Newspaper Page Text
XiOCAL NHI'WS 4VTaeCl*ealatl*a «r Tae J«w»*»l O O I that af amy otaer paper aakllsaea »k«Tt St. Aataaar Fall* fc** a sals. I tt^£a» WowouUretpectfMlly rofmtt \*»in*0t mem and others ttiehing any *ta«* Jafe FriBtlag, ii neioettoek of Neto Material,juet received. romtkeeent,he/ore eendingto 8LPaulorgo, mg elsewhere. Our Job OJtceit new on As s«*iat*« Siai1*, a«4 «e worA wasrA sr• *Xlj**r»mtttC Is »4l»/«cter*, at St. faal trie—. OFFICIAL PAPS* OF TBB CITY. Canmkell. S a I stvseJaa S. N S. Crsfcxfcte*. Ssrrteei ^^A^jaat^r^sr^^a ^"••"•"•'•a •ervfetaevertaaaavatMKe'elnek. S«ktac •arrty Jndv at o'clock? *mr*r attests* Wednesday Mining, "asbbetk Fchool waive o'clock." 9*9" All kind's of Job printing, in Eng lish, German or Norwcglnn, executed nt thi» office. Send in your orders. Fon RUNT.—A storeroom on Washington avenue central location rent moderate. Inquire at this office. LAST Cannes—The great drawing at West 4 Co.'s Hill take place on next Wednesday evening. But a few days yet remain for obtaining tickets. QvanTauLT MKTI.NO.—The regular quarterly meeting of the M. K. church will be ktld an tka 28th and 29th inst. Re*.dians, Grieweld, tka Presiding Elder, will be All are invited to attend. Tan Bunas.—Tho center pier has bean aosapleied, and the trass work is being put up. A large number of men are constantly engaged upon it, and the bridge will soon befinishedrandy for use. Asanas FIB*.—At Anoka, as Tuesday morning, tka Anoka Itettas, a hotel owned by Mr. Lille, was burned. Seme of tka effect* west sated. It i* tkoagkt there was na iasuraacaea the property. Is Banssanav.—Tka Si. Paul From •ays that Theodora W. Deniaeaof this oity, filed hie petiUen la tka Bankrupt Court on Taeaday. Daaara.—A anas atom an Monday night drifted tka rallrand auto ruU agaia, bat the train due at twa o'clock as Tues day reached hare at five, wkwh was rtry eraditablc. There has boon aa farther diMsulty. Saw Bjraix*.—I. H. Bam has received sew angina for his planing, deer, sash and blindfactory, and is getting it place. His new machinery, purchased in the East, sill also soea be here. Tan Laws.—Next week we will com mance the publication of the laws passsd by the last Legislature. They will be is sued in the farm of a supplement, so as net tn infringe upon the usual space devoted •a reading matter, and will be continued from weak to week until all are published. Parsons who wish to obtain the laws of the State cannot gat them is any way to cheap as by subscribing far JOCBNIX. Ho» ILusixa—Juneau and the adjoining •oanties af Wisconsin raised $3,000,000 worth af keps dnriag tka past year. As high as $6,000 to $6,000 vara raised from five or six acres of ground. Weundarataad that partias wka nave purchased in this •nTasediuto vicinity inland going lata this laaratiia Ba Ban—In WastftCo.1 drawing than Is ss passible risk. You are suratogat too run wertk of your meaey in tka basks, atalisaary. wall paper, window shades, faaay article*,fts.,aaxakaaad, wkile tka •awing Maehine aad other prises are so mack gratis. Secure tickets before Mon day next. IT PATS.—In the last issue ot Tnn Jovn saii was advertised a gold ring lost the vaak before. On the following morning the missing article was restored to its own er by the finder, who saw the notice. If it pays to advertise lost property, it pays to advertise merchandise, mills, and every thing that the public feels any interest in. BaaoAnr.—Mr. C. AIsop has in his office a huge buffalo's head, horns aad all, just as token off wken killed. It is an elegant affair a handsome office ornament and would be set off to advantage by an ele phant's feet and an aligator's tail, one on Ts BITTMD.—A survey will be made is a few days for tka purpose affinallyset tling tka upper boundarr Una of this Coun ty- It has baas a matter of uncertainty far aasaa time, and a definite understanding la desired by both Stearns nnd Morrison PASSS.—Tbn attention af bailaen aad ethers Is sailedtotaeadaar titomtat of this article by ArerOl, Boonmbe ft Co. Tacit akaatlag paper same hate use last year, sad tka saw is said to bes decided im am the aid. Pas InoBTinn.—Mr. P. McCeuley baatokentoPart Abercrambia a sixty-five haras power engine with tka machinery far a •rsV-elass saw mill. It will ansa ha pat In oparatian by Mr. MoC., who is ons af the most enterprising men of the north weak an oeaaeetiea with the same mill wtV be a plaaiag mill, shingle machine, fts. STATS AUBSCT.—Copt. H. A. Castle, of MalathroftCastle, has become one of the aartaers ia ta* firm of ComstockftCo., stars manufaitarars, at Quincy, 111. Capt. win remain in this Stats, with full charge cf the business of thefirmfor Min nesota. Pis headquarters wiU probably be In St. Paul Piss PwncHAsn.—-Messrs. MeXslvy, Macro and Barr have purchased from Jer emiah Bnssell a tract af land lying on the apposite bask af the river, and extending from Wilson's to Wright's ferry. It is touched by the eastern end of the bridge. The tract contains a fraction over thirty sin acres, and ia triangular ia shape, the side an the river being as the hypetbeauss. It wUl be laid out into suitable building loir, cf one-half and ana acre each. The psjse patd wa* 86,600. ^tassaXv—P. Hoeaea, laq., Const* Attorney sf Dcnglas crusty, was ia t«Va this week. W. Lee, sf the firm rf LasftHardss ktrgh, proprietors af Iks Mhxasaata Iras Weeks, at Mlaasaaalis, Sataa np ss Man day. Bar. P. Ties, State Agsst sf Iks Ha*, line University, callsdoa ns as Monday. Bar. David Lowry is makiag brief stay is 8t. Cloud. Oen. Levi Nuttiag, Surveyor General of Minnesota, was in town aa Tuesday. A. Bichardsoa started for tka last yes torday to purchase new goods. *oi lsar.