Newspaper Page Text
.. ' y :. . -i , i ' , ; ....'. ., -;;V'. i. ;. . . ' ' '- - ' ' , , i. .-" ? .. ' - i'" y - jJyX'i'i'.yi '.rOy.TIA. '. -J. ' : .. .. .''":;, .. - . . V,. , ' "INDEPENDENT" j . , TERM1? ! $10O PEH ANHUM IS -OVANCK. OX.XTMIB HAVEN, MICH.,' "WEZDIMESID ZDtECEnyLBZEIEV S2, 1858 -4 .ess. 1S58. r I is rrBusnKi Und Haven, ED EVERT WEDYESDAY AT Ottawa Co., Mirhljnu s- Ollico, on Washington Street, . " lower story, oppotite the Jot-OJJlct.':: Hates of Advertising. lw I 4w 3m Cia Bin 12m (unre ? 2 '$ 3 $T $5 . e olumn 2 3 5) 7 S) It) Pf.lui.iu J 4 j (i U 12 I 13 2(1 ft I 7 I 10 I ! I 20 2j' !'6 f welvo lines or ltss (Minion) mako 1 squaro. ' AfiBcsj Caras, not exceeding fix line?, ?.!,()0 Advertisements unaccompanied with written r verbal directions, will be published until or 'crcd out, on J charged fur. When a postpone lent is ndded to nn advertisement, tlie wholo ill bo charged, the same os for tho firft insertion. Letters rotating to business, to receive attcn Ion, mut be addressed to the Publishers. BUSINESS DIBECTORV. Curtis W. Gray, Sheriff of Ottaw a County, Grand ilavtn, Miou. ... 'ames P. Scott, Clerk and Register ot Ottawa County, and rvotary Public, Otuc at tbe Court House. Timothy Fletcher, Treasurer of iHtawft County, and Notary rubltc. Uaieo tit the Court IIouoo. Augustus W. Taylor, Jiulgo of l'robnto, Ottawa County. Tort-UHicornum-M Ottawa Center. Court dnys, First aud Third Alnndsys of each Month, i j, i, j-. v auacrvoori, .ju.siico oi uie I ! Peace and Lnud Agent. Ofneeln his new build- t T 1 Tr j m. t...j!.. .e it . ln, opposito tho Post-OfTioc, Washington St., I J rami Haven, Alien, James Sawyer, County Surveyor. 1' Address: Kostmanvilo, Ottawa , Connty, Mich. IVm. H. Parkg, Attorney and Coun suior at Ijiiw, Ollico on a.hington i 4 vuo isi conpr. i nurcn Pa ood & Akeley, Counselors at Offic(.2ii(l. donr nbivi wi Ovvirv i. IlVratid Hi w. Mich. . . .: " . ' J. B. McNett, I'hy.-M' inn nnil Sur-on. Ullico.Hccond dir at)ovo ews Orrici, ali- ' c...t i it-..-., m: .1. .S. lMunroe, Physician mid Surgeon. OrHce at his residonee, Washington street, Grand Haven, Mich. Henry Griffin, Druggist, Cotnmis- Fion Merehnnt ana orncrni, Ajcut. Corner oi Washington and 1st Street Wm. M. Ferry Jr.. Wanufncturer of Stationary and Mnrtnc, hili or low press ure Engines, Mill Uesring, Iron and Irass Castings, Ottawa Iron Works, Tcrrysburg, Ottawa Co., Mich. To't-OlTice uddress, lrand lLiVon, Mich. William Wallace, Grocer nn.l Pro- Mi vision Merchant. One door below tho Post Office, Washington Street. Cutler,Varts & Stedgman, Deal ers in (Icneral Merchandise, Turk, Flour, Salt, Grain, Lumber, Shingles and Lath. Water St., Grand Haven, Mich. Rhodes & Co., "Wholesale anJ Retail Grocers, Provisions anH Food Dealers, First Strcot, Grand Ilnven. Jas. Patterson, Dealer in Newsja- licrs, Periodicals, School Eoiiks, Stutioncry, Ynnkco Notions, Tobacco, Ciiiri, Can lins, Nuts, Ac. t Also, n.choicc assornnent of Holi day Presents. First door below Griffin's Drug fetorc, Washington Street. J. T. Davis, Merchant Taylor, Dealer in Gents Furnishing Goods, llroadclotbs, Cas, simorof, Vestings, do. Shop, Washington bt, next door to tho Drug Store. J. & F. W. Fcchhelmer, Merchant Tailors. Dealers in lirndy-Mnde Clothlnjrnna Genta rurniLing Goodt, JJroadclntiis, i.nsM meres, Vesting.1 it . At tho Post-Oflieo, Wash ington Street, Grand Haven. Porters &. Mathison, Manufaelur ars of nnd Dealers in Clothing Goods. No. 16, Canal Street, GrnnT ltnpids. Mich. Ferrv & Co.. Manufacturers of Lorn hor, Lnth, Timber, Pickets, te nnd Dealers in all kinds of Merchandise, Provisions, Shin- lo Jtolts and Slunglea. F'crrysvillo, Whito lUvcr, Mich. Fnrrv &. Son. Manufacturers anJ Wholcsaloand llctail Dealers in Luinber.Shin tlos. Lath. Picket. Timber Ao, Uiisinoss Of fices, Water Street, Grand Hnvcn, Mich., nnd 2., A'ihttib Street, Chicngo, III. Boot l Shoe Manufacturing flnd Jlc- pcirhig Phop,- (up stairs,) over WallaCo'i More. Trashing ton