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OFFICIAL LAWS OF MINNESOTA. AN ACT relating to tho apportionment of school money by the County Auditors. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: SECTION 1. It shall bo the duty of each County Auditor in the State, on tho last Wed nesday of March and on the last Wednesday of October of each year,to make a report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, showing the whole amount of money by him apportion ed on that day anion? tho several school dis tricts in his county tho sources from which said money was received into the county treasury the aggregate number of schollars in tho county, and the number of districts receiv ing a portion of said school money. SEC. 2. This aet shall take effect and be in l'orco from and after its approval. Approved March 6, 1368. AN ACT to regulate tho number of Directors of tho State Normal Board of Instruction. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: SECTION 1. The State Normal Board of Instruction shall consist of seven directors, one from each Judicial District, and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, who is ex-officio a member thereof, and is Secretary of said Board. SEC. 2 The said directors shall be elected as provided bylaw in section seven, chapter thir ty-seven of the general statutes. SEC. 3. All acts and parts of acts incon sistent with this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 4. This act shall be in forco from and after its approval. Approved February 1. 1868. AN ACT to amend section 132, of chapter 11, of the General Statutes, relative to re demption of lands. Be it enacted by the Legislature of tJie State of Minnesota SECTION 1. That section one hundred and thirty-two, (132,) of chapter eleven, (11,) of the General Statutes be, and the same is here by amended so that tho last paragraph of said section shall read as follows: 1' And upon payment into the county treas ury of such sum or amount of subsequent taxes, interest and charges, together with the sum of twenty-five cents for each certificate as treas urer's fee such certificate so given by said Auditor shall be the evidence of the redemp tion of said lands." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be fn force from and after its publication. Approved March 6, 1868. AN ACT to authorize the Superintendent of Public Instruction to give certificates of qualifications to teachers. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: SECTION 1. Tho State Superintendent of Public Instruction is hereby authorized to grant and issue State Certificates of eminent qualifications as teachers, to such persons as may be found worthy to receive the same upon due examination by himself, and who shall exhibit satisfactory evidence of practical experience and success in teaching said State Certificates shall supercede the necessity of any and all other examinations, and shall be valid in any county and school district in the State for a period of seven years but a State Certificate may be cancelled by the State Superintendent upon proof of immoral or unprofessional conduct. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 2, 1868. AN ACT to amend chapter forty-four (44) of Session Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty seven (1867), being an act to amend chapter eleven (11) of General Statutes, relating to taxes. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: SECTION 1. That section sixty-seven (67) chapter eleven (11) of the General Statutes be amended so as to read as follows Sec. 67. There shall hereafter bo allowed to the publishers of newspapers for advertising the delinquent and forfeited tax lists of the several counties, the sum of fifteen (15) cents for each description, and whenever more than one government subdivision or tract of land or town lot shall be included in a single descrip tive sentence, the same shall be deemed one description, and the county auditor of each county shall charge the same to each tract when so advertised. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 27, 1868. AN ACT in relation to the duties of Clerks of School Districts. Be it enacted by tlie Legislature of the State of Minnesota SECTION 1. It is hereby made the duty of the clerk of each school district in this State, to transmit by mail or otherwise to the super intendent of common schools of the county in which the school house of his district is situ ated, an attested copy of his record of the pro ceedings of the annual school meeting of his district, within ten days after the time said meeting was held the said clerk shall also in clude in the report, the post office address of the trustees of his district. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 5, 1868. AN ACT to amend chapter six of tho general laws of 1867, entitled "An act to amend section eight of chapter thirty-seven of tho general statutes, relating to State Normal Schools." Be it enacted by tlie Legislature of the State of Minnesota. SECTION 1. That section one of chapter six of tho general laws of 1867, be amended by. adding to said section the following: And said Board shall appoint some suitable person treasurer for each Normal School hereafter organized, who shall be the custodian of all funds donated or appropriated or belonging to said school, subject however to the control of the Board. Ho shall hold his office for one jear unless sooner removed by the Board and before entering upon tho duties of his office he shall execute a penal bond to the State of Minnesota, for the faithful performance of the duties of his office the amount of which bonds shall not be less than twenty thousand dollars smd said treasurer shall execute a new or addi tional bond when required by the Board in such sum as said Board shall deem necessary SEC. