Newspaper Page Text
E I O A *JEODZW!3 OMelal Paper of the City. 49- The Circulation of Tk Jomrotl DOUBLE that of any other paper Pabllsnedln NorthernMinnesota. Let Advertisers remember this. BjQuGeo. P. Rowell & Co., 40 Pork Bow, Weir York, andS. M. PettengillACo., 87 Park Row, Now York, are the sole agents for TH« JOUBHAL, in that city* and are au thorised to contract for inserting advertisc m«ite for us at oar lowest oash rates. Advertisers ia thit oilj are requested to »ve their favors With either of the ahove h. usee. .-••••• 1BSI BIT. ST. PAWL A PACIFIC R. B. sr me a ,. is CLOOD nuise. leave St. Cloud7:15 A.M. and 2:16 r.w. Arrive do 12:20 r. at. and 7:20 r.w. ST. tAVt TRAINS. Leeve St. Paul 7:30.A. M. and 2:00 P. M'. Arrive do 12 x. and 7 P. 31. insjirArous A I S S "Leave Mlir.naio!is::,":0A.Jr:.U!l '-':50 P. si. Arrlxo i!o lL:..5"A. St. Passengers takingCue inoriiia-.: train from Saint Ofeud for Minneapolis cliurgo cars at St. Anthony Junction aixl arrive at Miuueauoli. at 11.35 A. W.— The 2.15 P. it. train from St. Cloud, doe* not make connection at St. Anthony Junction with the train for alianeapolis, bat passengers take omnibns fo Minosappusoa arrival of train. A CHEAP TAPIR. S E N I O Wo will send TUB JUUBNAL f-omuow un- til ine first of January next—nearly four months— for Thirty cents. This is but ubout the cost of the white paper. Send along Thirty eents, and seoure a •rst-elass paper until the olose of the year fQ^TeUyour neighbors of this. '".*. 'j|l*ECIAL O E For ¥8.00 wo will send to any address TBB JOBBBAL and tho St. Paul Frees for one year. The regular prioe for the two is $4.00. -Frost last night. —A toakiBg rain is very much needed. —Rev. Campbell is slowly improving, bat Is itiU confined to his bed. —Read tho "Flag" advertisement and than go to tho "Flag" atoro. —Mr.J. F. Stevenson has removed, with bis family, from Winnebago Prairie to this •»J a a o. u. —Rev.Mr. Palmer, (Baptist) will preaoh in tho Congregational Church on next Sab bath forenoon, at half-past tea o'clock. —Mr Thos.C. Aides, present Sheriff Steams County, intends running as an independent candidate. —The St. Cloud Postoffice will be pre pared on and after Monday to issue money orders on Great Britain. —N. H. Miner, of Sauk Centre, has been appointed on the Demoeratic State Central Committee from this District. —A new bridge has been built across the ravine near Lake George. It is the best bridge that has yet been built at that plsoe. —Attention is directed to tho eard of D. B. Searle. Esq., Attorney at Law, who has engaged ia the praetioe of his profession in this place. .a" 5—The ladies seeing cirsle'of thePresby terian Church will meet on next Wednes day afternoon with' Mrs. C. Burbank. A full attendance is especially desired. —Tenveordo's stroo of the larg est and most handsomely furnished ia the upper oountry, will be ready to be occu pied in about two weeks. mlM ii —All members of the St. Cloud Rifle Co. re requested to attend the meeting on lesday evening next. Nou-comraissionn.l ieers are to bj elticied arid other impor ••t business to be transacted. The Association' Park has already become quite a favorite driving place, and every, evening strings of carriages and baggiea can be seen wending their way thitherward. —A new military company has been or ganised at Sauk Centre, with. A. Bar to as Captain, and assigned to Lite Socond Regi ment Minuesjta National Ouards, Lieuten ant Col. H. O. Hicks, commanding. —A railroad party, consisting Super intendent Delano, Col. Preston, of New York, and others, came up by special train on Monday, to see the town and at tend some little business ••Tho Congregational Conference for this District, which was in session here from Tuesday evening, adjourned last evening. The attendance was, good and the oxoreiseo Interesting. —A aweting of the Bxeeatite Committee of the Stearns County Agricultural and Mechanical Association will be held at the Court House on next Friday, at 2 o'clock, tor the purpose of selecting judges and at tending to other'business connected with the coming fair. «, —John R. Clark.ot this place, has a con tract for building a barn at Becker Station, on the lino of the 8t. Paul. and St. Cloud Railroad, for Smith ft Lew's, of SL PauL It will bo 80x60 foot. This firm has already aba7 press tharofand intends pressing and shipping hay to other markets. —The Peak Family of Bell Ringers will give two performances in this place next week. The troupe has lately been much improved. Thepress broughout tho State speaks ia the highest terms of the enter tainments which have been given. A treat 3s in prospect. See advertisement. ,• —Hon. Ignatiaa Donnelly has prepared a lecture entitled "Six Years in Washing* ion," which he will deliver during the com ing winter. W* ate pleased to bo able to state that he expects to visit St. Cloud, and will favor our peopJ1pg$ith this lecture. We oan safely premise him a full house. —Mr. Chan. 8. Bradford, lately from New York, will, on "Monday next, take the place of Mr. 8. H. Par.ons, as Agent of the American Merchants Union Express Company in this plane. Mr. P. goes to How York, but his many friends here will bo glad to learn that he intends returning toUU Cloud next season. —In oar notice in last week's issue of tbo preliminary examination of 8. Bogen rtef, it was sUtod that he was"unable to procure ball." We are requested to cor rect this, as hail was offered, but it wasneck-tie thought that in the excited stito of public feeliag It would be safer to commit the ao to jail. CtOTHiNG.