Newspaper Page Text
r ZELUIER & C67, FINEDCOTS and SHOES. 630 Kan Street, SCO Cot. all? OPPOSniPIABODYHOTIU Hemphl, Tens. Ordart from abroad proaptle .iMaied. oaee ffuad4 lot toed r.tarae la fool ODdltioO. i. HltrfcUd QttilocH ud Prill Lilt Our ill HI He sent fVee tnarr aT-trass on eiipllffatloa JUST RECEIVED 1000 Ob fund taa PURB lapan Teas. U. F. CAVANAGH & C0 BOO XkXAlxa. Street. not PLASTIC SKETCHES Something New and Desirable fur Present!, at Moderate prices, at CL.BYRD&CO. Jewelers, 275 Main St. Fins Boots and Shoes 261 MAIN ST.. Directly Opponile Court ftquxie hehpiii, tinn. s-Ot fieri from abroad will receive prompt atiaarioa. band for OftDKK SLIPS. Adler Bro. & Co TeleDlione o. 47. M. ISAACS, Jr Antiquarian bookseller, Literary Work el all Kinds, 282 MAIN uTBEET. Met Old Btenaard Boaka Wanted THE I'KKK OF Rose Elixir BednceU to $1 per Hot lie. Drput. 80 Ural Street, Owitif to th rtBted IraportoniUti of frtt oiuf poor pepl suffering from bowl dlMMei. tD proprietor hti conclude i to re due to price f this woaderful ud In fall l bl eur to ontblf Hi origin, prioe, u t bmdi of plreiDK tt wlthia the reacn of every household. Jt cars young or old Alike; turti welt, quick and cures vwrmwenHy. Hd torn of lb niavny UsiiuoiuaU in my from, on: I ran eonicftntiouily recommend ROSE BLIXlH for th ure of bowel diseases, pclaUy ebronit dyianUiy. Lais (ben one bottle oured m, &. 8. u arum rr, V 8 boei iini Inipootor of Hteim VeiieU, buth Diitrict After an ferine Uht months from ft bid mm of flux and h&riRr bo bouoa of fettioc better, I tried HOSK KLIX1K with re markable inocesf. S. tapir e cure In ft few aji. l oun with gratitade, J M ULEMs, Machinist, lltrnaodo Curve. My girl had the worst ease of dyraatery; nothing did ttr any good; two third of a bottle of ROHK KLIAIK eared hertnttrely. Honing others will find out thii wonderful nedicine, I remaio, einoorcly jroar friend. Mm. K. C. BAftToN, Ml Mississippi arenue. Tliinki to oar golden R(HK nved ur life. I cannot say eneufh in its prats. Yours rery truly. Cal htku, At Ttirlpy'trwt WHOLESALE Candy Mannfedon anil ConrccUonery LOUIS PODESTA, Importer, W holes and Retail Dealer )r CONFECTIONERIES, Green ani Dried Fnits, Nits, PICKLfS, PRESIRVE8, 8AROINE8, Jigars, Tovs, Fire-works, Eta No. 860 H A1 UTBEET, Memphis, ... Tenn A. J VIENNA & CO., Import,!, and Dealer, la Ammaiiition & Fisliinji Tactle. Ko. 345 f.UIN STREET, !tl r ui Uls, Trait, serPowder tod hhut Depot Retelrlit, Dob. ud W arranted. I 71 6. i HOLST & BhU. Funeral Director, ni mnw 'T w .fWi, T. A fall Md MSPlaM .loot at Won Utllls torn mm lwa M.r IM" nr MaM ajwan OB band tsrOrdm b Ulwnps proaiplll Iliad. . H. A. THOMS m UNDERTAKER, 204 MAISI STItEEl', Jtaapfl n band a 'ill ftook of Ooflnr- B-- IwMa. MU. Urdara 0. O. It. praapU tutj. The PUHLIC LEbQKlCjri Printing ( ffict and Bindery is note located a: 17 Vniet ttrett and Taiyfor all businesi oj Hug. J - Jet Palace 233 MAIN STREET, 233 Juai BeoeiveJ, Direot from HaaaUtelareriaad Jobber; Gold and Silver Watcher. eve) ties la Diamonds, Novelties In Solid o!d Jewelry, Tellies la Rolled plateJewelry Novelties la Silver plate toods, Clocks, Optical b'oods, t:te. Wa aara In onr amDloy Drat-aUff Jowalorl sua so p.rt uiamona souar.. Uor.Uoods Warranted as Bepresented. BaipMtfUllr. M. fioofliai & Co. I. EoGSCter, Mgr E. D. WILSON, DENTIST, 298 Main .Street, Over Hanklord's Bookstore. Tt Ftloyston The Photographer, .Again to the Front. A FTKR haTiog been b rued out at hit old iX Hand, 24V Mam tree I, lie bae again re lumed bueioeei at 338 Main Street, CORNER UNION. MQYSTON PHOTOGRAPHER. FRANK SCHUMANN, 112 MhId Nlrret, MempliiP, Tenai. IMPOBTM AND DKALIR IN 4aOnn, K.lies, Ainiiiuiiltioii, ne Trkle, V. le For fact C utlery, Kl, Ktfi. The trade inrjDtied at lowest market price!. Price list leot on application. Ho pairing lone and warranted. i ioi TIthow rriwrton. PRO'iailONAU II W. rl KEL1 Teleiihi.n. VS. m Main itmt, ovar Flord'i. Sit D It. J. I. WHITR. US MAIM bTHKEI. eorner Jefferfon, I vK. J. B. Sawver'i office. 279 Main "trpet, I J residence, 3tii) Pontotoc atreet. fpecli l ties: Obitetrici and diseuet of children. Oi floe houra, tt to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m. Tele phone connection. 