Street, Grand Haven. F.. Kiifv.r, Foroman. H. C. F. Win. Bentloy's Billiard Salcon, (up sUU'S,) second door F.ast of tho Ottawa IIouso, Water Ftrrtt, Grand Haven, Mirh. E- W. Lewis, Proprietor of tho CoU t.igo Sulxm, is now rreparod to servo up, 6n .hort uotico, Warm Meals. Oyster Stewj, Figs Fort, Sardines, Ac, Ac, Salmon, near Singer's Hill, Mill roinr, .ncn. , . Echoes. Hark! through. Naturo'i vast cathedral, Blended echoos ever rise ; Swelling in a mighty anthem To its orcr-arehing kioa Every bird that sings In summer, f 'I'very honey-Iadcned Leo, 1 EreVy squirrel In tho forest, Lvry cricket on the tree; Every mu.-ic-droppiDg fountain, Every softly murmuring rill, Every dark and foaming torrent, Every water guided mill ; Every rain-drop on the house-top, Every beetlo'i noisy drone, Every footfall on tho pavement, Wakes an echo of its own. Sobs of woo and songs of gladness, Each rcsponsivo find j Words of lovo and words of anger, Leave their echoes fur behind. Every great nnd noblo action Is rc-cchcd o'er and o'er ; . Life iUclt is but an echo Of the lives that were before. " THE WONDER DOLLAR." It was fair-day in Duchwald, nnd little Friotlcl's mother tied on his host necker chief, gave- him a great piece of cake, stuck a drcicr into his pocket (a coin ; vnl uo, one" cent,) nnd gave him leave to go into tho town to hear tho music and enjoy himself. On his way ho met his neighbor's son. linns, who a&t by tho roadside with n long purse full of silver and copper pieces. " toee, I rKxlcJ, ho called out, all this money is inmo; 1 shall save all I can, and at last buy mo a farm to live on when I am a man." So Fricdel pulled Out his drcicr, sayinj, " I am not so rich as you and shall not buy n farm, but only tho gingerbread man, and if vou will come along you shall have half." " 1 Tans, who was by no means loth to enjoy himself if it could Ikj dono without trenching upon his own savings, roso to Co. just then icarno aloncj an oM maw wiiti nn iianu-cnr, w niircii n great uo was hitched." Tho old man halted to rest himself, nnd the dog lay down in tho dust of the road nnd began a faint wluno. " Tho poor animal is tired and hungry. Hans adroitly concealed his purso. Friedel, on tho contrary, offered the poor dog his cake, which tho latter ato with a hasto which attested tho comlition of his appetite. Tho boy looked on with great satisfaction. I lis companion had al ready gono away. " xounrokind to my dog, said the old man; "perhaps you will bo merciful to mo. 1 am tired and thirsty, nnd ft cup of beer would do mo good, but I have not ft penny. 44 1 hat s soon helped, said rriedel, good-naturedly. 44 Here is a dreier; that will get you some beer. A friendly smilo enlivened tho old man s laco. .booking niter iian3 lw 44 Why does your playmate leave you so quickly I Ana what was it ho luu from me I" ..... 44 O," was tho answer, 44 you must bear with Hans! Ho has not half ho needs and can not give to others. Ho is going to bo a rich farmer, and has to eavo every tiling for that. 44 And you!" 4 O, I was going to buy a gingerbread man ; but I shall enjoy it quito as much if you drink your licer !n 44 1 ou arc a gxd boy come and show me the. way into tho village." Hut as they roso to slart tho dog tore the ropes, and with a few bounds was away into tho forest. 44 Let Iutn go," cried I ncdel to tho old man, who was starting off in chasf. 44 He'll come back presently, and mean tirao I will tako his place. And so they dragged tho car into the village. Now Hans had gono before, and when ihey ktopped at tho inn-door ho was just laving out a'silver ricco unon n lmcre orin- gerbreft! man, which, w ith his back to tho gchcroiW-Fricdol, ho began to cat. But when ho tried to bito into' tho cako ho fouud it always away from his teeth, and to his rago and mortification, though ho could get no taste into his mouth, at cv c?7 bito a pice of cake disappeared, till presently, to t'ue amusement of fl crowd of hxjkers-on, Ha entiro gingerbread