Newspaper Page Text
INSURANCE C. Sta.1, i D. P- Uadbm. I W. H. Mooaa. Pr.eiideat. I V. rreMM I Deorauuy. BLUFF CITY Insuraiico Company, 285 Main St., BEKFEIS, I I : I TESXE&SEE. JL1 L. - -i! PUBLIC LEDGER orriCB Ko. IS Mabisok Stbmt. Tady ETlntr, Df. 5, 1S70. The subscription price oj the PUB LIC LEDGER is $S per annum for the Daily, and $2 per annum Jor the Weekly rostoje free FOR THE TJHITED 8TAT28 EE5AT J. The Legislature will meet .on tb Erst of January, aid after. orginizUion the election of United States Sen ators will ba th3 all absorbing que'tion before that body and the people until disposed cf. Theie will bo two to elact une to sucseed Mr Coipsr for aix years, the other to serT out aa unexpired term of foar years. Daring the late Presidential canvass the leading men of the State took an active part, and the people had an opportunity to measure . the intellectual stature, breid'.h of ideas and peculiar claims ol nea-ly all those most- freqiently and faorably mentioned in this high connec tion Tennessee in days long gJne by often sent men of note and great minds ti th United States Senate. Their A.ii and virtues wili be emblazoned in the annals of tho best days of the Repub llo, and their illanriom names cher ii'kuI a Ion" as Tenneaseesos hwe patriotic pride in their hearts The txe-piians, if any, hiv been to rare that the ele:t'on of a United Slates Ron.Lnr in this State is wtchai eagr interest by the wh-jle country. We hive usually sent men reaocaizd as the peers of any in the Senate cbambf-r, ad worthy of the distinguished honor The present e:cision is invg'ed with extMordinary interes', not less from the critical state of affairs ia this, the c!ae of the centennial year, than the fact that this is a dual election, a very rare occurrence. TLa coootry ei' pacts, and our owa interests sod pres'.ijje require, that wa rue to a latl compri- hension of tbeie grave isiuis aad 6end men in whom ars combined large under atindinz. discretion and ability. Having looked ovar the field and considered the meriuof lha many excellent gentlemen named, ws cuinot withold a fvoralla expression on behalf of ex Governor Isham G. Earns, and would surest him for the hag term. In point of political experience hs is tiie senior of any man woo will he ia nomin ation. Entering public lif early, aal fall of that earnest ness and fidelity to principle characUris tic of bim at all tim?s. be wa3 success ively a member of the S".s'.e Legislature, Representative iu Congress fjr to term', Presidential elector, first for his district and then lor thi State at Urge, and finally was chosei Governor (cr threa lucovfjir term', the 1 tine irithout his desire or consent. A man of well defined views and positive con Vioficns, he his ever been fearless ia ex pnssioa andprociptto act iti aceordmci whi whU ba deemed the rig'it L'ke the grand old Andrew Jackson, whom hi resembles io many of lbs tiara qiali'.ies cf his natu'e, he Ins gtron attatWansts with his friend, ar.d may have awltened dislikes among those who laisioderstvol or miscj'ss'.ruiid his mo;ivjj. Bat nne cf tli9 latter have evor aso;l;J his in tegrity or di3pntid his ability. Thoie w'nhive encoantered him at the br and on the .slump before the people will answer for the temper of his steel. Fir many years he has not mingled in politics save as a distinguished anl interested private citizen, and lias sought no official pi.iuon. lie Las set an example cf forbearance and acquiescence to resulis he had op posed that commends itself to all fair- minded men. Iljcognlzing the changes wrought by the great civil conflict, he has by every word and act encouraged tho people to submit to all hval auibori y and acquit tbonuelres worthily. N man of his great vitality ao 1 capacities for public service is better adapted to tho ti rats, or possesses more experience of the kind just now required. Ilia