—The large storeroom and ef ••erkead ea tka corner of Jefferson •J**11* »d St. Germain street. Inquire •"•B.MBU? A E S S A 1 N O O SUIT A N flTVTVSUB O S O This was the title of aa interesting lec ture, the last of the course, delivered be fore the Library Association on Tuesday owning by General C. C. Andrews. Notwithstandingthebad walking, the house was wall filled. The lecturer gave many important facta bearing on the growth of our young city. He said the people af St Cloud had it in their power to be the founders of a leading city. But it required that their business men should be alert and active in promo ting measures for its growth. The best moans for buildlag a city waa a great route of commerce andtravel. The Asiatic route had built up many cities—Tyre, Alexan dria, Venice, Lisbon, aad now cevere the Thames with forest of masts. There waa amoral eertaiaty it would sooa change its count, cross the Pacific and land on the American shore. Buckle had said the rich est countriee now were those in which man was the most active. Whether or act St. Cloud would derive benefit from the Asiat ic route depended upon the activity and enterprise of its people. There was a probability of the Northern Pacifio Railroad being built in a few years, and it would very likely have the Asiatic trade. That route therefore was of vital importance to St. Cloud and all her peo ple, to the very children at school, should hare the subject at their tongues' end.— He reviewed the whole subject ofthe North ern Pacific railroad, the explorations of Lewis and Clark, and of Stevens cited many facts as to the resources and devel opment of the territory it would traverse its necessity in enabling the Government to supply its military posts, control the In aad what was more to develop and build up the country. Even if the road did not come by St. Cloud, its construction would so earich Minnesota that its effects would be highly favorable to this city.— But it could be got here if the people of St Cloud did their best. The road would be built aa soon as the subsidy—one-third of the whole cost of the read—was obtained from Congress. It waa necessary to edu cate Congress nnd the country np to thestoringflourfor proper standard. The people should send offpapers containing articles on the sub ject, especially those shewing the immense resources of the country comprising their west nnd aortb-west. Before a city could be built np the coun try areuad it must be built up. Leaving out af view a railroad ta the Pacific, there was country good enough in Minnesota tributary to St. Cloud, .if developed, to make this an important city. It mustb* pierced with roads. Agriculture must bo stimulated, and all its duties, including the dairy, be made fashionable. He referred to the effect the Georgia of Virgil had on Roman farming. His verses clothed with verdure aad fertility fields that had long lain waste. Prom St. Cloud should be radiated an influence that would impart fresh enterprise to the cultivation of the soil. The growing villages in the country were supplying much of the retail trade of their surrounding settlements, and St. Cloud to be a trading point must begin to lay the foundations of wholesale trade Manufactures, of which wood was the principalmaterial, should be increased. An agricultural implement factory would be profitable here, aad give employment to upward of fifty men. Instead of sending off our green and dry hides, ws should tan them here and make our own boots and shoes. There were many things such aa low taxes, economy of city and county govern menu, good schools, Ac, Ac. which ren dered a town attractive. Wealthy people who sometimes wished to remove to this part of the country for their health would be influenced by suck thing* In ordertocarry into effect measures for the prosperity of the city, it was desirable that its business influence be organized.— The city of St. Paul had derived advantage from her chamber of commerce. An asso ciation ia the nature of a Council of Busi ness would organise the public spirit and enterprise of the place and cause opportu nities to be taken advantage of as they arose. But the grandestfieldof all was ths mak ing tke city the capital of influence. To convey merchandise bridges were built, and mountains tunneled. But the influ ence of a people's will and character trav eled with the sunlight. The intelligence and public spirit of a city, the enterprise and honor of its merchants, the skill of its mechanics, the candor and ability of its press, the eloquence nnd devotion of its pulpit, the ability aad honor of its learned professions constituted its moral power.— In proportion as these elements were aug mented would the influence of the oity be far-reaching. In conclusionfasmads a review of facts encouraging to the prospects of St. Cloud. To make it a large and prosperous city, its people must not distrust themselves bnt do their best. It was most gratifying re flection that their work was beneficent one of development nnd civilisation that city and country must grow together. Theirs was tka task, if they fulfilled it. to dot the wilderness with cottages, to cloths it with waviag harvests, aad "To (cottar ploaty o'er a smiling load." SAMS or PnornuTT.—-GortonftBurbask have said their water sowar witk wkat ha provements were left remaining after the late fire, to P. B. Thompson, of Cold Spring, for $6,000. Mr. Thompson was, until lately, one cf the firm of Clarke, Wait ft Co., proprietors of the Celd Spring mill. Wr understand that Mr. T. will pot up a first class mill this Sanson on the site of his new purchase, which is about two miles fron 81. Cloud. J. B. Mills has purchased the dwelling house of A. B. Curry, on Welles avenue, paying therefor $4,000. The location is a beautiful one. VICTIMISED.