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INSURANCE. Capital Authorized, $300,000 Homo Insurance Co. OF MEMPHIS. U BLIG X LEDliEE. LOUIS HASHER, F.K.WHITK, : : K.P.B0LL1SG, : : : President Ylce Presldcut : t decretal DIKEClOllSl LOUIS IIANAUEIl Schootfiold, Ilanau'er & Co F. M. WHITE of F. M. Vbito A Co M. C. PEARCK of rear?e. 6ugg Co J. II . McCLELLAN...of Guy, McClellan Co HENRY WETTER of II. Wotter 4 Co D. L. FKRQUS0N of I erguson fc Hauipson LOUIS PODESTA..of Podeeta. Malatenta t Co Standing Fluanca Committee. .T.J. Busby, of J. J. BubyJk Cos Owen Swyer, K. P. Boiling. Insurance upon dwellings and first-class eoniuiercial riili taken at fair rati, and Icses raid immediately upon adjustment. 8v.1?Ayiv UEMHANT8 FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company OF MEMPHIS, . Offico formerly occupied by DeSoto Bank. ,200.000 EI-Kht Dollars per Annum LAH3E3T CITY OIUCULATI02J. rittasa Casta Per Wee VOL.' XXIIL MEMPHIS, TENN.: F1UDAY EVENING DECEMBER 8, 1876. NO. 85 JPUDLIC LEDGE It Capital Stoclr, : $5 OFFICERS: M. L. MEACHAM : President A.N.McKAY, : TitoPiesident WM. GAY, : : : Secretary HOARD OP DJP.EtTORS: m i umriUM nf ML Menchnm Co AN Jlc'KAY of Sled xe, McKay A Co S 31ANF1ELD of S iansQeld & Co v VMt 1 1 A lit It k'a i' 11 .ofW IS O albroatu & Co lion JOHN OVEKToN. Jr Memphis V Al PKX 1 1H llhV...Iiatnonds. Potligrew .V to ii if' KPim'All nf Schwab & Ou V H TREioWiiLL ...of A 0 Ttcadwell A Bro ' ft. ' 1 ,-,. .......i...-. : PUBLIC LEDGER IS PUBLISHED err afternoon lexcopt Sundiy) alNo. 13 M n disnn street. The Public Lkd6K1 it served to city subseTt by faithful carriers at FIFTEEN CKNTo PKll WEEK, payable weeKly to tne carriers. By muil da advance): Une year, i'x months. 44; three months, ti; one month, i'j cents. liitaKi !:. Newsdealers supplied at cents per copy. Weekly Public Ledger, Published every Tuesday at 12 per annum (in advance), i'omikk" lrtv-v. Communications upon suDieoui oi general interest to the public are at all tiiuM accept able. ... Kojected masusenps will not be returned. RATES OF ADVERTISING IN DAILY : First insertion 81 00 lr square Subsequent insertions...... 60 rtrone ween a For two weeks . 4 60 i or three weeks .. .... b (mi For one month 8 0(1 Each addf ional square - 4 t) RATES, OF ADVEi'.TISINQ IN WEEKLY t First insertion tl W per sq-mro Subsequent insertions 50 " hiKbt hues ot nonpareil, solid, consilium a square. DiHilayea advertisements win ne ennrgoa acooidtng to the spack occupieu, a' awove rates tuere boicg twelve lines ol soi,u type w the inch. To reKUiar advertisers we elTer superior in ducements, bath es to rate of chaigea and manner ol displaying lheir lavors. NotiOfS in local column inserted tor twenty cents per line fur eaeh insertion. Opeciai noticos inserted lor ten cenis per line f(ir each insertion. Notices ot deaths and marriages, iwaniy cents per line. All hills for ndvortioine are due when con tracted and payable on demand. All lottors, wliolh'jr upon business or othor- wiso, u-Uit be addressed to ; 1'., null -nrA.. Publisher and Proprietor. w.U'Vi.LLTSKAl'.ROAl). Arrives. YOUNfi I'KOPH.'S AtSEMElS IV V LA Ks AU0. A.M. T.V. I l.H.r.. Earrsss d&ily Saturday) - f.Mi irain-... .- v v Accoma i n (ex Sauay) UMisua 1 ..... 7.10 11-15 4.5ill.2o li'atn street, corner ol ...-iitito iui i i, r;i r tTON IV. R. " AnivM. Leaves. .H. 11.50 1 AVillinm Cullen Erysnt. One of the entertainments ot the boys of my time was wlitit were called the "riuMugs, meaning the erection of the timber l'ranie3 of houses or barns, to which the boards were afterward to be nailed. Here the minister made a point of being present, and hither all the able-bodied men of the neihbjr- hood,the young fnen e8pccially,were summoned, and took part "in the work witii great alacrity. It was a spectacle for us next to that of a performer on the tight-rope, to see the young men wane sieuuiiy on the narrow footing of the beams at a great higut irom the ground, or as they ttocd to catch in their tain treot. oornor c' nanus the wooden pins and tne braces ilunjr to them from below, Thpv viid with each other in the Memphis AHDLnTLBi,'0CKIlALIl0AI) dexterity and during with which . -mi LMtTM. I . Mail train dnily ; llunlsville Express train daily (eg.Sundiy)........ c.....i.ln train dllllV ' ir. Kundny) - 8 23 Jat.-ksnn. 1'enn.. accom- 1 .Ldation (ex. Sundayill i5 I rrtt atrflnt. Uck ,v -. ;t; ;0-sj Qerj .v. A. T.M. 3.0IL!.30 5.00 I 5.20 4.10 lieavow. a.h. t.i. I a.h. r li 43 i 8.: Sund;y)9.00 IJl.0') Handay) Wl i. Jr.'.'bt !OOl OI I.. K adieou. K k1i-rkk. Sen'I Bup't. common power of voice and skill in modulating it, was employed to teach psalmody, and th boys were naturally attracted to his school us a recreation. It often happened that the teacher was an enthusiast in his vocation, and thundered forth the airs set down in the mivic Wks with a fervor that was cnu- tagiou!i-.V few of thoso who at tempted tok-arii ppalmody were told that they ha8 -ro aptitude for the art, and were set asM , but that did not prevent their at;; udanco as hearers of the others. In those days a set Oi tuiiC3 were in fashion mostly of New England origin, which have since been laid aside in obedience to a more fastidious taste. The streams which bickered through the narrow glein of the region in which. I lived were much better etocked with trout in those day 3 than now, for the country had been newly opened to settlement. The boys were all angles. I confess to having felt u strong interest in that "snort." as I no longer call it. I have long since been weaned from the propensity of which I Fpeak ; but I have no doubt that the in stinct which inclines so many to it, and some of them our grave di vines, is a remnant of the original wild nature of man. Another "sport, to which the young men of the neighborhood sometimes admitted the elder boys, was the autumnal smiirrel hunt. The young men formed themselves into two parties eitial in number, and fixed a dav for the shooting. The party which on that day brought down the greatest number of equir rels was declared the victor, and the contest ended with sme sort of festivity in the evening. 1 have not mentioned other snorts and games of boys of that day that is to say, of seventy or eighty years since Eiich as wrestling. running, leaping, base ball, ami the like, for in these there was nothing to distinguish them from the same pastimes at the present dy- fering from, and during the whole time the experiment lasted the patient was more concerned with watching the handling of the instru ments than with his own sufferings. In vain xh), Esculapius implore him to keep quirn.' ?'.I want to see," lie repeated. The wound.? being bound up and the patient left'akv." on a Proplrn' lasaiaafet'empany.or Newark, New Joraey, Aaaria Weaiern Assaraace Company, of Toroo to, Canada, Aieia....... larr- Way toward recovery, ho COUUHVutrheatur Iaanranee Company, of Wew Torn, A une 1 1.. not iesil : in an La nf t ie ninne- I irown in.eiranee eonip.oy.os mew ior, ii.fn.,. tion not To-move, he persisted in taking oil tne bandages to nnd out the eil'ects ; and when his friends burst into the room and found him dying, he shouted out lustily: I am giad 1 inquired lino this. It ha8 had the effect I anticipated ; that's a clever young man." (Successor to WAIiJiER & SHEPHERD), GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Cilice, Kos. 24 Madison and 2S7 Main Street, Memphis, : : . : : : : INSURANCE. Tennessee REPRESENTING ..9 900.000 700,0110 430.0OO 1,700,000 This cncy has no connection with the Hoard of Underwriters. M H4 S ''. Mi' (dm 'T Kardis (daily ei Mail Train dally............ lU " " Leaves ( g pg I.onisville Depot f freight and-Aoooicwoda- i . 01 t.on daily '.1!. 