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INSURANCE. iNjURAwca:. ORGANIZED IN 1846. "PUB c 1? Capital Authorized, $500,000 Home Insurance Co. OP MEMPHIS. IOUIS HAS1CER, F.H.W1IITK, I : R.P. B0LLI5G, I t i President Tlce President ! : Secretary niBrx'ioBSi LOUIS HANATJER cf Schoolfield, Hanauer A Co F. M. WHITE of F. M. White k Co M. C. PEARCE .of Par:c, Sugga k Co J. H. M:CLELLAN...of Guy, McClellan k Co J1ENKY WFTTER of H. Wetter 4 Co D. L. FKRGUSON...of rerguson Uampson LOUIS PODESTA..of Podesta, Malatesta 4 Co HtandinK Flnaueo Commutes. J. J. Busby. of J. J Dwyer, K. P. Boiling. Bushy & Co t Owen Insurance upon dwelling) and firatelaaa eominoroial r i .1 k taken at fair ratea, and looses nid immediately upon adjustment. S-:ff'xxiv MERCHANT 8 FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company OF ME5IPIIIS, No. 20 Madison Street, OKcs formerly oscupied by DeEoto Bank. Capital Stock, : $200,000 OFFICERS: JT. L. JIEACilAH : Proddr-nt A.N.McKiY, : TiteFiesident mi. GAY, : : : Secretary BOARD Or DIRKlTORSl M LMEACIIAM of M L Meachaia 4 Co A N JK'KAY of Sld, McKay A Co f MAN -FIELD.- of a .uanefield k Co R MUXOWDhN Wl 1W1AM1RK H.of W B Ualbreath k Co Jinx JOHN OVKKT.'N. Jk Memphia J M PlSl' I'lQltfcW ...Edmonds, Pettigrew & Co 1SAAU SCHWAB of Schwab Oo A B TRK 1UWELL ...of A C Treadweil 4 Iiro fi2-XXViil KAILZUM iVAi. TAULEJ5. MKXI 318 AIID tU INVILIK RAILROAD, Arrives. Aieavan A.M. r.x. A.M. T.U Espresi aily Oxcflpt i;.t.4.Tt 7.40 11.15 Mail train 4.55(11.25 AooomiK-it n(ex.Sunday) I 415 u) 'l at head c-. iai etrwt. licit Office, in Kain street, oorner gtadisoo. - MEMPHIS AMD Cli A RL f ST05 R. R. 0 Ai-rivrs. Leaves A.M ''i 11.50 A.W F.M Mail train daily 12 3a Kxnreaa train daily......... 5.00 Bomervillo train daily (ex. Sunday). 8.23 Jackson. Tern., aceoin mo'lntion (ex. Sundayill .a tii;..!,., .Ji(a'7& Mnin Ktrtiftt. 6.20 I 4. W. J.K0SS, aen'ISup'l. I'THViRRTPPl A1TD IKNKJiSUEJI R. K. " Arrive. Leavoi A.M. .. - .1.(1 M,,H U i t A.M. f s BardiYaily exYSuodayiO.OO 111.00 5 1,. m i,'Buyeji.t'r"iayi 5.301 i.30 jVi-ot at 'not of Main street. Ticket O.Sco. m Main treat, oorner M. EURKB. 6t'l Sup't. ;W 1KPBI3 AHD UTILE ROCK RAILRQAT A.M. P.M. H5aUTrIad;y..y - 1110 Leaves JiOoisviUe Dajwt ... A.M. r.M IWIfi s; onom." g (la taoa ttaiiy.... Kir,! cars on oifiil trnln. Ticket oBoea, lobville Depot. SH Main (cor. M.di.o.) mDd m SMITH. Aat't Oon'l Snj't. PAUCCAH AHD MKMPUI8 RAILROAD. The mail train loavns Covington for Men 6:W)p.m. Trains leaving Memphil will atari from the unoe. aWi. Sup't. II. H. Gtvix Av. , nn t. RKS1.SCAD3. LOUISVILIE m HASdVatE AKB Great, Soatiicra JLilroail. Ejpress trAin leaves daily Uioopt ll:'5p.m 11:25 a. m AL mmodntion lcavos daily (ex,- (.0,,l- banda?)....M .... 4:15 p.m pu)IlL-n Palaee Sleeping Can on all night trains. . . , , , , ,, . Ticket Kor tick r iuinu..un, n, , - .)hi Uala. northwest earner of Madison OfEoe.27 W1b. northwest earner tritet JOHN a' FLYlTN.Sop't Mampkli Div. Jaiiks Tinktit Agnt. M1SSISS-C??! & .TENNESSEE KA3LUOAI7. Mimphis, Tkk.s.. November 25, 1876. -v AND AFTER SUNDAY. NOV. 2cTg. j'li, S, trains will rua at ("Hows i Leave. Arrive. ew Orlet mail, daily ...3:115 p.m. 12:45 p.m Bardis Ao 'm'datlc.n, daily . (except Sunday).. ....... ...11:00 a.m. 9 00 am treigbt tra. . I"-..,. . m ,m-m cert bunda.v. '"ii i.iiuk it. Snn't. 7J-I KlEF.KiS & CHARLESTON R.R. OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, DECBMCER T.eavoi. Arrives. Mall train. dally - 12.3a.m M Kxprcsi" train, daily 6.00 p.m 11.50 p.m .........villa (K-mMittlnn COUIOHIIIV wv. (oxeiit Sunday). 5.20 p.m S.20 a.m Jackion, Tenn., accom- mndatinn (ex. Sunday).. 