OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, September 11, 1877, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-09-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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'I 1)
Any biwini'M Ami ran hiivc th recline
liaoe, lu till- cnluinn under appropriate liiadiug
liberate ol Sl.&u r nu.iiUior 81 per year
ayaim- iiiuneriy in an vane.
Hardware, Moves und Tlu Wart-.
HAT.r.KT-TVali'r in Strive. Tin anil Hani
MM, liaideii mil 'amier' Implement, Wire
jmmU, iteingenmora, i wnm aiu, ijmiiiith.
IS ConanieriiluT Aenu. UuiterilJK, uii'l .(oil
(rk done on anort num e.
.1. S.MetJ.VrlJSY-lJtalermhardaiul aultliiiu
ir, lloorinK, ceillnif, aliJiiiK ami aurrwrd
liiinlier, lath ami alunttlea. oftiin) unl yitnl
oruer i wintinn atreei aim vraauiiiKtun avenue'
Imira, bliwla, tic., hard ami ailt liimljer and
lilnrlea. lard ana onu-t, I unimerrlui avenue
urner ntu aireei.
I). II AKTMAS I'euler In Oueennware, Tuva
l.ariieatidall kiniln of fancy artlrl't. Cliin.r-
a. avenue, crirtier otu aneti.
Photography .
Willi AM WISTKK Sialli atrwt between
oininerolal avenueanlv aniii(lun avenue.
Ctothiava d .llrrrhax tailoring
JOHN' ANTUIM-SIf reliant Tailor and .leulr
lu Iteaily ilaile dulliing-. 70 Olnu Ia-vi.
Krai fcntato Agent-lea.
11. J. HOWIJiY-Heal KaUte Atent. iy
Mi iclla real ealAU:, CollecU rrula. paa UIra
tor nun-miiileiila.el, Commereiui avenue, L-
I wwn N mill ami Tenth treeta .
ruinwlwlnia Jlerehniite.
II lotion und lolwxo r'aclora and pro-
uiirinr of tho rarruerB" loiwro urehouM-,
li' li? Oiriiininereial Avenue.
1 Oeueral Korwarlinic and Coiniuiaamu
merchant, lor lue sale of rariu, iiaiden, Or
:lianl and lalry I'roduoe. ' 'ilno l-eve.
n A. WIIhEUll K 1 (O.
U "ueneral f urwarduiK and ComuiUaiun
liu reliant, aiid dealera im uil kinila of r ruit and
itrd, hiencila lurulshtd on aipicatiun.
fc. i". Uaukel s lilitr M ini of I rum
Thli truly valualilt tonic fcaa U-en ao llior-
oliKlily lelen by ail ciati-ee ci i n- coiiiiiiiiuiiy
thai it In now deemed ludiafjenkulile hi a tunic
Ilie'lli'lUt. 11 iXitU hut iltllr, Olirilita Ihr
li)-dand lt tiue to lli lon-a h, n liovitu
the ium and prolonga liu- tvrrjhjy
hould tiave It.
Virt hr i-rjre of Weak Momarh", riiiial IJ
hilltT, ladljrttition, DImwi or the Monucu
an t lor allcaam r)Uirihg a tonic
Thia wine IncladM Hie moat aifrt'tahlc aiid
Hirimt aalt ol imn piter -Citra'f oi
inaiintrtlr oxidr comhinid ithlhcmont rin r
K"lc of all Tf-jfitahlt h nira-Tcllow I'crnvian
lo you want (omthlh; to ancDfc'tUn ; bu .
I ou w aut a good p un-:
lit fun want io grt nu of nirvouiinre v
Ho you want rneruy V
I'O you want lo ali Well 1
lo jou want to build U(i Jour coi'tlitnlioii ;
I hi yuu want tofl well '
I") yon want a brink and vii;orw!i IVliiv '
If youi.o.uy HI II Kit WJK
or iiws.
I GiJr aak a trial of thia treat lordirioc'
Iwwart of cuunlrrlcita, u lunt-r liilK r
Wu,ro. lion ia the only turu and flli-climl
rriiiedy in the known woild lor the itiiiiiuiii
currol Iypoaua aud liability, and there art
k hiuHUr of iiuilalulia oD rd to the (jii'j.i.-,
I would caution the loinintujily to purchoe
none but Inr Kruume article, iunula:lured by
t. K uKti, aud hawuK Ui atuup on tlic t in
of every bottle. I he very Im I mat olheri are
:r j in x to imitate ihu valuable luediciue, piov a
t iu worth and aieaki toiuibe in it Uv-r. lirl
UirKtnuiui'. k. t . Hunkei a.
M.ld only in boltlti. Moid by ilinxi'lo
Jnd dialrra -vey here. I., i. Kiflilun, l'ri
pnptor, In ortn Mutti Unvt, I'hlia lejpliu,
Ilmd and all eon plele io two honro. No
fir till head ymrtn. hrat, I in and MoD.ai h
ttoriui reinoTwl by I'r. hnnkrl, i !i Swiiri
VinUi atrn U i'hiladelbhia, V. f-end lor f ir-
rular or a you drut''il lor a bttl of lir,
" huckel'a W.rm Syrup. It in vciinln. L'nc l
fnekage ol Krai nud (vmlort fji
Tired Women.
