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AND AMERICAN. Second National Bank, . KASHYIMilb, TEMM. BIKECTOBS. JAS. MCLAUGHLIN, T. S. MARK, HUGH MoCKKA, K. K. WOODS, AROHEK CHEATHAM, R. L. "WEAKLEY. O. P. THBUSXON. M. HENDERSON, J. M. SMITH. i NO ONE IN THE CITY OK HTJBUBB aiLUULD BE "WITHOUT THE DAILY mim AND AHEffiSK WHEN IT WILL BE DELIVERED AT T i DOOR PROMPTLY EVERT MOBN- ZSmS INO AT TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER WEEK. V ESTABLISHED MARCH 30, 1835. NASHVILLE, TEHN., FEIDAY. JULY 11, 1873. NEW SEKIES NO. 1,514. ft! NASHVILLE UNION Transacts a frenoral banning business. Collections made sad promptly re mitted for nt liberal rates Cor. - resitoHdeace invited aad In formation chcorfnlly fur nished to oarpatroai. "W. B. DOBTOH, Cashier JAMBS MCLAUGHLIN, President. HU. UcCBEA, Vice-President. b2 ly sp tp latcol ilmm ami WMitw. TEUHS OF SUBSCRIPTION. BV KAIL OR AT THB BUSINESS 0P7ICZ. Dally.12 months, in advance, 810 00 6 " " fi 00 it 3 2 60 i " 1 00 1 week, " 25 BXUTXRSD BY CAKEirtB IM THB OITT AND EDGEFIELD. Dally, 12 months 812 00 6 " 6 00 i 3 3 00 l 1 00 ' 1-week ' 25 Bemt-WeeUly..84. Weekly..- 92. TATABLX ITf ADVAUCK. Gold was strong in New York yester- : day, at 115301151, closing at 116J. Tennessee Bonds sold in New York yesterday at SO for the old and 19 for the naw. Cotton was dull and irregular in Now York yesterday at 20Jc for middling. The Philadelphia Age ssys : "A maiden speech was once a mere figure of speech, for the first effort of a youDg lawyer or a new Congressman. Bat now it has become a reality, and the fair sex perplex courts and startle audiences with their 'maiden efforts.' " The Sonth is not blest with that sort of thing yet. Tha North, with Ub higher civilization, is still ahead of us. A PATRIOTIC LETTER. Col. Frederick A. Conkiing, of New York, long a distinguished representative of tha Eepublican party in Congress and else where a brother of Senator Conkiing, of New York, hut a very different man now takes this view of public affairs, in a letter dated July2: "Absence from ths country during the last year precluded my taking part in the Presidential canvass. But my sympathies were unreservedly with the men who sought to restore fraternal harmony be (Yf&u tha two sections of our common country, and to arrest ths tide of corrup tion which is engulfing the land. "Unhappily we have reached a crisis in our pub.ic affairs where any reference to purity of official administration is treated by those in power with ribaldry and con tempt. ub,!ic crimes of the highest ir famy Jjave almost ceased to cU forth censure, or eeen to excito attention. Within a twelve month, we have witnessed the disclo sure of a gigantic fraud by which the people have been swindled out of an immense domain and an immense sum of money. The leaders of the dominant 1 party in Congress having been detected in doing the work of a private corporation as its- bribed " instruments, have not jjcruplecl to cover themselves witb perjury as with a garment; yet their returns to their hoines was deemed a fit occasion for according to more than one of tbera the honors of a civic triumph. W aiv ng the appropriation of back pay by tho list Congress as a conipirative trille, and the frauds of the Republican Whisky Ring by which the public treasury has beeu robbed of mere than $500,000,00? , I be 1 eve I haztrd nothing in affirming, tbat of all the vast land grants to rail roads and other monopolies which have been made by Congress dnriDg the last tweive years, scarcely one can bo named in which members of both tho Senate and House of Representatives were not in some way sharers of tho proceeds. All this ven ality hardly excites a remark, yet tho very fpundatlons of our Government aad of so ciety are honeycombed and undermiuded by these enormities. "But a few months ago we witnessed the disgraceful spectacle of the offlceholde.-s and representatives of the national administra tion lobbying at Albany for the enact ment of a charter for our devoted city, concocted by themselves to defraud the people of the benefits expected from the reform movement, anu to con centrate the functions of the municipal Government in their own hads. It is cisy to impute this calamitous state of affair3 to tha Republican parly on the ground that tho President, Congressional and majority of the State elections since 1S00 have bsen carried by that organi zation. Nor would I extenuate its of fences. I ask for it on'y trkat candor should concede. It came into exist ence protesting against wrongs which had aroused the moral sense of a great portion Of our citizens. Tho man who shaped its platforms and led in il3 counsels al ways acknowledged the obligations of public and official honesty and impar tial iustice. In those days men ilka Salmon P. Chase and Circle ncrf Iiy. inaii sad Carl Schurz were tho honored representatives and counsel lors of the party. If such man are not now tha exponents of its doclrine3 and policy, what is tho reason? Have the Changed and forsworn their first love? list the question be answered by a simple reference to the succesors of these men. Simon Cameron and Jim Nye, Zacb Chandler' and S. C. Fomeroy, to aay nothing of Ctldwcll, Clayton, the two Pattersons and others too numerous to mention. I must, in deference to the truth of history, declare that tho political alliance led by these men is no longer the Republican party, but alw.gue of tho worst aietienlaoi" socio ly, operating for personal ands, and stealing any name and livcy which msy enable them to obtain an ad vantage." MAJ. AIRMAN'S MISroltTUNE. Is is with great sorrow we chronicle the recent misforiuno of our esteemed friend, Maj. Allnian, of Coruerevillc. No man in Tennefcee has labored rnoro z;alous!y to introduce aud propagate the thoroughbred; no man has boun so untiring in his endeav ors to foster and encourage