—Mr. Z. E. B. Nash, of the firm of SteamsftCo., hardware dealers in Mobile, Ala., was swindled out of some money by a young chap named Frank Adams, of New York, who practiced the confidence game on him. Mr. N. found cut the character of his customer 'when too late. Many of oor citiseas will remem ber Mr. Nask, wken in business in St. Paul, some years ago. MILL BCKJSD.—The Albee flooring mill at Elk River was discovered to bo oa fire ot I about half past six o'clock yesterday mora* ing, aad ia a short tiao the entire building was burned. Two thousand dollars' worth of flour aad graia were ooaiaaod. The origia of the fire is wrapped ia ssystory. None of the machinery had booa turning •ioeo Saturday, aeitkor kad there booa any ire about tka buildiag until tke ooaflagra tloa whlck destroyed it yesterday ssoraiag. Total loot akaat $8,000. Insured for $6, 000—f2,000 with Copt. Weot, 1,600 ia tke MinaeesU Compeay,t St. Paul, and $2,000 ia other Companies. This has booa a hard winter oa fleurlag mills, aad there is something unpleasantly mysterious ia their ia frequent buraiag. The Albee mills waa owaod by J. B. Mills of this oity. CtOTHWO.—Wo would pall tke attention •f Merchants io tho advertisement of Kirt laad, Babeoek 4 Bronson, wholesale deal era in clothing, Mow York. •—Tho next ejecting of tho Library Aa sociatioa will boat Mr. J. H. Owen's, on Thursday. THSJ CJJBAH-SyATs&ft MILLS. FLOUBUNO O a mt a S a About twelve miles below St. Cloud, on tke Mississippi river, is tke thriving village of Clearwater. It is alive place, having two grist mills, a saw mill, stave factory, two furniture factories, planing mill, a good hotel, stores, &c., Ac. A few days since we paid a Visit to the newflouringmills of Messrs. Davis ft Beal, the former of this oity, the latter of Clearwater. This enter prise wasfirstcommenced in July last, be gan work in November, and was fully com pleted in January of the present year. The building is 40x50, four stories high. The basement, in which are the water wheals, is six feet high thefirstflooris thirteen feet the second, eleven feet the third, fourteen feet the fourth, eleven feet and the entire height, from the base ment to the top of the cupalo, sixty-six feet. Oa thefirstflooris the tig tag separator aad the smutter. Here is also a nice piece ot machinery, called a suction fan, whioh is ured primarily for oleanicg corn, but al so sucks the stoam from the burrs, thus keeping the spouts free from the dough that there would otherwise be. It also keeps the space around the burrs entirely free from dust. On this floor are likewise the storing elevator, connecting with thepepsia weigher on ths second story, bran bins and a good storage room. On the next floor are four ruas of first-class burrs, each two having a sepa rate water wheel as motive power. Just by the burrs are two wheel* for hoisting tae water gates,, and close by are the ele vator and hopper gates, all within easy reach of the miller. There are two flour packers—a Moline patent, which will pack from lorty to sixty barrels per hour and a custom packer, for use with either bar rels or sacks. In one corner is the bran bin of merchant workforretailing. When thie ia full the contents can be let off into the bin below. The business offise ia on the second floor. A door also opens out into large two-story wareroom, used for shipping. Twenty feet of one end of the third floor is used entirely for storing grain, and is capable of holding tea thousand bushels. This space ie divided off into bins for sep arating the grain according to kind and quality. This department contains and is over na machinery, ao that the heavy pressure can in no wise affect the working of any part. Ta tka left of this is a spec ial garner holding five hundred bushels, so that if a farmer brings considerable amount of grain to be ground, it is put in there instead of the storage bins, nnd kept until conveyed to the hoppers. Adjoining this are two other garners for oats aad corn, from each of which, ia making feed, the spouts bring an equal quantity, so that wheu taken up again by the elevators the two kinds are thoroughly mixed. Another set of garners, holding fifteen hundred bushels, stands directly over the stones. Into these the grain is put after having gone through the smutter and teen thor oughly cleaned. When here it is ready for grinding and goes directly to the burrs. Besides these is still another garner, capa ble of containing the "middlings" of fifty barrels offlour,which are collected there while the mill it running on merchant work. Wken full it ie drawn off and re ground, making what Mr. Davis calls "In dian" flour. People here know tolerably well what that is. On thisflooris a mer chant bolt with capacity of one hundred aad fifty barrels per day. The full capac ity of the mill is over two hundred barrels per day. A bolt for sifting corn meal is also near by. A packing chest, holding fifty barrels, stands directly over the Mo line packer, already spoksa of. On tke fourth story la the machinery lor driving tke elevators also a coarse screen for cleaning tke grain before storing it. The motive power of the mill consists of three water wheels—"Buckeye Double Tur bine"—two 86 inches in diameter, each driving two runs of stone and the third, 26 inches in diameter, drives all the bal ance of the machinery, elevators, separa tors, smut machines, Ac. The amount of power derived from these small wheels is wonderful. No expense has been