t urn k - J1' " Dry Gjjods CAIRO LOCAL NEWS. Dloathiag indFurnishmg WAHTKII. mil iiit, l;..m,.l,,lc tn li.lrn frnin US .1 tboll'lltld lull heads, good paper aud tluely- pnntudrfor J3.M to -l 00. flfiitrraeatf. M One thousand statement .rtntctt at TllK Buixktin oilico tor f to e ihi M 0MIPET5. iJtL CLOTHS, At No 140 &inmcrciu? -4rotf. ' One of iheoldMt'flrmi In 'the city, Ifcave within tht last four years lean com-i-ellod to make sevoral additions to tbolr building, In. order to accommodate their Increase in the "Wholesale and lletall bull noil. They have recently extended the tocond floor, of their itoro 26 feet, making It tho entire length of the lower room, which RWM.tkun. 180 foet, inAength rli gather, being Iho largest nnd inott com plete establishment In the city. TDK riiuT.ruioR, as usual, will be used excluilvely for tho tie of Dry Ooodi of all klndi, with Clothing, Furnishing aood.Notloiu, VP- j .CO. rf sr twoono rroon wilt be occuplod with Carpets, Uil Cloth), Mattings, io., and tholr reorvd itock of ell kinds of goods for tha'wholetftle trade. In arranging tholr rooms the proprietor! had mi eye to the "comfort, convenionco rind accomodation of the public. THE NEW STOCK which they aro Just recolving, coinprliei a full llno,'ct INVKSS GOODS of thu Utoit ami moat fnihionable pattorm; v WHITE GOODS end PBINg oYorofy variety, from the most populM nills;'. STABLE; GOODS of e,ll kln7)SoludlnB VIEGK GOODS of the belt American and European manu facture in i f , ,)l ' ; ; of ell kinds, In endlon prolusion kiid groat variety. 11 IU i III I H Clothing and i'uni idling Goods, L ddt,uU.bl. tb, . mo. co talon Particular carofll&J uf Jent tliant-mBj,w- ... m ...... .u jVUUI BU( Carpets, Oil Clo (Joldatine ana A'Boimwaterl Role limit. fnn lltnna.n .1 unto bents nrlnlrd lit Til ltuixrriM uiUce tor 4.00 j two thousand tor is rji . One thousand business card-Mine Ilrlctol board, printed at TilK'lHfl.MSTlN ollko lor rroin yj.ui to g accomum itcgtiUr meeting of the City Cutimll.j Council OiiAMincr. 18 - -AXXEMETXDUI.CIPE ome time betjTCon(;diyUj;ht- nrijd s'xY uainod Jamein1y7ell-kno'wii(o'maB.p!;t,AiRO, lit., BtfTEUum Isr Ullown life by ctittlofe.lilMbrot( From what, wo could learn pf tbo'affalr. IP'! It appeari tbat flnler lottellme ato tnar- . . . . . -v.. . ti .'i ft .viytj.- ricn n woman naiiieuurrou,.uui luai mey. did not livo tCiatlicr lung, tLeir married relation being any thing f buV i )tacoful,i' .find t happy f Finloy went oorlb, arid y.'ork(d nlobg tlm. lino of tho Illlnoli railroad in tho vlclnly r Contralln. Not lone' n;o lio ot Into 'irpiibld nt liat , Jilncc i jjnd ,w"rfor,at'llme rntod - 'In Jntl.'''M!olng iiTbo nmyor .blng.aJacn.t,.ljo mtlr,g. "waacKllod t order by Ibe tUrk. TLo roOlbefug 'fcalle'.l,"lu'o"i,oljowlig hamtil Aldermen HulliJ.y, Ale K wen, ilorrli. Mb'.I.uii, Sniip, TbiitfowcoJ anil U right T II U US DAY, SEPT. 8, 18M. Vantkd lly two yonng xentlsmen, ft nlcoly furmiheil robro, with,;?! priValo fam ily. Koply to 1'. O. Ho? 2t); 1.' 3' Klliott & HijVTiiOHK' oflor jfor ialo fflO.OOO worth Of fhots at prlcei jtiini should command attention. t Osk thouiana tmtnoin paraiolt n Hartman', onlv twenty-live canta each 80.7.30-tf TllK bot goodi at the lowtit prlcefi la the motto o( Klllolt'A" HaylliOrd. They will toll the looit.j j ' f overy iloicrlptlon fttllfott.Uaytl."on 101 Commorulal ayonuo, Cumiipgham't old ilaiid, ' ' Aix tho day 'Jbatderiln , tho oily cani bo accommodated at th'O 1 St. Charlei' holol, with flrit-clart board at rccond clans rato. 70-4-in-tf BOUKTIIINO ' HKW. lllllkl' Ut R llrilllant with glass ovcti doura. No oc ration td'bafo'l'urnt brrnd. Call and ioo Hat T. J. Ksiitjh. bT-Cl'Mf. i :i ? r O. V. K. Ri The O, St V. - It. It'll aolling (iipoiltlon, .tiekiiU to Clnclnnat anu J.nuiaviiio., auuinu, irip Tlrknti RooUirur ill dayi lrom RkStTj-rOrpcery Htbre lale Incorcarntod rolearod bo ruturncd to Ciiiru, wlicro lio hai bcun,for lovnral dayi pur- hapi a week or two. At( a very curly hour yuitorday morning Flnley vallocj at tlio piaco wnero mi u ll uayini; anu wanted to ice licrj but tho declined to nd ...u i.t. i. ...... ir.. .i... i.i. .,,..1 I1III.UI..I W kllU IIU .IJUIl IVI.i hum tho next that tfh'ifiuraWMiWw'ii 'When found with hit throat cut, ,tayii)g 'n t"P ildawalk.inoar tht .ruiUlviicu 'of .Mr. W. W. Thornton, corner 'ot . Commercial tvonuo and Tweutioth itroil. When found ho wfcg in a lorm-conictotii condition, and utterly unablo to walk Health Olllcer IlroNrn wai one of tho tint porsoni to nrrlre, end pending