Tkt Subttrtptle prlo ef tut DAILY PUJ1.IC UU61R It $i per (nana and SO per xonta for lea thta r year. Tti WESUY lEDGE R it SI per f m -petal's fiyabl la tdvaict iMtritniy.; ' ! - tsur.l r-i 't, d , Hernials, lea.. as eeniad-eiasa ma.i,r. tni K-lMT KVtl?eo. T-'ICMKII, Wi. THE Public Ledger NEWSPAPER, JOB PRINTING UTTSIJDJIlTirsrA are. now located at treat. Tua Hreyidcnl'a metMg ia regard ti at rather colorles by the LodcIod Times and other Enrich; papers, but all agree that it picturot groat pros perity in tilt llaitod Butiet. BARajCy hty bought sacred white elephant through agents in Shm; prioe tlOO.000 The- Republics party has as elephant on band that comes rather liiih also, Kit is'Eot very white or sf ored. ; its Dime ia Keifer. ; Ma. Carlisle's Hrlactiot is almost universally approved. He isregaidcd as a prudent, safe man. Kvea Mr. Qould S proves the selection snd he it interested eutiroly u th protective tide. The Iboioeratie party it in s splendid (ositiou to carry the next election and Will do so unless there is some terrible blundering. Ill regard to the formation of com Bitters, it is understood at Washing ton that Speaker Carlisle will, without regard to support in bit touii or )ftoaal prrf?rec, t'ign, at 'ar at possible, the very best m.u to the several ejaiiuittets., Tie Klection Corxitye will, a? !ar i is hit power be made nn of the fairrst men, Mr. Cirfisff Vein rproed to making it strongly . paxiUan .Mr. Springer, ol Mie, vis tut list Democratic ctiraan of that eomaiittee. . Xo&rtl Cs-oliaa is a bp; Slate. The LffUStture.piU levy do ux text year. Ih . Vtwa North Carolina R inroad C.iisr tny wiil piy into the treasury liJ,tisi, which sim will earrj th;" r-;e government. But waatwil ieta.-,f the t.UthcrA'iU fatjiiciaai wiio ran for the Lwpaia tor, ejry-:ar on ttee'.iiwt titt thaj an ia favor of icdi-iDg thecoerca burdens of taxation. We lave bad Ltfi'.t urcs in Tjriaestee suade ; larre!? f ti?a toes, who at the end of lit atauiaa Wuu'.d .vute aguast aa iuin ef a few dallara ta pay for the spittoon ist wba tsey rud Seta squirting fcibactn jiict and thr-'wiig peacu: ls.11 or ttiree moatni U basal wait bt-a fr J iLat be railroad WioU (4 ia rttinicg tV,t.Frt ana tow it is etrtaia thit thrj hive gjl at it ia 'ar.b Caroiiaa. - HI U 4LL.H. Tac Lotty Pedeatal I'rta Whirls the aawrt Mieal Their Kay -, oas Bcuiphlit. Ca'Taryeburch baa. hayt been no - t4 Mr the excellent musical taJtDt ol , , ('""'H botb Ut eh3ir and .werexatiui. To ; iflT. ,..'SS ' IBUfb.'ym ' m-r-.w ( Fnlri .r.n- . th. ri PMh-T -"e wu nde a CTUel VlCUm eieof Calvary ehurco will give a T, ; it I""'ler' .aaical ard literary entertainment. . ?fis i ' n ' ' D,rieca- tbt proceeds to be devoted to strictly I.Ai. f' . r ehanuble purrses Among the hott 7 Pe k ng, mminetj. Guiteau of volunteers who -ill form the audi .-. ,f.d ,brau,1. "nu-rd"- i ' :et might be Motioned Mr. W. A i"," I Tk Gage, Miss Jennie Camp, and Mis, foadetautd before trial by forma of Eama Peak, in a trio "Sanca 1 aria." ; k 7 C"f' Ut Selot will be rendered by Mist Branch ; ?! Ar f . 7VW1 if . Kftody. Mb Peak. Mi.i"WMtfr k-111 Ml8t" Kldndge. Miai Weeks, Mrt Mtrie'00 "DS. nln"e!f """toner, .HiuSeld- Hawks, Messrs W. A. J d-'lf1mp'1?'tmt,,W(,rk' .. Gag. and George Castaer - will ting 'k'u Z - i Th' tU ( duet, arranged tot two tenors. Mr w.?ri,d lb ou'd !' Adolpb Kelt will render that charm-' 'i,e,,yi"de7bU "; : nt ing aria ' lafeliee" from Krnanne ltou 4 h,Te been, IE''u,red of tht b" Mr. Henry Heistcr will sing t bari 'PologJ t the court for Inn. .n'n . A vin n nolo will I,. g by Me. Turner. . Mra.U.ioe aod Mia roppiano will recite, and Messrs. .LtoKrcmer tnd Hirry Piano render tn instrumental duet. , ... accident to a Good tltixea. Mr. William Berrybill, t citii't Tin.t M..rin,S,.n in hi.ennn.r it : a. M : IJ ,L' ...iuK.v ..o,u.uB .-."" went to church las-. Sunday. Uu h I return be met . party of people, sup ! posed to be Uyp.ies who had . bear. The mule drawing Mr. Betryhill'. buggy toik fright and ran tw.y; . wheol .truck a atump and Mr B. was thrown out tnd very badiy hurt. A, . ' aoeounit no mi, spoxeo. was also in the buguy was1 badly hurt but not wui7 uum, wm. uu, B dangerously. lieu uearu irnm yes terd.v he tsai recovering. Mr. Berrr j i tiri l 1 i hill it a good oitiien and a devou member of the church, aod it teem, lik. a eontradiniion ot th I... ,,i .juMioe and of an over ruling Provi- deuct that in returning from a plan, of worship bo should meet with such an aooident oaused by a strolling band .of Sabbath breakers and aliens to all that is deemed sacred or binding in this country. We hope, however, that "he may rcoovor. li THE THIKTrKNYF.AK OI.ll KLOI'tlt t'ouoil at a Jemey lly Hotel With S.'aiMMla Uordoa, Not Mnrrleil. Spaeial to Commarcial UasatU. Nrw YoitK, December 4. Little Misa Addie Hrcsnan, the tbirtcco-year-oldcr, whose sudden disappears anoe from her home in Astoria, in company with Captain G. J. Gordon, caused so much oxcitomeot in Long Island City and vicinity, was found in ...Taylor's Hotel in Jersey City to flight. Captain Gordon and the girl ioonupied the tame apartnir nt. From eluea reccivod by Chief Murphy, of the Jersey City police, it was believed that the pair had arrived from thit eity in the afternoon A watch was ; placed at the different hotels and thej I railroad depot, and at 11 o'clock - me liiici learnvu po-iuveiy uni tuj,. tain Gordon and Minn Hnsnan tore I guests at tbt hotel, and at once ar- t rested them. They were taken to the i First Prcoinot Sutionbouse and locked up, to await tbe arrival of officers from Long Island City. Gor don waa quite aullon, and declined to make any statement to the police nr I the representatives of tbo press - . miss uresnan saiu sue met uoruon, - with whom ahe wis acquainted, as she waa on her way to school Monday f morning. He asked her how the wan. ', and tht said the felt bad, because her 1 mother bad not boon using ber well o' J lata. Ht tatd ho waa torry for her, !' , tnd it the would go with him, he would use ber properly. She eonscu ijiil to to. and no then rtrniioiuiil it...I , n ' . . , , they went to a minister, who refused to uiarry them. I hey then went to New York, tnd to the Mayor 't offioo. The Mayor refused to many them, c " 1 " . ra - -J ... R ! Hotel, Jersey City, where thov re i rill, ot Ubio: Jiallard Smith, of Ken euained ontil arrested. The girl did tuoky; Charles A. Dana, of-Illinois; I not tpiiear it til abashed at ber aitut Clinton A. Soowden, of Illinois; Isaac i.-uoav, uor wu tbt anxious to go home, I H. Bromley, of Ohio; I), A, Sutton of CHICAGO LETTER. The Farwall Block and Evening Journal Office Destroyed by rire-Lott $150,000. Chicago'! Driving Park a lueceta Over $7000 in the Treasury. Mis Biurlala, Jiiat Oat ol Uie r limitary, Will Take op tier Kraldeaco la Bal timore. Sptctal Correspondent of tht Ledger. Chicago. Docemlier 2. 