80 1)6 Kotary Pablie and Contwlieioner of Deeds. bieoial attention riTen to ooliectinQi In iWitintT 0r 1 MftdUnw rt 11 Bt FOR RENT. t'jn.M4-Farnihed or oofurniihed. at i Eichange itreet. '4 99 T HKroouiioer the Fint National Sank. lnttut'e at the bnna mt STORK houi'i No. 87 and 69 Admi. Reiidence No. Vi Madison. mi M. R. CON A WAY. 2 Main. PLANTATION on Miuini river, 400 1 aorea cleared; well improred. For sale on plaot: liDU buibeli corn, hay, wagone, plow and Vi mule. J M fc'M itm, 671 l'W Poplar itreet. I A KO K, lirit-clM eotton warehouae. J 12Ht J. V. PATRICK. FOR 8AL OR RENT PIANOS and" or paiitiTioonk'ijkii, on eiy monthly inrtallmenU, at WTT7VNN rvrq. mM.- i(r-t FOR 8ALB IIWi f IRST-CLAriS pool tablei. rery I cheip. Addren Jonei, care thil ofiice. 103 1JK cash er trade fr real eitate, one fine ' mare, buggjr or faddle, at Kerk'a n table. 91 96 PARADlhK. STOf.'K and fiiturei in an a No.lsrocerr tend, rummanding a rood and eittattve retail trade. Applj 10 Cbarlei Hipi-el, 141 Market itreet. 91 96 rHK two Dory frame buttle 1ot71xUHH), t no. i,ie a aoamft atreet, Jke A. Cbat 220 Front. NO. IodTb.u., 2tory brick. Poototoo, near Caueer, 11000. Webb place, near Mctiehee btatioo, geod bonne. 7 rootui atd 7 acree groand, $.'100. H bite pta.'e, on Boulevard, houie & rooBBi, nice g'oundi, 7 aorea. No. 20b t'nton rtreet, two itory hricki ele gant neighborhood; very cheap. lei ruble building lot on Boulerard, 25 acree ftontiof on Bonlfvard neit went and adjoining Craig'-, running through to Union aTenue. Will .ell a part or all Two nice cottagei on Linden itreet. No. U7J 275 Poiiar itreot: on long time. Three loti in Stephens tub div. near Curve btoreoa Main treot, bet. Union k Monroe. Morehouieon Madi.on. bet. front k Main Dwelling on Madtiun. near fourth itreet Tenement 7 V Mai u itreet, oalot Wxia5, l)eirble buiidicg Ict.cor Adami A Dun lap Beautiful loti to Preiion lubdivij on. Court extended. block farm of 100 acres, all In flne granef; place divided inio lot, good improvement, near town. 1M) icrei, 0 mile out on Pigeon Ront road. 61 Marshall art nil, eoUare. tor Cottage a fir cor Forth aad Looner. for TOO Not. U6 la, Caany. near Vance, I1H", H. L. UUION. Agent, 19 Vadiion'itreet. Memphn. rpWO-itorj brick dwelling, No. S94 Court JL itreet ettanded, recently occupied by K F uerron. In compleie ordi'r; flnt-flla- in every renpeot, Applj to J fc W'ood ntf k OHver, f4t O LD1VPK MKiAL-Better than babbitt lor marainery. at liftJaer office. I ACRs good land near citv: aluo eot- COST. pOCKKTBoOK containing IIM, set oat of betweeu M Gavin k Co'i and Western iuu imr.. Lioerai rewara tor it return to Arhufk 1b A Rnhrd'n. ' 7 FROM Cochran'i iaw mill, foot of Auction Ire st, one very imall brown hone pony, roach ed mane, ibud 1 around, about nine yean old. Suitable reward for hti return to ahnre mill. 14 w STOLEN. S'iJfM'?,'"1 foL " tbl.r, dslirorad at Ptar. LaoOinr. ona .Tprau k irT. about 11 faat lour, pint,d rad inilue and oal; wli.lin, blm; b.jn ih. cam. of Lillia, Un. lido un rbackeil. WANTID. C0L0KKU laborer, to o to Califor ota. au ai ji maai.on. 1M IJAHTSKR with a few hundred dollar., to - u . vic.ii ui.nuiaciDnoi uun etl. lnrealiiatiou luliciiid. Addreu K u, Ledger otuca. oj cirriiATinN trav.lini .al.Rman O aentl.mHO wboha br . vonenoe aud can .how of lett.r. from year, as ,.-....v .uu v.. auuw 01 tenor, iron former am ijT.ri and atTe bn.t ii. ..... anoe., Prefeu whiiirr or tobacco, In the low, r riv.rtr.,1. 1.1.. 1 1 . , H-.n. ----- ., var. i.ur.r r ' .r. n. n onroora. Vi it iMEUllltNC IlKFlCIf, 417 MAIN fTF. colttratii lurni.hed at .aid . Hire on .tiir ton or ai abort notice. L'bnrtr, tur,. bvew aud pubue work, Pl .ut.tion and tar. hand., luet'h.nicit, a-c. Oid.r. tr.r niimntu out of lujmun be a.eorai.a nletl by c.Bb and lranKiorUliitn .rranred lor Uu.lnoM cbalicett, inlttttuatittn rulicited ati! imparled- lit U .,,.h1i. X BLK.S. 11. Ht i,.r nair. J N Mn 1 r!T rjArK. KLKlSL'bMANN i CD.'d fiu7 B - I l ,. ""f "ioieii oread, ,! fll 6r.t-cl.a iiooera. Iryil. Ua- ..r.u irero only in all pari, of 111. oily, 1 G KATK hKI'TI-itl B. Lockoy. Second. Swim I rni? " ' '1 hoe call on" Mlrarrt, I Hi bw.b a o., IS Heal. lot Vt) acre. ood land near city 9vo J. . vr ' wuia., 1Mb A VUAMK, it I 'L'k1 "B lK, " Mirarh, " ueai. ii)i H-jtllLFiJKD A Cil. M Main! I 000 1-Nt' '! Iron, -i . .i. . ? a woneit, ai.o oio met al, feather, and hula., old machinery bouht siui i?i iKWf1"1"), Ad.lre.. 2'' ,';K?A,PAV A "o Com. Merchant, -w .wot,. toy .treor.. aicmnnn. I anit. aj O paid.,ir. lom JI' KLIAS hiaiii. ana u.i. G i v -w... uw ana maniua bat J oltMtd, dyad and nehaued In the lataat ITl. A n PU HWATK. 