THE DAILY CHRONICLE, KNOXVILLE, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1882. 4 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1882. WANTS. Board or Boarders Wanted Houses for Kent or Sale or Wanted Stolen, Lost or Found Ilorses, Carriages or other Property for Sate, for Hire or Wanted Cook, Laborers or Homes Wanted Situations Wanted. Notices of Wants, not exceeding jire lines, inserted in this column at the following rates: 25 cents a day; $1.00 a week; 2.00 a month; $4.00 a quarter. WANTED. "T7 ANTED Purchasers fcr the freshest T Jelly Cake, Pound Cake, Fruit Cake, and White Cake, also an assortment of fresh Trench and American Candies and Nuts of All kinds. Jso. B. Ricabdi, Agent, Comer Gay and Church streets. "1 1 7 ANTED Mr. Warren Dodge, corner V of Broad and Jackson streets, wants orders for parrots and other rare birds. dec26d3m WJ ANTED To buy 500 acres of cheap V V land, suitable for sheep raising. Ad dress J. II. Armstrong, Huntington. Ind. dec29d6t fOB SALE. FOE SALE At retail; wild ducks, fresh oysters, fish and game at W. H. Bur roughs', west aide Market Square. dec31tf. FOE SALE Seven dwelling houses, in Mechanicsville. Prices from $350 to $750. Apply at this office. FOE SALE Five dwelling houses, in northwest Knoxville, on Dail street. Prices from $650 to $2,300. Apply at this office. FOE SALE. A fine farm in Jefferson Countv. Two miles from Mossy Creek. Nearlv all "bottom land. Mill seat. 1,800 bushels from 22 acres this year. Address this office. declOdtf FOE SALE A number of desirable Buildirg Lots, on Clinton Pike, ad joining corporation line. Apply to Wm. Clotwortht, decl4d3mos. P. O Box 17L OE SALE A fine lot of Christmas To j s and choice Fruits, such as Apples, Oranges, Lemons and Bananas in their season. Jso. B. Eicabdi, Agent, Cor. Gav and Church streets. FOR KtM. 1yOR Bf NT Store Houe, on Gay street, in McGhee Block. Possession given January 1. 1&83. E. Cbaighzad, Agt. dec28dtf. LOCAL JOTTIJ.GS. The very finest Visiting Cards and New Year Cards at the Chbonicle Office. The merchant who wit-hes to reach the people in the country, will advertise in the weekly Kepublican Chbonicle. Dr. W. C Bowman, the great Southern orator, will commence his course of five lectures 'X uday nipht, Jan. 2d, 1883. At the Turners' ban. Gay 6treet, Knoxville, Tenn., on ;he subject iA "Social, Political, Moral and Eeligious Eeform, Atheism its Cause and Cure." 1883. ERCHAf TS will find at C0WANt McCLWNGCD.'S New and Desirable Lines of Fresh Goods in every Depart ment, embracing Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes and Hats, at Lowest Eastern Prices. . To the Stockholder of the Street Kallroad Company. Tbe annual meeting of the stockholders of the Knoxville Street Kailroad Company will be held at their office, in this city, be tween the honrs of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m., on Monday, January 8th, 1883, T. L. B. Beamxn, decl9d20t Sec. and Treas. TO C0UXTY OFFICERS. Bear in mind that make all kinds of Blank Books, Court Records, Tax Books, Assessor's Books, and eTery thing needed in the offices of the dif ferent Clerks; also, that we make them as good as they can be made anywhere East or West, and at prices as low as anybody will make them and furnish good material. Send ns your orders, and we guarantee satis faction in every respect. THE CHROXHLE COMPANY. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so ickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We gnar se it. 'JL YOU SUFFEE with Dyspepsia and t Complaint? Shiloh's Vitaiizer is guaranteed to cure you. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible coush. Shiloh's cure is the remedy for yon. CiTAKHH CUBED, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Eem edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. FOK LAM BACK, Side or Chest, use Bhi'oh's'r rous Plaster. Price 25 cents. SHIL S COTJBi and Consumption Cure jj-oj. Jjy us on a guarantee. It cures con-aati'-n. SHILOH'S VITALIZEE is what yon need for Constipate iS of APP1' IizF' neerjd all symptoms of Djspepsia, Price 10 ckLtB and 75 cents per bottle. CliOUP, WHOOPING COUGH end Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Wholesale Agents Chapman, White, Ltoss & Co.; Eetail Geo. W. Albums, Market Square. Dr. CH. C. THOMPSON, OFFICE: Corner of Clinch nod Gay Htreets. Up Stairs in Foucbe Block, KNOXVILLE, TENN. Exclusive Attention Given to the ment of Diseases of the Creat WOMB, OVARIES, RECTUM, genito- URINARY