SEOIIET oooiETir.a. ASOAt.OX LODOi:, NO 51 Krilitlitn ! Pythias, meets every l-'rl- day KelloiV niKin iiaii-ini seien, in II III I ll.ini.E1 ni.M K, ( linmrllnr Commander. .owx. At,i:XANI)i:it J.OIKIK, NO. 'tit. fgi&j&z JnMM-iiirnt Order of ndd-rrl-1 nvj , meet's rvery 'I burs-day night 77t5f ( haff-piislsriin, In their tmll on Commercial avenue, 1 x-t ti sixth awl dentil Miens K 1 Kr.iT, N. U. CXtW V.Nf AMP.MKNT, I O. n.l'.. meets JU Odd-IVIImiV Hull mi Ihe tint nnd third -Tuesday In every lii'iiilh, at tin 1 1'- Kit seven JOHN II lilllllN'OX, (,' 1' A OAlltOI.OIKii:. NO iX!,. I'. A A !M sSyW Hold regular conunuulaitlnns In.Mii Jsw sonic Mall, corner toiiiinrrrl.ll nvrniin ' mid i:iK( street, "ii the second nml fourth Mumlny of inch month HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dissolution of Partnership. rpilllurmol Wnll.l ,1. ttial convene Dec 30, IS7t Kilt Is dissolved liy mil' IlKO T. WAI.I. THUS .1. KM, 'I'lio Mill proixrly, lurlixUnK 11". HuIMIiik nml Machinery, for sale oil nnsy trims. Add reus. ui.o WAI.I.. lire :n, 171. l.T-l-l-lOl I)u Quoin. LOCAL NOTICES. A. llulley. Now l ynur time. You cm get licltcr bargains than wen: over ofirrcd befor-i in tli line ol stoves, tlnwarei nml house rur nl.lilnir foods, at A. Halley'", No. KiSnnd 170 Washington live. lG-IJ-3-lm (Jrs-iil llnriciilux. Iteduciil prlv! Uotlilii?, Hats, Caps, Hoots & Shoe", lit IIAK1MAK4. Irc-sll Supply. .Mr. 1'. Fllgerald hnsjut received nml ha' on salcjit lil sale, room ii hip- stock of Kngllsh ale, porter, llemicsy brandy and wines, nml Ihptop, or all kinds, which lie will dispose of at reasonable prices-. i(M-s:t if. Sill hit Tllirl-s. (mod c Inulo room on Ihe upper floor nt Hie Saint Chsrlcs ran be hud, with board, ut tbc x cry low rate of g.'D per month. Two large Inml y rooms, fronting on the Ohio river, 1:111 be secured at 30 and HOO pf month. These 100m are double and very desirable. If iooil IlnrRiilni. Ho, for good bargain;, at A. JIallcy's. lie will sell at greatly reduced prices for the next thirty days. No. Pli en J 170 Washington avenue. ltj-II-Mm Do is 11. Dm 11, ilnwn they come the prices of stoves and tinware at A Halley's, No. UN and 170 Washington avenue. Hsatlng tovctcit. lD-12-S-lm Oil I'nlllllnui. Mr. Winter l busy painting nui Urge portralti In oil. Vc are glad to see the people waking up to the appreciation of true geti'm. A line photograph of tin1 Itev Mr. Timer, on inhibition, I life ittelf. ri.r.'.i;Mi Mlenm ll)l (Ml;. Mt-s.r. Schh lit A IMrich h ive returned tot'alro with their Chemical and Steam-Dy c. lug establlsment, and taken up their o,uar ten at the old stand, on Commercial axe jiue.cornir L'ighlbHrce.t.,They are prepated to do anything In the wiy of cleaning, ren ovntlnt.', repairing "r coloring sllk,rlbboni, kid glove, iloth, eolton and woolen goods ostrich feathers, etc., ele.,anil guar antee satisfaction In every case. U3.ll!-'iJ-fit (Tilling Out Mile. To-day, (Wednesday) Derembrr SO, at 10 o'clock, a m., lull commence elhli the Fixtures of the Arm or Parsons, Davl .t '0. They must all be knM by the 1st of January. I 11 111 al-o -ill tin Inhere ol the Mork on html. The furniture consl.t ol Shchlng. Counter, Show-Cape, Ac., .tc. AUo, Olllc I'lirnlturo, includlii ; n good nl.cil Flri'-jiroof Sale. The ile will eon tluuo during the day, and nl.'o on Thurs day, until alt Ii 'old. .1. T. Tiiomax, Assignee. (alro, Dee. '!, 1471, 121-12 2U-21 Ilollilny rirenlM. Daiik'l llnrtnian InvltfS tin: attriitlon of the public to the Immense assortment nf new, lieaittirul, itH'fnl nml ornamental L'ooih that will In a few days be dis played at his Koiv, compilslno; beautli'til China tea sot. hanUoinLs cologne or toilet Mtf, UoliPiiilau vacs, Jewel boxes, riolls nt all fcles and prkvr Corner Sixth ctwt mid Commercial avenue. Lumber Still :luir Hon 11. Ai wo are determined to eloo out our .toekBHCOdlly, preparatory f winding up budness we will sell all kinds ol lumber nt two dollar per thousand Ions thun market prke. A large lot of lath and -tovc wood on hand, which will be hold at correspond Ingly : iv rates. Wai.i. & F.ST. .'21-y-O-tl. For Hoots and Shoes ol any rS style, quality or dorrlptlnn go W ' to Wm. Klilura on Twentieth utrcet, or nt No.Sl Ohio Levee, lie guar antee: to each purchaser the dock that he dclerts, and manufactures bouts at all prices ranging from S 00 to s"l.'i 03. Customers troubled with cornB or tender feet, ato guaranteed an oa'y lit, as boots are lilted to t tie foot. In tho abseneo of Mr. Khler, who will superintend both simps, Phillip Ihugh will have charge of the I.eveo shop and IM. Fltgerald the shop on Twentieth street. Thanking hU patrons for pat favors Im so licits a contluuan co of the same. (i'Mi-lo-tf New I.uiiilier Yard. Charles Lancaster and Newton Uieo, (lato with Walter) both well known to our citi zens, and lo river men generally, have cs UblMicd a lumbar yard In Cairo, corner of Sixteenth street and Commercial avenuo. Thoy will keep every description of build ing material and Mcamboat lumber, doors, sash, blinds, mouldings, shingles, lath, etc., etc., nnd uro determined to sell lower thau lumber has over been so'd In Culro. They solicit a lair tiinl from Hteaml10.1t men and builders, and guarantee satisfaction In all eases. aS7-10-27-tl. OYSTERS! OYBTEKS! ! C'dlro I'.iiteriirUe. Sproal, 1W Ohio Levee, Is receiving Now Orleans oysters overy morning In bulk, llo Is making Ids own cans and packing his own oysters, thereby avoiding the exorbi tant charges for transportation, nnd Is ena bled to furnish a better article at a less price than any other dealer. Patronize a home Institution, null benefit yourself. CITY NEWS. FRIDAY) JANUARY 1, 187.".. lnicr To.Jlorrnw. 