OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, December 21, 1875, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1875-12-21/ed-1/seq-2/

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rtatlre couvn
labllcan member ol
, voted It Spring-
Si rttoUitioii. ':
eJslitMii wcni
WT'trho TotW again!
rtfanlHkeH term rMoluuoti
tlMt Friday, lUprcteiitatira Hurt zell
Introduced a bill in the llottso to divide
tke WMfttt IHtholi Into tlirce Judicial
Jot ci liat been awljruetl to the cliarr?
of the falldfy of cells occupied by the
negro convict, and acta as monitor of
the blacks, reporting all transgressions of
the rulcst JIhejopportiinltles for getting
up a ring of nor kind arc smnll.
Tsnc Saturday's Isjuc of tlie Me luphls
Aralanche was far more Interesting to the
proprlctorsrof that paper than to its read
ers. 'It l-onUtned a dozen closely-printed
pages, more or les, of delinquent tux
list State, county and municipal.
Olive Louan dow not draw well this
season. Just t venty-five persons lis
tened to her lecture in Lincoln last wi
Somebody ought to hint to Olive
the people like new things, and she Is
old, very old and stale. And test's
what's the matter with Olive.
Ei.Din Cannon ol Salt Lake, member
ol congress, has ouu of his wives with
him In Yfnalilueton this winter. The
rest arc at home, and we vcu
ture the opinion that the "cannon's open
ing roar"' on the Held ol Waterloo wasn't
a clrcurnstaucc to the Cannous' roar in
the liouso of tke elder these days.
Wit. M. Hrutsaen, author ot tlie aiilt-third-term,
resolution, Is a Methodist
When questioned as to how he came to
Introduce the resolution, lie said :
"Gkntlkmkx I am a Methodist, hut 1
am onuosed to a third term. So when
Bishop Haven down tltcra lu llostou the
other day put Grant up for another term
I thought I would show the country that
all Metbodlsts were not lor urunt, ana i
wanted to see just how Congress steod
an, tlie same question.
lion. Horace II. Page, whose name oc
curs among the eighteen third-termers in
congress, Is a linn friend to General
Grant. Ob Friday last, he Introduced the
-tit jawf rt n 0v.!ut)ln
"Whrrxab. The constitution of the
uuea suiei, a irameu uy uia miners ui
t . T . . t... ill
went itirtncr man no must uu uauve
L. 1 r I .,. -...l ,iM,. ...
RttoUU. That In tha ludtment of this
house the right or Mectur; eamdUltte
lor the office of president can only bo law
lullv exercised by the people under the
existing coastltutlonal restrictions, and
has never been delerated by the people to
the house of representatives or to auy of
tlie members of the lame, and mat any
attempt by the house of represenativas to
limit or forestall the public will, on a
question of such Importance, is an inva
sion of tke powers reserved by tlio peo
ple a, large, to be freely exercised y
them without any intefarance from any
leglalatlve body whatever.
Republicans and Democrats greeted
the resolution with laughter, aud It was
defeated by a vote of thirty to eighty
Governor Porter, ot Tennessee, has
respited the two colored murderers who
were to have been banged at Memphis on
the day before Christmas, and that city
will not celebrate the season of "peace ou
earth, good will to men," by a hanging,
us had leen arrange, tttotv una "Wil
liams will ba hung two weeks from Sat
urday. JcOerson, another condemned
murderer, has had his sentence com
muted to imprisonment for life, in
consideration of his praise-worthy
conduct on a late occasion. " Jef
ferson," says the Memphis Atalancht,
"aside from the crime ot which he was
convicted, has borne a good reputation.
During his Imprisonment he has behaved
himself well, aud at the time of the es
cape of Captain White and others from
the jail ,allhough au opportunity ol es
cape was afforded him, lie did not em
brace It, but prevented a general delivery
by shutting the Jail door, placing his
back against it, and keeping back the
priiotierf. The commuting of his sen
tence to imprisonment for life is generally
regarded as proper and Just lu view of
this service rendered the jailor aud his
The near prospects of the building ot the
Cairo and TenaeMte Klver railroad, and
an appreciation ol the Immense advan
tage It will prove to the country through
which It will run,has excited In the Mem
phis peepU a desire to secure a branch
of the road from oi favorable point
aleng Its Hue, to Memphis, 'rue A,-r.i
of a late dste sajrs :
It seems that the people of Cairo and
St. J.ouls are about to extend the narrow
gauge road now ruunlug from St. Louis
to Cairo, toward Clifton, on the Tennes
see river, there to meet the Pulaski road,
aud thus draw the trade ot the Tennes
see river counties aud of tho counties In
the Southern portion of Middle Tennes
see to St. T.ouls and Cairo. This road
from Pulaski may alto con
nect with ' the MIddlctuu and
Ripley road, and then go toward the gulf.
