OCR Interpretation

Knoxville daily chronicle. [volume] (Knoxville, Tenn.) 1870-1882, May 11, 1870, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033437/1870-05-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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Want For BentFor Salr-BoardinfLott Found
will be interted in thie column at 88 CfBtl each in-
rtio. not exceeding Ave line : over Ate line. !
Cents for each additional line will be charted.
Per week, delivered by carrier,.
Per month. " M "
For 3 months. " " "
For 6 mouths. - " "
Oaeyear. " "
Six months, by mail,
One jr, " v
S .20
3 00
The Eastern if ail clones.
- " Opens fo7dehery".""
The Western Mail closes
10:15 A.M.
.... 1:30 r.Jt
.....12:15 TJt.
....11:30 a.m.
Onena for delivery 12:00 m.
a a v m
Clinton Mall arrive at 10:30, a. m eloees atSHX), P. M.
Xaryville Mails departs Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays, at 2:00. p. M.; arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, at 11, a. m.
Maynardeviiie Mail ainree Xb areas y at 11, A. m Ue-
parta lburaday at 12, x.
Rutledge Mail arrives Tuesdays and Fridays at 12, MA
parts Tuesdays and Fridays at 12:30, p. m.
Boyd Creek Mail arrives Fridays at 12 .; deparU
Fridays at 1. p. M.
Orrica Uocxs. Office opens at 714, a. m.; closes at 5,
p. m. Opens at b'A, r. a.; eloees at 8s, r,
. m. Open Sun-
days from 1:30 1
to 2:10, p,
East Tennemee Tirfftaia and Wewrjrla R.R.
Leaves Kaoxrille at 11:17 a.m. Arrives at Bristol
a-tn w
Leaves Bristol at 5:37 a.m. Arrives at Knoxville
1".-K w
Leaves Knoxville at 1:14 P.M. Arrives at Chattanoo
ga at 7:30. , . . t
Leaves Chattanooga at Ho a.m. Arrives at Knox
ville 11:07 a..
Thomas H. Callowat. President.
R. C. Jackson, Superintendent.
Knexvllle and Keataeky Rallrwad.
Leaves Knoxville for Coal Creek at 3:30 P.m. Arrives
t KnnTvilU 10:30 A.M.
Joseph A. Mabrt, President.
Johs L. Moses, Secretary and Treasurer.
Knoxville an Charleston Railroad.
Leaves Knoxville for Little River and Maryville at
2:40 p.m. Amves at KnoxvUle 9:30 a.m.
M. D. Bkardey. President.
M. L. Pattikhon, Secretary and Treasurer.
The laally Chronicle,
For sale at the office and at the book stores,
at five cents a copy.
Circulars printed cheap and in the best style,
at the Chromcxe office.
If you want Bill-Heads gotten up in the best
fetyle, go to the Chrokicxb Job office.
Business Cards.
Neat Business Cards, Visiting Cards, and
"Wedding Cards, printed at our office.
Being Painted.
The Deaf and Dumb Asylum is receiving a
new coat of paint
Joh Printing.
Job Printing done at the Chromcls office, on
short notice, and in a manner warranted to please
customers. '
. Unpleasant.
A viiT f-11 -yaaterfUv rrmiWmn
mosphere quite cooL
To the Public.
Mr. R. A. Brown is authorized to receive sub
6criptions and advertisements for the Chroxi
cxe. Religions Notice.
Prayer meeting will be held at the Methodist
Church, this morning, at 91 o'clock, and preach
ing this evening, at 71 o'clock.
Emory and Henry College, Va.
We have received an invitation to the cele
bration of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the j
Calliopean Society of Emory and Henry Col
lege, Va., to take place on the 7th proxiriJo.
The Ilaheas Corpns.
We learn that Brooks, the murderer of Cape
Ragle, of Clinton, who is now boarding with
Sheriff Gossett'a pets, will apply for a writ of
Mbeas corpus. lie evidently don't like his
quarters. '
Ciipt "Wm. Kule left this city yesterday for
New York and the eastern cities on business
connected with this office.
Capt Jacques, of the East Tennessee, Vir
ginia and Georgia Railroad, also left yesterday
on a trip east
The Lecture Friday Xlght.