spared in making ikis mill what it is, one of the very best in the State. The machinery is all first-class and of the most improved kinds. Messrs. Davis & Beal may well challenge compar ison with any other mill in point of excel lence, even if not in size. Close by the mill is a cooper shop, and a stack house for staves, Ac, for the manu facture of barrels. Attached to the mill is a large, comfortable shed, in which farm ers may shelter and feed their horses and oxen whiie waiting for their grists. The ealesroom of the Clearwater Mills in this city is at theflourand feed store of DavisftClark, corner of Washington ave nue and Lake street. Wecan conscientious ly recommend tkeir flour. Having sam pled, to our complete satisfaction, a barrel left some days since, we have no hesitation in advising all who want a No. 1 article of family flour to use the Clearwater Mills' make. IBSCBABOB.—In presenting the advan tages offered by the Old Phoenix Mutual, of Hartford, Conn., A. B. Curry, the State Agent, ia makiag Life Inturance decidedly popular. When people begin to under atand tke principle involved in and tke benefits obtained by this system, they are quick to avail themselves of it. Nothing so certainly insures a comfortable living, or indeed a eompeteney, ta a person's fam ily in ease cf his death aa does Life Insur ance, aad there ie no other company which offers the same inducements as the Phoenix. Mr. Curry will write up policies at any time. Tn* OvaatAsn MAIL.—A Washington correspondent of the St. Paul Dispatch saye: The overland mail contract of Ruffee and Movrill for carrying the mail from Fort Abercrombie to Helena, Montana, has been ordered discontinued on the first of April next. It is doubtful whether an appropriation can be obtained to establish a daily or tri weekly stage and mail route. Wkat the country wsuts is a regular line of coaches, carrying the mails and ex* prose, from Fort Abercrombie to Helena. A daily or triweekly service would greatly aid ia settling aad developing tke intetme diate country but a weekly service, at least, is indispensable. Caoica PBOIT—We take pleasure in ia forming our readers aad tho public gener ally of tho advantages of using "Beet's Patent Fruit Tree and Tina Invigorator," whioh hat received the highest eoasmeada tioao for invigorating fruit treee, vines, plaats, aad all kiado of useful vegetation, aad tka instant deotruotiaa of Grubs aad ineeeta on tho aaae. Tho particular* may bo leaned by addressing tho proprietors, Messrs. J. AHIABX ft Co., Baltimore, Md. See their card ia another column. —Aa excellent quality of lumber is being •awed at Oilman's Mill," by Valentine ft Spragne. Those ia want of lumber, ftc, can save money by going tbere. —A donation party for Rev. W. Carver, at Austin, brougbt that gentleman $115. Several years since Mr. was a tempora ry resident of St Cloud. —Freshly hilled doors, and skins of all kinds bought at ths St. Cloud Depot. •sjmammBesssaBSBSAuc ••OH THAT wiu. ni Jorrui.!"—When men and women throw "Physio to the dogs," and when a trifle out of order, or to prevent getting out of order, take Plan tation Bitters. Are you Dyspeptic Ner vous, Jaundiced, Hy'pped, Low Spirited, Weak, or are you sick anddon't know what ails you We have been, and were recom mended to try the Plantation Bitters, which we did with great satisfaction anal entire success. Delicate Pemales, Clergy men, Merchants, Lawyers, and persons of Sedentary Uabits, are particularly benefit ed by these bitters. The sale is perfectly enormous. "*. Pon REST.—A double dwelling house leasantly located, will be rented to one or two families. Inquire at this office. "i —From its merit alone has the Eugene Hair Restorer won its high reputation. It restores grey hair to its original color, pre vents its falling off and promotes its rapid growth. It is also a most beautiful dress ing for the hair. Mammoth siaed bottles, price only 75 cts. n41-ly MAGNOLIA WATBK A delightful toilet Sitide—superior to Cologne and at half the prioe. «««»i»wo» —If you are troubled with Indigestion, Rising of Food, Sour Bclchiogs. Acidity of the Stomach, or any other form of Dyspep sia, avoid all stimulating drinks which re lieve only temporarily, and take Coe's Dys- Cure, which will surely afford per manent relief. —The profits on Wendell Phillips' lecture in Minneapolis last week, on the "Lost Arts," was about $350. In —The ersptioo of Vesuvius is St.Q Paul his subject was "Daniel O'Uon nell," and the lecture netted $300. —The Hastings Gazette says that Dr. Thomas Foster has left that place with the old Minnesotian office and bis household goods for Lake Superior, where he contemplates starting a pa. per. •—Eight or ten steamers are adver tised to leave S Louis between, the 25th and 28th of Murch, for Fort Benton, creasing in power and grandeur. The volcano it throwing up T*et quantity ot fire, with but little lata. S O I A I Whtet,ptrbui Com, Oata By* Barley Hay, per ton ButUr.perlb. Kcgt.perdoz CordWbod BMM,p«t bush Potatoes Onion, par bnt stsao 25 n20 50a 500 i»400 100 145 KercMna Oil pr 8r«en Applet, pr bbl MILL I S O O WHOL1BA1X. 9.00 8.50 8.06 XX Superfine, $560 too 600 160 200 er per Deer Skins, per lb 10 to 26 Hides,dry 16 St. Cloud, Jftnn. 1st Clear 2d Common boards 1st quality...... 2 Flooring, dressed let ...... 2d Biding Fencing Dimension, Pickets, planed and pointed .... "rough The Second Course of this Institution will begin A 1 3 1 8 6 8 Arrangements are being made for a thor ough course of instruction in all the inter mediate and higher branches of education. Tuition will be charged according to the studies pursued and must be paid in ad vance. in-dj»1 7 .