OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, August 05, 1876, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1876-08-05/ed-1/seq-2/

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Every Face.
Tar I'mtrirnt,
fttnrri. j. Tunis,
of New Tork.
Kor Vlrc-rresidont,
Tlinns a. nr.xiRi;ii,
of Indiana.
Mi llet Is to he m-apDointal arcliitpct
ol the treasury.
Tbk Belknap trial cot thn government
seventy thousand dollar.
Gkx. R ai m has entered on hi duties
as commissioner of internal revenue.
Bob 1m;ersoi.l saj that Lew Steward
will beat Cullom for governor. Bob is
Bki knav was congratulated by all the
Republicans in Washington who believe
In 'reioru within the party."
' Mohto.n has his bloody-shirt cpeech,
an unusually vigorous one, ready to be
rtoiircit-u in Indiana as soon as congress
hall adjourn.
In the National Soldier's home in
Montgomery county, Ohio, there is a
Tilden and Hendricks club numbering
six hundred members.
Thk headquarters of the department
of the south, heretolore located at Louis
ville, will be transferred to Atlanta,
Georgia, early in September.
Ges. Sam Oaky of Ohio has been nom
inated for vice-president on the Indepen
dent ticket, vice Booth resigned. Gen.
t'ary lias accepted the nomination.
Gen. Sukrm an has asked lor an ad
dition of twenty-live hundred to the
cavalry force of the United States for the
frontier. Gen. Sherman presented his
request belore the house military com
mittee on Friday.
State Register: "Hayes' administra
tion bas cost Ohio $3,000,000 more than
that ot Allen cost. Tildou's administra
tion has cost New York nearly $.V),
000,000 less than that of Dix."
The secretary ot the treasury has in
structed the various sub-treasury ofil
cers throughout the country to pay out
silver co'.n in exchange for legal-tender
notes, and in the ordinary disbursement
of the government.
Nominally, there are seventeen mil
lions ot dollars coin in tbe treasury
This is about one-eighth of the sum nec
essary to the resumption of specie pay
ments. At the rate of lie-cumulation
of the last lew years, the amount will be
raised in about a score ol years after the
date of the specie resumption act.
The Courier-Journal has figured on the
German papers of the state of Ohio, and
fiuds that of twenty-seven German pa
pers In that state, nineteen are earnestly
advocating Tilden, Hendricks and Re.
lorm ; five are for Grantism as indorsed
by Rutherford B. Hayes, and three are
on thetence. The Cincinnati YollMatt
is the only one ot llaytV papers which
has any appreciable influence.
Got. Hayes is "a valued ami intimate
friend" ot ex-Minister Schenck.
scnenek will not stump his native
state lor the Republican candidate be
cause the Republican managers think
the ticket would not be helped thereby,
out me poker player will give his vote,
his efloi t, and his influence for Hayes
aud will get Lis reward it the gover
nor Is elected.
Senator Ogi.ksiiy voted to convict
Belknap. Logan voted to acquit. On
the tirst article the vote stood
thirty-live senators to twenty-live,
most of the senators voting "not guilty"
explaining that they voted so on the
ground ot "want of jurisdiction." On
the Oth and last article the vote was
thirty-seven to twenty-live, Morton go
ing iu and voting "guilty."
The Washington orrespondent ot thee
Courier-Journal says the judiciary com
mittee is considering the expediency of
reporting favorably upon the proposi
tion cf a constitutional amendment pro
hibiting the use of any school funds or
moneys raised by public taxation from
being applied, lor sectarian schools or
purposes. The principle involved is
recognized as sound, but some iBctubcrs
hold that the entire regulation of the
subject ol education should be Kit to the
states. Some, very prominent Demo
crats In Congress lavor immediate action,
at it Is believed that the Republicans arc
quietly preparing to use the religious I
sue in the presidential canvass.
It Godlove Orth, Republican candidate
lor governor in Indiana, ma been pun
ished according to law for his share in
the Venezuelian claim business, he
would have been lined U-u thousand dol.
lars and received two years iu the pcui
teutiary. With a full knowledge ol the
fact In the case, Senator Morton had
him nominated lor governor of Indiana
and Orth renlgued his position as minis
ter to Austria to come home ana get
elected. But the pressure of public
opinion has been so strong iu the
Jloosler state the contrast between old
Blue Jeans William" and Ortb is o
great, that in obedience to the request of
his party, be nas withdraw u trom the
ticket. Hid letter, dated lAfayette, lud.t
Aiurust M giving aa tut reason for de
clining to run, that he does not think
thai be would receive the united support
of the Republicans of the state, has jut
n made public.
Every well-wisher of the lK?mocratlc
party In the Fiftieth senatorial dis
trict, and Indeed in the state, must re
gret the disharmony that has been
brought Into the democratic party of
the district, by the events of the con
vention held at Jouesboro on the 3d
inst., for the purpose of nominating
ttemocratlc candidates for senator and
representatives. In this district, until
the .Tonesboro convention had met and
done Its work, the success ol the Ih'ino
cratic party in the present canv was
admitted by even the Republican to be a
loregonc conclusion'; but every candid
person In the district must now
admit, that the action of the
seceding delegates ' to that con
vention has rendered success less
certain. This fact, we may agree In say
ing, cannot lx laid at the door of either
of the candidates ; but it Is a fact never
theless, and one that should receive the
unimpassioned and even prayerful con
sideration ot each of the gentlemen nom
inated by the convention. Defeat in this
district may result In our failure to elect a
Democratic L'nitcd States senator next
winter, and the possibility oi defeat
will assuredly weaken both the
state and congressional tickets. But
we believe wise counsels will prevail and
that the candidates nominated on Thurs
day will, unsellishly and patriotically,
take action to unite the party again
and make success In the district once
more an assured fact.