for Dr Sullivan, who drenod Kinky' w6undi. Hewing liisui up and apptyliif ,lu propor, bandacar. aflorwblh Olllder Jlrown pro. cured a wagvu.nnd had tdo uafo.riUuatd ana mucrabio man removed to nt. ilry' hoipltal. ' It was the opinion of Dr. Sullivan that with propor care and iiuriing, Viriloy'i wound! woro not nocomarlly fatal. r . Finloy, nftor being roniovod lo the'hoi pltal revived comlderable, nnd aeemed much oxcitcd. llo toouiod vory rovonge- ful, and oxpreuod a determination that Jnp ttip ovenl'of hi iccovoi'yVn would fellfe' all od acoroi with hi a onemlos. Thern can be bat, little doubt that JinUyif pnrlUill I w-uri'c.iromtthe fronHlrrefthe lot; i -fraiea-lunirETnJnjTicl. TT.ill (ball be : -i , Bn"a5 nnd.sbo In thnt portion dc cr blna-jiH. .ilMhnee of tho niiuldp wall ... hi iiiniwati pnraiell Willi tig rtnnt line or tno iot extending Into tho cross street. dll"rll,l?'1l.''B to HrrielTd .ScrlloifSo of Ordl- tit Writ. TrtoTrxTrrTjir'rirarivr dalned by tb'el ( ly ttiuall 0 tbe ski rtiwa.-' 'niiiififctf.in so of (irllinntice "I Ho ellv ' J-lerklif hfirhy nhfhorlcU to L'rnnlll lie d CI' rmn. Iii pijniU or me aanie upon tbv'payincnt nl two mil oiie-tialf 'dOIJin fortaelillay. tnld "v ...Uj.-ra,i) uoiru u jicenie, provided II.I.k wnll nloued they have a very largo etocir, wllh hew deiignt ot bom u.,rav. .ua on and thoy wilt1 be ablo to loll at Oiruree mat aety competition. "Vo call rpoclal attention, to this line of gooda now, bo- caum u ii in oraor for roomi to be re- carpoted. In HATS; TRUNKS, Valliea, &a, ic, thli firm at umal, loads the trade, being well prepared to till any order, at home or abroad. Tho Entire Now lock of goods has been purchaiod by our Mr. Koiouwator during quite a long stay lu now loric, IJoiton,. ,aud V iidtipbla, and he like taken in 'jM 'I r HI I A 1. On motion ot Alderman Wright, Aldor man Alorrii win okcled tdnpornry chair' man. flOn mollun of Alderman Wriiilit, the mliiulvi of prect-iliiig iiiooltnga wero ap proved without reading. OKKIt'l Af. HKfOllTl. Jlontlilv rvnorti of tho fullnwlm? named olfreers wero timii ntud and lead, and on motion of Alderman Wright received and ordered Illod, viz: Of II. F. Illako, City Trearuror; of Daniel .McCarthy, City Jailer and of l'ollco Conitablci, Cain Muhner and Woutlon lor Auiruit: Of l'oliuo Maulitratei, F. Ilruis and J. Ulrd for July. (Alderman McGauley appsarod In his teat.) rixiKiK coiiitlTTi: ittrouT. 1TI10 llnancu commltto repurtcd that during the month ot Auguit, city icrlp to tbo amount of fS'-'O S3, bearing f40 13 frilornit, and Intureit coupons to th amount of f:i,7'J0 00 hal bnen cinccllod byMlbo trcaiuror, and that thoy had this day deitroycd tho (tne by burning. On motion of Alderman Wright laid report was approved and ordered llluJ. IttPOKT OK I'lTV I O'llTKObl.tCIt CA" OM OUTITAMJINO 8CniP. City ''Cot(.pir.dlur CitJ iiiUMlfto MH1 nurt on tho amount of tcrVli liiucd t i i ; ji . t i-K ii ji . . Outitundlog, mid fur what purpura lifuud, front May lit lu August 3Utli, Stld re por ii as follow i ; iiloiml outktan.llng tUy til, lH f 11,812 V LORE.TTO ACADEMY. . r- . I 1 care In tbe selection. Tbuv . c i j twught at such Uguros that C -jut will bu sold remarkably low AVe only ask for small margins, conicious that It is to our intoreit, as woll as to tbo Interostbf those who 'buy. ' Thankful for pait patronage, wo only us mai mo public will call and look at our stock and prices buforo purcbailng uiaewuero. Augoit 31, 1874. 303-g.Mf 1-JixsjKs..-Something now In a . 1" H -t at ... mooeiiy i-ress lino, at UendononV, 1'JO Commercial avonuo. 62-8-S-lm ijh. AVilliajik, Dentist uisy bo found in his office at any time- ( oxtractl tooth at all hours day or night. Olllco at Mo Commercial avenue, between 8th and SHh treot. 4S-8.4.lm Fon Salk, 'jxn uoanii one quart Irult caus at $1 per doren j half gallon cans at' tl 60 per doaon, all of good tin with grooved seams, manufactured antf for sale by A. Halloy, 1C8 "7MhIngtoa avonMo, near Tenth street. ' 82-7-lT-lui Tin BMT-ThrKufaTverdie't is that T. E. BullUan's soda water ii tlio best n the city. Try W. No. lyt Cowra,'r.', u..t nU" Mn-lh antt-TentV troovad . 1 mtral and n.-i., " ""ilrio;i',. liio , Kon RtsiTj-TOrecer: cupied by Jlr. Walali, corner 'l'wenttotli itret and- Commercial avenue; Cairo, lnqulro o Mrs. jiudiany on, thoprdiniaos Oknti.rmic.v kliotlld know tlmt' thov can buy boot and allofs warranted hotter 'thin bome-niaJo and.rnitch cheapbr a J-.lllott X JlaylbornV 101 Commercial avonuo. ' : MM-6lLKdiwto May KkIiIi rbeorgiibiilldef,' U 'ready at any( tltoo o. tuoo and -v'fj n'aubs and melodeons. i on may safely. 