OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, January 20, 1876, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1876-01-20/ed-1/seq-2/

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CTf t A tft I 1 at ft
BtMatfla HMIff
I08WH. OtULT, K41or.
Aa roioe of our readers occasionally
come into oielon of $." or $10 Mll, It
may I wine lntrre't to tliem lo know
tint excellently executed counterfeit of
that denomination, on the Kirt ntnl City
National banks ot l.oiilstllte, an In oil
Tub Springfield SMf llrgMtr say :
"The Bccnritlr wlileli I ton Jlumi oll'eri-il
In the Tinted Stale court nt .Milwaukee,
for hU appearance to anwcr ttie Indict
merit agattit lnm, u-re not tlf:ietry,
and lie his returned to Clilcitfo to get
"another name or f tro."
Tbk little village of Kormaii, on the
line of the Cairo and Vlticcnnc railroad,
contributed no Jess than S13,HO, during
the year 1ST5, toward the upiort of the
railroad shipping, during that period
tlx hundrvil and Ixtv--ljlit car-loads ol
lumber, pralu and other farm aud Indue
trial product. Fire year? ago no such
place a Fonuan wa In evlftanco.
It was a lold and a novel atrtlon tf a
rifiht that was recently et tip by Mr.
Adala M. UlaVe, In the supreme court of
A(ir i ork. Her hubaod had uulntalned
criminal relations with one Mri. J. Coles
Blake, which was au invasion of Ir.
Adala's rights to the extent of S10.WQ.
For this uhb sJie tueO. nvorriur that the
damacet conikted In the debancherv of
herliusuand. Au award of damage? in
this ca?e would ofx-n the door to an In
dependent fortune to Mrf. Henry Ward
The anO-sobsidist' arc strongly repre
tented In congress; bat it U doubtful
whether they will be aMr to resist the
pressure that will be organized btore
Hie close 01 the wsiiou. The South and
a portion of the Xorthwot are clamorous
for a Southern Paclllc railroad, and the
disposition among the representative.- of
thoscctlon to help a project of such
un undeniably nauoiul character, will
not prove proof against everrtliing. Fi
delity to pledges and principle will clash
with inclination. tVhich will achieve the
mastery remains to be seen
2N"k have read with ome care, Sun-et
Cox's reply to Blaine, and leel constrained
to say Uiat it is not In all things, such an
ecort as the gravity of the subject do
raanded. It ha- brilliant Hashes of un-
atuuied humor, bears evidence of -cholar-ship,
ami Is rich iu ratlicr stinging retort;
but It falls to antidote Ulaine'i poison.
ThefacUand tal?choods with which It
jrripplet will notdown at the bidding of
either wit or ridicule. Tlisterner stuff
In which Itandall deals is the cure tin:
occasion called tor, and Is the cure that
ahoald have been applied, right theu and
there, on the instant.
AS Assa correspondent of the St.
Louis Republican exhibits considerable
exasperation over the. doings or the con
tractor who has undertaken Hie election
ol the South wing 0f thu insane ayliitn
there. Thomas I,. Keiupstcr is the con
tractor', name; and if lie Is not guilty of
the charge preferred, he has the ground
work for a profitable Milt for der.mi:itt6n
of character. He ordered a large hill ol
goods, the corresonilent says, from
Uodd tt Brown, or St. I.ouls, alleging
that he was tho superintendent of the
asylum, and the goods were for the iim:
ol the Inmates. The lirm soon learned
the facts In the cae, and -cut a repre
sentative to Jonesboro, ami through the
assistance of the fcherili; recovered the
good. 'Vtw t,rrvvv intnier
charge, that Mr. ICemp-ter has utterly
failed to pay his employi-s, mid ha3 1k.cu
guilty of other sins of omission ami coin
ml.jiouth.it renders ids room in Anna
lnllnltily more desirable than his pres.
tmce. How well grounded these charge
are, we cannot, of eotir.-e, determine.
If they arc true, the people of Southern
Illinois, who arc likely to be brought
Into busluess contact with Mr. K., should
be apprised of the tact, ir they are un
true, Mr. K. bus his remedy, and means
tor getting before the public
a projier
George (J. Cannon, the delegate from
Utah, .will present to congre, soon, a
petition signed by 23,300 Utah female
praying congress to repeal the law relat
ing to polygamy. When It Is remem
bered with what arbitrariness, what ab
solute tyranny tho Mormon salnu rule
their harems ; how absolutely every act
and almost every thought of tho wife Is
shaped by the husband, this petition,
with Its one hundred and seventeen yards
of women's names, will have the same
weight with gentile congressmen that it
would have were It slgued by the Mor
moil lords thcmselses. Signatures
were obtained, mont likely, In tho same
manner army olllcew used to obtain the
pnsi2 or pet partl.au resolutions:
"Xow boys, every o:ie;ol you who would
win the admiration of the country and
the good will or his superiors, will Indl
eate Ids hwor of these resolutions by
utepplugtwp paces to the trout." A ma
jority of thy boys Immediately Hi pped
out. Then the 'noes" were called Tor
"Xow If there Is, In tills whole regiment,
a d-d vagabond w ho Is opposed to thee
ii ouuions, ict iiiui step out. J want to
spothliul" And thus "the boys," like the
Mormon women, would very often
'adopt unanimously," not what they up.