canvais for TilJan and Ileudricks was a contin uous Iriumph. The genrratio:i grown up since ho stumped tho State, the old friends of twooty yoars ago and former ijalitieil upponen's united in applaodiug his eh quent appeals for constitutional liberty and tbo rights of the people. His reception .ury where was aa ovation, an Ibis friends foel that "the man and the boor hav met," ibst his election to the S inate for six years wiil be his vindi cation and at the same time to the honor ef the State he has served and loved bo veil. Keinly alive to the duogefi wbich menace our fcivil liberties, thoroughly acquainted with the theories of the fath ers who established this government, the history and precedents of parties, well balanced and swlf-reliant, his would be one of the mas'r minds of the Senate, and old citizen would be carried back to the days of Andrew Jackson, Hugh L. Wbito, Flix Grundy, John Bell and James K. Polk, when men were proud to say, "I am a Tennesseean." Six year in the Senate would crown the honors cf a well spent and a self-sacrificing life; and whatever farther usefulness or distinction awaits him as a representative of the States' ablsst and purest man, will be shared by every me citizen. Having thus expressed a preference, the result of calm, dispassion ate judgment above and outside of mere personal regard, and desiring to conserve the best interests of the proud old volun teer State, we submit the name of Isham G. Harris to the General Assembly elect, and shall most cheerfully abide the final result. THI rSEIIDEST'J KI8SAQI. This document is mora voluminous thaa was expected. It is coming in as we go to press, but there is too much of it to print to-day; wa will give a syn opsis tomorrow. Our Ca$ar seems to be rather on the defensive, though he makes a few thrusts at the dead body of tho rebellion, and reminds the country again that Lincoln was assassinated. The inference is that the rebellion is still going on and that the Returning Board should save the Government. Tat Federal law requires wholesale liquor dealers to have a sign with the three words," Wholesale liquor dealers," in this exact order and form. Dealers in liquors by whole or anyother expression different from that above, although meaning the aame, will not answer the requirements of the law. Such is Judge Trigg'a ruling. Many of our merchants are unconsciously violating the law, and are liable to heavy fines and costs. All wholesale liquor dealerswill do well .to look into the matter at once and avoid trouble, costs and lawyers' fees. One of the best houses of tbe city was before Jadge Trigz yesterday for a clear but unintentional violation of the law. SOOTH CAROLINA. A Crisis Imminent Co luxnbia Full of Armed Hen. Biupeatlon of Waiii In Peaoavl Tftnl Htaea. Nxw York, December 8 A Bethle hem (Penn.) dispatch says more than one-half of the mines in tbe State ara stopped. The number of men throwu cut of work is estimated at between 35,000 and 40,000. It is believed suspen sioa will be entire by the middle of the month. They Look Like Ex-Coufederates t9 Radical Correspondents. Chamberlain Vacillating Bo tween Bully and Martyr. Radical Views Filterel Through Northern Specs. This well known and respected gentle- . . -ill V3 . man, we unaerstanl. wilt oe a caouiuaie fir Secretary of State. He has resided in Shelby county for twenty-six years and is held in the highest regard by all who know him. In 1870 he was nom inated for the Legislature by a Demo cratic convention under circumstances which showed the high esteem in which be was held. He was elected by a splen did mpjority, and during the two sessions of the Legislature of lSil made an unexceptionable record. A!wys at his post he brought to bear a fiae in telligence and broad, liberal views upon the important questions which then aei- Utcd the public and acquitted himself ith