OCR Interpretation

Public ledger. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1865-1893, January 22, 1879, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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rrTTtmn mttt 1 it
mm m
Loim Out for Bargains
F.stra fine OrangCf fine for shipping.
Extra fine Apples fine for shipping.
Extra layer Figs in boxes.
Choice Malaga Grapes in barrels
and kegs.
I.arabee's Celebrated Crackers.
Atuiore's l'luiu Pudding.
Atmore's Mince Neat in barrels and
Extra fine Leghorn Citron.
Extra flue Dehcisa KataiuH.
Extra fine London liaising.
Extr flue Soilless RaiMiuN.
French Mixed and Stick Candy.
Extra fine French Prune.
Choir Peach and Apple Itutter.
SSwect Cider barrels, hall-barrels, kegs.
Ueuuiue Maple Syrup.
Genuine Mnple Sugar.
AHsortcd Nut, Currants, Jelly,
Preserves, Cocoanuts, and the
WHITE SH IX FLOl'R, which,
tor making Cake Light Bread,
Light KoIIn, etc., together with
(he prices, ha no equal in the
(HTiliiving a lnr tiok of the ahiire food
on hnd, ami rather than ri.-k carryinff any or
them orcr, nc are determined to meet the
hard time and Bell at the lowest cash basis,
(.'lose buyer and economists are invited to
rail and sec that we are prepared to make
aood all we claim in our card. " Satisfac
tion guaranteed in every instance or money
refunded. -ml
A (1001) NURSE
one well recommended,
2 at .W Lauderdale street
1 FKW day hoarders at MRS. GRIFFIN'S,
i V 121 Mamhall avenue. 116-141
street, wishes to iulorm the ladies that
she will go to their houses and rut and lit
dresses and clothing of every kind on reason
able terms. Any work left at her house will
be done natisfactorily. 104-liSt
OETS of books written np, balanced and
O closed. Complicated accounts adjusted
and statements rendered by a practical book
keeper. Address 11. S., Ledger office. W YJb
by a first-class book-keeper,
r imrticutars. refer to l)avid
IO Fur further
Madden, of llailden & Aiery. 56-1
a IMS PUBLIC TO KNOW that I will not be
responsible for any bills bought by any one
connected with the Lkoukk office or out of it.
and will not allow such bills in settlement of
my aecoutits unless accompanied by my writ
en order.
outside the citv limits, in
X V ( helsea
Rent chean. Auelv to WW.
OB ERST, 1M Main street. 119-124
SUITE of rooms formerly occupied by Jar
nagan A Fratier, over Mechanioa Bank,
Also two rooms in Stanton Block. Apply to
113-131 ti. 1. CROCKETT, 235 Main st.
ON'E-STORY frame dwelling, 6 rooms, asO
ance street. Applv to
109t) M A KX k IiKSS'DORF, 7 Madison st.
rnVO-STORV frame residence; beautiful
X yard, large garden, near head of Kayburn
avenue, now occupied bv Mr. Mead.
Iuft L. B. Mi FARLA.ND, 22 Madison.
RESIDENCE on Union street, 8 rooms; on
Crroll avenue. 7 rooms; suburban resi
dence and 5ares. MINOR MERIWETHER,
245 Second street. 74,
OTOCK of goods and
sxtures at Bledsoe's
J Landing, Ark.
Iesirable businei,. txiint '
Store-house and landing can be rented cheap. I
-.n'"v& J
T ,ive.B,lno' l" i
large orn. for sale at great bargain at Hol-
. - f " vu. i -uiiiu r nuji.in a 11
leBoerg s .Mu.ic (-tore. Jf
THh drag store of H. Heymann Co., 195
,J''ar street. For particulars inquire ol
is. M1L1L,'. at Friedman Bros. 10if
4 FOXT of 501 pounds long primer, in good
jX condition, with all necessary "sorts;"
tj.ed about one year; suitable for a country
ffice. For sale CHEAP by immediate appli
ation to th is office. jji.f
OLD TYPE, better than Babbitt metal for
light, Utt ruiming machinery,, at this
oSce. 33f
ci nnrtof l;iuff cit' Cot"" W'!'" 't x-k,
Piy WW at Mei banica and Trader Bank,
fro. 9 lH'il-in "treet. irt
(CERTIFICATE No. 232 for fifteen shares,
J and No. 2115 for ten .-hares, fir.-t scric.
