Newspaper Page Text
PUBLIC LEDGER. Pbbuo Lkogii Orrici. I liciipaiB. TeKN.. beoember t, 1876. 1 The money market ia again quiet to day, with very little doing in financial circles. The amount of paper which went to protest on the 4th was only about $1600, showing a decided solvency of the mercantile and business commun ity. Exchange was in abundance, with unchanged rates: New York commercial bills, is discount buying and selling at par; Eastern sight, o discount and sell iog at par; New Orleans, buying at ic discount and selling at Jo premium. Curb stone or street brokers are cau tious, and charge from 2 to 3 per cent. per month. New York gold rates are 108J; here broken are paring 108 to 109. The market for stocks and bonds continues quiet, with few transactions and unchanged quotations. Memphis fi'l, oarrenor-;.... (SIS 0,0 am Mill a:to OH 90 ta.90 75 wempnis o i, goia-oearing INioolson pavement scrip..... HSelby county warrants.. .. 93 .. ft 25 ".'."I'sS w 95 70 Charleston railroad itootsa.. Tennessee sew is.ue-.......... TanHasse state warrants..., School Hoard warrants...... Memphis tux scrip (175)....... Police and i ire scrip ..., Arkansas jjiate scrip... .... COTTOS. The market is quiet this morning Bad prices nominally unchanged. Estimated sales for the day, 2000 bales. COTTOI IXOSi-ICE QUOTATIONS Ordin ry.... ....... (S 9 Good Ordinary ....,.... . (910 Low .Vi.iaiini....!aii Middling Uiod Middling , .- Middling Fair OOTTOS IXCHAKQE STATgM.IT, Btoax, Senwmbsr 1, 1876....... l.teeeive Mince last otatemant... S.fiS.' Received previously. 207,162 ti12 ' - ..- UW 5.403 210,814 Shipped slsee Iaat statostent.. 8hippai ircnously........ Stook at noon this day... . 1.9:8 216.247 .147,291 119.2U9 67,038 IMPOSTS. Thai tar this wee..... 14 583 Taas tr.r last wtoi....... .... Iti.iKil Bisc aenisrarer j. 21U.KH Memphis ana Cbar.stton railroad 738 Mississippi and lonnesiieo ruiiroad..... 5 9 Memphis jsut Ohio railroad. ........ ....,.. 54) Memphis and radn 'ah railroad........., 144 Meiaphis and LitUj hosi: taiiroad... 4 IS Steamers ,.. ... 840 Estimated per wagons and other sources 400 UPOETS. Thai far this wee ........ . ... 7.732 ... 10.411 ...,14tf,i9 Thus tar h.stneoi ..... Bines eioptoaiber ..... Memphis ana oa&rietto;, rauroaa 7t VIS 8.7 101 1..V9 Mississippi and Teuuossoo railroad , Memphis and Ohio railroad .., Hteamern, norlii....................., Htoamora. south ....., By rail north...................... By rail south . 2;(t Nw Voei. I'eceinher 6. 10:52 a-rr. Spots are quiet and firm, with futures steadier Gold.... 84 Ordinary ....... 10 1-1G Good Ordinary. ......ll i-lo Low Middling-..... 11-16 Middling 12 1-16 Niw long. Do;ember6 12:20 p.m. Ootttj is quiet, with futures weak, bales for future delivsry. 7-00 talcs. January 12'12 5-15 1'ebruary. . l.' J-127-lo March 12 9-i6 Ui April..., liHamj-K, May 15 15 10 m June ......... js i-16 4i;-; July .. i310ui;i'.4 August M7-;t!iJlS 11 32 2eceinber 1- 1 livU'S Uold ..n...-.,....... .. S'-i Ordinary (J 1-J6 Gluod Ordinary.. ... 11 1-10 Low i: (idiih(.M..... 11 11-0 Middling .... 12 1-10 LlTRiroOL. Ceceu.bcr 6 12:J0 p.nn. f'ot tonistirm Uil(.nJ, 67-16d: Orleans, 651. bales, 15 1 00 tales, of whiot) 430 were for ex port and speculation; leceipts, 6i6 bales, of which Gi5 were American, Arrivals are 1-3.M lower. 61!aKJL Jt AIX4ET. The followinj quotations are tor orders from store and small lots in a iobbin way: APFLJSS-lIedinm.159; choice. 175J250 per bbl. iSRAN-Steady; wheat. 759S0e V 101. BACON (loos)-Shoulders, o'-o: clear rib sides, 9';,c: clear sides, lOo; breakfast, 10ji; uar-cured hams, can v sad, Ih'c; sugar eured hams, uncanrued, packed to i hivhet. BljL FORK (Loose)i shouMers.etiTc; long clfar, S-i to 9c: clear rib, 8.'uo'.'o; clear fides, y't to 9hO. HliAtol 603175. BUIiUR Cmuioa, 10313a; medium, 153 20o; choiee,2S J3u;. BALl-Vtl 6XUFFR AND TIES-BaggiT. ? and Ti 10S, 12;vloVio; oiling twine. Vi)'t liy-.o: iron ties. 6 tob'-ci pieced ties, 4c. BU1L1MNU MA'lhKlALf In mora prtcej are: Cement, Louisville, l bbl; Rosen dale. V bbl, 2 b)3t 75; hair, i tu&l 2i ,i 40 lb balo; plaster, AHcbiKan, 5 50; New York, 4 00; Jiae, per bbl, 1 Siatl 5. Fire-brick, f 3 (X) tn s M per 10): brick. 10 to 11 per lit . BEEP, FRFS1I - Forequarters. 2)4 to4o; hindquarlLrs, 5fu7c. ilogs, 8tu9o. iSheep. 7i97V4 m lb. nlk'K WHEAT FLCl'R-9 00 per barrel. CASOLi,o Boies, mil weight i6o; half hox. full weight ItJi to JOKo, quarter bvx, full weiirht 17 to 17Hc onr 1 . C'OChaN UTS-far li'. 5 0. COrKKB-OrdiuarylJ il9'.i;, fair 203:o;jc, good 20'iflc. prime 22U22kc. ueiut. iif 2Jc, Jt 2S '4,50c, U'irdova 212le. OUIOKBNS Mixed, 8i6jU 3 CO; ohoiet kens, 1 3 1'm'i 50. COAL OiL XNgMlip 31e. CORN Miied, 64a 5o: white 50167s. COikK-MliAL lulu-ilnea. tali -weights 1200 to 2 6i. COTTON YARSS-Ue. 60D, 12312So: No. 100. 