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w. a *f» SH. 6!ra4 §mr»*t -u' The work of grading the Lake Su I BDITOft. MP**0' St. Paul and Superior ,_. 0 0 a A 2 2 1 8 6 9 ximneaoTA AFvmmmmtm* The "work of decapitation in this State has been carried on quite vigor, ously daring the past week. Hon. Augustus Armstrong) of Albert Lee, sneoeeds Charles Baton as United States Marshal. J. C. Braden, of Fillmore county, (formerly Adjutant of the 10th Regi ment) has been appointed to the Re ceivership of the Greeeleaf Land Office, owe Henry Hill. Josiah Poller is Postmaster at Faribault. Hon. Abraham Bergen, of Fillmore oounty, has been nominated as one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the Territory of New Mexico. The nominstion of Hon. C. T. Stearns as Register of the Land Office at Mobile, Ala., will be hailed with -pleasure by his many friends in this State. He has been a true Union man mad consistent Republican during lve years residence in the S.uth, for which he has been villainously persecut ed by the nnregenerated rebels of Mo bile, snd this recognition by Gen. Grant's administration is well deserv ed. Rev. Edward D.Neill goes as Con sol to Dublin. Hon. Wakefield, of Blue Earth City, and Hon. E Freeman, of Mankato, both members of the last Senate, nave been appointed Receiver and Register respectively of the Win nebago City Lead Office. Hon. C. Rudolph, ol New Ulns, whe was in the House last winter, gets the Receiver ship of the St. Peter Land Office. A more gratifying appointment than that of the gallant CoL Henry C. Rogers, Secretary of State, to the Consulship of Hesse Cassel, could scarcely have been made. In point of deserts, he should have had something better. I la to be hoped the change will restore his health, now so seriously Cap*. Owens, of St. Paul, gees to Taylor's Falls as Register of the LendOftee at that place, succeeding Mr. Comer and Hon. Ansel Smith, of Chisago oounty, takes Mr. Luke Marvin's place as Register at Duluth. Oen. Oscar Malmros, of St. Paul, has been nominated as Consul to Win* nepeg, in tho Red River Settlement, bnt he deeHues accepting the position. Mr D. Sinclair, editor of the Win"* na Republican, has been appointed Postmaster at that place, a favor most eminently deserved. Mr. S. ranks among .the landing journalists of the State, aodtlt was hoped by his friends that ho would receive a foreign appoint ment, so that his health, impaired in the service of the party, might be recuper ated. Coming nearer home, Mr, Lewis Lewistow/gives wsy in.the Rcgistership of tho Alexandria Land Office to Hon. L. K. Aaker, of Goodhue county. A Mr. L. only received his appointment a few months since, his reward for ser vices rendered the party hare been slight indeed. I was believed, from some features of the vote on United States Senator last winter, that he would be retained. But politics are very "onsartiu." Mr. Aaker, his suc cessor, is a politician of influence in his county, having been very prominent in the Andrews' movement last fall He was also a member of the last Legis lature. Hon. C. A. Oilman, the Senator from this District, succeeds Hon. Henry C. Wait as Register of the St. Cloud Land Office. For various reasons, this change was not unexpected. It is due to Mr. Wait to say that he made an excellent Register, giving his enti time and attention to the duties of the office, which have by no means been light His decisions in contested cases have almost invariably been sustained by the Department. was consid ered. and deservedly so, one of the most careful and reliable offieers in the State Mr. Oilman, his successor, is far from being new band, bat comes with sev* oral years'experience, which will bo of advantage to him as he again takes a position in tho office. is sn old resident in the upper country, is well acquainted with the District, and will, ws are confidant, disoharge the duties of his position in a manner satisfactory to tho people and the Department. OiVSSSTIOW. uaioation signed A Learn- er," in reply to that which appeared in last week's lone on tho "Women sjuejtioo, is crowded out by the tax l'st. We will endeavor to make room for it •es week bnt wo would at the same time respectfully suggest that t^ere is a possibility of this controversy becoming of interest only, or mainly, to those directly engaged in it. The publie mind is scarcely ss yet sufficiently en grossed io the question at large to care for a regular series of articles upon it, either pro or COR. There is danger ol people wearying of a subject in which they have no special interest. Since the adjournment of the Legislature we believe THK JOURNAL is the only paper in Minnesota in which this matter bas had a hearing beyond a single issu 1 and in very few to e"en that ex'ent. We know, of course, that TH JOURNAL is always in advance of its cotempors* ties in everything that denotes enter prise, yet we feel somewhat solicitous about getting so very far in advance as to entirely loss sight of all the rest of Wo make this suggestion with sll respect for our correspondents, show lag forth either women's rights or •ten's smogs, or vice vena, would be gladly paMisfced, and, we believe, read With MARSHALL will have to liwsYjywsssj patriotic individual to take im*,&Wm$&k .•* *Uto, soon Col. Rogers' I I O A I O A Ailwa is progrcssiug rapidly. Mr. W a oh grading and building tho first thirty miles out of Dulutli, baa a large foroe of men on tbo line. Extensive im provements arc to bo made at Dulutu.