man was'gLr.?, withoH Hans having tasled or swallowed ft motvd of it. The greedy and disappointed lv now turnod to the woman who had sold him tho cako nnd de.nanded another; but, amid tho laugh ter of his companions, she cave liim in dead ft brisk box on tho car, and sent him about his business. ' Friedel was about to fallow nnd com fort him, when tho old man begged him to stay and guido him on the road to the next village, Now, when they had gono a little way on tho road, tho dog camo Kick, and being hitched to his old place his owuer declared that ho could well enough tret alonor alono. 44 Thanks, my littlo boy," said he, 44 and hero is n prcket-pieco," giving him a large coin; 44 if you uso this rightly you will bo rich and happy. . Whereupon they parted, and Friedel weut on his way home thinking on his funny adventure. Presently ho saw I Inns yot sitting by tho wayside weeping f jr tho loss of his cake. 44 Do not grieve so about lh? stupid gingerbread and tho box on the cars." 44 It was all your fault. That old beg gar was tho one who played me that trie!;. You are always running after beggars' 44 Don't believe it. Tho old fellow was good enough. Seo what a pretty play thing ho gave rnc." Now, Hans no sooner set eyes upon tho coin than ho determined to have it, and said : 44 You ought to give mo that to mako up for tho gingerbread ; but I will give you somo money for it." 44 Keep your money. 1 11 give you this if you want it, if you will only stop cry ing." . So Hans rocketed the strange coin, and tho two boys played peaceably together till it was timo to go homo. But from that timo it began to be whispered in tho villatro that tho father of Iians must have found treasure; for ho bought lands and cattle, and was shortly so rich that ho became magistrate of tho village. But as his riches so nlso his piido and greed increased. Shortly linns was no moro allowed to play with Friedel, tho son of tho poor laborer. And so tho rents flew on. Hans was uny magistrate, hb father an honest man, and lived in the little old house, where he faithfully took enro of Ins mother. Hans hod tho largest estate, the finest house, nnd tho fattest catllo in all tho country. But he had grown up a miser, full ot forcbodingrt)f evil to his possessions. An overcast sky threatened rum to his crops; a lato frost might kill his seed-corn; thieves might break in at night; and these ami many moro fears made his nights sleepless ami his days un easy, his temper tyrannical, his servants remiss, and finally, after somo years of unjoyful possession, threw him into a fo ver, of which tho village leech declared ho could not bo cured. Hereupon tho lying man caused Friedel to bo called to his bedside and said to him, taking him by tho hand : 44 Sec, my friend, 1 hnvo chented you. I am to die, i nd must do you justice That which onco you thought a plaything was in fact a dollar. I took it to my father, telling him I had found it. But when I looked at it again I fouud another lying besido it; and so, whenever I look ed, behold another dollar I So my father know it for a wonder-dollar, and forbade mo to say anything about it, nnd thenco came all our riches. But it has gono with my possession as aforetime with my gin gerbread man. I have owned without enjoying, mfcch as I desired it. All, how ever, belongs to you, and I declare it hero beforo tho judge." So saying tho poor man died, nnd Friedel became tho possessor of all tho wealth, which ho now saw had been in tended for him by tho poor carman, who was doubtless none else than Ilubezahl. But ho regarded himself ns only tho steward of his vast possessions, and np pliod himself diligently to relieving the poor and needy, permitting no suffering persons to .turn away from his house. And so tho curso was lifted from these possessions, the fields boro mpro plent i fully than ever, all his enterprises succeed ed, nnd honest Friedel was beloved by all who knew him. So ho lived long in honesty ard mer