INSURANCE. Capital Authorized, $300,000 Homo Insurance Co. OF MEMPHIS. PUBLIC LEBuEJic LOUIS HAXAl'ER, F.K.WHITE, : : K.r.BOLLINU, ! : J freUdent Tlce Fresidcot : : fecretary Eiglit Dollars per Annum LARGEST CITY CraCXTLAYZOTJ. riltcsa f?ata Per T&tzk UIBlXIORSi L0DI3 HANACER "... cf Sehoolfield, Uanauer A Co F. M. WHITE of F. M. Whit ft Co M. C. PEARCB of Pearce. Suggs ft Co J. U. McCLELLAN...of Guy, McClellan ft Co HENRY WFTTEK of II. Wetter ft Co D.L. FERGUSON of lerguson Hainpso'n LOUIS P0DKSTA..of Podesta. Malatcsta ft Co H landing Finance Committee). Busby ft Co.; Owen VOL XXIII MEMPHIS, TENN.: WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER G. 1876. NO 83 PUBLIC LEDGER, J. J. Busby, of J. J, Dwyer, P.. P. Holling. Insurance upon dwellipgj and first-class commercial rinks Inteii at fnir rater, and loses paid lmuiooiatoly upon adjustment. SS-oTxxiv FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company OF MEMPHIS, Vv OA IHns-lSciti Ctunof Office formerly oocupiid by DoSoto Bank. Capital Stock. : $200,000 4JFFICEUS; H. L. HEACIIA51 : President A.N. MAY, : The Resident "WM. GAY, : : : Secretary nOARD OP MSEElTORS: M li ME AC II AM of M L Meaohau A Co A N M:K AY . of Slodse, McKay ft Co H MAN.-Hl'M) of S .tanstield ft Co It k .'OWDrtS WM B 0 A UiH K ' II. of W ii Ualbreath ft Co Un JOHN OVEUTuN. Jb. Memphis J M PK1 J lOKEW... Edmonds, Pettigrew Co ISAAC! bCllWAU of Sobwib & Cu A B IKK rili V f.LIj ...ot A j ".rcauweu x uro to-xuvA m ItAJLliOAl i JHi; TALLIN MEMPHIS AUD 1.(mJTkV1LLE RAILROAD. Arrives. lieaves. THE PUBLIC LEDGER IS PUBLISHED every afternoon ( Sunday) at No. 13 MadUon itreet. The Lidgsj Is served to city subscri bers by futhful carrier! at FIFTKKN CfcNTS fbtl, payable weekly to ine carriers. By mail (in advance): One year, Wi I months, S4; three motths, tl; one month, u ctntl. 1'o.tBicti free. Newsdealers supplied at T oents per eopy. Weekly Public Ledger, Published every Tuesday at 2 per annum (in "jominunteations upon suoiecu ei interest to the pubhe are at all times accc;i JCojected manuicrips will not be returned. RATES OP ADVERTISING IN DAILY: but it was perfect, and very grand, case there wa3 no such tragic end ilo looked the great luminal an ; ro me story, a young uocior who over, while the- others, many of happened to be culled in, after the more majestic presencemight have malady had already endured for be I'll ordinary men dressed in tho ecclesiastical purple. BUSS 11. First lniertion - $1 00 per square Subsequent insertions 60 " '( For one week 3(0, For twe weeki 4 50 " ' For three weeki..... OU ' For one month - . UO Each addi ional square 4 bO RATES OF ADVErVriSISG. IN WEEKLY: First insertion 00 r-er square Subsequent insertions 5u " . Eight lines t nonpareil, lolia, consume a square. Displayed advertisements win ie cuameii accord inc to the Spauk oooupied, a aove rates tuere boing twelve lines of solid tri.e to the inch. To regular advertlsors we elTer superior in ducements, both s to rate of charges and manner of displaying their favors. Notiois in local ceiumn inserted for twenty cents per line for each insertion. (Special notices inserted lor ten cents per line lor each insertion. Notices of deaths and marriages, twenty oents per line. All bills for advertisint are due when oon- Uacted and payable en demand. All letters, whether upon business or other wise utuit e addressed to Publisher and Proprietor. a.K. r.M. 11.15 115 Eiprofs daily l-;icpt M&il'irain 4.5) I il.2o Acooini'.od n (ox Snnday) 1 t,-...., n. ft- .....m tree. Ti(-Het olioe. iV. tfain streot. corner ol JJiuion. KEMPW3 K. J Avr.vfs. Leaves. , .v. a. r.M. 3.(011.30 I 11.501. 5.03 Mail tr.iin daily lluntsvills Express train daily (ex. Sunday) Bomorv'nlo train daily (ex. Sunday) 8 23 J.fliinn. 'foun.. accnui- mointion (ex. Kundaylll 15 I Xicket oEce S Main stroet. W.J.KOhS. Oon'lSup'l Arrivos. Loavei. 