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THE .CHEAPEST Drv dloods House ,.l (j 1 ii 1 1 1 i. f J 1 1 ;' ' . ' CITY 0Ft MEMPHIS. Double Thread, Lock Stitch Sewins Machines, MEMPHtS; TENNESSEE. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 101869. NO. 87. Price, 45 to $100 -I vol THI8 Machine Is oJ Whelr yilw V; any oonneotioa. Machines sold In tbeeity 00 partial paym.nt. It ienot M liab.a I gel out of order ae ether machine. ' . Office, BBS Main Btroet, , Next door to Ky' Variety Stors.""' THE GREAT RED STORE, ,ri,M.) !. .Ill 5 ill' II ( M t j .l".tf ( V' Ill) I'M ! aV; 'LU J. . U:J : JL VJM-JLJ JLUQ 1 1 ; 1 r nmv niMiimTinv i i , Fi wen wnu rer Br E. HIIITMORE. WBUM' ,- fc.i X 1 " . "1 . T. T r . I T" - ,j(.ljl 1 BUSINESS houses; -4-4- -44 TT WOOD ANDERSON. Cotton Factor fn. and Communion oicrooanm, m rrvum A LLISON ItROTHERS. Hardware. Cut lery, nuns, etc.. imnu . . . . , . BA&K-Kiiet National of Memi.huu--J.6. Day, rret't; Newton Ford, Vipo Prea't. BLACK, BROfUhR (WaCotu. oi and Produce Merchant', fe4 fn.nt. a , Cotton rtotori fPAHNLM. F. D. CO.. W to. 7 aw Bnd Fancy woona. an main, nirpr v-m TM.AUK. KtU'bBaCO.. Cotton Km i or j and Commiaalon Merchants 11 Monroe etroot. CKAltt. it. W. Seed. Implejoianuh etc., 378 Main street, Jaioa Block. " ' T-tAltlvLIO B00KST0K, 3UHpeoond bt.. near M r,nre. W. J . M rtanafnrd.Prop'r. AflRAVJiR, K., Phiilniraob Uallry. M Main street, Clark's Mamie moca. lAMFKKDAM BriOS., merchant Jailors, Main .treat (Bethel Blook). 51-128 CITY BANK, cor. J cttumoi. Kiid Front sts. ; B. nTTobey. Pros' 't K. C. Kirk. Cashier. AKOLIN A lilFK INS. CO.. l Main J. nvi. Prei'i : '. K. feoyle. Seo'y. CtUUhN. M., lla cleaned, rtyed. prsrsea end trimmed moal to new. 384 Wain. aOAVANAUGH, P. II. , j CLOTnlO0tAKn,EiriIED. , JNDNKW WOKE 1 341 Maik Btekkt. ar.KNTlSTS-J. B. 4 Win. Waffoo. omoe I m l Main. Alio proprieter 01 Memphii ueptil D-rot nine piano. fCKINSON, WILLIAMS CO., Cotton Front ttreot.' ' - L1.I0TT, J. M. i., Drug Store and Office. lfl Bel treet. . , s ,MMOKS A SON. liooH". J aiinea. eta.. 10 JefferfOB DWAKL'Si J.D.. Deal iw.Hitn. j.ij.i ' -r . ' . nvctM.a. l.aVa V.h. Ftui'ii of all kind.. 27SBeoonfl, and Ctt , Kt ton Faot-m, 17 Anion., Lee Blo-k, Srooen, JSC Cottna yactora. Com. Merrh t. Main. and dealer in Pits.ln Overton Hotel 3 Ai.RRKATH. fcTEWART CU- Cotton ; Faotom. II Union. Ptonw rail Bloek. ifi OKPKL, LfcOHOLD, ai Kan and Ktiabe'i Pian agent, diwler In Or- oi. bio m aio. nnvvu i KA KICK'S SEWINQ MA fjT nniNI. S18 Min etreet, Tll'NTKR.MKW M.C.. Millinery. Fno fl floods, eto.. 217 Mam rtreet. . II KINRICH. P. H.. BRO., Uenieenona. Fanoy flmnerieB.LIqnow. eta.. Main: ! oh nson. j. k. - . '"y-rw tV at Jonnson, mwn ; if V'l KMnr. m "i 'Ji -1 --- - - -- D..'t.163 Jttiun. two el doora north of Overton Hotel KLfcIN BKU., " noieaieiimoi v- 15 Poplar at. A!e in barrela and bottloi; " KKOY. J .Merchant Tailor, 17 JeBenan MA ,iet.Vtw. en Main and FrontntreeH. I IT I'Llt'ION, .A., l-O., iMfjanee Aa'l tJ a Madiann. mi AeONIO MUTOAb . . . . . . . . . . I - u VI r' L" Aa.nnlatlnn. merapDi", i i.-u- OO., iobbere of J)ry urn Goodi and Variotiee FOr W ATc'rl Es" A if J KWTXiRT, 3i9 JT1A1A. Hard HI .r&ZZmfini m Mat.. , Hardware, Cutlory , OAgrionltoraT Implement,, ifl rm,t. OV MuM J- phia, or.r. Mailiaon and tHootitt.