUGHES, General Insurance Agent OFFICK, Ohio Ijcvco, over JfathuB & UL1V. SiSfA'one hut first-class Compauus represented. INSURANCE. -KsTAntisiiED 1858.- S u fiord, Morris & Cnndcc, iNsiniANCF. Agents, 73 Ohio Lcvco, City National Hank lluilding, Caiko, Ills. I llililll II Ml Agent Tio oldut ottablished Agency in Southern llllnoln, repreeiitlug our $65 000,000.00: BTTXiIiin'X'XiT 33TTIIiI3IIsrQ - 0ATEO, ILLINOIS. TEUSDAY. AUGUST 11, 1874. - CAIRO. ILLiS to railroad de- Guests will receive courteous treat- Day Boarders $20 per Month. and Boats Day and Night. 2743.27.3r,,, Of DRY WWW for Sale at Commercial Ave. SHEETINGS, BLEACHED MUSLINS CRETONES, PEROALES. Stock ot Kibbons. Tins entire Co3t, and continue until it is Bristol & Stilwell F amily Grocers, Keep every thin lt perlainini; to tlio lino ot Staple and Fancy Groceries', Woodeuwarc, Arej-otable.j, Fruits, Ac., He. Fruit Jars just received: The Queen Mason's Faroe lain Lined top. Latest Im proved Jelly Glasses. No 32 EIGHTH St. OA.in.0. IIjTj. , COB. 13TH STEEET WASHINGTON. CONSOLIDATION OF THE WHITE AND COLORED BOARDS OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Vi'AdiitKurow, I). C, Aaij. 'J. lluroto for the boards of tchoul truitco fur whlto children, arid board of Bchool trui teel for colorod children, liavo been top arato; but yastcrday tho comir.iiitonert tvernitig ttio Diltrlct of Columbia con tolidated tbotn into onu hoard, conalitlng of ton wlii to and flvo colorod member. This contolidatlon In not designed to af fect the proicnt relations of tho white and colored schoolr. ah rrroitT ren tub iiELir.i or home 8TCAD ETTLr.RS I.V IOWA. VAsntNOTow, 1). C, Ausuit E. Ad jutant General Uahtr, ol Iowa, -writes to Commiuioncr jiuracu 01 ice general land ofllce, riprentlng thatthoroiti'teat suffering Htnong hjincstal ictt'er; In tho uorthweitorn countios of tho Htato, owing to tho vliitallon of tho grasiboppen, and setting forth tho hardships ot requiring settlers to go eomotlmes 11 fly and como time two hundrod miles to rntlco final firoof of tho occupancy of thair farms, at ocal land cCees. Ho suggc'ts that here after local land oflkei bo rcjuirod to visit county seat', on certain dayf, to tako do positions, in ordor to savo settlors tho ex pmie thoy can 111 afford. L'ommislonor ljurdott is diiiposod to grant tho relief asked for, and is inclined to rule, in this particular case, that settlors bo allowed, If they prefer, to ranko their deposition before the clerk of the court of record at the county seat. TiisiaUBin'it xjkuakd. on tm i-Acinc COADS. Tho secretary of tho troaeury is propsr ing a formal demand on tho soveral 1'acISc roads, embraced in tho act of last June, requiring the payment of live per cent, of the net earnings of tho company to the government, imposed by tho not of .July 1, 1HSZ. it tno aomanu is not com plied with within sixty days, the secre tary will notify tbo nttornoy general, who will Institute legal proceeding against tho roads for delinquent taxes. ruociEtiixas or tub district com missions: its. Tho district commissioners issued r.n order to-day, consolidating tho eleven of ficers ot affeisors of taxes Into six, end appointing George l'.izcr, Henry A "Williard and Anthony Hyde, assouors of of taxes. Assessors aro directed to tne purposes ot the special tax directed by tho act of coneress of June 30. 1874. All taxable rual estato subject to said tax, and not included in the protont assessment, and all real estate, except thst belonging to the United Slata or rfiatrlM, . hi educational or eharitablo purposes, must bo inclinqJ lthor In tho present as oNimentor the supplemental ono now authorized. A NEW JOUr.NAL. Plans for starting a new paper in Now York, under the name of the Republican, have been matured. The f.rat itsuo will bo made early in Septembor. Toe paper is promiiod to bo flrst-clats in every de partment, and of elht pap form. It is said that half k million dollars have boon raisod already for tl purpose. The man agers of theontorpriso aro 0. 