OCR Interpretation

The true northerner. [volume] (Paw Paw, Mich.) 1855-1920, July 06, 1877, Image 4

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85033781/1877-07-06/ed-1/seq-4/

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rne Kortljcuncr;
.1 iJiuUi-ltil Afr(T.,
Vw Paw, MwilIOAN, Jl'I.Y
urn xiwwni n-.- mi.. """" "
it V in YIN.. A. S KARRIS.
1 invito your attt'iiiion tluB af:ernoon to the
i d:ath of tLo mv.phet E!i-ba, as recorded in
A committee of Jews, i; -j o t n r o (1 by I r.cond Kings, the thirteenth chapter and fon--moh.c
.'t thi loaJit'S .Ir-vs'i-h low; of j toenih to the twenty-tirst verse.
i States: isiotw i. I u: nrst ics-oii that presents itscit
i.i tint hi tho hour of oar d;alh
ou the unture of the dise;ts or the no d- Lamin?'' Vf4rtsp0nd' ri t s ' till us tin.1'
1 icmc under' wl.os infiiuM co the person , following ; . .'Miss Jtimy Mc rrill has nv ,
I is when (I) in. Thirdly, th rule v. uld ' cessfuliy carrud" ti a farm in1 Lansing,
: totiMjjii to p'idith'ii Mijuy uf .tue.'bVi-t !towuhip, doinj nlso-- the entire -house- ;
'christians, rowj r. ' tl c author it ; hold work, nt.l tenchirg a kcI.ooI Jour
Til flSlJnVIVfl
I'UV nv KAII.IXO 1 l.
rt'ire .!
N : w Vorl:, have
to lied a suitalw
huild tt 1 .r-e Lute!
' it
on v::u
wq may
ui.li a ,TcuWr iniiueuce- than.iu all the
k'Hiiv1!- 3 i:u ji our lile.i. While Kiisha
w-;is iu J htiilth he exerted no itiia-
many ot til- hyn.i.s we ting, bai l is 1, is month m tho year. ' rhe lias aiso con
l-i.-f vords. 1 tcel ur.uttt ruble dispriir.'' ; tribuicd a number cf excellent articles
W'hittticid. tlie great -pri-ii-hr t. 'merely j on liou-kt:cpia; ami other fuhject, to
. ti.l. " I tun itvinir." lYutrthl v. ! v lav-! diri'erint new.-manm. aim Miss Mattic
. . j t j - I . , . I . " r
iii-r so much stress oil death bed utter- (jatc?, a vcuug lady of omo ability, :i ! T"T7" r riT7,Y T T ""W Tv" "IF w 1 f s TT 1 t. f ' F- X''Si J
fot.rtU that a ! !if, I elrrk in the store of Ml ?. Chomway, in 1 VV . U . O JLJ JLii-J JLUH V! Vl V ; .V.
ost a'davin' threel SiiCtFAl.
Trttti- iroi:i t'..w I'.mv rut , nit with tU pamt
nurne.1 Truii-K .n th, MlfULur. tVutr:.! ;it!road
it Law tiii:. it ii'ii '. v-'..
LB AT t 'A'
ft-'t'l A. M.. r-r ,;r!i. I'n.m Luumi at T A. M.
!::' i. "r... ."l vyr, .u. I W:n rrc?ait east.
V..i . :u. jv i!-ilii..'(vi Ai ..ii.rdi.t loll, .'
l.i" fr r t urn t.'.v l'w onikj,
Mu'iiv'iin v.'.-titr.t! 'I'ruii - li ".' l..i v- mi .
J(tJ' !tLIN(. Miu't.
ap.v'w v!
of v.icKOdtics.'
:'.i'.r W rMuiAil for by ut
pioutphi-scs n ,ttoV
For r lath, t.rvtical advioe to hU ru,o "-I:,iU IH,unu lxc,l.eu. "u ,uia i death bed.- You will Ve 'the ,-vil.ot
tlr rntlark. of Mr. Fred Doucl hi a ;!Ck! ,,VL!r ,hc ot. sracl! J;ut..7hen j this it. reading the neeOuM, cf the .'x
ht'e Meech to e.,: colored people in . taken mcU, and the tllne ctuKjs v ,juV lliUrJvrc. AlmoM in-
pl'OplU U
1 I u huid :
1 ih m.occ : to .):i:l- colored
Maryland, emnot be cxcelb d
" Without uotcy there is no iure :
without leisure, no thought; without
thought, no progress." Then. -fore Get
moiiey It make a brief but mighty
Honuoii, beoausi it . coatnirs the . truth
wl.ivh cca-tituteJ the working platform
of li'imi'j existence. It applies to the
whit L-a as well as tho blacks.
