Newspaper Page Text
O A 2T"ETWS We would respectfully request al mm and others wishing any Job Printing, xa*m«Jtec* of New Material, justreceived romthe east, before tending to St. Paul or joing elsewhere. Our Job Office is now one of the bestin the State, and we do work which we will guarantee to be satisfactory, a'Saint Paul prices. 49 Tl»» CIreml«Uo» of a DOVBLR leant or mny otMer paper afelleMed la Sortker* Mlsmesota. I*t Advertisers tMe. POST OFFICK* ARRIVAL AND DKPARTUSB OF MAILS. St. Paul and way stations—departs at 8 A. H. Armes at 1} T. M. Mail closes at 7 A. M. Sauk Centra route—Departs daily, Mon daya excepted, at 6 A. M. Arrive same days at 6 r. M. Mail closes at 7 p. M. Crow Wing Koute—Departsdaily, Mondays exoepted, at 6A.M. Arrives, same days, at 6 r. M. Mail closes at 7 r. M. Forest City and Way—Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 r. M. De parts Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7} A. M. Mail closes at 6 A. M. Fair Haven and Way—Arrives each Fri day at 10 A. M. Departs same day at 2 p. M. Mail closes at 1 M. Two Rivers and Way—Departs each Mon day at 7 "A. M. Arrives on Tuesday at 4 p. M. Mail closes at 6 A. M. St. Augusta—Arrives Wednesday and Sat urday, at 1 p. M. Departs same days at 2 P. M. Rockville—On Saturday, same hour as above. Sauk Rapids—Twice a day. R. M. RICHARDSON, P. M. fj^-Allkinds of Job printing, inEng sh, German or Norwegian, executed at his office. Send in vour orders. mft" Advertising brings the tnerchant'sgoods the constant notice of the customer. SACK Rivsa.—On Friday the ice moved out of Sauk River, and swept down the Mississippi past town. IMPBOVISG.—Dr. Hunter is better this morning, and strong hopes are entertained of his recovery. FOR CALIFORNIA.—M. LadJ, one of the oil settlers, started for California on Mon day last, intending to make hit home in that State. MAPLE STRTJP.—A limited quantity has been brought to market. There will prob ably be more of it in a few weeks, and at lower prices. NEW BRIDOI.—A foot bridge is being built across the ravine, on Richmond ave nue. It is a matter of private enterprise, being done by a few of the cititens most directly interested. TMR LATEST.—Mrs. Farwell has receiv ed another lot of new styles of wall paper. Also, baby carriages. All direct, from New York. QOAETIRLT MEETING.—The Third Quar terly Meeting of the M. £. Church, in this place, will be held next Saturday and Sun day, by Rev. W. W. Rork, af Clearwater. DUCK HUXTIXO.—Quite a number of our sportsmen are taking trips to the country for mallards and teal. A party of three went to Elk River on Saturday, but the boat upsetting, each one simultaneously got a duck they had not been looking for. iMPBOVKMKxrs.—M. Becker is erecting dwelling house on Washington avenue near E. C. Smith's. I. M. Noyes is putting up a residence south of the ravine, near J. R. Clark's. DISTEICT HEADQUARTERS.—On Tuesday Major Feury, Quartermaster, accompanied Lieut C. J. Powers, was in town. Maj. F. has taken an office here, and St. Cloud will bo the headquarters for this entire Northern District. TMR NORMAL SCHOOL.—The Prudential Committee has given notice that proposals will be received for re-painting the Stearns House. Work will be commenced at once on making substantial improvements, and putting the building in order for the Sep tember term of school. TJxiox SCHOOL.—The plans and specifi cations for the new Union District school house have been received, and are gotten up in fine shape. The Board of Education will meet this evening to act opon propo sals and let the contract for putting up the building. POLICE ITEM.—Henry Verding. having imbibed too much benzine, was furnished with lodgings in the County Hotel on Mon day evening last, and the next morning brought before Justice Barnes, who requir ed him to replenish the City Treasury in the sum of three dollars, which was done, and he went on his way rejoioing. RUXAWAT.—On Saturday evening H. J. Fowler's team started from in front of Coats & Freeman's shop, and ran up Wash ington avenue, striking a post in front of Montana Saloon, damagiog the buggy, which they dragged on as far as the Post Office, where they cleared themselves. In their hasty career they ran over a man, but did him no special injury. MARRLRS.—The spring time has ushered in this universally popular game, and it is being indulged in by old and young. The Aretics appear to have adopted this as the national game, and the "crack" first base, catcher and short-stop of last season ean be seen congregated around the circle, "knuckling down tight." COXXUBIAL Htnum*?.—The noblest sight on earth is amen talking reason and his wife listening to him. This is now witnessed daily, since everybody is telling his wife of the wisdom of buying at the ••Regulator/' where they sell the best —oods at the lowest prices. It is the place buy dry goods to buy groceries to buy clothing to buy anything you want. HOTEL BONUS.—The details with regard to the vote on the bonus to be given for a .hotel will be fonnd in another column. From what we ean learn of the sentiments of our citizens, the vote will be almost unanimous in tavor of the bonds. This is as it should be. The great need of St. •Cloud is a good hotel, audit cannot be ob tained without some such aid as this. CUAKOI.—Attention is called to the no tice of dissolution of copartnership of Alexander* Co. Th. manufacture of .he S & Eagle Eaoaiag Mills, which have already •vstablishet an excellent reputation among •our farmers, /will be continued by Davis iBrothtn. .AU.tUj lt for their mills ii a Ysftr trial, Miug.joonfident that purchasers will be satisfied. CITT EiKCTioa.