4.10 p.m ll. a.m Mail train will rot slop at atatieoa e- , . l...n.l .litnntinn anil Mmnl,is. Tr.iini connect ot Ornml Junctino for all pointi, aud at D'ciuir clossly fir Mnlom erynnd iioints South. Close connection for Nnshville by both tmins. Close nnoctious :it Chaltanooca lur EaUrn and Southeattern points. Nocliange of enra between Memphlt and Brietol and Momphia and Jackaon, ioan. The new and mifn!llcent al-eniag rarllne wilt have one of thoir new loeicra loave lUomnhifl ilnilo at, t n re. trai n at V 00 p.m. 'nr Lvnchhurr. Washington and lialtiinoro vilhnut chanire. Onlv one cha'ge to New York and rhiladelr.liin. rt'oie iwK "in- KUtianUr (Aanmty timt. Ticket offioe, 271 Main street. W.J. ROSS, Snr't. T.--llri-r Tl.lnl tr'l '0 T HOOD I. y. c v Viotlins of youthful imprudenc. vthn have tried in vain evory knuwn ! nmr ly. will Irarn of a simple r" 8 V: t.A .irlntinn. H1K K. fur I lie sneeilv cure m lsLef nervous d. biliti. rmnatiire da- Wounhtontyex"is'ei. Ary drnnrtst bas the iiredient. D lV 1 1 SA . Ml kutuiu at., K. Y. 2l-xv-27-odtw ight Dollars per Annum VOL XXIII. PUBLIC LEDGER. mna public ledger is published . every afternoon lexoept Sunday) at A o. 13 aritsen street. The Public Lmnia is served to city subscri- bers by faithful earner, at FIFTEEN CENTS PER WEEK, payable wookly to the carnors. By mail (ia advance): Una year, $S; six months. (4; throe moclas, wi one menu, ; oenti. Foalatra fr Aewadealera aapplied at Tt etnta per copy. Weekly Public Ledger, Pablisbederery Tuesday at 12 per annum (in advance). folr tr. toannnnlcationa upon snDienta ft! general terest to the publio are at all times accept able. Kejeeted matusonpa will not be returned. RATES OF ADVERTISING IS DAILY: Firat lnsortion .J1 00 per iqnare Snbaequent irnertiona ....... 60 " " Fereaeweek . 8 00 " " For twe weeks 4 50 " " f or throe WMks... 6 00 For one month i 00 " Each additional square 4 B0 " " RATES OP ADVERTISIBG IN WEEKLY: First Insertion $1 00 per jqiare Subsequent insertions 58 " " bight lines of nonpareil, solid, constitute a ail are. Displayed advertisementa will be charged according to the rpici occupied, a' aove rates tKcre beiog twelve lines of solid type to tbeinch. To regular advertiaera we offer superior In ducements, both as to rate of chaigea and manner ot displaying their favors. Notion in local column inserted for twenty eenta per line for each insertion. bpeciat noticea inserted tor ten oettl per line ler eaen insertion. Notioea of deathi and marriages, twenty eenta per una. All bills for advertising are due when con- traded and payable en demand. All letters, whether upon business or other wise, must be addreeeed to K. w 111 I HDrli, Publisher and Proprietor. FACTS AM) FANCIES It is estimated that Paris hits 10,000 dreeimakers. In Norway drunkards are compelled ti eweep the elreels ea a petiurce. Beecher and Tilton rede from Boston to Maine in the sume palace car, laat we;k. Dr. Elo'dand will oblige many readers of bis new story if he will kill off Mr. Montgomery Gltzen as early as he con veniently can. Princeton Collese, m a circular to Harvard, Yule and Columbia, asks them to send delegates to SpriuC.eM, on the 23 i, to loem an International Foot-Ball Association, The Returning Board at a Texas baby tow nfjsed to act until ihey were granted ten micutes to get out of the wiy of the mothers before the opening of their soa'ed verdict. Fish are very plentiful in South Lick ing this fall, and angling in very fine, lays the Cjnthiana (Ky ,) News. This comes from having an effective fish law for the protection of fish. A boy in Curson City, Nevada, having the other dny insulted a party of Indi ans, the Utter built a ban lite aud ro sed h m over it till he received injuries which Ai supposed to be fata!. Tbo great maritime canal connecting Amsterdam, Holland, with the German OJfan, was opened November 1. It is sixteen miles long, and has at the sea end an harbor covering 250 acres. Great Britain is transferring her ens- tDtn for tea to India mote completely year by year. Laft year 25,000,000 pounds were imported against 18,000,000 the year before: the value of the 1875 import ucmg