OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, May 16, 1876, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1876-05-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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Real Estate Column
Alexander county lands, I'alro lots,
in exchange for St. tanls roxrty.
The south hnll of tin- "Pilot" home at
n bargain.
--Cottage on Ninth Street, wcstnfWnl
tilt street, $12 CO.
-C'ottnge on Fourteenth lnet, vest
of WHsliJugtou avnue, $11
-Saloon and fixtures, soulhwe! torn
er Eighteenth street iiml f oinmerclal
avenue, ut a bargain.
-Cottage on Twelfth sheet, Wrt fit
ommorclal avenue, 510.
Iiwclllng liouso on ( ros kticct, wes
nl Washington avenue.
Bulne.Jlioueoii l.vwo street, above
l.lghth, J20.
A good cottage on Twenty-Ninth
street, near Commercial avenue.
- Mtnro room on Connncrcl:d uvciiuc,
next to Wnvcrly hotel, $10.
Collage of 4 rooms on Twenty-third
sticet, $!. fiooil yonl ami rlMcru.
(Jood dwelling hoii'e on Walnut, In
twecn Twenty-second ami Twciity-th'.rd
streets, $10.
.Store-room corner Twentieth anil
l'nplnr streets, 212 :).
Store room adjoining above, f.s.
Home on VaInnttreet,near ("enter
ileaant premise, $12 fiO.
llone on Cominerulul avenue, near
Huh street. Suitable for hudnen ami
dwelling, $1,".
Tenements numbered T, 8 anil
Winter's Kow, fi rooms each for $10
mt mouth. Will he put In flrst-cla
Store room In "Pilot House," lately
occupied Wy A. llalley.
Invelllng house on Sixth street ami
.lelleroii avenue $10.
-Orphan Asylum building and picini
scs. licnt low, to a good tenttit.
Store room, cornnr Twentleih ami
Washington avenue, $12 a month.
Kooins In various part ol the city.
I.amli; In tract to ult, near Cairo.
A So, 1 Miinilry.
It is now eonreli:il that Jlra. Colrman
the laundress, No. 12 Fourth strict, be.
tween Washington ami Commercial ave
11110", has one of the licst conducted laun
dry oiabllshmcuts in the illy, and land
lords of hotels and hoarding houses will
tlml it to their advantage to call upon
her. Her price an; a; follow : Hotel
ami lionrillrTfc-hou-e. washing 75 ccuU
per dor.eii. For piece work prices are as
lollowii : Single shirt and collar, lfic; ier
dozen, 80c; sock. 5c; two collars, 5c;
two hnudkcrchlefs, 5c; vets, 20c; and
all gentlemen's wear, NV. per do.en.
lollies plain calico drces, 25c; calico
drVM.s with extra t riimiiluy. Tplk-; white
dreies $1 2.V; ladlc' underware. line
and coarse, $ I 00 per dozen. l-2:t-tf.
TIM: undersigned is prepared to pump
out ami repair cisterns or build nuw oik -on
short notice and at satisfactory prices.
.1. S. IIaukiss,
23 and 21 Cedar Sticel. I'o.MDlll.f kix
Ski: Kuril. P. hoeii, m lus shop and
toro room, No. W uinnicrcJal avenui',
lias lur sale a stock of lioots and shoes of
his own make ; hI.o a lull stock of leather
and llndlug lor ale; and a
large Mock of St. I.oulu ens.
loin made hoots mid Mine, lie
kieprtlm be't material and is up In all
the latet tyle. Ml Ills are perfect, and
latl'factloii Is guaranteed, nive him n
call- !-2Mf
Nate Time ntiil .Money.
The Cairo and Vlneciuies rallruad is
twelve hours shorter than other route to
the Centennial. Passengers by this road
ave sleeping ear expen-es liy having
only one night's ride, leaving CMro at 5
u. m ; take breakfast next morulii(r at
I'lttsbnrjr, and supper at Philadelphia or
New York only thirtyeven hours out
from Cairo. Tickets tor .a! by all
routes. 1-5-lOt.
Wood f Wood !
For ?ale ut $1 50 per load. Htovo wood,
sawed and split, per cord. I'oiir foot
wood, $3 50 er rord, delivered hi any
part ol the city. Illj; lot of stove wood
on hand. Leave orders at No. Ill Kljrlith
utreef, and tliey will receive prompt at
tention. B-lIMni. F. W. Waiui.
.N'cH 'lKHr Nturr.
Paul Seliuh, at his clar store, on 'oui
merclal nveiiue, has Just received u lull
line ol the lollowlnj; brands of cigar,
which are koIiij,' oil' like "hot cake ;"
"Flor Del Fuimr,"
"Our Country,"
'(lOtden lluekle,"
'K. H. (Kureka,"
"Sea Side."
These nre nil llrt-elus i-iarii, and
sinokaris may bo sure they are all they
are represented to be. Call and we them.