— Dr. Thomas Foster issues the first num ber of his new paper there during tbo present mouth. It is this road which tho St. Cloud Railroad Company proposes to intersect at Chcngwtana. This would require a branch only sixty-five miles long, and the Company has a Swamp Land Grant of ten seotions, or six thousand four hun dred acres, per mile to aid in con struction. It will be sure to be built, and as soon as possible after tho lino between St. Paul and the Lake shall be completed. Northern Minuesota will then have direct and short connec tion with the reat Eastern grain mar kets, and St. Cloud will be one of the most imoottant shipping points in the State. KHKATA. EDITOR JOURNAL.—In my article of last week, beside the misnojner it received from tho editor, ("A Reply,'-') were the following mistakes: Mrs. Dule for Mrs. Dall. "There is scarcely a literary man or woman of celobrity," for— "There is scarcely literary man or woman of celebrity in this country, who—" fte., &o. A M. W. —Is it tho w\s'» of ou" correspon dents in general that we should publish tlHr commun'cations, verbatim et liter atim et spellatim, and headless, just as they are sent into the office Some of them would read rather curiously.— EDITOR JOURNAL. SOUTHRRN SNOBS.—When Lieuten ant Governor Dunn, of Louisiana, was ou his way to Washington, a few days since, in traveling through the State of which he is tho second offi cial, was denied admittance to any but the second-class csrs. A Louis ville he was rudely repulsed from an omnibus by some of tho little-souled creatures there, and was obliged to hire a private coveya nee to pass through town. His friends attempted to secure rooms for him at Williard's Hotel, in Washington—a foshionablo rat-hole, where we remember digging cockroaches from the cakes brought to us at break* fast—but the proprietors declined. Gov. Dunn is man of wealth and re finement—but he is colored. was however, received on the floors of CongTess with respectful consideration, as tho majority of that body is com* posed of men who do not think that respectability takes its slade i\\m the complexion alone. HE Chicago Republican gives ex pression to what has become a very general feeling concerning many of the recent diplomatic nominations: "There no mora conspicuous trident* of the gener al diMatisfactlon regarding the general nomination! of diplomatic agents abroad than the determination of the Senate Committe on Foreign Relations to ab •tala from reporting the names for confirmation nntil after a conference can be had with the President, with a Tiew to prevail with him|to recallthe obnoxious names. It is understood that some of the persons in dicated are not famous for personal int arily and dignity of character. Nor can the great and lasting interests of the Republican party suffer such a stig ma with safety. By sending abroad snch a swarm of •litUe men'—some of them little in character as well as in capacity—the administration would be laying itself open to the most aggressive attacks and to the most merited opprobrium." Of course the Republican has uo person in particular in its eye, andAlfred of course neither have we. TIIE Council of Winona having, in rather a questonable way, rescinded the ordinance giving 8100,000 to the St. Paul aud Chicago Railroad, the officers of that road, as also of the "Winona cut-off," have directed the immediate suspension of work. «a»s» A SEVERE storm swept over Illinois on Sabbath last, doing great damage. Churches were blown down, warehouses unroofed, hailstones as large as hens' eggs fell, and a great stretch of country was inundated. Several persons were killed by falling houses. -mm- THK first boat of the season was the Sucker State, which reached the St. Paul wharf on Monday night. The season wss later then usual. HON I. DONNELLY and family re turned home on Monday. —It is said that President Grant has demanded of the Spanish authorities at Cubs the release of tho brig Mary Lowell and the surrender of the two passengers taken from the brig Lizzie Major. If this is not promptly done our naval squadron cruising there is to make a hostile demonstration Orders htve been received at the navv yard io Philadelphia for tho immediate fitting out of three monitor iron clads which are now at the navy yard for repairs. ej —The Poet says that Rochester has a vooog lady, aged twelve years, who weighs 138 pounds. Wont it be hard to match her? As a man named McCue was attempting to fori the Zumbro river, at Oronoco, his wagon upset and a young lady named Miss Atkinson, who was with him, was drowned. Mr. M. lost his team and $J50 in cash. A Norwegian named Mulver Solver son, living near Sheldon, in Houston county, while bunting fell dead in an apoplectic fit. His body was found tho next day. I —The Lo Seucr Courier says that Patrick Murry, of Cordova, was killed by a falling tree. He was not found until the following day. a —James Gray, who committed the horrid tragedy at Oakdale, has been taken to the insane asylum, at St. Peter. It is stated that instructions to Minuter Motley are being prepared at the State Department. It is understood that his instuctions will be in keeping with the opinions promulgated by Gen. Grant, relative to the liability of Eng land for all property destroyd by the Alabama. In this respect they will differ entirely from the instruction given to Ministers Adams and Johnson. —St, Paul proposes tohave a $25,000 driving park. •a v^V^s Same Same Same Harvey Gripman Same John E Sands Same Same Same Same Same Same George Denis Same Same Same Luther Moore Same Same Same W Sperry Same Samo Same earns Delinquent Tax List or MONONGALIA COUNTY, For-1867 and 1868. Owner. Description. See. C. J. Meats ne so 0 Samo Lot 8 9 Same Jsw 10 Harry Barber 5 ao no corner 19 David Campbell Lot 2 20 James Campbell Lot 1 20 A Sperry Lots 8 & 4 22 Thos. Wheeler no 22 A. W. Fredenburgb Lot 2 26 A Payne 15 aos on lot 4 side W Geria Same Same Same S Steel Same Same Same' Same Same Same Same S Drinkland Gilbert Edwards Same Same Same $2.64 Town 121, Range 33. 