- frAS'iru. A..'tSe'r. 1UiJSTA CAZASSA. dalr in Confe tinneriea. elo.. Z'2 Alain, oor. North Court. kiivxiiOTT. O. F. CO.. aeaieri ni YiTi l..n,m. Roar, etc.. 40 .leflenon itreri. OOWKR. i- A COw Merohant Tallora. ilO W 8eoond n. vioma u WUSSEUTsrFKIV A inn FIRM AKY ni. ii North Court itrei. T(77TKS. VANCK CO., Cotton Facto. C Coiiiaion and Forwarding Merehanti ; A Bt whoM;i.d.-U?r!d v av oo .11 w Mais, eicmi orknIaUm K08 Coal Oil, Petro .a. Oil. eto. wholeiale and retail. W"- aUTKAM anion waer uai - 24 Beyond etreet. i. (inn., eto . VJ7 Second. Adiml Blwk. rTtR AD bRS. Cotton ii aotori, - t X h irtr yeara in M'mph i . T ta Britf. SUadJitatM - I : . ... t 2'i Madtaon rVUUrF CO.,deaira in vornw, XI w Bnawier , eto . ii main miw.. Tv'HD.J.O. .orrthi !ai' t.ewieAgtpart. t71 Main m RMiiif.nt ran- TJiR. JOS., Drutcwt. IM jnaan, i ww twee BtOTHKR, BooktelleM nd V"0DN9 tatlonerii 044 Kllnwa' Ho", in " SOU'a'HBBN, IIOOPSKIRT MilCTT, irSi? v&b 108 l- Main Street. Latert style, for 1S7, withoat Joint J LIFE IX8CRA5C8 COHPASI OF UABTFOBD, C4SK. ' Incorporated IW. numbering more than 60,000 Member. . i H.v.l, -. JX lSwVS TeMiDirM4i " 6W,UO. JAS. B. CARPENTER A CO., Oenl A e'ts for iiorthern Alabama and Aoilb ilaiiuaippl. ( - Ifiarais. Ser. JO. I. Mearra. J.m A Co .Oaal AU ol the Coan. Mo'"" ltl I.t. a . T the pleenre o' ae'nowlfdaing the jMiDt of paimant of policy No. 8S " tne lirt of HeSrr P. Woodard. d-c'd. twenty hoand doMara. and di.iieed. ta ' '.' r.. In.ot.d Pepumlwr the Uth. lma. ...7:j the Huh. lk. Tae muper whirh your Cou.poy ba J reM rrtlully r.commend the 00 mi) any to the . . . . -i-. .wfetal men Lion, ana . , online. 01 ""Jf. K. COCHR AS, a axeentor ol H. P. W'eoJard. ded. I I - ; I t .jOf EichardsoD, Son & Qwden's make. Attention especially asked to No. 41 Quality: The best value for the money ever offered to the people of Memphis.. Don't fail to inquire for the 41 Linen,;if you wish to save money. lit.! in:-! 'I A r fi- PUBLIC LEDGER Tie Frt.uo Litton. la pnbUibod every af ternoon ozoept Sunday) by E. WHITMOHE, at No. 18 Maduron itreab ber. by fiithfui ! elrrTm at FIFTEKN CKN'IC por weak. arable weekly U the oartiara. By mall (in advanoe): Qra year. 18: U montbi,$4i thxeo montha.$2; one month, 70 nn n . i.njla. u .Mvrf to Pit inlhftffn. sinta. ' :jowidalori funiliei tt 4enti per eopv. nM4tn. nnmt inMafifa of reneral in- tereat to the poblie are at all times aoceptable. iveieeted mannaoripu will hot p. nwaoi. BATES OF ADVEETI8INQ : ' rint Ina.rtlonn.....Il W P SnbaeQuent Insrtlon.. ' K j H- I 'tfn S "? " J S m ; - ' For Two Weekt. M . or Throe nek-.... o M i , . 'or One Month.. . OV I Eight line, of Nonpartil. lolid, eonatltnt. -DUplayed adv'ertUemimtg win be charged ao tordiBg to the sr ion pocupied, at : "ove ratet thera being twelve line of .olid type to the lnon Rotloei In local oolnmn inserted for twenty (entt per line for eaeh inaoruon. B pedal Kotioea lnierted for ten oentg per line for eaob insertion. - i Kotlcea of. Deaths and Marnagei. rwenty eenta per line. To regular advertisers we offer snporior ln- daoemeDta, both a. to rato of obarges ana man ner of tfUplaying their favors. .., Adverfuements pobliahed at Interval! i will be eharge One Dollar per square for eaoh inser tion. : . ' allMltj fnr aif veTHllnf are due Whet 000- traoted and payable on demand. . ta.AU lettoni, whotber upon Dnainew or btherwiM, ir vt ke addreeted to " . , B. WHJTMORB, r. i Publisher and Proprietor. Women and Tbelr Dolnv., " Mrs. Livermore aji ihe called on a man once lo get him