Will Memphis stand by and see this Im
portant road pass by her, both going
north aud south, rather than raUu the
small amount necessary to build It
through this county Active ageuts have
been employed on liberal terms to secure
a sufficient subscription to build the road
from Cairo to Cllhuu. While we have
bjsen talking about a railroad to Kansas
Clty,,Colonl Hulbert, one of the ablest
railroad men In the South, has secured
aUcriptlen enough to build a narrow
fang railroad from Kansas City to St.
louls, there to connect with the Cairo
ajsd ft. Louis road.
Tlstrf h BO doubt but that tho Cairo
nd Tennessee Itlvcr railroad will prove
ono of the most advantageous railroad
enterprises In which this city Is inter
ested, ilo far, the rond has not
aroused that personal or general
Interest among our people which lt'ls en
titled to receive; In fact our citizens have
not taken much stock In It, literally or
otherwise. It will he u powerful arm,
reaching from Cairo down Into Kentucky
and Tenntjxca, and will gather tha rich
trade from some oi tlio llncjst portions ot
those States, and throw It Into the liuinW
of our commercial and business men.
Hut it is too true, that, as a means which
is to open up to us a new nventic of trade
aud commerce and consequent additional
prosperity, Its importance to our city Is
far more highly appreciated abroad than
It Is at home.
Mr. Itaiidall's proiiosed iimeudineiit to
the constitution provides that "after tlie
next presidential election the president
hall hold ofllco for six years, mid that
neither the president nor the vice-presi
dent, wheu the ollke of president de
volves upon him, shall b eligible for re
the kljfr ork limit J approves of this
aniendnsfRas "the motion ot a man who
vindicates by It his claim to the leadership
of the Democratic majority in the house."
The Herald carumends it to Republicans
and Democrat "iihd propose to thu lat
ter "ati act ot high statesmanship lu deal
ing with this question, which, although
startling at tlrst, will, the more It Is con
prove Itself to the
wisdom ol
lug proposition of the Herald
nocrats to pass the amend-
4 -form that It will extend
'a term tor two more
n other words, let tlio amend
ment be passed so that President Grant
will hold over until 187S. Thencefor
ward the tenure of the olllce will be six
years aud ono term.
The reasons given by the Herald why
It would bo politic aud proper to split
the diflereuce with Gen. Grunt and give
him half of another presidential term are
briefly, that by this measure the Dcmoc
racy would win all parties to the adop
tlon of thu amendment. It would sit
Isfy the trlends of President Grant and
meet the approval of conservative
Republicans who dread thu un
certainty ot au election aud
would welcome Its postponement
Americans generally who see
our president a conspicuous aud illus
trlous figure would manfully consent
pay liliu this new tribute of respect
a now recognition of his military fame
aud his services to the country.
'I his is very complimentary to Grant
aud no doubt, susceptible as he Is known
to be to flattery, will be rolled as a sweet
morsel under his tongue, liut, turning
to another column in the Herald, of the
same date, lu an article on "Grant and the
whisky ring," we And him charged with
"a very grave dereliction of oflicial duty
President Grant would seem to have
disinclination to the close labor which
his olllce Imposes. While he likes its
dignity, splendor mid emolument, he is
bored by Its duties, and spends as large
a portion of his time as possiblo nwuy
from the capital. tVc have no doubt
mat me greater part ol the corruptions
which have grown up under his admin
istration is the consequence of his dis
taste for publls business and of the feeble
sense of responsibility which is its natural
accompaniment. It would, of course, be
exceedingly humiliating to the
President to have his private secrotary
convicted, but the President hlmselt
would be no further Implicated than for
tho indolent neglect for which he has
been notorious throughout his udmlnli.
tratlon. Wo trust we may never have
another traveling, Junketing, pleasure
seeking President, who hates business,
shirks minor resnonslbilltloa and nrnferM
every other place to Washington.
And tlie Herald seriously proposes In
the same paper in which it hopes that we
may never have another one like him, to
give this "traveling, Junketing, pleasure-
seeking 1'rciIUcnt, who hates business,
alltrba minor t-ttnmi.tl.llUI. ..,.1 e
1 .......... .... - . iitu iiivicr
every other place to Washington," two
years more of thu Presidency.
editorial jt ntr..
George II. Pendleton spends the
winter In Florida for the benefit of his
daughter's health.