1 . n.,, Bleep car, onmailtTaln. Ticket MJ. Louisville Dopot, HS7 Mam (cor. xv.a PADUCAH AND MEMPHIS RAILROAD. Mall Train arrives " &"m Trains" losing Memphis will start frou, the Underwriters Rehouse. it IT. (Iivht At. Sun t. LQISISYILLE m KASK.JUE AKD Great SGiitliew ikilro;i-1. HC1IEIJU1.X3.' ;'-.raln leavos daily (except ir.Trress paturiai i. - Wail Train 'eaves daily......... Aconmmodn.'ai'n leaves daily (ex oept Sunda.' ll:'5n.n U:i.'i a C; 4:15 p. it Pullman Pala'O Bleeping Cars on all night trFor"tickcts or in.'ormatlon. apply at Ticket Office, 287 Main, nor.'hwest corner of Madison ,W0 j'oiIN T. FLYNN. Wt Memphis Diy. Jauks Sragn. Ticket A Tnt. i-l MiSSlSSSPPi h TEKMSSSEE 0Ni , VgMPHifl, Tens., Xoveuitor 25, 1S76.' a VD AFTER SUNDAY, KOV. 2 t;i. they went through with the work, and when the skeleton of the building was put together, eonie one among them generally capped the climax of learless activity by standing on the ridge-pole with his head downward and his heels in the air. Another of thceuterlainmenlsof rustic life jn the region of which I am speaking wa the making of ma iilesuriu'. This was a fcyorite frolic of the boy?, l iie apparatus lor uic sugar CHinp was of a much ruder kind than is now used. The sap was brought in buckets from the wounded trees and poured into a great caldron which hung over n hot fire from a etout horizontal pole, supported at cudhfinj. by an upright stake driven in th ground. Since that time they have built in every maple grove a sugar-house a littlo building in which the pro CCb7 of making sugar is carried on with JVCTii! ingenious contrivances unknown at that time, when every, thing was done m the oj-eil an1. Ju autumn, the tm pi strippili 1S76, trains will ruu as ioiiows Leave. Orion ns mail, daily .. 3.35 rJ.ia Sardis Ac' tn'datiou. diilv (except Arrive. 12. 4 j p.m il:00 a.m. 9 00 a in Freiglii tra n. daily WJt- cei t Bundsy; v V, 7i-t indar).. M. BVKKE.Sup't. MEMPHIS & CHARLESTON R.R. CHANGE OF C1!EII-E. ON AND AFTER oembcr 6, 1S7C: WEDNESDAY. DE- T.eaveii. Arrives. Mail tra'p, daily 12.3) a.ia 3.6U p.m UuntBville Expreas train, daily Ox. fcunday) - 6.C0 p.m 11 CO P-c Bomcrvillo accom'dation (except ulluay o.m p.ia o.- Jacki.m. Tenn., accom- inodation (ox. Sunday).. 4.10 p.m 11. 2 a.m Mail train will rot stop at flair stations be tween (iriind Junction and Memphis. Trains contioct nt Orand Junetmn for all points, and at Peoalur closely t. r Slontgtiiii ry and-points fionth. CIosm oonnccdiun fur Nashville by both trains. Close nnneetions Chattano.'ita iur LasUrn and Suuthoastorn '"i'hanM of enrs bctroen Memphis and L-ris.'ol and ilemphis and Jackson, Te&n. jiew Iaifi:icciit Sleffluff Coaches -OS AL xs Niaur trains. Time Twtuy Ittlunl'K Fcater thau Ticket otTice ItSBfFY Itl'';"',', 278 Main street. W.J. BOSS. Bun't. TlKltKt A ff t 10 t I I . . ! .., t-rtrto ml Victim f yo lin have tried I uniillifnl imnrudenc. in vain every Km wn ..J.. .tl! I.nrfl lif a SMIlOle t'TO- ori.tinn.iKV.'-Mr tho sp-edy rnro if nerv.ius deljliiiy. I'" ' ' env. lost manhood, and alNisrJ-'s the husks from the ears of Iiid;;;!i corn was made the occasion of eo-1 cial meetings, in uliich the boys took a special part, A farmer would appoint what was cail4 u "husking," to which he invited his' neighbors. The cara of maize in the husk, scinctinics .ahmjf with part of thfl sl'alk, were heaped on the barn floor. In the evening, hn terns were brought, and, fc.'y4-d on pie,s of dry husks, the men and bovs stripped the ears of their cov ering, and breaking them from the stein with a sudden jerk, threw them into baskets placed" lojMhe purpose, it was often a merry time; the gossip of the ljjeghborhood was talked over, stories vrnvs told, jests went round, and at the proper hour the assembly adjourned to the dwelling-house a?)t Were treated to pumpkin pio and cider, which in that season had not been so Ln;g from the press ns to have parted with its sweetness. 1 he cider-making season in nv tumn was, at the time of which I am speaking, somewhat correspon dent to the vintage in tho wine countries of Europe. Largo tracts of land in New England were over shadowed by rows of apple-trees, and in the month of May a journey through that region was a journey through a wilderness ot bloom, hi the month of October, the whole population was busy gathering ap ples under the tree?, from which they fell in heavy showers a3 the branches were shaken by the strong arms of the fanner.'