A Boston tailor has had his bill heads
stamped with the picture of a forget-me-not.
Whitehall Times. This is all right
as long as customers have anemone.
A'orrintown Herald. Yes, but these
dindy lions are to lilac, blazes. Ronton
UhM, And then have the bills sent to
their poppies, too. Commercial Adcer-
tier. Well, a tellow has got to have Jessa
mine ot wealth to pay for clothes now-a-days
they have been so hy'cinths the war.
It's silly for a man to crocus he don't hap
pen 10 owe nis tailor. xunetay Courier.
Botany body is justified in doing it
these hard times.
Skcrktary ol the Treasury Morrill re
ports that there are seventeen millions of
dollars coin in the treasury. But it ap
pears that half of this sum is pledged to
the unpaid interest fund ot July, and the
greater part ot the balance is silver wait
ing to be issued under the new law.
Il Xpw .inr.
From the Milwaukee News.
We have heard it called tangle-loot,
etc., etc., and even neuralgia. But w hen
a religious newspaper speaks, a still more
euphemistic name is becomingly offered,
which we hasten to circulate. The New
York WitntM has it :
"A malign influence has kept General
Grant in an abnormal state of boily and
mind, and virtually dictated the policy of
his second term."
I.AM AH O Tilt". KOVT1I.
On Wednesday last Mr. Lamar of Mis
sissippi made a speech in congress, of
which the following is a synopsis :
He commenced by saving that it could
not be truthfully asserted that the prac
tice and peculiar system of measures
adopted by the present administration
commanded tue approbation of a major
ity ot the people, but American people
regarded the conduct of national attain
now one ol very decided dissatisfaction
and despondency, accompanied with a
strong and intense desire ot change.
There was a deep and anxious protest
against the the methods of the adminis
tration, the tone and character of the
public service. and the princi
ples of legislation that had marked
the action of the government tor
many years past, and yet it
was remarkable that this pop
ular feeling had produced no change in
the administration. Such a development
of the public sentiment in England would
have produced a change iu tlie adminis
tration and agencies ot government
within twenty-four hours, lie did not
believe that the apprehension growing
out ot the united support bv tho South
ern people of the Democratic party was
well loumieii, or mat it mould stand in
the way of the aspirations ot a great peo
ple lor progress and reform. The idea
that the South, under any combination
oi parties or circumstances, would ever
obtain control of tuis great Republic, and
wield its destinies ayainst the will and
interests ol this mighty people, was ot
all ideas the mo-t visionary and
false. The people ol the South
were prostrate. TLty La-J been
defeated iu war and u.vl.- to
feci that the sacrafice and the humilia
tion and the helplessness ot defeat had
been allotted to them as their share,
while the people of the north had reaped
the rich results of a victorious war, and
had embodied aud guarrauteed them in
the very hie and constitution ot the ua
tion. The Institutions ot the south had
been shattered and destroyed. Her iu
dustries has been disorganized. Every
foot of her fertile soil has been sterilized
bv an all-devouring taxation. Her edu
cational in U resis were w aning aud Inn
(rui.-hing, and population was so feeble in
comparison witti that ot tins great
Union, that wan. the south united, black
aud White, it would be Impou-ut lo aocuru
a single southern man or to ueiena a
single southern Interest.
It was therefore absurd for a great
people to apprehend that the people of
the South arrogaU.nl to themselves the
ruling ot the interests of thU great
nation. There was no aspiration which
they had that was not bounded by the
horizon of the I nlon. it they were
united with the Democratic party it was
not for the purpose of sectional aggrand
izement, it was not lor the purpose oi
reversing the policy of the government,
but it w as because they observed an in
stinctive and imperative law of self-
lie nuoieu irom uie reports oi mu
.. . ...
Louisiana iirveslii'utiiitr committee, aud
from the president s annual message, in
which he acknowledged that the eople
of the South had had vile and oppressive
government to live under, and he askeu
how it could be expected to liud orderly
law abidinsT communities whose gover
nor were lawless felons, w nose ministers
were thieves, and whose magistrates were
scoundrels. This race problem was not
incapable ot solution. Two statesmen
such as Lord Derby aud Earl Russell
would settle It In three days. 1 he peo
ple ot the south would be content to with
draw from participation in the presiden
tial election, it they could do so, and let
the K'ople ot the north elect a president
but they couldn't impose on themselves
a stolid Inactivity. All that they wanted
in uniting with the Iiemocrutic party was
not to ruiecatilneu, not to dictate policy
not to control the interest, of the couu
try. but they wanted a representative
share of the resKuibllites and leiietlts
of a common government, accordiug to
the measure oi their population and race
They were now co-oieratlng Willi the
Democratic party under a dire and inex
orable necessity, mid only In hopes ot
gcttlnir nn administration that would not
Imj unfriendly to them, that would not
feel itself piimmlsiinned to execute re
sentment and oppression on (hem. 1'hey
wanted to get an administration
which, In place ot the force of con.