Security Buildi'ig and Loan Ai"ixtimi. All
persons are wurncd against trading for Mine
as I have applied for new cert incur-..
1-1 K E ME-HM.
1IltT-CLAS.- board, with furnished riM.tns,
(or fiimilivs or -inula aentleiuen. Al-o
day boarders, at
Ltf Second street. Refer-
ences cicnaiired.
MMN M IIL would tukc a few ,Uy
j. i m is-'.i i ' i v ni y) ,i H'M-'iTi '
T W. VANCE, l'hvsician and f-urgon
j rcuiuvcu ium ,uiin sircet.
1 fit
street, near court-
T M. COLEMAN, Justice of the Peace,
J . Notary Public and Commissioner of
Deeds. Sp ccial attention given to collections
in the coumy. Otlice iM Front st. 1S-
No. 279 1-2 Main Street.
Pk At. KltS IX
Stove and Tinware, Coal Oil and Lamps,
So. 151 Mala HU,
I7EEP.S constantly on hand the brat
1 alvvoa in the market, at tha lowest ensh
prices. Particular attention paid to Tin
Hoofling, tluttering and Spouting. Miu
bat work rouiptly attvudt-d lo.
tkaler m
Hardware, Tinware,
And House Fornishinsr Goods
TIM Hsntiir aud (nMrrlng Dun to
arrer. so
--,,.., j
IAVCT 4t brooks, t Proprietor
T ENGAGEMENT for one week of the im- i
J uenscly popular California and Auslra-1
lian stars, tha
(Maggie Moora and J. C. Williamson) in their
phenomenal mioewes,
Aad the C hlnra QaMtioa,
produced with entirely new and appropriate
scenery by Mr. Harry Butaler.
Friday Evening, Jan. 24-rtnind r-PECIAL
BILL and benefit of MAOGIK MOORE and
Saturday, January 25-Only " STRUCK OIL "
MATINEK. Box short open.
Mondnv, January 27-The popular emcdiuu.
R( mSON and CRANE.
Office: 13 Madison Street.
Wednawdny Evening;, Jan. 2'J, 1H79.
Clean up.
No more inud for a while.
The surface of the river is covered
with drift.
Sound oranges at ton cents a doxen
at Oliver, Finnie & (Vs.
Spring-like and almost tropical in
its nature is the atmosphere to-day.
S. E. Johnson andB. A. Smith have
been discharged in bankrupcy by the
United States Court.
The staple is slightly easier. Buy
ers ask concessions, but sellers claim
the full market quotations.
Six general privilege licenses were
issued by the County Court clerk to
day ; also one saloon license.
Chills and fever is a prevailing dis
order hereabouts, as well as pneu
monia. The former don't kill.
The city charter expressly orders
that the general council must be con
vened within one week after an elec
tion. The country roads are improving and
our rural friends begin to move about.
The streets were crowded with visitors
this forenoon.
The Memphi will not give a ball on
Mardi Grasof this year, so it is stated.
The l lks may have adisplay or festi
val, however.
The chain-gang were busy to-day
i 1 o 1 It
scraping nun irom the alleys near
main street. The same work is need
ed all over the city.
The new moon will soon be walking
in brightness. It sets this evening
about the time the sun does, and to
morrow evening at 6:4.").
Temperature at 6 o'clock this morn
ing, 46. The forecast for to-day is
southwest winds and moderate weather
without material change.
The pastors of the city have united
with the newspapers in the work of
v .... . 1 ,
" s 10 nae Hie, City piaceil in re-
A dozen persons were before tr.e re-
corder to-day charged withdoiugbusi-
nebs without license. Their eases were
either eontinued or dismissed.
Total cotton (shipments from this
market eince September 1, 154,1
bale, against 211, W7 bales last year,
and 2J8.102 bales the year before to
the same date.
Quail in plentiful quantities arc
selling by our wholesale dealers at
fifty cents per dozen, and doves go off
slowly at twenty-five cents. The soft
weather reduces their value.
Forty-three families in distress were
rclidvcd at Captain Bishop's free issue
department yesterday. As the weather
moderates and business revives the
applications for relief decrease.
