OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, May 06, 1877, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-05-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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Sot. Any business Arm can have Ihreellne
(v, in thin column under appropriate heading
I (he rale t.l II. M per laoiitu or tia per year
layatiie iiuirteriy in advance.
llnrrinnrr. ntnv-n aa Tin War.
a mil tv-lHlrr in Stove. Tin ami Hani
Ware, Uniden and farmers' Implements, Wire
owld, Beiritferstora, rumps sri i.aiiera.
II ( prrjTnercml Avenue. l,uib-ring, an 'I .lob
Work done on short notice.
I, Hinder.
,. S.McXiAHEY Healer in hard anl (oftlum
lr, flooring, ceding, siding and surfaced
luiuls-r, Ixt It and shingles titlice anl yard
i orurr I wenlleth street ant Washington avenue
LAN CAST Kit ItlCK-Iealers In ah,
ilooi. blinds, etc. bard and nrt lumler and
Milngle. Yard and oiiira.-, Mmmcrcial avenue,
lorm-r WUi street.
I). II A.RTMAS In-abr in IJiK-ensware, Toys,
Ij.ui and all k Ind of fancy ertid'ts. Comnier
rul avenue, corner Hli alrwt.
WILLIAM WTNTKIl Sixth street lietween
Commercial avenue ami Washington avenue.
loihinrt anil fprrhnnt railarlna;.
JOHN A M HIM -Men bent Tailor ami dealer
in Ready Made Clothing. 7s Ohio Levee .
Krai t.nlnlA Aarenclea.
M. .1. HOWI.KV-B.-at Kutate Agent- Buys
ami ells real uliic, culler U rents. I tain
lor non-residents etc. Commercial avenue, le
lw n Ninth ami Tenth slree-us.
St. Louis & Chicago
The only Road Runnin Two
Daily Trains from Cairo,
Trains Leave Cairo
1 20 p.m. Fat hTpresa, arrivlni In St.
Louis 8:.V) p. m.; Chicago, 7::', .m.
Arriving in Cincinnati a.m.; Louis
ville, am: Indianapolis, 4.15 .m.:
raeDgers by this train arrive at above
U'iO p. m. Fast Mail with sleeper attach
ed, for ST. LOl.1.1 and CHICAGO,
arriving in St. l.oui at 'I0 a.m. bt
rairo at 4.. ' p.m. Connecting at Odin
or Kitinghatn lor Cincinnati, Louisville
and Indianapolis.
rassenk'er by tbi line if through to
the Kat without any delay eaufed by
t-nndny Intervening,
AT l"i:V.'.
Advertisement of rotnpetinf line that
they nuke belter time than lb la one, are
are issued either through ignorance or a
desire to mislead the public,
for through ticket and information,
I'.ply at Illinois Central it. K. Depot, Cairo.
iais asiuvb at caiau
1 xpre ""' I' "
Mail - - - i l.a.m.
Ueu'l Southern At.
J. H. .J.j.VK-. Ti. ket AKt.
M. J. Howley
Real Estate Agent.
hoom :J "WTj:i'U BI.OtK."
I iwt-'.lii. ol six rooim on Twci.tivth
Ktrc t, a-tf Walnut, ?12.
I wt I!tti; f ilit ruoius, tm' Walnut,
near Filt-Mli cfiit. K-nt,
Two fctr rtxjms in Winter' Ulcx k;
me Irontin' on S-Viiitfi ctnft anj the
olht r on Coinnuriial avcnui. Koom
on 'rL-oom: t!'or ol Winters Block.
Ti iif ineiits Nos. :t Hiitl .' of WinUT'ij row
4,1 five room a-li. Ut iit, 10.
Ni'; ilwi-lliiijf of -ix room on Cross
stnvt, in ii i sinilji. n iliborliooiJ.
Wavrrly liotfl cheap to a ol teiu nt.
Kxccllent two-htory liou-c on Twonty
ci'hth btrttt. coiutortably arranyud.
Kent, $10.
Cottage on 1 Ith'strwt, between Wash
ington avenue and Walnut street.
Storeroom and dwelling lately Mat-fon'a-
rdioe store.
Two-story house on l'Jth etreet, oi eix
rooms. Kent $10.
Store room corner lMh street and
Washington avenue.
Two-story house corner 12iU and Wal
nut streets. Kent $0.
Desirable rooms in various iarU ol'tho
For artistic I'hotograptis at a moderate
cost cull at Gnstave Wetzell'g Gallery.
Titke X tire.
Oii icK Calno aNL .St. I.oiHlf. K.
C'Aiito, May 1st, 177. j
On and alter to-day, all freight will be
received and delivered ut the new depot,
on Ohio levee, l'assenger trains will
leave St. Charles hotel as heretolore.
