Newspaper Page Text
Wt wuld respectfully request al sun and others wishing any kind of Job Prilling* ««M a»« examine our zK*.j»«««c* 0/ 2»*ew Material, fust received rom (At «a«(, o«/or« «#«rfmj -*01""' Paul prices. 49» ClrewleUlom of Jcmrmal I* O I I at V*P«r POST ARS1VAL AHO DCFA»TU»B OP MAILS. St. Paul and way stations—depart* at 8 A M. Arrires at 1\ r. st. Mail closes at 7 A. K. Sauk Centre route—Departs daily, Mon days excepted, at 6 A. M. Arrive tame days at 6 P. X. Mail closes at 7 *. x. Crow Wing Koute—Departsdaily, Mondays excepted, at 6 A.M. Arrives, fame days, at 6 r. M. Mail eloses at 7 r. M. Forest City and Way—Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 P. U. De parts Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7} A. M. Mail closes at 6 A. M. Fair Havenand Way—Arrives each Fri day at 10 A. M. Departs same day at 2 p. W. Mail closes at 1 u. Two Rivers and Way—Departs each Mon day at 7 A. x. Arrives on Tuesday at 4 p. x. Mail closes at 6 A. M. St. Augusta—Arrives Wednesday and Sat urday, at 1 p. x. Departs same days at 2 p. x. Rockville—On Saturday, same hour as above. Sauk Rapids—Twice a day. R. M. RICHARDSON, P. M. fs9*AUkinds ofJob printing, inEng sh, German or Norwegian, executed at hiseffioe. Send in vour orders. tS*T Advertising brings the merchant'*goods the conetant notice of the customer. THICK.—The logs have been very thick during the past week. A Caossisa.—A subscription has been raised by these interested for planking a street crossing from the new Post Office building to the opposite corner. Go» TO SMASH.—High prices, since Piekit Abbott's new goods have come. Coxuo.-^Tho Clerk of the District Court is busily encaged in issuing natural ization papers to foreigners who have come to make Northern Minnesota their heme. Goixo BACK —We regret to learn that Rev. G. Wood, pastor of the Congrega tional church, returns soon to Connecticut, will take charge of a congregation he formerly had. SPBCIAL TBBM.—There will be a special term of the District Court—Judge McKel vy presiding—commencing to-morrow. Is sues of law alone will be tried- There are a number of cases on the calendar. CLOSIBO OUT.—See Joseph Broker's closing out advertisement. He intends to sell at cost, or will dispose of his whole stock in the bulk. Trria BOOKS.—Mr. John Zapp, Register of Deeds, has purchased a full set of Ab stract of Title Books, to iaclude all of Stearns eounty, town lots and farming land. There are seven volumes of 960 pages eaeh. It is a good idea and enter prising. Ant TOUB CBUABS.—Remember that Da vis Brothers have wire cloth, which isjust the thing to put in cellar windows for ven tilation. It is cheap and durable. Mans —The new time table of the St. Paul and Pacific Railroad will be found in another column. Two mails per day are now received, one at noon and one in the evening. The latter will eontain the east ern mail, except on Monday evenings. COMING FORWARD.—The warm days and light showers during the week have brought vegetation forward with a rapidity seldom witnessed outside of Minnesota. The weather has been very favorable for farmers. WHAT'S THB MATTBB?—What has be- come of the line of steamboats which was to runbetween St. Cloud and Minneapolis Nothing has been heard of them ot late. A company was organised last winter, with the Directors at the Falls. Can the Min neapolis Tribune throw any light on the subject STOPPSD.—Some of the lumber dealers of Minneapolis telegraphed to this place yesterday to have their drives stopped. The dams at the Falls are in an unsafe condition. THB Council.—The City Council had a meeting on Monday evening. Nothing of importance was transacted beyond the adoption of a resolution concerning the hotel bonus, published elsewhere. There will be a meeting on Tuesday evening to canvass the votes to be cast at Monday's election. iMPnovaMSMTS.—H. W. Weary is ting up a dwelling howe back of JOVBBAI offine. 2 or going elsewhere. Our Job Office is now one 0/ the beetin the State, and tee do work which we will guarantee to be satisfactory, at Stintehaiaeters. running Is MABXKT.—Lettuce and radishes made their appearance in market last week. STABTSD.—Mr. Bridgman has started his upper saw mill, and is rapidly conven ing logs into lumber. HIGH.—The Mississippi is at a higher stage than at the same time for several years past. This good for the log driven, put Tan Dr. Upham is building an extensive ad dition to his house. Fred. Scholts has almost completed large saloon on Washington avenue. It is supplied with all the latest improvements and conveniences, both internally and ex ternally. COBTBACTS.