1S3. . Thanksgiving passed oft pleasantly in tins region, so tar aa external ap poar.neea indicated. The weather was simply delightful. ' To-day is a cold sabbath, the ther mometer marking several decreet be- bwiDg (reeling However, it is 'just do lentlul lor pedestrian exeroise. The fire-fiend blew its bitting breath upon several buudred thou Bond dollars of Chicago property, and extinguished the lives of two bodies yesterday. The nw Fsrwell . block on Adams and Market streets, was attacked about five o'clock in the evening, just as the eniuloyea hud left off work. The alarm oaused general eonstcrnatim.and two women jumped from high windows, and were dashed to pieors on the atone pavement be low. At 8.30 pm. the Evening Journal omce, situated on ooutn Dearborn street and neat- Monroe, be came tl.e next victim, and in a short run tue entire structure was a mere shell. The loss will foot up 150.000. No lives destroyed. The poor girls destroyed in the Karwel! fire are bs lieved lobe KatitHilgertand Frances r airwe ahcr. late of bhebojgan 1 bf are little known in Chicago It is only a woic'er more Uvea were not lost. Au J Mr. Carlisle bai received the iupprt ot the ratjjnty of ihe Demo erdtic Conprrssiona! caucus lor tpeak at of the Hou-e of K-ipresentativna It is to be hoped everybody is happy His nomioation fortheresponjililepj- I"vi eToeedisgly eouipuuienur) to Mr. Carlisle, and has placed the badge nt honorable distinction upon him. While the honors are sieit.the of the othce will bsarts'jon sitiluj bud u tear.' Mr. Carlisle is a revenue relormt-r of the moderate school, lie is do eirreititt. and th -oiiu-ry at larce will not m3er from hii policy. W'c all should bear u mind that free trade must be inwi rai -d tiy d trees, and without in the lat ir;unng any individual's inter est. 1'trxmt now eniraged in manu 'acturifig proteeted wares eom- menoeJ business ncd;r "protection in Consejurntlj, no legislation shou'd be ha-tily entered into that would work bard.-bip to such invest ments. The policy of this tovern ana: i to shape matters so that the ereatest gjd wiil rssult to the greitesi G2tur o it-f people And tbis should be the honest purpse of eTerj (,et:sla'or, or It.'tBoeraiic or lierab .iao i trtf All parties, or persona, should be willing to make eoneea.-ions to the universal well bring ol hi c'oriou nation of ours. There rLou d do moneyed or class legisla tion, no suore thai there be such a lutin -tioa a 'N ir;h" or "South," or Xtst" or "West." Let nt be known as the "United Sta'es." and as hailing tro "k.eisiana," "Maine." eK. abnve all. let be rigbtj and in-ifrt-Mi of tbe humhiest eitiien be as sierd st th&je of the most exalted and wealthy. Let "honor" control this eoontry once more; and let Mr. Cariiale comment this ioly work. Gas as recntjy reduced in Chicago IroatiiJto ti net per l'J feet. However, tae lit is are ai large sow as tK)ore ths t3-called reduetion t'om I toaints art verv nnmeroua. Extra i . I , "'OTetu a.rdcs the buaiie-t in favor i of the ga. ptopte. Sereiat Masoo. imprisoned so lone ' -itfllJL'Mi.TK46"' , I """" "". Ji""l UlCIinn Aod O Donnell. the killer a' the linfamots informer. Carer, has been .sentenced to be banged for ridding ! the world of such a monster. If Mr. ,0'Doniiell delibcrat ly killed Carey, I without proper "local" provocation. J then he foolishly challenged the power V Kr?t i K I I .T?l p0Wer ' .lirlUsalw. In this be Wat most ! nnfnrtnn.l. Il -n,,M K. I V , "u"v j ,"'.' , " n.,ooailJ ! 'LlncbfT . UrT'f "btt i ll nf '?w S '' .II ! "n4ncr of their Uking oS thtt 1 S L.'I 'u. 1" ',Ct..W",fu , moust-a ted by the way the Judge Mr Q'Donn. , , hM'f'hcutionerof the informer j o anouia nave remembered the re 1 ,naf .1,, ,Ko l I. . j ' i j i.- i l ' - ! dld h" work 10 ?uch ?-" not T-tl u - - "w imVD,j VI ,UD gtlU . . to attract attention. .It hit patriotic , ' u''',nnD, 10 J5,n "d of ' "W "ho ?T.8 lredy resigned I tbctr lives or Ireland a freedom, hit i m!m.or? .be.,orVr Meet by every in"." ui iiucii m iuib ana countless coming sges of freemen. Hut Mr O'DonncU V'open" tel should bet warning to ill others who wiab to live to see the good results of the blows they ttrike lor freedom. If O D in nell it forced to suffer in the flesh for the bold blow he struck for the cause of suffering Ireland, it is safe to predict that his reward in heaven will be the more glorious. "Night and knife" should be the avengcr'a motto when dealing with informers and tyranny. The Chicago Drivini Hark i Ti,. .';,.. i,.- .7,... . nuc-w voa. ihiviiij iij over fiuiju io the treasury. Philiy D. Armour, Chicago's mils lionaire pork packer, has a good heart hen he was apprenticed inHhiladel phia, the California gold fever broke out, and he took it Ilia boas gave hnu his indentures, and he lelt the oity of "brotherly love." In the oiurse of time he accidentally met his old employer, who had beoome t bui ni:s wreck. Mr. Armour did not for get the favor done him in the past, tnd presented bis old frieod with t cheok I. r HUM), tnd now looks after his gen er I welfare. That "release" of ap-p.- a iceship was.mott assuredly.worth millions to Mr. Armour. I ,iss tueresa Muriate, alias Sty es in the Illinois penitentiaro (n, tr : 1 1 ; "iiumi u ooiupieieu a Khorr i.,m her rejiuted husband, Charley fSiyl contemplates residing in Baltimore. her lurmer home. It will be remera- bcred that Mr. Uv ea h,t coraraunity atyled the lightnice c Ho.r Trade, and she House. on tbe ChiojEo i He treated her inhumanely, killed bim in the Palmer Nayb. I Wewtern JonraalUu. i Cbloo Ns. Slowly but turely are the Weatern journalists crowding their Eastern ! brotliren oB into the oyster beds of the ! Atlantic .Ion. ili. fllnainu w.t .- (JD lC I U , men now figuring with more or teas mort or lew eonrpicuousness in Now l ork nuns I Paner eirolet: John Swinton. of Kan, h: Whiteltw lUid, of Ohio; Joseph . uuiiivi, vi fliDOUUIli v luu A, - oosoid id iois ccunirr at uie time oi Missouri; Carl Shuri, of Missouri; floraoe Whi'e, f Illinois; W. W. L Grosvenor of Mistotiri; Ralph ftaftra, ot Colorado; Kdward Willetu cf Mis uuri; Georiie T. Lannigan, of llluois; Stanly Huotly, of Missouri. It is t ootewcrthy tact thit tbt most success ful journalists of the Kast are those who l ave serve! their apprenticeship io the Weat One cold ia sometimes contracted, (i top of another, the aeeouipaiiying coiish bneominp itntled and confirmed, and the lunirs so strained and awliod. Uiat W production of tuheroles riui,ntly f'f lowa. Aluov emitting cii'et of pahonnarj disease can be thus aicoiuitt'd lor. jmd yet bow many others are now earoU-ssl)' 1 lowing Ihnmaelvm to drift throuith the prt'liuiinary aymptoma, .tintrolled ly the fntnl poliev of allowing a eold trtMta eare of itself! On the flr intimatinn of t eongli or cold, or any throat or limp; trouble, retort promptly to Dr. Jaynoa Evptvtorant, n snfe curative of long tli isluJ renuutlon. and you mat nv4d the I'onaoouencoi of suvU diUigetoua trining. ATlCltll'AM BKtlTIEI. Mlwa Chamberlain Fall Into the Bank olTlioNe Whs Will I'er uilt the stale ol ller I'uolo- gapha. Special to Courier-Journal. Nxw Yobk, Deocmber 3. Mi?s Chamberlain hat broken tbf iec " id a dealer in nhotoeraDhs on Saturday, "and we shall undoubtedly have other American beauties before the year is out. It is only a question of time when the photographs of American society women wiil be as freely sold here as such photogriphs are in Eng land. Mis Chamberlain is the most beautiful American nirl in Kutope to day, or. at any rate, ' she is the most famous beauty, tiht . baa ereated. a furor, and her popularity increases every season, she is invited every where, visits the roval family fro quently, and ia t personal friend ot the Prince and Princess of Wales She id a Cleveland girl, and in com moo with most American girls, she at Dirt cbjeoted to having ber pictures sold, but she appreciates the interest the public take in women whom the newspapers chat continually about, a u J she has at last agreed to allow hnr pictures to be sold. 1 bave the sole right to tell them." ' V" ' Is she more beautiful than the run of knglUh professional beauties?' , I ' Vastly, vastly." said (ht dealcri with uoctien, : "The majority of tog lish beauties are called such because inev unite a fair amount ot fxd looka : . v. j v I o .