Ivy W. II. Machuund, Agent.
illuppv ltllci to yimax iiieu irom
iilie tUL'Cla oi error tun auuaca in
H inrlv lile. MauktoodKcalorcd. Im-lQ
r .llintuU to umrriau rtuiovrd. ffl
Tj Stw niethod of treatiuenL New
2 uml reuiarkablu remcdiea. liooka'er
:2'and circular iteut free in waled O
' S 'euvelupe. AMt-rx Howabd A- g
PS;ociatioX. 41J N. Ninth i. I'hila-M
delphia. 1'a. An iunltulton hv- m
SI line a high repuwtiou lur hopor-in
" ubit; couducl aud profrteiouul
llolloway'a rilK Olnlaneai.
Kerotula wai considered Incurable until
he great diacavery of "UoUoway'a fllli
audO mint" fluahed upoa the world.
DUeaxe which baffled the akill of the
medical achooU, rcudlly yield to theie peer
remediea. Scurvy, erytdpelaa, tall
rheum, itch, and all cutaneous eruption
are curable by tuetu. Tweuty-flve ceut
1 tr box or pot.
mK. M. K.C.
Tlx knlfrhtt of the ahnve order meet
at their hall the lint and third Mondar
In each month. Commercial avenue, 3d door
oiith ol WUi atret t, at ti p in.
John It. 11
oi.Mra.Q. (I. M.
Kiiirhmof I'ythiaa, nm-Uerery Fri
day niKht at haJl-uuil aeven. in Udd-
Ktdluwa' Mall. llowa,
Cbaaeallof CoauiiaDiU-r.
Indeindent Ordnr of Odd-Fellow,
nwi't every Tburaday blcht
at half-rat aervn. in their nail on
Jonimercial avenue, htrtween hixth an J Heveatb
trt-eta Will K. Ihwiim, K. O.
Vln Old-Wllowe' Hall oo the Oral and Uur4
lura-lny in every monib, al half-pMl aevea
A. Com I w. t; P
Jk C'AHtOllDtiK. N0.2.T7,A.f. A A. M.
mfr Uoldnwular ootarnuBieaUon in M
lCroiilc Hall, corner Commercial avenue
lril Kinlilh auwt, on the aaoond and
,'uurth Mumlay of each nonlh.
ami or adtkbihibu.
tj" All bill lor wlvertiainx, an due and pay
able tit ADVAHCB
Tranaient advertiainK will be inaerted at tha
rate of tl W per xjuare for the Drat Inrrtion
and 50 cent for ettch iubHerjiient one A lilMral
dlaeount will be aiade on aUndinn and diipi
For insertir.it Faneral noti $1 to Notice of
maetinR of aocietie or aeeret order AO ornta for
each lnaertion
Church, Hociety, FcaUval and Supper notice
will only be Inaerted a advertiaementa
No advertisement will be received at leaa than
60 cent, and no advertisement will be inaerted
for Imathan thr dollar per month
Local, nrsixi.na oicf.m
Of one square (H lines space;) or more, In
serted in the Bulletin as follows : (lx;
than one square counted as a square.)
One insertion per square. - $ 50
Two insertions per square- 75
Three Insertions per square 1 00
Six Insertions per square 1 75
Two weeks per square - 2 60
One month per square 3 50
Special rates made on large advertise
ments or for longer time.
Two Days. May 8th & 9th, 77.
From one to live p.m., each after
noon. ftvf; dlstinct classes,
Entrance lee twenty-live cents which ad
mits parent, or uurte and child.
Class A, babes under C months.
.. 1 .. 2
' c, " 2 years.
l, 3 '
E Twins.
Every arrangement Las bn made
by the manager for vhc rotutort ot the
children and nurses. Enter your child
ten immediately, as the more enteral
the more valuable the premiums, as all
the p.jceeds will be ued in the pre
miums, which will be children' bujrgiea
and money.
Entree list now open at I). Ilartraan's,
corner Sixth street and Commercial
For lurtlier particulars, see circulars.
FKIOAY. MAY 6. 1S77.
Loral Westber Keport.
Caibo. III.. May IcAT.
t p.m.
1 11 rain
3 I cloudy
I cloudy
lUiufull. -J-l iucbe,
Serseant Hivnal St-rviee. I'. S. A.
Miiy Driuk ! Nny Drink !
At the Thalia Saloon, opposite the
Ut Li r.iis oftlce. Ct.
Cor Nitle.
llor.-e, buggy, harness, and a complete
outfit for the same. The horse, five
years old, buggy and harness nearly
new, all tor one hundred and fifty dollars.
Apply to X. W. Hacker, 70 Ohio lcyee.
Jams Opened.
