OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, April 01, 1877, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-04-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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,f hf Stttlcfin.
this paffr t on mi vin
. . .1 A
J i -iv
, " I i i ( js
Wkr Ad.otiefaf CbMM las, bs bmmU.
pBft BTTIXtTIH Is published fery mora in
laicept XOavUy) Is the Bulletin Bailding, cor
Mr If Mhiafto tdb and Twabth tract
Tm Batim to torrtd to sity mbKribcrt by
WltLful carriers t Twenty-Five Ceat a Week,
parable weekly. By Mail, (ia adyanoc), 10 per
asaa-ai U Booth, Sfi; throe manuis, ti: oc
tSOBU., II 16.
FnUlabed erery Thursday motalot at 1
p aasnjn. .flTa-iably la .drano. lbtpoeuv
a the SYaeAly will W prepaid at this olBue, so
a subscribers wll obuua lor a suba rlptioa
sloe o( 1 fear.
business Cards, per annuin...... ......... .SVi
Obc square, one DaerUou, ... . oo
Ubc square, two inimiona,.... .. 1 SO
One aqaars, one wee , ..- -. 3 to
Ubc aquare. two week 3 50
Oac aquaie, three week,- 4 00
One 'qura, oca month,... ......... (X
, Ob square, OBC insertion,...- SI
Each subsequent lutertija
trOoe lack U a square
yTo regular adTenUer we otKi superior I
daecOMAta, botii a to rate ot charges and man
brr of displaying their favors.
- Ooaa-BuxtloaUoaa npoa subjects of rea
era! laterest to the pebllo aoUolted.
Efr AU Bcaibcaa LeUer. should be addressed to
CUre Balletla Cmmi.
Leonard Scott Publishing Co.
41 Barclay It.. 5ew York,
cont.nue their au'.K -rUU Beprlnt of la
k-aabtarfla Bet lew iWaig),
Loudaa Qauarterl jr Net low iCooatirative)
rettniaster Mcilrw (Liberal),
Itrltiab Qaarterly He view (tvar.tlic!,
vssmi must
Tbc British fuariertie five to tbe reader well
denied iuforin-uon upon tin .Treat eventa io
toiilf mDoraaeou hUitry, and contain nuukxti
critic is uis on all 'bat U frt-d and valuable in
literature, aa Weil aa a tumour? of tbe triumph,
of Kttnii aod art. 14 war ululy lo cou a-se
all Curup will furtu tuple fur adacuaslon. that
will be treated witti a Uiorvuirune and ability
trturre elae to be fouad. lilackwuod'a Ugm
um at tainwu fvr atoriea, mmvi, and iluutica
ul to Li'Ucai literary merit.
TEEMS (Including Postage:
TijilU Strictlj in Adyaace.
Kor aar one Review,
for oy tw Itoriewi,
r Buy Utre iioviawt,
tor all four ate Tic we,
rr liiackwood Maza
I 4 CO yer ant-uu-
10 00 '
. litw "
rine, i 00 "
For biacKwoo4 aad out
KtUw, 7 0 J
for Blackwood and two
Wriowa, n i
t ot wood and three
aWviewa, i0 oo
rcr U Lack wood tad U
luurbavMwt, . 141
A JU ;ubt of twenty cut. will ba al
io wad to elubiof four or xuor peraoB:
Ttiot tour opiei oi black wood or ot one
ifOtiaw will b atat to on addrea for
li o, lour eopUt of tbe four tttie w. and
bUeliwooJftr f, aod ao ot.
w TL??? " 'M Pljinif earl) ) for tbe
year lil may bate, wiihout .-bar?e, ttia
tiambera for the lat fjuartor ot r,n ot ueh
prkllcl aa they way iulwnbe lor.
fcmltwr .riiuui& vt atiuacrtUr uor ttla.
eoual to eluba can b allowed uoIcm tbe
BBBoey i remitted direct to th . fubii.U-r.
.No premlumi gtTen to clutn.
B. F. Blake
,arii!a-.i:iii. y , 1 . -
Paints, Oils,' Varnishes,
--g'. Win
. it t -4 ( ,
4! .ay. ob k4. tu eeUbr.t-4 illuiniuatla,
Oerner Slvvsuxt. BtrMt m WaaklaB
Wa Avenst)
Scribner's Monthly
M'ben ScRlBNBR lucil It? famolia Mid
turumtr Holiday Number iu July, alriendly
critic aaid ol it : "We are not uie but that
.TKibnh bai touched btgh-waH-r mark.
We iio uot ft what world are left to 11 to
conquer." Hut the publitdiera rlo tot con
sider tnat they have reached tbc ultima
thttle of exrtlleiH-c they beliete there are
other wtii; t J c.Mi'juer, and tbey propoie
to conquer tncui. '
The proi-pcctua ur me new volume give
the tillet ot more than fifty papere (mostly
Illustrated), by writer oi the highest menu
L'mlcr the bead ol
"Foreiffn Traval."
we have "X Winter on the Mle," by ties.
McClellan ; aMntering About Constauti
coile,"j Charlen Dudley Warner; "Out
of My W indow at Moacow,'' by Eugene
t:bu) If rl "An American In 'lurkbtun,"
et'3. Three terial stories are announced-
"Nicholaa Minturn,"
By Dr. Holland, the Editor.
wboe ttory of "Sevenoak " rave tbe biirt
eat aattaction to tbe readers cl the
Tbe scene ot this luteet puel is Ittid on
tbe banks of tbe liudsen The hero it a
young man who has been always "tied to a
woman apron strings." out wno, uy tue
death ol hit mother, is letl aloue in tbe
world to diiit on the current ol lile with
a lortune. but wtliout a purpose.
Another serial, "His Inheritance. " by
TrartoD, will rjefrlo on the completion
ol "That Laaa o' lxne-s," hy .vin. iloag
ou Burnett. Mrs. Burnett' story, begun
in August, ha a pathos and dramatic power
which have been a surprise to the public.
There i to te a series of original and ex
quisitely illustrated papers ot "l'upiilst Sci-en-.-e,"
by Mrs. Ueriik, each pafer com
pleie ID tuell.
1 here are to be, tioin variouc pens, papers
"Home Life and Travel"
Alse, practical suggestions as to town and
country life, vilUe improvements, etc., by
well-known spectalikt.
Mr. liaruai u's articles on Various indus
tries ol Great Uritain include the history ol
"Some Experiments in Co-operation.'' "A
.Scotif-h Loaf Factory" in the November
nunioer, ana "ioau Lane, i;oi naaie." in
December. Otlier papers are, "The British
WorLlngmm's Home," "A N ation of Shop
keepers," "Ha'penny aWeek for tbe Child,"
A richly illustrated series will be given on
"American Sports by Flood and Field,"' by
various writers, and each on a dillerent
theme. The subject of
"Household and Home Decoration"
will have a prominent place, whilst the
production ol American liuiuoriu will xp
tear from month to month. The list of
thorter atories, 'jiorapbical Mid other
sketches, btc.is a long one.
