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i t i li Commission iilercnan 220 FRONT ST, wCtr Phb bo lla, Li" L. FRITZ, - . DaALBB.II . . I STOVES AND TINWARE, Kos. 149 and 151 MAIN ST, - Kempt..!, Tenn, . . Lamps, Oils, Chimneys nd Kicks, , , Stoves Guaranteed to be of tliebest make Particular attention pud lo Tli Roo9ng aad fluttering. Steamboat work Bad to order rroll. klll.I. WOHK HrWUl.TfW TeieplmriO Prtfero. noiiiim, T7U"liolos ctle WESTERN DRESSED MEATS, aao i Front street,1 riiWJO LEDGER ORioe: 15nd 17 Unlol Street. PHS PUBLIO LKDUHR ID PUBUBUB0 I a,.. afurnooa. OOP HnadaJ. at to. 15 aid 17 Union street. fa PsKbio Lsouae u aervod to ettr m lorioerl by faithful oarrler, atTKbl Cat. IB pith With K. ot So gnu pa. moata, payable to tha oarriert. By mall do advanced Ono year, Kl me JewtdeeJen lawUa al I eenta pay Mr?, Weekly Public Ledgsr, Published ovary Taeada at 91 par an no a I I moti'lit. Soot three BOBlhl, Ho Ita ad' venoe. t-iin;e irem. DAILY-, net veal. We Pot moath .haa ABA MM. OomBnniintloPi bpob mbleclt ol general Interest u the pvtil'0 are ai an ma aocept 'oaai maiajeTiptwn.Liov ba returned. IHWni ADVBRTIBIN - IN DAtLI. rirat rn-rtloo 1 W pat adaara. 8obguaut lNrllt,nt. . BO ,, ' . ana wook a l - for two west 4 00 " ; For three week t 9 00 " " For ana month ..-... 6 00 for an additional taaata. 9 (w RATBrl OP ADV.KI1MH9 IN WEEKLY. Pint Ineerllon .41 00 par lature. Subsequent Insertions 50 " Dim lT"d a,irertiementi will ba akartad aoeordioi to the srica ooonpled, at above ni.i-ii.hi nin Mrht Una of nonpareil olid to tot squara and twelva linaa to the- 'nob. r o rorniar aaYnTUsen wa oner topwnor m 1oeinenti, both aa to ratal OI aoi hanaa and .,.n. nl thair advertltenientl. Notice! Is Ledger Linei iniartad for rwoati aanta par lina for each Iniartion Deattn and marrlaiN, charged M othar advertisements. : otieoa In looat oolnma Initrted for fiftaaB nnU par Una ona insartlom liX oantl par lina iar waek and 10 nti par Una par montk ahaniiaiibla at plaa-- of adrartiiar. All Dilla for alTTtlElni ara duawkMCoa. craotad bod parabla on damand. All laturi. whathar on btulnaaior otkaf ln iho-Jdhaaddmuoil to k. ".HITfiaMtK, i ' ' ' ' ' PnbUsbor and Proprietor Irrlvsli tad SsDutoxM of KiK 0P UN. &allradB. CLOU. Otn. baaji . Mom. 8 tool tkrouh i W p.a bb a. Ida. i.onln Ham. IMu U 00 p.m ' I ' 1 00 a.m 10 00 p.m t SO p.m a to p.m I to p.m iOO a.m I 00 a.m 1ft 00 a.m 9 a.m 4 00 a.m I 11 R thronrk maili Uhatt. M a.nn. 10 00 p.m Bia;u. Oliaua. Mam ,R.t. 12 a Ml throok-i Biall Moua'viiia Aooor.o- oo a.m I oation. nam. m tfranaaa an Loaal and throuih . 10 00 a.m I maili. . Mam. At L. It. n It. Loaal and thromh IX oo p.a mailt. ntiu. jj. n. a. n . 00 a. a throtuk mailt . hta.. u. a n. w. n Ijooal aaa tnroaib I SO p.m maut. K Cnaa.. 0. 8. W. R - 00 a m K thro-fh ajalu. I 00 p.m K lit J Nam Hr Ifampklt and Prtai't 00 . a. t SO p.m' t N P.Bt t 90 p.m 4 90 p.m' t N p. ml ( M UalanakPrlar'aPoIrt PoitoSoa. Ualana Olarandon 'nine Ami. 7 do .nt U00p.n1 7 00 a ml 00 a m H H. Mam. k Vlokibori AMflt. Ht.i.onit Bfam.Af'tl 700 W a mliArkantai MrarAiant, ntnanlaaem.Aiani. nam. v uouropr 4B p.m'l Mm. Start roota. Hondat. Wsdmaidw and IrldaT. t iimilw. MondaTiThandaf aid Sarnfdap. hnfiAV. Toaiidav aaa Prldar. Tnatdar. IbnrnUy and Htordayt " KAH.B0A.D Tim-TABLXB, IMiaat , Ohio a SolllBWBWrm. (Oltftlma.) ..- Jf,, Kirraii train, dally. p.m. I:u0 a.m Mall tralB, daily 7:40 a.m. 1:4 p.m Oorlngton Acoommod'n 4:40 p.m. H:50 a.m ' ' lltpMi ama tiHarlaBaom. ' - ,0!r-H ma) 1 ThroBak iipratt, dallj 11. M p.m. 11.J8 a.Bi all i a.p'at.d'lr.M 7.46a.m. MJp n omarrllla Aooom'dat'n dall(toavtbnndaT)... 4.90.m. I. SO a.m Mamaaa t'lly. HprlnBll aV 91 B at tCUr tlma) . Loara Arrira Piprwtdallr 9 90 am I 00 pm Wayfrtiihtax'plSund'j ,4 SO am I 00 pm I Thro' " " ' 11 00 am 9 40 pm Mlaalaalppl and Taitm. - LBATB. ABIB. '-a Orlaana Halldailp 9.40 a.m fcardli aooammouation... 1 66 p. ml 9 00 a.m fraiihttrain.oar'. b'h'i 9 40 1.10 p.m faioapt bnnday)- - I WttrmhtB anal I.HIU ato-H. lbatb. Jiaira. tun trait, dalli.---. . t 40 p.m. ll. p.m Mfar . , S.OOa.m. J.'ta.m Lm-ivl PrtiVt 9D a.m. ?.2f P.m Thrnwrb Frcifb P W B.m Tcxaa and Nf. Lotla Kallroatt "Oottob Bflt Rooti," Tralnt leara Brlnkloj, Ark,. Baln8outh 1:1 ,.;! p m Quint North 1:10 and H:IT p.m LomlaBllla) miaBTllla Balltoaa (City Tina.) .ylt-randaUf '! ' 6.11, daily-.. , 9Ua.m. Brownivilla Aooom d dally (ainajitHqnday; 4 46 B.m. 4 46 a.m 4.90 p m 1.10 BjmamBllle, CBattamoaca aV St. Laala taanwvy. HoKbbiib Rocti to Nal"lI.B Boo-miaT. Pallmaa Hleapln. Otn oa all MrolTralnl. Lonltylllo Depot, Uatt ot main St L 'to Vamp-la (alii tlma) " BrownavlUa " llnmholdt " WilMl. " MoKantie w.. : 1(1 ll: p.m 10 50 a.m 11:60 a.m 12 20 p.m 186 p.m p.m S JO B.m 1:4 p.m 4::2p.m 36 p.m 2:00 a. al V'da.m 8:17 B.m 4 IS a.m 9:00 a.m 9:46 p.m t 4(i p.m ll:6ip m 1:47 am ttrtTaNubTilla. ' Chatlanooca.. .. AUota.. Knoivilla- Brltol... B L PINLKYi Tiokat Altnt. A Y BTSVKN8, Paat. A-nt. Qrut ItjV.ii Iratdr FottUwIy i tm Mfht laattt, Bprmtiiiur- rtiBttTVtVTroa UaaltUT. hu nl a 1 1. W tB k It 44t of tha tU-n-raUtat Of IIN al Uo!k) tViftV I II., mi. pa,..,". t, iu, tr. aa, autid priiu'11. t itm u rmprltwr. V,a.MI'HlN,lin., pmoir, Uira. ont) psfi!1. ; attoai rtaiHa ftnld In Manirhi by all Drtirilkti. iiirit a. luiiuiitu a co. VYAGimit AftttB. Or. KSLwlAN'S PAD mil DYSPEPSIA, Votod All Liver and Stomaah Troulilai. It II alio a tare Pototio tuub au, agalntl i n"w iiTn,n llrttiM, Typhoid, Blllowe, and trnilllBil karartl and will oura t'hronto lllarrbno, Bunimar Caiulilalntt, Chlldran'l lJitaatat, and eonditioDi fram which many 1..IIM oufTiir In ilanM. Por hrvher Intormatlon mi for Pamphlet or wrlta lo lr, llohoao perFonalty, If B'il found at Tanr aaarttt drniaitt. tend rafla- 1" r.J letur dtreet to Uua Lim aaa m year d br return Uee-nlur I't'l ft. 8m1I Pad H. pottoald. P.O. Boa ailt, Blttl.mmBt a-jaieav.t ,W William it., fl I J1P -7-7 atd rtnta. Memphis, Tenn. , tinela aa Map la lew liu COMMERCIAL PutLto Ltnona Orrioa, i Mi. nil. Tub., Daoambor 22. 