to gign a petition and fonnd him drank. Be afterward be oame President of the United Stateg, but it mut not be inferred that all men who get drunk will be elected President.; ,. i Mm., Victor, y'the Akron (Ohio) ! prit oner.ha been commuted from aeventeen to three years end will aoon be turned too. ' 1 " "' ' i Eugenie cozsned the Viceroy, of Egypt out of a diadem' worth 6.000,000 of francs. That beatg Grout. Vinnie Ream showed her good gense, before goiug to Europe, by declining en offer of marriage from that human icicle, Senator Trumbull, q -j f n. r; ' - In Omaha' women who can dreis on $5000 a year are called economical. A Detroit women has baaed an action for breach of promise on the fact of a gentleman' having gent her a geranium leaf in letter. Geranium mean "Thoo art my choice." -"Heory Ward Beeoher h i a female ghort-hnnd gecgetary, which her name ii Ellen Wood-, ,.,...! t'f .f . Mr. : Twitohell, digreeably con nected with an unpleasantness in Phila delphia, by which her mother lost her life, hag ent her jewelry to be polished up, and think of coming back to the gay world. She don't look well in black. In Olive Logen'g lecture at E'niira, se ay she never eaw a pretty girl but be wanted to take her in her arms and kieeher, SingoUrly enough, it effjcle ue ia the game wy. , , , . Paris Utter writer say Madame George Sand I rapidly falling into the yellow leaf. ' Host people do fail into those habit, when thry get peat eighty. . The young women of I.ewiaton, Mane, have formed a society p'edging them selves not to kiss any man who nee to bacco. . , . Minnie JJha i the nam de guerre of a Du"orioug woman in Mew Orleans. u.J M.rv Hiirginng.' of Pittsburg, j 'u . her husband's gtabbicg for him. ' ' v ' 1 ' ' ' Mrg. Margaret AgflM Amidon, a Nd ing teacher tn Washington, died on tri tn 1f. 1 ' Vinnie Eeam is distorting chunk of marble toto likeness of Parson Brown w a r I t ' : ' r " r . - '. V:in; ia rv fund of masiO. IS the Prinee cf.Waleg. her on; but he lite hi flavored pretty strongly wun in cew can. I'll'' MiaMuhlbch has ber handgfoll a Arwmn kinlnrLaai B ore! on the United States, a 6ve act drama, and a dropsy which is exteited to carry hrr eft. Mis Webster, a white girl of Mount Sterling. Ky., eloped with a oejro the other day , ,, ' , ' lr. P Walpa ia (lid to be dying of a broken heart, owing to the festirenesa of the critter (be t bitched to. a . : ! Drirlog her lecture t Lyon, u.ive Lsgaa wa hissed. , OJv-j would have liked it better it it baa Deen tpeueq wn a-k." f-i!!. i ! u.t. I tv,.. the Parisian cantatrioe! of whom everybody waa talking four yare fO. i( now giogiog at econd-rate oeffee- boa see tor tea ana mi 1 M Tike, of PinetroT toweahip, Venango coBnty, Peansyltania, missing r... ,mn wKska. wu fosnd in the woods on Sonday week, where she led fcanesd i .ir 'vf.r hn.hand remarked, when h fooad ber, that it wa big last day, and baa since been missing. Louisa M. William, of Si Joseph, got a divorce trom btr husband and tnen ran away with Bins. 1 ,::i it ii. I 11 ." "Jn.tiflera of Redaction and Abet s tors of BUraany." ' ' ! The World thus discooraeg on the eulogists of Albert D. Richardson: If such friends of Richardson a Vice President Colfax and the Rev. Henry Ward Beecber had notsffronted the pub lic ense of decency by ostentatious (vtnnalbr for seducer and justification of hi conduct, the press would have no other duly in connection with