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 4, 1868 AN ACT to amend Section 84. of chapter eleven of tho General Statutes relating to taxes. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: SECTION 1. That section 84 of chapter 11 of the General Statutes of Minnesota be amended by adding at tho end of said sectian tho following words, "and such decision shall be binding until annulled by the judgment or docreo of a court of competent jurisdiction." Approved March 4, 1868. AN ACT to amend section one hundred and thirty of chapter eleven, of tho General Statutes relating to tho redemption of land sold for taxes. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota SECTION 1. That section one hundred and thirty of chapter eleven, of the general stat utes bo, and is hereby amended, so as to read as follows: Section 130. Lands and town lots sold or forfeited to the State as aforesaid, may be re deemed at any time within two years after the day of date of forfeiture, and all land or lots belonging to minors, femmescovert, or insane persons, or persons in captivity, sold or for feited for taxes as aforesaid, may be redeemed at any time (during tho continuance of such dis ability), or within two years after the removal of such disability. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved March 5, 1868. AN ACT to regulate admittance into tho Com mon Schools of the State, and to repeal sec tion seveuty-two, of chapter thirty-six (36) of the general statutes. Be it enacted by Hie Legislature of the State of Minnesota: SECTION 1. Admission to any school or ganized under the general school law of the State, or any special school law, sustained in whole or in part by State school funds, shall be gratuitous to tho children of all actual res idents in the district wherein such school is taught, between the ages of five and twenty one years, and to all other persons between the same ages, who may bo in good faith liv ing in said district, and have not come into the same for the purpose of attending such school. SEC. 2. Section seventy-two of chapter thirty-six of the general statutes is hereby re pealed. SEC. 3. This aet shall bo in force from and after its passage. Approved March 6, 1868. AN ACT to amend section 3, of chapter 41, of the session laws of 1867, entitled an act for the adjustment of certain tax accounts between the State of Minnesota and certain counties therein. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota SECTION 1. That section three, of chapter forty-seven, be amended so as to read as fol lows Section 3. The State Auditor is hereby re quired to allow twenty-five per cent, on all sums paid on said indebtedness, previous to the first day of January, 1869, and to allow all abate ments of taxes heretofore made in accordance with laws: Provided, however, that one-half of said indebtedness shall be paid on or before the first day of July, 1868. SEC. 2 This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 4, 1868. AN ACT to amend section twenty of chapter thirty-six of the general statutes, relating to common schools, as amended by an act of the Legislature approved March 2d, 1668. Be it enacted by the Legislature of tlie State of Minnesota: SECTION 1. That section twenty of chapter thirty-six of the general statutes relating to common schools, as amended by an act of the Legislature approved March 2d, 1868, be amended by striking out tho following words in the last line of said section, to-wit: '-And one-half mill." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 6, 1868. AN ACT regulating foreign and domestic in surance companies. Be it enadetd by the Legislature of the State of Minnesoa: SECTION 1. It shall not be lawful for any agent or agents of an)r insurance company in corporated by any other State than the State of Minnesota, nor for any insurance company organized under the laws of this State, or their agents, directly or indirectly, to take any risks, or transact any business of insur ance in this State, without such company has first obtained a certificate of authority from the State Treasurer, and before obtaining such certificate such insurance company shall furn ish said Treasurer with a statement under the oath of the President or Vice-President and Secretary of the company, showing— First. Tho name and locality of the com pany. Second. The amount of its capital stock, and the amount paid up. Third. Tho amount of its accumulations. Fourth. The assets of the company, includ ing— 1. The amount of cash on hand, and in the hands of agents or other persons. 2. The real estate unincumbered. 3. Tho bonds owned by the company, and how they are secured, with rate of interest thereon and schedules. 4. Debts to the company secured by mort gages. 5. Debts otherwiso secured. 6. Debts for premiums. 