'Ihe cdrlorial deDartmeulwiu coniitiue to
employ tbe ablest pens both at home and
abroad, there win tie a series oi tetters on
literary matters, from Loudon, by Mr. Wel
tord. "
Tbc pages of the magazine will be ojn
a hcretolore, so tar a limited space wilt
permit, to the discussion of all themes af
fecting tbe social and religious Ulc of the
world, and specially to tbe Irtslicst thought
of the CbriMiau thiukcis and echol'ir- ol
Ibi- country.
Wc mean to make the magaiue tweeter
and purer, higher and nobler, mure genial
aud generous in ail its utterances and lbtiu
encts. and a more welcome visitor tiiao
eve r before In home I of retihemcut an J evil
CKiL:tU lor December, now ready,
and w hich contains tbc opening ehMitcra ot
"icholat Minturu." w ill be read wiih eager
curiosity and tutercit. Teibi s no more
readabU number of this magazine has yet
been iued. The three numbers of crib
ner for August, September, and October
containing the opening chapter of "Th e
Lasfo' Low-lie', ' will be given to every
new subscriber (who request it:, and
whose subscription begins with the present
volume, t. e., with tbe November number.
subscription price, $4 a year 3." ci-nts a
number, special terms on bound volumes.
ubrribe with the nearest 1-ooUst-ller, or
snd a check or I. O. monev order to
743 Broadway. . V.
" Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
For Diseases ef the
' Throat and Luces,
srach aa Ccvghs,
fg'Sk Coldt, Whooptna
i I) ABtfcma, and Con-
The rcpnmion It has attained, In
has Brodncc-d during the last half cen-
tit ' ' ta I . . . 1
" a Buuicieiii, avsauntuce to tnc
public that It w ill continue to realize
the happiest result thai mu desrft
lo almost vt-ry wet Ion of couhtry
there are person., publicly known, who
have been restored from ula-minr? nrut
even desperate diseattea of the Iudkh,
vy tie ue. ah who have tried It ac
knowledge iu superiority ; and where
lt virtues are known, mi r.no hittj.K
as to what medicine to cmploj to re
lieve the diitn n,t Knffi.rint umMUf
to nulmonarr affVi-tifum C'imkuv Wc.
ToukL always afford instant relief, tud
ihujius rupm c-unrH oi ine rniiuer va
rieties of bronchial disorder, as well as
n more lontiKuwe diseases or the
A a Fafftfuanl tj children, amid
tbtt lhroat aud Chest of Childhood, it
" '"iuaoiet ror, by Us timely use,
oultitude, am rescued and restored to
This medicine gains friend at
'very trial, as the cures It Is constantly
producing are too remarkable to bo
forgotten No family t-hould be with
out It, and those who have once used
it never will.
Lmlnent Hiybkiaus throughout the
country prescribe It, and Clergymen
edge of Its t flects.
rirAsi.u si
Or. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mas:.,
Practical m4 Awl,tiU ciaeaalat..
ou iy jx puvauuxi tvurwukev.
Wholesale Grocers
Commission Merchants
7 Ohio LTe.
ftOftf.""iV l,'V '' A Hsfclc. I" US
kJUtJ ; " .-l. l . r Vi.V ' I llv.
WJJisk.iioin.,.V,,,ll4l u.-I.Uu, i.
Headquarters for Groceries!
The Finest Assortment in the West.
8, 70, and .72 Vine Street CINCINNATI
.Master') sale
State ol Illinois, Alexander County-!"
In the Alexander County t treuit' Court.
William W. Huey, vs. Eugeue tiarabty
and Louisiana Garaehtj, Wiiliam H.
uale, Alcind.i U tiale. Catharine lis!' ,
Jjcob H. Burioiiifh and K .btrt L. li-
iii.l to icfoim and fore loie inor-gte.
l'ublic notice i hereby given tbut in
pursuance of a decree retdeied in the
above entitled raue in said court at the
.latiuary term, A. D. 177, I, John i. llr
biii, m ister in cbamu rv ot .ald count v,
wi.l in Kiiday.the A th cay ot Mar.h.A. D.
1,7, at tbe hour of two o'clock p.m. of
said day sell at public auction to the high
est bidder lor rash in hand, at the south
westerly door ol tbe court bouie in the
city ot Cniro, in tbe county of Alexauder
and State of Illinois, the following des
cribed real etato, all situate, lying t,J be
ing in tbe said county of Alexander uud
state cf llliuol. to-ult: The nortb-ea--quarter
i f tbe south east quarter ol eo
lion -Vo. twentv c'0). intowuhip No. four
teen i14i. south racge three : west.
AUo: The fractional south-we't ipnitei
section of tbiity iiloi in mid townhip.
Also: The fractional north h-lf ot cc
Hon thtrtv-one (Mli in sil.l tow r-.lii-.
ANo: The east halt of t lie l.ai tiotia
south-east quarter ot section No. iwt uty-iour(-4i.
iu township No. totitrien ill ,
south ran ire (4) west.
Alio: The iraetionnl east half ol se.- Inn
No. twenty live (i.'i) in township lourtetn
0. south ran?e (4 wet.
Alo: Tbe west half of the sonth-wet
quarter and the soutli-west qiiiitcr ol 'tbe
north-west quarter ot section twetty-nine
fii),in township No. fourteen ; M ' kojtli
rnnge three (3 west.
Also: Kour hundred and two a.:re, dor j
or less, being a tract ot laud known us "c
ceretion or made land" lying In townships
fourteen ft south range three aud tour
westot the third principal meridian, and
lying south-west of sectf iii twuity-tie CJ.'i
in township fourteen ill south range four
west, and south-west ot tractioiiai sections
thirty und thirtv-one In townslrp fourteen
(14; south range three west.sud bounded
on the we-tei ii arid southern line by the
Missi-sippi rier. together with all and
singular the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belongtii and thereto arper-
tainins. Joiix O, Habman,
Master in Chancery.
Cairo, ili., March 8d. A. 1. i77.
o f!W4t
Mnster'si al.
Mate ol Illinois, Alexander CooLty .
In the Alexander County (.iriuit Court.
loli ii I', hrotleiick v. tieor-.- Krwm. John
J. Kiwin, l'lorence rw in. William W.
Lrwiu anil Elizabeth "enniat.
Bill lor Partition,
1'ublic notice is hircby gum that in
pursuance ol a deorc; nnileted by si l
court in toe abov; entitled caue, 'at the
January term thcreot. A. D., 1?77. I, John
t. Harman, M.tter in Cbaucery of sail
coiiuty, will on Friday, the ;k.'ih day of
March, A. D. 1.'7, at the hour of " Ten
O'clock a. m. of -aid day, sell at public
vendue to the hl-,'bct bidder at tins Iront
door ol the comt houe, in the citv ot
Cairo in fail county and stsf, the lollow
tng described real estate aud premises to
wit: The 'juth-wt;t qiurier ol tUu ujttli
east.iuaitcr and the west bait ol the tomb
east quarter ol section thirteen l;it tw n
ship tiltcen I'm, south range tuo w e-t
In the saitl couuty of Alexander and state
of Illinois said south-west qutiter of ilu
Corth-ea-t quarter, anprai-ed at One
T hou-and dollar, and saidwei-t ha f ol the
south-west quarter, apTii-r-d at Twelve
Hundred Thlriy-thrt e Joiiars and Thiity
three cen"''. siid lanus will not be ldlor
le-s than two-thirds their afote-aid
appraised value, and wil be sold
subject to the )early dower of F.fa-
betu s-hmitz. auiountiit to
the i
suin of Tbify-ihref anl onthird dollars
which lb a ben on said Und an .'. a,remie,
said sum of Thirty-three and one third
dollars to be paid by the owner or owners t
of said land on the lir.t d y of January in
each ami eveiy year during her natural
life and for the tune before the first day ol
Januaiy A. D. 17?, she shah be pai l tbe
just proportior oi said sum, eorupiiticg ,
I row the day of tale.