. The creak of the cider-mill, turned by a horse moving in a circle, was heard in every neighborhood as one of the most common of rural sounds. From time to time, tho winter evenings, and occasionally a winter afternoon brought the. young peo pie of the parish together in atten i " V. IhllllljT lo Kuow." Tinsley's Xatjanino. Charles Marie LaCoudamine w:u a member of the Academie des Sciences, of the Academie Eran caite, of the lloyal Society of Lon don, and the Academies of Berlin and St. Petersburg, llis success in life, in science everything, in fact was attributable to his never ceasing curiosity; at times the cause of much good, imbuing him with ardor, and courage, and con stancy in the most diliicult enter prises; at ottiers nting tne cause 01 sore trouble, and at last costing him hie life. When he left college lie became a volunteer ia the army, where, at th? siege of Hoses, his dominant pa s on was almost fatal to him at the outset. He had as cended s,ome elevated spot, without there being any need for it, in order to examine the place, and was busy watching through y tele scope i lie working of a battery, lie wore a scarlet cloak, which made him an easy target for the bullets and balls whistling around him without even pereening ihe danger he was exposed to. For tunately he was warned in time. Peace having been proclaimed, hip activciitsa did not brook the blow advancement and monotonous life of a garrison soldier. He was appointed, Assistant Chemcial Di rwitrjr of the Academic des Science.. Jp undertook many journeys in tho licat'cf Africa, always prompted by the eaiue iudv futible cravicg for "wishing to know."' H rcadn another journey to the equator; and then iw iivejed iii Jlaly, where again lie got into Bumc.rrmS grapes trying to find out. One ihly K'c sees ;:; fishing village a candle burning before iii image of a paint. Upon inquiry the inhabitants tell him thjjt should tho light be extinguished the spot would immediately be submerged bv (ho sea. "Are you sure of what A Peralan Legend. When Ormuzd the All Father hail finished the creation of the world, with the beasts, birds, lishes and insects, he determined to create an animal superior to them all, com bining tho good qualities of the others with the addition of stipe-' rior reasoning faculties. Accord ingly he gathered the materials for the new animal, including thoso of the noble aud courageous horse, the toilsome and patient ox, the grate ful and faithful dog, and the mild and innocent sheep. In the mean time Ahriman, the evil one, who was aware of the intended new cre ation, and ever on the alert to thwart the designs of the good Ormuzd, prepared himself for ac tion by securing portions of the rapacious and bloody wolf, the cruel and lerocioii3 tiger, the cunning fox, the lilthy swine, and the grov eliug midnight hyena. These in gredients, in the absence of Or muzd, he slyly mixed with his prep aration. When tho new creation was completed Ormuzd breathed into it tho breath of life and called it man, and placed him in a magni ficent garden, gorgeoiu with all kinds of fruits and llowers, in the midst of which was the tree ot knowledge. Of the fruit of this tree the man was commanded not to eat, but his first act was disobe dience, and he was driven ignomin iously from the garden, and lest he ."hould eat fruit of the " tree of life " and become immortal, it wa3 guarded by angels with naming swords. The sons of the men commenced their career by one murdering the other, and then Or muzd discovered the trick that had been played by Ahriman. As man kind increased in numbers the earth became filled with violence, and their selfish, brutal and bloody instincts had full sway. Or muzd repented that he had made man and determined to destroy him from the face of the earth. Thi3 he did by a Hood, but the good spirit ot his great compas sion saved one family, the best he could lind, to repeoplo the earth. In the meantime Ahriman had completed his work for the destruc tion of man by imparting to him a knowledge of lermentation, and distillation by which maddening drinks were made that would make