7. All other securities. Fifth. Tho amount of liabilities due or not duo banks or other creditors by the company. Sixth. Losses adjusted and due. Seventh. Losses adjusted and not duo. Eighth. Losses unadjusted. Ninth. Losses in suspense, waiting for fur ther proof. Tenth. All other claims against the com pany. Eleventh. The greatest amount insured in any one risk. Twelfth. The act of incorporation of such company. Thirteen. Tho amount of gross receipts of such company during tho preceding year. It shall be tho duty of tho Stale Treasurer to cause to be prepared and furnish to each insurance company applying therefor, printed forms of the statement required by this section. SEC. 2. No insuranco company or agent or agents thereof, shatl transact any business of insurance in this State, unless such compa ny is possessed of at least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in value, invested in United States or State bonds, or other bank able interest-bearing stocks of the United States, at their market value. Upon comply- SUPPLEMENT TO THE ST. CLOUD JOURNAL-THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1868. ing with tho preceding section, and upon fur nishing evidonce to the satisfaction of the board of insuranco commissioners hereinafter provided for, that such company has actually invested tho amount abovo stated in such se curities as hereinbefore mentioned, tho State Treasurer shall issue a certificate thereof, with authority to such company to transact the business of insurance in this State. Provided, That insuranco companies organized under the laws of this State shall bo entitled to such cer tificate of authority by furnishing evidence to tho satisfaction of said board, that such com pany is possessed of, and has actually invested, at least fifty (50) thousand dollars in United States or State bonds, or other bankable, inter est-bearing stocks of tho Unitod States, at their market value, and by otherwise comply ing with tho provisions of this act. Provided, further, That purely mutual compa nies who insure farm property, and are already organized under the laws of this State, shall be entitled to such certificate of authority by furnishing evidenco as in this act required, of being possessed of twenty-live (25) thousand dollars in money or in such securities as are provided for by this section. Provided, That insurance companies incorpo rated under the laws of this State which now hold certificates of authority from the Treas urer of this State, in accordance with existing laws, shall be exempted from the operation of this act, until tho next annual statement is re quired to be made. Provided further, that life insurance compa nies organized under tho laws of any other State, shall be entitled to such certificate of authority by furnishing evidence to the satis faction of said Treasurer that such company is possessed of, and has actually invested one hundred thousand dollars in United States or State bonds, or other bankable interest bearing stocks of the United States, at their market value, or in mortgages on unincumbered real estate worth double tho amount loaned there on, exclusive of buildings thereon. Provided, furtlier, all foreign insurance companies doing business in this State under the provisions of this act. shall annually, on or before the first day of March in each year, pay to the Treasurer of State two per cent on all premiums received on cash or otherwise by their attorneys or agents in this State during the year ending on the preceding thirty-first day of December, which sum shall be paid into the general revenue fund and shall be in lieu of all other taxes to be collected from said company in this State. SEC. 3. The State Treasurer, State Audi tor, and Attorney General are hereby created a board of insurance commissioners, whose du ty it shall be to examine into the affairs of any insurance company doing business, or apply ing to do business in this State, and it shall be tho duty of the officers or agent of such insur ance company, (at their own expense) whenev er so required by the said Treasurer, to cause their books to bo opened for the inspection of said board, and otherwise to facilitate such ex amination so far as it may be in their power to do, and for that purpose the said board shall have power to examine, under oath, the officers or agents of nny such company, rela tive to the business of, and securities possessed by such company and whenever the said Treasurer shall deem it for the interest of the public so to do, he may publish the result of such examination in one or more newspapers of the State SEC. 4. Whenever any insurance company doing business in this State, upon a reasonable request of the said treasurer shall refuse to I comply with any of the provisions of the fore going section, and whenever it shall appear to the said board upon such examination, that in their opinion the assets of any such company are insufficient under tho provisions of this act to justify the continuance in business of any such company, or that the condition of such company is unsound, the treasurer may forth- I with revoke the certificate of authority granted in behalf of such company, and shall cause a notification thereof to *be published in some newspaper published at the capital, and such company, or the agent or agents of the same, is, after such notice required to discontinue the issuing of any new policy, and the renewal of any previously issued, and whenever it shall appear upon such examination that any insu rance company, its officers or agents, have violated any of the provisions of this act, the said treasurer shall forthwith report the facts, with such statements and