t r- i r SFSifi STOCK. Oar sto k this season is nnnsasllj large and beaotifal. and have been selected WITH GREAT CARE, to which we iavite the U teniioa vf alL We feel safe la saving that we can offer BE TTEB . For Less Money Than baa crer beea ieen la this market be fore. We will take pleasure In showing onr stock Soever one who will fare us with a call. GEHTLEfilEHS' VAR. Tto Calf Pomp Sole Boots ; " Stitched - - Cocfreu Gvilers; Pump Sol " " " S iate Edge " " Urap Shoes; Oxford Tie, " Patent Lather Opera U iters; Stitched " Pump Sot " Oxford lies; Strapped fcboes; BUck I ailing Coogn s trailers; Oxford Tie; " Brigana; " Quilt Congress Gaiters; Men's Pegged Work. Our "lock in tbia lin of Goods ia Tcrjr large and complete. udies' ieib. adtes Super Black LaMitg Congrera Gaitera, with and wilLoul heels; die. Sup.r B ack lining Side Lara Gaitera, villi an! without bcela; Ladle super Blark Laxting Front Lace Gaitera, with aoa wttJcut beeU; adis bLte aud bronzed Button-hod Gaitera; broused Congreaa beat do; supar K-ghsB Calf do; - " frost lacs Boots, with and without bee la; Ladira n kid Cor ar ess root be Boota.wilh and w:taut .tela; Ladles da KhI toppers, with aad without be la; M Velvet Cia'd Mppia,witb iu wuaoainecis; TuiUt sSUpycta, a bad4 -ma variety. Misses and Children. Oar atKk of tlsro and Cbildr.e'a Sbnea ia very lut ad vf haadaoas style aad quality Boys and Youth's. W ear a very largo epvck ef all sty let, both aew4 aad pof(d. Also lb ael.brat.d Cxppar Tpy4 for B'jra, klUaesaad Chlldra. - Our Stock Of fTtUUa Sanaa ia cmp!ta. A! Ilaara 8rr att'aaaeas ot it fry east aaallty. - TRUNKS. ftaai'ssa. ! Laath.eTraaka.ali ttyi Ladiea " F roach "Cabin" Traska, a.wartiela. Loaia" ' fWtaer with aa .adl.sa variety af chMpor Traats aaaaa.Bavcb.U, Ladles Bgs,o. Ia Ib.aaGoa f aall.aea aaaipuua whothov saad. HCKS t In aXkOPt B A R a A.I N S. Ii havoa ssmall tek af 6dda aad XaaH wkiek s h kaaght TtXET CHEAP far Caak. UNYDEIX V FRIZZELI Xs. tl fstlilU Mro "Pm (Boobs, tu: lL'C.-MiAIM l tO. CATALOGUE IN PART or JlgB0. Oar Catskgu refer a lot partially to the GOODS (kept by or) in their respective departments. To our frienda and patrons we beg to say, tbat our stock will be equal, if Dot superior to any we barn heretofore offered; and we most respectfully invite aa examination of it,asaorlug all wbo may favor os with a call, that tbey will fixd our prices uniformly low, and our term a moat liberal, alio lug a band aom LISCOCNT for ail cash bills. W are now re ceiving our at -ck daily . SILKS, DRESS GOODS, AND STUFF GOODS. Black Italian Snks.all wlctbs. Groa lfer.bii.es Ljols, every width and quality. Lyou Ores b'Napa.bl'k and col'U. BUck l.QVUs, medium and heavy. Black Armure Bo ale. Rub f uult Ite S-.e. Rich Puck 1 e tn, Bnysdere aad Plain. Groa I"ef at IS. toil boiled. Rich Cbtne, extra rich. Rich Robes, two to U-u volaata. Black Velvet, Lyon. Black -aiiiiS, White Mik egcaand Oil Silka. Buck aud colored Challica. PopLus, Bayaiere,Clieueaiid Broche. Crista, Liglub ai.d lulwulail color a. Crape Le:Ke. Orieuul bareges and Tiraues. Urenadiijca ai.d Ioiia Cktbs. i)eLaiiekal laid aud Printed. liclaiaea, ricii cbinu colors. i!eriajs,bi'k , Uue and col'd. Alrattat, bi'h.ioi'd and Bncade. BUck B.Hi.bMiiut.'a, WiLter auufcunitLer fabric. MureensturSkirts. Grass Cloth for Skirts. Uair lUu Taikui rUloe,coUh. ItiLboLS and Trlmmingsa French Tonnel Bibbona, every atyla. Paris auab KibboLa, eirgai.1. Velvet bibbons, full bclvaga. Cj Kiblx.oH. Fuji Uuuruitg Ribboca. Fringes lor MutilUa and Dreabca. Ladies' Promenade Suits We open t'uis day a second Invoice cf full SuiU lor Lit dies. .Made op. Wrapping Department. In tbia department will be found a very large and well "elected clock of Black Silk Mautiliaa. Uluck Lace Jluulillaa. Llack Lace i'oints. llandsuuie Grcuudinc Shaw ls, liandeotiiv Grenadine Scarla. Meu's &. Bojs9 FumLvhing Goods. Iu Ibif dt-partnirnt may be found every kind aud quality of gtKxla Decesoary to a Gentle man's complete outtit, coubisiing iu pari of CLOTUS, CASSIilLRES AND VESTINGS. To be made up SHIRTS AND COLLARS. All sizes aad qualities. GLOVES. Kid. Silk and LU'e. HOSIERY. Every size and price. Silk, Liuen and Lawn Handkerchiefs. Suspendens. Cravats and Ties. Uodemear of erery vaiielj. AVUITE GOODS, Cuosining of a larca flock of Irluli I Joena of good kith, aad ujauulactur.J expnaily for R. C. McNAIRY & CO. AIM, Pillow Linen, 1-incn Fkeetmg, Table Pa mask, TabU Clotlii, all s s. A con. pic le aaat HmH A Towebi, Nai kina.and polices, all siss and rkss Cuitoa aad Lia.a luta. labile aad Colored Toilet QuilU. JacitU CaaibrK, ' Svui. Ft.. ad ritorodf oisa. hit and Colored T-rMoe BialK'p Lau. Ui an lauia tHn My. Curded " Una Jcauett Moalla. Franck back - Mall BARGAIN COUNTER. Tbia ia ajtit a feature ia ear More. Upon On Counter af soli a groat aaaay gNds at le tlta fcalf their CM. All ?aat style of any gooda are ascribed hoc, aa well aa aaaay other very desire hie goods. R. C, McNalry & Co, aaartl-lf ' 6it Lux et Lux Fvlt COAL OIL LAMPS WEhav jt rtrc.4 aaotber sapply of Coal Ml lamp., aote.bg htca ar. aoor y haadauane aUTartr Bmrler., all StU-4 w.lbb C-.lio bortter fate b ta tbe IM iterotnu.ot cu u lotaxwaarablv aaorwr la aty 4h.r Uaao aow hofotw tbe pabl for aoftaoM aad ot.adi of tm, rroodaas ftns akOkS.slmp'Kny la mrrmuum, hoaa'y adal. ganaora gstah .eioaebneaaaad .cac4a . Oa Lasaa ill five in. llgh og foar oaadlM doo at sust uUMtUOM- Ta Oil wa aavo isaaroa to ar ia taoM lsatpaai a eioar , baaat fol article, f re rrua aay oflTsaaiva adr, !... a.g.oaaosrM k.a Mrut aaa oarpot or eiotbiai aaa win ao.ipia. AIM.HKoWN a CO. Wfcaloaal. Bon II Praggiaw, Xo. la telie ttwm, UlSW tea aaar.l4C COSCEXTUATED POTASn. Xortthan DoulUthf Slrengthof Ordinary Polatk C'OR making &p wlthooilime, wftli little trooble A7 and attriitiiicrespease. The eneapcslarticle ever discovered for the purpose. One rwunJ will make twelve or fifteen gallons of gocd Soft boap, or lim. pouud. Hard oojp Printers will find it a superior I urticioforcleaoingtype. ItiaperfecUy aolubleand ; 'ree from lmpurita- ! RrokeniaamaiUumpsaDd pat op in 1,2, 4 and I cans. i Manaf:ictored at the CHALLEXGE CHEMICAL f ?OKKS, Brooklyn ndsold by , R.nrRKEEfcCO.. i aet3-dawly Ifil PirlBireet,New York. A BLOODLESS VICTOR ! ! ! 