Terms ol sa!c subject to the fr ret-oiog
conditions, One-La f ol the purchase
money to be pail cash in baud, tue ov.m '
bait on a ire Jit ot twelve niun'.f,. irom tbe
day of sale, dettried payment to be evi
denced by the purchaser's note, drawing
six per ecru, lrtertst, aod aecured by
ueeo or ire si on tue premises sou.
Adeed )
of conveysuc? in du? lorm will be exeiui
e J to the purchaser on tbe dav of tale.
Joii.n (v- HaI'MaX.
Ma-ter in than. ct .
Calhu, III Mr. h Till, 177.
AatiulnlatrilArB "totiee.
L.tste of Jame (ar and, decea-e J
lii uaderotgned, hst;.if b a a p'li.trd ev
s-jtois of the esiat- of Jam-s Cirl.i.i late ol i
tiMreouoiy of Aleamler hti'J stale of linao.3, '
deresvi-i, bertby ir.ve nolice nut toty will p- '
Ir before tbe foantycurt of said county, at I
in court hou- inlaifo st t'.e April term, ou
Hi II, ird MunU) iu April licit ul l,t h tiiot
all frnoii haTlui elailis as-: mat aald e.tale
aie noli lie 1 aud rejuco-il tuutb-ful lor the pur- ,
lo- rf liatluz the saio ad.iii.rnl. All ir- '
ftu iudrbled to a.d eslale are requ-.U'l ft
liiiii.e lialr pyn,i-i,i ,j ih under. i.'i,..
l.-lrd Una .olh day t. fe-b. 1-77.
Al t e.sot im. A . M -ioi , nil, '
1. MfUl
tduiinislrslor Noitee.
KalnU of Cbaailr Bo ker lK-r..
Ih undT-iirti4-l, hat.ur I. :, np,.,i. t. J u -U-inl-lrulor
of tt.et-aUhr l liail.-a ki-.rk.tt, lale
ol Ihe loui.tv ol AleutU'b r and Mat of Jlll
Boia, dw--l, hereby ir vta fc.,!ir ilo.t J.t will
appear Ulor tlw couuiy court of Alrxandrr
t-rtiiily , at U.r riirt holi-e In t.aiirti al Ihe April
lerm. on the third Monday in April nri, at
which tiUieall pciu.o lui.ii. lanna a;aiiiM
aaid eatale are lioliCd aud cciiieri,,l i, ,tlnd
lor lb iurjM,s of h.niiir the saine aucll
All persona iiclrbb-.! to aaul ealute aie rq.i-te,
to make iiniuecjKi oaymeut lo lh un.b r-utii'L
litl tii ! iKy'csf Kabriiarr. A. f. Is77.
-KOKIi." i.A I'l M.ll,
tdmliilalralrl t .Vulter.
E-t ate of Joseph 1'. Cameron, deceased.
'ihe under.iKbctl, having betu appointed
administratrix of tbc estate ot Jo-tpb l
Cameron, la'.e of the county of Alexuiidi r
and Mat ol Illinois, tleceased, hereby
gives notice that ahe will appear before
the county court of Alexander county, at
the court house in Cairo at the May t- iui,
on the third Mouday in May next, at w blch
lime all persons having claims ayatii'l sai l
estate are notified and requested to attend
for tho purpose ol basing the same ad
justed. All persons indepii d to said ro
tate are requested to make Immediate pay
went to the uadersigned.
Dated, this liiih day ol March, A. D..
177. M A IK, AUK I' CAM Kill t.N, Aitm'x.
March 4TJ-W tit
baueerjr ate.
C Lai lea lb. in. a dclendai.t is uollria I liua oi,
March x7lb. Is. 7, launie I bonus c.iiM 'sinuni
Sled hear bill ia chancery, in the Ale.ainl'i
comity circuit court, Male ol llliut.u, t..r ill- ,
vorcc and that ssid tuil ia uow U'IiUK in -at.) I
court: lhal lliertuon a auiuiin.ua was Uatu-1
out ot the clerk's orhca of aald eourt aitainai i
you returnable an Ihe third Monday ia May,
177, to a term of said court Ihru to be lioldt n at
the court house iu Caire iu euM rountr aad
Dated March 2T, 1877.
. f. . . Joust a Kbits,
c- bavcr.compJalBsit's stli itor, C1T
Trinteea lnle.
W hereas .lohn ll. Thll 1- and ISaclul I.
I'blllis his wife, did t'V a certain died ol
trust .bearing d.ste March the 1st ls:o,
convey unto Charles -. scoticM. guardiaii
or the minor heir-ol W UIi.uu II S-otiold.
deceased, the followl.iif ri al estate situate
In tbe city of Cairo, cour.ty ot Wxatidcr
aud iate of lllitioi , and known a:id d -igna'ed
upon the recorded plat ot sai l city
as follows, to-wii: Lots numbered li and
'in in block Miuibered 'j'i, mid :oti .". b' and
7 in block 74, and U't leu i It aud the south
half of lot numbered 11 in Link numbered
one in the tiit add tion i the city o:
Cairo aforesaid, in lnit, howeir, to s -
cure the prompt payment.. i a certain prom
issory noie of that d:re. duly executed
by the said John B. l'hillK tor 'the sum of
t i.Ko..'?, and made due and payable to the
sail Clint Its A. Scotii Id, gusrdi'au afore
said, twelve monthi alter date w i'h mter-e-t
the-reon from Uafe at the rife often
percent per annum. Aud wherea- siid
note is now pjt tine and no pit t thereol ha
been paiil and the 1 .lohn B. Phillip h
msde default in the payn . nt ot the fame.
Now therefore. I, t e ii. I t haiies A. Si o
field guardian ui aforesaid Co bi iebv notl
iv the said John B. I'hiilW and Ha!te.l.
rhilli and all whom it may concern that
by virme of said deed o! t ri:-t and the
power therein conferred u iuc 1 will ut
the hour of eleven o'clock, a. m. on the
'.1st day April, A. D. 1-77, at the weHrlv
court house door in the city ot Cairo in
aid county, sell at public out cry for eah
in hand th above mentioned real estate or
so much th reof as niav be necessary to
pay and discharge said promissory note
and the interest thereon and the necessary
expenses of executing said trust.
CII4KI.VS A. scoutt .,
f .uardisn of the minor heirs of Wil iam 11.
Scofield, deceased.