0 Wassen JTScholts Same nw ne ne se sw qseq se se sw se ne qsw nw se se se sw se ne se se ne sw ne se ne se nw Same Same Emndersoa Same Same Same B. C. Benson Lotl 28 ne se 28 nw se 28 se se 28 nw sw 82 sw sw 32 nw se 32 sw se 32 ne sw 82 se se 32 se nw 32 sw sw 32 ne sw 82 nw sw 82 ne nw 34 nw nw 34 se nw 84 sw nw 84 ne sw 34 nw sw 84 se Eugene Wilson Same Jesse Martin BW Adams Lots 1 & 2 6 E Ashton Lots 1 ft 2 11 Woodcock ne 11 Same Lot 3 11 Same nw sw 12 Same Lot 1 12 Jorgenson nw 14 Ualverson nw 14 W Als se 14 Henry Jabting se 14 Eugene P. Fredrick ne 34 Lots 4, 5, 6 ft 7 34 Town 120, Range 35. Shnman sw 8 John Swenson Lets 3 & 4 12 Charlotte Mincin Lots 3,4 ft 5 13 Same se 13 Same nw se 13 Same Lot 6 13 Jane Redmill Lots 5,6, 7 ft 8 24 Rachael Bennett Same Same Same Robert Hoover John Herman Same McClure Same Same Same Rudolph Holden Payne Gilbert Peter Lagro Jane Blakely Same Crist Wasson Same Same Same Harry Jones 8ame Same Same Ann Jones Patterson Same Vrolson Whitman 8.75 ao n« sw 18 Jorgenson Halrorsia Same Michael Mulcare Same Bams Same E Cavenangh Same Same David Stewart To*. Town 120, Range 83. James Tait Same Same John Tait A II Pullen Robert Tait 2.12 27 2.47 2.20 1.05 2.12 2.12 Same 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 6 8 8 8 8 1.06 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.03 1.06 1.06 106 1.06 1.08 1.06 1.06 1.06 Same Same Same Same ne sw aw sw se sw sw* sw nw se 15 se se 15 nw se 15 sw se 15 ne sw 15 nw sw 15 se sw 15 sw sw 15 Lots 2 3 & 4 19 James Tuttle Same Thomas Mayhew Same Lotl 2 03 40 106 1.06 1.06 1.08 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 3.83 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 87 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 W Gripman Same Same Same Angeline Payne E Welch Smiley E Shirtcliff John Garrison Same Henry Shirtcliff Sune Same Same Steele Same Same Same game Same same same Lot 1 20 nw se 20 aw se 20 ne sw 20 S Drinkland same same W Mitchell same Gilbert Edwards same samo same Albert Sperry same same same Charley Rodgers same F. Steele same same same 34 sw BW 34 Town 120, Range 84 Eleihew Ashton Lots 2 & 3 Thomas Darling Francis Arnold Forsythe sw sw 3 Same Lot 4 3 Arnold ne 4 VS Forsythe se 4 6.06 2.68 5.36 8.64 3.04 5.82 Town 1 2 1 Rang* 34 Andrew Newlin nw ne 8 Peter Larson Sperry A Sperry John Peterson Same John Erickson Samo Eriek Peterson Same W Burdick Same Arnold Steele same 5.64 5.78 5.78 5.78 6.78 6.16 W Mitchell Steele same same E Wilson same same same same same 1.69 1.69 5.96 5.36 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 3.38 3.88 4.88 se sw 8 se 22 se 22 se ne 30 ne ne 30 nw nw 30 sw nw 30 ne se 30 se se 30 ne 30 nw 30 Steele E Wilson Jane Martin same same same Dering same same Moore W Sperry 6.53 3.52 Same se sw 24 Town 121, Range 35. Town 122, Range Kb. Matbias Johnson sw se 1 8 Geer se 25 John Johnson Lot 6 31 Benson 23 acs out of lot 2 32 Town 120, Range 83. E Altenberg 1 nw 85 John Phipps Bennett same 11.52 /1867 150 Clark Lot 2 34 Town 121, Range 36. Lewis Monson 23 acs. 1. se 7 Town 122, Range 33. 1.15 nwqswq 1 sw sw 1 ne se 2 se se 2 sw 2 se 11 14 ne nw 14 nw nw 14 se nw 14 swqnw 14 ne sw 14 sw 17 swq 20 seq 22 se se 24 ne se 24 ne neq 26 nw ne 26 se ne 26 ne nw 26 ne ne 27 se ne 27 ne se 27 se se 27 swq 85 se sw 35 E Welch Phipps John Herman Lovelace Rudolph Holden A Boylan 3.82 3.82 1.91 1.91 Payne Hendricks Clark same same same same Edward Clark Lester Gilbert William Clark same Peter Lagro S E Boyan Wyman SiTer 3.82 due 21 4.81 4.81 4.81 2.53 FnUer 4.99 John Boyan E Lester aeqseq Atsjneqseq 24 Pestin ne 25 John Kelly se 25 4.81 4.81 1.21 Town 122, Range 84. B. P. Shoemaker Same Same se qne sw ne se nw sw nw 3.19 /1867 1.20 1.48 1.09 ne nw 18 sw nw 20 so sw 21 ne ne 80 se ne 30 ne 80 se ne 82 Osten Anderson Ingebreght Olson Osten Anderson Same Andrews S Geer Patterson ne 26 same se ne 26 same ne nw 26 Smith Flanders sw se 26 same nw nw 26 same nw 26 Hugh Jones ne BW 26 same nw sw 26 same sw 26 Henry Jones ne ne 27 same se ne 27 same ne se 27 same so se 27 George Kritter sw sw 27 2.94 2.94 1.48 Neer ne 82 same Let 3 32 same Lot 4 32 Henry Hawks Lots 1 & 2 32 James Tuttle ne 32 same ne 32 Wm Jones sw 82 George Kritter nw nw 34 same nw 34 Ann Jones aw 85 1.16 5.89 1.07 81 Same Lota 1 ft 2 35 4.67 Town 120, Range 34. James Barker nw 15 Same sw nw 15 9.56 Town 121, Range 34. Wm Wright ne se 2 Same se se 2 Same aw so 2 Same se sw 2 11.56 AUDITOR'S OFFICE, Naw LOXDOH, MONONGALIA COUNTY, MINK., April 1st, A. D. 1869. Notice is hereby given that the whole of the several tracts of real property contain ed in the foregoing advertisement, or BO much thereof as may be necessary to pay the taxes, costs and charges thereon, will be sold at public auction