1,000,000 Boxes Sold ef MAGNETIC PLASTER ryinpunorraoue quantity of tbit Invaluable Reme- X d y bac been urciia.e uy iiiizensoi inei unea Suitei duriogtbe short time it has been before the public. Tbe reason for thieextraordinary Succeef n siuipiy in the actual truth and value ol the articie. oooe buys tile MAUMKill' ri.AytK witnout io cominzita friend. It perlorms all tbai is promised and carries with it iu own recommendation. Truly thiEilia victory peavefuland bloodies but we be. Here not I ess glorious than tlietriumpbs'oi war, with itf fain of carnage and desoUtiou The MAUNLilC PLAilfcK is undoubtedly tbe Greatest Slreustbener and Paiu Iientroyer tbat Sci ence has vel discovered. II you putlkif l'lasierany wuere.il Painis there. tbe Planter wil Istick there untiltbePainbavvanisbed . InePlasteimagnetixcf he Pain away ,aud PuiceannotexUiwRcrrtbuPIastfiisapplie ctbbuinatisiu , Lnuieutti .-jiiuuens, weakness L'e bility ..N'ervousuess, -S'euralEMi, Uy(-e)sia, Cough and Colds, Pains and Aches ol every kind, down eve to Corn, are I M ur.PlA l r, I. r rir.i.ir. r,ana,witn Ulepaueuce.l'KKJIANENTLY CtKtH,by the mag calinQucnceof tbe - AGXETIC PLASTEK. It is tut 4i in piest.su rest ,sai a t, ile.tsaritesindcheapesirem ody in exuteuce . Its tpiicttit Ltsuuiversal eiua! ly lothcstroiifr man .the ielicate woman , and the feebieiufatit. To each and al lit willprove a Bala od arilesning . Its u!e s ir9able.nuu withcul ac n-iyanct or trouble . I ts pr ire it within reach otall neb or poor; alim.tr bavei t, ano alUhould baveil whoare sick, and eulTcritii iu any way . FAKMK.KS and PHNIKR5 should always be sup plied witbthe MAGNETIC PLASTER. It will l-o th Good PbysicianiB any household ,roady stall imcs and at iu stall t notice . Putupin tir-tigbllio boxes. Each box wii.makf ixtoeij;btpUslcra and any child can apread their Pri:eXntFbox .witl.rull andplain litections. . c. noiti:iiE.u, iti. a. Inrmtorand Propritt r,l Walker tlrtet.Seto Tori MORrHKAI''!- MAGNET it PLASTEK I S ?OLl ALL lKl-OGI3Ti AMI OtALKiiS IN GENUINE MtlliaNk-S EVERYWHERE. July24-deodsweowly in HM 1 LiO Y 1 K Vr . AC A A MONTH AND ALL EXPEN3F3 PAID. Ov An .gem is wanted iu every town sn-lcoun ty in tbe L'nitcd htatra, to engag. In a respeciable aud easy businena by bica tue above prohta msy be cert-'unly realised. For lurtber rnriiculars ad. fires Ir. J. Hexkt Warxkr. corner 12th street and Broadway, New York City, enclosing one Postage stamp frb21-daw.tm Prince Imperial Champagne lx ts, EPLR.MY. D YEACGEiCofeS FRANCE. Sold by all rcsp-'ctable Dealers throughout the Counlry. Tm line brand of Cham -sine, which nntil the past year w.cs confined exclusively to the best ta bles of tbe Continent of Europe, Iims dow cbtained the most unbounded success and popularity in this country. It is reci tuuieui'ed by s me of the first Physicians of tbe city iT New York, over all other wines, on acccui.tof its extreme purity and delica cy, and tboae who oui e try it rarely use any other brand. Although only one year has eUpsed since Us introduction into tins courtry , Ihe dm.aud is enormous, aud consiunily ii.creasing. Our arrange munis are suth as to ci.ture the quality of the Wine being muii.taii.ed at its present high standard. Ihe Prince Imperial is imported solely hy us, we being tliu solo Agc-bla of lirssrs. Da Vsxooa At Co., in this couutry. E. V. HALVHWOUT k CO. Nog. 4S8.400 ami 4ir2 Broiflway , Nc-w York. Sold it N-shvilie by M. & E. F. CHEATHAM. Coi ner ol Church aud College sta. niar9-3rnd G oil's Patrnt Knitting Machine, For Fcmily and riawiation Ise, MAKEc all kinds of II-:ery ,T ppeis.l'ndcrsleaves and many other articles ui wearing Hpiutrel, iroui Wooleu. Cuttou and Mlk Varu. Everv Family aud Planter sliuuid hat c one. H. C. 1JCA, General Agent, 675 Broadway, New York. AGENTS WANTED. marl3-dam tnUhtU JLMJMi. . . .Joua b. aPBKsoa CIIIUCH ANDERSON & CO., WHOLESALE GUOCEKS ANO o. SO College afreet, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. marUU-lf Oafe! Oats! 1 AAA r-UHIHS of A No. 1 fats, just received 1UUW aud lor saie by mar2:-tf CHtlXH AXIiU'.SO.V & CO. lltn aiinii Glass fce tl. VY 7 E have on hand a lure quantity of the best Huoxalliiu OrKS-.-e.d, 1jk;o wo are selling low. Llii.lkt.il A . 1 t-i' a. vv. nmr'29-tf Tar! Tar! T"! E have just received a lame le t of TAR, and V are om ring it at :u lowest iifture. niaris-if liaUCH AM'FIOON & CO Wlii-kj! Wliiaky! AVliisky! "lTE have iu st-re a lame quant ly of the best of ft all kinds ol the purest Will.- KV. Ail ye lov ers of the e&a nce ol corn i:ve us a sft nn tall. mar-.MJ-tl C'lit'KtH WwKCtt midiies! Sundrifs! TOU ran Dnd,at all lirres.at our store, all kinds X of Uroi erKB, sutb as ugas, lucre, iioiascs trust sc.. ac. Ac. maiiV-tf CIH'RCH ANPEKSON k CO. For ltfitt or Lease. I Wil l, rent or Iraw my place near the Mnrfrees 1 horo' Pike toB'H (roin the city forihe present y-ar, or with lo piivih-ge ol live years. There is a eoovrment frr.ck Iiwcii.u Willi kit bea and kkI Mables, and a splendid well of excellent wal-r. there are to el e acri-ji of suerir Und suilab-e fur raiS'i-K ail kiuUs ol maraetinii. lebiS-U Li'115 LEWLJ. CLAItK, GKE(sOill & CO., POLE IROPKUTt ES CF CLAItK FULLLirS AMBROSIAL OIL, To whom all orders must be addressed. Agetey cf all tie Etatdird Patent Vedicises Ladies' Cil Toilet Cream, Ctcoannt and MTal&ut Caady. I K 1 U V , 21 follf'f ftntl, (fjtilr Jtvnnrc Horse. IVufthvillr, Ttnn. nar.'S-tf PURE TABLE WINES. E. LA31BEUT & CO., COLONNADE BUILDING. 