'Win nbrf)Afiruriiont to his 'care; you " " l . 4'aktim desiring to hatolne,. ' and melodcnn cleaned, repaired arra tdn'od, should truit; lliein' to M'.' i "B.UV .ynor Tblrteentb and Walnut streoti. Ho is v... . - . i Oalio. --t competent nifm Just lUoMviiii. Prime lard, brdak- isi bacon, hamij fresh buttor at tho now brick storo.cprnor of Twontioth and I'oplnr slreot. 100.0-l.Ct F.i B. DiBTIUCIl ti Co'. Goon Ciiakck. AVantkh, I'aktk'kh With -150 or COO dollar! aapltal 'to In vest in a well paying and established prq-. vlilmi and grocory builness.. U"nmar'riod man proforruJ. Addross ut onco I. 0, liox Bib. lril.'i.i.m A Fiout. A light took place at Foro Plan, Johnson county, on liondav rnln-. in- which n colored man iihiuoJ Horry Johnson', and a white man named Ktifui Williams, woro tbe participants. There was a number of sboti Hrod, and Jobnion wounded hi tho. hand, boyond whlcli no othor dainagii iviis done. 'At last accounts' nuithor l.f ' thi par'tlds hadlboori'Brroatod'. Kituunkii, Mrs. John Jl. Oamblo, wfio (Tlio first Moudny of Sojitomber being io opening nay oi mo laii ami winter isiibu of the Loretto Acadcinr. it ".will bgln on tho 7th met'. j l'firotiti desiring to send their cblldron to tno accauomy are rcipjoatod to accotn pany them to make tho iiecetsary arrange- iiiouts. All tho brauchos ot a polilo and solid education will bo taucbt. Including I'ronch, (ler.nan, muilc, and fancy neodlo 'work.' The Herman latilniag'e' to1' lol taught by a Gerruaa Iflof- i,-''j5' 1', RIVER. NEWS. FOltlllilBT. Cairo Cm (jifEiiTiiw PHIL H. SATJP no license) 'thnll bp L-rnntta r.ir a les period of tluiefUah fottruiiy. ."JslO'l'ecnie to' be Mueii ax prut iduil for- In Snil,.n i hr .I.I (irdlimnci- No, T, provided tlinl tbe eltv lerk him 1 ho i r.UMlcil.tliit Ibdticrton'so aiP i mil if lain unrnvncnt n ..iii i.i.. ...i perumi tAliliMiJlctinsril. Kry appllcitsloti lor HrctlM kliilt Hiri lry tlre.kli'd nnd nfren gat i' ynlilo ns near as may be nl the irumls. iiicivbaiiill-o or m ilt a ileflrtd to bu ped- iiii'i, iiiii,i n.(i the nAmaVMifcVir by tlio iiiimIi' uf lboL Natnn urlmtbf-r li'l. Iriii. i 1. ....!. ... M ... ... . .... null. .1. .lilUllll. III otlicrwlsp, ami tho llcemo lulled ihall set ioi iii mien ue-cripiion ohd niodo or tonvcy auce." J9i i v All rlntliiinn.. 4n n.n.....l Un..iln.. n r. I ii? .... ....... .Hvu w .....v,,.. v .iuii ui lymi- ll.ltlCU All. I. He It ordnlned br llmflK' cniitu.ll il.o !... J.r rt-i.. '. vuv vi v.auu; , .sKCTlii.v l,TInt Section of Onlliiam No. 7. be amended Hint It ilult rend "Nolli i-nso jrraiited by.tlie city, which turn iiiii oMi'iMlnir M.Timontb'. clisll lio uislini.i liloortratirlVrsbte; but If tbo same Ins run lor a period nf lesv than nix month. tt may, by ami with tho conn nt- ,r'r tbe tcliiillcll, be tranv rernul to the tucees-or In liiiltii- nl tin. pnrtj to wboin It Wiih fsilied. unon mild mo coior ruriiMiliiK iiQsry rood iind sulllclont ru i SAS NOW THE LARGEST STOCK Or CONFC- TXONS IN EGYPT, 20 PER CENT LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Do not buy olil cuidias that have been kn.it nunr Mm suinmor, and are atulo, claiming homo manufacture. AIho sco to your weight. Jwcry uox ought to contain live pounds net, or G oumuis over live. Itomombor'llio jilaec Corner 8th St. and Washington Av. Tho Only Place in the City where You can get a Complete AssnHmnnt,, mi lleciin)' s-linf 1 be bondx a- reiiulrcd I 'am ""'""; j .iraiiticiyiuie. . to .any one if.Nh'pt, . Wi'nr lun be n bmri lid.! mcesior of iho nartv to whom it vm i,siieil, carrying on a ilktf bu-lbeis in the name location cainsd In tlio neenie Itiictl on acc'l ul naUrict., 11 1 ..Jl.i'Ul (HI ilri-tti . I ,'.i 17 7M " llJ?w.iik ?'i I.I 11 vas in i'I lamps l,t.r7 71 " jlll anJJail.il. I.VI 15 " Hre ifl t Itu Ct " b..ar.UI lillh Wi 7.1 " Jrjlnjie '.ii ui " council clum'r 17.1 CO " conllnttlilfund X4ll(il " utimliiefuml... MA an ' tily elcciiun.... iTll l Jl'uul am'l I1111..I bum May 1 lu Aug. lo.lll ui 6a.b.8-im oircal atenae, '"M -"MO.VJCO JUrra.u..sr -will Ben on II.. ... . wl" uoroaeraay anj nirht, irjr vvaiaer baa 101J0 .11 ' 1KI UB, Board on the European" rilan in koUforona Imi.. ' Tn-thiet r?AfFtlTal rlasw I 7 l He old rates MiiiVn..i.i.u., . " 'ies . Vaihihoton JlAKIKY ... ek.r ha. taken charge of au Z Hr.-UWUhm.ot, and win, Qa fu' IJ th ' """" B"0,C0 Including ton, Brown and Orakam bread, .nd tonfectlon.r e. of everv h U. Ueing an oxpvC j ht ttlbk.r, Hr. ltoneker wlM B0f i? tv all mh Ll... I Wl" t fail to y. . - - patronim 1.1.