a spirit of emu lation among stock breeders, and to culti vate a refined and el.vatc I taste in farmiDg generally. Yet it setms that some devil iu canjatr, some fiend unknown, en d avorcd to thwart Irs good purposes, Vo beggar him and his children, aud to stop the breed of his fiuo stock. On Saturdty evening, 21st ult., Major All man fed his stock in perron and lound them all right; on Sunday he weut to church, according to his well-knosn habit, but returned in the afternoon to find that an enemy had visiied his premises. Imported dmvell, by tho great Stcckwe.I, wasfound tobe.almost blind bis eyes closed and running ; Watson, by Lexington, had also been tampered with in similar man ner; seven head of lh 9 cit'.le, Irs Shetland stud, aud many of his iiuc sows wer? lou-d dead. It is feare.t that Canwcll aud Wat son will lose their eyes. Thus tho fiend, for what reason Maj. Allmaa is entirely ig norant, resorted to a mean and cowardly attack upon poor dumb brutes to injuie their owner. Words are too poor to paint the deep and damning blackness of tha heart that would perpetraie such a crime. Pulaski CUizcn,Jjly 10. Tin; New Orlca; s Picayinc says: "It is, we believe, a remarkable fact that there seems more youths in tbe Southern States receiving military educations than in the Northern States. There are very few pri vate military Institutions in the Northern States. WestPoiu-, therefore, embraces a larger nnmber of the youth who receive military educations at the North. We sea in an account of the proceedings which took pUce a'. West Point (graced by the PrMent. and Secretary of War) there were but 41 graduates. We are satisfied there -o sAPPral timns as many Graduates this year from the different military institutions in the Southern States. Tho military iusti- nt T.nvinrt.nn. Yirninia. alone, VICE with West Poiut in tho number of its grad uates." The notes of a gas company ally all sat to tho same metre. are usu- WASHINGTON. TIio Way the JKoaey Ooe. j , ' Washington, Jalyio. The Secretary of tho Treasury to-day paid to tho Board of Public Works $1G0,000, ono half of tha ap propriation made by the last Congress for continuing improvements around public grounds. becretary Belknap will return from Lonz Branch Saturday. Government Bnlldiugs. Tho Secretary of the I.iterior. Postmaster General, and Secretary of the Treasury had a conference to-day and approved plans for buildings for tho customhouse and postoffico at St. Louis. Mr. Mullet, supervisinc architect of tho Treasury Depaitment, will leave Washing ton Saturday for Chicago onbuslness .con nected with government buildings in that city. From there he will go to Lincoln, Illinois, to locate the courthouse and post- oilice. Satanta and ilIjfjLrce Once Store. Gov. Dir. of Texas, and party, are still here. They have presented charges against certain Federal officers in that Stste for corrupt disposal of patronage, but havo mado no formal application for the removal of any one. It is expected, however, that they will be made when the proofs thoy of fer are considered, by heads of depart ments. The Indian Chiefs, .Satanta and Big Tree, are still in the 'Texas peniten tiary. They wi.l be taken to Fort Sill in September to attend a conference between Gov. Davis .-nd the Indian Commissioner Smith, regarding their release. The time of the conference has been postponed from August until early in October, and it is ex pected Secretary Delano ill also attend it. THE BollINION. The Troubles on tho Border. The Gordon Kidnapping Case. Chicago, July 10. The following dis pitch was received it'St.Taul, dated Fort Gary, July 4; The excitement still contin ues over the recent arrest of detectives Hay and Rogan, who attempted to kidnap the notorious Lord Gordon, of Erie railway fame. Messrs Fletcher and Mercian, of Min neapolis, with Mr. Bently, a merchant, were also arrested tho following day as accom plices. They were rudely , Thrust into a.'TUtliy Prison i f, and honed. Mayor Brackett and Hon. 32. M. Wilson, of Miuneapolij, vrifed'yester day morning by Bperiaistage, Traveling; 'lgut and Day. Mr. Brackett at. once sought admission d the prisoners which was granted by Judge Betounay, but he vns immediately ordered ot by tho sheriff under instructions from the attorney general, Clark. Yesterday , 4 Preliminary Jxamicntlon commenced, the cjurt room being densely crowded. Tho whole day was occupied in taking Lord Gordon's testimony, which was known to be a tissue of Falsehood and Exaggeration. Mr. Wilson was not allowed to act for the defence, bu'. was permitted to occupy a seat and confer vuth the counsel for the dafenp:. V Great Indignation" IS felt against the authorities for the bigh lrnded manner in which they are con ducting l!e case. V- S. Consul Taylor Is Worblns Eucrsetlcallj on bahslt of the pr'soners. Tbe examina tion proceeds very slowly and will probably last several days yet. Mayor Brackett, while in court yester day, was arrested, but released shortly af ter. However, his movements are closely watched. He feels determined to see the affajr through. Lord Gordon is freely using his money, his friends having re tained nearly all the lawyers. Every ob stacle seems to ba thrown in the way to prevent rebutting testimony being given. Only one or two witnesses were-esamined to-day, nothing new being excited by their testimony. THE TUKF. aionuioiitU IVirK Eacea. Long Branch, July 10. Weather de lightful for the fourth day's races, and track in excellent condition. First race, July stakes, value $500, added to sweepstakes of $50 each, for two year olds, winner of hope ful BtJks to carry five pounds extra; second to receive 100 and the third ?50 out of the stakes; three quarters of a mile. There were 2a entries and 7 starters. Tho race was won by King Amadeus in 1:18J, "Scratch second and Culpepper third. Tho second race was for grand sweep