THE .DAILY- CHRONICLE. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION I5TAKIBLT IS A9TA5CK. .- Daily, rw year. M$6.00 .. 3.00 -2.00 Tlnilv. for kit mrnil'm Daily, for three months... RATES OF ADTERTISIHO. OS BQCARS. ! u. ... Ten Iine. or lees, solid to constitute a wjaar. ' tinip, week, . weeks, : 3 weeks, 1 month, 2 TuonthsT 81.00 Each additional insertion.:..,... - SO 20 Each additional square : -,1.00 4.00 Each additional square j.Ji0 7.50 . Each additional Bauare 3.00 j.wj racB aaaiuonai Muare . -" " " 9.00 Each additional quare.;..n;.4.t 10.00 Each additional mnuv A Sft 3 months. Business Cards, two squares, per annum... .a... f 40.00 Vuarter column, one montn... .w... . fli.UJ two months. ... 25.00 32.00 three months ... six id on thg.... ,... , one rear ... one month .... two months three months 50.00 0000 25.09 40.00 60.00 100.00 175.00 Half Column. mx months .... one year. one month. two months three months . One Column, 40.00 65.00 80.00 ..la0.00 eix months . one year., ...,.-....2o0.00 v niipp in ifi a in m w am mwfm - uuno ui oycviiu tuiuuuii ivs win per line. Marriages and Deaths inserted withont charge- , A11 billa due upon first insertion of advertioo uiont? ; those with regular advertisers to , be paid monthly. . - ; - , . ' '. '- An Interesting . Affricultaral Experiment, Shellsburq, Iowa," Feb: 1870. Several years since I selected a plot of new. jriclK alluvial prairie, TTlth a clepttr rrf nearDw feet of black surface soil, x or six years in succession I grew upon the plot such crops as I could remove almost completely, root a nd branch, . from the ground such , as crops of currant bushes, and grapevines from cuttings, seedling apple trees, follow ed by beans, rutta bagas, &c,'At the end of ix years of careful cleaning everything from the soil, this plot, with the land ad joining (fanned in the ordinary way), was prepared, and in due time planted corn. With the same culture, the contrast in the crop surprised all who had Hot given this vegetable mold-doctrine some study. -Upon the side cropped in the ordinary way, the growth of stalks and of large, well-ripened ears, were above a good average prairie rrop. Upon the experimental plot the blunted looking stalks and ears reminded i one of cobble knolls of Jew -England. s.. ' For the eighth year the cornstalks were removed from the soil J by pulling, and the land, with that adjoining, was sown to bar ley. Again we had the same contrast. On the one side a strong, well ripened growth, with half developed heads, too short to be all cut by the reaper. No chemical analysis wonld detect in this rich, deep, alluvial Boil at the end of the eighth year, any deficiency in the ele ments of plant growth, aside fromlta vega table mold. By practice upon our rich soil it is found that even dry cornstalks or stub ble plowed into the ground year after year, will hold the land measurably- ill good condition. But perhaps no portion of the Ptate will be more benefitted , by . alterna ting with clover than the great prairies, i Why ? Simply because when the great natural supply of humus, furnished by the virgin prairie sod, is exhausted, it must be renewed. J. E. Btjdd, in the German- j town Telegraph. j Stirring Soil Around Trees. Open ing or lightening the soil around the roots of tres, either In