ORGANS. MI'FIVE HOCUS: TO MERCHANTS. Go to Condon Bros., for Sil ver Brick Soap, Olive Soap and Napkin Soap. Personal. Mr. A. O. Eoehl gave our office a pleas ant call yesterday and subscribed for the daily Chbonicle. He intends reopening his school in Mechanicsville Monday, Jan. 1st. He deserves a good attendance of pupils. Mr. Sam. Armstrong, with McClung, Powell & Co., came down yesterday from Eogersville. Mr. W. P. Tinsley, sn architect of our city, returned from a trip up the road yea-, terday. - . . " Dr. Alex. Caldwell, representative from Jefferson County, passed through the city yesterday en route to Nashville. " Miss Lula Moffet, of Russellville, ia in the city visiting friends and relatives. Miss Birdie McMillan, of McMillan's Sta tion, is in the city. Mr. J. H. Nichols, who has been with Cowan, MeClurg & Co., for a consid erable length of time, left yesterday for Baltimore where he goes to accept a posi tion with J. Whitehall fe Co., as traveling salesman. Mr. James Wallace, of Twinville, in this county, left yesterday for New Market, where he goes to attend school. Hon. Xen. Wheeler left yesterday for points below. Prof. Peter Bartlett, of Maryville Col lege, was over yesterday. Mr. W. B. Lenoir, of Lenoir's, is in the city. Mr. W. D. Peters, with the Tribune, came up from Athens yesterday, where he had been taking Christmas. Miss Lizzie Knabe ame up from Athens yesterday, where she has been visiting friends. Mr. C. M. Eeed, bridge builder of the K. i O. B. E., was in town yesterday. Dr. J. A. Goddard, one of the most prom inent phy-icians of Morris town, was in the city yesterday, and left on the evening train for his home. Miss Pu lie Knox went out home on the K. & O. yesterday. Mr. Alex. Williams, cf Blrunt County, was over yesterday replenishing his stock of gocds after the holiday sales. Miss Ella Hopkins arrive i on the early train this morning from Bristol, where she has been spending the holidays very pleas antly with relatives and friends. He had jnst returned from his summer vacation, and describing the beauties of mountain scenery to a lady friend, he ask ed: '-Have you ever seen the Cats kill mountains?" and she answered: "No! but I have seen the Bulls-cough-syrup.'" Good Business for Sale. An old-established, paying lsiness, for sale on reasonable terms. Address Box 225, Knoxville, Tenn. dec312w Mechanicsville School. Mr. Alex. O. Eoehl will open his school, in Mechanicsville, next Monday, January 1st. 1883. He would be pleased to see all his fonuor scholars, back again, and as many more as can come. An old Sandy Hook pilot, Mr. Peter Bai ley, residing on Court street, South Brock, lyn, New York, was cured of a very sevtre case of rheuma-ism by St Jacobs OiL His ailment had resisted all professional treat -"lent. - otice. The firm of Dismukes & Thomas is dis solved by mutual consent, Litton Thomas retiring. The business will be conducted at the same sUni by the undersigned, who will collect a 1 debts due to the old firm. Sam. C. Dismukes fc Co Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 30, 1882. Thanks. The Chbonicle : I would beg leave to return, through your valuable paper as a matter of justice and well-merited praise onr hearty thanks to the kind friends who have rejoiced us during the late Christmas time by their many and valuable gifts of things good to eat, wear and admire rang ing frm a $50 " Singer " machine down to the Christmas card with its message of beauty and kindliness. May they al. have rich joy and blessing in the gifts of our Loving Father those gifts whose worth is beyond computation in dollars and cents. J. G. Schaxdt. Intending purchasers of Pokd's Extbact cannot take too much precaution to pre vent substitution. Some druggists, trad ing upon the popularity of this great Fam ily Beinedy, attempt to palm off other preparations, unscrupulously asserting them to be "the same as" or "equal to" POND'S EXTEACT, indifferent to the de ceit practiced upon and disappointment thereby caused to the purchaser, so long as larger profits accrue to themselves. Always insist on having Pond's Extract. Take no other. Sold in bottles only; never by measure. Mensnian's Peptonized Beer Tonic, the only preparation of beef containing its entire nutritious properties. It contains blood-making, force-generating and life- sustaining properties; invaluable for Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, nervous prostration, and all forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, over- work, or acute disease, particularly if result ing from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, IIazasd & Co.. Proprietors, New York. Sold by druggists. COAL ! BESTluMP COAL i Buy your Coal from the Eas Tennessee Coal Co. Orders sent by Telephone No. 84 Office with Jno. M. Brooks & Co.. Gav Street. Yard at South end of Jacksboro St. Show Cases! Factory PriceI at A. D. DUXHAR'S. Ttlacfc Crape and Crape Yeils, Fine tyisity, Try cheap, to close, at A. U.DUSBAK'S. Fancy leathers, Wings and Breasts, almost glTu away, at A. D. DUXBAK'S. Corsets! H&dqUarters at Va. D. DUX BAB'S. Black Kid Giov Foster's fa tent, at A. DUNBAR'S. Europe signifies a county 0f wnite com plexion. The color of EsteAooi's pens is generally bronze, to protectXjjem from rust. m . Oysters at Schubert's. NELSON'S Dry Goods and Carpet House Now and always on hand, a complete st X'k of Staple Dry Goods, Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings in all widths, Tickings, Table Linens and Napkins. Tow els, Flannels, Be pe Hants, Blankets, Comfortables, Counterpanes. mat? nelsoij & co. LT SPECIAL TO THE CHROXICIE. Smallpox Near Mossy Creek. A special to the Chbonicle yesterday from Mossy Crock states that there were two new cases of smallpox at that place since last report No. deaths. Has broken out in no new families. Jno. Brown's son, 1 J miles above New Market, is not expected to live; also, Harvey Harrison, colored, at Hati, is lying at the point of death. Signed Z. T. Goodwin, J. P. Bhoton, J. M. Ashmobe, S. L. Ellis, W. T. Ross ELL, J. C. J0H580N, N. S. MoAnless, Commissioners. J. C. Ambrose, Memphis, 6ays: "My wife suffered from dyspepsia and nervous debili y, and Brown's Iron Bitters alone relieved her." HOTKL AKK1VALS. The following were registered at i i Schubert's Hotl yesterday : C. H. Smith, Graveston; Wm, A. Jcnes, Morristown; W. V. Lacy, Muddy Creek; Isaac Sharp, England; Jc el Bean, Califor nia; J. S. Crary, jr., Charlestrn; J. M. Moore', W. O. Handel, C. L. Kingtley. J. A. haker, K. & O. E. E.; James F. Beals, Friendsville; Dr. Joel Smith, T. L. Craig, Coal Creek; Eoy S. Hanna, Maryville; E. f rue, Eochester, Indiana. Horse ford's Acid Phosphate, Mental and Bodily Exhaustion, etc. Dr. G. Kaiseb, Indianapolis, Ind.; says: I have prescribed it for dyspepsia, im- potency and mental and bodily exhaustion, and in all cases it has given general satis faction. Splendi-t Day for the Public Library Tes te rd ay. The number of visitors to the Public Li brary yesterday were between two hundred and twenty-five and two hundred and fifty persons. This is even larger than the ordi- arily large Saturday number of visitors, and a most encouraging sign. . Our library now a progressive institution, ar d we j want to see its progress grow steadily. One hundred and ten books were taken out and returned, a fact which forms a standard by which to judge the reading onpMj- citizens. Knoxville is considered a 1: h t p.rji rv city, aua OUT Ir llOilC .uiorary naa made her If tit Vp by Fine Teeth the plainest face becomes attractive. Although ordirary dentifrices prove inef fectual to whiten and improve the health of j the teeth, SOZODONT is adequate to the task and does it thoroughly, besides banish ing from the Dreatn an onensive smeii. Teeth strengthened and purified by SOZO DONT are not only whiter but chew, better than others. As the teeth improve through its use, eating becomes a delightful indul gence instead of a penalty. Webster says "Nonpareil" means haviog no equal, and such is Fobs & Schneider's 'Nonpareil" Export Lager. For sale at Cli as. Kohlhase's. A Correction. In the issue of the daily Chronicle, of December 27th, regarding the article rela tive to the treatment of Mr. Wm. Ka-afang, it would appear that the article in question reflected somewhat upon Dr. Joel Smith's professional attendance. In juBtice to all. I will say right here that Mr. Smith amputa ted the leg above the ankle. He was as sisted by Dr. Cardin and Dr. L Jones Price. The amputation was well aud skillfully per formed. But for various reasons tne stump did not do well. Dr. Smith did not see the case again until another operation was deemed necessary in order to save the life f the patient. Mr. Kasafang was under the care of some one else. But Drs. Smith and Price did not see the case until another am putation was necessary. When Dr. Price amputated above the knee he was assisted by Drs. Smith and (Jaroin. Mr. . nasaiang is recovering rapidly. S. If you are annoyed by your rubber, steel or shell Eye-Glasses breaking, you can put yourself out of misery, and save expense, by purchasing a pair of Celluloid Eye- Glasses. For sale by all leading Jewelers and Opticians. We keep on hand a fall line of stock for all sorts of Commercial Printing, at the Chronicle Office. Call for the new patent laced shirts at Heaets'. Men's suits for five dollars, worth seven, at Beams'. Men's and very cheap at boys' Eeversible Overcoats Heaets'. Suits to please all tastes reach of all purses at and within the Heaj&ts'. A fresh invoice of Boys' Clothing, just received at Heaets'. Those that know nothing about the value of clothing, ray no more than those that know it thoroughly, at Heaets' Underwear of standard qualities cheaper than elsewhere, at Hiabxs1 The best Overcoats for the lowest prices, at Heaets'. Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Cash Books and all kinds of Blank Books made at the Chronicle Bindery. Wanted, By a live, energetic man, with capital, an interest m bokk well-established business. For farther information apply at this ofiice. dec28d4t We hate on hand a Vfllltlrnl assort. ment of 'ew-Tear and fa. n A complete stock of Car pets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Bugs and all kinds of floor covering. Largest stock. Newest Styles, Lowest Prices. Carpets made and put down on the shortest notice. U OVER THE STATE. The funding board received Thursday $60,000 of old bonds to be funded. There are 400 wires running into the cen tral office of the Nashville telephone ex change. Eoley Stanford, sent to the penitentiaiV, in July, 1879, from Fentress County, has been pardoned by the Gevernor. A yonng man took sick in the Nashville jail Wednesday. He proves to have con j fluent smallpox, and was carried from the i jail to the pest-house. j It is said that of the 400 members of the : Chattanooga Colored Birthday Association, i 399 had their birthdays in December, and ueariy au or tnat number came on Christ mas day. William Peebles, a farmer, aged 45, a bachelor, committed suicide Thursday morning by shooting himself through the head. He lived on Buel's farm. Tempo rary aberration of mind from strong drink was the cause. Dr. McSeynolds received a request yes terday from Eiceville for nurses to attend to the smallpox cases three miles from that town. There are six cases at Gettis' Facto ry, and great excitement prevails. Chatta nooga Times (yesterday.) Maj Alfred Gardner, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Dresden. , seventy-eight years of age, died on the 24th inst. Major Gardner served as a member of the lower house of the State Legislature for two years, immediately succeeding the adoption of the constitution of 1834, and ,; was also sheriff of his county for several ; terme. He was a faithful representative, ; an efficient officer and an excellent citizen, j The Legislature meets at Nashville next ! Monday New Year's Day. The same j thing happened under somewhat different j circumstances just seven years befora The i Legislature that elected Andrew Johnson : United States Senator, after a desperate j struggle, and over fifty bailots, met and r j ganized on New Year's Day, 1875. Some of the same old members will be on hand this time, and many of the influential out- BiuitiH wui ue on nana as men. iuempnis Ledger. In the 11th senatorial district, the returns first elected Dr. H. M. Colquit, of Overton, by three majority. The Doctor had hardly smoothed the smile out of his cheeks when Bob Cox, of Clay, discovered an error of ten in his favor in Macon County. Bob, thereupon, jumped on the fence rider and crowed lustily. The Doctor then began to run his nose among the figures, and now nas discovered an error of ten in his favor m riCKei younty. ana again ins face is j oicmucu iii eumes. now roo is smei- ling among the returns from the other counties, unat tne upsnot of this see-saw now-you-see-it and-now-you-dou't-business no man can tell. Bob is a fellow hard to get nu of. WeknosUnax Nashvile, on Tuesday, was filed the bill of Eobert Harp vs. the Book Agent of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The complaiuant substantially sets forth that he is a mini ter of the gospel and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; that the above corporation established a branch house at New Orleans, La., in 1857, that was known as the New Orleans deposi