Mra. llntiry Ward Wtcit. whnap mti.
holil knowh'dne and perfect boui'MT nu
one .ri;mmni in doubt, ri'1'Oiuuii'Dili.lioUM'
Keeperalo uc Waaiiine, the ti nubxtitutc
for aoap. She ! "lit- i pli and with It.
ll n a re,il auvtr 01 llmo and lubor, :imi
no no more injur)- clothing th iu cotnmon
winn wati r. lr. Ue. Inr i ncht.
Wa-uine baa many (.'rent ailvuntaci over
' aoap. It wufliftt In one-tl.ird of the time.
It aimol entirely doe away itb rulibititr.
Waaaraa w:l In hard water anlt. H !
the only article Known that will preveri
woolen trorn thrink'ni;. Other artii kt an
ait aomewhat In wu1i1lk, tut tney injure
the clothe. Wuhiou poxilively will not
fv, injure clothiDK.
JUe-0 are aotna ol tne iinalitlea which
have mail Waitiioc ao popular anions the
iutelliicent luuekei'per. ol America. All
who are not uain Vaibine will not regret
It if they take ipecial pains td iirocuie and
vive It a trial, i'ricc, o and cenLi. (fold
by all i(ro:era.
' ItappT relief to oin youou luen tr;
the effect of errora aud ahuaca in
() H early life. Matikood Keittored. Ilu- Q
UJ O iwllnienhi to ranrriage removed, jq
J New method of treatment Sew
u..,l n.iMrbMl.l.i vti.ilira llikfi T
aud circular aeul free in rmlH 2
r "2 euvcloiea. Ad lenta llowiBo An- 2
( W w'ClATloM, 41J S. Sinlh at. I'hila- pq
DO dilpiiut. I'u. An imtitiitton hnv- m
vSJ Si iiK a binh repiuution lor honor-"
' ' " able couduct and profeanonal
' TO
St. Louis & Chicago
The only Road Running Two
Daily Trains from Cairo,
Trains Leave Cairo
i 2 50 p.t. Kat ExpreK, arriving lu fft.
Louiii 8:5) l. m.; Chicago, a.m.
Arrlvinifln Clnclunatl K:S0, a.m.; Loula
ville, a.m.; llldianapolia, 4.1ft a.m.;
raHxeugurri ly thU trnin arrive at above
- IN'-
i.;ii)-p, m. Kant Mail wltu llcepera uttnoh.
' id, for HT. LOt'M and CUICAOO,
arrlvins in St. Loula at 0:30 a.m. tin
' cairo at 4.30 p.m. Connecting at Odin
or Kfllngnani lur Cluvluoati, Loulaville
and ludianapolis.
"enireri hy thlt lino go throu,'lt to
the Kant without any delay caused by
Ktindtiy intervening
advartlaemcDta of competlni' llnea tlmt
they malt betltt tlma than Oil one, are
'are luiued cither through lijnorauce or u
dealre to mlalead the public. '
Kor throoKB ttoketa and Information,
pply at lllinola Ceutral tt. U. Depot, Cairo.
TaAisa Aaiuva at caiao
tail Ii46a.ni,
Oen'l Southern At
U. Jopts, Ticket Agt.
'I lie knlvhli of the abntr urder ri.ert
at Ibcii Lull (he llrt and thud vlomhir
II eiKli moiilli. C'oiiniierclul avenue. 'M iloor
aouth of I'll) atreet, ul n p tu.
lulls II. Iloi.vt-, i,, i,. M,
Kniirht of PvthUu. iimuki rri.
A dav nmht at IiaII-iiumL aeven. in liilil.
reiluwa' Hall. iloHl,
l.lmneellor t-oinuuiiidir.
AI.KXA.MiKU MtliiiB, SO.
I iidtieiiilriit Unl.r of (idil-r.l-
Mjpf Iiiwh, UiwU every 'I huroday mkIiI
,buy al bull uaateiiveu. ill their hall on
Jomuurciui avenue. iK'iwr-eo M.Uiand rievcuth
'nil. M in. K. Hah airo, S. li.
"1AIUO KNCAMI'MKST, I. ). O.T., m.- t
Odd-Kellowa' Hall on the brat and tl.ird
Incaluy iu every month, at l.ail-uit mvi n
A. flMINOH, I.
CAIIiOI.OIK.K, NO.'iff.A.F. 4A. M,
Hold r rulur coimiiunutiofia lu Mu-
toonr-. II. ul, comer tiiiiiuere.iul avi:iiue
and i.i.'i.Ui mri-el. on Uie iwond and
'ourth Monday ol inuli month.
Uil IS Of lllVKBIIlh.
UA11 bills for alvertiii)if, are due and pay
able til aoVAKca
Tranaleal advertirinK will be iiioerte 1 ut
rata of II W pi r n,uire for the Hret ior-rtion
and 'J cenU for euch ulieeii.eul out A litwral
dlacount Will be Uut le on fUindniK an I diepl
for ijusertinK FuLeru! noth l i Sotice ol
meeting of aoeietiea or aecret order c nU for
each insertion
Church, Society, Featival and Supjer notieea
will only be hiierud aa ailvertiw;menui
No advertUeiuenl will be reivel at Icm than
f ' ru nti , ucd no adverlim inti.t w;ll I iinorud
for lean than three dolliira ir month
I.OC.tl. Ill SIM. MS MITK r.H
Of one stiure (8 lines ..piii i ) or tnorc, in
w;rU'd in the Hullliin folio wis : (I.-
than one s'liurc couriteil an iu'iuure.)