the spring or fall, for thm purpose of letting, in warmth, and afford ing a freer medium for the expansion and development of the roots, is of great value in promoting the health and vigor of the tree. All trees, whether fruit or ornamcn-. tal, young or old, indigenous or exotic, are vastly benefitted by this process: In old orchards, the 6oil about the trunks of trees, and to a considerable distance from them, in every direction, should be carefully bro ken, and the upper surface, to the depth of three or four inches, removed in the tpring, every four or five years. The eggs of the curculio and other insects are depoji ited in this stratum, and If not removed or destroyed, will produce insects, the rava-. ges of which the succeeding, year, will be nrmliitivA fif far trrpaifr Iosh than the ex pense of-removing the soil and replacing n wim compose or iuhlu. . ai hopeless undertaking to attempt the. culti vation of good fruit, when no measures are resorted to to obviate the fatal ravages of this detestable and insidious foe, and the remedy now suggested la by no means ex pensive, if we take Into consideration the advantages otherwise resulting to the trees from its application. '. - ' Any good soil, taken from the open fields or culUvated lands, may b&u?edas a sub stitute for compost, and a very small quari-: titv will suffice. Even if no fresh matter is applied, I would recommend the remov al of the surface soil, and -would replace it when convenient.: Chip mazmreor old dung covered with straw, answers well for that purpose. GermaMown TcUgraplu . .... O ' ' ! f Scours in Cows. I once had a valua ble cow that was troubled with scours, and I expected to lose her, till using this reme dy, she was saved: One quart of wheat flour, tied tight in a cloth, put into a ket tle or boiling water, and boiled three hours. After it was taken out" and cooled; it -was Sjunded fine, and given Aer to.eaLdry y twice feeding with this she was cured, and never troubled with it again It is said to have been equally effectual in cases of dysentery with persons. J . B. 8. '- Free trade journals have recently been making a great noise over what they are pleased to style " decline of Ameritjan ship ping,, .and attribute it to the protective tariff system. V The following; from the Washington correspondent of theNew York ? Trio arte, shows that instt-ad of de clining our shipping interests are reviving: " The Bureau of Statistics is in laily re ceipt of a large number of applications for otnan.. nf nfflpial nnmbfTs and siJTnfU let ters to merchant vessels.' The following is a list or the appucauons receiveu iu vuv day (the 5th inst.,) representing an aggre gate tonnage of ,600 tuns, exhibiting a satisfactory revival of our shipping inter ests : r Three large schooners from San Francisco, two large steamers from Salem, 111, one steamer from Philadelphia, one large steamer from Port Huron, Mich., four traeaola frnm "NW "York. One larSTe ship, three steamers, and twen others of different classes from Detroit, Mich,, nuk ing the total number of applications Te- ceivea in me nrsinveuayHOi,jxajr wuv sixty-five." - - f Job printing of every description done LI FE ASSURANCE s SO Gi ETY t i - , OP.THB V3S7ITED BTATES. ' " ; ' ; No. 116, IIS, 120, 12 b 124, Brwwajr, ;.-.