credit. He has not since submit ted bis name btfore the people for any oflhe. The position in which his friends would now place him is one he is hap pily fitted by nature, edaoation and as sociation to fill with ease and efficiency A true Democrat, he is national and conservative in his views, a gentle man in the highest sense and worthy of any honor that may be cob ,er;el on him. He will probably be the only candidate from Shelby county for a position under the State government, and we hope, io view of his fine qoalifi cations and many excellencies of charac ter, that his claims will be understood and fairly weighed by the incoming Leg ii'atura. We commend bim fjr capaci ty, fitness and true worth, and as a gen tleman sans pper et, sans reprocbe It was formerly believed that each House of a Lsgislature was the judge of the qualifications of its members. In South Carolina, under Grant, Roger and Charrherlain, the corporal cf the guard performs that function for the Demo crats. I5TEET1EW WITH A COTJSTT TBDSTEB Tbe following from the Nashville American is equally applicable in Mem phis: The reporter began his interrogatories by asking what was the aggregate tax oi the State, conoty, riiabvale acd hJge held. Mr. Knight Sixi hundred thousand dollars. Reporter 'Does thi include all taxes on penonalty and rel'y ? llr. Knight Jt does Reporter How much of this amount has ben collee'd up to da? Mr. KniRlit 1ifty stvep thousand and entity-six aouars. Reporter Do you think it DQsibl to collect the balance within this mouth? Mr. Knight If tbe taxes were paid within this month, it would be all myseM and clerks could do to take the money in and give the proper receipts. It weald he a great rash apoa us, whereas during the past two months, as I have already told you, wa have had comparatively lit t'e to do. Heporter Can yoa giva any particu lar reason why the taxes have not been paid more promptly? Jlr. liniglt i caanot. J have given information through advertisements tn the paper, with regard ta tbe collection of taxes, and tbis has done sotnething toward hurrying peopis np. Reporter I understand that penalties rill be attached to ail tax payers who shall have failed to pay their taxes be fore the 1st of January. Am I correct? Mr. Knight Vou are. Alter that data lis law gives me no discretion with retard to te puliation of taxes. It re quires me, on that iJ, to issue to the dputy collectors and tu thh atiriff and his deputies, distress warrants agaiaai all persons who may ba at thai time fo'iud delinquent. kpifUi.--What penalties attach i.; deln.queuts? Mr K'light The law gits trj officers pne aoimr tor tae service ol every "ar rant, and (our per cent, on collections. Retort-!-!) there any difference in this r'pct with its corporation of aviviUe and bidgeneldY Mr. Knicht There is this difference. Instead of the penalty of four per cent., the taxes of these two corporations will draw six per cent, inttrett from the first of January. Ihere is meat for tax?avers in the above interview. ElOGRll'fllCAL. P'rional Bketrha of tb Kembers f me Farilolti Urn cm I Assembly Under this heai'nx ws propose to sire, from time to time, a short sketch of each member of the Legislature.! X, 8. M1HOKKT. Dr. Matthew Stephenson Uahouey, the Representative from the counties of Washington and Unicoi, is, as his name indicate;, of Irish descent. He was born in Washington county March 5, 1832, and is now in the forty fifth year of his age. Ha was educated in the commoa schools and academies of the country, and afterwards read medi cine and attended the Medical School at Mac n, Ga. Prior to the late war he was a member of the Whig party; during the war he was a Uuionist; since the war he has been a Republican. Ia the month of September, 1869, he began the publication of the Herald and Tribune at Jonesboro, and remained connected with that paper until he sold