—In his ntiw advertisement this week, Mr. J. Promkiuski calls atten tion to his new fall and winter stock of cloths, clothing, &c, which is very com plete. His prices are, as ever, low. —If vou want an extra choice article of tea of coffee, go to Huber's. Remember ttts^a,. .,y-~... —Cranberries, constantly Paul Mockenhaupt's. received, at —Oyster crackers, at Huber's. "*i- »fj,t|'l''V,-' PenaoBAL.—Col. 8mith, U. S. Paymas ter, returned on Monday, evening from paying oft' the troops at Forts Totten, Wordsworth, Aborerombie, Thomas and Ripley. Judge McKetvy started for Alexandria on Monday, to hold a term of court there foe Douglas Bounty. Mr. J. J. Oilman, of Canton, Miss., is in tho city,stopping with bis nephew, Don. Cbns. A. Oilman. ... a .,.. JI. Z. Mitchell started, on Tuesday to represent the Presbyterian church of this place in tho Synod at Onndas. Mrs. Pratt, wifo of li. S. Senator Daniel Pratt of Indiana, ia in the city, the guest, ol E. B. Strong, Esq. Liout. J. R. Howard, of Sank Centre, gave us a call on Tuesday, while I 'on his way tothe Stale Fair. We are pleased to notice that Mr. R. M. Russell, who has been confined to tho house for several weeks by fever, is again out. ... Mr, S. IT.Finney returned on Tuesday Iron. lak Lake, Air fo. S. Sponcer, of Coming, N. Y., ia in the city. Mr. James Jenks, of Clearwater, was in town to-day. STILL THKY COMB,—The Thirty Cen(% subscriptions to THE JOURNAL continue to como in rapidly. The offer is a very liberal one, and is appreciated as such. ,.'-.'• ,-s. Thanks to friends who arc making the proposition known to their neighbors'and are sending clubs. Our supply ofbaok numbers is entirely exhausted. We will try and supply all future orders with the present,.nur^r^vjx W A N E •Tw,o •Tr.( \v Ws, housework* TllBiAotfHlB: .-,-'• ble to: ic •!(Y«' scnti .. Count III people hearing 10 ln an' v.-o. :li FntB.f-^A'iirb'c'atVglH in Y-ris of lie «e»" vant girls' rooms at tae Central J!nn-e enr'v this morning, from a candle which had been carelessly left burning. But the file was discovered before any special damage had been done beyond the burning of about $50 worth of clothing belonging to the girls. To-Cetwwtr. MOSBCHANTB.—Messrs D.M.G Murphy & Co. have-now in storo.for the fall trade, a very heavy and complete stock of tea8,vsugars, coffees, syrups and geh'e'r' al-. assortment of groceriesbe- scld to wholesale. They will sell at a very slight advance on the Chioago market, and' can offer to country dealers deoided advanta ges: Give them a call. Haw MILLTNBBT GOODS—Mrs. Ottens myer's new stock of fall and winter Milli nery goods is being received. This stock was purchased by Mrs. Ottensmeyer per sonally in Europe, and embraces a full''as sortment of millinery, dress and fancy goods.of the very latest styles. Mrs. 0. will be home in a few days. GBAPBS—Mr. John Brakefield, ofAvon, has left with us some very flue bunches of grapes of his own raising. Mr. B, has over one hundred vines, all doing well.— His varieties include the Delaware, Con cord, Diana, Creveling, lona, and others. The St. Cloud market has been quite well supplied this year with grapes raised in Stearns county. In a few years the sup ply will be equal to the demand. NOBMAL GBADTJATSS.— Miss Virginia Mason, of this city, and Miss Evelyn A. McEenney, of Maine Prairie, members ot the first graduating class cf the St. Cloud Normal School, have been engaged for the Sauk Centre school, the winter term of which will begin next week. They leave on Saturday. The majority of the grado •t. already begun work as ttaclitia in the p-ihlio schools of Northern .Minnesota—thus making immediate return to the State for the benefits they have re ceived from it. DISCHABOBD.—The trial of Samuel Bo genrief, already referred to, eommensed on Saturday morning and continued until Wed nesday night at eleven o'clock. Thirty witnesses were examined, and a very large amount of testimony taken. Justlco Barnes reserved his decision until this morning. It. is, that the defendant isnot guilty of the crime, as charged, (a clear alibi having been proved), and he was ordered to be discharged. LADIES!—Mrs. Lambert has rof'n-ncd from the East, having pure1.!-- !. •. now in store pr^n the way, a .Jl j.,vv*rt me-i' t, :i 'j •, ..jv.. .. ... ,, ...' ...,., won and ).)• 1 am t- »"i •1 she W' dies. •.! 1 ii Wl the nil 0 oil of I est tl!i gojJs.w, lected Tun (...v..!, ami will Uv be sol, v. FV (. tlCft} NICEST 1 ""o11 pau Morton's eel fitte'.