14-BHWc; Ko. 400, l016o. CA3i;A(ili3-For 100 heads, (9 0)t?10 0: rates, 3 IQ&i M). CllttKSr; Western, 134;3o; Eo(,li;b dairy, 14 U'Sc: ri'es irregular. COTTON-8Elfil) 8 00 ton. COTTON-bKtDOlt.-l'otton-seod oil . in demand: Crudo,at42:.;lc; yoltow, bi&Vf oil-nml. $25 W ton er.d 1 : hundred. CllOUT-Per barrel, tSOJi'SiD; half-bar-rsls. (4 0, as to quality. CRANBEltKIkS- 41 bbl. 10 Wail 50. DRlltI JfJCUlX Appws. 4A5o; peaches, 9Hc. DKUaS-Opium, V 10 to 7 75; qrtin-Ke. 12 6 J $ ounoe ; morphine, 5 25 to ounoe ; phor, i5j per oun(l; chlorotorm, 1 10 w pound ; castor oil, Iho W pound; borax, 2(M pound; blne-osass, in iars. V5c s pound .cal omel, 100 pousi; indigo, 1 00 O I 20 pound; afafoet'da, 25 and . Oo pound: tar tari aoid, 0land&; sulpburio acid, 6 ' ound; alcohol, i V gallon; iodide potash, TV'CKS-Ptady; 3 013 60 W doiea. . Ii(lS-222l3doien. LOllU fcjupe:flne.4 2&l 50: double ex tra, $5 00 2 ; treble eg, ra. 6WTI6 25; choice jmtlT, 6 50?;47U0: larjcy,7 tO 'SuO a bo!. FISH Maoktrnl, halt-barrols. Ho. 1,7 T09 ; half-barreli Ko. 3. 6 i 0 5 ; half -barrels Ne. 3, 6 5)fsi-; kits No. 1, 1 505n.O; kiw, No. 2. 1 3-41 40; k ts No 3. 1 10. White fish, No.l, half-barrein,6,r(j3t(i W: iaoiily.4 50e 5 0u. lierrini. smoke-l. H)e; roe herrings, hr.lf barrels. 6; Rcelfoot Lake, 8 Jlr.c lb: Chi eairo Lake. 10 'KlCn w Itt; red snapper. 12 l;c. SRlT!j-$4 2534 50 H bbl. O K US K-Steady at JO 0037 00 GLAtiS-6xJ,S7x9, $5 75; 7iHWxTt, 075: Billi81Uxl3. 7 2; llil412x!7, 8; liisjfiijo, i 25: 14x22510x24, $10. lo tho trade a div ont.of50oent. , HIDBH, K XO.-Dry deerskin, 2ffiWj: sheep pelts. 25-'81 2i; Uint bis. 10 j;4o; ir; salted, $910o; green salted. 5.7j; green. 4 O0e JiORSERADISHES-Per barrel, 00 llOMIMY-nt barrel. 3 T5;4 10 HAY W ton, urairio, H Wi,(4i0 00; mixed. $15 0917 0": timothy. $18 (WW J) Wt. HAROWARK, KfC.-Uar iron, y lb. 4 4So. Boiler plates, goviirnmeit stamped, i ; eharcojl boiler So. 1, b'4c; fire bed iron, Ko. 10 to 14. 630V-: charcoal bod, 8So; sheet tron, No. 20 to 21; 7,vio; sheet iron. No. 22 to 24, 7!o: eharooal, No. V to 27, SHo; plow slabs, 6c; stce! slabs, !i'.o; plow wiags, iX 5e; hore-shoe iron, i yic ; bollowaro cast ings. 53iS: spring stel, 17S,o; cast steel, fi'Aa; axes, doten, 9 o0l2 50; boiler rixels. V lb 'e. IiARD Tioroos. U to JV4n kegs, 12c; half barrl 12c; in pails. 12!j to l2c. LEMONM-7liu,iv8 0U oa LIVK bTOUK Uuiel; o .nice rross.j;: oxen and cows'i nS'io gm fed cattle, S4 Si; calves. 15 48 per lie id; rows andcalTes, tl5 0O40 0O; bogs. F.'.OS,1-,?; sieep, 3ii!jiJ4c; lambs. $1 60 4'.'0 per head. MKSS POUK-Lirhtwoigbt, 13 60 to 17 60; Bless pork, havy, f 18 to 18 00; MOLAriSK-J New 0'iininin. -c; fair. 60c; rime. bSo; s'-rifily prime, bOu choice, 62o. i MATUUKS. BLCklMei, H,TO. We quote: 1 Matohoi M grosn. 300 in box, 7 50; pax or, W rotl, I(v(j$3o0; pixon'i ttovs polith, groes, : Moron's blaoklag. V tron, S'; arr. $ 6 3. NAlLr-$. 10 to S 35 keg. NAVAL STOKfiiJ-Resin. W bbl; Tlrgia. 00 J pale. 6; So. 1. 4 75 1 No. 2. 4 50; pitch, bbl. 5 50; tar. bbl, T 50; half bbl. 4 50: hanlll rope, lb.lJ18Se; Sisal. 15i316Hos tarrad rope, 15o; tar sarlin, 85o: ipui yarn. r?k !k. !. natj. 6, Amerioan ht. 1 60: best navy, 6. OAT.S-Oats. mixed. 47J0e par bushel. ONIONS-Per bbl. 2 50. U riw x ikJCl -h.egs. 2 00 to 2 3; hall bU. S 50 PDTATnBS 19 UVD9 Tl I , . . to totM starts " r" oww iC,1i53T',r h1'-bn'. 4 M te 1 03. PAUItr-Linteea oil. 68: beued. 73! turpentine, 44c; Japan dryar. 85981 75; petty, ho itr. an ,I.n 11.. j t ... ... .. . i xr V , raun, eoaon, a wf copal. No. 1, 1 75; fire-proof taint, dry. 4He; Vanetian red. dry, Cookson's. 314c; yellow j , ' wniteleal, l(X3Ho; reDallV,0i.t?.ulor-.931040. ffJ.XS -0l?,inr7 t0 choice, 5H"97V. BUOAR. LOU16IAN A-ln hbV fair. 8'io : ew. tuuy .air. Stic: trim. 9'.i: nh..i. to 10Xo; follow clarified. 10 to lie; white Ci' Vnllnw .ln.lfl.J in ,1-. V;.. is Mi ic; osrreiea- UltfUer. KIIllAH Hl,'VHl,ll-li.j:..j ft ,miy ... . , e ,, ' aiuiuMiu 1074c: cut loaf. I4e per pound. irtUfs-Cammon to fanoy 40o to85opr gallon. Ml I.T.P.... 1 . . . . dairy in bbls; 2 75 te$0O; Liverpool coarse. 1 ik kki ' """'P001 nao. saoas, 1 ou to 24?,S0,,'n n(1 German 5 to 64o per lb. MARCH 4JR per lb. floor ijsio. 14x20, 13; IC,12xl2, 12 00; IC. t ' ' "u"l iron, oouea, jmos. a and , d", charcoal, Sc; do. galvan- u,B ,rfli,, imitation ao. 17 n; sheetiino, Uo; iron wire, 9.9 15o; seldior, 2c; block tin, Sac. ii lis k vs a no in 10 na ... J VIRtH UJ nut. -j . ........ VVVu W VUUIUI, iOUQ, aul WDiaun, per gallon. W,IS?,vrtr.f- parsaUon. as In ago and ijuTtiiey, 91 &)i 1 uu. , i-rT T: n ' . .1 uuu- r ine nee" waslied. T2 to 3)3 per ooarse fleece washed, 32 to 35c: choice tub ahfd.4ito45c; fair tub washed, 33io37o; d.ngy and poorl washed. 38 to S2c ; fine un washed, 21 to 2!e; medium unwashed, 28 to iS,i: flnarne nnnuhml 11 Ia ia... - . j barry, 12 to 2'lo. IT' .All . 1 1 ,- An- r. . wvyuanii niuiiUH W Alt H Two asd fli ... Viinr.B.l n.i.,.,1 knb.t. ,s ac. 1 -u.vw uvuvu, .