- . . Ding ten Tenui. , or ten days ago in ronic.uenco' u'fBe illnoM of her iitM, returned J)ome, aestory da.V. bavlni? arrivn.l i ..1 7...'. i 1O r. - - - . ... vn.iji. jiisbii. timotolo prwent at tho dimth ofj .'Sior sliter. Mrs. Osmblu'H many frlonili If this city deeply smpathlzo with her In hor lorrow, - ' . ..'ii3ci Tiik Pir.T TuiAi.i-Tb6 Dlltz. m'uW trlul coinmbiHisd 111 thy .lohnsoif-'ouuntf circuit court (pociul term) yii, loiiday. Judge Allen. Jli.lli.r. Daughterly, and Hon. D II. ()rten ofKahia'i, appoiirod fdP tno ucfeBie and Mr'. Uamuroii, ciiunty at torney for Johmon county, for tbo nifo- outlon. Thu uvidsmioiu tbo case as concluded a," litllVuf uV. (litinur on TddMluirV t. ... .7- ri ; ,y 1 . . on tbe argument weru commenced Messrs Dameron aid Daughtory flnU'hoJ,' ttiJlr addrelioi tyihijury efJror night, Tho closing1 addreis d) JudVo'i'All(ivn'd County attorney Damefen.wairto'ljo made "Visterday morning. "What tho vordlcl of tbe jury was.we were uinblo to learn. l'KKo6K--.--Jewutt AVlleor, mlnluist of m. fit. Charles hotol, rolurned' fr'om rh-ij, du niturnt roaJv for "(J.I.J, - ss. . trar.. ., iuperlnten.1 , """Tilly and JJeuphi , v. vui.iuj-, w , j,,,, u(ljr evening, llo made In. ho.i .. I,W. U...I... . . ""i.o. IK W. B. Corliss, of Molrooolli gusit at tin at. Charie. II IIP narc av Ii inin.n..i.i -MaiUn Willie Wlleor n.i t II... 1 ' . "IO now caaots at tb n..i nI mlllUry acadomy at Chester. Tbey bve a,t .ntered.upon i two,yo.r,oo0r.o of InitrucUon. We wish t.r2. ...7.. . ... .ull a in.vt;o. , . liteamor Jim Fisk, 1'aducau 1' T.,9iT..aoiiitllJJyausVUlu Uolle MemphTs, jffoflHi1'0: " J D Parker, Memphis 11 City of Chester, a$ W. ; " Commonwealth, St liOuls City of yickaturg,'a( I.oais ' Atlantic nui bargus, at'Louls ' tJirAhrjtt,, atoarnqr Jim Flsk, l'aduuu " J- " 11 Cooke, Evansvivu, ' Jl " Jlollo Memphis, jt liuuta " City of Choiter, Memphis ' " j I) Parkor, Otrjdlnrjatf. " Arkansas Holler Kvansvillo . " City of S'lcWliiirgYlbklurg ''rbtul amounl inud and outitanilin... 01 .Amutfatol scrip paid ami cn d!ed from May la Aus. :il, . U71 ll.'.'Ul Ui Balance outitan.llng Aui(iut .11, l7 . J7,tlH 4i,22ii (ll Op motion of Alderman Mathuss said joijort waB received and ordered Illod. toldllf ANCK COMM1TTB KKPOUT. Tlio urdinanco committoo reported t ho following ordinances which were read by ;lbo tjlerk and laid ovor for a second read ing, viz: An ordinance to amend ISection 83 of Or- Tdlnanee No. I. llo it onP In nl by tbo city coucr." ' ,, "-ii Cairo: "' rIt- lU'rvi'.-!, , That "".id by adding after 'hiT,,H ,i-J.io driver the fuliowini;, aim: at large, are lieieb," ,ocarei lmi. An Orilliianee'iirovldlii for the rconitnii tliiupf. hidew.ilk bn. Levee Mreot. IMItord.itiieil by tltb'clty cdnncll of tho- cii) ,ii i aro.ij , i ''ftli.l... I rk... it... .(.I ll . w i ik'.i i. 'iuai iiiu riuuitiuiin (ill 1I'IL. ,! ldi!'il' Levee urcct J)i front or the follow- 'U ! I., r.ll'llMi.jl f,.. l...l....t... .nnl.,,1 .1.. I ..I., ,1 fl'. L M 1. uw.mt nil, 1IA. 4..II9 r, HI. ll,n2.'W.-Il, ! !ilid IS la blork of I'll" in. ii, in nun it in 1. 1. .tic Mi. ,i; lull l.ii. i.n. T, f, u, is, ii, Ki id. 17 anil' Tstii bol. k No. 4: lot- 1,2, 4, ;. i;. in, 1 1.1 PL 11, 11, I.i, 10, 17 and IU lu block No. .., ami lots III. 10.11,,1'L 111, U.JO, 1U mid. 17 In block jfo; tI Xiie;i;t Sko. 'J. SaTiI walk Willi, be reconstructed ns bilious; Tho Mdiivollfc ifidfl nJ Ik, pl.ieil tliutUlii. outer edge of It Vlinfl bu 20 leet Irom tMIroptillue ofitlio lit almttinir. unon that nidi1 el xaldftnet: that sit (lii feel Injmiir ut 'Ihr-thn- of etirrt-lnr nify Im- iii'eiiiui'ii lur ureas nun eniram-es i) na-i-ineiit-, uhleli ureas mid entrances ahull be iirnlccli'.l by mli-'aiitlil Iron Krattuir or rullieg; that Ihe.Mucc between the outer cilgoof Hie -IdewalK as.tlxed by lhl sec tl. in. mid tbo iire-entciiib.inkliiciit on Lett- -treut, hall be lilleil up WllhcariU to iill'iinl a good nnd halo roadivay'ouuldii nl s.iid A" ordlnaueo with . CM liaivuv boimeK, :W)iKifBAN UfiawTh'Tcifri'ouneirof tlio illy ot Cairo, It empowered to auppresx sidewalk for tlio parage of dravs nml wag ons; that brick wall?, '.inlDcbtsIn thick lies', auu 01 uie same ueiKOfc avaiu cuiouiiK' nielli next to tho sidewalk Uill.bn con strnvted at right anglCM to tb(r, front line of each lot.a'.ultfng on Slid I.cVrp hlrcet In front of each Jot, ""tbevoutjr edire of each' of Slid. wnfl to be- pir nllei' Willi flch ,if, the Uui-s 'illvl-hnx walil . lot from tllofifcvlniig "r streiits running at rli:ht'imctlsUii't Li.'vee Mreet, uinl to cxtenatO feet Into fald I-evee Mreei; iimi iiii!:iuuratiii(' end ol lu saldwW'n.e-rriiiit llne.gl Hila lot, a brli k wait of similar Height -MsiM -tiiT con.rn, of clreular form. !!o Inehfis nt bae. t aner In" on inside to 1!) Inclien nt lop. t(, i)0 nrchrn outwardly; the outside Url,e niiev of ' arcloobeSOii-etfrAintlle'lroiit fin,. .31 ii. bitM.and ihrco buttrcsnes ti be built ngslei,t the llu-ldi! of tiulil urcboil null, Miiif iit- feienco to Ilia i.anons r.L',.?.tW?1) WmVW'WlMfU'l to , . , .i,Jtv, ,. incnuH irom Hiiii wail iiiuu fiiiiimr urlUK IlolTS TO J.KAVK T0-1MV. Jss. Filk, Faducali ; .F.i 1. Graoy, Kvansvillo; In- diana, Now .Orleans; tito. Obnerleve, Memphis, Ohio river. It lv Kit. UDHIKtts Tho river was 7 foot 7 Inches on the gauge last night, having rlson 24, Inches durlnr the ptuvl- ods twenly-fouV'hours. A vdry heavy rain fell along the (ower, Ohio night be fur'o lent, and 'tho river s swelling' from orriqi,i(ui, irom jie Heavy rains In Ivontuckv and Tonnoisie. Tlirn t. . 'U....J..UIIIIU1U.W l . . f. - " was called to Carlyle, Arkaniai, u -wooiM" ,0.Yiuillt water tu ,Krapsy,lle, and .innrMuuiiiniriiTOlll(ioi as usceoia. Tno rlio In, ta,..uppor,.M(iisiiippIl and, Mis lourl now dooe . not amount to much.- lluslness nnlniproyed. " . Caiuioks. TLo Fisk brought 7' 'tuns' iron, Hi sacks sumac, 4 tons wood' work, for Sty Louli.-and u few, package for. otier ports. ,'. .Tho J). If. Cook brbpght CO bnrrdli' jyiisay, ot Carroll Ueur and meal, 51 'sacks brnh; and 10 barrps apples for tho sdutb. The Cpiinionwoltb has 1,100 tOba 6f tbo south. j Thp' James D. l'arkcr his a fair trip sundries aud some horses and' wagons Jfom, tho Qryat Southern consolidation circus and uienacerio fur Cincinnati, ril.n added a lofof flpur at this1 tiort,' 1 Tho Indiana has liard 'we'rk p'fckfng "uj a tr)p. Freight soeini td have stopped coming In f(od tho,ncrthf ' " , J ' ! MOTIOH TP COaNTUX&ro;, Koalod proposals will be rooelveu atmy o(llco until ffu'docVi). in. o'f 'WudrlMd-,- ,tho Kith day of tiept'omber, )HH, for Jur- ..u,UK uie materials, or.dolug iheyurk, j. ii o construetlbu nf i in f.il. owlug doinilbua slduwalk. viz.: '() iV.. north side yf HeVcnth .t,et.t between' W ashington avunuy ami' Walnut ,iro-0l Maid sidewalk to be constructed ,u.i,' Said pKMOjalf ihall' (y, rKl(li:tl,-th' y council urtbe cfty o( Cain,, ,,,, -' ft v iniu t-uiltll'll iri i bobeld ou.said m day o .pL ,0' ' ii ii a U-prUpUillUjmAlUu.UI.duJn. .-p,,.,! ..n 1.1. ll . . . -"W.k4 ..i.u w.i ma provisions, reonlr.,..,,..,,. and apeclllcatlons of ordinance No; Hi, approved July IHib, 174. which ,,r,lln. auuo is now on lllu lu my, pmt.a ul,JH.t The city council rosorvos the rhrht tn Pitll.pl .nw u...l..ll . . " j vl" ""j iim an iruHisaia. , Wii.1. K. Hawkin!s, City Clofk. Caiiui, Ills., t'e,,t. I, 1U71. 303.li.I.r iiuiiomt t'ollm.L'e. llii,..K i ...i r 7 iiiuiuus bily kou.es. huuitu. ciylll f0o orsslgu'. aUnn, slid Is also ernpoM ercil to regulate Iho .police ( f sulJMty; and to'piss ifhit enforfce' ulli neees-ar.T pollco ordinances,' now tbsro- 'JUf.B.' .. . . . .. I 1 . fi1,uI!L ie ii oriiaincu uy Hie city council of the ritv "f-'--'-"i Diccrio.v 1. That any, person who i-liall oe. guilty ot paironllnir. or who .l.uli in any way coniiibute to Iho support of. or .Vr n.n.". '" 'I116"1 or '". for tne purposo of patrol 1 n.' or enntr hnilni. i . .1... Po. t ... anv bawdy hpuse7bood"l...b,n,.o K-int lino of said Tots Vnl e''ouk Jolsu'''!; -miiuuon iiouu or place wberi! om nrtnnr.1 I (.w.ll... I... I! In..l.u t.. .1... . i..i, . a llojniu b-j prays tbo council to remit said fine tnd cnits. On motion ot Alderman llalllday said potitlon was r.forredto the pouimltteo on claims. Vetlllon of 11. F. llutnildo, J. K. Bplller, and others requesting the council to con struct a sidewalk on tbe soutluldo of tievonlb streot frem Walnut street t Jsf- feron avonuo was read, and on motion of Aulermnn llalllday reforrod to the com mittee on stroets. Petition of Wm. Ii. Scbutlur, ropreiont lug that he had purchaaod tbe biuineis of Jos. C. Htnlth on, Ohio J.evee, who had recohtly procured llcooio to lell liquori, and praying tho council to trnmfor said II- ocriio to him for tbe unexpired term, wai read by the oUrk, whereupon Alderman Wright mpved to luapond tbe rule for tho; purpose of putting the ordinance entiiiod "An ordinance to amend section Jef ordinance No 7," to a second rridinc 'sVhiqli motion was carried by the following votej: Ayes 'J. Nys-0. Said ordlcance wss then read a locond limn by theclerk, and uu motion nl Al donnan llallidny, ailopled by the follow Ing voto Ayes llalllday, McKwen, McOauley, Morris, Maibms, Nellli, Haup, Thlitle wood and Wright. 