There will be a requiem high mass
held at M. Mary s Church, corner of
Third and Market streets, at 8 o'clock
to-morrow morning, for the repose of
the soul of Mrs. John A. Strchl.
Ihe Commonwealth Distribution
Company 'a drawing takes place oo the
fHh. Buy your tickets at once of T.
I. Commcrford, secretary. Louisville.
Ky., or at the usual place in this city.
" I will undertake to fill anv one of
your churches to overflowing if you
will let me provide the music," says a
well known minister. He is right;
music delights and always draws the
hsquirc ham Jones, who died of
pneumonia on Monday at his home
near White's station, leaves n family
of seven motherless children. The
Oftf ...
remains oi .ir. Jones were buried at
Klmwood to-day.
The evidence before the grand jury
regarding improper treatment of pris
oners at President's Island was fabri
cated, says Captain William Forrest.
He dosires that the whole matter shall
bo investigated, sifted and properly
Bobson and Crane, the inimitable
comodians, famed throughout the
United States, commenee an engage
ment next Monday evening at the
Memphis The.tter. The initial per
formanct; will be Our Bachelors, t
mirth-provoking comedy.
A number of fast young men, a few
married ones of maturer mold and a
crowd of that class known as sporting
women had a joyous time at a soiree
given on Second street, near Adama,
last night. Tha female part of the
audienca were coatumed iu calico.
Alex. Solomou.a dishonest darky, is
np for stealing a breastpin from Mn
! Speed on Madison atret. The o-
cuwrd hd hi eae continued uatil t-
ra0rrow. The pin, valued at forty
dollars, wr.s found in his possession.
but he claims to have purchased it.
The ftvorable prospects of the pass
age of a bill now before tho legisla
ture extending the time for the en
forced collection of State and county
taxes will doubtless cause a falling off
in the receipts now flowing into tho
coffers of the county tax collector's
The general council has been called
to meet to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock,
at whicb time tho old members will
retire frou office and the newly elect
ed will organize for business. A lot
of mandamuses will perhaps be pre
sented on the interesting occasion.
But two merchants have so far ap
plied for license and declined to settle
their tax on capital as is required by
the citycharter. Tho collections yester
day at the State, county and city tax of
fice was about 5700, nearly all from the
poorer classes of our citizens. The
solid ones arc dilatory.
Dray No. J!S, coming up Main
street this uiornin about l o clock.
with four bales of cotton on, passed
over a little nro ot trash in front ol i
Wills k Wildbergcr's store. One of
the bales ignited from the blaze, aud
it was some time before it could be
put out. The damage was light.
The United States District Court,
presided over by Judge Brown, was
to-day occupied in the consideration
of the water works case against the
city. It will doubtless terminate this
evening. Judge Hammond had for
consideration the case of Payne against
Oliver, charging an infringement of a
patent right.
Freights from this point to Xew
York have been altered, quotations
being reduced 15 cents per hundred
pounds. Jlates to take effect to-day
are 55 to CO cents to New York. 53 to
58 cents to Philadelphia, CO to C5 cents
to Providence and Boston, 55 to CO
cent to Lawrence and Lowell nnd 50
to 55 cents to Cohoes.
Edward Barry, for prowling, was
Hncd $10 by the recorder this fore
noon. B. Jones, sleeping out, John
Hopkins, John Sirons and Charles
Howard, drunk, A. (Jregorand Charles
Johnson, prowling, were all fined 15
each. None were able to pay; hence
they are likely to work it out on the
chain-gang at fifty cents per day.
C. Nelson, a darky, was tried aud
acquitted on a charge of trying to com
mit murder before the Criminal Court
this forenoon. Stephen Perkins, an
other wooly-head, for shooting at and
trying to end the mortal career of
Pete Kouns, a brother African, was
on trial at noon. A jury had Stephen
under consideration at that time.
Captain John Cowdcn has been
working like a beaver at Washington
City for some time past to defeat the
levee bill before congress, tho same
hich asks an appropriation of ?3,500,-
000 to construct levees from above
Cairo to the gulf. At last accounts
the prospects were that the bill would
not be passed by congress.