by the Treasurer of Monongalia County, at the Auditor's Office in the town of New London, in said County, on the first Monday in June neat, the same being the Seventh day of June, A. D. 1869, or on any subsequent day to which such sale may be lawfully adjourned by the County Treasurer of said County, unless such taxes, cost and charges are paid before that time. W. W. PINNET, Auditor of Monongalia Co., Minn. Delinquent Tax lost or MONONGALIA COUNTY For the Year 1868. Owner. Description. Set Same Patterson se BW 35 Hugh Blakely ne 25 Stephen Brown 20 acres BW 2 same se 2 Charles Curtis Lots 2 & 3 2 Robert Knowles lots 5 & 6 Joseph Cable a lots 5 & 6 Forsythe sw sw same Lot 4 Robert Knowles ne Joseph Cable Tax. Town 120, Range 33. Sarilla Parson Bond Ments Lots8&4 6 nw se 8 ne se 9 ft Lot 3 0 6.61 1.62 W sw 10 ne 16 nw se 16 N Sanders Same Same 27 acs of neq swq 15 same same same same 8.o2j[ N% nam ao of lot 6 16 ne sw 17 nw sw 17 ne nw 18 nw nw 18 se nw 18 sw nw 18 sw se 18 nw se 18 neqswq 18 ne se 18 60 87 11.88 1726 14.22 SO tie 18 10.00 se sw 19 sw sw 19 Lqt 3 19 Hiram Gordan Austin Hanson Adam Tait Robert Tait Adam Tait Same E Altenberg 14.14 28.83 12.97 14.46 4.73 2.83 86 2.13 Lots 4, 5 & 7 19 Part of Lot 2 20 Lots 5 & 6 21 Lot 5 22 Lot 4 26 partneq nwq 27 Lot 1 29 ne nw 30 nw nw 30 sw nw 30 swqswq 80 15.37 Lots 1 ft 2 80 se nw 85 sw nw 85 Lots 1 ft 2 35 19.82 8.38 Town 121, Range 33. Wassen 2.29 2 4 4 4 4 due 1.G0 5 nw ne ne sw nw sw sw ne nw nw se nw part Lot 1 ne sw nw sw part Lot 4 part lot 4 4.77 5 5 5 a 9.73 1.9G 3.40 6.37 6.43 6 Lot 5 Lots 1 & 6 ne nw se nw nw nw sw nw nw se sw se ne se nw se se se sw se ne sw nw sw 15 se sw 15 sw sw 15 7 7 7 7 7 7 10.40 19.28 Lot 2 19 Lot 3 19 Lot 4 19 8.69 nw BW 20 nw se 20 sw so 20 neqswq 20due4.76 ne nw 20 nw nw 20 se nw 20 sw nw 20 ne sw 20 BW Gray same same 2 4.56 8.63 1.57 Lots 4 4 6 2 Lots 5 & 6 3 John Sands same same Eugene Wilson same same same same same sw 20 4.82 Lot 1 ft 2 21 ne ne 21 Lot 8 22 nw nw 22 se nw 26 sw nw 26 ne nw 26 9.74 9.64 Lot 1 28 ne se 28 se se 28 Lot 2 28 se nw 28 sw 28 nw se 29 ne sw 29 se sw 29 nw sw 29 9.25 16.93 BW BW 29 4.82 1.33 Lot 1 30 Lot 2 30 Lotl 31 Lot 2 81 8.66 ne se 31 Lot 5 31 nw ne 32 sw ne 32 ne sw 32 se nw 32 nw nw 32 sw 32 nw se 32 se se 32 ne sw 32 se sw 32 se nw 32 sw sw 32 a swq-42 nw 34 sw 34 9.64 9.64 9.64 Town 122, Range 33. se nw W sw se "ne Phipps John Brown John W Bride Jr same Michael Kramer A Boylan Nancy A Bates John Phipps John Herman Daniel Ghisholm Samuel Roach 6.25 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 0 8 3.57 14.35 14.35 10.00 swq less 20 acres ne ne ne se ne ne se sw nw ne 11 se 11 sw sw 11 neq 12 se 13 ne sw 13 ne 14. nw 14 ne sw ne nw sw $ ne sw ne ne se nw se se se sw swq 20 ne 21 nw 21 seq 22 ne 23 seq 23 sw 23 ne 24 7.58 3.79 8.79 10 14.35 14.35 7.18 3.57 34.41 14.35 3.57 7.18 14.35 3.78 3.78 15.16 14 17 17 19 19 19 19 19 19 11.38 26.64 15.16 15.16 30.33 15.16 10.46 10.46 15.16 10.46 6.68 5.23 5.23 10.46 10.46 15.16 15.16 3.78 12.80 8.17 16.04 16.04 11.37 15.16 2.61 5.23 8.94 Town 120, Range 34. 4.60 1.38 1.38 2.69 1.65 1.65 2.92 7.14 2.40 4.01 2.93 ne Be Forsythe Henderson W Burdick John Balsil Lots 8 4 6 5 Lot 2 Lots 7 & 8 10 Curtis & A Young lots 1 & 2 11 Woodcock same ne se 11 Lot 8 11 nw sw 12 Woodcock same James Barker same same John Nelson Robert Tait John Nelson 3.36 Lot 1 12 BW 15 472 BW nw 15 Lotl 15 8.50 8.84 2.79 1.81 Lots 3 & 4 19 ne ne 25 Lotl 30 Town 121, Range 34 Wm Wright same samo same John Shank Chester Wait ne se se se sw se se sw nwq S Geer 8.78 11.28 2.78 2.26 19 1.20 23 1.80 Lotl se nw Lotl Lot 4 Andrew Newlin Andrew Norstutt John Olandcr Andrew Newlin Adams. Larson, Sperry & Wright Lewis Larson Wm Whitney same same same Lst6 nw ne amaKkwmmmmesstssssmsmssssm Wm Wright 20 Seres Be 22 1.25 A Sperry nw se 22 2.59 Oliver Taylor Lot 2 26 34 Wm Whitney Lots 4 & 5 28 7.00 A O Woodcook nw no 30 same sw no So samo no nw 80 same se nw 80 9.04 Arnold Lots 4, 5, 6 a 7 84 9.72 Town 122, Range 34. A Holden nw 6 10.G8 George Olson se so 6 same sw se same ne no 7 same nw no 7 10.G8 S Shepstead no 18 5.34 Andrews ne nw 20 *1.01 Austin Andersen sw nw 20 3.G8 Claus Jorgenson nw sw 21 3.4'J Austin Anderson ne ne 30 same so ne 80 7.36 Jeremiah Andrews ne 30 7.36 John Andrews BW 30 *4.04 S Geer se ne 82 3.68 Town 122, Range 35. Andrew Olson nw ne 20 2.19 Ole Olson Lot 7 23 5.00 Lo 7 2 3 2 5 3 1 Whitla sw 25 14.72 O E Baker ne ne 31 2.11 Valentine same same same lot 2 33 8.07 John Offer same same ne ne 33 nw ne 33 se ne 33 lot 2 3 3 ne nw 33 lot 3 33 lot 4 33 W Mankell lots 4 & 5 3 Elizabeth Mankell lotti 5 Andrew Bailson ne ne 6 Helver Ingerbertson lot 1 6 Osten Larson lot 2 12 same ne ne 15 Hendrick Larson se 20 Landkist lot 4 84 20.80 15 15 15 15 15 Roodmund lot 3 80 Town 121, Range 36. John Olson sw 5 same ne 6 Gulbrand Ellingson ne 8 5.C6 Town 120, Range 35. Lars Anderson lot 5 19 same sw 20 same ne ne 20 Janes Redmill lots 5 & 6 24 samo lots 7 & 8 24 same ne sir 24 8.05 11.56 Town 121, Range 35. 