quest, subjugation and domination,
would give amnesty and restoration to
the privileges of American citizenship,
nn administration which would allow
their stites the snmc roual rights as other
states, w hich would allow them equality
of consideration, equality of authority,
jurisdiction over their own afi'iirs, ex
emption from the domination ot election
by the bayonet, that would give them
local self-government, nnd their country
would nt last see the dawn ol prosperty,
in all the industrial enterprise ef the
North. It would see a true Southern re
assurance of real grand reconstruction ot
the South. It would see her rising from
her confusion and distress, rejoicing in
her newly-acquired liberty, free, great,
prosperous ; her sons and he daughters
of every race happy in her smile, and
greeting this benignant republic In the
words ot the inspired poet. i ny gentle
ness has made the great." Loud Ap
plause. air. l.amar spoke aoouc inree notirs,
his time having been extended on motion
of M r. Garrleld. and commanded through
out his whol speech the close and inter
ested attention of the whole house.
The River and Harbor Bill
Passed the Senate.
as it
The Appropriation for the Improve-
in rut or tllf KIlmlKMlppi. Hcineeo
Dickey Island nnd Hie Mouth
or I he Ohio Klver
nil Might.
(Speciul dispatch to the St. Louis Keviihlifitn .)
Washington, Aug. 3. The river and
harbor bill as it came from the senate
committee and passed makes appropri
ations given below which are of inter
est to the JtrpuOliean readers. Tin; $o0,
000 appropriated by the house lor the im
provement of the channel of the Missis
sippi river opposite St. Louis by the
construction ot it low (turn across the
ctiannel known as Caliokia chute and in
the revetment ot Arsenal island, has now
been stricken out bv the committee.
Also the $10,000 ' for the im
provement ot the Missouri river at
the point where it is cutting into
the Kansas shore above St. Joseph
tor the protection ot that city. 1 here is
added $20,000 for Missouri river above
the 1 ellowstone ; $10,000 lor the Rush
chute and harbor ot Burlington, lo. ;
$10,01)0 tor the harbor at Fort Madison,
lo. For the improvement of Calumet
harbor $30,000, (formerly $23,000;) lor
the Illinois river $40,000 (the same ;) for
the upper Mississippi $30,000 (formerly
$20,00). and seven thousand dollars
thereof may be applied in constructing
the necessary machinery used in Capt.
Edward Bell's process for building wing-
dams, and applying said process in the
improvement ot said river ; tor the im
provement of Rock Island rapids, Missis
sippi river, $25,000 (formerly $20.UJl:)
for tlie improvement of MUsw
sippi, Missouri and Arkansas
rivers, fiw.ouo (formerly 12j,-
000). Provided that $40,ou0 of the
above sum shall be expended on the
Misouri river, and $10,000 thereof shall
be expended for removing the bar at
rort smith. Arkansas; lor the Improve
ment of the Mississippi rivier between the
mouths of the Illinois and Ohio rivers
($15,000 of which are to be expended be
tween the mouths ot The Illinois and
Missouri rivers, and $20,000 ot which
are to be expended between the toot of
Dickey island and the mouth of the Ohio
river, and this is added to the original
bill $5,000 to be expended between the
inlands No. 14 and 15. near Kaskaskla
Illinois), in all 5200.UUO. The item
ot $15,000 for the removal ot a bar
in the Mississippi, opposite Dubuque.
Iowa, is added to the bill. The Ohio
river gets $200,000 instead ot S270.OUO,
as in the bill as passed by the house.
For the annual expense of gauirintr tlie
waters of the Lower Mi8isippi and its
tributaries, and for continuing observa
tions of the rise and fall of the same, as
required by resolution of tlie 21st of
tebruary, lfcj I, fifty thousand dollars.
To ascertain in current and next fiscal
years, as required by act ot March
the depth or water and width ot channel
secured and maintained from time to
time by .lames B. Eads, at South l'a,s of
the Mississippi river, aud lo enable the
secretary of war to report during
the construction of the work the pay
ments made from time to time aud t Im
probable times of other payments, and to
report during the eointrtiction of the
work all important tacts relating to the
progress ot the same, materials used and
the character and permanency with
which the said jetty and auxiliary works
are being constructed $15,000. For the
improvement of the mouth of the Missis
sippi river, $100,0i J0: I'rorUlfd that this
appropriation shall cease to be available
when it necT)Aity U superseded by any
other work ot improvement authorized
by law.
'The appropriation to ascertain
h.at tbfeaiirea are necessary to
prot. the landings and wharfs
at M-in phis from further injury
from the current of the Missis
sippi and the cost of the same is
stricken out. Also the appropriations
for the Missouri river from the town ot
St. Charles to the mouth of the Missouri
river with the view to protect the owners
ot land on the banks in St. Charles
county against the deflection and abra
sion of the current of the river by reason
the nt. inane bridge. Also tor the
survey and eatiiuate of damages. If any
lone or to be done, to riparian owners ot
amis aud Improvements thereon at or iu
front ot the town ot Venice, 111., by rea
son of government Improvements, made
or to bo made, at or near Venice.
Tramp . BeKsar.