5.20 4.10 A.M. .N. I A.M. P.V n m..'I (dally)....,... i i'i ! 3. Hardi's (dal.'y ex. Sundsy)S.0O 11.W i, ...t nf I.tnin street ST,i,. t.&r-D. W filaia itreet. aoraor t UadiBon. M uur.KK. Oen'l Eop't. JKEilPUiaAHO LITTLE BOOK RAILROAD Arrivos. ueaveo. p.v. I i.k. r.u. 11.10 I i I 7.15 1 8 00 Tiokot oflioes 5.00 Ml Train dally.... ".'." Leaves Loeisvillc Dapot ieTrouht nd Accommoda tion daily - ... fr.lti tirK Ma (cor. Madtso... k SM MiBJiTa Act.s flon., Sur't. RAILROAD. . 9.00 a.m 4 (Op. in PALUCAH AUD MEMPHIS Wall Train irrives . .. loaves - " r. Tk- mail frin l"ve!' Covington tor Mom- fVtLVm TiB" . UV,nM..hta willsUrt fromthe DJiteiwi- w NVlLBUtl. Sup't. n. n. 0'.!LJL". i i ut AKB Great Soattea KaiIrcL Express , train leaves daily w1,,. MaUTra ?r.vTrd'.j " Pullman .'ftlae SlPn c,rs on ail nlgUt For'tlcket. or inf.irma.iion. apply at Ticket Offioe. 287 Main, northwest sorter of Madison M J0UH T. FIYNN, Sap't V; JAMK8 HPKKDlVkfltAeonU Jii MISSISSIPPI & TENNESSEE IiATLliOAD. MitMpn T-' Novembor 25, 1876. r,N AND AxTFK fiUSDAY. K0V. 2:th. I ) 1S7fi. trains ."lU TUB as follows: New Orleans moil, Leave. ..3' 3'i p.m. Arrive. 12:45 p. m 9 00 a m Burdis Ac'm'duti'n. "ail.y,.m (txoci.t Sunday) ...11:00 t.m lf2i",h-!iLB (1"ily J:.m. 5:30 P.m 73-t M , HUKKE.Sup't. MEfa?K!S&CSf5LtST0MR.8. cniNUi: or schedule. ON AND AFTER csrnbor 8. 1876: WEDNESDAY. EE" Leaves. ArNvf"- Mail train, daily 12. 3) a.m 3 .00 f. iiuntuvillo tjprens train. daily l x. bundny) 5.00 p.m 11.50 p. in Bomorvillo accam'datiou (except Sunday) 6.20 p.m S9.m Jackon. Tenn., secom modHtion (ox. Sunday).. 4.10 p.ra 11.25 a.m Mail train will not stop nt Hug slatisns be tween (irand Junction and Minphia. Trainj connct at Urnnd Junction for a.11 roints, and ut ll'-caiur closely fi r MontRora rry and points (vuth. Close conneciiun for Ka.hvillo by b"th tfain. I'ln.e .oniioutions at ChaiUno isa lor EaUrn ind Southeastern Jioc'hnngo of "rs hetween Mcirifhia and XrlBtol and .Mcmp'n'u and Jackson, loi.n. Jievy & Magidflsewt Melius Coacbea os- L. Time Tweair Pimm"' renter C'liy I tii''. Ticket office, 27S Main street. W.J. ROSS. Stip'r. WtnvRT Hi'r.ima. Ti-Vnt M't ' UffAMKOOiD m BBSTOEED. Tim Lite :rllcl Anlonnlll. The Koine correspondent of the London Times writes : "Jen years ago, when receptions itnu nans commenceu eany, xnai the members of the Sacred College might talse their part in society and retire before dancing began, tlie Cardinal was often to bo met in English as well as ia llonnin drawing-rooms. There arc many who will remember lus slight, compact fiirnre, his strangely attractive i'aee, which all thought ugly -and the maioritv ended by admiring; his three tuns of raven hair, olive com plcxion, piercing eyes, full of innate intellect, slightly uuuiline nose and certain tyrannical lines about the mouth, contradicting an expression of the most perfect courtesy and gentleness. Upon women he seem ed to exercise.a peculiar influence. They were fascinated by hi3 ugli ness, and, without a single excep tion, they pronounced him charm ing, lie seldom or never sat down, and it was noticed that he appeared ;o have a dislike to people standing behind him. At such times he would move until he had quietly brought all in front. His dress was, of course, the same -worn by all Cardinals a long black coat, with red edges, and buttoned down the front with an infinity of small red buttons; but the way it sat upou him, tho perfect fit of his scarlet stockings, and rattiest of buckled shoes, distinguished him personal ly ns much a3 hia little brougham and fast bays distinguished his equipage from the lumbering, double-bodied carriages and funeral blacks of the other fcorporuti. "Few have been more eminently endowed with tho power of pleas ing men as well as women, but it was in hU own apartment that thi manner wag most charming. If you went to gee him on