0n: Insertion pi-r i-quari- - $ SO
Two insertion" jicr i-'iiurt'. 1"
'J'hrtciiiaertiotimicr squure 1 00
Six liiMTtloiis p-r square 1
Two weeks jier f juun: 2 C
One month per square- A 'M
.lK(:ml ralen ina'le on lurire ailveniso
menta or lor longer time,
Ovtii.L' to the t recent hard time snij
"arciiy ol moticy, 1 w ii!, ilt4 r tbii date,
Sell llrel nt Or. tier iloaeu, nr 2
l.onvri nr 5 Cent,
AIo Cake. I'ie, etc , at prcnoiti'ii, : t :
low pril (;.
1 hew corKl!! are ol the very I e-t in the
ity, and will recommend tliciuoelwi an
mi h.
1 1' ir !i r 'iom ubio.il wi'l p.-
I'romj't rtHcti'ion.
I i: ASI. h II A I h ,
l'roj.'r t'tiion I'.n.eiy.
.jliiiiii ial A ve.. bet. 4lh ai,d tlii ! .
I jiro, Ain.'-i-l '. I-7T '
View of Marriage !
m-Mmi'.! I r-st..r .. ;
lutir-j fi miri-.'r' ftl.i t;-'
i,a.'',.t il.fi tor I
r'i .f Hi j.r04iit.tiin if.-t
i-r l)t t,f V.'ftClMi.
A U r f ae., -.-
.bu. ExtfftiM, or barret Vw-ah:, v..- l- t
,rli '.,.., ).-?(.. pri-a -.al . t.
A CLINIf'AL LECTLMifi .... V.-'! MKMir l
Hi(( l!i"ThrOAtar.il Ltuii-s. fUrrn ki.i.lt.re ii.
tr - k a, nt !(. id . f f '. p-'rr nr '. lift,
i LK. hVTZ J, v. i. . nu a., tit. Leu... Ma
Tl i;-DA i , S -iiciu'.ier 11, 1-77.
4 Hir. II itliH-l ull nml I ry I hem.
ll.iviii!' ili-ciiur'e.l 1 r. Lower ai.d
reiiovaleil my bat.li room-, with tliu addi
tion ol a new receiver alter Hie latent
Hid ino-t eoiiver;init ctylc. I i-lu'l take
'Teat plea-'He lu eivitiir liatln either
incdieale l or otherwi.-e, to u!l wLo may
all on ine.
ltn I'll. I . A l: 1 1 li.
Home AkiiIii.
i;j. llraxloti lias rettimeJ to his old
taud In the I!cier huildiiij.', wliere he h
better prepaied than ever to nejoiuliio-
late lus patrons and the public who
may favor hi in with a call, lie has gone
to considerable e.p n-e in littlb"; up a
couple of nicely furnished rooms, v.hiih
he has provided with nil the latest im
provements and convenience-:, lie em
ploys only lirnt class workmen and thri-e
who patronize him will have their wants
attended to in .style and will m-eife
courteous treatment. tf
Hint Inslilioiii Joe In lleulili.
An atmosphere iinpre"iiiated Willi tlin
seeds of malaria, ij rendered hannU s by
the timely u-c of Ho-tetter's Stomach
(titters; ai:d II u resort to his benign, pro
tective ajrent lias unwisely l ei.n deh rred
until the fever tits have developed, it will
have the effect of chci kinj; tlieitl and pre
vention iheir return. This statement is
corroborated by thousands w ho have
tried this medicine for lever and iifue
and bilious remittent fever, besides al
fections ol the stomach, liver nml bowels
peculiarly rife In malarious localities.
Throughout the West, Inilet d in every
part ol the American continent where
malaria prevails, It is the accepted spec!
lie. Nor is the area of its usefulness cir
cumsciibeU by the limits of the United
States, since It Is widely ucd ia South
America, Mexico, Australia, and else
where. Worth It Wrlilit in liolil.
Undoubtedly the greatest modem dis
covery in inediclno is DaCostn's IJudl.
ail Cure lor dyspepsia, tick bendache,
sour Rtomach, costivencss, biliousness,
loss of npiH'tlte, dlKtrtJS after cutiuo;, and
nil disorders caused by indigestion or a
dcrunced liver, Its results are) astonish
in j. nml sure relief is guaranteed In
every casa w here it is faltlilully ued. It
tones up the stomacli, regulates the
liver, restores the- natural upputlte,
strengthens the delicate and expels all
tutu hid humors lrom the system. Ty
phoid and bilotis fever might, in almost
every case, be prevented by its timely
Use. Trial size 23 cents. A very few
doses will relieve, and a little persever
ance euro you. Sold by Harclay Itros.
Also agents for Prof. Parker's Pleas
ant Worm Syrup, which Is sure death to
worms. Pleasant to take ami requires
no physic. Prlco 23 cents. Try It.
l.cuernl Item.