1W3. i The money mtrkct it olose, in ton eqaDO of th lar amount of fuodt looked np in a heavy itock of ootton, the Ttlue oi which ezceede five and t half millioot ol dollart. Bitea oi di count remain at 8 pot cent, hut the demand for currency iainexcese oi the upply. ' Exchange ia without rtrit tion. Eastern ootton billa ara taken at Jto o dUoouot and telling drafts oo New York at par. On New Orleant rateaare Ja off buying and par telling Often. Salea yesterday in this market 5000 bales; to exportera, 3350; to apinners, 1150, the market doting Ural with an active demand for all clasaea at quotationa the tame as the day before, aa follows: Ordinary, 81 o; good or dinary, 9o; low middling, 9o; mid dling, 9o; good middling, 10, o; mid dling fair, 10)o.t Btaina: low mid dling, 8)o; middling, 9,o. Off eolora: Low middliag, 91o; middling, 9o; dusty, 6i8.a. . , The sties here for the week ending yesterday were 18,300 bales; to ex portera, 14,830, and to tpinnera, 4450 balea. The total aalea of cotton to date, from September 1st, reach 166,925 balea; to exportera. 107,725; to spina nera, 59,200 bales ' " " " The New York market closed quiet and unchanged. Middling, lOia. Sales, 341 balea. Stock on hand, 259,358 bales, Futures ateady at 3 to 6 points above closing figures of the day before, with talea ol 112,000 balea Quotationa are aa follows: Deliv eries ' for Deoember, 10.32al0.33; January, 10 4110.42; February, 10.59a 10 60; Maroh,10.74al0.75; April, 10.88 al089; May, ll.03all.04; June, 11.17 all.18; July.ll.37all.38; August.ll 37 all.38; 05all.00. : The New Orloana market olosed firm bnt unchanged, Middling, 9io. Salca.10,200 balea. Stook on haud,447,- 487 balea, Futurea olosed steady at 2 to' 6 points above the oloaing prices of the evening before. The Liverpool market olosed un changed with ' sales of 6000 bales, with moderate inquiry and freely supplied. Uplands, 5 13-16d; orleana, 5 15-16d. . ... ' Manchester wis dull and lower, es pecially for yarns. - General Trade. The tone of the markets in the northwest at the otose of businei-a last evening were mainly droopy. 'Meats closed dull and in soma instances lower, c r t losing So por owt at Chi cago; lard 12,0, mesa pork 25o, and wheat io per buahel. Here the value of bread and foedstuffi are ateady, with good inquiry for corn and a light move ment in oats and bran. The arrival of over 1300 bales of hay on the present dull market ia a tubjoct of some com ment, ' though it is expeotod that nte will be found for it without difficulty. Flour continues to be in good demand. Meats, though drooping elsewhere, are stiff here, and aome dcalera ohargo. i to U Pr lb higher than figures given below, . A large supply of game is offering, nd for three days past it has been ' eomtng in very freely, The feeling is weak, but quotations oan be realised for all good stook, Tainted, of which, considera ble arrivea, must go for anything it will bring, which frequently is not much, and sometime nothing at all. Eggs are alow and at lower figuros. Poultry of all kinds is arriving freely and ohickens are dull, while dressed turkeys inoline downward. The soft weather ia having an unfavorable ef feot upon all kinds of game and poul try. V . - v FLOUR AND MKAL Biagle bbl, of flour sell at follows Family (4 GOa.4 76; choice to fancy 16 16a6 86; extra do $6 60a 6 76; patents ti 'Mmli 76. Cornmeal (2 6a 2 40 in lots and 10c higher at retail. FEEDSTUFK3 tjorn in iki per car load 61a3c per bu; do in bulk, 4iXa4'.lc for yollow and white; ear do, 40c in bulk, and 46u40o in aka; imall ordera, 86c higher. Data, al tier quality in lots, 84a 36o io aka, and 80alc in bulk; In aamall way 87a40o, Bran, $16 60 per ton, and 8uo per cwt Hy, f 10al6 per ton and 80c perewt for Western, and 8 60flO0per ton, ! 50c per cwt for prairie. KSCULKNTS-Fotatoea In large lbl $1 UM 46; in ski 87u tOc for round lota and 26c per bbl higher in a imall whv. Oniont tl frlitl 76 per bbl. Cablmgo J;i 0Clal6 00 per 100 head. Kraut, 4 60 for hf Bnd 7 00a 8 60 for whole bblt, at per size. Celery, 26a60o per dot. Beana, t'i 00a 2 76 per bushel. : Fit UlTij Apples $2 004 26 per bbl in car lota ai per quality; tingle bbli $la 5; dried do 6attXc; dried pnarliea dSaOc. BUTTKK AND CUEKbJl-Cookinf! butter 12h16o por lb; Western dairy 18 to 26c; creamery 'JKaluo; country linuMi, butterine 16alTc. Cheese, fa 16c as per quality. 1 , GAMS Venison, whole. fia7o por lb; swldlea, 10al2c. Quail and aqu'.rreli $1 00a 1 26 per doc rabbits $1 60 per dor.; wild ducki $1 t0a2 60 por doa, 'die latter fur mallard; Knefoot lin liuHc per lb. 10ULTKY Chiokem rango, aa per oualitv at 2 U $ 2o per dien for live and dteaeeo; turkeyi By to Sift per doon live, and 11 to I I" di:etod ducka ta 60 per; goese $6 for live, and o to M par dozen drewed. JHE.A10 r i vwii are flllod as follows: Dry laltod clear lidea 7(a7Ko per Itn do o r a iiait; do ahoulderi OaOfl imoknd era BHc Hama l;lalfl b baenn DJalOc. Meaa jork $15 per bbl. Lard in tea, Sialic; n hf bblt and keel 99c: pailt. Din'.ilo: and the tittial advance for small nkira. UUivFKK tjuiet at mite per pouna fof Hio and 227c for Java. SVIUAR AND MOLASSES - De mai d active, ad prlceaeaay. . O K6Xa "Hcperlb; aetxm-U BXaJJtc; y o, 7c; white 0 7Hk7Kc; granulated. gUaMc: now'd and out loaf, Sc Moluaea, 26a 62o par gal u per quality. Sorghum, 0a 36c per gal. '.Jti BID13 AND WOOL Dry dint kid' car 8 E KUST U F KS-Uenlt grata &ic par Dumai: ore tiara grwa, si tu; ti toothy, tl 76( blua -rats 1 W; clorar. 