Untitle lu Uansiis or Oulorntlu,
Take the Atchison, Topeka and Santa
Fe railroad, thu new and popular line
Iroiu Atchison and Italians City, via the
lieautiful Arkansas valley, to Pueblo,
Colorado Springs, Denver, Cannon City,
Oucharus Del Norte, Santa Fu and all
points in Colorado, New Mexico nnd
Arizona. Special round trip 00 day tick
ets to Denver on sale May 15th. at 50,
taklnj; in the famous wittering places on
the D. & It. O. road. Low emigrant
rates to Die Sun .loan mines.
Pullman palace sleeping ears between
the Missouri river and the Uocky Moun
tains without change. Close connect Ions
made at Kansas City nnd Atchison in
union depots. For mans, llnio tables
and the ",san .Hum guide," adddrcss,
T. .1. Anukksos,
Hen. Pans. Agt. Topekn, Kan.
4 Ueiim
Filty cents, at Winter's flallerv.
W&VTPTi Wo ileilre to ettalilUli
W An AXilti'uno a (ieneral AKeory
ihaiialenr a atanle article lu the Grocery line.
lie i
Aneneriretlrmau wltli little capital may make
a jism in a.lKi annually, ror uartlrulara ail
(JO., "J HeatU Btrtct, li, 1 , 4 V-i
KOK Ml Kill KK.
U'r nip mitliurltrd In (nnnlincr .III UN II
llOlll.SMI.N u a eandliU'e for HhrrilTor A In
nilrrcoiititjr, nt the coming roimljr (ImiIoii.
W arc nutliurlol tonnnouncr that II. A. Kit'
inn nilton It mi IwkMinlmt IUnitillcan ram 1 1
ilmrlurMirrilft t the rnrulnic rottnty tier llmi.
W urr milliorlrdl tnaniiouiKM- I'KI Kit MA III',
inr on iii'irf ii.itnt riinui'iate rur Miriuiir ai
t-jniiiltr county, l tliv rimiltiK count)- i-li-rllon
KiiIkIiU of Vj ttilm, ifiH?ln nytrj frl
iUvtiilit kt Iuir-ml mrvtn, mlMil
llow' Hnll - - Mown,
OmiKrllur l.'uiniiisii'lrr.
.ll.li.U.lllhll l.wi.nr., .-. lit.
JBBb Inilrio-mlrut Onli-r of iMU-rtl-imBfUivl.
imU rrty lliurMuT 11 1 Kill
W ut ljlf.pat wmi,. In llitlr hull ua
iiutmri'lsl Ifiiur, ltwwn sUtti aiu Svrnith
r,..t ('has I.AUk, .N U
' UlltO KNCAMI'MKNT, I, O. O. f., luwU
.in OiM-fi-llom Hull i)li Die flMt iiml tlilnl
ln jji) In evrrjr liiontli, ut Imlf-pant Mtrn
I.AIIlOl"oIHIK. N0.2J7.A.K. A. M.
llnl'l rriiuUr C4iiuiuuulratlona lu lla
xinli' Hall, ratnrr Coimmrclal HVtrntr
'Nnil Kltilith tnt, on tlir aiwunl ami
fi. rlh Mouilar ofioli month
rfAII I'llla fur ailirrtUltiiC, amliir au1 .y
atilrlN ADVANca
TiKUtlriit a'Hulliln will l lnmti.1 at tin
ratr of II 0 iierwiUHrr furlli' tint inatllon
ami !i nli f,r earii iili.i.wi nt one A libcrat
llx-oillit will Im- mail' nil Hnli'llliK uii'l illil
Kor (niertlnK I'lineral notice $l Hi Notice ol
uiM'tlnv of KiK-letlM or acr.ret orJen W reuta for
rarti Inwrtlon
Cliurrli, Soclrty, Krstltal ami Hup-r notion
111 only lie Inserted at alrrttieiurntn
No ailtertliiint will be rerelei at lw Itian
M rentx, ami no ailiertlHinrnt will ! Inrnle.)
for Irai limn tlirre ilollara tier uonlli
. Local Bualnew Motlcaa, or
Jffr -vCTten Uneaor more, Inaarted
In tha Bulletin aa followa :
Cummecca Counting at ten Llnaa.
Ona inaartlon per Una. ............. 5 Conta
Twolnaertlonaper Una. .. ., ....... 7 Oenta
Thraa lnaartlona per Una ....lO Oenta
Six tnaertlona per Una IS Oenta
Two weeka par line - 25 Centa
One month per line 36 Centa
No Roductlou will be made In above
Tl'FSDA V, MAV 10. 1W0.
I.urnl WenUicr Repari.
C'aIHO, ILL., May l., IsTC.
Tlia I Winn. I Vit. 1 Wiath.
a m.
To.Oi'ii TO"
11 Fair
yt ula i I...
; TT
yfl.W ;c
It C'liimly
In do
le ilo
i e.in.
Sergeant, .Signal .serUe, V. i. A.
Dry Uuoda.
SUx'k of Dry Cioods at very low prices
at .-U-lui. C. IIism ,
Large to'k ot Caret olfcring very
clieaptil 5-140m. U. HannVh.