-.11 wuuguuu uiuuu. oo many uiieu wo men iu Knsland are absolutely plain th it when one comes along who is not absolutely plain she is at once dubbed a bcau'y. Uladys. Lady Lonsdale or Lady Castlereagh would ntver be called beaatifnl in America. The diappointment many ol ot Idt.on J eting Mrt. Laegtry w-i t)oDtflimni ury io our beauties, fctewai oawidj errd the mot beautiful woman in Knshnd, too " ! "Vou think it will borne custom ary here for taricty w.mcotttclj njitjir j pietnrea?" "Whv not? Don't society rople follow L'tg!i-k customs is everytbiDf else accent, fcx hunting, coaching e'. Jtbiai and dner.' j li is tily a pienion ol time, and a very shot ume at that. The bait baialrcadj opene-L" , "Djyoi tee this lady?? he aiksd. uking the portrait of a handaooie wotnan, with a clear cut face, mtjalfl eent tair tod well jnodejed arm, trom tbe eat. , . - ' , .: ' That is aa Aiberieat girl, and kr picuerei htvt beet txetbttetfj v sbop wtnd-iws tad told extensively- lb Low don for years. She it one of Mr. Leonard Jerome's - daughters, - new Lai; Randolph Chorehill. Thit lady in riding habit has also been exten- Isivelv told. She it Mrt. Burke luD-h. the daughter of Frank Work; htSen 1- i II i Vork Hereia the nnrinJt.ra AmAv Mand-rtiile, who was also t New York r:.ri. Ta th. Mi a. , f'k.n.Klin bl ddead' ind i0Br of bT wviuru mm BisuMfnis. 09v oi toe Kt.:ioh professional beauties do ap proatb them, eicpt Mrt. Cornwtms Wcattnd MUt Thompson." riTE (oavicrii tJKaX) Threogh a Ball , Mile saewer Fran Ihe Feaiieatsarw. SsMiaitaCMnwr-jMnsal. - - Frankj'obt, December 3 At 2 o clock yetterdiy afternoon, just be lore the hour for the convening ol tor Penitcntitry Sunday school, the dn eovery was made that the ...riveted lit! over the man bole of the sewer Im.H ing to the river bad been torn np, and uie eonvjcit ntd gone down lntott. wiui tne4Wewttttlectiartheifean. Tbt atwer outlet it apovthjf a mile iioui toe prison, ana tbitber a detmb ment of guards wu soot. Prtviout to tneir arnvingon tbt teeee several citiiena were tppnsid of tht esctpe. and at once begin teareb. Two son- view were enured at the moutbol the sewer, and the other three ovtft taken in th. "e taken in the pursuit t k tbe v. r. u. distillery, ibjut t mile below the city. . The) made no resistance, though two were me prisoners, who are generally be lievcd ready to take all desperate risks J ho following are the names of the convicts: Juno Manning, life, for noir.4. Campbell eountv . Jt"fPn Sltughter, negro, alias Jot T oiu term; sent, Brat Irom I Hardin top thr.. . . . J j I v t,r, ruairu siQg 1 r.--j - . I from Hohkin. inr -:.u. r cigiii jreara ior arson, Win. Ryan, aix years, burglary Kenton county. I rank Millar, aliaa Charlea Smith, one year, grana larceny, Kenton coun ty; escaped and tent tecood term from Campbell county for five yean tor grand larceny Uobert O'Neil, lite, atrnult witt inwoi to roo. Jtnerson county. aiieiby 4'onaly Taxea. . The County Court Clerk of Shelby ooumjr, ii. a vuutn,; reiwrtt to tbe Comptroller tbe following collection of revenue due tbe State for the monin oi uoiober: Laid sales, U3 , mercninit' Ux (ad tslorem) t.itH h- mcrcnants ux (nnvi l tr-t f.,7 177 wn inuor aeaiers, I It's Wl; eating hnn.A. I'TFJl . ' - uuiasc., t-i uv, race iract.ti); photo- grapn gaueriet. tiu; peddlers, f (2 50 butchera, j:2 5i; ool tablet tnd fu ture dctlers, llSVh; circus, etc , IKS hacks, wagons, etc , ir; real estate agenw. wi; tmall onenses 1210 toul. mrJi W) Commiion,l175 (I!) net.tt52 20. tnoilier I'hyaiclaa'a Teatlissooy, Bo-ton, hln , May It, IHK1. I k riow partiw b . have tf lc , land, o( for lung IU.i;-s, who luy that nan , inmnii, uir me iiunitH is a eoinplete suoci-m. Dr. Vli A S. H, WCM ) J ). Mhlrt Boaam Fada. Naw York Motalnt Juarnal. The new paper thirt boanm in.i i Ihsih.1 .v j goods man fills a long f it want and eed button bu oat up to hit "ck now, e xrept (or warmth. These u up town lurnmtiin. bosoms are compoaed ot six layors.lh v'v go. ui tie uirn on when toiled By great care one ot the;, pads wilj last sixwerkt, tnd at they only cost five eonta apiece they will be tppre oiatedby poor men. An extra gloat bosom tor ten ceou it put up in the tame ttylp for use on spcoul ocot, aious, and these will find ready pur. ehtteri in th upper middle clatsei The bosoms are iclf-fastening and id. justing, tnd irt adtptcd to quick dreasint. It look, u iki.n.k ,k. ' !hirt b '""f clt "or, "I bave beea alllfrled with an aff.i-tion of ttia Tliiust ftem childhood, cnuscd by diphtli.ria, and hurt uc-d varioua renwli. but have never fonnd anything opial to Bhowx b lUotciitai. Tao( HKB.-ltnv. (IMF UampU.n, Piko ton, Ky. Sold only In boa... THE NOTORIOUS BROCKWAYS i Sketch- of the ExploiU of tht Host Daring and Successful Counter- feitert .of tit Country. The Lady la Blark. Tie! ffejri iVK'ufti gtvia fulhwiiig tooount. ol.tba .banner ex-, ploits Qf. tbe. Brockway jiow under apreet fof counterfeiting :'". ' Wilbaiu K.iHroekway bcL-an lite at an apiirentiee rn a fob ptititnig pmoe in new iiaven inirty years ago or a uuir qvot. A gentleman ot means y itiM oity took a front interest dn the ytun; man, and at Mi own expjhse look him out ot the job otlioe and tent him to Yale College to ttudy under Professor Sillinntj Sent Ihcfe ba had him WJOf tfarticular, .courao ot ttudy ct'eiuistry and the moldinr; ot metals When he knew enough lor practical purposes he was returned to his old pjsitiou, and then he started on hir criminal oareer. Till BUCK'!. WAY START. From then nntil now nearly all of the great forgeries bave been done, as that by the fir-t on the New Haven bank, by the aid oi chemistry. The young printer was impressible. His patron whispered iu his car tow a for W6i .could v,ba pitJe. 1 Tbej would divide. lie lisienedaud obeyed ordere. It was customary in those days for the PresiJcut of the bank to bring to the printer the plate ot the bank and have the bills atruok ttf that were needed for eiri.ulattu,a!i'd be ttood bj wbiletltt sheets were printc.iL. When they were pnnttd the plat' was ear ried buk to the bank, by 'tbe Presi dent. " MT"f i t. l BrocVigay was at the press-a hand pren when tha Dlt'e waa . delivered to him. Hi) bad in his apron pocket in impiw-aihit piatr. The boss printer took the President1 to the, window to show a swppaar-d defeat tn te piper, ind while their backs were turned the plate to lake the impression was pui on the plate under the press, aad in a seonn i tn irapretsioa Wat taken of the plate. " i. v" I Thit waa fttgery made easy; the rrtver tnd' tbe ia;h were dispensed wuu. n,-. (--.m p. , " tn this way hye lf Ihe treat for arrice been emumittrd here and at sshington with wdiich Brockwi) has beat oonnected, ) ' Xot'tall the assigned numbtr o' sheeUwrTo stricken off, and the bank 1',-cstJcnt'rcturned to the nnk with ihttuand plate. But in stxikingoff the p.pcr was oougnt on which the genuine notes were printed, and after broekway had electrotyped his plate he ha 1 a plate from which ta on genuine paper. L j' L -"1, alter a litUe tonclin tn witb lie attrer. thav ki al. annini. t.'i nnta plate. 