j.ru.cu, uiu wnat i.'ivy dared not i!N-
The farmers of Southern UitnoU iiv
been dwindled out ot large wms of
"J "i u?mujjui.n iniupaiice agcutu
who, reprcscntlnir rascally comtmnltg or
mo companies at all, oiler inmrauce ut
rate to far below the llgurc of respousl
lbleconiptnlethat Insurance, Is made so
'euy" that tlio most Impecunious fanner
cau not decline It. ItUks are therclore
frerly tnken, and ulli n nt double llionc
timl vilue of die properlv. Tin money
paid, the policy delivered, and IliutV the
lat ever seen or liiiinl i t rlther iifr.'iit or
company. Aud lo 'peak tlm triilh',
we haw hut little synipithy Wtli IIii; vic
tims ol thl 5peci(N of villainy. None ol
Ihrm are Ignorant of tin) Kiel
Hint tlit bct ctinip.nilcs In the
United Stales are reprcentcd In t'iilro by
.Mesr.. Sullonl, .MorrM ntnl Caudee, mid
Mr. C. N. IIiikIic", and that llio notes ol
llieo ifjpon'llileeonipanlea nro ni low n
they can be, nnd remain rniiiMcnl with
solvency. There U, lliciefoii', no valid
exeii'c tor p'ltronllii lliiw tramp Insu
rance n;;enl, mid the farmer who doc so
ioip, in Ihc Jlht of the i'Miieneolie nnd
his neljhloM liaie li-ul, dccrU'S to be
It will lc understood, of course, thai
wo do not Include among tliel,ra?eally In
surance tramp'," Uio-e ajrent who, hav
ing n local habitation aud a name, ctcud
tend their buMne" by perio-Jlr.il vllt to
neighboring localitle. We have n for
ence to tin glib-tot)rol lr.nj;er who, un
cretleutialed, repree;it strange coinpati
les.and otl'er rates that "uttcrlvMefv
competition." To these we reler, and
these only.
uitem ori'si H.ui.t.i.vr.
The second article on "The Century
it Fruits and ii Fes Ural," forms the
opening piper ot .irf.-,,'f'. Maa:lr
for 1-coru.iry, and l a sticviul but ma
terly kttch of "Amcrk-an Progress'
with appropriate illutr.ition (oiiitliig
tkc contrast between the condition of our
Industrie, ulih their Impi-rled means
and rude appliances, a century ago. und
the development to w liicli they have since
attained. Ttie iuformation prv-cntiil In
this serie will prepare the reader tor
an intelligent coniprvhenl"ii of the On
tennial Expo-itlon. Th concluding
paperof llr. iJnici-' "lp the 1'liauies
treaLsof Winder, Klon. and the neigh
boring localities and i full ot dainty de
scription, towliich the charming wood
cut among the !t that have ever ap
peared I.i an American magazine -Ire
additional clfect. Another llnely lllu-
traled paper i the second of a 'eric of
'Skctclie ol India," dealing with some
. of Uic ,01t ,0tabk. cliaracter.,r; of
that country and it varied population
In a very able and well written article
entitled "Professor and Teacher," .aums
Morgan Hart, author of ''Ger
man I Diversities," di'cus-cs the
principles and methods of the
"higher education," presenting views
wnicli must txtiumaiid the attention of
all whoare-Iiitensted hi thl Important
subject. '.'A Few Ilour.s In Bohemia,"
by Ita Anjol I'rokop, is a light and
amusing sketch of artist Hie, In JMris.
with eccentricities Illuminated bvgenlu;
while an equally faithful transcript ot
lifeuAtlheOIdI'Iaiilatlon"U given in
Kcv. Itobert Wilson's second paper with
this title. The wide circle of reader- w ho
enjoy Lady Barker's writings will wel
come her "Letters from South Africa."
wnicli are begun in this number of
I.ipjiincoit't. As mi easy and vivid nar
rator of traveling experiences ha-
no superior, .-11111 her vivacity remain un.
limlni-lieil in the new Held which sho Ins
choen. "The Atonement of I.eam
Dundas" Is continued, and Hie Interest of
this powerful and original novel
Is well sustained. A short story bv
F.thel V.. (iale. "(I11 Sankota Head,"
poems by Emma I.a.uras V. A.
Illllard.and Charlotte 1'. Bates, and a
discussion, iu the ".Monthlv ( iosslp," of
the lews presented in Mr. Wood: recent
article 011 medical education Iu the Uni
ted State, complete our II t ol the no
ticeable features of the number, which
offers as much variety of entertainment
and Instruction m can well be com
I'red tvilhln the eovers of 11 inaga
The jirevailing ambition ol .young men
toroniiecttheui-ehes with Hie prolc-slon
or law or inedlelne Is exciting extended
comment, especially In tho We.t and
South. It U estimated that If nil Hie tn.
dents of to-day were admitted at once to
pnetice, the number of our lawyer- and
physicians would lx: moie th.ni doubled.