remarks as ho may deem expedient, to the attorney general, who shall at once prosecute said company, officer or agent. SEC. 5. The State Treasurer shall annually in his report to the Legislature exhibit an ab stract of all the returns and statements made and accepted under tho provisions of this act, during the year, with such other information in regard to the condition of the various in surance companies doing business in this State, as he may deem expedient, and he shall also, within a reasonable time after tho passage of this act, and annually thereafter, in tho month of February, publish, in some newspapar pub lished at the Capital, a list of all insurance companies authorized to do business in this State, showing in a tabular form the assets, liabilities and other essential data and infor mation regarding the statements made and ac cepted under this act. SEC. 6. It shall bo tho duty of every such insurance company, or some agent thereof, before taking any risks or transacting any business of insurance in this State, to file in the office of the clerk of the district court of the county, in which it is desired to establish an agency for any such insurance company or individual, or to transact any business of in suranco therein, a copy of tho statement re quired to be filed with the Treasurer aforesaid, together with a certified copy of the certificate of said treasurer, which shall be carefully pro served for public inspection by said clerk, and also cause said statement and certificate to bo published in some weekly newspaper printed and published in said county for three successive weeks, or in some daily newspaper printed and published in the city of St. Paul, tor at least one week, which publication shall be verified by the oath of the printer or pub lisher of' said paper. The statement and evidences of investment required by this title shall bo renewed annual ly in tho month of January in each year. The first statement may be made at any time. If the board of insurance commissioners on being satisfied that the capital, securities and invest ments remain secure as at first, the State Treas urer shall furnish a 'renewal of certificate as aforesaid, tho certified copy of which, with tho certified copy of the statement upon which the same was obtained shall bo filed, kept and published in tho same manner, and be gov erened in all respects by the provisions of sec tion one of this act. SEC. 7. Any person or fiirm in this State, who receives or receipts for any money on ac count of or for any contract of insurance made by him or thern, or for such insurance company or any individual aforesaid, or who receives or receipts for money from other per sons, to bo- transmitted to any such company or individual aforesaid for a policy of insur ance, or any renewal thereof, although such policy of insurance is not signed by him or them as agent or agents of such company, or who in anywise directly or indirectly make or cause to be made any contract or contracts of insuranco for or on account of such insurance company aforesaid, shall be deemed to all ex tents and purposes p.n agent or agents of sti ch ompany, and shall be subject and liable to all provisions, regulations and penalties of this act. SEC. 8. Whenever a judgment for the re covery of* money has heretofore been or here after may bo recovered in any of tho courts of this State against any insurance company or against any association,* partnership, linn or individual engaged in the business of insur ance, and holding a certificate of authority therefor from the State Treasurer, under the laws of tho State, and an execution thereon is issued and duly returned unsatisfied in whole or in part, and proof is made by any person, by filing with the State Treasurer a certified transcript of the docket of such judgment, to gether with a certificate of tho clerk of the court in the county where the judg ment roll is said action is filed, and the gmbn therein is docketed, that an execu tion has been issued on such judgment to the proper officer of such county and returned satisfied in whole or in part, with the date of issuing and return, the State Treasurer shall forthwith revoke all authority or license for tho transaction of any kind of insurance busi ness within this State, conferred upon such insurance company, association, partnership, firm or individual, by any certificate therefor granted by said Treasurer to such company, association, partnership, firm or individ ual under the provisions of this act, and shall withhold therefrom any new certificate of authority, such as is con templated herein, until such judgment so docketed against such company, association, partnership, firm or individual, is wholly paid and satisfied, and proof thereof tiled with such State Treasurer by the official certificate of the clerk of the court in the county where the judgment roll is filed and judgment docketed, showing that the same is satisfied of record, and until the expenses and fees incurred in the case under the provisions of this title are also paid by such company, association, part nership, firm or individual, and the State Treasurer shall also forthwith cause notice of such revocation of authority to bo pub lished in somo daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. Paul, for at least one week and during the time such authority or license remains so revoked it shall be un lawful for the company, association, partner