f i3 1 DanDKKPita TOB TTIUD NOirrnERNcn, PAW paw. mcniGAN R R t3 H H G H " Pcja Sra - MORTGAGE SALE Default having been made in mort gages dated November 4th, 1910 and December 9th, 1911, executed by Lydia Ann Nichols to F. P. Grimes, which mortgages were recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Van Inren county in Liber 89 of Mort gages, page 192 and Liber 98 of Mort gages, page 209 on November 15th, 1910 and December 13th, 1911, re spectively; and Whereas the amount claimed to be due on the mortgage recorded in Liber 89 of Mortgages, page 192 is TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO & 0-100 (222) Dollars and the amount claimed to be due on the mortgage recorded in Liber 93 of Mortgages, page 209 is the sum of TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN (227) & 9-100 dollars and an attorney fee of thirty five (35) dollars provided for in said mortgages and no suit or proceeding VALVE-1N-HEAP fe) MOTR CARS I Salesroom and General Service Station G000VEOT AGENCY Remember there is a 15 reduction on Goodyear Tires. We are now equipped to remove carbon from cylin ders by Oxygen-Acetelyne improved method. We have one 1918 Max well Roadster and one 1917 Dodge, thoroughly over hauled and a bargain. Buick Auto Sales Co. Phone No. 82 First National Bank Of Paw Paw Organized in 1865 - Capital and Surplus $130,000 Reflections on Thrift Well Worth Pondering Over Life's Balance Sheet Statistics show that out of each 100 young men twenty-five years old, fifty-four will be dependent upon friends, relatives or charity at sixty five years of age. Of the 100: 54 will be dependent. 36 will have died. 5 will be supporting themselves by work. 4 will be wealthy. 1 will be rich. Nature is our greatest teacher, and experience a close second. If we can't learn from these two masters we must pay a dear price for our stupidity. BUADSTKEET OBSERVES That nine out of every ten people earn more than they need, but only one in twenty saves a sad commen tary on the intelligence of civilized mankind. 4 per cent Paid ON TIME DEPOSITS 4 E. F. PARKS, Pre.H T. J. CAVANAUGH, V. Pre. W. H. LONGWELL, Cahier 3 Tailor Shop and Owning Parlors! JUST OPENED In Weston Block. Rooms formerly occupied by the Late Dr. Jackson. First Glass Cleaning and Repairing Both Ladies and Gent's Garments, Ml KSmidls off DyeoDDg Years of Experience and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Bring in your work and give me a trial. - Al21 FDDU1(0)irQfl, at law having been instituted to re cover the debt secured by said mort gages whereby the powers of sale contained in said mortgages have be come operative; Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of said powers of sale and in pur suance of the statute the mortgages will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein described at public auction to the highest bidder at the front door of the Court House in the village of Paw Paw in said County of Van Buren on Saturday the 30th, day of August, 1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, which said pre mises are described in said mortgages as follows: The north two-thirds (N 2-3) of Lots two (2), three (3) and six (6), Block twenty-seven (27) of the Vill age of Paw Paw. Dated, May 23rd, 1919. Alice I. Grimes Administratrix of the estate of F. P. Grimes. Deceased. Glenn E. Warner Attorney for Mortgagee, Business Address Paw Paw, Michigan. 18tl3 northeast shore of said lake to the section line between sections thirteen and fourteen; thence north along said section line last mentioned to the place of beginning, containing twenty acres of land be the same more or less. Carleton W. Benton, Attorney for Mortgagee. Business Address 307 Hanselman Building. Kalamazoo, Michigan. 16tl3 Samuel J. Cleland. Morteracree. or heaviness after meals are most annoying manifestations of acid-dyspepsia 3Kan pleasant to take, neutralize acidity and help restore normal digestion. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNB MAKERS OP SCOTT'S EMULSION ..If You Please.. I would like your subscription to THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN THE LADIES HOME JOURNAL TIIE SATURDAY EVENING POST The price will be the same as if you sent it in. I will make a commission. You vill be saved the trouble and expense of postage and everybody will be hap py. THANK YOU. Wynn Wakeman.. MORTGAGE SALE Default having been made in the payment of money secured to be paid j by a mortgage dated July 7th, 1913, made by John W .Timmons and Aure lia M. Timmons to Samuel J. Cleland, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the Register of Deed3 for Van Buren County, Michigan, on August 7th, 1913. in Liber 100 of Mortgages on page 444, and whereas the sum claimed to be due upon said mortgage at the date of this notice is ninty-one dollars principal and in terest, and the further sum of four dollars for taxes paid by the mort gagee which it was the duty of the mortgagor to pay, making the total sum ninety-five dollars and the ad ditional sum of fifteen dollars as an attorneys fee, being the sum provided for in said mortgage and by statute and no suit or proceedings having been instituted at law or in chancerv to recover the debt now remaining secured thereby, or any part thereof, and whereas default has been made in the payment of the money secured by said mortgage whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative; Now therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of said power of sale and in pursuar.ee thereof and of the statute in such case made and pro vided, the said mortgage will be fore closed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the Court House, at the Village of Paw Paw, Van Buren County, Mich igan, that being the place of holding the Circuit Court within said county, on the 18th, day of August, 1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon; the