'I'hlx belli"; New Year's day, there will be no paper lued from this olllce to morrow. I'm' Sale. A young horse, four ycni'H old, well broken to drive 'Ingle or double, nml Is 11 good Kiddle horse. Enquire at 'I'm: llt'i.- l.r.'MN olllce Will ItceHie Cnllx. W'o ate rcipieslcd to wy that calls will bo received Ibis morning at the ftoie of I'lir-ous, Davis Co., Tenlli street. Goods will Im: given it way. .1. T. TnoMts. Will Itrrrlie. aIIsm'.s Ida Christy and .Sarah Ross, (colored), reqnext us to Hale that they will receive, calls at the residence of -Mrs. I.. Christy. Co 11 eo rill 11 Hull. 'I'lie Cairo Concordia will given ball at Klliiio'ahall onthor.tli lnt. The pal ties given by this society heretofore have always been very pleaatitaf1alrvinil 'I'l one, wehojie. will Iks no exception. Itltr lliislnrss. Iliisiness in Cairo U not .-o dull n It inl"lit be, judging from the cash Miles of the.VeW York More, ( has. O. l'aiicr & Co,, proprietor. During Ihe Ja-t four months, ending Decemlcr IMMli, 1ST I, the msli sale, bv the above named linn imouuted lo $7".000. Tlds, no doubt. Is the result of sipure dealing. roller Court. A colored ladv named .Mollie Hunter wa arrestcit ami uikeii orioii- .mnge Ilro bv OllleerCaln j e-tenlay aflernoon, on couiiiami 01 .ur. i.'i", nn in; that Mollie wn guilty of the iniladyllke act of bombarding her house with Hones, for which the judge lined lier live dollar., nml cicts. -Mollie lias engaged a iiiit of rooms at the Hotel di: McCarthy, where tw will "receive" to-day. Until' I.eeluro. The second lecture of the vxvt to be delivered In the High School building during the winter, will take place next Moiulav night, .January 4. Mr. D. L. Davis, of the .Sun, will addre-s the audience, which, we have no doubt, will Iw a large one. Mr. DavNK a well-read man. a 1 cry good talker, with plenty of vim, and his lecture will l an Interest ing and lif truc.tlve one. Kulglili or l'.l llilns. At a meeting of the Knights ol I'ytldas. belli at their "Caitle Hull" on Tuesday night, the lollowlng named olllccrswere i-h-eted for theeifiilng term: C. 1C. Slack, Chancellor Commander; .Ino. 11. Cos.sman, vice i iianceiior, 111 K. Hawkins, Keeper of Records and Seal; .Ino. A. Holmes, Maxtor at Arms; M. M Moore, Ma-ter of Excliefiuer; F. Uross, 1,'epresentatlve to ( Srand Lodge, and .Ino. II. Uberly, Alternate. I'erioiinl. Hon. Oeorge W. Wnll.itf'DuQttoln, was In the city yesterday, and called upon the editor of T11 r. in. Mr. OlKrly will leave tbU afternoon to attend an Odd-Fellow.' celebration, and deliver an addre-s. at Kinmumlay. Hon. Dan Muun and lady and Mls 1'ertieMunn. lcll this city for Chicago vcoterday afternoon. I'rof. Pike, principal of the PitMlcld public school, was In the city yeterday. The I'.iliropiil I.llirary. Mr'. Cillbert, wife of Rector Gilbert, and Miss Mollie Webb are canvassing the Second ward soliciting ..ubcriptloiii from tho-e who feel disposed to aid the KpUeo pal church in purchasing a new library for their Sunday, school. They com menced their labors yesterday morning, and entertain hope, that when they have vi.ited the many good people who dwell in their Held of action, they will be re warded by being able to add a considera ble sum of money lo Ihe library fund. Hunting Club Hull. The Cairo Alexander County Hunting Club, gave their ball and Mipler at Schcel's hall lat night. The hall was well lllled with the friends of the- society, each and every one of whom entered Into the festivities with his whole soul. The supper was the most delleiou. repast that has been set before the people of this city for many a day, nnd was demolished byl the company In a very creditable manner. Dancing was kept up until a late hour, when tin: party broke up, all present be ing satlsllcd to go home and sleep away the lint few hours of the new year. Crliiiiiml. Some three years ago, Willii Green, a colored gentlemen of this city, was pay ing liU addresses lo a colored damsel named Sarah Thomas, and was conlldeut that ho pns.ccd her deepest affect ions, when lo ! and behold, another suitor put In an appearance and gained a very prom inent po.ltlon In the esteem of tho afore said Sarah. This made WHIN fairly spit lite. He determined to avenge himself on tho tickle and unfaithful Sarah. He shouldered an axe, went to her, anil ful lllled Ids vow by cracking heron the head with the sharp end, dropped tho murder-! ims weapon, lit out and was not heard of again until a few days ago, when Sherill" Iilvn was informed that he was in this city. This being one of the eae.s that the sherllV delights In, he worked the matter up, and sticcecdedluarrestlngand conllnlng the would-be murderer In tho county jail until Tuesday afternoon, when' lm was given a hearing before Judge Uross. After hearing the evidence In the case, Ills' Honor held tho prisoner to ball In tlio sum of live hundred dollars, to answer the chargo preferred against him! nt tho next term ot the district court, In default of which ho was sent to jail. John Donnelly nl Home. Wc have received n number of The