Newspaper Page Text
k C.LBYRD&CO,, Diamond Merchants fejfe Special Attention to HOUNTIN G STCS Main J. K. RANDLR, I J. W. HSATH, Hormerly of Randl A I Formerly of Handle A Heath. I and J. W. Heath CHICKASAW . HANDLE, HEATH & LIYERMOltE, (Himchom to J. W. Heath at 3a.) P R O P 11 1 E T O II 8 , HO. 98 SECOND STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN. MAinjFACTTJKKRfl OP COTTON PRESSES, HORSB POWERS. GIN GKAROJO. IRON Building and Fronts, Air and Cellar Orating, all kinds Iron and Bra Castings. Cook Ot Heath's Improved Jail Cells, Doom and Window ' RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT WORK A SPECIALTY, AH kind ef Machinery Furnished and Repaired. Order loltoited and promptly execute 1 U2-xxi-lU Cash paid for old Bra and Copper. s-- IX. PROCLAMATION. HARDIGRAS! PROCLAMATION BY THE King of the Carnival. U8 H KNOWN. THAT WE. KI.N8 OF Ii the Carnival. Sovereign Ruler of the RwIibi of Mirth, Folly and Relaxation, will oilwrate the Annivernary of our Nineteenth Centennial in our LOYAL CITY OF MEMPHIS, And that we nay be received with becomlnc H'lindor, we hereby proclaim onr Royal Will: 1. Attended by our Armita and Naviea by onr High Dignitaries of bUte, by our Hause-h-Yi'i Guards, by Harlequin and Panuloon and Umir Fun Loving Bwui. we will receive tin Key of tue city 'rom uur loyal Mayor, at kihnoon. on theitSlU bruary. 2 And therefrom, until our departure, 4w n: . f - Y. l' n .1 .nrl all AtVtAP finll n.. ii ,ni ihall cease, and Momui and Motley jwall rule supreme. i, pn Maidi-Uraa, TEBRUARY 29, 1876. The day dear to our fen tie' and loviog heart, we comment that all Promenadors. Reveler and Mummev 'hall appear in Mak. that Vielr vitioni n.'av not be consumed by the re fulgence of our W rial face. . Weummoft"enlal XJlk8 and the Jfrews of Motley ie paw before onr ReaJ Presence In reviews and when the ihadei of ht deecend upon oar geodly oity, let the Appear la gorgeoua beauty a J flooda of gol den Area, and then shall the multitudes father to onr Sumptuous Places ot Festivity, and to the itralm of masie revel till the" Lenten Day 6. Railroad, Steamboat and other public ear.ien will transport our aubjeesu at half . . j r I'm n Iv.l .nil our food people of Memphis will receive them with f enerout hospitality. ' Tie Xing- Commands ! Long Lire the J Klnpt Attest : TYPHON. MOitl'o. . rex rsAmrivALi. MAfDI-CRAS. ORDK11S FROM KEX! EEDUCED FARES -TO MEMPHIS. "YI7BBREA8, BY ROYAL PROCLAMA ' W tion, tte KINO has declared hla inter. tion to enter kl loyal city of Memphia cn tn 3thdayof February, 187o : and. Wherea. It ia hit sovereign pleasure that lla subjects frpm all quartera of the roalm hall assemble to honor hia Imper al peraon. . i i . ....iIaii Ar h i will, and for , theeomfortai d economy of hla fieuple, it li ; aveoreed, of noyai nanuavs, wv AX. STORM ' Be and is hereby empowered te take chart e of ' U Water CrafU touching at the tood port ol i Memphis, and to cause the Masters thereof to publish reduced rates of fare during the t. ar ' i i. u,v th. &uthorltv of the afore ' aid AD. 8TUKM may be respected, His idajesty, TUB KIsa. does hereby create him ' Admiral of the FleeU. ; tr poianiuuu ui wi. avaus. PUCK Purfuivant to the King, H, Royal Mandate, It it further decreed, that BmWkUGHES&JAS SPEED Be and are hereby clothed with plenary pow er over all Railwaya ia hia Majesty's realm, and ahail order them at once to promulgate Reduced Rate of faro to and from Mampbls; ' Ahd tb.t their authority maybe respected, 31i Majeety. the King, does hereby create "them Qaartotmasters Ueneral, with the rank 4 Grand Mar-ball of the Kinpire. By eommaad of the King. prjCK Pursuivant to the Kiuf. Done at th Palae of MUrulo, thie lith day f Janna-y. 1H7H. ' CICAR FACTORY. XMO HONDO Cigar Factory, 1045 3Iain Street, MElrlUS, TEMV. ;VTONE BUT THE BEST QCALITV OF " Tobaeco uted In the manufacture of the various gradee of mytigars; employ the beet vorkaien tu be bad; make hand ulu werk only i' aad sell at prices as low, and lewer, than similar goods can be bought any Wlinre at ! or cbruau. The trade of deaWrs. aud orders for any laasof elgara, reapectfally solLclled. I will vlao. my cigar in price, quality and work-m-nahlp