-bt.u Huuagia, f GUOS . a OL il . , . n k.-.a-U..... .1 1 .1 i n hoops. t8"t tubs, painted, neHta cf $, 3 75; rt.o. 1.9 50; No. 2, 8 5.1; N. 3. 7 69; ohurns, p,uo, w u luoxoi, iuiga mi oedar, iron-bound. 13 vl7c; eedar, brass-bound, 16i3 20: well bankets. 4 fira!, Vi- .o),hr, 2 00; lino, 2 25; ax-hmdlee. i-25ffll 7i6: tneaitn-os. tts of 75. Wii6Ai o. 3. Tuo to 1 OS W bnsiel. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. BOATS LEATIXQ TO DAT. New Orleans. James Howard . ...5 p.m Newer, cans, Carnndolot 5 p.m C ncinnati, Cons Millar. ......i p in Cinc'nnati, (lolden Rule 4 p.m Friar's l'oint. Coahoma p.m Carl Pehurs. Scanlan's Landing .,5 p.m ..uiMi, ' vuuiiiii ieue M n p m ,-t. Fraimiji riwr. V.ll i n m St. i ratiois river. 0ceiiiaV.'!Z."""."..".5 v.xa araansoa nvor, dlaumello - t p.m ARV.IVAW. Steamer Coahoma, Friar's Point. ? " Maame!!p, Arkansas river. Caronde'e', New Orleans. O.-ccoU Helle, Asbport. " John A. Scudder, St. Louir. DSPA BTORgS Steamer Hard Caab, White river. Capitol C.tT, St. Louis. G W., Friar's Point. " Illinois, Vick?bnre. " John A. Scudder, New Orleans. i?t PORT. James Howard. Ella. Msnmi-lln r rondelut, Carl Schurz, Coahoma, Ooceola oeue. ComllltoB of Ilia ltlvire. The river here declined 1 inch from last eYetiing up to noon to day. At Cairo the decline was 11 inches, with 10 feet 4 inches on the gauge; at St. LouU navigation is suspended, with the river full of running ice. The Ohio is falling Irom Pittsburg to Cairo, with C feet 7 inches in the canal, and 7 feet large in the Ohio. Cumberland river is receding, with 2 feet 10 inches in the channel. Arkansas river is falling, with 2 feet on the gauge at Little' Rock, and 3 feet from Pine Bluff to the mouth. White river is falling, with a fair stage from Jacksonport to the mouth. Miaerllnnoawis. Clear and pleasant Little movement in freight The unsettled condition of the country depresses business in every branch of trade. The local packets out last nii-ht had fair trips of freight and people. -I lie llard Cash for White river had a good list of freight and peop.'e. The Cotton Valley arrived at New Orleans yesterday. The A. C." Donnally for New Orleans and James AV. Gaff for llemph'u passed Evansville yester day. . The Charles Morgan and John Means left Cincinnati last evening for New Orleans. Navigation at St. Louis isBlill closed on account of the iieavv running ice. The upper Mississippi is gorged with ica at Chester, below St. Louis, vhich blocks the river and closes navigation between Cairo and St. Louis for the winter. The Wild Gazfll, with a tow of produce barges, passed Cairo last night for New Orleans. Tho underwriters at St. Louis will tako no more marine risks until after tho ice breaks up and the weather moderates. The Fannie Tatum enters the New Orletns and Red river trajle. Heavy floating ice wa3 passiug Osceola yesterday. The City c Helena is ice-bound b.i!ow St. Louis. ' The new Cincinnati and New Orleans steamer Golden City makes a trial trip to-day at Cincinnati. Ihe John A. Scudder passed down last evening f r New Orleans with 1500 tons of freight. She added at the elevator a lot of mis cellaneous freight and cotton. Tho Carondelet, Captain Hicks.! camo in last night from New Or leans with 350 bales of cotton and a lot of Eeed and sundries. She leaves this evening with a return trip for New Orleans, making all principal way landings. Captain Alf Grissoni has control of the office. The Carl Schurz, Captain Mat Tremmel, is the regular packet leaving this evening for Scanlan's Landing and the bends, attending to all way busiuess. Tho ladies of Capo Girardeau havo manufactured an elegant silk flag, which is to be voted to the most popular steamboat at -their festival during the holidays. The James D. Parker leaves Ciu ciunati this evening for Memphis. Captain Leo Crane was bull-dozed out of several hundred dollars on the Yazoo Valley by poker men. xue new steamer Ualumet is announced to leavo Cincinnati to day for New Orleans and the Thompson Dean to-morrow. ihe John 15. Maude is loading at Cairo for Memphis, Vicksburg and uic oenas. Tho Utah, en route to New Or leans, is ice-bound at Carondelet. The good steamer Golden Utile leaves Glenn's wharfboat this even ing at 4 o'clock for Cairo, Louisville and Cincinnati. Captain Shaw i3 her gentlemanly clerk. The Osceola Belle, Captain An drews, is the regular packet leaving this evening for Asbport and all way landings on the upper coast. Captain O. K. Joplin, who is recog nized for his uniform kindness and prompt attention to business, has charge ot the oilico. The large and commodious pas senger steamer Jame3 Howard leaves this evening at sharn five for x " New Orleans, making all principal way landings and doing all way business. Iter passenger accommo dations are unsurpassed. Mr. Chas- sing, an affable gentleman, presides in tne oince. The Ella, Captain Thomas Bow man, leaves this