-.- Hjf JMasiK r- rr- •:•. At Sauk Rapids, on the night of the 12th inst., Mrs. MAM B., wife of C. C. Holmes, aged thirty-eight years. $145 BockwhMtprcwt •TO aSOC 70 Oornmcal, 300 Sugara 13 a SO Teas 100*200 Coffee 33a 46 Pork,bnyiiiK,groi» 9 •elliig.prqr OatU: retail. 12alo Beef.buying.groM 3a 4 •tiliugprqr 8a 10 retai Salt Lard pr lb 20a 22 IIam*,cured 20*25 Dried Applet.prit) 13al6 100 160 7S0 RETAIL. 9.50 9.00 8.50 S O S A & CorreeM/or Tax JOURNAL, by D. M. 6. MurpTty rf Co. 1. """Raccoon SUnk No. Otter Fisher Wolverine Wolf—Timber. Bear. Cub Bear. Beaver,, per 9t, .$ 50 300 125 600 Martin Bed fox Cross Fox SilyerGrey $25 to 3 000 Lynx Badger Skunk Muskrat Winter..... .$6 to 800 2 to 400 160 125 40 15 16 Hides,green, pr lb «H S S S OtrrteUd weekly rmrttdyfor THS JOCSXAI, by Tebey •t Cb. general dtaterg in every variety of Pine hum bur, AOM, •Movies, me., SSttam mm in Knot, .._*,. per M. $4000 3600 2 0 0 A 1800 36 00 8000 9000 2200 "20@25OO 1500 2002 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ST. CLOU ACADEMY! AVBBILL, SECOMBEftCO riorxisTois or I ST. IR'NttY PIPER MILLS And Wholualt Dtaleri in S a a a Are now manufacturing I heir CELEBRA7MD SHEE.T/NG PAPER, WITH- AN Improvement over that of last Season. The improvement consists of its being two-ply and containing anew ingredient, which produces more closeness of texture than that formerly made. It can he put upon the bare Studding Beneath the outside, covering. Without tho Shooting Boards if desired, producing the desired result ot excluding the cold air and protecting the warmth of a room. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RED JACKET AXE. C'OIIMII-U'K l»at«'i»t.—July 0,11407. TRIKO AND NOT FOUND WANTING W« claim it will cut Twenty-Five ('2*i) per tent, more cord tcoodper day than any other Axe made. Bias:—I hare fully tried your Patent Axe and And that It is all that you claim for it. It will chop foster than any other Axo that I ever saw, un leaves tho wood without slicking at all. I noti/d CAtTfTON!—Tlie AGKNTeS No wooden buildings requiring warm rooms shou'd be erected without it. Thexclusivedaysf cost, comparatively, is trifling, and its al ready extensve use forbids doubt as to its inestimable value. Sold at our salesroom here and by Agents at the principal towns throughout tho State. AVERILL, SKCOMBBftC 0. St. Paul, March 14,1868. no35-4w O Metropolitan aft* EeMatrant The undersigned has removed his Saloon and Restaurant from the old stand on Wash ington avenue to the One room in Lahr's Block, St. Germain street, reoontly. occu- fn iied by E. C. Cams. He has fittM it up elegant style, and will bo prepared to serve all who may call with the choioeit liquors and cigars, or oysters, hot or cold meals, ftc. 8t. Cloud, Match 11th, 1868, 34-8* I ebon three days without one far tho cost. 1 need not say any more, for any man that tries one will he »ut iaOed* HoKcesroaT, Dec. 19,1867. WM. KBKS. Axo and tlio Label ore both pat- ented. Infringers cu these patents will be prose cuted, according to law.—Vender* or deulero, and person* using any infringement, ni H-ilde with tho maker ot the infringement. for Sale hy all Dealers and the Manufacturers. LIPP1NCOTT & BAKEnELL, (Successors to -Lippincott & Co,) Sole owners of patent Pittsburgh, Pa. INSURANCE No. XJIIF E COMPANY, MUTUAL. 9 5 8 a a N Assets, SI 600,000. Assured members, 10,000. Otters advantages unsurpassed ly any other Company in existence. WAL-TBU S. Q1UFFITH, 1. II. FK0T1IINGIIAM. President. 'J'reasurer. KOBGE C. RH'LKY, WILLIAM J. COFFIN, Secretary. Actuary. GENERAL AGENTS.—Lee, Parish St Son, Detroit Kol logg,Thonipsou A Cc, Milwaukee J'arsons .t Stark", St. Louis, Mo. Good Agents wanted on liberal terms. $10 O S20 A DA GUtRANTEEO. GOOD AGENTS wautsd to introduce our New Star ShntilcSKwi.xo MAUinjfE—Sfltch Mike on lxth siili s. The only lirst-cKi.-.s, liw priced nia.-liino in tho market. Hi- will coiuiyn Jlacttines to responsible parties and employ energetic Agents on salary.— lull particulars nnd sample work furnished on itpnli cation. Address W.G. WILSON CO., St. JUjuis, Alo. Cleveland. Ohio, or Boston, Maw. .. A MT *.!*—In every Cuuuty in the Umtetl States, A GOOD J/.'l.V to sell by sample, CHAMBEULAtN S COMBINATION SQUARE, PUMB, LEVEL & BEVEL. The greatest invention of the age, and one tint every Mechanic, Workman and Farmer in tbo land will buy. Send address ,witb na ne, State. Comity .and Dost Office, plainly written, and wo will stud ar eolar and terms. W. 8. BATC11ELDKR CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. pL Per Day, Sure. No money in advance. Agents wanted everywhere to sell our Patent KverlastingMetalicClotbes-Lines. Address AMERICAN WIRB Co., IS! n'dway,ft.Y-,18 Dearborn st., Chicago. W a A The year round, or a certtinty of $500 to $S0O Per Month to those having a small capital- We guarantee the above monthly salary to good active agents at their own homes. Every Agent, Farmer, Gardener, Planter and Fruit Grower, North and South, should send at once for partis ulars. Please call en or ad dress, J, AHEARN CO., S3 Second st., Baltimore.Md. WANTED—To make an arrangement with a live nun in every County, who wishes to make mouey, and can give good references. No capital re quired. Will sell a business now paying $1,500 per month, and rely on profit, for my pay. Address J. C. TILTON, Pittsburgh, Pa. Revolution in Trade. Greater inducements than evsr before offered tn persons getting up clubs in oar O N E O A S A E Send for Aew Spring Circular. PARKER & CO., I 64 and fit federal St Boston, Mass. BOliam O A N S W A N E Dr. Wil Smith's Dictionary of the bible. Written by 70 of themost