Prof. John Moffat's leoture, as announced
some days ago, it will be remembered, will take
place at Hoxsie's Hall on Friday night The
address will be literare ; Subject, The Scottish
Poet, Burns, with readings from his works. Mr.
Moffatt being a countryman of the great bard,
will do the subject ample justice.
We regret to learn that Mr. M. A. Cliborne,
of the polioa o9a?$mjfml'f' j !! m bt
vere fall, which it is feared will incapacitate him
from duty for some time. Mr. C. is an efficient
officer and the police force can ill afford to dis
pense with his services.
Beard -ed In Ills Den.
Those temperance men who met at the estab
lishment on the corner of Cumberland and State
streets last Monday night, yesterday were in the
same category as the Irish soldier who was re
covering from a twenty-four hours' leave "so
ber, and sorry for it"
On yesterday, Conductor Lyle, of the E. T.,
Va. and Ga. Railroad, stepped through a plat
form at one of the stations along the line, throw
ing his entire weight on one leg, and bruising
ft painfully. This is the first time Harry ever
"put his foot in it"
Herited Compliment.
We saw yesterday a letter from one of the
highest officials of the National Division, S. of
T. of N. A., in which he speaks in the highest
terms of the efficiency of Mr. Wm. Wood, late
Grand W. P. of East Tennessee. Such a trib
ute is no more than Mr. W. deserves, and com.
ing from . the source it does, is as great a com
pliment as a temperance man could receive. -
Tle-JTle of Colored Scholars.
The pic-nic came off yesterday pursuant to
notice, and would doubtless have been a success
had the weather permitted. A special train
from Maryrille arrived in the morning with
large number of scholars, who proceeded to the
Church on Clinch street, where they were join
d by the schools of the city. The procession
was formed and marched to Gay street, down
Gay to Main, and thence to East Knoxville.
The turnout was large, and presented aycry
creditable display. Flags were carried at in
tervals in the procession, and all seemed to en
joy themselves on the way. The day was spent
at Creswell's School-house, in the suburbs, Jhe
weather being too unfavorable for a day of out
door enjoyment
A Corn Stealer Caught, jj s
On yesterday George Mason, alits George Ba
ker. was arrested at the instance of Mr. Chas.
Walker, charged with stealing corn, and brought
before Esquire Jourolmon for trial. ?
Mr. "Walker resides on Mrs. Baker's farm
about a mile and a half from this city, and
George having been a habitue of the farm, knew
the location of everything about the place, and
helped himself to a lot of corn. On the trial he
said he had purchased the grain from Mr. Mc-
j Clannahan, but that gentleman being appealed
to denied all knowledge of the matter.. T
After hearitg the evidence, the guilt of the
prisoner was deemed conclusively Cbtaomiiea
. a 1
and he was sent to jaiL , .
Farmer' Club
The Monroe County Farmers' Club organized
at Sweetwater, on the 30th ult, is, we are grati
fied to learn, likely to prove a great aid to the
farmers in that vicinity. We hope ouf friends
will keep us posted in regard to the workings of
the Club. The following are the officers : E. A
Taylor, President; J. T. Lenoir and W. J.
Fowler, Vice President; C. B. Woodward,
Secretary ; G. W. Gaines, Treasurer.
The next meeting of the association will take
place on the 4th Saturday of the present month.
In Working; Order.
We learned yesterday from the Grand Scribe,
Mr. B. J. Srephensou, that the Grand Division
of East Tennessee,; Sons of Temperance '.was
now considered in working order by the Na
tional Division of North America. We are
glad to know this, and hope the brethren com
posing this body will themselves work and sus
tain it They must sustain it until it is self-sus
taining. ' J ? -
Yesterday afternoon, two colored juveniles
entered the establishment of Barry & McDan
nell, and while one made a pretext of looking at
some toys the other embraced the opportunity of
filching a cocoanut, which was successfully ta
ken off, but soon returned by one of her more
I honest colleagues, who disclaimed any complici
ty in the theft Rogues stand no chance while
Sproul's eagle eye is upon them.
Sfotlee to Internal Bevenne Tax Payers.
TJkitbd States Internal Revesths' )
Collector's Otfics, 2d Dist. Txxkessee,
Knoxville, May 1st, 1870. J
All .persons "owing' Tax 'on" Income for the
year 1869, and Special Tax foe the year ending
!fV 1st., tart'" nrp TlfttifiAl fhaf Lnma.