For the place to buy lumber cheaply,
go to .1. h. Meualiey, corner ol Twen-
tletb;treet;iail Washington nvenue, where
he U locitlug lii new lumber yardi, and
U now prepnred to fiirul-h all kinds of
building material. 5d Mm
I.liieu Fiiper.
Linen fibre, plate llulh, letter and note
paper at the Ht'i.t.ini.v ofllce. iiltie and
cream luld, Maw St. LouN price.
Nellie I'p.
An immediate M ttUuieiit of all ac
counts ilue the tlrm ot Stuart & Ohol'mi
U deruanded. All bills not paid on or
lielnru dune 1st, will be placed lor col
lection. Sri'AitT Gitot.qn.v.
.llre In Nulpuer.
I expect to be away from the city for
some time, nnd during my abence, Mr.
fi Itobblns U duly authorized to rep.
renent me as: agent of the "Key Line."
iVlO-lw. W. V. WitinuT.
May loth, lSTii.
.li'sr Kf.ckivkii' A. Jlalley has jit
reeel.-eda line lobof eatuiry and mock
ing bird cages, llower stands, llower
trainers, baikcts, archer, hearts and
wreatlies, which lie lias marked very low,
it 1 in rnininerclal avenue. vms-iiu.
Mrs. Stewart, having moved to the
large frame Jboiife at the comer ofSev-
tith street nnd Washington avenue, will
board and lodge good reliable persons,
at $20 per month. Jtooms large and
dry. 5-12-tf.
A I llilley'.
Thf Centennial Hcfrigeralor the latest
improvement ai.d the best ever made,
also a lint! assortment of hardware and
cutlery at greatly reduced prices, at A.
Ilalleys. No. 115 Commercial avenue.
Oi-khiik 'or Nnle,
nv one wlslilng to purchase an organ
will do well by calling at K. & V.
Iludcr's, as they intend to close out their
stock lu that hue and will inako llgures
lower than they have ever Ikcii sold for
before. .VM-Ilt.
Huota mill Nlioea.
Large stock of Luitlc, and Children,
Hoots and Shoes at low prices, at
MMm. c. Manny's,
The I'liiee.
For u clea.t shave, a fashionable hair
cut, or a thorough shampoo, go to ,1,
(ieorgu Steluhouse on Lighth street,
Alexander County Hunk building. Mis
shop Is always neat; his towels always
elenu ; his assistants always polite, and
his tables covered with the latest daily
papers, lor the benefit of Ills customers.
Somkiiiimi Nuw. The lightning, re
ciprocating, tin churn nnd egg benter
the late.it and the. best ever made, at A.
Malley'H, who U now selling his large
stock ot stoves, tin nun nrittana ware at
irreatlv reduced nrlcei. (live him n call
beioro you purchase, Hfi Commercial nv
enue. 3-lH-ilm.
Thirty thousand ust received nl the
BULI.KTI.N Otllce.
-MIihII wo gle (Mm Pedro a recep
tion' -The grand Jury Is at work. They
began yesterday morning.
Strawberries nre coining Into market
'fulte freely, and llnd ready sale.
Wo have Mopped publlnhlng police
court news. There Is none to publish.
Ilntvu'fl (treat London elretn will ex
hibit in this city on the 'M of next
The rivers are falling, and will soon
be down mi that tin lewers ran be
Let us have a band ronrerl one o
lhee line evtnlng this week. Kvery
body would enjoy It.
The lire alarm la-t evening was
caused by the explosion of a lamp In II.
V. ParktrN stoie. No damage va
A couple ol negro women kicked up
quite a lively rumpus on Twclftli-t.,
back of Walnut, yestenlay but no one
was very badly hurt.
-We saw one ol Mayor Winter's scav
engers out ycitcrday. It was n four"
legged scavenger, and was doing good
work, lu fact, she acted hoggish.
A little' child named Ciimmlugi,
whlie playing on Tenth street yesterday
ntternooii, was mil over by a country
wagon, lie was pretty badly bruled,
but no bones were broken.
The Taylor Literary club field a
meeting last night to decide w hether or
not they should go to Joncsboro nnd give
the people, ofthat city one of their excel
lent performances, but what couclii'ion
they came to we have not learned.
The Trimble haw; ball club of Padu
cab play a picked nine ol this city on next
Saturday. The Cairo boys thiuk I hey
can give their Paducah friends u much
closer game than the one played in
Pnducah la": Tuesday, and everybody
lu town wants them to do so.
Paducah Is likely to have a lifteen
thouauil dollar slander suit soon. A
conductor running into that city has
been charged with crltlciiing the charac
ter of a very estimable young lady reid
lug there, which has aroused her Ire.
The conductor Isa regular Sunday school
goer, and the young lady, learning that
be was In the city, a few Sundays ago,
armed herself with a club, and went In
search of him. She found him lu one of
the Sunday schools, and without warn
ing, marched up the aisle to where he
was aittlug and gave him a terrible beat-
lug, injuring one of his arms severely.
