OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. [volume] (Cairo, Ill.) 1872-1878, October 13, 1877, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033413/1877-10-13/ed-1/seq-4/

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.- -t.
Worm ill I 1
Tmrf tatier of thUpapwwho londi in thi
, cwtlAdM sad 1 will forward , for one year.
r"lh Tnior," a ma:nil1c-nt llluatraeed
MAalhly Journal end rlotikiier' Maaraainr,
nit on copy of our If w anil clrgtnt pniuluui
cbromo, utitled
A IttutfTiJiro of tin Duaaoldurf school crenrt
t ualaUeg, hy I'rof. Jordan, alia iWSxU,1,, e-
rami ( tb burliMt style of the art. Retail
.' wrloaoT, whio la-., anda jopy of the iolluw-
mg bontlful poem deacriptlv of the eluuioo, ia
IrmiI Ulaminatrd colura t'orfminlDK.
Ari but wait, jpiod wit, a rainutc;
I hare lint a word toaay
Io you know what to dar is?
Jfothur, 'li our wtddmir day I
Juit at now. w Mt at iiipiwr
wbeo Um truest tiad gone away;
Tou tt Uiat aide, I (at this aide,
It on J yarn ago to-day I
Tbaa wbat plan w laid togalhe.rt
What brav things 1 meant to do I
Could w dreaia to-day would tlud us
At thi table me and Tou?
Battar A, lo doulit and yet I
bomctiiuH think I cannot tell
nd our boy ah, yea I 1 know, dear)
Yea, tit doetb all thinn well.
Well we'T had our Joys and aorrowa,
Shared our .milt a well a Intra;
And Ilk beat of all -I've had your
faithful love for iurty years 1
Poor we've been, but not forsaken i
driif we've known, but never shaaic
.. lather furThysmlleaa tnrrciea
miu we uiuia inv nmynainei
I This la a rare chanee
for you to iiiakemoii
I ey We will pay you
iarire rush coii.inm-
, aionaand Rive you exclusive territory, hend
n one dollar, avoid tmnictMaary correspun.
Ucnce, reoeiva your territory, and go to work at
once. L'poa rwxipt of which we will l'orwun.
aiient'a outilt, ccrtttlcale of uneuey, etc. Speci
men oopiea l cent, none free
Addrvai The Treasure Publishing Co.
No. 4'JCtiUr Street, New York
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For all the purpose cf a Fam'.y Physic ,
und tur curinr I'ostireness, Jaundice,
In.IiKCstiun, Foul Stomach, Breath,
IieadiM'bA, 1.1-ysipelus, tthruma
l:n, Kmptioua ami bk.nl Dt.sert.set',
Liliousi.cas, Dropsy, Tumors,
Worms, IV eurnitrui: as a Dm
r.i r fViil, lor ptu'iiyitiR the Wood,
An llir mo-t
tflrrlivi! nil. I
rinitit'hhil 1 i:r
ivri'Vi n:i
cniHil. lhcy
:ne unlil, but
li e ctu il I t II
llicir oprn-
lion; id.
, if tin- h.n
I w c I s
' Q : u : i v
m IP w iih.ivt
WXi Although
sure IT .'Mill
' 1 ' Ai!!iniiL!i i!i 11-
Hh'W) tli' in t In ir ni-
i niiion, . tin-y
tre situ ilif infill ihoronsh mi.l r-carcli-his.
ciitlmnic iwitinw ihM can r
I'litployeil . clcMiiTii ili lon)nch atnl
liliWCl-,, KIlil i vcn IliC liKili l. In small
loscw nf one j'ill a ilfiy. t J i y wninIsto
. Kit- (Upctivi- rfati and j-rvmotc vir
oimiis Jx-iilfl;.
' Avm'e This lir ln fcr,otvn f-r
' tlioo qoitrtcr of 'ttitrr, and
liuvf (iVittilnod trnrt VTi ii Ttjm'. si k.n
ioi their vinut. Thij crirmi d-rtHtf-d
arlinn in thf s u raj avimils
ttt'f organs of tbe Shorty, ainl ire .
rnmpcM-d Uml iif.ruciior.s w;;l.ia
tlirir iW7e t-jiTi rutlT trirhstAul or
t vuie ibrin. 3C:.t only shey enre
,11 cvery-flay corr.plaiiiis ctf overy
Wr; ?icf ti3.o f .inrMabli' aud daiitT
(lus'discors that have bift'.ed the best
of lmman kUl. While they produce
powerful -ffecls, they are. at the simie
UuMvJie iafust anil best physic for
t hiUrcn. Vy their aperient ai l ion
they srifie much less than the common
'!irniivps, and never jrive paiu when
the txiwtls are not luliameil. 'I'licy
rvnch the vital fountains of tho blood,
.ukI strenuthen the system by freeing
it from the elements of weakness.
Adapted to all auea and cotuliiioim
in all climates, containing neither
rilomel nor any deletcrlotw tint
these Pills may bo taken with safety
nv any iKxiy. i neir supir-coatins: pie
M-rves tlietn ever fresh and makes
them pleasant to take; while, belli
purely vegetable, no harm can arise
iron their use. In any quantity.
Dr, J. C. AYER 4 CO., Lowell, Mass.,
l'ruc'.lcnl und Analytical ( hernials.
PnQOestlonably the bes sustained
work of tho kind in the World."
Harper's magazine.
Sotiett of the Press.
TheMAOAiimhta attained la Its one ijuurter
osntury and more of exiilence to tliat point where
It may be said of it, in the word of Dr. Johnson,
It Is vain to blame and useless to praise." llie
lustre of its long-ago-attained reputation ha in
amased as the yean have passed, and its future
sevms as bright il not brighter than at any Unit
siaoe the golden hue ofprospcrity acttled around
Its tateraud liest years brooklyn bugle.