As a rule the tramp keens clear of
rmlailelilua, generally liassiiii: around It,
or, it tlirouuli it. then rurht fcpeetlily.
I he Rtx-aker, an ex-iolleetnan, now a
private watchman on North liroad street.
Uieu vouetibarei our reporter the an
nexed additional Information :
"The country on all side is run down
with tramps. The other day 1 happened
to drive a lew miles out on the I.:iiieater
pike, and met them in twos or threes at
every few hundred vards. lon through
Delaware county, Delaware aim Alary
laud, things are even worse, but they
give l'hiladelplila a wide berth. They
don't like the idea of being Kent up on the
l'ennypack, and ever since the house of
correction was built they steer widoof It.
"Oh, yes : v e ve still got tlie usual
quantity of city U'gjrar. Occasionally 1
miss one or two ol the old veterans, hut
they soon reappear. When they are
sent up they don't remain lon. How do
they get out? Oh 1 I'll never tell you;
that' a mystery to ine. No ! there's
not so much snealt thieving don j by
them as formerly. You see, house
keeper have learned by experience, and
now, Instead of leaving the beggars stand
In the vestibule they don't permit them
to croii the doorsill, and II they go back
to tlie dliiuing-rooiu or kitchen lor food
lor them they generally close the front
Its, they am a cluniili-u as any set
of beings on the face of th earth, and
have a vocabulary nn I a series ol mystic
signs understood bvno one but them
selves. They mark he houses they call
nt by certain signs hich Indicate the
liberality or illlberalily of the kerier, so
that any who follow liiay know how to
net and w hat to expect. They can tell
you Just what they nic going l get,
whether it will be tnmiey or loon, and
then there nre houses thai they shun al
" I hey make these mark" on I lie lineks,
or window shutters, or tree boxes, or
ally gates. I've seen I hem nt the work
and discovered their marks. I nt. of
course, couldn't decipher them. I've heard
some inn stories noo'it some i iin-m
growing enormously rich and owning n
large amount of property, but 1'vo ncwr
been nine to got down P i'. i n i e
lieve any such stories. I do know of a
soap-fat man who owns quite
a large amount of real estate, but I Ihink
these yarns about rich beggars, so . far
as Vhilndelphia is concerned, nre nil
rather thin. Their Pickimz won't nver
age more than a doll ir a dav, and they
generally 'shoot it nt!" In .laala street
rum. They are a gm d-lor-nothing, care
rs set that barely live from day to day,
and. it not sooner killed by rum. even
tually find their way o t!ie'alniliouse or
morgue, nnd the stereotyped verdict
'(hath from debdit; and exposure,'
forms their epitaph.'1'
Slate Hoofers,
Roofing and Quttoring a Specialty
Slate Roofiing a Specialty in
any part of Southern Illinois.
Lightning Rods, Pumps, Stoves
and Tinware.
JobbinU PromPtlT Done.
(Succe-sor to)
Dialers in
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Window Glass, Win
dow Shades, &c.
Always on lmu l, ILr itlrbrutt-1 illiuninating
Al KOIl t OIL.
Corner movent h Street and Wab;n
tou Avenuo
II Oil IV'
St. Charles Hotel,
mm i::r,i: s:i: :hs mi
Room and Board, 1st and 2d
Floors, $2.50 per Day.
Room audBuard.34 Floor $2.00 Per Day
Special Rate by Week or Month.
A liiiiite-l nuniljer of vrry Wir.iMe luriiily
rjuiu -an x xccurot at rian.imolt; laU .i lor tlit
Miiniui r montlci
J he M Miarln i Hie lurire-t siel be-t anjioiiit-e.llli.ll.1-
iu roullierri lUirj.,io, un.l in lhc Uu'lum
h'itil iu euiro jtulilj.taielii.K the "l'.i l
Hock" rxtuctixii in riit-i, thr (utile Will, iu
usual , In-liljt-rully Ui.luil with I lie very best
of fry tiling tliut au I- luunl in market.
I itie htr'f Hitiile rxin fir jiiiiifr';ial truv
elcr. on kmuuU lloor, in of thaw
tVS".ll i.arittueol ifuwta coiivi jrJ to anl lrorn
the hotel wilUout charf .
JtWhlt WILO V it '. ,
4-lf-tf. Proprietor.
STew-York Store
Goods Sold Very Close.
Corner 19th St. and Commercial At.
latTHit til 6u:'.i:r.
Lincoln Butter Powder
tiood I renh Jiiiii,-r a tt Tear Kuiintl
I.ineolu linn, r PoWiier is uu entirely
haruile.". arti. Iu nmili- lion a eelehratei!
Klijliuli i-ijn, and now ij daily ue hy
many of the uiPt nmeil farmer iu the
butter futilities around 1'liiUdell hla.
Iu hot weathi r this l'owiltr makes biitti r
uiiic h tinner unj sweeter ttim It usually is,
and keeps it fi.mi turiiim; 'aof id. It aUo
removes i he stroi' (lavor of turnips, rurllf,
weeds, e-'in stalk, cut'on leeil, etc.; and
the lu.reai(l uij f but Br much more
tliuu pays the triihu;; txpenvof tisinj; it.
a t ents cr jjhUK.