againatany oigars mad anywhere, M& oo fair teet, will guarantee aatitfavtiou. .' I Employ No lddlor. W1U n .V. the kind ef mods that will kaTOto Forced to tell that way. OEO. L CR lYSEIt, L.ABOR. HPUGIAI NOTICE. watw of uiar Illinois, or 0. f, Cheek. irAii; '.l tituioLO. huilKriHjl Ant. rjoLiJ" r Vioasaujg, .Vuis. DIAMONDS Street. I A. B, LIVKRMORK. Butt, Formerly Sen'l Bupt M. AT. R. A Co, I K..lioM. AL. R.B. W. IRON VVOBKS, INSURANCE. WASHINGTON HUE AND MARINE t Insurance Company. OFFICE i 5 Madison St, Memphis, Tenru BOARD OF DIRECTORS POR WT6:. J. W. Jefferson.,of J. W. Jefferaoa A Co J. N. Oliver of Oliver, Finnie A Co T. B. Dillard - .of T. B. Dillard A Co Vin. Himpson .-...of Pettit A tiiinp.oo John W. Dillard rf Dillard A Coffin A. Tiatohett af Uatchett A Bofra K. M. Bradford. ..Agt. Baltimore A Ohio R. R OFFICERS! J. W. JRFr-KKHON, t I ITemidenl. J. It. OIIVKK, t t Vle PrxalfK-nt. JvHH JUUKsOf, i i t Neerotar. Iioca a f eneral Fire and Marine Insurance kuainesa. Polioies laaued for one to five years on dwelling houses. Loasea equitably ad jnsfod and promptly paid. U1-13ii JEWELRY. JET PALACE! ATTENTION, EVERYBODY! ON ACCOUNT CF HARD TIMES AXD TO- REDUCE MY LARGE STOCK, -1 WILL BELL - FOR THE KKXT. THIRTY MAYS Gold Watches,' Solid Gold aud Fancy Jewelry OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS A. T COST ! R. HOES CHER, 32G Main Street. SAUCE. LEA & PERRIN8' CELEBRATED PRONOUNCED tt C0NN0IBBEUR3 EXTRACT of LETTER from a TLKMAN at Madras, to hla brother at To b th WORCKHTKR, Mar. 1861 "tell Lea A Per rlna thai that: "OMIY GOOD LMZ SAUCE," And applloabl to Sauce ia highly teemed In India myopia- EVERY VARIB- atabl as wallas lh most wbole- TY 0PDISH. iwm Hauoe.thst la mad." Woroestartfbire Sance. S.ld Wholeaal and for EiporUtlon bytl Proprietors, LEA and PBRRINB. Woreeater. England; and Retail by Dealer la Sanee tea rally throughout th World. ik for Lea A Perrtm' Sauoev At th BBCAK AHT TABLE It Imparl th moat enaWt relish aad ejt to Hot o Cold Meat, Fowl, fuk. Brelled Kidney, etc At the VIN.1BR TAl)LK.lo Soap, with Fish, Hot Joint. 0m. aad la all Oraviei It five a delightful flavcr. At th LDSCHEOI AND HfJPPEB T A BIaEH It la deemed Indlspenaahl by ther familiar with IU (stlmabl gnalltle. From th iVcw Pork TtMas. Titer la no relish ia th world which ia to universally UU4 U Lea A rrrini' famoaa Worcestershire Sauee. Th excellenc of thi Banc harlni cais4 ouutaroin Imitatlona, th NEW LABLE bears a lac aiiolle of tls proptiatora' algnatar. placed upon acb bottla, iQJX DUKCilV'S RONS, ajltw TO UK 3aa ELECTION. Election of Directors. Orricg THitxix IsHnuKciOoMranv, o. 10 .Madison street. . Mivraia, January 12. lo76. THB ANNUAL ELECTION FOR BEVEN Dl motors to serve the ensuing year, will he held fit tbe oSk of the Company on TCHkDAY, the 8th day of February, 1876, be tween tbe hours of 10 a.m. and S p.m. THOS. U. ALL CM. Praa't 8. R. f sK. Hrcretar tlft-140 PUBLIO SALE. ON SATURDAY, THE 1t DAY OF PEB ruary, lKTti. In front af the Stale National Bank, Memphis, Tenn.. I will sell t auction, to tbe hlgbent bidder, for cash, ou weountof whom it may concern, twenty-tour apart, of on bundrxd dollarn . each, of ntoek of tb Southern Life Insurance Cominy. J.NO. D. IIREWPTEB. J.. B. McFaiLiKU, Attorney. 111-1 0 V 8FKCIAL CARD. S. II I IV SO IV, DENTIST, 2S0 Main Street. Fp-talr, (Tare doon aorta of Oliver. Finnie A O.) Memphis, - Tenneneee. AMUSEMENTS. MEMPHIS JTHEA.TER. aNMOONCEMENT extraordinary. 8unday ETtning;,' February 6, 1876, The Renowned Victoria 0. Woodhull Will dallvtr her Famoui Leetare, "The Ummaa Korty ibe Tempi f -AMD TBB MTra aad Fale, Raelall." BIIS8 TENKIu"o. CLAFLIN Will also appear and give tereral RKAD INUSand RECITATIONS, which hare won fame for her from the AUantieto the 1'aoiDe. ale of Reaenred Peat will commence Sat- day. 9 a.m., at the Theater box-offlo. rricee a. usual. 136-134 MEMPHIS THEATER. miDsY awd HtTFKD4T ETl'.&'UM e-rbraary 4 ! 5, IliD BATUItDAY MATINKKI THE AMERICAN TIUMORISI. DR. J. JAY VILLEIIS. 8CBJECTS: -ITammj People r Meet." HIIainerlata of the Pnat atod Prea- ADM188I0N AS C8CAL. Reserved Seat can be nrrured at Peter k Co. 