Hot'' dtr City lleruld, published nt Fall River, Massachusetts, containing an account ol the arrival at that place ot Olllccr N'il IIpiii Winter, having In custody .lohn Donnelly (((fa Dyer, who was arrested luthlsclty fome time ago by Chief of Police, Module, on the charge of having hot Joseph Alty,of Fall River, two years ago. The olllccr ami ins prisoner reached Fall River on the '-'(lib lust,, in 1 the next day Donnelly was bound ovei for trial at the Supreme Court In $8,000 surely. TU Herald ays: Olllccr Winter slates that Donnelly nr rlved at Cairo two years ago this month, and .secured employment under a .section bois of the Cairo ti, Illinois, and boat (led nt the Vlckburg Hotel, kept by Mrs. McCarlhv. WhlM there he gained ihe nllcction of a young daughter of the landlady, and shortly afterwards was ln Mtalled as clerk of 'the bouse. She was about graduating from the High School In that place, aiidehennil D01 liy were to have been married the coming .March. 'I ho iy Ik- Old It. The colored folks had a lestlval hist Tuc-day night, nnd It was a most brilliant all'alr. All Ihe colored people- werethcre, all who had money enough and wanted to spend It in that way. and everything was lovely and the goo-e hung high. Reuben Smith was there, runningaeaiidy and cake stand, at which he was coining monev. Reuben had a cigar box for a money drawer, and it was m arly full of shlnplaters. It had SiS in It. "Flip" was also there. "Flip's" rigid name Is Henry Snyder, but everybody all. him "Flip" for .hort. Well, "Flip" got bis eye on Keub"n' cigar box full of money, and. impelled ulthth' thought that be could put the contents of Ihe box to good u-e.he determined inposse.s It or bust. For .(line time "Flip" lingered near, looking for something to turn up that would ghe him a rliance to go for the initeh cowled box. but he was doom ed to disappointment. he made up his mind to manage the matter In a more satisfactory manner. "Flip" has an eye tobtfluc", and on lliN particular oeca sion, thateye win wide o n. lie gave a Utile eoloicd boy leu cents vWi the-instruction thai lie -diouldgo to Rcuben'e stand and buy a piece of cake. The grateful little young ster took the prollcrcd money, went and did precisely as he wa? bid. "Flip" followed him, and when Reuben went to the other end ol hli .stand to cut thecake for the boy. "Flip" elevated the box and Its contents, tucked It under hi-coat and stepped into an ante-room, thinking that he had not been seen, and congratu lating himself on his success as a tlll-tap-per. Rat "Flip" was mistaken. Reu ben's 'Mianllan angel was nigh. In the shape of a big buck nigger, who broke the sad news of the misfortune to Reuben. When Reuben heard the story of his friend, he made a break for the room where "Flip" was concealed, but the bird had down with Reulien's cigar box under his wing. Reuben gave chase, but "Flip," had lieen there before, and outran Ids pursuer, who gave up and returned to hi stand In a mo.t melancholy state of mind, and uitba look of earnc-lncsi upon his ebonv countenance, that brooded no good to the villain who had In such a. systematic manner taken the bread and butter from the mouths of his wife and children Yesterd: y morning he hail "! lip ' ar rested, taken before Judge Hird and tried. He wa- found guilty and held to bail In the sum of live hundred dollar", to an.wcr the charge of stealing. at the next term of the circuit court. Not ilndin, anyone who was willing to take the chances on him. "Flip" was sent to ihe county Jail for i-afe-kccping. Miter l'llrher l'oiuiil. Soon after the Mary Alice left this port for New Orleans, on her last trip, an ele rant silver nltcher was louud in one of her barges, and Is supposed to have been stolen from some ncr-ou In tlds city and hid in the barge. A lady s name Is civ graved upon It. Cant. Toms, of the .Mary Alice, has the pitcher in safe keep Ing, and will be glad to restore It to the owner, If that person will appear and properly identify the property. (irnnil Xeu Year's) I. illicit. Geo. Lattner, at tho comer of Four teculli street and Washington avenue, will .prcad a FINE LUNCH lor his customers this morning. All are invited to call, eat, drink and he merry, The bar will, as Usual, be supplied witli Milwaukee beer, thebe.t brands of liquors and the llncet cigars. i;enerul Hems. The ice on the slaughter house pond was nearly two Inches thick yc-terday evening, nnd if the weather remains as cold a. It Is ut this writing, skating will be good to-day. The Panic Chili's "Hard Times Party" at tho St. Charles Hotel last night, was a grand success, and every body enjoyed themselves hugely. Full particulars of the parly will be given in Sunday morning's- Him.i.kti.v. Mr. Dean, head clerk at the St. Charles hotel, is the individual who was fortunate enough to win tho clock that was rallied for at the St. Charles bar room Wednesday night. The clock Is a beautiful one, and U valued at one hun dred dollar. Mr. Dean Hupped the die,! box three times, and succeeded In turn ing up forty-four spots. We would politely suggest, that those persons who feel that It is necessary to get drunk at least once a year, do so to-day, as the main stall" of this paper left the city this morning, and Tuu llui i.v.tin will be scarce of local on Sunday, unless business in the police, court Is lively. Those who may contribute an Item to us