des cription of which said premises con tained in said mortcace is as follows: All tVit rnrf i!n mVro nr nnrrnl of There Is more Catarrh in this section Ail tiat certain piece or parcel or if the country than all other diseases land situated in the township ot ai- put together, and for years it was sup mena, County of Van Buren, Michi- posed to be lncuraWe. Doctors prescribed nnA ,7:i 1 na ii. local remedies, and by constantly failing , ,"L"UM; lu"un;'' w , to cure with local treatment, pronounced Commencing at the northeast comer j it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, of section fourteen, in said township, ereatly influenced by constitutional con- i - ' . , I ditlons and therefore requires constltu- uiiu luimuiK wn-iH-c west uiunK tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi north line of said section to a certain cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & brook or stream; thence in a south- Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is a constitutional ... . i i , . ,, remedy, is taken internally and acts westerly direction along the middle thru t'n'e Blood on tne Mucous Surfaces of said brook or stream to its junction of the System. One Hundred Dollars re- or confluence with .1 rprLiin other ' is offered for any case that Hall's' or commence v,m a certain otner Catarrh Medlclne falis to cure. Send for stream called the outlet of Wolf Lake circular and testimonials. hence in a southerly course along said fffgint.c. TOld,, h,' brook or stream to high water mark nail's Family puis 4 lor cons.ip&tion. of said Wolf Lake; thence continuing along the high water mark on the THE EXPLANATION Nature placed the growth-promoting "vitamins" in the oil of the cod-fish this explains why !i Sootfs EmuisiG is so definite in its help to a child of any age. Latter-day science reveals that the "vitamins" are needful for normal growth. Scott's Emulsion will holn any child grow ocott & Sowue, Blooaifieid, N. J. 19-J Environment Count!. It Is well to remember that enrlron ment has much to do with achiere ment. Associate only with those who are full of enthusiasm and determined to succeed. Keep close to people who encourage you. Create peace In the home. Make of It a harbor of refuge, a means of escape from a work-a-day world. If you will do this, you will soon find yourself well on the road to success. Fern Howard. ' Rice Paper. Of the great army of cigarette smok ers there Is probably not more than one in a hundred who knows that rice paper, In which the tobacco Is wrapped, has nothing to do with rice, but Is made from the membranes of the breadfruit tree, or more commonly of fine new trimmings of flax and hemp. So light Is this paper that 500 of the tiny sheets o to make an ounce. Importation of Intestines. Intestines are imported into the Unit ed States from China td the extent of nearly $400,000 worth a year. Thejj are used by packing houses for sausage, casings. The intestines are prepared for shipping at Shanghul, Hanko. ot Tientsin by being scraped, cleaned fijidj preserved with salt and salt water, n packed In oak barrels having a capadtQ of 2,500 to 3,000 bundles with about 80 per cent salt. Pig Intestines are ex ported in a dried condition. I 1 When Traveling. j In preparing a lunch for a Journey,' bake the bread In empty baking pow der cans. After slicing nnd spreading, replace it In the cans, put on the cov ers, and the bread will be as fresh at the end of the trip, though It may ba several days, as It was when first packed. 1 ALL SET Is Jl R KZJ U mm We are ready to give you prompt and efficient service on all makes of cars. Our work must satisfy the customer or we will make it right. Give us a trial and be con vinced. Come in and talk it over anyway. Floyd E. Salisbury. East Main Garage CHICHESTER S PILLS W TIIK DIAMOND ItUAM). ' A I.adlral Ask your wruprint lor a M.rb-trr'a DlimmiJ Tirnnd 1M1U in lUd in 1 Hold irrtal,.cf hoies, sealed with Rlue RiMxm. V Take mo other. Hut of your v DrarrUC Ask for Ml l III h.TFRS rrlat DIAMOND IlKAMD IMLl., f'r 5 years known Ce;t, Stfest. Always Kel.aMe SOLDBYMUGGIS EVERYWHERE CASTOR I A JOB PRINTING our specialty For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean the Signature of 7 ... iStfct Contents 15Fluid Dr:rJ n ;r!r'r- ' I UJ I IJ . - v KIDNEYS WEAKENING? Kidney troubles don't disappear of themselves. They grow slowly but steadily, undermining health with deadly certainty, until you fall a vic tim to Incurable dtsaaee. Stop your troubles while there Is time. Don't wait until little pains become ble aches. Don't trifle with disease. To avoid future suffering begin treatment with OOMJ MKD All. Haarlem Oil Cap sules now. Take three or four every day until you are entirely free from pain. This well-known preparation haa been one of the national remedies of Hol land ftr centuries. In 169 the govern ment of the Netherlands granted a special charter authorizing Its prepara tion and aale. LOOK OUT! The housewife of Holland would al most as soon bo without food as with out her "Real Dutch Drops," aa sho quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They restore strength and are responsible In a great measure for the sturdy, robust health of the Hollanders. Do not delay. Go to your druggist and Insist on his supplying you with OOL.D MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Take them aa direct oil, and if you are not satisfied with results your druggist will gladly refund your money. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on the box and accept no other. In sealed boxes. three a lies. 77 I - I 1 w i ntmr -1 Tpn CENT, AVeclablclTcpafatiofltofAs tinthcStchsandgqwgi neither Upitim, F4"""- ,r Mineral. IN OTjwy - .W&Jf rac-mileSin2L0k Mm ft For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Te it H rv Dm Use For Over Thirty Years 15) JU Exact Copy of Wrapper. fflSI errr.