evening for all points on St. Francis river, going through to Linden, and connecting with tho light draught steamer Low Water for upper St. Francis river. She also gives Epecial attention to all way business in Council and Walnut bends. Captain Les Waije holds forth in the office, and is assisted by Messrs. James Salsburv ana xuu jjumo. The Maumelle, Capt. Woodruff, camo in this morning from Arkan sas river with -140 bales of cotton and sundries, and rcshipped at the mouth 545 bale3 of cotton, making a total out of the river 1019 bales. She leaves this evening with a re turn trip for Little Rock and all points on the Arkans.13 river, carry ing tho mail and doing all way business. Billy Butler and Billy Willi.', two clever gentlemen, are her clerks. Tho fine steamer Cons Millar leaves this evening at five o'clock for Cairo, Iiouisvillo and Cincin nati. Captain Wm. Tichenor, who made himself so popular on the James D. Parker whilein command of her, is her skipper, and all wish ing a pleasant and safe journey up the river will do well to tako pas sage with him. Ciintui n .T.impa Wilson has charge of the office. The Anchor Line packets, dur ing the ico embargo between Cairo and St. Louis, will nlv betwoiri L -j Cairo, Memphis and Vicksburg, running in connection with the railroads at Cairo, which will bring freight for them from St. Louis. Ihe red tiger packet Coahoma, Captain James Lee, sr., is the regu lar mail packet leaving this evening for Friar's Point aud tha bends. She gives special attention to all uantation and way business. Mr. Ed Thomas, a gentleman with whom it is a pleasure to travel and do business, controls the office, and is ably assisted by Mr. John Burke and James Thomas. The Osceola, Captain B;ukett, is the regular packet leaving this eve ning for the mouth of St. Francis river and all points th o " Wittsburg, connecting with the Mattie Belle for upper St. Francis river. Captain A. Haycock pre sides at the desk. We have Pittsburg advices nf Tuesday, which are as follows : Ihe Salt Vallev. from T arrived and departed. The Carrie Brooks, from Zanesville, and tow boats Sam. Clark, Sam. Miller, Jos. Warner, J. C. Risher, have arrived. The Transit ran on anmn mn n Sewickley, breaking, a nuinW of imiucrs, anu nas gone to Mclvees port for repairs. Tim M.irv Mill- got -aground at Beaver Shoals on rnday evening.' and did nnt or.r. nfl' until Saturday morning Tt ia that she had to tako nearly all of her trip out to lighten off. The United Slates steamer IlnmnWv is reported hard aground nt Horse tail, and it is said she is in a dan gerous condition. The Blue Lodge is on dock, repairing. The Seven Sons has gone to meet the Hornet and help her up with her tow. The Allegheny is reported closed at Logan's eddy. It isKtill putting out somo ice, but it is not heavy. CT.Ttoe rplnr or n lolr Bfr. The Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin recently contained the following : Tho skin of an immense polar bear ha been received by a gentle man in this city by the bark Nile, from u friend on the bark Isabella, at Cumberland Inlet, with tho fol lowing account of its capture: "A party of men from the Isabella, including a number of Esquimaux and myself, were walking ou the ico a short distance from the ship, when, rounding a hummock, we unexpectedly discovered, a short distance from us, a large bear quietly feeding. We would have returned to the ship without dis turbing it, as we were armed with only one rifle and a few Rnem-s enr- ried by the natives, had not ouo of tne several dogs that were with us announced our presence by a loud bark. Tho bear, as soon as it saw tho intruders began to advance slowly toward us, but wa3 met by the dogs, who attacked the aniinal vigorously, but with little effect. lie shook them off, and after injuring three of them so badly that they had to bo killed, con tinued to advance. Wo discharged the rifle and thou fled to the ship, where we urmed ourselves and came out; to look after the bear, which had disappeared behind one of tho numerous hummocks by which we wero surrounded. We had searched for Eome time, when as one of the Esquimaux passed the corner of a hummock he"came face to face with the infuriated animal. He gave a fearful cry just a3 the brute struck him with one of his immense paws. The rest of us heard tho cry and rapidly surrounded the brute, which stood lierfoellv still over the bodv of the Esquimaux. We fired six teen shots, twelve of which entered his body before ho received his death wound. .The native was in s.'nsib'o when we picked him up and badly torn about the shoulders by the beast's claws, but not seri ously nurr. We took tho bodyol the bear on a sledge to tho ship ; it weighed 1575 pounds, and was ten feet and one inch from nose to tail, and eight feet and four inches around the thickest part of its oouv. - for Am anna River For Pine Bluff, Littlo Rock. Fort Smith and an way landingi-iae light-draft steamer Blanmelle. .. A. M. Woodruff. master laLiUMM Leaves THIS DAY. 6lh inat.. at 5 p m. JSO. N. HARBIN, Sup't. 2y2 Front st. f or iacl.