1 Kaooad. Wl BhTtl1 V.l, u, ..t r nineol'lra! Mlnr I'lrs maolo In old-rashlonrU tle ontol pure malrlals. t WoecUt A W jllw, Tarklah.Kna.ian, stram, vapor, hot aad eolil baths II ll anwrll, rail at IV o. aeronal street, near Adams. CARLOADS JUST RECEIVED. On Car Baoaas, ' Cocoaaata, La. Uranxes, Malaga brapes, " t'lss aad Halslas, " l ire Crackers. Lartra La. fecaas, t'aary Peaaais, " " Almaada and oilier Kala, The Larseat, Best Selected aad t keapeai aloek ol FRUITS in iiik Norm. U. CAfJALE & CO 8a Mali, Street. AMUSEMENTS. T EUHHIK'S THKATKB. J J Jot. Brwkl .liana, ud Haaacr Thandar, Fridar and Saturday, l).o. ai)-Xl Si MatiaM aatoraajr, Hi. Diitln,u(hd Aotrwi. Charlotte Thompson Supported kj th. roun. actor. (ISO. LEA ROCK, tnnln. and S.tnril.v m.tlnar. .". KKW JAN II KYRI Frtda-N. Plaj -..IjrKKNA Baturdar Kiaht .Ql'KtSA Dtw. M-Mst. MonjMKi. KL Bulk's TUBATKR, EXTRAI TOREK NUH1TSI Comm.ncin Moodar, 10. U. aod Uraol uonatma. H.tiraa. . AmarTcao lour. IVI OBJIIBICAI A BML1.1AM KKl'hKlUin 1Kb: Mondar. 'AdhDD. Laooanesr:,Xudr, Chhitaaj matiD., 'CiBillai" TuMda nicbt, "Xw.lftk lfht:" Wadndajr, "Aa V,i l.ika l" oTR-Tba adraBM lala of Mat. will oin at L.obrie i Xb.aUr, rly aarHUi,.r?l atl.n'fllnok. PriCM Parqoett., II 25; Fint thra. row. Diau Cirri., II CO; thra. row., II ; balaDM, 11. No .xtra obart. for ia.amoi wad. Adaluios Wbaloona, IM.l U.uerj, 50o. TbrM KIkUm aalatdar atlaea. OBDionol&i Thurjdaj aT.ninr, Dm 17. to. I Ford's Comic Opsra Com jam. Thursday evening, Dee 17 Firet production of Mill iket'n beautiful optrn. The) Bia.r Mitiait. Friday avoslng, Deo. 38-PUnquette'i eel ebrated opera. Blp Vmn Winkle) Saturday mtinee The opera for the matinee will be announced Hereafter. Saturday evening, Dec. 29 f C Buraand'i Mine KeaNi o-, "The Ilaiard of the Dye" J. fl. Hulford & Co. JEWELERS Q-J-l MAIN 1M VOO HIAB UN105. Iarit. an UtrwtioD of tbeir afrca&t .took of WATCHES, JEWELRY. Silverware, etc. -)F0K(-: Holiday Presents, WEDDING PRESENTS Will !.... k n . ..It ..J tk. . m. ceurteoua attention ei tended (whether yon bay or net 333 333 333 PUBLIC KKDGKR. Offle.t 1" 'Union Str.ot TEN CENTS PER WEEK. HTVRTIAT, PKI CMBUR 22, lWtf. m k'citv: IEDGER LIHE8. Chrutmu coraeta, Lsnfre't. Call st 71 Beal for aaddlery. XX) doztin celery at C'lemonl'i. Drwiod turkey, Lytle & Shield.. C. Kaiser removed to 71 Beal atrtet. Telephone Clement your order,. Scotch preorv. Jt. V. Carey Ji Co. Lidoir office removed to 17 Union at Oyiter, 10c per dot at Clement'.. For holiduv rood, ro to Stoddard' a. 'A Main. Go to 228 Main for tova and holidnv (ooda. Brown Jt Jones, coal dealera. 282 Main itreet. Gilt edire creamery butter 40c ner Ih. ft. L. Moore Jt Co. Catawba firranea and California ruara D. Canal, Jt Co. One hundred boiet Florida orano-tia. hv Kirk Allen 4 Co. . Clement. 86 Beul. iwlli choirfi ovaunra cheap by the (ration. VaRee. tora. rlaa. and niiAttn.wara at .Stoddard' a, 228 Main, Jamaica rum. ai?ht veara nltl. .TnSn Lilly, m Front itreet. Two car, fancy apple, lust received by Kirk Allen Jt Co. Cranberrien. cranberrv .aura and An. mincemeat, Lytla A Shield. For Sunday readinr mattnr m In Main street, in baiement. Fancv. hirh. flavored creamerv knttea 40c per lb, 8. L. Moore & Co. Clement', canned and bulk ovutera are perfectly tplrndid. Try them. The confidence man ltiley hu had an other continuance to Monday next. Jmt received, onecar half, one and two gallon juga. Ike A. Chaw, 220 Front "Oueena" to-nieU at thetheater Instead of "Camilla," ai heretofore announced. A Aill line of elegant books and other noveltie, for the holiday, at Williams'. ( Clement, 86 Bun I itreet, has Juit re ceived 000 doien choice celery. Will tell cheap. Drcased poultry, (fame, celery, egg and country butter, received daily. Kirk Allen A Co, Free delivery of oystera, Bull, gams, celery, etc, from Clement', market every hour in the day. Six colored couples received license, to wed this forenoon and of courae will enjoy a merry Christina. "Five hundred barrel, fancy Louisiana orangus and Bve car load, nut, cheap to jobber,. O. Canal, Jt Co. Instruction, in telegraphy can be had at No. HoO Main street The school will be open both day and night. J. J. Heinrich, at 870 Main rtroet, haa the cheapest and Hnest candiu,, fruit, and Christina, toy. Try them. MX) rheic, turkey, at