out to Walter P. Brownlow, in October, 18fG He was nominated last Angst for the Legislature by the Republican Conven tion, although not an aspirant for the position, and was elected over Dr. A. S. N. Dobsoa, the Democratic candidate, by 136 votes, receiving 1654 votes, and Dr. Dobsoa receiving 1493 votes. He is io favor of tbe lowest possible tax con sisteat with a liberal free school system and the payment of the just indebted ness of the Slate. Ha is a membvr of the Methodist Epis copal Church; also a member of P,hea Lodge lb o. 47 A. F. M.,aod of Washing ton Chapter Ko. 21 R. A M. Unicoi county vjtei with the counties from which it was recently taken. The vote of Washington county stood: For President Tilden, 1421; Hayes, 1739 For Gorernor Porter (Dem.), 1425; Thomss (Iod. Dem.), 11519. For Con gress First district- McFarland(Dem.), 1449; Randolph (Rep ), 195. For Leg-islature-A. 8. N. Dobson, 1498; M. S. Maboney, 1654 The- New York Herald, of the 1st mst , has a double-leaded editorial a column and a ha'f long, headed " What is Grant Driving At." The answer is easily reasoned out that ho intenda to remain in power after the 4th of March Tbe concluding sentences ara as follows History abounds with inxtances of men who have not scrupled to "wade through slaughter to a throne, and there is notb ing io tlia career of President Grant in consistent with the idea that he may ba of the number. If be can eet Haves counted in by fraud it is by no means a wild expectation that the Democratio tloine ot liepresantatives will resist, and Pre si J cut Grant can then give such a shape to the controversy as will afford him a protest for keeping posaiinn of the government until another Presi dential election. If ha holds over on such a pretext we ahsll never have another Presidential election. If there should be a pretence of one the Cseiar'at Washington would mauaze to have the prevent difficulties coma up sgiin to afford him tbe same exense for not relaxing his gratp. If ha tramples the Constitution in the dust for such a creators as Chamberlain what assurance can wa Lue i,t)u.t he would not go to greater lengths for tiafJi'lf? IlomtcJde in Hlsaelppl. The Batesville B! le, of the 2d inst,, contains the following item from Panola county: An altercation occurred in Longtown nn Saturday night last between J.H. Wheeler and Richard Page, both white, which resulted in the death of the former. The particulars, as we have gathered them from an eye-witness, are as follows: Mr. Wheeler walked into Hall's saloon and found Mr. l'aee siltinp- at the fire paring his finger nails with a pocket-, ana oegan to enrse and abuse bin beyond measuro. Page protested to the epithets, but Wheeler continued. Page tc i hint that he would stand it no longer, reminding him that he had jnst recov ered from irjuries rJCoUeJ at bis hands some monies since. Wheeler lusistftd he pould end would whip him, when Page knocke Mm UB with his fist and then cut his throat, beeler'l last word's wre, "ft in you. I C:u wbipyoul Page was el ro ar,4 delibe rate. When his job ws finished be bid friends adieu and left for parts un known. A messengor was sent with a physician to inform Mrs. Wheeler (who was eocietite) of her hucbancj's sad fate, hot the precaution of taking the dootor was unnt-cessary. Mrs. Wheeler, hav ing retired, simply turned over and said, "Just as I expected." We understand that she is a very clever, honest, poor woman. Wheeler was a brickmason, and a drinkinir. disazreeable fallow. Page was a blacksmith and worked for rlauttm cur town several months ago, A Hrjer Editorial. The shortest editorial lever remember to have seen in any journal, says the London correspondent of tbe New York world, was written by an eccsntric old editor, nam-id Liing, in a paper called the Mo'usailite. at one time well known in India, "he celebrated Gorham case bad been