— Among the contracts awarded by the Commissary of Subsistence at St. Paul onThursday were the follow ing: Thompson & Hayward, St. Cloud—6,960 lbs. fresh groundflour,%1,869.24. N. Myrick, Sauk Centre—160 bnshels peach blow potatoes, 60 oents per bushel. BXIIM TAKBM—Crowds of Immigrants are coming to take homes in this new coun try, and crowds of people are rushing to the "Regulator" to get a share of the stock of elegant new goods. Bargains, bargains, is the cry! ABOTBHB—it is proposed to build an ather foot bridge across the ravine, at the foot of Welles avenue. This is a good idea. But why dees not the Couneilhave wagon bridge constructed* That is one «ef thefineststreets in the city, being the aae nearest the river, and through *oves, ana would make a beaatifal drive. The requirements of the Normal School alone would go far towardjustifying the expense. PaucAB.—On Saturday, James S. Mitch ell, of Alexandria, sent down one of these curious ••birds." It was quite amusing to see the fowl reach out-** immense bill af ter dogs, b"?a nnd like diminutive «rea iumf/. It was put on Lake George, where it win remaia for a few days, and then be kills:! and the skin stuffed. Tan TABLEAUX..—The entertaiamentiiai the hall last evening, for the benefit of the Library Association, drew Out quite a re spectable attendance, notwithstanding the rain. Thefirstof the tableaux was "Red Riding Hood," the charaoter irutti ly represented by Lulu Ower. bv whose side stood the wolf. "Old and N*w Style" contrasted (he fashions of two eras, and was quite laughable—Miss Marion Owen and Miss Georgie Wood taking the two "The Bride at Prayer" was beautifully represented by Mrs. Daendels. The well known history of "Blue Beard" was given in tableau in throe acenee. The first revealed to the terrified gaseof Fatima the heads of the unfortunate wives suspended by their hair the second scene depioted the rescue from the cruel hus band and the third presented that indi vidual's caput satisfactorily separated from his breathing apparatus. Blue Beard was admirably done by Lieut. Raymond, Fati ma by Mrs. R., and the remaining charac ters by Mrs. Tnttle, Mrs. Alsop, Mrs. Daendels, Misses. Barnes, Morse, Owen, Clark, and Messrs. Daendels and Woor\ At this stage, ice cream and cake were in troduced, and very kindly taken to by the audience. "The Artist's Studio," a very fine tableau, came next, representing Lady Washington, Mater Doloroso, Beat rice Cenci, a Bride, 4c, &c. The effect was very fine. "The Young Amazon,'' a play in two scopes, followed. The differ ent characters were rendered in a manner apparently satisfactory to the audience. Col. Kerr, as Harry Graham, Geo. Wood, as John Jenks, Miss Morse as Kate Elliott and Mrs. Daendels, as Flora Hastings, each and all entered into the spirit of the play, and were greeted with repeated ap plause. During the evening were a num ber of pieces of vocal and instrumental mu sic by Mrs. Alsop, Miss Wood, Mr. Alsop, Mr. Wood and Mr. Daendels. A solo from Faust was sung by the latter in ex cellent taste and with fine expression.— His voice is both strong and well cultiva ted. Some choice instrumental pieceswere played by Messrs. Tuttle, Bash, Fisher, Tobey and Lamb. The evening closed with a valedictory recitation by Miss Marion Owen. The entire performances were a success. Much credit is due Mr. Alsop for his pains in connection with the tableaux. The total receipts were about $75. STOVB FOCBOBT.—James F. Stevenson, and J. M. Akers, of McKeesport, Pennsyl vania, arrived in St. Cloud on Monday with their families, and intend mak ing this their future home. Mr. S. was largely engaged in the foundry and machine business in the Bast, and is seri ously considering the erection of a stove foundry here. We trust he will build, as it would be of great benefit to the place. Mr. Stevenson should and doubtless wBl receive every encouragement at the hands of our citizens. PBBSOBAL.—S. Pendergast, of Sink Centre, was in the city on Friday. Hon. W. E. Hicks, of the Alexandria Post, and Lewis Lewiston, Register of the Alexandria Land Office, have been in town or several days. Kirk J. Kinney, of Glennood Chas. F. Sims, of Alexandria D. Bassett, of Min neapolis and Ezra Briggs, of Little Falls, have been in town during the past week. ALWAYS.—Of course Coats & Freeman are always prepared to serve their custom ers with the very nicest meats in the mar ket. That is the reasonwhy they have the great bulk of the trade. HEADS CUT On.—In the performances last evening the heads of "Blue Beard's" wives were shown severed from their bodies. Less sanguinary is the. style at Piekit & Abbott's, where every man's wife' may be found selecting handsome dress patterns, of the latest and most elegant styles. All are especially pleased with their incomparable stock of new shoes and gaiters. REAL. KSTATH TRAlfSVKRS. Reported for TBI JouasAL by John Zapp, XtQ.. Sto uter of Ottdt. Vetrthm W JCnaUng April 3*th Quit-claim Deed from N. P. Clarke et at. to Nathan Lamb for lots 6 and 7 bl'k 72 in Lowry's addition. $76 Quit-claim Deed from Henry Swisshelm to Charles T. Stearns for lot 6 bl'k 4 in St. Cloud city. $200 Quit-claim Deed from Augustine Hiser ich to Conrad Hiserieh for nwj swl Sec. 22 T. 126 33 w. st. $200 Warrantee Deed from Leander Gorton and wire to Wm. H. Lee for ej of sej eej See. 10 and e} of ne} ne} Sec. 15 T. 124 R. 28 west, and lot 6 and sf lot 6 bl'k "D" in city of