'Jbey iiad'aia tkja, geiiuine paper to elan on; everything was gen nine but the signatures of President and esshier. , r i'i THI COk.tTI!Bl BILLS were atruok oil slowly at firm and mil gradually into circulation. Bills were circulated very advisedly, put in tire market in this . city, to buy ; ap mort eges, tad at there wat then no clear taee boost if wa tometima before tbe eoattrfe.ita Iwtia iditoovered. - But when ttsv jant tutftbling pack to tbe bank lie dircsora-were -called 'in to lwk at tbe 'tvitV that "Were genuine jot mysteTioasiy-tJeriea. That there waa t-something wrorr was only di eovtrel by;billt l the tame 'number coming back to tbe batik But which wag counterfeit- which Ih. i.nnin. the bank eould not determine. fie leit ."new Utven tnd came to .v-w ,lork. Ue had married .nil h. and his wife started a diguerreotype tstablisbmeut, in tie.Bjwery, near Grand -greot. The wifo was known is 111 "Lt(!f It. lilt, f . f ,i I ; I After the notice bad hean tioh nm that tbe "fives" on the New Haven Bank were of a doubtful character, it wa certain that isaanv. wim iumA from thta photographic gallery. Thus, u a w out waa - uvea a live and the change was returned in payment. The Lady in Black could aot be reached, and the case was given here to our, who took it up, and Chicl Mauall gave the case to ex Inspector Leonard, then Captain of the Second precinct, tq iteekaaa atreet, BIUT BUfiTON A PITXCriVg. Leonard and Burton th. U .nm., dias, wer ictreely ever tepartte. Jim Leonard would do anything in reason ror curtoo, and .Burton would de any thing in reason for .Jim. Wittom telling Uurtoa whit Bewtnted.hesaid one aay to uurton: - - ju. lsurton, I would like to get yinir pmi on tne wage. "What the dgn-e do you wintwitb uiy umy pnur fcpatd JJurton. ?. "Mr. BuruWitatilUafavo," en, i il oblige." Mr. a burton aereed tn ait for hi tltkt Bctlj ?. i f " .- ' "But ou mliat pay lor it in a 110 oni, ma nerart ft " Burton objected to Uking the money, but Captain. .Jim instiled on him uking the money and returning the change, ' " Burton went to Grand .ml hid hit likeneas taken by tbe Lady in Black, tnd roturoed the change, a agreed, to. Captain Leonard. As expected, thta was t counterfeit Burtow -eat for hit likeness and brougbtrrtacktfljim. 'Jim; while they Were drinking together, asked to look at the chance. He found it in th "five," aa be had expected a counterfeit. Tbt Lady in Bltck waa erreted;-he informed Captain Leonard that she got the money from ber husband. He waa arrested; hi pleaded ruiltv whnn taken back to New Haven, but the man wno put tbe job up tod steered broekway into the crime couldn't be reached. Broekway wat annvieieii sentenced to tbe State prison for five years, put alter tot ting tare was par dooed. Urellae ol Han. N'ertous Wcakncim. Dvsccmiia. Im imtenee, Sexual lability, oured by VA'tllt' Ileilth Ilenewer." 1. Masla mn Aaalgnment aad Ibeo laled. Mobile, December 3 Sigmund Vogel, a Urge dealer in clothing, made a sale Saturday to Caroline 8hoenfeldt and II. Bernstein to cover an endorse ment to the amount oi tJL',000, The estate ia insolvent. Other creditors, to th amount ot (30,(100, will not get tnytbiog. The books tnd Paper ire not yet oo record. Vogel Ielt town, but returned Sunday night, Buffering, tnd died thit morning ol congestion ot the brtin. Al I.aM-A Uemooralle I'arly. Kaw Turk Herald, 3.1. The ineneaionof Mr. Ctrl isle will mike a tory gn at change iu the poli. tioa ot the country. The political trimmert who have to long ruled the Democratic party, tnd drtggcd it Irom one defeat to mother, have it list been overthrown, For the first time in miuy yetrt no. for tbo teoond tim. tbt party ttandt for tomelbing of iu own, ior reiorin ol abuses, tnd tor the rights of the people tgtinst mo nopolista of all kinds. We tav for tha second time, because in lH7ti the Dem ooratt stood also for wholesome and necesstry reforms, tnd in thit yeir, la ilniost everybody now freely ad mits, they carried the election. The oantcst tor the KDnak.rnhlnh.. bion ctrritd to during tbt whole of lb past aummer and tall. Both par tial took Part in it. for the Henuhli. cana could not ooncoal their desire for Mr. llandalt lueeea.' i hey knew that to long aa they could keep the Democrat following in their own wake they wer sale, and that Mr llaodall, a good man in many reepeati, would yet be tuob a drtg en birparty It would nrevont it over shooting ahead to tak that place at th front which gives tod treant success. An opiwaition party ean auoeeed only by eonvmoiog the ptople that it intends to retorts aluaoa. It eatiaol tuoceed by ttkiug up tha abandoned policiea of the party ia power. It eannct tueoeed by weak proenin to do nothing. " Tb KcPablioana hsv been in power nearly a ijuartvt ot i eentary. Freeh, vigoroat,, true to the people when Ibeyoame into power, they have become in tbe eouiae ot thrir long, almost undia puied tenure, the allui o1 monopolts otail aiuttsr mcaptuit 'l moiluieg tbe abuais which hive in the wurw of yoais eaihered alwut tbe gwrn- aieut; iattnt for lbe many years only on devieea to maintain themselves tn power, lher ia tearoeiy one oi tbe lew and very moderate Moreii ahica hav n made ta tha last ten r.ra which was not imposed on the lepublicant by Democratie agitation belor tht country, or by Demooratic bwdurs ia Con trow. Ihe rwt oration ot' teif govcrouisut in the Southern '5,tes waa granted on the lmHrative dcTHaud of the people in lSTti The civil service rclornt wtt atrndgingl) voted on the pertinacious and ceaav- less agitation' of ' Keaalor rendieton. The roluuding at Three per rent wa the direct result of Democratic de aida and urgency in the House Tha extremely aaoderata aad ' iuulko live doerease of taxation wu tbe truii of rteawratie "elamoe,"' .. The Democratic rarty. tf It is ever to auccoed, must make itself the part; ol reform, the party of the people, tvw party ot orderly liberty, tbt enemy t seedless rastriotiona. It any ana to blind is to imagiat that r lor ins, very much needed Montis. can bTreduced without changt? Well. Mr. Carlrstt't alaction to th Speakership' moans ehtnge, bsoauae it meant reform of abuses. It it shall turn out to iu. at anything else, il after this effort to nuke i DemeCTwtie party that ontani litioft sbrild belt vear tall baek into the bands of tbo o! J. fogies that would be thoend ol the party. . But wt take the earliest 6 poxtu mty to warn, the. itemocratui ttuuip steakeri who moan ta ' uke pars, iu the canvas next year that they mast begin to leirn a new lesion. That which Ihe party, did on Saturiay night bat got to be .ddV.nded nextycar oa evecy stump in il land. The men wb are afraid ot Demooratie prinot pies iay at well ta ike up their mindt ts stty at hotne 1 be electro! of Mr. C.rlt-le m.ans. it it meant anything. that the Democratic party will appeal to the people next lor for tariff and lax rek rui; for th repeal ot obsolete and irjurioua lawa, which needleaely f' hamper tbe aaergiet tod abridge thel lihcniea of American for relict) from , the oppression of monepo list; for reform cf abuses. Hut to! carry an tleoti oaaiainu the mbineJ loree-iot pnwerlul uontpoura and longj aaUbhshed aod firmly fixed abuses re intrcs that the People bo freely, fully and fearlessly instructed. It is not too early now to begin this in every oouuty and township in tbe country V hat such agitation can do it abund antly shown in tha greatly reduoed tsepubliean vote ot Iowa formerly the "banner" Republican State where I htudful of real . Democrats, with a single !carle6 and able Journal, have iooesabtly instructed tbe people in anuid fioanoe andeoonomy uutil at tbe last election they vory nearly car ried th Slate. The Democratic party can nevr succeed by regarding the tariff "tome thing they bad down in a Pennsylva nia village once, but which they got over " The people who regard the tariff 'as I kind of measles "went nn.let" last Saturday, and the people who regard it ta t tax, and therefore to be made as light ts potsible.because it is a burden borna by the people, now ''on top." But they need not ex pect to remain there .without tffort, and, about all thinga, without con stant and intelligent agitation tnd dis cussion. ' .''