10 Market
Advertising Agents,
133 W. Fourth SI. CVCWAIL 0.,
Ar authorized to contractfor advarti-
i lo this pap-.
Estimate furnuhedfree. Bad for Circular
Commission Merchants,
No. 190 Commercial Avenue
t Kil'O, Illinois.
A(1:iI'cps mailt! Jin Cim-iniiieiifi.
straeis ol Titles imiile, t 'euvcyaiiec
nnd Olleetioii attended to.
Attention to bu-,iin, aud KcinitUnet
prmptly uiailc.
:il Kvcry
Mo ml ii a.
i.Kit oh m.ti.i.n-
Vi. SMYTH & CO.,'
Wholesale unit Retail IHnUrs In
Foreign and Domestic
Wo. 60 Ohio Levee,
CAino, ILLS.
ME.HF. fMVTII A CO. hvn conittaiitlT
a lurifc Dtock ol the Iw-itt (rond-- ' Hie "mr
ket, ati'l Kivt't-upwlal attention to the wliolttwl
ranch of the huHinex.
A : .A
I'.v the nit of wliifli every family my jrive
their l.inen tlwt hriliian' ilili iieeuliar to line
laundry ve nrk. a in tt:iieuiel lai r in irom
inir, more than itnentne eo-t. Wmntel.
Sold By Druggiiti and Grocori Ererywher
DOBBINS, BROS. & CO., 13 N. 4th St.
. --i-l A --in . Philadelphia.
To whom Pensions are
r A Til KVKRV HoKllor
J?J.1. JLf D1SABLEI whits In the line
asd Uncharfe of dntv, either by "clxfcmt o
citherwlse, ahoald tare a prjloo The Ion o.
a anavr entitle you to a pension. A ruptuw
so matter how slight, ivea yoa a pec Ion.
The loaa of a toe k-v you a punaion.
The lou of an eye elvea you a penstoo.
vbo are now 'drawing a penurm, are Juft'y entl
tle l to an Increase. T 'TT' I' V lT
lijr oopy ot 1'eaaioa aud lvmnty ArlK.
Vrited tate Claim Arent, I.HDiaiarui.iii;lj0
tttrOn all letters mark f. O. box U..JM
JkaM ,utiD tt rrr .rl!asu
M nililiiK I on
mill t ruultllii
HI reel o. 4 hi.
euico. lllitiolN.
t bai terel by the
State oi lllmios
fr the expre-n
tiiin.ri.. fit Llvltitf
ri a.l i-ae of private, ehronie, and urinary di-sea-es
in all their eoiiudicuted forms. It is well
iv"'. y il llllljirjiiiit: rlt.l
known that Ir.. lumeH has tool at the head of
the profession for Ihepu-t J yearn. Aire and
esM-rieneeareall-iniis'ii'tunt. Nemlnill Wnk-
iieoo, nirht losws iiy dreams, pimples on the
lae- lost lininlKMxI. run iir.itneiy He :ureei
Ijidies walitiiiif the mo-t delirale attention, call
or write, riiikiaiit home for isttieiiW. A bMik
lor the million. Marriiiire l.mde. whii h tells
you all alxnit the-e iliwanes wlio nhould Hiarry
--why not 1" eents to pay pontujre. 1'r. Juinen
),n ii riMiins and ilor". Von see do one but
tiieilot tor imIk hours, 'i a.m. lo 7 p.m. miii
day, lo to U. All business atrietly runtldeu
tutl. 4-o-dw-ly.
37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY.,
A wuUrty MtKfit-sl utj i fully (jtm)iflM -bitakiMi niiJ ih
U"t uiXa1'il, m 111 t ! U':r pttiV
Curf all iorcn of PRIVATE,
aesnic aMd SEXUAI-
Spermatorrhea aud Iiu potency ,
tlit; Tfault f sfll-utt m .'j:fi. .rvii.-tl t.- iti
lurr "etr, at i-iiswf tu;, i, J i f.be mjr -tiif , fy
k"d)h' itltf-l - Nrrimi.ti-ai, H m', i,.. t ( u, i ,,,, , . , , ( !',!
I'iis t. .lrwnii-i. liunu.- 1. 1 m.i. , e-, nvw 4Mll, ,-ti fi,,.
tll-t PinA ou j wv, A -rioii u-O.-i-i- of I iimfce",
LuLlu.K.u t.f IdKUi, Ijat t,f ,, Kii. i t'.,wtr. 4 ., r.- ! r ng
Uiarnur itiii-r i-r '.n f , e tl..ri,.., rm irnl i. -imu-
XX SYPHILIS i""io c..ri ..a.u.
nt fpT V"1 r 'V""- u Gonorrhea,
tU i.J -u.i r pririu' lifRat fiii, klv tuiol.
It i- awir-tviivut tliut u -kUu vJ H.-4-iiiUtt'-ntiu
U erTUIH Cl .f t, ,(-, a trt'Mllllaf (liUti ai.Wl-
lily. a tiirN snl akul. Kt viiiian ali"ili) tl.i tiri f.fl-Q
rt umni--ij4 t rxiin u- mr crt. U ln-u ll i iu nvciii. nt t
i-lt lt' sit y fljr trCAlWHt, ihliiuM CaU t aclil lf H hUlf
1 nitty l.jr 11,-H 0r rxproM uuywiitru.