stakes, value $3,000, added to sweepstakes of $130 each, al) ages; second to receive $50J and third $250 out of stakes; four mile heats; (5 entries and 3 starters. Mc Dauiels ic Co.'a ch. c. Hubbard, four years old, won the first heat and race, distanciug Rice i- McUorinick's b. f. Bessie Lee, four years old, and Chamberlain's ch, c. H ley, four years o!u, luiio incnt intense. ,.6-- Excite- Tim r.m a iace was for a purso of $400, or beaten norses, all ages, thoso beaten onco allowed five pounds; twice, ten pounds; three times, fourteen pounds; $250 to the first; $100 to the second; and $50 to tho tmra norse; ono ana a half mtlf s: lour horses started, Minnie W., Valley Brooks, Nevada, and Coffee's Lightning Colt. The race was won by Lightning Colt in 2:431; Valley Brook second; and Minnie W. third. THE NATION'S WAUDS. The Cheycnues nnd Arrapaltoes. Sr. Louis, July 10. J. Golden, who has been engaged with the party of Gen. Bar rett in surveying the Cheyenne and Arra- panoe Indisti reservations, arrived nero irom Cheyenne agency, ono buudred miiea north of Fort Sill, Indian Territory. He reports about two-thirds of tho work com pleted; also, that the Cheyenne Indians, after eclebra ing their medicino festivities, to do which Ibey left, their reservation, started for Antelope hills. It is not kuown where tuey will turn up next, out tne.r agent does not seem to apprehend any trouble. There wore S75 lodges of them. One band of Cheyenues, under Little Robo refused to follow the main bands and re mained at the agency. The Arrapahoes under Little Raven, Powder Face, Yellow liear and Ji:c Mouth, numbering 4oU tooges, arc on tbeir reservations and peaceable. It is suid tney will defend tha whites against the Cheyemi03 should the latter make an attack. riTTSBUKG. Serious Accident in a Paper Mill. Pittsburg, July 10. A serious accident occurred at tho paper mill of A. Culbert eon, Monongahela City, this rnorniug. The mployes had been at wor - nut a short liuic, when ono of tho steam driers burst, knocking down a portion of the building. A l-ov named Parkenson, working near the drier," at the time of the explosion, was hurled through a wall of ths building, and struck igtinst a stone buildiug used as a woikbouse, and was completely covered with debris. Both of his leg3 aud one arm were broken; it is thought he will not recov er. Total loss caused by the accident is es timated at $2,000. HAMtlSBURG. Arrcht of a Forger. HARiusiJuiio, July 10 A man named J. G. Huriu. alias Harry Hudson, of New York, was arrested here to-day, on a tel cram from Pittsburg, chaiged vvith foruery, It is alleged ho has obtained $2S.000 from Germaida Bank. New York, fraudulently. He has been committed to await the arrival of officers. A Fool and ilia Drains Part Com. pany. Norfolk, July 10. George Sands, a mate in tho United States Navy, on duty on n.ird the United States receiving snip JNew Hampshire, at the Navy Yard, committed snicide to-dav by shooting himself through tho head with a navy revolver. The suic do ihpliGved to have been caused by disap pointment In lovo. Deceased was a son of Joshua R. Sands, Rear Admiral U. S. N. THE CITY OF WASHINGTON. Her toss Tine to Criminal leBsness. Care A Passenger's Statement. New Yokk, July 10. A five column statement of a city of Washington passen gers charges that the loss of the steamer was due to carelessness of her officers and crow, and that all just barely escaped beln? engulphod. j An ocean Captain a passenger, frequently warned tho chief offiier that he was running too far northward, and advised running a hundred miles further south, but the advice was disregarded though the sec ond officer coincided in it. No sight was taken for seven days, notwithstanding the vessel was going through a heavy fog at the rata of 12 or 13 knots and hour. Had she struck at night, she wonld havo gone down, or had she gone to the righl or left two hundred yards she would have struck either Green Island or the reefs, and A Fearful toss of I.lfo would Tiave ensued. Saloon passengers werd mostly chatting or playing cards, when, at half past one p. m. Saturday, the ship went full speed on Gull Rock Shoal. She give two slight bumps aud a tremendous tremor ran through her. No one had the smallest idea whero tho ship was. After the lapse of half an hour thcrp was Terrible Confusion, tho cannon firing, fog-horn blowing, aud women and children shrieking. A sailor cried, "I hear a human yoico." A death like silence followed, and soon two brave men, Cornelius Swanburg and William Ferguson, who had put out from tho shore, in a small boat, climbed up the side of the ship. The latter had risen from a sick bed. Tho work of disembarking immediately commenced under their guidance withthree ship's boats, th6 second officer standing at the gangway of the ladder with hatchet in hand Threatened to Cut Down any man who tried to get into tho boats be fore the women. Meanwhile tho bumping and scraping of the stern-post and rudder continued, arousing fears lest the ship would break in two. The steerage pas sengers, however, remained remarkably quiet, and no attempt to rush was made. Some of tho women Displayed Great Presence of 3Uud and heroism, silting quietly till called upon to disembark. A young Irish girl carm and asKcq tns narrator, wnetner sue snouta ever-, see Castle Garden at-all. On receiving an affirmative reply, she wrapped an Ulster csat around her, cava him & kis$, and de scended to a small boat at onco. All on shore, Gerrnan and Fins gathered in one group, and the Irish emigrants In another. All tho neighboring barns and out-houses wero soon occupied, the adjoiniug fences soon stripped of rails, fires built, dis tributed, coffesarved,and all were happy un der a sense of great danger escaped. Cabin ladies were received into the houses of a Mrs. Harding and Mrs. Lewis, who. with their daughters, cared for