0. Norvell, formerly fin"Ciil editor of tho Times, CoDgri-ainan Piatt, of Oswego, Now Vork, and K. U. Wesloj-, ot tho Union Trust Company, formerly editor of tno Bound Table. Geo. F. Williams, of tho Times, and W. 1. Copeland, of tho Jour- al of Commerce, will be rirotninont on tho editorial stafl'and among the business managers. FOREIGN. Don Carlos Talks to an American Correspond ent, What Spain Needs and What He Proposes to Do lor Her. SPAIN, ANOTHER TRENCH VWSEL CRUISIKU OK THE emisll COAbT. rAitic, August 9, Tbo French covorn ment has ordered an additional man-of-war to crulsu oil' tho mouth of tho Dldassoa. PRObrECTIVE I1LOCKADK Or THE (lULF OV CA.VTAllIilA. Tbo Union says Marshal Serrano has notified tho powers that the Spanish gov ernment intends to declare a blockado of tbo Gulf of Unntabria, and England has protested againit it. VO FEAKS 01' VOHKIO.V COMrLIOATIO.VB. Madrid. Aucust 0. Ijo 1'ora consider all danger of Kuropuan complications in connection with Spanish attairs Is now ended. AN INTERVIEWER CAPTURES DON CARLOS HIS IDKAB or WHAT SPAIN NEED8. AND HOW HE PBOPOoESTO ACCOMPLUU IT. New Yobk. Aua. 0. A corrcsnondont of the Now Voric Herald interviewed Don Carlos at .Florida on August 4. Don Carlos said: "We aro alwavs irlad at seeing a correspondent willing to tell tho truth. "Wo havu faults, but that roprievo was received too late. Th.o Spaniards strongly dislike intorferoncoutho affairs. Intervention would result in favor of mo, Thon Spain would only havo ono army, with Carlos its chtof. fjpalu has beon im poverished by war, revolutions and changes of government, and it rcqulros my whole life to restore hor to tho dogrto prosperity which I wish her to possess. Tho only moans to accomplish this Is by a long, fruitful season of tranquility dovotod to cultivating the arts of poaco and con eolldating nnd cctabllshing the finances and orodlt of tho govorn mont, and gavo tho country tho nocossary roposo which alio never enjoyed since tho reign of Charles V. I desire to restoro Spain to something like her anelor.t grandeur. That Is my only task. In reply to a question regarding tho Cortef, bo said it should bo elected fully and fairly by tbo nation, Tho Cortes, which A-XnTXD WV.S33:i3ra-,r03sr I hnulil rollcrt tbo feelings, Intereste, ) wlsbe and sentitoulits of tbo people, ought not lu bo n mere budy of tba fac 1 tions, the politicians are iillle powerless I it goou anil strong lor evil, promulgating doctrines for tbo ovorthrovr of society, and ending with barricade. 1 wish Upatn to march onward to progress and enlightenment, and not remain behind tho lister nations in scienco aededucation, without which Spain will bo outslrippol In tho race for wealth and prosperity. Hut somotblng Is radically wrong in tho modern current of thought and system of education. Tho world is rushing into gross materialism and unbcliof, which, unlets chesked, must end In tbo exertion of tho human raco, tho fault thereof being the modern godlots systom of education and modorn methods ot investigation. Today's savant of twenty year honco, for wish ing to discard the truths that havo born the test for age. Spain shall never sub mil if lt can help it. Kollglon and edu. cation assist eachotW. Scienco without religion Is blind; adding with a smllo, "1 am at present ocoupiod with other manors. When tho onoaiy Is conquorod, my throno restored, and peace and or. dor prevail, thon is tbo lime to consider education." Touching Cuba, he eald he would oflor froo pardon and amnosty, and would guarantee a government devoted to the Interests of tbo island. Ho said he was opposed to slavery, and would abolish lt with speod. Dan Carlos Is very sanguine of tho suc cess of his cause, declaring his pros poets favorable, and giving good roasons therefor. OFFENSIVE MOVEMENTS OF TUB CAItUSTB. IUyonnk, August 0, Genoral Dorre gary, commanding