. Harpers Monthly Is marked by the some char
acteristic which gave itorculutiou from the tin
with the belter class ol readers. It combine
reading m titer with Illustrations in away to
niakedeai aad vivid the tacts presented. Pic
ture ni. rely designed to catch the eye of the
ignorant are never inserted. Chicugo Journal.
Pottage free to all Bubeor
United Btatea.
itfia in
Haktiu's Maoa7.ini, one year,
tl Ui Include prepayment of U . b.
h puhliaber.
,..$i bO
postage by
butMcriptioas to Harper'a Maaruloe, Weeklv,
aad 11 axar, to one address for one year, tlu on.
or, tw of Harper's Peuodidula. to one address
or our year. ( uu, vosutae tree.
An Ultra Co uyol'eilher the Magazine, Weekly
or liaiKi will ue supplied gratis lor every Club
' of Five Subscriber at 4 ( such, in one remit.
tnce,or bit topics for f 20 uu, without extra
io ny, poauige tree.
. Back number can be supplied at any time.
Tb Volumes of the Mgasiu commence with
the umbers for June and livcember ol' each
year, feubscriptkmt may commence with auy
number. When no time la specified, it will li
undersiood that the mbscrlber wishea to begin
witb the Ural number of the current volvmu,and
back numbers will be tent accordingly.
A Complete Hot of Harper's Magazine, now
comprising W volumes, In neat cloth binding,
will be sent by express, freight at expense ol
parcbaser, for 2 U per volume. Single volumes
by mall, postpaid, li UO. Cloth aaacs, lor bind-Ins-
M osnta. by mail, Doertiatd.
A Complete Analytical Index to the Unit Fifty
Volumes of Harper's Magaiine has Jut been pub
lished, rendering ayallable for releience the vast
and varied wealth or information wblcn ooiisii
tuus this periodical a perteet illustrated literary
evnlopedia. evo. cloth, a oxj, hall calf, i'.,
bent postage prepaid i
Newspaaers an not to copy this advertisement
Without the express onler of Hann-r A brothers.
Adaresa 11 A Kl lilt & BitU.Uil".IW,
r w-U New Vork.
; Permanently cured no humbug by one
X sMDth'i uaage of Dr. Goulardi CeleLrat
ied JTit Jrowder. To convince eullererit
bthMt IUM powder will do ell we claim fur
t ftfeem, W will send them hy mail, post
rfeid, I free trial box. As Dr. Ooulurd is
?afeavonly pkyaioiau um hM ,ver th,
Petal ,tuy. od at to out
I kaowledire tbousand have been perma
pMttlr ctired by Uie use of these powd in
atntrUl (tarantee permannt cure ir
;Wir . or refund too all money ex--MBded.
kii euffarerf should give those
Powdert an rariy trial, and be convinced
-; tflUMlrsittratiVe powers. -WifMoaVfsw
lanjt box, 3, or 4 boxes JOi
; S10. eent hT.aawai to ny part ol United
OVU rmtoa ireti, urvukin, n, x,
xuis TArm is on tixx with
fflwr) Advertising CoutrU cam be uttitm
The Most Eruinrni i.ivmji Auninra amii as
I'rof. Max Muller, I'rof. Tvuilall, Itt. Hon W
K. liUdstone, Dr. W H, l anli'im-r, Prof, llnv
ley. It A' l'Mctr, Krautia Power CobN, li t
iHiheof Aivyle, Jus. A. rroiule, Mis. Muloeli,
Mr. Ollpham, Mr. icxanilfr, MiaaThackrray,
Juan IiiKt'low, Ueorjii MaullouaM, Win, PUi k,
Antlinny Trollops, Matthew Arnold, IIeur
Kiiipdey, W. W, Htory. Aui'rbaih, Uultia,
Carlyie, Tennyson, llmwnlUK, and many otlierx.
are reureaeutcd in the uatcca nl
Iiittoll's I.iving
Jan. 1, IS7T. THE LIVING ACbentorn u, ... .
It U.M volume, with the continueil isoiiuui n.l i
tion of the best men mid journals ot the couuuy
ami with coilauntlv inoieasini; Miccein.
In 1877, it will furnish to it ruailei the pro
ductions of the foremost utithora above iiinno l
and many other's einbriiciiiK the choicest Mr;al
and Short Stories by lue l.euillUjj l oivinn Novel
Uu, Hiidun amount
Toapproached by any other Periodical
n the world, ofllm most valuable literary and
cientillc mutter of the duv, li om the pens ol'lhe
ealinir Ksaayiats, heieniiMa, t'ritti's, HMeover
era, and till or, representing every uepiulmeul
of KnowlilKU and Progress.
TUB LI VINO AGh,(in which its only com
petitor, "fc.Vr.UY SAIUUIUY," tins been
uierpeil), la a weekly iiin.muoie of Uty-loiu
pu:e, Klin more than
double column octavo pugo of reuJIn matte
yeurlv. It presents In un inex pi m-i v.- furm
considering it amount ol isjntter, with freshness
owing to lis weekly issue, and withHsutetuitory
couiplelenes alt. UipUd hy nootberpubhialinii
the best I.ssuvh, UevifWk, Crilk'ioms, Jules
Mulches oi 1 rnvel and uiscovery, rociry.Seieii
title, llingrupliical, Jtistorfeul uuil I'oiiticul io
lornmlioo, Irolil the vutira body of i'ortign
Periodical I.iteruturr.