Almost every well-to-do family lint
boasts of a more than ordinarily apt and
precious boy, marks him out for one of
these, two professions. Xo thought Is
glU'ii to the well known fact that there
is already an over supply of such proles-slonals-that
every city and village in the
country has from one to a dozen Idle
young lawyers nnd doctors, q'he devel
oping process goes on with a vigor that
would need no acceleration should the
old stock die off and a new ono he re
quired 011 the llret day ol every .January.
The foolish notion prevails that it is'n
special honor to have a lawyer or doctor In
the family, and the lawyer or doctor Is
supplied, without nny regard to either
demand or supply, And now that the
country Is over-stocked and the stocking
process Is going on with unabated vigor,
the question become a very natural one,
what are wc going to do with them ; or,
what aro they going to do with them
selves The demand for the services ot
such professional Is not equal to the em
ploy incut of the old and experienced jirac
tllloners. And work for all of them:
Unless the earth Is smitten with au ep
dcmlc, and Its whole people get at log
gerlieads, active, paying employment
cannot bo tiirnlshed lor more than 0110 Iu
flvo of them. What, then, can they do ?
Kcsort to manual labor? l'crUh the
thought of such a thing ! Accept pol
tloua us sulciincu of calico or cabbages?
No, sir, It would argue their uulltiifss
for the profusilon. Inevlhibly, then, It
comes to this: They hw, lral() ,,
which to rely in emergencies . llo uvaa.
blc means for money .making; ni.d they
aro driven, thcrcloro, when at the fu
futato of manhood, to the extrenillyofllv
lur upon the bounty of their parent! too
cftcn scanty nnd Insulllcent) or of beat.
Int; their landlords out or their hoard
Mils, mid their tailors nut of tho clothing
iuvdilcli thoy air themselves on the
street comers.
I'arenu who havo boy for whom In
1 turo they iiro providing, Mionld le ibis
matter the nttentlcii it demands. There
l no room for more doctor, and law
yers; nnd tlit: talheruho has, n son whom
lie design for (he one profclim or Hie
other, fchonld ponder well before he de
cide, let. Instead or developing out of
that miii, n lawyer or n doctor, he devel
op a load r.
No Cossatinn of Activity in tho
Wnrk of Prnparalion.
'J he liiiiirtniit He-ttillo Hint nreMitp-
IHI.I'll ll lll'IM'llll l'W-l llN
W'-llu;tn spo lid ti ttie Sew York HcraM,
.l.unurr in.
The appaient mil in tne r.abcock rae
miit not 1 10 roustriud 11' Indicating
l ick ol activity on the part of either the
liro-eeittlon or dclcn-e. It i htitthccalm
tiefotv the storm, the preliminary di-pos-lniraud
nluiimcut of battallloiis pn-iu
r.uorv lo tin? eliarge of battle. K.uh
narty 1 busily uigag'il iu hunting
up and arr.inglr.g the exidemt-
iijhjii which the guilt or luno
cviiee of iheprr-sldi-nt' prHate ss,tv
t.irv and toniulentlnl friend Is to be
tabli'litil. The array ol cuiinel retained
bv Baboock embraces onie of Hie mo-t
eminent ot the leg.d frateniltv. c.illcd
Irom various portMii- of the I nitc I
Stites. The full list is not positively
kiuwu. but in addition to the Krniii ut
St. l.oul. father and -on, .1. K. l'orterof
New ork city, well known a one or
Hie eounel in the Beecher scandal, and
Kmory biorrs, ou of the legal luiulua-
rip, 01 t lilcagn. i.nu ui-tiucui'iidi 3 a
criminal lawyer of iiiiiimi iI ability, have
been retained. It l not generallv known,
but 1 tevor'.lie!es tnie. that when Bab
cock first saw tin? crooked whlky trou
ble ahead. Ben Butler wa engaged .is
leading counsel iu the ca-e. nd it was en
tlrelv owing to the delicate condition of
Butler's health at that time, ami
the injunction ot hl phyicl.n fni bid
ding the -tep. that the K-Vx statesman
did not jiroctHl to St. houU when Bali
cock's name was tlr-t mentioned in con
nicllon wlih an indictment. Butler Is
reported to have said, alter examining
the case from Bnbcock' tandpolnt, that
he felt confident that If he could have
been permitted by his pliysieian to go
to St. l.oul at ttie commencement of
Bibcock's dlfllciilty. he "could" Inii
t;itlii!; the languag-' of S.1111. WilLc-son
when testifying In the Beecher ea-"
"hac knocked Hie ludlctinout higher
than a kite." It Is uufoi lunate. Dcrliaiir.
for llabcotk that he i not to ham the,
benefit of Butler as hi- senior couiiw-
Fhe prosecution, no doubt, eongratuMte
themselve.- on their .ea. ami can re
peat without iet!ng the wcil-worn play
on the bottled hero's name : iv
itf nil Slid ttunh nf luuirur niiIin
I he riililest are, ne inilit )mu I'en
The result of Babeoek's trial will e.iriy
with It fnr iiiorc imnortance than the
mere question of hi guilt or innocence,
Ids cotiiigunieiit to a .'clou'-; cell, or hi
viiiillcatioii befoio a jury ol hi peer-.
The (iuc:tion ha beeonie u.tiuggle lor
supremacy between two different clique
two orancne- 01 me .mmini-irauuii
fatnllv. Babcock. with the pcr-nnai hill. I
eiiecol'the l're.-ldent ami that ol il.ethlid
tenn adherent, represents one faction.