cy; and often when, after a day of good deeds, ho sat ia tho twilight in tho gato way of. his posscssioi s smoking his tran quil evening pipe, it seemed to him as though tho dimly-outlined form of tho old enrmnn passed by in tho gloaming and gave him a friendly nod. XiT H. U. Ondcrdonk, formerly I'pi- copal Bishop of tho Dioceso of Pcunsylva- tna, died on Iho Otu inr3t. A For the Grand Haven Nws. Fitifixn Baiins: I have just learnod that you havo made nil necessary arrr.ugo- mcnts, and you now nro engaged in set ling tho typo fur a paper in our village. I mil heartily glad to hear it. Having been a subscriber and reader of your for mer paper, I can well jiulgo of tho char actor of tho matter forming tho pages of tho new sheet, hereafter to bo issued under your supervision. Although I could conscientiously quar rcl with your political creed, yet the Times' was ever welcome to mv fire side. It always contained articles, both cditoriul and selected, of a healthy tone, calculated to iuiprovo the mind, and ce ment, rather than sever, tho social feel ings of our littlo community. It is n:i easy matter fcr n villngo prpcr to do great injustice, within its scope, to individuals, ns well ns a community, both by intention and misstatement of facts, brought about, often times, by neg lecting to examine sufficiently into tho truth of rwitors, those undefined objects of criticism and attack. I do not w ish to bo understood that wrong', diattitbancc, lawlessness-, or im moralities should bo winked at or smoth ered; but I do believe, iu having the lash of publicity felt where justice n"d truth lcmand, even if it should bo upon the shoulders of tho sell-conceited journalist I fully bcliovo it tho duty of a public journal to chronicle, in a suitable manner, that which is a detriment to tho prosper ity of a community, or to call upon the public, if need bo, to correct every spo- cies of evil, whenever and whereve cr it may show its front. But I do not belicvo in a public jour- tistical garment, in tho dose I of his own sanctum, denouncing the public for non-interference in matters that need the hand of justice, when he, perhaps, is' the only ono w ho has knowledge of tho infrac tion of tl o rules of order or decorum. Let him tako tho weapons that must be used by other citizens, and by a littlo la bor and expense provb preaching by prac tice. Tho public journalist is not en throned above other citizens in a demo cratic community to 14 say to this man go, and ho gooth ; and to another come, and ho comelh." Let example bo recorded, put in motion by tho impulso of tho mind distressed for tho welfare of a community, and if it bo anything beyond tho narrow compass of a biased mind, or misinform ed judgment, tho public will sustain the medium of action from qplumny or out rage. If, perchance, tho journalist, in pursuit of 4 items," is a witness to scenes of immorality or obscenity, ho can not bo justified in making public such discoveries, as chargeable to a community, without first ascertaining how far tho knowledge of such facts extend. If ho exposes wrong, lot him, without a charge of neglect of duty, on tho part of others, proseouto tho perpetrators of such deeds which carry to his nostrils such ft sickening odor. It does not appear just, nor is it right for him, with tho power of tho press, if, iu his daily walks, visitations on business, by Accident, or otherwise, discovers dens of immorali ty and infamy, to chargo upon a commu nity, who aro lovers of morality, as well a himself, tho tin of their existence among them, when .they are innocent, and that, too, by profound ignoraneo of such places of resort. It is not right to charge upon those who hnvo grown gray in their lalora for a well regulated com munity, to be accused of winking at tho wickedness, brought in perhaps with the demands of progression in improvements, which cause alone, perhaps, induced tbe journalist himself to raise his standard. It should be remembered .that as