Clement'., 8(1 Beal; also red ,naiiers, lake perch and everything pertaining to hi, line. Specinl bargains in carpeta and ruga arc offered by G. V. Kaill, iCi. Main itreet, rcviuua to removal to Lee block. Jiul received, a full linoofmceracliuuin gtKHlk Cigarette holder, a specialty, at oergiuanii A Wagorer'a, 'Mt Main. The jury in tlio Roltorta -Kdwards mur der cac was still out at noon. They have had the cae siueo yeaterday aflornoon, There will be a special meeting of the l'aator,' AniociKtinn on Monday morning to arrange a programme for the week of prayer. Several cart loads of rabbits, squirrels and birds were tilled up in front of Kirk Allen & Co.', this foromton, all fresh, nice and templing. In the Criminal Court to-day the Can of Buffalo Gilliam I, beiig tried fir steal ing to. 40 Irom a brother darky on board a steamboat. 8. Clement 80 will W ...... Khing choice in the line of oysters, llsh. veterv, eic. laYO your order, fur prompt delivery. Go to AngiuCmpbell Jt V tucceastir, to Buckham Jt Campliell, 60 Beal street i for your holiday goods A full and choice supply at the lowest price,. j Th, receipt, of cotton here for the pre. I nt ,naon reach If.w ttO bale,, eieea, over last year to this date i . k'.S baloa, and over the year before 88,7m bale,. The Ford oiera troupe performed at Teiarkana lat night will be at Hot ripring. to night and to-morrow night neit visit Little Buck, and then here. The Charlotte Thompson company play neit after to-night at Columbus, Ohio, a rather long Journey betwaea .ta li. .ni, and over bUO mile, away in a direot line. Holiday present., largest assortment af th. moat Deautifnl deaigu. of embroidered slipper, at lowest price. Call earty for choice patters, at Adler Broa. 4 Co., 2bl Main arret t Th world visible supply of cotton, as telegraphed to the Cotton Kichang to day, is 8,:iu.io9 baloa, exceu- over last year 889.2tft, and over th year before 876,178 baloa, both at the urn date. Th, sun crowed the equatorial line at 10 o'olock last night and about th time it wa, ahming over the l'acinc ocean. Tc day u what it called th, beginning of the winter tol.lice, and Una, with the next three day, are all the thorleet of the year. Maura. Sanchei Jr. Haya, the celebra ted manufacturer, of tine clear Havana cigars, closed out their eamples to L Sain elson Jt Co. These are line cigara, put up 2& in s boi, and would make an elegant Chriatiua, present The most deliciom cigar, iu the United State, can be found in endles. variety at Stil (tlMiimn's inafrnitlcent citrar houe. He haa cigan from 8 cent, each to 06 cent, oat h. We prefer the latter alter a Uhnttma, dinner. Deapite muddy highway, the wagon, from the oounttv continua to arrive nu merously, and they oome with bsie of cotton in almost every caa. The yeo man rv must have knick-knacks fur Christ mas, and cotton it their only source of tuvenue. Activity rules in the cotton market.aiid yesterday was the briskest day experi enced here for aoveraj weeks. Full prices were readily given by the buyers, and in numerou. instances lor the better grade, and for desirable lots a little more tlian quotation, were realized. Charlie Harris, a black rascal arre-ted October last for vagrancy and fined $60, war placed on the gang ftr 2KI day,. This forenoon becon ing tired of his job, he broke loose his "heel and toe" shackles and decamped. Should he leave the city never return, the minds oftlse authorities here will not be worried. All train, on the Chesapeake, Oiio and Southwestern railroad will not betusnen dad on Christmas and New Year, i'as icnger train, will run as usual and every body will be afforded ample opportunity to visit their friends here or at any point on the road at one fare for the round trip, Mat least say the road t agents. Seossel , market 8-)l Main street b packed with eatables for the holidays. The assortment includes wild ducks, quail, squirrels, rabbits, oysters, celery, porch, dressed turkey, and chickens, pure so-k wusage, pork tenderloins and fresh meat generally. All order, delivered promptly. The pupils of the Hope NightSehool had an enjoyable Cnristtun, entertainment last niglit Kach little boy was given a barlow knife, and a number of books, pic ture, and other objects were distributed. The gifts were all donated by business men of the city who have the school under their especial "patronage. The boy, have a vacation