-t plass sioc' ebi of ol •ated »li d. Tl ljl 't good 3. All variel ies holdefsu No. such stock of pens has over beforo been brought into the upper coun try. Also,, a full line of the John Foley pens. By all means, call and see this stock, at Tobey & Mitchell's. —t. B. S6hererls getting on a large win ter stookof boots and shoes of all kinds for men's, women's and children's wear. His stock is very complete, and will be sold cheap. Also, the very best of custom work. French calf and kip boots and shoes, made from the best stock that was ever brought to this place. Those who Want anything at all in this line should not fail to call and see Mr. Scherer, on 8t. Germain atreet, nearly opposite the Catholic church. —The Alexandria Post says that on the 2d of August Luther Leplant and man named West left that place for Oak Lake, each with a team. A short time ago West returned, with plenty of money and some wearing apparel which had belonged to Leplant, who has not since been heard from. West has Binoe disappeared and it is believed he murdered Leplant L. L. Bly, of Holmes city, did a good day's work last Monday. He killed three deer before breakfast, three more before dinner, and brought the whole six into town, four teen miles, and sold them before supper. •'•-.. ft H' —Three carloads of groceries, all kinds, will be received .this week. Make your purchases of us and save money. ALLEN & RUSSELL. —Every person who buys a cravat or at Prondzinski's is entitled to a selected chromo. He has some very hand some and entirely new styles of cravats. —A?:otV ,T bpots and shoes, complete t!tr..iigt:o it. and the best manufacture, is ou _- way t'.r John Lauermann, and will be here iu a few days. Look out then for bargains —J. G. Huber has the genuine white wine vinegar for pickling. -Apples* by the pock or barrel, for sale by Paul Mockenhaupt's. —Dwelling rooms Smith's Grocery. to let. Inquire at —Choice butter and oggs, at Morte's.i .....~. FROM BATMOJUV--•••—— A S a W he S $ W MijJ!fM GO SEPT. 26^1851.- EDWOB JOUBKAL.—This week lias been one of sorrow and sadness, for our commu nity. Our worthy and respeoted Town Treasurer, Elmer Jnraisbn, was buried on the 10th inst. On tin following day a young lad of thirteen years of age, an or phan by the name of Ed. Stewart, was wound around tho tumbling rod of a thresh ing machine, breaking his leg above and below his knee.and injuring him internally, so that he died on the following Thursday. On Sunday, the 17th, the wifo of John A. Medland was taken siok with scarlet ferer and died on Wednesday. Thus, in the short spaoe of one week, death hasentered the households of three of our neighbors, and borne three persons in the bloom' of life across tho river. In. the death of Mr. Jamison our community suffers a great loss. Young, intelligent and highly respected, he was just entering life with a bright pros pect beforo him. He was teaching our school when he was taken sick, and in less than three weeks we silently and sad ly laid him in the narrow house, while his scholars filed by his grave scattering flowers upon his coffin. The victim of the threshing machine, is but another evidence of the disregard of human -life in not complying with the requirements of the law. Aside from theso accidents and deaths our toxn is unusually healthy. There is hot a case of sickness that I am aware of within its borders. Although some of our people are some what despondent in regard to the short ness of crops, they are still awaro that in car locality we are much more favored liian aro. t-kosa, uuud its, and w^krtnVam**plWi ought to insph t!u •:.-. ections of country i-'iil* "tEat there is -\c ?utr*beYoVj ifs, iV '.\ cU'l :::hi ition to a t'.io tlvcr 11uitiLJ .... ii. U.ti'MtJND. Goods. .£©irtgfomea*2F W Our fall and winter stocky is altogether the largest and most complete ever brought to Northern Minnesota, ., We have everything that Is new and stylish. in »he way of dress goods. We may mention poplins, satteens, velvet, vel veteens, fall silks, scotch plaids, cloakings, merinos, empress cloths, pressed flannels, cashmeres, mohairs, lustres, shawls, water proof, etc., etc. '". Our stookof clothing is very heart and we promise to suit anybody who may call. Special attention is called to our car pets—Brussels, ingrains, Ac* f{ ?.f Our boots and shoes, and hats and caps, have been still further reduced in price since the new stock is received. Wo have one large storeroom packed full oi groceries of all rinds, hardware, tin ware, crockery, &c. Come and see us. We will sell good goods very cheap. O S I you Having been urged by many friends throughout Stearns county,- irrespective of party, to become a candidate for Sher iff, I hereby announce myself as a Peo ples Candidate for that office. If elect ed, I pledge myself to do my full duty, as I nave done during the term I am now fill ing. I ask the support of voters without regard to party affiliations. THOS. C. ALDEN. St. Cloud Sept. 26, 1871. I N if E A A dozen elegant parlor sots, A dozen fine chamber sets, Fifty bureaus, of all kinds, One hundred tables, Eight hundred bedsteads, Twelve hundred jomrnon chairs, And alargeitock of other furniture, for sale low, at SPICEB & CARLISLE'S. O N E O A O W E A I will pay One Dollar per bushel for good wheat, and thirty cents per bushel for oats, in lumber. H. B. MORRISON. Clearwater, Sept. 26, 1871. O O S S O E S O E S Ajffr At HENDERSON'S. Just received, a nice assortment of buck skin-gloves. My boots are all hand-made, and of the very best material, and therefoie the most desirable for purchasers. I wonld respectfully in my goods. w, to U'f5cilland examine iilWDERfcON. —The preluniu .!• Valley branclf^f 3Jfsi Gt railroad is ain :I.I:II county. ttKe'iine'ia cati heluiili thr g'i ,: very lr.rsona'ifre'' f' probaMc, from all th the engineers now engaged in the prelim inary survey will al once begin the loca tion of the road. The survey already made is a very careful one, and the work of location will be easy. The ro»d, if run on or near the survey as made, will probably accommodate our whole county as well as any that can be built.