. ' "BtKSETT'nf COt OtlK, The Bti-t, and Cheapest Hair Dressing , It kills dandrutf, allays irritation, and promote! a vigorous growth of tbo Hair. liHrsarlt'. Klavorlna; Kxtraosa are invariably aknowledg.-d the purest and bert. uie Mlt'SlwNiPl'I . .1 .-, HOAU VALI El That Will Nnoa onneet New Orleao. Wilts a Hall a Uoxea Koada ml SleiaipliiN. i , Pieajaaa, Decembarl. . The Misaissippi Valley railroad, now rapidly approaching completion, will be. to the commercial and aa-ri. cultural interests ot Louisiana, one of tbe moat important tnd valuable roadt that bat yet entered tha oity ot New Orleans. It will give direot commu nication with Memphis, tnd connect ing it that point ta it will, with the Chesapeake, Ohio tod Southwestern road and with the new Kansas City road, it will give thta city and the Mistiiteippi . Valley new and perhaps more direct outlets to theKssttnd Northwest tnd to the great North west, at tar in either direction at the northern boundary of tbe United oiatca, rrom uere to mempliis, a distance ol nearly iM mile, tbe line or tne roau is at direct at tt waa pot sible, from the nature of the country, to tun it. For more thin two-thirds ol tbit distance tbe trtck It In close proximity to tht eist bink oi tbe Mississippi river. Cotton and angtr plantatiooi line th road on cither "ide the greater portion of the way from Mempbit to thia city.' The building ot thia rotd will bring iuiw cuiuvauoo a wiuo area ot coun try, between Mempbit tnd Vickt burg, thit hat bten hitherto annrn ductivo. Besides its utility tt a meant of tnnsportation, the Mississippi Val ley road will prove of incalculable value to th property owners and cut tivators of tbe eaat side of the river directly, tnd to this oity and the whole country ludireotly, at an assistant in the building and maintaining ot lev ees. " It co-operation In tint porlaot in alter baa already been very considerahle.and it will be still greater ia the future. In building and per petuating these safeguards to life and property the road's interest are iden tical With those of th t inters and property owner. In quality th Mis sissippi Valley railroad ia first-class in every pirtioular. No expense hat been spared in preparing the road bed Heavy grades tnd sharp curvet hive been ivoided. The bridges ire of the most solid tnd substantial character. Th rolling stock at hand and in c.urne of construction it oomplcte in ill in appointments. Aa will be Been by reference to the time table, pub lished in tbe Picayune. naMemrar traint irt already making daily trip over more man nan tne distance be tween tbit city tnd Baton llouge. Within a lew weeks tbt track will bt o far ballasted that these trains will bo extended to tbe capital eity, aod, unless unforeseen diflioultic are en countered, the road will be completed and running between the con templated depot in thit eity ind Memphis on or before the lat of May next. Opinion al eminent Dr. H. a. Nleuarl, President Mary land Hospital, linltimom " I have lined (oldea'a L.lqnia steel Toale ror more than a vear. It oomhino. the virtiu. nf IiumI and toniu remarkably, and, I am siitirtied, nits savin nut wiieii any other meoVimi would fail. (KiimrmW tbo name COL UKM'B tako nootlier.) . OAI11J, To all who are sal.rint from sho errors aa early doay, loss of maaaood, wto.. I wtllaenf a noire thai will cure yoa, t KRKaJ UI CHAIlliK. This great waadiseorerad br a mitvi.nary ia boat! Aneriea. Honda rlf-addrwMi envoi. ae to Ihe Rev. Juaara T irt.. Mt.riA. n va ('it. Aiiaaiaa. HXj lift tricmo vaioa aaaa. ma trill XCJ..U IsasSr y ailtet leanly it 1 ?? i. .,. f.., it..a pu-im. Of. H.1., SI I . H.i f..r l.M, s all . h. .a, " - ' V. a, an". ...a n Btf.UtUaa. Un.M.Sr fold It) Mw.M,V m.ulpTi!, l.y all Prfij-yllts. a Maifutui wtUtuis iMta avavia vs. rmai. CLARENDON . HOTEL Stay Prolonged - . I'STIL December 19. DNPHSCKDEKTKa .SUCCESS ! 327 Patients327 -. , .1 T Under Treatment. 09 Tuiiiefl Away 89 Pronounced Incurable J Dr. WILBTJE, SPECIALIHT, Traatt successfully Cbronio aad lent lUind- Im Diseases, sach aa Dtaeaaea ef tbt (I sad Throat and Looei. Liver. Kidnar and Uesrt ComplainU. Inveterata Diseases ef tha 8Um sen (that have deled all ethw methods), those fearful diseases of the Ttervoos Bvattm Urislnt freia whatater eaiue), Scrofnla, Dropsy. Paralvsis, Fits, Fevers, Dons, Con traeted Cords, Kolaned and Stiff Joints, Meuraliia, Bhtuaiatiim, Bolatloa, Diseased Bene Deformities, Salt Kheaaa, JCrysipelu skald Uetd, 111- conditioned Ulcen, SjphilU. Nasal I'oljpsm, Asthma, ilay Fever, Koae Cold, Winter Cough, Chroala Diarrhea aad Dlabtf. All may h eared by this New aa Wonderful System If not too far advanoed. Beae Diseases cured when all other mttaoUr have tailed. " ' Ladiaa who art sufferint with ooaalnu pecoliar to their sex, eaa oonsult tha Doctor with averr aasttiaoce of svesdy ralief and trmaneDtevo. The Doctor p.rtiealarly lovltes all eases that have been given up by other physicians. If you are doing well under the oare of your own physician, do not call oo DM. aa oar province Is to treat those who osaaotDad relief otherwise. . . Consnltation an. Examination Free The Doctor eaa be consulted from 10 am tot p.m. 08 VI Home Iteina. "All yoor ewa fault If yon remain sick when you can Uet hop bitters that never Fail. The weakest woman, amalleat child, and slckmt invalid can uae hop bitter wiin saicty anil great goon. . . .. Old mon totterinsr around from rheu. mutism, kidney trouble or any weakness will be almost new by using hop bitters. My wife and daughter wore made neaitny bv the use ot bop bitters and I reromniend them to my people Metbo llial llllMDman v. .ajji.i.ii. A air an. ..nil ilnnln. If kn Bitter, are not the bait family medicine vn oario. Malarial fever, Airuo and Biliousness. will liwvo every neighborhood as soon as hop bitters arrive. "My mothnr drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out of ber aystem with hop 1-.U. rjswi'go nun. . - Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bit ten and you need not fir aickneaa. Ice water is rendered harmleasand more refreshing and reviving with hop bitton in each draught - The vigor of youth for the aged and innrm in nop oitiersi "At the chanin of life aothleg equals If.. I. bitters to allay all troubles laoident Thereto." "The best jwriolioal for ladies to Uke monthly and nom which they will recoi the irreaUist benefit is hop bitten." Mothers with sickly, fretful, nundn