WeallHT cooler.
The city councill meet in regular
sei-aion to-night.
All bus been serene about the court
Iioum' since Saturday.
Miss .Mollie Webb has gone to Anna
lor a couple ol week's visit.
Wanted -A respectable girl. Call at
No. , Ninth street, next door to Judge
Miss Lulu I ean of t ape iirardcau is
vi-iting lier 'uncle" "lion" proprietor
ol the Arlington.
The child ot Mr. ami Mrs. George
Turner, which died on Saturday, was
buried on Sunday afternoon,
Kxaniine our Immense stock of
-tr.pic dry goods, just received.
;t u. my mioi'.n & Co.
II. S. If Ay, roadtnaster ol the St,
Loiih, Iron Mountain ami Southern rail
road, was in Cairo yesterday on budnes
for that road.
lion. .Ino. T. McAnM and wife, ol
KH.ibcthtown, Illinois, spent Sunday In
this city. They were registered at the
St. Charles.
Miles F. Gilbert and family, who
have been j-ponditig several weeks nt St.
M.iry' and St. Louis, returned home
Sunday morning.
William Lohin-oii, lor being drunk
and disorderly, was before Judge Hird
yesterday, and wu sent to the lock-up
lor thirteen days.
Parents and guardians will do well
to examine our stock ol children's ready
made shots ju-t received,
O. 1 1 a Y i nous & Co.
How often do we hear h person say,
tln re must lie oniethiiig the matter with
my blood, I have pimples all over. We
would recommend Dr. Hull's blood
'1 he train on the Mississippi Central
railmal ran off the track night before
ht.-t at a point sixty miles below Cairo,
ai. I arrived here ten hours late. No oue
was hurt in the accident,
T.ie Union coui.'.y fair ut Joiie-dioro
commences to-morrow, Wednesday. We
uiuJei'.-taiid that a party of Cairo people
wiii go up on '1 bur-day. The lair will
continue three ,Juys.
1 u-. Hon. William Sumrall, of Mis--i--
ippi, one iif the judges of the .supreme
court el tint state, was agurst at the St.
l. t.ie. o.u S-ii.day. lb: took his dc
pailuie lor home yciterday.
I At 'il!a Kidg, on the morn
m;' ot the !uli, Judge ( nu:i LliviN.aged
eighty-one j ear-, '1 he funeral ervicts
v.iil he hi ! 1 nt Villa llidge ut 10 o'clock
,i. m. o-day '1 ii' sdiiy. SejiieuiLei 11.
Mr. Joe Ilihdrick, late ot ll.illi
d.iV iv l'lii'iip ' v.liarl boat coinpaiiy, and
.Mr. W. I'.. Pettis, lately iliiploiid by
Mrattoii iV Lird, hdt on Sunday night by
the John U. .Maud lorTiptonvilie, where
tie- go to 'Tart a general grocery r-tore.
-.1;') ei-es boots and stiocs ju-t
op--!i-'l t-y . llaytliorn A ''.. aic lot
a!.-, v. li'di s.'.'c and retail. We compete
nu J 1 1 1 J ' with any boue in the we-t.
). M attiiohv i Co,,
i;t lul Commercial Avenue.
.Mr. 11. II. Candce, left Cairo on
Saturday for sheboygin, where be will
pciid a week, lie will go from She
boygan to Chicago, and attend u con
vention ot the diocese of the Episcopal
church, to be held in that city on the
loth instant.
Wc have jut received a complete
stock of Mi-Sfs' and Children's pebble
gout, side lace, front hie, and button
shoes of all kinds, which we offer to tbc
trade at 20 per cent lower than ever
before. It O. HaYTII'jUN it Co.
An ounce ot prevention Is better
than a pound ol cure. A dec ot lir.
Hull's I'.aby Syrup will assist your baby
in teething, and prevent it from being
attacked by cholera infantum, or other
dl-eases btibies suffer with. '2j cents.
Judge Ohed LUson, ot Villa Ridge,
died at his Inline on .Sunday evening.
Judge Kdion was one of the oldest, as
well as one of tie; most highly esteemed
citizen? of this portion of Southern Illi
nois. Wc have none ot the particulars
regarding bis death.
lavo Steward, one of the oldest cit
izens of Alexander county, died nt his
homo In Goose I-land precinct, on
Sunday evening. Steward li veil In Cairo
unlit a few years ago when he moved
onto his place in Goose Island, ami went
to firming. His luncral took place yes
terday. Mr. Stewart, adjuster ot thcKtna
Insurance company is In the city. He
has jusl returned from Purl?, Texas,
which place was destroyed by tire lately,
The newspaper estimate: of the loss was
$l,.juO.WXi. Actually It uggreguted oul.v
$:)30,sjO, on which there was Insurance
to the amount ol HU.IXO.
The Mallard, county, Kentucky, fair
will be held at Itlundvlllo on Thursday
and Friday ol this week, and will bo
attended by a good many Cairo people.