them like Bllnlsterlng Angels. Soon many pj the poor emigrants were fast asleen lying abont in barns, on the beech, and under banks and big rocks. Col. Par- ueii,oi lue unite i sutes .army, was very prominent in offering assistance to tho lat ter, and conducting them to places of shel ter. The ship doctor wa3 also very efficient in erecting tents, distributing cordials, etc. Tha oabln passengers raised a subscription of $200 for the heroes Swanburg and Pergnsou, and mora will probably be forthcoming. Stores, blankets, beef, buiscuit, etc., were landed all day Sunday and Monday from the ship. On Monday the ship was found to lie in fifteen feet of water, apparently as solid as tho rock sl'6 rested on. Had she backed off on first striking, she would prob ably have Sunk in Flyo Jliuutes. Ten minutes after striking, she began to fill, and on Monday bad 15 feet of water in her hold. When the narrator left, the neigh borhood people were showing every atten tion to the rescued passengers, and there were p!eny of provfsions for all for some days to come. The Steamer DrcaUs In Tito. Halifax, July 10. The wreck of tha City of Washington oroke in two pieces on Gull Rock Shoals this morning. The cap tain, officers and crew were on hoard at the lime, but succeeded in landing safely. The M. A. Starr arrived at port Lebear last even ing. All the passengers' luggage, etc., were taken on board through the night, and pas sengers embarked this morning. The steamer left for Halifax this afternoon and Is not expected hero ljefor? to-morrow morning. CINCINNATI. Shut Through the 2ie Pivrrvv ATT T tt TT lrt .it. shot aud kill-' " -rnuVs.b, D0Ti J,,: . ocorge A. Schleich, of Lan- O.. this mornins. The former has been claiming that tho latter was infringing on a patent of his. Schleich, it appears, underbid Doherty for a contract, upon which ho was to commence work tnis morning, un tne way, uoueny u a house, firing two shots. Schleich there upon jumped from his wagon, endeavoring to snleld himscn; nut uoneriy,ut!Lriuiueu ... . . ... J it .1 on dispatcuing his victim, nreu wirea u- ditional balls, ono piercing the heirt ot Schleich. The murderer was arrested. The Jeivlfth Union. Cixcinnati, July 10. Delegates to the JewiEh'Conference re-assembled this morn- iug. Resolutions were adopted requesting tbe co-operatifin oi au jowisu congregations in the United States, for securing a more perfect union, tbat the formation oi a Jew ish theological institute and other interes.s of tha Jewish relicion may be promoted thereby. By-laws for the body were adopt ed. After which tuo lollowing executive Board was elected : B. Betman, S. Levy, J. Freeberg, M. Loth, M. Hcllman, A. A. Kramer, Joel . Moses, N. Steeuberg, II. Mack, N. Bloom, L.Levy, L. W. Dembertz, 1. totrx, jM. i. Blocb, L. Silverman, J. Rosenborg, n. Bamberger, S. Meyer, S. Maun, A. E. Franklaud. the first council of tha nowly-formed union will ba hold in Cleveland, Ohio, tho second Tuesday in July, 1&4. Conference then adiourned. The Executive Board met and organized to-night, adopted a seal and prepared for Immediate work. It was resolved to invito the formation of co-operattive auxiliary so cieties not members of the uuicn ST. LOUIS. An Unsuccessful Attempt nt Suicide, St. Louis. July 10. J. W. Coan, trav- eliug agent tjr Bamberger & Co., Philadel phia, attempted suiciuo to-uay uy Euoonng himself with a revolver. The baU struck near the forehead, llattened and plowed around to tho riglr- ear, making an ugly wound. Coan had a wife aad children at Elgin, BI. Finaucial trouble and whisky are said to have been the csuso of the act. Horrid JInrder. A man named E. Daniels, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. was found to-day m a held a short distance from East St. Louis, with his throat cut from ear to ear and windpipe se vered. He was not dead when found, but no hopes of his recovery. Collision-Severn! Persons Injured Tho Kirkwood accommo -tetion, on tho Atlantic Pacific Railroad, collided about 8 o'clock to-night with tho Eastern-bound Express, near Laclede Station, a few miles from the city. The engino was considera bly damaged and tho baggage car thrown from the track. Tho eucineer of the ac commodation train was seriously and sev eral others slightly iDjured. PHILADELPHIA. 'the New Trade Dollar. FiiiLADKLPinA, July 10. The mint is engaged in remelting vast quantities of light cold coins, ainco .ian. l, some twenty three million dollars' worth have been mi'ltod. and ten millions more will ha re ceived this week. Orders for the new trade dollars will bo filled in tho early part of next week. Over a million of dollars of gold were received from New York to-day for recoinage. NEW I0BK, Uloro of the Passenger Ticket Swindle New Yobk, July 10 On the arrival of tho Washington train or tne Pennsylvania Railroad at Jersey City, yesterday, t.w.a of ficials were arrested, supposed to be in a combination of conductors and gate keep ers to rob tho company, by falling to cancel and re-selling passenger tickets. A Sad Case. Frederick Roxo, a coffeo merchant in Rio Janeiro, mado application in tho Su premo Court yesterday for a writ of habeas corpus to secure his daughter, whomRoxo's wife carried off with her to this city, when she eloped from Rio with the, brother of Roxo. A Hardened Young Criminal. When Walworth donned the prison uni form at Sing Sing, yesterday, ha remarked: "I have gained seven pounds in clothes since I cam9 here. I feel now like engag ing In a base ball match." He remarked of .the handcuffs which linked him to Glllen, the wife-murderer, "They ara the starchiest cufis I ever wore." Two More Unfortunates. The .Emerald Association of Brooklyn, had a picnic yesterday. On returning and! while the banjo was making fast to the ; dock, John McLaughlin, one of tho excursionists,-and married, was accidentally kill ed by being struck with a