—Alex andria Post. ..lis ftul tl SJtlUl 1 cue, and length at ntire ice. V.'e think it imlicati'jr.s', that —A car load of choice apples, just re ceived and wilt be sold low ALLEN ft RUSSELL, To FAUBCBBS —We wiU pay for wheat, at our Clearwater Mille, from one to two cents more per bushel than the St. Cloud prices for the same grade. We mean what we say DAVIS, BBAL & Co. APPLES CHEAP 1—b. C. timith & Co. have the agency for Quincy apples, and have a lot which must and will be sold at any price. Call and pay your own price for them. tf FAIB.—The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a Fair and Festival at Schwartz & Theis' Hall, on Wednesday evening, October 11th. Further particu lars hereafter. —A recently arrived »ttorney was ac costed by a countryman yesterday, and in formed that he, the countryman, was with in two numbers of holding the ticket. On this account he claimed one wing of the Davidson bouse. He had simply mistaken lawyer Parsons, of St. Cloud, for Dr. Mur phy, of St. Paul.—St. Paul Press. —Cooking and eating apples, at Morse's —You want anew hat Go to Prond zinski's and see the dosens of different styles he has just received. IS OTICE.- -I respectfully, but positively, decline the nomination of Judge of Pro bate. THOS. C. ALDEN. St. Cloud, Sept. 23, 1871. —Green apples, by the barrel or peck, at Huber's. r:^' *r ", —Boston and cream crackers, just ar rived and will be sold cheap, at Paul Mock enhaupt's .-. —If farmers want a good plow, call at N. Labr's. Patronize home manufactures —Choice /amily groceries at Morse's. 30. 30 7 For Thirty cents you canWendelin get TH E JOURNAL from now until the 1st of January, 72. This is only about one-half the regular price. Try it! E COT/XTY A I A 0 8 A it a a a a Tho Agricultural Society will have the free use of the far grounds for thefirsttwo days, while tho Driving Park Association will take the gate money on tho third day. The Sooiety has ohanged somewhat the programme of its races as previously pub lished in this paper, and the Park As sociation has offered $500 additional in purses for tho third day, as follows: 1st Purse $250 open to all horses that never beat 2:85. $123 to the first horse. $75 to the 2nd /. $50 to 3rd Best 3 in 5 to harness, 3 to enter 2 to go., 2d Purse $150, open to all horses now owned in S»earns and adjoining counties, that never beat 8 minutes. $80 to the first horse. $40 to 2nd r.'' :. -OOaO.. $80 to 3rd 4 to enter, 3 to go, best 3 in 5 to har ness. At .. 3rd Purse of $100, open to all running horses. 575 to the first horse.. J-U 2 -. «». to iritcr best 2 in 3. The purses given by tho Agricultural Sooiety ave arranged as follows lsc Purse $125, open to all horses owned iu hi earns or adjoining counties that never beat 3 minutes- 'I, .J' -B-.: $100 to 1st horse. $25 to 2nd 3 to enter, 2 to go, best 3 in five (o har ness. 2nd Purse $50, to the fastest trotting four years old horse owned iu Siearns or adjoining counties, Mile heats, best two in throe to harness, 3 to enter, 2 to go, 3rd Purse of $25, to the fastest trotting 3 years old colt, mile heats, best two in three to harness. v. r.v 3 to enter, 2 to go. An entrance fee of ten' per cent, will be charged oh all purses/ The $150 Durse of the Driving Park Association will be trotted forat 10 o'clock A. H. of the 3rd day, and tho two races in the afternoon of third day. The $50 purse of the Agricultural As sociation will be competed for the after noon of the 1st day, the 10th, and the other two purses the afternoon of the 2nd day. REPUBLICAN tLATFOHM. Resolved, That the Republican party of Minue»ota, while earnestly desiring the prosperity of every section of our com mon country, and the amplest develop ment of ommerce and manufactures, nev ertheless regards agriculture as tho para mount material interest of tho nation, to which all other forms of industry should be held subordinate. Resolved, That the essenoe of law is equality and universality, and that it is beyond the constitutional power of the general government to discriminate in its legislation between different classes of the people, to enrieh those engaged in some pursuits by taxes levied on those engaged in other pursuits, thus making the same law a means of wealth for some, while it is an engine of destruction for others. That such a policy is as unlimited in its operations as human selfishness, and tends to absorb in the hands of the few the sub stauce of the many, and thus create those great inequalities of wealth and poverty which threaten the very existence of our free institutions. Resolved, That while we prefer indirect taxation by imposts on importations to direct taxation upon the basis of popula tion or under a system of revenue, justice and policy dictate that the burdens of tho government should fall with most weight upon the vices and luxuries of sooiety, and with least "force upon tho wants of the multitude, and that the government should regard rather the prosperity of tho great mass than the aggrandisement of those already wealthy. Resolved, That the administration of the public affairs of the State by