'a Hat titer, under Peabody Uo el. 136 MEMPHIS THEATER. T. W, D VEY.... Piopbiiitoi 106 BROOKE MiXAGia IJ1NOAGEMRNT FOr'sIX NIinTB AND J Saturday Matinee, commencing Monday February 7. 1870, Of the Talented Iragediaa, EDWIN ADAMS. Supported by Henry B. Abbey'a Dramatie Company. Mondav-MADRLE HEART. Tueiday-KNOCU ARDKN. Weduesday HAMLET. Thursder-WILD OATS. friday-PAUON AUPlTUIAb. trand AdHina Matinee, baturday at z p.m. Saturday Kvenina-tirend Peoples' Night. Sale of Reserved oeats, for the entire week, III oommenoe Friday. Fohruarv 4th. at 9 a.m. LOST. LOST AT THB MEMPHIS THEATER ON Tuesday, the 1st inst., a laiy's brown fur cape. Tne finder will be liberally rewarded by sending it to - UtW ' NONUNION STREET. WANTED. WANTED - A GOOD SECOND-HAND safe, not to ost overflfty dollar. ISS-loo A. L. K., this offioe. WANTED-TWO BERVANT GIRLS, ONE to cook, wash and iron, and one to nurtt. White preferred. Apply at once at 121 Market street. ltt-l;0 NTED-NO. 1 OTSTER COOK AT agnolia Hall, 302 Main street. 14-t 1ITANTED TO LOAN MONEY AT REA V V sonable rate, on collateral. AddreM PostoBice Box Its. 132-143 FOR SALE. FOR BALEWOOD I WOODI 1W1C0RD8 ash, oak and hickory, cheaper than any VLV. fl. A M. o. a. US 4 - No. 6 Court street. hmi Front. nOR BALK THE TWO-STORY DWELL. V in No. 106 Monroe street, with the lease on tne lot. having three years to run. at an annual ground rent of 1125 and taxes Th lease ean he renewed after the present term expire. This louse is convenient to busi- neaa, and la onured for IIUUO. . ti. Ia. uuiva, Aeai r.siaie Agent. 156-157 31 Booth Court street. nOR BALE VALUABLE CITY LOT ON P Mosbr street. AcolV at Mechanics and 'traders uank. 1JU-1 R BALE-NEW FORM 6F TRUBTEB'B DEEDB. juat out ; for eale at Ledger office. DOR BALK -LOTS ON LAUDERDALE. C Orleans, Bt. Paul and Carolina atreeU, suiianie lor oneap reaiaenoe. IfTIM " tT UMlTIT FOR RENT OR LEASE. CH)R RENT OR LEA8E-MY PLANTA r tion in Crittenden county. Ark..imme- ataieijun in. rivor, a. union dvmiw aiemiuis. Three hundred acres open, abor overflow. Jl.t.l .1 1 - 1 t L I 1 1 1 ' aad very productive. Home, outhouse, stable and fence, in food repair, (iin, gin house and press on the place. Good landmr. Apply to me at Koom a, riantera Insurance Building, W Madison street. ill t R.J. PERSON. FOR" RENT. nfID II PVT Knili: UP A W fflTT mr C rooms and out houses; located on Walker arenue, second house east of Rajburn ave nue. Plenty ef fruit; three acres of land; ncauttiui view oi tne civ. Aauresa laa-f W.L. BKID. 346 Front st.. Memphis. nAD wwrA lATrt UTnn V T. T , . 1. V tinnse. 10 rooms. So. .Y"t .li.frn.aAn atiw. ..t..4..l il.B w.tAH U r V. I A cmeru. Apply on premie. i&l J j OR RENT-NICE COTTAGE. IS A GOOD I neighbornood; iiu per month. 130-t L. H., thU office OK RENT-NO. 1R EXCUANUE STREET " extended; 7 room, cistern and atable. ; 7 room. In good condition FOR AENT FARMS, BT0RE3, DWELL lags, offices, eleepinr-rooms. - W.D.MoCALLUM. Agent, 119-143 T) Madison treet. COR HBNT FURNISHED HOUSE: AC- C eeaible and convenient. Owner will board with tenant for rent. Andrew p. E. r.. care iieager iiv I T70R RENT BRICK COTTAGE.T ROOMS. C good yard: on Btreet railroad. Cheap to good tenant. Apply to H. WETTER. IS and in Monroe atreei. w-T CHR RENT D WELLING 8, STORES, r office and ileeping-roems. I. D. CONA WAY. Rental Agent. Nft. 8 Madison St. Mf BOARDING. BOARD-COMFORTABLE ROOMS WITH board at No. 99 Madison tt. Day board ers wanted at .ri rr week. 1111W TAXES. T Beaton co. no. 34 madison bt.. Li. save aow complete indexes of AU Exist ing Tax Lieus, including the year 173. on all rtal estate In the Otli. and 10th Civil Diatriot. including th city of Memphis; also several of tbe country districts. There tn. dXMar by lot and traots, not by dam of aupposod ownor, and re guaranteed correct. 'ljlhiT ' V. A. Mf)M BUR. Bup't. PERSONAL. ViitrUiONAL-J. M. COLEMAN, JUSTICE X ( tb P.aue, Ketavy public aud Commis sioner of Deeds, fcpecial attention tiyin to collections In tb oounty. OSio 'A Ifront U 8TOCX O'Y'PEe 01VIIJSNI. Ornci Puoiyix Iisi'iiXi-.CoKTAT,) f No. 10 Ma lison atrve'. f Msupbib. January U, 157. J A TAMEBTIsaOF 1 HE BOARD OF DI J rector of this Compauy, held to-day, a dividend of seven (D per cot waa declared, and ordered te be credited to stock notes. THUS. H. ALLEN. President. M. R. (.Liang, recretary. 