The conductor had her arrested and
taken before oneof the police magistrates,
who lined her one cent and costs, and
now It Is Mid she will bring suit against
bun for defaming her character. The
sum she Intends sttelng for h llftien thou
sand dollar".
Mr. P. W. IWrcluy, who came
through Ccntralia on yesterday, tells a
rough joke on Mayor Sadler, ofthat city.
I le says the mayor attended a circus that
exhibited in Ccntralia on Saturday. The
last act ot the iierformancc was the old
dodge of "Pete Jenkins," and that when
"Pete" attempted to make his way
through the crowd to get into the rlng
Mayor Sadler, Who Is n most efnolunt
ntllrcr. 'Tabbed bint and started off to the
caUbooite with his man In tow. Some of
the bystanders attempted to explain the
matter to his honor -before leaving the
pavilion, blithe would not listen. "Thl
company has paid license to exhibit
hen-," saiil he, '-and as an otllcer ol the
law Pin bo 1 1 1 1 1 In protect their rights."
He could not be convinced that the mini
under arrest wa fitllllliug his role a-.
Pete" when he took 1dm lu charge until
more than two squares away from the
show grounds, when he allowed him to
return and tlnl'h up the performance.
Vlennn aSalvatur lleer
:it the Thalia saloon, opposite the ni'M.i:-
1 in otllce. tf
"Married, hill, not Mnlvil.
Dr.. I. M. Magee, formerly of Cincin
natl, one of the most noted colored ora
tors of the country, will deliver u lecture
on the above subject at the Fourteenth
street Baptist church this evening. 1 ho
lecture Is highly spoken of by some ot
the leading papers of Hie country, and
will be of much Interest. The Dayton,
Ohio, Daily Drmocrat says: "There was
a lair audience in attendance at Hudson
ball last night to hear Dr. .1. M. Mngen In
his able lecture on the subject of 'Mar
rlcd but not .Mateil.' The lecture wus
well delivered to the audience by the gen
tleman, In n clear nnd forcible style, and
treated the great subject of marriage In
nil its relations. The speaker Is of Afrl
can decent, but very intelligent and clear
In his propositions, which were well II
lustratcd and demonstrated."
Oiileiuiinl lleer Hnll Our NaJooat
Fred I lolhelnz has newly fitted uplils
place in 1 1 io most beautiful nnd mngnifl-
eent style, nnd is the handiest nnd eoolesc
place In the city lor comfort in warm
weather. Me has also a private room for
Indies, separate from the bar room, and
will try to make It ns eomtortnble for hU
customers as possible, nnd will
try to trent everybody with re.
spect. Me will nlso have on hand the
lM'"t brands ot cigars; liquors anil wiue3,
and other cool drinks which the Centen
nial times require, lie will nlso liavn
lunch at all hours day and night, and a
big Centennial glass of lager beer alwaya
uii hand, cool and creamy, which can't
he beat in Cairo, lie will have on hand
lu the restaurant line Swiss cheese, Llm
berger chi-ese, ham! rheese. Holland her
ring, sardines, sartlelles, unchovles.cavlar.
pigs' feet, sour tongue, pickled tongue
pickled eels, sandwiches, and nil other rati
Ihles in the market. Coino nnd give him
a rail. .
l'Mlteru tortile Ludlea.
dust received a largo nortment of
Baaar Globe Fitting Patterns, tbo best
lilting in use, ut llm. C. Manxv'a
WeMll Woo4l!
On nnd alter this date W. Wheeler
& Co. will offer cord wool nt f.1 50 pur
cord ; same sawed nnd split, 5 00 ; sin
gle londs $1 75 per load. Strictly cqsli.
Vienna Nnlvnior lleer
nl the Timlin solooti, opposite the Ht i.
VrTiN otllce, It
lloiii I'eilro.
The magnificent steamer Orand Ite
publlc will pass this port sometime dur
ing this week. She will have on board
Dom Pedro nnd his royal party, nnd It
lias been suggested Hint wo. tender him n
A llegulnr convocation of alro
xVchapter No. 1, to be held atlhe
'VNMaionle Mall Hits (Tuedaj eve
ning, May 10. All visiting coinpnniou?
ale coidlidlv Invited.
Tue reelltal.
The strawberry nnd h e rream festival
to be given by the ladies of the Church of
the Itcdccmer at Winter's block on
Thursday evening, will be made an un
usually pleasant affair. Everybody Is In
vited to attend. The proceeds are to he
ucd in painting the church.
Vienna NnHnlnr lleer
at the Thalia saloon, opposite the III I.
tin otllce. If
.too Rook AkuI
Wanted lu Minim lor the new Illus
trated Thitle Kdltlon of Sir Walter
ScottV Wnverly novels nnd other popu
lar publications. Liberal Inducements to
good agents. Send lor circular and
fcrnis to W. M. Easton ,t Co., 125 Clark
street, Room "!, Chicago. -1.27'cod-lm
Lamp i:iloaliin.