the carlist army, has resumed the offenslvo in IS'avarre. Ho ha capturod the town of Lagurrdia through the treachery of the inhabitants, and is now advancing on l'uoblo, with tho omoct 01 cutting tno railway notween Miranda and Lagros. Some of bis mon recently 11 rod on the railroad trains, and severely woundod tho ongino driver, who was an Englishman. Tbo republican genoral, Blanco, with eight battalions and twelve pieces ef artil lery, Is advancing to retake Laguardia. A RETORT THAT HUMIA. HAS CONSENTIU TO KECCONIZE STAIN. London. Aucust 10. Tho dally Tole creph says it Is reported, that I'.ussla has consented to recognize tho republic of fcpaln, and all other powers will follow. TIIE PAT HOGERS. Forty-liYo Bodies Recov ered to date TWO MORE KNOWN TO HAVE BEEN LOST. Cincinnati, Aug. 0. Conflict and con fuinn nt lUtamanti b-re, up tu llio pre sent, characterized the reports ot tho number of persons lost by tho steamer Pat Itoger calmity at Aurora. To-day, Captain Dan Jlcrton, who Is at tho tene 01 tno wreci; superintending tbo recovery of bodies, says forty-flvo havo beon recov ered, of whom fifteen had not boon clearly lacnuueu. oucu navo Decn accurately described, buried and thoir graves marked for tho beno&t of frionds seeking them. Two others, J alto Light, tho steward, and Ximmermann, tbo pantryman ot the boat, havo not yet beon recovered. This makes forty.soven known to bo lost. It Is baroly possible tho list may run up tbreo or four more, but not probable. Tho work of wrocking continues. Tho safe of tho stoamer has been found, but the passenger list has ovidently been burned. Tho dif ficulty heretofore in making an exact lint of tho Inst has beon owing to tho fact that bodies have beon picked up on both the Kentucky and Indiana shoros for fifteen miles along tbo rlvor, many of thorn not identified, nnd many therefore have boen counted twice, causing the loss to be re ported as bi?ii as sixty persons. Tho tow boat Sam. Itoberts, which blow up and burned last Friday on tbo Ouyanrlot sboals, occasioned tho loss of tbreo lives. All of tho woundod will recover. CUAX. TIIE CAIRO CITY c 0 A LI P ANY coa Are prepared to Mipply customer with tho bent 'PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS COAL I.EAVK 01U1KI1H AT ITT Ilalliday Jlro.'s olllcc, No. 70 Ohl' livee: ETT HullUlay ltro.'s Wiarfboa ETT At Kgyptlan 21111s; or tSTAt the i-o.il iluinp, foot oil -riilrlt-.nli'liHi ktr....t I I Special Indncemeals io Lu;t Consumers IOE! ICE! ICE! HUSE, LOOMIS & CO-, Take groat pleasure In announcing tha they uro now pre pareil to supply everybody with lake ice of the very bent quality, either at their houses or at tho Htorcn, Order hlimild 1) left at tho ottlce, So. GO Ohio JiCVte. W-aW-4u AVUNITE NO. JOT SCOVIMS All cusaneous eruptions on the faco or body Indicate AN IMPUTIK CONDITION OF THE 1JLOOD, tbl nay, or may not bo Sctiorri. ; but iu vim' 1 tiiio mo nii-ae 14 tioming mure man an is.lllMOUrt 1'OISOM lliat nunxs liki: Tnimmu: nitu, as lt courses through the veins, howlnir scc: 01 death wall every pul-aUon. In this rendition of thing nomethlmr 1' needed at ouce to clean'c the li'ood and SCOYILL'S BLOOD AND LIVER SIRUP will positive lr cllect thl deWderatiim. cx pelling ever" traco of ilUcaso from tne blodo ami system, ami leaving tno Miln SOFT, FA lit AXD BEAUTIFUL. Hundreds of ccrtltlcuti.' atlo-t lh value. ITico ?1 per bottle. JOHN F. IIENltY, CUmiaVX & CO., Proprietors, 8 and 9 Collcgo Place, Not? Vork. ALSO PltOPKIETOllS OF Hall's Halsam for tho Lungs Carbolic Salve, Kddy'n Carbolic Troche, oxygen ' atcil Hitter for Dyspepsia, Or. Mott' Liver l'lll IJr. Itoger's Vegetable Worm Svrun. Dr. Ilimci 1. s Snrn llpnili in Rati, .Mice, and A'cnnln, Jtussla 1alrDye, j;tc, Ktc., j;tc. FOlt SALE Jir ALli DRUGGISTS. G37a0-lt-w, YULOAN IPtOX AVORK' COMMERCIAL AVENUE, orrosiTK wiKTir sTur.v.T. JOHN T. HENNIE, Vyi EOTJNDEY, MACHINE SHOP FonaES and 1'irs Kjttino, BTKAIX