'J. Nay- Alderman llalllday moved that tbo prayer of tho polllouor, W. 11. Schutlor) be gratitod, and the city cturk imtrueted to tranifer laid license of latd Smith to is.1.1 Subutter. Motion carried. IHLU. l bo following bull for salarlei wero r-otentod, and on motion of Alderman Wrghl allowed bv the lollowine vole Ayei llalllday, Mutlin.., .MuKwon ifc (lauloy, Morrii, Nellis, aup, Thlatle. wood and Wright 3 Nays 0 Jno Wood, Aug. slary as ',"uyor una im W K llawkius. Au srilarv as cierk ; ; ' IVm MclUle, Aug. laUrv as cllv lnll. lI...ii e ennstruelcd of n.. l,ni,.i., to cxtend'H fent Into ennh ,cr( .rent at n 1 u. . " iA""' wrcrt, one ,i marshal.... . 'win tbo icoi.t vo.)eiAidiiots.ttuiii ViiK i u J,(j.1"Kn' Auf- "Ury " "u-i I,cC(! Htreetr tiru-Mlcron a line' III i,.at ul ,Uoifl said Instj mentioned line and panilvll to " "'ae, Aug. salary as trim 1 1 "'i uiii. i.iiiiiiiiiuj wmi Hiiiiiar u(r -uuur.H ui aim gi imnar neigiit and ln; In be constructed from one of tliese lines to the other, tho onlstilo nl tlieupev of ald n t--Is ,u 'if iViff ii""1 !!'u l'11? of Mid cross street At lis Intrjrsertioit with unlit J.nvee salary as coin- too 00 loo uo tl.) f 75 on CO UO 7o 00 lewd women, nawils lncles by ll Inehcs In tire, Misll bo piaceil. ilaco wiieru one orinnro . nr i.f.iL.iii.. u.. ..f.. I . ... ..." i".vt.., two' hundred dollar-, for each and every unifii' 7 .'''i1'!1' a"' Pl'r'on who ihall be If,'11 Msltlng anybiiwiiy hoile, Iioum) or lll-lsino. as-iuatlon hoiio, room or i'laee whatoer, where one or more lewd women, bawds or prostitute reside, board or. lodge. wlUilu thu limits or the city of d,i,'' J'" i"!!' I"'1''""' '"' fornication or f J l'; .?t' i '""i?" t"ml;. "'0 lined in ii iwhr..!::;.!l,i,,?,sVu,'','' "utMora iUaa rK " Miall hr luwliil for tl.n city Hil i i ' " mi iur 1 .mi -iitii. ui n ii v u i ndtn in i. i. ii.. L'lnler I" bv 12 Inches in xlr. t,. i.n ..... proper red eedar, blic.k louu-t, or white oak sill- i-aldJoUtH to In v covered by itt,) 01i nlaiik, inches thick and not ocr s Inilics in width, and well sulked on tn smI.i loi.i. with twenty-penny nulls. Skc. 8.. Tho local Imiirovements liereln P" hlf qjlor.tjbaie be tnado by epeeliil ss. uvpnit:iii nun an .ic-ruruaueo Willi Tu pri VlslbllS Of .ttwtlnllN IStofjl inclusive, ill r. t clo ll of the net of the general asseiublv of no state oi iiuiiBis, npprovcj ApiU loth, lrtiLnnil cntlthxl I "An nctto piinlde for me iiieorporuiinii oi cuies nnu villages'' M 8 Cox, Aug ilr..llA. yv iii Drown, Aug. salary as bualtb ouicur , A Cain, John .Sbxebnn, .1 C l.sLuu W W W notion, and Charli Alchoor, Aug. salaries as. policy constables, each. , P' Iirou, July salary as police J J iliid, Juiy lai.ry ai pollco umgisiraiu II T Mm tin, 14 davs ial irv mb police conitableo ;ij 00 Tbo following' bills woro proiont-! at.d on motion of Aldermsu MeGeutoy ruar rod to tbe committen.oii clnlrnr, vis : K ll Uunninghain, lent of council' cbambor.. ' H II CuniilughaiJi, :H0y feet lum buret $IG per XL Oborly it Davii, publishing ordi- as oo on dir.o.ri Mathiisi ws,ln nlotun of Alder- mi Jiaiuuay, acopled, vl: lUiofved, Tnet tho,,mptrollor b4, aid be is hereby in,tiuctei to have an aealr.Ii m.da of thvwater from the drive well' a il.. i.i ",",f, l 1 rnbl. cost anu enlVund.""" P'J lUt "X iUa '0",,BK' The follosrldc reiolutlon was offered by Alderman, fright, who moved its adop tion, vl.: ' Usiolve.1, Thatth, cltyj.llor ha re quested to work the chain gang under his control, up to full time, say ?fom 7 to nf !' '."i r,0'n 1 10 " o clock p, m. and 1 ,", m iVT" '"P'ntendent bo in- wftXote:? ra"u,u 10 Itliolutfon adoptod. Tbe following reiolutlon wai offered by AMerm.i,lf,ni,jRT( h0 torei U ndop. Hon, viz: Iteulyed, That tho comptroller be In strutted to employ 8. V. Who.ler to as s t tbe city attorney In tho suits of tbe "'M'foporty hold,,,, for C,1M. t mu ,.f special assessments lor graveling OMd rv.o from Fourth to rourteentl. in i "T1' ,u U I,4,j 'l" for his legal Silvia, (o be one hundrel dollars. Moilo,, ta adopt carried by tbe folljw log voia . Ayiii- Nhjs tt, On motion of AhUriiian MoOauley tdo uporlDtendenl of streets was imtrueted toputiracroMliit: on tbe north tide .f Snventeenth street, .cro.i FopUr street. rjJIUUNH.ATIO.'S. "tportof