The cercmoni
ceremony ot christening the
steamer, Grand Republic, was performed
by Mrs. W. 11. Boas, a lady of Caroa-
In the beginning of January, sixteen
new cardinals are to be cieatcd, in order
to (111 up all the existing vacancies In the
college of cardinals.
Thu Indications are that the congres
sional visit to Philadelphia did some
good, And that the members are now dis
posed to vote the million aud u half to
the association.
SprinKtleld llcqUter: "lint after the
holiday recess is over tlie music will be
gin aud will fill' the air. Babcock and
l.Inegnr, Munn and a host of other Re
publicans will peiTonn in public, and will
dance to the tuno of "Tho Devil take the
the Washington correspondent of
the New York Sun says that Tom Scott's
frieads are very much demoralised over
tho passage of the antt-subsldy bill: "SHU
they claim that it really does not mean
anything. They are confident that thu
wwmlttcQ on Pacltiu railroads will
he favorable to w..w wthume, and
expect to get a strong "report therefrom.
In this, however, they may bo disap
pointed, bat the Indications arc that
Speaker Kerr will make tho committee as
favorablo as possible to the enterprise.
It was noticeable to-day that Mr. Randall
was one ot Ilolman's moot active aud
earnest supporters, and he was especially
emphatic In his response o( 'Aye,' when
his name was reached ou the roll."
(lu Nee TIiciii.
Buder Brothers, Jewelers, coiner of
Eighth street and Washington uvcnuu,
is ono of the oldct and most reliable
bubiuess linns In Southern Illinois. Tlicy
have tho best of workmen lu their estab
lishment, aud manufacture to order any
thing in their line witli dispatch and of
the llncst material. Their stock of Jew
elry Is elegant and Is one of tho largest
aud best ever brought Into lift) State.
the commit
is ioewmt
vKonBIEllv PrswiHi
. Ll of .ComrnirteomofiV
Namos of Somo of tlio Most Im
portant Selections.
Morrison, or Illinois, Chairman of
Ways and Means.
(i.tcliil to tlio St. Louis ltiiulilic!iu.
WASiUNiiro. I. C. Dec. Hi. At the
eleventh hour .Mr. ICcrr resolved upon u
unmleto revl-lon of the committee list
as heretofore contemplated, and the an
nouncement ol his appointments, when
made to-morrow, will astound thu mem
bers very nearly as much ns the publlcat
large. The speculations heretoloru will
will bo found to b as wide ol't lie mark
lu iuo4t cases as anything possibly can
be. Kxcepting tho appropriations and
nclflu railroad committees, which will
be nbout as heretofore Indicated in these
dispatches, the committees will be found
to nave ocen 1 11 mi a up ot members Who
have never been referred to in connec
liou with the committees to which Mr.
Ktrr has assigned them.
Ai me Hour mis m written una
ilclit Mr. Kerr Is still immersed In his
pleted that he refuses to make any of his
n..,l I, I. r,.. ..nl.l I. ..I....
pnomtmenis tiumtc. J lie loiiowinir.
however, may be relied on m generally
correct, and the report to congress Is
pretty sure to vary very little from It. In
every caso the member tlrst mimed U
chairman :
Elections Mx. llr-t...., -ruirinia.
Wots unu Means Messrs. Morrison,
Illinois; Wood, New York; Hancock,
lexus: tjuapiu, .Massacnusetts ; inn,
Georgia; Thomas, Maryland: Tucker,
Virginia; limine, .Maine; ivcny, renn-
lyvnnla; liurciiaru. Illinois; unrueiu,
Annrouriallons Messrs. Randall, Pu.;
Ifolman, lud. ; Wells, Mo.; Blount, Ga.;
Atkins. Tcnn.: Slnulctoti. Miss.: Ham
ilton, X. .1. : Wheeler, N, Y. ; Foster, O,;
Wall rou. Allen.
Hanking anu currency Messrs. uox,
X. Y. ; l'nyni!, O.
Paeltio railroad Lamar, Miss. ; At
kins, Tenn. ; I'hllllps. Mo.; Throck
morton, Tux. ; Walker, Va.; Lynde,
Wit.; Luttrell. Cal. ; riatt. . .i liar
Held, O.; O'Xelll, Pa.; Blair. S. II.
Seven of the thirteen members of this
committee voted tor Ilolman's autl-biib-sidy
Claims Mr. Bright, Tennossc.
War Claims Mr. Eden, Illinois.