this tragedy than is lam npon it id me similar cuoro bich are ot such frequent occurrence. Richardson wa no iusn novice as not to know that a man who seduces a wife from her allegiance carries hi life in hi hand, and may expect to forfeit it to the ven geance of the outraged husband. He dared the ooosequences, and they came. He doubtless thought the prize worm tne risk and the forfeit; and we will do him the justice to say that, so far as the pub lie ia informed, he met hi fate without any unmanly quailing, or any protest nitainst its rigbteomneas. ; The avenging Nerbesis, which is ever on the putn oi uch transgressors, ' speedily overtook him ; and if hi eulongistg bad not at tempted to blunt and pervet the moral aense of the community, it would be safe, as well a charitable, to dismiss him to his reward without any remark. -Bat when the most popular and elo. quent - divine it) the country, and toe second functionary in the Government, undertake to " blazon evil deeds and coq ssor.te a crime!' their attempt to lower the moral tone of the community caanot pass without rebuke. Whatever lenity might be practiced towards the infat uated parties to this tragedy in consid eration of their terrible punishment, is swallowed op in a feeling of indignation and distrust aeaintt those who have pros tituted their ioflaence and talents in de fense of an intercourse which the moral sentiment of the community condemns. Mr. Beecher cannot esoape by turning npon the publie, as he did in his funeral remarks yesterday, and denouncing ia a strain of coarse vituperation, those who rtgird the marriage tie as sacred. f'Tbe Hun in ms Si re or in, aia ne, meamuii Richardson, "and in his own fastness, is Bble to defend himself; but no sooner has the arrow of the huntsman laid him low than he ii et upon by every vile thing, every fly, every crawling worm Mow that he is down, treah flies are all aronnd about bim, aud death, that is to mott men a truce to old enemies, i( the very arraying of the battle sgniost bim." It is not against the dead seducer, but against you, Mr. Bsecher, and auoh aa you, that the public indignation is let loose, on this truly mournful occasion. Had you, and such a you, been content to cast a silent mantle of charity over lbs erring, and withhold the pnblio eulo gies by which you have shocked the sen sibilities of right-thinking people, there would have been no occasion for you to stand defiantly on the defensive, and in terpose the perforated corpse of y9r dead " lion " as a shield between yon and the publia censure. It is agaiust you and uoh as you, that the scorching breath of inoensed virtue is directed ; you, who, withont the apology of temptation, free from the passions which blinded tboie il licit lovers, coolly insult a Christian com munity by fulsome and indecent praises of their guilty connection. But for you, and sach as yon, this terrible cise would have operated as an impressive warning; by your eulogies and your marriage cere mony, yoo hold it up a an example. The Indiana divorce wa a fraud and a sham. Yon married the parlies know ing it to be a mere Indiana divorce, pro cured on tf parte representations, with nnt untie ta the offended husband, in a nlacs distant from the real residence of the nartie.. You know. Mr. Beecher, and everybody knows, that Mrs. McFar lund wculd not have dared to apply for a divorce hero in the Slate of New York, where the