Govern or Horace Austin, and his associates in the executive department, has been wise, honest, able and eoonomioal, and direoted by the desire to protect tho resouroes and increase the prosperity of the people and therefore deserves the approval of every citizen of the State irrespective of rty. Risolved, That the continued ascendency of Ucpublican party of the nation is ncn-.s.jvv conserve the fruits of the grMU btruggle through which we have late ly passed and to place the rights and liberties of'the entire people on such seoure forever beyond the reach of overthrow iu any future contin gency. Resolved, That the administration of ('resident Grant has been practical, able, aud efficient, and characterised by an hon est collection of the revenues of the govern ment and by an economical expenditure of itt resources, and that the treaty of Wash ington, hy removing all danger of foreign war, commends itself to every friend of peace and is worthy ot the great, wise re public of the world. Resolved, That the internal improvement lands owned by tho state should bo opened for immediate occupation by actual settlers at a reasonable compensation, their sale to be regulated by seme system of ap praisement and credit simiUr to that pro vided by our school lands, and that neither the lands themselves nor the funds derived from such sale should ho disposed of by the legislature for any purpose until tho Uw providing for their disposal shall be submitted to a vote of the people, at an an nual general election, and to that end we recommend the adoption of a constitution al amended to that effeot. Resolved, That the railroads of the coun try, having been constructed to promote the interests of commerce, and deriving every power they possess directly from the people, are at. alt times, and under all cir cumstances, proper subjects of just legis lation tending to tho -promotion of tho pub lic welfare, and that wo recognise and enunciate the principal that in any conflict between the Statu and corporations trans acting business within its limits, it becomes the duty of the State protect its citisens by the exercise of ev er at its command. legitimate means E E E I It is not hard to tell which is the favorite threshing machine with the farmers of Northern Minnesota. The general demand is for tho J. I. Case A Co. Thresher, which is pronounced by those who have used it to be superior to any other manufactured. It will thresh more grain, thresh it quieker and cleaner, and last longer than any other thresher in the market. These maohines are for sale at Capt. Grovenor's warerooms, where all the best agricultural implements in the country, with a full stock of extras, can always be found. —A splendid assortment of teas—green and black—just received, by ALLEN A RUSSELL. —It is a fact that Morse sells grocer ies*cheap. VBBISON.—Coates ft Freeman would give notice to hunters and others that they are paying tho highest oash prioe for venison. Call on them before disposing of your veni son. —Sweet potatoes cheap, at Smith's Gro cery. Warranty Deed TransSera for Week Kading geptembc. 43,1871. VJ Men to George Keim for n* nw\ seo 23 125 29 $500. Wendelin Mors to Stephen Rassier for swi nej see'lOT:124R29w $200 John Jones and wife to Thomas Smith for 8 Bl 2 in Steams Add, to St. Cloud a::-.!»^oa' ,«Biji««l1 ,(•*•' .".• .-,$150. Paul Branch and wife to Nicholas Branch for swi swj seo 17 123 28 $300. Michael Carroll to John G. Hinnen for nwi nwj and 14 sec 2 128 29 $800. Alexander Moore and wife to Solomon Pen dergast for 18 bl 81 in Sauk Centre $100 -oi8 MI -. ^j^iqtlirK DBBTBS. 'ff Leander Gorton and wife to /Albert B. Curry for lots 148 bl.12 and 17 bl 21 Edol brboks Add. to St. Cloud $100. Edgar C. Pindall and wifo to Alexander a a a -•-mmAi ssltATB W*»WaWir^ -*^f ttm Bfftttrtafta^gf/gfggjfgfm^ Reported/or"^ HK Htotutuu: by" Tohn JSapp Esq.,* 'rieguier Deeds. Moore for lots 243 bl 31 io Sauk Centre JTJ8T I E .. .». '. emo^aweaa-. ._,,.../ I... 100 No. 1 Mishawaka Cross Plows. 50 Racine Fanning Mills. 25 Corn and Cob Crushers. Also, a lot of Whitewater Wagons. *,V'.r Hay and Straw Cutters, 'feuokeyilprtyla, S Buckeye Force Feed Seeders, Agricultural Boilers, .- *s*q &c, &c &c, —It is the best. .:: —Contains nothing injurious. —Clear as crystal. *5*"*j' —No sediment or filth. —Does not stain the skin. —BlegaUtiy perfumed. —Restores gray hair. „, ^Prevents the hair from tailing off. —See advertisement. S ix In quantities to suit, at ,, /./.-, D. M. G. MtJRPflY & fJO?8. jA .'-:-.—rrr? —Ira C. Johnson purchased a two years old colt, fast the Minneapolis Fair, and Capt Barto has made arrangements for a trio of Short-horn Durhams, from W. S. King's herd—Sauk Centre Herald. —A lot of fine crockery, at very lowfig ures at Huber's. —All goods low for cash, at Smith's Gro cery. .XT&I —If you want good goods at low figures, go to Allen A Russell's.' ./ '•'•'. •-•-•.• Nofion^—Opportunity will bo given to all persons having Unsettled accounts with the undersigned, to settiethe same at the Bank of St. Cloud until further notice. .. rSEND YOR ORDERS'^ ierTO TIIE-®g IT-JOURNAL OFFICE.- JJgTGOOD WORK-^g »«"AT-®8 »@-LOW PRICES. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D. B« SEARLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR A A W OFFICE WITH B. 0 HAMLW. SAINT CLOUD, MINNESOTA. Vrf- .,. S A W .