-:rl -cci. sjrElf.OB';".i I'M Cash Assets, ; T , . ... $13,CCO,COO. . ' Annual CaakJnoomeoTet JWO0.000. PURELY MTTUAl: ALL PROFITS A?T5UALLY divided aaonc Policy Holders. fU42.4j0X)0 in dirpleids paid to ite policy holders in 1869. Araerint XasareA fwr 1S69, 90,49211.01). v - Aethre AGENTS WANTED ia each eeuaty in East TeaneMee. Awly to i Generat Agent for East Tennessee, - ' Office No. 1, Court House, Tsoxnm. Tik. Be. J. M. BOYD, ' ? 1 Medical Examlnera b. J AS. R0DGERS, j for KnoxTiDe. V - t apri!6tf ? ; , .-1 CHAMBERLAIN & ALBERS, .si i.-: BiRUGG I STS, " -- v ' AT THE t'7 4 - 0 Id Drug Store," i lj;KNOXVILLH, TBNNV. We keep a full supply of everything in the I DRUG LINE, Together wita : f , ','-,'. Indigo, Madder, Aniline, Copperas, 1 Alum, . t . And ererything needed in Dyeing. Paints, Paints, Paints. OILS, OILS, OILS! We pride iuielvefl ion keeping the purest materials for Painting of any houee in Knoxville. Our ! .-1 . , - . Is not excelled by "any and equalled by bt few.; ;. .. - .. . - - - - t h Pure Wines arid Liquors r y " Always on Hand uit-'j. mopiueioi3 of IR8. WJNBXiOAV'P cWORM CANDY i Ilrodle's Ilch Cerate ill.. Ti.Sv: :-'-'.v':- v THE OLDEST PRIVATE DISPENSARY M MASHVJLU 1 a ,Dl McGILL?S, f , Deaderlch. Street. SPERMATORRHOEA CURED. -MY FRIE2JD, stop before you fnrtaer go. I wrs tbat dieafle, a nd I warant a eure. jay price w jojnii uwun., sent in ad ranee, and I fnrnieb all medicines ; and if a core is not efieeted I return the money. - Omci Hocks From 8 A..Ur. . ' 7 ' All lettera directed to t Da. McGILL, apl 13-3m " . yagbTHIe. Tena. CJircnlt Coiirt Cllntoa. k ' BILL FOE DIVORCE, 'i 6Ute of Tenneseee-Offiea f the-Qerk rf the Cireait Court of Anderson county Term at Clinton, April 8,1870. " ' -;;: ' , John Herald, complainant, against -.Nancy J. Herald, i defendant. ' r? APPEARIXO FROM AFFTDAVTT FILED IN this canoe that defondact Nancy J. Herald hae Bed to Parts unknown: It is therefore ordered that riu ea terlawappeaiaiwe hereiabefore erwimthe first three day of the next Term of said Court, te be held on tha econd Monday of July. 1870, and plead, answer or de mur to complainant's bill, or the same will be Ukr . - Dissolution. v ' THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTIXQ between John Christian. Charles Christian, and PhmnRiokert, was dissolredby mutual conjent on the 2dday of AugnH 1869. John ChristUn andCbaA. Chns gruniTOmdit. flBHNtB&g ha bueinew wUl ! continued aa heretofore, under ttSfflftSSfm,f CHRIBIM0.'! 4 r ..v ... ' BubBcribe tor the CnHONiO'E. Cbut&SoMref JDaedalwI : the State flfKtwTcrk. OFFICE OF ' -. T-'l 1 . ., i MTN 0 N & . Exchange ami Deposit Bank Building, IC NO X.V'I r, li E ; RE A L ESTATE; t-r -t,. INSUnAIICE'AIlD U: FOR ONE OF THE BEST TANNERIES IN EAST TENNESSEE, WITH ALL necessary fixture for conducting the business, capable of turning out front l,50i.u 2,000 Hides a year. ConnectetTltltlr this property are 2W cm vf ciMittutixd Riat k Oak timber. Also, ftrm, Mth good house and outbuildings, and Blacksmith ami Bh( Shop, with .complete sets of tooK Tliere Is a fine Spring on the place, furnish ing' constant supply of Freestone water. This'property can lie purchased at a liar-' gain, and offers euperior inducements to any one wishing to engsige in the luisiness. ,."iKE' HUNDRED IMPROV'EDAND BICK'S and other Additions