going on for months, filling all the newspapers and we'ghini down all tbe mails. When tbe English journals were eagerly opened for news from nume, nommg appeared but column after column about the Gorham case. It was upon this that Lain wrote the editorial I have mentioned, and I have otten thought that it combined many of the greatest merits an editorial can pos sess lor it was short, could be under stood by everybody, and it faithfully re fleeted public opinion. This was all, just as ii stood, bead-line and all: TnsGoRHiM Case. D lha Gorham case. Everybody was thinking that, and wu-n uaing said it, tiers was a great snout oi approbation. Nkw York, December 5. The Trib une correspondent at Columbia, S. C, telegraphs under date of the 4th as follows: "All day special trains have been arriving bringing bodies of armed men, nearly all with rifles. They have their blankets rolled around their necks and their haversacks slung, and they look very little different from Confede rate soldiers, with whom we were once so familiar. They have been quartered io the spacious fair grpuods buildings and in the poblio ha'ls of the town. There ara only Bbout four hundred soldiers in tha city. Not less than three th3U3and members of rills clubs are here." Governor Chamberlain in a summary of the situation which he telegraphs to the Tribune, says: "It is not true as stated that any persons held certificates of election from the Supreme Court. Tho court had on application, refused to isue any certificates. What the per sona from Edgefield and Laureug coun ties hold are mere evidences from the olerk of that court that the court made an order requiring the canvassers and Secretary of State to do what they have never done. If such papers are said to be valid certificates of election and en titling the bearers to bs recognized as members of the House, I will lake issue and appeal to the judgment of the co irts and lawyers. Democratic mem bers holding valid certificates refused Tuesday, doubtless uuder the advice of Senator Gordon and our other Demo cratic strangers, to go into the House be cause their friends from Elgetield and Laurens counties without certificates were refused admittance. No impedi ment other than this was placed in their way by any civil or military officer. The House, now presided over by Mackey, was organized with sixty present holding certificates of the Secretary of State, biff-.d on the action of tha canvassers. fifty-nine of whom voted io the election for Speaker. This is a mtjoaity of 116, tbe whole number holding certificates of the Secretary of State. The body pre sided over by Wallace has never had mora than fifty seven persons holding certificates of the Secretary cf State, less than a majority of one sixteenth. "The Republican desire a speedy and peaceful settlement of the present difficulties, but they wiil never, with my consent; yield one hair's breath of their legal rights to secure peace, especially under the prejent menaces of South Carolina Democrats. I have fought cor ruption ity my own pary and s,hall not blench before violence in the Democratic party." Tha Tribune has a telegram undar the caption, " A Democratic view of affairs," which closes thus: "Tbe Democrats are confident of success. Speeches were mada to-night and Monday by Wade Hampton and other Democratio speak er, full of spirit but counseling peaoe. The city is crowded with armed Demo crats and many are arriving by every train. The Democrats will not fire a shot, unless under orders to sustuiu the Supreme Court," From Mexico. New York, December 5. A dispatch froia K'm Qrsnde says that General Diaz has occupied the City of Mexico and that Lerdo and his ministers have fled westward. Blankets! Blankets! Blankets! 