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The true northerner. [volume] (Paw Paw, Mich.) 1855-1920, September 28, 1900, Image 1

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

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U; t , . iii hi r , i , . r ,
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p n
Beginning Monday, October ist,
And Ending Saturday, October 13.
Read Every Item and
Dress Goods.
Uur Bargain Dross Goods Table con
tains some extraordinary values in nov
elty dress goods, as prices aro tremen
dously cut.
25c Jamestown Novelties reduced to lGc
35c yd. wide Wool Novelties 10c
00c Novelties reduced to 20c
GOc " " " 3Sc
71e 44 44 " 43c
'25c Colored Cashmeres 2le
fiOci 44 44
G5c all wool Venetians for ladies'
and misses' Suits and Skirts 57 .c
a v. black Drap D'Elte -13o
!. ) line, black Series 3c
r 1 i i I'll black Venetian 81. IX)
4G-. satin finished French Soleil, 1.00
KU -g m.i t)les in French Flannels,
per I ",(
Children s Grain Shoes, sizes (5 to 10,
heel and sole leather tip: we are selling
at ."0c; former price, 61.00.
One lot of ladies' 82 00 to 5.00 Shoes,
out of style, now priced at 95c.
Our regular lines consist of a stock sec
ond to none in men's, women's and
children's shoes, represented by such
shoemaker as Cutler, Lyons A: Field,
Drew, Selby it Co., Thomas (i. Plant
fc Co.'s '-Queen Quality" line, etc.
Try a pair of American Princess Shoes
at 82.1 X), or a pair of Queen Quality
shoes for ladies at 3.00.
Came to us for shoes and rubbers, as our
styles and prices will not only please
you but save you money as well.
Lace Curtains.
Elegant new line from which to make
your choice.
3 yard Curtain, 45 inches wide, tho
81.25 kind, per pair 00c
81.25 Lace Curtain, per pair 61.00
The 61.75 sort 1.25
3.00 Curtains 2.25
Health. comfort and Economu
Can be had by using a Peninsular Furnace,
Health, because the Peninsular system of ventilation
is nearly perfect.
Comfort, because your house can be comfortably heated
in the coldest weather and can be controlled at will in
warm days.
Economy, because Peninsulars arc so constructed as to
take less fuel than any furnace made. The extra square
feet of radiation is accountable for this.
Economy, because they arc almost indestructible; no
repairs arc needed.
We want you to see this furnace and get our estimates
Everything in the Hardware Line
and Square Dealing our Specialty
Don't Forget the Prices.
in buying, it is a satisfaction to get
good, tirst class, dependable goods, those
that como up to the highest standard of
perfection, and hosiery that has a repu
tation. When you buy hosiery, be sure
you get tho Black Cat kind.
Ladies' 12 c Black Cat Leather
Ladies' 40 gauge Black Cat Hose,
all black or black with white feet;
a hose worth 20 -ts. if it is worth
a cent. Our autumn sale price,
per pair
Women's black, drop-stitch, full
fashioned Hose
Women's heavily fleeced Host; at.
Women's ribbed Hose, ileeco lined.
Children's line, all wool Hose
Men's good, seamless Socks, per pr.,
44 heavy, 44
Special bargains in men's extra
heavy Mackinac Socks, the usual
price is 61.00, at
Ladies' highly tailored Jackets at
65.00, 60.03, 67.50, 610.00 612.00
Ladies' Plush Capes, made of Salts,
Seal Plush, Thibet trimmed, 1
iuch facing of plush on inside,
heavy lining of mercerized matt-
rial; a 610.00 cape; special sale
Children's Jackets in large range
of styles and prices. Jackets at
61.25, 61.75, 62 (X), 62.50, 3.00,
6.'l.50, 61 XX) and 65.00.
Look at tho line of Cloaks we
Satin Waists,
Made of Skinner's guaranteed satin;
beautifully made; colors, black, cardi
nal and blue. The best waist for a 65.00
The Shooting Season
will soon start in and it
will find us with a
Larger Line of Guns and Rifles
Double Guns from $12.50 to $25.00. o
RiTles from 2.GO to $lu.OO. I
Every gun fully guaranteed in every particular. O
V if ' in ti VuJ
M. O. KOWLANM, IMItor and Manager.
Laryst Circulation in the Count if.