ii,iuy,uuu. - (inn Ann When a weak and trashy actress like Jan&uscbek is here, the Harvard student stays tit home and minds his books; bnt when a great and clursio artist like So! dene appears, be improves the opportu nity. Boston Transcript. "E. Marlitt, the lierman pore is most widely read in this country, is cm ceediDg'y deal, and is one o! the most reserved and retiring of persons. Sh bas hardly an acquaintaooe In the littl town near Gotha, where she lives, Tbo Plains of Abraham hava been leased ton private association, compose of the leading citizens of Quebec, whose intention is to lay out the ground ai a driving pirk, plaut tretsGe5 ;berwise embellish if; so that it may e7e'.uully become the pub'ic ark of tb city. Ao organ for Lhzt has jtibt been fin ished by an Eastern company. Although small, it is said to have wonderful musi cal capacity. It has been constructed in some rtspects upon new principles, some of the features having been sug gested by tbe great musician himself. A natoralized Chinaman voted in tie Fourth wird, San Francisco, on election day. When challenged by tbe inspector he took off his bat and swore in his vote like a Christian. The spectators were yery anxious to know bew he bad voted, but he evidently regarded it as an iinpt r tant Stats sooret tn 1 answated no quel lions. Can it be true, as some aver, that the good old days nre d?nd aud gone; the rich coloring has faded out of the varp and woof of tbe past, and yet we rejoice lhat it is still ujo lhat a pretty woman cannot ride by her lovct'e aide through a tunnel without emorging in a hat ihat looks as if it had hejn struck by lightning? Centf nniuLtei v pleaBO answsr. Patrick DoDahoe, who for the laet forty years bas been the publisher of the Bos ton Pilot, has obtaiuei his discharge from bankruptcy. Ia bis failure he gave up everything to his creditors, not even reserving for his family a house to live in. The only branch tf his business In ft ,;, g t), foreign cschanijo and paase a- 1 gtt husinou, wb ch ba ia now carrying . ,. 1,1. 1 ju; 0 ' l" I DUildinj. MEMPHIS, TE1W.: MONDAY EVENING. Modern Ioannlty. New York G: aphio, The letter of our Boston corre spondent calU attention to a form of insanity ' bo marked aa to reetiive i a special designation &i the New Jiingland type. It is characterized by mteiiaity. II is recognized ly it3 acute nervous excitement ami tendency to self-destruction. Tlier is more brain activity in it thau in ordinary forms of darangerncut. Some of the French repoi ts show a growing tendency in t,!io same direction in that country, aud per haps it is one of the results of mo dern life, which is so largely mental and sympathetic in its character istics. An lnieneciuat peopie, uvuig at a period of remarkable intellec tual activity and excitement, taking recreafion of an intellectual form from the theater and novel and ly- ceum, will naturally breakdown at the point where the greatest strain comes. And the point to be spe cially guarded against in our sys tems of education and lifo habit3 ia the too violent or continuous teii tiions of tho intellect, either in study, business, politics or social excitements. The muscular side of lifo, the sentimental side of hu man nature, should have an ampler provision and receive more attention than wo nave made for them. The brain must bo balanced bv biceps, and tho exercise of the heart is more mportant for health and happiness than the undue exercise of tho in tellect in any direction. Statistics show that insanity is rapidly in creasing in modern life, and p?r- haps the specific form it ia taking in Massachusetts indicates the prin cipal cause of ita increase. It is sad to think that a small btato like Massachusetts has 4000 insane people- in it. At the modern English rate of valuation these insane peo ple represent a total of $7,500,000; and when the building now in pro cess of erection for their