tory of the publishing house, or branch house; further, that in November, 1865, complainmt took charge of the above con cern at New Orleans, being employed by the defendants from then until July, 1880. He claims 25,000 for balance on salary and for advances made to the house during that time. Dr. W. W. Estell, a prominent evangelist of the Cumberland Presbyterian Chnrch, a well known and hignly esteemed citizen or Chattanooga, died very suddenly Thursday morning. He fell ill Saturday, and at the time remarked to his daughter that he was threatened with congestion of the brain. He improved rapidly, however, and was much better on Monday, and on Tuesday felt so well that he accepted an invitation to preach next Sunday in a neighboring town. He continued to improve and Thursday morning ate a hearty breakfast in his room and chatted pleasantly with his daughter. When he finished she noticed a pallor suddenly overspreading his face, and hastily left the room to summon assistance. and when she returned life was extinct. The physicians think heart disease was the immediate cause of death. Dear Bro. Meek, Ed. "The Central Meth odist," Catlettsburg, Ky. I see in the last "Central" that you want remedy for sick headache. If you will use a remedy that you advertise in your pa per every week, I am sure you will be great ly benefitted thereby and, I be'ieve, cured. have been a sufferer from sick headache, can say almost from infancy, and hare tried every remedy I could get, and never found anything to do me any good until I used Simmons Liver Eegulator, prepared by J. H. Zeilin & Co. I feel for any one that suffers with that terrible disease, and I hope you will give it a trial. C. S. Morris, Brownsville, W. Va. The Eepubucan Chbonicle is now one of the best weekly advertising mediums in the State. Our circulation is over 2,000 larger than any paper ever published in this city. CHEAP HOUSES FOB SALE. Eleven Dwelling Houses in Mechanics- Tille. Prices : From $300 to 82,100. Terms: One-half Cash; balance in 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. These Houses will be sold rery cheap Titles perfect and warranted. Property is improving very fast in the neighborhood. Call on or address W. L. TRENT, at the Chronicle Office, Knoxrille, Tenn Oysters at Schubert's. Put your advertisement in our weekly and the people all over this beautiful Valley of East Tennessee will read it. CENTRAL COAL, CO Mlneis and Dealers in COAL CREEK. LUMP COAL. Coal furnished by the car load. We de liver coal promptly to the city trade. Office, Fouche Block, Clinch street, Ad dress E. E. MoCbosket, Secretary and Treasurer. For Xew-Tear Cards, go to the Chronicle Job Office. Many Sew Styles of Job Type re ceived at the Chronicle Job Office. MOSSY CKKEK. Tha Origin of tbe Smallpox Thoro. The cause of our aflliction from smallpox has at last come to light. It is said old Mrs. Holdman, who is the presidios eenina of the lagaretto in "Hayti," while in Texas, the past fall, waited on a family that had the smallpox, and that the clothing of the children were given her. These garments she brought back and distributed among the members of two families her own and that of her son. THS EE8CXT has been twenty-two cases of smallpox, four of which have proved fatal, and one or two others will probably die. NEW OASES. A. young man named Brown, living two miles on the New Market road, is very sick ; also an old colored man within the quaran tine, one and a-fourth miles west of us. Gloddin's children are doing welL EYEBT PRECAUTION is being used to prevent the speai of the disease. The gentlemen in charge of this sickness have secured some expe rienced nurses for those who have no such aid in their own families. Dr. Hood is en ergetic and watchfuL His time is fully oc cupied in attending on the patients of his charge. THE DOUBTTNO have concluded that smallpox is the name of this disease. For days this was ridiculed and somewhat hindered quarantine efficiency. THE EFFECT of the smallpox on the business on our community can be imagined. The schools are the real sufferers. These were on the tide of prosperity. Notwithstanding the presence of the smallpox, they WILL BEOPESED. Tuesday next, January 2. The faculties think that by vaccination and caution as to contact with those who are infected by the uisease, mere neea not be any necessary danger. But the people will have to be re sponsible for results. b. o. x. December 30. H. C. Leftwitch, Bristol, Tenn., says: "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for general debility and can recommend it." PARTNERSHIP KOTICK. New Firm Rolen, Seay, Nelson A Co, ine undersigned having entered into partnership, to take effect January 1, 1883, under the above firm name, in the Stove and Tin Business, would say we expect to carry an ample and complete stock in our line, consisting of Stoves, all grades; plain, stamped and Japanned Tinware; Pumps, Grates, Wire, Granite or Agot and en ameied goods. Ateo prosecute with dis patch Boofing, Guttering and general job work. Our place of business will be the present stand of Eolen, Seay A Co., Gay street, opposite Condon Bros. T. M. Boles, T. S. Siat, J. L. Nelson, S. E. Williams. Having admitted J. L. Nelson as a partner in our business, we feel confident in the future of more promptly and ef fectually earning on and extending the same. We thank our customers for many past favors, and solicit a continuance of their patronage. All former liabilities will be settled and all accounts due collected by us. Eolen, Seat & Co. Birthday Party, Miss Nannie Johnson gave a very pleas ant birthday party last Tuesday evening to a number of her most intimate friends. Games were played, refreshments were served and every one returned at a late hour to their homes, well pleased with their evening's enjoyment and wishing for Miss K. ' Diseased Lungs aee Greatly, on an In osease in this Couxtby. The sudden changing of the weather has done much to give rise to Consumption. But there are thousands of cases who bring it on by their own imprudence such as wearing damp clothing, and going from the warm room into the cold air, and checking the perspira tion, which causes irritation of the lungs, and then matter or phlegm will collect, which nature will try to relieve by coughing it up, to prevent pes tales from formiugr If nature does not raise the matter with ease, and stop this inflamation, tubercles will soon form, ai d consumption will soon follow. Allen's Lung Balsam will cure and prevent thousands of cases of Consump tion if it is only taken in time. For sale by all Druggists. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Mayor. We are authorized and requested to an nounce W. C. FCLCHEE a candidate for Mayor of Knoxville; election January 20, 1883. For Aldermen, BEOOD WARD. We authorized and requested to announce T. LOGAN as a candidate for Alderman, from the Second ward. THIRD WARD. We are authorized to announce WM. H. McCAMPBELL as a candidate for alderman in the Third ward. SIXTH WARD. We are authorized and requested to an nounce E. A. AKEBS as a candidate for Alderman from the Sixth ward. We are authorized and requested to an nounce H. MICHAELS, as a candidate for re-election as an Alderman from the Sixth ward. At the solicitation of many friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from the Sixth ward. FEITZ STAUB. EIGHTH WARD. We are authorized and requested to an nounce PETEE KITTEK, as a candidate for Alderman in the Eighth ward. Tobacco, Cigars, Fruits, 4c. Ii. W. Scheuermann & Son have opened two doors north of B. S. Payne &. Co., and keep all kinds of fine Cigars, Tobaccoes, Fruits and Confections. Call and see them. oct31d3m Latest styles of Ball and Weddlntr Invitations at the Chronicle Office. The Chronicle makes Job Printing a specialty. To the Stockholders of the Machanics National Bank. The annual meeting of stockholders of the Mechanics' National Bank, for the elec tion of Directors for the ensuing year, will be held at their banking house, in this city, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m , on Tuesday, January 9th, 1883. declOdlm Sam. Housb, Cashier. Dancing Programmes and Wedding Stationery at the Chronicle Job Office. Double Breech-Loading Shot Guns. Double Muzzle-Loading Shot Guns. Single Shot Guns. Eagle Duck and Sea Shooting Powder, expressly made for our trade. Breech-Loading implements, Shells, Wads, Primers, Shots, Caps, Lead, tc Special Offer for a Few Days ! A large lot of Woods' Paper Shells, at 60 oenta per 100. W. W. Wooxwrar Go. B A JJm AM This e 'graving represents the Lur gs in a heattny state. A Good Family Remedy! STRICTLY PURE. Harmless to the most Ielleate! By its Faithful Use, CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CIKED when Other Remedies and Physicians hare Failed to Effect a Cure. Wm. C, Digges Merchant of Bowling Green, Va.. writes, April 4, 1881 that he wants ui us know that the lung