Bri-tow, Willi liliirord WII-oii and the
oKlclaK ol the Tii-aury Peparti'icnt,
backed bv tile anti-ring Mitiineiit, lepre--cuts
thu'other. Fitlier Babcock or ItrN
tow iniiit go down a-tho result of the
former's trial. If Babcock 1 convicted
lie will bo sent to tho penitentiary, and
nothing but the pardon of the President
can save him from exchanging hi
shoulder straps us colonel ol engineers
lor the sombre trijied uniform of a
condemned felon. With his conviction
as a couitilrator or Ui" v.ld '.; ring,
whoso object it was to defiaud the
Government ot its lcvciiuc. Bristow,
whatever may be the pre.-lilentS Idea ot
the righteousness or ju.-tice ol Uuhcoek's
fate, will not only stand in-tilled iu the
public esteem, but will be landed a.-, till
earnest. Incorruptible reformer, and his
position will be sale cen from presiden
tial Intel t'cicucc. But should Babcock
secure au acquittal, the president, who
from the llrst has had unshaken toull
deuce iu hii secretary's innocence, and
who believes lo this date that Babcock is
tliu Icllm of a conspiracy lornitd in tho
Treasury Department to defeat the third
term, will Immediately lollow up the ac
quittal of Babcock by the. summary ex
lml'loutium his cabinet of JtiUtow and
the dismissal trom the 'Treasury Depart
ment ol eveiy ofllclal who has been
prominent in tin: prosecution. Xor
It is probable that the action of the presi
dent would stop there. It is believed
that at least one other member ol the
cabinet, who-o sympathies have been
with Bristow in the: Litter's war against
Hie whisky ting and who owes his ap
pointment largely to Ihelnlliience of Bab
cock aud Horace 1 'oiler, would be Invl
ted to surrender Id portfolio. In other
words, Hie acquittal ol Babcoilc will ie
suit In a re-ocgani.atloii of the cabinet by
which thoie who have been opponent ;
or iuke-warin advocates ol'the third-term
movement will be loteed out, and their
places tilled by men of pronounced tlilid
terin proclMtlcs active mid expeul
enced political workers, of a type ol
which Chandler, the head of the Interior
department. Is a talr represeiihtivc, ami
who recently expressed his willingness
to vote tor I'lesldent Urant not onlv for
a third-term, hut for a fourth and'tiaii
term, proWded tho BcpnUlcsti eonvcii
tlun would nominate lilin.
heliillur I, 1. ('
Mr.Mi'iiiH, dan. H. All
lacksou, .Miss., special sues. :
In tin! sen-
ate Lamar icceivcd 22 voles for U. S.seu
mor ; vt . 1 . .Miil llli. I ; m.ent 0 ; pre.-eut
not voting, 7. in the house, Lamar re-
',,V,,,,.I..M' !."b"'.11.1.' 11 ' I''"11''" ""t voting,
1(1. lhe Kepulillraii inembers iu caucus
last night decided not to participate hi
the senatorial diction 011 the ground
ihat the lute election was carried bv
Ira 1111.
Meiiulur Jiiioe 11, ISecl,.
CiNtt-sNAii, (J,, .Inn. lS.-.'raiiMnrt,
Ky tulvli'es me thnt at o'clock this
morn ng the Democratic, caucus iiimni
inoiisly nominated Mr. Beck rot- United
States Senator.
Iu the Kentucky LcgHature, to-day,
h:i eleventh Joint ballot icsultnl an fo.
ows: Beck. 10d: Wadsworlh, Bcpub
llcan, lo; Win. I'reston, t, 1'ioctoi
Knot. 1. Williams li.nl withdrawn be
fore tin; ballot. Mr. Beck wa dulv dc
chued Senator fioin the lib ,jjuL.i,
'The joint session then dissolved.
.Mine .toiuoi-oil Tolr.
The great mail.et of the ea-tcin woild
lia been held ut this uuctlon of the
oIgatind Olga rivers III llula, uvery
summer lor hundred of years. Hero the
nations of Lurope nnd Asia meet with
Hi Ir products for trade. CoKac.k, Chi-ne-e,
'lurk and I'er.laii, meet the (icr
maii and tliu (irewk with every vailety of
merehandl-e that muiikhid employs, tioiu
sapphlics t'lgilndntoncs.tea.opliuii, fur.
lood, tools mid fabric, mid lal but not
least, medicine. ,1, c. Ayer K C'o.'s eel
ebratcil remedies fiom American wcic
1 bplayed iu au elegant bazar, wlicro the
j oelor hinisell might sometimes Ikj seen.
I hey are ki.own and Liken cm sleppns. of
Asia as well us lhe prairies of tliu AYest
and are au effectual antidote for the dl'
I'iisex that iuvvalt iu Hie yaouitf of Hk,
.North, us well as tliu huts and cabins of
Hie wesiern continent. Amcobi mi.)
'I HMD, l-lUdw-lw-llJ
A. l"lrrs(nir Uere'Ciie Aeelilenl -IVonlln.l
Hie tleiln An liitiit.rtitttt
Itpvrmte Arrr-I-A ,. 1,
xonueiils lor I'IIM t'oimline.