The cry of lire on Sunday night, just
as services bad begun in the churches,
created quite a stir lu the various congre
gations. The nlarni was occasioned by
theexploilon of a coal oil lamp, at the
house of a lady named .Mr-. Clavnn, on
Third street. No Injury was done either
to the lady or dwelling.
The llov. .1. 11. Magcc will deliver a
lecture nt the Fourteenth street Baptist
church, on Tuesday evening. .May lfUh.
at 7 o'clock. Subject : ".Married, but
not Mated." The doctor Is an eloquent
speaker and fine ichol.tr, nnd will no
doubt entertain and instruct his hearers-
Admission, 10 cents.
lttciiAiin Tavi.oii.
Vienna Stalvalor lleer
at the Thalia saloon, opposite the
If i.v.riN olllce. '
The venerable lather of 1'cese and Ir
win Dugan, we regret to Inform our
readers, died! at his home lu Covington,
Ky., on last Saturday. The deceased has
been suffering for Mjveral months, hav
ing taken his bed about the middle of
last winter, and has been conllneil ever
since. Although his death was not ur.
extiecled by his family, It I? a sail blow
to them.
At Mobile.
I'lie party of ladies and gentlemen,
ennioseil ot -Mr. Cii. ii-uiJ-j-, m
and Mrs. A. B.Sallord and several others,
are at Short's hotel, on .Mobile bay. near
Mobile. They are all having a very de
lightful trip, and those of the party who
made the journey for the good of their
health, we are glad to hear, are recruit
ing. -Mr. Obcrly, who is alo a member
of the party, delivered an Odd-Fellows'
lecture before the members of that- order
at Mobile last night. The parly will te
turn home next Saturday.
A SilitfKf atlon.
EniTon Bt'LLKTiN Diur .Sir. The
.Vim says that Dom Pedro, emperor of
Hni7.ll, will pass by Cairo on the Grand
Republic, during this week, and the pro
posnl of the Sun, lu view of our uiiticl
pated near commercial relation?, to get
acquainted, is good. To prevent the pos.
slblllty ol not becoming acquainted with
Mis Majesty, would it not be a good Idea
to appoint a committee to rale funds
wherewith to pay the tonage that will be
expected from the Grand Republic ; oth
erwie she may not land.
Yours. Cumi:n.
Vleiuio Nalvalor lleer
at the Timlin saloon, oppo'ltu the
i.ni.v olllce.
A Wlel.ed Twain
About ten days ago a lady undgeii
tleinan arrived lu this city, and not wl-li
lng to be disturbed by ttte confusion of a
hotel, procured rooms and hoard with a
private family hi the city. The gentle
man gave his name as Rev. Dr. Cole
and the lady was hU wile, of course
They remained several days, and one
evening alter tea, "took a walk." They
forgot to return and liquidate the boarc
bill, and the next we hear of them,:ls nt
Jacksonville, where they have played the
same game. The doctor Is described us n
penivu looking individual, with no
special mission on earth, while the wo
man, we should judge from what we are
told, Is a regular old Iron clad.
Mr. Thomas 11. Needles, of Nashville,
Is In the city. Me is an aspirant to the
otllce of State Auditor, on the Republican
ticket and Is calling on his friends.
Mr. G. D. Williamson, whose health
has not been of the best tor some time,
has gone to Mot Springs.
.Mr. W. W. Thornton, ol Shelbyville.
nnd formerly ono of Cfdro's most enter
prising nnd valuable citizens, arrived in
the city yesterday afternoon.
-It Is said that Ncodles, who wants llio
Republicans to put liiiu in tho place ol
Llppincott, as State auditor, Is u sharp
man. Jt he ain't he ought to be.
Miss Ada llalllduy, who has been
visiting friends lu. Memphis, has returned.
Prints and Muslins still ehenerat
VI Mm. .'. MavnyVs.
A. Mai.i.kv, A llnelnt of table nnd
pocket cutlery, nlso spades, shovels
hoes, rakes, forks.axes nnd a general line
orhs.pl ware Just received by A. Ilulloy,
115 Commercial nvriiuo 2-18-3m.
llriinil realltul, Mny Is. IH7H.nl Wlif
ler'a llloeli lilveii liy Hie l.uillea or
I lie t:ilrontl Ohnrrli
Ice Ca-am, Strawberries, Lemonade.
A splendid supper nt ! o'clock. Flowers,
Fancy Articles, Music. A cordinl Invi
tation qxtcudcil to all. The proceeds ol
this festival will lie dcVoieil to painting
tho church. '
II rami I'.arnialiiii lo Moiiml lilj
The Taylor Literary club has charter
ed the steamer Three States fur an excur
ion lo Mound City, Satnnla .May '.'0,
lS7fi. Thete will be uiii'ir In attendance
nnd arrangements made fur iIiom who
nre disponed to dance on Hie boat. For
the round. trip COo each. The boat will
leave the foot of Fourth t. at l::tu p.m.,
and will remain nt Mound City until al
ter the Taylor Minstrel iK'tformanre at
Stokes' hull, returning to Cairo at la in.