I " - ' j J vi- . lr J
is now due, and payable to myself or deputies
on or before the 11th instant, and if not paid at
that time a penalty will be added.
J. A. Cooper,
may3 lOt. Collector 2d Dist. Tenn.
j The Calamity in Richmond Official Report
- ' of the Killed. 5
"Office of the Board of Health, l
HiCHMO'D, Va., May 4tht 1870. J
'The following is the mortuary report of
the victims of the late disaster at the Capi-
f a! tah wwi lr onlirrfv Caf iitIqv A Ttfil f
compiled from the sextons' returns received
at this office :
'Whole pumber of , deaths to that date,
55. Color white, 52; colored, 3. Condi
tion Single, 8: married, 32; unknown,
15. Nativity United States, 39 Ireland,
6 ; England, 1 ; Germany, 1 ; Prussia, 1 ;
Poland, 1 ; unknown, 6. Age 10 years to
20,1; 20 years to 30, 7; 30 years to 40, 9 ;
40 years to 50, 12 ; 50 years to 60, 5 ; 60 years
to 70, 5 ; 70 years to 80, 1 ; unknown, 15.
"Three other persons are stated to" have
died up to the above date, but certificates
of death not naving been given for them
they are not included in this report. ...
44 J. G. Cable, M. D., President
- . .
Letter from GreeneTille.
Greexeville, Tenn., Jlay 8th, 1870.
Editors Chronicle : In common with all true
Republicans in East Tennessee, .we of Greene
ville rejoice that youhave succeeded iuestab
lismng a nrsirciass jvepuuucan uuuy in jvnox-
? t f t vi; , fr
ville. Knoxville being the commercial metrop
olis of East Tennessee, the importance of having
a central organ at that point has been long con
ceded ; and now that we have such a newspaper,
it is the duty of the people to give it a support
which will justify the proprietors in making it
one of the Beet nosers inW Stt After read-
bag the partisan slang which comprises the great
er portion of the editorials in the Whig and Pr vss
and Herald, it is a real pleasure to ine to take
up the Chconicle, and read its solid, truthfu
and dispassionate articles ; and I hope and be
Here that it will continue to treat political ques
tions in a sensible and truthful manner, leaving
slang to those who have no better defence for the
cause wnicn uiey nave espoused.
St'MMER KESORT.' ' ' i
As tne time is now at nana when pleasure
seekers and invalids will be on the lookout for
some rural retreat in which to spend the hot
summer months, I have -often , thought that no
rood reason exists why Greenoviflc should not
be made an acceptable and pleasant summer re
sort Although we take pride in our town be
ing a growing and a business place, the houses
are not yet so high, or the rows of buildings so
long as to be tiresome to the eye ; and, even if
our town should fail to amuse or interest the vis
itor, a well-lltted-up rig from the livery stable
will, in a very few hours, place him among the
ivy and laurel in the coves of the mountains,
where Nature's w'ork? alone is visible. To the
admirer of Natter Greeneville presents many
attractions at this season of the year. The green
woods Burround it like a belt ; fields of grow
ing wheat wave on the surrounding hills ; the j
majestic mountains in the distance afeihe" admi
ration of every' visitor, and "of every one-iwho
passes over our railroad. - "i c.z &
The race for Circuit Judge for the First J udi
cial Circuit will be made by our present-Judge
E. E. Gillenwaters, and Mr. A. J. Brown, of
Jonesboro'. ; It is well known that zhe Conser
vative newspapers all over tl'e State have had a
great deal to say about aelccting the best men
without regard to political opinions, to fill the
Judicial offices of the State. We have not yet
heard of a single Conservative newspaper, poli
tician, or as much as a corporal's guard of Con
servatives of any kind advocating theclaims of
a BeDublican for any position whatever. In
this district we expect the Conservatives to vote,
to a man, for Brown, though not one of them
will pretend honestly to say" that! Judge Gillen
waters is not an honest and pure man, and in
every respect far superior to Brown in intellec
tual and legal attainments. For Chancellor
and District Attorney,we havfi" asyet nQ -candi
dates, but it is supposed that Judge It C Smith
will be a candidaie for re-election,
" There are in Greene county two furnaces,
which have been-turning out daily from fifteen
to eighteen tons of the best charcoal pig iron
These furnaces, with the land and all the im
provements, have cost the company about two
hundred thousand dollars, and they have em
ployed regularljavrom one to two hundred
hands. The new tariff bill, if it should become
a law, will very seriously affect these manhfac
turers, and will probably compel these wort
to cease operations entirely." 'Indeed, the man
ager of one of these works said to me a few days
ago that under the proposed, tariff. bill, iron
could not be manufactured in East Tennessee at
all. There is now accumulated fronT twenty to
thirty thousand dollars' 'worth of metal, which
it is impossible to sell at remunerative prices
... . ' . - . ' ' ... ; v -....