cluldrnn, will euro the children and bene fit tlienisolvi. br tiiklnir hop bitten dnilv Thotuands die annually from some ii.nn oi aionry ainease mill miglit have oeea prevenieu oy a timely use of hop llltbnr. In.Jitroation. weak atiimai-.h. irroo-ii. lurltica of the bowels, cannot exist when nop outers are used. Atlmsly or. of hop BltUn will . whnl. la roboat health a roar at a liltle oost Io prosluee mal genuine sleep an child-like repoae all night, take a little nop rotten on retiring. Thut indigestion or stomach gi night, preventing rent and aleep, will dis- apix'iir tiy using hop bitter. i'nralytic, nervous, tremuloua old Iadiea are made porfectly quint and sprightly by umng kop bitUira. I3QRSE OWNERS M a ii sa GQMBAULT'S Fit CAUSTIC ' ' UT-THE GREAT frRENCH-a VETERINARY REMEDY Hum ttf In Prnmlnr nl mt tn the bitrt t triauHry itmi i ir oi r.nrupe ir us pntal Twuuty ear. SPEEDY. POSITIVE I SAFE CUR Ynr irfrtt-Htf. Kwyv-or, OwnH Hunk. Htnitntw, iMifleeh-imtvf.VViiitl lnfiiv J1 Hklu IHmmmwoi I'ahwiu, l,riih.U InfLuiiLiatl.iii",!! f na Il tl. i;.tli-. nil rniin-iMjsjw) $Tt,m H iu, KitwNm.i. sn4 ..iiara aa..iir 1-iSH.r.a. a THrVla mil nuri'llxM Of lllnk Hi. ,in,(lu4iii,) oUi-idi-ti.HinUilmt-iitaitf H.iMtj an.! f ..tlta. fur khm 'i)nrJoliliitt.rnrmtr'r18tiiti Iu IU lnstaulaiailtw ruivair team atttur bkiuiiii. WE CJARANTEE teM wiil (in-u 'U iu .uu m li.l nviiIlM tliuii a wtj'ilti 1mIHi ol mi tn.ifjii-iit or ilri niitumevr n.ade wnrreniawl Inwiyp inllalatHlatM. I'rlf ft I .s'Hj -r l iim, h- !.! l,y ilru-wiai, (ir wilt ly ( ii.n-, ruri4i'N paid nltii full mr- uti tfk Iu lum. LAWRENCE, WILLIAMS at CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO, 4,1' tmpwr't.i my, I At wf ! U un4 fom.. - 1. 1 . , . .. . MAouder ' c Oo. - DIALiaS IB - Sons, Pistols, Fishing Tackle D00K AID TBUXK LOCII, Kay aflltlnt, 3H t o a.lW HaDlaaOU BTHKJR. (aiaaaaar) aala oien mm repalirtxl tl short BOtlrnp, aepalrint n mpUy atUade tt j --- a" ..i'. r .J BALSAM IXTTIHy . r JLf' aa ? waasa4V CAPITAL R12E, $150,000. "Wadohoreby certify that wa supet viae tie arrangvmanta lor ail tbe atonlb ly and bwui-Annusd Drawinga ol 'lbt Ixiuiaiana Sll Lotuiry Company, aad is (wraon manag and control Ilia ilrawingi "'"-'"i Mi uiaa ui. aaiuw ir, ui-i. iiwd Willi Lonoaty, fmrns Jid in g d nb toward all partiae. and w .mh...... lb Company to uae tbiaontuiicaM, nb Hwiuiin oi or .iKuaiurea aiWicaod, ta us advaitiiHUUiuita." Com ra liHlitfr s. Inprecedenti'd Attraction! '"Otet Haifa Million DistriMeJ, Louisiana State Lottery roipaB?. Inftortinp.if4 In IMS f. 1. ...... L. ,1. r laLtar for Uduc.lion.l an I' , o.a-tili amnitl,na-ts wli'nh a rawva fund of bM.tlOu kai lino. t ,,n.J in) Hraaov.rwhcluiinapoiialsrTot. its (mi.. I j!l'Vw"1 ! " P,rt Prawntatsu. Coaslltutir.a .l..i.tJ UaoemlwrSd. A.D..1ICS. i.urnn.i Bnr numlr llnwlyai III lilt pl.c, monlhlT. It postponaa. Louk .t ti-. run.,ir.. i...,.n.n lu.ld iiraisd Vloutliljr -aad tht-t- . Extraordinary Senal-Annual Drawing, at New, Tmsjuj, Bmn a-r Iwih, twet, BDiior the personal superyisioo and iumh atemantof til (I. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, aad Get. iUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia, Capital Prize $150,000. Ho.trtv-TtoliPtaftrf fit) only, IIhIvm, W t- a aiinaa W-4 al, fl, , LWI Qt PH1ZKS: - 1 Capltst Hriia ef tl'O.oio... i..41M,o0 1 tlmnJ Prtie of ... 60.100 JLarae Prises .1 . Ljrj-e Prites of 3 Priios oi 60 " 100 ' A ,IWU 111, Ol . HU,!IU,.,, ,M m.tino au.nou 10,tl. o.irr,, l.lJ-.. J...... sno 3... . loo 20,Of3 fi.0.10 ai,ni 40,0110 W.WlO to.ouo Ala 000 APPROXfV Al inn u'ii'V'r'i'u':' SO... 100 Aiiproaituatign pntos of ISO... taj.doo fi .. - it- io.j 100 . ." . ... . 76.. . J,uQ t,t!V Prises, amountint to. A lU Applloatloe for rates to olubs should be ado only to the offloe of the Company in How Of leant. For farther Informatics, write clearly, fv iu( tun atu'irswp, .nm r. u. Money Or a en Order i to pnrui atnu uar-.-n netmiertvi hetUra to i-W VfKHII nMltOUHl llttUU. - -ii. ii a, , rVaav llrleanii. t.m. PONT 4 L SOTKM .nH .Hi... ,:...,.. wail or Uioresi (all a Till (if anil lit, avrlar am 1 1 taa, UH( w.)fugf) IQ A UAUrtllll, (07NMltll Nl.. aSnahlsHawtna. Tfk s vrt n -p.t .lotirr trv'eyv-. rgn,phn. T-rtTi. Administrator's Notice. : rHB ontlenltnetj hiring been ipuolntd a luilTj.Slr.VtOr nf the, asatutati nt Jut,, ilil- tuuro, uorru. i ai or uriueudtn oounty, Ark. a hereby itvei notice to all Mnnm hav. iBKclaini against Rani eiUte to present the same 4ulr authentirated an prtjuoribed bj 7: , " Vrr"?B "aeoioa W tfaid estate win uiearc 01 1 nu eett e. ' RWaUAKObuN, Administrator. 68 S 74 SO tlA Front street. DuPont&Co PAPER 534 W. Main Street Louisville, Ky. Keb-e IiOW4-neitla . Tlie niiMiMii,i 1 alley Iu TANDBHateie tn this came made No U vember'2. 1 -111 at.Il at t.i.itA tion in front ef the oourthouse, in Meuphii, uu 8nlardav Ueecmbrr 15, INS, the foIlowlDf lands: 1st, One lot sooth ride of Market street, fimw ieet. on -turn is a two-atory bnc hooite nnmbor 50 M&rk(tt ttrMa,t 2d, Jot Lane subdivision, cut of Mem- plm. w uet on the enU side of Dupree street by UH feet, yn wbirh is ta one-story iramo house ol six tuonat said lot between Lane venue inu iouisviiie runroaa. lid, Lou I and U, Peyton subdMslon. to tether frontinRttt feet on north side of old Raleigh rtied and running bank on west side UA ptraliftl to Pettun avenue and en the tiisi siue i i net I'ireiiei witQ said avenue. 4th, Eiorth half ui lot 42 ol the Dunn sub. division, ea-t of Memiihia. frnnlinar 117 rut on south side of Union avenue by 150 feet -iip. nt, Lot on north side of New Raleigh road at intersection of Mara Die htcdh. finntninin everal arret and fully desei ibed in the deed to tue jninMseippi valley ins. to., ia booi lU,naffe47l. un this lot it a house contain idk ore or in rooms. Terms of bale Credit of seven mnnlb note bearitt interest from date of tale with fersonal security, and daedi to be executed y the receiver rotaioint lien. Hedemption Darrea. . tiAiuiibir. Keoelver. Smith A Collier, J iiClouah. LIE Leh man, L W Humes, Craft A (Jooper, Attys. VI Ron-Bccldenl Notlo. No. 6 60. B D-Ia tha Chanoon Ooort ot Bhelby county, Tenu.-t! F Hunt vt Oliver . n uaraioera ot ai. 1 T appearina from erlcinal and amended L bills which are sworn in in tkl. .,n that the defendants. Oliver 8 Caruthors, Bamuel l uarumers, Anuia E llfaolsncl, Vt I Bsanland. Bell Puk., v U C.ruthets. Hamuli B '""!"-, oarah M Burt J II Burt. Individually and ua eiocatr. f J C larumers, aeeveseui usaa linvidson, Joei. lorry and her husband. T.rrv. aod Kl.i Adams, are residents of the Sluts ef Mi..i, eippii that Mary Madox and Martin Ij.tM. son are residents oi tbe H'ate of irxai; that Alioe Byrus and busliyn.1, Byrus, are residents nf State of Michigan, and that manes emiin is a resident uf blaleol r londa and all t on-residents of tbe St teof Tsnnea see. aod that tbo Dawes and olaee. nf raai denoe of the olher heirs aod loaalees of J 0 taruuiers, deceased, are unknown and eon' not be ascertained alter diliaent iniiu.ry. It is thereforo ordered that they make their eppearanoo herein, at th, courthouse oi Dnoioy county, in mempBis, lass,, cb orbafor. tb. flrt MoD'isy in January, 1!4. and plead, aoswor or demur to complainant earn, wilt out ana amended bill. the b. Ukea for eoBfoasod as to thsnand set for hearing es-paru. and that a copy of this order ba pohllsbed onoe a week, lot four nooeuivt woeka, ia tha sunn, unsn, . This Id day ef December. IMS. A copy Attest! R J BLACK, Clerk aad Master. ByJM Bradley. 