distinguished Divines in Enroueand I America. Illustrated with over 125 steel and wood I Engravings. I one large Octavo volumo. Prico $3.50. The only edition published in America, ccn densed by Dr. Smith's own hand. We employ no General Agents and offer extra inducements to Agent* dealing with us. Sen 1 for descriptive circulars, and see our terms.. J. B. BURR CO., Publishers, Hartford, Ct. TQE BE8T In order to introduce MOORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER the Great National Rural Literary and Family Weekly) to general notice and support in every sec tion, the 13 Numbers of this Quarter will be sent, on Trial, for only Fifty Cents. The numbers will contain more and tetter Reading, Illustrations, Ac, than the whole year of many a monthly costing to ?3. The RUKAL was greatly E N A E A N I O E In January? and is now by far the Largest-Circulating Journal of its class on the. Continent. I Employs the Best Talent, (having able Corresponding Editors and Contributors in the East and'West, North and South,) is Beautifully Printed, Finely Illustrated,and adapted to every Family of taste, in both Town and Country. Full price, & a year Trial Trip only Fiftv Cents. Address D. D. MOORE, Rochester, N. Y., or 41 Park Row, New York City HOW TOO MAY HAVE $100,000!!! The start Important Diseueery of Me Age. A new and sure way to accumulate Property, in an Honorable and Legitimate manner,recently discovered and felly explained in ths great Book of the age, en titled, "A SD.SRT BOAR TO rOHTOXC." This book gives reliable directions, based upon facts that cannot bo denied, which, if followed, will enable all to have Beautiful Homesteads in the country, or Splendid Residences in the city. Ib public are in vited to read, ponder and disprove if they can, the logical result of the faithful performance of the rules laid down in this remarkable work, for the possession of any amount of property that any one can reasonably desire 1 Price of Book elegantly bound in Muslin, Gilt Edges. 300 pages, 13.00. Sent post paid to any part of the C. S. on receipt ofprice. Address, UNI9X BOOK ASSOCIATION, Syracuse, K. Y. WANTED—for a Book, entitled a picture of th Desolated States, and the Work of Restor ation. Every voter needs it before Nov. 186S.— Freight, largest rommissians, and a premium of $500 paid. For particulars address J. V. FITCH, Chicago, 111 AGENTS WANTED, NOW HEADY YOB CINVAS8FKS, "THE HISTORY OF TTTE WAR BE TWEEN THE-STATES." Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Results by Hon. Alexander U. Stevens. Send tor circular, with terms, and a full description of the work. Address ZGIGLER McCDRDY *C0., Lombard Block, Chicngo, III. rpHE OEN. H. Z. MITCHELL, Pres. J. C. WILSON, Sec. DR. Wit HUNTER, J. S. KELLY, HON. N. F. BARNE8, JOS. HAYWRAD, A E N S W A S 1 O BLUE COATS—And how they Lived, Fought nnd Died for the Union, with Scenes and Inci nt In the great rebellion. It contsiwtpvcr 100 fine Engravings and 500 page*, and is 'ttiaStliiciest and cheapest war book published. Price only £2 50. dents Director*. 1ST. I.T. CAMPBELL, Principal. SHEETING PAPER. The public are cautioned against inferior works with a similar title. See that the book you buy contains over 100 fine engravings and 600 pages. Send for Cir culars. Address, JONES liltOTllKRS i, CO., Chi cago, 111. 1HATEUR CULTIVATOR'S GUIDE TO THE it a a NOW READY. A Descriptive work of 140 pages, fully illustiat• il witk a beautiful colared plate and 100 engravings, con taining a list of over 2500 varieties at Flower and Vegetable Seeds also, 150 varieties of the choicest French Hybrid Oladioulns. All the NoveltieV, both of the flower and Vegetable, for 1868, will be found described in the above work. Tastefully bound in cloth, 2 colored plates, jric», post-rjaid, 50 cents in paper covert, post-pald,26cts. Address WASHHUKN CO., Horticultural Hall, Uoston, Mass. CJUDISEASESU 8 E I ofDFBIUTY, SEXUAL Ac—Send your address ou stamped envelope and askforcircnlar of •'Pathology." Dirtct AMKR1CAN MKW8 CO., 121 Nassau st, New York. Qixaeks* E to From their Unfortunate Patients. QUACXBRT. EXPOSED. See "The Patient's Guide." I tells you how to cure diseases or the generative organs, in both sexes, with simple, safe and reliable remedies, to be procured at any drag store. Those about to marry should procure a copy at once. Address O. W. MORTON, M. D., 121 Crosby street, N. Y. Mailed on receipt of 4 postage stamps, Feither IYCHOMANCV, oa SOUIJ CIIAKMlHU.—How sex may fascinate and'gain theaffections of any one they choose, instantly also secure prosperi ty In Idve or business. Every one can acquire this singular rower. This queer, exciting book has been published by us ten year", the sale of Which has been enormous, and is tits only book of the kind in the English language sent by mall for 25 cts., or five for $100 togother with a guidu to the unmarried. Ad dress T. WILLIAM *CO., Book Publishers, Philadel phia. OTATK Of MINNESOTA—DISTRICT COUF.T— Seventh Judicial District, County of Morrison. William D. Washburn and Cadwallader C. Washburn I against SfMitOXS. D.Caldwell Ilewson,ChaIn* II. I Sharpe and James N. Piper, The State of Minnesota To the above named Defendants. Yon and each of you are hereby summoned nnd required to answer ths complaint in the above entitled action, which has been filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court at Little falls, in said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint, on the subscribers at their office in the City of Saint Paul In theConnty of Ramsey, and State aforesaid, within twenty sftsr tketervice of this summons on you. the day of such service nnd if