Newspaper Page Text
s 15 Coat Column AlveilUeweiitsof tlvs line or 1pm Inserted la Ibis culuiuu t Ho per week, and So for each addi tion il huo. If coatinuml for thro months or long er, 2 J per cent, discouut from those figures, la ouui cunli to uccouipunjr order, . 11 lloiueiuid lot on WmhioKtoa renuf. Houm loomy nnd well located, (lood lut ou WnlitiiKtou steuue, f Curlier lot nn Bin irpt't. I'urm of 1G0 kcivs, with or nithout itovk, good luiliiiii(f, tn township of Long lUpids, knowu m thn Byron furin. Euuulio at tho ASov otHceof ....... J, C. VIALLk CUIIICII DIUECTOUY. lCrit.COi'Al-ltov. JA. Nock. 8trvics in Trinity Church, ou Washington avenue, eery Buu d.iy morning anl evening. HAT I'lsf ltev. E. 1 Little. Services in Socie ty's Church, on Third street, every Sunday ruorn inir mi'l evening. . I'.vrUOLlC-Ucv.T.D.Flannory. crvicesin the C.itluilie Church, on Chiuholm atrt-et, every Sunday at M:30 A. M., !:. A. M., lind at 7 V. U. Veers eveuiuir aorvico, 8irmon in English at 10;30 j in Frcn.h nt;.:to. .... u , (.ONUUKUATIONAI.-Hrr J. M. Lyon. Ser vice in tha hocn-ty'a Church, on Becond atreel, everv Siiinliiy morning nml eveninir. . MEriHDiST-Uev. T. J. Joslin. Hervioes In Society's Church, on CliivAolia street, every feunday morninit nnil evenli.x. u 1'KKSHYTEUIAN Key. J. L. Ihotnpaon. Ser vices inKnlghuof Labor hall every Kunduy ut ''.WUaTkVAN. LUTHERAN Rev. J. V Wiing. W. rvi.vs in tho Society's church every 8uii'ly. t I0:3 A. M. ' REFERENCE COLUMN- litUetl states Government. tSF.C'l'TlVR, rrosnl- ut -Chester A. Arthur. Salary, .'0,000. THK CADIMBT. Socrvtury of Htnlo-F.T. Freliujrlmysen, N. J. Secretary of Treumiry Charles J. r'olgr, N. Y. Secretary of WurKntert T, Lincoln, 111. Secretary of Navy Win. K. Chandler, N. H. Secretary of Interior Henry M. Teller, Col. Postmaster General- W. U. (ir.hnra. Attornoy-Oenernl Heiijnmin II. HrwUr, Teno. Salary of eaeb, f,om. suimume toruT r tn i-biikd state.. o .. Chief Justice- Morrison R. Wnite, O. Arp'd 1S71 AssooiATf. JtsriCKS. atVd H;in.ii.l V. Miller. Iowa. 1M2 Stephen J. field, Oil. Joseph 1'. Hradley, N. J., John M. Hurlim, Ky., Win. It. WoimU, Alii. Stanley Matthews, Ohio, Horace Gray, Mass., IfttiU 1870 1R77 1SH0 18S0 1HA1 Samuel Ulutohfoi'il, N. Y., : . Salary, Chief Justice, Sld.SOO ; Associate, 10,000. mi l'opulutiun of United States in 1?0, was 60,158,73 MUlilgan Congessnieii. THK SCNATK, imar li. Conifer, torrn eipires 1857. Thomas W. 1'nlmer, term expires 18S!. UOVStor nCPRKSSKTATIVE. W. C.Maybury. N. It. KldriJgo. U.S. Lncey. (leo. Y a pic. Julius 11 on Lilian. Kdwin 11. Winaus. K. C. Carlton. It. (1. llorr. Mt. M. Cutclieon. H. II. Hatch. Edward Hreitung. Tboso marked ar Repnblionu. The sMaries of Senators and Representatives are $5,000 each per nnnum, with 125 allowsnoe for tu tionery and 20 cents milage. Tho Senators hold office, for sis year and ths Rcpresentiitivcs for two years. The 48th ConirreK consists of 194 Democrats, 120 Republicans und 11 Oreenbackers, Independents and Kami j listers. . - ... Tho counties coroposiug the Tenth eonpressional district are as follows : Alpena, Alcona, Hay, Clars Cruwfurd, Cheboygan, Emmet, Olmlwin, Iosco, Montmorency, Otsego, Oifemaw, Tretu Isle, Itos roinmon and Tuscola. Slats Govcrniucnt. ... sxtuvTivE orrtoeBt. Oovernor-Josiuh W. Hegole, Flint. Lieut.-Uovernor Moreau S. Crosby, Grand Rapids. Secretary of State Harry A. Conaut. Monroe. State Treasurer Eilwsril-11. Rutler, Detroit. Auditor-General Win. C. Stevens, Ann Arbor. Comm'r of Land ofhVe Minor H. Newell, Flint. Attorney-General J. J. Van Riper, Huchannn. Bupt. I'ublio luht'n V. H. Cochran, Marquette. irroimD orrn ins. Adjutaiit-General j4Ai RolnTtson. iluartermastcr-Oeneial Wm. Shnkespear. Inspector-General-F. S. Hutchinson. Commissioner of Insursnce Kugens rrinie,' Commissioner of Railways Win. P. In" Commissioner of Minerals B. P. Sw'pjoj'th' Librarian Harriet A. Tenner. , - Bwiiinp Land Commissiuai V rjt fuUer. Topulation of Btata l J?8( WM 1,50,2.".. firm Thomas M. t-u,'jy, Ann Arbor, Term Expires, Dec. II, 1,885 , ASSOrtATE JI'STICKH. James . C'.mnhell. Detroit. Pec. 31,1887 Dec. 31. 