until it is ascertained, what disposition will, be
made of the pending tariff bill. "
Greene county farmers and 'mechanics havo
been very slow to appreciate'the importance of
organization. On last Monday, it beiug County
Court day, a meeting was ..held at 'the court
hoUse for the purpose 'of jjaking the prelimi
nary steps looking to the organization of a Far
mers ana jn.ecnamcs; . Association, it seemea,
though, that the farmers, who have studiously
tracked the footsteps of their fathers and grand
fathers, without any improvement and uncon
Ecious of the fact that the world moves,- looked
upon the concern with suspicion, a though
they took it to be a catch-pe'nny trap of the
sharpers. , The professional men, who aro able
to do nothingbut talk, entered into the work
with commendable zeal, and a few of our enter
prising farmers gave to it their' hearty-1 endorse
ment, and to these last we must look for the
success or failure of the enterprise.
' a
To the Yetera of Knox County.
Fellow-Citizens: Believing that I received a plu
rality of the legal votes cast in the late election for
Trustee in your County, and Capt James S.
Boyd having deceived a certificate of election
from thfr-Coy TaxxfvissimiXt
propter to,-"" th him the right to hold the
CoiUity Cl h after one dav's delibera
tion, aeciaea, . we consent of Capt Boyd
and myself, th Jie election should be declared
void, and ordered another election, to be held on
Saturday, 14th instant I am a candidate before
the people for re-election, r I have held the office
lor two years, and nave always' endeavored to
discharge the duties thereof with honestv and
fidelity. I thank my" friends for support in the
past, and respectfully solicit a, continuance of
their favors. The people must judge between
my competitor and myself, and to their decision
win graceiuuy suomii.
H. L. W. Mynatt.
Dress and Bonnet Makers.
All kinds of fashionable Drees and 'Bonnet
making. Bonnet bleached and Dressed. All
work promptly attended to. and warranted to
give satisfaction.
Residence, M. E. Parsonage, Bellevuest, North
Knoxville., r t , r- l tmay 3-dCt -
Ice! Icelf Ice!!!. - '"'
Cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best.
at Williams & Wright's, Gay street, opposite
M. Nelson's.. '. 1 ; ' it .Q.-.'.vJ ? dtf.;;
Hon. Gustavus A. Henry is seriously ill
at his home in Clarksville. , . ? . -
- Specimen copies of the Chronicle tent free
upon application.
Attempt at Suicide. An Italian nam
ed Delacela, attempted to shoot himself in
Memphis Monday night. ? The ball from
II. 2 A. . 1 A 1 I- A 1 Jl u a . J
mepisioi emereujust aoove me leu oreasi,
and ranged downward, following the ribs,
inflicting u severe and painful wound. All
lor love. .
Col. J. G. Roach. Representative in the
present Legislature from the counties of
Carroll, Gibson, Henry and MadiHon, died
at nis residence a rew tlays since or con
In answer to numerous calls, we are authorized and
requested to announce the name of E. T. II ALL as a
candidate for re-election to the office of Circuit Judge
of this J udicial Circuit, at the ensuing August election
We are authorized to announce R. B. DOWELL as a
candidate for Attorney General of the Third Circuit,
subject to the decwion of a Republican Convention
april20-tf "
We are authorized and requested to announce the
name of V. K. YOUNG as a candidate for Circuit
Judge in the Third Judicial Circuit CElcctioh on the
1st Thursday in Auru.-f XiJL1 -Upril 20-tf
We are authorized to announce Hon. 0. P. TEMPLE
as a candidate for re-election as Chancellor of the 8tfi
Chancery Divi-ion of Tennessee.1 ap 13-tde"'
We are authorized and requested to. announce Hon.