you fail to answer tin said Complaint Within the time afore said, the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for tho re lief demanded inaSid complaint. RIO SLOW CLARK, Plaintiff's Attorneys, St. Paul, Minn. Dated March sixth, A. D. 1808. marl9-7t AND OffICJt, ST. CLOUD, MINN., Mareh 1 ith. 1809. sw. tWe^entoni Snt: You are hereby notified to appear atthU office on tho OTH DAY Of MAY 1808, nt 10 o'clock in ths forenoon of the said day and then and here show cans* why your Homestead Entry No. 3525, made hy yon ebrwary 26,180T, upon the *%wm\A and lot 1 and *, of Section 29, In township 120, ranee 39, la thee District of lands subject to sale at St. Cloud, Minn John, 29 I township 129 range 39 I th subject to sale at St Cloud Min canceled, as Ualvor G. Kyllo al] lefts an abandonment thereof by you and proposes fhen and there to show the same when yon wilt be permitted Io contest such showing. II. C.. ™"*™, II WAIT Register, Receiver, marlO-Owf H. 0.BURBANK. :FO:R* S-AJLIEI. 0 4 0 0 0 0 W Xnquir* of B. MCCARTHY. •18-tf. BURBANK BROS. Or U. J. FOWLER. ST. F-A.TJL, A 1-irge supply of Due the Conntj Treasurer. From the current Co. fund, $87 11 poor fund, 3.48 SAVERCOOL & GROVENOR, WROLISALK AXD BKTAIL DEALiaS IS ^GRICTTLTUR^L I-! I I I yiSMRNT 8 OF ALL KINDS, u«i Lumber Wagons of^fi^rent sizes and styles. V-fih'T Kill WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK O IMPLEMENTS In Minnesota! New York Self-Raking Reaper, and Mower Combined. New York Reaper,Self-Eaier, not combined with Mower. Little Champion Reaper, with Bfoppij^ Attachjaif3nt. Climax, Hand-Raker. Hubbard's Improved Mower.— J. I. a & E Tornado Threshing Maoliine.. v*V' v*' ^ringfieliA MW^esiiiig Mlchinrj. BuckeyeGram Brill-«:_u«. ., ,. Estley's Beaver* Dam Improved Seeder. Hollingsworth Salky Hay Rake. Revolving^ayRatoes? 5 A general assortmeat«ort»reiakin^ utd ct os*Trr» pfoWa **f all styles and sizes. Th»-attention of Dealers •itnl Farm*rn *i\\»\ to our stock of Agricultural Imple ments, a portion of whioh i* enumerate.) nbw. un.l we will guarantee to show them the largest Mdok, in the State nnd ..all o* ti»e quality »nl mo«». ioiprored Machines. 1 he foregoing Machines are oil To purchasers, or no sale. We mean what we say, and ask all who want Machines, either for use or to sell again, to call on ns and we will fully satisfy Ihem that it is to their hest interests to buy of u«! E A. 8 For all Machines that we handle constantly on hand. Office and Warehouse, on Lower letee, at B. K. Johnson's, St. Paul, Minn. in a a A a OF Pope County, Minnesota. Statement of the affairs of Pope County, Minnesota, as shown: by the settlement of February 29th, 1868: Total amount in Treasury belonging to County,. §152.99 Amount due County Rond and Bridge fund, S126.20 Amouut due Co. Interest fund 2(j-7'.» $152.99 SAVERCOOL & GROVERXOR, We are also Agents for the abote Impleraerits in Northern Wisconsin: St. Paul, Minnesota, March 9th, 18G8. S90.59 S. B. McGCIRK, Co. Auditor. By RISK J. KINNEY, Deputy. ISAAC THOBSON, Treasurer. By TORT TIIOESON, Deputy. n34-3w OFFICE: Canr COVMSSAKY or SCISISTSKCI I DjiJrARXXX.-fT OF DACOTA, St. Paul Minn, March 6th, 1808. QEALED PROPOSALS, IN DUPLICATE, O from persons loyal to tin United States Government, will be received at this Office. ami also at the office of the Chiel d*$3. Department of the Platte, Omaha, Nebraska, until VI M, WEDNESDAY, April l6j 1868, for fm niching the United States Subsist* ence Department with O O A BEEP dfTlfE, On the Hoof, as follows: One hnnrtTefwnd^seventy-nVe (175) head at I oi Sully, D. T., to be delivered by July 1.1th. 1868. Two hundred nnd ten (2,10) head at &rt Buford.D. f.,ho be delivered by August 1st, 1868. One hundred and sixty (160) head at Fort Stevenson, D. T., to be delivered by July 1th, 1868. One hundred and thirty (130) head at Fort Totten, D* T.,:to be delivered by July 15th, 1868 Ninety (90) hend at Fort Hansom, D. T^ half (J) to be delivered by June 5th. 1868, and the rerhainder by Augostltit, 1868, They must average about' 1050 pounds gross weight and be steers from three (3) to seven (7) years of age. All less than three, and over seven, yesrs of age, and all falling short of 900 pounds gi*oss weight, bulls, stags, cows, and Texas cattle will be re jected Proposals by telegraph or other informal proposals will not be considered. Each bid to secure consideration must, contain a written guarantee of two respon sible persons, io the effect that the bidder is able to fulfill a contract in accordance with the terms of his proposition and that should his proposition be accepted, he will at oner enter into a contract in therewith, and that they arc prepared to become his securities, giving good nnd suf ficient bonds for its fulfillment. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of tho Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States District Attorney, to be enclosed with the bid. Bids should be made for each post-.sepa rately, and bidders should be present to respond to their bids and prepared to give the necessary bonds. Th* Government reserves to itself the right to reject any and all bids considered unreasonable. "iitf Payment to be made after the cattle are delivered and accepted, if funds are.on hand, if none on hand, to be made as sooa as received.' 3 ,«.