11VJ41 MEDIO A.L. TTT!KJfVDVTmT.-V TJDTTt? .p. tip . AVAI . UWM TJORTUB SPEEDY CURB OF SEMINAL V weaknaa. loft asanhoodand all .disorder brought op by indisereilons or aicev. Any nrougni on i i-sxiil-i-ai as in mgreuienu. aaareaa. uf l CO.. Box J.Ww York. &-ood , PUBLIC LEDGER. Office, II SadUoB UtreeU LARGEST CITY CIRCULATION. THE CITY. rrlday BveaUac. rb. 4, ID7. LEDtiXK LlJfES. Jowl at Oliver, Finni t Co.'. General Cooacil meeting at City Hall to-nighl. Dr. Viilen will lecture oo "Fanny People We Men" to-niht at :be theater. The beautiful enow became horrible elugh and mod last night owing to the rain. The Miaaitaippi i (till on the rite from Cairo down lo v thi paint and farther 8wuh. Several male and female citisc'oj dip ped op and fell down, on the icy and slip pery street pavement yeiterday. Owing to the rapid change of the mow into sluih yeeterday the jingling of belli and the noise of the iron-bound aleigh were not hard in these part. William Ryan, arretted by the police on the charge of committing an assault and battery with a piatol, wan 6oed ten dollan and placed ooder 11000 bond by the Recorder to-day to answer before the Criminal Court, At the Recorder's court ibis morning John Uines, an op-town bar-keeper, was committed to jail without bail on the charge of larceny of money from the person of a customer who went tan hit shop to purchase a drink. The policy dealers have been accept ing pressing invitations from the police authorities for a few days past te come up to the Recorder's Court and t'Ie ai to the matter of selling lottery tickets. As a general rule the boys step up and put up a twenty-five or fifty-dollar forfeit and make no appearance after that until the next month, when the same style of hosiness will be transa:tcd. The rumor curreut, that Mr. Jefferson Davis intends to publish a book ere lorg, has been contradicted by that gentle man, who in reply to an it-quiry made by a friend oo tbe subject, writes as follows: "In regard to the rumor of my having Selected a publisher, I have lo ssy, first, that you have the beet reason to know that it is onfouoded; secondly, ou must see how impolitic it would be for me to attempt to correct all of tbe rumors in relation ta me; and if not all, better none." KAHN. & FREIBERG, KAHH & FREI8ER9, KAHn & FREISERQ, Ilare from a late bankrupt ale of a fahioziable clothing bonne : SO pairs eltrxant camlmere pants, 91. SO pairs French caajlmere pants, 95. 100 elegant business salts, 913 Sw. 130 elegant vests, each Kl 50 200 white shirts, first qnal- lty, 81 75. Onr boxtoed boots, custom work, 83. Onr One bcx-foed Excelsior gaiters, f 1. These goods are all of stipe rlor quality and guaranteed by us. KIRS k FREIBERG, 100, 171, 173 Main street, cor. Poplar. TcrtlKtr Kalghta or nar. Unity Lodie No. Knights of Honor will meet ia ball, ever enatne house, cor ner Second aad Adams streets, this (Fri day) evening, at 7 J o'clock, for initiation and dispatch of business. Members of Memphis Lodst No 1 are fraternally invited to attend, liy order of D. F. Goodie. a, D. R. J. Buck, Reporter. A. D.'i 8. H. OiBsojf. No. 6 Court street, propose to furnish good wood eheaper tb,n any qther parties In the city. Stow. s and Tinware. 118t F. J. Tcbxbcll, 234 Main t. Aaaiemsals, LiCTCm To-kight. At the Memphis Theater to-oight Dr. J. Jay Villers will deliver a lecture on '' Funny People e Meet,'' He wiy also lecture at a mati nee ' to-morrow and again to-morrow night. Of ibe Doctor and his lectures ,n exchange b th following: It was series oi imitations of more or less prominent leoturers. in tbeir itn personations of certain comical char acters. All the character, throughout the evening, were represented by inch totally dissimilar faces, voices, and general aspects and the changes were made with such marvelous rapidity, tbat the audinnce was continually surprieed, arid for the most part kept in coovuleious of laughter by tbe remarkable ability of the man who could so readily assume all these varied phases of humanity and so successfully impersonate 'tbuta. ' The hour and bait was greatly enjoyed, and the lecturer certainly accomplished b solo avowed purpose of makiDt hi hearers forget ibe sorrows and care ot tba world while he was in motion. Jipwjs Adasi. Thigwi!)Mtpowp and popular aor wil) eommcujiie week's engagement on Montjay oet at tbe Memphis Theater in his' famous por trayal of "ltaphael Doehelet" In the Msrble Heart. Mr. Adams will be sup ported by Henry B. Abbey's Dramatic Company. ' , . . TutiTtit CoHio.ce Maoagur Gorman pootinaes to present new attractions at his Jillersoii sueet Y"8 Tuolef' This evening Messrs. Ames and. Max well will take a benefit, and a special programme has been arranged for tbe occasien. 