Balsam bas cured his mother ol Consumption, after (lie paysician h td L'lven her up as l urablt-. He says others knowing her ease, have taken the Balsam and been cured ; he thinks ad so afflicted should give it a trial. Win. A. Graham & Co., wholesale Druggists Zanesviile, Ohio, writes us of tne cure of Mathtas freeman, a well known citizen, woo has been afflicted with Bronchitis in its worst form for twelve years. The Lcmu Baiaam cured him, as it has many others, of Bronchitis. Voluntary Editorial from the Dubuque Herald. Allcn's Luns Balsam Is a popular remedy In Dubuq-je and the suiro-indiug country. The druggists whom we have interviewed In reg ird to the sale 'ti different remedies for Lung Dis eases, all speak In high terms of Allen's Lung Balsam, not only as having the largest sale, but of giving entire satisfacU a wherever it Is used. Lu relation to its -xceilent curative properties, we can speak from expeneDce. having used it in our family for a long time. As an Kpertoraat It Has K Equal. For Sale by All Medicine Dealers. House TCstdb-lshed i860 H. W. CURTIS, (SUCCKSSOB TO G. H. 8MITHJ Watches, Diamonds Jewelry, Solid Silver and Silier-Plated Ware. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. TSpecial attention paid to Repairing Fine Watches. OPPOSITE HATTTE HOUSE. KVOXTIlLtE, - TEVSES81S.. Natural Fruit Flavors. OiJSOiLUNU EXTRACTS. Prepared from the choicest Fruits, with out coloring, poisonous oils, acids or artific ial Essences. Always uniform in strength, without any adulterations or impurities. Hare gained their reputation from their perfect purity, superior strength and qual- ity. Admitted by all who hare used them as the most delicate, grateful and natural flavor for cakes, puddings, creams, etc. MAKtTPACTURED BY STEELS & PBICE, Chicago, m., and St. Louis, Mo., akan f Lapolta Trart Btmn, Br. Prin'i Cream Baklaf Powder, aa4 llr. Price' Cana PerfaaMa. WE MAKE NO SECOND CRADE COOD8. Maryville Dots. Correspondence of the Chronicle. Mabtthxx, Tenn., December 30, 1882. Onr town folks have been having Xmaa in earnest this year. The Al. E. Church South, and the Sew Providence Church were filled to overflowing Monday night by the people of the two schools, and their friends, to witness the distribution of and receive the many things Santa had for them. A select hop at the Wayland House, Tuesday night, was enjoyed by alL It has been snowing gently the past few hours, and the girls who anticipate sleigh ing are plentiful. Our schools all open 1 nesday next ana a large attendance is expected. Immigrants from the North are coming among ns by scores some to settle in Mary ville and others in the country. We wel come all who come with the kindest feel- ks8- . . . . We want to know wnat our Dusmess men are about. We need a telephone from here to Knoxville. We should have a town clock in oar court-house tower, and our citizeus who take so much pride in our educational interests should take steps to have a public library. This is much needed just now. Our merchants have been resting some what this week, as business is dull. We now have a broom factory, es tablished by the hardware firm of J. M. Greer & Co. We have had less drunkenness these holi days than for years past. We have not heard of but one or two marriages. Something must be wrong. Politics are no go with our citizens just now, but preparations for the New Year aie claiming the attention of most all. JrrvENis. PrrrsFOBD, Mass., Sept. 28, 1878. Snts I have taken Hop Bitters and recommend them to others, as I found them very beneficial MBS. J. W. TULLEB, Seo. Women's Christ'n Temp'nce Union. "A coward can be a hero at a distance, presence of danger tests presence of mind." Presence of disease tests the value of a cura tive. Kidney-Wort challenges this test always and everywhere, so far as all com plaints of the bowels, liver and kidneys are concerned. It cures all, nor asks any adds. HOPE & BROTHER, Vatchmakers and Jewelers KJfOXYILLK BANK BlTILP156, Keep always in stock new and elegant designs in Watches, Jewtlry and Silverware, and give, special attention to He pairing and Ei graving. We guarantee satisfaction. m. sat L. HAVEY, (f ilJ o O z LU aT GO P M MARKET SQUARE, CAROLINA - TOLU CONDON BROS., WHOLESALE GROCERS Sole Agents for the arolina The Best and Most Palatable fttnutiy kne NUIUBT DISEASES AH D uErco":: Is a CERTAIN CURE for CHRONIC COUG?.TlS?ORATING all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. It f6 RESTORES THE