5.27 2.76 1.03 1.41 2.22 1.74 4.34 65 3.06 12.62 4.34 Town 122, Range 36. Ole Erenson lots 1 & 2 22 Stergen Knutson ne se 29 Ole Ellingson nw se 29 same se se 29 Thor Evenson ne ne 32 same nw ne 32 same se ne 32 same ne nw 32 lown 120, Range 35. Andrew Monson lot 4 30 Ole Johnson lot 2 30 John Roodman lot 3 30 6.30 Lotl 19 Lot 1 20 9.64 Shuman sw 8 Town 120, Range 36. same nw 12 same lots 3 & 4 12 same se 12 Wm Tosee se 34 Town 122, Rangi 33. Archibald one nw 30 14.15 2.41 4.82 Shoemaker tame same same 9 64 AUDITOR'S OFFICE, NBW LONDON, MONONGALIA CO., MINN., April 1st, 1869. Notice is hereby given that the whole of the several tracts, of real property contain ed in the foregoing advertisement, or BO much thereof as may be necessary to pay the taxes, costs and charges thereon, will be sold at public auction by the Treasurer of said Monangalia County, at the Audi tor's Office in the town of New London, in said County, on the first Monday of June next, the same being the Seventh day of June, A. D. 1869, or on any subsequent day to which such sale may be lawfully ad journed by the County Treasurer of said County, unless such taxes, cost and char ges are paid before that lima. FOR SALEOR EENT. The farm known as the BURXS FARM, twenty miles above Richmond, on the Fort Abcrcrombie road, and containing 200 acres, 60 Acres under Cultivation, with good buildings, well watered, &c, and an excellent location for a Country Tavern. Inquire of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE DOLLAR SUN. CUAHLES A. DANA'S PAPER. Tho oboapost, neatest, and moist readable of Now Voik journals. Everybody likes It. 'flirw. editions. DAILY, 8J:MMV KKKI.Y, and WKKKLY, at $6, $2. and $1 a year. Full ronorts of market*, agriculture, l'ar nioiV mid Fruit Growers' Olubs, andftcomplete »t»ry in every Weekly and SemlAVoekly number. A valu able protient to every subscriber. Hond for specimen, with premium lint. I. VV. P.NOLAND, Publisher I Sun, New York. AGENTWork S WANTED I'Oll GOLDEN SHKAVKS.— This abounds in thrilling sketches, tuorul tales, BtratiKii occurrences, KCins of thought, strains of eloquence, BII: ring Incidents, rich repartees aud choicest specimens of tho purest literature. Pleases all, offends none. Price very low. Address ZKIOLEK, McCUKDY &CO, Philadelphia, Pa.,Ciuciunati, Ohio, or St. Liouis, Mo. AGENTS WANTED FOR "OUR NEW WEST." By SAMUKL BOWLES, of the "Colfax party" of tourists. Tho great fast .selling Book of the year. Will outsoll all others. Extra commissions. Send for particulars to J. A. STODDAED i. CO., Chicago, 111. W 2.30 1.30 5.22 7.95 1.56 67 2.19 7.48 14.33 Town 122, Range 35. Whitla lot 1 26 same ne ne 26 same se ne 26 same ne se 26 same nw se 26 same Be se 26 same BW se 26 28.00 Town 122, Range 33. Smith Flanders se sw 13 Egbert Ostrunder e£ seq swq 13 Town 122, Range 36. Ole Olson se 35 4.68 8.95 8.95 Town 122, Range 34. 8.83 9.10 Town 122, Range 34. ne nw 18 6 Turben Vrolson same same O O C. BURBANK, n40 4w St. Cloud, Minn. O I E S S E A E O O S A S or building a UNION SCHOOL HOUSE in the City of St. Clond, in accordance with plans and •pecificatlons'by 8I1EKIE BRO. of St. Paul, will be received by the BOARD 0 EDUCATION of said City of St. Clond,nntil Thursday, May 6,1869. Separate proposals for the Stone Work. Carpenter ing, Brteklaving and Plastering, will also be received at the same time. Proposals will also be received for furnishing the mater al required for the construction of said build ing. Each contractor or contractors will be required to give sufficient bonds for the faithlul performance of his or their contracts. The Board reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Plans and specifications can be seen at tho office of the undersigned, A W. W. PINNEY, Auditor of Monongalia County,. Minn. [NOTE.—In the foregoing is used for one-quarter for one-half acs. for acres and for school tax*] NEW ADVRETISEMENTS. N. F. BARNES, apr22 Clerk of tho Board of Education. S I E A I N AND o-iLDiira-. The subscriber begs leave to announce to his friends and the public generally, that he has secured the services of an experienced plater, and is prepared to do anything In tin line of Gold and Silver Plating in the best possible manner, and on short notice SPOONS, FOBKS, KNIVES, CASTORS, CAKE BASKETS, BUTTEH DISHES, GOBLETS, Ac, Ac, Ac, replated and made as good as new, at about half the cost of new articles, and warranted to be as well dose as can be at any place. Having had several years ex perience in this branch, I feel justified in saying that I am competent to do good work, and would ussure my customers that I will Bpare no pains to give satisfaction. Thits Is to certify that I have had Electro Plating a the establishment of R. Schoenomann, in the most satisfactory manner, and cordially recommend his work to any one who may need anything in the l'ne of silver plating, and believe that be is now pre pared to do Electro Plating as well, and much cheaper than it can be done elsewhere. A. W BUSH. R. SCHOENEMANN. St. Cloud, April 22, 1860. vll-nlO N O I E STATI or MiHRiaOTA, BEGOIID COLLECTION DISTRICT,,| AeraMon's OFFICE, St. Paul, April 15th, 1869 NOTICenumerations U9 swq 10 156.79 2.26 ne se 8 Lot 8 17 Lot 2 17 Lotl 17 Lots 2 & 3 18 18 18 se ne 8 ne ne ne Lotl 18 18 17.97] E is herety given that the lists, valuations and of the annual taxfor1868,subscribersending made and taken under the excise law of the United State* within the Division numbered seven, compris ing the Counties of Stearns, Douglass, Pope, Otter tail, Todd, Can, Becker, Clay, Polk, Benton, Morrison, and Crow Wing, will be open for examination at the office of L. Gorton, Esq., In St. Cloud, on the 4TH DAY OF MAY, 1809, and immediately thereafter, un til the business is completed, for the purpose of hear ing appeals that may be taken from any assessments or valuations by the Assistant Assessor of said Divis ion. .