parties resided, and the facts nnld have been investigated. Io the eye of our Jaws, and by the rules of our coartr, the marriage with McFarlond has never been dissolved; ana your per frirmr of the marriage ceremony made von not onlv a jastifier of seduction, bat an abettor of bigamy. , Ia the light of the sworn testimony taken in McFarland's application for the custody of his children, this is a clear a case of setasotion a wa ever proved by evident. The landlady of b bouse in Amiiv street swears that Mrs. McFar- land applied to ber for a room for B ardsoe, and that be came there in oonae- niianpoof an arrangement which she bad Mtita fitp him. The room acjjined her. .4 ihm Inmates of the hoose testify that she was freauentty in it in the absence of her husband. All this might be innooent enough, if it were not for toe light thrown WL- nnnn it bv the subieauent develop ment. She afterward abandon her husband and puts herself under Richard son s protection. WMU OS I woBDuea, he go i to Mr-Sinclair' house and takes .r. of him. nasae whole day and .ui. nlirhta alone with him, bestowing the moil otfSeariBg e are see upon him, and permittihg it ta b understood in Mr. Sinclair", family, and by other acquain tances, that she and Richardson; wereun A.. . .nnnmast of marriage. Itisim- oossible to resist the conclusion that she Torsook her husband in the expectation f nan-Tin Richardson : that ha had knowingly excited that expectation, and, hs-1 thero'uy alienated her from her hHs band; and that the Indiana divorce nrnnn prl nmhablv bv the friendly inter vention and a'tance of Mr. Colfag- wa the coHiummttiot of a purpose which had been formed while the parties were occupying adjoining rooms in Amity street ' . And npon conduct such as this Mr. Beecher be "tows his blessing and bene diction! With this history before the public in the shape of sworn testimony, ha bad the effrontery to stand np beside Richardson' corpse, and declare that "both he, aud she who is left to mourn his absence, have always lived in a pru dential manner I" Tne "Thief Caste" ln;ind!a, A letter from Bombay says:' . Some curious revelations have beo made by the capture by the police of a gang of native thieve. I' is, of coone, well known among the Hindoos even criminal pursuits, such as thieving, pimp ing: and other harmless modes of getting a living, are hereditary er d form castes, from which no one born in tbenvcan es cape. The father is a pander and all his male children must be pander also, while hi daughters must marry men who follow the same disreputable calling. These people, of course, feel no shame at their mode of life; it is the deniny that fate, and, what is equally strong in India, "dustoon, have allotted to mem. mesa thieves form a caste several nundrel irony. Thev have no fixed abode, but wander all ovor the country; and recently i a couple of hundred of them spread themselves over Bombay. Tbeir regula tions are very singular, and tbeir arrange ment for disposing ot their booty pertec. All over the country they have confi dential bunniahs who receive the stolen good and money. When the thieve arrive in a place these bunniahs advance them money for food and whatever they may want, and the results of their preda torv excursions are dor by day handed over for sale. Ererynowand then the thieves and their banker settle up their ac counts. The goods tnhen are ratea at three-fourths tbeir