The races will tuko placo on Friday,
when .some of the beat horses in the
purrhae will bu on the ground and tsko
The funeral of the late Hriitnon Able
took plice yettciday afternoon. The
Hibernian lire company, ot which de
ceased was one of the oldest members,
turned out in a body in full uniform and
attended the funeral, The remains were
conveyed to llcech Gcove by epeciul
-Mr. P.ichard V. O'Cullalnin, left lust
evening lor St. Vincent's college, Capo
Girardeau, where ho goes to complete
his education. Richard lias already
sp nt live vrars at this college and at the
last commencement exercises stood
among the most advanced of his clu(
Ho will graduate at tho commencement
exercise in June next,
Keep your tetth ia good condition
and you will be happy. To do thi3 you
must call at the dental rooms ot i aiinine
it Whitloc k. They pcrlorm all the work
of the profession in the most satisfactory
manner at the most reasonable prices.
The Joncsboro fair commences this
morning ami will continue four days. It
promises to be tho most successful exhi
bition ever given in Luton county. To
morrow night the Joncsboro and Anna
ites give a grand ball, v. hich will be at
tended by a number of Cairo's young
folk", a party having been made up here
to go up and participate In the enjoy
ment. Uy notice elsew here in this i-ue ol
the IU lii.KTi.s It will Ihj seeu that Mrs. J.
II. Phillips, corner of Washington
aveuuc and FourU-ei.tU street desires to
dispose of her stock of groceries ami pro-vl-ions,
having concluded to go out of
the grocery business. Her store room
and fixtures are tor rent. Here ii a
chance for some man with a f mall cap
ital to go Into a good bu-iness.
In another place in this iue ot the
Iln.r.F.TiN will be found Mr. Casper
Yost's announcement as a candidate for
the office of county clerk. Mr. Yost is
an old citizen of Alexander county and
liu? an established character for honesty
and lair dealing. His qualifications for
the officer cannot be questioned. Mr,
Yost will undoubtedly make a urong
Lizzie Jenkins, a colored damsel,
and another woman had a light in trout
ot Rill Scott's saloon on Sunday night,
and in the midst ot it all the police drop
ped on them and put ii -top to their
naughtiness. Lizzie was before Judge
liird yesterday to answer lor ln r conduct,
and being unable I convince the court
that it was "all right,'' she was fined
live dollars and cost, which she paid and
was discharged.
Richard O'C'allahaii and young lan
Clancy, son of Mr. Pat ( lan v, left
Cairo last night lor Cape Giradcati,
where tliey resume there studies in St,
Vincents college. Richard O'G'allahan,
wtio is a young uiuu of marked ability as
a stud'.-nt, will graduate at the end of the
coming term. lan Clan jy is also a very
promising student, and will come out ol
school with (lying colors a your alter.
We wish both of the boys success,
The following were the arrivals at
the Arlington yesterday: M. Moscawitz,
Hot Springs; J. U, Wiushlp, Geo. Fos
ter, Kvansville, lnd.; Frank II. Flsce,
Sr. Louis; Sam Untie, Reverly, Ohio:
Robt. Lee, Fort Jefferson, Ky.: II. Dantes
and family, Jackson, Miss.; J. M. Craig,
Unity, HI.; E. S. Pennington, Ga.; Mrs.
Carson, Greenville, Miss.; J. II. Jenkins,
lilandville. Ky.; Mrs. Kddings and fam
ily, Rlalidville, Ky.
01J Tom M il.-on not Commissioner
Tom lr. Wood's Tom, wus arrested on
Sunday night for vagrancy. He was be
fore Judge Bird yesterday tor a bearing,
aud was lined a trood round sum. Tom
has spent so much ot his time of late In
the city j ail that he has learned to look
upon it with honor; a.id he promised
that if the city attorney would give him
a "stay" he would leave town within
lour hours and never return. The stay
was granted but it is not certain that old
Tom has left the town.
At a meeting of the Hibernian lire
company held on Saturday evening last,
the follow i.ig officers were elected:
President Win. Mcllale;
Vice-Presdent M. J. How ley;
S-eretary P. O'Loughlin;
Treasurer A. Susurika,
Foreman ol Hose in. H. Stoner,
Assistant Foreman Robt. A. Hewitt,
Foreman of Engine Tim Gorman,
Ass't. Foreman Engine R. Ilurd.
Board of Directors Thos. Stack, Pat,
Fitzgerald, and Michael Ilambrick.
On Sunday ntehr, during the storm,
a couple of colored women were making
their way toward one of the churches
near the corner of Walnut and Fitter-nth
streets. It being very dark it was dilli
cult to keep the sidewalk, and w hen on
lilteenth street near Washington avenue
one of thi ni fell off the sidewalk to the
ground below, i distance of four feet.
When picked up she was insensible, and
lor a time it was supposed she was badly
hurt; but alter a few minutes she revived,
and live minutes later walked away as it
nothing bad happened. We would ad
vise the city authorities to sec to it that a
new railing is put on the sidewalk at the
place above referred to.
In the circuit court yes
terday morning the prisoners in cus
tody, who had not plead to their indict
ments, were arraigned, and as a matter
of course, none plead guilty. The alter
noon until about three o'clock, was oc
cupied iu filling the regular panel ot the
petit jury at three o'clock tint ease ot the
people, etc., V. George Robinson, (col
oral) was called, George Fislicr, Esq.,
defending, and W. C. Mulkcy prosecut
ing. This is the negro who is said to
have burglarized the residence of llazen
Lelghton some two or three weeks since.