until after New Year's uay.and they can whittle and chatter day iu and day out until that time. The funeral of Mr. Kobert Battier, who died very suddenly a couple f days since, haa been postponed until tomorrow morn ing at rb) o'clock, and the friends of the detiarted gentleman are invited to attend at the hour named, from 24 Mulberry street Mr, Battier was a native of France but came to this country when very young, resided at JNow Orleans for a period, where he studied pharmacy, and came to thi, city in 1800, where ne has since lived. He leaves a widow and two small children to mourn his loss. On Monday last a cablegram was re ceived from Liverpool bv a prominent cotton firm here oQeringa wager of $20011 mat tne total cotton crop ot the present year would reach 0, 100,1100 bales, and allowing 24 hours for it to be taken. Ten minute, later an answer was for warded accepting the wager, and an offer wa, added that $4000 more was ready for the same kind of a stake, with the addi tion that if accepted an unlimited sum would be nut ud here if wanted on simi lar terms. No reply has been made to dale, Tho bucket shops appear to be ca telling it lively on all tides, and I at they prey upon the weak minded public, the laws appear tobe making prey of them in all directions. The other dav the Wrn Union Telegraph won a victory over broker establishment and grain ex change engaged in tliedoubtful businesi ol mytmcai pun liases or (leal, at Louisville, Cincinnati and Chicaeo. and now Chan. cellor Merrill, of Nashville, declares that all membe'i of s bucket shop firm are i;l.l,. r... ....... A :.J I ... t .. . tt.t,isnti sum. uetu?iLeu aim Wlieu out a. margins. The bucket shop folk, are rim ing a number of rough deals in the nouns, inougn son aealt are the only kind from which their gains are made. Between leven and half-past eight o'clock each morning tho car, of the red line coining toward Court Square have to be run with window, open on account of tne aoorainaPie character of the cirar and ciirarette smoke nuffed nut hv some nftlia nuera wuo are iona oi mean smelling brands of the same. A number of parties wno uo noi line tne tnioae open the win. dows, and still other, dislike both the cold air and truoko. but prefer the latter to the other evil. The ouly remedy that can be suggested i, for everybody to h am to smuke geod, instead of bad cigars, But iu nemg a rrcmocrauc countrv, it u mors than likely the ,mokers wilf insist on puffing bad one,, and in thestreet cart. too, if they wiah to do it, regardless of the aeuMinuvius or too corn'on o: llieir tellow traveler,. Just Received From Havana via New York Customhouse, Imported Balmoral Cigar,, ImK)rted Cabana Cigar, Imported Carolina Cigar, Imported Henry ClayCigur, Imported Rosas Cigar, Imported Villari Cigar, Imported Meridian Cigars Imported Partagas Cigar, Imported Figaro Cigars Imported Favorila, Cigar, ImportetlJCiicepcion CigHrs ImjMirted Ferfe tos Cigar, Imported M iiris Cigar, lmKrtcd Golden Kagle Cigar, Imported Fanetella, Cigar, Importod Mora Cigars, I FAC T the heaviest stock of Thii iule of Jw York, Goods Without Limit. BIG Ss and 10 Cent Cigars, In endless variety. Save your money by purchasing at RolColeman's " Cigar Palaoe, Complete in every particular. The Collage taallrrjr. Th fftnv. fl.lln.t, TO It.l I . I- executing beautiful life-like picture at lower rate than any other gallery in the city. The work is artistic and guar antee; to give aatisfaction to the moat cantiou,. The rate, are-, for photo,, : cabinets, fo, panels, $0, and boudoir, $7 per dozen. BEJACH'S The only complete assortment of Toys, Wagons, Buggies, Drums, Guns, Pistols, Pianos, Desks, Muiical, Musical Toys of every description at Wholesale and Retail, AT BEJACH'S. Market le-iegrauis. To-day', telegrams from the Northwest to th. Merchants' Kxchangeshew a down ward movement in value.. From Kansas City c r , are quMed at $7 16 and :t0c be low last night', closing prleet lard, 8c and Ho down; rne-s pork, $11 26 and 76c lower. From St Louis oaU are quoted at 8k! and lo cheaper; corn, 47 V and He down. From Chicago corn is quote1 at 1 Sac and Jc down; wheat, D7'c and Ha down; pork, $18 hf and 16c down; la.d, 8 77 and be down;c'r s, 7 86 and un changed. Cigara: in box for 75c be?ap (hrlwlmai Vrnt A flue lMatjuo given to evur-y ninha6r. L SAMELSON & CO. in Ilia Marat II ur, al alia. Ildkls sa, Ntsaprndrrs