boulder thrown from the dock. Soon afterwards, while a number of young men who had beeu on the excursion, wero returning homo, one of them hurled a stone at an Ice croam vender which missed him and struck a lad named Kelly, causing death soon afterwards. No arrests. Death of a Noted Trotter. Tho trotter Charles E. Low, formerly Patchen Chief.died in 27th street last night. His owner had just accepted an offer of $15,000 for the animal. INDIANA. An Illegal Arrest. Martinsville, July 10. Quite an ex citement prevails here over the arrest made last week of John Bishop, charged with killing a man in Kentucky last Christmas. Two men, seeking the reward offered, claiming to hava authority froai the Gov ernor, took him just in time to make the G o'clock A. n. train for Louisville. Bishop's friends have since looked Into the matter, finding no authority for the same, and have received a. requisition from Gov. Hendricks for hi? return to this State. Tha parties declare full vengeance of the law against tha two men making the arrest, providing they can find them. KANSAS. Communication Kcsamed. St. Louis, Mo., July 10. A special from Lawrence, Ks., dated tha "28th, and incor porated in an associoted preas d;sitch at Chicago yesterday, stating that half a mile of the Missouri Pacific Railroad washed in to theMhsourl river, nearKickapor,Tuesday night wa greatly exaggerated. Only 300 feet of track was washed out aud commu nication was restored in. ten hours by cut ting Into the bluff and building a now track. LOUISVILLE. Some of the Iaichy Qaes. Louisville, July 10. The $20,000 prize in tho late Library Lottery was won by five gmilenien in Lebanon, Ky., names not given. The hundred thouiand priza was hell as follows: Three-lburths by Hen ry Boass, a liquor dealer on a sin ill scale in this city, and tha other one-fourth by F. J. Be'chsrt, saloon keeper, and Christopher Smiles, blacksmith. Boass is a very qu;et, lotirlog, upright man; the other parties are well respected generally, showing that the prize has fallen to poor and deserving men. MCH310ND. The aiordetni.HeCartliy Duel. Richmond, July 10. In the case of Dr. Cullen, one of the surgeons in the Morde-cai-ilcCarthy duel, who refused to testify before the Grand Jury ou t'je cround that he might criminate hiaself, the Judge de cided to-day he must answer tho questions propounded by the Grand Jury or oe. neiu for contempt of court. Counsel asked for suspension of sentence in order to appeal, which was granted, aud the commitment of witness waa postponed till that time. The Grand Jury found a verdict of cullty of murder agalnsi McCarthy ingthe due; wti; Mordecai. &0SENE. a niiiid itiirncd to Death. MTTivATnrwK. Julv 11. A little chil'l of Tr. TUnsinr. on Hanover street, was burned to death last night by a kerosene lamp ex ploding. The parents had retired, leaving tne lamp nurmug near iuu cuiwsu"" A Burglar Killed. Milwaukee. July 10 A young burglar named Behrens,tesiding on Eleventh street, was shot dead this morning while trying to escape from an officer. He had been rob bing the store of his own uncle. Incendiary Fire. Dujwque, July 10. An incendiary fire at Waukeena, Fayette county, on Tuesday, destroyed the store and goods of Snell & Pigue," valued at $10,000. Condensed Telegrams. The Yellow Stone expedition has been heard from. They have experienced no trouble from the Indians so far. The Dominion authorities have directed inquiries into the loss of tha City of Wash ington. DeKalb, 1113., reports a five thousand dollar fire. A severe wind and hall storm passed over Iowa City yesterday, doing considerable damage to trees, orchards and crops. The naintinrr, in the Governor's room in the tity Hall, JST. Y., are to bo sold under execution. Fred. Winterhalter, a celebrated portrait paiuter, died in London yesterday. Mary Carloton, tha woman who pretend ed to havo been robbed by ruffians on the railroad track near Suncook, N . H., is be lieved to havo been principal or accessory to obstructing the track. Chas. 15. Fuller, a prominent merchant of Rockland, Mo., was arrested last night for alleged rape upon his step-daughter, aged 13 vears. Littlo Rock reports two storms during vesterdav. Cincinnati reports five deaths from cholera yesterday. The Shah was highly delighted with his reception in Pari3, aud acted like a child at a fiir. Only one death from cholera was reported by the Mempais uoaru 01 iieatin yesteraay. WASHINGTON'S TOJID. A correspondent of the Washington Chronicle writes from Mount Vernon: "It is said that Mrs. Washington, after tlin death of her husband, closed up her room and occupied the one immediately above, that she might moro plainly see the tnmh where her beloved was sleeplnc, and where sho ioined him two years Ister. It Is not generally known that this old tomb was broken into about forty years ago, and a sknll stolen from it, which wa3 subse-. mientlv exhited by the scoundrel in New York aa the skull of Washington. Ho was soon arrested, of course, and the skull re turned to the tomo. it was not, However, tha skull which had contained the brain that had directed our armies In tha dark hours of the Revolution, and which in peace had made permanent the blessings secured. On examicg ms conn me irame was iounu in tact. It was removed, with Mrs. Wash ington's, soon after, under a resolution of Congress, to the on8 it now occupies. In a recent case of assault with intent to kill in Indiana, It was shown that the affray came about from the isthcr insisting on re malning in the room with his daughter and her beau. The jury cleared the young man, knowme that nothing could be more vexa tious than for a fellow to sit up Snnday night with a handsome gial and her old dad at once. EOKEIGN. Carllsta Capture a Town. IIadeid, July 10 The Carlists have captured the town of San Gucsa, in Navarre, and ehot a tax collector. Tho TIchbornc