St. Cloud and lots 6, 6 and e* lot 4 bl'k 39 in St. Cloud city. $9.20o Wanantee Deed from Hiram P. Bnrrill to Kingsley Smith for s} nwi See. 12 T. 124 R. 83 west. $100 Warrantee Deed from John Eieh to Rob bert Leitch for lot 4 bl'k 86 city of 8t. Cloud, Wilson'd survey $100 Warrantee Deed from Christoph Marto and wife to Joseph Popping for 1 acre in s£ Be} Sec. 18 T. 126 R. 82 west. $40 O A *FLOOO. The whole country is beingfloodedwith the new goods received by Jos. Edelbroek. The people from far and near understand that he Is selling cheaper than ever, and that he is running off ao pooi goods. His stock, comprising shoiee family groceries, dry goods, boots, shoes, clothing, 4c, has been bought low, and will be sold in the same way. It is always safe to go to Edel brock's before buying elsewhere. He ml ways gives customers the full worth of their money. Remember the plana. I A FOX AT «T JO. ST. Ctoro, April 24,1869. EDITOR JOUBBAI.—Allow mo to say, very respectfully, thai it is no "rumor" •bout the small pox being at St. Jo. Tie report is correct. leawtwo cases. Truly Yours, C. 8. WEBER, M. D. Plows AHO HABDWABB A steady and increasing demand is being made for Furst & Bradley's plows, which farmers consider to be the best in the market. They are 'ight, clean well and are durable. Those who haveased them speak unqualifiedly in their favor. All sixes, either of cross or breaking, for sale by Rosenberger Broth ers. This house also keeps on hand a large stock of stoves, hardware, Ac, Ac. Ics.—Attention is directed to the adver tisements of Frank Remeley and John Marshall, who are prepared to supply our citizens with ice on reasonable terms dur ing the season. "Tis a 'tUpttj, pity 'tis that maaklod. will paw by anheaded MM warning symptoau ot dls* •eaae a&d iKglfct the laawdtoi to rwt-ra health, until diMwa hat water adraiiced that It la uftM iaipoailbk to obtain relief. We have burn shown the format* of Jedaon's Mountain Herb PMs and believe them to be the beat and aiantest of medlelaaa for BflUona die* orders, liver Complaint*, Female Irregalarlt IM Be. Tbejr are prepared with treat eaatleavaad wtll many a doctor'* bill If seed la tlaie. Aa an natvanal family medicine, they are niaarpassid. Orva the Mountain Herb Alia a fair trial and we warrant yon will never be without them. BoM by all dealers. Two Goon THIMOS.—J. R. Clarke adver tises this week two artiolea almost indis pensable—tube, wells and lightning rods. He is agent for the very best, and will fill all orders personally any part of the State. On, Yas !—There—is—nothing—in—the —upper—country—to— compare with— the—stock—of—boots—shoes— and— sjai' ters—just—opened at—Piekit—ft—Ab bott's, Every -style—for—men—boys ladies—and—misses —0s—and sss far —yourself. ^.-^*.-«*»**e*i. ..-r ,»»m= -A«to*.i*igy A A Ti»e Urea* Uovae mt fouk Centre. On Monday last, J. Capser, of J. Capser Co., Sauk Centre, J. H. Linneman, of 3f. Jo., and W. Bohmer, of New Muniob, passed through this city op their way East for new goods. They always go together, end purchasing in such immense quanti ties are able to get goods st prices much below what merchants buying singly can obtain. Wo desire to refer at this time more par ticularly to the firm of J. Cnp.«er & Co., (lately Linnemann & Capser,) at Sauk Centre, already tolerably well known to our readers. This house has heretofore had the lead, entitling it to the name of "The Regulator," and Mr. Capser says he is determined to keep that position. He intends purchasing heavier than ever be fore, and to take up a stock sufficient real ly for a very respectable wholesale estab lishment. It will, as ever, be complete in all department*—dry goods, dress goods, groceries, provisions, boots, shoes, hats, caps, wines, liquors, hardware, crockery, queensware, glassware, yankee notions, farming tools, agricultural implements, &o., Ac. He will also challenge any house in the upper country to compete with him in prices. Not only will his goods be of the very best, but bis prices will be the very lowest. He recognises that in order to maintain for his house its present immense trade, he must keep it where it has been from the first, at the bead of the column. With good good's, low prices, and courteous treatment of customers, he enters upon the spring and summer trade, asking a call irom every man, woman and child in the Sauk Valley who would secure genuine bargains. Lors or IT.—Clothing at the "Regula tor." ,- ,,' WEIGHT COUNTY. a a a —Schools—Accident—River—A a at* Items. CLKABWATBB, April 27, 1869. EDITOR JOUBBAI.