threatens tu be tat 1 1 . then the kini' be
giio to n-uVun wbat tho liiau of God is
worth. Now, Klishji was fallen frick,
of his sicktii'ss whereof .ho died, and
Joah, the' king of Israel, came down
unto him and wept over his face aud
aid, 0. tny Father ! my Father (' the
chariot ' of Israel aud tho horsonien
t - i
thereof ! 11 As' much as to say,." You
arc worth more to tho kiukdom than all
nnrr trulirir nriuv tlio rhnriots mid
If Judge Hilton's object in pomul-;tl)0 iJOrse,Uen.'' Thus it U tht.t mauv
uutil he
that he had a ri-ht to expect. The ew -aj3St Mosos. Ho was the worse kind
York an i I.?rc--k!yn pulpits, Jcwibh and : Q a lcaJcr now theJ Rrumbled ! Hut
Ohrustta;,. devoted especial attention to 1 when Masw lfcaves tlQm0 climb Mount
his cite, ou Jfuoday, aul wore .more ' t;s,.V,'- Upifdit nnd li dnwn and din.
ttic ctui'trcn oi isiaei uein 10 appreci
ate the worth of their great law 'ivir
Lt .Judge Hilton s cect m rromui- tll0 Norsemen.''. Thus it U tht.t i
gatiuj! his infamous anti-Hebrew order ;au individual is not appreciate I uut
wa.- l.o pet him-clf tpoken of in the pu'-! j3 jj or aout t0 jj yor
pit, lie Las succeeded beyond anything ; vcars tl0 ci,iijrell 0f Israel compk
of ! i It ii than th :y
o(.hei' t'i'(;
ddest it'
p 'c.tiiatlj,
vices which ti;
3 their dnanciation
have b-cn u'ou any
?ct wirnm the munory the; aiiJ wecp v.caUs0 0f is departure,
.ubitunt. Mr. JJeeeutr was: Many paittits, on their death-bed. ex
:vito i-i his eondemnation, crt a luCrt. jl0Wcrful iailuouce over their
vtrv tlc-Muently of the sst-r-1, n.w,.,. ti,a thi.v nnuld wild when in
. ; Indians nre still c on;mi'
i.-.u! r:.ur Lr.- :m-l de-j-redi;-.
white.;. Mtamvbik Gei:.
ti:. povcrh s.- t ) proceed
... a., r 'i portion of the In
. ' i :h j o it'i m io of
:. in- tro!i'.-st and most
:Je of warfare that
It is full of natu;--
.: tti.-ir l
Tii- T-l
ti!!i; ii, ;
ti ir.s t
against ti.
din.lis, wi :
8.;!i:t i ri
f;i Viir.i':.
could he :
:t I o
under oov.jr ct' tho artilerv, but when
aero-, tliov 'viti have steep mountains to
ciimb nnd rocky canyons to cross to get
:t the Indians. Without sniheL-nt force
U) co ojera!o with (ion. Howard it is
difficult to see how he can hold the In
diaus t' aa engagement :r do anything,
cJb'tu.d a .-air..t them
heal tii. The children will now promise
to' do better, if they ever will.
luiiu the lsfct tew wecks of Hor.icv4
Greeley'.- life nothing was too medii for
the pcophj tu say about him. , Xast
muj.! pictures of him that would kill
UK'St auv one. An editor tdt.s in his
j variably wh'ou those men are caught,
convicted, .stand on the jcalIold, no hopn
of eape, the fatal noose danjLrlinp be
fore their eyesthy say to the bystand
ers, Trust in Jesus I trust in Jesus
and feel that I am saved. I do not
Say that those men are Lot saved God '
is the .Judge but I do siy that I have
read thos.? things until I am disgusted ;
with them. I think we have had full!
enough of this " gallows religion.'' It'1
I were to drop down iuto this world
fretn another plat.et, , and had never ,
heard'of the christian religion and were
to get my first impression of it from j
reading the accounts of these execution, j
I would naturally mfrr that the infal- i
Jible safe way to et to lleavca would
be to go by w-.y of the gallows ! Lit j
us s!on this kinet of preaching. If you j
want to know whether the deceased one :
is in ileaveu. don't ask what did ho say j
when dying but what did he do while
living. "Let th.' life bj right, and the!
death bed and its utterances will take
care of themselves.