Mrs. -scantland has Just opened a new
stock of millinery goods on Seventh
street back of Messrs. Greer & White's
etore. Bleaching and repairing done In
the latest styles. Please give me a call.
Xo trouble to t?ho w goods. 4-19-2t
V. aiielley.
Dyer and cleaner of ladies' and gentle
mens' garments, Xo. 30 Eighth street,
Cairo. Geutlemens' hats dyed and
cleaned and blocked la the latest style.
Chemical soap on hand, warranted to
remove Impurities from all labrics with
out Injury to the material, loi.
l'lrat'Claaa l-auiotlry.
It is now conceded that Mrs. Coleman,
the laundress, Xo. 12 Fourth street, be
tween Washington and Commercial ave
nues, has one of the best conducted laun
dry establishments in the city, and land
.ords of hotels and boarding houses will
2nd it to their advantage to call upon
fie I urea and Brarketa.
K. C. Ford has removed his Variety
Bracket store to Washington avenue
near Tenth street, lie has opened a
large stock of brackets, shelves, frames,
chromos, picture cord mid tassels, cur
tain tassels, fancy nails, hat racks, etc.
Picture training made a speciality
Chromos mounted In the cheapest and
best style. 1m
faros for Heat.
A Hue farm of 83 acres in Alexander
couuty.on the Mississippi river at Berry's
landing. Good dwelling, knrn, well, &c.
on the place. Kent low to a good tenant.
3t Keal Estate A g t.
Bab. J Tub. Wixd
?.-. ' '0 NW
U ! M W
2a 774 I 0 N
i-'.7f'i I to N W
Keep the Sabath holy.
Xext the baby show.
Cairo hotels are doing
talr bust
Fine alnglng at the Episcopal church
Police court was a dull place yester
day. There was nothing done.
The city council will meet agalu ou
Tuesday evening.
Signs of the preperation for the ice
cream season are apparent.
Sherlfl Saup will visit the country
next week to cullet personal taxes.
Bargains in bleached and brown cot
tons this week at Stuarts and Gholson's.
We are
oiiering great bargain in
Stuart & Ghci.sox.
Lr. Artcrand Mr. Lewis arrived In
this city yesterday on the atternoon train.
One hundred paterns new styles
prints at Stuart & Gholson's on Monday
The atheneum was again crowded,
last night and the entertainment gave
very general satisfaction.
Those having fifty cents and an Invi
tation will dance at the K. M. K. C. ball
Tuesday night.
Prof. Cooke would make an excel
lent barkeeper. lie could furnish any
color of wine all out of one bottle.
The Ohio river is tailing, and In a
few diys will be low enough to allow
the sewers to be opened.
City Jailor Mahonev was out with
the chain gang yesterday and did good
service in cleaning of the street cross
ings. utuartA Gholson are now oflering
the most elegant line of ladies', gents'
and children's hose ever shown In this
city, which they are offering at prices
that defy competition.
Thistlewood fc Co., commisi-Iou
merchants have removed to the Phlllis'
building, corner of Tenth street and
Ohio levee.
Kev. Thomas Jeflerson Shores Is still
pastor of the church at the corner of
Tenth and Cedar streets. Key. Shores
has a fine congregation.
The city is well supplied with beg
gars. That about halt of the whole
number are thieves scarcely admits of a
Oa account of the disagreeable
weather the festival of the ladies ot the
Episcopal church will be postponed to
May 24th.
The cane brigade will probably be
out to-day. They present a dazzling
appearance with their white vests, pic-
adilly collars, and varnished canes.
Mr. J as. Johnson, of the Illinois
Central, will leave in a few days lor a
trip through Texas. Mr. Johnson goes
on business for the Central.
The strawberry fktivaJ that was to
have taken place may 10th, under the
auspices ot the ladles of the Presbyterian
church, has been postponed until May
-The revival at the F'ree Will Baptist
church (colored), corner of Fifteenth and
Walnut streets, Is still in progress Kev.
Rix Is the bos? preacher, and is a success
In drawing sinners from their evil ways.
Circuit court will convene two weeks
trom tomorrow, lhe grand jury will
be instructed to Investigate several
charges against saloon keepers lorselliug
to minors.
Kev. G. C. Xoyes. of Evanston, who
Is In the city visiting at the resideuce ol
Hon. John M. Lansden, will preach In
the Fresbytenan church today, both
morning and evonlntr.
Those who were disappointed in get
ting coik corsets last week, can he sup
plied by calling early, as we have just
received a new lot, of all numbers.
5-C-3t. O. Haytuors & Co.
A regular meeting ot the Rough and
Keady tire company will take place at
their hall, to-morrow, Monday evening,
at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose of elect
ing ofticers lor the ensuing year. Every
member is requested to be present.