T. A. R, NELSON as a candidate for Supreme Court
Judge from the Eastern Division.-, The election is to ba
held the first Thursday in August, and two Judges from
each ofthe three divisions of the State are to be elect
ed, april 13-tde
In response to the published call of membcra of the
Bar, in various counties of East Tennessee, and numer
ous solicitations of friends, I hereby announce myself
as a candidate for the Bench ef the Supreme Court of
the State. ap!3-tde Jas. W. Dmdf.bick.
We are authorized and requested to announce C. W.
JONES aa a candidate for re-election to the office of
County Judge, made vacant by ..the aJoptien of the
New Constitution. . april 6-tde j
KnoxTille Quoistions otJS.6tj : and ' Slocks.
; Orricx KiroxTTLLB Cheokiclb,
! Thursday, May 9, 1870. j
The quotationsof Government Bonds thus far
this month have changed hot little, (the redac
tion of 3 centd on the issue of '62, !64 and '65 be
ing caused" by the payment of the six months
interest 4ue4hq first), while the latter part of
April J they Advanced from 3 to 5 cents. The
week ending 'April 30th was cno of great activi
ty on the Stock Exchange iu' 'New York.., Gov
ernment Bonds were the great feature of the
market Heretofore the purchases have been
made almost entireiy for investment They are
beginning, however, to attract. the attuntkm. ol
speculators, who have commenced buying for
the purpoio -holding largo lots for higher
pricei Lnst'year.lSCs were' soiling over 1-25,
and 18)7's oyer 1.23. r The money which would
naturally havbeen invested in 'theialaat Janu-
hrf but -for the-Uuturbances of public confi
denctf brib e mtrodnction of Bout well' a ,Fund
ing bill into Congress, has been held over, and
now, when all probability of the passage of it
has been : removed, this uninvested . capital,
which has been increasing daily, is being invest
ed in Government Bonds as fast as they are 'of
fered, while the amount'of these bonds placed
permanently out f the market has been in
creasing much .fter..,, Bond,, therefow
scarce, aim in aliort supply, .Ihe rollowing
fetatement (eatimated) of how Jthe national debt
is held, will throw considerable light on the fu
ture course of the bond market
Total? amount of Govern-
ment bonded debt SirJO.OUO.OOl)
Amounts held m fcarope,....., 1.2uo,kjo,0(k A n ,
In Sinking Fund..
Banking ltep't at Washing-"
ton too.onn.flno
With permanent investors,... loO.OOO.OOO
v u k.nv ...
truat and other financial
companies, - j.
Total 6 mount of bonds nnae
. counted for,.............. ,
90,000,000 S15W)0.000
Out of this balance of $150,000,000, which we
will suppose are in the market the government
will .probably buy and cancel during the re
mainder ofthii year; $75, 000, 000. ..If Europe
takes the usual amount, say $80,000,000, then
the prices must advance to very high figures to
induce investors to sell.
Correct lon made by Exchange and Depedtt
v Haas, Mjr ri.
U.S.tof "81 1.1.1
E T k Oa R R B"ndV.tjO3
Knoxville City Bonds A7
" eoarons,.?5
Knox County Bond., 75
Bhmnt " 60
" eoapoii....J,0
Anderson Co. Bonds, r
, " . Co. coupoKaj.-.W)
Hawkins Co. Bomb,&)!$60
ty-Ma r2. Itrt senea 1.10
5-20a '64, 2d eenea, 1.09
r tt- - O J - ... . Mt;
5-20s65,'67,'68, new,...1.12
10-IOa. ex int ...1.07li
lens. Konds, oia, dv
new bi
couDons.past due. .to
ClAValtK JJondj",...
Co. eonnons....
...20 1 E T A Va R R Stock 20
fiol.L good lots 1.12 I Silver, rod lots. 1.07
Bank of Tcnn, old.. .65170
Bank of Chattanooga 04
Bank of West Tens., ......23
Traders' Bank, .. &
Planter' Bank. .5
Union Bunk. .58
MOk, war of 1HL2,
120 " " :.:
Buying, $170
" 125
40 " """"Z!"!ZZH"
160, not war of 1812, ......
x 85
Om XpMlunt 9,cr 3. V
Un Dublin.