It is then-fore iiivuliiuhle to every American
ri-ailtras the only fresh and ihnronli compila
tion of an indispensable current literufiire, in
ilisiieusuble brcaum it einbl'uces the liroillli'tioiid
The Ablest LivinR wntors,
all branches ol Litenuure. Mieuce, rt. und
"Simply indispensuble to an one whods
0 keep ubrtast ol the llioliutit of Uie Hue in
department ol acieute or liieraliuv." Ito
A pure ana perpetual reservoir and fountain ol
entertainment and instruction." Hon. Uobert
t. uiUirop.
1 he I hi ntdodleal in America." TheoJorc
L. luyler, li. 1).
"It hasnoeiiual inanv country. ' Philadel-
phia Press.
iini.ruiicd uie Dest tnouglita ol tne pent
minds ol tliecivilizeil world, iipoaall topics ol
living interest. ' ' Pliiluilclpliio Inoiiirer.
Xbe best et all nur ec ecuc imblicutioiia."
The Nat'on. New York.
Aui the cheapest. Amonthly IhulcomeBeverv
wo k ' The Advance, Chicago,
'W ith it aloue a reader may fairly keep up
:th ail thut is important in the literature, bi-
lory, politra. and tcience of the day." ll.e
UiodiM, New York.
The able! essav. the mo.U entertaining
ftories. tneciiest ioetryol the Lngliab language,
are here gathered to Either." Illinois IMate
lndt'-jeniable to everv one who detlrea a
ttrtrvt.:. cjnii-ndiiini ot all that is admirable
and notewonay m the literary world." liostou
Mught to Cnl a. place in every Ameiicun
Home.'' -New York Tillies.
pLbl:t;il wekkly at i?."" a year, free
To all nw snbfcrlberj for 1ST7, will be en
putis the six nututKrs ol l'C, contiiining, wit
otbi-r valuable mutter, the llrtt instullmi'iits ot
new and t'ovrerfnl serial storv, "1 be Mar,ui
Lusie,''!iyUl'.lu: MACfjoNAI.Ii, now a
appearing in The Living Age from advau
Club Prices for for the best Home
and Foreign Literature.
"Possessed nf Xiu Living Air unit one or
otheroi ur vivacious American luontlilies, a
subscriber will lind himsel! in conituanai ol the
Whole Hituation. ' l'hiluilclphm Kv'g Hulletin.
For tWM ilia I.iviMi Aoauml either one ol
the American Hi .Monthlies or (Hurper' Weekly
or Hutnr) will lie sent for a vear. Ic th ponti-aid
or, for fJ.C", Tin I.iviso Ana und hcribucr'e
St. Nicholiiao aVppleton's Journal.
Address l.UTLfc &ijY. Boston
'The King- of ell Publication leaned
for t.hn Tnuxur on Either Side of th
Atlontio." bouliiampton (l.ngvaiuij (Jbtervcr.
The third volunio ofthi Incomparable
Mupiziuo is now conjpieu.1. Y ah its
eiglu hundred roval ociavo oil'sh. nd it
six hundred illustrations, its epluudid seri
als, its shorter stories, poems, ami tkel.'iic",
otc, etc., in its; beiutitul blndin.' of red
and (fold, it is the most spleDdid gift-book
for boys and girls ever issued from te
press, rricc, H 1 j in lull gilt, j,
"St. Nicholas Is full of the chnico-t
thluirs. The publication Is. In uil rcsDect.
tlie best of its kind. We have never yet
Been a number thut was nut surprisingly
fc-ood." The Chiirehmao. llartfrM (Jonr
St. Nicholas for 1877.
Which opens witn .November, 1870, begins
A short and very ent.-rtainiu( seriul from
tho ti'reucli,"Thu Kinadom ol the Ureedv."
astory adupted to the Thankagiviux season.
Anothtrserial,ol absorbing interest to boys.
"HIS OWN masu;u,"
By J. T. Trowbridge.
author of the "Jack Hazard Stories." !.
guis in the Chribtmab Uoiiduy umber.
iiOMUes serial atones, Christmas storic
llvely sketches, poems and picture for the
holld iys, and somo aHionlshltiK illustrat.one
ol Oriental sports, with Urawing i y fiiamese
The Chriatmas Holiday Numbor oi
i3T. .niuttoijAS,
uperbly illustrated. cuotaLns a verv Intor.
atlnu paper,
Hy William Cullen Bryant ;
"Tho Uorse Uotel," a lively article, by
V.n?rIe8 A liaru'trJ. aplondidiy illuctruted :
rhe Clock in tho sky," by Kichaid A.
Froetor; "A C'brUmas Play for Humes or
Sunday-sehoi Is," by Dr. Kirg'citon ; "The
reterUms' Christmas Tree"" by Lueretia
V. Hale; "l'oetrv and Manila of YVh,t,.r
, by Luej Larcom, with pictures. '
Do ?al1 ?,B,uy 8t- Nioholat for the
Ohrlatmat Holidava. JPrloe ii5 cte.
Dunni the year there will be Interesting
n.nohl tli l.nttu l.n ll'JIt.' . ,.
imjo, uj ?, iiiiain ouuen isryaot,
JohoU.Whitiior, I honias Hughes, Wii:ini
liowitt, Dr. Holland, Georgo MaeDoould,
feanford B. Hunt, Frank It. Stocktou, ami
others. '
There will be stories, fketches, and
poems, of special Interest to girls, by 11 nr.
riet 1 rescott .Spollurd, iSiiHun Cnolldge,
haiah Winter kellogt;, Klizuboth ntuir
I'holpt, Louisa Alcutt, Lueretia V. Male
Olia lhaxter, Mary Mapet Dodt-o, anj
many others, There will be also
Mi I'rofessor rroetor, tho Astrouorier
with mar-, r-howlnif "The Stars of, fcaeh
Month, ' wLlch will be likely t9 Bn.-pS M
lTst,,lny "prie8 " PopuluT -icoe re.
oently given to the public.