treatment are completed thev will represent a cost of . $u,500,000. But such mathematical calculations of cost and care provoke rather than satisfy. We scorn all financial estimates ot the value of man or woman. Who can tell the worth of a father to a family dependent on his support and oversight? What figures can represent the value of a mother to her little ones, or a devoted wile to her husband, or a beautiful and brilliant daughter just unfolding into womanhood? Tha preventives of insanity in modern life do not begin to recieive the at tention thev deserve. Every few months the community is startled by some fresh statement of inhuman ity to the patients of insane nsy lnms. In some instances these complaints are well founded, and each new outiwre on this class of helpless dependents elicits an out burst of public indignation. But what is far better for society at large than any rhetorical indignation or sentimental sympathy is the in creasing attention the ablest physi cians in this country and Europe are giving to every form of mental derangement, and tho light they are throwing on tho proper treat ment of all diseases of tho mind. It is a cheering fact that about all that has been done to alleviate the condition of this unfortunato class of sufferers, and eventually restore them to themselves again, has been accomplished . within the recollec tion of living physicans. What has been done for tbe insane within fifty years, when they wei cscd as wild beasts and chained in cut lioiisps and immured in dungeons, encourages the hope that it will evcututtlly be ranked as one of the generally curablo disorders of the human system. But to reduce tho insanity in modern society to the lowest possible point is a far more diUlcult YCt far moro important undertaking. A. Had Sell. A young Frenchman, who was much importuned by creditors, locked himself in his rooms and re fused to open to any but hi3 inti mate friends, who were given a pe culiar signal. The other morning ho kept perfectly quiet, when his tailor knocked and called out to him. " I know you are within, M. X . Von are wrong in not let ting me in, I will not stir until you open the door." X r smiled and preserved a dignified silence. Noon came, and although hungry, he did not daro to open tho door, n8 ho saw through the crack the feet of the fllor on gunru- 'Sut nr lpnrri.h P.amo on. a;:1.! hecouM 110c stand tho hunger any Jongor, al though the tailor's feet were still to be seen. Ho ventured to open the door, and found a pair of ehoes which had boen put out to bo brushed, and whluh ho had mis taken for his tailor's foot, Freorb Ylaryardi. There are few prettier vineyard viowa in Franco than the ono ecoii from the chestnut-covered platform on which stands tlw old and ro mantic Chateau Yquem. There had been au old standing feud and rivalry of hundreds of years between tho greatest wines of this district and the far-famed Johannisberg of LARGr3T OITY CIHCULATIOII. the Rhine, and a preat trial of skill took place at the I'aria Exhib ition of 18G7. The jury was composed equally of .trench and uermiin ex perts w;ti, a Kiienish president, and two bottles of the choicest Rhine wine were pitted against two bottles of Chateau Vigneau of 18C1. A unanimous verdict gave the prize to Chateau Vigneau of Bordeaux, and it was afterward ascertained that the Rhine wine was taken from a single barrel made from grapes chosen individually from a whole growth. The French have never forgotten this victory, and although tho Germans claim fur their johannisberg a bouquet that is indescribale, the French main tain that for wealth and delicacy of flavor no wine in the world can touch Chateau Yqucm or Chateau V igncau. Itivr Vcirdl Coruposeu. Verdi thus describes the fushion in which he composes: "I first study thoroughly the characters of the dramatic persona). Iheu 1 commit the libretto to memory, and, girding