18M Thomas M . Sherwood, Kalamazno, John W. 'v:uimplin, Grand Rajiiils, lec. 81, 1891 : The mlues sro elected by the people, and hold ofllee eiKht rears. Salary, 1,000 jer year. Clerk or .prems Court is CUurlcs u. iiopKins ; sniary, $'iO'x)rer year. I.l OIMLATIVE. Menator, 20tH tlWrict Fr man O. Gulliler. DiHtnot consists of the counties of Alpenn, Alco na, lieimyifilil, riurii, v....4 .... - rency. Otsego, Ogemaw, I'rcsque Isle, nnd Hoscom inon. Representative, Alpena dint. Geo. J. Robinson. District consists of Alpena, Montmorency, nd rrc"iuo islo eouutles. JUDICIAL. The Twenty-sixth Judicial circuit consists of th counties of Alpenn, I'resque Isle, Montmorency and Otsego, nnd is presided over by Judge Frank Kmcriek. lb terms oi me conn are as ioiiuwsi Alpenn county ' Second Tuesday of February. First Tuesday of May. Seoond Tuesday of August. Third Tuesday of October. Frcsqiie Islo county Third Tuesday of January. Third Tuesday of May. Second Tuesday of October. Montmorency eonniy . First Tuesday of Fobruary, " First Tuesday of June. Otseiro county First Tuesday of March. Fourth Tuesday of May. First Tuesday of October. COMMOM COUNCIL. Aldermen -P. M. Wheeler, S. A. L. Warner, Charles Lynch, Patrick Culligan, Teter Owens and Alexander Campbell. cut orricEM. Mayor Andrew ITarshaw. Recorder John S. MoViear. Treasurer James M. Rice. Comptroller Abrsin It. Hlakley. Justices of I'eace Alex. It. McDonald, Chsrle D'Aigle and Joaiah 11. Newton. City Attorney-J. V. Turnbull, 'City Marshal Patrick Gibbons. Chief Engineer Fire Dep't Albert Tower, t it y rhysicisn. -W. W. Wilson. Itarber Master. Patrick Gibbon. City Surveyor.- Wm. Mirre. I'mind Muster .Tames K. Dentnn. Hoard of Health. Francis M. WheeUr, Jroe Tims, and John C. Chisholm. HOAUD Or EDUCATION. E. K. Totter. F. S. Dewey, Henjsmin Wsgoner, ilugb Mellcn, Otto ujorua, ana Davia uruno. Population of city In 1881 was 9,210. TOWHHHirS. Alpena L. T. Soper, supervisor; Conrad Wessel, eierx i J. a. xiiciionnlil, treasurer, ana t. l.acomt highway commissioner. Mapl Ridge Geo. Applcford, supervisor ; James Shelley, clerk : Francis iHiwling, treasurer ; nd eimon Aing, nignway commissioner. Iong Rapids Andrew n. OafTney, lapervisnr; Wm. II. F'ox, clerk; Alonso Mcltri4e, tressurrr, nnd Stinson I). Potter, highway commissioner, Wilson Charles n. Wise, suerV isor ; Georg C. C. Herron, clerk ; Edward Snyder, treasurer, and Solomon King, highway commissioner. Orecn John II. Kelly. supervisor; K.W.Flandera, clerk ; George Manning treasurer, and John McKay, nignway commissioner. Ossincke-J. L. Sanborn, supervisor ; rl II Toland, clerk; John Ellsworth, tressurcr, nd isaac jtcuj cr, nignway commissioner. rot-NT orrtcrs. Hheriff Jnmes K. Denton, Under Slienff Chas. Lynch. Clerk M. O'Brien. Depnty Clurk. Jaitv Me.Kamnra. ; ' Treasurer ('has. II. (lively.. Prosecuting Attorney 'J II. SUalpr. Register (f Doeds Jobn F. KUy .. Judge tf Probat -4in. 8. lester. Cirouit Ojurb Com'r J. II. Newton. Bnrreyor William Mirr. ( t,-Coroners-Arthur Wilkinson nnd Alonso E. Ter tons. Population of county in 181, 13,717. School Books & School Supplies AT- CENTENNIAL BOOK STORK it: . - E. C. NASON. Detroit.Bay City & Alpena R.R. Time Table No. 4. All truiot run tr the NineUeth Meridiuu oo Cen tral Standard time. trains noma wtsr. Wail and Express. Tumi ooino xait. Mail and Ki press. LCAVaS. OtMxxla, Briittol, KastTawas, Tawaa City, Hale, Mclvor, Kraery, Whittemor, Mills. rresoolt, Shearer, Mutfutt, am lea via. r.M. t 1 8 V a 87 40 9 M 10 07 10 1 10 81 10 87 10 47 11 00 il i: 11 JSi II 41 11 40 p.m. Alger. M offal, Shearer, rreeeott, Mills, Whittemore, KTnery, it r Ivor, 3 60 I 01 4 15 4 80 4 40 4 4ft Hal. Tawaa City, A 00 rant lawns. 