Newspaper Page Text
•"••.*iw MINSKSOTA. JVcm A« Pittsburgh Commercial. Minnesota has always been the favor ite resort of Pennsylvamans since Governor Ramsey led the way at the head of a ntrmerona bond of colonists from this State. Although tho climate during the winter months is very cold, the calm, dry, steady weather produces less injurious offcots upon the'human system than our sudden changes from aero up to forty degrees above. Tho people of thisaoUve53Sstern'Stiitfare nearly as busy flaring 'tho winter as they sre all the other seasons of tha year. At present the contractors are hard at week building a wagon bridge over the^TilEsissippi at "St. Cloud.— This stricture ?s seven hundred feet long, supported by three stone piers, and will be finished by tho first of next April at a cost of forty thousand dol lars. iAffiunXPaiil is a handsome city, containing many magnificent houses, built of a blue limestone. The pros peot of constructing a railroad to the Late Superior region has inspired the citizens with additional vigor in their business pursuits. To prove that the inhabitants of the buck woods arc not deprived of the pleasure of a city life, it may be mentioned that both Minne apolis and Saint Paul have put up neat opera houses, where crowded audiences enjoy all the recent productions of the Old World musicians. Indeed, must eal talent prevails so extensively that a respectable orchestra was lately col lected together at St. Paul on the spur of the moment. HOUSEHOLD 1TKBS. Vegetable Soup.—Take two potatoes and two onions, with two turnips, one carrot, a little parsley chopped fine, salt to the taste. Gut the potatoes in quar ters, slice the onions, out the turnip in quarters, slice the carrots. Put all in a stew-pan, with three pints of water, and salt to taste. Boil it down to one quart. About fifteen minutes before it is done add the parsley. Strain it, and serve with light bread or toast. This is tha recipe of a late eminent physician of Philadelphia. Potato Puffs.—Take cold roast meat, either beef, mutton, veal or ham clear it from gristle, chop small, and season with pepper, salt and cat pickles boil and mash some potatoes, make them in to a paste, with one or two eggs roll it out with a dust of flour, cut it round with a saucer, put some of your season ed meat as cne-half fold it over like a puff, prick or nick it neatly round, and fry it alight brown. This is an excel lent method of cooking up old meat. A Xice Breakfast Dish.—Boil balf a dozen egtrs hatd, cut them into halves, and cover them with sausage meat, making up into balls fry them a rich brown, and serve them with a good gravy. Butter Cookies.—Half a cup of su gar, one cup of butter and three eggs roll thin and bake in a moderate oven These cookies improve with age. —The Faribault Republican notices the erection of a potash manufactory in that plaec by Heinrick & Hunter. —It is reported from Abyssinia that the English captives are more leniently treated by King Theodore. —Andrew Johnson is the first Presi dent from whom soldiers have refused to receive brevet commissions. —It is reported that previous to the appointment of Adjutant General Thomas Secretary of War ad interim the position was offered to Gen. Scho field, but decliued. —The Tribune boasts that there are no less than five green houses within three miles of the Falls of St. Anthony —an evidence that the citizens appre clue the beauties of nature. —"Nasby" remarks, in a private note "There is a good deal of oratory in me but I don't do as well as I can in any one place, out of respect to the memory of Patrick Henry" —There are reports of heavy rains and freshets in Illinois, Missouri and Kansas. Travel in come places has been obstructed. —C. K. Pavis, Esq., of St. Paul, law been appointed United States Dis trict Attorney for the District of Min nesota, and has been confirmed by the Senate. —The English War Office has re wived additional dispatches from the commander of the army in Abyssinia. The English front remains unchanged. —The Minneapolis Tribune says: A woman whose name we were unable to learn, was found dead in an out lot near Big Lake, a night or two since. Whether she cametoher death by foul means, or died from exposure, is not kaown. —A gentleman who rode from New York to Hartford in a train full Democratic delegate*, remarked, tribe: the conductor took his ticket, that thought his ticket was first class. Th conductor told him he wasright who he rejoined, *'Well, cither I am in second-Class' car of elso the e's going to bo a Democratic convention I" rfiF1 HOlTOrSlrOUPSVS HO NOT WEAR OUT, A Single One will Last% Lifetime. W I TJSK nEUMtmowmmMQuvaocxD, Oismtsar VmUormitj la Obtained. Ea*e,Ekganceand Beautyacquired. mm, rami mm cwsuwro. TheBeet,Chen etrumnta andmoat Durable In. Writingeverneed. SENT BY MAIL SAFELY. *riess,Tifla Otius am* upward. loTrtTfllna Agents Employed. wrltH,, or sosW.Um KOBTON, HftUXDBVIAmE, wmmm O CD S3- CD -1 PS O CO H» O 3 CD pa •1 00 3? 