-.niit.. For Cair. Louinville and Cincinnati The fine steamer GOLDEN RULE.... 0 P Shinklo, master LEAVES AS ABOVE THIS . ir-a. DAY. 6th inst.. at 4 p.m. l-'rftii'lit. will hn ri.(.oii7i.ii n, IIia i"'-' -Ca Wharl boat, or on board. K. r. ULKKH. Ai;ent. on Wharfboat. For Sfw Orlcnv. P.egular Memphis and New Orleans Packet and all way landings Tbe elegant paiiKeucor steamer James Howard, fO R. R. Pegram, maHer...J. II. Cha?ing, clork WILL LK AVE AS ABOVE WEDNES DAY. Decnmhftr A. nt 5 n ;!,, special attention to all plantation business. For Ml. Irancn Ulvtir. For Marianna, Wittsburg and all Way Land' mgs 110 nne steamer T R Bowman, miistpr Los Ware, clerk i eavos ViMJiN'LtfDAY, Dec 6. at 5 in.. going through to Linden. For frtiirht or parage apply on board. For ClacliiDutl. Memphis and Cincinnati Pokt O. For i.ounTiue ana lancinniu-IS JBlogant Pastengor Bteamor COSS MILLAtt. Wm. Tichenor master avtii'.lf Leaves WEDNESDAY, Dec. 6. at 5 p.m. For full particulars apply on board or to K. W. LltlUTUUHNU, Hen'l SupX a)5 front street. fr'l.r Aviv il.laaii. R'Kular Mempliis nnd New Orleans Packet ror v lcKaou g, Natchez, Kew Orleans and all way and bend laudinea-The stoamor Oa,rondelet. i.fc?: J F Hickf, maitcr; firi som, clerk, v'.vrJ Will leave WEDNESDAY, Doc. 0, at 5 p m. B. P. OLENN, Agent, on Wharfboat. liegalnr I "i (,rni-n t ttriiitilii tuil While ftivor I'-nckci, ForAugu:ta, Jacksonport, Searcy and way points - tsieamir IIAKD CASHES E. C. Postal, master. T EAVES MEMPHIS EVhR TUESDAY, U at 5 p.m. For ircight or pi'inge apply to . J. T. WASHINGTON, 3fl0 Front st. SO-J K. P. OLENN, on Wharfboat. for Amtiliort. Regular Rand' lph. Fulton and Csciela Tri- iteomy racket, Osceola Ilelle, J G Andrews, manter 0 K Joplin, clerk Lraos Memphis MONDAYS. TUUKS EAinand SATURDAYS. at5p.m. ror ircnttu or parage apnly on board. (1 J LEE LLNE UAttttYING U. il. MAIL. RTIAMIB ft?JSi5 Phil Allin, Stack Lee, master! Jas N Thompson, clerk; I KAVKH MEMPHIS EVERY MONDAY I J an- "IMtUKlnY f. r;.'. i.ii -. i Arkan City. Strict alUintion paid to all huaiaoes intrusted to her e.iro. For f'riiyrit and All,- K.alnnaa Bnnl In 5r J- T. WASIIINUrnx. a.' :liPr,,ni .i fur ncnnlnu'a lanuluK. Itccular Memphis and fiovilan's Landing u.i, i uc-nov xor ocaniaa s x.anding and ail way points. Mat Trinmel, marter. T EAVFS THK FOOT OF UNION STREET, iVi-5:1C,P.4vi TIIKDMS. WbDNkS Jf". THURSDAYS. FRIDAYS and SAT v klia VS at 5 p.m. Fur friglitorpa,sage apply on board. tor irisr's i'olni. trS .iL,ne; nrrylng V. 8. Mnil-For Friar's roint. IIeli.-ia. Delta nnrl sliway landings in tha 1 1 .-.,) - Tl.. . .. " Coalioma J5H'in-iufj eaureiy new BlORUirr James Lee. Sr. mister Ed R Thnmai. ri L,T?rW .MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and r ltlDAl at 5 p m. Morehanta, plantuia and trailers can rely on the strictest attention to all way and plant ation buiin?s?. For frpigbt nr parage apply to " i J. X. WA.SHl.NOlDJ-.Agt. WO Front. Mempbi3, Now Orleans F tlislrids! ISEA.WOW OF lb7-7. THE U tt E AT Thompson Ucan Leaves Kempbii Wtdneslay, Nnvemher 20th. .. '.' " Kuceuilier liiih. ' , ' December 27th. ,, January lOih. ,, " January 24ih. ' , " February 7th. " ruliriisry 21et, , ' " March 7ih. And every altornat Wednenday during th nvunn. Hour of dipartnre 5:30 p m.. on arrival of trains from Louisrill and the Knit- J. T. WASHlNOTON, Agent. 2-5 m Front stroat. STEAMBOATS. yor (. rraaria River. For Marianna. Alllir'Uor Gaynn ind th Cut Off, ovnneotiiif with tha light-draft ateaincr Low Water for Wittnuurg ud til points on tha upper 8t. Franoij river, Tha elegant paiwenfor iteaaier Osceola, S Basket.. ............- master Lmtm as abere EVERY MONDAY. W KPN BSD AY and FRIDAY, at 5 p.m. For freight or pasting apply on board or to J. d HOL AND. 21 Front st. Partioular attention paid to band business. 82-t E3ILT HARRY'S EZeinphis Uhllft ntitl Itlack HtvrrM V. W. Mail 1.1 no. For Indian Bay. St. Charles, Clarendon, Devall'a Blulf, Dea Arc, Augusta. Jaokaon riort. West Point, Searcy. BateBville. Pow hattaa and I'ocahoutas Th tin steamer XJ rr H , .saaSEfc W J. Ash for J ....master Loaves Memphis every SATURDAY at S p.m. connecting with steamer Mf ARTHUR for all points on Black river. Through rates of frAlfht. nnt h.vl.aa In all ttninta r,a llln.l ana White livers. i or freight or passage aoply on board or to J. T. Wa-SUINUTON, 800 Front st. R. P. OLENN. on Wharfboat. Vvjaiafct r.r,.; 1 t Mil 1 1 .. I1 1 1. - a..viu vuu.l,lru bU .'.lib Ui, Will US handled free of storage, drayage and ommia- Biuii. nun pu. luroagu pronnnty. a.o-j Memphis and Vicksburg Tk't Co. JPov Violtsburg. For Ilelena, Friar's Point, Mouth of White, Greenville and Vicksburg Tho elegant passengor steamer ILLINOIS, M R Cheek, master...