10 IlrUtol, Osrodu, Ar. 5 19 5 40 Alger, Ar. 12 Osl Flag stations. A. T. McCAUL. I'usnengcr Agent. TIIEIIt TELEPHONE. For Sale. Must sell all my household furniture within thirty days. Prices satisfactory. Enquire at office of Clayfecrg & Slcator, or at house on First street. J. 11. CLAY BE HQ STRAYED. From Alpena city, a small red cow: no hair ou end of tall. Good reward paid to person returning cow Enquire at Uolton & McRae's store, oil Dock street. The Central Drug Store Co., having sold out and retired from doing business, re iuest all those having accounts with them to settle the same with Frank L. Mason, to whom all accounts arc transferred. ALBERT PACK, A. WILKINSON. OUR TELEPHONE. Fall Btock opened at WolfTfl. You can shoot deer lawfully in six days. Steele & Co. made an assignment last Friday. Don't fail to see the county fair on October 2nd and 3rd. A complete stock of bottled miner al waters at Bostw ick's. Dr. Gallagher, dentist, over ftorc of Klock, Donnelly it Co. The Garden City brought to port on her last trip 150 barrels of kero sene. There are a few men in this towu who aro credited with whipping their wives. One of the attractions at the coun ty fair is to be an ox race. G'lang, Brindle. About 2,900 weight of fish were taken out by a trap net at Sandy Hook, last week. J. T. Bostwick keeps the most com plete stock of ladies' and gents' pocket books in the city. Stormy weather prevented the fish tugs from lifting theic nets tho latter part of last week. A complete assortment of homoeo pathic specifics can bo found at IJost- wick s drug store. A fine ten pound daughter made its . .1 a i e appearance in tne lamny oi ijeo. Burston, on Friday last. J. T. Bostwick has the exclusive sale in Alpena county, for tho Ivory Liquid Taint, best paint in the world. The officers of the agricultural so ciety report all kinds of races are to bo held at the fair on October 2nd and 3rd. Tho river mill of the Messrs. Churchill was shut down a few days the past week on account of the want of losrs. Bostwick's drug Btore always has been headquarters for fishing tackle. His stock is more complete than ever this season. About eighteen or twenty couples went to Long Lako last Thursday night and had a very agreable dance party there. Tho bay shore mill of Fletcher, Pack & Co., is now running night and day, the night force commencing Monday night last. Adamantine for kalsornining. They all use it. "Why ? Because it can be used with cold "water. For sale by Bostwick, the druggist. Alex. McCalluni, aged one year, nine months and four days, only son of Dougall and Annie McCalluni, died on Sunday, Sept. 14. We have in our possesion, a due bill given by E. J. Harding, for $4, dated Feb. 20th, 1880, which we offer for sale at a fair discount. The road to Long Rapids is so good that a team can go there easily from the city in one and a half hours. At least it was so done last Sunday. The steamer City of Mackinac was about seven hours behind in reaching this port Thursday last, being detain ed by heavy weather and freight. The farmers should endeavor to see that their industry is well advertised at the county fair next month. There ought to be a good exhibit of wheat, oats, vegetables and fruits. At Bostwick's drug store can be found the best assortment of perfumes, toilet powders, lotions, hair brushes, tooth brushes, in fact everything per taining to a first class drug store. The work of gathering trout spawn for tho IT. S. hatchery at Northville, will soon commence. About 1,000, 000 eggs will be needed. The trout are hatched at Northvillc, as the hatchery at this city is used for hatch ing white fish eggs. Last Wednesday night Sheriff Den ton started fer Detroit, by steamer City of Cleveland, taking with him John Johnston and Jessie Willets. who will board and work at the De troit House of Correction for CO days. On Sunday last he made another trip, taking Sylvester Hathaway, who also stays 60 days. Tho Alpena County Bible Society roceutly placed a handsome limp-covered, gilt-edged copy of the Bibta in the High School of this city, very greatly to the surpriuo and gratifica tion of the faculty and students, and for which they unite in returning hearty thanks. The Prohibition convention for the Tenth congressional district is . to take place at Bay City to-day. II. M. Loud, of Iosco, and Chas. L. Fra ser are favorably mentioned as candi dates The above is from a dispatch telegraphed to the Detroit Free Tress, from Pctoskcy. On Thumlay, Friday and Satur day .evenings of this week, an oyster supper will