—Official notice is given of an eleotion to be held on the 8d of May, to fill certain eftees in the eity government. The terms of the Mayor and Treasurer of Aldermen Bridgman, Clark, Smith and Bennett and of Messrs. Montgomery, Campbell, Wait, Vossberg and Broker, of the Board of Education,|expire by that date. The people of the city and of the re spective wards esutd not do better than re elect all the above gentlemen. They have made good officer*, as the condition of the city shows, and we trust the voters will -continue them in the places they now fill. ITWUIBlVil msesmmm, '), J_J eg PKRSOXAI.—lion. C. T. Stearns, ono of the oldest settlers in Minnesota, and among the very first in St. Cloud, arrived in town on Saturday. For the past few years Mr. Stearns has been engaged in business in New Orleans aud Mobile. Mr. A. Mouatt, Assistant Cashier of the Bank of St. Cloud, leaves soon to take the general agenoy of a new Life Insurance Company. Mr. M. made many friends during his stay in St. Cloud, who will he sorry to lose him. Frank Armstrong, of Watertown, N. Y., brother-iu-law ef J. G. Smith, Cashier of the Bank of St. Cloud, is iu town on a vis it. On Friday we were favored with a call from Mr. A. Campbell, of the Ann Arbor (Mioh.) Courier, who is trying Minnesota sir for the benefit of his health. Mr. A, Richardson .returned from the Bast last week. His new goods will arrive this week. C. Buss, of Cold Spring, vrasjn town yesterday. M. P. Noel returned yesterday from an extended trip through the Western States, disposing of rights to uso his patent wood saw. CITY COUNCIL.—An adjourned meeting of the Common Council was held on Mon day evening last, at which was submitted the annual reports of the City officers From them we gather that the finances of the city are in a very healthy condition, and great credit is duo the present oity government for the safe and economical manner in which it? affairs have been ad ministered. The City Clerk has issued, according to his report, two hundred and fifty-seven li censes, as follows one wholesale liquor dealer, eight letail liquor dealers, two pig eon hole tables, one bowling alley, five two horse peddlers, one one-horse peddler, sev enty-two dog licenses, three billiard tables forty-seven saloons, eight band peddlers, ninety nine selling goods by sample, and ten for exhibitions—netting a revenue to the City of two thousand six hundred ami eight dollars. In addition to this sum theie was paid into the treasury from Justice Barnes, fines to the amount of one hun dred and sixty two dollars and fifty cents, collected from evil-doers and "guzzlers" of liquid poison. Justice Richardson also helped the treasury, from alike source, in tne sum of eight dollars more in all two thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight dollars and fifty cents. For a brief state ment of the financial affairs of the city, readers are referred to the Treasurer's ex hibit in this issue of our paper. FBOM FORT BUFORD.—Lieut. Cusick, with a guard of three, arrived from Fort Buford on Tuesday evening, having in charge, in irons, three soldiers charged with breaking into the sutler's store and Quartermaster's office. He reports a re markably mild winter. The mercury ranged from 10° to 20° above zero, only once going as low as 10° below. But very little snow fell, only enough to whiten the ground. (What do the opponents of the Northern Pacific Railroad think of this The body of M. Sergeant Vagler, an ac count of whose death by freezing near Fort Totten was given last week, has not yet baen found. A party of Indians is now kept on the constant search. Fort Buford is in Dakota Territory, near the mouth of the Yellowstone river. CONSTANCY.—After eighteen weary years of constant courtship by a Massachusetts couple, the happy event has been consum mated al the altar. It is said that the de cline in the prices of goods, since Pickit & Abbott commenced selling theirs for cash only, has created quite a furor in the mat rimonial market, and that a number of weddings are on the tapis. The brides are just waiting until the spring stock of the "Regulator" comes on to get their outfits, and the grooms are looking out for the clothing, which is No. 1. They all intend buying their groceries, glassware, crock ery, &c, at this store. COMFORT AND ECOKOMT.—Rosenberger Bros, have in store a large stock of the St. Anthony Falls Mills Sheeting Paper, for lining houses. This article has been thor oughly tested, and is considered one of the most economical things that can be used in building. It eoon saves its cost in fuel. They have also anew supply of wall paper, of all grades and patterns, for sale cheap. Attention is asked for both these articles. REilLi E S A E TRANSFERS Reported for THB JOTOSAL by John %app, Esq., Reg itter of JJeeds. For the W E in April 10th* Warrantee Deed from Henry C. Wait and wife to the "St. Cloud School District," for lots 6, 7 and 8, bl'k "F," City of St. Cloud. §1,2 X) Wariantee Deed from Anton Weling to Bernard Weling, for swj uwj Sec. 28 T. 12611. 32 west. $100 Warrantee Deed from John SueUerle an wife to Gustav 0. Hegg, for lot 8 bl'k 11 City of St. Cloud, John L. Wilson's sur vey. §610 Warrantee Deed from John Zcnnder and wife to William Kruegal. for und. of 20 acres of sej Sec. 26 T. 124 R. 28 west. $800 Quit Claim Deed from Rufus J. Baldwin and wife to Henry T. Welles for lots in St. Cloud City, Brott & Smith's add. and sold on execution. E ST RTJ UTION .'