.... 5.75
vu a niiot v' uauvt ....
On Germany, Berlin. V thaler.
On m " Frankfort. guilder..
1 oreign Exchange for sale only at Exchange and
On Paris. 'f franc,
ueposu XHIDK. ' . - .A
On New York.
, Selling, J Vc.
On Louisville,...,
On Nashville
On Baltimore,...
2 XL.
Knoxville Wholesale Market.
lit view of the Market for the week etwting
Monday May y, isjo. .
Corn very scarce and in great demand : worth
1-174 to 1.20, sacked in depot ; shippers charging
221 to 1.25 per bushel by the car load.
The bacon market fairly active at 14 to 141 :
from wagons ; packed and delivered in depot,
15 to 151 for hoe round: clear sides, tracked. 17
win, snouiaers, ioj to it . -,
Lard, none on the market ; worth 17 to 18 from
ilourhrm at previous Quotations: onlv a l.-
cal demand prevails.
Wheat, but little offering, and no demand for
shipment. The growing wheat crop promises
iavoraoie. vats not aomg so well. Tne fruit
crop promises well.' ' "We are- therefora honeful
for the future, and anticiData a rjlentiful harvest
ana prosperous iraae. . . - ,.,r ;
vv heat Aemana ior iiea active and firm at
- CoKX-Sllimr bv tha cmr U.J t -11 I
. O w W OTA.
uats jtieceipts ngnt. rnme black for seed
loub Jlarket steady and uiet. Good
brands of Family sell at $2.853.0O, and Eitra
at ?z. oitg,z. o, py we quantity. -
, mCsV&Y7, 3 Hof. 'ound, 'well smoked,
i-uoi-uc; viear oiues, idc. -tjut lew sales.
Eabd Market quiet Frime Leaf 17fel3c.
FEATHERS-iDuIl; Prime, 5660c. . ? -
tocsTRT R0DrcE Butter 30c lb. Po
tatoes 5i.we,i-&a Jiapia Sugar, 10,-JOc.
Eggs, 121 15c. r
Poultrv Cliickens, 2025c Turkeys C0
SEEDVCIover ',$11.00; i Timothy; $5.50
6.00. -;; . "yr : - -
Beef Cattle Sfarketouietl and ktenriv
anIulf cattle'4i(51c- i inferior., irregular
Hay Demand auiet. with KtivV fnlT Tr;m-
Timothy and Herd Grass, baled. 41 'k-
l,,-'. r...., 1-,) .Cl CYn lie
Plaster Market ..well t supplied.-- Fresh !
grouna, p tag- or ajlb.UU Q ton.-1 .
KuoxTffle' Retail HarkcC ;
Bitter But tittle offered. Cnoice Vings 5c 1.:
Vegetables Onions. drimL nn-iJ itr ta t
ikwct. v wiiwoi . l urn l Ml. urt. -cw. . n.i.
-r "PiTf-Inion. V doaelt, SOWS Apple 9 peck.
PorLTtY Turkent BDwiri nn nuir. kam
MCTT05-1 ., 12c.
Pobk-H B., 1215c. . ,., , . , ' :
Bacon Ham. t th.. ifta-xw fihnnij.'" ia3.,:
Sidea. 18029. . T"""
SArsAOB-trwh. 5., lfic. ; bologna, 15c.;'
Ibipi e D)., ec'i.i . x ' '
Pigs' Fkkt " doaen. 30e. - ' . r . .
VrvTonv TTnma u IK ioi .
Flour Familv. Rank. a q r . x-. m
1i2l'tetkIV8irjeuta,810a: ayl0-w4t-pf 5 ' ' ' ."V Bhenff: .
MEAL-1 bushelr f 10. -
; Market by Telegraph.
: j Jfcw.Tork Hau-ket. , , j '
; Nxir Yoar, Mav 10. Stocks strong. Money
6(6. Exchange, long 1.091 ; short, 1.91. Gold,
l.M. Tennessee ex-coupwns, Wi ; new, 64J.
Virginia ex-coupons,- 69 ; new, TO. Louisiana,
old. 76 ; levee sixes, T2i ; eights, 90. Alabama
eights, 1.06. Georgia - eixea, 94; sevens, 94;
North Carolina, old, 7t; new 23t South
Carolina, old, 90.1 rr; 5 .r: ; ?