be given at tho Armory, for the benefit of the French Congre gation the proceeds to be used to aid in the construction of their new school now being built in the base ment of tho French church. Tho weather has been exceedingly variable tho past week. Friday was cold, disagroablo and rainy. Fires in stoves were needed. Saturday was warm, and stove fires wcro neglected except by the cooks. Sunday was one of the most pleasant days of the season. Frost Monday night. The residence near engine house No. 2, on Fletcher (street, was badly demoralized by fire Wednesday, nfter uoon last. The building was owned by the city of Alpena, nnd was occu pied by Charles Parks and family. Both hose companies were promptly out, and so were two or three hundred citizens. In regard to requests made us re cently as to publishing certain scan dals that havo lately taken place, we would say that the Akols docs not publish such articles, and the editor does not propose to be a scavenger monger to gratify such morbid desires. Take such news to the organ. W have no uso for it. Notice. To the stockholders of the Alpena City Water Co. At a meeting of the directors, held Sept. 15, an assessment of 10 per cent, on the capital stock, payable in 30 days, was ordered. Any stockholder paying said assessment on or before Oct. 1st, will bo entitled to 2 per cent, discount ou amount of his assessment. W. II. roTTHK, W. E. lioonus, President. Secretary. Detroit Markets. Tho following market quotations aro copied from the Detroit Free Frcss of September 22nd : Wheat, 80 to 81 J per bushel. Oats per bushel, 2G to 30A. Flour per barrel, $ 4 to O.M Pork, 17 to f 19 per bbl. Mess beef, $10.71? to fll per bbl. Butter, 10 to 117 per pound. Apples, $1.25 to f 1.50 per barrel. Potatoes, 30 to 33 per bushel. Sugar, 5 to 8 per pound. The quotations, given by the Free Press, arc mostly of a wholesale! na ture, lhc prices at retail stores must bo somewhat higher. Circuit Court. The Circuit Court is still in scssiov. Tho following cases were decided tho past week : Warren & Macdonald vs. Prentiss Lumber Co. anl W, L. Churchill garnishee defendant. Verdict in favor of Warren &Macdonald of 61,78G.87. In the suit of Alonzo E. Davn vs. Geo. L. Maltz also arisiutr out of the Prentiss Lumber Co. difficulty Mr. Davis got a verdict of $8,554.07. Brebner it Johnston vs. S. H. Davis. Verdict for Brebner fc Johnston of six cents and costs. This suit was in regard to the heavy freight charges on a boiler brought by the steamer Oconto last fall. The freight charged was $150 ; steamer agreed to bring boiler for $100. ' Brebner fc.John ston replevied boiler and offered $100. Court sustained them. Earthquake at Alpena, Last Friday a. slight shock of an carthquako was felt at Detroit and many places in the southern part of tho State. A branch of it extended as far as this. city. In ths third story of the Central building tho effect was considerable. The fear was that tho building was settling, as no one dreamed of an carthquako taking place at this city. Complaint was made to tho school officers in regard to tho building, and a thorough ex amination was made, showing that the building was all right. When the re ports of the earthquake in other parts of the State came in, tho causo of the building trembling was attributed to the earthquake. . The shock of the earthquako was felt in several private houses, but the shock was not general throughout the city. No effect of tho earthquake was felt at this office, which is on the second floor of a brick building, but that was probably owiug to the fact that it requires more thau a small earthquake, to shake the Argus. Last Thursday there were register ed at the Central tho following mem bers of the Ohio Forest hunting club: W. T. Lemuel, C. W. Carson, W. It. N. Sulliger, M. Higgin, Alfred Bur land, and E! II. Cook. On Friday the gcntlmen named started for Grand Lake, in Presquc Isle county, their proposed ' object being to slay deer and enjoy nv recreation. They camp on the cast sido of tho Jake near the club-house, and ns the mem bers aro formidably arnjed, we advise the deer to keep away