There will be services at the Metho
dist church, corner ot Eighth and W au
nut streets at the regular hours today,
nnrnlng and evening. RevD. G. Gill
ham will officiate. Sunday school at
three o'clock p. m.
Xo partiality will be shown at the
baby skow next Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings. The committee to award the
prizes are not to know the names of the
babies entered and hence no partiality
can bo shown in awarding me prizes.
The party announced by the Mys
terious Knights is under the management
ot gentlemen who have had much expe
rience in that line, and they aasure us
that the affair will be one descrying the
attendance of the most discreet.
Jacksonjcounty has sent a delegation
to Springfield to work for the passage of
the Southern Illinois penitentiary bill.
Mayor GUI and U. Y. Andrews are
among those who have gone to the
The new office just fitted ap at
Sproat's Ice depot, corner Twelfth street
and Ohio levee, Is one of the finest In the
city. The new desk Is an elegant one,
and for convenience cannot be surpassed.
Ike Ostrander.who presides In the office.
is In his glory now
On Thursday evening last Justice
of the Peace Fitzgerald united in mar
riage Mr, .las. Benson and Mrs. Louisa
Peudell, ot Sandy Kldge in this county
The parties are both well-kuown and
highly esteemed in the portion of the
county In which they live.
And now H Usald Gen. John A.
Logan will go to Russia to take a com
mand in the Russlau army. Too tbln.
John A. Logan won't go to Russia, lie
wants to go to the Uullexl States S3nate
two years hence, aud Is already laying
his plaus with Uiat view
May Drink I May Drink !
At the tballa lalooa, sppoiits the Bulls
jlo effles. 1 it.
The rector, Kev. Mr. billon
lee, will officiate as usual at the Episco
pal church to-day. Hours or service 11
a.m. and 7J p. in. Miss Fannie Kabb and
Prot. Staplcford, both line singers, have
kindly consented to slsg, and will be
added to the choir, assisting at the morn
ing and evening services. Sunday school
at 9 a. in,
Stuart JL Gholson ars offering the
largest and most complete slock of la
dies' and children's custom made shoes
ever offered In this city. They are man
ufactured especially lor us, and we guar
antee every pair. Those who have not
worn our shoes, try a pair, and our word
for it they will never buy thoes else
where. The Kev. Mr. Dillon-Leo will con
duct the services ot the Episcopal church
today as usual. Hours of service, 11 a.
in. and 7 p. in. The singing will be
very fine, as Miss F'annie Kabb and Frol.
Stapleford have kludly consented to sing
both morning and evening. Sunday
school at jj p. ui.
The mayor says the city printing for
the last year has cost $114. Wonder
where he got, nu nts. u'i.- gtrw
$100 a year for publishing the council
proceedings. The LU llati v has already
done work to the amount of about sixty
dollars, to say nothing of the work done
by the other offices ot the.city. Wonder
where his honor gets his figures ?
Revolution In the shirt trade (Qua
ker City unlaundred shirts. We are the
manufacturers' agents for this Ehirt,
guaranteed to be the best made and most
perfet fitting shirt manufactured in the
United States. We offer a shirt made of
Wautnsuttti munlin and 2 ICO linen at
$1 25. Our very best at $1 SO. Meas
ures taken and a perfect fit guaranteed.
O. Uavthokn &, Co.
The Southern Illinois Partner and
Fruit (Jrowtr of last Thursday contains
reports from nearly all the fruit growing
regioas of Southern Illinois, from which
it Is apparent that the Injury to the fruit
by the late frosts is not severe.and about
the only thing injured are the straw
berries. Even these are not injured se
verely, aud there will be an abundant
Alderman Patier Introduced a reso
lutlon at the last meeting of the city
council for an increase et the police
force. We agree with Alderman Pat
ier on this question and believe the force
should be increased, as the alderman
says, to seven men and a chief. For the
last year the force has been too small to
be serviceable. Though the officers are
diligent and faithful in the discharge of
their duties, they are too lew in number
to perform all the duties required of the
Prof. Cooke gave another of his enter
tainments at the Atheneum last night in
the presence ot a large and intelligent
audience, w e do not propose to partio
ularize, but will say that the professor
performed every act that he agreed to,
and more too : and did them In a man
ner that fairly astonished even the most
sincere spiritualist present. Prot. Cooke
is certainly a success In his busiuess; and
besides, is a perfect gentleman in all his
Intercourse with those with whom he has
busines transactions.
The Paducah Aeirs of Wednesday
says: 'Me understand that the Har
monic society are going to Cairo one day
next week, where they will entertain
the CaireiU'S with the Cantata Ruth.