ship, firm or individual, holding such revoked certificate of authority, or any of its agents or officers, to issue or renew any policies of in surance, take any risks, or transact any busi ness relating to insurance, except such as is I absolutely necessary in closing up its affairs in I this State. SEC. 9. Any person violating the provisions I of this act within this State shall, upon con-1 viction in any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined in any sum not exceeding one thou sand dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail, not more than six months, or both, in the dis cretion of the court and any company that wilfully makes false returns or statements under tho provisions of this act, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five hundred nor more than five thousand dollars. SEC. 10. All acts and parts of acts incon sistent with this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 11. This act shall take effect and be*in force from and after its passage. Approved March 7, 1868. AN ACT' to secure uniformity in tho text books used in the common schools of this State. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: SECTION 1. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Principal of the University of Minnesota, ar.d the Secretary of State, shall constitute a board of Commissioners, whose duty it shall be to select the text books to be used in the common schools of this State. SEC. 2. Whenever any text book shall be selected by said board of commissioners, it shall be authoritative and binding upon all public school officers and teachers for the pe riod of five years: Provided, That said period shall not begin to run till after three months from the selection and adoption of such books. SEC. 3. It-shall be tho duty of said Board, whenever an exchange of any text book shall lie made under the provisions of this act, to make a written contract with tho publishers of the same, that said publishers shall receive all tho books in the hands of the families and scholars in the State, in exchange for the new books of the same class adopted by said Board, Provided, That it shall be lawful for said Board, whenever such exchange of books can not be effected, to make a contract with the publishers of any book adopted, that they shall receive all the books in the hands of the fami lies and scholars in the State, of the same class as the one adopted, allowing therefor the true value of the same according as the same has or has not been used, the said value to be de termined under proper regulations to bo adopt ed by the Board and made a part of such con tract with said publishers. SEC. 4. Said Board of Commissioners shall hold their sessions at St. Paul, in tho office of the Superintendent of Public. Instruction. The members of said Board shall receive no compensation for their services, except that tho traveling expenses of the Principal of the University of Minnesota to and from St. Paul and St. Anthony shall be paid out of tho State treasury. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Super intendent of Public Instruction to insert in the blank school registers the books which shall be made authoritative aud binding upon school officers and teachers agreeable to the provi sions of this act. SEC. 6. This act shall take effect and bo in force from and after its approval. Approved March 5, 1868. AN ACT to authorize the organization of per sons as a Chamber of Commerce, or Board of Trade, and to incorporate such organi zation. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Slate of Minnesota SECTION 1. That any number of persons not less than three, in any city or town in this State, having a population of three thousand souls or upwards, may associate themselves and become incorporated as a Chamber of Com mcrce, or Board of Trade, for tho purpose of advancing the commercial, mercantile, and manufacturing interests of such city or town, for inculcating just and equitable principles of trade for establishing and maintaining uni formity in tho commercial usages of such city or town, for acquiring, possessing and dissem inating useful business information, and for adjusting tho controversies and misundorstand- ings which may arise between individuals en gaged in trade, and for promoting the general prosperity of such city or town. SEC. 2. All persons so associating shall pro ceed in accordance with the provisions of title one hundred and eleven (111) of chapter thirty four (34) of the General Statutes, so far as the same are or may be applicable, and even- such corporation shall be endowed with the follow ing in addition to its ordinary powers, viz: First—Said corporation may constitute and appoint committees of reference and arbitra tions, and committees of appeals, who shall bo governed by such rules and regulations as may bo prescribed in the rules, regulations or by-laws for the settlement of such matters of difference as may be voluntarily submitted for arbitration by members of the association, or by other persons not members thereof the acting chairman of either of said committees, when sitting as arbitrators, may administer oaths to the parties and witnesses, and issue subpoenas and attachments, compelling the attendance of witnesses, the same as justices of peace, and in like manner directed to any constable to execute. Second—When any submission shall have been made in writing, and a final reward shall