Caiko, Ills., March U'th 1S77.
aumiiiui rH'or Sale.
l'ublic notice fs hereby given that bv
virtue of an order of the count v court o'l
the County ot Alexander In the State ot
Illinois, reudered at the December term
of sr.id court, A. D. Is75. I, Harmon II.
lllack administrator de bonis lion ol the e
tite ol Louis Nasanco.lale of sai-1 countv,
devcBred, will sell at publie vendue on the
loth day of April. A. D. 1S77, at the v.et
dor ot ot the Court House in the city ot
Cairo between the hour- cf ten o'clock lu
the forenoon and live o'clock in the after
noon ot the "atiic day to the highest bidder
to pay the debts of the said Louis Naanno
decea-ed. tit 2 following described real
eitate. situate in Ihe county or A cxandcr
and the Stite of Illinois to-w it :
Lots numbered four (4, live i'V, and
in block cumbered seventeen il7i, in the
first itdditiou tolhe cltv of la ro; an. 1 the
southeast quarter of -"cction twelve til.
township sixtecii(lUj, south range Iwo cJi,
subject to the homestead interest of wit
dow and fami!y lo and to s ti 1 lot elirlit in
block seventeen, an, I to the widow's
dower in saiJ real estate.
Terms of sale : One -half of purchase
money to be cs-b in hand upon approval ol
Sale nd delhery of deed aud one bait on
eredit ot six tnotitb. purchaser to give
suciirUy and trust deea on the oreuii-e to
secure th remainder of r urchast, money.
Dated March, i.th, 177.
w. Administrator do boo as nou, et
Aliitlnllrntor's .Notice.
ktate of Alexandrr -. II Je, der-i,n
I lie und-rs-n-!. Iiarini wd si pointed ad -miuu'rlor
.f toe eia!r or Al-uijd.r .
Ilfif. s 1st-t,f l,c c.iliit'.- of Alrxander an !
state of Illinois, drerae.1, liercbv mves niti'
that be will appear liorethe cunty cr-iirt of
A iexander cou.ity, ut tr.i curt bou-e in I alio
at ihe April ttrni, ou tl.- thinl Uond.y in April
nexi, at which t.nif ail r-r-orn hat-iinr uiinj
airaiust said estuie art i)uutid at.d rvqiieste.l to
at 'and 1-r the piiipoii of hating the muii ad
ni'ted. All ir(,n-il.1i l.te.1 I , eai't e-tate s re
reiie.lcd io w.sc iu.iiiedi.te Libvroent to the
uiidersiirned .
I'atm this ?e(t, ,IU.. r,f j-,; . p !-
. iohS HOUtS.
1-W't A'lIiirii-tra'.'.r.
ise Snje.
Uteof Illinois, Alexander tunivss
In tue Aleiaiiiier Coiilit ( in ua Court, JlTirr
'Afcilcampvs. t.la held, Aulrew Kttd .dm,
Bill to foreclose rnor'j'i,s
l'ublic notice ii LTtby (riren, that in ter-o-aticeof
a usctnt Kultrt-i ia u.eLii, aniiiiwl
caae. fo fair) eoun tt ths JaiiUry terra, A.l
l"C' ' ,' Ju,'n ' "rrca n. aster ia chancery
f.f .aid countv. tC.ll r.r. 1 ll.l.x I..1. .1.. . r
ll.n.1), A. D. 1:77. et Ihe b'mir nl e,even
, no u uou a m. or ,i Imv .. ...ci,.
; vendue to the bi(r:.e-t bidder b.r iah in band.
at the front door of tte t ourt house in the rity
of Cairo, county of Al lander ami .-bale of Illi
nois, the follow, i.y ije.'nbed real estate, to
t wit: 1 he iiortfa-ea-t (.uarter of Iti norih-rnst
quarter of tecti .D i.un.U-r tbutv-tuo (Ji) ia
township n iiiibrrsiTtin c ,h south rariK' two
, (-) weal oi the thiol principal meridiau iu the
county ol Al-xii !r and slate id ' Illinois to
. nether ith the appnnenai.e. ami priviltms
tbereubto Ubii.e'lL, r,r .-ppertainino"
'"'1 t. IfAI'.MAN
,.i . , alasttr . a chancery.
' Cairo, Ills , It!, .j. r,- .m,
fermancbtiy cur.-d -no burnbui' oy one
ajonth's itst'e of Dr. f.oulani's Celebrat
j ed Kit I'owder.. io convince aiufirera
that these powdi ra wid do all we "laini ror
Ihem, w will M-r.d them by mail, po-t
( paid, a free trial b.,x. As Dr. Ooulard is
tu" "ulf physician that haw ever made this
d.s-a-e a special .ruth, ami as ti our
koowledt'e lbon.an.!, 'have been pei ma
i nently cured bv the usn of tbe.e, powders.
i "... .'Jrahii- a permaiit.ni cure in
I sverv n.i-, or n-luud you all money ex
' f'rtded A: autlVrers should give Hie-e
. I'owder-aa early trial, and be eonviiu ed
oi mi ir ebraiivu i.owers.
I ri-t, f.,r luri-e box,!?-!, or 4 box" for
fi", aeiitby null to any part of L'niied
-iai-Bori u4 i on receipt or price, or by
. rr, .. u. p. Abires",
1 niton .-trett, liiaoklt n, N, V,
A'l sul!cri r from this diseaaa that are
anxious to be cure I should try Dr. Kiss-
ner a Celebrated Consiiinptivo l'owder.
Iheso powders are the only preparation
known that will eiiru Consumption and all
disease, of Him throat and lung. indeed,
so suon is ourfaith in thclil, find also to
eonviim. von .ilt lijey ure humbUif. We
"I i n ai i to every suncrer, bv uiatl
posipjj.i, s frt.,. tr;ul box.
We don't wain youriuoney uuti! ou aie
fx ib ctlj surutietl'ol their curative powers.
II you life la worth aaing, don't delay in
givlni; these powder U trial, as they 'will
lute you.
1'ilc , tor Uriro box, t'-i. cnt to ruy part
l the I niied nutee or Canada bv mail on
receipt cf price. Addles,
ooi) r uiioi, -.trttt, llrooklyu, N. V.
ropu!ar!!lu tratcdtookC-riopaf'e')on
M.vmi'mhj! Womanhood I Mabkiack I
Imptdiineiit to Marriayej the cuu
anJ cure, tjont eecurelj sealed, post
paid for to cents, bylu. C. Whittieu,
617 bt. Clurlc Street, St. Louis, Mo.,
the great .pcc.ir.li t. Rea4 his works.
Dr. Whittier,
617 St. Charlai street, St. touli, Ma.
A tsrilii r4iw fiw il-Jlo.i coil--, s n s.,B tnttr
n-i, la Ik, .p-d.l trMinrul M l Varwral, Staual
tod Cfcranio llssra u..a so oth-r etf..cl.guBi,
ci., u city f tuow, aoa tu oil rtaM-ai. tu,
Syphilis, QoaorrlieBt, Clest. Stricture, Or.
ehitis. Hernia, gr Rupture, all Urinary P'ltssss
and lyphilitie er mercurial att'actiens f th.
tnraat, skin or banss, ar trot-a with (oB.nil.irs
von-, IsKrt Riwlfld prisMi it, H-lrlr. rn?.!;.