8everal amateurs have vg- ppteere4- Thete (rapJ, bof ng match betwceo the .bampioni of Kortb and South Memphis. Prizes will be cffurfiJ for Jig 4oeiPg. elu fjingitig, .1 M 111 HAl fil.aJ ft. . DII....I if ..'..k VHi ,r ou, ivn r, v .iivnii ii jum wiril to eiijuy )ourell. TEE MEMPHIS MORGUE. Wkere the' Detd Body of ICatle Me Cormlck Lay It State for Twenty-Four. Iloan. Tae Shalfer Csjaat Dad-Haa, With aa Aeeatata DeertBM of Uha HaaVe, In alt civilized lands there exists a re spect for the dead, and the duet of a pau per ia, aa a general role, properly cared for by tbe authorities, but the exception to this rule is, we regret to aav, Shelby county On Wednesday evening last the dead body of the unfortunate girl, Katie McCormick, who fell a victim to the malpractice of the abortionist, w&s taken charge of by the county under taker and removed from the boarding house of .Mrs. Widrig, on the corner of Winchester aad Second streets, to a sta ble, on Union et'eet, near'Seeoud, which stable is occupied by the county under taker and is tbe Shelby county morgne for paapers. Tbe county undertaker, Mr. Walsh, was prohibited from inter ring tbe remains up to 10 o'clock on yes terday, as it was expected that a post mor tem examination' would be had, but this examination was abandoned. Our report er; late yesterday afternoon, was inform ed that thu reman o' the unfortunate girl had not yet been buried, but were in the stable in a rough bet or pauper's cofSu. Being of arj investigating turn of mind, our representative, at half-past six o'clock last evening, visited the stable above mentioned and found it filled with horses, hacks and wagons. Accosting a negro and exprewing bis deire to see the body of tbe dead girl, our reporter was invited to light a match and to follow tbe negro. The stiible was in darkness, but bv the lisht of tbe tua'ch cur man kept clear of the heels of tbe horses' stalled on either side, and after windiug around wagons ho arrived at the back, part of the table, where wagon, sawduivt and other tilings were stored. "Here is the box." snid 'the black guide. At this moment the match weot out, and our reporter lit another. Tne negro pulled tbe lid of the box aside, and there lay . the body of Eatie McCormicc in a shroud; her hair bad tumbled down and lay in disorder on the bottom of the box. "When are yon going to bury berT" aakel our man. "At three o'clock' to-morrow," was the reply, "tihe will be buried a a pauper, and wilt be taken out in a wagon." Our uiso lit another match, looked around over this . Shelby- county morgue, where in darkness, Gltb and un- watched the pauper dead are left pre paratory to interment. It was a horrible 1 ght and well calculated to produce uo pleasant reflections. OrtUK AKRAKUEMIKT3 MiDB KOK Br HI it, Leaving this stable for live horse and detd paupers our representative hurried up town, and meeting Captain George W. Miller, of the Cut-Off saloon, oo Madiaen street, stated the condition of things, aad it was at once resolved'that th. dead girl should have a decent burial. Visiting Messrs. Hoist Bro , the under takers, arraniements were made for a coffin and an interment at Elm wood Cemetery more in , accordance with Christian and humane usages than tbat intended ander tbe pauper system. A visit to No. 99 Main street, the residence of Coroner,. Spelman, was then made, anl an order was obtained oo nndertaker Walsh to turn tbe remains over to Messrs. Hoist ft Bro. for interment. Tbe stable was again visited and tfie box carried trim the back part of tbe stable to the office in front by undertaker