96 "itti; wintar grazinf ,mt. OJc; and wttmt tl X 1 W at ir iriaiity. M At K EKE L New in hf blla, 16 tU torNo 1,14 76 for No !tf4 76 for No 8 lar and H timiW for medium; is kiu btl, 76 anaou mr Koa 1, It and a. Wbite Uth, 46 76a4 26. alto fl 76 fur family in hf bblt and o&c in kiu. tjUNDKli&-8aU f 1 s6al 40 per bbl Hominy, griu and paarl meal in tingle bblt $! 76. Ckiap. SHatic par lb, Oidar.7 60 tor bblt and HDhllV lor hf doinca, 6ia7X par lb. Uonoy, l'iio per lb. vineear, 12lLi4 for wina and cidur da Bouioartia taaMi(e S to 10c per lb: tioi k do. W to VI He 4JOTTON BE ED, OIL, KTC Cotton aecd 112 per ton; teaxl menl, lib 60 per ton; crude cotton teed oil, 'JMiK per gal for old and 86a3 tor new; reBned aunimer, 4U46c; winter do, 46a56c. BUILDING MATKK1AU Nailt S76raUit. Lime in bulk 76c per bbl meaaure; Tenn. do 90c per bbl; Ala. do 'J6;il per bbl. Cement, tl (0 per bbl for Lmi.vilU-.ft 60 for Koaodaie, and M I'M lot Portland, l'lvter W60. Lumber, yel low pine fliMrintr. 6; rough framing. IHal6; dreaaed, .10pflr M; lathing. I2C0 per V; thing., aad60 per 14. llair 6a be per lb. Fire brick 4h6c CATTLE, 611 EKP, ElO-Butchert' cattle 2iftc per lb groea, at per quality, common lhaic Cowl and calvea t20a40; yoarlingi to to g. Hogi 4 te) 6'c groat, u per quality, bheep tl 00 to 1 60 per neadjor common and 3i to 41c for medium to choice. Lain) 'i 60a8 00 per head for medium and 6c per lb groat for choice. Horaea, MO to 200 per head. UulesltJOtolWper head ritVER INTELLI6ENCE, BOATS LKAVtHO TO-DAT. For Paducah, H A Tyler 4 p m "St Francis river, Uacready.,6 p m " Arkantaw river, Joe Petera 6 p m ' " White river, Den Adama 6 p m " N ew Orleana, City if tit Louii..6 p m " New Orleans, Bello Shreveport.5 p m BOAT LBAV1HO TO-MOBBOW. For St Louii.City of Helena 10 a m ARklVIO. Steamer Cltv of Providence, St Louit ' WW O'Neil, New Orleani " Joe Peten, Arkantaw river DnrABTBD. Steamer Jamca Leo, Frlara Point " Coahoma, Osceola " Vint SUinkle, Cincinnati " City Providence, Vickiburg j " WW O'Neil, Ohio river III roar. Joe Feten aTAota or thb aivaa. - Memphli 7 feet 9 inchea on the gauge, or 8 feet 8 - inchea above low wator mark, a decline of 10 inchea during the past 24 hours. Pittsburg- feet 7 inches, a decline of 6 inches. Cincinnati 10 feat 10 inches, a decline of 3 inches. Louiiville 6 feet 8 inchea, a decline of 8 inches. Kvanaville 9 feet, a rise of 2 inches. Cairo 13 feet 2 inchea, a decline ot 6 inches. St. Lou ii-6 feet 2 inches, a decline of 10 inches. Vicksburg 21 feot 4 inches, a decline of 14 inches. . Nashville 12 feet, a rise if 4 Inchea. i Chattanooga 6 feet 10 inchee.a rise of 16 inchea. Hhreveport 13 feet 10 inches, a rite of 8 inches. i Fort Smith 13 lnchei below the seroof the gauge, a decline of 8 inchea ' Little Kock-8 feet 2 inchea, a decline ot 10 inches. St. Francli and WliiU riven continue to decline. MISCELLANEOUS. Gloomy to-day. ! River fell 10 inohei. - Fog on the river last night, Very dull at the landing. Daan Adams for White river to-day. The packets leaving yesterday had moderate trips out. The John A.Kouddcr left New Or leans last evening for St. Louis. t. The lug Itambler and ateamor Illi nois an reported aground below St. Louis. ; The W...W. O'Noil, with a tow of empty coal barges, passed to the Ohio river thia forenoon, . The Will 8. Haya and K. W. Cole are the packets leaving here for Vicks burg Christinas day. . , . i II al Aydlett, late of the steamer E. W. Cole, is now bill clerk on the iteamcr Katp Adama. ' " The tug Billy Kilby, with several bargea of staves from this port,arrived at New Orleans yesterday. ' The government steamer Mississippi with several barges of stone, passed to Wilson's Point yesterday. The Com Miliar, from this port, passed Evansville at 9 o'clook last night on her way to Cincinnati. The Guiding Star, from New Ore leans, is the next boat of the South ern Transportation Line due up. Besides plenty of ice, there is re ported to be only 51 feet water ia the ohannel letweon Cairo and St. Louis. The U. P. Schenok, from New Or leana. and the James W. Gaff, from this port, arrived at Cincinnati yester day. , . , The Andy Baum will be here Monday morning, and loaves here Tuesday evening on her return to the Ohio river. . v ' : . r ' ; The Vint Shlnklo left here last eveiing for Cincinnati with 106 bales cotton, 750 bbls oil, 40 bbli molasses and a fair list of people. The Kate Adams will arrive to morrow, and is the Adams Line mail packet leaving on Monday evening for Arkansaw City and way landings. " The Anohor Line steamer City of St. Louis Is announoed to pass bore this evening on her way to New Or leans. ; Wa. Misson is her chief clerk. A heavy fog on the river oommenood early last evening and kept up during the entire night, in eonstquence of which several bouts due have not yet arrived. The Henry A. Tyler, in command of Captain John K. Mossengale, is the regular packet leaving to-day for Cairo, Paducah and all way landings. Leia Hill is her chief clerk. :, .- Captain G. Wash Thompson's coins modious steamer Belle Shreveport is announoed to pus here this evening on her way to Vioksburg and New Orleans. H. C. Lowe is hor agent, The Anohor Line steamer City of Providence, ' nearly 24 houra behind time, passed to Vioksturg this morn ing. She diaohargei 2771 pkgaand added about 25 tons for points below. Captain John Woodburn's new pur chase, the small but fast sidowheel steamer, ' Enquiror, is due down to day on her way to Arkantaw City to run between that port and Qraenville. The Will B. Hays, E. W. Cole and Henry Frank all loft Vickaburg about noon yosiorday bound for this port. The Hays will arrive Monday morn ing, Cole Monday evening, and the Frank on Tuesday. The Anohor Line 'steamer City of Helena will be due np to-night and loaves from the elovator at. 10 o'clock to-morrow morning for Cairo, St, Lonis and way landings. Captain Geo, Car voile oom mantis. Mr. Iaaao West.who