by gelling drunk and being put in the calubooe. will please accept our heartfelt thanks lor their tlioughtfuluess, and desire to make this an Interesting local paper. We clip! tho following from 2Vic HVfA7i sVriM of Fall lllver Maesachii setts: "Olllccr Wm. A. Winters, who went to Cairo after Dyer, speaks in high terms ol the courtesy of City Marshal Mcllale, of Calro,Mnd his assistants, who did everything In their power to nsslst lilm In fulfilling ltU mission, and secur-1 Ing the prisoner. They did their whole duty in tlio premise anil are entitled to the IhankH of the community ns faithful public servants." WILL RECEIVE, Who Will Kulrrtnlii Culler on New Venr'i liny. The following ladles Inform us of their Ii 1 utlon of receiving enlls New Year's . ay : Mrn. Jacob Martin will receive her friends at home. Mrs. Dr. Dunning will receive her friends nt home. Mrs. A. H. Fields will receive calls at her home on Eighth .street. Mrs. E. E. Wnlbrldgc nnd Misses I.u and Ella Wnlbrldgc will receive calli. Miss Thompson and Miss Rogers will iccelve their friends with Mr. X. Linton. Jlr. P. II. Ppe and Mrs. C. W. Hen derson will receive with Mrs. Wood Rlt- tenlioiise. Misses Maroa Powers and Ida Harrell will receive calls at the reslilencu of Mr. M.ll. Harrell. The Misses McGnuley will receive their friends nt their home on Division street. Mrs. John Antrim, uslitcd by Mrs. Charles Thrupp, will receive, calls at the residence of the former. Mrs. Stratum and Mrs. Dr. Smith will receive calls at Mrs. Stratton'ii. Mrs. MeCullough, Mrs. Hughes. Mrs. I'hl nnd Mrs. S. Rllteuhouse. nlitcd by Miss .Mollie Roe of Springfield, III., w ill be pleased to .ec their Irlcnds at the Itlelock house. Mr,.. Dr. R. S. Ilrigham will receive her Irlcnds at home. Mlsei Lucie Wilson, Mollie E. Riley und Ella F. Armstrong will receive calls nt the re-idence of S. WINon. Ml-s Emma Riley will receive her friends at the residence of Dr. Dunning. Louisa Ylucent nnd Eugenie WINon will receive calU at the residence of Mr. F. Vincent. Mrs. Sam Williamson will receive her friends at her residence. Mrs. G. G. A Word will be plea.-ed to see her friends to-day at hcrliome, corner Walnut and Twenty-second streets. Miss Annie ICebcy will receive calls at the residence of Mrs. Sam Williamson. Mrs. J. M. Phillips and MUs Rettle Parker will receive calls at tbc residence of Mr... Phillip. Mrs W. II. Green, witli Misses Cora and Laura Green and Miss l lorcnce Creasy, will receive at the residence of Mn. W. 11. Green. Mrs. W. P. Wright and Miss Carrie Pngles will receive their friends at the residence of Cnpt. W. P. A 'right. Mrs. II. L. Ilalliday, Mrs. A. Van Law. Miss M. Halllday and Miss Ella Robblns will receive their friends nt the residence of Mr. H. Ilalliday. Other names will Ik- added to Ihe above list to-morrow morning. Ladles desir ing to have their names added can do so by sending them to this olllce to-day. Mrs. Wilcox, Mm. Rradley. Mrs. Win. ter, Mrs. Howe, assisted by Miss Annie Pitcher, Miss Laura Rexford and Miss Minnie Hill, will reecho their frlcnfls at the St. Charles hotel. RIVER NEWS. Port I.lsl. AKItlVKD. Steamer Jim Flsk, Paducah. ' Thompson Dean, barge.Cin. " Mary Alice and barges, N. O " Chas. Morgan, New Orleans. Smoky City, barges, Ohio river, Joe. Kinney, icksburg. " Utah, St. Louis. It. E. DeRucy, Mls. river. DKI'AllTr.D. Steamer Jim Flsk, Padueah. " Thompson Dean, barge, X. O " .Tallica Howard, New Orleans " Charles Morgan, Cincinnati . " Smoky City, barge, below. Utah, Memphis., WUATIIElt and nusiNi:ss. The weather still continues cold and cloudy. At live o'clock p.m., now be ran falling, and tlm Indications are that it will continue through the night. Has incss continues dull, as stated yesterday Tho Ohio river i-tlll continues to go up the ri-e vesterday being one loot one inch and three-fourths. COMMERCIAL. Ctmo, I1.1.S., Tiii'itsiiAv Evknino,') December 31. 187-1. J Tho weather turned very cold alter the rain of .Monday, and remained so up to the present writing, but there are Indica tions to-night of a thaw. Heavy Hoods are coming out of the Ohio and its trib utaries, and the river is ri-ing steadily here. Tlio market is quoted tinner all round mid prices rule steady to-day, but without any change. llecelpt Jhavo been liberal in everything, and stocks arc heavy. Choice grades of Hour are plenty and dull, but low grades cannot be had in quantities siilllcleut to till orders. Itecelpt.s of grain lor la-n live days were as ioiiows: 11 cars oats, ,1 cars of corn and I cars of wheat. THE .MAIMCET. ESyOur Irlcnds should bear in mind that the prices hern given are usually for sale from Hist hands in round lots. In tilling orders and for broken lots it Is nec essary to charge an advance over thee tlgures."Xr5U ri.ouit. The market Is unchanged. Choice Is plenty and dull. Low and medium grades acllve ami scarce; In fact, the market is entirely bare. We note sales of 500 bhU, SI 50(o'5 75; 700 bbls City Mills, $150 (0 50; 300 bbls, Sir0S 75; 500 bbls, $1 755 75; 100 bbls, $ 1 50(20 00; 300 bbl, $t 50Q575. HAY. Two cars choice mixed, delivered, SIS 00; 1 car strictly choice timothy, de livered, ?'J1 50; I caw prime mixed and timothy, delivered, $18 0020 00; 1 car choice timothy, delivered, 21 00; 1 car choice mixed, delivered, $18 CO; 3 cars utmam choice timothy, delivered, $21 00; 2 cars choice timothy, delivered, $20 00; 1 car prairie, delivered, Sin 60. CORN'. Receipts havo been liberal nnd stocks arc large. The feeling is a little Ilrmer to-day, and prices nre steady with light demand. We note sales of 0 cars No. 2 mixed In bulk on track, ffC', 2 cars No. 2 while In bulk on track 03c; l cars No. 2 mixed hi sacks on track, 72c; 5 cars No. 2 mixed In bulk on track. 