Walsh, dpt. G. W. aliller and two negroes, our mtn carrying a candle, leeding tbe strange and weird procession, all of which pre sented a picture worthy of the brush of Romorandt. The body was lifted ten derly from tbe box into the collio and was conveyed to the office of Hoist A Bro., on Main street. There it was te arracged.jhe sawdust was carefully brushed from the hair, face and clothing of the dead, and the lid of the coffin was fastened down on Katie McCormick. Messrs. Hoist ft Bro. were quite liberal as lo tbe matter of interment, our rep reseotative at)4 Captain Miller becoming responsible for the amount; and tbe in terment will take , place this afternoon. Oo Wednesday afternpon Mrs. McCor mick; mother of the dead girl, kit ibe city and returned to Humboldt, seem ingly not feeling any more ' interest in the dead and having no desire to pay the last ead.tribute to the ashes of her daugh ter. Of ucb conduct we do not feel at liberty to express any opinion, but It was clear tbat Mrs. McCormick was more troubled about' tbe publicity giveu to the aSair than about tbe fute of bcr er ring a:id unfortunate child. The Humboldt shoemaker, Gtorge Burgc', did .not put in an appearance here to aid aud, asqiat iu ditmitlj inter riug the remains of tbe girl vthogu ruin he.httd. wrought Iu justice tu Couuty Undertaker Walab. e mut state tbat be placed the body whero all other bodies of papers are placed preparatory to iu termeut. and would have buried the girl ycetcrday but wns prevented from so do- ing by the snow storm and rains. The baqkpart 'bf the stable has been and is the Shelby county, morgue, and there tbe pauper dead roet peaeetully amid old wagons, saw d ott, horses and stable boys, onwatcbed and uncarod for at night, but awaiting the wagon next day, to be car- rind out to potter'e field. XV" fte) was fornatety avoided, so fur as Katie Mo- CoraW CODcerood, an( ar beiuti ful PI 1 m wood cemetery will contain her remains. The lines of the foel Ppe are ootcytol )1aw in tbn connection; ; TV., fit. nnoltled and thr rites nnnaid ! Ke fri.nd'a complaint, no kind domestic tear Plessed thy pale (tioei, or graceq my mow ful bier. Ly fr.reiio bauds thy decent limb eoinpeeedt it mr an aanas mv avmc aye were eiaaeai f fori oretgo nanus my numnie grevt adcroeo i ttravget honored, and by ruangurs lauttintd. Mr. Victoria C. WaodtawII. Thii distinguished lady and party ar rived last night unannounced and took rooms at the Peabody Hotel. She will deliver a lecture at tbe Memphis Thea ter Sunday evening on "The Human Body, the Temple of God, and the True and False Socially." That Mrs. Wood hull is a brilliant, gifted woman, capable of entertaining the most intelligent audiences, none will deny. She holds advanced views aud . haa said some bold things quite startling to sedate people. She claims, however, that she has been greatly misrepresented and is makinz this extnnsive lecture tour to set herself right before the public on account more especially of her young daughter. AU she aska is a hearing, and we have bo doubt but she will have a crowded house Sunday night. We select a few newspaper notices of her, selected at random. The Chicago Tribune, Saturday, October 16, 1875, said: The McCormick Hall was crowded to repletion last evening te hear Mrs. Woodhull lecture. The audieoce- was largely composed of women. The lady appeared on the rostrum about a quarter past 8 o'clock, dressed in a plain black dress, white collar and cuffs, a bunch of roses oo her breast being all the effort at ornamentation. The Buffalo (N. Y.) Courier, Decem ber 6, 1875. said: Victoria C. Woodhull lectured at St. James' flail last evening on "Tbe True and raise hoctety, and notwithstanding the very disagreeable weutlier, the hall was filled with a highiy intelligent au dience. With such audiences as that of last evening, through an entite season, it must be evident tu the casual observer that "advanced ideas," when advocated boldly, are sometime necuniarilr Drofit- able. Mrs. Woodhull ha been roundly abused; but the Americas people are the most generons people in tbe world, and the feeling is gaining that she has been misrepresented and has been made to suffer