from them, or else they will have a free, passage to Forest, Ohio, in the shape of vcuison. One of the members attracted some attention by being on the streets in full war paint, ride, belt full of car tridges, etc. There is nothing like taking due precautions when a man goes into the wilderness ; how can he tell but that bears, wolves, hyenas, wild cats, catamounts, lynx and hodags might bo encountered on every street. Such wild beasts have, however, been banished by ordinance of the city dads, and if any such invade the streets, the police officers will arrest them on an habeas corpus, so visitors need have no fears. In Alpena's streets they are safe from all wild an imals dogs alone excepted. Our City Fathers. Council met Monday night, September 22nd, 1884. Alderman Culligan was ab sent. After tho usual preliminaries, the Mayor called for I'ETITIONS. B. R. Young and others abked .Council to expend about f 500 in putting Evergreen cemetery in respectable condition by making sundry improvements, including a new fence. Referred to special committee con sisting of Aldermen Wheeler, Lynch and Campbell. David Holmes and others requested that an electric light be placed on State street, at Potter's track. Referred to 6treet com mittee. com mvj icatioxs. A. C. McDonald offered to repair the city building recently damaged by fire near engine houso No. 2, for f 37.50. Tho fire department committee- was ordered to in vestigate the building and have tho necess ary repairs made. MILLS. The following bilU were allowed and warrants ordered issued therefor : C P Oreely, tuxes puid on certiiln lota 1 2S 40 A lliirihuw, sundries for tire department 3 S2 utreoU, P4 Z'i " continent, 4 10 Bleclo & Ct., Mindi-ira. flro department., 4 38 W 1 Hitchcock, freight on tilo l.'O 4S Kitwnrdu ft Co., sundries, flro department 32 00 W Kcc1p, Miiclnmithing, flro drpurtment S M J M. Hico, juror fes 1 00 C Purlin, police duties I M O W Kiocaide, meals to prisoners S 50 J Deck, sundries to streets 6 00 ToUl J298 23 The bill of Warren & Macdonald for repairing hydrants wns referred back to them for information in regard to repairs. STREETS AND HEWERS. The petition of Mr. Bostwick and others for lowering tile drain on Second street, was referred back to the street committee, who were ordered to take the level of Mr. Bostwick's cellar and see if tho bottom of the cellar was below the surface of the river. A favorable report was made in regard to another electric street lamp on Wash ington avenue, and Council ordered the committee to locato the lamp where they thought it would bo of most use. MISCELLANEOUS. Two reports were made by the gas com mittee, but after some discussion and the reading of communications from persons in other cities in regard theretp, the mat ter was laid on the table . The City Marshal was instructed to ap point thr eo special policemen for duty at the county fair on October 2nd and 3rd, and the Recorder was ordered to purchase a number of rubber coats for the firemen The Council directed the Recorder to in sure all the city property that is uninsured. CRAVEMNO STKKETfl. For some weeks past the members of the Council have been discussing the question of putting crushed stone on a portion of one of the business stroets as an experiment. The idea was to gravel one of the streets that was much used, for about a block. They had not much money to do extensive work, and they did not desire to expend inuch money until they were sure it would prove a success. 1 lie committee had de cided to place the crushed stone on that part of Water street from near the post of fice to First street. There is much travel at that place, and it was where it could read ily be seen by the citizens. By next sum mer it could be ascertained beyond a doubt whether it would pay to continue tho work, as it was believed it would get a thorough practical test. Monday night, however, tho eminent Council, or at least three of the five aldermen, decided to change the pro posed place for an experiment, and decided to lay the stone on Dock street,' about half a mile from tho business part of the city. Alderman