D.J. cialllgaij, .uperinl.nd ut of itroets, on the oiliuiated number or jardi of etb ,o.pii,td( Mll, , C0t of flVr U'JlU m"K uf K-urleenih treot from W sihington avenue to W.. out iirMiu W.ltl0l Uom ycartMnttl ,0 Fifteenth street-, on Fifteenth .....t from Walnut lu (Vj,r ,lrueU ,l0 CtliKr ilf(il from Fiftwnth to Sixteenth itrrets, aud "lamonin ureil wen of Ceds. Was presarited anil on motion of Aider tnau Nell, received and filed I I.JUUK n j lis. I be slate and fclty Hquor bonds of Wm II. .lohutlor wero preiented and on mo tion of Aldcrrnin Wright approved end ordurod filed. On motion of Alderman Wright tbe council a)J.urnud. Wn.t. K. IlAkisa,Cily tllerk Fok Ur..sT.Tbii underslgnod b.i throe ilrit.clsii reildoncnit, twoou Crosi and on JvioTiintb stret, for rent. Kxrel lent il.tems, mil.houiei, and all oth.r ronvoulences .ull ptl, ,nl(1 Knqulroof O. W. ili.KitAio, 1'. M. rjdM'j-'jw Tuk dodfca'.ion of tbn 51, rj. cl u el. I'llln will take placo on Sunday, Hp. tembor 13lh. at 11 ucock a, ln Kjv, Jesso Orant, pr-ilJinB Mr Oinclating. All friend of tbo church arid tho cauio aru cordially I,lriti to I proient, poliecma ., violating any ,,! ,P , ","u " '"1 anoexpen-esof tlio rccoiisiruc- . w proceodlngi, Arc, '.IndlMIeb ner- .n, V...Vi "'.Da".cei lahil 11 noeeary ,-0 delain inch perlons'l ! ii.-.. -. ( nuilliay. Ill I in civ tho 1'iiuds arising Irom laid npuclal aM's. iiiuin. bcc. 1. ilioofniersoliiny bts froiitln.. Uil' .11 ..1. era In 1st) In An,. ...'( or. 1 .1... D MoCartby, for extra meals for priaonors ... ..... ...t... . z;r ni iiciauuur .- evvnu ii UU I unnMu odtilnrtn- j 41. ts.ni.h..-I .. : I ...... . v imiii iiduihiv s aa we'-a t' 'jm.u aaa a hid i omii rinriiii nr iiiie i f s . i . - u ys work c-r tivo.upon proecsv. --.ii........ ."( i . .v"" " mi" i luck noinit. .vn (AMgjlM. appeared In hi. seat.) lil;Sff.fS,,,,, Mu of T i i ill on liiitif-n v,.i.Ti.- Ta-""T- - .ir.t.e ti, i tuuii ui u.m rauuQ at tlim i " ,-"im. ..s.-s U. SUIIIIDIIUli t,ID IlIUllTIUIsl (IF cltyoiliecr, or wZmZhtSSntl W. M "'A for ,hu "! ativii,..ronoriinrwr. ...S ...r." ilT. ?o lion ofaald sidewalk, directed to ib mi. for ft -violation of anv . ' iv .7u- J . " .. U ,,,u',. w' bo received at bis oilleo ii.T tb fortbopaymenf for tho oiienliM' nr s wlih l ".'..." ."". r"l,'ve, lortli- which notice shall stain ti, ,7'","; :.ij:r . ... ""an noi interfere with nmniin,-,i.....i.. iu iMuyui c'i i t on as mov .1.1,1 c.ir in ... i ) . r . . "'" "orK 10 no oone. Cinlan. 22J days work on side. walks Qulnn, 25 days work on dram- age Jfrry Murphy, 21J days work on dramago Daniel McCarthy, 17 days in liuirge ui cumn gang liath lily, for hauling 10 toads ein- dors, and 3 loads lumber M K l'owors,for hauling '1Q loads lurnuer .0 00 35 66 130 CO 8 OC 80 60 llf) 00 - 0 2 ?!! 00 45 00 n,,'!f,!"!,r.""i'1 ,Ut,1 "riim'rovi.l. end that ald Tliot 'Meohan, for hauling 2 loads ork on ..,... Wo is HI. Among tho arrivals ut tbe hotel yeiterd.y were the (..Mowing, Irwin and Sid onlr. n.. I We, Union City C.O n. .. ""l- . W. Ilsrpor. Tonek. if.....' ' ' g ! ()!, WAXTeu Four Put rM.m t . H-eHboem,,,. ,;;r r- H7-8.29-41 . .Any olllcer or i,.,n,... nil oner nml date ofapproviil. or the' pro Lions of ii.t. ' nl f. ." " V 17 '? ,'I',I"''.'''L If.ut'lect .i oxum nation at V, , lumber, sitlfcil in n Midi of not ,.s, than nv... v. I..I. w'":."1' "tu.-. '''''"Ilia shall bo openeil Jerry Murphy. U davs .ir nor uiiiro thau one bun.lred dull irs. r,,V :UT,""J1 . ,r,.'r:'.n.'" f bo lyiiincll. streets In' Julv. omitted Hi vl itl, m l?" VT"' l"!'""1'"". "' ir fiirilUbl ng lin' lniderla Tbo.' McCabo, removing, -i dead lX it J .1 .' .,1."rdl'""!V '' o'truetToin a d' "blow lie sha bo' ,.cow ouUlJo l-- rt in lu to i ,h :S it l .7,LC0""t1'""lr2r,l,r aw'.ii'de.I'to'the lowest rcspoiidij, bidder0 M rumovmg' 1 dead' cow' Uni Or penalty lief re Vonio iither olbi UlD M . 0J""14 ,'evo : !nal.,ra,o or WW,' MrA tSftfi t'" icix.i AninPrt work, or both, under tfio siipcrlnfci, i,"n,. w, 'r","'"" mances In . r,, . . r ,r"" ei.mtn lea on .etrcet, wiUiln, s, h J. . ""'I.."r,"w.,r-8V."''"f . s euro hereby ""' co'i'ilicll Sm a oxp'e.ffenrt?. do1,!,' 'M 1 V", )'il!iiLVlro uot,h:dllactory Ip eoi licit; llltiylibay reject aaypr iilf c nnd, may tlieu,ror theroalter. luilhoii , pTU-K.-I hereby give notice tbat I have this day cloied oul my slopk gf tQ baeoo, cigar and smoker s articles to N W. llackor & Co 1 recommend il,..,! gntlomen to my former patroni. J. C. KCKINliltttd, 'Iauc, lLM.,!jopt. 1, 1874. y.j.lt Foil itKNT. ThO noW lirlnV I... ........ houio lately occupied by Ospt. Kelly, on Commercial avonQo.boiw.eh Tenth and hlevonth streotr, Cairo. A larco !... given if required. Knnuiro of II. Watson Webb, corner Kloventh stroet and r'n.. merclal avenui. 87-8.''ii.irH Viiinux Folk. Attkmtiov i. it,, Kuehn. will visit Vienna on tVednBs. 10 00 dnyor'fhuriday. U'arUos having pianos, orerans and Melodeons to limn . ...t. 35 00' y,l do woll to loavo orders at the l'lorce uouie. llo will give satisfaction, as ho is a competent man. Cairo can l-Ivo 1,1m 13 00 the bjist, uf roference. ItO-l.lM.'ii 1 00 tiTatAJI AND UAH KlTTINfl Nuu,l..,.l & llennle have entorod iqto a co-partner-ship, and have oponod a shop on Oomraor t, 00 h'"' Xo?ui, nuxt door )o 1W Power'. Si 60 00 12 00 M ... . ... . r ' ".mnrr, suuinui ...x.r.l.e'l bsgllis .Sentenl,ai, on. ilT-V uXifnn amity. . h'MAN l,; l. I'revfdfcnt. W-720tv Mil -mr .luerman -iiatuiiis movod to suspoud thorulofor tho purpooof putting KId ordinanco to a aocond reading. Motion lost by tho following vote : 'Ayes o Nays II. It reoiilrl ahlprmaii 9lect to mspuiid tho ruins. HM orjinance wai (Hereupon ma ovvr for a aecond reading. An, ordinanco to amend .vot tlon "0 r Ordl. wwth l?r&$MKUF -tibii '! II leet to ill frc" " Mreo' r"" tiilVrXttl the fnW&UV ai""i.".S'' it of Ordl liauee' .VbH; 1,B anlrtrrf. il .vit7ii, ui oil. hn I rn , ,1 II swsrX I , t sT 0 9 ' '"J Valk"B'"ul uV,ytVi;ni'il bgc PorUm?Ulortt q 01mpDT-or,herr,; .bcut 0 .OllWl front lino of the bu.. IliLJnlll "Id'' nml In., .mi.., vjii ' in inai noriinn iieki.rii.ii... .i... .n... ex.eii.lo,, of 'wan ' S ' ' , fffint and ii'mlii that poiium desrilblng and by slrlk III lieu IbereoC, ol lliein) .mii.M...... . M.lmv.lk to be rf cnnstructed by hucU sl'" l ustljey may tt)lnk,projter. ( i rjTiTioy. 1 elition of F. K. Dietrich. ,..,i representing that by tad bimiiieneed Im.t' oess atNoCfi. Ohio J,ovoe, on tho 15th of July last, and tbat ho had procurod tho Treeiiirer'i receipt for merchants license, but tfiat not b'eing aciiua'lnfod with ihe ordii-ouca n (pairing him to lllu tbo wun mo visy, Ulurltr Mid. 4ireouro-.bU.II wnie ho falloy.WdAol,uiTibe1 111110(1 that it would be nectary to p o ari the lleonio thftork, he had Biauou uoiM'ejiu.ltinljut nddrelied It 'i'liftJind hat delay. 7r abcut His wntV and tliirvTii conuuu.rfco of his not bvlf.- tbo llcunnsheawai-llaed $(', 00 apd coits by the city iutitoMft, andUe , w, i ,. nocont ol wilrtlbegliMiRp atratton & Jllrd, 10 kegs'nalls and SpiKOS , the illy I J u 'tutu, l bond and coupon re- j;1"" f J r Ilely, Qitapllshlng the grado " on. 8th stroet and ou Washing ton av,onus , 11 F Ilowen", for printing no copies of ordinanco on card...,,,,.,', Huio Loomls & Co., for ice, for clerks olllce .',...;..,...'.....(. Huio Iiobmls & Co.", for lee, for ...... it - ' . iroui laoorers Henry llryant, for rsconstruotlng .261 feet, sidewalks on 7th street lietwesn Walnut and Cedar at 38cts samo Henry llryant, for reconstructing siaiwuK on r.amiao wsiniog ton avenue frnm 6th to eU street 237 feat at 37cls Uenry Urynt,.for reconitructlng CO 0 00 J oo w oo IT 00 nvory.suble. They , now aadv kinds of Hteam and flu i?u.i-.. tbe sidewalk, on the North' sida ' of6thitrMt(rom Wasblngtqn to Cotnta.rolal, ,q871 ftii'fr Wei. 1 62 75. Honrytliryant, for reconstructing " 54, feat. sidewalk, on fib, street x batweep Wlngtp'n and Wai. nut itreeU, at 32 cU. .V,.,v..... 1.728 KIHOLUTIOH. AXUj M0T1QNH. The following resolution ofl'ersd by Al- W!;WeM ,Vork ,nd uWd. Bpi'S attuntian paid to ron.lrlnir buuiim. Vh. solicit a share of public nitron. .mi guaranleo tbolr work to be well dono. DAV ll0AHU.N(l.A,r,, auw.,t to Inform the public that ibe has openod uuimiing nouio lor tbe acuuiinodallon o(day,boarlurfl Id tbo brick rcildoncn nn 2 '2a the onrnur of Twollth and Poplar streets. irs,.Piows!ri is known tp Cairo people as all old hand at tho business vl providing acceptable faro for boarders, and with a determination to keoD un her wa)1.......i reputation, solicits1 a" share or public pat ronago. 89-8.2C.tf i , Tiik baroor snop is pu stio oorn., . Eighth street and Commercial avenuo whore J. Oeorgo Htionhouse with his pan. tl.manly assistants can be found at anv hour of tho daV oif night, toady to soothe your footings with a smooth .have, or cool your temper and hoad with a good sham poo. It is a first-class shop, and you are syro of recoivlng first-class treattnsnt Xadios' and'chlldron'. Lair cut or eur8j tertbe most approviilstv rJ-lB.t 20' CO 2 85 0 U 00' 62 " , 87 CO