- Wash Floyd, clork Leaves Memphis every TUESDAY at 5 p.m., connecting with th R. E. Le for New Orlounii, and with Parisot Line for points on Yasno river. e- Krcighti consigned to the Line for steamer Illinois will be received at Hlonn'a rt aarf boat at all times. For ITriur'H Point. The ologant passenger steamer Geo. W. nipr-lr. p.. ft-rfj iTV Nat Ureon, master D P Davis, clerk Will leave every TUESDAY, 'THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 6 p.m. Partimln iiltuni;.,n ..ul A ln k. . J aongera for Walnut and Council Bends. for Koulh Whlta Kirar anil RSverton Tne exoollent passenger steamer .A.. T. "Wliite. Geo. Malone, roaster; Chas. Smithors. clerk. Li-avosas abovo MONDAYS and TUURS DAYfl, atS p.m.. throurhnut the season. j. o . DAiinAuti. hup t. ll w r.TUH ntrti tt: i . 70 t Office, aw Front st..'un..tairs. HOZKJLIL. & CO.. Kecciving: and F rwardiugMercL'nts AND Ooiioral Bteamboat Agonts, AT FRIAR'S POINT. MISS. V ill attend to any and all businefs in trnstod to their care, and guarantee tatiafac- 10 S7 LEGAL. Trust Hale. ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27. ire at the south ate of Court Square, In th oity of Memphis, Tonn ,1 will toll, aa trustee, a eertain parol nf land situited an lot No. 8 of th Vm. Crano survey, lying between the Loosa Ilaichie and Mississippi rivers, in Sheloy county. Tenn., recorded ia the Regis ter sffice of Shelby ciuntv, Tnn., in Book bio. ,5, paga 23), to which referenco is mad for a moro full and particular deacrip tion. I Boll this lard under pow-r given in a deed ot trust made by J. J. Worfham to Oeorge 8. Mahan, trinte. and by virtue of a decree made on the 29ih dsy of Mav, 1876, in the Probate Court anpointir.g in ' trustee io ftead of laid U. 11. Mahan, Ueceaso t, to mt w'y tne dbt mentioned in stid trust deed T'erina cash Lquiiy ol redemption waived. 1 will Foil and convev only as trustee '2 101 W. II. MOORK.Trnateo. Trmt Hale. BY VIRTUE 0? A TRUST DEED EXE cntfd to me by thi Memphis Turners' Association, on the tfd day of fiovemoer, 7I, and recorded in the Rogi-ter'a offire of Shelby county. Tena., ia Book No. 82, pago 6'5, eto.. I will, on f Thnrsday, December 7, 1870, between the boura of eleven oVock a.m. and l o clock p.m.. at th southwest corner of i, 10 and Madison streets, in the city of Memphis, Tenn., proofed to soil at publio sale to the hihost bidder, for ciah, the following il'Jcrioed lot rf land lying in aid city of Meuip'iia in Shelby county, Tennessee, and buurdod : tic ginning Oity-1'our foot from the northwert crnor of Lot No Hi, at the intcr aoction of PopUr street and what is known aa Corporation alloy, or tho first alley east ef third strict, ac a stake- thence south and parallel with the ami alley one hundred and forty-eight and a half feot to a (take; thenee t narallol rill, .!.. a r.r. T. ,UC s ake; thence north and parallel with said .rj tmo uuuureu du ioriy-eignt and a half k-et toa auke in Poplar street; thence west with Poplar street fifty leet to the beginning being the proi erty coovesad by deed from 11. Ii Vtaddell, truitoe, to th heira nf Michael in Book u7. Part I, page 31, etc. The equity of redemption ia waived in the deed, and title supposed ti be good, but I conveyonlyaa trus- ' JOHN P. TREZEVANT. Trustee. MLE3 It't.KTT, Attorneya. 5:i-Kl Fort rickf-rlner Saw Mill For Sale. IY VIRTUR OF A DEED OF ASION IJ i ment made to me August 21, 1876, by A. J. W Into. I will soil at publio autioB, between the hours of 11 aud 12 o'clock a.m., on December 13, 187C, the D'oncrtv known aa tha Vnri n;nv..:.. Saw Mill, aituatcd in Fort Pickarinir I1AU. tho "mounds " Title goad Tonus of Sale C'ah. Sale to ba ma on the promises. JC'llN W. GRAHAM. '' Trustee Attachmpnt Notice. Before P. f Qoiitley, J P. of Shalby oounty, 'I Aim M W..I1 ... VV Tl lf...l. """"'t ....... ,.ul, ,a. ii, A.IUJ, 1 N T11ISCAUSE AN ATTACHMENT nAV X lr.gbeenaued out under ecotion5 ol Code of 'I linn.H.q.ll .ml rulnrnui 1... ollioer levied upon tho property of tho dafvnd- .,, ,uui.,i, uu.iiiK ueuu maue tnnt the dolcndant it justly indeblod to plaintiff in the aum ol fevonty-sii dollara and fotty.five cenla. bv ncconnt.. nml lliat I, a. i nn : dent of the State of Tennofaee; ii is thero- niro oruereu mat tne said aolondant, make his permnal appearance before moon the 4th day of January, Hi 7. at 12 o'lock m.,atuiy office, ItH Miiin st,, Memphis, Tenn., and de food said attachment suit within tbe tune pre scribed by law, or th tame will he proeeoilcd with ei parte; and that a copy of thia order bo pnbliihed onoo a week for lour coasecutiv weeka in the Publio Ledger. Thi. JSlh day of November. 