to Knoxville, ;faTrabletems as to payments. ; fierer! desirable "residences In the city, can be had at a bargainJT Also, , , v Farms of Every Description, M . A' t AND 510UKTAIS i ASH IN ALL, PARTS OF Correspondence Solicited and no Charge for Information. , .; O- ; AGENTS OF THE Quoon Fire laourauce Company OF, LIVERPOOL AD LONDON, -CAPITAL, 2,000,000. Aprflao-tf H.r-- TABWATH. , KNOXVILLE y STEAM SASH & BU11D Mattuffcetoiry'. TARWATBR & AMBROSE, Hron&ctaN of ' ''I';' - . Saoh, DlinSa and Boors, 7 - i 'rS BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS, Dealers la Lumer,j&c., &c. H ivryo pniED.rp a niter class 1 Machine Eltop t 1 tZ - is JTorth Knorvillat we are prepared to make to order ' s3.-isiica BLINDS r.?-,M.i.juv.jr.;.-j. AND DOORS. , W. also CBES3 LUMBTB, WORK FLOORUsO bb4 4iffcmit kinds of . MOLDING, -i . . . i I in (he best erjtle and at prices to buittke times. , AH ORDERS. PROMPTLY TILLED and shipped to any point on tfc fKffereaCRaikOadt leading oat 9 t . ' . . - Kaorrfifo. 1! , - f' Best Beveled MMiar Areweel and Join t ?d. I - ::. ' - , ' ..For partioaluf call oa or address ' . . -'" ' TABWATER & AMBROSE, r apractl KBOirffle, Tattessee. E. P. BAILEY, Cashier Exchange fc Deposit Bank. . BAILEY, I ti .- T E IV E & S E E , S.1 CLAIM AGENCY. 8 A. TL, E . UNIMPROVED LOTS IN D11ADE- which whkh arc fll-rcl very Ion and on which are offerttl for a short time only, and J i JIIKEKAL LAXWS EAST TENNESSEE. ; ' nvxsoff & iiail,i:y, Real Estate Aa;eiii ami Conveyancers. iHOXSIE & DEPUE. No. 106, Gay Street, DKALK1I3 l.N J: STOVES, GRATES, Narbelized Mantles, FRONTS, RENDERS, I? TJ 3X 1 , " ,FOR CIHTERNS AND WELLS, Galvanized and Wrought IE ON PIPE, Hollowware and Castings of all kinds i ! . ( . i , - ' ,' .. . JAPAXXED AXD'.TEf WARE, ; ) Pressed Ware or all kind; - . i ROOFING & GUTTERING i Done at hort notice. r- We now have the largest tfbek of STOVES ever v fered in this market embracing the ,. t ' i MONITOR, l j ; ' . .'' For Coal and Wood, the only Store in this market with the oapston Back. Alo, the celebrated Covk Store I " ORTJSADER," , Fo Wood and Coal together with Ten other different patterns of Stoves. . 1 ! I ' We are also manufacturing" the celebrated Step Stove i - ' . . mi a aw a m Which we offer to the Trade at Prices lhat defy compe tition. All Stores guaranteed to give satisfaction. ' 1 Our House Furnishing Department I . Is'now complete, having just received a New Stock, whicKwas purchased at panic price?. . - t COME. AND SEE FOR YOFRSELF. C0 ' . - . aprillGtf ; I 8ICTN OF"TnE' PACT nTTN ! 18TO. ;f.ti Stacy ' angel l : u Manufacturers of Rifles, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL : : GUNS, PISTOLS, Sl'bilTlNG ARTICLK.VD GUN e rATERIAE?': G 1).-Wafer Trooi' ami 3Iuske( Caps, - I !- - - - ' . - lQCET CLTl.EltY, FISHING TACKLE. . iflloT. LE.U, lil'N EA1U1?X?, An lcV-.Ty other ArticJo lu-uaUy fouud ui u. fuit clac J I ' '"ronTrNirHvsE?' ' ' 0rau?e iUJe 1'dwtlcr ''A Iwt of lVvdor and Fus alTrays on hand. We h.ivc ptMwl workiucu ;tud arc iTcparcd to do ro iuii uig of a!i khuL?. r .. , j llillos Made lo Oitlcr. 'WcarofiiU luiying Old Ann. Send fvr Trkc l it. 'JrdaiscUciic-l and carvf-.tliy fitkd. I : .STAClV.t) A.KI., ai'iil'itC -i . -.. f-.slZiion ali.'. lciiu. .EAST TEN N.