1). 0. AM. Myers A booed, sols for oimplalaant. 79 85 UI Non-Itealtlenl Mot'ea. Ho. SJW) R Ia tbe (Thaneo-r tlonrt nf Hh.lha county, Tenn. Tko Stat, ol Tenoostue (or ose, eievs. n ri Duller ot al, IT appaariua from am.ndd bill which U sworn to ia this aause that th. d.f.nd. ant, K F Walt is a resident ol the State of Araaosasi tnal Mrs Kate J.ano and H.ifus Walt I, sn. are residents of the State of Vlo.- ide. aad all noa-lesideats of the but if ieonessee. 11 la therefore ordered that they waki their appearanoe herein, at the oourtnouso ol Shelby ooanty, In Memphis. Tennessee, on or b.fotwtaelrst Monday in January, IMI, aad plead, answer or demur to oomplsio. ants amended bills K, filed herein, or the earn, will Dl uns for mioimsmm tn tbora anu sl lor neariof ex-pari ana IBat a out y of this order b publishM once a week ht lour suocesslva wmbs la in, rabll, irtdi,r. This :id d.y of lieoemher, m A Oopy-Attoati R.J. BLACK, Caad M. ByJM Baim.iv, DOandM. i W llamploo and 0 W, sola for romT-rt 7V MS Ol H7 I I PflP tJCrrT of Imitation stained tlass, JjilliUll UIUjIjI sold every day In my store at c, to Indu.'O a larger order, one sheet on'y ir you, pi.nlit, lor 10c, which is less than cost to ma iu lii.ixlj lots. Kaaily applied, trmiHirarily or poruiarontly, to glass alrnady io cli.H. hes, b.iiu.s, storM. (Urculars free. 1 UlO .o-Mshin. for I'm Au drawint Fo.traiU, etc., with Fea.o TUP nFDlin NMtrcr'aWeklylwlth lUIl UUilAljU Oil 10 color., Uta Ul o.r T"3 IIKKAI.I) Adv.rtl.iir want AisnU. Ad.lri'SS I.. Ill SHITil as VII Arch r.t, l'hil..,l..lii.. Fa. The rvnilC LKDQKR Job Printing 0(lic and JiinUry is note luaiteil nl 17 Union ttrect and ready for all butincsB offering. MAUDFAGTUfiERS Fancy Groceries, BIS Cfc M E IT- B.ton Markot Mineemwt, verv aupwlo, i, tan mi ..,:,,rwl.v fwrtn neot.laW trade. - "IT i ! rt T. I 'I .viI. IG A liR kjaKifl K.,ftuU r .1 rT . rfji -. taM'l H.IKt.K91-Atfl, lSnehin 1 lISrl-An Immaiua.tofron, S o,m. 1.'" f0" all m a i, i. u.frzlrZr' "u " "? P"r pound un. : OM iattKS-lUoi.. !2 CranUrrioaand Crmnbon" "T", 1? "''''"i 1 tirteJ fiat Appnv nd Olive Oil, (ii hitii Lemons Kitraet. V',. 7 caa r Celebrated Mo.iaroh, MuSt"' Bul L.OIVUHUI, IMlvea an. and Cbetve, and ou LYTLE & ;i 1. 1 Hi u .-rf l'Clti."."....W.- ciwoulah ArVNt- a.m ta Or Wale la aiessiphla, Wy N. Chancery Sale of " HEAL ESTATE. No. MO, K-Chanc.r. Oonrl of Rh.ln. -lhoStiiU of f0. it, ' viv ra luva.iuimnjr at .1. i . . u r .. v.: '. .. c .. . win T-"l -f'i" .M"l Sn. IAI iu. rjlhfrf 1,1,1, Ul within l.s.l houn. tha followln, desorlbod nrouertj, situatou in oltr oi li.muhia. aha, broounty, lenn,, to-wlti Lois one aodwo il and 2), block Ivc t fort Piclrmi,,, sold a, ,h, propt, 0f Mrs M rranklin and Anna W Kivis ierins -of S.te-Oo a crodit of sevon IT) montl,,. , to eieoute Bote w ood EX'S" ""- r.dcT,2 this NovemliorT, wn, n.j v npatT i. BLACK, O A M. i Br J. M Bradley, D, u. a-M . II. ll.l.k.nU- u i,.t . . B.likiii.Sd"s: ' ou"la ra Va in' r. Chancery Sale, Keal Estate. . No. e'8 R -Cbancsry Court of Rh.lh L entercd jo ih. abovn nn tk. on lay of March, IKK1, M II ; nai7 T will-ail h. taut. Lak-il uiwrwi f yuioe POUH' aee" on ' COUtJr Tsaaai- ran ,i i i SatarUay, December 8, 1NS8, bto leaal hours', tnV foiloirin. ' ii,.i'i,.j LoUblockl', west lide ofL.Roso street. fronU , to f, -fiRS; sTroH an'd r.n."V back between tiarall.l iBes IS) in" ,' O W Ourdun tra,u, ad H J Ctiee .; baraa and Seveath streets. Tenth ward, troot- "." !12 1 th 'lt "Idt.of Alabama street and ranalnt Back 17b f,e? l'Jh i on the soatkaasl oovom- of Alabama and . oVroth L'rMU: .V lot i liM ""d adJ,?iMB7 Ki,h! rl;r" f, ".si"! A Boc. R D Bin? ' ' V l""00: . Pbuteri Alio inu.anrt 1 , . . .. ,-.a.i aered iori-Ven miniths. porehMw to msa -t. win, Z l ''ft1-1 " Ul"dand r.deuiptun bjn.d. Ibis November 7, law. --. w. i u J 5,?.. W and .astae K n ll.l.Lnll il' U s-iTA n, t, : a .."'Z r "-" V " ne. iaVoir.H as no : ' Chanoery So.ji..I Iieal Estate. , N"k?'?' ,H71"u,rr Coortof Shrtbr ooanly MlhaM taiker eTal. " ' " BVtsr.!ai4..- iith day .1 rat.v:iv;:r.M " :. ,i at rob lis auotson. to tb, hiahest bid der. In trout of tie clerk and master's ofilco, eoni'Jiniu, r Bhelb; ooumr. Memphis! lenneaseonon ratnrelay,I)eeeaiber S, 1888, within lcml hours, the following described property, situated io oity of Memphia.bhelby oounty, t'enrie.s.e, to wltl -"""of Lois 1 and .1 block 3, ou ssstsldeof Teneeal u 'i'1" "M." Property of Parker aaaiu. l-arttr, aad O B . AI,V ,0j J' oloclt MilSO ft. comer of r.'" siren., sola aa tne Property of IhomasCalsnao, Ann Calanan Dempsryr (I llemii.e,, Uor. li.vt- sod das Klaheny. A so lots b ... t :i. is.ini r..r ... an Derapsryti siue oi l-ausov street, sold aa the property of Jane I) (.rook, S.mnel Culler. V 8 Bruce otbara" ''l'k fcu"'so, tt Woodruff and r Terms f sale On a credit of 7 months, not with aood securitj, Hen retained and redemp tion barred. Ihia November 7,1183. B. J. BLACK. Clerk aad Heater. BrJM Bradley, DCiM. F H Hel.kell. W M Smith. 0 W Helskell. T U t.lsmstoa, solicitors. oss6 CHANCERY SALE or Real Estate. No. iW, K -Chancery Court of fihelby coom. "7, .'li'0,0' TooBoirte for iu own use, ou.. vs ti W l osUr at al. i BY virtue of an Interlocutory deoroe fbi sale, entered la tbe above cause oa the loth day el May. im, in MB38, pate tti, I will id I, at pah la auotioa. to tbt bitbest bidder, in front of the Clerk and Master's office, courthouse of Bbelby ooun tmpbla, T.ub,, on Natnrelay, leeembr 8, 1888, within local hours, th. followln, described property, situated in oity of Msmphis, bhelby ooootr, Teonesseo to wit Lots i Ml and 270, beainnlnr on the south eld. of forlar street at a point ffi fswt from f econd street, thence west wllh the llneof Foplsr street liM1 feet, th.nco south W ML thence east 101 leet. th.nco aoith SO f..t to the binoioai said lots sold aa the property of John Overton, Jr., trustee, and li. L, annauy . Also lot 214 northeast corner of Main and Wasbiuston streau, 7liU fM, sold as the -'Yi.fcs ui ,udd ovtrioo, ir, trasteo, n u Mii.i.i.j, nnni. a aoa tl DUOWdeB. Terms of bale On a credit of 7 months, rrM irom riant or redemption, purobaaer to .itcui. not. wuu tood security and Ilea re- in.u ior purona.e money. This November 7. 183. ... . J. BLACK. 0. aad M By J M Bradley, U. 0. and at t il U.iikell, Wm M Bmitb, 0 W Helskell, solictors. M) sri CUtUlCerV Sola Of . TlTTl A T, . RRT A TIT1- -------' JsKJ J- -ti. X Xlio esl, H-Chancery Court of Shelby eounty i ,'u , ,ul anii". ior its own use, .".'y' " a' If 7 )Y virtue of aa interlocutory decree for 11 sale, aatared in the above cause on the l;wh day ol M.y, 1183, M B 3, p 610, I will wu, a, runii. auoiiiiD, to ina nignest bidder, ia Boat el the Clerk aad Master's once, courthouse of Bhelby coaaty, Memphis, Nuliirda, December 8, 1888, wlthia legal hours, tht follcwlat described, iKiiiiii id cut ol Memphis, She! by eouoty. Tean.. to.witi Lot No 11 in Brown's subdivision Four tanrith district of Bhelby onunty in Tenth ward, fronting 75 feetoa north side of Oeorg la I. ,?"