07c: 11 cars re ded In bulk on track, 01c ; 2 cars re- cctcd In bulk on track, 0,"c; Hears No. 2 mixed delivered 77c. w OATS. The supply Is large lor the demand, but prices are Mcady and firm. Sales were 2 cars No. 2 black seed oat, sacked, 0c; 10 cars No. 2 white In Micks deliver ed, 0,"c; 1 car No. 2 black mixed In sacks delivered, C'e; 3 cars No. 2 mixed In acks delivered, 01c ; 1,000 sacks No.2 mixed delivered, C."c; 1 car No. 2 mixed In bulk on track, d'Jc; 70aeks black, from tore, 77c; oears mixed dellieird, CIc. MEAL. The supply tillering Is limited, and prices steady and unchanged. We note sales of IIOO bbls steam dried delivered 1 OT. ; 2(X) bbls kiln dried dellvernl : M ; 100 bbls green meal It W); MO bbl city meal II 7J5. IIRAN. Active and scarce. Receipts Iiml steady sale at quotations. Sales reported were cars in -acks delivered HI 00 : 1 car in acl;s delivered 1 W). Itl.'TTER. The slock on hand Is large, but should the cold weather continue dealers will get better prices. The demand Is fair. Sales were 0 boxes choice Northern loll, oOO lbs choice Northern roll, 2."ic; 100 lbs choice Southern Illinois, 'JIlc; .100 lbs choice Southern Illluoi-, 225.2:lc; 800 lbs choice Northern roll. 2lfj,U0c. EGGS. The market Is overstocked and very quiet. Sales are very slow, and 20u Is as high as wo can quote them to-day. Sales 5 boxes, shlpperi count. 2.1c ; 500 doen, sold early, 2."c; o00 dozen, sold arlv, 25c; 10 boxes, 20 to 2;tc. POULTRY. There Is a good demand at present for dressed turkeys and prices, jumped up to 121c to-day. Everything elc is plenty and dull. Sulci,: Two dozen dres.ed gee-e, SIl 00 and S3 SO; 10 dozen dressed chickens, S2 2.VJ2 50; 200 pounds tur keys, So; H00 lbs. turkeys, p.'Jc; 0 coop3 ive chickens, si 7.V, oOO coops dressed poultry, CgSc. APPLES. Plenty and quiet, very little demand for anything rrtJt strictly choice. Sales 100 bbls choice Northern 3 00(2-1 25; 100 bbls medium 2 &OG1..2 75. ORANGES. Dull nnd hard to sell; plenty in market; 10 bbls sold atO 0010 00. GAME. There Is not much game coming In, and no great demand for it. e note sales of 50 doz. rabbits and quails 75c 1 00; 25 doz. rabbits SOc; 20 doz. quails 1 00. VEGETAllLES, Choice peach blow potatoes arc quoted at $2 75(3 00; choice onions S-t 0OQ4 50 nor barrel; not much doing In either. e note sales of 25 barrels peach blow poln toes, 2 7,",; .""barrels peach blow pota toes, $3 00. PROVISIONS. Tho market U quiet anil Inactive. Price- have a tendency lo weaken. We quote to-dav: Dry salt clear side, 1010c ; dry salt, clear rib sides, 10101e; dry salt shoulders, 7J,e27Jc; bacon hams, 12J13e; mess pork, S10 50 O. I. c. Just received : A large stock of gold and steel eye-g!asse. Spctaclcs lo suit all kinds of eves, at Houpt's, 150 ashing ton avenue. 122-12-3l-3t. l'hototfrnDhy. Goto Winteii's 0llkko and:e 1,U specimen of iilioloiragUir nrt. Hall an hour can be rpent very pleasantly lu view, Ing soma ol ihe wc 1-kn wn laces ot our III zens. Mr. W. has on baud u largo stuck ol now and elegant frillies, tuPablc lor hul I lay gifts. V ot graphs made only upon Friday and .Saturdays, exeep Inir by spec lal appointment. Gallery open c cry eienhg lor visitor.-. llooluiiikvrs) Wnnteil. Two or three bootmakers can llnd em ployment by applying at 53-12-13-tf Wm. Emxiis. I'lirlalnird Wiitelien. All Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, that havo been left with me for repairs, 1 11 widen the caargca are unpit d, will be this de left at tho Jjwelry store of Sir. II lloupl. on Washington avenue, and will at the end of thirty days Irom this date oe sold to pay charge.' UmtMAN Niu.uit. 0iu). Ills., December 0th, 1871. IO-l'MO-20t Afler the 1'lre. I (till have a few nrst- lass Wood nnd Coal Cook Stov s; also Parlor, Oilieo and llox Htntlng Stoves; Sugar Kettles, Oirns, .Skillets and Lids; AlrUrttes Mantel Orates Chain l'umps, LIU Pumps, .stove-pipe, Kluown, Zinc, Sheet Iron. Tlti-plate, 'Cop- . . e f I ly ....... per, etc. aijo a lew mum mm vn.-. Sev lies, not Injured by tho tire. Also n vnilety of other goods, which I am ofterlnj; at irom 25 to 75 per eont. below co-d. Call immediately If you wunt 11 bargain, ns I ant determined to elo-c out within ten iljys. No. Hid Commercial avenue. 121 1'2-31-lOt. T. .1. Kisr.Tii. t'lty I.lcciisjex. Merchants, saloon-keepers, runners, teamsters, and nil others Interested, wlion! licenses expire January 1st, are hereby untitled that the same must bo renewed on or before tho fifth day of January, 1S75. A prompt compliance herewith will pave, trouble. Ily order of the mayor. Wii.i. K. Hawkins), City Clerk. C.uiio, December 30, 1871. AVIlldlllu- I'll. All pcrnons knowing themselvog to bn indebted to me nre respectfully remieste'.l to pay up their accounts: by January I, as 1 am desirous or winding up my business 0 soon a possible, preparatory to making a new start. All account! unpaid by Januur y Kith, will be placed in tho hands of in attorney for collection. T. J. Kimin. i'n-12-ai-iot SPECIAL NOTICES. The bostoystcri at tho I)clmoiilcoIl. tatirant, 2C7-9-W-.f, If you want fresh oysters without pay. lm lor tlii e n and raiitp irtatlon, g to Spioat'", lio Ohio . iVC", and get them by the pall full, fresh every morning. H-4-. Ilailn. nlvcu up my ol 1 stand on the levee n..d Ink. n Keoliter .V llro's uliup. on V. glith strict, I ah .11 ho prepared to sup ply tlm citizens of Cnlro with tlio best lueati the market ulloriN. l'lc.iso cill aiid see inc. Pun.. IIoWAUn. Klght-yoar old Iluilrbm, oiily at the Crystal Siloon, coin.r of Sixth abd Cou. iierclal avenue. 