engineered the steamer Duke of Orleans on her fast run from New Orloans to Cincinnati the fastest lime on rocord over 40 yeara ago, ia aerionsly ill at his reai- denoe in Cinoinnatl, ' Heavy io is still running at St. Louie, lsd unites the vtathar moder ates aoo there will U a ' gorgl below the oity. The Montana, bound from Ten o ee river to St. Louie, baa laid np at Grand Tower on aooount of ice. The Rene Macready, in oomtuand of Captain O, K. Joplin, ia the mail packet, leaving thia evening for Mari ano a and way landiogl on L' Anguille and St. Francis rivers, giving prompt attention to all business that offers. A. L, Banning preaidea 'n the office, assisted by Charles Siockley. Fog and bad weather haa delayed Lthe Dean Adams, but abe will proba ally be in this afternoon and leave to night or earl-iii the morning for all points on White K?or through to Jacksonpurt, where connection is mado with light draft eteamers for upper White and Blaok rivers. A clerk ia at the foot of Monroe atreet to-day receiving freight. , The new fowboat R. A. Speed, in command of Captain John Darragh, left here yesterday with the tbiee cov ered bargea which she takoa up White river to a point 15 miles abovo Iiatci ville. These barges are lo be loaded with manganese ore and taken to New Orleans, where the ore will be reship ped to England. The Speed has also 4 or 5 barges of staves for New Or leans. Artioles of association of the Ark ansaw and White river railroad com pany have been filed in the office of the Seoretary of State of Arkansaw. The proposed road ia to run from Rob Roy, Jefferson Prairie Lan ding, on White river. The distance is sixty miles and the capital atock is $1,000,000. C. M. Neel ia President. All the interested partiea are cititens of Jefferson county. . The steamer Joe Petersen command of Captain John Williams, arrived last night with 246 balea cotton, 65 bags seed ootton aud 3583 aka cotton aeed. She reshipped 538 balos cotton at Terrone for New Orloans, making a total of 784 balea out of the river. The Peters leaves again thia evening for Pine Bluff and way landings on Arkansaw river, conncotiog with the pool line boata for Little Rock and points abovo. Captain J. N. Thomp son prosides in the office. The wrecking boat T. F. Eckert, in oommand of Captain John Leonard, arrived yesterday from the wreck of the bnrned Josie Harry with 14 balos cotton, engines, boilers, pipes, etc. Tbe boilors aro in good order but the engines are badly damaged. The Eok ertquit work on acoonnt of thewator getting two low on the bar. A barge was tsken down to day on whioh to place the cotton yet in the hold, said to be about 150 bales. The Eckert goes to tho aunken Will Kyle, and will probable raise her, as the boiler deck is now dear. , rENSIUNIJU THK KrIFI.OVrN. A Kaeolutlen to Allow a Nontu'e Kxlrat fay to t'eriain Outgoing Offleara 4 rentes a Mllr. Fptclal to'.the Cnnrltr-Jonrntl. Washington, Deoember 20. A resolution offend in the House yestcr. dny, to give one month's extra pay to all officers and employes of the House who were io servioe Deoember 3, and who have been or may be discharged prior to February 1, gave rise to an other lively, and in some respeots d is agreeable, debate thia aftornoon. Af ter speeohes in favor of it by Mossrs Get Jes and Keifer.of Ohio, an amend ment was made to except from the provisions of tho resolution all em ployes who ware appointed in the closing hours of the last Congress or subsequently, and who have rendered no aervioe save that of signing the monthly payroll. General Keiler had the floor when this amendment was proposed, and he was visibly embar rassed. He, of course, knew that the objeot of the amendment was to prevent the giving of a month's extra pay to one oftlie official stenographers, who was appointed a few houra before the expiration of the last Congress after ail the work of the sesuion had been completed. Some allusions wero mada on the Democratio side of the discharge of Doorkeeper Brownlow, after the expiration of tho Forty seventh Congress, of a man in his de partment, and tbe appointment of an other person, who, it is said, was not required to leave his Tennessee home. Alter considerable discussion Mr, Reagan moved to commit the resolu tion to the Committee on Aceonntt, with instructions to inquire and re port whether any employes of the House wero diichargcd after the Forty-seventh Congress had . com pleted its labors and their places filled by the appointment of men who had rendered no service. On a division this motion was carried by a vote of 118 to 64. Geaeral Keifor demanded the yeas and nays, but as only 21 Re publicans joined him in the demand, the roll was not called. The resolu tion waa ordorsd to be sent to the committee when appointed, md it will die there The proposed beneficiaries of the resolution recoivedone month's extra pay last spring, ,.,,; . . m ' ' A sweet onug Lady Editor on tier Travels. i . Otarkivllla Tobaeoe Laaf, 30. She same, she saw, and she caught the bays for a half dollar eaoh. She was, ihs said, Mias Eva Britton, edi tress, proprietress and publishes! ot The Harrioane, a literary paper pubs lishod in Charleston, 8.O. W hat The Harrioane may be we know not, but its editress, proprietress and publish ed! proved a. regular cyclone among tiro young men of Clarksville, and while Tbe Harrioane can not "point with pride to a large and botltby cir culation" in thia city, as it haa not yet "circulated," it can brag on its subscription list and claims as its patrons tho best people of Clarksville. Miss Britton : showed no sample copies of her paper to those she asked to subsoribe, but a bright eye, a pleas ant face and a very smooth tongue mado np for this omission, and every young man paid his half dollar, caring naught whether "The Hurricane" was ajfour page or a forty page papor.while its editress, proprietresi and publish ssswas near, i .. . Fron this city Mist Britton went to Ru'sollvillo, thence to Louisville, and we doubt not she was as successful there as here. Tho first copiesof The Hurricane have not yet come to hand. : When they do we will take pleasure in stating the faot. A sugar coated fraud il not so bad after all, so the boys say. A Difference Between Father . Horrlttowo Birahl. When A.T. Stewart, the dead mill ionaire asked for the girl ho wishod to marrv. her father said Stewart wanted to marry her lor monoy, whereupon the ardent swain replied: "No sir, you needn't leave her a cent. I will soon be richer than you, anyhow." Then did thia aingular parent say: "Go ahead and take ber, then, and heaven blesa you both." 