—Farming is coming on at such a rate that no one can keep up his work as fast as it ought to be. The weather took about a four weeks jump, and here we are, "drove to deth." The combined School Districts compris ing the village elected their Board of Ed cation as follows: Dr. E. Baloom and Jas. Colgrove for one year Rev. J. D. Stearns and Truman Paroher for two years and Beth Gibbs and W. T. Rigby, Esqrs. for three years. I am informed by one of the Bo »rd, that Rev. Mr. Stearns has since re signed, and Samuel Whitiug, Jr. was ap pointed in his place. Mr. Stearns was ap pointed Superintendent and Dr. Balcofn and Jas. Colgrove examiners. Mr. Coffinger, of Clear Lake, was acci dentally shot in the leg while creeping through some brush, hunting geese. Philip, our saloon keeper, has often been charged with a lack of publio spirit, but I can inform you that the statement is with, ont foundation, for he has a quantity of "spirit" on hand at present, ready for the public, and a few days ago he deposited one hundred dollars with Judge Dunton for school purposes, besides giving him nine dollars and fifty cents for his trouble, which proves his spiritedness, both literal ly and figuratively. G. H. Whiting has got his suburban ad dition-nearlyfinished-outside,and it looks very neatly. The design came from your place, ("Jas. H." they call him.) The river is very high, and Gibbs & Tol lington's water power is rather insignifi cant just now, inasmuch as the water runs from the Mississippi up the Clearwater and oyer the dam in that direction, instead of the old style. The Mount Hope cemetery remains "in statu quo" and "in suspenso." H. B. Morrison with a crew of men was taking a raft of hop poles to Minneapolis, and when near Montioello,one of the plank holding them together, {the poles, not the men,) broke in two and the poles becoming unmanageable they »*hop" 'd off. PHIT.—The Abbott's. Yburs newsely, FILO. boots and shoes at Piekit & LAKE SUPERIOR Railroa Bonda—Connection St Clond. SVPBBIOB, DOUGLAS Co., Wis April 7th, 1869. EOITOB JOUBBAI.—On the 6th of April, in pursuance of the Special Act authoris ing Douglas County to issue bends to the State Line Railroad, from the bay or har bor of Superior to the intersection of the St. Paul ft Pacific Railroad about thirty miles distance, the people of Superior and Douglas County, by a large majority, voted fcr Railroad aid... Our County Board are now authorized to. issue Three Hundred Thousand Dollars in bonds when the State Line Road is completed. It is the propo sition to extend the State Line Road (the North Pacific in reality) to either St. Cloud or Crow Wing. There is scarcely any grading required out of Superior to thejunction of the St. Paul line, and but one small bridge to erect. The line ap pears to have been marked out by nature for this purpose. There are about sixty or eighty acres at the mouth of the Nemaji River, at entrance of our harbor, appro priated for railroad depots, machine shops, fee., by the original proprietors of this town sua. T. BTIABSS COUNTY. SeeeUsisj—BrMtcHIi Sowst—Raliroaut Heeded—New State Road. •1 .J r: StKjO't ^^_ RAYMOND, April 18th, 1869. EDITOR Jot/nsAK.—Spring, though long looked for, has at last come, and from present indications has come to stay. The rain of yesterday was just the thing need ed for preparing the ground for seeding. The farmer is scattering the seed, the weather is warm, and the signs are favor able for a good crop the ensuing sesson. I say favorable, for early seeding is gener ally a sore precursor of a bounteous yield. This is tbo third season that I have lived in this upper country, and eaeh year I have noted the oommencement of wheat sowing. In 1867, May 8th 1868, April 21st the present year, Apiil 14th, being nearly as early as in central Iowa. The breadth of grain sewn this spring will double thai of any previous year, and consequently /e are looking for a nearer communication with yonr city to market the coming crop than via Sank Centre. Thanks to Senator Oilman, of St. Cloud, and Hon. W. E. Hicks, of Alexandria, we have the desired object in view. The opening of the State road from Lake George to Otter Tail city, ftc, will be a groat soeommodation to vast numbers of settlors on aad near the routs, shortening the distance front Alexandria to St. Cloud some fifteen or twenty miles, and giving a prairie road all the way. The commission ers on said road aro 8. B. McQuire, Mar cus Shaw aijd the writer, who will com mence their duties about the 20th of May. Truly yours, L. B. RAYMOND. ... To TBE FABSIBM r-rlf you want the best, most durable and cheapest plow, go to the St. Clond Plow Factory I S MORRISON COUNTY. Wfaat Throe Yeawra have done—A Grow* Ing settlement—crops. Two RivKBB, MINN., April 20, 18S9. EDITOR JOURNAL—It is less than three yean since this settlement was commenc ed, and to-day we have some three hun dred inhabitants. There is a goodly num ber of roomy, substantial dwelling houses. Some ofour farmers Lai from twenty-five to sixty acres under cultivation. Every thing looks prosperous farmers are busy getting in their crops, and there will be over three hundred sores of wheat put in in this immediate neighborhood, saying nothing about the corn, oats, potatoes and different kinds of other crops. "w The Two Rivers streams are sufficiently largo to run from three to five run of burrs the year round, with the very best of mill sites and plenty of fall. We always have plenty of good sand and building tim ber, the best of meadow land, and plenty of prairie. The society here is good. We have preaching every two weeks by Elder Quigie also Sabbath school and prayer meeting regularly every Sabbath. Some excellent claims are yet to be had, with plenty of good water and timber. C. H. H. —Why is TUB JOURNAL like a comet? Because it has a continued tale.