man more like himself in supreme deviltry. He foresaw that men in future ages would ovor-powcr and enslave the weak; that vast armies would maim and slaughter eacii other to gratify the ambition of kings ami priostsj in short, that this earth would be as nearly a hell as his own dominions ol darkness One tiling troubled him and thwart ed his infernal plot namely, that the first man did not tat of the tree of life and become immortal, .. . ? ''..n- t.ilir.i-, l,rt ri.ipnil fr, - ho ceased to exist, so that ho could not torment hini longer than his );rief earthly existence. In this protection oi tho "tree of life" ho saw the sublime wisdom and benefi cence of Ormuzd, who would not siiu'vi' t;1? woes of man, inflicted through the infernal machinations f Ahriman, to uc out unci an.0. tempoiary. a young man, well dressed and ap parently rich, entered a clandestine gambling-house. He was playing at trer.te-at-quaranto and had al ready won a little piio of gold. "Lvd wins," presently said the banker, and proceeded to hand over a hundred napoleons to the unknown one, for the stakes were high. But the stranger made no attempt to tako the gold, returned no answer to three or four ques tions put to him in reference to the game. His eyes remained fixed on the red, while bis features as sumed a ghastly paleness. A player touclieu nis arm ne was dead. Then the banker coldly withdrew the hundred napoleons, observing that play was a reciprocal contract, which could be entered into by parties both of whom were capablo of contracting, and, there fore, never between a live man and a dead one. The cause of death was heart disease, and the olucial report was soon drawn up in proper form. It contained, a3 may be imagined, no sort of reference to a gambling-house. MEDICAL. THE MILD l'OWER CURES. BUTTS' DISPENSARY r Ko. 12. Yitfhftast. T. LOI1M. NO. Thirty TrtrirTmirnrin Lhrtiratm..i.t ii.--,i .rH CiWOUlc"DlBC,"i.f.-Suibo;li P.-xri. ji rayftioiosictti v lew of Mamnffe Jiruiwriw. nm iiiote conis-hi pitting arrinue, ou liteiiiTrtprirf of irprutiuet- u uiw vent innrmui" ot youta. IOC All w!a ill" 17 n-arna(it maulioodanrJ woinnlio.-ti Ani tor pnr&te wuchixiiidtokt:Luiiiterli k-y. fM iitunih r-cul frfii ci. A PRIVATE MKDICA TPff AVTHR nit .11 Ai, of a Priva.e Nature iu beta --, ui abttwi ami di nnieraot the sexual yitetrt, and Uiemranaolcmiifrpagc I MfDICAI ADVlCfc on bexualamt Chrnnle TH-mwm, F"iiiinal Weaknesi. Catarrh, Cancer, Ituoture, the Opium U.ihit, jfcr., aiOpiiZPWorli-wTtuntier ifal fur 10 rt. All throe books euimwhnjf 400 ratfea and cnr1hint? worth knowing on the ubjii-t, i nt (?curely sealed on re ceipt of GO ots. Addreis, Dr.ButH Diipensai-y, No.12 N. 8th ti, St Louis, Mo. tUuLbWu w.j' New Advertisements HUMPHREY'S Homeopathic Specifics HAVK PROVED. 1'RO.M THK MOST AM pie experience, an entire suces, Sim ple, Prompt, LSicient and Reliable. 'J bey are the only medicines perfectly dapted to popular use. . No . Cent. 1 cures re vers. Con ecs tion, InEamm.a ti'in ,..,.. ,. 2 cures Worms, Worm Fever, Wo; u C'dic .. . 3 cares Crying-Colic, or Teething oi In fants x 4 cures Diarrhoea ef Chillren or Adults. 5 cures Dysentery, Liritinir, bilious Colic 6 cures Cholera-Morbus. Vomiting M 7 cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 8 cures Xeuraliria, Toothache, Facea 9 cures Headaches, bict Headache, Ver tigo 10 cures Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach...... 11 cures Suppressed or Painful Periods . 12 cures Whites, too Profu e Periods . 13 cures Cloup, Cough, Difficult Brc ith ing .... .. li cures bait Rheum, Erysipelas. K. op tions 15 cures Rheumatism, Rheumatio Painn 16 cures lever ana Ague, Chill Fever, Agues 17 eures Piles, blind or bleeding is cures Opihaluiy, and fcure or Wea Kyes 19 cures Catarrh, acute or chronic, Infl : . enia 20 euies Whooping Cougb.violent coughs 21 cures Asthma, oppressed breathing 22 cures Kar Discbarges, impaired hear ing - 23 cures bcrofula, enlarged glands, swei - ings . , so 24 cures General Debility, Physical weak ness- . . .... 50 25 cures Dropsy, ani boanty feecreiion . 