'J'li is atory waa told years ago. and ia recalled now by the experience of a young maa who, boing ' l'amiliar with the incident, tried it recently on the father of the girl he loved. Whon the fathor accused him of being after bis monay, the youth replied: "Keen vourmoncv. I have started a newspaper, and will soon be worth more money than you ever saw, ' And then the girl s lather,- Instead of saving "Take her, and heaven bless you both, kioked him out ot the house and a healthy dog bit a piooe out of hie leg aa ha went down the stops. It would soem that all fathers ara not constituted alike. One is mora oreduloao thtn another. ON TDK UHIDAL tOltf. Hunt a C'oadarlor Maya Abant -. .... . . ewiy tsarriea tenuiea. - 'Pan I ..n.,.ll. i.ll a l.rl.l. l i . , Z ., Can 1? Well. I ahould rather say so. I haven't been runnin' a Pullman ear five yean and not learned that little trick," and the parlor oar conductor who made tbe above remarks tilted back in bia chair and chuckled softly to himself aa ba blew out a oloud of cigar smoke into the air and gated at it aa though he saw there visions of young married couples on their travs els. "Yes, air," he continued, after two or three vigorous pull's, "it must be a pretty sharp pair that can fool me when they are on their wedding jour-, ncy, though about half of 'em plays their little game Very nicely, and the rest of the passcDgers dun t tumble to the aituation at all, Of course, there are different sorts of brides and grooms, just as much aa there are different sorts of other people; but I've found that, as a rule, the brides don't care to be taken for such, and try their beat to bide the interesting faot from the rest of the car. Others don't appear to care a rap, and spoon away aa though there wasn't any one within a mile of 'em; but that sort's rare, and generally gets on at some country station." "How about the men?" "Uh, they are altogether different, and nine times out of ten it's the man who gives the thing away. Yon see, they're so tickled at being married, and ao proud of their wives, that it is as muoh as the ladies can do to make them act in a disinterested enough way to pass lor a friend or a relation, or a husband of long standing. It has to be a powerful strong minded fellow who oan pass several houra in a car and not give any signs of his recently acquired happiness. Some of the brides, who ere afraid to rely on their own acting and tho promises o! their new husbands 'to behave,' carry old valises and handbags that don't look at-all bridish; and I've seen several very young ones that made their hus bands to,v along a big bundle of school make people believe that their brothers or cousins ware taking them to boarding school," "Have you many this season?" ' Soores of 'em; soores of 'em, sir. It's a great time, this and the spring, though the lively season's about over for the present It you are going down to Washington some day take my train.and if 1 ve got anv on board I will point 'em out Good day." And the genial discoverer of bridoB knocked the ashes from his oigar and left 1 he niMalaslppi Valley Itoad. New Crlaani Picayune, 90. Trains on the Mis issippi Valley railroad will in a fow days bo run at the rate ot twenty miles an hour, in cluding stops between here and Baton Rouge. Work on the latter place has been somewhat delayed for the past two days, owing to the bridge works aoross tho bayou eight miles from there, Yesterdey morning work was renewed on the line.the bridge having been oomnluted, and bcrcalter the work will be pushod forward rapidly. There are now ninety-eight miles of tcaok laid and in running order: but trains will not bo run north of Baton Kouge until the track is completed to Robin Station, at the junction with the Clinton and Port Hudson rails road. The entire road to Vicksburg and Memphis, it is believed, will be fin ished during the ooming tummer. Sixty-seven miles more are to be built before the banks of the Homo Chitto river are reaohed, where the forces working from Vioksburg down will be met. It is believed that all the differ ent divisions will be oomplctcd about the same time. A large lot of car material, castings and switch ties were shinned north from bcre yesterday. In regard to the progress of the work on the Mississippi Valley rail road north of Vicksburg, the Herald of that oity of Monday last says: Five carloads ot material tor the super structure of the bridge of the Louis ville, New Orleans and Texas road, over the Yazoo river at Alexandor, arrived Friday night ovor the Vicksburg and Meridian, and two carloads of it were sent forward over the Louisville, Now Orleans and Texas to the scene of operations yesterday morning. It will take fifty eight cars to hold the entire amount ot iron material that will be consumed in the superstructure of the big Yazoo river bridge, and this will reach here in almost daily install ments of four or five carloads until it has all been shipped. Tho bridge will be completed about the 1st of r gbruary, and ready