man grows old ho seeks, or rather loves retire ment. Ho prefers seclusion, in a great measure, from public affairs, and retires from public acts. He looks to tho young men for action. He foels tho truth of tho old adage, 44 Old men for counsel, and young men for war." Days nnd weeks of unlawful and unrighteous nets may bo publicly talked of, in almost every circle, and tho dismal rehearsal not reach his ears. Therefore, if ho has, by past faith fulness to tho public interests, and a life devoted to their advancement in civiliza tion and improvement, attained a name at homo among his fellow citizens, nnd abroad among his friends and former nc quaiutances, that is of good repute, tho journalist of to-day should bo cautious, through ignorance, misconstruction, or misapplication, how ho send?,, over tho length and breadth of tho land, as if in clarion tones, denunciations that may harrow tho feelings at home, and blacken in mental vision fair names abroad. Mr. Editor, I do not write this in the capacity of your adviser. By no induce ment could I bo placed in that capacity, for such is not required of any ono in your behalf. I have only given vent to feelings long cherished, and, if you consid er these few ideas, from your correspond ent, worthy a placo in your first Lumber they aro herewith presented for publica tion. Yours, A LooKEn-oN in Denmark. Mill Point, Dec. 13, 1858. A Cautiok to Yocxa Mkn A Young medical student from Michigan, 1 who had been attending lectures in New York, for somo time, and considered him-; &yrctytr a blooming young lady w ho was boarding in tho snmo house with him. After a prolonged siego tho lady surrendered They were married on Wodwday moVn- ing. ' Iho samo afternoon tho 44 young wifo" sent for and exhibited to tho aston ished student a "beautiful littlo daugh ter," threo and a half years of ago. 44 Good heavens 1 then you were ft wid ow! cxclaimea tuo sun lent. . 44 Yes, my dear, and this is Amelia, my youngest ; to-morrow, James, Augus tus and iteuben,will arrive from thocouu try, nnd then I shall havo my children togethor onco moro." Tho unhappy student replied not a word; his feelings woro too deep for ut terance. Tho next day tho "darlings" arrived. Iloubon was six years old. James nino, and Agustus a saucy boy of twelve They wero delighted to hear they had a 44 new papa," because they could now live at home, nnd have all the playthings un wanted I Tho 44 new papa, as soon a', ho could speak, remarked that Augustus and James did not much resemble Ileu ben and Amelia. 44 Well, no," ' said tho happy mother, 44 my firbt husband was quite a different stylo of man from mv second -complexion, temperament, cofprff hair nnd eyes, nil different." This wns toofituh. lln had rot only married ft widtv, but was her third hus band, nnd tho Astounded f top-father of four children. 44 But her fortune," thought he, ,4 that will mako amends' Ho poke of her fortune. 44 These arc my treasures," said she, in tho Roman matron stvlo, pointing to her children. - Tho conceit was now quite taken out of tho Michigander, who, finding that he had made n complete gooso of himself, at onco retired to a farm in his nativo State, whero ho could hav o a chanco to render his 44 boys" useful, and mnko them sweat for the deceit practiced upon him by their mother. KiT An a lvocnto of total abstinonco was onco urging a confirmed toper to forego his ftivorito MouongahHa, nnd to substituto water in its stead, declaring tho claims water possessed over all other fluidi as a bjverngo. 44 1 know, said Tipsy, 44 water is a fine thing, but theu it is so blamed th '". 