- MS* :•.-,•., 1 xxxx AT GBOVBBOB'S. —USE NATURE'S HAIB RESTORATIVE. XXX XX PICKIT A ABBOTT. St. Cloud, Aug 10th, 1871. WHEAT WABTBD.—Farmershaving wheat to soil will find it to their advan tage to all on H. Z. Mitchell, before so ling. Headquarters at H. C. Burbank' office on St.Germain street. FOB SALE.—Three first class four-pocket billiard tables, 5}xll feet, in good order and all complete. WiU be sold cheap for cash. Inquire of .. ROBBERS A LAID. FOR" IQTALL KIND8-©g *«-OF-®t JOB PRINTING- Bt^»IN-®([ S9-GERMAN,' ser BNQ"SH,-« »t^NORWEGIAN,-©g N I THkECo.onderaignedaundernthe copartnenbip heretofore existing te'ween the ftrm name ol vt. son has this bee dissolved. The business will-be continued by Stevenson at the old stand Under the same name and style. .•.-.-J^fclBTJBMON, WM. DICKINSON, -M. SOBL. St.Clood.Muin, 8est.28,1871. se28:3w THE CELEBRATED PEAK MMffiY, VOCALlSmfBARPlSfS, AND S AT SCHWARTZ A THEIS' HALL Positively Two Nights only. WBDNE8. DAY and IHORSDAlf Evenings, Oct. 4th and 6th. ,'.._ "^... An entire double set of pure toned &xx&ZBm> &E3XATJS. Two Sets of STAFF BELLS.. ORGAN, HARP, FLUTE, Ao., Ac.-i' I'" 'Ao.: '.•'•'' Everything new, refined, amusing. Don't fail to hear them. For particulars see small ADMISSION 26 cento, O cenU and 76 centt. Reserved seats can DO had at Tobey A Mitchell's book store. .. -. JOE. P. MAR8T0N, Agent. THE HOUSEKEEPERS' E O I I S 3 3 S is the place to find what you want in the line of Cooking Utensils, House hold Articles, and Fancy Goods of, every description and of the latest styles. AGENCY FOR WOODRuTF'S IMPROVED a E a OR COMMODE, Sapolio, Japanese Paper ware, IIMM0N8' SYPHON AND HYDRANT FILTERS. a a S a Send for circular. G. WEBSTER PECK. june29-ly North Star Iron Works, HARRISON, GORTON 4 CO., Maufacturers of Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery, Flouring Mills, Building Columns, Window Caps and Sills, Hot Air Furnaces, Water Wheals, Ac, Ao. All kind of repairing and fob work done promptly and in the bast manner. The Flouring and Grist Mill department will be under the superintendence of Mr. 0. A. PEAT. And tho Saw MiU work will bo under the charge of Mr. EI.IAS CONBEB, whieh wiU enable the proprietors to fur nish all tho latest improved Mill Machinery and guarantee entire satisfaction. Between Raiload Bridge and Pacific Mills. Minneapolis, Nov.,28th, 1670. vllnSO ST ,CLOU, Sep/28, 1871. Wheat -"Ni, f, 50o. No» 2, 86. Oats—30c to 3So. Cora—50o to 60. fjfe /. J. X- Barloy-^vcry .little quoted at 50a55c. demand may be Rye 55o 01'tl'IAW ,|T8[stock."n Bran is worth $15 per ton, and scarce. Hay, is of excellent quality this year, and sells at $6. $2.00, according to Boans, $1.50 to quafeyV'^O Potatoes,- buying at S0a40c. Cheese—Minnesota, 20o New York, 25c. S a veryjLintyD i't Eggs—12al6c, and plenty. Green apples'—$O0a6,00 per bbl 60 Cranberries—2.50a8.00. Wool, 40c. Dry maple wood is worth $4a$4.50 for fall cord green maple, oak, Ac., $4A$4 25 tamarae, $8.60. MILWAUKEE, Sep. 20. Wheat—$118 for Np. L: Oats—80}o for No. 1. Corn—48b'forNo. 2. BJII.L I S O O COKBECTED Bl DAVIS B1ALft'CO. Retail. $6 00 5 50 460 A E Clear _..„ -per I $28 0Pa85 00 Dimension .„...... IS O0A18 00 Stock boards.. 17 00 lit Common «. 16 00 2d^maio|i.,^,.^r. A r.-rj ata*A«*-v-fate&Uhi UJkA Sceota. 1st Siding. 3d Siding M. let Flooring............ 2dFlooruii.. Shingles Pickets..... .. S I O A E 23 00 19 00 .••eeae*-. it 2800 2 25a 3 50 a 4 60 8 OOalO 00 LAM.............. 2 26a2 60 Lumber can be had only at the yards. 0bmele3 /or I JOTOWAI, by DM..O. Murphy 06. Mink Not 1......92.00 to 4.60 Otter. 8.00 to 7.00 Fisher............ 600 to 7.00 Wolverine..-^ 3.00 to &.i Wolf—Timber 2^0 to 8 Bear„.........„... 10,00 -'•?n'" il«ocoon„.........._....$ SO Martin 3.00 to 10.00 BedFox....... 1.40 Fox 3.00 to 6.00 Silver drer26.00 to 60.00 Ljnz f. !-»:'fg^'i*--.---- 1.40 Onb Bear...'...... 3.00to 6.00 Badger Uii.'..*iJ...«w 35 Beaver, per lb 1.00 rer per iu..... Skunk 36 .:. .:. 9 to 10 Spring Bat......... 11 to 13 Beer Skins, per 20to25Winter-Bat Hides, dri.^....„. 16 Hides.greeB............ 07 ''.-•'.'••• rr''-' FOB SALE.—A Wheeler & Wilson Sew ing Michine—first-class—entirely new Will be sold on favorable terms. Inquire at thin office. Also, a Wilcox A Gibbs machine, new Chance for a bargain. .,, Li L4J *si l-.t I I Vw We have on hand, printed from hew type on good paper, a full assortment' of legal blanks, including: Deeds—WarrantyJ'Quit-claim, Mortgage and Chattel Mortgage. District Court—Summons, Notices of Trial. Notes of issue and Executions. Justice Court—Summons and Subpoe nas. To TOWN OFFIOBBS,—We are, able to urnish the following blanks to order, in any quantity desired: Order of Supervisors laying out anew road. '. Release of. Damages by Owners of Land. Notice of laying out of roads (for publio posting.) Town orders, with stubs, bound or. un-M bound. Affidavits to be attached to all Bills, (for town or county use.). Bond of Town Treasurers. Constable. ,-T Justice of the Peaoe. Notion of election to Town Office Oath of Office of Town Officers. Notice to District Clerk of Election of Justice Of the Peace. Notioe of Election of Constable. These blanks are suitable for any town or county in the State. Orders from the country, for largo mall quantities, filled at St. Paul price THB JotrBNAL office has just reoeived a very large and complete stock of new type outSf borders, Ac, purchased at the beet Eastern foundries. Also a fine assortment, of wood type for posters. These additions' will enable us to turn out better work than ever before, and equal to the best done in tho State. Prioes reasonable. Send in your ordors, whioh will reoeive prompt atten rion. FOB SALE.