Cnre Guaranteed in all Cases
t lib .tuti.-us i-ra.nHT Df r.r letter tr nl lntii -.t,
rbarc raoul-ir hb4 cyrrti-.u l-ujr uiruUy cu b it u till.
t --no !', ut-nt in uiiy a4iri, sturrly f a 11, f.f thirty
lD'js. )L'uM be rs-awi D'
wlw Lours froui h A. M. U J. II,
A4'lrau ua alsi
Buii'lAJA, ItoiF.
DISPENSARY NfcV!i'oiVa?,bJ!i,'w"t'
r-i!r'!'Ly;i""'l"'r"".''' In ""t'"i""lol beiual aua
CUrOlilC lilbUUBC Of If ( f fl. x ,.
f ? ?1 UIi TT' arrlaee CiulUe.
lyAA, A Fhymologioai V iew ofat.rruit
3-tff ' msii-iwl anU M,tu ounUini.
iiiAinppi-, uu ll.r my.tvrlft t.f r, ,rtilu.t-
on alt (liM'ava
el a Private Nature iu b..M .no, ll.r .
oid. i... HI,.- .. ul ...l. in. ml tlieni.aii.uiture.tiUiAiia
w.'L,,."L'lv:"i". "tuna, rieiil luruni.
UEUICAL ADVlCBan b..ul.,M chmnw- llimws.
S imi.hI nrukni-.i. Catarrh, Uikit, Itiiututr, ll.f I iii,m
I lil.it. IKiff ..tk u mI un.l. r .! r in ,-." All
tllrt e booka i minina 4t0 put! in.l, v. rvtlioi i,na
ki.".iil un the. ulijiit, stut securely ai-alca Oil ro"
laPSf2?1.el.'c.Al:,ir'''", ? Dispe.ssry,
Wo. 12 N. 8th St.. SI. lou is, Mo. l.Luk.u,u 1m.. j
illutrtf (1 Work r J
a privat couiimiIi
11 uiMiriii an.liiu.r
afM a Ba Wm . . nKlii on tut mv.u-rua
1 1 1 ll C "die aaiual ayrtriu, iu sbUHt,
1 II I W !. 1UU U.-u.TH. tU 111
r truly l..y it llie marriril rilatiun. Malt ahj If male.
. - " nn ui muMiuniiin . i n i w u
a m
un aim ui.udi ai-ti .biu.a lead and pn-Mrva it i ii
but i uu hu lu po arrv,- the lu-alth, and cuiiiplraion. aud
jneto liul.J rWks Ihf trriiiuvu ol vuulli : tin la-M sud
enlv trua AlamaaeOuid in tLa woila. I'tica aiosuls
i'y Mail, liiu author nmy Im cun.u!tfl perMiualiy or lis
iiiail oii tnv of tl..i,,,,(, rutatiuurU in hi. ur AiOiuaf
lu. A. (. OUH. ha Vl aaluimtuu St.. CliUAgu, l.
M.uiwMmu, wuirn UU Ofie t'HQ aDUM lu US WlIU
l-'iia l.uid. Hln.tti.tKl
unit tiuiumiu.viitaviii
hum lilt tin lira all II,. t,w
Diinnnmo s
til knuat uti
ujt.liiu. SI...,H ,1
Hii.il.iiai kty.tiriu
ntl Kt-i.lationa ot lh
ai I i i 4 ol I!kbm. srllh hunitrru. ,,f i.l,,.bW rriwZ
lura u.l . .7:: .A' : - -r, V,""V " V "naf tn. ir li.
it. i j niarriarfih.-ir n
ik a, ul; r.ol.iuiiig Oi
fun-: it t. lhauliiy r.ai
. . ..u,hoiii. am, uirau lu t'urr : it t. lha olii v rt al v
Tul" , " T."' " rv M...di. ...j UZ"$Z
-.- . ... nsilil till If! rll'l ul A4I vim.
i I (how dashine)
mm mm
bl Luu.t, alu.
AT' A aM4fch. Ui ISurui lilii. Aiiffcat.
t.l.li.i.l.ii.u !.
hkw A0VJKHTin:Mr.TN.
It well flerlhan ant other hook aver tiultlUu-
el. t Ine air cut mlt i) eoi lea Inoneilav. Bend
lor our extra term lo nifertN. Natlomil I'uh
linhinir t o., t hiratfo, III., 81. IxoiIh Mo., or
liinilin-, (I.
1 rre Ihf Hntir llalil aa van
ran, that's rheumnti.ini one turn more, that's
Konl," U a famiiiur diveriplion of the two
iiieae. 'I hoil(h nrh limy ami does attaek
ilinerenl j.or'ion- of the system, thecaiiscl lie
lieveil lo lie a poinonou acid In the Wood. 1'ti-
ruy tins iy the ie-e oi
II will do ilxwork hik-HHt snd thorouirhlT. It
U the hi eat fi ieud fd the nuOerer from Kheuina-ti-in
and Kout-
sol.l) H V ALL Jjltt tiljIST.s.
A M'KEK rtianintee.1 lo male and
feiuisle bkmiU in their locality.