Amusement and lnstruc'an with v.m
and KroHo, and Wit and wisjom win be
mingled as herctolore, and ST K a
bay e :
"There is no magazine tor tho young that
can ba suid to equal this choice proliiction
of bCKUiKElt's press. All the articles,
WnAtliflS In n.Aua si t, K,.n . . . '
with vitillty. e 'lhalih,r,..,' ...,
II...-. ., i 7 "
riuflui iiiuniruiiuns are ooiu superb."
Tho London Daily News says : We wish
fte could point out its enum In At If i-. tarn
uood SRwa roit bovs and iiiii
To meet the rtemaud for a cheaper
Nicholas (iilt-Book, tho price ol vols
and II hat been reduced to n h il.
three volumes, in an elegant library case,
are sold lor til) (In ftill Kilt, Sift), so that al
may give their children a .n,i.. ....
These volumes contain more attractive ma-
j an - uuumva
Uhm'rint.inn nrlf i.'l a r.M .
pound volumes and a auhscrlptlon lor this
'BrotdwaT.'N, Y
- r ' u i' v w jcnii i un inraa
BtiBCE? Q.
IS t'K.IMIB:i lVITlf
ion Tin: r.xi'A i rn or
Stock Certificates,
Wedding Invitations,
Or Anything in the
(101 CI'LX THE LMVST STYl.l 'F THF. A U 1.
- o
Posters and
Ovr fafiUliti ui ihit llw "r:
lirgist fohred Pofttr lo A! ni'
Commercial Printing.
f-, .v.,
Eseailrd ui tatUful ttylt, on .( irr, ... VERY CHEAP.
Railroad Printing.
' .d.i (.'i.wi v.'jrl; i" ('; "iitdtjlbj njt prrjtarcd, mid tt tc
'. large Utnounl of if and hat in ovr tmuhy mm of lonq nir'n
ro'id printers vtran fdl nil ordn-A for nay dnrnfi'nm of
Railroad Blanks or Blanh Eoolis, Timt; Card3, Freight cr
Passenger Tariffs, Posters and Bulle'.i:i Cards,
JiiHli'nt, anything in that liar. nqn'ml hy RaHrowi Ofiri),
shortest wli-e and at ok dw rati ex any houu in th? vol,
Books and Pamphlets.
N Oli KM EN and Careful J'ronf Reiuhn, in?itr'. to time vim niinmt thi
class e,f v ork- to jtoir, 7ini(7som and CORRECT Booh, Panqddrtt, Stork
Catalogues, School Catalogue, By-Lam, Ordinances,, Report of Medical,
Scientific or Benevolent Societies, dr., at rati as .e are ecit'f'ent with
rut-rl.m wrk;
Blank Books
fveyy d. fcription for County Officr, Railroads, MenhtnU, Mm
made up in tie nmst suhstant'od
Bulletin Job Essns
Wlieii j on want uii,vtliln; in lio line of
A nd you will iret 11 ilonc
i& sB it flt
-' ' wen
City or County Bonds.
Ball Cards, Programmes.
shipo of really;
11 I-
1 ""
ljant winner from I
Lippincott's Magazine
An llliistiaied Mmilhl) of
Populnp fiiioraturo, bcionoo, nini
Tho number fiirjlauiimy begun. Ibo niuo
teentli vuIiiiiih nl tho .Miki. hio mid tvliilo
Its past reenrd will, it U hoped, ilc Ulc.l
a Miillelciil guaruutei' o iiiiiu.i rxacll, nre'
no etlurt will be spntvil i tlecillv lis at
Inictl ills and lo piMMil.. an ln.eed ilp.
p y ol
..!. , A'.u,','jy t( i.t .f ,V,W(
,''t,l 'A i !.'' .Vtl.JS,
ibi 'n :it nl.ic.'t ill. I iVinUu! aim v.l Iho
cnniltlidiili .Mil be lo ini'tiUU pubn,.
I.lletitv Litteit.iiimian 4, viu,i,( ,,u.
tailed . 'nuclei'. atu-!l i, lo yIK ,, ! 10
a ,t ip.'iio ami ,tnk it 4 ui.t.uct llie hk, ,1 u
I'i'in iiui'i umtieii ,-4 ut a..uti 1
silblccl, ol tviiiMl lute'vl,
leinlcl l.ipplucuu . U y .
d'iin. ti. 0 ui
t (e n
1.' y-'"". ,
I li.- ci.lill llup, loll, ti ;v ,
all, I'll, I ;cJ, 1'lllbl,,, (. t,
1'I, ol I tin, jlnni ,1.,,. 1
U 1 t .'irs 11 it.ilu. p. 1, i t.
a ll. 1, 1
0.1 M i'.'lj'. III'
H'l II.
I t-.UI
. 1111,
1 b . , ,
I'IMI it,..
i ."' li : 'c l ',, .
V I pf 1
.it. V !kmc lb
I ion j 1 o i l'
I Ip'lte 01 Ll lM .,
I'll" pi
i.tto C'.'U.
t'll.l fltibelllbineut ol t ho
..lull- 0110 j! i's tji.i:
I:t -I'lillliou to t in C:l
'il tlri.li
on, oi
i 1 1 l I N i l 1 1 I S l U
lK. til,
:i-liers would iuv t'u amotion to tho I'olon-
Syovial kVtttur'is fw 177-
I. V uv siti.u ilun ,
' V. .!d,'7',., ' ' ....vvir,'1
iv ;..( .) Miedontji, ftuth.irol ti ..it..,.,, , '
" V c: b .1'lii'R,'' 'l(uiioil K'lii-uuui . ' til;.