Commerce Messrs. Hereford, West
Virginia; Reagan, Texas; Blper, Cali
fornia ; Durnnd, Michigan : Wurtl, New
York Kehr. Missouri ; teuton, Geor
gia ; Kasson, Iowa.
Posl-otllue and Post Roads Mr.Clarkc,
Mauulacturer Mr. Stone, .Missouri.
Agriculture Mr. Harris. Georgia.
Indian Aflalrs Mr. Scales, North Caro
Military AITaiw Mr. Banning, Ohio
District of Columbia Mr. Buckucr,
Judiciary Mr. Knott, Kentucky.
Public Expenditures-Mr. Mllilkcn,
Private Land Claims Mr. Gunther.
Naval Affairs Mr. Wlilttlironc, Ten
ucssce. Foreign Aflalrs Mr. Swann, Mary'
Territories Mr. Southard, Ohio.
Railways and Ciiuals M. Jones, Ken
Mines and Mining Mr. Bland, Mis
Education and Labor Mr. Walker,
Revision of U. S. laws -.Mr. Sayler,
Ulilo, prouaniy.
Coinage, Weights and Measures Mr.
Stephens, Georgia.
Public Buildings and Grounds Mr.
Holmau, Indiana.
Besides appropriations, Mr. Blaine is
on the committees on rules and Centen
nial. Prof. Seclye, of Massachusetts, Is,
at the suggestion of Lis friends, placed
on Indian affairs, coinage, weights aud
measures. Willi tho exception of Seclye
the Independents have all been booked as
Democrats, mid Imvo been disposed
among tlie committees as new pciiio
cratlc members. Banks is put second on
foreign affairs. The Wood troublo was
settled by placing him second on ways
ami means.
It will bo noticed that the committees as
hero presented are organized with entire
disregard to their composition in past
years, anu it is saiu uy Mr. lvcrr's menus
that he lias aimed mainly to so form
Munn kn to guard every avenue by which
Irauds anU Totis couuv tie put through
congress. That has been the first ob
ject, and with this view tho committees
which offer the best opportunities for leg-
isiation.oi iiiiskiuu nuye oecn placed in
charge of men of undoubted
Integrity. Au example of this
is seen in tlio assignment
of Morrison ns chairman ot ways and
means. Kerr was stubbornly deter
mined not to place Wood in that place,
and almost us linn ngalust the appoint
ment of Cox. Morrison is a now mem
ber, but; really more competent than
cither Wood or Cox for the position,
while his integrity is beyond suspi
cion. Another committee which gave great
troublo was the District of Columbia,
and the selection of Buckner will be rec
ognized by all who know him ns a guar
antee against tlio continuance of the dis
trict rings. So with postofllces and post
roads. The Democratic majority will
haven vigilant uiul safe guardian In John
B. Clmke, Jr.
Gets tho chairmanship of four commit
tees. These honors falling on Clarke,
Buekuer, Stone and Blnnd. Besides this
Well Is given tho third place on appro
priations, which ranks ns high as a chair
manship and tho second place on public
building ; Kehr, sixth on commerce.
Hatcher Is on public lauds and Mlsls
slppi river: Morgan, Indian aflalrs; Phil
lips, Paellio railroad ; Franklin, terri
tories ; Kca, agriculture; DeBoldt, elec
tions, and Glover, military ufl'alrs.
Illinois gets two chalruianhlps given to
Morrison and Eden. Caullleld goes
on judiciary; Harrison on publlu build
lnun; Campbell, mines ami, iinK;
Uagby, i;nitons; who, banking nud
currency; Springer, lorclgn affairs;
Stevenson, district ol Columbia; Cannon,
post-ofllce and post-roads; Sparks, re
vision of United Slates Iuivk; llarf.ell,
patents ; and Antlcr.-on, agriculture.
tiNroitjimi coMMirrKKs.
Tim various committees on expendi
tures in the different departments are so
far unformed that it would bo Idle even
at this hour to Indulge in speculations
regarding flieiii, and It Is oven barelv
poMilblu that they may not ho reported
to-morrow. It seems likely that the plan
to inako live committees of them will fall
through, and It may turn out that Mr.
Kerr. has had to follow the old plan, aud
till them out with nonentities.
I'lvo Hundred I.iiiUeN' lirnver Clonka.
We are going to sell them at pilccs that
will enable every lady to own a stylish
and well made garment. A good beaver
cloak lroni $2 WJ to 2."i.
'J-lS-lw JliMi.iiHo.v At Wi:ii..
A ajathci-iiiir i ttatlnauiaMed Men its
iioriumnni nam.