SKl!ll i (lifSI, Clllll ' .. I
Si nixdi n-.i.p. HI.. .1 11. IS. MK Doia
It. Henderson, M year r,r iiie, daughter
ol A. (f. Heriidersriti residing Smiles
southeast o tlit- f It) !led ,t rveiilnr
trom Injuric iv ltHiby an nceidentai
explo-lon or a Hutd lanp. She waster
ribly burned from he.11 to loot and only
kiirvived tluci or four I 'urj.
A VAI.f Alll.i: IUIKST.
Uevenuif DcUcllve Sciiervlllo ariesled
l.it evening at the Lcielt lloii.-c, SI.
Louis, mid bioiight i this eilv tills
morning, Kdwanl S. uland, fonnerlv
of I'ekin, ehargeil w Ith 1 iplmey against
the governinciit in lb vhlsky iiiig of
I'eklu. On arriving li r- he wn called
lcloro the grand Jim. Who are cate
chising him. with wh t success Is not
know n. lie wa f rnerly n book
keeper, traveling ageif salesman, and
business man gciicr.il y Tor the IVklu
Alcohol Maiiuf.iclurltii company , ami It
i claimed I eognl.mfd frauds enough,
if he will give them 11 .to furni-h gov
ernment employment ! 'i life for hall the
manipulator of the if-zag In IVkln.
Detective In St. Loul-IMi'd him and hi
Iriend lo .1 Ihenler, id seating them
selves behind him, point enough
from their conwTS.r.ou to embellish a
sensation novel.
1- pending in the vi'it'ine Court Involv
ing Hie cmi-tltull'nallty ot the law lor
the coii-lriu'tioii of dllchc. drain, lev
ee, etc. It cot- on au appeal trom
l'ike coiinly. Hi apiiellatit. . 'V, eb
tcr. haling I d JuilL'inent rendered
against him 111 .u' court below lorc.'rtaiii
unpaid ii'sess'iciits made against his
land. Messrs 'lay. Greene and Littler,
for the apeT it, have prepared an ex
haustive brie m the cai. showing that
the law ami i prort cdlngs under it are
void and tine. stltutIon.il. If their views
shall b susf. ued by the court, the prac
tice which '-1 obtained under thi law of
providing assessment under niljateiit
Iitopcrtv or the construction r.r levt-f.
drain?, i)tch. etc., to protect and re
claim l i .ds, mil bo prohibited In future,
and hu.-i- sc. ! mot territory, especlilly
aloni; the Mis-.-Mppl and Illinois rivers.
which are so protected nud rcrhilini.il.
will bo thrown back Into the original con
dition of usiJ' s inarshe. Xot only 'Ike
county, but dhoun, .Monroe. St. Clair,
Madison atil many other counties are
interested in this ca-e, which is made a
test case, so tar a regards the tevces
along Hie Siy C'rtrtcln l'ike.
Io;i. i.yman iriiiumil niiilcv.cnv.e.
not l-'idmer appeared for the appellee.
inr.v. Ki.vii ,1 a Mior.i-iions- winpi.i:i:.
In the United State circuit court to
day Iu tin-r.ic ol' tin- Xoitliwtftern Na
tional (rink of Mliiiicapoli vs. .lohu XIc
colls or Blootnliigton, III., on notes oil".
Inally given bv Mccolls to Bill Kin" of
Minnesota, or U.ieipv Mail subddv po!o
tiety, In payment for lauey -liort-liorii
cattle, the ilcfi nilat.t Xiirolls tiled a plea
that he is not HuMc boe.myj Kluu sold
him the cattle with fal-e and fraudulent
pedigrees, at. 1 thereby deceived and
cheated said Xiexoll. Y jur coricspond
ent don't think tills a good th fence, a It
does not follow lli.it In cau-e King would
swindle ill Uacllie .Mall, he would likc-wi-e
decelie iu shoit-horii mah;s.
m;iv Aivi:itTi.s.jii:.vs:s
Immense Success. ,!r,.ri!
syrry nl ti -tily ti lhe iomjrlly ofll.v. '-.n-t.l
'i,n.r," tin-.Sim-s,.,.ui-l.l llanmr. Mill
juir.nlniKc oa HI culiiiini piir. Illn-tm'iit,
anllllUil Willi iMruihig stone-, tale, mem,
Alt, liillii'jr, hi I HirtM oliuiini (lc(iil. 1 loll
Ui.Siic loriir," or rxm,v ut Hiieller,
Oiiai.l. nnd llufiihiiv-. Kin hy ull hIiN lhe
l iincl jiKj-l .oijil.ir nt all the llter.iry leiper.
KmI liylso.loxlellKlilfl -Mb:HUiK,euli,h-
llliii-; 11 iu i itully r, it ... . ninlucoiiinli ie
.llcl .out rot wi i,t ,1, 1,, ,m, uu.llnR fur a
whole ear. i .ut not to u -iIk; NOW
TPnin .'.'.1!,.,,.,""'if I'Klieh 1 .r. runi uicciriti
.' !' cry mie i r the Unuvr
.... . ... .11 iiiiiiii u 1, niel ine
l-iiiill-, nil inoiim.-.l lemly to hui Jrtiai. '.
trailer, joii want lhe liainirr, jou 1,1 . t tn it
It toils i ciy little, only . i cent w lt tux n I
I" ' r,V for iiaperiiii-lin ir iR iuliruI -x .irliru
mofl. iill sent piviiaM. snt lhiv m.,i,iM lor
oiilyPKuiU. 1 111 it atom 1:. .-.mlf.iri,,,ilw.
or Wltrr, l'cfiilt anil rwmo ll 1 mis 1
lifts, IIANSKIt C(l , lllii,.lale, X '
N.I.. Dollar t-ale, a: ill .tn llt-l t t , I!