myself for the task, work away for eight or nine months, and more if necessary, until the opera is completed. Meanwhile I only livo in my imagination ; hence my irritability, ill-humor, and in civility ; for though I am a bear by nature, at such times I become more of a bear than ever. Verdi rarely attends the theater, especially the opera. It is said that lie never witnessed the representation of his 'Hallo in Maschera' until ten years after its first appearance upon the stage. A man of culture, he is a connoisseur in art, is thoroughly versed in Italian, rrench and Spanish literature, and is familiar with the best German and English authors. He has frequent recourse to the original source of his inspi ration, the bible. Though he styles himself a 'bear,' and often alludes with a spice of pleasantry to his poas;iut birth, lie is courteous though simple in his manners, easv and fluent in his conversation, and personally a urt'at favorite anions: his more intimate friends. A Sen ator of the Kingdom, he betrays no ambition to shine as a parlia mentary leader." 'lhus writes a contributor to Harper. I'alionous Btlile.-i. The sands of the steppes of Cen tral Asia are the abiding-place of many species of loathsome and poisonous "creeping tilings." Mr. Schuyler speaks of a phalange (Sol puga araneoides), one of the long legged spiders known popularly 113 the Harvestman, or the Gtaud-father-Gray-beard, which has long hair, "and, when walking, seems ns large as one's two fists." ' This formidable beast is given to biting when irritated, and with its jaws makes four little holes in tho flesh. The bite is poisonous, though not deadly. Its victim feels at first no more" discomfort than from the sting of a gnat, but, after a time, tho pain spreads ovr the whole body, and is accompanied with fever and great exhaustion. A Chinese officer states, in his travels in Turkistau, that the body of the largest Solpugas is the siz of a but ternat; and that of tho smaller ones, of a walnut. Spiders of such dimensions, with their big, hairy bodies lifted up on long, stout legs, must be as frightful an adversary aj one would be likely to encounter in any experience amid the haunts of wild Id animals. A Keve- Irish Tort. The Boston Pilot exults over tho new Irish poem "Deirdre," and fur nishes some interesting facts in re gard to its author. His full name is llobert Dwyer Joyce, He was born in Limerick in September, 1830 ; is a graduate at Dublin uni versity, and also a member of the Royal Irish Academy. Ho belongs to a family of mark. His brother U an JyL. D. of Trinity College, Dublin; tha author of. "Irish Karnes of Tlaces," and was' the chief organizer of the present Irish national system of education. Dr. Joyco came to thi3 country ten years ag6, ant has been long settle4 its a physician in Bostou, with a largo practice. He was not nn known as a poet before the " N.o Name Series" gave him the oppor tunity of fame. Ko collection of Irish poetry made during tho last twenty yean ha3 been without some poeni3 from his pen. He is now tho literary lion of Boston, and every Irishman who eati read feels thaiikful for if. 1h Marqnla of Snllabiiry. The Marquis of Salisbury, who has boen selected to represent Great Britain in tho Constantinople Con ference, is said to be a Tory of the strictest kind. Ho was born in lSilO, succeeded to the marquisato jn 8G8, was appointed Secretary of State for India, by Lord Derby, in 18G6, elected Chancellor of tho University of Oxford, November 12, 180!), and again appointed to India, by Lord Beaconslield, in lW'J T.nnilrtii null l.iin t'llin . ' ii, 1 1 imprtsonaieu typo 01 mens wnicn.ON tkkm to suit the purchases. once ruled paramount, in England ' vl.JS. but WlllCll tire nOW Vain and Shad owy phantasms of a dead past," and DECEMBER 4. 