business, he L 'I't,...l.,n 41, n A,, receiveu you iuuibuhj, mc inu bassadors day, excepted--in a little study some twelve feet 6quare. You found him seated at a table covered with papers. He smiled as he ex tended his hand, with the palm downward,-after the manner of the PrinctES of the Church; but when rou had taken it, lie drew yours ilown to prevent the kiss etiquette demanded upon the ring:, and half rose in acknowledgment una recation. He would npure no pains in explaining any point you might eeek information upon,- eo;;?;tantly using the adverb 'ilunqne, and h4 dressing you as 'figlio but never as'tlglio-niio.' On taking your leave he would invariably rise and ac non-man v vou to the door of the room beyond his study. Whqn ladies were m visitors, they were shown into one ol the drawing rooms that, in fact, where, de nuded of its furniture, I a day or two ago looked upon his dead body There he would come to them, aw on their departing attend them to li.o outer door opeuinrr into the ,'ts' ante-room. Ilo was in viinnliU' scrupulous in being pre ivir,fl in native every one at the hour appoint. J have often lw in wait some time when I have gone to see him without a pevjous appointment, but never a moment, when the time was. named. In the drawing-room ho was the thorough bred Prince of the Church moving in coi'ietv; in St. Peter's he was the 'proud Prelrtle' appearing before tho world. Then the gentle, cour teous expression gave place to the imperious sternness of an ambi 1 ions dignity few would dream of approaching. The whole force of li is intellectual power seemed thrown into hii face; his look was iiard and impassible; nothing rest less about him but hii ;, glanc ing fmn tide to side ho never turned his face ami taking in all urouud. Ho moved along while the The rcar'ft Crlnifian Ilorur. Livadia has been visited by a cor respondent of the Paris Figaro.wlio gives an interesting account of the place. It seems that Li . -.tdia can lie reached from St. Petersburg ciilnr by way of Odessa or Sebus tonol. A steamboat plies between the former port and Yalta, distant only three miles from the Czar'd residence. The most picturesque route, however, is by way of Sebas topl, where a vehicle drawn by four fleet Tartar horses speedily covers the fifty odd miles which lie between the famous llussian stronghold and Livadia, along a broad, well-paved road by the late Prince Woronzoll, whose governorship was so oeneiicmi to the Crimea generally. For the first hour of travel the aspect of the surrounding country recalls the environs of Pan, with tig trees, oaks and vines on every side; as the mountains drew nearer, however, the view becomes suggestive of the luxuriant vegetation of the South, set, us it were, in an Alpine land scape, recalling in somo degree the beautiful tract of country between Lakes Jlacriore and Conio. Oa passing the lamous ingius Known as " the gates of Baidjar," a differ ent and yet more beautiful pano rama presents itself, strongly re sembling La Corniche and the Bay of Nice. At one's feet stretch the deep blue waters of the Black Sea, while on the west rises the Crimean coast, crowned villas aud chateaus, surrounded by parks and vineyards, in tho midst of which is the Imperial estate of Livadia. Liva dia originally belonged to the Potocky family, and was pur chased by tho Emperor for the tiso of tho C'z.irina, whose physi cians recommended her to spend the nutnmn and winter months in the Crimea. While the estate was in the possession of tho Potockys a simple cottage, lost in the midst of an immense park and rich ine yards, was the only residence. Tuis has beeu transtormea by the archi tect Monighctti into a chef d'eeuvre in the Kusso-iiyzantinc style, with out anv of the ordinary preten tiousness of a palace. There are now some ten or a dozen buildings on the estate of one Kind or an