APPETITE. The principal), p p ROCK CANDI BALSAM OF TOLU Combined with other medicinal qualities, all b- persons suffering with these diseases. S U IV! P T I O W ! CERTAIN CURE FOR CQ e tolu toxic and tba Owing to the medicinal composition of Sm?f,is exeiDI ' merits of its curative qualities, itis only subj1 8eU wlthout a reTeclJ from all other internal revenues, and any deal ST . t , t a v 3 tatlieMficaHliesiijpM We keep a lane stock conslantly on hanfl, &Dno CONDOft xxoxlL:' BEARDEN & CO, DrT-ffl 11. i u n nrar.n aUIUWfcUA WV 'HANICS' BANK. 7 DRESS GOOD j Flannel Suiting s, Canton Cloths, Shoodahft, Hindoos, BUCK & COi OREO CASH dEREB, ALL SHADES English Crapes And Crape Veilings, Ladies' and Misses' Circulars BLANKETS, tlEETIGS A.D TICKISGS, BOOTS. SHOES AEID HATS 'IN OREA.T VARIETY. ChGapgr Than Any House in tho city Everybody asks for Ioss "Nonpareil" Export Lager, it at Che.. it.;Ulilf.,I. A Schneider's And they get New Ve:'i ptlon. The f ;?c-wr.3 uat!'- ' iuiies will receive at the Young ilea . '. j'tian Association Booms, froo 6 f j 11 ir'.: Misses Oioiiie tV-; . Dannie Mitchell, :, Bowena Ma ' Barnes, Alice : i, Sadie Boyd, 'd, Jesse Bayl, lwiddie, Blanche tzie Knabe, An- lallie Cummings, v l minings, Maggie tames O. P. Tem- U. Gibbens, B. J. Mary Teuijve, h.. bry, El ii Tut;ern McEwea, Lu v Mary Y sicker, I Lil lie SlixLsu, Swan, tifre T nie Le;t., Ii Jennie iif Mitche i p!e, C. W. I erV. Kelley, D. J. Hope, L. E. Craig, L. Havey, L B. Clotworth7, F. E. Sturgis, A. H. Hodge, Jos. A. Porter, Jno. M. Allen. A cordi J invitation is extended to . the young men of the city to call at the room. The ladies are requested to meet at the rooms at 10 o'clock a. m. on Monday to complete arrangements. Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies, a marvel of purity strength and wnolesomeness. More economical than the ordinaty kinds, mad cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of tow test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold onljln cans. KOYAL BAKING POWDER COM FAST, 106 Wall Street, New York. Peter Bitter's la headquarters for Fine Cigars, Tobaooo, Meerschaum and other Pipes and Smokers' Ar tlolee, at oorner of Gay and Clinch streets. Iff! PWP0S O O o Z o 0 H o m V) pi w M S3 a KNOXVILLE, TENN. NIC! sale of the Celebrated lebrated M . Turtle ! "Vn for all UiU "Mi nroiimi AND 1 beneficial to the health ol TENK. Cit JR gents. Staub's Opera-House ! The Operatic vnt of the Season. Engagement for One Niehl and Matinee Only u C. D. HESS ACME OPERA COMPANY. 60 Artist Choristers and Musicians. 60 Including the celebrated Lnc Siars : MRes Abbie Carrtngton, Emma sner. Rose I e gtiton and (.izi. .t Q liutn ; Vies-rs lailc Smih, James (i. Peakes, Alfred Wllnle, heorge Appleby, Arth'ir W. lams, James li. Jones aud Heury t. teakes. Monday, Jan. I, '83. MAV?fii::A MASCOTTE Mondav kvenlng, auberN Grand thera, FRA DIAVOLO ! E!ch Opera Cast u tne Foil Sireugcn of the Compan?. f.E TAYLOR. Musical D rfCtoj Notwithstaiding the great Importance and rxpeuse uf this efcgagtuieut, the loilow.. g very modera e sea e ot prices is aunonnci : Ke aerved Seats. SI. 50; AOmilon, SI. 00; Gal lery, 75 Onts. Matmert Prices: Kesered teats. 1 OOj Admins on. 75 cents; Children under 12 snts of 50 cent. Box sh"et tp-n ai Williams' Book fttor, Wednesisy. De cember 27th. Correct L bie uos uf .it the Operas of tbe Company's Rep rtolre For Sale. VALUABLE MARBLE QUARRY FOR SALE. BY VIRTUE OF POWER VESTED IX ME b a tiust deed, executed the 15bdnjof oven.ber, 1!2. t.j T. K Thomas. 1 offer to sell at private sa e. the marble q iajrv formerly o- k rd by said I hi mas. situated thiee miles from Knoivilie, in the 14th civil district ol Knox Cour tvwita ot the Tennefsee River, and con Teniet he Knoxville a d Augusta Railroad. Tbe q- aray Jas teen vtoiked lor two years, and produces Che finest qnlity of variegated marble, the color being 1 the best, the tone sound and easily quarried, ana brtajjing the best market price. 'Ihe attachments are oom ph te, eornpriiiiiR. amoucr other tniegs, a steam engine, boiler ana drill. force-omp and steam derrick. Quarry and attachments wilt be sold br getber if desired. Tn st-deed registered in Register's fnce, KnoxtUe Tennessee, In book (i, vomme 1, pace '"S to 191. - 8. G. HEI8KELL, True. December 2. 1382. oee:2Jlm. TaTZFaE, Hare jour Ledgers made st the Chronicle Bindery. FRESH ASTERS !- In Cans, or bv; pleasure, at fi? H3ninn Peter Kern's. 8 to 12 a. m 2 to 5 p. m., 7 to V p. V