50 2i eures Beabickness, bickness from Ki.l - ice T:- ,. 5fl 27 cures Kidney Disease, Gravel .., . 6(j li cures Nervous Detiiity, beminal wen. ness or involuntry Liscnargos. . 1 OC 29 cures bore Mouth, Canker 6C JO cures Urinary WeaancM, wettistg tdo bed , ft 31 cures Painful Periods, wiih Spasms 50 H cures Disease of the Heart, Palpita tions, etc............ J fjj 33 cures Kpilepsy, spasms, bt. Vitas' Dmco ..... 1 of: 31 cures Dintheria, ulcerated ro throat 50 ou cures uuruuio .onyeiuons ana x.rap viunif ,M Vials, 50 (except 2S. o2 ani 33) tl, 50 50 50 56 50 5u 60 50 60 5o 50 50 50 5C to 50 50 OBQANIZKDLS 1846. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE Insuraiico Company, Of Hartford, Conn. Assets, : : : 43,494,650.9 Surplus, : : 4,004,8ol.9i (4 per cent valuation standard.) Dividend (for 1875) 2,543,556.0$ Policies tn force December 31, 1875 Sa9 insuring...... 818I.076JU Ratio of eipense of management to receincs in 167 t kk . mount of Losses paid at Memphis m. ... ...J3I2,599 JAMES GOODWLY, : t Tresldont JACOB L. GREENE, : : Secretary JOHN M. TAYLOR, : Ass't Secretary JAMES S. CARPENTER & CO., General Agents for Tennessee, NO. 43i MAIHSOX STREET, MEMPHIS. TKNV. 75-lfO 145 CHARTER PERPETUAL, 187t THE- IIML BIT Life Insurance Co. NEWARK, N.J. ASSETS i $32,000,000 LEWIS C. GR0VER President JAME3 B. PEARSON Viee President EDWARD A. STRONG Secretary BENJAMIN C. MILLER. Treasurer BLO0MFIELD J. MILLER -..Actuary Low Expenses, Larito Ulvidondei, Ample tSurplras, J. E. "WARNER, State Agent, 24 Madison and 287 Main Streets, MEMPrtTS. TFNN. .t PISE GOODS Popular Prices 5C FAMILY CASES. -I860.- FREDERICK L0ESER & CO.'s Brooklyn Mammoth Establlsbnent ! Drers Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Silks, 1 aces. Hosiery, Buttons. Ribbons, (litres. Underwear. Ladies' and Children's Outfits. OUR FASHION LIGHT," published iHotthly, contains choice reading mutter and gives all the latest information on fashions. It will, on mailed Ireo of charge Oitnr.KS viiim Tint country HOI.ICITRO AND FII.LF.OWITH OBRA OARKI AtiO niM'ATCH, Orders from $10 upward forwurJed atour eipenewben prepaid by P. 0. order or draft. FREDERICK L'"t.SER & CO,, Fulton, Tillary aud Washington streots, Brooklyn, N. Y- Case (Mnrecc., with Ahnv I.,.. . ... - - - ' ' ft W , inu U anil Mannal nf liir.r.hnn, 1A ESTABLISHED ! Case (Morocoo) of 20 large"via'LTa'n"d BOOK. 6 00 'ihete remedies are sent by the ease r tin gle bog to any part qf the eountry, :ra ol cuarga, uu recipiot me price. Aiatst ImiMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC 11EDI U CINE COMPANY. 1 ' ' ' ' 11 " t 4 . 1 , For sale by Druggists Everywhere. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vital weakness or depression: A week ei haustei feeling, no energy or eeuruge, the re sult uf mental overwork. Indiscretions or ex cesses, er some djola uion the system, is al- PA1I1I0 bPEClFIC, NO. U. It toncsup and invigorates the system, dispels the tlooui ard despondency, impart strength and energv stops the dram and reittTenatos the eat!:v i man. Ueen used twonty years with pordct !' success by thoi.nds. Soli by dealers. Price k e i per s r vial; an PAPER. PAPER ! PAPER! PAPER Or ALL KINDS. OU PONT & CO., Manufacturers ana Wholesale Dealers, Louisville, : Kentucky '-i7 just Iremoved to thoir new, large four-1 itory warehouse, 1-t Mnln utnet. RAILROADS. siniie ifjal, or $i por packaje of live nd S2 vial uf nnwilnr Rt.nI ht. n-at I ,7 'It Price, siaaress i UMP tHEV" lilOMEOPAHlin Mr.lili'lKlt.'A mi,...i TIT I VTTTTTIT T TTrVTTCIT.I 1 way. New York. ltlilA W Hill Li nUUOilM w. . Wilkinson a co i KASIIVILLV, TEXX. TRANSIENT KATES REDUCED frnro it lo A Pfcrl DAY S "ALL ROOMS at i.EO i-EIi DAV WHEN CALLED FOR. JAMES S. ROBIN ftON, Ag't. Cor. Second and Madison sU.. ilcu:ihii PRINTER. Bill! Confcler.ito , Bonds, and Postage Stamps WANTED. lti for rarojt bills, tti i rarest stamps. It will piy to send linmeiliatuly. Othr C. b. curiositios, etc. AllEUlCiN STAMP CO., Box 4015. Now York you fire uyir; usits ia uoniiii niinc. ' The uswc hc;n in the