We can assure our Cairo friends that
they will be delighted with this splendid
musical entertainment." Let our Pa
ducah neighbors come along, and they
will meet with a hcirty reception at the
hands of the Cairo people. Only let us
know before hand of the date of their
oming, that we may t ready for them.
since writing the above we learn that
the society will be in Cairo on next Fri
day evening. May 11th.
Isn't it about time that there should
be 1 thinning out of the thieves, gam
blers aud confidence men that still linger
in our city. They may be seen at our
wharf, at our depots, in our saloons and
on our street corners, singly, In pairs
and by half dozens. True the police
have succeeded in ridding the city of
some of them; but why not all r In the
name of the decent people, of our city,
we ask that prompt and decisive meas
ures be adopted to rid the place of such
an unwelcome presence. It the present
police lorce is not sufficiently strong to
bring the oflendcrs to justice, let our city
council authorize the appointment of
more. The people will shoulder the ex
pense cheerfully.
Harry Martin Is a leather colored
gentleman who prides himself on his
good looks, aud bas a supreme contempt
for the "ordinary every day nig.
gcr." Harry is a stranger in Cairo, but
In his wanderings about the city fell in
with a colored "damsel, known as Hat
tie Wilson. Hattie played sweet on the
unsuspecting Martin, and liaully suc
ceeded in enticing him into a den on
Poplar street presided over by
a well-known courtesan. Harry was
not half as smart as he believed he was,
for in less than an hour from the time
he entered that uen no was iouuu wan
dering up and down the street bemoan
ing the loss ot several dollars in money
and a fine ring. When asked why he
didn't call an officer and make the girl
disgorge he replieJ,tliat ho had given
her the money ami riug "cause
she coaxed an' coaxed till ho couldn't
stand it no longer, aud he jit gin' 'em to
her, to git rid on her tarntl coaxln'."
Harry Martin won't bo so smart next
Ta Caulraelom aud Uwtldarti.
All bids for tho work to plce an iron
front and other work In the house on
corner of Eleventh street and Couitner
clal avenue, must be left with B. F.
Blake on Tuesday evening, May 6th,
1870. at 8 o'clock, p.m. See plan and
r-pecltlcatlons at Blakes. F. Buosu.
MF Drink I Ma J- IlrlH, j
At the Thalia Saloon, ofrT,site the
Bft.tttiv offlcf. f!f.
Altentlaa Kw4t.
A regular meeting of the Itotigh and
Ready tire company will be held at the
engine house, Monday evening, May 7th.
at 7J o'clock, for the election of officers.
Every member Is requested to be present.
Harry yenra, Sec')-.
A Oani.
To all who are suffering from the
errors and Indiscretions of youth, ner
vous weakness, early decay, loss of man
hood, etc., I will send a recipe that will
cure you, free of charge. This great
t niedy was discovered by a missionary
n South America. Send a sel '-addressed
envelope to the Rev. Joseph T.
Inman, Station D. Blblo House, Xcw
k 'J.tT. -1- )-Gui
r. W. C. Joeeljn
Has received a
large assortment of artificial teeth, and Is
prepared to supply nil of his patrons.
All branches ot dentistry performed In
iho moEt durable manner. Call at once,
OUlcc Eighth street between Washing
ton and Commercial avenues, Cuiro, Illi
I Mrs. .Sjiears has removed her place ot
business from Seventh street to Com
mercial avenue, Xo. 118, In Winter's
block, where she will be pleased to wel
come her old customers and new ones.
She has a flue assortment of new goods
trom Xew York, consisting ol ladies hats
of all patterns, flowers, feathers and all
kinds of goods In the millinery line.
Ladies will do well to call and examine
before buying tlsewherc. She will be
pleased to show goods at all times. Hats
bleached and trimmed fo order: coloring
black or brown 4-22-lm
Tobacro and Ciajsra.
Merchants.grocers, and saloon-keepers
should not forget that Messrs. Corlis &
Rankin, proprietors of the Prairie State
Tobacco Factory at Metropolis, have
opened an establishment at the corner
of i5ixtn street and Ohio levee in this
city where they wil. do a wholesale and
retail business in the tobacco and cigar
line. They have on hand the largest
. 1 A. a . .
aim most complete stock oi
obacco and cigars ever opened
in Cairo, and are prepared to
aupply the wants of the trade at the
lowest living prices. Dealers are in
vited to call anl examine their stock.
The Xew Town Hall at Ajer.
This elegant structure is now complete.