other. The principal pavilion i3 occupied by the Empcr'or and Em press, whose suite is composed ol tho Minister of tho Imperial House hold, tho provisional Gnitid Mar nhal, a couple of generals, Prince Wiazemsky aft the Czarina s ladies of honor, rsear the imperial abode is the residence of the Czarewitch and the Czarevna, who with their children and suite are also at Li vadia. Two miles distant is the Grand Duke Constantine's estate of Ovianda, where Prince Gortcha ko'V, Baron do Jomiui, Secretary of State de Hambnrger, and the Baron do Frederixez who i.s specially charged with tho transmission, re ceipt and deciphering of tho dis patches are at present residing. Life at Livadia is very simple and monotonous. Tho Emperor tran sacts business in tho morning, and lunches with the Empress and their suite at 1 o'clock. The afternoon is spent in riding, driving, shoot ing or visiting, and at 7 o'clock the imperial party sit down to dinner. Every evening there is the custom ary soiree de famille, when card- playing, jeux d esprit and reading form the usual programme. twenty-seven hours, was clever or lucky enough to effect a cure by "hydrotherapic" treatment. The account given of the case by the Paris paper does not afford any clue to the cause of so strange a seizure; but it may serve as an awful warn ing to those reckless persons who, like Lord Dundreurf, profess to delight in a good sneeze. There is, iudeed, somo reason for alarm just now. Sneezing, according to the scientific account of it, is caused by irritation of the inner membrane of the nose. And since snull-taking has been so completely banished Irom fashionable 60cietv there is reason to fear that the membrane in question must be a good deal more sensitive, and perhaps more irritable, than it was a century ago. (Successor ts TV AESEU & SUEPUERD), GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Cfilce, Kos Ileraphis, : . 24 Madison end 2S7 Main Street, : : : : : Tennessee KI3P1113HT31VTINO Weatrhriitor lainraeM I nninnnT. of !VW York, Aemetf 8 000.000 Watrrlnwn Inenrasice Company , or Se.vt Yorfc, ttHrt 70l,00 PttipVs' Iunranr4'iUaiiy.r .Newark, Nr Jfraey, Aael 450,000 Wf itieru AeeuraBce uiupnuy, of i uroulo, Canada, AstR.-.... 1,700,000 ThU agency has no connection with the Roard cf Underwriters, 144 INSURANCE. OKGAMZED IN 134d. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company, IK Hurtfjrd, Con-. Assets, : : : $13,49r,().itVJ2 Surplus, : : : 4,00131.32 (4 per cent valuation standard.) Dividend (for 1875) 2,543,538,0$ Politics in force Docembcr31,b73, insuring SlSr,0T0.Si2 Ratio of expense of management to receipts in 167S 7.55 por ce t Amount of Leasts paid at Mcuphis Agency $312.5311 JAMES COODWLV, JACOB L. GKEEXL", JOHN JI.TAYLOU, : : : President : : Secretary Asa't Sacretarj JAMES S. CARPENTER & CO., General Ageuts I'orTcnnrsser , NO. 43 MADESOX STREET, MVPni", TEW. 75 KO BACKUS WATER MOTOR! Inrkei's tbauers Agnlnat Bnesln, The correspondent of the Lon don Times, in Paris, writing on the 15th of November, says: "Eussia is arming; in two or three months she will be ready to take tho iield. If Turkey. Hurts herself alone in the presence of this aggression for till further orders we must reason on this belief what will she do ? It is a general opinion in Europe, and particularly in Russia, that it is only a matter of a simple military parade, and that Kussia will occupy isuigaria as easily as she would Odessa. " inis error is not snared m Turkey. On the contrary, Turkey is resolufo to defend herself to the last, convinced that she could resist, with success, if she were in a con dition to reply with her own arma mcnta to the armaments of Russia. It is believed in Turkey that the Russian attack will be made not only by way of lloumauia and Servia, but by Asia. This prospect does not appear to terrify iurkey, If confronted by Russia