ailirinativc, lie there and then Oio!i It out. The rage of the superstitious people ciyy easily lo imagined. With diflieujty iia ig saved from being torn to pieces. Ilia cariosity ought fo have stopped here one would env. Sturnm cxpollus fur- lameti usque recimvt. attempt to drive nature away hy violeneo, she will stl return. Ho became very intu'in at htoi', jjiil then his master passion was entirely pon linetl to his sight. Ouo day beint; in the npui'tmciit of M'liie do Choi sen!, whild that lady was writing a letter, ho could not withstand the temptation to look over her fenoitl dcr. She, noticing him behind her, continued as if nothing had happened, Suddenly Condamine catches si ''lit of tho words: "I should tell you more about it, if Do la Condamine were not behind me looking over my shoulder." "Ah, Madanio 1" cries the accused. "I assure you I was not looking. At the cxecu liou of Dainiens no one could drive him awav from- the scatfold. But ut last ho'wcs taken ill. A young surgeon had proposed to the Acad binee unon a sinirintr school. Some It inio some new mode of operation persou who possessed xnoro tkim ' iu tho disease Condutnino was Biif- TrjIiiK to Nettle It. Now York World.) Uiirney OToolo and Patrick Moraii stood before the bar of the Fifty-seventh, Street Police Court. Barnev had a black eye and Pat a, damaged nose. Barney delivered a plain, unvarnished tale: 'Yer Honor, it was all ou ac count ftv the diction. Pat, he says that Hayes wuz elictid, an J said that Tilden wnz elictid. r'TIicn se?i Pat, aggravatin' loike, "Hooray fer Hayes!" "Hooray fer Tilden!" sez I. "Yer mishtakin intirely," sex. Pat. "Yer one vcrsilf," sez I. "Whoop! "sez Pat. "Hooray! " sez I. "An thereupon wo agreed to set tle it loike cintlomin, an' decided tho election at wanst, I had got in one on Pat's nose, an' Pat had landed firnist my eve, an' every thing wuz illiguit, and Tilden a prospects wor nivytr broighter, whin a policeman eamo interferin' loike, an' now there's no telhn' who would hev bin elictid at all, at all," and Barney and Patrick Bteppotl down, murmuring against armed interference of the law. A I'roneli Uaiuliling Ntotjr. A .curious story comes from Paris. It k not bo very long since J. & P. COATS Have beon awarded a Hedal and Diploma at tbt Centennial Izpoaition and com monded by the Judge lor " Superior Strength ASI) EXCELLENT QUALITY OF &pool Cotton." S. G. TOOF, BLANK BOOK Manufacturer, YtrT TO T T ftT rjl r T3 -ANB - BOOK KIXDEII, No. 15 West Court it, Memphis. Check Iiook?, Dray Cooks, Leis rers, Draft Dcoks, Cash Books, Journals. And eveiy Iirorip(iu ot Printing Kl.i.ik imU. 47 1 iwttt,. T, G0SU0RN, Diroctor-Oen'l. J. K. HAWLKY, Pres't.S Alltx. R. BoTTKt'R. Seu'y pre tem. aj.) name. Mo post-paid. Ni sau, . 1 . L. JONES & C i. A71Y a V.etk to Apents. hamplee bOOol I Free. P. 0. VlCKERY. Au- gil'ti, .Mams. A MONTH a certainty to any person soiling our Lr. L i c.K ttnok. Ho brush or water used. Ham pie Hook 500 tires orth S3 Send stamp f r circular. EX.CEL- 17 Tribune Uuilrtm, Olilcagu. sent freo. bum 110. Tip? Littlo Rock and Fort Smith RAILWAY HAS IT" o rt SALE Farmi-g Lands, Anting Lands, Fruit Lands, Vine-Lnds, Coivl Lands, Wood 1 nnds, some pniirio Lands. Bottom Lnnils. anil Uplaniis, ON TEHM- TO SUIT THE PORCHAhKlt. SIX PER CENT, interest on deferred pny mtnts. TEN PER CENT-discount for cash. For full particulars, maps and pamphlets, apply to W. 1. SLACK, Land Commissioner, l.lttle Heck. Ar'itinsns 70-W.Uw LiJERY. IV I.U FIRST DOLLAR t)V ARTERLY UKAWIN", at NewOrleaas, Tuesday, Jan uary 2, l?"". Mittlsiitua Stnt hn'icrj fonipinv. This Institution v.-as regularly incorp .rated by tbo teg'tlature of tho Mote Ur I'duca tional purposes in ISM, with a Capital of Sl.UW.lUU. to which It has since nailed are. serve fund of JVsl ITS GRAN D SINGLE NUMbErl DRAWINGS will tako place monthly. 1 be soasun of lb"i7 opens with the tuHowmg scheme : -- iii. I'Rizr., 8in,ioi). 