3 a hj. ^d cc to H[ in CO CD t-1 CC W a CD W 3: O CD 3 !25 p- 3 3 GO cc td CD CD S S a tr ST CD or CD GO CD a- oc td CD OB D» t/1 a P- CD P- cc CD O O CD p» W O 5* CD 5 O CD. CD S3 2. 5" CD CO cc S3 S3 O P- 9 O 3 a D» 3 3 C*5 -1 a 5 CD W GO ta 85 a OD GO W td CO l-H CO ^d 00 3 Sd SI O i—i CO &>. ITT S3 CO tr ft CD a GO 9? a 175' ,, a v« CO 5^ CO 1 3P O as «^. SACK CENTRE, ISA-:. am SAUK VALEY DBTJG STORE Sauk Centre, Stearns Co., Minnesota. J. E, FINCH, I A W I S I V: Pure Drugs ft Meoioines, FAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, WHITE LEAD COCOES, Lins«el, Lard, Neatafoot, Carbon, and Machine is Glassware, Window Glass and Putty Brushes of all kinds, and Painters' stock generally. DYE S S PURE WINES AND BRANDIES, PINE OLD WHISKIES. .... For medicinal purposes. A complete assortment of PATENT MEDICINES! Trasses and Shoulder Braees Kerosene Lamps and Fixtures the ehoioost brands of allowing and smoking Tobaeeo Imported and *.-!. Amerioaa Perfumery and Toilet Artieles a great rariety of Hair Oils, Colognes. Pomades and Soaps Hair, Flesh, Nail, and Teeth Btuahee, S A I O N E A fine stock. WALL PAPER, An SLATES, INK, The Goods are offered to W cc a 5d GO td W O LOW FOE CASH ONLY. S6T" Phyaieiana' prescriptions and ily receipts carefully compounded from best materials. 7 THROUGH CONTRACTS given on Freight toj New York, Boston, Philadelphia, And all principal point* Bait. TIME GUARANTEED if desired. TVamssreir A ron Tan ST. PAUL A PACIFIC R. R. **elgflm A voa TIB LOWES DIVISION NORTHWEITEIN 1PACKET COMPANY. •sirMark Freight W S Ofic* in Trmtufer Rout, Ltmtr Lmm. \St. Peul, Minn. "Care J. J. HILL, St. P.uL v9o10-ly SEASONED LUMBER Axn I N 6 E S I OF THE BEST QUALITY" For sale st my LnmberYa*drnfit.Cloud, BACK OF THE LAND OFFICU, CHEAP FOR CASH. A A 1 •~'l\±.\±x+. UL-Xiii »f St. Cloud, Feb 27th, 1867. »9s82-tf FS S S aqonl "WalaeMgrnvsd grsti rAJRBAJIsxi tlSIOSBB •V AU tMSt. SUKirCaOTA COatMSSRCIAL. This is the title of new paper about to ba started in Minneapolis, by the Messrs. Hatch Brothers, thefirstnum bor of which will appoar about tho last of March, and will be devoted to the Commercial, Agricultural, Manufactur ing, Educational and other important interest*, of Minnesota. Each number will contain a leading article, written by one of our ablest business men, upon the markets, business and finances of Qjsr State. It will also contain the ibbllaale and retail marketa of the principal business points in this State, and of other principal markets in the •United States. An important feature of the Commercial will be its items in reference to the growth, resources, soil, climate and productiveness of Minneso ta, together with educational and relig ious statistics, and such otber original and selected artioles as will make the paper valuable and reliable for a daily reierenee. The Commercial will be published monthly, printed upon new type, and excellent paper, ana offered at the very loio price of fifty cents a year, invariably in advance. For the purpose, however, of obtaining the ad dress of one or more persons, in every part of the State, to whom wc can scud circulars, we will send tho paper ono year, for thirty-five cents, if with that remittance the subscriber will sond us, in time for our first number, the name and number of each of the week-day and Sabbath Schools in his township or county, with the address of the Super intendents, Teachers and District Clerks or if he will send us the number and denomination of tha Churches in the same, with the address of Pastors, or if he will send us the name and ad dress of the county officers in the same, or one or more valuable, statistical, his torual or other good items for our paper. We make this offer, in order to supply ourselves with abundance of good taelerial For our first number, and, wish an early response. We shall iseaa very large edition to supply tha anticipated demand from subscribers and news dealers. We wish, as far as possible, to place our paper in every fcWilk ***r State, hence put it at a 8I INK STANDS, BIRD CAGES, LADIES' TRAVELING BASKETS, VANKEUE NOTIONS, &c, &c, &c. The stock is complete and comprises Usually kept in a first-class Drag and Va riety Store. §J...J!# FINCH. R»nk Cantv*, Jam* 5, 1887. »4 0 JAMES J. HILL, GENERAL TraisportatUn Agent. rice that will place it within the reach all. TiUMSsands will want extra copies to send away. To such we will in all ceeeey furnish it at thirty.five eente a year. We wiah subscribers sent in early, so we can have our sub scription books arranged by the 31st of Mareb. 