la Ilia rlijr at Ft. n. $ ana, bis (lata strroi. Ur. 1 ha.XI rmaa'a a atcr rare, 7 MS - LCEB & KSOOK, 235 MAIN, -FANCY NIGHT SHIRTS-" for Xmas. rERSOMAU Golden Hair Fluid at Mr. McAnally', You can buy the best shirts only atSaffi May's, 2oa)i Main street Vienna and Eureka bread, fresh every morning at Seetsel d WuiUburger'a. 130 and 182 Main ,treet Dressing gown smoking jacket,, and other tine present, for gentlemen, at Sam May's The Hnest line of undet.varat lowest price, to b, found at N. M. Flk a, 818 Main itreet Mr. Frederick Stintnn.'ha manager for th great Modieska, i, in the city, and i, quartered at Gaston' Leave order, at Fecssel Jfc Wurtr.bur. ger', market ISO and 182Main, forChritt ma, turkeys, oyiter, and celory. Colonel Sam Tate and wife, of Little Ktwk, and Uoa. Thoma. F. I'orkin, and wife, of iranklin, Tenn., are at the Pea body. All sizes rrate hajtW,,!. fmnt !... dors; also new and tecond-hand atove "'a clHP, at 8. Gabay a, agent 400 Mr. H. h. Bedford, of Bailey', Station, a prominent citizen of hi, neighborhood and of the countv. is in the ci'i. u;. up SanU Claus In behalf of s rising and expectant generation. Martin Walt Jt Co., 240 and 248 Front street are in the commission business and will attend to all shipments of hides, furs, Pmltry, eggs, and all kind, of produce, rompt returns guaranteed. Vienna and Eureka bread and roll, fresh every morning, at Peter, Jt Sawries' steam bakery, 88 and 40 Jefferson street We deliver to consumer, at' their resi dences. Crackers, cake, snaps, jumbles, etc, for the wholesale trade. Call and see us. The immense assortment of choice sea sonable articles at Victor D. Fuchs' mar ket 89 and 41 Jefferson, would till the heart of a bun vivant with exouiiiiite de light The ,upply embrace dieised tur keys, oysters, celery, dressed chickens, duck, and geese, wild duck,, venison, quail, squirrels, rabbits, Keel foot lake perch a'ld trout fresh egg,, choice ,pare ribs, pure pork sausaire. head cheese.fiwh meat- of all kinds, including choice Kan sas City beef, etc., etc. All purchases pruuipuy uenveieu. Take a Look at Them! The Finest IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARS! In the United States. 65 centi Each 1 50 cents Each 1 and S lor ftl.OO, at Scl Coleman's Cigar Palac. Santa Claus AT BAZAAR TO-HIGUT. Candies Free. Tne Dean Adains, In place of the ill fated Joiie Harry, not only came out of White river with a trip, fully up to her capacity and more than a half trip left over which ah, was obliged to refuse, but owing to the interest Captain Harry', loss ha, stimulated in hi, favor it ha, been found necessary to negotiate for a larger boat The probabilities are that the Coahoma will bo selected as a substi tute for the Doan Adams. The round trip, while it mui-thave been a aad one for Captain Harry, also lurua out so nave oeen uca an one a, I, likely tn be long remembered by him. That is. if tne heart,.. pof the White river poonfe. anil their enthusiasm over his pluck aad courage, can help to con.ole him for tne losses, be has sutlered. Thi, demonstra tion in hi, favor is well deserved, as well as worthy of the people in whose Judg ment he is appreciated as most courte ous, snu eiuciem oracer. With his many friend, it had already ttransnirexf that thev cnnM not recall another inatanc wh r. anoth er', los, seemed so to effect everyone, or wherein, at an instant', notice of hi, ca lamity, so many of a man', friends stepped lorward with oiler, of money, to say nothinr of their verv henrtieat .vm pathy. But when to this, in his loss of the Josie Harry, there is now added the overwneiming encouragement and ,ym pathy of the peonle whose interests he haa for fifteen year, helped to link to the trade of our city, it indeed become Mem- luie u recognise mat ner marine com merce i, verv much honored in the nnmt- lar and efficient Captain Milt R. Harry. uo luoaui ins iieamor may nave in fact inaugaraieu anotner era Tor Captain Harry, but aa earnestof hi, identity with the White river trade, it haa alraadv Km. announced that he is to build a new boat to take tne place of the Josie Harry. Walker Outlaw and Hiurh Smith er In continue in the office.with the braYe Cap- uuu Alumni, mnii ronor id ine pilot house, and CpUin Starr second in com mand. FOR HOLIDAY' PRESENTS Yon will Had a tine assort, sural ol the best brands of lion scant; t'ltJaU, The t'nbaa. Plantation. A Ko. 1, John Mel nllongh, Bemphls ottsa exchange, Nporters, and others of known good qoalltjaad reliable. 