valuo, but the receiver is allowed an additional ten per cent for commission, which makes altogether thirty-five per cent. One of the thieves confessed that last year the two hundred wbo visaed Bombay carried away at the end of the season no less than 18.000 reals (f9,000), a very large sum in India, where three-fourths of the population have in cornea of only fifty dollars a year. He aaid that during the week before be was captured "the weather was wet and umbrellas were tneir principal oor 17, auu some brass chatties, waist cloth, tur banr, pocket handkerchiefs, three rupees in money and a gunny bag, were alas brought in." Some of the internal rules of the thieve are very singular, lhey may take whatever tbey can get trom the shops, or the ground or a carriage, but tbey must not commit even the mildest form of violence. It they attacked a man for the purpose of robbing him they would break their caste and b turned out by their follow members. Njr may tbey steal anything between sunrise an sunset. If a heap of gold were lying in their path after the son had gone down tbey would not touch it. And not only must they steal by day, but the goods muBt also be disposed of the same, day either by burying them or by handing them over to a bunniab. Ida Lewis is exhibiting herself to tho people of New Bedford, appearing in tableaux at a Good Templars', festival. New York sargeons have made a ohin for an unfortunate yonng man deprived of that ornament, taking the material from his chest. Tburlow Weed's daughter is sorting 4000 letters to assist her lather io writing his autobiography. Ha will spend the winter in Florida. The B iden-Baden gambling bank won in the year 1868, after deducting the enormous expenditure of twa millions of francs, about three millions of franos. The Bink in Wiesbaden has "drawn in," within the last six months, 3,200.000 francs. O ing to a lack of funds many labor er have been discharged from work on the new posloffioe in New York. An im mediate appropriation of $1,000,000 for the building is tn be asked for by the Secretary of the Treasury on the sssemb Kcg of Congress next wetk. Friulein Luis Sindrini, nf Calivog Iie, died in Dresden last month, in ber 88th year. 8h was the oldest prima donna in the world. A native Neapoli tan of rare natural bsouty, and gifted with a magnificent voice, educated in the tree cli Italian style of singing, she fol lowed, after ome first performances in Italy, ber husband, 8ndrini.the gixotiy Count Kammermusikus to Dresden, and was there engaged in the Curt Theater as the premier singer. She wa pen sioned in 1832. Recently a pale-faced, orrow-itricken woman, while in a dry good store at Kansas City, Ma., was observed by a salesman concealing a bundle of laces under her shawl. Very quietly, and withoat attracting the attention of a single eye in the store, the salesman said to her, "I am not able to pay for the lace under your shawl, or yon might keep it and welcome. Please psi it back. while I walk to the other end of the counter." Large tears came into the woman's hagzard eve, hr whole face .Turaaeed gratitude, and without a word put the lace back and walked out of the it ore. RISK & JOHNSON, - MABUFACT0EXHS AMD DEALERS IB Tinware, Stoves, Grates, M A. TS X TLi E , HOLLOW WAKE AND CASTIXG3. jobbers nr Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, tflre, etc IOLB AOEBTB FOR BDCt's PATSRT ' -" : BRILLIANT Cooking Stove. THE BEST IN THIS WORLD. UraB'tt Slate and Marble MANTI.EH AKD ENAMELLED GRATE. WALLACE') PATENT COMBINATION OR ATDB. OCR BTOCK IS VrTRY LAROS AND eompl-te, and we are determined not to be undersoid in any market. NO. 806 MAIS NiRKKT, Onpotite Peabody Hotel. Memphii. Term. ' JOHNSON, RISK & 00. Memphis rocxDisr, AKD ARCniTCCTCHAI. 