L'ltsl'llXri ION. 1.30 A YKAK.
XfffY) Dental Parlor.
All operations, including Crown and
Bridge work, rendered as painless as pos
sible. Office in Longwell Block,
Paw Paw, Mich
Ir. Uel Hutchinson,
Dentist, - - I'nw Paw, Mich.
Offijo over Tyler's Hardware store.
Dr.L. Barnard will be at the Dyckman
house every Thursday, from 11 a. m. to
5 p. m., for the purpose of fitting glasses.
Ollice, Chase block, Kalamazoo. 53-tf
lr. I-:. I). Salient,
First door west of Town Hall,
2.'27tf Glendale, Mich.
IKtvt! iidiTvin-Iiiwyer.
All business given prompt and careful
attention. Office over Paw Paw Savings
A. Lynn I'np-Ijiwyer,
Office over Avery's store, Paw Paw,
01i.rn, Mill V Master,
Attorneys at Law. Offices, Academy of
Music Block, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Cau supply loans on good real estate.
Lincoln 11. Tltii,
Attorney at Law. Abstract Building.
Law, Insurance and Collections.
.lam("t 11. Chandler,
Attorney at Law. Office over Phillips'
furniture store. Paw Paw.
;, I., limner.
Contractor and building mover, all kinds
of plain and fancy stone work done. Will
take contracts for all kinds of building
and repairing and furnish everything.
Satisfaction guaranteed. I sell and
set up Snow Bros, furnaces. Kibbio
'phone at residence. G'ko. L. Bkunkk.
Having recently been admitted to
practice before the department of the
interior, I shall hold myself in readiness
to transact any business before the de
partment that may bo intrusted to me.
Especial attention will be given to pen
sion claims.
03tf O. W. Rowland.
0 I i
, o
furrnrrrri x nn I )
WW rn
M mm vl I m - m w ir rm m jm i itf w
The leading fire insurance companies
represented by 11. F. P.ucks.
MJMT It Iliul-'K
Done in the best possible manner. 1 am
agent for 'the celebrated Potter Wall
Paper Mills (not in the trust) and can
s-ll you wall paper cheaper than anyone.
Interior and exterior decorating. Olliee
in the Manning block, opposite First
National Bank. Call and see samples.
IDtfJ J. A. Lkmmi.
R. A. Shoesmith, residence 57 Pine
just west of Presbyterian church. 51tf
To f.oiii,
A few thousand dollars to loan on real
estate security.
tf Lincoln H. Titus.
l'aw l'it S.ivim: ltank.
Capital 810,0tX).00. F. W. Skllick. Pres.
J. J. Woodman, J. W. Fkkk,
Vice Pres., Cashier.
Board of DiRKcror.s:
J. .J. WcK)dman,
John W. Free
F. W. Seliick,
Daniel Morrison,
W. R. Selliek,
William J. Seliick,
L. H.Titus.
C. E. Lyle,
Intercut 1'hIiI nil Ortlflonte f Ieiolt.
Cl Orliuler.
I have recently started a new Cob Crind
cr at the Almena mills.
FjDv. H. Minfu, Prop.
TlioinpHon I'll nil Hum Co.
Furniture and Undertaking.
Night falls answered, .11 North Niles
street. 2:505
II. XV. MvVuhv, ,'iiirtloneer.
Paw Paw, Mich. Services always satis
factory. Terms reasonable. tf
A Chance to
Save Money.
a large stock of Marble and
(iranite, all as good material as money
will buy. Some .'50 monuments, large and
small, 1 shall otter for GO days at very
close to actual cost. Terms made easy.
Paw Paw Marble and (iranite Works.
I. A. Whitman.
The way the goods have gone from R.
A. Shoesmith's since his repair salo be
gan is conclusive evidence that the peo
ple appreciate a chance to get furniture
at wholesale prices. 2.'iG3tf
Vitn UiirtMi County Tcat-litr' Kxnnilnatloiift
1SM0-1!M1. .