In beauty of design it mrpasses anything
ol its kind In the state. Constructed of
brick and dark marble it is as perma
nent as it is charming. The English
architects have adorned it In subdued
colors, which please without tiring the
eye. Dr. J. C. Ayer built and gave ft to
the town In acknowledgment of the dis
tinction they conferred upon him in tak
ing his name. Although it is a gener
ous gilt, still the hearty good wishes ot
a whole people are of greater value, and
the generous douor has doubtless secured
theoi. Grolun (Mass.) Juurnul. lm
(roan I na; the Desert
Is generally an eventful episode in life;
w hether it be as pilgrim to worship the
prophet's shrine at Mecca, or as a part of
a caravan ot merchants. Tho dangers of
the destructive simoon, Attacks ot preda
tory robbers and the agony of dying
from thirst arc dissipated on reaching
one of those gardens ot the desert, an
oasis. Partaking of that which recuper
ates, they meet their future difficulties
with recruited strength and renewed en
ergies. So with modern life, dangers
from disease threaten all humanity, but
it we make use of a remedy w hich allevi
ates acoute attacks of sickness, thus pre
venting their becoming chronic, we shall
realize that necessary and refreshment in
traveling lite's desert which has lieen dis
covered in the lloun Stomach Bitters.
6-1 ra.
The Wlae Course la Btaeuiuatlaua.
Rheumatic patients who have been In
duced to submit to depletion by blood
letting, or to take catechum and other
drugs ot an equally pernicious character,
will consult their well-being by abandon
ing such insane procedure, and using as
a substitute Iloatetter's Stomach Bitters,
which will Infallibly afford them the
much desired relief, and Is absolutely
sate. Ihls benign vegetable depurcnt
cools the blood by expelling from it the
inllammatory elements which give rise to
maladies of a rhematic and gouty type,
aud rectifies disordered conditions ot the
stomach, nervous system aud bowels
which 'usually accompany them. As
rheumatism has a tendency to attack the
heart, the desirability ot an early resort
to the Bitters is obvious, since the danger
is Increased by every moment of delay.
. .I.
Tmat I rreraur liable t'outlitiaus.
Debility and health are Irreconcilable
conditions. Weakly people, that Is to
say people who lack the vitality requl-
sltj tor a vigorous disonarge or eaca anu
all of the bodily luuctlous, are invaria
bly afflicted with some, though it may
be a trifling, disoruer oi me system.
Atouv. or a want ot muscular and ner
vous vigor. Is accompanied by poverty of
the blood aud kauneas. A certain way
to overcome It and preveut the aggra
vated maladies to which It must ulti
uatelv lead is to use II o Utter's stom
acn Bitters, which promote digestion anp
assimilation of the food, and thus are
the means of furnishing lhe body with a
supply of blood of a quality essential to
ity proper nourishment. luvigorauon
through the Instrumentality of the
.n.t.oi.iosa tonic DrotecU tne fecblo from
a host af bodily ills which lurk in am-bu-h
lor the debilitated. The bitters are
an article which it la most desirable to
keep constantly on hand. 4-30-71
- ' - .1 I
May Drink t Hay firluk 1
AtUie Thalia Saloon, opposite the
Bclleti office.
Crown thy head in glory w ith one of
Stetson'a Philadelphia hats, at U.
Farnbaker A Haas. r
The latest styles of spring, sMtt hat
at A. Marx. jiv
Fine fashionable cassimere suits, at
$12,50, at Farnbaker & Haas. If
A. Marx sells centennial calns at 25
cents. i
Pa, did you hear the tiewsr The best
cassimere pants in the city are sold now
at five dollars at Farnbaker & Haas'. If
The finest stock of furnishing roods
ever brought to Cairo at A. Marx. 1 w
Summer Is noon and the reli.ihl
clothiers, Farnbaker & Haas, are selling
the best (unequaled by tailors) white
vcstsfrotn$l.G0to$5. t
Ibc finest navy flanel suits in the
city at A. Marx, at only $13 GO. 1 w
a i
yv large nno 0f white vests at A.
Marx. Jw
A. Marx, the popular clothier has
gone East to purchase a comitate new
stock of goods. The goods damaged by
fire at his old stand are being dosed out
rapidly at Very low figures. 4-24-1 w.
Refrigerators, the very best, at A.
11 alley 'a, 113 Commercial avenue. Also,
stoves and tlnwneo, taiit wnro. hln .fi
pocket cutlery, garden and armors' im
plements, plows, corn planters and shell.
crs, sulkey rakes, and a general stock ol
stoves, tin and hardware, flower stands,
both wire and wood, flower trailers, dif
ferent styles, hanging baskets ot all
Kinds ; the largest variety ot bird cages
in the city and will bo sold very low nt
A. Halley's, 115 Commercial avenue.
tor Rent.
A house on Division street, between
Washington avenue and Walnut street
Apply tO W. 11. SMITH.