Case. LoxDoir, July 10 The case for the pros ecution against the Tichborna claimant closed to-day, aud tho trial adjourned until the 21st instant. Cholera in Prnssla. JBerliw, July 10. A dispatch fromBros lau says violent typo of cholera has appear ed in that city. There havo been eighteen cases, fourteen proving fatal. In Lauter burg, thirty-four miles northeast of Straa burg, there were eight ctses, four fatal. Claim Against Uncle Samuel. London, July 10. An advertisement appears this morning, calling a meeting of all parsons who have claims against the United States, which arose after tha term inal date fixed in the treaty of Washington, for tho purposa of taking joint action for the advancement of their interests. Honor Conferred. Vienna, July 10. The Emperor has conferred the Grand Cross or Order of Francis Joseph ou Baron Scnwarz, Dlrec- tion. Summoned for Trial. Constantinople, July 10. Moham med Pacha lus been summoned to Con stantinople to bo tried for acts committed when ho was Vizier. Madbid, July 10. LenorLuner, minis ter of tho Colonies, will introduco a .meas uia in the Cortes to-day, applying the pro visions of tho federal constitution with cer tain restrictions, to the island ofPorto Rico. Held as Hostages.. The Carlists have seized 34 residants of Marsa and hold saien of them hostases for i tha safe return of insurcenta now in the hands of the Republicans. The remain ing 27 are held for ransom. Beaignation Accepted. The resignation of Gen. Nouvillas as commander iu ch ef of the army of tho north lias hoen accepted. It is said that Gen Cordova wih la appointed successor. Tho New Italian Government. Florence, Jnly 10 The crisis in tho Italian Ministry lias terminated. Sleuor Minghetti, who waj summoied to this city by tho King, formed a Cabinet, which is constituted as follows: President of Coun cil and Minister of Finance, Signor Ming hetti; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Signor Viscounte Venosta; Ulnlster of the Interior, Signor Contolll; Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs, Signor Viclianl; Min ister ot War, Lieuteriant-General Ricottl Magnanl, Minister of Marine, Signor Spa venta; Minister of PaUtc Instruction, Slg- nor Scialoga; MInister'of Commerca and j Agriculture, Signor Final;. ! Tho Steamer Yirglnluii. Havana, July 10. The stcamshiD Vir- ginius has arrived at Kingston, Jamaica, from Aspinwall. She was followed out of thelatter port by the United States steamer .Kansas, and the Spanish frigato Bazin, but in consequence oi aer anterior speed, she soon outrun them. The Utean War. London, July 10. Herald special Gen. K-vuflinan telegraphs details of military op erations prior to the capture of Khiva. The dispatch was delayed at Orenburg, owing to tbe Inability to wire a foreign language. Gen. KauGman cros.-ed tho Oxus June first, with ten pieces of artillery, two mitrailleus es, 1,500 infantry and GOO cavalry. Having passed Adamkulgan May 14, Water Doing Scarco, camels were sent back for a supply, causing a delay of om week. Gen. Kauffnna at tacked Adam Knrseland, and repulsed the famous brigand Sadik Valtak. KulTering Terribly from want of watsr, Kanffman pushed forward reaching Oock Ookak on the Oxus, skirmishing all the way for tho last twenty miles. He reached water and charged the Turcomans, capturing 11 boats. Follow ing the river for 50 miles, he arrived oppo site this station May 2S, at a strong fort on the left bank. Gen. GolavaschoQ" opened fire and Silenced the Khivan Guns, Meantime Macgasson had wandered in tho desert from point to point on uucertain Information, following in tho wake of the army until two of his horses died from hunger and thirst, finally he reached the Oxus. May 23 the Kbivans Offered Submission, and Kauffman crossed in captured boats, nnd was met by a friendly proclamation. The inhabitants brought bieao, fruit, goats, etc., for wliich the Rnsians paid enormous prices, having l.'.Ved for the past week on black blscuii' Maiched on Fort Kasauash on Juiye 4, 10 miles from the river and 40 irom KU'Va. ine troops campoa m gul dens filled with ripa apricots andmulber rie3. Tha whole available force of C0.000 men then continued to move on Khiva with a certain prospect of a brilliant suc cess. Tho Germans evacuating ram-c. Paris. Julv 12. In accordanco with tho trnatv sinned in Berlin last March, under wmch tne departments ox v aspur, .mcuuca and Meurthe, Mosselle, as well as the for tress Arondisement oi iieitast arc to De p.vacnated on nayment of tha second In stallment of the last milliard indemnity, the fiprman troon3 commenced to retire on the M inst. The withdrawal will continue by detachments until tha 15th of August, when the above mentioned counties will be en tlrely evacuated. IIC31DUG ADOUX DATI1ING. .1. W. Newman writes" to the Herald nf TTmlth as follows: Pnnefiminsr bathing of the body, I thiok nnr sanitarians are yery extravagant, and they have done great public mischief by setting the great towns to plunder tho of their supplies from the head streams. Even tho Prophet Mohammed, a fanatic of cleanliness, regarded friction with sand as compensatory for washing. if nnv ono supposes that tho limb3 and trunk of the body cannot be kept as per fectly clean by dry rubbing as by any amount of washing, I S3y ho has some thins to learn. Undoubtedly, in a hot climate or hot weather there is nothing so pleasant and so rapidly effectual a3 batbing, if tna lempeia ture of the water Is not too low, as It is apt to ba with us even in our hottest weather. T hava always enioved swimminjr, but re luctantly give It up because tha cold make3 my bands dead, wmc 1 cannon oe neaunuu I onco broucht on a severe attack of Hlnes! by using a sitz bath. All the hardy barba rians of the North havo at all times been re preached by Southern people for their neg lect in washing. The old ltoman3 did not, as a nation, betake