- R.N MCLAREN apr22 Assessor Second District of Minnesota. S. LAND OiTi'ICK.ST. CLOUD, MINN., April 20, 1869. George 4. Croman: SIR You are hereby notified to aprcar nt this office on the 4in DAY OP JUNE, ,1869, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, and then and there show cause why your Homestead Entry No. 2985,madebyvou September loth, 180S, upon the se \i section 10, township 123, range 32, in tho District of lands subject to sale at St. Cloud, Minn., should not becah celed, as Andreas Joa alleges an abandonment thereof by yon, and proposes then and there to show the same when you will be permitted to contest encb •howlng. II. 0 WAIT, Register, apr22-«w JJ. C. BURBANK, Eto.'Iver. DEFECTIVE PAGE LOCK HAVEN, PA. Missits. T.IITI.NCOTT & BAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gentt:—We have been using your make of Gang Saws in our Mill, and tind them, in point of quality, superior to any wo have ever used. Yours, 4 ANTEU-AGENTS.—§73 to 8 0 0 per month everywhere, male aud female, to introduce the GENUINE XMPUUVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWINO MACHINE. This machine will stilch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, Uud. braid aud embroider in a most superior maimer. Price, only §18. Fully war ranted lor tho years. will pay $1,000 lor any Machine Unit wilt sew a stouger, moro beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. Xt makes the "Elastic Lock Stich." Every second stilch can be cut, uud still tho cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to $200 per mouth and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address S&COMB 4 CO., PXTX'SBURU, FA., orBOS'XON, MA"S. CAUTION—Do not bo imposed upon by other par ties palming oil worthless cast-iron machines, under the same tame or otherwise. Ours is the only geuu ine and really practical chop machine manufactured To the working Class —I am now prepared to fur nish all classes with constant employment at their homes, the whole of the time, or for the spare mo ments. Business new, light and profitable, fifty cents to $5 per eveuin., is easily earned by persons of citlier sex, and the boys and girls ear nearly as much as men. Ureat inducements ore onered those who will devoto their whole time to the business and, that every person who sees this notice, may send me their address and test the business for themselves, I make the following unparalleled offer: To all who are not well satisfied with the business, I will send (I to pay for the trouble ot writing we. Pull particulars, direc tious, Ac, sent free. Sample sent by mail lor 10 cts. Address H. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Me. E E A N N BRICK MACHINE. Makes 2.500 to 3,500 EUgant Brick per hour, With only eight men and two horses, or 4,000 to 5.000 per hour by steam power. Has uo complex ma chinery to be getting out ot order cr bre 'king down. I dety the world io eoual it. No pay required until after the machine has put formed.u« above on the yard of the pureutiscr. J. 11. ItENICK. Koom 2s, Broadway, New TotkCity. $10 A DAY to agents selling Silvers' Patent Elastic Brooms. Horace Greeley says: "I pre CLEUO & CO., 38 Co. tland st., N. Y. diet its success 2.70 2.70 2.70 ne se nw se 6 se ne 1 sw ne 1 se nw 1 sw nw 1 7.58 8 3 0 0 0 $ S A A Addre-s U. S. PIAKO Co., N. A O E N S W A S E or the only steel en graving of Gen. Grant and his family published with their approval. Size 15 by 19. Aodress GOOD SPEED & CO, 37 Park Row, N. Y. W A N E A O E I S—TO SELL THE American Kuitting Machine. Price $25. The simplest, cheapest and best Kuitting Machine ever invented. Will knit 20,000 stitches per minute.— Liberal inducements to Agents. Address AMERI CAN KNITTING MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. RRELS of the Early Goodrich, Gleasf *J\J\J and New White Peach Blow Potatoes, for sale at the Graud River Nurseries. Also, a splendid slock of Peach Trees. Address NOAH P. HUSTED. Lowell, Kent CO.. Mich. "1^ EBRASKA, its soil climate, people, *o. A pumpb 11 let for 25c. Address Cropsey & Bain, Lincoln, Neb. ASK your Doctor or Druggist lor SWEET QU1NINP —it equals (bitter) Quinine. Is made only hv P. SIEARNS, Chemist, Detroit, A VALUABLE MEDICAL O O K! SISJ^SEP IMPORTANT PHYSIOLOGICAL IN JTUKMATION to young men contemplating Marriage' sent free on receipt of 25 cents. Address the CHEMI-1 CAL INSTITUTE, 43 Clinton Place, N. Y. THESE IIARDTiMS Yen cannct afford to pay three or four profits on ar ticles of necessary use, when by sending a club to A E & O O S Great One Dollar ONE. DOLLAR EACH. The secret of our low prices is this:—We have a very l-irgeCash Capital, and have buyers in all the principal cities of ttiis Country and in Kurope, who purchase for CASH, direct from the Manufacturers all tho goods used by us, thus saving the consumer the profits ni'ide by.tue Importer, or Commission Mer chant, the Wholesale aitd Retail Dealer, each of whom demand a larger profit tnan taken by us". We can «ive more Goods for ONE DOLLAR than tho Retail Merchant fortwico or throe time* that sum. Our goods are described on printed checks which will be sent in Clubs .r 'feu Cents each, to pay postage printing, &c. If the arti'le named on the Check is not wanted, you can exchange from a list ccmpiising three Hundred aud Fifty useful articles, among which are— Ladies' iitk Parasols, Ladies' fine White Tucked Skirts, Silver Plated five Bottled Castors, and a large variety of useful articles, not one of which can be bought in any other way for nearly double the money. Referenco will be given, if required, from the most reliable Wholesale Merchants of Boston and New York, as to our standing and the strictly honorable character of our bu-iness. flS-We wan. Agents in every town, to whom the following Commission will be paid:— E S O A N S For a Club of 30 and Threo Dollars—21 yards Brown or Bleached Sheeting, yard wide. All wool Pants and Vest Pattern. Marseilles Quilt. 