I h c
JIhss., U (hilly thhiiihiK InimluM, ol how-, ,',',"
r..?.-v' " ,iii-iiiii: oii'is ail over - r, s.
l'MMMvnrl ir linM .lu'eln, Itlnes fin,
s.el, l.'haliiH. t liiiniH, ,, ,'V, " fia l u'r
iiikI 1'l.itHl Wat.-, liulcrv, fita4,T .,., r, n-v
1.00.U, lisiMiief,)ar.-l 'ul.e.rri1 10 iw, r
! -(acli anil Hell hi tlioi-u irhvj ..iwlnie,
). we are n-llliis enrjlhlnat lli- p.n.ul.'ir
irl- of only nsr. dollaii. i.T.'csi iluiihii.
liatrmn IcMiIfy 0 ilo hencilu nfonr it,i ,t sale,
iiml its our ki r huinlrcilninettert ai. ininlnl
Iniiiiuiiriutrims In the nut limn ii- .
V' ""V """'!. )'"'i ciiii liiale jluifoapt
fiira-WJeUewlieie, If yon ihI wlt'iu,. We
want 11enli eieryuhere. We ny l,rKe com
. il I'.".;. N",rl?"'' nocnulhil (.o- uVntC
s rVr e nm ,rl'"I'W "r '' " lylK
rwl fvr Hill nilaloKiie, tic , lne, ,1 ,,ov
AiMie . II, OlMllilO.V A ,'t . N I J()I-
I-' "nlw-'d'-V'1'001"11''''1 ' ",JI"1 '
Wi t most io lllrely cure nny cn-e (
t' .111 or rhrunnllc Koul.no mat If r
luii'lm. on ther.ii'1'r.riliiiiiirii.. n..
oiv toinf
"nrl ii itloii It ilocs thesrorkniuetxv, llmr
oiKhlv und iin iliftilly, le-ivliia trie i-y.leiii
Ikhik ami lit ullliy Wrilo lo any pi inlneiil
jer- .niii Wiwhluilnn ( lly, ami yon w l lesirii
lllJl III. iilHirenlJleliiriit la tin.. It. ...... ! ...Y..
I f Mil lll-
coxi)i;-i;i) c;i:i:i incATi:.H,
Niuliinal itoltl,
WaMilnuto,!, D, 1;. December i!, H-71.
Mer llflp!ii-ii,ti. x ),i,t.y,
l.eiiN I iry cl.irrnillyjlellmll m.il Du
rmiK' Itheinnallc Hi unity Willi lt'Mcl Iii irIIi,
Mimljeriift'iinait o'(;a.
, ...nt Vl,,,'l,"' !' :. April i-l, 15.
Moisin llilphiiillmi, iifnili.y:
U-11U: I or lI.eiM-iM.un ye.iM my Ife
" t'Mt .""ner from iheiiiiullsni, herilei'lori
l illlnx li (file lii-r It li. f, theiisul lime lmlllin
Dimiiu'n Ihelliiiuir. I:, unity, ami n penienieiit
tuio wai therein. w.. IH'itiMJK,
"l.t:llllie(.li j. 1(, l'inilii.,(lmii,'
WashliiKi . , t. t;., Mitiihii, 171.
In llii;iiieiio te i,. hour my ilieiiiiiallsin
ttai KulMi, hailiiK tul.i ,, ilini-itoHM ol liiiiaiiK'n
i.iiiiii,llelieintiy. Mv luolli. i- J II. tixim,
ol lltairoiil, I'ii , vwisi rtil hynHliiilhii iiiimiinl.
JOHN (.'l.ssi.S'A ,
mljir ot Coukick of 1'a.
I'llieoneilotl.irii lioniu, iirnlx IihIIIuk Inr llu
u. yuardr.ijut I'm- Dih.iii'ii i:ln u
nuil.. Ileimily iiiiiniilii. illm ,y
I 'll. jIdU iwnl t'lieuriktu,
, j . . M'ihIiIiiitIoiii 1). 13.
I rtyi or H.1I1! In I In U(, iy I un belLiuel.,
V'1""," ,.V liel.1 l l.Tn.1 fcinllliAi i;.;
W Imliaiile DiiikIiU
It 11:11s.
AHot'iuv nt I.11W.
OKHCK: Atretliliwe ,, .nlh fit net, he.