53 Cherry at., 53 Cherry st., 9 1)13) to rail tie sttrelmn ef their friends and of . 1 Ut public to the Wet that thoy bit lor t-i. vFinrs cnrqualird la nnrnf.s md ferity; - 1 Urgrr Vnrict j than tin be found buj- vlicre the; 1 Tirietj of fine TTiorttUl ten be fonnd nowhtre clsc,itpricrs that ihfy couipe ; tition. Aa we dl only In Wln we are DETER MINED to uudeiell all otbrrw Iu I be trade. Parties dtaiilug to purcliae i!lcnnlt ibelr lntcrt by gfvlnj ua a call and COMTAHE our U'Lnes aud Prices U foie purchasing else where. Errry article Importtd aaJ wld bj os war rautcd ?:auicc. K. TL For IL-t of Wluea call and get a circular, sent free ty mail. E. LAMBERT A CO, OlBca aad Sampl Hoom, No. 63, Cherry aL ar27-tf , . : ."; ' Grates and Jlautelpieces. WI have riff large Mark Parlor KaaiW-s aad Jmmh Urtu, rfv)r,n aud is. Fwdee offvarsMM "&tev; WrbliBPd Ir M.B a. Ja KtMit a M1SCHIX, gvUbakf ku. a. 14 CUia. otrMU k - I860 SPRING.STOCX! JOHN RAJVIAGE, . No, 42 College atreet, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, WOULD call attanUon to tia large and hand, somo stock of Boots and Shoes, Of every description and atyle; selected with great care lr m the best makers, all made of the bast ma terial, and workmanship anrartassed. Tbe variety and quality of my Stock is such that the taste of all cam be suited, and I am prepared ts ouer luetu at tue motsl satisfactory prices. For Genlienieu. Super French Calf Pump aad Stitched Boots; Congress Gaiters of Frercb Calf, Morocco, Patent leather, Calf, Kn, Lasting and CI -th. Oxfords of French C.f, Lastirg, Calf, Kid and Mo. roeco; Walking Dress Shoe of every description, a., Ac For ladles. French Lasting. Julian Cloth, Glove Kid Gaiters, ruaius auu cuppers; French and English Kid Congress and Lace Boots. Misses and Children's Boots and shoes, Congress and Lac Gaiters, Slip. pers, tc, i;c , ic. Hoys and Youth's Boots, Shoes and Ualtera of every style, both for , arers ana service. My supply of Peeeed Work, for Men. Women nH Children, is very large; and will bo add at the low est price. jUUX RAMAliE, mar31-tf 42 Co.lege rt. BU(TS, SHOES, AM) ftUTEKS. A. V. RUTLAND, JVo. 30 Cnlon atreet, (SUCCESSOR TO J. B. k A. V. RUTLAND,) TS now receiving one of the most complete assort m menta or Hours AM cHOEs ev. r brought t tis market, which has been selected with great can Irom the best Manufacturers, expresrly for th Ka ' tail Trde, cumpriaing in part as loUows: X For the Liv tiles. Ladiea blsck an brown French Lasting Congresf 1 UHiters, with bels; ' Ladies black and brown Cloth Laced G Iters, heel i and no heels; Ladies bluck and brown Buttoned Lasting Gaiters; heel and no bee Li; Ladies Glove Kid Cungreta Gaitera, with and with out tienle; Ladies Extra Fine Kid Bootees, with and without heels; " Ladies Kxtra Fire Kid Slippers, heel and no heels Laced llohetts, Ladies Extra Fine Eng. Kid Slippers, w ith heels 1 aced Rosette; Ladies white Kid and Satin Slippers, heel and no he-a; I adies Velvet Spppors; Fcglifh Lasting Slippers; Kid Buskins auu Toilet Mipperi. For ticnilf men. Gentlemen's Super French Calf Pump Boots, best sty les Super Krt-neh Calf Stitched Boots, best styles; $ uper French Call rump Cong rest Gaiters; Ulove Kid and P. L. Coutress Gaiters; Calf Pump aud benched Oxford lies; buckskin Congress (i.nU-rs. B .y 's, Mh-s.-saud Children's .Shoes of all kinda and quaiiUes. Servant's hoes of every kind All of which we w ill sell very cheap for Cash. Call at No. SO Union street. ti.ar.y-lt A. V. RUTLAND. 1SC0 Spring Supplies. 1860 Blackmail & Gillespie, DEALERS IN Hoots a nil Shoes, COH. SQUAUI2 AMJ MAltKlir ST., Nashville. Tennessee, HAVEjuil received their large aud elegant as sorluient ol Spring Goods, coi-sisiing ol every variety and style of BOOTS AND SHOES, (nmohg which are mauy articles that, (or elegtnce ttfdesiguaud biuty of fiuisuanuut be surpassed by any in the market,) J LI UA'ES, VALISES, BONNET BOXES, all of which are ottered on the most favorable terms. The public. ar invited lo caU and examine this stock. mar21-d2m BOOTS AND SHOES. Farrar, Dismukes & Co. Are receiving their SPRING STOCK of COOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Carpet liags,&c OUR stock this Spring ts very large aud beaulifal. aud goiteu up witu the greule.st care, as lo tin Ulrsl and best lyls by the best manufacturers, w. e are well prepared to f uruisli PLANTATION AND tAHi UOAU SUOV1S, Ail in waul of SHuES will do well lo call on us as w w i l soil them at i-dW PRU KS. FAKKAK. UI.-tyCKKS CO., marlO-2 n No. 46 College Street, Nashville. t. x. arsakV. BIUKT BTKRHl J. N. & H. SPERRY. j WHOLESALE GROCKRS. J Couin;lKi-ion, Iieceiviog mod Forwarding MERCHANTS, AND DEAU-RS IN Pore Wines and Brandies. AIso-i)cnmtic Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, 4c. No. 63 Market street, Gordon 'a Block, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. HAVING associated ourselvee together for tbe tbe pur-oe ol transactiug a Gtorral Grocery, i-uiniiNiiwu ana iwceivug an J rorwaruin ousluea. we leel assured, from a luug expera-no in this bust oess, that we can giv. satitlacihm to a II wbo mar la tor us wiUi thiir iitruuage. It is our inieuliou u keep coni-tauliy Iu store a well aarwrted slock m Gra ce'ies, W iucs and Liquors, and our ui-trrm iinu a to cll thetu a. cheap a. they CjU lie b-iught elawber. J. a U. M FitKY. We ar now loceivug a Urg and complete assert mi tt ul Grocrrtc-a, W tue., Liq.tors, Cigars aud T U.CCO.I0 wliicb weinv.te your alie. twiu. Our slock cousicla iu paut ui lite luliwaiug aritcits: Hgar and lofJre. 