1BOS WOHUS, MiVCFACTUBEUS OF 1B0N W02K FOR BUILDINGS. Ornamental Iron Krvlllngr", . Fence., Verandaa, Balconies, etc ALSO 8UPEBIOB Bad Irons, Dog Irons, Saih Welsjhte, Wagon Boxes, Jln Uearlnar, vie. Bridge and R. R. Castings. ft(TiM anrl Kamnli Rnnma at Rtlk A John' eon's, DO! Main street. oppoaUe the lWj riot-i. z' v OELnBHATBD' tAii v. -f-M HI Lv. .-..-( - ' Ttsuneaiaistas nnei . Lonsdale 4:4 .BVd Sheetings,. "1G 1-2 cents. Lonsdale 4-4 Bl'd Sheetings,' 16 1-2 cents. 10-4 White Blankets, $3 00 a'pair. 10-4 White Blankets, S3 00 a'pair. Cheaper than W M THE 2F1 jgi, ;W O 38f "r3I . ' . A. N I 23 3Lm Jl O KLl O jL 3E5L AT0W SO WELL AND FAVORABLY KNOWN. CAN BE FOUND AT ALL TIMES. i together with a guoi asaortmeut of Heating Stoies, Lamps, Tln-ware, Grates, nollDW-are, etc., at r . H . J U K E 0 , . 838 Hecond St., MemphiB, Tenn. RooBng, Clnttering, Cotton Brands andeneral Job Work wtU receive prompt aiteatlea. IN otic e . Orric Mkmphis Aatoso Oas Co.. I mi BniLUino. coa. Mai ad Jirrsaeog. ) fTHE BOOKS FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS OF 1 Rtnck are now ooea at the Gas Office. J)y order ot tne BQ A HT1 QW TTW WfTOTth gafjmDEM&co. t.mmil 3 "a t I g tWMtl rni 6 5 S g 4fl Cboleei eroeerles. Ions, 'LM, '4 I sfe- PROVISIONS. 4 " g e) h Jr 3 u 1 i 7;o ?f 4 a. J. s i f ; 1 12: IS . . VVJf. d 51 J . RcSERVetR ... . - i ' ii t .- . t A T I i ,i' ' ' :t. i. t ' U rile I s. , .i.bearnswnln:eiIAJlPIO"Jen.seenatonratore, r- ,.r ..... H. WK'A-TIClt t the Cheapest. F R- A- N. K , S30 Main street. " It. UKANWON 5c CO. G EN iBAL STEAMBOAT JOBBERS Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of to vm.CI rates. Tinware, Hons Far. stlshiiiir aborts. Cowl, Lard and Lubricating clia, ele., NO. 272 FRONT BTBKET. - MEMPHIS. VE ART8 NOW 0PKNINO UP ONR OF the la geat and most complete stocks ot Stoves, heatera. Hollow-ware, Cutlery. Tin wars, and bonae torainhing goods generally. Among the stove stock we are ploased to pro Mat the pnblio with the celebrated GREAT BKPUPLIC, -oa- Earlj Breakfast Cooking Stoic and the OPEN FRONT PARLOR HEAT KIU3, that took the premiums at the Cin sinnall Fair on the 8th ot Bcptember, where thers wera ninety ooolt sicvm o,tered the Fashion, Kmporia, Charter and other leading wood eni j atovee bin aminsr tho ouBteat ants. We have aUo the renowned JP S. I 33 cooking atove. We are the sole dealers in the above atoves. A foil and suitable supply of genetal steamboat and melcee's' stock always on hand. R. B RANNON A CO.. M-til - No. 272 Front atrt. stOck is rcirva - AND COTTON QUEEN. ALLPEB80NSfKNOW.TO SUCCEED IN planting thty must firat aecure Stock. This they can do by calling or (ending their orders to n. At the Areade hHle stabler, No. 29 rjecond street, mammoth sign of the Hone and Mole M. C. Cayoe A Co. Daily Auction Hale, at 10 o'clock. Lame atablea and lota f r 8 ock Dealers. Furniture and Mro-ery alej, ai usnal, at o'olock. - M. C. CAYCE A CO.. ti.H A nt,nner.. CO, IS and 13 Bsaroo Strrel. OUAMPI OjN".. ' 'I ' ' ,r I I'll'1 '!':!' J.' ' lie.- - K? ii fj I'jl! ; f' ' V. i-., --.I A