for the passage of trains by the 15th of that month. Two thousand tons of steel rails ar rived from Pittsburg yostcrday for the road abovo lazoo river: ot this lot 500 torn were unloaded here and 1500 sent in barges to Anthony's Ferry. Eight thousand tons of steel rails aro now en routo from Pittsburg for the Louisvillo, Aew Urleans and Texas road. Considerable passenger traffic is going on between Vioksburg and the present terminus of the road. seven miles above Rolling Fork. A train now goes up there every day The ferry transfers passengers at the Dridgo. , Thinks It Will He Uaucork or McDonald. Special to tha Courier-Journal, Washington, Deoember 20. Last night a Critio man had a talk with Hon, Jonathan Wallace, of the Sovs enteonth Congressional District ot Ohio, the distinguished Democrat. who is here contesting the scat ol Congressman MoKinlcy, of Canton. Ho was asked who the Democrats ot Ohio favored lor the Presidential nomination next year. "General llanoook, I think,'' res plied Mr. Wallace. "Ex-Senator Mc Donald, of Indiana, is very strong in Ohio and will have a largo following, but the bnlk of the people there want Uanoock." "Don't you really beliovo there will be a boom for Tilden next spring, auv' that be will be nominated?" "Oh, no; thore is no possibility of Tilden boing nominated, lie would not anoept the nomination, in the first place. I think it will be Hancock or McDonald." "How is President Arthur pleasing die peoplo in Oliin? Do you think ho oould carry Ohio if it oould be carried by any Ropublioan?" "No, I think not. Personally Mr. Arthur is unpopular in Ohio. There is a feeling, too, against him on ao oount of the manner in whioh he eanie into tbe Presidenoy. The great elo ment of Garfield people would be against Mr. Arthur. "Who do the Ohio Republicans pre fer, do you think?" "Senator Sherman ia tho great Re publican in Ohio. I see Private Dal lell, by the way, is out for him." "Do you thiuk the President has won Irionds in Ohio by bis conserva tive aotions of late?" "lie may have done so, but the prejudice, or ill leeling against him, to my mind, is so deep seated that it oould not be overcome within a year. It would be a pcouliar spectaole, polit ically, to see Author and Hanoock running for the Presidonoy, both Federal officers, and one a subordinate to the other, yet I would not be suis A Navelly in Monlhern Journal lain. Nanhvllle World, 20. Whon tha World editor! and reporters entered tnoir rooms nut nignt, ound struck upon their astonished ears, it waa the iteady ticking of a Western Union telegraph instrument. This appli ance found its way into the World ottice aa the result of a trip made to New York bv the manager, where he arranged for rutl "nreaa raiioru irora all nana ot tne country, which are transmitted into tbe otuco by means of tlua tolcgraphlo com' munication. lb Instrument was pre lided over by Mr. II. B. Ureer, who is an inert "press operator." having had elev en years lervieo In the Wtern Union offices, and will hereaitar ba man ! by-Bl.mi ur "me olhar equally aa aipa-t. This is a new aten (n tua davaiorjmaul ; of Nathvillajournallim, and placaaatth .1 - Tl- .1., Ii f: l" v,"Vu ,u w,r" .' whole Wwtera Union lyrtem, which are daily freight with tha ioentoui aranti ! trantpiring in the ceuntry. Tha World Mn securing tot advantages of tnk lav menu psleirmbhie communication and centralizing toem ia its own office ia fusing into iU veini torn of the energy which tnarkt Kattern metropolitan Jour nal!, and in eHecting the arrangamaat ia indi-btid to official! of tha Wee torn Un ion, who offered every aid to tha new departure in Southern Journal- '. Tit PUBLIC LEDGER -fadarf an! Job Printing Office it aott Ipcafta at IT Union ttrett and rtady fortu ounneii offering- STIAMBOATS. t or Iketr Orleana. For New Orleana and all way and plaatattaa lati'linai tit eleaant steamer HENRY .FRANK, iTZ 1 P Hlckt. matter. eM-sTsV. Leave! at above TIMDAT, lleee:br 96, ai a p.m. ror.rreif nt or oaMtga apply to K.k TUOMA., Ant, No. 9 MaoM'on ttreet. -.. aa-Ui-L. 8 For Slew Orleans. Bontbera Tranaportatlon Lina For Hew Orleana Ike itaamer Dfiffn Cheauannel " jtlwaaaa moiio wiiicioiJuii i7 ! st" U W Thompson, matter t4jtY:.jiaaV Thit elegant pajaencar iteemer will leave aa above 111 III liAV. Deoember tii, at t p.m. for IretsUt or pataaae apply to HKNII.V 6. LOW I. Foot of J-er.n street. For Pit. I.onla. St. Lonlt and New Orleans Anahor Line Por Cairo and Ht. Louit Tha iteamer CITY OF HELEiiA, ..-"TV Geo CiTTtjlle, m alter. -"ihrn-v nA W)lHev th EUrator Butldinf a at SVNDAY. lmu)ber at l(i a.., r. errinr tha rinht to tu all UbiIIbh tha Captain may dasni ant fa. l'-.. V.;i.i ... ........ i a. -va aj wa eM aypii w AD SIO KM, Sap't. C L nAl.L. Past. Arent. For CinelnnaU. Memphis and Ohio Hirer Packet Co.-OU Ra-liaole-For Laoiivllla and Cinoinnetl-Tae elegant itaamer Andy Baum, II J VI mon, muter i R WM. citric Will leave M .hove TUKSDAT, DtMtB- ber atttta, at ft B.m, For freight or imiimia. Pljto K WtlUUIBURNK.ii Faod l Art, No. 7 Moaro Jtt)i R FrfinVlifi. riiiT(Hr Arnt. t or New Orleana. St. Loati and NewOrlaaoi Author Lina For virkiburr isatihei and New UrleaaiH-Tae City i Dan of St Louis, , rrr an Able, maiter. Tai ur Will l-are the Klerator Build ins- ai atboa SATUKDA), Deo. M, at flora., rwrr Im the right to paw all lanfuan tha Cap tail tuny deem unsafe. , , , . jVor freight or oawaca apply to AD STORM, Baa't C F, nu.. Pmc. Atrent. ror Arhaaaaw Kivetr. Uar.tbi. and Arkannaw River faekat Co. PUUL LIN EH. For all point on Arkaniaw rlrar Tip gant steamer Joe Peters, jfT J A Willlamt, matter I J !? Thompson, elerk t.tavei aa aoove. BVlUKUAr. ueoemoar 22J, at 9 at s p m. J Pi Utaats, sso Main, Hap t H 0 l.OWR,, foit Jenin tt. For White River. MILT U4HKVM Kemphii, White and Black Riven U.S. Mail Packet ! For Indian Hay. bt. Cbartet, Olarendot, D vall'i Bluff. Dei Aro Amuta, JaeluoB port, Ha tea villa, Po what tan and sfooaaoB Ui Ihenewand elegant pauaacr, . t KAp5 Kit ' ' Dean Adams, . -tTZt M R Harry, master. etBBir..r al Leavet MkMPUlS Ettorr BMaMara S (.io-, oennoftlnt with tha new Ulask Blvar I, a. Hail Packet, MILI HAKRY, for Pow hattan and Poeahontai, and with tna dally packeti to Dateaville aad npper White river. Thrown ratea to all points. : Freight ooularned to Milt Harry Ltaa Mem phis or'l' arrana, will neprompt'y forwarded. Ik ikosJAtl. Arent. 