REPORT of the condition of the City Na
tional Bank, at Cairo, in tha Ptute ol Illi
nois, at the clone of buiueH, April 14, la;;
Loans and diamunin aim 00
V . a. Bond to necure circulation.... 6'i uu
8. Bond on hand........ - :tv i
Other atocig, bonds aud mortgages... !J,S1J So
irom aipruveu re-
airentH S7.1H 71
Due from other National
lianfc lT.ffifl 47
Due from but built and
,J'''"--' ,."S l 114,580.7
Rwl estate, furniture and fixtures...
t urrent expense and taxea paid
SI,.', x,
1,577 41
ana oilier can
item $
Bills of other bank..
Fractional rurrency, in
cluding nickel
faerie (including gold
tim.urv certiriVjttmii
1 ,233 (tO
4.M 00
e,IMj 7i
1.1,1 47
St.om tpt
Ifal-tender notes
1,3 "1 12
Redemption fund with L'. H. treaim-
rtr,( lr 'nt. of circulation) 2,'iM on
Due from U .s. treasurer, other than
5 percent, redemption fund 6,000 00
Total s3,41U -2"
Capital Mock Ixiid in tino.onn 01
Surplus fund . tvi
I nil 1 vide. I profit........ 4.b.ii 12
National I tank uoU ouutundm 4i,ou 00
l'ivldenda unii&iil an no
Individual (W-puaU ul-
ject to check M4,d S)
ne to other National
bank.. .... t,17l 71
Due to Sjutte banks and
hunker..- .!, 770 !i--iA. .V!) Ill
Total Sio.-l.liy at
isisie or Illinois, t ounty or Alexander sa.
1. A. B. 8an"ord. tmhipr of thf alml-p
nuiuer) hunk, do solemnly aweitr that the above
kUtrnient i true to the best of my knowledge
and lielief. A. B. isAPi-illtl). Canhit-r.
Mibwcribed and iwurn 1,1 iM-fon- m, thi,. -iiih
day of April, le.7. II. H. CAXDl.K,
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
W. P. II A I.LIDA Y, )
K. H. CI.'NMNUitAM. 5 Directors.
Wab DarAi.TMKifT, Riwh Raror. 1
May . It77. I
FT. IN. T. IN .
Cairo :tri 3 o
PiltsburK- 4 t 7
Cincinnau . l:i . 4
Louisville w ij 11
Nashville 11 1 1
St. Louis ii OX 1
KvansvUle In lu X 1U
Memphis 'ii 3
VickshurK 41 ft t
New Orleans 4 4 X I
Below hik-h vtatiT 1K74.
Serg-eant. SUnai -rvic.-. " 8. A.
Fort I.lal.
Steamer James Fisk, Paducah.
learner James Fisk, Paducah.
Wholesale Grocers
Oommission Merchants
&? Ohio Istvree.
Wholesale Grocer
A ad Dealer In
Commission Merchant
SPKC.AL attantloi a-lvea tooontif nwuat sad
ailUur elder
LYpeeial attention given to tlomeopatbic
treatment ol nirgicaldieai.e, ail ahroiiie
disease aud dieac ol worn a and cbil
dren. O trice ou C'omaiercisl avenue near
Mote street. CAIRO, ILL.
Eipitlic fijsician ul Sirjsj:
Ir. Brlgbam- Successor )
Offlos 139 Commercial Aye.
S-l-lra Cairo, Miaul
Special attention given to tbe trust me a
Chronic lli.easc aud diseases peculiar, 10
35999 n' " r,1"e tiy every area
rTT.7 k . '.I""7 ")'"' In the baaineea we
JiUl ' hT """ work eaa easily
rn a dor-n dollhrs dy riKl,tin their own lo
Mlitivs. Have no roeni 10 explain nere. Beat
les j, less.nt and honorable, Wwi . lye
.nd rn'rl-Mio . well ,,.. 'We w"Tn,rni.yh
Toil romolcte outfit free. The business pays
bitter than anrthiat; else. We will bear ex
.M-nse of starting you. Particular tt9. W
md tee, farmer ami mechanics, their soa
inddaiiKhlers, and all classes la need of paying
ork at hotue, should write to aa and le.ro a
bout thwork al once. Now is the time
Jon t delay. Addrea Tarx A Co. August
"..ccalVi Pitnl hppnipl"
rrom one to a thousand far-simllie of ear
ii'.t Jrl''?,"' ,,r",lD. :oUce. price
llt. examination panr, etc., ininc one writ
anrl an ordinary copvingpress. Tne procst i
!im.Pi'! nd'P'd. Send for descriptive
eirrulsr, and ahlreta TDK PaPYt if.RAPII
" N. Sixth St. f-t Louis, Mo.