1IAVAMA tlUAUs, Over 50 dlflr .-ent brands la boxes ronlalning its, 50 and 100 rlgara. MF.KK. 111 a, UOODN, FRKnt ll HK1AK KOOr Hl-t.S 'I be larsjeaii aaaorttnent ol v FsnK kMORlMU TUU t'o.a aad other goods la the tobacco line at II. 23 son. I7 Main, eorner adaina. Game, f lab aad 4ood Eatables. At Kirk Allen A Co.',, RiOFront itreet, will be found a great abundance of fresh turkeys, live and dressed, chicken, ditto, spare ribs, back bones, ,quirrels, birds, ducks, venison, freshly killed hogs, eggs, celery, fruit including orange, and ap ple,; also other article, of palatable char aeter well ,uited for dinners during the Chrutma holiday period. The supply of the articles is large, and those at Kirk Allen 4 Co.', are Iroth and aweet and must be sold forthwith, as large receipt, ar reported under way to arrives hence neraini in nt l. i should call at one and satisfy their de- izFor To-morrovrz Buy of your dealer s 5 cant package of Ku-Ko Tuluiz The 8 nest chewing gum in America. For thrlslnsaa. Fine moerschaum pipe, cigar and cig arette holders, cigar and cigarette cases, at very low price,. We don t intr"! csrry in any stock over. A beautiful plaque will be given to averv purchaser. l.SAM KLSUN 4 CO., 810 Main atreet The Choicest Eatable In the city tan be found a1, th, Shelby Street Market corner South itreet Hence there will be no necessity lor housekeeper. In that part of the city com ing up town for holiday supplies. rOH TIIKOLIDAY New line seal t ap., for, pln-h aad chinchilla Casta, sellable for pre sen la legenilemra or boys. T. A. T at ( v,. ender the Peabodjr llolel. A (load hsnre lor Colored Laborers. Ma V M fl,l.. 1.1. . . m.. v,nu., whu ia uer. vrying to employ colored laborers, male and .-Mtntv, K, vaiiiornia, is meeting with Olllv morlorMta atte.. II. .tl'. gixxl w,ge, very comfortable lodging, and good food. Just at thi, time of the year the colontd people are thinking mora about Chri.tina, than about th, work they have to do next year. Mr Ownby Is going to Chattanooga for a few day,, and on his return may have Utter luck. i-i,.iii .1, j peraon desiring informa tion on IhesiiMeel can obtain It by apply, ing to Mr. H. l. K'li., ti. ket agaiit of the nanaas Vlty tout, atrtl Madison aire, For HolldarDlaka, I -4Kg, leaa an, Jrirr, Hot UbUb fanrh, go lo H. H air, Maiooa, 4 borlhv Court bl. JAS. S. WILKINS. Calls the attention of the publlo to an extremely large ana ioh ct, assortment or Fine Diamond Ear-rings Especially selected for Ala eholceslork of ARTISTIC BRASS GOODS. FLEMISH JUGS, FAIENCE PLAQUES, MARBLE CLOCKS, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Opera Glasses and Spectacles. HVXod.r4at Pricoa. Polite and Attentive Salesmen. 200 MAIN STREET, Mompliis, - - Tenn. a. a a .a IPUT ONI YOUR -AND qny7')Afirr-"" "THE CLOTHIER," HS TO SAY. The Most Stupendous "Scheme" ON RECORD I Id order to reduce Fine Clothing & ImS'ESi.TSw'? I'.' a....n i ..rr, orty Dollar worth ol Uoods or VYATERBURY Watch Us or the most Reliable Time-Piece made. My mode ol giving them away I shown by I he following eard- TUHHlTD THIS. SAVE TIII8 CARD, IT IS Q00D fOR A FIR8T-0LASS WATCH- and CHAIN, "S "J. '!, 010,1 ?'JM t'"!.-!.!.., mad, presented to aver; Cash Porch. ier of Clothln, and furrjisbin, Uood. ta th, amount of Forty Dollar, or v. Oondltloxia At ,v,i "1! euh rturebae. w, will punch th, eorreipondini amount os th, ,1. card, ana when the whole amount i. punched w, will vraaen hold.r with a WATCU and CUA1U. (is of J. H. BUXBAUM, la Introdnrlng this M HKMEbrtrrethepqblle, I beg to say that Put Down the Prices and Push tho Trade? plWee l. 44 FAMOUS." OTl OftKI tOflK EVERTBUOY1 aad see oar W ATCHBS. mmi Tlao OlotHier; 327 Main St. BETWEEN MONROE AND UNION. Angus Campbell & Co tecrjioEBCahaiSCaiplicll, AT THE OLD STAND, GO Boal Qt. A Complete aloek or Flae GROCERIES Onge, Raltli,, Honey, Btanu, Curriatt, Hspl gyrup, Ortpit, Cherries. Pr,,,rv. LtSMM, Flgt, Jtlllt,. Cisietl Fmll,, ill kinds. Choice Creamery Butter, 40 Cents. 