—St. Cloud Journal. So has a donkey.—Stillwater Meseengtr. That's right speak up for yourself! —Chas. Bowman offers teams for sale. some fine mule Fon SALS CUEAP.—A good top buggy. Inquire of Spicer & Carlisle, at iheir fur niture rooms on St. Germain street. a OBANOIS ABD LSXOBS.—Louis Goyette has veoeived by express, at the City Res taurant, a large supply of fresh oranges and lemons direct from Chicago. —The Clerk of the District Court has just received a splendid set of new books. STBAWBBBBT PLASTS.—I have a large stock of the best varieties of strawberry plants, wbioh I will sell by the hundred or thousand at less tbun Minneapolis prices Call at my farm near Sauk River. ALBERT SMITH. NASBT TALKS "PLAMTATWB."—I hev traided Off my Post Offis & tuk mi Pay in Plantashun! P'raps yu may be supprUed to here uv mi relinquishin my Gnv'meut Offis with Awl its glory in seen, a Caws. Here mee fust then jedge Mee. It hap ened thuswisely I wus canvassin thee Mawmea Flats for owr Bluvid Kedentry A the Post Offis suksechun. In thet land uv power Delite I struk a snag Thee Fever Ager tuk me, & thee chills & shivers shukme—shuk me like a Nold loos button on a Shaiky smoke-House doar til mi fraim uv 40 Summers, lukd like sum old plaid out burners on a mornin wen his gin is gon & he can't git no moar. (N. B. This is not rit by Edd. A. Powe but it cums so awlfired neer too it thet yeu woodn't no the difrunce in the dark.) this ourful eggstremmitty I flue at I- wonts tu a nold lady fren' uv mine & toold hur mi kntterkel phix. Shee hes no'd mee long A luvd me wel A she eawls me pet names. "Troly," sez shoe (seen is the plaiful kniknomen uv mi boihood) •yu or ter taik a good doste uv Plantashun Bit urz. I've livd & suferd in theaz swaumps every Bens the 3 theyera wus hung &Ino, to a ded surtinty, thet Plantashun Biturz is thee on'} icel kewer fur the shaiks!" "B—b—but air thaa 1—1—loyawl drink t" asked I, shiverin'ly, feerin least I mite bee incurridgin' snththin uv a suther nacher. "Doont bee skeerd, •Troly,'" replide the esstimabul Doreuss, "tha air maid uv Cal lasayya, S. T.—1860—X & thee very loy awlist kind uv Santy Crews Rum." Mi Douts bein removed & mi feera fur thee Post Offis asswaged I tuk an awlmity doste uv "Plantashun" & you belt brutherin, it maid mee bile! 1 tuk anuther in 2\ ours A mi Bhaiks quit. I may sa, tha '•parsed in thair checks!" Tha got! Not wun uv 'em lingurd too say good bi! 1 wuz a Nas by kewerad, a Petroleum wel!—wel I wus Now I nm a Plantashun mishunnery I go abowt preachir. the good tidin's to awl sha kers (& "uthers requirrin a Jentel stim merient," see small bils.) I hev traided off mi Post Offis & may now be found talk in Plautashun Biturz, in the hiwaiz & thee biwaiz frum Erly Morn till Dewey Eve. What sinning, sufrin, shaiken bruther '11 hev theenext bottul Magnolia Water—superior to the bes imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price. Moasz's IHDIAN ROOT PILLS.—We giro yon in Uiia H«diciD« tbe remit of a lifetime of study and trial before this Medicine all other* are but nostrums. They are made from simple Roots, and are the beat medicine in the world for all Billions diseases, Female Irrrgularites, Headaches, Indigestion, Liver Com plaints, Ac. They purify the blood, remove all ob structions, cleanse the skin of all pimples and blotch es, aad are perfectly sure and safe in their operation. We ask you to use them because we know their vir tues. Trial is the Touchstone by which to prove them worthy. Use Morse's Indian Root Pill*. For sale by all Dealers. apr29-2m —Capt. West is having a fine lot of new boxes made for the Post Office. DIED. In this city, on the morning of the 26th inst., of congestion of tbe lungs, LILLIS, only daughter of S. H. and Hattie M. Par sons, aged four months and seven days tST Winona papers please copy. S CLOUD 1 1 A S Wheat No. 1 per bush 80 «5a70 60a65 70 a 80Bockwheatprew aOaOO a 7t Potatoes Onion, per bus Kerosene Oil pr 2 3 Corn, Oats Kja Barloy Hay, per ton Butter,per lb Bgga.perdos Cheese,pi Cord Wood Beans,perbnsh Oeese, Ducks, Chickens, 10X0*700 Corn meal, new 175 Bolted, 25 0 Sugars 13 a 20 Tea* 100a200 Coffee 30a 46 Lard prl 25 Hams.cured 20a26 Dried Apple*,prlb 20 Or«enApplesj?rbbl 7.50 126 I6a7 SoaSO Ua20 a 26 S 00a 500 250s360 S CLOUD FUR. A E Cerreetedfertn* JotmsAt,by D. M. O. Murphy et Co Kink No. 1. Otter. Fisher Wolverine...... Wolf—Timber., Bear Cub Bear. ... iSaCOO 700 700 300 260 .$5 tol WO 2 to 400 Raccoon..... Martin....... Red fox.... Cross Fox.., SllverOrey, Lynx................. Badger Skunk Beaver,per lb 176 in ~$ 60 ... ntoiooo 160 3 00a 600 ...$26to 6000 ~I62 Moakrat Winter Deerskins, perO10to2Sj nides.drj 18 Fall Rat, Hides,green, perlb....