I'lltt.llil'l.l'itii llfiTinlinr IS At II.-.
banquet glVou totho distinguished Visi
tors from Wushlntton to-duy, Mr. Bullitt
explained tho dimensions of the Centen
nial numiing ami said tney would cover
more ground Him IIhkp of nntr nvlilhl.
tiotl of modem times. Alrcadv
morc than one half of the space
has been taken by foreign govern
ments. Spcakliif of the coat he said it
Would be S0.721.8.1). What whs neednl
to complete the vork was $1,537,010.
airuKcr urgco upon me representa
tives of thu government to consider llm
Importance of tlinexliililtlnn nml In nl.
ford the menus mcessnry to tlulsh the
work. Whatever prestigo may result
from its success wll Inure to tho credit
of our country.
To tho toast, "llie President of the
Dulled Slates." Pmldeut Grant bowed
hi acknowledgment
Chief Justice Wnlti rcsnondlnv to tlm
toast, "the Suureine rourf fifth llnttpil
.States." thanked tin people of Phlladel-
piuii iur win iiimisnue reception, mill
trusted tho great cent would prove u
"1 he Senate of thpthilteil Statci' wan
responded to liv Seintor Morton, who
snld Hint Philadelphia and Pennsylvania
ii.iii uuue nu tuey corn', nnu lie ueneveu
that the other States would come for
ward If thu exposition was carried out
aud he had no doubt that it would be
the (fenerations vet to come who would
cherish our memories ns we do those of
our ancestors cf one hundred years ago.
lion. John Hancock, of Texas, responded
ii7 ' rcsaiu the dillercneo of opinion
between the two sections had passed
away In the great desire to help the pat
1(1 lilt inriBT I hu MrutiAikl l iiikfuCun't
riotic movement which wouiu take place
next year. He expressed astonishment
at the great progress made on the build
lug". Gov. Bedloc.of New Jersey, responded
to toast, "Tlie Governor's of severl
States." He said the government was
right in leaving to the pcoplo the great
work at first, but now It was time for
congress to take part In the great exposi
tion. Agriculture, tho basis of the prosper
ity ot the nation," was responded to by
c. 11. uarrison, oi Illinois, unu lie spoke
eloquently lu lavor of the great exposi
tion. Commerce, the handmaid of all other
Industries lu exchutmo of commodities
among our own people and with foreign
nations, was responueu to uy .tames u.
uiainc, who made a witty nduress. clos
ing with complimentary remarks to
Pennsylvania, nml what she had done
during the century drawing to un end.
tiov. nawicy, Jonu liaucroit and John
Walsh made short addresses, and the re-
edition was brought to a close.
in the evening Horticultural liall was
Illuminated. Most of the gentlemen from
mishlngtoii returned on tho evenlnj:
train. The piesldent, however, with
other distinguished officials, remained
for the reception of thu Saturday night
ix Tnr.
w. i,. RKissrei.').
Just received aud lor sale a nice variety
otediblcf,(oy,otc, consisting in part of
Dried Ueef,
Deviled Tongue,
Buckwheat Flour,
White Syrup,
N. O. Syrup,
X. O. Molasses,
Canned llaspb's,
" Ulackbfs,
" Peachen,
" Salmotj,
" Lobsters,
, " Pumpkin,
Dried Hasph's,
" Blackb's,
Pitted Cherries',
Bn;nkfat Bacon,
Deviled Hani,
Bo.is Kindlcr,
Tool Chests,
Saws and Bucks,
Mouth Organs,
Ituhber balls,
Etc., Etc.,
Seedless Ilalsins,
London Layer; "
Cal. Jellies,
Mince Meat,
Boiled Cider,
Sweet "
Mixed oiw"'
Which jileaie examine uud piicu before
purchasing elsewiicre.
IS-HMir. W. L. Bmsroi..
Xo. '.VI Eighth street.
Oyster, Fish
)'e will sellj hereafter, our goods at
the following prices, and solicit the pat
ronage of the public:
Family brands per can 35 cents.
Staudards, per, can 45 cents.
Select, per can) SO cents.
Select, extra, per can 05 cents.
Tub oysters, per 100 $1 00
Chicago Trout and Whitc.ll cts. per lb.
Game, Pan Fish. ... 10 and 1! cts. per lb.
Of all descriptions constantly ou hand,
consisting of wild turkey, squirrels and
Family groceries very cheap lor cash.
TUA and com: k .
Made a speculty. Give us a trial.
Ml! ATS,
Cheaper than the cheapest.
12-:j.f. W.M. Wixtkh, Jn., & Co.
t'lirlMlrunw I'reacntN.