Sptrmatorrhosa, Sexual Debility Bad Impol
tncy, as ia rMlt l t.l( bw la --"ih, mnal nmsi
in -A.tar-r yr, CT oOi-r ssu-r, mM utteh aroJ- --.
or tba failowiof iui arrtonnrM, -.mlnsl muslor,,,
S-t:lm-,4lniBP.to.lliltarcllv saeworr. lrDflc.SD taa
ro, h-slrsl SK., artnloa to-orltiri'rroB...(-inj.l ,
ct tdt., lo. r tual H-r, vie, ivnJ.rlrt marrloao
improperor ttnbapryfarsrr-iiii'Bfir curse. I'.mv4,ii
l4 PM'.I relating lo &, aUve s-ut la srslra fa.cli'..
fcr twa poatae ataibf. Coaaulutloa at oulra sr tf ut.li
fraa, aDjlnvltr(i,arncDdl-tliivrttl.i)liil'4 ooat. athnjf .
Wa.a 11 as Inaoa-aniaat to -t.lt tha altr for treaui.fa,
-nrdirlDaaoaa bsa-ntt-ciprs-a or m.ll t f-r.wli-ra, Ctir-.
a Mr cstea u4.-.ncr4. abrra douvt ni-t. It I. IrmoilT-t.l. 1.
OSi v.-.. a. u. to IP, S. Ssala;., 14 M.taT k.U.
Pamphlet, any sddrsas, far Tv9 Stamps.
rlont a-alacl, all threa, for BO Oenta.
Irisnhood and Womanhood in Oerman, both
logsther, Illustrated, 15 Cents.
Elersnt olota snd (lit b'ndin, e-aled for too.
Ott art- .udvrr-jl pu wtura, trua to Ut I article oo
th, rollcwla, ask'1"! li aiav ai.rr., m act. Lf.
ernar MS to m-rrr. WhoBi.rry flrrt. itaehoo', Watt, a.
btx4, Fhralcal d-car. Sfba sffrru or arltbac- aoa aicaai.
V bo.houldm.rr: Bolirra&JbapvlQr.riia b. inorva.!.
Tba thinvi$? of krvrodociim, aod atan- mora, lawaa
aarnadoroi'titr-Bil.u.f nar-icaaijol.l rra4 IU
APralira-iiti rra.Miia, 1 aMrtrr,ta bumaa as -rait aa
fztorml cooTl-uvB.itousrit u ba rJ tr all aJali brwo..
lUcn locked up.a'tl.Sl aronoa or loot, salt u wrihr
ta-raadio- It voot.'Da tha cream of Hj31oJ liter
atare,tbiis&!. ,.ibrra la so .Ttrn.iva , r, -ilea, aod rth
toaa ana .wiu.ti it a careful peruati. tea tuaea
Pcpsiar Uldsa. sarno hbcra butrrr eor,( af.
88 casta if aj.lU Cbsapnt rx4 -iia ia AbmUvo. ir
aitlMt fcUrasa, aaaloam aoMOat,
617 St. Charles street. St. Louts, Mo.
61? St. Chariot Street,
Tre.-.N a'.l f. rr.i- of eiural I)!ea-.e-, Semi
nal Emi-inns and St u.-vl Debility, with
unpnrailc'ed success. No matter who failed,
call or w I i!c; pamphlet or consultation free.
Can refer to the medical profusion in all
parts of the Cour.tr'.
Evansvllle, Cairo and Memphis
Steam Packet Co.,
Paducah, Shawneptown, Evars
ville, LouiBTille.Cinoiniiati
and all way landings.
The c'l tftint oi le-"ilifl i b iii.t-i
A'aLHH II. i'E.SMNf.o.v - Jf.lsr
.HAHI ks resM.s.Tosi I uric
Will have tJair- every VV KDNKMlAY at t
' cluck ii. in.
1 he flt-et iti an-er
Haw IIi.wamj ..., Matter
It I ii.iiia. i rk
l..avi Cain. ev.iy s)Al f'HI V.
fa.h bm.t iuLi eluae cormeeti. ir.s ur Cairo
with rJrl- Usan -.toaiijcirs for M. 1-Oi.n-, Mcm-
puisan i ;.ew urleaus, a&'l at l.vaasv: 1- with
in K. at C. K. K b.ral! (,lut- Norikau'l t.st,
andwiththe IaiuisviII Mail Steamers lo -.all
points on ihe I'pptr tJhiti, ii iuir thromrti rv
teij ts oo lis yiiio and I ac:,sro to all points
For nitlier Information apnlr to
SUI.. Sli- Kit, Pijsnirr As-tnt
J. M. I'llil.UI'S, 'Afeuf
, Co to O.J. CiRAMMKU,
:UM rinltiiJei.t aJ. 1 tiuneial Kieurbt Aire 1.1.
lo-.i--ij-U. r-vausvillc indidna.
37 Court Piece, LGUISViLLE, KV,
A r-j.lirlT . l-cal:I it U.v.'lv -,ia ,L , itl'
lb-.: ... it .1. a- i t tir . t rt t ,.
Cnres nil loci as ot "lilVATV
Speirautorrli.jA utid iiai j.oleticy ,
Ml'lt'irJ! 6f..',.. . - . I- ti - . H v ....... t., r
l.nt I.., ail . ,, . l i
.-a.,. .is,.. .p .i. --. . - n, , ,,, , , . . ,'
ai ii ..I e.i.
i i; . ....ti ; i
''.Tr' ,. SYPHILIS 1
'I . I--:...
UaUl . ST ... -hi:.
ru .u. :. 1 . j..- j., .,. ,
Ja-f.rt 1,1 '. .,, .... at. . . , 1;i. , , . ,
t r c tt-t.a . o "f .tl-a- ...I if.:,... 11 ...j.j, L.
a.: r - .-.-.i .1, ' l- . . .. . .,. , ,, ' 'w
r ...".u -, I , r f. ... ii.. .... v. 1, i, , . ,i. i, , ,
'! l.,r ... I. 1 I'. . 1. .-!, .,. . - l 1. ... ...,.,;
Cures Guoinntned lu ull Casoa
undort AbLii.
..,''"'- ' '"' '!. " '.'r fr r ai.4 ii.ia I.
At'' ' ' l.l ! i. i. a , 4,,.- 1, c..tt....k...i.
Orori-t. t . !i,. ., . ....i.t.., ttiti,
f'j ."' -- '" "-' ' ... n ai...
lj.f, fi.'ii, 't A U t.-. I" u - u, t f M,
M City hwM
St. Louis, Mo.
IHOS. A. EICK, A. M. 1. 1. B.
IAS. HICK, A. M., I I'f iM. i.ial
f ST r.'olopli tc. I ioloi.-li mul 'ru. i,.
A.vX.cHirH ot i-tiidy iu thu Liuted Mates-. a
r""'-- iu'iisi-.u.-ioi-. io e,-ry youug lien t in-
u.l-111- WB IIIC l uie.
For Illustrated Circular,
niii 1,'1HOS' A-'1" A. M ,b. L. ri..
u,;,"""r Kiidt-ut.