1876. (Sncoeesor to WAH5EE SHEPHERD), GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Cfflce,' Nos. 24 Madison and 2S7 Main Street, Memphis, : : : : s : Tennessee HEPUE8ENTINO Wfalrheatrr loan rnit eft (empaay, of Wew York, AUKOtf Water town Inanranee) Company , or Kv York, . Oopi lanmraaeo Company, ot ewnru, w Jrrary, Assets.,.. t iera Aseutance Company, of Toronto, Canada, At set ........ Thie. agency has no connection Kl 144 BACKUS WATER MOTOR! ON WHITE ivi. jkm :bklo:o:, General Agent, . Cataloguei of Motora famished on application, together with two hundred refcrencea. vt 7 asjert that "the age has rejected his opinions liually and forever." He is extremely aristocratic, and but recently announced that it was morally wrong as well as politically suicidal to give householders the right to vote. As a political writer he is very trenchant. His stylo is forcible and lucid, and he has lew equals in wielding logical and rhe torical weapons. Dtil Mocthe Smoker At the meeting of the Goethe Club, of Js'ew York, Wednesday night, Mr. Bayard Taylor, having been appealed to by the club to set tle -the mooted poiut whether or not Goethe smoked tobacco, replied as fellows: "Goethe not only did not smoke, but he abominated smoking. See his Venetian epi gram ! He tolerated the use of the pipe by Schiller and Knebel, aud, 01 course, Carl August; but other wise he was very severe in de nouncing ii. According to Ecker3 maun ho was equally opposed to the use of spectacles, only making 18 c'Ey,..'.f..'J an exception in favor of Zelter'aMoureaCauIrThTicut 1 ip i uoeiiie inmscii was atierwaru quo- ted llV a member to the effect that ..r . , ,. . , " with tobacco, garlic, bedbugs and hypocrites he should wage perpetual war." 9v7 Advertisements T2:Z Q00S3 ESTABLISHES 1880.- Popular Price FREDErJCK LOESER & CO.'s Brooklyn Mammoth Establishment ! Dres Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Eilks, J l:aooa. Hosiery, Uuttona, Ribbons, Hlivea.fl Underwear, Louies and Children a Uuthts. OUR "FASHION LIGHT," published monthly, contains choice reading o.atter aud gives all tho latest information on (nshions. It will, on mailed free of charge Omiichs fbom thi coi.mbv SOt.iriTKD AND FII.I.KD WITH OBE1T CABK AND dispatch. Orders from 10 upward forwur-led tour eiponsewhen nrenaia bv P. 0. order or draft. FREDERICK L'lKSRR 4 CO., Fulton, Tillary and Washington streeU, Brooklyn, N. Y. MAXWELL HOUSE, JiASHYILLV, TENX. TRANSIENT RATES REDUCED from 8 to 01 i'tSK DAlf . SnAI.L ROOMS at i.50 t'ER DAY WHEN CALLED FOR. OoiifeUertite Rills, Bonds, and I'oitngo Stamps AVANTED. $10 for rarest bills, ii for rarest stamps. It will py to send immediately. Othrr C. S. curiosities, etc. AMERICAN STAMP CO., Jinx 4015. New York. J. & P. COATS Have boen awarded a Medal and Diploma at tha Centennial Exposition and com mended by tha Jadgo for " Superior Strength Axe CELLEHT QUALITY Spool Cotton." T, GOSHORN, Dlrectnr-Oen'l. J. K. HAWLEV. I'res't. At.ix- U. Bottki.vk, Sec'y pre tem. SHI.. j 0- EXTRA FINE MIXED CARD-!. VfuI A,f) name, o h. JUjNEs k t'l N,B-au, N. Y. J7 a week to Arents. Samples I Froe.'p. 0. YlCKEllY, Au- (U-ti, Ma pa. S500 A MUM 1 11 a certaintv to anv cerson selling our Lli 1'lEK Rook. No press. brush or water used. Kample Book worth S3 sent free. Send stamp for circular. EXCEL SIOR CO., 17 Tribune liuildinn, Chicago. Tin Little Roc and Fcrt Smith RAILWAY HAS IP OR H Jk. X. K Ksnti-gl.ariJi. Hraaing Lands, Fruit Lands, ' Vine-Linda, Coal Land b, wood J anus, some i Prnirie l.nnds. Bottom Eanls. and Uplands, - For full particulars, maps and pamphlets, VuX Kook,. Arkansas , . .it J' m,Aiiv, i,ana 1 ommi.sinner, Tiftesa Cents Per "v7ee& NO 81 i 7110,000 410,000 1,700,000 with tho Board of Underwriters. FOR DRIVING SEWING MACHINES. WAX TIIREAD Machines for barnesi and other heavy work. Alt for polishinit Jewelry or Plate Vt ork for Denticta, eurplyin? air fiT portable gas machines, drivinaj ventilating faos, jtar. soroll, or stone saws, eotfee mills or roaster, enusago.eutt, is, revolving hair brushes, ice cream free ten, rotary pun-js, church ortans, printing presses, eto. EXHIBITION 44 N. Court St SEY3M3 MACHINE COMPANY MJEDH3AL. THE MILD TOWER CURES. HUKPHHEY'3 Homeopathic Specifics IT AVE PROVED. FROM THE MOST AM- 11 pie eipenunoe, an entire sucoes. Dim ple, Vrouipt, Efficient and Heliable. J hey are tbe only medicines perfectly dipted to popular use. N01. Cents. 