-LAND AGENCY, : -" ! CHARLES SEYMOUR, , REAL ESTATE; BROKER, A Attorney aiaw. --A-D ConiiHi&iuiicr of Deeds for the Stales of 4 . J Ohio, .Hiehirai!, ?eora:ia, &c. OFFICE :'eTKR Rti Kites jut Dcrocut Bi.vk. "GAYSTREET, - lirtax 111", Tou:.s.,ev. . Tn-:NI)M TO THE PURCHASE, .";iIo and Exchr.?rr rf lienl Estate oi evt-rj- lcsiiii!ionr -' .' ' T'ptX'hil attention p.iiil to thi- organ iza (ioir of (.'oinj'anifs and Colonies for the im provenicnt of lare tracts of land. --Kents rollertetl and tnxw aid in all part1-of l'at 'renne-se. Al"-tr:;ct of i -tie raivfully made and con ve.yaneiiiir in all its hranches, drawing of Deeds, Alortjrasrrs, A-. , done in a thorough manner. - - -' v ' . ' I'Olt SALt. - CO Farms, in lnox; (ountj-.' 'n Farm.- in East Tonnes-ec. Valuahlc i ity projH rly, inimovcd and vaeaiu ioi-, noni Miri.i",ip m jmht. J'JO vacant lot, Vono of thorn exooed ingly desinhle. In Tlarlt .-'- and the Kail road' Addition. Several hoire and well improved lots in I)-aW-iiek.'sand MetJliee's Addition. A larfre'nnd hainlsome residence on i'at ton f-treet, J'ast Knoxville. FarniH oh IUo t iKiiborlaatl I'latrau. All wishing to lniy or sell will find it for their advantage to call and look over lists ClTV TOBACCO AXD CIGAR STORK. J . H . WALLEY, V. i Ti: IK..:- r:u Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, rEEns'ciiAUjr, IJi-itr and .tonc I'jpts, .. nuff -and Tobacco Boxes. - . In llict all Kin Is of ' Sinolcovs'. Vi'ticles, ' - i At the SIGN OI? TIIE INDIAN, april'jif , . tuy Street, Knoxville. Tcnn. JOS. K. JI ITCH ELL. v i 1'ret-idtnt. Coiner. People's Bankof Knoxville : j " . -AND- : i STATU DEPOSITORY, i Office; Ocoec Bank Enil Tin?, Gay Street. - f KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. Till transact : Uoncral.CiUikins and Crokcr.ige Bu .sines', rocoivo Di'jioit. iuc cirti fixates of Deposit, ileal in Exchange, l;uy HA-l and Silver, Lank Notes, LVnd and Sujki. . We iretVr tliiit Ci'Tti-ctur? of Revenue shonM come in person or send funds hy an ;irent instead of hy mail or espre. JOS. K. illTCIIELL. apl L-tf Cashier. CHAS. H. BROWN, . A .ESI FOB THE Inman Line of Trans-Atlantic ;? STEAjrERS, . .Plj'uis between New York and Liverpool, and tho i ' AncJior IJne, . Between New York, and Glasjovr. BOTH ABE riRsT CL AS LINES THE Foemer -carrvinpr tlic Alaila. Tickets ae as hy any other Lint. t"nrthr inijrm.uiwn cheerfully given on ap- lfave lur iilc .:0riit Druiis on a.i i7rrmc!pal cities of Europe- JKS'A general Nufciry IjUMnrjj also transacted. Oflioc in ExeiUNOG anu Lki-osit Bask, . - ailttf - - Knoxville, Tenn. SURG E 0 N : D E N T IS T , (Oitice : Corner of Cnareh and Suite Streets, 1 lES.-'E' II ULLY ANNOUNCES THAT. IN VIEW Jti of the ?rent fall in pnl'l, he -will ftirnish fall etrf of IEET1!. on the Vulcanite Bu3e, for the small sum ef riFTY' DOLLARS. ' A igl-j I'i'per or Lower. st.t fur 7 1 , . THIRTY DOLLARS. : --tSAIl other charges in rrop'ortion to the above. Satisfaction guaranteed in alt Dental operations. ;f ' . i apW 7CHf M.& N. STERN, Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing l ANDTrRNTSUING GOODS, ' . Gay Street, Knoxville, Tennosse. ,',! , (Opposite Cowan, McGong k Co.) ""'Having a Resident Partner in New York, who burs for cash, our facilities enable na to sell cheaper tlnVn thoe who purchaao only eTcry season. ap6in3. attms oniop