'Address all communications and re mittances carefully and plainly to BATCH BBOTHSXS, Minneapolis, Minnesota. MINNESOTA IRON WORKS in a is LEE ft HARDENBERGH PROPRIETORS. Ino AND BBASS WOBK, in all departments SSTAM EHOIKES AHD BOILKRS. STEAM I E AND FITTINGS. STEAM OAUQES. GAUGE COCKS, and all Steam Fittings. FLOUR MILL MACHINERY. SAW MILL MACHINERY. IRON COLUMNS, for buildings- I O N WINDOW CAPS AND SILLS for buildings. S I Powams. MALT MILLS. Wars W S *C, 4«., FOBCC PUMPS. &c. CftSH PAID FOR OLD METALS. vtslf:! NORTH STAR IRON WORKS Machine Shop. Iron and Brass Foundry, Main street, apposite the Falls, ST. ANTHONY, MINN 8teaai Engines. Portable snd Stationary, Steam and Oas Fittings, Gang, Circu lar and Flouring Mill Mad. nery, Shafting. Gearing tnd Pulleys, Window Caps and Sills, Re-Sawing Ma chines, Waier Wheels, Sleigh Shoes, Sash Weights, &c, &c. 0" O "W O JEt IC **Ju"I dMepl,PtIon W. H. HARRISON, aoOMMk.tStTst.L.mto Be emrt/ul t, buy «,{ tttK 0mun TH A S 9—t,~ TJ18SAY8 fir YOUNOllKN, tb« OBIMB 0» SOLITUDE .ud th. KRRORS, ABUS^JiJ D18RA.RS which dartrojr th* HMHW powrn «nd CfTMM inpSdtatS to M.rrU,., with 7 N W Ii«r. Ssnt in SWlMl lattar enr.lop*. fn*, of receive prompt attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Alt kinds af Agricultural Implements Made to order and REPAIRED %ort B.E. MCUAUOHST, H1BKIS9N A. H. DKPRW. Oct. 10th, 1867. For saU 75 Seesnd.fcand Wagons, 50 Oi Token, 50 Wagon CoTers, 50 Camp Blankets, 2i nn* ?x uatm- AddnM, Dr. J. SKILUH IIOUOllTON, Howard Jb! I oomlloo. Phil., Vm. T10:4:-3HO MEAT MARKET. F!\K$lf Meat Hans, Sanssge and Vec tahlasof all kinds, kspt constantly«? land. 8ho»sn St. Germain street. CHAS. tuia PATRONIZE the place where you can buy ike cheapest and best Furniture and save YOUR money. We are prepare! to offer greater inducements to HOME purchasers than ever before offered in St. Cloud, as we are inconnection with our sales room, MANUFACTURERS of Bedsteads, Bureaus, Stands, Cribs and Lounges at wholesale and retail. :BY this you will readily see that yon will get goods cheaper by calling and BUYING these artieles of us than any other house in town. We keep for YOUR use all kinds of Upholstery and Parlor Sets, which we furnish to order. All of the best quality of FURNITURE and deal in none but the best 4 —A Memphis dispatch of the 8th says The county election to-day re suited in the defeat of Democracy by 500 to 1,000 majority. —Hon. George R. Vickers, of Kent eounty, has been elected United States Senatoi from Maryland vice Philip F. Thomas, who was very properly denied a seat for disloyal sentiments and ex pressions. OF the best. Also a large stock of all kinds of Chairs, Mattrasses, Spring Beds, tc. Repairing end ordered work promptly attended to. Giro us a call. Rooms on St. Germain st., St. Cloud, opposite Cath olic church. SPICER & CARLISLE. MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. The MostSuccessful Medicines in the World. Established in 1835 by one of our most Eminent Physicians, and now nsed throughout North and South America, with more pleasing results than any other Medicine in cases of diseased LiYer, Blood or Shin, Indiges tion, Costiyeness, Bilious Com plaints, Rheumatism and Fever and Ague. Thousands of certificates are in our possession, giving detail ed accounts of perfect F. A O 0 llMkssilth Wsrk Md rattera Making aWOsnaai Sonoirsn. Cash paid for fid Iron and other Metals. si GO. ?10nl2 ATTENTION, FARMEES! Ch «tensile *c,CHEA« for casVno produce,« at fostf BU^BANK BR09.. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, Corner Firat Avenue tnd WelletStrett, LOWER SAINT, CLOUD. DEALER in Clocks. Watches, Jewelry, Spoons, Spectacles, Gold Pens, 8iWer Thimbles, Ac, &c, offinequality which he willsellas low as any of like quality can bo bought this side ofChicago. Call and see. Watches.Clocks, Jewelry,&c, repaired in good and satisfactory manner, and on reasonableterms Livery and Sale Stable. The undersigned nas just erected CSJH* ••large and commodious stable on thecor* nor of Lake Street and Perry Place, oppo site Clark', near the Central House, which he hasfilledwithlivery stock, com prising a number of I N E O S E S Suitable foreither riding or driring.anda variety 01 HANDSOME BUGGIES Forsingle ordoubleteam. Commodious,elegant carriagesforpleas ure parties always ready. All orders for teams for excursions, Fu nerals or a Journey will be attended to promptly. His stock isof the best kind, andhein •iteshie friendsto eall. L. B. 8ILSBY. 