only, aud under normal conditions, her Asiatic frontier seems sufficiently protected, and she thinks Widin, Silistria, and other fortified points will enable her to resist in Europe. " She can put in motion one thousand battalions by summoning the reserves not yet called in. Most of her fortresses are admir ably equipped, Ears alone having three hundred and fifty guns of modern and effective make, and she possesses twenty-four lurge and small armor-clad ships, whose con struction, generally English, Jeares nothing to be desired. Her troops, like her ships, need, indeed, to le better commanded; but it cannot bo donbted that, in case of a war with Russia, the Turks, as fortunate as the Servian?, would be led by effi cient olhcera. " What Turkey really lacks is money. ly what prodigy she nas been able hitherto to meet the terri ble expenses of war nobody can say. At present Turkey has been aljle to face ordinary exigencies and tho overwhelming demands ot the struggle; but' the moment has come and this is Russia s greatest chance when the last million, even in paper money will have been swallowed up. Turkey requires to call out and equip her reserves and take meas ures in view of war, aud to do this promptly; but she cannot do so without money. What the Russians know better than anybody else is, that her exchequer is now exhaust ed, and that if it is not replenished her defense will be ridiculous, if not impossible. fi; te- -L jwp r FOR DRIVINO SEWIXO MACHINES. WAX MREAD .Machine! for harnsi an4 nthor heavy work. Also for polishing Jewelry or Plate Work for I)ntits, supplying air for portable gai machines, driving ventilating fans, yx, scroll, or stor e saws, oolftsn mills or rossters, sauiage.entt. 1 , revolving hair brushes, ice cream f.-oeiors, rotary puni'S, church organs, ptinting presses, etc. BIB is II 5 I F J il 21 AS. til MUiiU lIJ till orv ISXIIIDXTIOr? 11 N. Court St, WHITE SSWIK3 MACHINE CGMPAliV 1M. 1VI- 2BSi022, General Ajrcut. -Catalogues of Motors furnished on application, together with twe hundred references. SS 7K 1S15 CUAUIEUPKlil-iiTUAL. lim THE '''nHiTi mm r Life Insurance Co. NEWARK, N. J. $32,009,000 Lake, who falls in love with her Gentile, employer, has her face slapped by her Mormon brother, and finally elope3 with the young man. Here is a railroad olhcial in Kansas City, whose, wife flirted with the boss of a shirt f.ictory; the hus band wa3 jealous and indignant; the wife made n scene; the shirt factor left town; the wife coaxed her hus band to go Ea3t, find work, and build a new home for her; while he was out of town the wayward, wil ful lady took a lawyer into her con fidence, and obtained a divorce; and now the shirt factor is in im minent danrcrof being either killed or married. Here is the desperate deed of a Mexican assassin, near Puebla, Col., who kills a ranchman, his wife, and his married daughter. Here i3 a toldier, in Wheeling, V. Va., who sues out a writ of habeas corpus for the remains of his sister, a nun, in order to bury them where he pleases and not where the bishop says they must lie. Whoever says this is a dull country had better subscribe for a Western paper. the MILD FOWEIl CURES, HUMPHREY'S Homeopathic Specifics HAVE TROVED, FROM TIIE MOSI AM ple ei-erionca, an entire sneers'. Bim- ple. Prompt, Efficient and Unliable. J hoy are the only medicines perfectly dapted to popular use. Hoi. Cents. I cures levers. Congestion, Innamma tin .... 2enres Worms, Worm fever, V !... 1 Clic 3 euros Cryiug-Colic, or Teething oi In fants 4 cures Diarrhoea ei Chiiiren or Adulu. 5 cures Djsontery, Oriping.liilious Colis 6 cures Cholera-Morbus, V omiting...... 7 cures CourIis. Colilt, Bronchitis 8 cures Neu-aigia, Toothache, Facca 9 cures Headichcf , Sick Headache, Vor tiito 10 cures Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach II cures Suppressed or Painful Periodj .. cures W hites, too Prufu-e Porinds., .. 