4. The last :.on gleaned from thi-jj
narrative is, that every good life leavts j
behind it an influence that is lile-g':vii'g
A tutu-mi pr.K'.ssiou wa- iodowmg the
bodv ot i Irion ! to the grave. They
aw a bind of Moabite robbers and,
T .nrii". 'bns 'lift losl
years, and during the' tiuie, out of work
ing hours." has studied German and
music, made her own clothes, and walk
ed a long distance to her home. She has
also beeu a regular attendant at church,
having .juite a long distance to walk to
it. "
, In Prices of
Tin Ware
I now receivia aod placing on eale tLo moat
elegant stack of
ever shown here.
The I$et HIatk Alpaca in
the City lor lOc a Yard.
A Superb Stock of
In Men's, Youths' and Boys'.
Full Suits of Men's Clothios for I and up.
Our stock of
Boots & Shoes
Tall'. Iiei
1 ALot:i':i.
Kiii!in 'ton.
Lulu-. . . . :
M C" it v,
Nw Ur.tt'.ilu, "
Thr.'f Oaks ,
li'Hhanaii, .
.Vk. . - 1
Iowji::!ac, - i
Docntur. - -
Li.wtori. - . .
Kalamuzoo, ,
ttaJeliurj:f i
liuttle 'rt-eU, I
ilirshaM, - - ,
AlMun .
Jackuu, arrive, i
T.ii'kno.i, dejiart.:
O.-jk Luke, - i
e hcUc.i. - . ;
TJexter, . - .
Ann Arbor, - !
YjHiluutl, I
M u.vi.' Juiiition,
O T.JiiiKtion.
Uetrol:, arrive, j
' ' '.llll
f..4'f -
s.41 ..
.i.n )
livl"' "
11,1 u
1. U
2. -13
o.l.t "
EE &
. .. i . -I -i " " "
.anctum inditing an artieie neaaea j ,Vi.htell(.,1( t!u;V threw the body iuto the
Imperfections ot old Greeley. hn.e , ; u, , o, ,.jftlia When the bodv
peucu eau , , , , , Klish:i it em.o tn
life This was a m:rac:c, and wo stop
not to diseu.vs it. save to draw from it
thrown out as last as the
trace the lines of abuse. As the article
:s halt linisLed. an associated pres tele
iMa..i. co aiL'.o:icu ui n ou s, f-rum . Horace ' jreeie uicuioua-. , isi v. ..... ...i ,i,
i : . . t . . J...i:.'., T . i ' 'PI.' I. .It P-'nea; uwou iaav uvu tuv
i .mora, a iip e :y: vj ...u xuuiaus ija .Ueu tne newspaper u -u. 0f u L'Ood man is ended his inHueuce
rcma.n at,d tigur or retreat as tney ; written editorial on t&c impericcttons Utjl The, Council of Constant-
nt. in: ;roops may cross ine ri.cr ot Oia jrreeiev is mrowu inio iue wasic ii , t t fi Y.n,., ,,f
basket, and a new article is commenced
entitled, Death of Honorable Horace
Greeley, the great editor and philan
thropist ' Death chauges the bitterness
into sweet, the abuse into eulogy.
Intorr.Ml irt Viiirrit to nl.nu
The infuriated mob obeyed the order ur e3n 'iaar pai
and then threw the ashes iuto the lliver ! Ten quart pail, (
Swift. They have succeeded in remov- Oae quart dipper,
niff -an trace oi ickiih s ooay. dui
have put the price of Tin W art 23 per cent, a
less than their former retail prices cr at the
same prico aa heretofore wholesaled to Tin
Pedd'era. Delievina: that our customers are
entitled to the sirao privileges and advantages
in prices we Lava adopted the following :
Scale of Prices.
hreo milk patls. 14, 10 and 5 quart for
is unsurpassed.
Men's Heavy Hoots for 2 00 an J up I
Men's Calf Boots for i2 51 and up !
Choice lines of
4 i v
4.4:2 "
!l '
s.l- "
S 'J.') "
!.." I "
(...'" "
D.4 i
VX$ "
11.55 "
11.40 "
1.27 "
2 17"
li.:7 "
y.15 "
:u: "
4.1,7 '
4.52 "
4.55 "
l .ti "
.2S '
t4X '
Detroit. L-. j
i. T.'.iaT:i-:!. !