8t Cloud,June23d, 1868. T5n49-ly Farm fbr SeJe. fPII E undersigned offers for sale a good farm of 160 acres, on the north end of Maine l'raire, about OURTEEN MILES FROM ST. CLOI Sixty acresare timber, the balance prai- ie and meadow, and the whole enclosed with a good fence thirty acres being under cultivation. On the premises is a GOOD COMFORTABLE HOUSE, with stables, grnnary and storehouse, two good wells, and other improvements. This farm is directly on the main road from St. Cloud to Forest City, and will be sold cheap. Inquire at tliis office, or of J. 8 DAM, v8n30 tf On the premises. N 0 I E I All persons are it iv tiesn sing oa A I O A A N S laeither cutting Hay or Timber. Parties desiring perrris for cutting grass on any of said lands CAN OBTAIN SAID PERMIT8 by calling on the undersigncdat his ofiiee St. Cloud. n4»9 c*mPs« THElow Broker's Block, St. Cloud, WUt P. L. OHEGORY Agent Dist.P. &f B.R largest, atul best assortment CLOCKS may bo found mul purchtie* Terjr at BUSH'S. 1'hej wtrraef ranted. slinsnlBa sSB9B«S9«« IQ° &W. POWELL, ft HARDWARE, The most eomplete stock to bo found .. in Northern Minnesota, Of every kind that may be wanted, S O VJE S Of all the bsst and most popular makes Agricultural Implements, &c, &c. &c. Corner Washington avenue and Lake street, ST. CLOUD, MINN. CASH PAID FOR Old Copper, Brass and Pewter. kinds of tin and sheet-iron jobbing. all Particular 'attention paid to CHA8. V. POWELL. W5J. VOWEL*. 7EGETABLE AMBR0SI1 THE KIMOIE O THE A« •—-wsAejsja'* .•• Gray-beade hare theit locks restored by it to the 'dark, lustrous, silkm trasses of youth, and are happy! Young People, withlight,fadedor red Hair, hare these unfashionable colors changed to a beautiful auburn, and rejoiro! People whose heads are covered with Dandruff and Humors, use it, and hare clean coats and clear and healthy scalps! a a "Veteran* hare their remaining locks tightened, and the bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, and dance for joy! Young Gentlemen use it because it is richly perfumedJ Young Ladies use it because it keeps their Hair in place! 1 CURES ifcoo a a Medicines. They regulate the System and put all the func tions of the body in a healthy condition. Sold brail Druggists. White Howland, Propri etors, Successors to Dr. John Hoflst and Dr. W. B. Mn^t. PS Liberty Street, New Tors. Everybody must and will use it, because it is the cleanest and best article in thevoted market! For Sale by Druggists generally. VAWTER, ROSE & ETTER, Wholesale Agents, St. Paul. TICKNOR, TOLMAN & CO., Agents at St. Cloud. And by Druggists generally. n!5 MUNGER BROS., Mnsif ffflfl Dealers, 19*3 SAINT PAUL, MINN., Sole Agents for Stein way & Sons' CELEBRATED PIANOS- Sole Agents for Chickering & Sons' CELEBRATED PIANOS, Also-UNITED PIANO FORTES. Also—PRINCE'S AUTOMATIC SCHOOL ORGANS .AND MELODEONS. Also-ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS. All fully Warranted, -©e |We keep constantly on hand the ONLY- FULL ASSORTMENT OF Sheet Music and Musical Instruments Of all descriptions in Minnesota. Our stoek of Violins, Vinlincellos, Con tra Basses, Flutes, Fifes, FUgoletts, Clsro nets Guitars, Banjos, Military Drums of all descriptions, Brass Instruments, Accor deoss, Strings, etc., is complete, Church Organs,' Melodeons ahd Pianos tnned and repaired. Orders attended to it Promptness •3n26-Iy CO^EINS! COFFINS! There can be* found at' SPICER & CARLISLE'S FURNITURE ROOMS, On St. Germain Street, AN ASSORTMENT OF READV-MA1E OO:F:F constantly on hand. Coffins made to order in any desired style. We also furnish ». ,. FISK'S PATENT METALIC BURIAL S :iat:\: CASES AND CASKETS, At St. Paul prices. '(.. SPICER CARLISLE. St. Cloud. Tan. 61.186G. v9a26 A MERICAN WATCHES.—Some of the BneBterer brought to St. dead—in from 2 to 0 ot. cases—warranted coin sil ver—ai BUSH'S. A guarantee lrom the makers accompanies these Watches. Bail Roaid Land MaVassasmMaa Thirs iv is S l?«i ill a J?a,eIfU. R, his company now offers lor" sale all Llnds granted" by Congress to aid in' tho construction of Its branch "line from St Baul to AV.ttta)^ s- •,.!,• iucflc lands are in the •''•'. w. rs :t it' Valley of the Upper Mississippi," ,'•*..'*• "ir u*«-^t»!* on both sides of tha.xiwr,. ^B1 embvsic^' Koat varielv oT .y, ,:,-n. •-'t T»»":I.- TIMBJiR, PRAIfflE'KflptikV The Itoad lias already been"' ..,,, SOMPLKTEQ ,, a-ud trains arerunniDg to I ST. CLOUD. The Lands arc FR:E FROM TftXftflOa until suM nnd They aix oflin cunvcyi-d i.y in tracts oi: CROWWINQ,- MORRISON/ '.', And the north part of WRIGHT AND SHERBURNE,' Apply to .:, Or to GEO. L. BECKER, •6n4-tf Arrangements bave.becu mad*, at an im mense cost, with the most celebrated ot the Fashion Paper of Europe, especially with the famous "Uasar" of lk-rlin' which sup plies the tashions to the leading journals of Paris, to furnish the same to them hi advance, so that henceforth the fashions •will1 appear in Harper's simultane ously with their publication in P«ri= 'at*d Bevlin-a advantage enjoyed-bv nd other journal in the country,•, 'lhe patrons of Harper's "B.izar will re ceive every fortnight large pattern-plat^ containing from forty to fifty full-c'^d patterns of ladies', misses', and children's bonnets, cloaks, dresses, under-clothing, and other articles, accomnanied with the necessary descriptions and directions, no-t occasiopally an elegant Colored Fashion Hate of the size or Harpers Weekly Harper Bazar will contain 1G folio pa ges of the size of Harper's Weekly, p.infc 1 on superfine ca'endered pane-, an.J will published weekly. SUBSCRIPTIONS 18GS. The Publishers have perfected a svsten o. mailing by which they can supply the Magazine, Weekly, ami the Ilaz-tr pro'mptl to those who prefei to receive their prriod cals aireetly f.