-Flour oalO centa better. Wheat la2 centa
better. Corn 1 cent better. - Pork steady ; mess
$29.23. , Lard quiet, 16ial6i. Cotton quiet and
steady, 23ia23. Sales SOU bales. Turpentine
steady, 4Hat2. Rosin quiet; strained $2.10.
Freighta quiet -
; mayS-dtf ' -
A. BARTON, Arent.
1 1 1 - Chancery gale.
Minarva Hawea. administratrix ef Wm. H. Uaderwmjd.
if?1 tae widow, heirs and creditors of Wm.
II. toderwood. doeeased. -
carr Court at Clareland. Trnniaui
tha abova stated caaaa at tho Febraanr term. 1870 I
win. on the 7th DA Y OF J VX& aeitxVow to
lie sale, to the highest bidder, en the premiaes, tm
credit of six months, in bar of the equity of redemption
a eertam lot m the city of Xnozrille, Tennence. lyina
r" " -! r, T'uir, n inB a iot A am-
I aa laid down in tha nl&n oruil i. .
bvSneed. Kina k. Co.. froni m felT." "V?
jtreet, and running back one hundred and fart mVa!
naiiRettoen alley. JNota and good security will be
required of the purchaser, bearing interest fromdau
a lien will be retained on the lot I it the purchase mil
ney. mayl-wlw - - A.J. WHlffl. C. A M
tasced from the Cirroit Court nt t
neesee. and directed to the 8briff nfniH Mn.,'r .r
eeU for cash io hand, ia front ef thy court honse ia
aiiwfuis, va pawnu;, mu amj ei June, 1870, all the
rif ht. title, claim, interest and demand that Sterling
LKaf".'n? l? certaia e.n of
rathe 8th District of KnoironntT Trnn
lands of R. Wood and others, te aatiafy a judgment in
etaK . . ; , . V. 1 (JOSSIrTT.?h4ff '
mayI0-wlt-pf3 ; ,
issued from the Circuit Court of Knn M.t. T.
neesee, and directed to the Sheriff of said county, I will
sell for cash ia hand, in front of the court house in
knoxville. on Saturday, 11th day of June, loTO. all the
right, title. Interest, claim and demand that James B.
fimu iuw in inu m cerwn tract or parcel of land, ly
ing and situates in the 17th Civil District of Kaox
connrr, containing one hundred acres more or lees, and
adioisina the lands of F. Neubert and nthm Uni .
as the property ef James B. Nail, to satisfy a judgment
in favor of James M. Pratt.
maylO-wtt-plj y. F. GOSSETT. eheriff.
maeu inn lam urcuii vourtoi Knox rnnnt. T.
t. and directed to the Sheriff of aaii mnm, 't jh
axpuae to sale, to the highest bidder, for cash in haed.
u uvm vi iuv vvu. v jivubq in jvDoiriiie, on Daturaar
Uth day of J una. 1S70. all the right, title, interest, claim
and demand that O. II. Cnppen nas in and to a certain
tract or a-srcal of laud situated in the 5th Civil District
of KltOX Count?. Tenn.. containing nna hnrulnl . w,A
fifty acres, more or Jess,, and adjoining the lands of D.
roust. D.JI. Wood and others, levied oa aa the aro-
perty fO. Cnppen. to aatiefy a judgment ia favor of
J. L. Cnppen, far the use of Suanah llerren rn. R. I.
Wood et al. V. F. GOSSETT. Shenff
mayl0-w-pf5 .
issued from the Circuit Court ef Knox anuntv. T..
Bessee, and directed to the Sheriff ofaaid county. I will
sell for eaea ut hand, in front of the court hone in
Knoxrilla en Saturday, the 11th day of June, 1870, all
the right, title, claim, interest and demand that Daniel
1. and John Smith hava in and to a certain tract er
parcel oflaad. situated in the 17th Cir il District of Kaox
county. Tenn., containing oaa hundred a-re. more or
less, aod adjoining, tne Uada of iohu aC riumlee, Vf al
lacj Monday, heirs and others, to aatisfy a judgment
in favor of John Underwood vs. Daniel B. and John
Smith. . V; F. GOSSETT. KK-sr
kued from the Circuit Court nf ITiv t
nweee, and directed to the Sheriff of said county. I will
! sell for cash in hand, in front of the court house in
Knoxville, on baturday. the 11th day of June. 1870, one
house and lot in KnoxvilU. hnnnri n k. l
Patton street, and on the north bv Pine .tTt k-
fbyihend80Js?n"iFlnton',nd' f south by
the Unds of Joseph Black: levied oa aa the property of
Andrew KWd, to satisfy a judgment in farorof John C.