." runn ng Deck between parallel lines 776 feet; said lot bsing also d.sorib.4 as of dimeosions feet front by 178 feet deep. Also the east part al said lot Ne 11, front ing l feet oa tbo no th side of uoorgla street and tunning back bstween parallel lines K8 leet; said lots tielng told aa tbo property of i: .lSi"., ,"'"", b netaareu anu narvaa v paosriu. Also lot No 11 In Brown's snMI.1.1... fronting 78 feet ou the north side of lieorgle f,,r,a..ni1 running back between narallol lines 17s feet. Smu as the property of 1 M Uullos JKIJ Miller and J B Wethsrell. Terms ef Sale-Uu a credit of seven (7) months, purchaser to execute note with gooa security! Hen letalned; right and equity uf TBia November 7th, 1DH. i. issn R11JB1fAi:,K'"dMasUy. By J M Bradley, D,C. A M. F It lleirkell. Wm M Smith and 0 W Hell ke'l. solicitors. Ra tt, HoeWMBt MUe. No. No. 6-In tbe Chanoery Court of dhidi eogoiy, isnn. loeniate oi lea net se Jati see ior uae, etc. vs v is utiticr et al. X appearing from amended but whioh It sworn ut tn mis cause um ,ne deenunnt in! it is ia raataxMt nt Niaia nf aaataf ntiMim, laeixreucis m Vinson and Margaret b Vinson, Altoo McNeill, trus tee. Matt e W ll-trhiniun. l.'K.ri.. W lutnh. triaatn Walter N Haldrmen and John i'one hue ere residents of (lit btate of Keatuoky; that K lraoD-K'niuhart Is rrsldeut of Htate oi Atlanta; ID tt u a rYadueil, trustee Is a resident nf the bUte of Misiourl, and that ketnlrertTretevent and BaMie T-mevant are residents of tbe Htnte of Louisiana, and all non-residents of thebtate of lnneiiee. And it also aiipearing that tbe names and niece of residence of the belrs of tseorge A MoCall and of tha hairs of Willi a- It An. drews, and of the heirs of Julia Andrews, aud of therein ef Ju la Kain are ell un known aud eannol be asoerteinetJ efter d til- gent lti'iulry. Itisthereioro ordered that they all make theli appearance herein, at tbeoourthouse.of Hbalby oosnty, In pbIs. lenne"eee, on or bajfure ttie flrtt iluo Jy In Januery, lftM. and plead, enswer or dm nr to oouHlinnt amontled bill No. 6, tiled November 21. IhkI tbe aamtt will Ka i.Ita .... Hinfsed as to them and set for hrint ei PirUI n tfikt '0''y( order be pub lished once a w. ek for foul luooessive weeks n tbe Puiilio Li dger ' , inis lull dy ii November, 1883. ' - 1 Aoflty-AUeAi U A lil i pit m.-k w.a By J M Bradl.y, U. t"' M. """" J W Uamalon, sol (o complainant. . 7o aa aa n - tMoro -,, . ati t - Oa ' Tss .'eva in rroot or tne vtort and Master's -otlic 1 " l H u li,wWr' M Ohl,., .ourthous. of bhelb, eo.oty. Memphis, I.o -Maa.i. UouiT.Z' W.dd.'i if"0"10? ' aeasoe. on ,,;.. u i . . 1 , j , f : !'.!.llJ "!.l.Widt '5'"" j K 1 I - , boon or lf,.a.ri H1ui uvi .;...! J. J.isot.f it '.i1' ?d Sultana. . , SHIELDS, m iioau iiimt a rdiitjni says oi r. "Tlij PmiIMi-i 1 pi,w,,a ,ym , , A, a Olid in. n.;..V....rV '.". f KilK7td!,-,.,f!i':i.4i.'! ICI 1. II,. oserailliwl, snort Uin..",."X whlcbwlirin,,.,, Abo Mt-aieiauitaN-w. V. h,x,w HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF BCHEMIST1, Soauu in,, a, -- . ..., rma aoa sold oolr br tb. .' m.o. at tt'i trsatasn tj. tn Btttii as u-. ..'.,... r. Louia.aao. klAKKnr.l.D A CO.- i - Hoa-Besildral Nolle. Ncor,f.Un,:;.ofr0f8h.,h, jut ore, etc, ,,W Butler I,Bn" Tt -umiias Dvyo aoa J j . 7.L ,g aoa Jimi w"ti'.' i0'"'"? f Kentuckvi ii.. ifv",'.. ,l "'!.. Wolff, ani s.i: 'If noo-rosidenu of th. ct,u of rilf and that la,i4 Chandler and VVnTii 1 Biio-rosidoou of th.staE. .rrJ..Qul,lb emy eounty, in MniHrhr. -i w"'"ue oi tore plead rnoadcd bill No, S Zua u 0-:.B,'li,l aniwe A kill f-lw, r tbe fels.d as to them and Jl L.i. ana mat a eopy 7i iTi. ..Vi (""( once a wsk forVI, . '.."u,r Pybl-h U i"i-" . i iwrui rubliolieditr. ; """""0 woeu ia t sar. . . " ibis SOU A copv IttMt, BLACK, C and V. MV.I M U.ll ant. 77 S3 89 96 j : .i !l( - Chancer Salfl nf vV?'.u.U"i Uluer .t al. . of WaisS,1?. Of th. lih day of tha Olwk uj.!i 1.' bidder, la Croat .,LyrV,""!r' ""bar 8, lsaia, Woun7feV4111.0w o Wempkis, Bhel i.lby.?rV.f il,1"00? f " " of raaabPTf!2 d"cj d o (llmX! i1 ''foae h.o of Hush JloU.rS'-.u8"'"':. oroperty f..t , . ' 'or t", froat a41 aiso lot, .(4 ihtVi'di-,1' "rfi M5 ,1.,.TJ 7 V.e 11 troeU. ojunn4iiaik Ejri'HMaia oi Balr-On a credit ef aevaa m d'Ptiokkirrii -iiTji , oianovemhcr7. lm.l f Bmttiray'y v " at n CHAWCERY SALE OFT) u$ rChancan Court of Shelby Coaaty .l' -okorl otalvaMra B Llvln,noae4 li.Ti"". of f? Iptarlooutory decree for AT. -J 4 "'rod in the above causa on thettk salt, at public i aaotioo. to the hlhMt bidder. of li JFU' " Master'a etSo. K.n.i0'" of Bh"" ooanty, kemphts. AenBeaseo,oa s . j..., , Saturday, pecember 15, 1888, within lrl hours, the folbwie, described C WtvM! k o Part, nf inia am . , i n j a . , . , - .uu. i .no sr. in Block sliteeo (16), froatln. thlrty-lhreo (Ml fnt 0n ninety (90, , thi lld. f miHt street, keina ou the soutbaaet comer ot llotteto an Klliott Streets, torether with tne improvements thereon. Said sale to bo ftiiVUu'Jtfil "owever, to a olaim of the iiotfoto I BulldlBf aad Loan Association ataiort said ornperiy for two, aocured by trust deed of fsth N ovembor, 1878, Terms af R.ur..i, in. oasi siua 01 lleHoto stre.l and This November 14. 1S83. ByJ M Bradley, D fV il?" . Oantt k FatUrsoa, Wltli I J BLA0K, C a M. rl. m VI ' Qoodwta, aad W yoncuors. Chancery Bale .'; OF HEAL ESTATE No.4S7, R-Chacery Court of Bbelby coaaty Ihe State of Tennessee ttr iu own um, etc., vs R M MoKio et al. BK virtue of an interlocutory decree for ,, . sale, tDtarad la tbe above, cause oa th K!i iof lm- m r :t ri will soil, at pubho aootiou, W (lie hlgtwl bid der, In front of thsCl.rk and Master's offlco, courthouse of Bhelby county, Memphis, Tea nessee, oa Saturday, Ifceciuber 8, within legal hours, as to tb (altswlng t soribed property, situated tn city of Mem phis, Shf Iby county, Teua.. to-wltl Ut 10, block M. Talbot subdivtsloa SOilUS west slue of Hutfa street, fronting 60 tot oa Rnth street and running back woetwmrdly lu feet. Also lot 11, block 64, Talbot awkrlvistoB. 5nxH2 feet, west side of Kulh atroet. Said proierty sold aa tha proMrty of Kdward Sliaw and wife, Peiar Watson, Ida Burton, John and Aaiaoa hurton. I) Ii Foatta aad James A Final,, tlustoot. Alan let 17, block 41. Causey street, west side, Sxlao feet Bold as tbe property of W Kandbui-n FButlor, at A and 0 W Cbaa dlor npj M OTJendersoB. i , 'Also lot IK. block 4 aoath tide of Oalkoaa street, tsSilTO feet, mora particularly de scribed as followai Boglnnint at a gtako 1114 leet from tit Intersection of th, west side of Hernando street las extended by John Overtoil with th toatb td f u.lh.ia atreet, and rune theno westwardly with Cal houn streot Sti feet U a stake: tlinc at rlgal aoglea to said street 170 fact to aa alien (bene tastwardly wltk oaid alley 66 fi to lot 17; thence at right angles to said alloy 170 .i ,.h. beginning. Bold as the property of RM Mckie, CalEerlne McKiaaad Joha Overtaa. Terms of 8ale-0i a credit ot seven (T) months, purobaaot to icut. aot with good security; lien . retained and redemptioa burred, Ihia Novmbcr 7th, 1883. . t n , K BLftc C1,r and Master. Hf J M BrasHae. U t snd U . 1 11 Beiskell. WmM Smith. CW BeUkell NasliviQo, CHATTANOOGA,1 ; tti ATLANTA, FLORIDA, -AND THB Southoaiit, TAUK TBB ,( i' - No, O.tSwSt.L.R'y. tub, Favorite, ! Call on Nearest Ticket Agt Or Address . !- A. T. STEVENS Pass. At't, Dallaa,, or' "We Xa. 33aileB . 8 F and T A, Nashville, Teaa. at. V. flKLKV, T. A- Masmphia. J. M. GREGORY;' Jr., ; Attorney at Law. KANSAS CITY, HO. WIT U ixjuhun a i.j . I . , , fituwAil BLOOa, ' I 8. W, l i terser ttvMtb; aad Hilawtt it,. all .1, d are I