-om the Office of Publicatinn. lostm»stcr find others dt-sirou^ of gettina up Clobs will be Fur-plies* with a show-bill on application. The postage ou L'ai'per"s cents a year, which n: stfbscribei's post-office. U. JtNOX TAi'Lfttt. Coin panj 40, 80 Oh 1C0 ACHES AND 'tPWARi. and wall )jefetidLo ACTUAL SETTLERS. upon advantageous terms.' Terms, cash fh bonds of the Company atpar, 9r to those who d*»sire it, Long Credit and LOV RATES OF L\TTE11EST ill pesons trespassing upon these lands will be prosecuted un'der the recent Act of the Legislature. :••".'e* .: TODD, :. ol4hrn Eu?.ar list be paid Terms Harper's Bazar, otie yen.r ^10 0 An extra copy of either the Magazine. Weekly, or Bazaar will be supplwsd'graiU for every Club of Five §uscrjbers at §4.00 each, in one remittance §20.00. Back numbers can time. HAKrEll & BROTHERS. Franklin Square, New Vork- 1 8 6 8 THIRTIETH YEAR Milwaukee Se^tiael^ paper will appear in a,n .' ENTIRELY NEW DRESS. Other Important Improvements are in Proce-s of Preparation, whereby ttn put lisliem liope trtdesorve moie than ever, the liberal patronise which has be#BbeWo#ed upon the 8t.tTl.VR, l? *h rSoffi: of the Northwest: aul wjiilo they Jo uqj wi«h to prom ise more than they expect to perform, thev enfident iyassure tho pnbliethat tho Sestixgiwilt contimie to a For tlie price, and the Cheapest Newspaper OF ITS CLASS. PUBLISHED IN THE WEST. —00 As anewspapc, it will continue Is have Thi Z*tfr, Telegraphic end Mail ifrporfstroni ALL Till? wottt.l) Pin tfcnlar attention will be piven ro .%rr full nvd (VMII coinpeiulmra of Newaironi Wisconsin rind iis neiih Kriug State3, "where We have special lelogmpbic or. ,-espondcnts in eVwy piii»ri|«al city ami villa-r: :i|s,i to our copious rei" Hi of legislative ptwoediivs and •if henloi.ipi at the State ami XntMuSrCnpitnTs. AS'A COMMERCIAL SKNTINt' iisrs has lonjr cn)..yed the biolievt liink rf,, Tlie Standard Journal for market Reports. Tl Weekly edition is particularly a First-class Family Newspaper. E 8 -Tlie Baill} Sentinel. TO MAIL SUBSCltipF-IW. Ono year Si* months............ „.....* Tlires months....„ .'.,..,t.... 'To' BewsdeateiJi, per Wff..'.„.-.oA.'.'.s..,,...i..i. Tire Trl-Weekly Sefltlnel. .]ly mail, per year..., \V(M Hy mail, six hionth* t.J...'....'....?..'.........."*.Vi By maH, three months.„.,...„»...^.,. t...1?..*..!. TlttJ WCokiy gentin©!.* Sii'ple copy. one*i- ,ftr.....'..r. .! .A..*.•....,*....,.-..-»».o.) tflve cnuiOH.'oiieyeav. (l ',« each)i...-..A....i..fc •8.7."« Xen copied, one jrear,($t9. each Money in le^tstVred titter* may Iii sent atuui vi'*., and we shall not le responsitilo unless lot tore contain in.n' nvney itre s-i tonilcd. Additions may Le made to dataforone ycaiat dill rates. Specimen copies of Tftr BesTTSia. sent gratis on ap plication.' All oidorashould he adiJrcsatsd to JteUMAlX ft niMOIITMAef, PtiM sliors. WAXTKl).—'''cachets. Pi ifdehtsj and other 'ntetlN gent Men and Women, iu a btmuers paying a .» *I0e to $800 p»r month, noenrdiin: .to- nbtllty. For* THIS 0 I 5 1 Iiombard Block, Chicago, 111 ndl NEW IIRM. NEW GOODS. O W I E S TAYLOB&arpiARHI, lrr a ST.. CLOUD, Land Commissioner, St. Par], Minn. "A Repositor of Fashion Pleasure am Instruction. HARPER'S BAZAR. on No BAZAX:, ml. de- The Publishers Will commence, vereber 1st, the Isstie of HABPEK'S a Weekly Illustrated Family '.lour to Fashion ftu Home Litet-ature. Hifcii- aiui is iWQibld: to supply the cxist ingiies-.l v? Weekly Fashion Newspaper, and to combine ther.-n-Uli a first-class liter ary journal, whicn will be indispensable to every household. ».?» -. j.:..? if.- ATTUE OJ.I) STAND OF '*«-*.* .'»»r.' v.'ia' *c •i" 'HI f'sis 'u: Li i-i' ».' :i ,j Hnv«on hand a lar^eatsortmciji«£•.% am! .Wh.|er «»o*?, WLjcjuLoy oii'cr to lUe ,wU customers lli? House, u:ri the nuui'erbua friends of cur acv? partner, AT TH E O W E S RATBS. Wc sutuilico itinnc to excel in and keep ou iiuixd i-.iy-Auw ble goods of the season. Our motto will bo QUICK SALES AND SMALL I'iiOiil'S. CALL AND EXAMINE •TAYLOR-•& McLARITN. 17v0 .. 218.TiiJid street, 5 Paul, Jlinn. ST .€LOi WAGON A O Keeps constantly 'oil ha'nd.'and^are mait hea^y* afad llgfft! two atid ot^'horfe.i -and light. 8'v:i* %in a '.•'• agr-n, Bu% ij, and Machine repairinn.JlMiy andT0h&Uc$miWnjff •«-.. ..'f t-4 *«.••-•'* tr..e:« Tec shoeing, ivc, inih best manner and' on reasonable terms. In connection with the ajjove* »., .• A Lixge, Stool of Mron, SPRINGS, A E S 1 THIMBLE-SKEINS, .CARaiAfi BOLTS, And WAGffN STOCK of every'description is offered at wholesale andtcTtafl.