12 jards good Bed Ticking. 7 yards Red Twilled Flannel. 15 yards Cotton Flannel. 1 dozeu gents' Linen Handkerchiefs. Fine white German Counterpane, fringed. Hand some Balmoral Skirt. Elegaut double clasp 100 pic ture Photograph Album. Silver-plated engraved five bottle Castor. Elegant silk Fan, ivory oi sandal-wood frame, beautifully spangled. Handsome beaded and lined Parasol. 20 yards good print, fast colors. Fine damask Table Cover. 1 dozou fine Linen or Damask Towels. Ladies' real Turkey morocco Traveling Bag. Delaine Dress Pattern. 6elegant engraved Napkin Rinirs. 1 dozen fine Merino or Cotton Stockings. Violin aud bow in I ox complete. Set Jevelrv, with long pendant drops. Ladies' fashionable Square Shawl. Good Mcerscham Pipe in case, dozen Rogers' best silver Dessert Forks. Or one article from Club of 20 and one from Exchange list. For a Club of 50, and Five Dollars—33 yards good quality Brown or Bleached Sheeting, yard wide Fashionable Aipacca Dress Pattern, any color. 1 set Lace Curtains. 1 pair Wool Blankets. Engraved silver-lated six-bottled Castor. 3J^ yards very line all wool Cassimere for pants and vest. Set of 6 ivory handle! tea Knives, with Biver-platod Forks. Hand some satin or silk Parasol, heavily beaded and lined 30 yards good Prints, fast colors. Ladies' or gents' large real morocco traveling bag, French frame. Hand some Poplin Dress Pattern. Ladies' Cloth Cloak al tera. Ladies' fashionable Shawl. 1 fiu« lar^e Mur sellcs Quilt: 2 Honeycomb Quilts. Silver plated Cake Basket, plated ou line white metal. Genuine Meerschaum Pife. 3 iir gents' Call Boots. Or one articlefi-'-niClub ol ao and i-n- from Club of 20 or four articles from Exchange List. CIsb of ltlO, and Ten Dollars—one ot the following ai tides: 1 rich Merino or Thibet Dress Pattern. pair line Damask Taolo Cloths and Napkins to match 1 pair gents'French Calf Boots. Very fine all-Wool Cloth lor ladies' cloak, 05 yards good Brown or Bleach ed Sheeting, yard wide 1 eleganthigh-colored all-wool plaid Poplin Dross Pattern. 1 Empress Cloth Dress Pattern. yards tine Cassimcre tor suit. I set ivory balanced-handle Knives aud Forks. I ladies' or gents' siver HuntiiiL'-ca-e Watch. I Bartlett hand portable Sewing Machine. Splendid Family Bible steel engravings, with record and photograph pages 25 yds. good Hemp Carpeting, good colors. 1 pair good Marseilles Quilts. 1 good six-barrel Revolver. 1 elegant Fur Muff aud Capo. 1 single-barrel ShotGuu 1 silver-plated engraved six-bottle Revolving Castor cut glass bottles. 1 very lino Violin and Bow, in case I very fine ali-wotl long Shawl. 2% yards donblo width Heaver Cloth for overcoat. Or eight articles from Exchange List. For a moro extended list of Commissions, see Cir cular- We i\ give A gents additional Commissions, in proportion to tho amount of money returned for goods. This extra commission is not offered by any other house. Wearo the only firm who pay their agents for for goods alter they have obtained to their clubs. 4 3 He re a late re SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Send your address in full, Town, County and State PARKER & CO. Hoa. OS a 1 0 0 S S Host DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP Co- —Notice is hereby given that tho partnership heretofore exisling between the undersigned under iho firm name of Alexander & Co., hns this day been dis solved by mutual consent. All accounts will bo settled by Davis Brothers, Trho will continue tho manufacture of tho ••Eagle Fanning Mills" nt the old stand. J. B. ALEXANDER, S. L. DAVIS, W. W. DAVIS. St. Cloud, April 13,1869. n39-3w Philipp Frank's Column. a 6 CO W SHAW, BLANCUAKD 4 CO. CD I ore 0 B- Sale Of Dry Goods, Lin ns, Parasols, Albums, Hosiery Silver Plated \V«re, Jewelry, Cutlery, French and German lancy Goods, of every description, vou can purchase any thing in their immense stock for ej CD D9 ft O GO O CO e-h a W *&* CD O tr* CD CO et O •cr JAMESIOWX, N. Y. IIIPPIXCOTT 4 BIKKWEIX:—Wo have no trouble with your Saws they don't need to be lined up with paper #e put them on the Mandrel aud they go right along. Temper perfectly unilorm aud quality unsurpassed. Kespectfully, CHAS. i. VOX. 1 N O & liAKJK W E Manufacturers of Circular, Mulay, Mill Sang and Cross-Cut Chopping Axes, all shapes. Co burn's Patent Axe. ("-"hovels, Spades aud Miles' Patent CoveroJ Scoop. W bd a 51 hg a O CO B- O H3 W r-\ CD & O CD CD *-i & *s O -A S3 O e-t- U2 3 W CD t) CO go f=i DT O O gj CD* a. cc CD O Si po bd CD 3 cr 0 CD O r—' ej CD Ul W r-3 CO Mi 0 a as & CD W l-H .CO r—I S* OB CD 3Q CD CO 63- ,0 a 3 or r—• Cr- CD O p. td W S as I—I bd W W W E fed •4) •-3 W a W CQ CD- O O 3 O W t=J Philipp Frank's Colum* a W i—i (3d a W td td CD CQ hi tH as a ft) SB CQ t=l r-H •w W O i—i GO h-! O ••a A RICHARDSON'S Just received, the largest and most elegant stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, EVEE BROUGHT TO ST. CLOUD. LADIES