*•,•• Proposals must be endorsed distinctly "Proposals for Heof Cattle" and addressed either to Lt. Col. J. W. Barriger. C. 8., Omaha, Neb., or, to,I«nCo4. J» H. Oilman, C. 8 Saint Paul, Mtnn. rUtl I The Proposals will be opened at both places, at 12 M. A| ril 15th. If a bid is in the name of a firm, their names and post office address must appear. J. H. OILMAN. Capt,, C. 8., Brevet Lt. Col, U. S. Army, ml2-3t Chief C. 8., Dept. of-Dakota. WANTKD—Tsachsrs, Btndsnts, and other Intelli- gent Men ami Women, in a banasse paring S10l to tlOO per month, accordhig to aMIit). lo pertJenlsrs. address talOLER, McOTBDr 0 0 Iirobard Block, Ohkage, III »31 ESTABLISHMENT IX THE WEST. STEAM ENGINES, Gearingf Shafting. Pulleys, BELTING, ELEVATORS, &c.„4c, -J."? r' .' -,,- .7 Made and furnished to order, and Mills furnished complete in running order. GENfJNJSjOLD DfTTCU ANKER BOLTING CLOTH, FREWH IIIM Bill SIMES. Manufacturer! of GANG SAW MILLS, PORTABLE OBIST MILLS, LATH "MILLS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS. Agents for the Rett SMUT MACHINES,. SEPARATORS] 1JRAN DUSTERS, General Agents for the North-West for l.«Uei'a A a a a WATER WHEEL, TUB BKST WHKBL IS TMR WORLD. AH orders promptly and faithfully exe cuted. Bend for Catalogue of Patterns and descriptions of Machines to ED#M ¥. ALLIS & 00. "Cis. Clltuom 4i Flarlaa streets, *43tf-8ni MILWAUKEE, WIS. OFFIOB or A. C. 8 torn BOCK Both tor breakin A. P. 0 a 3 4 Tt»T A TWTrirn lTr-/"VT»T/-ci Por-any machine we sell, so that when JXrjljLAriKjjL W O O replaced at once by calling upon us, ilLWAUIEE, WIS., The largest and best appointed FURNISHING O S E S GKOVENOR.& CO- WHOLESALB AXD BETAII. DIALERS ISf AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ST. CLOUD, MINNESOTA. JP LOWS. «.w have a large assortment of I O O I O I S a & O S O W S Mt B'lfactureJ in Chicago, which have the reputation of being the best Plows Btanufac tttred for plowing old land We have four sizes of this Plow, and will sell at wholesale and retail as low us they can be bought in St. Paul. We have also the ISLAN im] plowing stubble, which we claim is Plow." We have a large stock of Which will separate wheat from oa!s in the most perfect manner. They are the best Fanning Mill ever matte, and are just what every farmer wants. Straw Cutters, Of different styles and sizes, of which we have a good assortment. Farmers will find it a great saving by cutting the fodder for their stock. We have on hand a lot of Threshing Machines, Which we will close out on terms to suit purchasers. Also a number of W I E W A E W A O N S They area good wagon, an 1 warranted for six months, which we will close ont at re duced prices. We shall soon have a large lot of the celebrated Whioh is the especial favorite of every Farmer. Also the Brave Da BROAD-CAST SOWER, An4 in fact almost every kind of implement U9ed hy the Farmer, all of which we shall sell at lowfiguresand on terms to accommodate the farming commuaity. Farm ers will find it. to their interest to eall upon us before purchasing. .000—— We can always furnish E A S Wheat. en grain is put in with a gooJ Drill, the plants grow stronger and more healthy, ihe heads are larger and of more unifoai height and she, are much better filled, at uniform depth, comes up at one time, is not so much affected by the drouth, is bet- ter nourished and protected, and has free circulation of air between the rows. 8t. Cloud, Oct. 22d, 1807. S O O A E S For sale by FLOUR PACKERS. FOUT Rin.iT, MHV. Fabrnnry 21st, 18f8. .Fat sale at this Poll, .'. r-1 Sixty-two (6%) Barrel* .:• COIS131UMIVKI O Bids, either verbal or written, will bo re received for tka above, uatil Mareh 16,1868. fab'27-sw WAKE W. T. DUGGAN, Lieut. 10th Infy., A. C.8. DP.—A lotof ALARM CLOCKS HN« *a* thing to got yon up early in the morning— For sale at BU8BE9. J. *IT, L1NNEMANX. St. .loseph, Minn. O 0 A E S Salt, For sale by H. LINNEMANN, St. Joseph, Mnn. -A H,air|ge A a Goods O A I N S whioh will be SOLD VERY CHEAP FOR CASE, ... By •HM J. H.LINNBMA5N, 8t. Jesepk, Minn. ^»XJO"W far ahead of the *'Moline DICKEY'S FANNING MILLS, any portion of a machine is broken it can b* TV'e have a large lot Of I E S A N -Which have been used in our business the past summer, cask or on six months time with good security. St. Cloud, Aug. 31st, 1867. A E S S E S They will be sold cheap for n"-tf Mil Broadcast W^eat. When grain is sowed broadcast, some is covered too deeply, some not deep enongh, some not covered at all. Consequently SO ripen earlier, and are not as liable to beare injured bj the rust. This is because the grain is planted evenly and regularly, and me does not come up at all, and the rest comes np very irregularly. The stalks are irregular in height, some nearly ripe, while others are just in blossom they do not ripen as early, and are more liable to be injured by the rust. This is because they planted nt differemt depths, and are not equally nourished and protected. It will be found on examination, that the stalks that are shortest and that bear the shortest heads, have their roots lying near the surface of the ground, where evapora tion has taken np the moisture from tke roots, and consequently tbey have become shriveled and weak and these stalks Ikat bear large heads, hare been well planted and have their roots lying from two to three inches deep. Then if it is tka well planted grains that produce the largo aad wellfilledheads, certainly it is important to have them all well planted, wkiek can only be accomplished by using a goodDrill. GROVENOR & CO. aid ESTABLISHED IN 1S56. I a CIT DRU,i STORE! S. MARLATT, BEAMS I S Uimgs.Medicines. (%eBietls FACT AlfD TOILET A I O E S SPONaK8, Brushes, Perfumery, &c. Kerosene or V—l OIL AND LAMPS. Physicians' Proaeriptions carefully com. pounded, and orders answered witk ears and idepatek. JTomirr* and PkyticiMM from the country will fin* oar Stock of Medicine* towmUtt, tommmttd gonumt, and of tho oetfqumlity. S. MAJLLATT. •10=12 Wathiagtea Avenue, St. Cltnd