* l*w, er than ever before sold in,: S^-IIsTT O O The best, Foree and Lift PUMP mide. :md best adapted to this latitude, as they will not freezt iu the severest we ther_ Also thy best make of PLOWS. .AgentTor McCoi'mick'g Reapers ft'Hewers Which -are r.ow acknowledged the btesl, having bet:, awarded the.. iiiiiliest Prenhnm over all^ ihp great l'ar»s Uxposi tion, July 1st, 1S07. And all other kinds of AGRICULTURAL On hand at St IMPLEMENTS, "ale. PACKER, JE., Proprietor. DITMAR, General Agent. July 21ih 186?I v9-?2 H. ECLECTIC MAGAZINE S 9 FOhEWN^lilTERA'i UliE, SELECTED JKOM Itevite Jes DeuxlIondtJ London Quarterly, Bi irili Qii:i.-f*Tlv. Surtli B.i:isb JtCvie-.v, T. Science Review, Westmlnsu Keriew. Cii:iml*i»" Journal, Art Journal, CdUtenil* iva-v I Atl tie Year l^nnd. Macmillan's JIagazine, 0 I.nnitoii Pociety* it. Paul's Fraier"i Magazine, Wo have rJso a iauu-ed 'to r:i:i i!..- I':-_-:ich. tScnnan «.ic«is, ti-iti or six copies to- be supplied at am- *Subccr plions sent From Bridsl ^orth American Provinces must be accom panied with 20 eents additional, to prepay United States postage. Address 3 Bvlsravia v. M,r,AnAS.TTT*^"LX*1,'01'WCJE w/ctmrn,Tns«: Lei«urj!-Hour, 4 Temple liar, London Iteview, C'liriiUau Society, Culilln Cniversftv, seourc choice 'elections and otlier Contlnentrl ECLECTIC, ta «e.l esjiecially fur tl vnri.-ty an. value of the work Eneli nunihci is embellished wit'n one or mere Fin evl llnX'avings—]iortraitsof nuiniiit men,oriUu* itive I'TML: historical event?. SPtENOia PREMIUMS FOR (868. J-: iitH lv.-i-rcTie for 1S68, navro-. i-ceive either of the fjllouin^ hen lit: a! .r^ i:o '1 ifetnttnjrs BA3I-2JST E A I 1 E S Size, Ox 11 I A E S Siz'. 7 S. The above are oxnot cosies of original oil paintings, and lie executed by Prang & Co. in the highest style of art: or, in place of them, we will send either of our line r/.eul ^ugiuvinjjs, W a^hiugton at Valley Forge, llotnra hum J'aikti. Sunday Morning. Fur Two snbscvioeis and *10.00, we will send the beautiful Ch.oiiii, l'».nlt Lite—Size5}ux S. Foi" thiee sntRsCiilers and Jlo.00. a copy of WrBSTEH's KATIOSAL PICTOMAL WCTI0!."AKT, one Volume ol l,0i0 pages, containing over 600 pictoii al illustrations, juice Six Dollars: or copy of Rosa BoifheuVs* celebrated riiece. Shetland Poities—Sae. 2 For Five sut&cribeis and 523, the beauti- f\ilchiom.\ after a p:'inttn?r liy AV. M. Brown, of Slittwbeiiie*. size \'l 15^i\ :iifui Tin subscribei^s and $50, coiuptete (.et of tlie !v Volume of Shaks paaif, In thiitcen Yoiames,. bound in tulf morocco, most beautiful eu tiyn i-uid,: pi ice, ?15, TKItJiS OF THK ECLECTIC. Single eopie-vJfe- ccnt^ on'e o^y. cSft" yeS»,*$5.K»: two- copies* oiu» sear,.»9XJ live jcopiti*.,-OIK' year. \-.0.00. Auulfes W. ft. r.IlWECL. '-s* Slickr.iau «MNcw»York ---«—t,— .. E E S O aiw IST+UlfrAG-MUfFE BA*l3 a PIANO PORTeS Arc cclebrafca tTiri-nghont th- conntiy, and are distin 3 gnlslied for rhoir Sin sing Qualify: Volume anit P%Ht]*DrXoh#: SvBijiiitlietic. Klasiic.Ev^j. ToucJi.'ihty of Cu-trnciioii. and Beauty trt Finish! FIRST PRtMltJInS AWftftDE At the NEW TCT.K ST.vrt FAIR'in 1S."S, and whenever and wheievcr exhibited. The Decker .v Co».iiuuiy Pianos havcajwan receiveil tbe"Ftrst Pi-emium ^r),fntr*.r Mid mlxm-er they have competed with- the most celebrated makers, in this country THK IVORY AGRAFFE BAR! IsanitiVorfrtr.n berim.YH in its simplicity, nnd won ]It is ihoniost compRit •nl in its niiiclKa' i.. r.itie ever invciilci'., iv render metlowev. b.iHi,.-., niciaVic all oiiter Evrif.1 mnieuiled is jantfj ?lfl.0Q 5.P0 oil •ct. is influence upon the ni.e Viaindev. aud more chtairiy overcomes tha] sharp. MftUinros flic institimrnts of ii nafity wht imke'». minions -iuso:i of thebisl arti.-ts and the oWerUicsis. that :he Decker Company aile Fa. Piano-i'oiti. which i» voliimiu.. us *n* po-^tive -sf.ili.liiy ••f tone, can stand ith ihe i'o»i Unuid Piano-Ki«j«amade. 'j. .o is ]\~t:rr.:n cd/or. $(vcu l'iars. T.i uti nv-'i nli l-Vo.-v -V. son .litv. Qompa ist PA PER WAKKROOM3. .• Nva UNLt)N SQUARE, of 14th St and 4th Avenue, NEW YORK*. .tf a sin •c -j* XGF.Vft Tf tJKlTr Dr W am Miultir. IWJT1©I-IARY OF THE BIBLE. c*litafnsOVfca^)Hi4a.ilOr}'Al*DclDselyprii«ou, double cj^luiiio, oc,iavo ptures, (Win Mow eleetroota-po= [iMrmJ oh a'oo'. lirfAeir. awl »Ml*v"*rfcirely ilfci^!rated •9|b$wivt9kV«iV¥I^tls9swf(|#S| I 0 Art extra copy nf tho Weekly will be scut,to tlio getter tip of ucluhof ten or over. Any prrston sendiiip club of thirty for th« Vfeet.b will be entitled io threwfopfon cxtni'or one copy "r" thoTri-M'ueKly one jvar. a cluh of i.utv. I'.ur copies of tl.e Weekly, tl- one copy of the "li.iiiy. oa,^tecl WOOil, atid soliy-i'of lilieaitthelllic liillJlS. It'i»-1iii^f1y coi.' men., atui Iff .' e.rmifrv. nn4 is Ush Btugqa ami luhsl byAili IcaladiiMml aoiiSent .Less generally tbrpughont thei estfcrt'k ofV-dtfrid-inrho Shg- DO -tOJ'nil DKCKIYKV. 0\\ t"g to tlie impveeeileiit. 'it'yopnThf ity or this \rork a Mnhll ltii-ha'oridiuieor-aduiteU tojnieiuie «id ers, iii iinMecimo form, of about COO pages, has lceti op. hrtwt ly ahothrr'ffvm fnSitVgec. tyi«','-am|' sravad over (00 qc.'Mi -la.SC^ evidenlli-—by inakius iv booV* la: .ci- lliau oftHft&r—to give tlie "mpre-sion that it i-iim- itli' h.'