W'.-i yru' .Tr.:i':tioa. :
Yp-iJani!, !
Ai-i! Ar'.ivr. -D.'.t-r,
- - 1
eUici-:,. . . .
ir:l Lak". - '
i k0' ar. ivv,
direct from the manufacturers, at extremely I '.t...!'''.1''.11'
Inn' nrii'm -i .. i. . n
... , ! n ut:,- Cr,ik. - ,
H care sale agents for the justly celebrated j '.'.--'I'lir-. - '
direct from
low prices.
- 1 tlll 'lit Ml".'- VI
iany a man caunu; "u i have they swept away his influence
are while she is living, ne wm ma e ?he trutl3 hQ-
The- Lar.siag Hep., m.ikcsthe following
Kt.ilenicnt i;. regard to the e;;:ct of the
rresident's recent cireular against the
active partieination by Federal oliioe
l.oldciH in the management of political
or.':iiii7,ati 'U :
' In the lUpubiican irtnte Central
CJ'.tuinittee of Michigan the following
now bold federal odices : S. J. Hnr
pec, nouma.ster. Marshal: C Y. Os-
her lifj miserable, and then when she
diiN feeding that he ought to make some
restitution, he places a hundred dollar
tombstone over her grave. Post mortem
examination is fre.puoutly a good thing,
but post mortem love is of little worth.
L'. I learn from this incident that it
i., nut the publicity of life that determ
ines its iiunortaute or untfuluess. It is
. . - : ."1 4 . ... 1 ti... . v., ,.f
esumateu xuai auout miij-u around
Jlisha i-nte is unreooruen. now
many IJible characters it is said They
Six quart milk panj,
preached reverberate to- gallon oil cms,
One-ha'.f gallon clean,
Rising sun ?:ova pollisa larj-j cakea.
day from ten thousand thousand pulpits.
A geulleman hearing a young man
swear, said to him that if he would no
alone tit the hour of midnight to his j Ef8ht oz- clrP3t tacl"'
mother's grave ami utter thoso same 1 No, 9 tin bottom toilers,
oaths, he would give him titty. ..bdlars. !
1 he young man said he would -'o. vv hen
the clock struck the hour ot midnight
he started in the direction of the burial
$1 00
1 75
for Ladies and fientletnen.
Ve have also been appointed sole agents for
ha colfebrated
Iaiiietoivii Alpacas :
A few reasons why they are superior to all
others :
1. They are warranted not to pucker in a
2. They are warranted not to shrink in wash
ing. 3. They are warranted not to crumple easilv.
4. They are warranted to be fully 'J7 inches
5. To be equal in durability and color to the
best Foreign Goods in the market.
)iif:l-:i;;,', -
I No-
I JJ'ieiiili.aM.
J T'-.n- o-iks -I
Now Duilalo,
: Michigan e itv
Koni rioter..
Chlc.iiru arrivo
."l '
4 T:
4. -'A
.f.u ki-ou
.'i. '
1 .
"iw.11 zoo
Aei-i v.i'n.
I ."i':im
4.41 "
i, 4,1
J liven ingi
:.57 - ;
s.a: ,i
!. 2"
9.--J-) ' I
I. .:.-:.;- 1 1
11 mi" 1 :
II. l,i; ' I
U.'i'iau 1 '
Ji!': !'
W4 '
4.1:." i:
C.;'i"-n ! j
7 ..pm
Snr.l.'.y excepted, jsatnrday ami sr.nJay esc.
IlEMtY C. WFNTU'i'llTH G.?n-ra"i Paerer
uudTicket At't, Chlcaso. li'.inoin.
It was a beautiful moonlight
As he walked along he had seri-
born, collector, Mar.pxettc ; T. C Phil- t:u ;u "' v -L, I silvery light, seemed to rebuke him, the
lips, i.o,tmastor, Uav City ; V'. L. Sea- 13 obituary. The editor j slillne!i3 ,tt th , hour sc't.lued to i
ton, po.tu.aster. Jackson; O. L. Spauld- lh G l.ristiau .inuani nas ! uttcr its protest, and when he entered the '
ing, fecial u-ut of Treasury Depart f?"-. that obituary tices must be ; evm. tMabst0DC lhat hc j
mc.it, ist. Johns : Fred L. Wells, deputy j i""'"1 " J' "V1'. .1Ie Vc j pu,cd smed to'join m the general dis II
,.,iii, i-n., u,,m, Mnt-.i.j iJ ou the irmcirle that in eighty words all r ...... . . ,. ill
niiLnnuaiivii. 11 m'u ne icuciiu nis ; B
The above are samples, the entira Stock in
the same proportion.