T tha Working: rinaa W .M
prepared to furnish nil clns.es with constant em
ploymont at home, the whole of the time, or for
their spare moments. Business new, liirht and
profitable. person of either sex ess I It ears
irom 00 cents 10 j-t per evening, and a propor
tional sum liT di-votlnir their hl. 1 lm. .V-
business. Boys apd girls earn nearlvas mnrh
as men. 1 hat all Who see this notice Bisy send
their addres., anil t-t the business we make this
unparalleled offer: To such si are not well satis
fied we will send one dollar to pay t the
trouble or writing. Kill I particulars, smaples
worth several dollars to commence work on
and a copy of Home and Kireaide, oa of the
ergeet and bet itlnatratcd publications, all sent
1 by mail. .Header, If you want permanent,
profitable worx i.bohob Stinhom A Co, Port
anl. Main.
B. F. Blako
Healers In
?aints, Oils, Varnishes,
Vail Paper, Window Glaaa, Win
dow Shades, &c.
Always on band, tbe celebrated llluniLnatla
l-U. llcSlaajr,
Corner Eleventh Street and Wash In
ton Aveatxa
J. II. Mclkby, I). T. Cjxboar, J. M. Laitsdkm
Attorneys at Law,
OFFICE: Commercial Avenau, at oflica ol
Lmi'gar A tansden 3-27-3in
feun pka.se copy.
English Krusscls. Three Ply and Injrraln
also, sjt.iir C'arpet'.Velvet llut. Crumb
Cloths, Oil Cloths, etc., very cheap
at the Old Place
Carpets carefully packed and sent to an
part of the United State tree of charge.
OjT eo Sugar fc Syruo,
Specialty in. Teas.
Goods Delivered Promptly.
tiiiru( flower.
Tin moi-t iuN-r:ibb being in the world
are ilio-o suttcriiig from dpepsia and
aver complaint.
More than seventy-live pr rent of the
pcoide III the I'niteit state ar ttrlicted
with tlieo two diseax-s ami their t flvi ti:
such a sour ktutiitish, sick headache, habit
ual coslivenets, jialpitttioD of tbe heart,
heart-burn, water brash, irnawmir and
burning pains at- tlio pit of tbe Honiuch,
yellow ain, coated tongue and disagree
uble ta-te in the tnoiitli, coming up nt food
ufter eating, low spirits, etc. Oo to l'aul
U. S.'btili. druggist, a cent bottle ot
Al'UCxT Fl.owau, or a sample bottle for
10 ceuts. Try It two Uo-e will relieve
j s '""
Atliiiinihiratvr'a S.Mr.
Estate of Charle Bother deceased.
The uu'lerxigned, having been apitointed ad
minintmtor of the estate of Charles flucker, .at
of the county of Alexander and state of Illi
nois, decaaaed, hereby give a otic tkat be Will
apiicar Ulure the county court of Alexander
toiinty, at the curt house in Cairo at lbs April
term, on the third Monday la April Bex', at
which time all pvrsun having claim arsiuat
said estate are nolilt-d aud reiUeted to allrad
lor th purpose uf hsviug th sauie adjusted.
All persous iudebU.tl to auid estate are reiuesud
to make iniiundute paymeut lo Uis uadcraliiUtsl.
liateil tih 22d day of February, A. D. 177
Huarher's uerataa rap.
Can tow be purchased right at home; it
is the uiot successful preparation ever In
troduced to our people. It work like a
charm In all cae consumption paeiiiiio
nla. heinorrbstfe. atbnia. sever cough,
croup, and other throat and lun disiisea.
, .K' .... I.. avp used tbi medicine
without getting- imniediaw relief, yet there
..." stirterinir. skf DLical
ID m KJUU uiau '"v - o .
person ioiog about our streeU with a sua
picious cougb, and tbe voice ol consump
tion coniinif from their Iuiik. that will not
,rv it it von die. it is vour own fault, aa
. ..un 1,1 laul I .. iScliuh. ilruvirtst. and
..... ..ii.t.lu Ktl lu Inr 1 tf.aBkla ann trv it
tbree dose will relieve any rasa. Kejrular
size only 75 cents. eow.
Msrrisic'iHMi. il.Mtflb3
a ah liMMtswia. nssi
liwMt Ills Irsck. sit tu,
suus kswe sa
4w mm w w mm m ww m u turn k rum
Hkibdol UiwiiN, Willi lundndsj -..uaW
balMuiU Nmrtv.iii iupt.).itafa u -iiskirM- liwu -lur
u4 cum. TrakU4M t tuMy 9i'4
JSaUMrti y Mtoii absi Hirsltta lu rtf , it f tL n'J
tA. AUtifi'- tauikv wliMf fcii.a vri iil.t.ri. i
kuirweft rvsattft t. 4V Hi as (:; hti-tlwH i'4f T
iJ-ir.-. I-. C. A H.M-.AM, aii J-J I
m. UHistV i l 4lU.iw UV

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