The case wus still on trial at the adjourn
ment of the court. The case of the peo
ple, etc., vs. John Dingwall will bo
called the first thing this morning,
hlugwall is the man who shot the negro
on Thirteenth street a lew weeks since.
For Itenl.
Ftti'ulliud-Toomr t No. 50, Ninth,
between Walnut and Cedar streets.
Mas. R. J. Cundii T.
Sept. S.1S77. lw.
llt, For HI. I.oiila.
Cairo, September Sth. Is77.
During the exposition and fair In St.
Louis (Sept. lutti to October Ctb) wu will
sell excursion ticket! at one and one
tltiu fare for round trip, commencing
sale ot tickets Sunday night, September
Ulli, and continuing until October Oth.
V" l" - 9 .
V- . JAS.iJOlt.MO.f, A
Hen. Southern Agent.
J. 11. Josk, Ticket Agent.
Resolution of Rrapcrt 4.uoii(n on
he Death ol Jlsruiau Able.
Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty
God, in his Infinite mercy, to call from
our midst, In the rigor of manhood, one
of our most zealous members, Harmaii
Able, therefore be it
KtH,lA, Uy the officers and members
of the Hibernian Fire Company N'o 4.
That in the death of our beloved brother
thlsjcompany baa suffered an irrepar
able loss, humanity a kind friend, and
his family an ailectionato husband aud
litnuhttl, That we bury our departed
brother with all the honors of a fireman,
and In a manner worthy of his past ser
vices towards this company.
Jl'-solreil, That we tender our sympa
thies to (he family ot the deceased in
their hour ot bereavement.
It: lolled. That a copy of the foregoing
resolutions be presented to the family ol
I be deccused, entered at large on the
Journal, and published in tho Cairo
papers. P. O'LorCHi.ix,
V 11. biosidt,
A. Slsanka,
Committee on resolutions.
. tier.
Persons holding new levee certificate!
are requested to call at my ofllee fur the
purpose of having them taken up.
If. F. Paiikkh, City Treasurer.
Caiiio, Sept. , 1S77. Jt
Mitoonic mm Ice,
The officers and brethren of Cairo
Lodge No. 2J7 are notified that a special
train w ill leave the foot ot Kighth street
at Sa. m September 11th, to uttend the
funeral ot llrotlur O. Eddon, at Villa
Ri Ige. All expected to attend.
W. A. Sloo, Secretary.
For Kent.
The 'Stmlusky" cottage on Thir
teenth street; brick dwelling on Wash
ington avenue, opposite post ofhec; Nos.
7 ond 10 ot W inter's row; rooms in
Winter's block, and otht r desirable res
idences and business bouses in various
p:irt- of the city. M. J. How i.kv.
Real Estate Agent.
Jnl Received mill lo Arrive from
York unci IMillUellili.
One hundred and forty barrels re
fined sugar, 123 bags of coflV
some very choice green Rio and old
government Java. About 13 thous
and pounds'ol winter cured clear sides,
several brands of choice S. C. canvassed
hams and a strictly pure article ol apple
vinegar for pickling purposes.
1 r . Stiia i i ox & Bird.
To I lose Out.
Mrs. J. U. Phillips, corner of Four
teenth street and Washington avenne,
desiring to close out her stock of grocer
ies, provisions, etc., offers special bar
gains in all goods in her line. She also
de.-ircs to rent Iter store room and fix
tures. This is an excellent opportunity
lor an energetic man with a small capi
tal, lw.
Intermittent refer
Is -o common in the country as scarcely
to need comment. The causes which
produce it are such as cold, irregular
living, over exertion, low spirits, night
air, exposure to miasmatic exhalations,
&:. In large cities where edge tools
and agricultural implements are nianu
iactured, the grinder protects his lungs
lrom tho injurious effects of tho dust
flying off the grindstone by wearing a
respirator. The coal miner ere be de
scends the shaft provides himself with a
safety lamp to guard against llT-damp.
Now It is equally necessary lor those
w ho are brought in contact w ith any of
the causes leading to Intermittent fever,
to provide themselves with that well
known and highly esteemed remedy
against it, the home stomach bitters.
The ludianola cleared for Indiauola
yesterday morning.
The Evansville packets and llie .Inn
Fi.-k brought fair trips.
Captain I'arisot is in the city, and it is
probable his steamer Yazoo will repair
The James Howard arrived yesterday
morning from St. Louis, and made light
additions. She found only 6 feet 4 four
Inches of water at Thompson's, and hod
to wait there until the ferry-boat Three
States brought her a barge to lighten on.
Seven tcet of water is reported to
The Ste. Genivieve lias a I ir trip to
to St. Louis.
The E. O. Stanard brought
2")0 barrels resin for Cincinnat,
and lias a lair cargo for St. Louis. Captain
Teeters who was ill here last week is out
again. The bargoJay will be pumped
out and raised to-day by the Eckcrt.
The body ot Diver Parker who was
lost at tiie wreck of the Goldan Rule lias
been found.