To ! Morlilnif MHrJ M
.a.. meat a, houic.'the w'uZVf KrTS
the.-spare momeiita. liueim-,a uew. light aud
prollbAbla. Perwina of either sex euHlfr
irom 6-1 cents to , per eveii.ng. and a
ou.) sum by ; devolb.B their whole time 10V ,e
biiaiueaa Jtoy. aud Kul. earo uearly as iu -h
their addrea., and test the buaiuia,. we i..ke ihia
uunarall-.le. oHw : 'lo audi at are not well aul a
fled we will wtid ona dollar to pay .
Lruubl ufniii.. s.,11 ....,i....i' . 1
wortji several dollars to eommeuce work on
, - --i'jr yt ii. .iu ami ireama. ouu of thy
Urgeal aud be l illuatralasi publioatlooa, all sent
ralivniail lf.,1,.-. i-
trtintj-.lila avnrb i. runm i. .v nu a . .
aadT Maine. ' " vu'
., J '"nent i.ivui Alittmr-l mh as
I rol. Max Mniki, l-i, ,r lth.1a'l, lit. Hon W
K. Cludatim, Ur H . B, ai lenier, Prof llnt
. y: 1 . . 'r'"'f"r, trances I'ontr obi. Ihe
I uveot ArsTTln, Jas. A. Kioule Mrs. Muloch,
Mrs nliplmi.i, Mrs. Alr.,i,1r, Misslbairtrav,
lean Inifi low, Ceois Mai l lonaltl. Wm, Ma. k.
Anlhont Iriillope, Matthew Arnold, llt-my
Mnirsley, . Vs. Morj Anert-acli. Iluskln,
la-lyie, lennysnn, llmtt niior , and many ollu rit,
are ratin srnird In Ihe tsiiirs or
J-ittoll'a liiving Ago
Jan. I. 1"77, 11IK KltlSti A(.K ruler, up,,-,
Its I IJ.1 voliini... w ith Ih eontiiiueil riiniifieinbi
tmn ct the l-ssl men sn.t l.-iu nals of (h rounii
and wilheodsbimlT lurr.-aslti-r. siirr-,..
In ls.7, it will luinish to Us r. lets ihe pro.
auctions ol the l irinmti aullmrs sloe ihiih-.
and many nthi'rs; fiiiIhai any the rhoiersl erial
tn blunt Stories by the I rading 1 ,ii n N .)
iril.t. and en amntiiit
UoapbroaiLed ty aoy c'.hrr Periodical
in the uni Id. ol ih mnti Md-iiil . litrraiy and
scientulc niatb rol III dr, Irmn ihe p na ul Ihe
lea Una Ksayisti, s. ii.iilits, I rilics, lii-covei--r-i,
aud Kdi urs, n prt st-nimit eteiy di paa Inn ut
ol ltinii,l..e ,n, , I',. fire if.
IIIK I.ISIM, Ai.K, (in )m h only n. ni
pt IU.. r, "KKi:V 4A1 1 III A 1 ," lias lieen
mervi.lj, - a tveeklt ni.iaa'iue of siviy-f nr
pastf , fit ii, k' iiitite than
lllllH VV A i MMH: 1 HOI S AM
diiubl. c limin octatti in of ifn iinif mailer
Seailf. Ii i, m iiIs in ai, iiii kM n-iie buin,
eona'dtrina in aim.uiit ul in : ltn ,w iih 'resliiie-,
owing lolls wt-ekli i-.., iin.l M.tba :ii Mi.i.r
c.ifnpl, leness all. inrb d l.y im ..tl.er publication
the l-s l.s.ays, i:.iic, ltitici-nn, litl.s
keti-be. . I iv, and til'.'t.n rl , I'... irv.M u it
ml.:, liltiKruphicMl, llistotirnl sn l I'.illl'ictil In
I. irii.atli.il, hum lite . Mi,, ..,.p ,, ,,t,..,
I eriuJIt al l.itenilur.
ii is lheie.,r invaluable b, nut Alu.ni .n
reader R the ..ul y fie-h and tin. r. .null . ..i,. ca
ll. m. .Inn liitlisn.tis.TbU..i,n.,,i iti. rntuie,- in
ilmpensable la-i ause it eiiibrii. es the pioduct tins
Tho Ablest Living Writers.
in all btuui of I. iterabiie, Si lence, tt. und
o i I n Ions
ini.lv .n.bs.nalie lo any our v. tm dt.lies
lo l.e-p l.VJt or ll, thniihi ., ihe .ace in ai.t
lepartn.riit ofsrieme ur burattue "- llosn.n
'A pure and ifr)tiiul re-e-voir and fountain ol
eiitertuitiiiieut and iri-iruriiuu.'' linn. Ibiiurt
l'. inthrnp .
"The I ei -M tinde at in America."-Ihco lore
I., t tisler, 1 1. 1 1
"ll has iio.-iiia! in any c.ui.lry -''1'bila.lel-plua
"It reproduces the U-t thoiiirhts of ths Ust
minds ol the eivilited world, hp. .null l.ii.it ol
livilUt interest." Hliilaiiclt hia Iniiiurer.
"I he be-t of all our rrleeiic piiblicalions. "
1 he Nat'on. New Vork.
'And lliechraix-st .. licntbly that cnne-evt r v
week "'Ihe Advance, t hiearo,
"With it alone a its.br iimv f.iily k.vp tip
with all that is iliiporlunt ia the lilriaiure, his
t'iry, politics, and science (,f the tbiy. '' Ihe
Metho.iist. New Vork.
" J he ablt essays, the inot t ub rtainin-r
bbiries, tlie finest p.aetry ol the Ktili-li laniim:e,
are here, fralhereit lo Kelher." Illinois Mate
' lnillM-nsabte fo every tin. who r!elr a
thoronirh eoitiindiiiiii of all lhal I. ndrnirnble
niiij noteworthy in fhelilerurv world. ".-Ht,ivU
"Ouiht lo find a place in eiery Ameiauii
Mom.' -Nw ork Titiies.
l'liblishcd WKKSLY at s.' a v. -ay. Ir.e ol
I'.i all new subscribers ft.r ls77, will beaaut
(rnitis the six iiuinls r . 1-70, routuinina. Willi
oiber valii.ible inatier, th flr.-l iii-Li.lii,uta of a
new an. I powerful serial storv, I he Maiqii' oi
Lossie," i.v t.lr ol:i,K MAI 1'miVAI I. ii. Mp
appeattn;; in '1 lie l.ivinx Afv froiu a.lt.iice
Club Prices for for the best ironic
and Foreign Literature.
"roes d of Tnr I iviso A'.e and mm or
other of our vivacious Amcnum lonnthlu s, a
subscrilier w iil Und hirn-elf in eoii.iiui.d l tt.e
w hole siiiiHtion." I'lnladi lphm Kv's Hull. tin.
i or S1U.60 1 ii a I.iviMt a..k and eioer oteol
the Aiiii rioin ti Monilil.es. r lllarjr'. Heeklv
or Ilazar) will Ik- sent for a vcr. b"lh ,s,.t i.f ;
or, forja l ital.nis.i At, a and Senium
M. Nicholas ur Appleton'a .lournal
Ad'lresa 1.1 1 J.K A l. A V. lbisb.i;.