1R76 7ii MM 1'. J. CjUKiLEY. J. P. Attacliment Notice. Before I'. J. Quigley, J. P. of 8'ielby county. T nn. Peter Lawless vs. E. C. Fields TN THIS CAUSE AN ATTACHMENT A having been sued out under aeotion LUiiS of the codo of IcnneBBoo. and returned by th proper officer levied upen the property of th deiendant, and affidavit having been made that tho , delondant is ju-tly indebted to th plaintiff in th sum of on hundr.d dollara, dui by account. nd that th deiendant ll a non-rosidont of the Stat of Tennoasee; it is therefor ordered that the taid dofondant niak hia personal ap pearance before me on the 4th dg y of January. )hi7, at 12 o cloolt m.,at my office. No. I'.iy Main etroet, in the city of Momphis. Tonn., and defend said attachment suit, wuhin the fime proncrihed by law, or the same will be proceeded with ex parto; and that a copy of tbia order he piililuhod fur four oonsocutiv weekain the Public Ledger. This 28th day ol November. 1970 ' -82-8-Ml y, j, QUltiLKY, J. F. IVoii'LVgldeut Notice. Amra, fleattiei- Co. vs. (loorite B. Freeman, Attachment Ucfore John T. Elliott, J. P. "IN TIIISCAUSEAN ATTACI1M KNT 1IAV. 1 ing been tued out undor aection Mb of the Co le it TenncaKco, and returned levied upon th property of tbe defendant, and affidavit having been made that the defendant ia in debted to tbe plaintiffa In the sum of 1111 'J, duo by i.ote, and that the claim ia juat, and that deiendant ia annn reaiduntot State of Teiinevsoo; it is therefore ordered that the said deiendant make his personal appearaneo before John T ' Kliiott, J. 1'., on beith diyof Hfcamber lBTil, at hia office, No. di.1 Second atroet, in the city of Memphia, Tcnnesico, and defend said ll,.l,.,..., Suit within the tune proscribed by law, ! w, ninrniuq .ill lie prucuttllull Wlin X part ; and that a copy of thla order b puliahed once a week for four o'maeoutiv weeks in the Memphis Public Ledger. 'Ihi lil-t day of November, 1ST. 70-76 KJ-84 Jyn;,' T. eLuoIT, J. P. PHINTIS8C. JOB MINTING PUBLIO LEDGER aro:o Printing Rooms, 13 MADISON STREET. IUVINO MADE RECENT ADDITIONS Of the most Fashionable and Modern Styles OF TYPE, AND THE Known to tha Art, we offer UNUSUAL INDUCEHENTS -roa- Erery Description f Printing. -OUR VEEY UUE ASSORTMENT Of Fancy Types, and Lars Stook of Paper, Cards. Envelopes, eto., on hand, give us UNSURPASSED FACILITIES FOR TElffriXU BUSINESS CAItDS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS CHECKS, DRAFTS, ENVELOPES, TAGS, BLANKS, BILLS LADING, BILLS OF FARE, DRAY RECEIPTS, INVITATIONS, PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES, PLANTATION TICKETS, PROMMISSORY NOTES, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS. STEAMB 3AT AMD RAILROAD Printing' of rcry kind. In fact, anything that can be dot e in a printing office. 3 W tr.;ik i a p' I:iltr of Show Printing ! Eiecutud in a aty! nut surpassed ia the Southwell. Oidora from a distance receive prompt attention. E. WHITM0RE, Proprietor. corai5G!ii Cor. Jackson and Second. THE LATEST MPKOYEKSXT Cotton ins and Cleaners. ALL C(TTT0N IS MY GIX COVERED BY insurance, free of ch:ire. eaokawill befurnishod to responsible par tioa shipping to my gin. Rates as low as any responsible gin in the oity. Giv m a trial. Il-t WM f i?vti:o l.EC.!.. Attachuicnt Aoilcc. Bf"r?,p- J- Qn'elev, Justice of th Pcae for hhelby county. TennesBoe Annio fehiolds vs. am Keo. TN THld CAUSE AM ATTACHMENT HAV A ing been sued out, undor section Mi.uA the Coae of lennesiee. and returned by the proper lonaant, and afmjavtt having; beoa made that uciuuuaui ia justly inuto'ea to the plain tiff in t.e eum of thirty-five dollars, due by aocouht, and that th defendant Is a non-roaidnnt of the Kt:,t f T.nK. see; it is therefore ordcrod tlmt dof.n.lnni malt hisporsonal app arnntie bofaro J. P. Quigley, J. P., on the 22d day of Deoembor, 187b, at huoOioe, No. IDS) Main street, in the oity of Memphis, Teun., and defend aaid at tachment suit within t-ie time presoribed by law or the same will bo proceeded with tx Parte : and that a copy of this order bo pub lished onoe a week for four suocossivo wooks in the Publio Ledger, This 10th day of November. 1873. v r. r, . p- J- WWIiKY, J. P. P. Rutin, Attorney for Plaintiff. Attiiciinaent Aolice. Before J. S. Galloway. Justice of tho Poace for Hbelby county, Tenn. proule i Mo Cown vs. Jnmca L. Hid. "f N THIS CaHmJ AN A'lTACHMESTHAV- undo of lenneaseo.nnd returned bytliepropor oRiiior, lovieJ uuon tbe property of the dofond- n.nt inrl afl .n,l K....: 1 ... - , ., ., .. v a,iiiB ,,.,eu luauotnat the defendant is justly itwobted to the pUintiff in the aum ot ii). due by nolo, and that tho neremlanr. n n. n(i.,n.M.n, .r.L. lenneese,; it is therefore ordered that defend ant uino ii verfonui appeiiranoe before m or eome other Justice of tne Peace oo the 30th day of lJecombsr. W6, at 2 o'clock in au4 ? No. Z79is -Main stieot, in the city of ileinphis, Tonn., and defend said attaehment suit within the time presoribed Dy law, or the same will be proccodod with ex parte: and that a copy of thia order bo pub lished once a week tor four consecutive weeki in the Public Ladiier, Thia 2 'th day ef November. 