Can find eTerytbing new tad choice in DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WHITE GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, TRIMMINGS, &c, &c. Can find eTerything new and stylish in custom READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, &c, &c. A Ml line of DOMESTICS constantly on hand. My prices will always be found as low as the same class of goods can be sold any ™„^eo« r!!Lclt7, facilities for baying are jast as good as the BEST HOUSE IN THE STATE. O E I E No Trouble to Show Goods. A. RICHARDSON. Broker's Blcck. Burbaok's Old Stand, St. Cloud, Minn. CLOTHS And CD CD having experienced Is E W CliOTHIlNrG^ A N Merchant Tailoring House. The undersigned has opened, in S W A & E I S N E W I O ON ST. GERMAIN STREET, I S O A S S oxjOTiniiTca- He will keep on hand at all times a LARGE STOCK of the BEST READY-MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Trunks, A I S E S E A S & A He will also keep on hand a Full Line of Q-IEO-R/GKE S E I S E E CD 0 Agents Wanted-$10a Day TWO $10 MAPS FOR •«. O S mense scale, Colored—n 4QO0 Omnties. That* great Map*, now completed, 64 62 iachea large, show every place of importaace, all Balboadi to date, and the lateet alteration* la the Tariooi European State*. Theee Map* are needed in every School and family la the land—they occupy the apace of one Map, and by m« ao* of the Beverwr, either aMecaSj he thrown front, and any part brought level to the eye. Oounty Rights and urge dbeoaat given to good Agents. Apply for Circulars, Term*, and *end moneyforand •ee Sample Map* first, If not aold taken back on de. mand. J. T. LLOYD, aeO-lw 23 Cortlaudt Street, N. Y. —At an execution at Havana on Friday, the peoplo made some seditious utterances, when the soldiers fired upon them, killing six men and wounding others, IEIOTTSZE: AND CASSIMERES, Workmen, will make TO 'ORDER, in the latest styles and most substantial manner, MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS. He is confident of being able to gire Perfect Satisfaction to all of his Customers, And would ask a call and examination of Goods to purchase. and Prices from all who desire J. PRONDZINSKI. St. Cloud, April 21st, 1869. Tll-n4o SEALER IN Furs, Hides, Deer Skins and Buffalo Robes. n42-tf Saint Germain St., St. Cleud, Mins. PATEnT REVOLVING DOUBLE MPS annual election, which is appointed to Two Cbntinentt, Ameriem and Munpt, and America I held on the first Monday, the 3d day with the United Mates porthm on an im- May, A 1869 e. „, NATHAN F. BARNES, ELECTION NOTICE. the The Annual Charter Election for City of St. Cloud, will be held on MONDAY, THE THIRD DAY OF MAY NEXT. between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and fire o'clock in the afternoon, at the usual places of holding elections in the different Wards of the City, -riz.: Ward one, at the Everett School House Ward two, at tho School House opposite to the Congregational Church Ward three, at the Court House and Ward four, at Funk's Brewery. The officers to be elected are: CITY OFFICERS. A MATOK lor the term of one year. A CITT TncAsumn for tbo term of one year. WARD OFFICERS. 1st Ward, One Alderman for the term of three years. 1st Ward, One member Board of Educa tion for the term of three years. 2d Ward, One Alderman for the term of three years. 2d Ward, One member Board of Educa tion for the term of one year. 2d Ward, One member Board of Educa tion for the term of three years. 3d Ward, One Alderman for the term of three years. 3d Ward, One member Board of Educa tion for the term of three years. 4th Ward, One Alderman for the term of three years. 4th Ward, One member Board of Educa tion for the term of three years. Per order of Common Council. NATHAN F. BARNES, St. Cloud, April 12, 1869. City Clerk. ELECTION NOTICE. WHEREAS,oThe. Common Conncil of the City St Clond, did on the 29th day of March, A. D. 1869, pass the following resolution, to wit: Resolved, That a proposition for a bo nus of Twelve Thousand Fire Hundred Dollars, in Bonds of the City of St. Cleud, for the purpose of building a good Hotel, to cost not less than Fifty Thousand Dol lars furnished, be submitted to a rote of the people at the next annual City Elec tion and that said Hotel be located be tween S Augusta street and the ravine di viding St. Cloud and St. Clond City, and between the Mississippi River and Hano ver street said Bonds to be payable after i° equal amounts each year, with interest at ten per cent, per annum, payable annually the City reserving the right to redeem said Bonds before twenty years if deemed desirable." Those in favor of said proposition will vote by ballot, "For Hotel Bonds"—those against will vole "Against Hotel Bonds." Now THEKEFOXZ, by direction of tho Common Council of the City of St. Cloud. Notice is hereby given. That pursuant to the said resolution and the statute in case made and provided, the question or issuing said Bonds in accordance with said, resolution, will be submitted to the legal voters of the City of St. Clond, as is pro vided for in said resolution, at the remlar- St. Cloud, April 12,1869. CUyOerkv —Senator Spraguo failod, in speech of Thursday, to name the Sena tor who had taken a briheof «100,000 and peoplo are beginning to mistrust that Spragoe doesn't know what be is talking about. —Next August the entire imperial family of France will celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of tho groat Napoleon in Corsica.