The river hack ol the city is now ctit
tin;; the bank higher up than heretofore,
but there is some indications that it may
go down the Missouri slioro yet. A
little dam or dyke near the foot of
Dickey's Island would help in that
direction mightily.
Tho Dora (.'abler Is the packet for
Evaiisvillethls evening, and will be here
without fail.
Tho rain of night bclorc last was ex
ceedingly heavy and caused a rlscof two
inches in the river at this port.
Tbc Mary Miller is duo for Cincinnati,
and tho Grand Lake und barges for
New Orleans.
Tho ulobe-lkoti-at says there are
10.000 tons of iron ore ut the depot
awaiting transportation to tin Ohio.
This will be lun lor the tow boats when
the river raises.
The Lotus was launched at Madison
Tlio Alexander Fry will be ready to
launch to-day.
Cuptaiu Milt. Harry was in the city last
evening and says that the Ruth, which
has been repaired at Mound City, will go
south on Wednesday next. Ho "peaks
hi great praise or tho work Captain
Hambleton did lor him on the Ruth.
But. JIambliton treats everybody the
same way. 1
, Tho Jim Flak brought a good cargo pt
tobacco auiVuudrlc? yesterday end tm
tlfty cotorjd passengers from the con
vehUon at Metropolis.
Ida European Hotel-Deduction la
Mrs. Hurry Walker, proprietresi of
the European, Hotel, being well aware
ot the stringency of money, has reduced
rates to all wbo may wish regular board
to sixteen dollcrs per month or four dol
lars per week, lor day board. In con
nection wild the European Hotel is a
first class restaurant, where oysters,
gamo and all other delicacies will be
served at all hours during day or night.
Caibo, Illinois, MaWDAT F.vto,
September 10, W7.
There is nothing new of an important
nature to report ot tho condition ot the
market here. Business generally li
quiet, though not duller than
might be expected at thli
season of the year. A heavy thunder
and rain storm visited this locality on
Sunday night. The rain was much
needed and will bo of great benefit to
the growine crops. The ralm continue
to fall and boats bound lor points above
Cairo on lit her the Ohio or Mississippi
are liable to get aground before they get
The flour market U in lair condition,
and a good trido is being done. The de
mand Is fair, und prices lirm and steady
at quotations. Everything seems to In
dicate that prices have reached a point
when, they will be apt to stick for some
time to come. Receipts are liberal and
stocks on the market are fair
There is a fair demand for oats at quota
tions below, and receipts are taken on
arrival. There Is only a light supply on
the market There is no Improve
ment in the condition of the market lor
corn. Ihero Is very little arriving and
very little is wanted. There is a coneid-
erable quantity of corn in store held on
shippers limit. Prices are nominal
at i'.Kii I lo lor choice white in
bulk The market for hay
is dull and flat. There is no demand
except from the local trade. The con
dition of the Southern markets are such
us to prevent shipments on speculation,
and as a consequence all that arrives is
stored here. The stock on the market
is large, though receipts since
last report have not been so
large. Prices are weak at
quotations There is a limited de
mand for City meal at $i 303 35. The
supply on the market is not large. Coun
try meal is iu good supply and light de
mand Bran is plenty and dull at
$7 In bulk and $10 la saeks The
market Is well supplied with potatoes,
and prices aro weak at 35(f-10c
per bushel and $1 2l 50 per
bbl. Receipts from country wagons are
(rood Receipts oi poultry during
the past week have been moderate and
the supply on the market has been small.
Thedcmaudis good and prices steady
at quotations Choice butter is
source and wauled. Prices are a shade
higher and strictly choice Is now quoted at
203)22c. Receipts of good butter are
light. Common aud low grade Is plenty
and dull sale Receipts of eggs are
light and demand good. There are very
lew on the market. Prices are steady at
12(,13c Fruit is not so plenty, and
prices are steady and regular. Quota
tions will be found below Vegeta
bles are abundant, cheap and dull.
Rates by river to New Orleans are 17J
per cwt ; 22Jc per 100 on hay, and 33c
per dry bbl.
Way rates arc grain, 23c; flour, 60c;
hay, 30c.
frirOur friends should bear In mind
that tho prices bere given are only lor
sales from first hands In round lots. In
filling orders and for broken lots it is
necessary to charge an advance over
these ffgures.Tjia
The demand is good, and prices firm
and steady at quotations. Receipts are
liberal, and stocks fair. Sales noted
100 bbls Yurious Grades
on orders 5 15()8 23
100 " Good Family 0 00
(HI " Choice Family 0 50
700 " Family 6 00
27.ri " v iirlons Grades
on orders 4 50(i6 50
COO " Various Grades
on orders 4 23&0 75
300 " Various Grades
on orders e 00o 75
1 00 ' XX 5 25
100 " XXX 0 25
30 " XX 6 25
There is very little corn arriving and
the supply on the market is small though
equal to the demand. There is consid
erable corn held by commission men on
shippers limit. Prices are nominal at
l.iflo for choice white in bulk. There
Is no demand except for milling purposes
and that is just now small,
Receipts ol oats aro lair and about
equal to the demand. Prices are steady
at 2027o In bulk. Tho supply on the
market Is light. We quote 6les ot :
1 car Southern Illinois, in sacks 90c
1 car choice Central Illinois, lnbulk...27c
1 cur heavy Galena. In sacks 31o
2 cars choice mixed, in bulk 27c
4 cars choice mixed, in bulk. ...27c
The market is dull and flat. The stock
in the hands of delers Is large,
while the demand lias almost entirely
ceased. Prices remain as last quoted.