The Xinir of all Publicaticna Iaaued
ror we lfounir on I.ithr Side of the
Atlantic." Sj.MtliAinu'.un i1.i.iui.ji ,.. , v.r
Tbe third volume of tbl. incomparalde
Mat-aine is now complcivd. Y .Ih its
eliiht h'.ndred roval octavo b itrss. audits
dlv 1,, lit.. ....!,.... i. . . ...
-.a uuirimi iiiu-ii nitons, us Biii:ritiiii seri
als, its shorter stories, poems, ami sketches,
etc., etc., in its bettilitul biudinjr of rel
and trold. it is the most splendid lMft-hook
mi u i - uuti Kirn eter i-suci iroui the
press, i-rice, ft : in run gilt,
'ST. NIC lliit.AS U full l.l tbc .
thinirs. I be bublit atit.li i. In . I i....,u. t.
the be.t of its kind. We have never )et
ecu a numoer tnai v,, ni t surr.ri-ihijv
... ! 11, i-l , . ., ..
n"'". i ne t uurcuiiiau. ntniorj Cubn
St. Nicholas for 1877,
Which opens with November, lf7C, becius
A short aod very entertaining serial from
iuc r j ciicti, i ut rvioguoiij oi tue ctreeuy, '
a story adapted to the T'hauksgiviug season.
Atoll, erserlal.ot absorbing interest to los.
"HIS OWN MAf Eli,"
Hv J. T. I row bridge,
author of the ".lack Hazard "toiics." b.
i'liii m flip 1 bri-titiiiu ll..li.l-. v v I ....
besides serial stories, Christmas stoiics
lively sttf. lies, poems and plcturt s for the
iio.tuii., mil some -ioiiiiiin iliii-tr.tl'obs
ol l irientai iott,w ill, dtawitigs l.y .-iiimese
.1 in. s ,
Th5 CLi iataias Holiday Nuuibpr of
Superbly Iliu.trMed, ootali.i a m v inter
sling paper,
"illl; MjVS OK MV UOVJIooii,"
liy William Cullen I'.ryant ;
"I he Uor Ilofel." a I,v..K- ...ti. i I.
Charles A. liariiarJ, splendidly i 1 1 n -t ra' t ;
"The Clock in tho skv," by llichartl A.
i'roctor : "A ( luMm.. I'l u c.r it...,..,.
HiindHy-schoi Is." by Dr. EgKle-ton ; " i he
i t .eii.iiia t uriftmas iiee. 'tiy l.ucratia
i. nue; "l oeiry and t aiols ol Winter,"'
by l.u. j Lan-oiii, with pit.-lun -,
o'ot Kit to Buy St. NiihoUa for the
wui immas noiiuuvu. aVricu s.'0 eta.
During the year there will bo Interesting
baiicrs lor bos. bv U iHiaui i 'nlb.i, l'., , .. ...
John ll. Whittier, Thomas Hughes, William
now in, nr. iio,;au-i, iieorge AlaeDonald.
.sanfoid ll. HliLt. Frank I:. iin.liti
Others. '
There uill In, stories. .L..t..b,.. ., .1
poems, ot special interest to girls, bv Har
riet 1'reseott potl'ord, Su-an Co'olidge.
Strali Winter Kellogir. Elizabeth Stuart
I helps, Louisa Alcott. Lin n tin Hale,
. ma inaier, mary .Ma pea Kntte, -,,)
"-J wmii.. tiicio tviiioeuiso
My 1'rofessor I'roetor, the Astronoinur,
with lnalis. kbowlni' '.'I'l,,. kiueu r.r c. v.
Montb," which will be likely to surpasn in
1u1.11 si BI1 .cries on popular science re
cently given to the public.
Amusement and Instruction, with Kun
and Krolic, and Wit and Wisdom, will be
Mingled a heretofore, and r. Niciioi as
will continue to delight the vouti-' and eive
pleaur to th oM. " fc
Tin: London litekaky woitiD
says :
" There Is no magazine for the young thai
can be. said to eipial this choice, proiiictioo
ol St'Ki UN eii's press. All tin. articles,
whether io prose or rhyme, ro throhbini:
with yiulity. The literature an3
artistic Illustrations are both superb. "
The London Dailv News says : Wo wish
we could poiut out itn equal in our owu
periodical literature."
To meet the deuiaud for a cheaper
ISlt Hoi.Ai t.ilt-Jtook, the price ot vols."
aud 11 has been reduced to f.l each, 'i'h
three volumes, In an elegant library case
are sold lor $10 (in lull gilt. ?15), so that all
may give their children a completo set.
These volume, contain more attractive Ma
terial than tilty dollar.' w urlh of the ordia
ury children's bo-aks.
tjubseriptlon price, T s year. The three
bound volumes aud S MlbaerlnUnn lor i,i-
year, only I'J. eubacribe with tb nuu.,.
newsdealer, or tend money in cheek, or I.
O. money order, or in registered letter, to
743 Brosd-vsr, 5. T. 1
iv nv a nr. tiik
1 MAJE. MAtl. '
Ihe Best Coal Cook Stoves ?
r..ru. nr(iMwi mm
THEYARE most &
I Durable. 9
r:-s, styles arid prices to nit very en,
lid sure aad t your dealer tor Uis MONITOR,
WM. RESOR & CO., Cincinnati, 0.
SAHlir ACTURlltS If all URBS II tTOVtt fOR Ouaiktl
tf 5 end f. r Ca'.j!"i-'ue
'A Kepository of Fashion, 1'Uasnri
and lnatruc tlon.''
Harper's Bazar.
N.llit. or i it a Illl...
F.irstr.clly boti-elii.M trailers anddress, Har
isi;' lnc. is an. .either Hie bet tM'i put -li-h.sl.
1 o nme it is a luaiti r ol eroni.fuc N
lady cm eJ . '! Li I v ilhont il, for tbe odr rina
liOII it irlte tt ill ,at her v. I t much loorr lie in
than the hiI.m I ipti. ti pii.-r, lie-ule. eiMrir Ihe
ticiiiM hold an inbit-tiiK lib rary v isitor . -1 in
iv&i .ItiurnHl.
Hahi khs I!a7ab is profu-.-lv illusirab 1. an '.
roiitiuii slnrii s. i ins sketches . and --is.i
a mo-t attrartur ihniacter. 1 ri if - fi t. -ary
ami urti-lic balnr.-s, tli IlAhZAK is tiut0r-,.
Iioniil ly Hi N . t journal of its ktet in th i .- i:;
try. -Saturday Kv. nihil t .ai Itc, Ib s'i.n.
Poataare free to all Subacriters lu the
United State.
IIari-.k' It ah a n, n year ft
$1 tst iiK-liMle- ptejiaTmnil iif C. -. poslair. 'by
lb publi-her.
Isllbsi ripliolis to 1 1, his it's M to ai sr. r s -l.r,
and Haam, toon, address lor one j.-r, flo;
or. too ot lluri 's 1'erio.licala, to i.n ad.tre-s
lor on t.ar, i. ( posiai n-.
An Linn opy ,,i tithet the Mna.in, Week
It, or llaar will be supplied ymin f.,r etery
Club of 1 ivt. M, .HI sifvli, in oi.
remittance; or, M I ipus for f.'ii Hi, niihoul
extra ropy. po,!u;-r fn .
I ni k SwiiiU-is eau -U plied a! stir bin.