-7^ Spring Rat MEAT A E ooaaaovBo wsaur ST COATS a TIMMAH. Beef—en foot, per quarter, hind, fore, at retail. Pork—dressed, at retail. Mutton—on foot, at retail, Veal—on foot, at retail. Poultry—Turkey, Buying, 6a« Selling. 12al8 26 18 18 20 20 15 16 10 ii PKlCSCS O O coassenn wasxiT sr SAVIS a cua*:. WXOUSAU. 6.00 XXX XX Superfine aITAIL. 6.60 6.00 160 4J0O NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TEAMS FOB SALE. I have three Spans of MULES, which I will sell cheap. Thoy aro No. 1. .. Also wagons and harnesses. A ehanee for good bargains is offered. Call at my farm two miles from St. Cloud. 8t Cloud, April 27. 1869. n41-tf FRANK REMELEY Would respectfully announce to the citi zens of St. Cloud, that he has in store a large stock of the purest I E which he will deliver cheaper than any other dealer in the city. Stv Cloud, April 28,1869. nil-tf 1 A CLOSING OUT! SALE OF GOODS! Great Bargains! As I have determined to go out of the business of Merchandise, I will sell from and after this date, for CASH, my ENTIRE 8TOCK, consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTnS, HATS, 7 CAPS, These Goods are superior in width, weight and color, and Will 6ITE PERFECT SATISFACTION to all purchasers. We ehall continue to keep a good line of the above alpacas, which will be very de sirable to purchasers, as they can always be matched. THREE-FOURTHS THE AMOUNT now paid, and giving abetter quality of Good* than can be obtained of any Eastern firm. Send tm a Clubs, or send tbr Circa lira to ANNAND &CO., -••*...v --.,--»•* t£rt£iu*d^ ..v. i--:.- .Wl .-. •fc.'jK--.--J-..-.* •..,-::- '.-.. '-, :.-.w--^ x^m*»**«^»**«^frs^ fl -. tfiactt-'-.eBs^*-^^--.*,-/,--^-^: mma** BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, and GLASSWARE, positively at the COS ^I^IOEI. Do not take my word for it but come and see fur yourselves and be'eouviuced of fact fact. N. B.—I will also sell to any one my entire stock of goods in bulk, with the privilege of renting the stand, or buying the premises upon liberal terms. JOSEPH BROKER. St. Cloud, Minn., April 29, 1869. PICKIT & ABBOTT. St. Cloud, Iprll 22,1869. nlO ICE! IOE! JOHN MARSHALL Is again in the field, ready to supply the citizens of St. Cloud, during the warm weather, with an excellent quality of ice.— All orders left at his grocery will receive prompt attention. St. Cloud, April 28,1869. n«l-tf SACo.,E S E N W A N E by a Manufacturing to travel and sell by sample anew line of goods. Situations permanent wages good. H. H. RICHARDS A CO., 413 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. apr29-*w W A N E A E N S Wonder of ike World is warranted to cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Sold on the package system. Not to be paid for until teited. I pay $80 per month and com mission to distribute packages. C. TILTON, Pittsburg, Pa. apr2S-4w "How Can it be Done?" I* the cryof the crowds who throng THE DOLMR STORE. 73 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, "That every description and variety of FANCY GOODS CUTLKRT, 8ILVKR-PLATKD WARS, Ac can be purchased at tha extremely low price of ON* DOLLAR tor each article, when the same good* can not be obtained at any other place for double the amount, and which the Wholesaler confesses he can not buy for that price T" We reply: We have buyers constantly at the Bast, by whomjob lots are obtained at enormous discounts, and, besides, a large portion of oQr goods are imported direct from Europeau Manufacturers. Having, also, Every facility pottenedby the largest "Dollar Halt" firm of Boston, we will, by mean* of the CLUB S S E extend the advantages of our immense wholesale and retail trade to those living at a distance, thus saving io Express Charge* •73 Lake Street, Chicago. Good* at Wholesale to tie Trade. apr20-tw "That Cough will Kill you," Try "Costar's" Cough Bemedy. "Colds and Hoarseness lead to death," Try "Cottar's" Cough gumedy. "For Croups—Whooping Coughs, ftc," Try "Costar's" Cottgb. Kemedy. ••Costar says it is the best in the wide world—and if Ho says so—it« True—its True—its True and Wo say Try it—Try it—Try it."—[Morning Paper, Aug. 26.] All Druggist*In ST. CLOUD sell It. If O O S A 10@18 llJi@12Jx faS Standar a a Ann ms 16@18 10al6 6®7 E A I E I Bltter-Sweet stud Orange Bloaaonss. One Bottle, $1.00—Three for $2.00. His BUCKTHORN SALVE I HIS "Coataur'e" a Roach External natora. I'CMtar's" steel Bwsj KxtermtMtora, «»Cost»r»a" (only pure) Insect Powder. "Only infallible Remedies known." "18 years established In New York." '•2,000 Boxes and Flasks manufactureddaily." 111 Beware111 of spurious Imitation*."' "All Druggist* In 8T.CMUD sell them." Address CHAS. BOWMAN. U. ••COSTAB," 10Crosby St. N. T. Or Jons F. HEKKT (Successor to) DIMAS BanassftCo. 