I n t ii.r-.it ol our rv idul's t. un l.'uu.ll.u
w.Ul ' ti.ticoim, ' i,4 tuny nloiv 'torn
tljo pull ol llljit sl.ili,;.,.;iuii r,t.. will
n.;d no rocojiiiiici lnt:oii, toil :m, r j 1 1 1
Hon is .1 it.uviiito.. t ii(i)c, of .1 .Jnojov 111.
terit.iui til l puivurliii ,tui'v it, 'lenii !i,
ttt Novtcuhur mi'iiber. wo.. 'i tn-iiu, !tli
tliu t'eceiin'iiT p.trr, will 'iu Hi'ni'.iieii f'tan
tj ail 'lC'V sii!).i i- tor ti;7.
1. pniiii-Hi.'y U'tlsrt-ite.l .iT'.', ot
k.;tciti; m
1 1 'I.t
Ly I'rot. 'V:.;.ir'i y.it.. .if i.'tim, .t i n.vr-
:y.-''. ;- t,:i.;rif;;i,y ttuni'i I." :! ,,,'i;t
t.'t't i'1 1", opi- ;-)in ;:oijii.i: .jbsiTV'ii.i a.
X A e ryn '.'f niptmir apt o un
X" eM A", Hi,
l7 t
1 ird sf.ra.saa 5 i.'i ?:i:m
i r .'i.ii'uf I
!'!!' Niw Lipert'in." t..r.
t. L. ;.,-r-i:e i S !'.'!..
)C " l"lu
')? il'ir t a
i. H.-. L.. :
1 I
ii :nc';' T.:: :r':it:nr ia. '
Uil 1.1T
.Suter.'iHd at i r.,:x7 Llu,c-'i...:
I'K -..O-i-i.
L'".-'nu' ir -v'A i-cmw i xt.n ;.-?
c i.i.i.:.ii!i,'iT t.iui.i-ri.'V.t liiiir- ir.cif. t-
i . u -i :i. t !-"'1-;n 3
a 1 " 4t "fa:.f i. E.w:iait. t!n-ii .uwrutu
, tC 'l-I.
liiiU'tibt. wit i.ji-.f iii,.w:ini.
: i t
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Ttt'.i 7i.--,t -.i:-.i,.rv.,w. o
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.nrr.., .r,ft-i.r..r .-. . if,.- ,(,iv..-.
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!. ia? a,d,., r.6 f':,;,t r,t a, rtuu.
iO !'!. A'M'eM
. B. LOTIS-COIT 4 CO., rftahiaum
Tl'i n 1 T17 Hi.-kit t.. i ,
Leonard Ccott Fubliflhing Co.
41 Barclay It., Sow York,
Ciiitimit thtlr (fdh'iriiti fit-i-rlfita of the
i 'it;it i.KAifis-r, viAraKcr.y p.Kvif:wa.
I.iuliiirti Rciipw (Wl.lj,
l.oiKlon 4(unrlerly ItrvlAWtContervativi-)
Heitinlnater ltetiw (Mlmral),
lirllltli ttinrt-rljr Ketlf-H (KvauKtlicul),
immm mmm umi
The llritih gimrti-rlli-H (five t the reader wi-ll-.liKcatrd
liiluriiution upon the a-ri-nt aventa In
eoiitcnipnrunruua history, and contain mu-Uirly
criticimiiH on all Unit trt trr-b mid vnlunlil.- in
liti iHttirc, as wull us a mminury oribe triiitnilis
tit science und art. 'l int wurs llk-ily to coiiv.ilae
nil Knrnpu will lorin topicji for dlnciisslnn. thut
will Ik. licntiil With a UioioiikIiihss und ubillly
nowhere tine to be lonnd. lllackwoixl's M.taa
tine is liiiiious for storim, cnniiys, und sketches
ul the hiKhen literary mint.
TERMS (Including Poatago) :
Piyatla Strictly in Advance.
l"or any ono Ilovlew,
9 4 00 per annum
7 UU "
10 00 "
12 00
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ror any three ltcvlewa,
Kor all (our ltoviews,
Kor itlackwood'a Maga
zine, For Ulaekwood and ono
For Blackwood and two
Kor Hlavswood and three
For Ulaekwood and tho
tour Kevlcws,
4 00 "
7 on
!0 00
13 Oi) "
A discount of twenty par cent, will he al
lowed to clubs of four or more persons:
Thus i four copies ot Blackwood or of one
Review will he sent to ono address for
$12 BO, tour coplet of the four UotIcws and
Ulackwoodlor $48, and so on,
Itcw subscribers (applylnir early) for tho
year 1877 may have, without cliariro, the
numbers for the last quarter ol lb7u ol such
periodicals as they may subscribe lor.
Neither premium- to subscribers nor dls.
count to clubs can ho allowed unless tho
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No premiums irlvon to clubs.
Circular with further particulars may be
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The Lesnard Scott hMv t
atUiinNaSt;i-riii.Cu..iijt B,uiww. k.a v..,..
i,r.ii 1 1,0 1 , , ,
tviilii. In itit
liii li iiliiti U ui-
pure f.ir nit r',i.n'
1 wmj
v.Hi-iit" :i1.'viaiu.il.-'i'iii.ii
Hi.), I'tiiipaiii,
I .,..,. Ill III I )... 'si L ,ll
L I I . . I . I
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V IL ltJiMuiaJ
T . . '-'Y. ' I U'l l.f'lll III.' II Ull.ll.'s. A m.n T
p.t m,W .in.., N.iv ml., ui' VH , ''..mil, St., fii.eiiinnti. li. l'ri'e
UrAte i,,!t'K' r "OMAN'S MEDICATED
PI.ASrKHS b if I'v liiaKt.V lout Hnu.i-a,, ill ceil" a MiT-
l..,n 1 M .lei 1, ,ni iviil HMt 11 L '
1 ui i.