utiuecestturily. ' Mrs. Woodbnll has persuaive eloquence, a fiery energy and earnestness wboee genuineness can not be questioned. She i a woman of great ability, and states her views with siugulur clearness and force. Jbe following notice recently appeared in tho Washington Chronicle: A short time siuce a writer, well known to many readers, bad a conversation with Mrs. T.lizabcth Cady Sttuton. in which interview the lady is reported to have expressed hersolt in tbe following char acteristic terms: "Theodore Tilton need not have shirked an acknowledgment of his asso ciation with Mrs. Woodhull. Victoria Woodhull' s acquaintance would be re fining to any man. . In her own charac ter and person there 'is oever anything but refinement in word or movement. She has a beautiful face tbe ideal of spirituality. Victoria Woodhull has done a work for woman that none of os conld have done. She has faced and dared men to call her tbe name that make woman shndder, while she checked prin ciple, like medicine, down their throats. She has risked and realized the sort of iguomioy that would have paralysed any of ns who hava longer been called strong-minded. Leapmg into the brambles that were too high for us. to see over tbem, she broke a path into their close and thorny, with a steadfast faith tbat glorious principle would triumph at last over conspicuous ignominy, although her life might be sacrificed. And when, with a meteor's dash, abe sank into a dismal swamp, we could not lift her out of the mire or buoy her through tbe deadly waters. She will be as famous as she has been infamous, made so by benighted or cow ardly men and women. , Theodore Til ton was ashamed to acknowledge Vic toria Woodhull; but in the annals of emancipation tbe name of which he was ashamed will have its own high place as a deliverer." Mr. Stanton, seriously and with deliberate emphasis, said: "I have worked thirty years for woman suffrage, and now 1 feel that suffrage is but the vestibule of woman's emancipa tion!", YOTJIt OSLY CIIANCE To buy cigars and tobacco at cost before the 15th of February is at Jake Leu brie's, 235 Main street, who is gelling ont to close business. Stock and fixtures for sale. RUBBERS I RUBBERS! RUBBERS I 500 Pairs Ladles' Over. shoes. 75c. 500 Pairs Hen's Overshoes, ftl. KAUJi A FREIBERU, 160, 171, 173 Main st., cor. Poplar. The German Lloyd steamer Nuroberg left Bremen on January 12th for Balti more with forty-seven cases of glassware on hoard for C. N. Erich, ordered direct from the manufacturers of Bohemia, con sisting of the latest styles of vases, cc- logoe sets, table ware, etc , which will be offered at a small advance on imports- tien cos 137 Choice dressed turkeys at Seesser, corner of Jeflerson aud Second. Exorbitant gas bills are daily in ducingour citizens to quit that. luxury and use ilitzfeld a non-explosive Head light oil as a substitute. GREAT 8KN8A.TION. Just received at the Uluff City Clothing House, IMS HAIM STBEKr, 50 dozen Fancy Dress Mardi-GrasShirta. 136 LOOK AT TllEM. Last Opporlaalijr A few more boxes of our fine initial paper can be procured by calling imme diately. TVtt a box. Boyle ft CuirxiN, Stationers. Abousu the World in Eighty Days, by Jules Verne, 10 cents a copy, at Mans- ford s. .. 1ST Choice dressed turkeys at SeesswTs, corner of Jeflerson and Second. Gxt fruit trees and evergreens rtont El in wood Nursery. Office 346 Main street, Sohwill's seed store. 75151 COKE Reduced to 7c bushul. Sold office and by ceal dealers. at Gas U8 dent's grain call falters for $3 at Miller's. 136 Every Friday, Fmb Ills; Fat 0y ten at 25o per rati. Any other day, 85e, at FAHRELL'S, ill JrlTervaSV M-T The Big rraok Harder. Thi morning Judge J. E,R. Ray, of the Probate Court, remanded Tom Bol too to jail without bail. The case was op before Judge Ray oo habeas corpus. From the testimony introduced before Judge Ray ia the hearing of this case, Attorney General Wright had bench warrants issued by the court and had the Sheriff to arrest Moses Boltan, Weiley Harrison and Terrill Gouldsby, who were witnesses in the habeas corpus case, on tbe charge of being concerned with Tom Bolton and Steve Caldwell iu tbe trnrderof 9ack Stinson, near