0 MEITKEIT BROTHERS ISVIIB ATTENTION TO TUSIR LAKGK STOCK CF FINE Am MEDIUM BLANKETS President Heae. WasniKOToK, December 5 The Presi dent's message to Congress will be sent iu to day, but tha time is unknown. rbitbllltla. Wasiiixoton, December 5. For Ten- nesse and the Ohio valley, partly cloudy and slightly warmer weather, westerly to southerly winds and high but slowly fall ing barometer, Kiver Tlt-rams, Cairo, December 5 Arrived Coal Hill, Ohio, 9 p-m.; Perry Smith, Ohio, 1 a.m.; Vint Shinkle, Memphis, 5. Clear and cold. An interesting discovery hag lately heen made at Rome, in the Church of St. Peter ad Vincula. Workmen have been engazed for sortie time in the coo struction of a "confession" near the high altar. In the course of tha exca vBtions, in a line between the altar and the apse, they came upon a marble sar cophagus more than two metres to length. On the BideB are sculptured five groups in the style apparently of the fourth or ufth century, the hrst repre cents the Redeemer raising Lazarus, with the sinter of the latter en her knees at the tomb; the second, the multiplica tion ol the loaves and lubes; the third. Jesns and the Samaritan woman at the well; the fourth, our Lord loretellini to Peter bis triple denial: and tbe fifth. Vhrist giving the keys to f eter. 1 he in terior is divided into seven compart ments, and this circumstance has given rise to the belief that the'snrcophacus found contains the bodies of the seven Maccabees, which, according to church history and tradition, rest in this church, built by hudoxia. There is no'hing mean about the Ne vada jack cf spades when the trump card is a heart. The Mariners' Union at Gold Hiil announces with a flourish of printer's ink that it has hired "the best mnsic in the country " for ita tenth annual ball, and that the "boot-polish ing department" will bs under the charge of a " epicial committee," so that "no charge will be made to any guest who may honor us on the occa. sion." Papers friendly to Mr. Hayes are pay ing gashing tributes to his "bearing." It is so unusual for a Republican leader to behave himself that the commonest kind of good conduct goes a long way Tbe movement for exterminating the canvassers should not end with the Lou isiana Returning Board. Dowo with the book agents! fltrong Slirvea an Attainable) Blasts tun. There are many whs hare never knows the tle.sinir of Jtrong nerves, having been born with weak ones. Those who have, and through diseate or tome other cause, hare suflored a loss of nerve con trast, more fully appreciate the magnitude of that losi. The true war to repair it tt in- riEorate the tys'cui through the medium of improved digestion, tccretion, and tbe eub luhmeut of a regular habit of body, three re nils invariably accomplished by tho cie c llot'otter's Ktomach flitters, which inturos the thorough cenversioo of the food into nure. ueurmliins blood, from which the nervei, in common with every other part of tha bodily economy, ga'aer vigor, the grand prerequisite of health The great objection to sedatives nd narcotics is that they not only eiert no tonic mllnence. but are always followed by a hurtful reaction. Mich i. far from beini the c with the Bitters, the primary action of wnun it most salutary, and 5,uose alter ettacU aro Denenciai in me eaireuie. tNS'JR&NQ: : $3 00 : : $2 75 $3 50, $4, $5 : $10 CO Good 101 White Blankets, por pair, : : Better 104 White Blankets, per pair, : Extra HoaTj Blankets, per pair," : : 124 Oregon Blankets, per pair, : : : Shaker Flannels, Bed Medicated Flannels, II o in e " m. ado "White Linaey. -0 I DEADER IN STOVES, TIHWARE. And House Furnishing Goods. Also on hand a fall line of 394 Main Street, Memphis, Tcnn. nr Onr imorlmmt of eonl anil wood rnnbluir .vpk la na h.i cn clly. All Hindu or Tin Work, neb HooU, Spooling and Uuitxilnir. (Hliiahirtiit'f. na ha B?ES.. S ROSSIS! No. 3G5 attain Streci p.O REDUCE SIOCK WE WILL SELL AT THE FOLLOWING TRICES FOR A FEW L daya : TEAS. Gunpowder, 7oo, $1. bet$I 25; Japan. 