Dr. Wluttier,
; .... i.n. .v. ;...,i',i,iy.j,i,44i.
, tv, , a..l
t u L ',..u. j-K .Mi.,..i,M t-j.
cN.ui. Kurit , vr nw,i.: tit V.im y 0
.ij ItUi cr iawwituJ i.viiit !
intuit .-nir .Ui.i, buw4 vltfc bH-4
. . VtU M.Mv 10 .U i, vj. . Vi.
Sl-. I., .Ul .h-iJ( LViiiltj U.Ct
41, . i1, i a ..fta-.if 9 ..- , . j. wam1 tw4
. , j.u. .... t, -i ..., ,i. 4; tk Jwi w
..f l?. rV...,. : 1 ' r.-i al, t,. .IlUm,
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, :.'v'-. .'..t ... , .,;.. 1 U,V iy :ia,V4fc., 'we.l
A !Jtt.., li i '.t '.. (.! i eU. t..V..i. .iiieaj.
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w -aw, 4 s,-..-.h I, t - J i. . -i- J;. I' (!. HAi-i,
wa.K J-i .W. w i if - U . kir. a.
Ktmit ilut, v.. icj" I w 9 iitj0
out wm.nl, 1 ..t.uKtu. -N-r(
MaoAd Mid iMw.MO.Avu4 lU tf.Hs wdt
togaih!', illti.uiiiou, 15 Cm,.
iM.i4. NuaioaiUrlwi
tty . , 4 .AA ms)
.iuI.U4 a... ia,. WAJ 1 i , W lavW Jf.
..ai a- ,V,.,,U.s,.7IU.,.av41le.
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(- mottr..,'! a,-. 'b , W 'if t Mt i-ewfc
UtUl lUv AnJ Ut '. V- itilmt mm !
.-t .;tWH'lt' '( t,lt-HH I oOttoi ' Ur-
IU1' ilWM U M .n4.. l''"K.ll a
a,... letrf Milv-I wlU. WtMkii tllM MHM
tflt S. Crle $trl. "V
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leribner's 3Ioiithlt
in i -::iri. n rw;!.: riiiw. M.-:
; 0U1J1M'. jn...:.i ..It....;.- jl . ,i i-.-.c ; j
. to..! ti - i i.-' i.t,
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lli'.Hi .l,i.: -ltv' 1.11 -.'U"!! M, IJ.Jllili
-i v.it J i i.'ttdiini-K Oil! ui-i t -u.ii tt-i
t if-ai'i vv": it ;'.. n:. i,; u.-; ;,;v;t
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' -'..i- ii .'' .'. -'. i . '. ' ;y-t !..r. :
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t,',;..r." '. j 0.tr.. ! ;;y W
hlV.J 'N,Uit,H t il.',4",,'
' , !..
r-r ; -ij ,1
ti' tvieim
"An Awien.aii li 1 ..rti-laii
.tf J i.:e. ;ii kVri are ar.rio'inci'd
"nir.hola Mirturn." '
l!y tr. lo!, and, thi iWUir,
v,l,.', .(;au,fyrif ei,r, iU " h MJ
t aatil vllon t'i tb: rca-lcn r.f ttiu
J tie iKtenc ',1 this uut tiovtl ir. l ild ot.
tt,c bat, ki of the ilii'I-',ri. 'I In; l,. ri l u
yotiui; man who has been always "tied io ;
wtinan' apron atrintcs," but who, by the
death ol hi mother, Is left alone in the
world -to dillton the. current ol life nun
a lort'iMr, hut w It'jont a purpons,
Atiother serial, "ilji Inherltanr-e," tiy
Mii 'I mlton, will t.i'-'tn on tbn cnrri;,)'-tlni
ol '-'I hit I.-. o' Jiwrie's," by Mrs. Hod;;
von iSiiriielt. ilr. ISurnett's idoiy, beun
in A uKuat, I, u a pathoi and dntiin.tlcpo'.vci
which have hem a siirptlni Withe no Wlc,
m 'I here is to ks a aeriei of original and ex-
ipilnitely iiiustrtterl ptiper-i ol "t'optilai Scl
eip e," by .Mrx, liericK, each paper coin
pic lo in itcclt.
'there are lobe, fiom varlou- pi ns, paniri
"Uomo Lifo and Tiavol"
Also, practical stiKxei-tion at to town anil
country lile, vlliaie iiiiprovilnoiiti, etc., by
Wll-kiiown specialists.
Mr. liarnard's articles on various indus
tries ol (iititt llriluln iucltitlo the li it-tor j ol
".Some KxperiinentH in Co-operation," "A
Kcoti.-h i.oaf Ftietory" in tho N'ovembei
nuuibnr, and "Toad Lane, ltochdale," in
iJecember. Ullier papers arc, "The IlritUti
Workintrman's Homo," "A Nation of Shop
keepers, ' "lla'peuny a Week for the Cliild,'
A richly Illustrated series will be given on
"American Xports by Mood and Ktelil," by
various writers, and each on a dltl'urcnl
theme. The subject of
"Haaauhold and Homeeoorati on"
will hnvo a prominent place, whilst the
productions ol American humorists will ap
pear from month to month. The list ol
shorter stories, biographical and otml
sketches, etc., is a lonir one.