A VlelonaArl.
On Sunday morning, alter the closing
of services nt tlieehurehoftiie l!eleeiner(
Mr. W. II. MorrI, In 'company iflTlni
slter, returned to llnlr conveyance whore
th-y had lelt It on Washington avenue,
opposite. I. II. Phillips' slore. Mr. Mor
ris untied the horse, and attempted to
drive away. The hortc made nil cllort
to go, but suddenly staggered and fell
lown, twisting the .halt oil' the buggy
and breaking the harness In several
places. 1'pon examination It was found
that the hore had become entangled In
the harness so tightly that he could not
step. It Is thoilghl that the nnluial v.i
tied up by nu unscruriiilons individual
whom Mr. Morris had rebuked during
the day for over-ollkiousncss about his
property, and took this coure'tn avenge
himself. Neither of the occupants of the
btiBgy were hurt, but this, doubtlc-s, was
not the fault of tbo party who perpetrated
the deed, as the harness bears proof ol
having been very elo'eton knife.
Tliv lie (.ralli Wrjury l.'itae.
Dr. Charles De Grath of New Vork,
who was indicted by the grand jury in
Cairo a year ngo, for perjury .ami who was
ontlned lu the county jiil here ftr sev
ral weeks, and afterward obtained his
rclea'e by giving bail in the um ol one
thousand dollars, arrived hi thu city yes
terday. He has come back to Stand his
trial, which will take place during the
present term of the circuit court, which
begun ycitenlay. He ays be is pre
pared to prove that Sarah Ford, who
claims to be his Unit and legal wife, and
who Is the complainant in the case, a
fraud of the Hist water, and that her oh-
eel Is to get his money and business from
htm. Dc Grath has with him two gen
tlemen from New York, who have come
out lo net as witnesses lor him. Their
names are Mr. Harry Brown, formerly
steward of the ship "Britannic," of the
White Star line of steamships, running
between New Vork and Liverpool, and
Dr. Joseph Wootteu. De Grath is nlso
accompanied by Col. Jchn Van Annan, u
prominent lawyer of fhtcago. who will
assist Messrs. Green and Gilbert of this
city, in the defeit'c. Mr. Seymour and
the lady who De Grath calls Sarah Ford
have not yet made their appearance, hut
will doubtless be here. The doctor sseui3
to be in excellent spirits, nnd I; confident
that he will come out of the trouble he
has got Into first best.
Iliirunliia foe Ilii Week.
I will sell Hie lollowing goods for oni
half their actual value. I have Just pur
chased and received a large a-ortinent ol
seasonable goods nl n bankrupt sale, ami
to have them go oil' rapidly I will sell
them forles than manufacturer' prices.
The stock consists ol the lollowing de
sirable goods :
Ladles' Slippers and Newport Tics;
Ladles' side Lace Kid Gaiters;
Ladles' Side Lace Cloth Gaiters;
Men's Calf Congress and Broadway
A Full Assortment nl Dress Goods;
New Styles Calico;
and a large assortment of Hamburg Edg
ings ;
Men'.s and Boy's Clothing, Astonish
ingly Cheap.
Mens' White and Colored Shirts.
I respectfully Invite the public to come
and examine for tlieinelve. as It Is Im
possible to describe them. Come early
It' you want bargains, as they will go off
lively. Dan. Mautman,
Cor.Slxlh and Coniintnereial avenue.
Linen Damask Napkins and Towel
lng oflcrlng nt reduced prices nt
W 1-1 in. . C. Manny's.
C.uno, III., Monday Kvenliig,
May 13. 1870. j
llu?iness is very quiet. The weather
his been pleasant .-nce Saturday morn
ing, when a very heavy rain storm,
accompanied by terrllllc thunder and
lightning occurred. At this time. It Is
cloudy nnd warm, with Indication of
tain. The rivers, have comu up pretty
lat, but mo on a stand to-day, and will
be tolling In a day or two If no other rise
Thero is a very light demand lor Hour.
Stocks nre sufficient for nil present wants
but not heavy. May is unchanged. The
market Is full but no change for the
better in the way of Miles has occurred,
nnd the prospects arc that there will bo'
no Improvement for many days. The
com trade opened brisk yesterday morn
ing. A number of dealer had oiiliis on
hand, but could not till them, us the mar
ket U completely hare. The demand is
very good. Oats receipts have been
light. There U a fair supply on Hie-Muir-ket,
however,' which U ample for all
wants. Clly meal Is lu limited supply.
The Uemanil isrinCA'emte.iNotldlMr is
Rltrire iiuitiitty ot,but(c,r,litt.s len worked
I- .- . -.:,...' '.. ll.il..
on ai retiuceii prices, iuki mikhi. -
feislon In prlew linn almost' cleaned the
Cir I Clears I . Clears Z
Wholesale and Retail Prices !