Come and see us au l wa will do you good. ,
May 15. 1317.
Free & Martin.
out la Haven lMriwion
Leave Kalamazoo, C:oo p. ra. Van Gc bleu, 4:5C
Arrive at isonth Haven, 7:"'.
Leave south Il iven. ri:4o a. m. Pis Gobies,
:4i a. m. Arrive at Kilamazoo. 1D:4') a.m
Hosiery Gloves, Corsets, Tanniers, FaDey 1
Goods and Handkerchiefs of every description.
jti iu amtil.-i iiuet, ana CTATIARICDV
TSCOA & CLARK'S Cotton . a Spool. ad
jiaiua a aiien, uuu cvorjiuiu iu :onons
at Bottom Rates.
In our
3Iilliitery lleparl incnf
we propose placinjr 00 sale (under tlie manage
ment of JIihs Corey) the most superb and re
cherche stock of
3111)1 1 1 j n ! !-'icy Ootls :
at prices that know no competition !
Should you desire BARGAINS in allcltpar
ments do not fail to call at the Lee Hive of
diat.ely after tif April election.
and Vrci!s n.sve beMi unite recentlv an- CUIi ,J aaid 01 au' nvr) pe-sou vuui
poim.ed kS. J. Umgliam, postmaster i l ' oi v1 MV0 i0. a lew ('Vue
of Lansing, reigned th chairmanship ! " itivcs and personal friend,. I lie
of tlio HUir i.ntrul Oonimittee imme-! tiltor U corr0lt ia xhl 0U.W:J: Vvo
'.to :i good old agi and then in eighty
I words can be made us long a record of
lyour life us the general public care
Nik Sclli.urjiin. wife of the Profess- j av,out ,.c,uaiug.
or, m 11 recent pper L-fore the Archa-o- 'phis unrceoiuol work is the most
logo-.-. Ii:titut.', London, gave some in-! diilioult to perform. For the soldier to
tercM-oig details' ot the hard work pros L.aic ,,e ni;ilparts and, amid cheer
eculod by her husband and herself in uj.jOU cil0tr from Lis comrades, plant tho
the excavati-ir.' f Mveemv and Troy. I j .-. ;,. v..n. f r.f A,ntU r...mirM
Uie only was a ort ot section boss,
commanding thirty workmen, and it was
utidei lit-r dirtctiou that the tomb at
Troy and the treasury at Myceoro were
discovered. kSo great was her cnthusi
ani that she frequently stood all day,
iu mud up to her knees, oblivious to
hunger and intent culy upon her opera-tioii.s.
liat week we announced , that a na
tional temperance camp-meeting would
be held under the auspices of the Na
tional Christian Temperance Camp
meeting Association, of which Dr. H.
A. Reynolds is President, at Lake Bluff.
Hut I have heard old soldiers
say that the work they most dreaded
was to be placed ou picket duty when
in the enemy's country. To stand alone
away out ia the woods, far from camp,
to be shot down like a dog, and realize
that no record of this would be made
save, " one of the pickets was killed last
night,'' this required nerve. In the
battle of life but very few of us carry
the flag amid the cheers of tho multi
tude : we live alone, our life unnoticed,
our death unrecorded.