Warner objected, and offered an amendment to tho effect, that if the Council did not propose to make a practical test it would do better to lay the stone crusher up for the rest of the season,' as they had no money this year for . mere graveling of streets. Aldermen Campbell, Lynch and Owens thought the test could bo made on Dock street at the placo proposed, and would also be the means of fixing up a bad place. The matter was decided by Aldermen Campbell, Lynch and Owens voting for placing the stone on Dock street and against Alderman Warner's amend ment. Alderman Wheeler supported Al derman Warner, The result will be a ben efit for those who travel on Dock street. The Council then adjourned, and, in the future, will meet on the first and third Mon days of each month. Prohibition County Convention. The Alpeua County Prohibition convention was held at the Council Room, Saturday afternoon, September 20th. Rev. Mills, of Long Rapids, was elected chairman, and 11. . McNeil secretary. At request of the chairman, Rev. Allman, of Long Rapids, opened the session with prayer. Seventeen delegates wcro present, nearly every ward and township being represented. A ballot was then taken for sheriff, and resulted in Frank D. Spratt get ting sixteen of the seventeen votes cast. Mr. Spratt wa declared the unanimous choice of tho convention for sheriff. For County Clerk, Michael O'Brien received 12 out of seventeen votes cast, and was declared the unanimous choice. ' Ry this time more delegates had ar rived, making the number present 20. Two ballots wcro taken for treasurer as follows : A.R. Blnkley 13 9 Sylvester West rope 7 11 A motion was then made that the chairman of each ward and township delegation should cast the votes of such members of his delegation as were not present, and a third ballot for treasurer resulted in , A. R. Blak ley having nine votes and S. Wes trope 21 votes. Mr. AVe's trope was declared the unanimous choice. For Prosecuting Attorney 'L. O. Dafoo received every vote, and so did John F. Kelly for register of deeds, and both were declared the unanimous choice of tho convention. The ballots for Judge of Probate were : . - f 1 " David Plough 11 11 12 10 A. R. McDonald 4 H 14' 11 Rev. Little 1 5 4 Rev. Donnelly 8 Mr. Plough was declared the unan imous choice. Geo. Stubbs, for county surveyor, received 30 votes and was declared the unanimous choice. The offices of circuit court commis sioner and coroners were left vacant, to bo filled by the county committee. None of the candidates nominated wcro present at the convention. - George Stubbs was elected a mem ber of the county committco, to re present Alpena township, in place of A. W. Smith, and Lyman J. Sylves ter was elected a member of the comi ty committee, to represent , Green township, in place of A. R. Richard son. The following delegates were elect ed to represent the Alpena Prohibi tionists in the conventions yet to bo held. Congressional F. M. Wheeler and R. Rayburn. Senatorial J. Keston and Rev. Mills. Representative Rev. Little and II. McNeil. The chairman of. each delegation was empowered to cast such addition al votes as should be allowed Alpena county. One feature of the convention was the absence of politicians. The politi cal business appeared new ' to the greater part of tho delegates, and their appearance in politics was duo to a desire to rid the country of the evils of intemperance. Their plan of succeeding is by Prohibition, and they seem determined, this election, to cut loose from all other parties and back their principles with their votes. , Republican 29th Senatorial Conven tion. . The Republican Senatorial Conven tion for this district, was held at Che boygan 'last Wednesday, the 17th. Oscar Adams, of Cheboygan, was elected temporary chairman, and Thomas White, of Alpena, temporary secretary. The Committco on creden tials reported sixteen delegates en titled to seats, Alpena being represent" ed by K. O. Avery, Thomas White and James A. Case. Messrs. Adams ind White were elected as permanent president and secretary. The first ballot resulted as follows: Charles R. Henry 0 O. Palmer, 3 II. II. Woodruff. 