—CoL Mason, of Fort Ripley, ffers for sale a good double carriage (new), carriage team, and harness, which will ha sold very low. The whole es tablishment oost $1,050 and:will be sold for $850—or the horses, carriage and har ness will be sold separately. For particu lars inquire at this office. »c~- —As a dressing, Nature's Hair Reator tivtfgte* ahead of any in the market See advertisement. StEClAL NOT10ES: THB CONFESSIONS OF AN 1NTALID. PUBLISHED ae a warming aad fcr the benefit of young mtnani ethtrt who seffer from Nervona Debility. Ae., supplying THK malts or SBLP COM. Written by one who eared faimeelf, and sent fre* on receiving a poet-paid directed envelope. Address NATHANUL MATFAm, Brooklyn, N. Y. jnn8-em- O N A I A E Essays for Young Men, on great SOCIAL EVILS and ABUSES, which Interfere with alABRIAGK— With sure means of relief for the Erring and Unfor tunate, diseased and deblllUted. Sent free, in sealed envelopee: Address, HOWARDASSOCIATION, No. 28 Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. Montgomery & Wests CASHS^ORE! Nice Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, O E I E S Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery, -&c.t JH2 A a O a At Sign of "THE FLAQ," St. Cloud, Minn. vl4nll EDWIN M. WRIGHT,:: A if N E AT LA Wi Ofies mBelVs Sloth, St. Germtin Sire 1 ST. CLOtD, MIHNE80TA 'V .Kw^.ir- .-i...A-*gJ^.i» v.. M. BEOEEK. BOOT AND SHOEMAKEE. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters Made the latest style and of the best Good fits warranted. Quality of work guaranteed. EASTERN WORK always on hand fo sale cheap. ALSO LEATHER AND FINDINGS Shop on St.Germainstreet, nextdoorto Piokit A Abbott's Store. St. Cloud. Apri128.1808. I E I I E I 1 I 3 E WILD CHERRY, ,1* ._:. roa a I it TJOSS A S E oVc. tgOMBPtaS the valuable elements of a a a a and I in a form acceptable to the moat delicate stomach, promotes the appetite, gives renewed strength and energy to the Whole system—Especially adapted to the delicate const! tntioas of LADUffi. Bach ounce contains twelve grains of Iron, and an equivalent of Cherry. Tir,Uj£lf & CO. is New Lebanon, X. and 176 William St., New Tork For Sale by Druggist! generally. aagl PIONEER WAGON SHOP ., Manufacturer of S FARM AIHJBEIGHT WAGOKS, LIGHT WAGONS, BUGGIES/,- CUTTERS, SLEDS, Ao. All work made from the very best mate rial, and fully warranted Trices reason able. Parties needing anyth'ng in my line Will do well to give me a eall. Special attention paid to REPAIRING. H. W. WEARY J. C. W I S O N SIGN, CARRIAGE, ABB HOUSE PAINTER, AND GRAINER Glazier and Paper Hanger ST. CLOUD, MINN. vl2 n5-tf ZSCHETZSCHE & HEYER Dealers tn LEATHER & FINDINGS, 140 S ST. PATJL, .: MINN. Tannery at Sheboygan, Wis. I N N E A O I S GLOBE HOTEL, F. W. HANSCOM, Proprietor. O N E W A S I N O N A E N E a A S E E a a THIS HOUSE IS NEW, LARGE AID CONVENIENT, a in in 6 6 On account "of its Convenient Location and ?leasant Rooms, Business Men, Tourists, FamiUea and Pleasure Seekers will Ind it the bestplace In the •sity to.stop at. •. vlia W. HENDERSON. Dealer in and Manufacturer of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers g®* Custom work done in the best style Repairing neatly and promptly done. OnWashingtn avenue, next door to Met ort h's Clothing store n43 A E A STRONG SANDERSON 8VCCI8S0BS TO R. O. STRONG &CO.f Manufacturers and Dealers in Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Mattings, Curtain Ma, erials, U'holstery Goods, Wall Paper Bedding, Window Shades, Feathers, &o Noa* ««a and Sill Third Street. ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA -A. E. HUSSEY, A O I E O furnishes Plans, Specifications, and Drawings IN DBTAIL, FOB PUBLIC BUILDIBGS BBSIDENOBS, AC gsSrOffice. three doors north of Post Office, St. Cloud Minn. vHn5 S OLOTJJD STEAM REPAIR SHOP, .•:".•:-. a»2JQ*3i!». Alsop & Winslow MACHINISTS. TioRre a fall assortment of Machinery and .: Tools, we are prepared to REPAIR ALL KINDS OF A I N E AT SHORT NOTICE AND MODERATE PRICES. Mowers, Reapers, Threshing Machines, Mill Machinery, Sewing Machines, &c THOROUGHLY REPAlBED AND WABRAKTED. We are also prepared to put in all kinds of O E A O W A E All kinds of XOBWOBK Prbmptiy'attended to. Factory on Richmond Avenue, in the rear of J. C. Winslow's Blacksmith Shop, near the Post Office ALSOP A WINSLOW. C. H. ALstr. J. WINSLOW vl4nl St. Cloud Quadrille Band. The undersigned will furnish first-class music for Balls. Special attention given to supplying private parties, with from two to five pieces, as may be desired. Charges reasonable. GEO. E. PULLER. St. Cloud, Sept. 7th, 1871. A A ST, CfcQBJI, at verv hZ°HV.Uyit*the ihWarw Thrf.» W W MINHBSOXA. JSE W &00DS forFALL & WINTER. J. PROISTDZHsTSKI Has just received an unusually large stock, comprising all the latest styles of WINTER CLOTHING, Horse and Ox Shoeing. by THOS. JONES, who has the reputation of being one of the best shoers in the State. Orders Promptly Attended to Satisfaction Guaranteed. I. M. NOTES. vl3-n52 O a: ffl I- BEAVERS, COATINGS, BBOADOLOTHS, Doeskins, Cloths and Cassimeres, which will be gotten up in the best manner. 