Coats uothlnx to try It . farth-ulars
free. V. O. VICKKRV A t;0 ,
Ailirnrta, Me.
ftfi tft GiOA per day at home
Sample worth
Minson A Company,
I'oitltind Maine.
anind Rnadlnr. Pa vchomancv. Facina
lvl tion. Soul Charmimr, Memerlm, un I
Marrlasra Oulde, lnwinK bow uitber rx
mav tiiM-inate and its in the hue of aay )erion
IhfV ehnnm. Inl-taiillT too pagen, Hy flittll
eenl. Hunt A t o.. IT'S. Tth St. I'hlta.
I A ANTED. Any Person can make
w $600 a month selliiiK our lellf r-ripytna
tiook. Anv one that has a InlliT to write will
luiv it. Xu im' or water
u'l. end xtatnp
for 'eireular. KM r I.Molt
lliiihliiiK ' hlcapo 111.
IU, ii iniiune
If von wm trelhihls information, whet and hoa
to'iret a ehinn Farm or irowrtinietit Home
stead live eend mir aldrei.s to f. .1, (.11.
.MultK. Lund I onioil-hionrr, Ijiwrenne Kanra
and ie . n- gratis a ropy of Tb Kanaa l'a
cine Homestead.
cc Fancy Card with nunie,
OJ rrntn. A . I It Kit A to.
reut. i'i
.North hat
bum, N . V .
" hrare.l fir Its Parity, Streajrlh and Flaror
u .r-.t,t.-. t K"-p l'lrklei,. We Ouarantee II "
nlirelj' free frnro .Siilf.tMnc ndorolhrd'-let. rt
tiaiits'arH'e.wlth whli h Jfo" nitrirtialilterated
.rule hv llirocers. lreft Vlneear Works la ItM
S urid. nft. IMS. E. L. t'UU nel A CUCblcaga
lint before froing elsrwher to do so, "end for
rin-tilar ol N. W. Tehg-raph Instihlle, Julirn-
ville, W Nronin. Hecjimvndel by Su.t. of
Wtern I'nii.n lelecrili Co., at tlin.nly re
liable school in the Vint.
Military Agency
proeun-s I'KSSIONNi f.r finiwr'i and ol.lier
Wounded, injurol or ruptured, however ehhtlyi
oblainskn inereii-e of old rates ; eollerts arrearn
of pay and boiintj , etc No charge unless eue-rei-liil.
l etters iiroroptly answered by ad-
dre.v-mKd. II.8CMU.. Attorney at 1mk, 'I
Chanil -tieet, JSet
Vork City, rt
JJi.x .', -.1.
1"H I LA 1)V'I -I'll I A, l'A.
TLi.i yreat Ii.tern:ttiorjul K.vliil.itiuii, (1
si.'iieii lo eviiiineuioraUj tlio uue liundiedtU
aiitjiver.:iry ol American luof pDdince,
oiieni-il Muy Hitli, and will clue Novembsjr
Mill, If T. All the nation ot the world
and nil the state and territories of tlie I ti
IjII are ):irlit:i Dating in ltit woodiTful de
uiutiBtraliuD, brinitii; toetlier the most
euiilir heiiMve r'llleetlou ot urt treaaure",
merhanioul invention-, n ii ntuie di-.over-rrie-,
iiianuUijUiriiii,' aeliieveineiits, miner
al -Mi Imen-, and urnc uliural pru iuct
ezer exhibited. 1 lie grounds devoted la
the cxhiliition are sittiatetl on the line of
the 1'enti-ylvania Itailrond and einhnicp ITsi
acre of Kuinnount 1'ark, all uljlily irn
Iiovid and ornamented, on vthieh are
ereeted the l:iri;rnt liUlliliiiKeVervoiiKiruc
ted live of tlie-e roveriiik? n urea of lilly
ai res aud ro-'ina t'.'i.tH.d.KS). The total
numlierof liuildint;-erected fur tUc idir
tine of tlie exhililton Is near two Lun
ilred. liiiriiii? the thii ts days imtiieillatt ly
following the openltiir of tlie exhibition a
million und a (u:t'ter ol eoiile visited It.
Is the iuos, direct; e'liivenient and eeonoin
leal way ol reaehiiiK l'hiladelplila ami this
great Inhibition Irom all seetion- of the
country, its trains too and irom Philadel-
hla will pa-, tUloullb a grand C clitsunia
tetot, alm litUu comj auy has crefU.il at
the main entrance lo tbe Kxliibitluu
(.'rounds fur the accommodation of aen
ers who wi li to stop at or i-tart Jioui the
luiinerous laive hotels eontluous tu till
station anc the Kxinbitioii-a conveuienee
ol the greatest value to vtMtor, and allori
eti rxelu-ivfly hy the 1'enni.yh ruia Kail
road, wliieh is theouly lioe riiouniK duocl
to the ( enteiiuiai tuil.lln-. K.vt iirsion
trains will alo stop at tlit l-ucuiiinient of
the 1'atrons of liuohaiidry, al Kitu Station
on tlii roud.
'1 he fenn.v lvania Kuilroad is the fraud
et railway oi!uiiizatlon in the world, tt
eentrols seven thousand niiles of roa-Uvay,
foriiiln eonlinuous lino to Phlladel.hl,
New York, iialtiinore, and wasliingtOD.oTir
wliieh luxurious day and niht cars are
run from c hicauo, ht. Louis, l.oui.-ville.t m
einnati, Imlianspolis, coluinlnis, Toletlo,
Clevelainl and Krie withous change.