Tho sanitary condition of the city is
receiving the attention of the authori
ties. The board of health and the
board of police consulted together
yesterday and agpeed to co-operate.
The city is to furnish garbage carts to
haul off material after it is piled up so
they can get at it. The police force
will also assist in the matter.
The pauper burying bids before the
County Court were not considered up
to the hour of adjournment to-day. It
is understood that the only bidders
arc N. W. Snwrs and Jack Walsh.
s yet it is unknown which leads in
the race. Tho bids, a far as heard,
are fc'i for children under six years of
age ; 13.50 for persons under fourteen
and $5 for adults.
Marriage licenses were issued this
forenoon by the County Court clerk to
A. J. F. Robinson and Miss Alice L.
Brown, Andrew Wallace and Miss
Pattic C. Torrance. Yesterday li
censes were issued to P. N. Bond and
L. N. Jones, Moses W. Rhodes and
Miss Rose Plumsett, K. ). Forrest
and Mrs. Gertrude Mahan, Kd Mc
(Ichee and Miss Kssil Calhoun ; also
to four colored couples.
A Swede named C.Johnson stumbled
overboard from the steamer Batesvillc,
at the foot of Jefferson street, last
evening. Drifting down the river he
at last caught on the wheel of a, boat
below the old elevator wreck, and
scrampled ashore. His comrade,
named Peterson, is still on the boat
and has his luggage. They were going
to the St. Francis valley to chop wood.
Johnson dried himself at the station
house. The Masonic tettple will be one of
the, attractive features of our city when
it is completod. If it is arranged with
a large hall for balls, concerts and
traveling exhibitions, a need long
wanted will be supplied, and one likely
to return a handsome profit to the
tomplo. The structure will bo pushed
forward to an early completion. Mr.
Overton, who recently had a lien on
it, has released the same and taken
bonds therefor to the amount of
K. J. Harris paid (25 into the city
treasury, through the recorder, this
morning, for giving a public ball with
out proper license. It was his second
offeaso, be having been fined one be
fore to the same amount, a portion,
howover being remitted on that occa
sion. The ball given by Mr. Harris,
for which ha waa lined this morning, is
reported to have been slightly disor
derly, a fight or two having occurred
The recent decision of the Supreme
Court againsi, tho legality of tax
levies by County Courts has had the
effect of causing our State legislature
to enact a bill in relation thereto. It
will prevent County Courts from as
sessing, levying or collecting taxes on
bonds and promissory notes, and is
calculated to checkmate any effort to
either mandamus our County Court or
permit it to levy taxes in the future in
aid of railroads should there be any
disposition to do so.
Public Administrator . James A.
Anderson presented the name of Mr.
E. E. Clarke as additional surety on
his bond this forenoon. The court
accepted and tho matter was satisfac
tory to all parties. In the case of
Esquire Miller, Chairman Holman
aud County Attorney Taylor took the
matter under consideration. The
court adjourned at 1 p.m. to attend
the funeral of the late Samuel Jones.
The President's Island prisoners
matter was not reached by the court,
nor was that of the county trustee's
Down Cioca Fresh Oyster.
Extra seloct, 40e; select, 30c ; medium F,
25c; prime, 20c; t extra on every dozwn for
shipping at J. A. Signuigo's, 278 Second, t
500 pairs of ltubler and A re lie,
all mIzpn.
Itoots n ml KIiocn.
Everybody can gi.'t bargains at tho
closing-out side of the stock of the Into II.
Harder, 1!45 Main street, near tlve corner
of Jefferson. His manufacturing depart
ment, lasts, etc,, is transferred to Voeguli
& Co.'s shop, No. 8;iG Main street, corner
of Union, where yon can always get a
goo.l fitting boot or shoe made to order.
VeniNon Steak and Itoastti.
t Kabul Ih, luttil,
'Loire Fat Jeee,
Oyster! and Olrry,
ii. sr.KSSEL, sit. a sox,
Cor. Swond and Jrfl'rrNou.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen.' jr.,
left for St. Louis, their future home,
on the 11 o'clock train last night.
Dr. Hebcr Jones has gone to the
bedside of his sick father, in Little
Rock, and will be absent several days.
Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Shotwell depart
ed by rail at 11 o'clock yestentay fore
noon for Richmond, Ya., their future
Dr. A. L. Kimbro will be in his
office, corner of Beal and Second
streets, to-morrow, ready to attend
upon his patrons.
Captain K. (. Forrest, the weil
known aud popular station-house
keeper, is to be married this evening
to Mrs. M. F. Mahon.
Captain Samuel Ciammon, went to
Nashville to-day on a matter of pri
vate business, and not to log-roll
around the legislature,' as has been
Mr. John Robinson, of Hernando,
Miss., was stricken with paralysis yes
terday afternoon at Horn Luke, and
he now lies there in a critical condi
tion. Dr. W. E. Rogers, in attend
ance, reports the case a serious one,
though he has hopes of his final re
covery. Mrs. Henry J. Lynn, his
daughter, is in attendance at his bed
side. ?ir. Uotnnson is an old time
citizen of prominence and is well
known to a wide circle.
S. I,EMF.XT, Ileal Street,
IGtK) Quail,
500 Squirrel.
1000 Itabbil,
For ale elieai. V
Type for Sale.
A font of 500 poundi long primer, in
goodicondition, w ith all necessary "sorts ;"
used aboutonoyear; suitable foracountry
office. For sale cUeau by Ijinii-diiilc
application to this office. 8',1-f
Nee the celebrated Steam Cook
er. Cook four different article
of food over one hole of the Move
without lulling flavor. Price
reduced. F. J. Tl KXBI I.E.
Ut 'lulu Ntreet.
Is the Lkdokr job office can le found
eomneteiit. skillful uud tasteful printers,
who rn give entire sati.-faetion in the
display of any job printing.
The Odd Fellows Belief Labor.
The Odd Fellows report of receipts
and disbursements iu this city for last
year shows the receipts to have been
-rlSlijl 57. This, with the cash on
hand left over from the fever fund of
l.ST.'i, amounting to 17,511 '!", and
amount received from sale of seven
ten-forty bonds, $507 78, foots up a
total of $20,11.') 72. Of this sum ft,-
SG 8t was disbursed to sick and des
titute Odd Fellows and their families,
7,1 13 31 was paid to nurses, $2,1115 50
to physicians, fi.74!l 10 fur burial ex
penses, $2,511 20 for supplies and
$2,(i77 SO for various expenses, show
ing tho disbursements to have been
$3,052 15 mote thau the year's re
ceipts. Th donations included
money sent to fienada, Miss.; Chatta
nooga and Brownsville, Tenn., and
Tuscumbia, Ala. The Odd Fellows
also offered aid to other places. The
special relief committee during tho
late seourga received no compensation
for their services. Tho special relief
committee Bigning the report are
Slarcui Jonas, president; L. S, Burr,
secretary ; J. P. Hoffman, treasurer,
and John Linkhrtuer, itiporiute nd-nt
of nurses.
Memphis Theater. The play ol
Struck Oil, presented for the second
time at the Memphis Theater last
night by the Williamsons, afforded a
varied and entertaining picture of
humble life, with its ups and downs,
curious adventures, quaint humor
and peculiar characteristics. The
play presents opportunities for Mr.
Williamson to enact the character of
"John Stofcl," a clumsy and phleg
matic German, who joins the army as
a substitute and encounters a world of
trouble, in a way that places bim
above other artists in tho lino of dia
lect actors. .Ho alternates between
the grave and gay with surprising
colerity, carrying his auditors from
feelinga of pathetic sympathy to
sudden outbursts of hilarity and
keeping up a continual train
of interest. Tho play is
full of pleasing incidents, interspersed
with shades of sorrow and sunshine suf
ficient to afford a varied entertainment
and keep the spectator in constant ex-
pection from first to last. The bright
and versatile actress Mrs. William
son, nee Maggie Moore, is full of win
ning ways, is a talented songstress and
a graceful danscusc. She makes her
self the leading spirit as well as the
life of the scene whenever eho ap
pears upon the stage, contributing
more than her share toward keeping
up the humor with which the piece
abounds. The Williamsons will re
peat Struck Oil and the Chinese
Question to-night.
Smoked gooe breast aud leg,
and gooe greas?, at
125 C or. Sec ond and Jeflenou.
Man i an animnl.a very peculiar one.