.Ihuii IVinlilnidoii luiiueiiij'l Walnut ot
pfvK CVnV?;i"irKvi'?iil!l1V0'i, "M0?1 BrF':.nr ".V0" w0,"'l ' "' '
ami Ul,:i Vent m JnXuSJl"liYV.n D,"lu ,th" war koIu wntuptotlOO
llmh-iiwn. Wl vIh th"sT7l ."in1;0,1'1 ,,a" '.0,!,, buek.but CIKr om to hol.l
La Pieeadura,
Ex: r"f
33 O
tllfirat'ueJIlieruiv'.ll' M-irhlMry nlee.,l,l t,v nt.l.e the,. liny relehn.le.1
timnl ml II iv Vim, c ir ml. ilJ,..t,,, ,lm". ,",l"r s''"'IV'"'Oe' call (.Lnlncea CtXHri.f
;i:,.,:.'r,,",,,,,',,,-we !Wcl.Y-.f.iV,;sffiU,,,,,t, ' ,",,"v Mm,l,T w "" "'
mmm mm clsah Havana fillid cigar, m m m
o. v .1.1.... . .. . 1 . ,Jrl "" iii'innjotiiyorMiioKenpnfrr ln hnv their rhoiiiin
'. . " .. t'e selllMi0,1, .0 !'i".l,',''',t0""k' '',:'"r". ""''--"I "I-"'.- lull ..tltr "l.A
i.. 11 lie-rn e, PJ srllliiKu slnslel iir.irnt ll.e Mine rale n, lhe, l.-n, llnj , or a Im)
Hi .1.1 Miiliiu- a -liitle nirenrv in un-. il, ..r ........ i. ! ..' ' .' "."" . .
.iM... . .....i i... 11. u ....I... .V .1 i
. uu.l Vn- p 11)1 1 In- ...iilllynr tin- t lirar.
, uu.l leet. 11 11,.. Ui ,V .1 .. V ....
-1111MM. 1,1 .1 lluira.'e. l,, ' "'i """.-
CiVQ toom a Trial and bo Convinced
Sole Agents, Cairo, Ills.
Importer and Wholesale Doalor in
Wines and Liquors,
Koopa a full stick of
K.oxa.1ru.ols.y Botii'rDon,
Monongahela.Rye and Robinson County
ONLY $i.25 A YEAR.
riHIIiestliilllllily, the liel tilnliie
worlt ofllio I1I111I In Hie Worl.l."
Tho ever IncreaMns clrculullon ol thlj
excellent monthly iroven iu continued
.idapllon to jiopuhr itufclros and needs. In
deed, when wo think into how many homes
It iicnctrate every month, wc mutt cou
rtlier It an one of the educator as well on
entertainer-, of the imli.lu mind, forltH van
popularity lias heen won by no a iital to
stupid 1 rcjlidlcos or depraved tailen. lloa.
ton (Ilolie.
The chaiacler which thin Magnzinn poi
se.sMforvariely.enterprlse.artlstlcwcaltli, and literary culture tlir.t luiskcpt pace with,
If it tin- not led the times-, rtmiihl caiiso Ith
conductors to teyirtl it with liistiliable com
ptacency. Itblso entitles litem to a L-n-nt
c alm upon the public (trallttidc. The
.Magazine in, done i;ood ami not evil id:
the ilnys ol its lite. Itrool.-lyn Ku(;l(;.
l'ofiKe tVi-o to hiihkc.ritiers In tho lnlted
Harper' .Maalno, one year .. ?! (X)
?l (l lii.-luiJm prcpa) mcnt ol II. .s. post
a'ii hy (ho publUlieiH.
.SubJcriptlnir, to HnrperV Muvazine,
U'ecUly, orliazur. to one adctirs, (jr one
year, 1W Ui; or two of Harper's perloiJI
ea.s, to 0110 addre-s fur cue vear, i7 no-po-Uxclret:.
An extra cpy ot dthcr the Mmurlne,
V eehly or Haur will he supplied arath lor
every club of live Hlb-cilbeh. at -t UI eaeh.
In one reniiltini-e; or rtx copiin tt r i'M m,
without e.tra copy; ;ost-iye Iree.
Hack number can bo Mipplled at any i
A tompleto set of Harpti', Mnirazlnc,
now nitiitirt.ini. dl vnliiim.j I, ..1...1. 1
hlniltni;, lll bo ent liy oxprem, frelt-hi at
tho evpeiire of purclianir. for ?'J an per
volume. Sluirlo volume, by mall, io,tml.,
8.1 00. ciotli cases, for binding, fi3 cents,
by rniill, iiostjiaid. i
YJI S tivji llntlnr, nrn nrtt tn i.r.t.t' 11. Iu ...
j, .....r,.,...v.r ,b ,1. ml. IU
vertlKcmetit without tho express ordtr ol
jiiiil'i-i ,v jiiiiiiivie.
Slato Roofor
nooilnp; and GuttcrhiB n Specialty
Slnto Jloofiing a Specialty in
any part 01 tioutnern
fjightuinr; Bodn, PttinpH, Stovoa
und Tinware
JobbliiU Prominiy D11110.
A Book for the People.
rilYtUOLOUY 1 A Iriliemlj imiliiil Hurt Vi.
(je f Iftliltf il.ml.ltf ruliimu .xrtut,il.ltia
11 ,i,i.. ..i.. (Ii:l1l""!!"l"i,'."''."",l""llu'li
.11 A II It I ..i I,. J mural uu, 1, iul ,1 Ullun, ,, ,c v, ,,
. .. .... Mrrlaio, li4iliiluaiiililiilrliii.