As usual, Phil Saup, the klnu of Cwiro
(.u..ivciiiiMuru, 1... o (.wine to tho trout rank
with the largest aud best stock of toys
and candies ever brought to the city.
For two weeks, ho has .been at work
night aud day, arranging tho presents
and good tilings which havo been arriv
ing daily in large quantities, and ho Is
now prepared to ftiruMi parents with
presents and sweetmeats for their llttlo
ones suitable for Chlstmus presents, at
tlio very lowest prices. His stock of
French and American candles Is une
qualled In Southern Illinois, and his
stock of toys Is unusually large, aud of
the .boat and strongest make. No ono
should buy before inspecting his store,
where they will he sure to find what they
want. 12-0-lm
Tbe Leeluraa.
A series ot four lectures are yet to be
given under tho auspices of tho Library
Association, ns follows:
" 21st Mri. G.G. Alvord;
" 28th-Dr. Horace Warduer ;
Jim. 4th-Dr. G. G. Porker.
Waterproof nud Flnnuel.
Wo offer at reduced rates, best black
waterproof, nt J0 ccnts
Hkilbhon & Wril.
rr tbe Weekly Hnllrlln.
Persons wishing advertisements or lo
eal notices Inserted In tho Weekly Bum.k
tin, should hand In the copy by Tues
day noon, of each week.
J to Harlmnn,
Ifyounnntto get a good uud cheap
Buck or Kid Glove, at New York prices,
be sure and go to D. Hartman's, corner
Sixth strcot and Commercial avenue.
Iloan Tweed round Dead.
Tlio New York Herald of the Uth
makes no mention of this, but the Cairo
Bulletin does mention thu tact that
Hoilbron &, Well Is the cheapest place In
the city to get your Holiday goods.
I'linnge of Aitilrrva-PoiKl'ft Exlriivt.
This wonderful healing Pain Destroyer
seoma likely to acfpilrp equal popularity
lu Europe to that It has already won in
Amerlcn. So rapidly are salos Increas
ing, that new and cxtcnslre premises
have Just been taken at 4S2 Oxford street,
Loudon, whero every convenience Is now
provided for the Immcnrc demand.
l'or ttnlo.
Hudnut's Grits, (flue) $1 M)
" " (coarse 4 50
" Hominy 4 20
i,. o.i...ria,inr 71 !f'J
New Oilcans Molas.-es
C. M. Howf.& Bito.,
134 Ohio Levee, Cairo.
12-1 5-tf
A Uouil I'lllt'f lit Htljr,
A. Hulley's new store Is certainly one
of the best arranged of the kind to be
found In the city, uud what is bettor, tit
has so arranged his prices that many arc
taking advantage of tint Opportunity of
fered to buy stoves, tiuwarc,etc.,chener
than ever known In Cairo. Call ou Hal
Icy, 115 Commercial avenue, next doer to
the Arab engine house. 9-30-:f.
I.rnap Expiring.
Our leiue expiring the Ut of the yur.
to save expenses we shall lor the balance
ol this month sell our humeuse stocc of
mens and boys' clothing, irrespective o
value to get it into immediate cash. Un
usual bargains may be expected.
Hkiluiion A Wkm.
112 and 1 II Commercial uveut.
Tlicj'tv (lot it.
For every description of flue and biuti
tlful Jewelry, of the very latct patterns
and styles, go to Butler Brothers, corner
ot Eighth street and ashington avenue.
This firm has just received one of the
largest and best stocks ever broujU to
Cairo which they are selling at the rerv
lowest prices. All will do well to five
mem a can neiorc nu) tug at oiner place
At IIUdar'H.
The most buautiftil stock of jewelry to
he found lu Southern Illinois, is now
on exhibition and for sale by lludcr
Brothers. They aro prepared to furnish
buyers with any article that may be desir
ed, and warrant satlslactlon. Tlieymautt
facturo to order watches, docks, rings,
lockets, uud everything that may be de
sired, and for proficiency in making fair
work, they stand second to none hi the
country, uive tliem a call, anu see lor
yonrseives. la-o-am.
Notice nt Heiuoval.
C. Koch has removed his boot and
shoo shop from tho old stand to his
now brick building (one block below),
Xo. 90 Commercial avenue, between
Fifth and Sixth streets, where he will
keep the best homo made and St. Lou!
custom made boots nud shoes, made of
the best material ; good workmanship
mid lu tho latest styles. All orders
promptly attended to. 9-23-tf.
The City Ilnkery.
Attention is called to the card of the
City Bakery, to be found in thla uu.