21 Park Bow, N. T. Soldin St. Cloud, Minn, by 8. MARLATT. vlln28-ly S. LAND OrtlOS, ST. CLOUD, MINN., _._• ApraS8,lS«e. WilfiamL, Dorte, Sir: Von«feb« on t»i«iftn DA? forenoon of the s*d came why yonr Home*1 Sir Von a*e hereby notjflod tow »t this oAce forenoon of tb a dav, *nd than and there show came why yon Homes»ea latry No. flow, mads by you Norember lit, KM, npon the *w section 33, township 13H, range 34, In the District of Lands sub ject to sale at St. Cloud. Minn., should not be can. celed, a* Lewis Henry alleges an abandonment there of by yon, and proposes then and there to show the same, when yon will be permitted to contest inch showing. H. 0 WATT, Register, OLD —SB/"2ls- apraMwf- H-. 0. BUBBANK,1Receiver. PAPERS onaleat ATTHIPOFyiCl -r*~ nal-t ROYAL STANDARD! naia A A A S A J. E WEST, REAL ESTATE AGENT ..-: .' ..' ST. CLOUD, MINN., Will Boy and Sell Real Estate en Commission, Locate Land Warrants and College Scrip, Pay taxes, and transact all busi ness connected with a Real Estate Agenoy. REFERENCES. Gov. WM. R. MARSHALL, St. Paul, Minn., Ex-Gov. S. MILLBB, Philadelphia, Pa Hon. J. M. MOKBLVT, St. Cloud, Minn., Hon. H. T. WBLLKS, Minneapolis, Minn. B9» W a in S a £9* A good story frame House with an a good well, and four acres of land, in the city limits, for sat*. Price $ 1200. Long time given if desired. For Sale—160 actes of land,near the eity with good building, suitable for hotel. Price $4,000. For Sale—A good 1} story frame build ing. Location central. Price $1,200. For Sale—A good 1} story frame build ing with five lots, near the Lake. Price $800. Western Hen Should Patronize Western Institutions. S Cr.OTJX A N or THB Republic Insurance Co. 0BHTBAL OFFICE, OHIOAGO, ILL. C»sH AaseU, March 1,1809, $1453,471.04 Thb Company insures Farm Property against all damage from Fire or Lightning, including Live Stock in the field or at large, at as low rates as any other compa ny. Losses paid at once without discount fqr sixty days.'. The REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPA NY tepresents an aggregate of wealth and business influence greater than any other Insurance Company. Officers. J. V. tARWBXL, Pres., J. K. PAtSON. Sec'y. B. W. PHILLIP, V. P., P. C. COOLBACGH, Trees. St. Cloud Branch Officer*. C. P. DAVIS, President, 9. B. WEST, Manager. Directors. 3. B. wiST, J, M. HcKELVr. List of Stockholders at St. Cloud, Minn. Manufacturer of Flour- C. P. Darls, Junes M. McKeWy, N. P. Clerk, Thoa.O.McCIura, C. F. 4 Wm. Powell, H.C.Wait, h. Gorton, J. M. Rosenberger, Pick A Abbott, Lewis Olark, Wm. B. Mitchell, A. T. Upham, P. TaleOtt, R. Rice, C.R.Beal. A.D. Beal, J, E. West, E. L. Allen, 0". And get Judge 7th Judicial District er Hardware Merchaaf Hwdware Merchant* Reg. U.S.Land Office U. S. Assessor- Hardware Merchant Dry Goods A Clothing Flour, Peed A Grain Editor St. Cloud Journal- Dentist- Watch Maker MailOontractor- Manufacturer of Flour Miller- Insurance Agent. Ins. Clerk. Call on Dal TOnEST, a Policy in the REPUBLIC. vlln38-ly ST. CLOUD Wagon Factory. Farm and Freight Wagons. IL.iffht Spring W a jr a JBufg-fgleB. Scott, Hegg & Swenson, Having bought the St. Cloud Wagon Factory, Are prepared to make to order and will keep on hand a good assortment of Wagons. Buggies, &c. The attention of Farmers and Freighters Wanting Wagons this spring is called to our stock. Mono but the a a Is used in our work. Especial attention paid to E a SCOTT, HEGQ & SWENSON, St. Cloud, March 10.1869. vlln344f The First Division of. the St. Paid ft Pacific Railroad 1869. SUMMER TIME TABLE. 1869. OHAMD AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 86IH, 1869. trains for St Anthony Junction, Manomin, Anoka, Itasca, Day ton, Elk River, Big Lake, Clear Lake, St. Cloud, Sauk Aapids and Forts Ripley and Abererombie WILL LEAVJB GOING WB8T. Leave St Paul..... ....... 7 46 A 230 P. a. Antra Sank Rapids.............. IS 46 r. at. 7 30 WILL LtAVB GOING KABT. LeaVeBankRapids............... 7 90 A 2 1 5 M ArriTeSt. Paul 12 20 r. M. 7 05 SAINT PAUL, ST. ANTHONY an in a a in a Leave Bt. Paul 7 46 A. M. 915 A. 1110 A. M* 2 3 0 uid 000r. Minneapolis 800 end 1145 A.M. ,J I OS tOOr.M. «M». M. St. Paul, Lake Minnetonka, CRO WRIYERANDBIQ PRAIRIE TRAINS. Leave Bt. Paul Minneapolis Attire Smith Lake........ Leere Saaith Lake........ Lake Mlnnetonka Arrive St. Panl Excursion Parties takinig Panl, and the 10IS FIVJ6 HOURS AT rate* 0 1 6 a. 1016 116 r.M. 200 416 5 46 ties takin the Olt Train from Saint Train from Minneapolis, will hare LAKH MINNrrotfKA -ptJRC:IA8B TIGKCT8 at the Statin** beforeenter he Oar*, at a Discount from the regular train Ing 1 S BanagaOheeked before It will be carried over the road, and on the arrival of tha Train at place of destination, must present the check and take possession of their Baggage The Cetnapany Mat be Hespamslble •w the Bafttr efaay Baggage altar Ms arrival at station for which it I* checked—it belnc no —.„#.,..»...-._- „#....1.