South Haven, beginning third Thursday
in October; -d and :?d grades.
Wklls G. Bkown,
Commissioner of Schools.
I.I very himI lVit llarn.
I have purchased the livery and feed
business of James M. Longwell and am
prepared to furnish first class rigs of nil
kinds at reasonable prices. Your trade
invited. Dvckman House barn,
tf ) , C. W. Sum my.
New 1'all Millinery.
Our now goods aro now in, and the as
sortment is beautiful. Inspection is
invited. Old friends and new ones will
bo welcomed. Prices right and satisfac
tion guaranteed.
T.'Kf Mrs. M. L. O'Dell.
.Ml- WUe,
Teacher of Piano and Organ.
Win. .J, Uiirnant, Attorney at Law,
1'aw Paw, M leh.
Office over E. B. Longwell's store, oppo
site court house. All business carefully
attended to.
'iler Apple Wanted
At my mill in Almena, for which I will
pav the highest market price. T.'Jtf
B. W. Hipp.
Ask vour grocer for Russ' Bleaching
Blue; tio not be deceived by fraudulent
imitation': see that the name Russ ap
pears on all packages, in
I'or Sale,
A very fine registered, yearling Shrop
shire Rom. (74t2) A. Hathaway.
;iropnlre Kainn
For sale at the B. C. Sheldon farm.
73t. Hakky O. Shkldon, Breeder.
When vou go to buy bluing insist inon
having Russ' Bleaching Blue and not
some of the many imitations. m
For Sale,
A house, barn and two lots in tho village
of Lawton. situated on tho corner of
Bitely street and Railroad avenue. Build
ings new. rite or enquiro or
2tl Mns. M. J. Lytlk, Lawton Mich.
Money to loan on real estate.
COtf E. F. Parks.
Local Department.
J. D. Holmes epent Sunday in Goble-
David Anderson was at Decatur on
business, Tuesday.
A. C. Martin is repainting his resi
dence with Lakey paint.
There will bo a regular meeting of tho
Eastern Star, October 3.
Hon. J. W. Osborn of Kalamazoo was
in town on business, Saturday.
Mrs. Van Fossen and daughter Rcna
returned to Ann Arbor, Monday.
Thomas Welch attended tho funeral of
his daughter in Vassar, Michigan.
Read what Hon. A. X. Woodruff of
Watervliet sayn in Snow Bros.' adv.
Miss Daisy Longwell and Mrs. Geo
Longwell visited in Schoolcraft, Friday
" tUtiiu '
I have
Dr. (I. F. Young went to (J rand Rapids,
Mrs. A. Flanders has returntd from
Mrs. Dwight Harrison returned from
the North last Saturday.
A. T. Anderson of Berlamont was in
town on business, Monday.
F. B. Ocobock attended tho stato fair
at Grand Rapids this week.
Mr. ami Mrs. E. F. Parks attended the
stato fair at (Jrand Rapids this week.
Ros. Broughton left Monday to enter
the medical department of tho U. of M.
Miss Brigsbank of Chicago was tho
guest of (Jertrude Buck a few days this
A. H. Young of Benton Harbor has
ordered ono of Snow Bros.' combination
Miss Verne Van Fossen called on
friends in Olivet, Tuesday, on her way to
Ann Arlior.
Mrs. H. H.Jennings lias returned from
Bay View, where sho has been spending
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Downing were in
Grand Rapids this week in attendance
at tho state fair.
Dr. W. F. Hoyt returned homo Tues
day night by tho way of Montreal from
his trip to Paris.
The council held a regular meeting
Monday evening, transacting only some
routine business.
Hon. E. L. Hamilton was in town a
short time Saturday, on his way to the
Glendale meeting.
C. Y. Young is at Grand Rapids this
week, attending to his duties as treas
urer of the state fair.
A big crowd greeted Congressman
Hamilton at Glendale, Saturday evening.
He made a telling speech.