60 bh'la. Sugar;, 10 boxes Boston Loaf 1M) bol. pow. a crush do; bO buht U e au CvLoeMig r; law bga bat.wor CoOe. At luea aud I lquora. 400 bbbl recHQcd W hjdiv ; tO du N.i,,mi A. SO lu llubm.oncw. u; 1 pks Brandy ,VmeA.iB hundrtea. 00 boxen Star CaadUs; itw pkga Pafsitia; eov krg N.tis; lov) box i'uku s Catsup: lou bucaCbees: 60 do Oy tiers; MO groe. Matches; low boxe. T.cus; . luu uo Masou'atlUcking;iOO reams W r-ii. Paper: 60 bcxri,rieti'a snuO; lot! do letter Paper; W reels Ultuo Kope; 1X bES h(4: loO Uoi Miiied bucket; -O ki-ga bar Le tt; frO ari da lubs; HO k.U Mackerel Fa-h: W doa !.. Boar, s; o baa l .iir a b,HC; w ttriiiijiKUM ivv Duxro t,ruund OiBfrr 4oi bolrst.iaSj.aai; aud 1'eppcr. but) artieaa 6uy ra Figt; Cljara and Tobacco. SO.OO0 Henry Clay Cigars; SI A' Nap hooo ooj 1,X La Cumpct.ttoa ligara, imported; 14.' 00 uriiuii Cgar, arMia br.BtU; 100 Ur' Kooaiug Tuhacc; ftd koxea Languora a Arsaattead Tobaroo: 1 no J. A. Clay da; Si do E. 1. aha d: 60 da Teaaraae lnbveeo, varkvaa Oraala; And aa.tBj ether arucae U-o aatM-rva. tu meutaua J. N H. M iBUV , arlD-tf M Market tU.Nashvaia, Teaa. Conger's Saloon. ATtbia New itieea oa Market street, a oar I'alca a substarlial LUNCH wUl bo reg.larty set vary aor at It a'eWica. aaary eaig at 'ciorfc. a.20-a 1CH! lCU!t UiF.t'l W1 t aav apcroar lea DtMl la th reare v ta. fbt baaa.aaa wal i . cbes a. .ay ia the bur ki t lit t. aa g4. Ucr Ic. m uwta Par Mil', ia rtroa saw B'lrvfc aaniUe.aad raaA . axbtoivwi. of Ut W t Sprtf t aatavia laata.fraoa f-r t eight BBCuca U.H.K. VT. miU acwa a ta Cowry aw.t a C UcCraryA grvcry 4or. ahaxit aa I JL . B E. a J.J GASJU.rr trflStOWt3LA.aai aaalrty ,f alla.aaaroBi I! by iataj aa.fvraaJoat eyU . - - ULad.tCTX ItCO r fsaidnailXtarDi; Dtt.W. .IVo.miMiOT , ... . (LATB OF KNOXVrLLK,TE3fX. J? r : TENDEKShisprofeesionalaervicetta thecitlxecs of Nasbvilleand vicinity. Be has been actively engaged ia tb practice of his Profession ia all its braDchef for tbe last sixteen years, and hopes. by atrictattentiotto beabletorenderaatisfactionto'all wbo may favor him with acall. , , OfficoNo. 42XCherrvatreet,eearCapt.StockeU'a new residence. ResidencePearistreetocth Nash villa. - -- apr25-dtf Oil. JOHN W. JMORTON, ftesideaccCor- College and Watxini'Aveiiue (FOBaSKLT use STKKXTj . , , ; Office Ka. 63 North Cherry Street. ' J an 27 l f pnsincss Carta. K. J. LTUCS. cbo. w. arrcaurcf LYLES K IIITCIIINGS, SLAVE DEALERS, No. 33 Cedar atreet, XasuviUc, 'tennessee, -TTtriLLat all times buy Negroes suitable for th t? New Orleans market. All persona havuiif Ne- (iuc. i bkh wmpiease give us a call. july21-tf LVLES HITCHINGS. WILLI A M W. KN OX, BELL HANGER, LOCKSMITH, KEY FITTER, HAVING! ncreased business facilities J am now prepared to hang Bells, litKeysud make Locks -uuueiators, Mgnal Beiis.sud Sjwaking Tuboa.with patentAlarm Whistles JorUotels.steam" boats,Loomotives,audall other euiliccs, furnished v- -fi n oijr ie, oitne nest material. and on reasonable ternis. ALSO. Ile-gilding and Re-bronxing Chandaliera. - csuuieurasior uas or Ull.SO as to look equal to new. a-Particularatteution given to genera I Jobbing. Orders from the couutry promptly attended lo. Corner of Broad and Cherry Street! may!4-ly NAeJ1 llk, Tana. Sheltou's Marble Works ! Charchstreet,nextdoor to Corneliua'eCahinet-tbc iMaaliville, Tenn. rIHEandersignet.wouluiuform hisfr lends jl anutnepublicgeneraliythathe wil Icon inuethe MARBLE BLslNtssi u thiscity. at aisjnop, next door to Cornelius 'i Cabinet-' nop, on cnurcnatreet nd calleatsntion ta he stock ef fflstrble iriouumeiita, Xomba, etc. Thicbhe haaonexhibition and for sale.embraeln. rreat variety .duished in tha mnm itw.ri. Heiaprepareo to manufactureon the shortest uotic .! L V lB,'salli and every description o Uarble Uork, oithe tlnest American and lul tn Marble. Hi work will, as heretofore, be war J .iri ibrCkVIUIIklinilliei. I ui 1 1 K. L. SH ELTON WHOLESALE DRV GOODS. Uatt, Bostt if Shoes, Beady Made Clottiny . Hardware, Qutenswart, &ic. Sic Ea T1SABI-E & v H. LUCAS. IV o. ?3 Public Square. "1T7E will sell every description of Winter Goods v v at low figures to closf out aa near as possible before receiving our Spring slock. Our Mr. LUCA. is now in the Eastern cities soliciting consignments aud purchasing ob lots for ensh and short time pa per, and we promise our customers aud Merchants, making their purchases in this market, that our stuck will be Urge aud attractive, and we pledge our selves lliat our houso shall be head quarters for good bargains Tor cash and short, prompt paper, jaiilo u TRAbt'E a; LUCAS. ARMSTRONG & CO., No. 69 Market Str Nashville, Tennessee. W1 E have now on hand a full md rnnnUa sortmeut of MACHl.K.-i I upi fc' u t vr v which we oder at the very low est prices: ' iroolar Saw MUls, double and single ; Hale's Cider Hill and Corn Sheller; Sinclair's Straw Cutters; Wheat Drills; Miller's Steel Plows;' Field Boilers, &c sepl4-tr ARMSTRONG & CO. LIGHT ! L.lGUTl "l LUNAR LIGHT. The Rest, Safest and Cheapest ARTIFICIAL LIGHT x r iv ii v o iv ii it rpHIS Light waa awarded the First Premium at tneKentucky Mechanicfe'IustituteFair ,Novcm berl4 ,185S.audlue First Silver Medaland Diploma at IheCuicago Mechanics' I nstiiule Fair, September, iii uviugtue uesi ,saiest ana cneapesuignl ln existence. JOSEPH SPEKIIS, NashviileDepotl'or LampauuUila. Lador Odd Fellows' Hall, anr7-tr NASH VILLE.TENN. Coal . Coal! Coal! A LL persons desiring a srPERioa article of Coa A. entirely Iree Irom Slatb or Ciokb and making ouly Skvxx r cent, ashes, should send an order lo tue .fcuia Coal Yard, where they can obtain the most ecouuuiioal Coaliu the city at the following low pri ces : Large Selected Lump, 21 cents per Bushil: ScrefUcd or Rouud, 1J " Blacksiuiiii's or Fine, 15 ' " Orders can be left iu Box 94, P. O.. or at the Yard back or the S. kC. R, R. Depot. de-i-tf SAML. J AG NEW. M. A. PAMItOl & CO., Produce, Commission AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Fronting ou College and market ataM South of Broad, Ttashvllle, 'Venuesssce. Baar27-tf HAY. too bslea Prime Timothy Hay; lvO bale Race Horse Hsy. CORN. SOO0 busbela Shelled Corn; low teed " tOi) tar BALED OATH. 100 bales Oata; 100 " Straw. SHINGLES. 