.i. 'So "ilidsowho -dr«ro Uies juvenile edi.ieii. we v.i'l. eiuly iu XTrticii, furnish the Bngtish ivo, k, far hSperlor to the Aniencan, at ^.T6 per cow S u,1 ell. nftir »'\iivr ftill pafPcurara. -b^T-Jw K. jj TllKAT, Chicago,111. rVO MARRY OR XCT 0 HARRT WHT NOT .JL Serii«i3 Itetieci ons for Yoiiig Men, in 1 says lii^HvvtfirO Aasocuiiuiu. ou,the tthfaiotacb 1 iVio AiCsis and lise ie» induced hi -nouiticc ol Nature lawaj in tlmfirst HSO of mail. Vent in rMilff' lettea envelopes, free of chime. Address. Di. J. 8KI1X1N' UUUllTON Howard Association, I'tUadeljitia, ft I TCaiiam,A\'^JL,l,i^i._ _J_^ .' SIB: Ytu uro hereUj notified to appear at !h'- offi-^ cm th- 13TH DAY OH APKIi^ 1 at 1 show oa :-.e why your Hom«stea4 Jtitry s» ?S? tern wuimmmmu ummt Us r-•••• then and tucro to ghow the tame, W a rol «hl b. WAIT, JU-SM «K.« II i.*v i*\.' ti ..- ,r* LAM "•.C-JJLKBAAFSSI OPl-JCK, .-T. U)Mu. N Miichr .!. r-.^ l-nry.v iiu .~ Vi^u tux-litrcl/j FOR, VOURSELVES Otifiu] t, -«-lilL. 1 S rr4t !/y-.u Ai»i. litu, ih^uptja tiXT'y'lt^iv^i'- 5kouW not a 1 "i'' iu0- iS\-autviK«utlUi:tw4 hjioa, „u,i ^Zr.^'T"" theie to eliow ii ,-,uJ lLiM Kale at st. t»ofr«Bn.^gonllno S U. U. JOUDS allege* an afeanaonment thereof "by TO* J*^'!i'^!!!,f ilj J*?S»,«*«« »»J*P»»«« rfueirlen t.'i,^Lo% ^^ii^lS 6JTATE OF MIXM.eOTA.-UISTKICT*C^«^ O bgTeuth Judiia.l. Iii.i^tt, Cowaty of Stearic 6 4 -J _. «P?-.j*»**r. stju:o5s. a»f« C. Stiopiej, nrfwiilm I •--. 4 lUA Stals^ ol JtiDbesota *•& Shepfty th#aboT* in De*eW- J^ftl«i*uttuitt,u»4 -a^g^Vtif^u, aa»»fcr the comjilaint E ttiis action, which J» on ale lnth* office JA t*« Clerit t,J tMa Ch«rt at his offif^ itftBe t..wu ... M. CIo-. in bail Stearns Cvunly, ctai« (.: the Minue^jia. and to .-enre a copy ot vour aDswert' said couiiilaiut,oiMhe-eBb»rntwrjai tii-iroflic« in---, to^^ol «t,.^loudJ -mthio t^eityda»a»ler» gJT«- vice ol this suuiinons ujKjn you, exclusive of the 1 IT ot*«ufb »ervioe fcj .yrfh to-in-w^r t^t compUint )V thin Uie. time ai/rejiid, ihe tlautifi u. rli*-acti'jn-»rat tafe« fo'lemlirt A yonTort&! •ugWit^folity-^j^t and ii-iuu doiiar*, wiah mt«rt*t or that-nui, a per cent, per annum frtxn atd MD the lUlh .'ay ol Au.-::.-r B. imj. l^^fcs %«r«--1 ar.d Ui^ijur-ci^t-u:-, Bjk."C:5 Notice i.- herebj given that by virtue of the power of c.i'.e contained in said mortgage and onrsuan: to the siatute in such case made and provided ssidmort.ase v.iil be loreclased by sa'.eof the.mortgagBd prtmnes, to wit: The north-e:i=t ipaartcr of section ":. sine. (9.1 in town hip No. thirty-four. (St) noith of Tanpe No. thirty, (_C0.) west, situated in Suerbu-ne.Coun:\, afore said, at publfc vendue, by the Sheriff of said Sher burne county, at tha front door of the Post Office in OroDO. in said county, on the 24TH DAY Or' APRIL A. D. 1:6S, nt half past 2 o'clock in the afternoon oi" that day, to satisfy the amount which shall then be due on said note and mortgage, with cost of foreclos ure- F. M. HOPKINS. Mienit of Sherburne comit\. Minoesx ta ETW.AF.O O. HAXUS. Atfv for Mortgagee Dated St. Qowl, 9th March, 1S68. raart2- MOBTGAOEe SALE—Whereas. Default has been mad in the conditions of'a'certain Mort gage executed and delivered bjr Aionrv* Gates and Mary, his wife, Mortgagors, to Andrew Borington Mortfr-i .v. leariiif date the fourth gar of August A. V. IS66. and recorded in the Office of tie Register •I Deeds in and for Sherburne Connty, Minnesota the Tib day of Anjmst, A-. D. 1*60. at 4 o'clock Bauk Aot^ a age Dtads, eat Pages a »£2 and oil, to secure the Payment of Five Hundred dollars »r?oi* after ttioOate thereot witl» interest at 12 tier cent ier annam, according to the conditions of a certain promissory noteVafii even date therewith ««*i W»og »4 «tuitj pi rmiesnr'tkai except one vturj and there is claimed tfl be due and is due thereon at the (Me of tM» uO*ip tIw «T Fi»» Handre.1 and Nmetj'-five_dollars-««ud the t-wcr to sell contained in SMd 'mortgageTlaJTK'Conie'opVrative.aad no action or proceeding has been instuuled at law or v*h*»u-e to recover the debt secuxrd by said mortgage or any part thereofu Notic* is Itarebt-^irerf «hit br slrla* «f A a^wre, ,of sale cuii i.uiuii in said mortgage and pursuant to the statute In such cos'made arid protiirtd gs5dfeortga-o Wi»l lM*«b»e«Jqsei,tjr «ate#f Urn- awrtgaged pceaiises. town: The south-west quarter of section fifteen, in t.w*ni)iip4hiiry.«*«i- range thin*-, w%st. cCltaliiit! «ue bundred aini si«y«cres,and situatedJU Sherburne Coni«y.-atTesaid.nfplbHeTVo.ftie, bx'th* Shtriff of ^saidilirrbunsy ?ujity, at die %vr* uoo* of the I W Office Oroio,iusaidct»tintv, on the 24TH DAY OF AliUL, A I. I^l5i.at2«Vs..*k-1ti-«he«St(rnootr of Uiat day, to satisfy the amonnt which shall then be dm? on Said note and raortgasjeirrW rostsvif foTw-lwure. F. M. HOPKINS. Sheriff of Sherburne Count v. Minnesota, Enw.utP O HAJIUX, "Att'v for Mortgagee. Patent. C»ud, Min»t,4th March, ls&i." m»12-7t GALENIC INSTITUTE. A at 9 1 ioouut*st i?Dh »L ^viuy. U"«1 U»e lweuoou pf Iha JfAtI lt'«*ter, ...