100,100 Tlcben nt ..oilar EhiIi LIST OK PRIZES: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE- 1 PRl'.U THE PEOPLED FAVOKITFa LonisjTllle and CIncinnalL SHORT LINE KAILLOAD. Tha Quickest, Best and Only Route With which passengers from the 6euth mako uirect connection at Louisville with Polta Palace Sleepint Cars To rj(lnr)r, narrlsbars, lliilaielphla, NEW YORK AND OILIER EASTERN CITIES WITHOUT CHANGE. This is the only line running Pullman outhern titeeninir Cars from Knv (iTiBn.. Mobile, Jackson. Miss.. MontrnmBrv. Ilrb nulla. Decatur, Jacksnn. ienn.. and Nash ville to Cincinnati without change, connect ing at that point with all lines running -ullman ana Warner PalneA UlanMr. t Toledo, Detroit, Uiand Wapids, Baltininre. v ashington, feandusky, Cleveland, Buffalo, Albany. Salamanca and Near Ynrlr withnut chnnne. This is the only line ruEning its entire traini between houisvilie and Cincinnati, and ths OJiy line by which passengers trom the South en route to Eastern and Northern Citiea tnot iu through bleeping Cars) ean avoid a tedious haul through the city of Louisville by changing cars at Short Line Junction, with L. and Ut. t. R. K., three miles south of tha city, here an elegant Dining Hall is located unuer me management ot the Kailroad Com paiiies. Ihrouph Sleepers from Atlanta, Chatto- nooga. Little Rock, Memphis and Vickibarv, n ake direct connectmn at Short Lin Junc tion with through Sleepers to New York. fhiladclphia, ani other cities via this line. mmn THE CENTENNIAL Exhibition at Philadelphia licked viathia line will be sold at all ticket offices in tha South and Southwest at greatly reduced rates. AEK FOR TICKETS VIA Louisville aid Cincinnati Short Lina So Otber Hue Can Equal It. C.R.KELLY. JOHN KILKEHY. (J en 'I Ticket Agent. Gen'l Past. Agent JSO. naeLliWV, Uein. nup , 104-iAiii-IQ3 Louisville, Ky. E SECRETS.! vn. BOHAWNAN'S'Oiiiil. illurftliil vith uurrM.ruu.en(ivli't Inini lite It'lt... tit the in- oiii.ilivf .bould know oti C-'uitsliin, M&, Oi. liT.i.' Alrtfru-. iu K.'vr!.tion ur III. imlniLiH. huwh.ctini ith hmiilmb of V.lii.l.!. rwelcu, hi iriiiiila marrr.tlii, linntilnticnts to mtrri.i?. thrir iia- CftHM., .j-mntuin. anil min.loi'iirp; it li ui.only rysll.r lltlnilofDImm. lurr .nvl rur. 'I'irat. nn .U I u.r.i., fully rit'l.inlng tb,ir fi'ii-ntiflc work ottli. kitol t-vrr'd. And 1. iximpu-te ll fV.T rcorf I. .'l't Iff Ur.IT W.llM OO WHIP. Ol MHI Ct. Ailurr... It C. A. lloilkNNkN, u aui Filth st v 4 l4juu). Slu. i.auli.'.i.liwlla ioo7. o3-xxi-7-4w ' 1 1 2 5 10 60 lotl '.(VI 6ti0 1.000 JUKI) f(l J5 i MO .so 25 10 ft APPROMVATinir PRir.t:" : 9 Approximation Pruee of H'O . 9 " " 7. " " 60. l.S'H Pritos. amounting to W rile fur Circulars or pena wiyr to CHAS. X. 110WAUD, Ve.' Orleans, La, Rr.iirt.Aft QtTAftTW.r iiA-ixi Fchrunry 4, 1S77. Tickets l,0eahv. Capital I'riie $.10,000. end K h; v !" no . m.o o . 6,i (X) . 2,'iHM . 2.1KKI , 2 Stl , 2,' is) , 0,0: 0 5 (m , 5,0-tO , 5.01V 450 Ity;,5i5 rocKS. Puts, I'ails, Spreads, Straddles. We fath'.'ully evecute alt onlsrs for the pur clmsea'iU sale of Storks on 2 to 5 per cent, inarr' a. First Class Slock Privileges nego tiated in any amount. We solicit the patron fit of purties desirous ol obtsitiing ruliablo i'jd rospousiliie brokers. Our book on Stock Ukpoftilntion sent on application. V, TUilBlUDUE 4 CO.. Hankers and Brokers, I V- fiBUAUW A, XIW lUKli od-dw-ll-lxiv-131 STEEL RAIL! DGL'SLE TRACK. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILUOAD TS THE "NI,Y ROUTE BY WtllOII FOLD l ersof TUR0UR1 TICKETS to New York aud Boston are enabled lo visit the eltiei of Baltimore, PhiladolpMn, Newpwk and Boston At the cost of a tickfto New York or Boston only with tlyf privilege of vititing WASIlf tfGTOX CITY I KLP, IfS'TlIia ONLY llOUXIi? FROM THS- WEST TO WASHINGTON CITY i Without a long and teitious Omnibus Translar through Baltimore. Hi's Only Line Knnnliig MagoMrfiit Day Cars a d I'nllm n' I'slate D. awlnp-ltoom Meepliiff Coae lies, FROM ST. LOUIS, LOUISVILLE. CINCIN NATI AM' COLUMBIS. TO BALTIMORE AXD WASHiXSTCfl WITUOLT C1IANOE, Tickets for site at all Ticket OffW. n th South and West. 1,. M. COLE, Gen'l Ticket Agont. BaltiiDore. Md. P.. M, BRADFORD, Freight Ag't, MauvUtf