One of man' peeulisrities is that he will
allow himself to become weakened and
run down, his nppetitc to bo destroyed
and his digestion to bo ruined and will
still presist on saying he is not sick. He
might easily remedy all this by using
Uetsl's Gilt Edge Tonic. It effects a swift
ami certain cure in all eases of dyspepsia,
liver complaint, indigestion and all kin
dred disorders.
Jut Itoceivrd
A frCKhlot on. C. Cigar
At IIcnderttOu'M,
0.1 Main, I inter Ieabod. 119t
A vrksh lot of cheap gas fixtures at
10TJ Browse's, 258 Second street.
Kereived daily by Express.
Victor D. Furhs, 39, 41 Jrll'eraon.
John WalNk, Undertaker,
W Second streot, next postoffice. 144
Fortune Again Favor a Brave
The how, where and when is pithily
told thus :
New Oklkaxs, December 10, 1878.
Tho undersigned certifies that he held for
collection for account of AVm. T. Dotv,
New York, one-tenth of ticket "No. 81,15,
single number drawing extraordinay,
class M, in the Louisiana State Lottery,
which drew tho first capital prize of $100,
000, on Tuesday, December 10, 1878: said
ticket having cost the sum of one dollar at
the office of 11. L. Plum, 1119 Broadway,
New York, and that the amount wiu
promptly paid on presentation of the
ticket at the office of the connmny.
T. M. Tk('o at,
Agent Southern Kx. Co., N. O. La.
Any further itiformatian given by ad
dnssin 51. A. Dauphin, postoffice box
BD2, New Orleans.
The Sutton Murder In Kentucky.
.Sjieciul to the Courier-Journal. 1
Crab Orchard, Ky.. January
20. The trial of John Fcrrell for the
murder of George W. Sutton was
commenced and concluded Friday
last.' Ferrell was sent to jail without
bail. The proof was overwhelming.
It appeared from the testimony of old
man Weaver that, after Sutton had
left his house and had time to get per
haps a mile, Ferrell took his gun and
went in the same direction, and came
back in about half an hour, and ho
'lid not think he had any coat
on, 1 mentioned in my former let
ter the bloody coat, which the de
fendant said was the bloed of rabbits.
I think the coat will be sent to
Louisville for chemical examination.
Isaac Stapleton, who was also arrest
ed, turned State's ovidenco and said
that Ferrell told him that Sut
ton had a watch and monev. and that
ho intended to kill him for them if he
got a chance. Stapleton said that he
lent rerrell shot not quite a load of
squirrel and bird shot. In corrobora
tion of this statement both bird and
squirrel shot were found in Sutton's
head, as well as broken nails and nail
heads. Sutton's watch was also cone.
and part of the chain still attached to
his vest, as I stated in my former lot-
tor. One of his pants pockets was
turned wrong side out, and the other
' tMli film,, Kit am .1 a .......
ivhi , n.ui UUV HIIV4 1UI1 lull It VTilt. J 111
proof of the robbery is as clear as the
murder. 1 here was a large and ex
citeu crowu in t no court-room, occu
pying every inch of standing room and
lammed no thick that a man could have
walked unon the beads of the crowd
There was intense excitement, but no
effort made to lvnch the jirisoner Tho
court a)pointed me to defend tho pris
oner, and when I declined and naid I
would not appear for such a bloody
murderer, I was loudly applauded,
ami shouts of " rise, my Bobbitt,"
ran i through the court-room, The
court finally ap)intd Hon. YV. O.
Hansford to apjcar for tho prisoner,
who did the best he could for such a
deserate client, but it was like send
ing for a physician to como to see a
man who had been dead for hours.
The Philadelphia bar could have done
him no good. Fcrroll is now in the
Stanford jail, and about next May or
June if there is not an example mads
that will striko terror to evil doers, it
will not be for want of a proper sub
ject, nor for the dearest and most
conclusive testimony.
Down at Belton, Ua., a woman
twenty-ono years old bought from his
mother a young man aged twenty, for
the purpose of making him her hus
band. The trade was made on Sun
day, tho ouid pro o,uo being a muslin
dress. Tne young man wag delivered
to his purchaser, who walked thre
miles through the rain to receive him
on the next Tuesday.