12 It Clo to Sproat'n, 13r Ohio Lovcc, at.d get younytts by the hundred or ent ires!! every morning 12-1-tl All kinds of mixed thinks made with dispatch, nml must hneioiis to tli ute, nt tlio Cry.t.d saloon, cornef of Cuintiiri'ulnl nvtlillo and Sixth strcc . 12-5-ir Sproat, 135 Ohio Levee, Is lurnbblng oy-tc s In iho light thipe. Futallle., ian bo suppled in any quantity ficsh every moin.n. (2 4-tf Get your oyster nt the IMiuom co. -.loo Ito .ckcr is now in full eoutrol ot tlio Wadilti'jton bakeiy, and having iunrn cd thu wants of the public, Is prepared to sut ply on call a 1 demands fur French loaf, llo'ton, lhoivn and Graham bread, and everything ehe ordinarily louiul In a tirst claifbak ry. He maintains a fulsto.kol confectioneries, and can, as well m any other dealer In tho city, 1111 all orders In that line. Cukes baked, iro-tcd or orna mented on short notice. Spctla lattcntlou given to the orders of wedding or picnic parties. 0 12-tf. lear and most frjgrant Uavanas for 10 cen s, at tlm Crystal niloon, corncrol Sixth and eiiMiitrol d avenuo. 12-,tf C'-ync's oysicr dipot and retnurai.t. Oysters In tho shell nnd can, fresh ivcry day, at l'hll sjaup's 1 Id stand, between sixth and .-jeve tli streets, Cairo, Illinois. If you want UnellnU'irs, go to the Crys tal saloon, corner ol .Sixth an J Commercial avenue. 12-5t The finest brands of cigars kept 1011 ttantly at the Crystd saloon, corner ofSlxlh ktreotand Commercial avenue. 12-Mf Fresh oy-tcrs or anything cIo you want at tlm IMmonlco It staiirant, open day and night. Fresh oyct'T or anything ihe you want at the Delmonlco Restaurant, open day and night. 1'UitK Irish whisky punch, app'c and honey, pcacli and honey, Tom and Jerry, Impoited alo nnd porter and tho Ili.csi wl cs In iiuy mirk t, at Ihi Oiyslal saloon, corner of sixth and iivonuo. 22-Mf Ncwly-Uttccl. finely furnl-hcd barber sho.i by Gcorgo Stelnhullse, c rncr Com niorrlal avenue nnd Ll.'hth s'reet. Y nr. otpr.ictco hivo glvca him a light hand th it m krs a smooth s .ave dtllchlful. All who try turn once will cdl again All tho lito dally paner ara kept on his table lo" the bnicfltol his costomeru, nnd mere is no tediom wattlugfar turns. tf IliirgnliiM. 10 lbs sugar for SI, at Wilcox's. 3 lbs butter for SI, at Wilcox's. 1 lbs coll'ce for $1, at Wilcox's. Potatoes 80 cents per bushel, at Wil cox's. Winilctl. Fiftv toSovfiity-flvo ildlurs per month. Agents wanted everywhere. Tcaclieis, 1,1. dies, g'nts, etc., etc. No capltd or out lay required, betid 2 1 ccnt for post igo on outtlt, to l. C. Wr.i.ciiMA.v, tl Irvlu Station, Union County, Ohio Ituonw u Iteut. Eight rooms to rent on Third street br. tween Wush ngton iu'd Commercial ave nues. Apply to William .Mcllale, or at this office. Ot uteri- Kresh Ihltlmnro oister.s received dally and 10I1I by I'll I. H.Saup. 500-1 1-29-tf I.iiurh l'.vcry Day. Fresh It iltlmorn shell i-y-tt rs, every day, at the Planter- house E. Ht)i:r.KU, lU0-12-25-0f. Proprietor, Ilnltluiorc Ovxtrrs. George Littner corncrof Fourteenth and Washington avenue, will fu'iitnh he ealK r, every day to h's pitroiw a No. 1 lunch, be tween the hour of icn and twelve o'cl ck Jlllwauk- e beer and fragrant II ivana cigar to be had nt his bar at all times. Nettle tip. I wish ovorr person Indebted to mo to rail and settle before- the 1st ol January, 1ST5, as I have concluded to carry on a ttlctlv cadi btlslnesi on aid after tint d ite. lfsottlemont Is not made as request ed In this notlco, tho amount duo to me will bo collected by law. Anoi.rii Swononi. Cuito, ll.I... Dee. 14, 1871. SU-l'Mf.-tf A tA'ronir 'ii"ilom i'orreeteil. ltliUlie generally ihe custom to take stroi'g ilvtr siliiiiilaiiia lor the cu e 01 liver co upl Inl, and both tho mineral and ego iuIiIm kuigiloiui li.ivu been illligeinly aa-trehud to proetiro ttiu ni"t drastic ami piilnonous purgatives In orde' to pi odneo a now b 1 nl 1 licit upon thu liver, und aro so the buying and 0 lecbhd o gun l b s yatim d troaimentiii' iitho.ain-princl lo as that ol gl Ing a wi 11k at il duidtltated man l irgu ponloii' of br-inly to enable him to do n i" rt iln titimuut of work lieu tlm stimulant . withheld, the o gin, like ihe sys'om. gr.t ual y r la s s Into a more tor iiid or sluggish mid weakened cm d t on than befor. . What then I. W.iut' d? Mnll clues, whb h. w lido they causa the hlto to tlow lively tr im tho I'ver, ns that organ is torn d Inio actio -, will not overwoik and thus debtlllnto It, but will, when their uso it dl co .tlnued, to ve ill- liver sireiuth. oued nml heulthy, filch renedloi ate louud in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dl -cuu-ry and I'll g-ttlvo Pellet'. A CUUB OF MVKM IIIS15ASK. Husk, Texas, May ID h, lS'il, Dr It. V l'linai:. llurtalo, N. 1. n.i.i-Slr-Alv wife la.t vrnr nt tilts tllllO was ct ntiiictl lo her bed with Chronic I rv. r DUmise. lbHiloiiool the best doctors to tee her, andhe gaie Iter 11 to ill-, when J ......, ., tniiin of viiui' medieliiH I I.1IOII1 i.ji--.. - , , I.,!..,. bought ono iiotuo nii eoiiiiiiuiiieu tniofi It. She then weighed 8- lbs : now she weh'iis 110 lbs, nnd Is robust and hoarty. hho" Ins taken eight uotllei. In all, o ou see 1 mu un advocate lor your M dlu.ucs. William Mka.kl. MOM TI1K NOTKI) 8COUT, '11U1KALO nil.I..' 1101 1.ANIilIOUSH.Il cKlnril. 