Fully alive to llic demand of the. times, propones to put lih
C? I Ml I Ml I JHfc! si
At priest that will compart with the dcellno In ntlipr mtlcles, In other words will put
Ills goods down Irom old
War to a Peace Basis,
- And in proof of tho fact would call tho attention of tho Smoking
Public to tho following prlcon: Conncoticut Seed irom '& to ilcontn;
Sood and Ilavannn, 4, 5 and 0 contn; Koy Wont Ilnvanna, 8 to io cetitn:
and imported Havanna 10 contn each. Ho uicnns business, and wtu
ut oven thoso low prices, nmkoafair living profit.
His light expensofl enables him togivo tho public tiio.ljcnotit of ttnae
low prices, and in return solicit thoir patronage
Smoking and Chnwing tobacco, undbmokti'ir articlcH of till di?crip
tionH, conntantly on hand, nnd will bouold correspondingly low.
102 Coinmeriul Ave. 2d Door Above Sixth Street,
market nl egg'. There Is very little
poultry here and Hie demand Is fair. A
few choice apples will sell readily Inr
stand purpoe. There are none of any
kind on hand. Choice pie plant linds
ready sale. Small will not ell. Straw
berries have b gun lo come in, and sell
well, It they are good and ripe.
auOur frlend should boar lu mind
that the prices here given are Uitully
for sales from first hands in round lots,
lu lilllng orders and for 'broken lots it Is
necessary to charge an advance over
thco llgures.-tea
The stock of Hour Is very good. 'I he
demand Is very light. Sales reported
wero 100 bbis various grades, $1 .VXn,";
300 bids various grades $:i r-0($r,; 200
hbl various grades. $3 W1Q0 CO; 100 bbis
vatlous grades. $1 .1C7; 100 bbis vari
ous grades, $(3,0 7,'.; -I.Y) bbN various
grades, city, 7.1.
Thei e is no change in hay. The mar
ket is full, and salcj are extremely slow
and small. We note the sale ol '2 ears,
choice mixed, $15.
The inatket Is bare of corn nnd the de
mand is urgent. We note the sale of 1
ear white lu sacks 50c: 1 ear white in
sacks BOe; 'i car white in sacks CsV.
O.itsare dull. The demand Is very
light and supply fair. We note the sale
of 1 ear Northern lu sacks lOc ; 1 car
Southern Illinois In sacks :17c.
Tho. suppiy of city meal N limited.
The demand Is fair. There Is only a
moderate supply of country. We note
the sale of '.MX) barrcN city steam dried
on orders J M); 1 ear country $2 2.1.
Bit AN.
Bran remains very dull. Theieisa
good6Upplyon the market, but there is
no demand.
There a fair demand for choice, fresh
butter. The supply Is only moderate.
We notu the sale of 'J pales Northern.
20c; 'J tubs old, lOe; .1 pales Southern Illi
nois, choice, 20c; 2 pales Southern Illi
nois, Me; 2!i pales lreh, lSQdPc.
The supply of egtrs Is very light, and
the demand Is fair. We note the alc of
100 doyen, lie; lOe.vo. 10i(llc, i1bo.c.
Poultry is lu fair demand. There U
very little hi theinaiket. No sales weie
A lew choice apples are wanted for the
stands. Tlie market I bare, hut they
lllll't be strictly choice to sell. Not over
live or ten barrels are wauled at u ship
ment, as they rot very quick.
Choice plant i-ells readily, hut snial
goes olf very slowly. There Is not much
lu market at pre.-ent. We note the sale
ol 10 barrels at .T(23 50 per barrel ; 100
pounds ;io.
There has been a few choice Southern
Illinois Mrnwherries come to market,
which sold at froui$7S per crate. Some
has been brought from the South, hut
they are loo green to sell will. Good
ripe berries are in good demand.
We ipiote salt lu car load lots, $1 CO ;
less than ear load lots, $1 7.1.
We quote Paradise and Mt. Carbon nu
track, lump, $1 ; nut. $2; delivered car
load per ton, lump, $'.1 50 ; nut, $2 75 ;
delivered per single ton, lump, SI ; nut
$;! 25 ; ltaiun or Mnrrlburg coal or
track per car load, lump. $2" ; mil, $1U
drlivered per ton, $:i 50; Pltt.-biugli cot'
ear loads on track, 5 50 per ton ; slugl
ton, delivered, $0.
Illdcs and furs are ijutct nt quotations.
Mii)i:s-Dry lllnt, 12l2Je; dry salted,
!)(cd10c; 'green salted, fijGc; damaged,
j price.
Ftrits-Beaver-No. 1 $2 50; No. 2
SI Ml; No. 3$l; No. 1 50u. Otter No.
l$0;No. 2$1; No. ;i $2; No. I SI.
Mink No. 1 $1; No. 2 75c: No. .'I 50e;
No. I lOe. llaceoou No, 1 70e; No. 2
Hlfl; No. :i20c; No. 110c. "Skunk No.
185u No. aooo; No. :t 30o; No. 4 15c.
Fox Gray No. 1 $1 ; No. 2 75c ; No. :t
50o; red lox No. 1 SI ; No. 2 75e.