Oel Landphear of Hartford visited
Taw Paw friends last week, returning to
Ann Arbor Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Kelley are now
located in Detroit, where Mr. Kelley has
gone into tho practice of law.
R. W. Broughton takes a whole pago
this week to tell our readers of season
able bargains to bo had at his popular
The Every Friday club of the Presby
terian church will meet at the home of
Mrs. Arletto Bangs tho afternoon of Oc
tober 5.
E. A. and V. C. Wildey have been
shipping a couple of carloads of beans
this week. I. B. Conner also shipped a
J. E. Chandler, C. C. Chappell and L.
M. Showerman are among those who
visited tho stato fair at Grand Rapids
this week.
Services will be held at the Episcopal
church, Sunday at 10:'X) a. m. and 7:.'J0
p. m., Rev. W. P. Law of South Haven
C. R. Avery is receiving new goods
daily, and his store is already packed
full of desirable goods, marked at bar
gain prices.
Our advertisers claim a large amount
of space this week. A largo part of our
home news will bo found on tho inside
of the paper.
Tho republican county committee held
a meeting in this village Monday. The
general plan of work for tho campaign
was outlined.
Frederic F. Bowen, the Chicago piano
tuner, will be in town next week. Orders
may bo left with Mrs. Clairo Harrison or
at Smith's store.
E. B. Longwell has a big adv. in this
pater. in it no lens anoui mo new ary
goods department ho will add to his bus
iness October 13.
The Rebekah degree staff will meet
at Oddfellows hall next Monday
evening lor practice, a iuu attendance
of members is desired.
Fall millinery opening at Mrs. Van
Fleet's. Saturday. September 29. To tho
ladies of Paw Paw and vicnity is extend
ed a cordial invitation.
Advertised letters: Miss Cera Hode-
ley, Mrs. Alice Davanport, Mrs. Geo. B.
Wood, Nelson Thomasson, Mr.E.F. Den
iha'm, Mr. C. R. Maurow.
The next meeting of Paw Paw grange
will bo held September 23. Delegates
will bo elected to tho county convention
to elect delegates to tho stato grange.
II. C. Waters was in Lawrence, Tues
day, and secured an order for two large
sized Peninsular hot air furnaces, to bo
placed in tho Lawrence school building.
Rev. I. P. Bates will deliver an illus
trated lecture on Old Testament chro
nology at tho town hall, Glendale, at
2:30 next Sunday. Everybody is in
Rusco &. Swift's Undo Tom's Cabin
company was greeteu by a full nouso
last Saturday evening, but did not give
strong presentation of tho historic
Miss Eliza Huntington of Windom,
Minn., who has been entertained at tho
home of W. R. Helms during tho week,
left yesterday for Boston to visit rel
atives there.
W. H. Longwell is making some
changes in tho houso ho recently pur
chased and is building an addition to the
barn. lie io preparing to occupy tho
premises soon.
Sheriff Thomas offers a reward of 25
for tho arrest and conviction of the party
who stole an eight-year-old bay gelding
from tho barn of Frank Rawson at Law-
ton, tho night of September 20. A hobo
about 23 years old is suspected.
S'llick's millinery opening will take
place October 2 and .'. Pattern hats,
bonnets and street hats will bo shown.
Of course all thy ladies are iuvited.
Tho Paw Paw Canning company ex
pects to commence packing apples next
week. A large amount of peaches has
been put up in tho season that is just
Married, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Ellsworth, Tuesday afternoon, at
three o'clock, David Williams of Kalama
zoo and Mis Nina Lee of Decatur, Rev.
W. F. Allen officiating.
On tho last page of this paper, E.
Smith it Co. givo a description of their
fall and winter outfit. They have just
"O-Kt d ' tho proof, and wo have no doubt
you will acknowledge their lino the "fin
est ever.')
Mrs. Bert Cleveland died Wednesday,
September 2(j, at her home in this vil
lage, aged Gl years. Tho body was taken
to tho homo of Ephraim Cleveland in
Waverly. Tho funeral will bo held Satur
day, at Covey Hill church.