• The undersigned, having received anew and choice stock of family groceries, dry goods, &c, will sell, (at his old stand, op posite the Central House,) bis entire stock, cheaper than ever. An especial reduction in boots, shoes and clothing will be made, as he desires to make room for a newer and larger stock. Thankful for past favors from old aud new friends, he solicits a continuance of the sane in the "better times coming." JOS. EDELBROCK. FCRS.—Geo. H. Spencer is just shipping to the east a large lot of furs, including 12,000 rats, 100 mink, 100 foxes, and others in proportion. Mr. Spencer is paying the highest cash price for all kinds of furs, and would ask a call from all who have any to sell. Office with Grovenor & Co. Extract from a Private Letter from Hawaii, Sandwich Islands. Although the eruption is not so violent now, the volcano is a fear ful sight to behold. The rivers of lava still flow, and the smoke from the crater ascends in awful majesty. During this volcanio upheaval it has been very sickly here A peculiar sort of low malarious the foul, condensed vapors of the volcano, has pre vailed to an alarming extent, and at one time it was feared it would depopulate the island. But fortunately, a sea-cnpiain (calling here for supplies) distributed Plan tation Bitters to the suffering, and quick and tnorough cur were the result. The news spread like wild-fire. Messrs Ching- Takin ft Co., Commission Merchants, had these Bitters for sale. In a short time their office was besieged and tbeir supply ex hausted. A steamer was dispatched to San Francisco by order of the Hospital Department, and anew and enormous sup ply obtained as soon as possible. From that moment the scourge was stayed. Not another fatal case occurred, and the epi demic has now entirely disappeared. Is this wonderful temedy known in your city I hope so, for it is a sure cure for all tevers and raiasmntic sickness. You may 11 your friends so fop me. M.C. Magnolia Water—superior to the best mi orted German -Cologne, and sold at half the price. WRItiHT COVJiTT. row KlerUoue—Rather Bitter—Kl*»e llouav—School Matters. [The following letter came too late for last week's issue.], April 7th, 1SG9. EDITOR JOURNAL.—Our spring election passed off very quietly yesterday, with the following result: Supervisors, T. C. Porter, Chairman, Selah Markbnm aud Louis Wie gard Town Clerk, II. J. Dunton Treat. Saml. Whiting, Jr. Asst., James Jcuks. Some thirsty individual went into Phil ip's saloon the othor night, between 12 o'clock and Whiting's carriage house, afcd abstracted "drei pottles Ropaok's Pittens, fler pottles Blandation, and fenf pottles whiskey, pesides acht pottles wine."— Whether tho individual drn.nk it all or not is not known. Geo. S. Whiting has begun .••he erection of a magnificent suburban residence, near the bank of the Clearwater river, and has just raised the frame of the kitchen part. It is very high, and looks as though they stood it up the wrong way, but that appa rent defect will not be a defect when the front is built, which will make it a beauti ful and harmonious whole. Mr. Clifford's team took a fancy to "go it alone" for a short lime, but not being careful where ihey walked, they came in contact with a tree, which sadly demoral ized the buggy and released them from ro straict, Tho adjoining school districts compris ing the village having consolidated and adopted tho title of "Independent." arc to meet on Friday, the 16th inst., to elect a "Board of Education" according to the law in that case made am3 provided. The ice in tho Mississippi took a short start yesterday, and we hope it will get well on its way before many days. "'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished." Election on Lynden side as follows: Su pervisors, G. E. Warner, Chairman, T. Hea ton, Chas. Whittemore iown Clerk, W. 0. Davis Treat. Wm. Dallas. Tho teams have started on the road be tween the mills and St. Cloud once more, having "hung up" about two weeks on ac count of the nearly impassable roads. But now you may look for an uninterrupted stream cf the staff of life in a finely pulver ized condition, suitable for the bodily sus tenance of U. NS OTTER TAIL COUNTY. CLITBBRALL, April 7.1869. EDITOR JOURNAL.—Considerable sick ness has prevailed in this settlement late ly, there having been a number ot severe cases of influenza, but no deaths have oc curred. As we have no physician, we feel specially thankful for this favorable re sult. A considerable proportion of our people are now in their sugar camps, and the prospects of a liberal yield are good. There is a fine little store here kept by C. Peak. The countrv around is still settling up steadily. A report has been brought hero of a dis turbance in a Norwegian settlement west of Clitherall A stranger took a claim about which there was some difficulty, when the settlers resolved upon forcibly ejecting him, but the affair coming to the knowl edge of Mr. Lacy, Justice of the Peace, he went to the settlement and quiet was re el ored. C. WHITING. STRAWBERRY PLANTS.—I have a largo stock of the best varieties of strawberry plants, which I will sell by the hundred or thousand at less than Minneapolis prices. Call at my farm near Sauk River. PRAIRIE FIRES.—The blaze and heavy smoke of these fires have been visible on the east side of the river, a number of miles back, for several evenings past. JUST RECEIVED.