Childa vs. Andrew Kidd. V, F. GOSSETT. Sheriff.
mm.) i-wt-ijj
issued from the Circuit Court nf Ki,....i. t '
aessee, and directed to the Sheriff ofaaid county. I will
sell for cash in hand, in front of the court house ia
Knoxville, on Saturday, 11th day of June, 1870. aU the
by the lands of A. Renter. J. H iit m.- t t cuV.
rod and ot hers, to satiefy a judgment in fvr of James
2?J!2' H. V-SUL V. F. G0SSTT, Sheriff.
issued from the Circuit Court of Knn rnnnt, t.
nessee, and toue directed, I will sell for cash in band. '
in front of the court hotma in KnnTiilla nn c i-
the Uth day of June. 1870. all th ri.ht J;n. ri
terest and demand that 0. 11. Crippea has in andto a " '
tr?& ' VKl of land, situated ia the 5th Civil
Distnct of Kaox county, adjoining the lands of Mooes
lOX aaa otnera. eontaimn tmntM
lees, to sat isfy a judgment in favor of J. R. Draper, for '
.mayl0-w4t-pf5 V. F. GOSSETT. Sheriff, .
X?ZZxZlJ?Sa-"a- Of
the court house in Kanxvill An Knwl..'.t..ii.u j.-
of June, 1870. the undivided interest Sterling Booker
has in and to a certain tract, or pareel of land, situated
and Tina in the 8th CWil Dirtrt f v IT
! the Beaver Creek Valley, and. adjoining the lands of
S ..eww7 nd oP to aatisfy ajudginent in favor
of William Legerwood vs. Sterling Booker.
mayia-wft-p5 V. F. G0SSTT. Sheriff, s
isaued from the Circuit Court of Kaox county, Ten
nessee, and to me directed, I will sell for cash in hand, -ia
front of tha eoart hnum in k'nn...'ii. ... .
SSVJrtMRO.Iyuif and situated in the 17th Civil
DiatrKtof Knox county, adjomimr the lands of B. W - "
Armstrong. Cary a heirs, and others, to satisfy a judg
ment favor of J. J. Crawford vs. P. Terryet aL .
"7 - vaw.a w woiw UatB ID aimi in . aaa.
waxu-wn-FtA . v. uufctfiixi, Sheriff.
issued from the Circuit Cnn r v-- '
pessee, and to ma directed, I will sell for cash in hand!
u irwui orin court nouse in Knoxville, oa SatardaT
r!l".M?0yMlrcel f hind, situated in the 5th CWl
.,Vrr. .71 " '"r .'ru nas in ana to a
Wiiium. iiZ .-a. -J1ZL:"V? Z"11 vate
mS llTM. nti ulininin .k. 1.-J . TO -nt
loeea Cox aa
amuel Legerwood vs. 0. II. Crippen et al.
mayi-w,pf5 V. F. GOSSETT. Sheriff!
issued from the Circnit cCnti f vZLi 3tS2?'
and to me directed. I will sell for caahia hand
i?,?i,t of ,th eowt howe in Knoxville, on Saturdar
eff?H1f & aU tb Utle, claiSt?:
est and demand that Horace Foster haa in and to a cer
Uin tract of land, situated in the 17th CivU District of
cVSW V5? Tnd-iSnT
srr. ? J:ffl- th.
issued from the Circnit rwvt .y4.At
nessea. and to me directed. TOi Sfiyvt3T:
. j'j - nguu uue. ciauns. lnter-
IVA'XSSrStF 4? K?h hag in and to a Fouia
mj;. uimvBu ctaiui inn uemana mat a. u. Clift
na in and to a certain tract or parcel of land, lying in
the lath Dint of Ifnn. t.- 7 ilitr, "J
rn i .V.;f" ; xi- crown ana Abranam

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