,..n. tlioUyklcrifsortlci.rodiKtlon.f-.o. A.unJm.1
mUiiri.yi.il ii.. jiiii.,Iiku.. uliliUr.iiiny unJdcn
"uvi On au. ll-zlli ...t., I111I11.II1.4 nil .',, 01 jre
vto, Vci.uiilii.l Chiaulu I)ifj.pc,l h,iI,'mi,.iIi(
ilka, i, lil lyAblii.ui 1,1. .1 i.iul.,.ul,.iiti,lllioilaii.
bl 1 v, 1 In hu nii.1 aiur inutrljuv. Ii-ajinn lui.ri.
Mitlt.llil .1, . jy 11. n Ittipuloiltf rtl-lllHti luuii-rllurtulhc
Miirllll Hint l.l.'lr Clltl-lttlllulll.tf IMHirlRK.. '.,1 ft 111, It!
i.ia. k ail 11 itiavmi 11I, ,nl Ullici.nly ..i.ujr m,i lua 1u1k
vlllnj: luiiiiviuiii 11 r i'.1ima I it nlf Ilia allot v ill at t
rrlif, iir i..t.r,,ltU...lM.iiiillii tlil'i. II..VI. A I'ani.
I'liltli.ii ilm linenitiil ltrariiK.iiliit Bi.oririalorihca. ulv
In,! ii.iilritti i.t lliw aliutu vi.rk, m iitlit.ialiil Vra.,irtiii
i..i i,r.i.ini.. Al.u u H1.11II Moilical Ttcall.a oullit
lUiil-i)......a3i,llM,. AUlri,,, "'"
Jiii.M.rui:i:, wiw.
.V." "r.,r " '." '' "" ". nil.l
. inrir .iiiiiu,-,-, iiiiiiii ineir lOMrs an.
lot ll.r 1,1 .tin -1 T ,.1,,.,.,.,.. ., , ,. ..1....
'OM,'MIO. III.KI'll.t.MN.
JOHN B. PHiis"""
(sr.rxesiors to Juhn 11 I'lilllla)
Commission Merchants
I A il l IJtuIrr in
MEAL, BltAH, etc.
ICoruor Tenth Stroet and Ohio
Hour Merchant
Millers' Agent.
No HI Ohio I.ene,
K A)ies. f 11. Ajim.
Ami KirienH
Commission Merchants
No. 78
li. D. THOMS
Commission Merbhant
An.) .le.tkr la
Forolun und Doxncwtic Frult and Nut
Dealer m Fresh Meats
Between WahIntou nut Commerclul
Avauueu, udjolmntr Hanny'a.
LKI'.S fur Ml the lieat lleef, 1'orW, Million
X. Vial, IaiiiiIj. Huiidukc, Ac, ami Is ite
lu'ml K "five feiiillltit iu hii HTi-enUhli. iimmiKr
I'llllM TAMI'II.O (1UAT KltlS,
T.T. mtowx .t CO,, (.'lin.'iiiijiill, O,, Afc'inln
6l-lilSw-lni. .
Subscribe for .
linnn niTi r nmliT
H Hh DUliliBl lN
Leading Journtil of Southern
The MkWn
U'llUtta.Hiflly olIl0o the l.ollclea ot thi
Keplltillrau pitty, sml lefiut to h tram
tuellcil u- the tllctiitiunol utiy eliiiib In the
Ucruocratic orntilzntlon.
It LiCilcvcn that the Ht'iihllcan pally nu
fulfllleil iti lutmlon, and that tliu Demo
cratic irt)- at now organized -Louie I e re
torcd to power.
lt hcllcvea the Itaillcal tyranny that ha
for (.ovcral yearn oiiprevcil the .outb
should he overthrown ami the iicople r.l
Southern .States peruiitletl to control then
own aUalrn.
It hdlevtia that railroad rorjiomtlOD
fhoultl ho prohlhitcd hy IckIsIuIWc enact!
ruciita from extorting anil unju-tly itifcrliu
luatluK in their hutlneM traniaetlon with
the iiilillc.
Il rccognlm the rinallty ol all men he
fore tin! law.
It advoeJto free cointorce tailtl lo:
tcifiiuc only.
11 a.trocatee rr.-iiim.oti of tpeile ;ay.
inent, tid h.iiie-l i)iuuiit of tho ;ni'i!lc
It ntlrortea eronnm; in ll.e i.inl';lrti
tion nt Hlhllr alljlra
The lliillrtln v, III .iihll'h kit the loeuinewi
ot Calio, unit a variety ol Commercial, I'o
llllcnl, rori lx'li and General Nuiv, uii! cr.
deuvor to ilene ull tnti'K alut liiterot it It
I" a thitly-two column uaper, turiii'lieit te
luitiicrlliei'rf lor tliu low prlro ol
$1 25 PER YEAR,
l'ostKe projiBlil. It Is Iho cheapen! paper
In tlio Went, and In i plcu.lng Kiretide
Vl-ltor an.l Kumlly Companion.
Cannot lull to teo tliu r.r -Haled Induce
nicntHotrereil hy Tim lliilletln in tho way
ol e.litinii nii.l itrnlltaliln mlverttsemenlG.
Subscribe for
vtvft '-Vis

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