111.. P1" J!U, 7t.-lir. It V I'lKitci:. llutlal -, N. Sir: lu- I have now imeu iiiur uuiiiva m j; (Jo den ileilleut Dl coviry In cintiOiPon with x our Pellets, ami inu-t say that noth ing I ha 0 evertak n lor my liver hasdono tnS us much good. 1 tcel like new nun. Thanks to x our wonderful mcdlelro. W. f,Cot)Y, ("Uutlalo ltl.l.") U-OO-il&W-lw. ItHllullulUlJUtUMI "X.i .. .HI, l-.u. 1.1.1. imIM lr oar MBlt.a ICI.iul CiWmU wllliol sm. '"J";s Si tvnim Co., 131 SrWr, iw Yn mm tests CAIRO MARKETS-WHOLESALE. Corrected Dally by K M Slrarns, Minmljuion merchant, fcccieUry of the imu lijrd 0f Tmue. . Flour, acroiillnc lo crulr tl mi im Corn, mixed, inrkcd ;tc Com, whit, Mcknl (v'ba (lats, mlft . oic, tlran, per ton flOjJIiolO .Unit, ittram dried J trt iitmrr, Choi .Viitlicni roll ajc liultcr, rliolco uutliirn llllnoli Wvt c y.fgi. I i-riliucn an Chlrktns, ;rilorn Jf $1 Org! 60 1 iimey, ht 1101m z. U 0010 00 lUlililt 1. .rr dozen aim IJualU, erilu'n (1 () Alii"i, inoi'.e, per uarni sj 00 2 'a Aliu, common, r lmrii-1 J lo rotators. ItTlantl Onions, nr kind Jlv 0 011iKHr11r.11 uour SO lte Hour . . .. , 5;j NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. .. f?,,e''J,rtl;'l will lie retell ii at my olllce Until 6 fiVlnt-k. 1. m . ,.r i... .v.. of .untiary, A I) , l7 fur liirnMilinr Ihe materials or doing the work, or both, rurthe roiiitrurtlmi or n new sldi-walk oil the souili alileof llilrtrrntli slieet, betneen Unjlilnatun nrcniienml Walnut Mitrt, and Tor the rtcon itnictionor thorollowing dcicriW tldewnlkt, lo-lllt; t)n the westurly side of Commercial avenue, Ix-twmislxtmitluinit -rvcntrrntli ttrrrta, nnd oittlienrthrrlyilc of etenlnnth meet, le lii wi l onimrrcliil nvcniie nnd I'oplnr stiret. Slid (Mvw.ilk4 to be constructed and tecou tnicteil or wood Jralnl irooi.iU ni above Mill alo be ro celled foi-fui nl. Iilnit the material or doing the work, or Iwth, Tor the lon-ttiicllon or brlcic hlciv.ilk on the we.trrly slilc of Commercial nlrinte, beliveet Senntwntli and l.lnhirentli elm-U. Suld iirnivml ehall I c dlrectnl to tho Cltyloiinrllof the 1 liy or (alio, nnd will lie onnl Ma nutting . mid ounrll to beheld on mid srrond il.iy ! intinnrr, l IS7J, '11 pnim!ils Khali lm mule In ucnmt iiir with the liroililoim, iniuiii'mrntt and t ix-rlllrallona of ilnllnanir No. '.U, iiiiiMtrit .Not ember "stli, . ll. IsTI, which ordfiunrc Is now mi tile lo my offlrc. snbjrrt to rvimln.itloti nt any time H.e 1 liy Council ii-rrvin Ihe rinht lo lrjrct any and nil proionU. Wll.l. K. HAlVKI.Nsf, Cairo, Ills , Dec ttilh, is7l. CHyllerk SI--U-:'U-Il)t. nut n vi.i:. .Vol Iff Is hereby given tluit default Iniilnir been mniln for more than sixty days In the luiimrni rfu the vim portion 01 uir amount tcriiml ( be iuhi by 11 rrrbuti .Mortirner exrciilfl by Jlirhuel E.,it to Simiiel .bints liiylornnd IMiiinl'nr ins 'Inr ties of the Calm ity l'mpntv, dated Oct ber Kill, lsiil, nrorilrd In Ihe lire .riler'n OlUtr, In and for Alexander county, In tin- Slnie 1 f Illi nois, In book "M" nrdinU, miru lni. etr , we. Hie undersigned, mid liuste.-- will 011 ..itur day. the nth d.iv nfJanuary. next, 1) in o'clock in the forrnoon of Mint d.1.1 maler and bv virtue of the power rr mli- 111 mid .Mortirape, sell, at Public Atirttun, to lie high eit bidder, fur cash, nt throfihe biidibili: of said 't'ruslirs, rornerofW Hrlilngton nuucand KUIiteenth strii t, in said 1 llrof alro, in lex nmler County and state of Illinois, ull the right, title anil Intrresl ofmiil Michael Sgolt or liin na slens. In nnd to lots numbeietl .1 (lite) nnd 0 (lv) 111 block niimbrred ft! (nliirty-ttlo) In tlm Kir" t . tld ll ion tumid ( liy of alro, iirrordlng lo the i-cconbil pint thereof, with the iiMnirtcn anre, to mtlify tho iiirin.fs nnd rondition of eald Mortgage . SI' A 1 - TAVI 1 It, l.DW IN l'Mt-ONS Tnistrr- of the f niro t ty I'm) erty Diilisl, Caho, III , lieamUrlllh, .7t. .ollce I hereby given th it default having len made for mule thun sity 1 1 In tl.e m)me'it of a littl''ll of the niil'Hint cniTd to It paid by n crilniii MorliciA' executiil bv Iholiu- O'lliim to Siiiimel miui-i Taj Invalid l.ilivn I'm 'om, Tnn tin of the l nlro ('Itv I'miieiiv, d.-trd 1 c'ober 18th, lttll, rrronlnl In the ltwindrrM Oilier, In nud for MiAindi-r county, In tlm Mtate i-f lll lnoli, lnb'iok,,M"n (lin'l. p.ige'JOO, etc, we, (lie lUHlerjIfLeil, a.1111 irnnie,, win, on -uiur-ihiy, tlieMliilny of .lunuirv i.evt, . 