2 Yj. O. Avery 1 A formal ballot had tho following result : Charles R. Henry ,....11 O. rainier 1 Mr. Henry was declared the unan- J inious choice of the convention. Tho Republican Senatorial commit tee-was organized as follows : Cheboygan Oscar Adams. Presquo Isle Herman" Iloeft. Montmorency John II. Stovcus. Alpena James A. Case. Otsego A. J. Taylor. Crawford O. J. Bell. Oscoda G. J. Hoyt. Alcona Hugh R. Morrison. Iosco J. E. Forest. Gladwin C. C. Fouch. Roscommon H. IL Woodruff. Ogemaw O. F. Honeywell. When the convention adjourned, the committee organized by electing Oscar Adams, of Cheboygan, as chair man, and A. J. Taylor, of Crawford, as secretary, and arranged the basis of representation for the next Repub lican Senatorial Convention so as .to entitle each county in the district , to one delegate for each 400 votes "cast for Governor, and one delegate1 for a fraction of 300 votes cast. ' , ; "Charles R. Henry," savs the Oscoda Evory Satnrdar, "was born in the township of Macon, Lenawee county, on the 29Ui of December, 18o6, making him 28 years of age on Jus next birthday, ile attended a district scjiool and did farm work . until 15 years of ngc. Attended tho Lnion school at the village of Tccumseh for four years. The next two years ho taught school in Lenawee county. lie then began reading law in the ollice of Lawrcnoe Emcrick, at Ann Arbor the present judge of the Alpena Circuit was tho junior member , of tho law firm. In the Tali ol '77, Mr. Hen ry entered tho law department of , the Mich igan University, from which he graduated in the spring of '79. A week after he re ceived his diploma, or about April 1st, he came to Au Sable, and began the practice of his profession. In July of the same rear he entered into partnership with Mr. V. II. Simpson, under the firm , name of Simpson v Jlcnry, the Partnership continu ing about a year. Mr. Henry has continu ed the practice of law in Au Sable up to the present time. In the fall of '79, Mr. Henry was appointed on the Village Board to fill vacancy. He served out the term for which he was appointed, about a year and a half, or until the spring of '81, w hen he was elected for the ensuing two years. While he had one year of this term to serve, in the spring of '82, he was elected presi dent of the village, to accept which office he resigned his position as a member of the Village Board. In the spring of '83 he was re-elected president of the village. Last spring he wns again nominated by 'the Re publicans, but was defeated by Angus F. McDonald, the present president of the village. In 1880 Mr. Henry was elected prosecuting attorney of the county, and re elected to the same office in 1S82 and is our r resent prosecuting attorney. In August 882, when the present school law went In to effuct, Mr. Henry was elected & member of the county board of examiners for the long term, 3 years. In August Inst he was re-elected for another three years. On Oc tober 23rd, 1379, Mr. Henry wns married to Miss Florence A. Parshall, of 'Ann. Ar bor." Mr. Henry will experience consld- erable opposition in his own county, arising principally from the part he is charged with taking in the labor troubles 'at Oscoda this summer. The vote cast for the office of Gov ernor, two years ago, in the counties comprising the 20th senatorial district, is as follows : Bcst'g Fusi'n. Rep'o. Alpena M 2 857 831 Alcona 193 478 Cheboygan 5 C9'2 558 Crawford 2 159 278 Oladwin 118 171 Iosco 54 4C4 731 Montmorency 58 113 Oscoda 43 43 .117 Ogemaw 1 300 378 Otsego CO 207 469 Presrjue Isle 2 239 290 Roscommon 1 290 194 Totals 178 3,624 4,608 Induct Fusion vote -3,624 Republican plurality.. 