-,, ii. LANI iuar-6-ew_ ii. ^._ OmCE, Sf. CLOW). Mi ,N i'ebrrarylitlj.lvj- Ji/ot'-f MosU/'-jc '.' giK l'vo ar« hereby notified tc a ....-.,- .1 «. a Y*b20€«-j I u,s- ja da- ai.dt.fcu hud *'„.'» cau- yoor Itoiuwteaa latr% $0 1M you sfejnenil^lHx, W *, ibwirJA* tw 1, -tciiou^J, lae^nuiztaft ti land, tul.ject to tale at St. cLuo/'".JII,^ .' i«e»ucw«j,«« WiKfamilatbw a if a S W meut tLeroot by J-uHaud^ropv^* aud tiitai i» •-hciu-tcesam.-,vW:nyTu w,tl be'perSu.^rt,J7*fr WAIX.Iii^ur uvxiTuyi^fi, vi. "crlothb. si\.\ GORDON OOU.UK. l'laistitTr Att rn^v- Caie.:ei, Cl'JUd, January 31st.ISss-. fel«^» fJEFAlF Notice thereby zi'~.u lb:: thus t*-unuiceintliccoujirk)tlt of*oT ....- u:-^de inJ executed bv WUUani "'.- I-irac Crowe f-n 'the 3d daVcfT Jv'.r A. V, ., .... L-y »»i.l l^jac Cfuwe do A= iSueu t i.". f..itdwin on je COth dav »r Ma A J) b*4J JK-iis-y Was ft-cordE* ciiUm c* Ue.^m U:,.\ 1'. 1.07, in the- t-ffite of lie^i-ur c: lecjj Hi :.-t!-*au:y in th«Statecf ifinr.esotain BoA •B" iao! -._j ^es i~a^ '£H, and -i»id asoignii: *i »TL rerardea on the tii-t day of May A. D. l^tiT. in said the in obmvritjtgea, pogcaui. There* li-imeJ to be uue on tsodjp JlXga^t.- ai the date ol ::.:= .tite, Uie suia of Thix-t- Hu^reuand St»enty doilars arid twenty cent«. .'o prieeed:ngs at law have been C/Biaanfii to re cover the debt secuied by said mortgage, or acv j, thereof. -Therefore in pursuance W Jf sate contained in said mortgage and in accordance jriih the Statnte*-in such ca?e m^de and pTO\1,led, the nramiiia^ dec.ibed io san*mortgage, tojvin Th'. south east quarter of Action No.thirtv-one, fSL) antt\vii--!iipNo.onehun*ed.acdwenty.(li8.'i..:"nla_e No, thirty, in :he cuuu.y of Meeker uforesail wtLi 5a 'soldat pnbKeanctiuntothe highest bidder on tie Ts DAY Oi: APU1L, A. D. Isc5, at o'clock in "the forenoon of said day at -.he fivm d^-^r of the office of U^tjistei- of l), in Forest Citv, in the counxv of Meek'jtaf.jresaki. F. ECGENE BALDWIN, Assignee. Dated^annary 3d 1S6S. jan2S^6w—niwi-Tt MiBTGAGnEthea*.LE.—Wherea*. has been made conditions of a cerfciin Mortgage executed nud delivered by A'on* Gates and M»ry fcis wife, Mortgagors, to Andrew Boyington, Slort^azee bearing date the fourteenth dav of Jdlv, A.' D. S S and recorded in the Office of the Begister oT Deeds in asd lor Sherburne connty, Minnesota, on the 7th iav of August, 1*66, at 4 o'clock p. M., in Book A rf Mor: ou pages 623, oil and 626, to secure the pav meut of Nine llandrud and SeveutT-ei'ht iT-loO dollars on'.he first day of June. A. D. IC7° n::h L terestat Uierate of :en percent per. antinni fjmi date until paid according the conditions of a certsua promisseiy note besriug even date therewi.h: -lzi waiving ail right and eiiuty of redemption except cue year, and there is claimed to be due and is due there on at th- date of this notice, the sum of KlcTO I Hundred and Forty-one -I0-1 '0 dollars and the power to sell coutaiaed in said mortgage has 1-e-oome opera tive ard no action or procceuim: has been iu?:ituu-d at law or oihtrwise to recover the debt secured 1 y-cid rtgage or any part tbereof METMCAIREPOHT. price 'Jo cents, just imhUshiNi, on the diagnosis of *rei erial diseiiset. gi\iog a concise rripiion ot theva.ions diseox affecting tha urinary and rent rativeorp«n. Especial Mten sioa Jms Krn given to ^,-.-«i.: orrhni or Scotinal llVutasrss 'a Weea* aliroit universal tuoag the young aien of tie pie elit .fay. welfknown to Le productive of the nK»t ,'«- ptoi i,u.»ouw.s|u«ucos,fi-eqaeatly eutaiiiuj upon the untbrtuharo being thus aW ed liteJonc misen-. aid 1 nose -with whom Uo is c-iuuected well. To we tiffe onr services, and eonnWntry awcrt thai rh .disease may bo caved in «1' i»es when uncvtupiicated with any organic disease in itself incurabfe. All dtse »s ednmcrated ini'irfiepon ars #uccc-tully treated at the lusUtn'e. To TIM virs.—Special»ttPntion tsgiven rathe m»!a diesprc/'sor to the sex. have a r.ii-ij: ct-i*p which we guarantee to prr mai-ontly Tarttvcild or .enlargement of the veins insiilo the scrotum iu four ilajs. Send for circular. Yarieocile is IttUj treated npoii oav MASVAt. OF VESKK1A1. SCROBRY, A full and cottprchoiisivw treatise.upon ttu medical and sniiical treatment at" all diseases descrtbed in rTio',ReiKrt~-*riee«e.eoC Otlra Concert Mail Block, Sd street, TlUS INSTITVTIOS IS OllABTIWI* KT UOBLMIVE tKsnatnt.ft Ac'.dts-ss ail avmaiatia-ationsjo W GALRMC IXSTITCTE, UNldi/ *MEAfT MARttST THOS. O. ALDEN, Wquld respectfully inform the people of -v"' tflond'thathe^ prepar**a te furnish th^ with all kinds of the choicest fresh m*»«j Fresh beef, veal, pork,amUon, poultry anu gamein its seasonxat prices is low lowest. A share of S S S solicited. Shop one doornorih of oweu Hardware Store. 7 St. Cleu '.• "_!______ A IMP DP —A lot ef ALARM CLOCKS in the in For sale at BUSHES.