00 J. R. O W A Lake Street, roar of Montgomery!^ West's -»-J- ii JTI fe J~» S NOYE8 & JONES, BLACKSMITHS All the NOVELTIES cf in a a Scarfs, Tie$, and a full line of Underwear. Trunke, Traveling Bags, dc W 1 a Oebwarts ft TheU' Block, St. Germain street. and jggyShop on St. Germain Street, oppo site the Central House Livery, Stables and near Stevenson & Co.'s Fonndry. THOS. JOXBS. a as 0 CO JO 0 LU S 0 (0 LU 03 a 11 1 S= ca ai 2 3 r (0 a We will our OUR WORK a HI t^ I 5 S 9 O 5 GO ATTENTION FARMERS! pay for Wheat delivered at CLEARWATER MILLS, FROM 1 TO CENTS BUSHEL. MORE PER than the St. Cloud price for the same grade of wheat, as by the inspection at the Ele vator. We mean just what we say. auglO-tf DAVIS, BEAL A CO. Pumps! Lightning Rods1 MTJISrSIIVGER Is still engaged in manufacturing the WOODEN PUMPS whieh have given such universal satisfaction throughout Northern Minnesota. He is also agent for the S a LIGHTNING ROD, And is prepared to promptly attend to all orders for Iron Panst and Lightning Rods. Also, Well Cleaning done. Shop on Wahington avenne, next door to tho Fletcher House. St. Cloud. Febr. 21, 1871. vl8 THIS Baxa Paanus, AUK. 7th, 1871. is to certlrjr that I have siren my step "Peter Armidace Leme"hU time, and that from this date I will not claim any of his wages Barney any debts of Iu* contracting. VATZDHOBOr. of all to these Goods, which I am offerin S. L. SHELDON, DEALKR IN STANDARD FARM MACHINERY! J. I. Chase A Co. Threshers, Tornado, and Vibrator Threshers, *. g0B O Little Champion Reapers A Mowers New Yorker Reaper Kirby Reaper, Hubbard Dropper,' Hubbard Mower, Meadow King Mower, AGENT FOR NORTHERN MINNESOTA, FOR I CHICAGO PITT'S Two, Four, Eight or Ten Horse Manufacturers of the Celebrated Noyes Axe, (Guaranteed to be the BEST AXE in the United States. Also WAGONS, SLED3, CHAINS, YOKES, A 0 S A N E I S E E S S tiTATlSH HARVESTERS, BELOIT SELF A E REAPE AN MOWERS, BELOIT HAN A E REAPE AN MOWER A N DROPPE HOKSE RAKES, WINDMILLS, PLOWS, &c., &c. E E A I N E W A A N E A. Supply of Extra on a J, E WING, Agent, St. Cloud, Minn. BOWS, DRIVING TOOLS, And Everythingwanted by E Z&CEilSP Particular attention will be given to PRONDZlNSal. Champion Reapers and Mowers. Hollingsworth Sulky Rake, Revolving Sulky Rake Racine Fanning Mills, &c, &c, &c. A. a S E a a a a A.. & O E N O St. Cloud, Minn., June 22,1871 voll3n49 J. R. HOWARD, Sauk Centr 'Hail to the Chief Who in AdTances." Triumph THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD E A HHJEXJ3MLA.TIC? ABB NEURALGIC CURE Magical Pain Extractor. IT WILL REMOVE ALL PAIN AT ONCE And Immediately Cur* Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Scial ca, Pain in the Back anu Side Sprains, Stiff Joints. Frozen Limbs, Chil blains, Cuts. Wounds, Bruises Burns, Scalds, Fever Sores, Tooth Ache, Ear Ache, Head Ache, no difference how bad nor what it proceeds from. Chapped Lips, Chapped Hands, Stings Bees, Bites of Poisonous Insects, and in fact all of the external Pains nnd Aches th it the human tamil is h.-irio, by rub bing it freely on the part affected, without fricion For Tooth Ache, saturate a little cotton with it and place it in the hollow of the tooth and for Ear Ache, drop two or three drops of it into the ear affected, And all Pain will Instantly Cease. Prepared and Sold by the Inventor and Pro prietor, ALFRED NESMITH, At his Laboratory, 3 8 6 a S a a f* And all Druggists and Dealers Every, where. vl2-n44 FARIBAULT NUBSESY. o. :B\ BB,-Ajsrr. The attention of the people of Northern Minnesota is called to the Faribault Nur ssry, which offers a very large and choice stock of Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Crapes, Berries, SHRUBS AND FLOWERS. We offer over One Hundred varieties of Fruit Trees—Apple. Pear, Cherry, &e.— which we know will do well in Minnesota. Special attention is called to our *ew Varieties of Slberan Apples. Our aim is to deal fairly with all. Mis takes, if ever made, will be promptly rec tified. I E S O 7 E than are usually offered by Nurseries, and stock, in most cases, superior. Catalogues furnished on application. Orders bv mail from any part of the State promptly and carefully filled. 0. July 5,1871. BRAND, Proprietor. vlS-nSO SEALED PROPOSALS Will be received at the Engineer". Office North.ra Pacific Railroad Company, A A I N E I N N UNIL S E E E SOtfc, 1 8 7 1 FOR Six Hundred Thousand Ties Right! etlongank not less than six inches thick and seven inchet(face, of Tamarae, Oak, Ash, Nor I & E delivered on the line or the Northern Pacific Bailroad, at convenient points. lor loading upon the car*, between the Jnnction the Lake Super io and Mississippi Baitroad and the Sheyenne River, in Dakota Territory. Biddeia wUI state in ihelr bid., the precise points at whieh they propose to deliver the ties, and if at m,01re.P0'Dt* than one, the number at eaeh point All ties contracted for to be delivered on or before the 1st day of February, 1872. The right ia reserved of rejecting all bids. D. LINSIRT. ».., ~. Chief engineer. Brainerd, Minn., Aug. 28th, 1871. angSl-Sw C. BRIDGMAN, Dealer a At the Mills, Lower St. CUud