13 cures Croup, Cough, Difficult llre ith ing , ., U cures bait Klieum, Lrysipelas, Erup tions 15 cures Rheumatism. Rheumalia Painn 16 cures lever ana Ague, Chill i'ever, Agues 17 cu,res Pi'es, hlind or Me'Kling 18 c, -res Up htliuy, and bore or Viti Eres F 19 cures Catarrh, acute or chronic, Infl - 50 Lidy Sbriaht. daughter of Lord eu,, -it"i,oii'i."i'nir" CnVXTilliLTt Casilfitown, wlio is cominir. out on the j 21 cures Asthma, oppressed breathin?... .. London siaee. noetnoued Ur dfcbut.i ' tar wiscuarses, impairea nei.-- in order to more thoroanhly prr.parft her-f 33 curra"cro"fuTa."enircTETand j1 icm ..........,. ' 21 cures General Debility, I'hjeicai weak- ness ,.; j 35 cures Dropsy, an i Scanty Secretion ... self for tho part of " Ludy TphzIc." New AdvertiseraeHts Victims of youthful impruden". -V,n hnvn tricl in mi ovcrv knwn rciuerty. will icnm of a simple i r- Friptinn, niM'-.ior 1 ne spr.iy euro ,nf nervous i, bility. prmin'tira de cay, Inst nannooa, ana i,,,,,,"-!-.-" , , ii..i t'K4l, !,,' .1.,- r,rouir1itont,yox"f ei. A' v Uiiu'tt njstuo ciiht3 w.umii. itiuinii uio diu, injrciionis Add-.i-ss n.vvi (.. '' V:a natural or studied I cannot fell; the ti I'rar t If c of hnf ealiif . The following i frojn the Lon don Globe: Vor some timo past tho Parisian press ha3 been discussing with great truslo various remedies suggesteu for the vice of snoring. Having got tired of this subject, without arriving at any conclusion, tney will perhaps be inclined now to be stow some of their philosophic at tention on the bad practice of sneezing. Every excuse for doing so is afforded them by a ca3e which is iust reported from the Faubourg St. Honore. A young lady inhabit ing that aristocratic quarter was suddenly seized, a lew days ago, with a violent und prolonged (it of sneezing. Her relations, her mirso, and finally every one in tho Iioueo Ik 'fan to bo alarmed, ihe ortlio lnv "God bless you'' had been Bi. mi (-ml o:ifi reiterated in her ears, n7 - but tho demon of meeting refused to be exorcised, and the doctors ha4 to 3 called in. Ry their advice chloroform Wfis administered, and the sufferer thus relieved for a timo fiom an attack which hud ccin. pletejy exhausted her strength. But no Eoottor Jnd the effect of the doso gone oil than tl;s fits again seized her with no less persistence Ihui) befjre. The case was serious, and the niudirnl men began to re member with dismay the precedent mentioned in'their'books, wbero a nucc ot I'.dinourgn was auackeu in the same way ami ended by ac- rnra 0001 s Popular Prices 7 ESTABLISHED I86O.-1 FREDERICK LOESER & CO. Brooklyn MamniotliEstablishm log . , 27 curas Kidncy Disease, Gravel ., Zi cures Nervous Detilitv. t-eminal noss or Involuntry Discharges Jl 00 29 cures !-ore Mouth, Canker 60 cures urinary neaKnoss, wettp g toe lied f,0 M cures Painful Periods, with Spasm 1 .. .. 60 a cures uisea ot the Heart, Palpia tions, t-tc. J j- 00 cures tpuopty, spasms, ht. Vitus g L Dance........... ..100 , ,3 euros l'ipiuena. Ulcerated sore throat 50 lHt . f 5 cures (.h.ouic Congestions and Krun- lll'US LEWIS C GR0VE3 JAME3 B. PEARSON EDWAP.DA.STR0X0 BENJAMIN C.MILLER EL00MF1ELD J. MILLLR. Prciidcnt ..Visa Pmident f-ctrctnry Treasurer .....Actuary Low ICxt'CMca. Lui'Bo lHvldenils, Amplw Hui'iH'.ij. J. E. WAirSEE.. State Mcim, 24 Madison and 287 Sain Streets. MEMPHIS. TFNN sfu OS ALL KtltD.t. ou iorNT & co., Manufacturer am V holosale Doalers, Louisville, : Iesitiicliy litgo four- '.iv jast Jrenioved to their ns story warehcu50. --...t- fSAILROADS r li n n t onun l Jjres Hoods. Jliuincry, iancy oos, kiiks, Vials 'iilc lemei.t "A t nA ii if I. aces. Hosiery, Uuttans, Kibbons, i, loves. 