AT -
100 dozon Men's Merino Undershirts, : : 25c
100 dozen Ladies' Merino Vests, : ; : : '2,'n:
1000 pairs Bod Blankets, : : : : .$1.50
1000 pieces All-wool Flannel,' : : : l'i'c
600 pieces 10-4 Bod Sheeting, : "; :
600 pieces Wool Press Goods, : : : 10
1000 pairs Ladies' Kid Shoes, , : j . $1.50
1000 puirs Children's Shoes, : : : (ioc
Immense Stock ! Must be Sold !
Siiccessor to F.
Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry,
No. 290 Main Street,
Xo. I Clark's Marble Block,
W RKCEIVKD LATELY-Soraeeitrs line Ladies' Jot Watch Chains (rivctej) Jet Mini
Kture Ureast Pin (nix different si.ri, lilm-k tiarnet ,lo,.rv anil other tli nl,
JET PALACE, 385 Main Street.
I. BOENCIIEK. .Manager.
Blind Tom was showing through
Virginia last week.
Crockett county, Tenn., issued 175
marriage licenses last year.
Jane Coombs is playing Camille
and sucli pieces through Texas towns.
Counterfeit half dollars are making
their appearance in some parts of
The new municipal charter prooscd
for Mobile, is, called a double-headed
monstrosity. '
In Western Texas sheen are dying
extensively from the effects of the ex
cessive cold.
Texas, with a Democratic majority
of 112,000, has five negro members in
its legislature.
Pneumonia prevails all over the
South, and in many localities to an
alarming extent
Huntingdon now has eight drinking
saloons and three houses where they
sell by the quart.
The Hon. Horace Maynard, United
States minister to Turkey, is en route
homo on a furlough.
The board of trade of Mobile have
petitioned congress to remove the ob
structions of Mobile harbor.
it ir . .i ......
vmunei ii. iiiumcs, H planter Oil
the Yazoo, eight miles below Green
wood, suicided on the .id inst.
Tho Dennison (Texas) Rowland
Herald are debating the question, who
is the champion liar of the world?
Gibson county has been paying $200
per annum for a school superintend-
ant. The Mirror wants it raised to
Texas is getting excited over the
proposed visit of all tho judges of tho
United States Supreme Court next
The Spanish, steamship Guillenno
has engaged to take front Pcnsacola,
Florida, a cargo of 1100 cattle to
Shelbyvillc, Tenn., has shipped
seven car loads of turkeys and chick
ens and C000 quails within the past
two months.
Dr. John Holt, of Yazoo county,
Miss., was stabbed by his son last
week, and so dangerously that his life
is despaired of.
Fifteen wagons filled with colored
people recently left the neighborhood
of Macon, Tenn., for Arkansas, where
they propose to settle.
The expensesof Lauderdalo county,
Tenn.. for 1878, not including salaries,
were $7,78514, out of which they have
a jioor-house remaining.
The Yazoo valley is filling up with
colored emigrants, who are moving
from tho sterile fields about Meridian
and other womout places.
The present leveo bill, appropriating
some ..oIKI.OOO for the construction
of Mississippi levees, it is believed will
not be carried through congress suc
cessfully. At Fort Gaines, Alabama, at the
residence of Mr. Shelt Tester, there
was a watermelon party on tho 5th of
January. The melon weighed twenty
fivo pounds,
Hon. H. h. Muldrow, of Missis
sipiii, says Reuben Davis, his pro
posed contestant, has of all other men
m the State the least right to com
plain of violence or intimidation.
The County Court of Crockett has
refused to levy a tax of 10 cents on the
100 as a school fund tax. but will
leavo it to a vote of the people whether
or not a lovy shall be made of 20 cents.
Funnagusha is a small river in Mis
sissippi and a still smaller is the
Yocony. The Otuckolota was on a
bender down there last week, and had
submerged the low lands along its
High water has interfered with gov
ernment work at Muscle Shoals, Ten
nessee river. The officers are off of
duty and are getting up a ball at Flor
ence to while away a fw of the dull
A crowd of Helena people are filing
to go to tho New Orleans Mardi -Gras.
They here that tho Queen of Momus'
jewels alone will be well worth cross
ing a'eontincnt to gazo upon, and they
aro going.