The Volume- i.i Ih Ijaa eoiiuiei.. wuti
tbej.-ar. li.im.i liiw n in'iirioiird. it w :il
le uiidert..,. ibai i!.e-iib.- nU-r w ii-he- to cou,
inence w ;h tin Um,i r imt ai..r ihe p-t i o i t.
rl l. A n tin a I V..1., ...... . r 1 1 . t. . u . .. :
- " ' " . . , , J. , T I k - I
ticiu ci.i'i, nit. tlin,'vt ill I k. ,j , vpl. s-
"i.l lot t, ci eain. . eoliipl- s,f
oniiipfisitiir Nin A olumea, ser,t i.u n-,i t t i
'" " , j;ci , v,i,u,r, jieiKhl ai
expense o plirch. rsT,
I loll. - for ch vol Hilar, au'tal lel'.if 1 ini
ins;, will beaeut by iu.il poaipaut, on tcci l.l cl
1 "i earh.
In.lext-s lo a 1. tolii Met -tat.a on lecrjii
of lalllp.
Nw -paicrs are n..l to copy llnsa Herti-emeni
without th eapree- opl. r ol II io tn A be.-.i ii -a,io..
IIAKi'Ll: A I!l:ollII N.wJYot'. .
"A Complete Pictorlwl History cf th
Times ' "The beet cheapest, fcx.d
most successful FttmUyPupcr
ia the Union.
IKarpor's Woolrly.
motk as or me t j .
HtKl'Llt'S WKfcKI.Y should
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family ihroiis-horit the lai.il. aa a purer, ii...ic u. -tcrrstii.jr,
liirl.er-t.ne.t. Irli.-r-illustiir,i . .
is in . I pul.ii. lied in this or auy i iber cunirv
Criiii,. r ial llo'b tin, llosn.u;
Ihe W l.l-.M.i is ll e only illu-tiabil p:-j ei . 1
the .lay that in its aeiitul i harat teririica ..
rxo4fiii7e.la- a ii.tionnl piper. llroiil. ivr, I -.el.-
Ihe li-adiest articles in II i Klbl.l
on Ki!itu al topic are moi. k of hij.'h-b.t i-.i ..is -cus-iou,
an, I ,. piclmial lllu-tratioiit aie elie i
eolrolK.i in aritiiineiit ol ro mu.uI loi.e.
1 xuiulher and l lirotiu le, N. .
ihe Wl.l.lv.1.1 bu to a tl!; birder dtKri r dis
t .need all r..llis ti(jrs as ail lilususled l.evt--pas
r. Its - utotials are aihotv the most ui.le i
their k in I and lis oilier reading nutter i- m i., v.
l.-.me., brnliuiit, Hid airuisii.i.-. I:- iliu.-lia
liousarraoi.r.iluntandol ri ec .11:. c t i.i.a
lull Adtocale, N. .
Fostasie free to all Subscribers tu th
United State
HVKITU'S WLKK1.Y. one -tar H "
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iilcrii.iion to H.vnri.ft'H .M.Vl,AZIl.
w f-KKM . und il.VZAIl, to one address lurou
"ur. Si ; or two i f finrj r's l erivlicals, i
ou ar.-ln ss lor otieycar, 47 tu; sislaiie fie
An f ir Copy oleilber the Magitiine, Wecs
It, r.r llsar w i t 1. supplied (fians lor eieij
I lub l I ive -ubaciiU-ra al id is tai b, ill one r.
Uliltaute; or, hiv I opirs iui fc.si i;,i,.t
eiiru eopy. po-tu,- in.
Ituck niuiilera can b-- supplied at any luic-
1 he V . I. itifs (,f h Wnkiy coliiuienie vn..
th year. When no time i iiientioiiel, it will i r
uuder-tood that the aul.-. l lU r W.rhci to e ..ll
nience w ih the ciiiuUt lit xt afler It.a iccipt 01
his order
1 lie Annual Volume, of llai.r' Vceklv, in
nral cloth biiidnor, will be sent by express. Irv
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prising 1 Hrnty Volume., sent on receipt ofrayOi
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SI " such. ,
lli.l.et tu tjtlt V'lulie arid l: alls ou lecel; t
of biiiii
Net -it. -i ; are nd l-i ci.pv thii ndi.-rliscnicM
Without ti.j evpi. rd.-i i.i Harper A Hrolhris
Addir-i UVhl'KKA HKHIKIt-
W II ew Volk
?ol It fit M
I III It (Jl i
) I.K.VDY I,.
Willi a line .Steel I'orlraitof A. T. Mewar
t-aieer, Ii.alli, S ill and Siicceasi..u .
Ami beside ihe uiiiiiu uud Valuabltf loaryn
aiiportaiil eveiiu and occui leuce a IliioUfjI.tiiit
Jiu world, this nuinla-r con'tiins, union o
ailh.lred other aiticle, Ibe following piiiutaol
tpecial iiitviesli
yuw u Vii-toria's New 1 U!e.
Dr. John Hull's April I'lillusupht rs (I'ot,!.-i .
Ihe 'I rue American a characteristic Poem
aahingbui a .Marshal ol I runce.
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New Horse-Cur I'netry, for April.
Dom 1'edro'a Characb rislica.
A Nhisl 1'urty iu the Ark.
'lhiee CapiuilioU-Ast.ir, Stewart, Vuli lerbill.
Murk 1 wain ul a llursa AuclioU.
t irrt Kenuil Idibyiat at W u.-dillighin,
Ihe I. ill of Seti.es ispaninh I'oeiu.
lluyalty iu the I'm led Mate,.
A ileum. aid's I haracler and l'iruliarities.
Monthly Ht-coidcf ( ingress, etc.
Ihiima in 1 li.n..i....i .......i... -...I ,..u..i.,
iioeiun, .keti hea, incidents, Ac, iu such uttiac
.ive variety, that it fonn. thu I idlest amount ot
,.....uii linn euie-t tainiiJK leAUllig aimo.1 et ri
Mublai ed in a luuguzibe.
Till fleW Ieris.i1li-n1 u-lil..l. t.n -l.u..,t r-cll
sd suoli an euoriuuu populuiaty, i
CJomelliiiig new and original iu Ihe way of a
s jioiuwy suugaaiue. liuuur a sort or nciec-m c
scrap-Uook , or luoulhlv i-ecord of iiuiort-iiit
.vent that hup lieu ia any part of thu world,
with a aelectioa of the moat popular naiacellanv
of the current lumilli, iiroae aud poetry , foreign
tud douieatio. K.liud by Krauk Moore, of ihe
. . 1..1...1 ii ...i u
Mvuciuuii rawJiu.
BeanliAill nrinlcl. Willi an elegant fsdee. '-.r-
trail of the uioal pioiuiucul ihtihiii of th tuuLih
iu each Number. ....
i ina. .r in most entartaliiiug and valuable Crst-
cluo. monUlJv iua,-line. ever Issued. I'rict), in
catai a utonib, or Sa si lor a year subsci ip-ion-poiae
paiil by the publuher.
Jj-Yuualy bubaciiplioua bein with ai.T
0. W, CHAKLEIOM CO., Publishiri,
Madiaen Ssiuare. New York

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