Sales noted were: 2 cars prime Timothy,
$10(5,10 25; 1 car choice Timothy, $11 00;
3 cars choice Timothy, $11 CO; 1 car
choice mixed, $10 00.
The demand for meal Is fair though not
active. The supply oi cuy is uoi cquai
to the demand. Prices are steady at
$2 30(1,2 33. Country meal Is In good
stock and light demand at $2 10S IS.
Sales weie : 200 bbls. citr, $2 302 33;
50 bbls. country kilu dried, $J 15; 25
bbls. do, $2 10&2 15. , '
BttAN. ,
Bran is in good stock and dull at quo
tations, gales reported were 100 sacks
$10 1 car lo bulk, $7; 75 sacks, $10; 200
taeks, $10. - J lU".t.r
Totatues are In good supply an 1 light
demand at 33010c per bushel, and $1 25-
(,1 30 per bbl. Kecelpts from country
wagons ire urge. 1 ,
Receipt of chickens during Um last
week have been light, and the supply on
the market la limited. The demand Is
good and prices steady ' at auctions.
Sales reported were 5 coof yeaug
chickens, $1502; 3 coops old bens,
$2 30; 4 coops young chicken, $1 26Q
1 50; 1 coop old hers, $2 25.
Choice butter Is scarce and la desnaaA
at an advance of about 2o per lb. Re
ceipts are light and the stock on the
market very small. Common and low
grade is plenty aud dull. Sales ot all
grades noted since last report weie : 22.
packages northern dairy packed, lifj&Mc;
10 puckages choice northern dairy
packed 20($22c; 15 palls Southern Illi
nois, 1314; 1 package choice, 20c; 1
package cooking butter, 12.
Receipts of eggs are small and there
are now very tew on the market "The
demand U argent at quotations, tales
reported were 10 packages, 12c; I cases,
12Jc; 3 packages, 13c; 4 boxes, 13o; 1
large box la bad condition, 10 1 ease,
Fruit is less plenty and prices are mora
regular and steady. Almost all kinds
Und ready sale at good prices. Bales
were as follows: 50 boxes good peaches,
30c; 10 bbls apples, $1 00; JO boxes
choice pears, 3040c; lOOIbs. grapes, 7c.
Sales ot provisions were: 1,000 lbs. dear
aides, 0c; 700 lbs sugar cured eanrassed
haini, 11 Jc, v.'"'.
LARD. ' y ,
Sales lard were: 5 tierces prime kettle
rendered, 10c; 10 kegs do, 10Jc;
The market Is overstocked With all
kinds ot vegetables, and prices are Tery
low. Tomatoes are selling from coon
tiy wagons at 40V)o; cabbage, $3 50
(cyl per 100, aud all others In proportion.
Sales salt were 500 bbls. Ohio 'titer,
$1 30. !.
Sales were 25 bbls., $3 75. ;
We note prices as follows: Prime live
geese, 40c; mixed, 25r35c. .
Hides are worth dry nut, 1616e;
Green salt, C7c; gnni, ific Sales
tallow were 700 lbs. 77c.
Enterprise Savings
A. B. SATTO&D, ftaaldant.
8 b. TAYLOB. VleaPnaktast.
jiMW. UT8LOP. ftaa'T aa4 Traaaaf .
oracross: 1
P.W. Babclat, ' Cius. OAUana,
t. at. STocruT, PanO. team,
ft. H. CrjmiDteaLAJi. B. L. Kalloat,
J. M. rmxtM.
ENTKUX8T paid aa iapoalta at Uta aaaa a! all
per east, par anauua. Hank lataaat SaaSasW
rarlat. Interest act withdraw la a44aS (mm
liarty to th principal of Um depoaita, Saatwky ;
fiTUX (bam coaaaoaad Inlarart
Harried Women and Obildrra Buy
Deposit Money and no one
lie out draw it.
Opeaarary boatneaadaT fronts. n. lot p.m.
aa Saturday vewnlafalM aarlaca iepoalU oaty
rom I to I o'clock.
W. HTaLOP. TnawmiW.
City National Bank
caibo, njjjros.
W. P. HAXXIDAT, Praatdaat.
A.B SAl-POKD, CaeaiaOa ' '
WAI TP at HTSLOP, Aaa'l Caaior.,
H L, Haixuat, w . r. UU.IUI '
Q, D. WauAJitoa, Sranna Bca,
A.B. &ao.
Kxohange, Coin and United ItntM
Bond Bought and id.
DEPOSITS raaatrad aa a
basljaaot oa
r Brota.
P. Kaft tiesiWI. J. J. AOOt, CoVt
. ....). .i t-.-.
QonnrOoaaaaorotal Ato-mUX. StMe
... -VI 1
Ml ,(.;. M
A. SueaaklCatro. KUWUImrfJi.Utlm
! flu- ! .! . li"
ad til taataoas iaat sSaawawO v t.Z .
kawawrtA. laaMia.

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