The first republican meeting of the
campaign, in this village, will be held at
Longwell's opera house, Thursday even
ing, October 4. Marshall L. Cook of
Hastings will deliver tho address. He is
a talented speaker and should bo greeted
by a good audience.
A moving picture entertainment will
bo given at tho opera houso Saturday
evening. Views of Cuba, tho Maine and
the Spanish war, views of principal cities,
comic scenes, etc., will bo given. Illus
trated songs will be a pleasant feature.
B. F. Lamson is manager of this show.
He gave an exhibition hero some time
ago that was highly satisfactory.
Mrs. Marian Fales. a brief mention of
whose death was last week's True
Northerner, passed away September 20.
She had been an invalid for nine yeara.
She was GO years old. For 31 years sho had
been a respected resident of this com
munity. Tho funeral was held at the
house, Saturday at 10 o'clock, conducted
by Elder T. Brooks. Tho interment was
at Prospect Hill.
(irapes were brought through tho
streets of Lawton to the Paw Paw mar
ket, Tuesday, our buyers paying three
quarters of a cent more per basket than
was offered at Lawton. Grapes aro also
coming daily from the other side of
Gobleville. Paw Paw is getting to be
tho best market and shipping point in
this section for all kinds of fruit,
grain and stock. The number of cars
loaded daily at this station is remark
able. The South Raven &. Eastern railroad
company has purchased the F. E. Morrill
property on the north side of the railroad,
lying between tho railroad and Burr Oak
street, and are preparing to put in a load
ing track for the use of the fruit shippers.
The new siding begins west of the round
house, running east to Main street, a
distance of about 50 rods. When com
pleted tho company will have facilities
for loading 30 cars at this station. Law
ton Leader.
Sunday evening, Miss Elsie Tuttlo
spoke before tho Presbyterian C. E.
society of her work in the Avery normal t
institute at Charleston, S. C. She did
not confine herself entirely to giving an
account of her work, but told of many
characteristics of the city and its people,
which was interesting and instructive.
Miss Tuttlo left Wednesday for Charles
ton, where she will resume her work in
the institute. This year sho will take
charge of tho Oth grade.
A. T. Hall mijuIo a call in Paw Paw,
Monday, on his way to the farm of A. D.
Pease of Almena, of whom he purchased
a 3-year-old gelding by Ashland Princo,
on wjiich ho held an option at 250. He
also paid 250 last spring for a half
brother of this colt sired by Younc
Wilkes, the dam of the two being dam of
Rex, 3-year-old record 2:21. 'Mr. Hall
has sold 10 head of speedy drivers since
going to Benton Harbor in June, and
has orders for several more.
The organization of the Paw Paw Re
publican club was perfected at a meet
iag held at tho court houso Tuesday
evening. E. A. Wildey was chairman of
tho meeting, M. O. Rowland, secretary.
C. W. Reynolds reported on behalf of the
committee on organization, and the re
Iort was adopted. A goodly number of
names was secured on the club roll, and
tho work of enrollment is now actively
in progress. Tho following gentlemen
were elected as officers of tho club: Pres
ident, W. L. Miller; secretary, H. C.
Waters; treasurer, Wilbur J. Warner.
Theso officers constitute the executive
committee of tho club, and will appoint
a vice-president for each school district
in the township. Tho meeting was ad
journed subject to call of the president.
Between eight and nine o'clock last
night a runaway occurred on "I" street,
Mariposa and Tulare. Tho thoroughfare
was crowded with people at the time and
more than ono had a miraculous escape.
, As it was, Mrs. R. W. Rice was pitched
20 feet from her buggy, the fall dislocat
ing her shoulder and otherwise injuring
her. Mr. Rico who was in tho buggy at
tho time, was also thrown to the pave
ment, but escaped without injury. Mrs.
Rico's littlo child received a shaking up
but was not seriously hurt. Dr. J. L.
Maupin attended tho injured woman af
ter sho had been carried into a neighbor
ing lodging houso. Fresno (Cali.) Times,
September 9. Mr. Rico is tho son of O.
A. Rice of this village, and with his wife,
formerly lived in Porter.
Additional local on Slh page.

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