911 lbs Owl lrlie his l.urf. To s fre dinnnr tu-morow, from 11 to o'clock p. m. ji$ Holiday Uoods. . - . .imp. ShfaUMl I. I h. 11. U.k.l a Co, tlala Wireet. ' Uas rislare aad Ulobe la the Inleo, dralarns. J. A. BAILKY ak CO., Career Uatoa aad beeaad sla. Ihspe, L SOLID SILVERWARE, 1883. "SPECS" my Iminense slock ol Furnishing Good 5 wl. from ... an, lor the eae.i say pairoaa WD pnrrba over, at dlllerent llmei, aiood STEM WINDING & Chain too T mar urM.nt lb. Memphis, Tennessee. F grow.n oi our boose Memphis Uerinan BIO flab. Tho memlior, of thi, club are requested to altond a nuMtlna; at 11 o'clonk HundaT morning, Dwemtwr fflti, at lit) Hooond lrwtt O. Baurn, Siwretary. Elegant Slippers, 7Sc aud l, Kahn & Frleberg, or. Bala aad Poplar, brlHtmas aad bridal pmaratn la large variety at Albaa dc a Ciayoso I'liariiiary, KM nala m'TTT. tag Ta Nenslbl People. .1 jim an in man a 1,'hri.tma. nr, nt Ut your husband, swoctlicart, brother son or friend, there Is nothing that it' more tuitahle than a nice hat. It i, a useAil and suitable present, and Invokes the expenditure of no money for a melee, article that dtHr, t last three days. There fore, goto Martin Cohan's, the hatter, 1119 Main alm-t. Tell him what you want, and ne will & I the bill to your entire s.t raction. gj Sarbela and Toy Traaks, I ar,, aTOr;;ea, r. I e, Maaalaeiarcr, l tlala Mlreot. flf Gentlemen's WEOFFAB A UKKAT VARIKTT OF bl'ITABlE FOB Gentlemen's RresMng; Cases, Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, Gentlemen's Silk Handkerchiefs. Gentlemeo's Bilk Hose, Gentlemen's Paris Scarfs. a) We Are Sole Agrai lor Keep's Unrivaled Shirts, Hair doses Iu a bus make a aplendld aa USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT. MElfKEH H SEESSKL, Sr, JT LAWLER H r3KESSFI 3, JNO ARMISTKAD, 8 LUNDEE. " emphis Fileat Packing Co SEESSEL, LAWIEE & CO, Props. MANUFACTURES SAUSAGE, all kinds of CURED MEATS and "PURITY" L.-a.n2D. 5os. 5, O and 7 Howard's Row. -PB .PBIKTORg MEErX.airi.-W HABKKi, 81 M4IJ,: H. WETTER I CO. C.slr, to oa'.l attaatiaa to their lar,e stook COAL VASES, FIRE IROMS, Andirons and Coal Heads, BEST SILVER-PLATED KNIVES, SPOONS AND FORKS, Also to their Large Block ol L AMPS 3 Of all description, all at" which Ihey ar selling at rxlremcly LOW PniCEQ. H. WETTER, & CO SCH WARZEN BERG, MAY Ss CO. ntSIl F4CTIX EKS MI) DKA IBS IN Stoves, Tinware, Glass and Queensware. Sole Agents for the LILLY WROUGHT IRON RANGE, aoo aao-lxi St., MortaplajLg. SHOE HOXJJ3I3 Ma B.AIN STREET, J'Vp BLOCK. FINE BOOTS AND SHOES, AN ELBflAHT Vinrt,r.. X&V&Ait ti i in Laleal Style, Stock eoaal to thetloothweat. Ourtom work s ,peiaty. Mesjuroi Uken. UNKHAUER & LEHMAN. , Bala street, Harble Block OZANNE, DENISON & CO WHOLIiSALK AND RETAIL DKALKB3 IM Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, Oils. .Lamps BefriKoratora, Bath Tubs. Eto CUTTE-IHO, ROOF.HO AND JOB JoRK DONI TO ORDIII. BROWNE, The Plumber. G-AS FIXTURES. Irving Block. REUGI0U8 NOTICES. Stranger.' Church, Union ,treet-Rer. .1 11 r".r,::, rr'" nntng t-hmd at 9.30 ..m! uZ. Ihe Will of Ood." At niAt! ''Wh Should Men b. Good?" g W Alabama Street Presbyterian Church, a Vi .u , V0""" anuviaoama street 8abbathliol at 9:80 a.m. Herricc naUDl P'm' by ReT W' "' 8affkrni Hinaat Vf V ri...- . o .. ... - ' 4,ijurfn, OOUlil IJholiof. tSundaj-ich(K)l at 9 80 m Plsaa,i.rins .,11- -J m tsr. . putor, Kov. J. F, Walker. P J ClAntrsvl Mtllh.ulial m......l. TT 1 . . . o , , "v "rcu, union tirftef -Sutidaybool at x ..m. t6rTice, Jistor. Pm' K H- Mhon- ThlntntimK..!...! U fourtl, iZ T.Tn"" n,u"'' if frerT 8unily ' " mm. and 8:S0 k ...j, ... ,veTi u B xhomas. Sabbath-Khtwl at i.H) n. m. Cumberlanrl Presbyterian Church,Court nreet Hunday-school at 9 a in, W K Stewart, superintendent. Divine serVice at 11 s-m and 7.H0 p m. H. A. Jonea, Pt"'. Prof. Down, preside, at the onfall. m B."pli,t Church-Chelsea-Ser. I 1? m- ,ml " ' W pm.. br 9 w's-m. 8undVol Linden Street Chri.tian church-rer :. v' J'"- W- ", PMtor Morning julyert "Glad Tidinir. of Department. GEaTLEHEN. ... FZPtU t. 258 Second Struct T""1 of th pastors roinr to ifer! deTctl0""111''"9 oralTnSloST andllpr.t.hii't ?h,,S'h' 00Ta't 8o""J ).Pm0p,,Tr yT"' st Snrvi,.. .Til HPl .oupenntendent. K.D.,, First Itsptlat Church Pieachlnr at 11 inr 'tim t-ject in the'mori c'hristrA. TAh0t.!;;'ble,KTr,.n,': Prof. W. JC. Hughatborulc f"Mt hu'iT!S Pre,byterian Church, Bethel Ch & n00..6:. W and Vm:. tierv'ce t U .m. and 7:80 p.m. r aaiiV, ianici. Fine Foraitare at Ecfci Frlccs. rOB CIIKHTNA.. oal tilaaa Bedroom Ma lies, """. aeeretarie. Rerolrlag Book ( ases, Reker,Bed Loaagr. ., te. Ames, Beattie & Co., MS Mala straa.1. mvm ThallBnl.u...- . . . vs'i- .do-; ,p.:;i seeT Mi