E.VOIS11S, JIIM., STIMMJIOA I Manwacturea and repairen. "'It Special attention given to light and heavy forKlns, house, bridge, railroad and Jail wort and all work or a Minllar character. bteam aud uan tlttlni; in all in branches A full assortment of Jtorrls, Tanker & Cd'i Philadelphia nine and tlttloirs. llraL-oads etc.. and ira fixtures alwa on hand. I'U'INU Oi-' HOUSK FOlt GAM MADU A 6PECIALTV. Agent ror Cameron a special i-tcara pumr. and boiler feeder. Tho beit inanufatturcil. CoII'h patent" eyjihon pumps, aud Judsoa'i patent governor and governor valve. iuiiu,iiuK uuniui, em,, ior taio : TWO steamboat omrlncn. IS inch l.nrn nl cylinder; live ft-ot utroko, and In good ordei. uud Btuauiuuui sunn auu cr.-iiik; wroc iron Ono engine for bointlng freight; Tj.XlO. Ono 10X20 nw mill engine, with shift nnd crank for muly or gang taw, second hand. uuuuun iau cuijiuuj my own inanuiac ture. Also, a iec3nd.hand ttavo cutting ma. chtno aud jointer, and warehouse hoisting mashtnc, In good order. Kuginas und machinery of all kindsbought and Hold. JLU.MIIKIi. SAM WILSON, DI.'ALKU IN BOAT STOEES Groceries, Provisions, Etc., -tNTo. HO Oliio Xiovoo CAIRO ULLS. WALL & ENT, Manufacturer and Dealers In GREEN AND SEASONED LlMEll km) LA.T1L CAIRO, ILLS. l'Ol'LAlt.OAK. O.'l'KUa, ASU, GUM AND COTTONWOOD, JSl'H FAOKD LUMHElt. OltKSSKD FINE, AbH AND TOP LAll FLOOU1NG, OKILNG AND HIDING. JSOIllco at saw mill on comer of IVui ty-i-ecoud street and Ohio l.evee. luu-21-tf RoW. Wood 80 Oo 1130 1UDGKJAVKNUJ5 PHILADELAHIA, PENN., Fonntitlns, Vases, Anlmnl?. Iron Stairs, Lamp l'o.M, Stalilo Fitting 3, Wire tVorks. 3AST, WR0UGHTI& WIRE RAILINGS NEW andlMHOVEl'D CUAUt fortheatrer, concert ami Lecture Jiaus, Aud a General Assortment 0! Orna- mental Iron "Work. v Ktlnial03 and do tigue sentouappllcat stating tne clans ot wotk desired. ' ai-i-H-eoa-a MOD ID 1111 1! coxnrasiow hkbchahth. Z. D. Malum e. c. t-k. MATHUSS & UHL, I'onvardlug Jb General Commission Merchants, Dealer In FLOUR, GRAIN, HAY AND WES'iERN PRODUCE. Ohio Levee, - OAino, Ills. Y. Straiten. rd STRATTON & BIRD! WHOLESALE GROCERS -AM ommission Merchants, Agcnta American Powder Company, Wood Rittenhouse & Brother -AND General Comjiis.sion Merchant, m Qbio Levee, Cairo. It .Arsuti. Em 4. ATSM FLOTJB AUD QENEUAl COilillSSION MEfiOHARTS No-78 r.vn,OrfroOAnio. ItrA. J. ;m, PHILLIPS, FOmVARDllN'G Cominissioa Merchant WltAREAOAT 1'ROrRlETOR. 1'rcprcparcd to forward all kinds of Freight to all point. t5Tllmliic attended to womptly. 11. A. Thorns l. jj. T&osm TH0M8 & BROTHER, Succesosn to II. iLHulen, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BR0KIB3 OD UKALRA8 Ut htaple nnd Fanar d roocrlM, foreign and Domestic ISi Commercial Avenue, c. CLOSE, GKHLilAL Commission Merchant And Dealer tn Lime, Cement, Tlas tor, Hair, &c. OHIO LEVEE. 13TI will nil In car load lots at tainulae turers prices adding freight. JOHN B. PHILLIS & SON. (Successor 10 John It. Flilllii,) General Commission AND - F0RWABO1NG MERCHANTS, Dealers In HAY, CORN', OATS, FLOUR, MEAL, BRAN, 4c AgiaU for Laflin & Rand Powder Company. COIt. TKNTH ST..t OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO, ILLS. MILLER. & PARKER, General Commission -AMI FORWARDING MERCH S, Dealen ill FLOUR, CORN, OATS, HAY, Jtc: Agents for Fairbanks Scales. OHIO LEVEE. CAIRO ILLS. N. 11. Thistlcwood. r. J. Thtstlewood THISTLEWOOD & CO. GENEILUi Commisssion Merchants, Dialers la Flour, Com, Oats, Hay, &o So. 73 OUIO LEVEE, CAIRO. ILLINOIS COFFKY, HARRISON & CO., (Successors to D. liurd.'A;flon.) AND Commission lrorchantsf ri.OlTK,GUAIl ASD HAT. No 03 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. NKW yORHaiOilJC, WHOLESALE AND RSTAIL. LAUOBIT VAUlSTY STOCK IV III CITY UOODB BOLD VKKY OLOBJL Oorner ot BtnoteanUi mcrclal Aveam, OAIHO, ILLINOIS. C. O. rATlKB WOOLOTT'S PAIN PAINT Cures all kind, ot pains. Kor tal by UAJICLAY BMfS. finnanlTmetz Solo Hgoats lor Alexander, lniUakl, Cnloss 04-U-3M