nnnnnnnn the thud Ho:rrac:ttJC3. pa7 PAr, tncniGAM p n pop nti D
. . . . . . . ..... . . ., WANTED To purchase House. and FOU SALE AT A BAnGAIN-For FOR SALE- Nine Ewe. and lnejF0R SALE Severai good vjnegarFOR SALE- One Grade Guernsey
ml A CCR7H?rv AI0 Lot in Paw Paw. Will pay cash. White Leghorn Hens; 30 White Lambs, cheap. barrels Enouire at Cow
ULAOOlr IlilO ADS. '. Enquire at Wyandotte Hens. Thoroughbred Phone 11 F. 15 Don A. Hoodemaker -j PawGraM Juice Factorv w c
" f - 40U2 The True Northerner Office stock from good laying strain. Price 39t3 Route 1, Mattawan. lne law law "P Ju,e acrf- -W. S. Purwgton
FOUyJALE I am moving away and . fi.oo each. The Blocker Farm : 41t3 Route 1, Paw Paw.
wiUsell. Good DriTinsHorso and FOUND-Currency on the streets of 4U3 Almena, Mich. FOR SALE Fall Pigs and a Hoi-,11 SALE- Some chickens and an FOR SALE-Splendid large heatuw
Harness: Aho Side Spring Cutter. Paw Paw. Owner can have same stein Cow. Incubator. stove, hard or soft coa. EricuirTof
nearly new. by unifying money, and paying FOR SALE-Corn in Shock. Phone 2V F.12 John Boyne A. Wotschka Mrs. J. D. Sails
V 13 "ad" - 'Wei's Bakery 41tf RouVetpaw Paw. 4ttf . Route 2, Paw Paw. floute l, Paw Paw 4U3 . Paw P,w;
The Mew Motor; Car
B Miffl
HERE is a brand netv type of
car. It solves the problem
which has baffled automotive en
gineers how to combine riding
comfort with light weight and
Our new Three-Point Cantilever
Springs make this possible.
These are the first springs of
their kind and they are made of
chrome vanadium steel. They are
exclusive with Overland.
Because of these springs, Over
land 4 combines the riding qual
ities of large heavy, expensive, long
wheelbase cars, together with the
advantages and economy of small
light cars.
With 100-inch wheelbase, Over
land 4 has the luxurious riding ease
of 130-inch Springbase.
Phone No. 334
The exclusive, Three-Point Can
tilever Springs cushion the car so
that it rides well on all roads: they
reduce choppy rebounds and side
swaying, protect the car from road
shocks and prolong its life, mini
mize twisting or racking of frame
and body, enable the car to hold
the road better.
The car and passengers ride
smoothly as though floating, free
from road shocks that the springs
ward off.
But this new riding comfort, pos
sible only with these Three-Point
Cantilever Springs, is but one of
the advantages of Overland 4.
Its light weight makes possible
great economy of gasoline and tires.
High quality materials insure
durability. All vital parts of the
1 '
Price Subject to
front axle and steering gear.and all
highly stressed gears and shafts for
driving the car are made of alloy
The equipment list of Overland 4
is high grade, including Auto-Lite
Starter and Lighting System
Electric Horn Marshall Divan Up
holstery Springs Demountable
Rims Three Speed Transmission
Slanting Rain Vision Windshield
Tillotson Carburetor U. S. L.
Batteries and many other high
quality conveniences.
In every respect Overland 4 is a
quality car. The body is all steel,
all enamel, the brightest, hardest,
most lasting finish.
Overland 4 has been tested for
two years and more than 250,000
Change Without Notice
miles over the Rocky Mountains,
prairies, through deep mud and
scorching deserts through quick
sharp climatic changes. As a result
of these tests we were able to judge
the car's performance under every
condition and to perfect it before
offering it to the "public.
There is no previous car of any
size or price to adequately compare
with the character of service Over
land 4 introduces.
The farther you ride in it the
more you will appreciate it? Come
in, see the car and ask for booklet.
The demand will be greater than
the supply for a long time.
Overland 4 Touring, $315; Road
ster, $845; Coupe, $1325; Sedan,
$1375. Prices f. o. b. Toledo.