9 Madison ttreet. Keatpltit anil Arkansaw City Packet Cs' 11. H. Mall Lina Par Helena. Irian Point, Ooneordia, Terrene, Arkantaw Oity and Pine ISIuS R. R.-ihanew paaaaniel iteamar .jiamait Kate Adams, ' M K Cheek, matter: W C Blanker, elerk. U.,u ..... MuNDAY and rUUHrlOAV at 9 p.m , ratervlaa tha right ta rats all Ital ian the I'apuia deemt small " .Freiht received for all paints the Arhantatr Kiytur, ooanectiag wltk Adaial-Lina ataamar IDA LEE at tha roeuth of White river. Baaaowabl. rali-a anai prompt delly.r guaraateed. f-for -llo aonly to P. WM.WQKT1I, At't, Wo. 4 Midlton ft. The St. Francis River Tranipor tatlon Co.'s Fine Nldewheel Steamer Rene Macready, TZt A L Banning, olerk, fr:- ,- '-aV Will Lava l.ij"lii. KVERT TUMDAi aad SATURDAY evening at 5 o'lloek for nnriuniiH, the t ol-olT and all InteruietllHle landings on ML Frnut-is Klver. O K jnpi.IS. Snperintentlent. FOU VICHSUIKU. For Helena. Arkanaaw City, Sraen villa ana a ickabnra;. , The new, elerant sod iwlft pamnrat paokBt Will 13. Hays, .r VA Vrtwrlatnil. tnaitaf I tl W Flnvd. fllark Will leare Uempbil tVEHY till Jbvcni lutsuai. and VlckrbartkVltRT FRIDAY at 12 m. Cloie eenaeotlos at Vleke bu:g with paeketi for New Orteaaaaad Taaoo river Particular and apectal attention paid to all war and plantation buiintaa. fur freight, pasiage orothT lnformation.applr to II O LOW B, Agent. Foot of Jefffrtoa street it n o piook p.m, For FaIaoiili For Onceola, Now Madrid. Dick in ill, Oaire, PaJuoah and all way laniinga lbe Haw and elegant pasBengnr iteamer Henry A. Tyler-rs Jno E Messenrala, master Lem H Hill, elk Will loava at above KVKKY SATURDAY at 12 o'clock noun. For fraliht or passage apply on board. . . All freigat Koelvtd and delivered at Kla- TivJoJOMnsJeJSa.tar. For Whits Klver. Mempb.ii & Whits River Packet Co v. s. ns.ii. LINE, Steamer CHICKASAW, , K C Poital, mattar-C M Postal, ilirk. . :-FOR- liarendon, UeValls Blafl". Dss Are, AngDNln, Jaehsonporg and rtenrry. Leave! 51 em p hit KVKKY WEDNESDAY at, p.m, Throuih rate! to all Polntl. Freight comigned to Memphla and White River racket Co. will ba forwarded promptly II C LOWK, art. footol Jeffenon ttreet For VlcltsUurg. For ftelena, A'kanaaw Utr, Oroon vlllrt and vlfkontirg Meronanta and Planter! Lint The new, alegaat and iwlft passenger packet HWCOLE. &t 1 P Klllion. matter I W U Baldwin, elerg Cotrmoncing October 19. will leave Memphis KVEHY TUESDAY, at 6 o'clock pm, aad Vicksburg KVKKY FRIDAY, at 11 m. Clota connection at Vickibnrg witk packet! for New Orleant and Yatoo river. Pertienlar and tpecial attention paid to all way and plantation bnslnatt. Por freight, paasaga or other information, apply to . K It THOMAS. 9MadllbBtt. PETER LAWLESS, Boiler MuLr, Steamlioat SlacM Copper, Sheet. Irem Wark.r na Tank Builder, Front, bet. Market at Eiettaags RKPAIRINO DONK' PROMPTLY. DAY. OR MUST. K.tlmatai ohaartally given and all work sunrantfod. 1 17 Old Reliablajoller Yard. ROB'T LEWI3 & CO Copper & Sheet Iron Workers Particular attention given lo rai'alrlng Boiliu. On river bank, aonlb ol Klevator Heuipula. ltosidence ol beeond it. Copper and Sheet Iran Work. Baeoad-hand lloilari alwayi on hand. lot ror Itvieba, ana rnar'a Poima. II. N. Hi)l-a.Bil LI SR. For Sleadali. llUaa, aad Friar's Felat. laaiitamer James Lee, Jrai i Marsh Miller, matter I Piatt Rhodes, clerk Will lear. aa aoore an ovary MOND4T, waun anoAi anu wtuuAl atir. tSoa E10. a maniaon tiraaa. Reaervlng tha right to nail any landings Cat'taia may deem ansa law km t.aa. Jr.. Hnp't; te. rat tuttiKoi. i Tr1.Wakly United Hlaiei Mall Faeka4-Ii ration, cenaoiiin, utceoia aaa all way lao'linrs 1 kealeraatpattapgar itaamat COAtiOiJA, .5 ta,:;' --. ..jj.. J H Oaorar, tnatUri J W Stnlther.orki Will leave emohls every MONDAY, WSD BtiDAi anarmuAi atio'iiaoa eaervlng the right to past any lanti .ntaln may deem nntafa. for Information apply oa keardt at al He. Kaauoa iiraen fc JAMVB Lll. Jr.. Hp'ti va M llatas fat'.i i r . : i . . a a 1 1 I sao.oou him 4th' Ba.nU. W . . : .ul. vr.wiai wiu uae t.aoa in li,. saaouio Jia.l, Ma 'jona, lampia bauditg, ia Uiutvtln. THURSDAY, DEC 27, 1883. A laavisal ... - . T7i j i V." ieftiUi$,rt f Kf-t Stewmlntasai la aiagi. SmmhT will oaour oj the last 1 tiara day ,rl mcnth. Road tbe magnHoeat ..... Bi'sxsaaacaaaii - e.a.ivi k rriaaa aW3. S10.000 lPriaa. . - lll.OUl, lOUPH. f,i ia2 IK'li a,. ?-UMl ? Waa. 6o", 1U.I0 IbUrZ n..T' a." ."C"ai ), lu.utKi J W"' J h.aiproil.iioB prltea..,7tiu Prliot, 100 each, " Whole Tloitstt, $2. Hair Tfcksts il. tl iioksta, $50. 55 Tloketa. HUO. ,?"hl for Bank Draft It, Letter, or 1 KklJh LI-'T Fro ... J x. r. DHR. until farther nolle ORDKKS of 96 t J iTntAfii i " "da" to 1. DOUtt- ivmvvll fv DuPont&Co PAPER 534 W. Main .Street, Louisville, Ky. Sheriff! Sale of Real Estate. PU.PLI0 notice it hereby gir.n, that by - ' ?r . , " oi renuuioni eiooBat, Ml f.n,':"1 !"" Hon. Circuit C.ort i ,?i"J.bT BMJ1" T,?il iB ha caaaa of t rt ii . i. , 7' n?maa Wherry vi , v.. ' ' '"''toieiii renuered on the oth day of pololw, Mi, for ln, ,g,r,t. ",u ,a aenu, with intereit and ooatj ot auita ta tali.fy said ?te!. 1 will, oi riaay, January 4, ISM, ;r .u",:,,, ,u. oi ma ooarthousa. In S:ra! "u.,:,,iM ?r. .tA'b" for eaah. th.folln.i.. j..Tjf:i""" .r:? -a """ouw properly, 10- A certain tratt of land in tha KIght Civil .. ?r. ' 00UDlv, .ienne.tee, and tZ? if.l;iii'i",""!.! t""li h ity - W,D w,u,ib oi j aiuai noma, . Vi i" "" hundred and twenty Ti,. i 7 b "tamo eitate; louin by h.?Jif? ."