The editorial department will continue to
employ the ablest pent both at homo anu
abroad. There will be a series ol letters on
literary matters, from London, hy Mr. AVcl
lord. The paRes of tho magazine will bo open,
as herctolore, so lar as limited spaco will
permit, to the discussion of all lb cities af
lectin tho social and religious lile ot the
world, and specially to tho Ireshest thought
ot the Christian thiukuis aud scholars ol
this country.
Wo mean to make tho nuitfazlnn sweeter
and purer, higher ami nobler, more genial
uinl generous in all ltn utterances and inllu
ences, and a more welcome visitor than
ever before In huiuet of rulltieiiieni and cul
ScitniNKK lor December, now ready,
ami which coutttlna tho opening chanters ol
"Nicholas Minium," will lie road with eaj,'or
curiosity and interest, reihaps uo more
readable number of thin niaiutnu haa ye
been Issued. Tho tlireo numbers of Scrib
ncr lor August, September, and October
containing tho opening chapters of "The
Lasl'o' l.owrlo's," will be given to every
new subscriber (who ruipiosta It), anij
whose subscription begins with the present
volume, l.o., with the November number,
Subscription price, $4 a year 30 cents a
number, Special terras on bound volumes,
Subscribe with the nearest bookseller, ol
send a cheek or 1. O. money order to
743 Broadway. N. Y.
ami S.arw..,,. httbit .lolittl ma
.1H. tllly ctni.l, Pginlrl.t no jslbili.Uy.
M-rni '.mn nr nartum nn. Dr. Cars.
lAluU. hi ..uiuuluM,,L'lllvJ.I)l
PAO KS?i5?fS?'S
,r,o i, n, .'.f.rii, t'.ii.vj, find . ir Ct 1 1.
ii-liiiti' liinsly tin, 1 1 limit nrv ii i.
prowa miti.f ios( uitfniit.
- - -' j-ii'iiipv aim r.'uucai
.' .' nUn. Notutiljiln, i;)ttmntint, Xtr-
iii., iiomwciie,,olio1Dir-
no. iiieennd mitiiY moiv havo llu' r
I 1,1, 1 11 I.' .1 '. .
...... ,. ,,,,',, 11 ruir tiriifinihia
. ... . . ' . CO
l'tt mv 11 liiul.iliuiia. T,l. ,: t..,
' 'I'l uf pi ion, postuge IVen
',. w.i, 1. 1." -unci,.,. oi in i,,.-
',. . ii. ..i .,i,.i rt....r
...I l.l.ll.ll,.'.ll..l,JIJl,
i..l,. t'l'MIn.....J,u,u,
, It ...,ii.UhI I4.ll. I 1,4 M,
it 1 . .11 lou..l. ,4 (t
I I l lij, .in,,.,., l , f
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bit. I 11 AMll.Kli. F.H.S. l.
Uiti Kf-t t.i. l St C'J";V rvj i b
null UH't .t4l4.lt tH I ; t f
I, - tt .
, MO .' i'M(1 l ihf i t i.i... ,
(if t.in I'tKu
ivw. '. a t4 ,( . Htm ri. wfi
it ui.i.i m, it Pwitm ya4lf.,
jLiiniwHiti, M f iiiM-il ! t-jfi-r
') . tf)wMnf,4i yttt0..t0,
Aiiivi n(. i.l r! mi v.
"' i'l- i- CMtftMMfil MM-, iut Vf f ,
4ujnntltt -H4 li, M. 4 tUi ...
4i'H tv ukkS ktrT 1W. t'yM-4-.
A wv.a .biM4ri4 uv.'J.. $4 kvy .
fiL imtminiM TITR.IT
It m.itvrful (4.41 If Hi' TU.Vff . . .
t Kb tt . in ai-xii i fi,. ,i t
h t f , u,i.6a,tt wH iriiv-L i,,..
r .i..aA oji ar-,"iiti.r, -
.- ou'.iyw.,,.' wv.i t'l'ti v'f4t!
r-W.. iHl .lkiMi tf ett- tlnvU. ir. . ,
i..f v B i pmfly itriM . -
'"a. vuai'ivnrl r-n
tu-llitvti fi-v.uK-m. . trWr. .', ...
r lHar at,. v' u .rfi im iu,
.vim. a Mtfwwr i.a -i-f' e
Jr..(V i,a. w.Wimw. .. A . . .
SiwltaM U (fee m.i mm
v44k1 vr' tWy, irvAy f., . ,
tM.-"l. 'K.',HJ f
f.'ttf.r MViKr HtfrtMaf WM.I r-,.
Jiiwa. .i V erarf ,M,f f- t. m.
,.,M.4W ItMV t.r..arMl M.i.Hff I., f i' ,
U,lt.l iMlltl !, iNHrr,: rwr.
f.m fnfM-rltM, ll .,, m vl mmv., .
mtit, li r- i.'l.. of mwtt-4 tr.Miir
mtU Ik .tl iliivrr w f at -, ,
tk lrtm;- mt f tw w.',
t-V'.- l.w4 ti...1 . MMtr.f-' ,i
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n. fMt I.. Ai raM gV.
w. ..4a-A, ,l t.t. rv
-fail. lfeal !,
4 laat l .. vf I..- ftirt
r I I -W 1 i. ' o frrjlb mt
"fmi," t I" il - f.H Ji
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mi. mJ r;"V4tf,-i t. fci ff .a
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fi nf ;ff.i.. orif irfo :
t .ari r f . f f i a m I k 1 1-:. l
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l f l; - H 1 Ll t , H II i. I M A I I j X .
. Ol. tt I i.Ji:a.it.M. f . -J-Mtl
lu.HJfol 1 I t( K, ai f :(:.