5 Underwear. Ladies' and Children's Outfits. : FAMILY CASES. OUR " FASHION LIGHT," publiihod motthly, contains choice reading n.ntter and eiv all the lnteet intorination on fashions. It will, on applination. be mailed trte of charge Oupers fbok tub coi xtei dispatch. Orders from 811) upward furwnr-'cd cnartse, en recupi oi tne price at our ecpeie when orooaid bv P. O. order or ,iratt. t ULlittilua li 'bmiu s iu Fulton, Tilliir." and Washington stroeU, lirooklyn, N. i . MAXWELL HOUSE, T.IANSIf NT R ATE RKIH'CED frrm M to OiPHrlDAl SMALL H'.IOMS at i.3t tER DAY WHEN CALL1CU FOR. IIib nerlvadon ot Vnrl. The derivation of many word3 in common u?e is exceedingly curious and interesting. rrobablv lew people have any idea whence comes the lvord " tramway," by which the English denote a horse car track. It is derived from the second svlla ble of tho name Outram. The ancestor of bir James uutram, a very distinguished General, who died a few years ago, took a leading part in ex'tcuding horse railroads for drawing coal, etc., and his roads were called Outram ways, and gradually the lirst sviiaoio was dropped. Another curious deriva tion is that of the word " wallop," meaning to beat. "I'll wallop him " is still a frequent expression in rural England. It arises from a complete naval victory of Admiral Wallop, a member ot tho very ancient family of whloh the Earl of Portsmouth who also has the honor to represent Sir Isaac New ton is now tho head. Co ii le lersite Bills, Bonds, and Postage Stamps WANTED. SlUfor rarcit bills. So f,,r rarest stamps. It will piv to send immediately. Oth'r C. ti. curiosities, etc. AMERICAN STAMP CO., liox4lU-i, iew Xotk J. & P. COATS Have been awarded aKedaland Diploma at tl.a Centennial Exposition and com- mendod by the Judge tor "Superior Strength ASD EXCELLENT e'JALIIY OF Spool Cotton." .T. G0SU0RN. Dircclor-Gen'l sst,. J- K. UAWLKY, Pres't. i;. K. bottki.vr. tee y pre tem. O - EXTRA FINL M1.I1) CARD. WITU r.l...,a I - In ,11 a. . i .1 I. .Ill'l.' r.i K. Y. Aiiif-rlrnn Komance, Who says that American life is stupid, that it is utterly devoid of the elements of romauce, and that it is as commonplace as a plank roal oi? a grain elevator: Un a single page of a Western echango thero is enough raw material to stocW a dozen sensational novels. Hero is tho checkered life of an enamored gardener in Denver, who, nft-r being deceived by his wife in California and rejected by another woman, turned hermit and took to liquor and finally to strychnine. Hero is a beautilul young Mormon C K ,t - Vieek to Agents, nmples aOOBl I Free. P. 0. YlCKEHY, Au- gut, iita'no. r MAfV A MONTH a certainly to any person riV'UU solliiigimrLEriEK Iio"k. No press. brush cr water used. t-iini lo llcok wnlli3 sent free. Send stamp f,r circular. EXl.'LL- SluKCH , li Iribune liuiluinv. Chicaso, 50 Case (Moroccu) with above 35 larga vials and Manual of Directions 30 00 Case (Morocco) of 20 large vials anal book 6 60 Those remedies are tent by the case or sin gle box to any part of tho country, ;ree ol Adr.ress HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC MIDI- CIKK COMPANY. Office and Depot, 502 Broadway, N. 7. For sale by Druggists Everywhere. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vital weakness or denressinn: A w.alr at. hausiod feeling, bo energy or courage, the re sult of uiontai overwork, indiscretions ar ex cesses, srsom drain upon the system, is al ways cured bv 111' MPIIRt-Y S UO.iEO PATHIO SPECIFIC, NO 2S. It tones up ar.d invirorates the system, disnels the rlnom a,-, I (le!,ondcn'y, imparts strongih and enercv ftops the drain and rejuvenates the em;;,, mon. ieen aed twenty vears with reriri success by thousnnds. Boll by dealers. Price 1.1 per single v:al, or por packase ol livo vials end 2 vial of rowder. Sont bv trail ou receipt of price. Address JlliMPIlhlsA'-- IIU.-.U.OI'A 1 11 1U MhDlClN IS CO.. 56J Ilroid- way, iew l ork. w.fl. tULklNSU-VitjO., Wholesale AeenU JAMES 8. KOl'.lNtiON. Ag't. Cor. Second and Mneiison (ts., Memph'u 1Jr.