—A large lot of new ype suitable for Dill beads and letter heads. Send your orders to this office. —See the advertisement of* Col. for Subsistence Stores. Oilman 8 CLOUD A E S Wheat No. 1 perbnsh 80 2 70a75 3 60a65 Com, 70 a 80Buckwheatprcwt Oats 60a60 live a 71Bolted, Barley 125 tlay, per ton 6a7 liuttor, peril). 25.i30 Kggs, per doz 30 Cheese, pi lb a 25 Cord Wood 3 00a 500 Beans,per bush a300 Potatoes 40 Onion,per bus 60 Kerosene Oil prg 50 600i7OO Corn meal, new 175 2 50 Sugars 13 a 20 Tens 100a200 Coffee 30a 45 Lard prlb 25 Hams.cured 20a25 Driod Apples,prlb 20 QreenApples.prbbl 7.50 S O A E GorrcctedforTa* Jotnu»AL,6y D. M. Q. Murphy Co Fisher 700 Wolverine 300 Wolf—Timber 250 Cub Bear 2 to 4 00 Geese, Ducks, Chickens, Red Pox 1 50 Cross Pox 300a flOO SilverOrey $25 to 50 On Lynx 152 Badger 40 icorSkios, perJbl0to25 Mnskrat Winter 'Iid-s,dry 18 Pall Rat 11 MEAT A E CORRECTED WEEKLY BY COATS ft FREE1IAX. Beef—on foot, por quarter, hind, fore, at retail. Pork—dressed, at retail. Mutton—on foot, at retail, Veal—on toot, at retail. Poultry—Turkey, Buying, Selling. *WA 1 2^ 11 8@15 \VA®WM 4a5 6@7 17 15 15 16 15@20 10al5 12al5 22 18 18 20 I A E S O O CORHECTED WEEKLY BY DAVISftCU.3K. «MHMM WHOLES ALE. XXX 6.00 XX 4.50 nnerflne 4.00 BHAIL. 5.50 6.00 450 —Dispatches state that tho Senate has confirmed Abner Tibbets as Register of the St. Peter Land Office and 0. Stoever, Collector of Minnesota Dis trict. Mr. Stoever's office is Collector of Customs. —Rhode Island nobly fell into line on tho 7th, and elected the Republican State ticket by about 3,800 majority. On a joint ballot, the Republican ma jority in the Legislature is seventy-one. —The Indian question has been set- tled by Congress placing 82,000,000 in the hands of the President tobe used at his discretion in keeping peace. —Ashley was confirmed as Governor of Montana by only one majority and after a sharp fight. —On Saturday the Central Pacific railroad commenced transporting the mails, 615 miles. Only 52 miles of track remain to be laid to complete the Pacific Railroad. A Paris dispatch of the lOtb savs "In the Senate to-day the defensive measures proposed by the government wcro generally approved Marshall Neil laid it wus the duty of the coun try in time of peace to secure its safety. The army might bo placed on a peace footing, and if needed could rapidly pass to a war footing. In the Corps l.egislatiff M. DeLavellGtte made a long peaceful. ppeech. He concluded with the f'Mowing words: MINNESOTA NEWS —At the Sauk Centre town election last week tho following ticket was elect ed for tho ensuing yepr Supervisors—A. 0. Juques, Chairman A. M. Stiles and Pangbum. Town Clerk—1. Stabler. Assessor—J D. Carr. Treasurer—E. L. Wright. Justice of the Peace—8. A. Irish. Constable—8. Iteidleman. —The town ot Alexandria elected tho following officers: Hoard of Supervisors—'James P. Dickon, Chairman T. P. Smcad and J. H. Twtty. Clerk—¥. B. Van Hocsen. Treasurer—John B. Cowing. Tustice of the Peace—L. G. Sims. Assessor—Jerome Dicken. Constables—D. Fredenburg and O. W, McQuillan. Overseer of Highways—T. F. Smead. —The Rochester Post repoits an ac- cident at Salem. While tho town meet ing was being held, the floor of the hall gave way, precipitating fifty men to the floor below. Hugh MoMasters, John McGovcrn and Mr. Bannon were seri- ously injured. The colored men of Rochester have orgauized a benevo- lent association under the name of the "Sons of Liberty." Frank Fultz, convicted of illegal voting, has been sent to-Stillwater for three months. —The Alexandria Post says that the continued ill health of Rev. Havi'and his compelled him to resign the charge of the Congregational church. His place will be filled temporarily by Rev. S. E. Lathrop. —Win. P. Harris, a young individ ual of color, was arrested at St. Paul, and confessed to having feloniously ab. stracted §200 in lawful currency from the money drawer of M. Kocil on last Tuesday, while that gentleman was for the moment absent. —N. Warts, living near Duudas, while" out hunting, accidentally dis charged his gun, tho ball entering the right knee joint and passing upwards to the thigh Amputation was per formed, but the patient died soon after- wards, leaving a wife and two children. A man named H. M. Moores (who will be remembered as selling patent stove dumpers,) while delirious with small pox jumped Irom the second story window of tho pest house at 31 in- neapolis, and wandered around for sev eral hours without his clothes on. He died soon after being taken back. —The wife of John Patterson, of St. Paul, a well known Democratic poli tician, cut her husband's head terribly with an axe because she found him where he ought not to hare been. A fire occurred in tho crockery store ot Craig & Temple, Third Street, St. Paul, on Sunday evening. With much dfficulty it was extinguished, but not until damage to the amount of over $5,000#had been done to that and adjoining buildings and stock. —Geo. W. Kemp, who has been confined in jail in Rochester and Austin ever since the murder of Chauncy Kcapp, in Grand Meadow township, and who was indicted for taking a part in thai terrible affair, has been released on §500 bail. ALBERT SMITH. —The Freeborn Co. Standard, says that a barn belonging to Mr. Moiin, of Albert Lea, was destroyed by fire last week.- The building and contents' are estimated as $2,200. Insurance, §850. '—The ice went out at St. Anthony Falls on Saturd.iy doing considerable damage to booms, dams and mill prop- erty generally. The bridges were in danger for a time. —The dwelling of Mr. Shephard, tt Harrisburg, was burned on Saturday with all its contents, besides the barn, stock, &c. No insurance. —MoLeod County has a Farmers' Club, which had an interesting meeting at Glencoe on the 3d. —Cbas. A. Baker has been confirm ed as Postmaster at Hastings. —Two trains per day will leave St. Paul for the east on and after the 18th. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ELECTION NOTICE. WHEREAS,of The Common Council of the City St. Cloud, did on the 29th day of March, A. D. 18G9, pass the following resolution, to wit: Resolved, That a proposition for a bo nus of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, in Bonds of the City of St. Cloud, for the purpose of building a good Hotel, to cost not less than Fifty Thousand Dol lars furnished, be submitted to a vote of the people at the next annual City Elec tion and tnat said Hotel be located be tween St. Augusta street and the ravine di viding St. Cloud and St. Cloud City, and between the Mississippi River and Hano ver street said Bonds to be payable after ten years, in equal amounts each year, with interest at ten per cent, per annum, payable annually the City reserving the right to redeem said Bonds before twenty' years if deemed desirable." Those in favor of said proposition will vote by ballot, "For Hotel Bonds"—those against will vote ''Against Hotel B*nds." ftow THEBKFOBR, by direction of the Common Council of the City of St. Cl)ud, Notice is hereby given. That pursuant to the said resolution and the statute in such case made and provided,, the question of issuing said Bonds in accordance with said resolution, will be submitted to the legal voters of the City nf St. Cloud, as is pro vided for in said resolution, at the regular annual election, which is appointed to be held on the first Monday, the 3d dav of May, A. D. 1869. NATHAN P. BARNES, St. Cloud, April 12,1809. City Clerk. Report of the City Treas urer. OFFICE or UT TREASCBEB, CITT or ST. CLOUD, MIKS. April 12th, 1809. To the nmorahle the President and Members of the Common Council oftlie City of St. Cloud, GENTLEMEN.—The following is a brief exhibit of the fin mcial affairs of tho City since the date of the last annual report. Accompanying this is an itemized ac count for tho whole year: RECEIPTS. Received from Liquor Licenses, .14. 41 11 •1 1 11 11 Total.. rIt is thd r'licv "f Franco to maintain resolutely dignified peace/ tlCfiOjOO 110.00 06.00 ieo.50 72.00 70.00 16.00 Two Horse Peddlers, Exhibitions, Fines, ling Licenses, Billiard Licenses, Bowling Alley. Sample and Hiind ddlers 11 11 A 14 Licenses, 11 11 695.00 30.01) 3160.10 Pigeon Hole License, County Treasurer, (Taxes) $6037.69 DISRimSIKSNTa. Paid Ordersfor JudgesandClerlwofolection $ 83.00 Regular and special Police, 1163.41 Salary of City Clerk, 137.60 Printing City nailer Ac. (A. J. Reed,) 816.00 Printing City Chartor (W, B, Bridge Co., and interest, 1161.10 Engine House lot, order and interest, 204.05 Cistern orders and interest 216.46 Sundry orders for drafting City Charter and incidental expenses 1100.50 Balance In Treasury, 6S4.64 Total., $6037.60 J. M. ROSBNBKBOKR, City Treasurer. .6 0 —Mr. S. Odcll, who loft Boston last Wednesday, ropoits that tho faimors inr Minnesota and Iowa seem to be as far advanced with their work as they rc in tho east. Tho first farmers he Iiw sowing was in Ohio, about 30 miles west of Cleveland, and the next in Wisconsin, between Chicago and Milwaukee, where ha only saw ono or two farmers sowing, while between McGregor aud Minneapolis ho saw several farmers at work sowing. Min nesota is evidently net far behiud the east.—Minneapolis Tribune. NE W AD VRET1SEMENTS. ELECTION NOTICE. The Annual Charter Eleotion for the City of St. Cloud, will be held on MONDAY, TUB THIRD DAY OF MAY NEXT, between the hours of nino o'clock in tho forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, at the usual places of holding elections in the different Wards of. the City, viz.: Ward one, nt the Kverctt School House Ward two, at tho School House opposite to the Congregational Church Ward three, at the Court House and Ward four, at funk's Brewery. The officers to be elected are CITY OFFICERS. A MAYOR IJV the term of one year. A CITY TBKASUREB lor tlie term of one year. WARD OFFICERS. 1st Ward, One Alderman for the term of three years. 1st WarJ, One member Board of Educa tion for the term of ?!irec yoirs. 2d Ward, One AUcraiau for Iho term of three cars. 2d Ward, One member Board of Educa tion for the term of one year. 2d Ward, One member Board of Educa tion for the term of three years. 3d Ward, One Alderman for the term of three years. 3d Ward, One member Board of Educa tion for the terra of three years. 4th Ward, One Alderman for the term of three years. 4th Ward, One member Board of Educa tion for the term of three years. Per order of Common Council. NATHAN P. BARNES, St. Cloud, April 12, 1869. City Clsrk. :P:RO:FOS.A»XJS For Subsistence Stores. OFFICE PCBCHASHKJ ASB DEPOT C. S.,1 St. Paul, Minn., April 9, 1809. SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate, are invited by the undersigned, until 12 o'clock, M., Saturday, 17th instant, for fur nishing the following Subsistenco Stores, viz 120 Barrels MESS PORK, to contain 200 lbs. meat each, full salted, in full hoop ed oak barrels meat to be free from rust or staia, and packed in winter of '08-9 25,009 Pounds .Clear BACON SIDES, smok ed in winter of '68 9. To be put up in strong gunny sacks, in bales of about 100 lbs. each. 4,500 Pounds new Sugar Curad HAMS, put up in canvas covers and packed iu ham tierces, 59,600 Pounds of fresh ground XXX FLOUR, made wholly from original stock, of sound spring wheat, of best qualitv 19,600 lbs. to te in barrels full head lined, and 40,000 lbs. in double sacks of 100 lbs. each, the inner sack of twilled cotton, and the outer one of gun ny, or strong burlaps. Brands must be stated. 