Its tuaiu line is laid wlte double and third
tracks of heavy steel rails upon a deep bed
of broken stone billa-t, and Its britlghs are
all of Iron or Mono, its passenger trains
are equipped with every kno.vn improve
ment lor coiiiiort and sab ty, aud are run at
faster spei-tl lor greater distances thn the
trains ol any line ou the continent. The
eotnpany nas largely increased its equip
ment lor 'Jedteiiiiial travel, and will be pre
pared to build iu its own shops at short
notice sufficient to fuliv accommodate any
any extra demand. The unequalled re
sources at the coininind of the company
Ot the company guarantee thetno.t perfocl
accommodations tor all its patron-, during
the Onteiiiiial Kxhibitiou.
The niagniiiecnt accnery for which the
IMnnxylvauia Hailroal i "so justly celebra
ted prexciit to I lie traveler over Us perlect
roadway an ever-chanL'ini' panorama of
river iiioimtaiu ami landscape views nue.
tjunled in America.
The eating stations on this line ore uu
surpa!,eil. Mealw il! be fui nishod at suit,
able hours aud arrple time ullowud lor eu
joyiug them.
Kxcursiou tickets, ut i nduced rates, will
be sold at all the prlncipul railroad ticket
ottlcrg in the Vci, Northwest and (south
west. Me sure that your tickets read via the
(ireat Pennsylvania route to lha Ceuten
nisi. HUNK THOMSON, I). M. UoYD.Jr,.
Hon. Manager. lien. I'ass'r Agt
ltcgiiix its 3."ith year Sept. I Hh. Faculty
DUinbers 21, Magulliuent building. Kel,.e"'
out table. Thorough caur in Kugllsn,
Science, flasMCs, and Modern Lauguagej.
I'tiKiirpasscd advantage for mu-le ami art.
Ad. Ires the President, llev. lvid H.
Moore, l. U., Cincinnati, O. 7-o-dAw-et.
New Yorlr, ;
W il l. nU KIt
Extraordinary Bargains
In all Their Department
Ootntnenoinar May 1st. I 76.
Rich Black Silks
Jheiljst Ctklmil'd Lvou Louttii,
ai a i a.i itiaW flom i ,
I! 22 H-x" i irom ai ny,
At a I Tit Keduerd rroiu M'4 Ul
At Mi HO lti-,lueel rr.,111 'J All,
M 'Ud ad Its? Si.
At IMIe ltolurr.1 fn.intl fl.
At 91 ow lusliuM-d trom 91 at.
At ! 95 KssJursM from 91 fto.
At Ml V Kuluoe-l Irom III .
wim i- cuss mn
I tarnel'. Hair. hvi,ts, and ltanias., tU
bieel to : mi, i nrnta l. In.ni II
l si, l ;- bih fi .
Popular Dress Goods
In New and I alnonal.le f'atriea and olnr. 'd
lemlat lie. Rfdn"t from I He;
I sr Keliird frum "ibr;
fir Knlucsst rmm Se
i.lr Hjiliicrd from 7e;
3r, I 'irrner pries' .1 U, IVHe.
At tt"" and fi'-, Fnrnvsrly old at f""',
'n and t.' '.
Slack ill Scirlei Mi Hull
At it, $!' and ion-
Kxticcl from , f" and
Atl !' to'-- lliicl If .llil t.i-
; Ladies' and Misses' Suits,
The Ijitrst I'ari Htyle Irom HI I (.wanls. rin
bmeina' the rhoiiMt not el tie. at
EXORMors i:kii'itiox.
Ladies' and Childrens Urplerwear
An Immense Stork of Must Beautiful and
Kk.l1 AIII.!. iHHHtii
AJJ at Very Gnat lUslin Uoii.
I.iulicii', t liildrt n' ainl (ieiitlt nu ll'
Ttirllet FnTlinh Frrni'h and lmiaii Hoeull,
All Market, ut liWert I'u.-ilile Triers.
Housekeeping Departments
Are thoroughly stocked with the best
Koods, at the lowest package price. Ileau
tiful American prints at .'ic. and 6c. per
yard ; standard 4 4 bleached goods at lot: ;
Lonsdale shirtings ut lhc; Mew York
Mills, r.'ie.; aud .V4 shetting at 122c
In all the Virions Ura les, aC;"rK:'''-
(Which we keep at the tlrand Street stor
only), wear ottering fcunli-n and Amrri
can tapestrle at fl, lormcr price 1 l&;
liody Urui-sels at 1 M), lormer prl. e
all-wool Ingrain at "Oc, former price. WJc.;
three ply ingrain at 1 N former price,
$1 60; oil-eToths at !!,'. to 1,k' 5 l"r'uer
price, 5thj. to eTc. . , . ,
Sample of good, na eatalofue of Is
die and ini.ses' suits aud muslin uinler
wour, and infanta' aula!, sent Ires) of chaiKu
to all sections of the I'ntted State.
Itules tor acll-meustireiueiit sent on appli
cat on to all part of tbe country.
Order for goods of all kind will be cure
fuily attended to, and the good packed
and lot-warded without charge. jauH-wim
Broadway and Twentieth Street.
Grand and Christie Sts., N. Y.

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