75o, $1, bent $1 S1!; Oolcnir. 50a,"5o. SI. bcstfl 25- Young Hyscn, 50c, 75c. 1,bestl 25; English Breakfust. 50c, 7So, tl, hint 1 25; Orange Pekoe, leloct. 51 2i, 1 60; Imperial, 60o, 7oo, SI, beet (1 23; Mixed. 50c. lis. 81, best 11 25. COFFEES. Old Got. Ja?a, 35c; African. 40ct Mocho. 40c; Coeta Ri.'a, 25c; Marirabo, 2S'j Lazua-rn, 28a Mexican, H8c; Golden liio, 28c; Peaberry, 35c ; C;;l.,ii, 30c ; Cboico Kio, 25c; ' ' Whole anil Ground Hplces of all Varieties. TIIE CELFJIBATED POMEROYAL BIKING POWDER. or. . 1 At 3 . i- e-l l 11. YT i ii ,i . . . . ooo por puuuu or uirua pnuntie mr i ia duik. u e unripiy ail in pnnfMpril lintels and HUuranU with Roasted an! Ground Coffeos, and thoyall use our Yoist Powder AVa offur a liberal disoouHt to the trade, and lolioit country ordnrti. Ten Store, TVo. 3G5 Main &troct, O. H POWPROY & CO. cm as PEOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY, m Memphfp, 'lenn., uiiice, io. 16 Jaisou Street. i - s : 1300,000 CuhIi Capital, OPFICERHi WILLIAH XL. FAE1USGT0Y, President ; II. T. LEX2I0X, Vice President COimuTii.N MASON, Secretary Dinttcxonsi Wm. M. i arrinntoB. H. T. Lemon, . C. B. Chrrh. J. R. Kohtnton tnoc Lnsley, Jobn Overton, Jr., W. E. Greenlaw. ytjPwHllng and all clan of hnvnoss r-rop.ry in'nrod rinn moat fnvmMe terrr.d. P7-t JEWELERS IOID & EltlTZ, WATCHMAKER. HEMANBO nsurance Co, MBMPHW. Ofilco : Na. 22 Madisoa Street. Boiton Travellor: A. N.w Oilcani editor recently riaited Boston, and evi dnntly went around upon a tour of inrn- tit;nuon. Ilejaye; ' There are eiii"!' ' .1 1 . . Tk . , , Tut KormiHe Tribune rai that Jut Saturday tlia enow was tea to twelve inches deep between Morristown and , thrte uncles in Itoeton with whom young. crutol. I men can leave their jewelry," Lghdov, Deoember ,V Cpl. Gordon, the African explorer, has arrived at Cairo after an absence of three months. Tbe Antinoni or Italian exploring expe dition jn Africa hai arrived at Licca. It m expected, q set out suan (or tho Equatorial lakes. The aeent of tha Western AsaociaiJ ' i..' .. i cu.e, ta .T..ion to Hie extmdi lion treaty, upon Minister Pterrepont, who said; J a in not In a paiilion to siy anything one way or the other." Tbe IJoaie office was not communicative, and Bow ttrect "was dumb. The agent learned, however, that Brent was, in faot, brought yesterday to Baw street with great secrecy and arraigned before Sir James Ingham in his private room. When discharged Brent enlisted in the Sixteenth Laocers, and was with that regiment when arrested jeHerday on the order of the Ilome offhe. Tbo solicitor of the London Bankers' Protectivo As sociation appeared for the prosecution, Brent was not defended and was re manded to the Hoose of Detention, where he will remain until too treaty is ratified, The Bow street authorities will not permit tbe affidavits to be inspected. Ealrntlltlott Trly Arranged. New York, Docembur 5. A London dispatch states that the extradition treaty between the United States and Great Brit ain has been arranged, Immediate etc pi were taken to rearrest forgnrs form the United States discharged on the two gov-rnmnnts disagreeing on points in volving their surrender to the American authorities. Charles Brent, of Louis ville, forger, was-foundand placed uoder arre6t. Hani I Karn. Toronto, Ont., Decembers Edward risnljn, winner at the tingle scull race at Philadelphia, offers to allow John iggins, f England, 50 and row for f25QC aside on Toronto by. This is Uaulon's taply to Iligglni' ohallenge to row any man in the wcrM over the Thames course, S. )' DUSflOOMB. w.. (Jalbhkatu.. F. M. NKUiON ...... -.President, -Vioo-Preswlent. .....Sooretary, nircstorai S. II. DTJNSCUMB. W. B. (iALBFKATB, A. VATOA.KO. N. FONTAINE. I,. HANA"KK, JOEBIU'CR. R. h. COCHHAN, J. A. 6HANK. W. ti. MAULOilt. ft. B. JOHfS. W. 6. TAYbOK. I"v- atalmt l.o hr Fire. Ha. Klae aal iUvrr BISKS. ifr Kii'ti on Private Dwdllnts irc!)ly NO, 224 MAIN STREET. Holiday (joods! AND BPlDAL PRESENTS! Diamonds, Watches, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. Latest Styles and Lowest Pricss. Trehle-riatod SiWer Table Knlres at f C ptr uozjn. v EXAMINE OUIt STOCK AND SELECT SOON '2-140 i 0 il STEAMBOAT. Mr m, rraae s Blver. For Marianna, Wlttsburg and all Way Land-ings-Tbe fine iteamor IC JLi la A. . T R Bnwman, master Les Ware, clerk leaves W'KDiN fcSDAY, Deo 6, at 5 p m., coing through to Linden. For freight or LOTTERY. 