1). IS71, at lu o'clock 111 die loietuinn 01 iiuiimy miner hi.u by 1 iniie of the power of Kale enutniiK-d In uld MoitgaKe, nil, id 1'llbllc 'union, to the Iil(:r.rit bidilrr. lor cih. nt tin- nfllee building of aald Tiu dees, corner of Wnililagton aveatte nnd MKIiteentn miwl, in sain 1 uy or 1 airo, in ni-rx-iiider comity nud state of HUnoU, nil the light, title und Intcrrd ornld Thomas O'llura or hl-i aMlgii), In and lo lot numbered -7 (twen-ly-feven), In block numU'rril in (t'orty--iix) lu the Kirit tddllioii to mid City of Cairo, accord ing to the rccoided libit thcieof, with the no- lurleuancei, to mu-iiy 10c purpoiei ana couui Iju of aald Mortgage H S.TAATS TVM.OI!, i;i)lX PAItsDNS, Truitees of Ihe ( nlro City Property Dateil, Cairo, 111 , Dwember llth, 1S71. Notice In hcrebv given that default having been mide formnri than sluyihiya In Ihe payment of a portion of the amount -retired lo l pHld by a certain Mortgage rveeutnl by llcary I 'linker 10 samuel stnits Taylor and Kdn-in l'iiron, Truslres of lli Cairo Ity I'roi-e 'y, ditcl Augliit Hth. lsil', reeirilrd lu Inr liecoliter'a Uilire, lu nud for AlcMinder county, in the state of Illinois, In book l1" of dii.U, pige llli. We, the uiulrmigneil, mid Trustees, 11 ill on Sntunlay, Ihe Dili day of January next, A. 11 Is7.t, nt O o'clock hi the f ireminnnf that day, under nnd by virtue of Ihe power of ale containiil In said Moronifie, (ell, ut Public Auc tion, to the highest bidder fur the of fice building of Mild Tnnlre- coiner of Wash ington iMrnur nnd eighteenth Mrt-et, III eald City of Cairo, hi Mrxanilrr county und -tatc of Illinois, nil I lie. right, title anil Inlere.-t of tabt Henry Iluukrr or Ids msslgiis. In and to lots nurtbeicd 17 (seventeen), and IS (eighteen) In block mimlered it (twenty-one), In the t-'ourth iddltion lo said city ol aim, according to the icconlcd plat thcieof, with tlinpiiirleniinre, to satisfy Ihe purpose and condition of mid .Mort gage. S .sT A is TAYI.UK, KIIWIV PAHsON'si. Tniitee ol the I nlro City t'roiverty. tinted, Cairo, 111., December .1th, leTI. .Notice Uliercbv given that default having lieen made for mure than i-ltyil.iy In the payment of a portion of the amount ccurd to l- iaid by a certain Mortgage cxceilled by llebercn.1. (.kie to samuel Mnat Tu lnr nud IMivin l'ur-oiu, Trustees of the I alro Cltv Properly, dated Jtaich .loth, ls7J, rrconlud In lnr liecordcr'a ottlre. In ntul for Alexiindercoiiiitv, lu the Male of llll noli,, in Hook "I" or Ueisls, wseoi,, vie, ino underdgneil, "aid Trustees, will, on .snlind-iy, the Ullidavof January next, A D lsi.1, nt 10 o'clock In "die foirnoonof that day, under nml bevirtueof theponrrof Kile coiitahieil In mid -Vlortgage, nil, ut Public Auction, to Ihe highest bidder, lor cash, nt Ihrotllre building ol mill Trusties, coiner of Washington Avenue and Kli-htrentli sluet. In mid ( Ity or Culm, In 'lex under county nnd state of Illinois, nil llierlf ht, lltlrnnd Inteu-t of mid 1,'ilrerii J Clotror her assigns. In nmllololM-i-nd end 1 (01 e),i (tu 0), 3 (tliu-e), 1 (liair), 8 (live). II t-lxi. 7 (n-veii), S (eight), ll (nine), in blork mtnitrieil ss (eiphty elglit) In Ihe fust nddilion to the nud city or Cairo, accorilmg to .le lerorded plnl llieienf, Willi Hie 111 purtenaniri lo satisfy the purpi tea nud condition of nildMoitgns-e ... s- STAAT's TXYI.OIt, 1.1 WIS f VliSi NS, Trusties of the Cslro l Ity l'rn erty, Dated, Cairo, 111., December lull, Is, I. Notlee Is hereby given that default having been made for mole than sixty i'.aj m 'be payment of a Jioillon of the amount secured to be pnfd by 11 eerlam Miinr a eM-cuU-d by Willbim Fltpatiak to smuiitl Maats Taylor and l.diihl I'uimiiis. I 1 :'' the Cairo 1 Ity l'ro erty, dsinl Jibn..iy .'.th, lesa, leconhsl In the Keconler'-. Olll.e in nnd for Alexander eounty. In tli.- tat" 1 1 Himi in, In Hook "1"' iirdiitU.iiiipeiM. wr, lb under fclgliwl, said TTu.lrrs, will, oil f-altn . Iho (Mh day of .linimry next, A. I Is. 10 o'clock Intbel'ilenonnor tin-: ' av re lei a-I bv virtue of the power 01 .ale .-. 1 1 one - I 1 a..l Mortgage, sell, nl Publli- Aui-tl.-n. t U I. 1i estbuliler, lor null, nt lite olll.e lu ui in of said T riiities, curuerof M usldri-l..n u-ee nnd Klghtreuth sinvt, hi suld I IU -J l -or ) exauder comity und Mate of III.; nil the light, title and lutruvit of said W ill 1111 Htz p.rtriek or lil aligns, in and to lot niimt eiel IJ (live), In block unlabeled I (one) luI .eM-cotid Addition to said C Ity or Cairo, according to the r ' ' .'1 1 .r ..-in, Oi inioiiitiiiames. reconuM i . .. '""'''. ; ,,r i,i lo HitUfy Hie mtTIHiPi- hum " .: .... ' ' S, M'. AT.s T VYI Oil, Jiorigage, KDVVIN r.llii-s, T nuters of the Cairo City l'roiierty alro, 111 , December Kill, ts7l. Dated, Cairo, NotllB - . - . . I.. Is hereby given that default Having w """.e lor llioie mini ... -- - , , , uortlou of the nnioiiiit secuiisl to be paid by certi 11 Mortgage exei-utisl by, t m 1 to tee of Ihe 1 11 ro city t'loperly. ilateil .'lay llth. ItliV recorde.1 In tfic Ummler's olUce. In ami lor Alexander county In the Mate of Illinois, In Hook "P" of deeds, page ICO, we, Ihe linder gned, said Tlii.tee, will, 0 n btunl. Ibe iitb dv of January next, A 1 l.s.S. t 1? man i.iy u., u. .ii ij o'clock In the forenoon of ihat day, iimier auu wr ilrtue or Hie isiwer 01 muiouira ... Mortgane. fell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at llie.oruce building ofwW Tvuilees, corner ui m 111111 . 1 . Eighteenth street, In said city ol Cairo, In Alex ander county and tate of llllnoU, all the rlM, title and lntere.t of said m. Ciuslit 1 or hi signs, in and to lot numbered Si (thlrty'tJM block numbered 111 (iweuty-one) In the J ourta Addition to said city of Cairo, according to Utt recorded plat thereof, with the sppurtenjnce, to satisfy the and eooJitlon of sal Mortuait. 3. STAAT9 TAY LOB, Trustees of the Cairo Cttr rwTYg'u. Dstisi CsUo, 111., P. ttb, 17.