5T To euro the tooth -acho let a twenty pound weight fall upon your toes. i) Schools aud Newspaper. To schools and newspapers civilization' owes its crown of intelligence. Thesonro tho chcif bulwarks of free society; the mightiest secular agencies of Christen dom. Indebted to religion, perhaps, for their better spirit. and morality,' it is not exaggerating to say that religion is deep ly indebted for its diffusion to them. Both educators nnd disseminators, their functions arc still measurably different tho school laying the basis of knowledge, and tho ncwspajior spreading' knowledge,' with unparalleled speed nnduniversnlit , among men. It is now four centuries and a year since printing commenced its annals, w ith I ho 44 Codex," and somo thousands of years since book-making began, yet it is safe to say that newspapers, within tho half-neon lit ry past, have dono moro for tho dil-. fusion of essential know ledge, nnd to mnki it the common property nnd blessing of mankind, than all tiio nges of books. So, too, though universities date back into tin dimness of time, nnd academies nro a tho "classic groves" of Hellas, modem ' common schools havo transcended them all in universalizing intelligence. Schools aud ncwspajKrs aro tho grandest of now time institutions, nnd to show that thev aro new-timo we need but quolo what Governor Berkeley, of V irginia, wroto to , King Charles, m 1671 : 44 1 thank God there nro no freo schools nor printing- presses here, and I trust thero will not l-a these hundred years, for learning breeds up heresies and sects, and all tibomina- lions. (Jod save us from both." And it was an hundred years, and more, beforo freo schools or newspapers wero at all common in our country, whero tho hindrance to thcin havo lcen least. But what a revolution sinco Berkeley's lay in politics, government, newspapers, and schools. . Less than two centuries, anil the New World is rid of kings and inrlinmcnts, and while every hamlet has its freo school or school open to all there aro near five thousand new .-u -: published - m lb .'and. It is enou'i l and Faust t"ro they penetrable. Ixt,' us bu 'thankful that wo . live iu an ago wheiV'iVco schools and newspapers are all around ns, ns beacons and shields. Let. ns sustain tho school-master and encour age tho printor multiply tho schools'and tho newspapers, and freedom ami knowl edge nnd virtue will flourish in tho world! . The Lowka Class. Whoaro they ? Tho 'toiling millions, tho laboring men -and women, tho farmer, tho mcchanie,tho artisan, tho inventor, tho producer? ' Far" from it. Thcso aro Nature's nobility God's favorites tho salt of tho earth.r No matter whether they nro high or low iu station, rich or poor in pelf, conspicu-' ous or humble in position, they aro tho 14 upper circle" in tho order of ntiluro whatever the factious distinctions of so ciety, fashionable or unfashionable de cree, It is not low, it is tho highest duty, privilege, pleasure, for tho great man and tho wnolo 30iiled woman to cam what they possess, to "work their way through life, to bo tho architects of their own for tune. Some may rank tho classes wo have Alluded to as only relatively low.and. in fact, tho middling class!'. Wo insist they arc absolutely tho very highest. If there is A class of human beings on earth who njay bo properly denominated low, it is composed of thoso who consumo without producing, who dissipato the earnings of their fathers or relatives w ith out being or doing am thing in aid of themselves. New Uovtr to Lake St rtKiou. Tho Green Bay Advocate says that the citizens of Milwaukee arc awaking to tho importanco of a new and quick roulo t Lake Sutcrior. The new route propped is by railroad from Milwaukee to Menn sha, thence to Green Bay by Ut,- f.f-nr Green liny to tho head of littlo Bay do Noquot by steamer, thenco to Grand Islnr.d and Carp Biver by Klngo, the. roads from the two latter places uniting iu one 27 mil. north of Lit lie Bay do Noquet, making iho distance from tli:t placo to Grand Island 42 milca and t- Carp Kiver 52 miles. By this route pas sengen can comfortably go through from Milwaukee to Lake Superior in 30 hours. Confident expectations are entertained that this route will bo opened iu the spring. ' ' JOT He who pays more nlUT.ficn 1 his hat than hi.i head, shows which i.i most prized. :d' 1 --Mis V f 1