1 enrea Fevera. Congestion. Inflamma tion - -..... 50 2cnrea Worme, Worm 1'ever, Woi Colio 60 3 cures Crying-Colio. or Teething 01 In fanta CO 4 ourea Diarrhoea et Children or AdulU. 60 5 curea Dysentery, Gripinr.Kilious Colic 5U 0 ourea Cholora-Morbus, Vomiting rV 7 cures Coughs, Colds, CronoUitin 60 8 ourea Neu aigia, Too'.baohe, Faooa' 60 f) enrea Ueadacues, Sick iioadache, Vor tigo fl 10 curea Dyspepcia, Dilioua Stomach... 11 eurea Suppressed or I'ainlul 1'erioda f-1 12 cures Wbitoa, loo Profu e Periods to 13 curea Croup, Cough, Difficult , in. 60 11 cures Salt Khenm, Erysipelas. Emo tions.... - ., 50 15 cures Kbeumatiiui. Khoumatio Paimi 60 16 cures t'tver anu Ague, Chill Fever. Affuei . so 17 curea Piea. blind or bleeding 60 and bore or Wea acuto or chronic, InS enza., M cu.ea Whopping Congh.vioiint couil.a 21 cures Asthma, oppressed breathing.,.. 22curesbar Discharsej, impaired hear- ing .' 0irKb.""!..."e.d '.!'?8,,wci': !, 24 curea General DcbTuty'.'p'h j' aicaTweak- ness . 25 cures Dropsy, an-1 fccanty Secretion 2i ourea Seasickness. Sicknosa from Ki 1 - ing 50 27 cures Kidney Diseaxe, Gravel 60 23 curea Nervous Deeilitv. Seminal wixlr nesa er Involnntry Dischargee 1 00 29 curea t-ore Mouth, Canker. 60 HO curea Urinary Weakness, wettitg toe bed ffl 31 curea Painful Perioda. with Spasms 6'J euros disease 0; me Heart, t-alpiie-tioca, etc.... J go S3 cures Epilepsy, apasma, bt. Vitiia' Dance ......-........ 1 00 31 cures Diptheria. ulcfrii'ed aore throat .'Jl ' 35 curea Chronio Congestiona and Krup 1 tinna...- . .. 50 viaia, mm lexoept S), Si and si) il. FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 33 large rials and Manual of Direotiona f 10 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials and book 6 00 inere remeuiaa are sent by the case or ain gle box to any part of the eeuntrv. : nf cnarge, on receipt 01 me price. Ad -Iresi HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC ilEDI- Office and Depot, 662 Broadway, K. Y. For aale by Drnggiata Everywhere. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vital weakness or denresslnn; A weak v- hausted feeling, no enery or courage, the re sult of mental overwork, indisoretionaor ex cesses, er aom drain uron the system, is al ways cured hy llliM PIJUliY'S UO.ViEO PATHIC SPECIFIC. NO. 28. It tones ui. and invigorates the system, dispels the gloom and ilesponden:y, iiuparu strength and enercv stops the drain and rejuvenates the eat;:, man. Been used twenty years with pertrct success by thousands, bold by dealers. Price II rer single vial, or i nor nackara ot ilrn vials and 2 vial of powder, bont by mail on receipt 01 prico. Address 111 ami KEY" HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO.. bo2 Broad way, Now York. W. In. WILKINSON x CO., Wholesale Agouti JAMES B. ROBINSON. Ag't. Cor. Second and Madison its., Meaphii lA..n4.VTijii.M'7-viM.A PRINTER. S. C, 'TOOP, BLaNK BOOK Manufacturer, JOB PRINTER, -ASD - BOOK BIXDCR, No. 15 West Court 6k, Memphis. Check Boolt?, Dray Hooks, Ledgers, Draft Boots, Cash Books, Journal?. Aud every fte.rrlptlon of Frtnllnar mi Itlitntc rnioK'. 47-1 REMOVAL. L. IS. M o FA RLAN D, Attornoy, HAS REMOVED FROM X9 MADISON ST. to 22 Madison, over Hernando Insurance Corp piny. (jX-M STOCKS. Puts, Calls, Spreads, Straddles. Wo fnithfnlly exrci'e all orders for the pur chase and ante of stocks on 2 to 6 per cont. i aiargins. First Class Stork Hrivilraos nego tiated in any amount. We solicit the patron- , r ...,.iu. .1. .!.,.. i nK,in;.. 