984 Deduct scattering 178 Republican majority over all 800 Two years ago Mr. Gullifer, tho Re publican nominee for senator, receiv ed a majority of 1,002 in the district. Considerable change has taken place during tho past two years in the political beliefs of the voters of the 29th district. The opposition to Re- Hiblicnnism is stronger and will work larmoniously together. This fact, together with the opposition to Mr. Henry, anionc the laboring classes, will give tho opposition candidato, if acccptablo to tho Democrats ana Grccnbackcrs, a good chance of being elected. Such a man must bo one who will meet the sincere approbation of the voters of the opposition par ties. The Arion Quartette gave an en tertainment at tho Opera House last night,' and will give another to-night. Tho entertainment was one of the very best musical entertainments ever .i !i il given in ine cuy, uie yiujjiuui uuuaioi incr of both vocal and instrumental music. Many features of the last night's entertainment deserve special mention, but want of space forbid. Don't fail to attend to-night. PERSONAL. Mrs.'A. N. Spratt returned to town last lhursday. Major Ilawley, of Bay City, was in town last week. Mrs. Chamberlin was visiting friends in town last week. ' Dr. Wilson and wife returned from Detroit Sunday night last. Gco.I. Warren arrived home last Thursday from Detroit. Geo. Rasters and F. C. Folkerts got back to town Saturday last, from Ohio. Dr. Newton and bride returned to town Monday night last, from Mack inac. .-. C. Wilcox was in Bay City a few days last week, enjoying a short rccre ation. Georgo Gordon started for Muske gon yesterday morning, on a visit to friends. Miss Fletcher left town Sunday morning, by steamer City of deve laud, for Detroit. Alex. A. Harrington started for Bay City Saturday morning, by mail steamer Arunuell. Geo. W. Jones and J. B. Comstock returned by steamer City of Cleve land, Saturday last. Recorder McVicar and lady re turned home Thursday last from their visit to friends at Sarnia, Ontario. Mrs. -Thomas Collins and mother left town yesterday morning by mail steamer A nuclei I, on a visit to friends in Iowa. . Mrs. Burnham, of Saginaw City, was in town the early part of the week, on n visit to her son, V. C. Burnham. David Lincoln came down ou the City of Cleveland Sunday morning He reports fishing good at the upper end ot the lake. L. A. Tompkins returned home Sunday night by steamer City of Mackinac, ironi a business trip to JDe troit and other places. Mrs. M. O'Brien and Miss Coppin ger were called from town last Thurs day, by a dispatch announcing the death ol their undo 1. Uonway. J. W. Fitzgerald, of the firm of Ilawley & Fitzgerald, went to De troit last week, leaving town Wednes day night last by City of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pack, Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith, W. II. San born and Geo. II. Lester returned to town last night by steamer City of Cleveland. .Mra. Warr, of Kansas, who has been, in town visiting friends, left town Sunday last, on her return home. Mrs. Warr is better known in this city as Miss Addie Scllick. 'E.D. Avery, .Thomas Whito and James , A. Case got back from Che boygan Wednesday night last, where they had been attending the Repub lican 29th Senatorial convention, as delegates. Never neglect a constipated condi tion' of the bowels, or serious results surely follow, such as piles and im pure blood. Uso Burdock Blood Bit ters. ' . Ayer'a Ague Cure stimulates tho action of tho liver, cleanses the blood of malarial poison, and rouses the system to renewed vigor. Warranted to cure fever and ague. I . v Our largest and most extensive manu facturers in the land, constantly Invent new wavs of Improving their goods. De- Land's Baleratus and Hod a was thought to be pence; years ago, out the constant push and enterprise of this prosperous firm, enables them to distribute to an ap preciative public, the finest, whitest and purest sole rat us and boil a ever known, Every lawyer, every minister, even stump orator, and every singer are loud la the praise of Adamsou's Cough Dalsam. MAUItlVD. By the Iter. J. M. Lroti. nt tlis Consrssstionsl TMirsoiiago, July 21th ult., Fritnk J. Msynard, Jr., of An SiMe, nnd Mis Msrlh J, Hook, oi St. iOins, Mirn. 1 l L. Ik. ..... T..1- 0.14V. ..II TIT. a Wul rrr and Mis Agnen MoVeil, all c'f this oity.' ' rmridonrs or tha trilft't psronts, nrar Knrr-rs City, Mich., Mitt how Ilnlip and Mist Bsrtis, dauf WWr Of Wm. Wilson, Usq. WHOLE OF iff JUL M M OPENED TJai AT IU1 BANNER eye CARGO V Fiteraldps STORE. ft? v