have been rendered, and no appeal taken with in the time fixed by the rules or by-laws, then on filing such award and submission with the clerk of tho circuit court, an execution mav issue upon such award as if it were a judg ment rendered in the circuit court, and such award shall thenceforth have the force and effect of such a judgment, and shall be entered upon the judgment docket of said court. Third—Said corporation shall have power to appoint one or more persons, as they may see fit, to examine measures, weigh, gage or inspect flour, grain, provisions, liquor, lum ber, or any other article of produce or traffic commonly dealt in by the members of said corporation, and the certificate of such person or inspector as to the quality or any quantity of such article, or their brand or mark upon it, or upon any package containing such article, shall be evidence between buyer and seller, of tho quantity, grade or quality of the same, and shall bo binding upon the members of said corporation, or others interested, and requiring or assenting to the employment of such weighers,measurers, gagers or inspec tors nothing herein contained, however, shall compel the employment by any one such ap pointee. Fourth. Said corporation may inflict fines upon any of its members and collect the same, for breach of its rules, regulations, or by-laws, but no fine shall exceed five dollars: said fines may be collected by action of debt before a justice of the peace, in the name of the cor poration. SEC. 3. Any corporation of the class speci fied in section one of this title heretofore or ganized or attempted to be organized under former general laws may conform their arti cles to the provisions of this act, and re-file the same with the Secretary of State as herein provided, and thereafter without any other act or ceremony shall become entitled to all the rights, benefits and privileges conferred herein. Approved March 6, 1S68. AN ACT for the protection of persons when operating or using Threshing machines. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of any person or persons, company or companies having puc operating a threshing machine or machines, the horse power and seperator "of which are connected by what is termed a tumbling rod, to box or cover and enclose the knuckles and rods between the outside horse and the machine with a board box, so that no part or portion thereof shall be exposed, whereby persons shall be liable to be injured when the machine is in operation. SEC. 2. Any person or persons,company or companies, who shall refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before any magistrate or court having jurisdiction, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars for each and every of fense, and pay all costs of prosecution. SEC. 2 All actions under this act shall be commenced within thirty days from the time the offense was committed. All fines imposed and collected under this act shall bo paid one half to the complainant, and the other half into the county treasury for the use of common schools. SEC 4. Tnis act shall take effect and be in force from and after it passage. Approved Feb. 15, 1868. AN ACT to authorize Railroad Companies to execute.morigages or deeds of trust, and to provide for the recording of the same. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: SECTION. 1. The several railroad companies of this State shall have the power, and arc hereby authorized, to mortgage or execute deeds of trust, of the whole or any part ot their property and franchises, to secure money borrowed by them for the construction and equipment of their roads, and may issue their corporate bonds in sums not less than live hundred dollars, secured by said mortgages or deeds of trust, payable to bearer or otherwise, and if payable to bearer, negotiable by deliv ery, bearing interest at the rate not to exceed ten per cent, per annum, and convertible into stock or not, as may be deemed expedient, and may sell them at such rates or prices as thoy deem proper: and if said bonds shall be sold below their nominal or par value, they shall be valid and binding on the company, and no plea of usury shall be put in or allowed by said companies in any suit or proceeding upon the same. SEC. 2. Snid mortgages or deeds of trust may, by their terms, include and cover, not only the property of the companies making tRem at the time of their date, but property both real and personal, which may thereafter bo acquired by them, and shall be as valid and effectual for that purpose, as if the property were in possession at the time of the execu tion thereof. SEC. 3. Said mortgages or deeds of trust, shall be recorded in the office of the Registor of Deeds of each county through which the road mortgaged or deeded may run, or wher ever it may hold lands, aud shall be notice to all the world of the rights of all parties under the same, and for this purpose and to secure tho right of mortgagees or parties interested under deeds of trust so executed and recorded, the rolling stock and personal property of the company, properly belonging to the road and appertaining thereto, shall bo deemed a part of the road, and said mortgages and deeds so recorded, shall have the same effect both as to notice and otherwise, as tcf the personal, as to the real estate covered by them. SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and bo in force from and after its passage. Approved March 5, 1868.