Mr. Hi'i-v tle proprietor, has by
uiuustry nud fair dealing, established a
lucrative business. When you want any
thing lu his line give him a cull.
A rina Nlurk.
Win. Elders desires to Inform his pat
rons anil tho public generally, tliat he has
now ou hand a large stock of French aud
German Calf, Kip and Morocco, aud Is
prepared to. manufacture, for store and
oflice wear, the finest of Morocco or Calf
Skin Shoes or Boots ; aud for farmers,
draymen and out-door wear generally, his
French Kip stands above anything ever
offered in this market. His Lasts arc of
the latest stylos, and he can guarantee a
lit and saturation to all his patrons.
I.utllfK' Caailuiore U'ritnuera nutl
Wo have ou hand n large and well se
lected stock of wrappers, stilts of tho
very best styles, and guaranteed equal to
any goods In the country ut double the
money. Xo one desiring to purchase
Christmas presents should full to examine
our prices. Cull early to avoid the
crowd. Hkiluiion t Wkil.
12-18-1 w
The I'uahlonublo Color.
Black continues to he the stylish color,
and many ladles of unquestioned good
taste have adopted It as their staudard
wear. There is no doubt that a good
black silk dress Is the very best invest
ment Uiut any lady can make. Any lady
who wishes to make such an investment
should call nt once on J. Burger Jc Co.,
who havo an excellent assortment of
black silks which they are oflerlng as low
as the samo goods can bo bought to-day
in Xew York city. Ladles are Invited to
call aud see for themselves.
Tho WhlNky Ring- una, Urnnt.
The peoplo ol Cairo engaged yesterday
In considerable discussion of tho late turn
of aflalrs in tho whisky ring. Some were
loud lu the opinion that since Grant has
concluded to stand by Babcock, Innocent
or guilty, Mutm would stand a good
chance to escape also. Others expressed
a contrary opinion, hat all were alike
agreed that Burger's is the place to go to
buy cheap holiday presents, beautiful
scarfs, ncck-tlcs and ribbons, and the best
of gloves for ladies aud children, and kid
gloves at most temptingly low prices,
THUImlf of alnick lioune, containing- four
rooms, corner I'lltftntli ami L'rilaratreel.
IM7-lf. I). Ilklll.
Flftan VA&m mua vnu nnulil irAt Am tta(A
VI VK CentH, aud Everybody amoked tlicm. Durina the war fold west up to BOO.
aud Cigars want up. accordingly. Quid has iron back, but Otrara m to hold
their own . Why la tbla r It in owinir, to a certain atant, to tha aiTanaadooat it
manufaotura Inaklllad lalor and OOTammant ta.x.hut taa. a ilYl m t.r ..- T
aredleulo'ia faahlonof faolluiraatiamed to
La Piocadura,
- OK -
(Tli iiuniinirtnrfrs l.r tin- tine of tmlrnttd MhcIiIiktit trie riialiM lo liuike (lie iiborr caleliraled
C'lKirat n rot of tnrntjr-iicrrii k.t o;ut Iras tlinn tlicr MaMifrdiirvr vu prixlucat Cigar of
niiml iiu'itliy, Hum kIWiik tlilrnviits an opporlilntt r lu iiiil (lnukrrs Willi mixrior 10 rDt
Cli;r tor j rnlaj pliirr lufoteimr pattern a
mmm mmi mi unu
Tlie iniiiufuctnirrarr'Oi;iilrltiL' Itir Tact that tlie maturity of qiniU'ruiiitrer to buy tbalr Clr
limy ntetl thrill, lmf uilnptol tin- i.tHn of luwuinx the iniilorltr, inirj. of thr minority ( I
i.Vfll iur ruiu. uy bvuuir. ?iiikiv . iKr ut iiiu nine mir ui, urv, tro, illLr , or n UOX
llr uninlntlnit alnpr afrnu'V In a city, thy coiKviitmU thlr buaiuc, rrduc their iaiw ami
llnv, and ket-p ut llifiiiilltjriif the luar, lot tlm runtnal nlvaiitar ol thrinf If n, tlie coo.
limit, dim awr Htfi;i'H.
Civ thom a Trial
Sole Agents. Cairo, 111b.
Read! Read! Read!
Havo Reduced their Entiro Stock
To -a rale necr Mux offm-1 In Dili rll,. .Xia
in wi ahd iw mnm we
Ill ourllry-tioodi Dqnirtmtnt we atllt glf
To tTerjboJy who lmjn to the amount of icren ilollara.
tyiihf ut atrial anl t wilt roninc yoll that we inraii what we lay
142 & 144 Commercial Avenue.