200 Bushels (60 lbs. to the bushel) prime, new White BEANS, well seasoned, dry and of uniform size. To be put up in double sacks of about 120 lbs. each, the inner sack of twilled cotton and the out er one of gunny, or strong burlaps. 6,000 Pounds of prime /Rio COFFEE, in double sacks. 3.000 Pounds of prime Roasted Rio COF FEE, in double sacks. 500 Pounds carefully selected TEA, in original packages 200. poands Green and 300 pounds Oolong^ or Souchong. Packages to be well strapped with green hickory straps and in perfect order. 1,^00 Gallons (in half barrels of about 22 gallons each) best quality pure Whisky VINEGAR, to be free from all foreign acids, or other injurious substances, of uniform quality and strength, requiring 35 grains bi-carbonate of potash to neu tralize one fluid ounce: The packages to be new, full hooped, .one iron hoop on each end, iron hoops and heads to be painted and bungs caprjed with tin. 6,000 Pounds, good, bard, brown SOAP, (well dried), made by boiling and from good materials only free from clay, sol uble glass or other adulterations. 6,000 Pounds good fina SALTj 5,000 Iba. in sacks and 1.000 in good strong barrels. 1,500 Pounds fine table SALT, in good, clean, dry spirit barrels. All old marls to be obliterated by painting the heads. 300 Pounds pure SALERATUS, iu pound or half pound packages, and packed in strong boxes of at.out 25 pounds each. 300 Gallons SOUR KROUT, in 10 gallon kegs. 150 Bushels (60 pounds to the bushel) good, sound "peach blow" POTATOES, to be put up in strong gunny sacks and deliv ered at St. Paul or St Cloud, by April 22d, or Fort Abercrombie by May 1st, (place of delivery lobe stated in the bids The above stores io he of the best quali ty, and ready for delivery (except the po tatoes) at St. Cloud, or at Pacific Railroad depot, St. Paul, (which to be stated in the bids) by 10th proximo. Actual tare required on all packages, and no charge for packages allowed. Samples required of all articles except meats. The above proposals to be bound by all the conditions usually attached to my ad advertisements for subsistence stores, which can be obtained on application at this office. J. II. OILMAN, Capt. C. S, Bvt. Lt. Col. U. S. Army. aprl5-lw "That Cough will Kill you," Try "Costar's" Cough Remedy. "Colds and Hoarseness lead ta death," Try^'CostarV Cough Remedy. "For Croups—Whooping Coughs, &c," Try "Costar's" Cough Kemcdy. -'Costar says it is the best in the wide world—and if He says so—it« True—its True—its True and We say Try it—Try it—Try it."— [Morning Paper, Aug. 26.] All DrnggiHtein ST. CLOUD sell It. "OOSTAE/'S" Standard Preparations ARE HIS E A I E THB Bitter-Sweet a Orange Blossoms. One Bottle, $1.00—Three for $2.00. HIS BUCKTHORN SALVE! HIS "Costar'a" a Roach Exterminators. "Costar's" Be a Exterminators, "Coatar'a" (only pure) Insect Powder "Ouly infallible Remedies kuown." "18 voavs established In Now York." '•2,000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily." 11! Howuro111 ofspurious'lmltations." "All Druggists in ST. CLOUD sell them." Address Mitchell,) 75.00 R.M.Richardson (City Assessor 1*0.00 Chairs, stove, desk, lamps, Ac, for Council room, 106,20 Legal services, 613 00 Lumber Ac, in repairing bridge 68.Si "COSTAH," 10 Crosby St. N. V, Or JOHN P. HENBY (Successor to) DUMAS BARNBS& CO. 21 Park ltow, N. Y. Sold in St. Cloud, Minn, by S. MARLATT. •Iln2.1 ly Store and Lot for Sale. Tho best location in St. Cloud for a re tail grocery business. Will be sold at a barg tin. Inquire of 1/ :c- F* & POWEDL. St. Cloud, Feb. 11,1800. n30-tf J. E. WEST REAL ESTATE AGENT 8T. CLOUD, MINN., Will Buy and Sell Real Estate on Commission, Locate Land Warrants and College Scrip, Pay taxes, and transact all busi ness connected with a Real Estate Agency. BSrKBKHOES. Gov. WM. R. MABEIIAI*. St. Paul, Minn., Ex Gov. 8. Mn.LKB, Philadelphia, Pa, Hon. J. M. MOKKLVY, St. Cloud, Minn., Hon. II. T. Wwitss, Minneapolis, Minn. W8* W a is S a Western Hen Should Patronize Western Institutions. S CJJL,OXJO A N or TDK Republic Insurance Co. CENTRAL OFFICE, CHICAGO, ILL. Cash Assets, March 1,1809, $1,153,471.9* This Company insures' Farm' -Property against all damage from Fire or Lightning, including Live Stock. in the 'field or at large, at as low rates as any other compa ny. Losses paid at once without dhwtmnt for sixty day8. The REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPA NY lepresents an aggregate of wealth and business influence greater than any other Insurance Company. Officers. J. V. FARWE1L, Pres., 3. B. PATSOM. SM'T. B. W. PHILLIP, V. P., F. C. COOLBATOS eas. St. Cloud Branch Officers. C. F. DAVIS, PrcHideut, J. B. WEST, Manager. Directors. J. E. WEST, jj J,!M.'M«kB£vT. List of Stockholders at*St. OoUd\-Jtinnt"~ Manufacturer of Floor* C. F. Davis, James M. McKelvy, N.P.Clark, Thos.C.McClure, C. F.& Wm. Powell, U.C.Wait, L. Gorton, J. M. Rosenberger, Pick t& Abbott, Lewis Clark, Wm. B. Mitchell, A. T. Upborn, F. Talcott, R. Rice, R. Beal, A.D. Beal, J. E. West, E. L. Allen, Wanting Wagons this spring is called to our stock. None but the msm mmsa A good 1} story frame House with an a good well, and four acres of land, in the city limits, for sale. Frict J1200. Long time given if desired. -. Judge 7th Judicial District HardwarrMerchant- Banker*. Hardware Merchants* Reg. U. S. Land Office* U. 8. Assessor- Hardware Merchant Dry Goods Clothing Flour, Feed Qraiu EcUtor St. Cloud Jhurnah Dentist* Wach Maker* MailContractor- Manufacturer of Flour Miller- Insurance Agent. Ins. Clerk. Call on J". IE. W E S And get a Policy in the REPUBLIC. vlln88-ly ST. CLOUD Wagon Factory. Farm and Freight Wagons. JLiglit Spring W a unc Scott, Hegg & Swenson, Having bought the .r-\ ••.'