.ii '!. s or rur rirs. i t;.-.
i i.i r r t l i: . i i m ii. i . ,.
fL.it T f fv ftmilrr r ,- -i
ly 1-m.i 9ai )f l' fiiifirr, -f.aa,
War.,r M.tfra. i '
m1rt mrlinm Iheir mtlimeut , A .
if I'iHU iy tiiK'tiir iti m
it mi' i nir hihii rut ..
air , IUUI til I ffc'-.
-.-T.e ft-rm .r. r M r-
r '.''! ju. r M AIL.
i.dAL t-01j
Tikmm-f J..4Ni. lr.
a I. ,..a.
r, It.'.ltr, im lury fxrftia.
r itttH't,
4 K7fOX l ti if9 ,ut. ...
ffr" for thn$ tnmi tirMMnt f n,.
tii'itiifiirt'l it hrt'f r'urif tritH-ut -tit'
Tttt'tf flf ft iyi tlw orynit to tin.f . -
uetntnttf th mtnmnrU Nd tnt titn I.
ttfrrfimm irrltnhU itif ft" tltrnr UH'i
j-rOM0 purmukno tf-'f'i'frf f.;
.-' 1 f r iv rfi 1 r i i . ,
mtumurh i rtortf lo hfiltl. mm t the K
uotr uf th ytm r4tf Hrr taut r-'.. 1
In ir fffurmnnr nf ifVor.
I'rCrf, itit itatiar, in inrye V,; t-
.I built; $3.
bronchitisTnd lung
yl ultflhl Dn-mlleil mtd ttilt ef'i'i-.i
lentl tn ti arrloii naujh, u-Uieh, mir.t:-.'
Jttr or luttlhf trentrtlp muni IWrr luir
n tull -it tinHi m iiliinlr in a Mrttl. , - ,.
, HKOVrilTIH, or iiir r.,,.. , ;.
,e.n(i I.OA.Sl MfJHX. In nil mil, i,,
j mm ItfiritKAtitif coiifU ami i-j jn;-lt.. i;, ,.. ,
'J It.tl.lll.OX offer a tiiuntl, rrl iii.,, ,
permanent relief. Jt aunmruli u.,
ration, mi'l emthlen lite inillint t.i ,,t.
Hull IxrriUlti mdtic ilejumit, vhirh, , r , , .-11-ilhnnt
Jmlirimm trenlnirnl, tiiimt '.'
mtinlrtitf, Itn jtnlnon In tli renlruhi f
sfxiirr o fio html, llrfieiirrnllint unit tie.
nl enillnn Unit tnunt Mriitiiil ' ( .. -.
tfinrf ttttintiilet tinlii in an tiirlf ttw' tu
llmrhf tlratli. 1KACULOS l,t, no ..,tt,il,
mnrti It-mi it anperloi-f and lit liar ir,lt it. t
until remiirn Hit, ilepoHlt, thereby 'ir-ti ,t
rent relief, but hriiln the membrane at..'
enrrn Ihr patient In ponnentiuii uf A" . .'if, ;
in nil It mm nti,
friee, I'l flu Lenta iter buttle, or ri
hutlliM, K.JiJ. .
PiLES. Hemorrhoids,
.Hi)ii rnitni'M lend In produen th! pain
ful anil elintrrltninfl ttnle. Th blood I
retarded in lf rrlurn; lint Inn ftTiuent
use of ilnmlic 7) il rrii rice tenilf to prod in
runih ution nf lite lioo eh, l ,r;iid nri'uu
the Itrrrt anil iiitmerouti other cn.v.? nr
the fntircei of thi complaint, anil Itilherln
lufiiiiff effectual lut been jtremitird to
the pnlille, which would rapldlu alii -"i..
tymptom and ultimately prom o.i effetl
ire cure. In P1LON tr Aura a mtedn
which not on I if net almoit intlnnth,, inn
will remnre the laryett tumor of the put Ih
(l'lleJ bit abtorptlon, and llnf, i"h.a
havo receired not only benefit, but tit-
been rnillcullil turedt hare been tin u tee'
(prior to tming thi treatment) by rail ,
lienf eurfieon that iho only relief W -ever
could expect fit life, would be by
vperotiun, and removing it or titet". :itmA
thn body by u procedure which nreeitnt
ed lite luilfe. TIiIm remedy hn been l.n., .
with delidhtf ami 4 now precr',mii
tint inj nractlalni) phylelan, who u re ron
tilianl of it merit, a tho only kn i t
litre cm ru for I'll, EN.
1'rice, fifty tent per package. :,rii,
for $'4,60, Mwtttttttttjt
thorough in the eradication of tho differ
ent und nirloii matadie denominate:
and am the re.inlt vf patient, eurehiuA.
labm-iou, and ecleutiile invetttaatlou,
emhruciuy a period of many ieoav. ';
JJurope and America.
If the epoclrte direction are eotxplhy!
wilh, Ihonnand of patient will bear wit
ue to their relative merit, and cot rot.
orute every aertlon, Whtre ftr t
ma ni) complication of dlteate, and Pa
tient to desire, Jilt. CUAMtlUK tell'
be pleaeed to nitre all information- ir.n
treat by letter if neeeary.
Ociertptlvo and Explanatory Circu
lar of tho above rentedle rnl dm receipt
t,S.J?I?.mV'JJ rxorBUBTArf?
MBlUClXEtl are tut a Ml. al went
parlieufar drugyitt'i, tend order it
1479 BrotJwty, ITtw-Twli 0t .
Manhood I Womanhood! MarriaocI
Impediment to Marriagei the ctutn
and cur. Sent teeurely Haled, post
, paid for co cent, by Dr. C. Whittier,
' ill St. Chnrlci Street, St Loula, Mo.,
' the great ipeclalM. Rd hhworVa.
Mull i n i'.

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