600 bnndlea Prime Shingles; WAGON SPOKES. 25,000 Wagon Spokea. SfcED OATS. 1000 bushels Peuna) Ivama Oata. MEAL. 100 baabela Family Meal. POTATOKS. 60 barrels Northera Potatoes. -Tb above articles sr. ou consignment and will be Sold chts.p to rloM. iuari7-tf M. A. PARR1SH f iDrrt) Stablts. M'FERR AN'S LEVIATHAN LIVERY STABLE, NOIiTH MARKET STREET. THE aaderaigned bets leave to to form his friends aud tb. public Ibat be baa still on band a Dum ber or handsome vehicle of all kinds, aud a aplea did stud of bugsy and saddl Dunn, for th. b td fait y out g genuon CUl'Kfl.St, tjLI'ti.lluNr,4.r for th accoDiiui-datiou of Young Ameraa and Young A mertra 's s w-eetbea r t. W bat man living, ol any sort of progreaaivespirlt. woulu b.conteut to snail !t behind H (W Hui when b. knows thai aa ANIMAL OF M'lRIT could b. obtained AT TUE LEYLUDiX STABLES. Parties desiiiof Coacbesfor "PlCNiO."aad safa aad carelul lrivtr, houtd bo; forget what tU pa. Cra aaid about iM Coaca, from tb Lviatba vaaT tiaaua,oa Norih Xarkrt.uawt. J.C altiJiRAX, sp20-tf ProbTMior; LIVERY STAHLE. itTM.T.wmuui vo.,wealCrepet- mmm 4 iui inej Uav. r ; arcttaaet. th wel Isaoa t Liver) ub w 6d lb, ,lutk Md axtares.fora erly mcm by Wia.J.pbilip Market Slrwl In I btiui lUt. Han.r. Bad th public euerally lhat they hsv U. ittt jrumtlsii .ad tux.ai.M.i. ... date Irovers .aad a I ..ar irieads w be oaay favor a. witbtbeir patruboce. vraalodge4ereivetoivaitsfartle laalleaaea W.aavos Urgeaattoberoiaaeriaddl Uoraesaad a Bangir.to bre at aliumes rh.fa-iiatwdnaHatodeleg,rpasst byaf abiei. t Be artbrBcaatry . Campion g aad yoara.lv. f.bJ-ly WM.T. WRICBTaCO. lllde, OR & Leather Store, TT KIRK PAT SICK a SOXS.S. l SWrra Taiaa ti ts avt u4 Uwsteni mtmu laadeli4iu,aafoBl or. Ir at SAUtUi irjxisn nrrr Pry aadtireaaSaUPataa KipajTaaaer'.CHl.Taa. aarwaad UrnWtl a4 ta iMt prajliTa po ta bt terBM. . iita al Leather la ta raaga waeud Jar rwf s h bi.-a taarket prm i k civ.a ta aaarukataickatreuea. Lamar stocod w af c ha rj aad aaid aa aoas as wta. i Kptl iatj w rtiM rn (rc3rtcii3!i.it- Edgpfield L Ileiitacfej Kailroad. Nashville to Claiksville, Hop- Ktnsville, liussellville, &c. ' yes and aftf . " Saturday, April 7th, 1SGO, Two Trains to and from Clarkaville daily. . GOING NORTH. : - "... Leave Nashville at 6 80 A. M. and 2 45 P. M. Axnvs at Clarksvili 10 24 A. M. and T 14 P. V. GOINO SOUTH. Leave Clarksvil'.e at 6 A. H. and 2 45 P. ii. . Arrive at Nashville 10 A. M. and t P. U. Tba morning train from Nashville connects at Spriugtleld with a cail y line of stagea to Rufseilville, aud at Tan's tatioa, near Mate line, witn Maoftbtcx Co. 'a daily liue of four horse coaches to Hopkiua ville. Ky.. via. Trenton, Pembrake, c. From Hopkmsville stages teave for Columbus, Ky., I'saucan,rmuuianJ, tuayviue ana tientieraon. Fare from rashville to Henderson S4 60. - - ' ' A. ANDUvsuN, apr"-tf - " ' "" Chief Engineer. Great National Wontc. To Baltimore, Philadelphia, NEW TORR AND BOSTON, AND ONLY ROAD TO Washington City. CENTRAL OHIO AND BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROADS rl TERMINATE at Baltimore and Washington City on X the East, and Columbus on tbe West, at which places it connects with Railroads for and from ail points ia The West, Southwest and Northwest. Passengers by this route can visit the cities of Bal timore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston at tbe cost of a ticket to New York ur Boston alone by otbei lines. ' Through tickets can be procured via. Washington City to the Eastern Cities at an additioaal charge of two dollars only. Sleeping Carsattached to all trains. TICKETS GOOD UNTIL USED, ' With the privilege of stopping oOT at all principal points. Business Men or Travelers, for Pleasure or Infor mation, can visit all the Eas tern Cities at a compara tively small expense. The Scenery ts celebrated for its wonderful beauty and sublimity ; it is un equalled in tbe world. Its system of Iwy and igbt Track Police ; its splendid equipment ; Its exclusive Telegraph Lmes : its large amount of double track ; its one Hotels, (under the surveillance of the Com pany,) ensures to tbe paa-eager, SPEED, SAFETY AND COMFORT. Through tickets and baggage checks can be ob tained at all the principal Railroad and Steamboat offices in the West Ask tor Tickets via. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. W. P. SMITH, Master of Transport Uion. L. H. CoLK, General Ticket Agent. E F. FULLER, General Western Airent. J. W. P.RuWN.Gen. Ticket Agent, C. O. R. R. apriil8-dly 3naing Jllacljinrs 1 XT 55 a a I: c K o o O 3- 2. XT S n i-i ", 9 3 s p 2" T XT n 0 XT a XT i, C e-f a XT p fa o r? " O c-p- & S I o XT 5 (T4 0-2 CO S3 xr. tr PZ" CO o p p r -3 b: CO Q. a tn . a " 05 S3 W a cn D D- M -i O P oa O to 0 fiateb. r THE BARNES HOUSE, BARNES & CO. P HETOBa Ko, 43, Union Street, ITTRVISHFS Meals at all hours, day and cigbt.and baa extensive arraneeiueuts for regular sup;.y of Game of every description, Fivh, Otians, the very best wines, sun every other ariici or l ry which can poMsibly be obtained In Nashville. lie bouse is provided with the bet of f ooka, and the beet apai at us for cooking. hit.tig tiall tilted up in bandRoine,Comrortauie style, jaub tf A 31ETROPOL1TAN" - .Mi EATING HOUSE, COBJtMCKBaBSB'DCHSJtBTSra. , rtaattTtlle ... Xeuneaace J. MOOUFa, Vroivetop. 