themselves to baths till tho era of effeminacy sat in. Tacitus say3 of the Germans: "In the in dst cf this dirt they grow up.into those limbs which we ad mire." The Scythians of Herodotus were reported not to wash, but 'in cold weather, st distant intervals, to cover their bodies with a hot. snlov paste. It dried on them, and dropped off when cold, leaving the llesh clean. JNortnern races know tha: cold water takes strength out of them. 2nd they do not volunteer to touch it. Their practice has more weight with ma thau recent theories. JSo aoutr. where hot baths, warm dressing-room, and luxurious towels can bo commanded, warm bathing tends to human beauty. PerhaDS it makes a more delicate animal susceptible to cold. I think it does. A hot air-bath is a very different thing, and more akin to the Scythian practice. But granting that wealth may advantageously avail itseli of warm vater, with a cold shower-bath after it, does that justify a uni versa! command to men and women, rich and poor, to wash'thelr whole bodies every day in cold water, as many of our sanita ries do? Two weddings are to take place shortly In Paris between American young ladies aud Europeans. Miss Paulino Howard is to marry a Belgian, tho Baron d'Alte. Tho ceremony takes place at St. Phillip de Roule; the wedding tour, California, via New York. MiS3 Mary Peck of Hartford, Conn., mar ries Capt. de Xassey, an Italian officer who served during our war on the staff of Gen. Hancock. This ceremony takes place at the Madelalno. Hits Peck's trousseau la the perfection of taste and beauty, A. G. EWIKG. EWING & CO.. Nos. 14 AND 16 SOUTH MARKET STREET, y SPECIAX AG EATS AND DEALERS IN Kobertsoa County and Genuine log Distilled Lincoln County Whiskies, ALSO, A I'VIX. STOCK OF Every kind of LIQUORS usually kept In Liquor Establishments always on hand, to. gether with CIGARS and TOBACCOS, AJAa OF WHICH WE OFFER OS BEST TEIWIS TO THE TRADE. mh61y S3 W JLlNTO- cfc OO. WHITE MAW BROS., MANUFACTURERS OF Offlce, 2?o. 4 Sonth Xtartcct, KASHVILIiE. "Wfi make our Paper from Rags and pure Hemp. We uso no pasta or clay to fill np type. my25 3m lstp TENNESSEE NEWS. Dog poisoning is quite prevalent in Pu laski. The Record says the cholera has disap peared from that town. The Mayor of Knoxville has prohibited the sale of melons in that city. Capt. C. P. Jones has been elected County Attorney by the County Court of Giles. A. young man named Barnbill was drown ed in the Tennessee river, near Savannah, on the 2d inst., while bathing. A man named R. 1L Meynatt, of Union county, committed a robbery In Knox comity on tha 7th inst., for which ho was arrested and committed to jail. The Murfreesboro Monitor says all of our formers of Ilutherford county, have about finished harvesting their oats, and they re port that tha crop is a good deal above the average. The County Superintendent of Public Instructlonfor Itoane county is allowed a salary of $100, besides S2 for each teacher he msy examine. Th3 kitchen of Henry Brannan, of Gilej county, was burned down on the Gth inst.. and with it was destroyed tha greater part 01 na Kitcnen lurmture and table ware. The Savannah JYeiM of the 8th inst. says: Irriu S. DeFord killed a rattle snake last week, in the vicinity of Savannah, that measured six feet five and one half Inches In langth, four and five-eights inches through tha center of tbe body and had fourteen J rauies. At a meeting of the Directors of the Mc- Minnville and Manchester Railroad, held in Tullahoma on tha 3d inst., for the purpose of electing officers for tha ensuing twelve months, resulted in the election of Col. P. H. Marbury as President, and Col. John H. i rench as Secretary. Tha Kingston iVeics of the Sth instant says: A union revival meeting is said to be in progress in the v?iley a short distance above Rockwood. We learn that some twenty-five persons have already mado a profession of religion, while many more are manifestly interested. 'ibe Jaunreesboro Monitor oi the 10th Inst. says: Crops, both cotron and corn, are still involved in weeds and grass, but the farmers have taken advantage of. tho favorable weather the past week, and are making some progress towards cettlnE: their crops in good growing condition. ine apringbeld Record of the 10th mat. says: I no oat crop "of Robertson county was never better than tbe present year. From presentindicatlons the yield of corn In this section will be immense. In some sections of our county the reports from the wneat yield 13 anything but encouraging. The ClarksTille Tobacco Leaf of the 9th inst. has the following from Erin, Houston county: "There. have been twelve deaths from cholera slnco June 24, eight whites anu tour colored. Tnos. A. Guman, com mission merchant, died there of cholera last week. W. J. Thoma?, freight agent, was attacked with cholera, but i3 recovering. Business houses are nearly all closed. The I doctora have fled the place and left the peo ple to take care of themselves." Tne McMinnvme Hew Era of-tho 10th inst. says: Our eld and greatly respected fellow citizen, Thos. Kell, was in town last Thursday, wearing a pair of cotton pants, the cloth of which was spun and wove, and tha pants made by his wifa fifty years ago. The pants are perfectly sound In all their parts, never having been patched or mend- cu iii Akij oiiujrc oiuio Lucy ncic uiou ujauc, ito in tho early days of the ancient couple's married life. Mr. Kell 13 now eighty three years old, and walks as spry and as erect as most of our young men; and we hope he may last as long as the pants, which look as though theyhad a quarter, of a century's good service in them yet. The Pulaski Citizen ci' tha 10th instant says : The following Is vouched for by re sponsible parlies : Mr. Jas. Paisley, who lives near Pleasant Hill, in Giles county, has a hon that has been upon tha place twelve or fourteen years. She layed