Again we learn from this subject
that but little stress is to be laid ou
death-bed utterances. " And Kiisha
died and they buried him." What his
1 not told us. e
tinny miles ortii or Chicago, begin
ning July 10. TL..- ground selected is last words were
a very beautiful or.e. an 3 there will be j treasure up the last utterances of our
atnph: :iccor.::u .'dati-n t r all who at-j lored ones ; this is natural and perfectly
tend Tho u.;etiLg- will be l.eid in a proper. Hut from the silence of the
hall which wi'.l ..contain 4,000 people, j Scriptures regarding the " last words''
We arc requested to pablish tho follow cf the best Bible characters, I do not
ing lettci trom Dr. il.. A. Reynolds: J believe that we can make theso final
To the Tcmrnvee People of the ! utterances a test of our acceptance with
NorMiwrnfc : ! ' !Goi. I have in my library a book con-
In b-lialf tf.c Nati.-nal Christian j taining the 4 la.-t words' of seventy-two
Tentperanoe Camp Meeting Association. ! persons. Here .are tne dyiug utterances
you ar? caruis'.iy invit.-d to attend the- j of two christians: Martin Luther said,,
U'ltiperanee oaiur. meeting held under " Gnd is the Lord by whom we escapes
their auspices ..the Lake HlufT Camp death." John Vt'esley said, u The bet:
QrouniH, (Vo:- .Tu'.y p; to the 15 indu-i of ail is. God is with us. Farewell!;
nive. j Farewell!'' Iu contrast with theso we
The juograu.:: inelui:.-. the pronii-j have given the dying utterances of two
ucut le.npr ra.o workers of the nation ; j infidels. Voltaire taid to his physician,
and the prcscii :c and co-operation of!'I shall ej ta hell and you shall go
temperance crgauizations throughout ! with me." Lord Ryron said, " Come,
the land, at, 1 vpoially iu the region j come, no weakness; let's be a man to
adjacent, ar.d of ovrv individual having' the last." Regarding these last sayings
at heart the temper i:e reform, is much j we have two or three remarks: First,
dentred C-.ui; to :ay through the ' these dying testimonies prove nothing
meeting if p. oible. At auy rate come j but one's faith in his religion.' ' The Lea
to c.aU li r;,. iip:ration of the j then, with counteuauco all aglow with
great, isrtetnbiy. F: r r rogramme in de- joy and words expressive of happiness,
tail see tho printed s'.ip and advertise-' will throw himself uudeT.thc wheels of
luentH in Chicag, and other papersstho Juggernaut.,, .Il4difa - happy be
throughout the Northwest. ;cau.e Lehas faith, in . that kind of re-
ioo Hucccss ..f ti.U tiiw departure in' ligion. To-day . the Turk will throw
temperance w.,rk, i upon the temper-' :Lim-'elf upon the Russian bayonet's and
ancc people 0: ta ; Northwest. 1 db with utterances of ecstatic joy. He
HhNRi A. REYNOLDS jhn been taught that for one to die in
Pres. N. C. T. ,C. M. A,x defenca of his religion is a sure pa?sport
Ciiioaoo, Jua3 11, 1877. , j to tho skies Secondly, much' depends
mother's grave he thought of the child
hood houlft,- of th.' prayers that his
mother taught him, of the death-bed
scenu when she, with pale lips, kissed
her boy goo 1' bye forever, of the promise
that hc made her, and instead ot utter- I
mg an oath over that sacred mound, he
offered, a fervent prayer. That mother
had beeu dead tor years, but from her
grave there came nn influence that bro't
her son to Christ. Reiug dead yet
Preached in the Methodfet Church, LawtDc,
rfundav afternoon. Jul? 1st. 1S77. an! revised i
by Mr. fcearJes eipressly for the Tbuk Nuarn-
1 1 i 1
The work ou the new capitol is now
progressing rapidly. The rooms iu each
of the wings, the Governors room, and
the library are plastered, the ceiling
and cornices in the Supreme Court room
are fiuished and the Senate and Repre
sentative chambers are well uuder way.
The west and north porticos are nearly
complete, and ground was broken on
Wednesday last for the east portico.
Tho latter is equivalent to breaking
ground for a $40,000 house. The
dome will bo fiuished by September 16th,
aud the contractors fully expect to have
the entire building ready for occupincv
by July 4th, 1S7S Lausiug Republi
iiii 11 111
Wall Paper and Cutlery,
4i. lV..ll.'r rili:U S V: llro.keun
a full lino of "Stationery of all kinds. Blank
Books. Bibles, Testaments, c-cbool Rooks, Sew
ing Machine Needles, Oils aDd Attachment.
Law blanks. Pens, Ink, Pencil?, S-beet Music,
I ancy Goods. Jcc.
second hand School Books taken in exchang
for New or ld Books.
Subscriptions received for all the If adinj pe
riodicals published in the L'nited States, at
Club Rates.
Newspapers and Magazines kept cn Sab.
(Jive us a call.
Post Oaba Bii.ldiu raw Paw. Mw'i
' in.'--; . --
The Largest and Rest selected Stock in Van I CHRISTIE & TOWNSEKn
Buren County, which I will sell at XIXQXj U W i OlliIXU,
(Successors to N. R. Geeejt,)
321: AT .UARKirr !