Two dividends have been declared
by the defunct Freedmen's Bank. The
first Noverabnr 1, 1875, amounted to
t203,S33.3): of this dividend there re
main! a balance of $16,612.10, payable
to 4,561 dejiositors who cannot be
found. The second dividend, 1878,
amounted to 2!W,Cl9.0ii ; balance un
called for $17 .508.41, to be distributed
ainoni; :;!),KS2 depositors, who have not
Dcen round.
Carroll county, Tenn., enjoyed a
sham contest nwr tln nvn.;..',v.,.i.,...
ot public schools a few days since.
The salarv is S-'fill 1?.... I. A t:.i
well was chosen and he is reported to
be well qualified. a
All of tl,c rivcrs in Kaf a'l Mid
dle lennessco were booming high last
Friday and Saturday. Some streams
wcro rejMirted up beyond any former
known rise. Much damage has re
sulted and country roads were totally
Mrs. Chanfrau is playing Aurora
Floyd and Parted, at Nashville. She
closes there to-night. McWade en
acted Kip Van Winkle at Nashville
in the Opera House, while Lotta per
formed Zip and Musette at the Ma
sonic Theater.
The Galveston committee, consist
ing of Messrs. Fisher, Robira and
Spaight, are preparing their recom
mendation to the Texas legislature on
the matter of quarantine. Mr. Fisher
favors a State board of health, and for
certain months of the year a strict
There is a curious creek in West
Texas. It is called Cibolo, and three
miles from Boorne enters a rocky
gourge and runs under ground for for
ty miles. Tn some places natuaral
wells 210 feet dee arc found, through
which this subterranean creek can be.
dintincly heard.
Captain T. J. Berry walked from
Hawkins county, Flast Tennessee,
Mark T wain's early stamping ground,
all the way over the mountains to
Nashville to run for the position of
doorkeeper of the senate. He was de
feated, but secured a place as guard at
the penitentiary.
Mrs. Willam Humphreys, jr., was
burned to death near Gadsden, Tenn.,
a few days since. While trying to save
her child, whkh had turned over in it
chair, her own clothes ignited and
burned entirely off, except where they
were bound around her waist. She.
died in a few hours.
Recently Dr. James A. Thompson,
of Homer, Argelina county, Texas,
having been informed that a man bv
tho name of Martin had made threats
against his life, took his shotgun, went
to Martin's grocery and deliberately
shot him dead. Thompson was sent
to jail and bail was refused.
II. C. Brewer has been chosen may
or of Huntingdon. Tenn., and T.
Briant marshal. They permit lam!
owners only to vote in that section.
A foot of land was deeded to a num
ber of voters at the recent election,
thereby circumventing the law. The
Vindicator asks if it is not a dangerous,
A man named Martin killed a deer
with a tap-wreneh recently, seven
miles from Benton, Saline' county.
Ark. He was in the act of screwing
bolts on the railroad track when the
deer dashed almost on him, evidently
being in a hurry and not seeing Mar
tin until too late. The man was so
excited after the affair that he ran all
the way to Benton, seven miles, to.
'"carry tho hews."'
Dallas, Texas, is agitated over a, ro
mantic story of a young girl, fourteen
years of age, who is in that town from
Illinois, searching for her mother. It
seems that she and her mother suc
ceeded in saving about $S(H)() in the
millinery business, when a man by the
name ' of Foster ramo along, caiti
vnted and captured tho widow nnd the
$8000. They went to Texas together,
and loft the daughter penniless.
A party killed over 1200 young
prairio chickens on the Arkansas
prairies last summer, all of which
sjwilcd, and two barrels of eggs were
carried to Little Bock at ono time,
all of which also spoiled. The chick
ens have been trapped tn such an ex
tent recently that they threaten to be
come extinct, and the people tiro call
ing upon the legislature to establish
game laws for their protection.
The Ancient Order of United Work
men, including the amount to pay
death losses, will have received in
this Stato, when tho latter nro all
paid, the sum of fitf.M 51 for account
of the nasi year. The loss amount is
$64,000. Of this amount $20,000 has
already been paid. Tho order lost
forty members in the Tennessee juris
diction and twenty-eight elsewhere,
making the total losses to the oreant-xation$i:iO,000.

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