."ii""" '""li wet by the land ... lauua oi toariaa ilea rat. oou- tainlng Hfty acrei, more or lest. wuoauioniiniavororJonei and Buoklay iocTordingiy'.) ' ' win bb ijaviea on ai tha property of defendant, Ur.ird,'.'r.i..t0 """" "iJ j4-. mtmpuit, lit day of Daoamber, 1U. w D CANNOW. By G W Bla!kV.rll!0D'8Sh,U" " T'-"BJ'nAtlo-mr pl.ln'lff. rTl Mon-Kealdent Notice. "J'.'t.!". ttil01,,,, Cortof8halk a.o. etc vt. W E Butler et al. I f appearing from amended Mil which Is r.7 ii Li iv T. . "T ' delead iB.L,.?.?.lV.l5.".1,a.,k "IdBBtolthB Stat, of i.i. r .1, 'u rior- TenneVso.. -"'" ot us auto ,f It la therefore ordered that they make their appearance herein, at tha oonrthout. ol Bhelby eounty. In Memphli. TenBeasea. on or bafor. the Srtt Monday In Jauuary, ISM, and plead, answer - m .demur to oomplala antt amenOed billa 'R," Had hlreia. or the ... ... ... .... lur eoDi.saaa at to taaui i? .m' a '"K1" "-.P" ' ad that a oopy of thit order ba pnblitnea ono. a week tor A Copy-Attaiti ' :J Non-tteejlueni noiiee. " No. 9197 R B In the Chanoary Cenrt of She!. fcherrod un'eonerroa vi hubs I T appearing from bill, which li wore" to . .u. um iua. lua oetenaant, Mllaa bherrod, is a rendent of the Btt of Ala bama and son roiident of tha Bute of lenneuea. . It la therefore ordered that ba ' m.k. n It appearance herein, at tha oonrthouia of Shelby Memphli,Tenn.,on or aafora tha brtt Monday inUanuary, liH, and plead, antwar or demur to complainant bill, or tha "a t'" 'or onfe,sd ai to hlia - iur M.ariue aa-pariaj ana IDat a owpy of thls'order ba publiiihad onca a' waek. Leilgir. """""" ruou. 1 hit oth day of Deoember, 1963. A eopy Attait: SydMBrB.dJ,.B,L0cKiCMWk"iMMl' Po.ton A Poitou.toli for oomplalnant. n an m loo Mon-Bealdent Sotloe. So. um. K D-In the Chanoary Oonrt .1 S t'aruthera at al. 1 f.Vmrlna; from crirnal and amended b 1, whioh ara sworn La I. ki. .... J." 'ha defendanu. Oliver B Camihert. Samuel T taruthan, Annie K Beanland. W U iieanland, Bell' Buka, V? U C.ruthare, Samuel B Caratheri. b.rak M Burt, J U Burt, individually and aa acutora of J C ( arnthtit, deeeasedi 8asan Davidson, Joaia Tarry and ber huiband, Terry, and kllta Adams, ara residenu of the Btato of Mittii upp,; that Mary Mtdox and Martin David ton are retldanta ol the H'ele of leiut; that Alice Byrul and husbynd, . byrut, aro reiidenta of Stat, of Michigan, and that C'harlea btnilh it a resident of btate of PloriUa. and all ron-retldentt of the dt.teef Tennee aee, and that tha namea and plaoae of raei denoa of the other heirs and legateea of J O Varntben, daceated, are unknown and oan not be atceruined after diligent iciuiry. 11 IB werelore orderea that thay make their appearance kereia, at tha eonrthoaaa of Bhelby oesnty. In Memphli, Tenn.. oa or before the Orel Monday ln January, llot and plead, antwar or demur to oomptainant bill and amended bill, or tha lama will ba taken for oonfaaaad aj to them and set for hearing ai-paru, and that a eopy of thit order ba published onoo a weea, tor leu ineoeuiva araaaa. In tho Pabhe Ledger. lot, M day of uacimbar, 1983. A oopy Attait: K J BLACK, Cterk and Mu tar. Sy J M Bradley, D. C. AM. yen A Kneed, toll for lomplalnant, 7 86 01 97 AttaoK stent Notlss. UefaraOoo R Powel, J. P. forBbelkv oobb - ty, Tenn. No. tut. fladden A Farriagioo vt Chat A Jones, N thia eauta an attaehment caviar bbob . luad ont under taction 4t.rA of tho eod. ol ennessa., and returned levied upon the property of tho defendant. Cbat a Jonat, by garnltbment upon Butby.Toof A Mcliew an, and amdavlt having been made tb.t da fondant it indebted to tha plaintiff hi the turn of 16 TU, due by account and the: tha olaim il juit. aua that th. d-ifend-ant i a non-re. Mont of tho Btat. of Tea ae.te.1 it it therefor, ordered that said de let Jaut make bit partonal appearance ba ft, ra me, on tha loth day ol January, lam, at 13 o'olook m.t at my oSoe, o. S Maditon ttreet, Memib(a, Tennetteo. and delend laid attachment lull wlthia tha time prescribed by law, or tha lam. will ba proceeded with ei-partat and that a aopy ot ah La order ba published ono. a weak toy fonr wenkt in the Pnblio Ledger. This tbe K day of D i. ,, JTjr "O ! 11 ' T, P. J. 1 . . tt'Jg"J. '- "' - :-; .' ' aVttaehmenS Nolle. Mo. IrHe Before J 8 llalloway.J.P. forBh.lby toonty. Tana. Wetter, Laugilalf A Co Tl I U mover IN tbli eausa at attachment baring aaaa . aued oat andel taction ico of the Code ot eunetiee, and illumed, levied npon th. Sroperty of the defendant, and affidavit anna bean made that defendant it 'In debted t tha plstntift tathe turn of M&U ti. due by account and that tha olalot ia just, and that to; dafendant it a non-resident of tho Slate of Teoneiiaei it la therefore ordered that laid dalenaant make hit partonal appearance eel', re tne on the 1'thday ot January, li4, at 11 .'clock ui.. at my offict, No. 34 Madlion atreat Memihls. Tenaetsee, aid deles4 aalil J atlacbuent tail within tha tin., pro ton lied by law, or tne aarae w. mm ,, odd with ea-par'a: and that a copy or thll order fca punllibed once a weak, br war wee it, In the Puollo Ledger. Ihittkeltth darof yp. an I .1 11 O0U) MEDAL, raKid, llf-l MM Ccccsj WarratiUxl abmotutrly amrVJt t.'oeva, from which tha i nil haa bean removed. Itbaat tl,..i, lAa until ill Cocoa ml with march, Arrowioolov S awl la therefore hr more eeono rV. It la dal'-looa, nonriab atrengtbra4ag,rll)r dig, admltably adapard ! tavelld. arrll aa lut Bvrautta hi Stan. . -f . u.ij a, e.aean aiarrwaar . BIKER 1 CO., DKBa, II B&JrSI rWrjwfaoartlPff la"l"Ta"5Sa1 S2 wm a a w A a a Mi's. h lemtleiffi I , filANUFACTUfiERS, fi, )-ff 1 1 : it , l