-'.Tviii-ir''w7. viii-ft PRINTER. BLANK ROOK Mnnulacturcr, JOB PIS INTER, BOOK EII)EK, No. 13 West Court it, Mcmphig. IHE P0I'LLN I'AVOHITf! Louisville au! t iucisui.-nti KAirtOAl), Ihi Quickest, Bi3st and Onlj Routa With which rafsengers from the S'.uth maka direct connection at Louisville with Pinai Palace Slsejiai-Cars To'PiKsbnrff, H.-irrlsIjurK, Pliilatltlphi iVEW YORK AND OIHER EASTERN CIIIE3 WITHOUT CHAWGE. , This is the only lino running Pullman .southern bleeping Cars from New Or eans. Mobile. Jackson, Miss.. .Montgomery, tire ns'ii. Dcoatur, Jackson. Jenn.,acd Nn.-h-yillo to Cincinnati without change, connect ing at that point with nil liurs running ultman and Vnner Pa!n-o Irlecpcrs to Toledo, Detroit, U:and punius, liu) ninorw, aehinjtun, Sandusky, Cleveland, liuitaio, ilbany, Salamanca aud New York without cuange. This is the only line rn-nirsr its entire trains betweea Louisville ami Cincinpati. and the ojly line by which passenscrs liotu the cuth on route tn astra and Notlhiru Citit mot in through bleeping Cars) can avoid o. tedious haul tbroiieh tho city of Louisville hr jhanringcars at t-hort Lino J unction, witt. U. and Ot. f. It. U., thrro luil. J south ol tho city, where an alegnnt Dining Hull is located under tho m.uagemont of the Railroad Com panies. Through Sleepers from AtlapH. Chatta nooga, Little Kock. Meui,liis and Vi.-ks bur;;, rak direct connection at hhort Line .Inno nun wi'.b through Meepor? to Nc-.v Yort, Philadelphia, aua other cities via this line. mm THE CEK7t,;f:iAL .'"xhibitlon at Philadclphi-. :ic!r ts via tbis line will b sold at all ticket ol:iees in the lioutk and oouthnoet at great.'y rvduted raUa. XSKPORTICICEISVIA Louiavillo aid Cincinnati Short Lina No Other jLIno I'nu 1 iii', It, 0. It. KELLY, JOHN KTLKENY. Uen'l Ticket Aeent. (lou'U'tin Agent. JU. UuvL.i.Ot., -,. ,-, v . 104-ixiii-"):i Loipsville, Ky. Check Books, DrayI!ooks, LC('g'3TH, Draft Boolis, Cash Books, Journals. And vcry f)f rlptlon ot rrlutlnw , rth.nk ..ol4. 47-t REMOVAL. Ths Little Rock arid Fort Smith RAILWAY HAS o LI? tuallv chokinz herself and dying of I Her tulTocdtion. rortuiiately, in this Jlatw working in a hair etore ut lS;i!i j u(,ek', Arkansas Farmi gLani's, firsjing Lrnds, Fruit Lands, Vlne-L'ii'lS' Coil Lands, Wood lards, soma priirie Lands. Hotmm LiiivU and Uolnnds, ON TKUM . Tu KUir 1 lit Pi.UCIlAsliiX. StX PER 0KT. interest on dtl'erred pay rnenls. TKN Pl.R OEM', discount for cah. lor full particulars, roars and pamphlets. spp'y t vi . i hLALK, t,ana .oinnii,iner, u vaaiw H to ('(impnnv, M o l!" A KLAND, jVttonioy, REMOVED FROM S9 MADISON ST. Mudison, over Hernando Insurance STOCKS. Puis, Culls, Spreads, Straddles. We fal'.bfully txce jle all orders for the pur chase and sale "i stocks on 2 to 5 per cont. iniirnins. First Class !",k. Pnvileges nego tiaUid in any amount. We solioit the par m nge of partial dMru ol obtsining reliable and reipouMble brokers Our book ou Stock 8i,!'iiln!ion sont on application. TUMllKlDUi; iCO.. Kangnraand II hikers. V' L'lwiun ay. Nr.- nm. tod dw-l!-niv-13 3TEl PaAILl COUELE BALTIMORE Am) OHIO RAILIIOAD IS THE '-NLY ROTJTE. RY Wllir'.f tiCi.T) t ers of TUROl'R'l 'I ICK KTS to New York aud Boston are enabled to visit Uio oitica of Baltimore, Philadalphi, New Yo;.k andCosto;) At the coit of a tioket to Noir Yor't or Kooton only with the pnviice of vb iting tyAsiiiwr;i city fkee is xiie only noxrxi: rnoM tnt - WEST TO WAMIINOTOy CITV Wlthouta lorg and tedious fmni'dn Trnns.'o. throtigh Baltimore. Th Onlr Linn r.nnD" "."u.'i- cnl Day Curs n d t nlm l'.i', 1), kiria'T'Iioont Ms-.v- Cs-aclifB, FROM ST. LOUIS. LOVI-VIT.L!. CKCIN JJATI AND Cuul'Jdlil A, TO EALTI7.1SRE A 3 V! 'P'l'l':'?"- i '. 1 I t I . WITHOUT C!U: Tke's fr tile at all Ticket fiSto- ! th Boulh and West. I,. M. ciLI., Uen'l lieltet Arrent. Uallitnora, 1 M. BllADFOilD, 1 fvia-h. Ag'i.-Mi-.,.hi i)