1876. 7U-76 82 8S J. 8 (i ,M W AY, J. P. Trustec-'a Sale. WHEREAS. D. "lTfUHOESOM AND Mary 1. lurneson. by their doao! of trust dated the 31st day of December, in the Tear of our Lord eisMcen hundred and seventy-throe and recorded in tho Kcaiitcr's office ot'i?holby county lenonessee, in book No. 161, at pane 88. conveyed to the undorsiuned trusteo, the tollowin desenbod real cetato, lyin(t anj be lng."t,l,1R,,e in bht'by couaty, Tonne aee, in Kort lickorinK. comaonoiaft nt a point HO feet on Jifth a roe, aoutb of tho southwest oorner of iiflli and Uaines streets: thence west parallel wrh Cl.nnes street 4Q i feet ta iourth atroet; thenco north with the east side of tourth street 111) fcct to (lainea street; thence east with t'i eouth aide of Uaines treet 400 feet to Fif h atroet; thenca aouth with the west side of Filth atioot HO foet to the point of beginninu, which conveyance win made to necure tho paymcut of certain prom issory notos in aaid deed deaoiibod. And, whereas, several of said notos have becomo due and remain unpaid, now therelora publio notice ia hereby Riven that I. the oncioraiitned truatoe. at tho rtciunt t of tho lojral holder of sa'd notes, and in pursuance of the provisions in said need of truat, w.ll, on I lin tkiibt, lb ..v ol ari-ri-nibt-r. IS70, at the corner of Madison and Main atreets, in Mem phii, Bholby coucty, Tcnnei3e. between thr houra of 10 o'clock a.m and 4 o'clock p.m. ' f that day, procee ' to aell the property abr v described at public londuo, for oash, tu tw hiithoit bidder, to aa'is'y aai i notes and re-t. together with tho co t and esp- ,." Vr thii truat. Tho titic to this propurr , u?1 liovedtoheeood, but I malm no war' nt A. jM. IJKlTTON.'rru. !' Charlo. Kortrecht and J. W.Bee" Boiio'it 11 611-98 R. 5203. ClIANCEttY SHE -OK- Fixlnrcs, Show Case?, Rloclr, Etc. Chancery Ceurt of Shelby Connty-J. E Bigelow va. Chas. Ilowa-d et ol BY ViilTUE OF AN INTtULOCUTORT decree f r sale, entored in tho above cause on the 6th day of November. l(s7G, I will sell Nilf uction'.tVftho i,i,fb8t bidder, at No. 283 Main street, Memphis, Tens., on Tuesday, November 21, 187C, within Icg-nl honra, commencing at 12 m the foilowmg deanrihed propo-ty, to wit; Fiitures-Consiitinir of show cases, aoda atnnrl, candy jar?, Kln'a decntora. gobleta. mead pitcher, lacn curtains, plated counter scalea. shelving, clock, cour tors, etc., eto Stock Consisting of candies, cakes, paate board boxea for candy, rake ornamenta, nnp kina, towelB, etc.. eto. Now in houe Ne 2e3 MaLiatreet, known aa " Howard's " Term of Bale-One -Ihird o.nh; balane In two and four months wit j interest frani data Notea with good scour i y requirad-if sold all tgethor. Uut if not in eu,h maanor, then laid property will be sold niceo by piece, and all birta lor leas than S'O w ll be required in eaah ; for more than that iunoir!t, one-third eash, balance in two uLd four months ai afnroaaid This November 6, 1876. . E. A. COT.E, C. and M. By R. J. Black. I). C ond.M. J. E Bigelow, U. D. Jordan, Jlycrs 4 Sioed. and Goo. Hillham. Attornoya. 5;.f fNo. 2,'St.j Kou-Ktsitli nt Notice. In the Chancery Court of Shelby Conntr Tenn. -Amanda Moore vs. Thomia M..r.' T APPEAlUNtl FllOM 3 HE BILL IN a. lui. counu, wuiuu 1.1 STForn to that ine uoionuant. luomas jJlnoro. in resident of the Mate of non- Tennosaee; it he make his is therelor ordered thiit. appearance houiu. at the court-house. in tn city ot Memphis, Tennoaaee, on or before tho first ilondny in January, 1877, and plead, answor or demur to complain ant a Din, or the some will bo taken lor con- lAOBjirl na In hi,,, n .1 I.-.. . and that a copy of thia order be published, pnee a week, for four sucuobsive wecka, in the Publio Ledger. Idis aMU day or .November, 1870. Acopy-Attot: EDMUND A. COLE. C. and M. By E. B. McIIknry, 1). C. and M. N. C. Taylor, fcol. for complainant. 72-7U-85-HI Tin Statu ok Tkknpsjkk,) CMKI.BY t-OtTV. ) milE UNpERSIONED, EXECUTOR? oP JL. the will of N. V. . Binpbell. late ot ' Jr.YF phis, attorney at law, hereby give noti i , l , im i.,a.:i,.j 'iinin tne they will bo fotover haired. y or It, M lMNKf',,1 Jiiocuton. Bn m i 1 U4,ID i "oveiuucr: .(, 1876. Oa O- .'l-ll".! RJFJ.OEKTAIN TRUST W. W.n i..,.i ' .'V A. Sanders lit exeVu.ol-Jahua;;' T "bylTYli' den and his wilo, M. K 8andeV ".ol u Foath.:ratou. trustee; nl o rJwdM : HJ "Dice in bookl'Kl, pV4 a'l ( , - iht al(1 of aecuiing tbo payment T f oer ain hi'lnh!"'.0 noss montionodin aaid ,i... il r I S mdobtod- mil, On December 15, 187C, A l publio auction, anil forcaah lnf, Plantora huildipK, it being y ! .front flf 'n8 in the city of M.nphb?Te,u"'"n "lr" Brattwo trust deeds. I, Ji'm". Mn"i the of th. city known , l'' ln run ing leet on .,h' ll"- ,fro,lt ning back between piirli l!ol ii F"L and under the third r,i ,i W8 IWHf"'i abrv. tha north "Tlf of "L i'o' T""nn,,i redemption waived ia said u " ""!. f KoUin1oaASoN.TIu.