-". St. Cloud Wagon Factory, Are prepared to make to order and will keep on hand a good assortment of Wagons, Bnggies, &c. The attention of Farmers and Freighters a a Is used in our work. Especial attention paid to a *M? SCOTT, HEGG & SWENS3N, St. C»oud,'March 10. 1869. vlln34-tf ESTABLISHED IN 1856. CITY MW STORE! S. MARLATT, DIALER IN Drugs,Medicines, Chemicals FANCY AND TOILET J± IR, I I !?3 S SPONGES, Brushes Perfumery, &c. Kerosene or Coal OIL AND EAMPS. Physicians' Pre'orip ions carefully com. pounded, and orders answered with care and idtpatch. Farmers and Physicians ffM the country will find 'our Stock of 'Medicines complete, warranted genuine, and of the best quality. TlOaiJ- Washington Avenue, Sl.tfiond S.LAND OFFICE, ST. CLOUD MINN April 10, I860. Geo. Rummell: Bis: You are hereby notified to appear at this office on the 26TH DAY OF MAY, I860, at 10 o'clock is the forenoon of the said day and' then and there show cause why your Homestead Entry No. 1044, medaby vou April 12,1866, upon the sw section 22, nship 126, insre 30, In the District of lands subject to sate at St. CI ud, Minn., should not be canceled, as Willtnra Luckoroth alleges an abandonment,tbereof by you and proposes then and the re to show the same when you will bee permitted to contest sucKshowii _H. C. WAIT, Re, ejrlMwl [b permitted to contest such,showing. WATT Register, H. 0. BUBBANK, Btcelrer•1D M'1" PATRONIZE the place where you can buy the cheapest and best Furniture and save YOUR money. We are prepare lo offer greattt inducements to HOME.«-^ purchasers than ever before offered in St. Cloud, as we are in connection with Our sales room, MANUFACTURERS ol Bedsteads. Bureaus', 'Standn^riba and Lounges at wholesale and retail. :BY this you will readily see that you will get goods cheaper by calling and BUYING these articles of us than any other house in town. We keep for YUURj use all kinds of Upholstery and' Parlor Sets, which we furnish to order. AltflC the best quality of^J FURNITUFiB and deal in none but the bes* OF the best. Also a large stookiof«U'iands of Chairs, Mattrasses, Spring Beds, A**^1'" 'Repairing and ordered work promptly attended to. Give us a call. Rooms '-On Si. Germain st., St. Cloud, opposite Cath olic church. ."-•*** 1 a SPICER & CARLISLE. WE ARE COMING, [ZKM iiewCJi Act Cm—trt, jar JJSS, la Clerk', onto of Dirt for Sii'l 9fMusMfeaMUJ ONCE MORE WITH A NEW SPUING STOCK JN our great One Dolla Sale of Dr a a GOODS. E A O & PPEMIUM RATES OF SHEETING: *r C.un, tlUrty, OF Dry Good/, Dress Goods, Linen, Cotton, Fancy Goods, Albums, Bibles, Silver-Pluted Ware, Cutlery, Leather and German Goods of every description, d-c. These articles te be sold at the uniform price of ONE DOLLAR EACH. I and uot to be paid for until you know what yoi aT«: to receive. The most popular and «conouiical matted «f doing* business in the country. ,,. The goods we have tn sale are describe^on vrinted •juw, and will be sent to any address at the rate of 00 cents each, to pay for postage, printing, Ac. It is then at the option of holders whether they will send one dollar for the article or not. _By Patronizing this sale you hhv*rn*cnarice to ex cta«ge your goods, should the article mentioned on the printed slip not be desired. The Smallest Articles sold for OlfE DOLLAR ean be exchanged for SHver-Plated, Five-Bottled Ri votving Castor, or your Clioice of a large iJi Variety of other Articles upon Ex thange List, comprising over 250 useful articles, not one of which could be bought at any retail country store for nearly doable the amount. TERMS TO AGENTS, We lend aa commission to Agents For a Club of Thirty, and $3.00, one of the following articles: a Musket, Shot-Gun or Austriahna Rifle, 20 Yards Cotton, Lady's Fancy Square 2 ^o'MSWter Qult. Accordeon, Set of Steel-Bladed Knives aud Forks. Violin and Bow. Fancy Wtsa Pattern, Pair Ladies' extra quality Cloth Boots, QM down large size Linen Towels, Alhambra Quilt, Upneyconib Quilt, Cottage Clock, White Wool Blanket, lo yards best quality Print, 12 yards Delaine one Linen Dinner Napkins, Ac. For a Club of Sixty, and $8.00, oooof the following articles: Revolver. Shot-Gun. or Springfield Rifle. 42 Yards Sheeting, Pair Honay combQuilts, Cylinder Watch, 4 yards Double Wool STOMI, Lancaster Quilt, Alpacca Dress Pattern, En graved Silver-Plated Six-Bottled Revolving Castor, Srt "/•"'/-Handled Knives, with Silver-Plated Fork* S a i? 3?ri* Quilf».30wrds Piit, or a Marseilles Qnilt, Double Eight-Keyed AccordiKm, Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary (600 engravings. 900 pages,) 3j[ yards Doeskin lor suit, 4c. For a Club of Ouo Hundred, and 110.00, S a ?S 2,erer S if S ,1 H^t}ng Ono Hundred, 95 All otherpremiums in the same ratio I EnlargedExchange List, with newand usefnl article* Se.e new Circular and Sample sent to any addresW tree 4 Please send your money by rcghtered letter, adaressed to J. S. Hawes & Co. 128 4130 Federal St., Boston, Mass. u37-6w LICENSED BY THE "CnSTn-EI S A E S A O I S. C. THOMPSON & CO.'S GREAT. ONE DOLLAR SALE fl# Sharp's Rifle Fancy Cnssimere Coat, Pants and if S «P .I'V."10*1)r Splendid Rose SU55 I a id W" *°nS Shawl, 25 yds. Hemp Carpeting, splendid Violin and Bow, splendid 5r rM S tterD Silvor Hunting-Cased Watch, Single Barrel Shot Gun, Sharp's Revolver, eno pair fine Wmask Table Covers, with one dozen dinner Nankius to match, Worcester's Illustrated Unabridged Diction ary, (1800 pages,) Ac. 4Gf For additional list of commissions, see Circular Commissions for Larger Clubs in Proportion. A pants Will please take notice ot this, Do not sendT names, but number yourclubs from one upward. Make your letters short and plain as possible. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE OF THIS Be SURE and Send Money in ALL CASES by RBOISTERED LETTER, whMicuu be sent from any feet-Office. Ob This way of sending money is preferred to any other method whatever. We cannot be responsible for money lost, unless some precautions are taken to insure its safety. ., 'i Sca for Circular*, Mud your address in full, Town, Coun!y\Trha'State S. C. Thompson & Co., 136 Federal Street, n37«4w Bostvin, Mass. OTATK or M: SEVENTH jen: si MAB!LATT. .—DISTRICT COURT— JAfrDISTRICT, COUNTY OF STSAUMS^* TOB^-Telm. UadleyP. Abbott.. ,JL against' Complaint Filed. Isaac II. 8immNM.'L'f The State *f Isaac U. Simmons, the aboT04ienwrDefendant: Yon are hereby summoned and requiredto answer the beenflludwith the toeerve a copy of the subscribers, at their office in tho City or St. Cloud, Ste mis county, Minnesota, within twenty days after the serrice of on ai nereo summoned an a requ complaint in this action, whichjlms ClerV of the Court aforesaid and. yourans\Te,rt4Hni.-....,. wftCoiirpl*Uttn the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. ited St. Cloud, MiJU., 12th April, 1860. eprlMU Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings, GROVMO & CO., AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, 8T. CLOUD, MINN-, a on a S"'•'. BASES, OASIMGSIAKOIDOOR JAWS Fantfttlied, per Design, with tho Ut most Dispatch. ii rr.'- •'••J .•: :!-. ft. .' "-.r ••».', ."• COUNTRY ORDERS Attended to promptly, and specially solic ited. Factory in Lower Town, near (he Saw M»Us, ST. CLOUD MINN Important Jto Farmers! CALIFORNIA & OREGON SEEDWHEAT AGENCY We furnish Fanners with the BEST SEfct) WHEAT IN TBE WORLD. Perfectly free from icsectiform or other impurities? grown from AUSTRALIAN and CHILI Seed, yielding, on good soil, SIXTY BUSHELS TO THE ACRE, And Weighing 65 Pounds to the Measured Bushel. The ears ofWheat, when mature, are ELEVEN on TWELVE INCHES LONG. a Put up and securely tied and seal ed in linen bags, and sent by mail free to all parts of I the country, on receipt of price.- PRICB8. SAMMJM..10O each RAes..50o and $1 each Or in larger qualities at reasonable rates '^'-A^dress**:-'--' CALIFORNIA AND OREGON S E E W E A AGENCY ^Vra BAN FRANCISCO, qlln81-tf California'/ MINK O E O Simua Otrtiiem: 1 SIR: YOU are hereby notified to appear at this offlca on the 24TH DAJLOF MAY, 1S»J9, at ,10 o'clock in the forenoon bTlhcsaid day aid then and there .}• stiOw cause why your Uomestoad Entry No. 1120, made by you April 12th, 1866, upon the wr)64w| HAMLIN MOORE, Plaintiffs' Attorneys, St.doud,Muui JJAND*OFFICE, XA nw \i, wWswVi sectidb:«\ towtMMp 198 rimgn 30, in theDistrict of Land* subject te.aaUv al St Cloud, Minn., ishould not be canceled, aa Alexander Stewart alleges an abandonment thereof by yon eaaprbeo«*att«n'»n4theT%to show the game, when you will be permitted to contest snch showing. ,U, C. MftAIT. Regie** K,. C. DVRBANK. Reeetver. ST.CLOUD. MINN., .. April lft, 18,69... IHartiti Kyle: Sis: Yon are hereby notified to appear nt this office on the 24TH DAY OF MAY, 1869, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of tho said day, and then and there show cnuso why your Dcclatory Stat* mentNo. 3323. made by you Dec. 12,1867, upon the ns section 32. town slup.liT, rnnRi 30, in the Thatrict of lands subject tosnlo kfsT?Cloed,Minn.,shonldnotbecanceled,a8 Alexander Stewart alleges an abandonment therejif lp• soo^Hiid proposes then and thtere 'l» show the same, when you Will be permitted to contest such showing. -B. C. WATT, Register, sprtMsll B. 0. VUBBAKJT, Receiver. mm GIJIBAL raiuni» FARM MACHINERY! MAKurACTuaEBs AGIXTS FOR THE NORTH WEST TOR TBS New-Yorker Self-Raking Reaper. HUBBARD MOWER, BUCKEYE GRAIN DRILL DEWER DAM BROADCAST SEEDERS, HAPGOOD, YOUNG & CO.'S O W E N & O MANOTACTVRSRS OF DRESSED LUMBER in WOOD MOULDINGS, in S S a DOORS AND WINDOW FRAMES. Newel Posts, Balusters, AND FENCE PICKETS, Ann ROCK ISLANI PLOWS, J. I. CASE St CO.'S Sweepstakes Thresher, FISH BROTHERS' Freight and Farm Wagons North Star Fanning Mills. St. Cloud, Jan. 26, 1869. C.F.& W. POWELL 01 W ft HARDWARE, The most complete stock to be found in Northern Minnesota, I I W .A. IR, E Of every kind thatmsj bs wan tod, S O E S Of all the best and most popular nnk Agricultural Implements A 4 Corner Washington awtnue and Lake stret ST. CLOUD, MINN. CASH PAID FOR Old Copper, Brail tad PiwUr. Particular attention paid kinds of tin and sheet-iron jobbing. CHAS. F. POWRLL. WM. rovnu. 3B A O Watchmaker and Jeweler, —DEALKR rir— CLOCKS WATCHES, E W E Silver and Plated Ware, SPECTACLES [Cable and Pocket Cutlery, I ,s fcc, fc«., A E A I I N Faithfully done and satisfaction gaaraataa. 2 ALSO, ENGRAVING. Washington n?enue, a few doors frast the Central House, on opposite side. ST.1 CLOUD, MINNESOTA WORDS OF WISDOM FOR YOTOO MRU, On tbc Rutin* Passion In Youth aM Early Man* hood, with Sell Helpfoethe Enteg end fle'ut in sealed letter, free of dress, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, BOX P, phi., Fa.