Ran dolph Landing, last December. The prisoner were sent to jail to await th action of the grand jury. Federal ( enrl. In the United States Conn to day the following business was transacted: The petition in bankruptcy of M. C. Costillo was filed. W. M. Bedford, who had filed a peti tion in bankruptcy, waa diseharged by order of Judge Brewn. Harris Crine vs. Planters Insurance Company, verdict for plaintiff for $4119. In the case of Jacobs vs. Norris, Mr. W. H. Carroll was appointed guardian of minor heirs. The case of Wilson vs. the cily of Memphis, a suit on city bonds, is on trial this afternoon. HiTznciD'e "ne plus oltra" fire-proof Headlight oil. Sold only at 235 Second. IIAMUtUPT SALE, lust received from Itank. rapt Sale, Tevr York, 30(1 doz. men's and boys' gaiters, which I will sell tor two-thirds their value. WM. MILLEK. 136 231 Main street. Cbtstil Headlight Oil. 118t F. J. Tcbxbcll. 234 Main t. Thos. Haxsom has removed his news stand from 60J to 94J Beal street, where can be found all tbe principal daily pa pers and illustrated weekly and monthly magazines aud novels; also fancy Ma tionery and school books. 71-t ' W Rk a NDCclallT In finishing photographs in water colors or India ink from old pictures or from life, and at prices to suit the times. All work guaranteed. For artistic finish and durability, call and examine our speci mens at Cooslxt b Photographic and Fine Aft Studio, 251 Main street. 94t Men's fine hand sewed calf boots S10, at J. M. Bill t Co's. it . Pkabodt Billiard Hall, newly refitted, tables in first-class order. Call and eee v.. J VIAA DOUCD. OOt COTTON CLEANER ! Have you seen the CHEEK COTTON CLEANER ? It is in operation at SrPEKIlH' GIN, Vance and Causey sts, . 122t Gah Pirts, Water Pi-pes, Bath Tuba, Pumps, Hydrants, Eloee. Browne, the Plumber. 263 Second street, opposite Court Square. 116-t Gent's fine hand-sewed gait ers for S3 75 and 86 25. nl Miller's. 136 Coal Oil, Lamps, Chandeliers, etc. 118t F. J. Tc bn bull, 234 Main at. Ir you want to pass a pleasant hour, call at Sid Cook's Peabody Billiard HalL ; 33t Feesh oysters received daily per ex press by Victor D. Fuchs, 41 Jefferson. 64-t The Lsdgeu job office, 13 Madison street, is prepared to execute any kind of job printing in a neat- and tasteful manner and at as low rates as any otltr establishment in the city. t Gent's flue boxtoed gaiter for 95, at Miller's. 13 Hitxfeld'8 non-explosive Headlight oil, the best substitute for gas. Try it. 136 A New Haven tailor ca'led in to testily in the City Court, recently, stated that "fancy tailors generally put on about ten or fifteen dollars for style." He drew it mild. In his speech to the singers in Vienna, Wazner exclaimed: "I hate the news papers, because they have endeavored lo render my efforts ridiculous; I never read a newspaper.'' A sharp talking lady was reproved by her husband, who requested her to kcip her tongue in her raoulh. " My dear," she said, " i'ts against the Ihw to carry concealed weapons." The year is divided into four hemi j pheres the rigid, tbe horrid, tbe tartaric and tbe ozoue. By this mcaus a man can hem bis fear between four. giv,-n equators, and every ooe has his zout. For young men about to marry. Marry on February 29, aud you will only have to give anniversary presents once in four yeirs. But to enjey a golden wedding ; couple would have to live 200 years. Miss CouzioJ, the leading female lawyer of the V.'sat, says that only the. tadpoles and minnows of the profession have opposed her, aud that the great, lawyers have bidden ber "God speed." The time when a man fully realize that womea's sphere should Do enlarged, is when he finds tbat his washerwoman has mistaken hi Rtookinira fur hia .Kin bosom, and starched them according!;. Mrs. Partington attended an auction sale of hsnsehoid goods, but forgot hti pockotbook. She remarked to Ike. cm her return borne wbeu she saw things sb needed put op for sale "the, nnbiddini: tear would start." Besides writing ji the advertiseiue.M and editorial, making all th selection, and doig all the press-work for the New Xct P.earld, Mr. Bennett keeps a wbolo yacht elub in order aud skillfully drivi I ad tuiilatiou Eugliab stag Coach.