It ll-Cn.
Importer and Wholesale Dealer In
Wines and Liquors,
Keops a full atock of
Koixtrixolur Bourraon,
Monongahela, Rye and Robinson County
otitiiiiuil III thv Unlltil
hlutt-1, Cunuiln, nml Ku
rupe ; tcrnu ut low h$
tlioeofany other relhi
lit - limue. CnrrtiiKiii.
ilence Intitnl In the Knir-
1 1 ill nml foreign language, with lnrentorn, .t
tnniej nt iiw, anil uthi-r MolicllorM, rs.rilly
wltli thine who hae h:ul thvircven irjecliillu
ttieliumli of other attorney.. In njertnl cjin
our feci are n-rnonalilH, anil no rlmtK'i.- 1. inmlc
tmltas we are BUCtcssfiil.
IT ynu want a jut
(.nt.ftanil ua tt (titxlcl
nr .ketrth ami u
full ilei-crilitlon of
ivnii r liuiiitlon.
We will nuke an
exatuliiatlniiut the uitrnt onii e. uml If wc think
It patentable, will semi J oil miei uii'l mlvlce,
ami imi.ccutc ronr cue. Our ice will he In or
Miliary cum-J, tl
linil or Wllllcn III nmunt if
imiiiKt" lutentit.f
I'uteut Imh ami II
Invention.. h'WAn
Hefrrrnrvi ! I IHH
Hon M l). Ur-I I 11
eett, Ex-CominU.loner of I'utentu,
Cl.vdand, Ohio O. II. Kelley, Ka'., Peo'y
National Orange, Loui.ville, Kv Coinmoilor
Oan'l Ammen, U. S. N., Waihlngtnn, L. U.
3.eml Htainji for our "(iulile for obtuln
IliKl'ateDts," n book ntlM jiugeJ.
Atldrea. : l.onlw HiiKKvr A Co., Solid
tor, of I'atenti, Wnsliliigton, II. C.
Manufacturer of
Fashionable Boots and Shoes
Wathlniitou avc, between Otli and 10th St.
A 'll IliiarantaailnrWoHalB.
FOltthc .ieedycur af Seminal WeakneM.
Ixit Manhood and all dliarden brouabi
on by Indltcretlona or txevu. Any UruggUt
ha. the ingredient.
Addreat , Dr. K. HILTON ft CO .
MT-Uw-1v Cincinnati. O
' i i i ii ii i in i i i
Wagon Maker,
Manufaotura hla own Bora Shoaaand
can Aaaura Oood Work.
n Olnr ai vau urnulrl w jal aM.k.
call for a live oant Olgar.
filled cm rou five cot
and b Coaviacd.
in both their Stores, Conaiitiai of
attention la C1M lu our flotilla Departtnaat,
cah be beat ik hices ok qualities,
Hut iiroi'nicil the rrvlv of one of tlianio.t
i 111 Hit Chlfttl Slitlf 4. nml N prrparctl to
IN Ml 111
In hi. line that cannot be excelled by any
ilealernny where,
All lilmU of t'linillra, Oriinmauted
Cuiiillca ol liny nrrlilou, atlc.
I.. II AKlf, Calm.
II. K. Akin, Chicago
Zi. D. Akin, eft Co.,
Dealers In
Harness 1 Saddles,
Whips, Collars, Etc.
103 Commercial Avenue, - - - CAIBO, IIXI.
d-Tliose favnrinE iii with their patron.a.
will II ml it complete Ilueof good, from which to
.elect, ut bottom price. 10-14-wly.
llelmtcUrla pre,red lo iURlill t"o wlili
Hread. Cake., Confectionery, .l-"""." S.0"
Tova. aud all article. In hl line, ft.lieciai ai.
:..;.;.?. ZtTi ,n m,. .ml urnamentlnr Chrl.i-
ma. and New Year'. Cakca. He I. a so prepared
to furnl.h party upirs on Miort notice.
Conalb-uiiienla Sollnted.
aalUrnctlaH Uuaraalaad.
Commission Merchant
Oor. Eighth St. aud Ooaamarolal Ava.
W. Itlllenhom A Itro. It. W. Millar.
V. M.Hpweftllro., A. Naekla ft Co.,
eaiii'i t ii.iiii, nr.,
C. It. Woodwind,
Aver, ft Co..
llreen A Wood.
.1. II. l'hllll. AHnn.
II. M. llul.n,
J. II. It tl, . Il.nry Bayen,
Col. Mr.Kealf, r. M., Hani' I Walter.

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