1 rOUTCR FOttllM.TONK IOI,. V I. an FIRST DOLLAH JL AHTbKLi n. n l '-i, ofc new vrivaus, xuc.uaj,tfaa' uary 2, U77. LimiHliuia Stat1) Lottery Company This Institution waa reirularly incorporated by tbe l.fgisluture of tha Mailt for Kdnoa tional puriins?! in Wi, with a Capital of l,Ott).(00. to whii-h it ran since aided sr. snrvofund of $i60 000. ITS (J HAND SlNdLE NUMffcrl DhAWlMUS will lane pinoo monthly. The season of 1S77 opens with tbe fnllowinff snh.nie ! i trii tii rn'KK, hii,siuu. 100,000 Tlrii i " "'oilar Each l,iii iir i iii.ti.'-: 1 CAPITAL PHi.K , 1 PHlZlt., LEGAL. Ths Stats or TsNNreiix, BBKl.BV UOUMY. J THE UNDERSIGNED, KXECUTORS OF the will of N. W. ampbell, late of Mem phis, attorney at law, berebj Rite notice that all perrons h.'.vinn nny olaima aaainst the estate of tho said N . W . Campbell, deeeaaerl, are rennested t . exhibit tba tame within the time and in the manner prescribed by law, or they will be forever burred, S:S-Kl;Bxecnto,. Hnrnrj(ln, Mite , November 27, lilt. i XH Vt-lll B U 5 1 NE88C HAMC DISSOLUTION. mnB COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORR I enstinr between Jehn Uaston and I) Oianne, wae dissolved by mutual agreement on the tat of December, 186 JOHN OARTON CUZANNE. JOHN GASTON will continue bis Rettaq. runt .1 the nlit ianl- SI HA SEEDSMEN. rou FruitTree3,EvergreQns AIJD SEEDS CALL ON (JTIO SCUWILL A CO., ?2?23 3Iain Bt., Utitlor Worahnm Ilontse. W-IOJ l l 2 5 10 60 W 100 600 l.ouo IJftO .'0.1 i.Vi loo .Ml Ill ft , ri-RiiuTioi' I'liiy.r.a: f Al'lrniiuiiUon 1'riies of il 0 ... " 7... V " " to... .$15.(00 - 111,00 5.' 00 . 2. Mi .. 2.(100 .. 2,500 .. 2.600 .. 6,0 0 5tti .. 6.O11O ., a. 000 .. 6,0t)0 .. MO 675 460 MAR3UnV0ni.S. MA11HLK MOJJUMSTS - BOUGHT AT TQK - BANKRUPT S'aXK -CP- Ilnldooa, Eullett &i Co., - WILL Bi: CLOSED LET AT LOWER EATLS T!I AX BAUBLE -WiS Erer OfTarcJ la this Cit before. THE STOCK EMUKa'cRS ITALIAN MAR 1! I. K MOSIJMHN IS. HliAD Sl'ONISr?. TAllLEf S, and a lino variety f work suitublo for children's uravcs. This Hook ndiled to what 1 previously hml nn bitnilKivea me on ol tbe Inrgostand beat m eotod asiDrtinents of martilo in thebonth. 1'rimj Rro reduced ti tbo lowest living rates, and nil my woik la ivanrnutoe J. THOS. 3IAYD1VLLL, 3S Un'n st. 7f-t m Host Oftlngsi, 40 .'o' nii"l, mracp faUis. 7 , ib., (Imp'd English). II. SEESS SR., & SON, Corripr ot SecanJ atidJefTorson streets. 64-89 ..1W,o25 I.EOS Priies, ntrnnnlln j to ri rue lor tiicu'a'H or 'oort order io CUAS. I. UUWAUD, Hon Orleana, La. Rroui,t Qoartkb' T Dhwiko an Fchrunry i, 1S77. Ticket) tlOeach. Capital Vrice H0.0U0. end 2 16 BOLOGNA SAUSAGE ! H. ShESSEL, SR., A SOX. Can supply the trade with freth DULOOW N.llSAtJE At low figuros. Corner or Second mid Jefferson t FUHNUbXE, F.T KOTICE! 5r. I.ih is, JJovsmber 10, 1T3. E HAVE TIMS DAY APPOINTED Orgill Brothers & Co, Hole AtjenlH For the Palo of Out Overrated DIAMOND ANTI-FRICTCN MtTAl AMI JOURNAL BEARINGS, Who will lunplr the Trarln tnrl Conivmers at Manalaoiurrrs' i'riees.' Diamond Antl Frlctloa Metal Co. 1 i 1 ... FOR P0S1KR8, BUOW BIIJ.8, CA03, Circulars, etc, aoltcn unwilh the latest style of lyine and on superior raior of any desired color, in to tha Led(cr'kuQioilaod ex- Carpets, MattrossGS, Oii Cloths, Shades, etc. AT VERY LOWEST MICES, WHOLESALE AD IlETAII 390 'Main St. PROFESSIONAL., fs ropr.Au Ti a:r.