eggs, hatched and scratched for chickens, and at tended to all the business that usually fals to the lot of hens during all tbb time up. to a few weeks ago, when sho suddenly quit all these habits and commenced to be a rooster. She dropped the cackle and com menced to crow, her comb grew up bright and red and lier tail sprouted a magnificent suit of drooping variegated feathers, and she now goes thiough the whole routine of business that roosters generally attend to. Sho has likewise become young again, and stmts about with the alacrity and vi'ai of a youug rooster not out of his teens The Pulaski Citizen says: A Pulaski lawyer rusticated in Lawrence during tha cholera scare, and while there spent his time in angling. Ono day a friend came across him quietly sitting upon tho bank of one of the beautiful streams kthat meander through the county, his pole firmly wed ged under a rock and his eye fixed on the cork. Tho usual questions elicited the facta that he had been fishing there three hours, hadn't got a bite, and that ho baited with a frog. The friend sat down to talk and help watch, and during tha time noticed a chunk sticking out of tho water and a frog quitet ly sbnning liimself on it. "Did you say you were fishing T?ith a frog?" "Yes; and it's poYerful poor bait, or there's mighty few fish here." "Well, yonder's your frog on that chunk." The lawyer raised his pole, and sure enough the frog fell from tho chunk and camo to the bank with the book. A GREAT GEOGRAPHICAL FEAT. One of the most remarkable exploits of modern geographical research was recently recounted by its performer before the Rojil Geographical Society. In 1872 2Tey Elias, a distinguished English traveller, started from Pekiu westward to cross the great desert of Gobi, aud in honor of bis splendid march of two thousand miles to Western Mongolia and his survey, which ho accomplished un aided, ha has just received tha Founder's Gold Medal of the Itoyal Geographical So ciety. His total journey from Pekin, China, to St. Petersburg, across tho heart of Asia, is probably the longest land journey on re cord, and one of the most Interesting to geographers. While his astronomical ob servations for latitude and longitude fur n:Bh, for the first time, the data necessary to lay down the geography of Central Asia on a mathematical basis, his other explora tions enable us to form a clear ide. of physi cal structure and interior characteristics of ths great Continent. Thebk is a girl at 'Marietta, Georgia, who extorted a confession from her lover that he was worth tut one hundred dollars and some clotbig, and was too poor to marry. Now tb's cruel creature looked searchlngly into his face and said: "And is this tho reason you have postponed so often our marriage?" "Yes," he replied. "Then,' she said, "it shall bo so no longer wo will get married." And the poor young rnirtyr was cut off in the prime of youth and single blessedness. Thus are the weak oppressed and the cruel made strong. Can a bullet be said to resemble a sheep when it grazes? C H. DAVIS. PRINTERS AND A. B. XAVEL. E. EASTMAN. EASTMAN & TAVEL, PUBLISHERS, STATIONERS, STEAM PRINTERS, AND ( MANUFACTURERS OF BLANK BOOKS, Arc constantly receiving; supplies or Envelopes, Writing and Fine Wrap plHff Paper of every description, Invoice and Letter Iloobs, Gold Steel I'cns, Flnlils, etc., all ot which they aro J SclUnc at tlie LOWEST JPKICES. b 3XTo, 48 -CTlXrXOIKr aTHSHT. my25 ly lstp AGRICULTURAL KEDZIE'S CELEBRATED WATER FILTER, JUST RECEIVED ASTD FOR SAJLE B A. M . jy3 2w lstp WHOLESALE J. W. TERRASS & CO., (8UC0ESS0RS TO TERRASS & YAHBBOUGH,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, (jOlDSffl MBRCMNT8 L AND DEALERS IX PROVISIONS, dec25eod;iy IOO Barrels Old Robertson County Whisky; SO Ilnrrols Old Lincoln County Whisky; SO Barrels Old Bonrbon Whisky; 50 Barrels Old Hyo Whisky; 25 Barrels Old Peach nud Apple Brandy; 25 Barrels California Grape Brandy; 25 Barrels California fort Wine; 25 Barrels California Sherry Wine; f 25 Barrels Angellco Wine; 25 Bankets Champagne; ' 'Wf 600 Boxes Clears; SO Caddies 'lobacco, all kinds; 50 Caddies Undo Ned Tobacco; 50 Caudles Log Cabin Tobacco; And a large assortment of FKESH. CANNED GOODS, all of which will ba eold ver cheap at -wholesale . DlliUtf, WINS TE AD & NATE, apZ) eod till febl3,74 lstp 56 North College Street, between Union and Square. WHOLESALE !ITE, FOSTER s& CO., IMPOBTEBS AND "WHOLESALE DEALERS IS DHY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC., NAS il YILIiE, TEHN. WE ABE If O W IN RECEIPT OF OUB SSPZO.XDKTG- STOCK F'OR 1S78, To which we Invite tho attention of tho Trade. mh2 eodlj lstp PRACTICAL MACHINIST. 2IAXUFACTUKEH OF AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, No 94 SOUTH CHEKUY STREET, - - NASHVILLE, .TENJi PARTICULAR AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL KINDS OK. JOBBIG "Work, and where the bill eicoeds the amount or S30, the work will ba done at Cincinnati price Fall lines of Patterns always on hand, and two Pattern Makers constantly employed. Mill al chinery and Pulleys a specialty. mhl3 eodly lstp GENTLEMEN'S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. DEALER IN A SUPERIOR QUALITY OF C L OTHING THE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO AS INSPECTION OF OUR SPRING STOCK OF CLOTHING EMBRACING ALL THE LATEST AND MOST APFK0YED EUROPEAN PK0DUCTI0NS. apl eod tilljanW, 74 WEEKLY THE PAPER POR THE PARMER, The Weekly Union and American, TIIEGREAT NEWSPAPER. Every Issne contains Twelve Pascs-Scventy.Two Colnmns-of Sewa, Editor, lal, Agricultural aad Miscellaneous Beadlnff Matter. THE AGRICULTURAL Alonolis worth tea times the ISnbscrlptlonlPrice. O NITS' TWO DOM,ARS A5YEAR. E.3II. WIH3 STATIONERS. K. H. HOWELL. HOWELL, MACHINERY, ETC. DPEBODE &, CO. GROCERS. LIQUORS, ETC., DRY GOODS. PUBLIC SQUAUE. NEWSPAPERS. 3Vr-X2-OXX SO, 1830." DEPARTMENT viiW