Opossum No. 1 10c; No. 2 Sn; No. II
fie. Muskr.it -No. 120o; No. 2 15e; No.
3 10c. Bear No. I SI0; No. 2 $7; No.
$3; No. 4 SI. Wolf Mountain No. 1
$2 50; No. 2 SI 75 ; No. 3 $1 ; No. I 75c;
I'rnlrle Wolf No. 1 SI 25: No. 2 Me.
Wild i 'at 25e. Mouse Cut 10e. Badger
lee l!rBOi.
IMiU'Saiiji bus renovated and refur
nished his ice cream parlors throughout
with eotly furniture and linu carpets,
nuking It one of tastiest and pleasancst
places of resort In the clly, where pure
ice ficams of all flavors ami pure, quality
will bo kept every day for bis pulnm".
Washington avenue, Under' block.
IMlie StulllHlfN.
Lancaster Hlco liavo .nl lecelvcd
100,000 pine sliingleH from the Michigan
pineries; nlso 100,000 cypres shingles
ami all kind of doord. s.ih, dressed
lumber mid bulWUig iiwlerlal-r-all lor
salo very low. Ynrd nnd ofllce, eonwr
of Sixteenth stroct and CouimerclaVaye.
S All lUMIHlllNT, ItlVliK IlKrOKr.
.May 14 ,s7
jinura i
tx. it. in.
' t ,
I" X
K I II t.
I a
u l-t t
II i i IV
ii i ii
I An
X'l 1
1 -0 I
ht. M
stille . II
lils II
il.nr .1
Orlr.inn .1
Hli lilW hlKll Uillrrof 1671.
frertttatnl, Slarnnl sti Ice, t;. M. X.
I'nrl I.lsl.
Steamer .Ins. Flsk, I'aducah. v
Calhoun, Ohio river.
IMdyvllIe, Nashville.
Steamer da. FMf, Paducah.
" Calhoun, St. LouN.
IMdyvllIe, Nashville.
The gauge l.tt evening showed
10 1-10 feet. The river came to a stand
on Sunday, and up to 5 o'clock last even
ing had fallen 2 inches.
Business about the wliarf and every
where else lu the city va very quiet.
The weather was warm and cloudy.
Wo sincerely regret to hear of tho
death of the aged father ot Ileesc amllr
vln Dugan, orthe Kckctt. He died lu
Covington, on Saturday, from the cflecta
of a tall lat winter. The sons of the do.
ceased have the sympathy ot their entire
circle of acquaintances lu this citv.
The .lames FIsk came down from.
Paducah with a very light trip. Sua
went back correspondingly light.
The IMdyvllIe.! came down Irom
Nashville lib 123 hogsheads of tobacco
for the South. She went back wltn a
vcrv light cargo.
The Calhoun, a hnin new boat, atiout
the size of Captain Bob Uiley's City of
Vle.ks.burg, pas-.ed up for St. Louis from
New Albany. She didn't land.
The James Gllman left on Saturday
for St. Louis with her usual tow. but
broke one of her steam pumps and had
to cotyc bank. She will lay here until
The Uitlktin prinllnit
o-taMi'liniont makes a
s.ici.'ilty of Hill llti-da.
.Vote lleaiU, I.i-IIrr llr.ula,
.itatfinmtJ, Cnnls, Ktc I.011V at thi-c irlia:
Small U! lilll hi-a.U, per UX'U.
Medium sle bill lieuit., er tlinu.uml :i
All on fiiurtern i"unl )uier, ('arllalv mills,
nilctl tiro fcnlJ il r pmiml liiitlirr lletn pflper
ii.i.l liy iinr nllu r ollloe nileil Id nnlirut tlin
111IIU ejivulnlly for IIiIh ollire
SMIi'iiu'iiM. Carlyale. ir . t ()
loiter lltiuH, Tnrlynir, wr li f"
Note llitulii, Curlytle, tier lnv . . .1 no
VUltiiiKoriN t I'lii'kiiAe....- 73c
limine rants, No. 1 3-iily Uri'tul iKuiril.
perlmiu - .J !" t" a
Iliulnrsa cant, Nu 1 liliink, jkt U - a 0(1
yiuitttrlitct, liulfulieet, lull-tlieet andlliiTf
alil iHisli rs, nml colored work lieluw St l.ula
''V'ttmplili't, Uook Work iiml Price I.lsU .-l.aile
'OnsSiSiI MMtt'lIANTH.
K. J. Ayu. a. J). Ayrn.
Ami Kcneral
Commission Merchant
No. 03
Flour Merchant
Millers' Agent.
No so Ohio A'r,
7- r, if.
Dealer in
All llmlJ lianl ami eon,)
Mill aad Yard,
rornor Thirty-Fourth Sti6t and
Ohio Lovoo.
Wagon Maker.
Mumifacturuahlaown Koraa fUMMa4
can Aaaura Oood WaravT
U-2-llu " '- ' -
A't the RptiaiiR . C1"1! Hllnol.

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