1 and broken Our book ou btoeir Soeculiitiyn sent on appli nation. TUMIilUDUK ACO . I'anners and Brokers, WBoawat. New iuia. od-dw-ll-xsiv-13 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company, Of Hartford, Conn. Assets, : : : $43,491,650.92 Surplus, : : : 4,004,bS1.93 (1 per eent valuation standard.) Dividend (for 1875) 2,543,550.05 Policies In foroe December 31, 1875, ( insuring 185,076JJ 1 Katio of expenae of management to receipts in leli .7,55 par ctt Amount of Lessee paid at Memphis agency . ....J31I,5!9 JA.SES GOODWIN, s : President JACOB L. GREENE, : r Secretary JOUXM.TAYtOR, t Ass't Secretary JAMES 8. CARPENTER & CO., General Agents for Tennessee, XO. 43J MADISON STREET, MEMPHIS. TENV. 711-1(0 CHARTER PERPETUAL. 187U THE Life Insurance Co. NEWARK, N.J. $32,000,000 LEWIS C. GROVER Preaident JAMES B. TEARSON.... Vie Preaident EDWARD A. STRONG -..Secretary BENJAMIN C. MILLER Treasurer ' BLOOMFIELD J. MILLER -Actuary XJOTr Expenses, Largo Dividends, Ample feurplws. J. E. BARKER. State -tgrent, 24 Madison and 287 Main Streets, MKMPTTTS. TKN'X. 4.t PAPER. PAPER ! PAPER! PAPER Or ALL KINDS. EU PONT & CO., Mannfacturera and Wholeaale Dealera, Louisville, : Icntucky -ive Just Removed to their new, large font story warehonae, Mnln wtwxt HAILfOADS THE PEOPLE'S FAVOMTF, Louisville and Cincinnati o b in n t i imp1 nun I LI HE, KAILK01U. Tha Quickest, Best and Only Rente With which passengeri from the South make direct connection at Louisville with Pullman Palace Sleeping Can To PlfNbnrp HarriBbnrs, Puilatlelphia, WEW YORK AND 01 HER EASTERN CITIES WITHOUT CHANGE. o1 the only line running Pullman southern Sleeping Cara from Jiew Onoana. Mobile. Jackson, Mifa., Montgomery, Ure nacia. Deoatur, Jackson, lenn.. ancf Nash ville to Cincinnati without change, connect ing at that point with alt linea running ruhman and Wagner Palace Sleepers to Toledo, Detroit, (iiand tiapids, Baltimore, rt ashington, Sandusky. Cleveland. Buffalo, Albany, Salamanca aud New ierk without change. This is theoalv lin rnnnin II. ..II.. ...I.. bet wee a Louisville and Cincinnati, and the, oaly line by whioh passengers trom the South an route to Eastern and Northern Citiea (not In through Sleeping Oars) can avoid a tedious haul through the city of Louisville by changing cars atShort Line Junction, with h. and (it. B. R. 11.. three milna rnnth r ih.. city, where an elegant Dining Hall is located under the management ef tha Railroad Com panies. Through Sleepers from Atlanta. Chatta nooga, Little Rock, Memphis and Virkibarg. wake direct oonncotlon at Short Line Juao S!" .through Sleepers to New ork, I hiladelphut, and other citiea via this line. mm THE CENTENNIAL Exhibition at PhiKitnlnkia rtVli ,i, 11,1. liuO Will be inl.l at .11 tii-k.r nfT,..A. in tk. South aid Southwest at greatly reduced rates. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA Louisville aid Cincinnati Short Line So Other Line Can Equal It. C.B.KELLY. , JOHN KILKEUY. Uen'l Ticket Agent. Uen'lPara- Agent. JAW. UacLtOb, bee. nu , 1M-Hiii-I03 . Louisville, Ky. STEEL RAIL I DOUBLE TRACK! CALTISORE AND OHIO ItAILUOAD TS THE INLY ROUTE BY WF1ICH RC CD I ers of TUROUR'I 1 ICKETS to New York and Boston are enabled to visit the oitiea of Daltimore, Philadelphia, . New Yoric and Boston At the cost of a tiokot to New York or Boaton only with the privilege, of vi.iting WASIIIXGTOa CITY FREE IS THE ONLY ROUTE raoiiTHg- WEST TO WASHINGTON CITr Without a long and tediona Omnibus Transfer through Baltimore, Thn Only Lino P.nnntng Magnificent Day Tars n d fnllm-n's ralace l),awin?r-Kooru Sleeping: Coaches, FROM ST. LOUIf. LOUISVrLLE. crNCIN NATI AND COLUMBUS, TO BALTIMORE AKD WASriiMSTCN WITHOUT CHANGE. Tickets for si!e at all Ticket Office In the I South and West. L. M. COLK, (inn'l Ticket Agent. Baltimore, Mi. R M. BRADFORD, freight Ai't.Memyhia 1 U in iinn i!