Come ia and examine mv stock andbecon-
Muical Instrument', Arc.
00 ,
Special attention paid to
si if .a. i b i nsr a-.
We have New and Improved Tools and can
xecute oar work with neatness and dispatch.
No matter how difficult the job, we can repair
it the samo day it is left if desir?d.
Work done for ,
at reasonable rates.
Tho workshipers iu the Fourth Con
gregational Church, t)f Hartford, have
been horrified and justly. For nearly
thirty years they have gathered togeth
er Sunday after Sunday iu the sacred
edifice which they own, rejoicing to
believe that all their surroundings weie
of the most approved religious charac
ter. A few days since, however, their
rejoicing was turned to sadness, it
became necessary te paint the weather
boaten church, and during the process
it was deemed prudent to repair and
rcgild tho vane aud a large hollow ball
directly beneath on the spire. While
the ball was being repaired it became
apparent that it contained something,
and examination disclosed a quart bot
tle of rum and a pack of playing cards,
which, it subsequently trauspired,' were
placed thero while the spire was build
ing by some of the ungodly, citizens of
Harttord. No wonder the people are
horrified when they think ot the rever
ential fechog they have had for tho
Thurlow Weed deprecates the ten
dency of modern nowspapers to do away
with capital lettara..
All Work Warranted.
Engraving Fro I
Gir We keep the best Vi .in Striata in town.
The Champion
In HARD or SOFT Water.
Nobody will want the soft,' sticky, unpro
fitable, Yellow Soaps, after using
Pyle's 0. K; Saleratus
is a first-class, healthy Bread preparation
and all who study their interest should
ask their Grocer for these honest articles. '
Manufactured by James Pyle, Newlork.
For 8a! by GEO. W. LOKQWELL & Co
vinced that 1 mean business.
(Successor to Matthews A- Ilutchins,)
HC3tf Paw Paw, Mich.
One door East of First National Bank.
Comer of Kalamazoo and Oak Sts., Paw Paw,
where wiil bo found a good stock at the follow
ing prices :
Reef, f to 10 cents per pound.
Best Pork Meak, 10 cents.
-Mutton from 7 to IU cents. 11143
tJL. 'C
!ps mmm mm
: 1 m mJj 0M.
.1 1 ai Nsi 1 an r d t ix'gr - v.. j
1 xiSH5S9&
its competitors rsivh crly nn award for some special fcature cf t;:etr machines.
T!i3 Wci'iikPisJ Wilson Siiollle. wii Mm
His U:-.Umi;e.l Capari:y ti do all kir.dj or Far.iHy Sewlii7 ard Manufacturing,
ITS PATOT VIT03IA 1IC "Cl'T i) L'i'' on the lnmd ultecl prevents the ma
chine from 1:1 lining hack wards ;ind obviate-the luressily of taking the work
twin the madiiue to va UmwA on the lnVoin., ivhich 11111 it be dono with all
other Sevrin Muchiiies to the groat utinoyanco of the operator, especially In
tucliimr, liemmimr und riiAIintr. It le oiic-thinl more work in a given length
or time than ;my other Scwlmr machine.
lira "rii;;a liiiiass iiii do as jawh wrk h ::o diy as i:z: c&r SSacHnaa.
It ntuliv- no Mnri.il lustnittioiis to nc it? an Illustrated Direction Rook U
furnt dnvl .vi!!i c;:t!j m.;.li:ti.
it c;.:;dt cut cut cr oiider, and the adjustments ars absolutely ferfect.
A ri)j. f"!initfd (Yriiih jt? is furnislied witii ';uh mathine, guaranteeing
to kern it ii. 1 pair, fiv 5f i.'mrgo, for live y?ars. 31aeliine9 sold on easy
t.'nr- of v:n -f, r?::d ielivorcl, free of :Urjt at any Ilailroad Depot in tad
I nitcl .SI.:,'.-.; v,l.'i . v Ji.n 11 . Aeuls. ,
ScttC. C..:- iZIlstrdtcd yatIosiie,'
-J Agent 1 Wanted.
" ! ( I i . I
.vz r.-r .t..v. 3fcw rc;; x ; :;?r o jlleins, la.; f r, Chicago, ill.
ForSale by JOHN W. EMERY, Paw Paw, Mich.

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