1 HATE mad xteualv arrangements for the re ceiving of all the Muciainoi the coiuine kj b, oi risii,rir.u aua r ow i , uur I'ysters w 111 tie tmia tb moot celebrated eC,. I'k klesacd condimei t Irom tbe celebrated erta bliwhn.ei. ts ol Cross biai k weliand Lea Perria, with a iargeand well Elected stock of Wines, Brandies, &.c, &g. ExeellenCtJOKSsnd attentive Waiters, tb who). a aer tb auperlntennanr of that woll-kuowu k ni cer, Mr. CHARLES P1CK1.IH. Oa aad alter tb ISth of September we will be pro pared to wait upouour rastowr,D4Y A.M NIOIIT. Railway traveler will Bud tbutariaiiimcai to theii advantage REIIEMBZ& TBS HEl&0P0UTA!t.-X apl6-4r UNION RESTAURANT A. v, i. aoVavvv, Union tt., opposite State Batik, TAKE pleanor ia Informing th public that tbry aav recently fitted tip a tine Eating aud Drinking Saloon, aa above. Th will k-B eonnuotiy an han't a good supply of GAilL,OiTU,ia, Ae.,o. Ibey re lie il a share vf patronage. tood coo. a and atu-ntive waiters. sevT-tl Auction and Commission Card TO SCITIIEBX SEECHISTS I5D DEilE5. TBE sobscr.'aera have ot ened Urge ssd extra aive boos for th. transadioa of a alrtcUyCuW MISSION tC.-lVlfo AN II fc IM-kAL AoFM. Y , ih arrangeeseuta for tbecoastact rec-.pt . of all kwn 4 Uooda.Ware, alorrbaacir aad alaaafactaa ia tb vartons departaioal. af Trad. It t with coued.uceaad pWaaor that we call the atteatioa f tboa visitiag Nssaviiietoi sr varied aad cowktaatly charging stock , at to. Ir;rr portion of ear cnasigaaat-at. ara froca sn.aniaci.reri. JSrsl kumdt, or tboe Wres! to sell to raie fuaaa. k-ref' la vtew tbat -the aoory ia aia ta ti perrhaae." Orde, faithfully attme'ed lo a km roriiiuiTl by the cash. ttENJ. r- MJtHJtt A CO , Ceatral Stores, . 7 aad in Coik-g si., fbgi( Naafcvilio.Teoa. BLACKSMITHING IN ALL ITS B RAN ' II ES. Ehop.s Charck ketwewa Cherry aad College., Naah ville, Tenu. TBS adrtg-BHd rorctft)My iaf.w. th aaVhe that h sua recall takMi I, cbwvo IUM sod at prpwrd i 4 i.ika t-t tw alt avs twwecaM, each a II M.ii. bf rHii Ug. 4... lsttMkMtsiiMrsi)iit kirtaua, lim sicjta a thar ef pwhue swrwaa. JwrS- . aik ficlctrtea iuinifi Coal. rpHt t- kt et rVltte-l Lae C.al u ta be A foad ai taa Mxam Vard. wawra it as ieU at ih. r" a a 111 ewet per btae!. Invp yur ia i . P. Os..aad tt nu t u,.i. Vea44t. BAstCtX J. A(..k. J. T. ; ; Circn rpS rt a t f an , r v I Nashfille and Chattanooga lt.R. Change of Schedule. ... . . OJf AND AFTER- Sunday next, April 29, 1S60, Passenger Trains, will ruu as follows: OOIXO SAST. .:..-... Leave Nashville at 4 a. a. and 3, r. ar. Arrive at Chatttnoota 1:30 r.a.,andl.45a. a. OlMLN-U WEST. . Leave Chattanooga at 70 a. at. and I j0 r. x, Arrive at Nash vale at 5 r. a. and a a. a. ALL rail connection, and shortest route to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Trashing, too City, Richmond, Petersburg, Lyucbbnrg, Kcox nlle,aTannah, Cbarlecuin, Montgomery, xlc-mphs, New Orleans, ac. . Both Trains connect at Stevenson with Trains oa Memphis and Charkkt-.n Railroad, and at Chattanoo ga with Trains oa East Tennessee aud oeorg and W estern and Atlantte Railnwds. Through Tickets may be mid at ny hour on appli cation to Ticket Agent, at cftc atLepot.to tbe fol lowing places, and at Lb following pra:cs, vix: Nashviii to New Y'ork, via Cbarioton. 85. C. $27 75 " . " " K.T. aTa.routc, HO hi " " " tai aunati ij :s 44 Pbilvtelphia," ' !" SO " Baltimore, " 25 7i " Washington, -'' 2d 60 Richmond, " 26 00 Petersburg, - ' " 5 00 M Lynchburg, S3 76 " Salem , "J St SO " Big Tunnel, I 10 7S Christiausburg Virginia Springs, 20 7a " Hiawsville, J Jtj 74 . " Knoxville, 10 60 " Chirleeton, SI 00 . bvannah. 21 Od u Macon, is 00 " Aorusta, 16 SO " AtluiU, Jl rsy Columbus 1 so " ' Montgomery, 18 00 -' HunuviUe, 7 00 " Grand Junction, - 11 00 " - Memphis, lj 00 " New Orleans, 55 O0 " - Holly Springs, Miss. 12 OO " Canton Is 50 " F-yeiteville, 4 u u McMmnville, 4 30 am-30-tf E. W. COLE, Superintendent. EXPRESS FREIGHT. THE Nashville sad Chattanooga Railroad Compa ny, in connection with tue Roada below, are running aaExpieas Freight Train from Charleston and Savannah to aashville, at flower speed, but with be same certainty as their passenger trams. Node lay to freight by this loute. k W. COI E, un-27-f. 8upt. Cltarleston and Savannali PlllUGllT LINKS. Eaies Cfdnced and Speed Increased. EX PREP? Freight Trains on all tbe roads. Oa and after theS4th of IH-ceruber,l(s5, through rales Trom New York to Nashville: First Class, per 100 pounds...... .....1 64 Second Cia, 1 35 Third Class, ' ... 1 g Fourth Class, " .J............. W Hats, ca and Bonneta i 25 Time from Savannahand Charleston lo Nash? illeltre three an d a half and four days. Time from New York and Philadelphia, seven and a half, eight and nine da) s. Intervenii'jrS .bbaths cauretbe above variations in time, aa no freight trains ar run on Sunday over three lines. Ne detentions by ice or snow. Overcharges and ilamaiea (except damages occurring at sea) prompt ly adjusted by the Nasbvilleand hattnn fof:a Rail road on delivery. C. W. iNDERSON deci-S-tf Freight to ev York and Fhilapelphia OS Cotlon int Vlour, VIA CHARLESTON AND SA VANNALT. Cotton per bale or not mere than 500 lb woight $t 5 Flour per barrel 1 45 No insurance necessary except from Charleston and fuvannah to New Yoikaud Philadelphia. Cotton compressed at the option and expense ot steamers when compressed, it can be freighted from New York. to foreign ports at to 8 Id leaaUiau cut ton not compressed. Tlirouph receipts issued by the Freight Agent of the Nashville d Chattanooga Ha.lruad. C W. ANDERSON, dec-23-tf Geucal Agent. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE t"tJQ pi.Q crJrV RAILROAD. rrBROUGII Tickeuon sal at the Fx'pt.t on Mar. X ket street, Nashville, to the following places, at the prices annexed : New York, with choice of 17 different routes, at - - - - .13000 Philadelphia, with choice of 12 different routea, at - - 117 50 Baltimore, with choice of 5 dilTerent routes, at - - - - 25 60 Pittsburgh, with choice of 7 diQerent route at - - - - 19 60 Niagara Falls, with choice of 4 different n utes, at - - - - 22 00 Cleveland, w ith choice of 3 different routes, at - - - - - 17 00 Buffalo, with choice of 3 different routes, at Si 00 M. Louis, wiiu choice of different routes, at - - - . - IS 00 Clnoinnat , with choke of 3 different route. at - - - - 10 35 Dayton, with choice of S different routa,at l'i 10 Columbus, with choice of 4 different route, at - - - is 24 Wheeling, with clinic of 4 different route,. at - - - - 17 40 St. Joseph, w.th choice of 6 different routes. at - - - - 27 M) B-iston, with choice of 7 different routes, at S3 00 Traveler by the Iumville and Nosh ville Pail road reach Boeton. New York and Philadelphia 12 hour o-Miner lhn by any other route from Nasbviiie. Tickets can be rocur.d at any hour In the day. A J. HELD, mar2S-tf General Ticket Agent. Redaction in Price of Cabin Passage. Fare Less than bj Railroad ! Between Clarltrille and Natltadle. C. E. 1111-LMAN, B. M. RDSYAN, tit-VL IM'FMIV, JOHN' A. USHER, KINNETONKA, FJXA. PRICE OF CABIN TASSAGE ETTMER WAT. TWO HOLLARS. On. or tb. abor. Steamers loaves Na.hvllle aad CUikavilie Kwery Day. A liAillLlON, N,bvllle, 1 . , O W. llAVU. CUrksviile, 8IiU Bar-d2ra Fish Hooks and Fishing Tackle J. K J. C. CON ROY, C5 Fulton ttreet, New York, Manufacturers of Fish Hooks aad Fishing Tack I of vry daacriptioa. WHOLES ALZ Feiars, Fykes, Nets and NcUog of ajj kinds. nix GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS wer awarded la J. a J. C. Conroy, ia competition fvr the best Fihhiug Tackle, Ac, of ail kin ta. aCatah-cuM forwarded upon appllcaCjoB. PFCIC ES LOW. Tern accommodating. apr7-l lim MANHOOD HOW LCS7, HOW . Jutt PuUuAtd, tn a Sealed Enve-Up. OK THE NATURE, TRFAlMtNT AND JtxJiCf CUKE OK KPF.KMATVKHlloFA, or a.auj Weakaem, 3exal (ebility, Nervowmaea and lav it uiilary Fmisiuas, laduvibg lmpotracy aa4 Menial aud Physical lacspacity. By ROB. J. CULYEEWLLI M. P., The wnrM-r.no. aed Mhor,ia th:s arimlrabl Ix ture, cieariy pro e Irom hisown exprrimc ta.l awinl (.oaaruecee. s:fabusmay beeacctaally removed wuboot Median andwubout dasfervu we..l operation. b(lr , luMrooaoats. rme or corot.iv, pointing o.l a mod. of cur at care i crwin and cf1o.luat.by wLMh .very aaOorer. bu saxiter what Uit o bdnioa may be, m.y euro aimaW Aotj 1, nviMiWy Mrdic.ly. ILuLMiurewul prove a bona ta louvaaocs an t thuanua . brnlBBd.r aoalta tty .li.rr, jmtt fwLl, tm the reeoipt of tw fodsg Man) ., by lurrwi f iT. CH J. C XI lNE,U.U-,4a4tirvt AveBU,rw York, Ptwt Pot , 440. aprg-dawty 1 rr cCf;!j tf Obio cie lailtr. 159' I y POCNDa of fmk Batter jwat roXrlrod per polaad. fraalo by - EkSJ. f. MillU a CO , apr-t2 SI Coias rat. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. A. h. noscoK & CO., WH0LZSAXZ AJffl S7AIL V3.ZCQUIS I W. Career af Broad aad Urketstrt, nsxaSxrltla. YV ft ar prepared ta esc 4MS tr ajraaia 1 a sal .VI rdirl.M aj ,t ... " lilt W tow VTttt B.il.n. WiLtt Laamc k .... towat a&a'krt arw- Thr bM ata .twa 11 V r, u bereanir Ba aav every ertU r a e,jy a r w and ia ao taavue tu aaU.ittC b. ah m of IwWir atH-awudatttl ciMiukr. tt wr nacauta m iuj u..c b rkcura . have MtblJit ia tu mm r.ro ltm m V.4i.. . -d ... li.c.j,., i.,, i. ,ve war toc Woro Om, ag ou. Ue., Wi!ic .oa am l a utnaMt. wrM-aa vSmt4 ka Uu.m mh oaaer otbeva ir. inutuibi.... . ' caaaai;. aa k 4 a hreo ;k a t... Bta4TUilttArtkw.,B4,iMi Liaji tK,' T .( Vr..T,v,a4iaal. m4t a(ioa . FIjsrI Thar ! bsi. rtr r r-, a az tutr tartidy rw, h1 M aa epa fioar, Ma.l - . .4 1 . 50 " mmm . p. m 9 J A. JaXKIVS. aWSWf 5a.la.Ur ia. 3 : U .W ood,' aiwldy aSCo.s U Georgia and Delaware State GRAN D. 1J Capital Vrlze 100,000! 1 THE CRAXD EITrJ(SlAET DBlTTKCsi Class 52. drews 5atnrdr, Ka 2 6, 2tCj NEARLY 1XE PRIZK TO EVERY S TICKET S One Grand Prize of 100,000 i riseoi ... ......ou.oviu i J en frizes ef am t 3 a a s .80,000 I ts C5 .... irs i ...... loo i 4 4 4 I .... lf.ooo I ..... e.ooo 4,000 ..... 3,H0 2,000 4 4 4 ' . ... SO V -... i , ... ..40 -a. ; SlA&VaC i C5 3 100 4.810 7,040 1,000 32.396 Prizes amounting to Wtole TKketf 20:Haivef SlO;Qiiartrit5 f i igtLu $2,50. ; Certificates of rsckages w ill be sold at th foUowmg rates, wkicto at the r : i', Certiticaleol Packafeof 28 whole Ticlelj, 09 - " 2Ghaif 140 50 l'- quarter " 74 75 t " 'M eighth " - 37 t j 1 ' THE OSDLXAIaT BWWIJCS ' t of Wood, Eddy Ic Co.'s Single Number Lotteries wil -take I'Uce tu public, as foil.. ws : . Class 71 Draws on Saturday, Hay 5, I960. " 5 CIjss ' Draws oa Saturday, Ma K, 11. ?i ; Claa 73 I'rawg on Saturday, Mjy lu, ISfjO. - Clas-i 74 lira.-, on S.iturdav , May 28. 1MI0. i NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVsLkY NtNK IKKET3." ' S Ordinary V.rawliis, To take plaee as speciOod. Oua Grand Capital I'riae of 1 50,000 1 f nreof.. ...... i0 000 1 r'rix. 5100 1 " ........ 1U.OO0 1 S.Oow 1 " 4,000 1 3,000 ...... aoo l00 4 400 100 " sy llfO 4. lo 100 .. 10O Approximation Prlzea. 4 Prises or StOO Apprvx'g to SSO.OOO are a-yt a KIWI . .... . . O0 W.OOO 100 l.ooa 2a0 25 32cH) 150 100 20 1 o.ooo 6, OHO 4.UO0 S.ooo lr5C0 " too " . eoo " 6oe 4l0 100,000 ,4h5Prises. amooBtioi to 3320,004 WftoleTickeUtlO;Haltes$5;Qaaxters $250 Certificates of pnrkace ia the Ordinary nrawtnra will be sold at to follow id '.tes, whKb is tbe Tk Ceruhc.l. of Package ot le V. b le licket Ssa 10 Half " 40 " lOtJuarler .. o IK 0SDESIX0 TICKETS OSCEKTTFICATXS Ijic lose the amount of money to our address Tor what, yon wish to purchase; om tbe Lottery la which you wivh ,t .d vexled .and wbcilier you wixti -Tholt s, llalvee or Ouarteri.or Eighths, on receipt or which we send what is or deed, by hrsl nuail ilw gether w ith the scheme. ii, ta- Imiue'liately after the drawing, a Printed Drawing ceniDed to by the Commissioners, willb seat with au Explanation. ' a" Purchasers will please write their ignatnr. plain, and jive Ihe nam. ol their Post Office .count v and Slate ' ' AllooiiimuutcationFjtricilyooufldenli. 