**,,,*0Mt'**o»receive part of the basinet of this Company that elfoSr** NtlTICE saivaad meAo te V. ft. DRUM, Sgperiatendent, J. p. RANDALI,, General Ticket Agent. vl0-n44tf. WB. Horaee, is given his time, and that I will not pay any debts of his oon- trading, at colleot his after this date. •J*H? saj MelNTlRE & DORSEY, strccassoBs TO McINTIRE & CASTLE, (MILLS' OLD STAND) 8T. GERHAIN ST., ST. CLOUD, Wholesale and Retai Dealertin STOVES, TIN WARE AND WOODEN-WARE. AGENTS FOB Buckeye Reaner & Mower, THE CELEBRATED^ Johnson's Self-rake Reaper, Hubbard Mower, Wooster Mower ^Reaper W Vibrator Thresher, MOLIJST E O W S And Dealers in all kinds of A & O O S —ASD— HEAVY HARDWARE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGEN18 &Vf the Famous Qiiinfv Steves, Which IVever Crack. E A I E S roa Farm Machinery & Stoves Always on hand. Every Article Warranted. McINTIRE DORSET. St. Cloud, July 14,1868. vl0n52-M PATRONIZE the place where you can buy the cheapest and best Furniture aud save YOUR money. We are prepare 1 to offer greater inducements to HOME purchasers than ever before offered in St. Cloud, as we are in connection with onr sales room. MANUFACTURERS of Bedsteads. Bureaus, Stands, Cribs and Lonnges at wholesale and retail. BY this yon will readily see that you will get goods cheaper by calling and BUYING these articles of us than any other house in town. We keep for YOUR nso all kinds of Upholstery and Parlor Sets, which we furnish to order. All of the best quality of FURNITURE and dealIn none bnt thebes* OF the best. Also a large stock of all kinds of Chairs, Mattrasses, Spring Beds, tc. Repairing end ordered work promptly attended to. Give us a call. Rooms on St. Germain St., St. Cloud, opposite Cath opc church. SPICER & CARLISLE. n••'„LAN.D B. OFFICE, ST. CLOUD, MINN., ^. ... April aeth, is**, Ftter a/fOem and B. Ttturman Sir: Ton are I ereby notified to appear at this office fo^noon of the said day and then and there show ^ST-u^LIT'l D«l**»tory Statement* No*. 35S3 trict of Land* rabject to sale at St. Cloud, Minn should not to canceled, a* Samuel D. SmooU allege* S a 5 0 a and propone* then and there to show the seme, whenyon wiliWpermlt. ted to contest such showing. H. 0 WAIT, Register. •Pr2°-«Wl H. 0 BUBBANK Receiver. LAJID ORICB, ST. CLOUD. MINN., April 20,1809. Ala MeCaUum: W T,0i? .Z? is hereby given that my step- *roJ*?r?,!3r "otWed to appearat this office on the 16TH DAY 0 JUNK, 18O0L at 10 o'clock ln 0 Cjftn- earnings on and D. A. uori. Sf, Cloud, Ajrll 9th, 1869. n41-8w *f the aald day, and then and there •how cause why yonr Homestead Bntry No. Me*, nwde by yon July 15, 18M. npon the \i nw •ectlon 30, township 121, range a*, in. tbelbtrlct sat St. Clo of lands snbjeet to sale at St. Clond Minn. •houM not to caaoeled, a* Tarrold Oi*ea allege* an abandonment thereof or von, and propose* then and there to ihow the same, when yon will to permitted to contest such showing. _^ H. 0 WAIT. Register, sprtWwl U. 0. P*BAWK, HectlTer. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings, GROVFJOK & CO. AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, ST. CLOUD, MINN OBXBBAt DBALXBS IX ST-AJbTX)^I^ID FARM MACHINERY! a on a BASES, CASINGSiAKD.DOOR JAMS Furnished per Design it th a Ut most Dispatch COUNTRY ORDERS Attended to promptly, and specially solic ited. A A S AOKBIS rOB THB NOBTH* WEST FOB THB New Yorker Self Baking Reaper, HUBBARD MOWER, BUCKEYE GRAIN DRILL DEWER DAM BROADCAST SEEDERS, IIAPGOOD, YOUNG & CO.'S Factory in Lower Town, near the Saw Mills, ST. CLOUD. MINN ESTABLISHED IN 1856. CITY BRUT STORE! S. MARLATT, D1AU1 IJt Drugs.Medicines. Chemicals FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLE S SPONGES, Brushes Perfumery, &c. Kerosene or Coal OIL AND LAMPS. Physicians' Pre«crip ions carefully com. pounded, and orders answered with care and idtpatoh. 4 Farmers and Phgsiciant from the country will find our Stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuine, and of the best quality. 8. MARLATT. vlOsl? Washington Avenue, St. Cloud -w"The. most successful business men in this S art those who have advertisedItbertiliy tonstantle/."—floiAQl QBIIIH. metm^tm Ann ROCK I«LA!?D PLOWS, J. I. CASE & CO.'S Sweepstakes Thresher, FISH BROTHERS' Freight and Farm Wagons North Star Fanning Mills. St. Cloud, Jan. 26, 1869. J. H. OWEN & CO.,C. MABOTACTUBEKS Of DRESSED LUMBER S A S in WOOD MOULDINGS, in S S in DOORS AND WINDOW FRAMES, Newel Posts, Balusters, AND FENCE PICKETS, F. & W. POWELL HARDWARE, The most complete stock to be found in Northern Minnesota, i^r-w .A. :R, IE Of every kind thatmay be wanted, S O E S Of all the best and most popular mak Agricultural Implements 4c., &c., &e. Corner Washington atenue and Lake elree ST. CLOUD, MINN. CASH PAID FOR Old Copper, Brass and Ptwttr. Particular attention paid te a kinds of tin and sheet-ironjobbing. CHAS. F. FOWILl. wx. rowiii. A O Watchmaker and Jeweler, I A S tn— CLOCKS WATCHES, Silver and Plated Ware, SPECTACLES O-OXJD :P:E:ETG, Table and Pocket Cutlery. fcc, fcc, »Jc. Faithfully doaeand satisfheiiongnaraalee. ALSO, ENGRAVING. Washington aveane, a few doers from the Central House, on opposite side* ST. CLOUD, NESOTA um wcOKDSOF WISDOM FOR TOCNO MRS On the Rulias Passion in Tonth aad Rarly sfaa U.«K.vitliS.-lt Helpforthe Brriae: aad in i. Sent in sealed letter ea««lo HmTat a A*V %M LI0WARn AM wuTx^BMinSiw