1 . aaT All prizes o f 1 .ChiO n'd under .paid immedisllv y Alter t he trawiug othcrprixefallh. usua mmcot forty days. rjVo.d, Eldy Co.' letteries are raa at Augusta, deoigia, aud a ilmli.j fm, !h.waro. AdureKUrderri"or Ticketior Certidcales Jy M or Express, to bedirectedto . Wut.i,EIHY c CU.,Angusta O .ore la or.WOO-i, FHiY CO.,Ali.iuta.Ceorkia. " or, WtHin, EUDY COO. , ilnuugton .IKUwar. aa-Circuiars contain ii(r cheuie. lor th mot.th will l. sent free ol expense by adurcsaiug as above. apr-o-u' IIOYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. 'pHK nrxt ordinary om iDr of th. Roysl IIsTana 1 Lottery , conducted by the riuinish yuv rwmeiit uuder tiiei-Uierva.oii ol ti e Captain teu. rslot Cuba wil'. lk- pL.ce at Hithi,uu Xueaday, Jlay 22nd, 1860. 3 i o , O O 0iTo liLAllS Sorteo Knmeio CC6 Ordinario. Capital Prize lO0,UCO Dollari. 1 Prixeof. 1 t " . I . 44 .4 .100 0i0, 60 i ooo . 50,000 f 0 " elaj . 30,000 j 163 400 - - .... V- , . 1 " M 10,000 I u.ooo 20ApiiroximatioBa..Sca 4 Approximation tothe $100,0o0,of tSOtiearh ; of 4 1 41 to 60,000; 4 of 4o0 lo SO.OuO: 4 of 4O0 Uj 10 000 ; 4of 400lo 10,tn)0. Whole Xlcketa $20; llalvea $10 uartcrs $5. Prlaea cashed at si, hi at 6 per cent dlicrunt. Billson all solvent 1-atiks taken at par. A drawing will be lorwarded as soon as the r etc It become auowu. ICf All ordt r for rxhemee cr Ticket, ta h. .a. dnstod to laiN KOHKIctiZ, (.caieol City tost) Cbarletoo,lro. Ca. m.jX-id W A.JL.TOJST FEMALE COLLEGE LOTTERY! Of GEORGIA. CHAit.iEU BY TUE JST-TE l.V 1858. Wa t. Dan son ii Co., Managers. MACON, OR SAVANNAH, GA. X O V U la S VV 11 XV K! POLICY PLAN LOTTERY!! By this scheme purcLer caa select their own Nuu.bvr.4ud jay aay aaiuuuKora Hex el tur mar des.re MZxtrm Claaa 2, lirswi Org. 3, 1859. And on vev saucdibg Jay f uuday oxceotodl at 6 o'clock, P. M. ' aa latuiaA'.ueiae.tberear T& Ku.i.brs placed Iu tue A'hoel from 1 up to 7 j au twelve at luce .Numbers are drawt iruw the wheel. If a per boa selects one Nuiuuerout ofthe'S.aud that Number is Aiu-xid the .uailwu .ir.wii , Bu ;niart times tb aiuouul iuve.b-1. ill., a.i.-t:! avmbors .1. drawn, uo gets tinny ofoui;H ureer.KClod Nam ber are draau, tin set. iwo bm.arrd lor on.; if four seiecicu Numbei.are -tr.u, lu guts a thousand iur uuo, Mvc se'ocioa Nuuiaer.arc araw a, Bv taw ana for ou.,if 4ix Kiuiim Numbrr. arc drawn, UI- -teea thousand to j;tmUxr. u two, or tuorv, selecieo Nutnberrluea,auu ll ot ihc Nuh.. bor so .iecu ru iti ir.wa auioua ta Twe.v Urawu .Number.. tuc . ...t ii, a w.uk. Our Harana IMan Lolierics Uaw Folk ( 1 ) TiaM a Uowa. Aed are the afMitllboral ol ioy tincine over offered, sur 1.1 tk-ulara.addrr., W C liA$o.V a CO .a.aagors, act 1 U .c.H,. and .iaianiug. s.. Httsc-keqiiig 3Iatic La). riMiE VHKAT1IKER YEST CAKTJ tlal..r X utU. e .oou w hulo num Broad, tor 16 rem yi CaB r.l-i.v Uoscn lc-l krt t i.cu WtU B- . 0 lar.v lufrs of Uw he I b.v.d. ilO t Akr NI.V. n waP, nearly .im f.y ci4v. aIu.o.1 .ry Uauiy ta t.wa aa U4mI it. For rpr.au cw.au g it im u v. uublo Jcr w.sbitg Pa.nt, Lo. king Oia-s, f ild Work, Uatbie. Mlvrr wr PUied W .re. fehlKlctliAioia bar Bold a large lot of . Uivavl.u10UtpU1lad1l4.b14 Rdrigeiator. We kava a larse l- l loin, ik lry a kuratM Ut give at ilict, fc, a. ihry ar. act oaly loc beat but aj to tU.liHU k wO wo. ll-tf MACKENZIE A MlVCtJlN. Self-sealiag Fruit Cans. fc? kara ta band 2o0 tcaea of Ar-har P.leat e.li aealibg Ins fas. MUam, rtcMi.wara or w Tib. 250 doaea ladlow's Frwit Jars U'wTia. 3tO letiipe.l Jar. for rart all sixes. Any of the above a U be sold at v ry low prices to p.rans wbo saay waat a Miy ..f tu. tn . to 14-ii MacakaZis; a fcLvciij.v. WATER COOLERS, Vc. JU--T rtceivod direct from tba saaaufjeturera as4 fv sti ai k'wor 1-TM.cs LLmja .t.r twMadia IBM suarkrt- 25 pim U al.r Coolers, ZA rorcel'ia ittied do. 19 stci-oaaxi's Keirgeralvrs. tNtmb)1! pat tds. 6 M m s 3 saiaoto Sreeart. - - 3 r-o.miir a aA-1 twi-t, 1 ahw auu. p-a-a lc. Utta r;vwaar aa erd ef ar s e. !- ilaio ' rL Fcrvw lea rrBH Caaj, 1 aid t qaarta. a. Pa n Frea Cwaa for a Leg. 49 Boa 1 e.uart CUt1 rfcil lais. lew I k aad Maoubeta. . t-h'. rry Mnrs aa4 Modelers. 1. o. Pl-u-d lpir aa. Pat. Eg w hi. i. W. wfTLFOY " PiH II College otroet. The Isrible Hearing ifparatcs D. tlAftS, Ocni.t and Aarirt, in tar-4.de W 4t, New Ovt aea, La., bjsa a.w:y-at(eaud la tr. 4M.at.fijr oxuea iu4rf WuhHUaa--.1.1 .nr. a vua U rB?ed lo hear wsh tkt grew. eat . 1 1 aajy erdtaary cuavorcaiioa and tu her BMiaaa aaavoabrw-. 1 rt4 c mliIc ely mukm Ut. rr aad a b. wore wr.hoat tha siihtet ta aav. ' at wee. on cbct of thai ttra4-M m to keepia w ta a cosijU.at atata of a ., ad by a d- ' aa,ta ti .. 4 .a.bia a rs to 4tu wait US aaw. CaU aad cuauM ar aend lor a uttsr. oprlo-aa . - Coal illlt Coal OUt! J. R. FIN LAY Premium Coal Oil, ataaafactarod aa H. Leur, kfa, , 1 IttS Ou ka si wt eh fa. a tlwf a t parect 1 - BprTog Mf wJcr-AM.' , 1 crtua ih n?k or atook th ck.ua.ie -i bos 11 asad ua 14 oe m, ac4 b t the trst iwiia at taa s as. Leu r.ir. t4. trual U U A a U a r. outoov. a aogeaerwt W bar. rocuvod a Wif of VBa , -.-a-r t,l , tstta-a wo are oaor 9 l&m Ua4 ay the aarroi at maBfctarr arase . XZUX iicAii-ia ca. 4Kjtf U9 ee4 . i - f s I at! it. t t i Si i i 4' . i 1 , I 1 7) - 1 i J ft It i i 1 t i